The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 22, 1858, Image 4

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    'mitt Vag 41.01refteii4d.
Vtomtg,for our bounorT=Tho wittolArord re..
gave the ttopubito her statiour
u United we stund,-cavided Ire fall r
It mae and preserves us a Union!
Ttle Union of !alas—the union orlands— -
The Union of states aerie can serer—
The Union of hearts.;-the uniqn of handie..-. '
Arki thernag of the Union forever • -
And ever! .
the Flag of our Union 'forevorl
What God in his - wisdom and 4 rnorey deilgned,
And smnf.d with his weapons of thunder,
Not all the earth'sdespots and factions combined,
Have the power to conquer or sander!
The inion of talres=the union of lanths-b •
Thexpion of states none ,vin sever—
The union of hearts—the vinion of hands— -
And the Flag of the Union forever
• • And ever! - '
The Flag of our Union forever!
Oh keep thakilegilyingl—The pride of the can I
To all other otiona
The ladies for Untin all toa-4ocint
13ntitot the man whit"4l,li - etiay . it,
Then the anion of lakott.the union , of 'alias—
The union -- of states eons can sever— .%
Thettnion of hearis—the union of hands— •
-And the. Flag of. the. Union forever
And. ever !
The. Flig of our Union forever!
- • .Atina ••
'My•darling William • '
-Them was' a report like the made' , nu" -
- inc of a oharnpaigri battle, and the very win- .
- doors ratthed for sympathy. •
.'Dearest' wife, ob, but my haffineal
too great r •
• 'Yea, William, more than eara can afftad!,
love, dearest ; love that makes na - but'
little below the angels in hrppineas, my bles
- tied husband.
Then there was a se cond- report, more loud
and intense, if pcissibbi than the
'But Willie, thee is one thing I wait to
wit , you; pardorrms, love, for. doubting, but
th o i o i s so mo shdisappointment in-the world.
Will you ala7ays love me as- you do now.
Your slighiest frown would ciai,e - me, and
your coldness would kill me i'
~11,0 v a y.ou, aniel YOu 1 • • ths
. beivans turn black with an g er—the great
ihtithomable ocean dry .up a dd quench me
o=itte burning sun in the celestial ether 1 ,
°mite as lead, when. I s cease one jot or tittle-of
my -I ;affection for you, my lifu's star Ofinin.
hoqd's delight r • -
`Oh William, that sounds sweetly; just for
all the world like sometimes we read in a
novel ! Sothetirnes I intend to'write one
the splendidest books, all about'our glori ous
life, you the hero, I"the laeroine.—Oh, won't
tbat'be real pleasant.'
'I have no doubt it will create a' sense;
tion, if my.--beautiful Annie conceives the
plot: • .
'And you never, will look cross at me,
`Never, angel.
'Norspeak cron to me I'
4 'No,sweet dove.' 4
,Nor look at any of the girls in the skive I \
'l,pledge‘myself—never to tdrn my head.'
'And' you won't ever think 'another
woman's foot is prettier that . your darlirig
'That would be Impossible!' bestowing a
tender glance upon the hearth run, where tbo
young brides
_Redal estrelpe liteould hat e
exhibited -themselves, if it Thad not been for
- the beep Offloonce3 - atni criboltne which oom
pletely overshadowed them.
'And you won't go to clubs and smoke and
come home smelling, oh, so badly thiit
can'ikiss you or lay' my bead on your shoulder.
Oh,- Willie, if you sho'd bow dreadful it
would be
•,• • •
'You know me better, my edear, -tbab to
"; think such a thing, cherub. Of course I
'And when I ask you' fOr money to get a
pair, of new g!oves, you won't scold, and tell
me about hard titnes as the Poor Mary Bar
nadi wretch of a husband alwaysldoes:'•
Illy fortunes 'are yours. Annie a. , 1
could never 'refuse you_ anything. Yost are
_mine, end mine, ..only, ,rny beautiful, my
- •
haored husband it
The Lady would-beFe the last word ; then
followed:a fixed embrace, and a stunning re-
Reader, the young ,couple; whom we have.
isithont ceremony, brought . before fou, bad
been married five days and six hours, at •the
time we commenced with them. So you un.
derstattd they were in blush 'of the honey
moon; which will account fur the .extriva
gance of,their passion.
Anna - Denmot was a szerEprett, girl„ and
it,sas by:no means wonderful, that when
William Severance became acquainted with,
her,; and !earned that she was the-undisputed
posiessor cf a sting little fortune of five thou , .
said dollars ' he should-regard her tenderly,
and after three weeks offerher his .hand and
heart. Such things have happened before,
and proliablY will agairr,.so we will not dwell
On it.
Thera was quite a wedding at the house of
Annie's Guardian, Mr. Winter, and the happy
young couple established themselves in a
pretty house in Vine Avenue. The name
.romantie„ and the locality was near.
Williratilastorn,. so with tall a - sigh of her
sgirliabldiettius of a palace and a houte, Annie,
settled down in her near home. - : . -
We hai-e no clouht that William ipiir Annie
were sincere in theirlove for each other,. and
that they - trulyintended never - to 'disagree in
nay shape. - cv Mail - mar; is a, matter of-history.
But itiisAsii,'Well knownAliat most human
resolution, it* ftitile,'and Those of our friends,
i t. seetKritii no eiCeptiOn.
• On - itiOgit:Of-gold and pinions of silver, the
first &lit - ) weeks of their married life flew by
• - ---:a petfect dream of bliss,. as Annie said.
But an awaken' „„ came. ! - - i
Ohe beau '- morning in July, while our
friends were at breakfast, a wasp came in .at
the open window, and as wasps will do, nom
- menchd a burzling around the room. - William
had a 'toms of the species, and drcipped his
knife and fotk. , - " -. ‘
•Aly lace,' said be to his Wife, '.cannot that
disgustings little insect he removed, it takes
my appetiteaway to hear his humming l' •
tWhy;.Willie. my darling ;1 did_ not know
that you disliked • wasps, indeed they are
pretty creatures, and I lore to bear them
~- -
`Mt -;lord, iomo,, you have a strange taste , to Call
That latey buzz, buzz, singing. - It is very
like the ;mound of a 'cotton mill filled with
.spinning. -
, . _
`Do you : think so, dear 1 ,.: .1 am surprised
at.yotz Why, my friend, James Howsrdson,
the votin g Man I drove to despair by accepting
you, dailing, instead of him, admired the voice
of a wasp,, For he thonght it similar to a far
off bassoM,.' • - '
',Bassoon indeed.. My 'foie, it is very - disa
greeable* me - to hear - JiM Ilowardson men
tionedr-be is no friend of mine and it's lucky
ton- Alist you escaped marrying him,
he wortisi_have made your life disagreeable: -_
-.:- * - I.r,Jo i lz- think,. so, my• dear, James limo ,
- M4,rreri ,- lenderli. He said so a thousand
.riiii.ei,' - - - * • .
_ . _Tiddl•
estiokal.s.he loyed your Money, hAt . jegfr-. 'Weil, my .little son, ain't you lost it
. aprOpell to him—pleasa - gst the wasp out of/ Littleiboy r stepping back, says :" '‘Look here!
'yogis ; and; let nifitt4i - -sr*oltirit is getting - misteti,-don't be so fami li ar,,please,-I am
lite .. . • - • -.--- --.- . - not .uipretected,' laying .bie hind •on st. sg.
'in, itot-let - biro stay till:' we ` hare jot I volveitt. • ._
, .
" .
through 10,1 auto at
. bear h him.; .
'And . IdeteSti.hiM th
(nit, - I SaY.
'My husband, I shall:dine such a thing.
*William, this to me I' , • .
The busb - and and wife' sprang to - their feet
simultaneoisly, and gazixt - at each other with
astonished 'optics. There was a cloud over
- the bridal moon. Annie was struggling to
keep back her teem anti:William with .a
crimsoning brow,-iteenied really to
the World. and everything - .
'Oh, y011'4311:0 and Ungrateful Mai, `'Onlar
th:ee weeks' arried, arid begin to Play the.'
tyrant. - Oh Ma, oh dear. 'Annie lobbed
'Oh, A.nple, that I should have . been de
ceived I You,
_i,whour I thought all gentle
ness and love. Oh, the deceptinil of woman'
'Oh, the 'perfidy of. mon ! *Oh, the, -bard
heartedneas of buibands ! Would I were dead
and in my graver , • '
'Oh, that I were unborn ! To . grasp to
great a happiness, end then have it tern from
my arms ! bly 'God, 'Lis terrible I' and the
afflicted yoUng man performiditundry evolu
tions and
,gimideutions ie different parts of
the room, succeeding therehy ih breaking t he
richly cibased slop bowl of the breakfast Ger-
Ike a sm elling Co pieces the pot which
oontained hit Wires favorite geranium. - •
• The storm burst ! It, thundered and ligh
aened and squalled a Perfect . hurricane of
inathernas=the very I%ench clock-"on the
tntruilepiece looked down in wonder, and the
unfortunate wasp, which had . bees the in
nceent cause of so trinC,h commotion in the
world; stopped buzzing to liiten.
The-altercation was loud and lonir,and-the
result as might bare been expected.
The adoring couple 'of ,tsio hours before
were transformed into a second Pluto and
Bellona, and after ,due consideration .of 13f
teen minutes they decided upon. getting a
divorce. -
The weeping Annie 'gathered up her per
sona! valuables, and calling - a - hackman, went
back hOme to the house of her guardian,
while stern and strong in his grief,
proceeded, to take the necessary_ steps for
procuring a divorce; and before sunset mat
ters were fairly progressing towards an eter
nal separation.
Annie wept the night away, and William
pressed a sleepless pillow..
- The pretty,tiouse with its furniture was
Sold to the higbeht bidder, - and the `.‘grass
widower" went back - to his quarters in the
east piazza.
• Three months fled-•;—months of anxious sus
pense to the'eqratigecl couple, and lot their
petition was granted. The court had decided
in favor of a divorce,and they were no longer
ono in the eyes of the world. The decree of
the law had gripe forth, and Mra. Annie Se
verance was plain Annie Denton.
All on account of a wasp..
The evening after rec6iviag the papers an
nouuoing their divorce,-William found it
"peratively necessary for-him to call, on his
purpose of
.effecting .the exchange of some
real estate, svhich on their marriage she had
deeded to him for safe keeping.—se hesitated
some time before trusting in her presence, but
at' last he tound,himself in Mr. Winter's par
lor.. Annie was entirely alone, the family
having gone out for the evening. So it came
about that the former tovers - feund themseWes
standing (ice to face with each other tied
nobody there to see.
It was rather an embarrassing predicament
for both of them, but William was a man of
'undoubted' courage, and after a cool good
evening, by way of introduction, he be
'Madame, I come to obtain,your signature,
and sanction to thele'papers, which my at.
torney mentioned to 'you a few days 'since ;
sou Will oblige we by , attending to it imme
'Certainly, sir; I am ready; answered Annie,
moving to the table.
nilliam laid the paper down before her,
and in spreading itout, that she might better
perCeive its contents, his hand tniath.,i
-mere were tears - in Annie's•pypt, and ue . less in
There was a brief silence.
William's band closed over Annie's..fingers,
and he looked anxiously in her half avorsei
face. '
. .
'Annie I'
'William !' .
Is it necessary to transact that business ?*
he-asked with a yearning hopefulness in-his
She answered him timidly
'Unless you co will it
face brig'btene3
- 'Annie,' said he, *cannot all be forgiven
Cannot- rie be to each other as in the blessed
past ?' • k,• •
'Oh,. if we could be
'Do you really wish it, Annie
'William, Ido Wish it.' .;
• 'God bless you, Annie ! God bless 'you
You have made the happy C and the (livened
gentlemen threw both his arms about her; and
—but that's none of our business.
-'But what will felks say r asked Annie, a
half hour afier the reconciliation; we shall
he the, talk of the
- 'Who cares, asked William, defiantly, 'isn't
love enough for., us ? We'll be happy in
spite of everything. We bare bad expe
rience, and never- shall quarrel again about
trifles. Only think, Annie, how silly to dis
pute 'and make ourselves:wretched silent a
miserable wasp r
‘AbPtninalkly silly,William, but it's all past
now', And the young lady bid- her face on
William's shoulder,notwithstanding he savored
strongly of cigars.
When Mr. Winter's famtly retnened they,
were immeasurably astonished,. at- Peeing
the divorcers sitting 'familiarly in one easy
chair, and appearently.letting the world go
Miss. Winter, the old inaid of the family,
came very near fainting, but was restored by
the timely applicatia of hartshorn. and the
arm of Mr. Greene, an amiable bachelor gen
timer'', who boarded in the family, and When
composure was restored an -explanation of
the affair was given.,
The next morning - there "Iris a wedding at
Mr.- Winter's. William Severance .married
his wife, and his wife had the pleasure of mar
rying her husband.
The pretty house with all its furniture was
re-purchased, and William and his we are
now living there in peace and harmony. They
are happier than - ever, they say, because they
have learned to appreciate each other, and so
leaving them in quiet blessedness, we will say
adieu to them. -
• * - • , * • * *
P. S.--Readei)' mind (if you ever - marry)
and never quarrel about • anything smaller
Ilan a wasp.
. "
Air "I. atn going to the Post-office, "Bob ;
dial! I inquire for poi' 1'
`Well, yo; if your's a_ mind to ; but. !don't
think you'll find me there.'
14' 'Ma, may .1 go fishing
'Yes, sonny;. but don't go, near the Water;
and recollect, if you are drowned; 111 skin
you as sure as you are,alire,'
XTOTlbtis. brikrr eye!: die
&. Gunn iithls day dissolved. - by
mutual consent. . . C. ' liaiyinj,
Gibson,. 17'1857. ' E.E .. • Gel 6.
Tho books and accounts eat be lowa at the
store formerly occupied by thesubscribers. All
paten* heti og ndsettied accounts aro requested
to seta° . the same u soon as'possible.• ' -
- • The business will be conducted in future by
the undersigned. binder thesfirui• Of C. P.
M. HILIVLEY, whia are constantly receiving , from
Now York and.Philadelphiii, the latest styles o 1
~IFECILitud Winter Dry Goods, Clo•
alll'of which will be sold ate very
'Smell:profit for nearly pay. ,
Gibson, Aug. 1851. c. P. I.l.tinu,
$2 0 0 00 - WORTH
" Of Goods at Panic` Priced
H. BURRITT, is now receiving large•addi
: tions of Npw GOOD'S to his stock that
'Will be sold at li . cirsto.sult_tho times, including
a great variety o
;,stint , and Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
with a fall astortment in all 'departments ot• his
TRADE, and at; prices much reduced. and many
hinds of Goods more than 25 percent. lower than
early fall prices,
Eir He would particularly:v.2ll the attention
of cash buyers to his new stock of
at large and riot;, and at low doWn Prices.
New Milford,lDee. 15th. 1857. - '
NE W '
721 aa . .A D EA' It FA
,For C4 - till or Ready-Py.
The subscriberS have just puschaaed a NeW and
Consisting , . of Staple and Fancy
D R •G 0 0 D S
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware; Boots and Shoes
Would offer them for sale at their Store, at low
er rates than Geode have been sold in this place
for Clan: or PxstmucE; experience having . taught
us that this is the only true way of doing WO-
As we hate Bought our Goods for Cash du
ring the great looney panic, we have bought
them 'Low, and 'Will sell them the same. •
* * *Please giv us a call and examine our stock.
Harford, Oet.ll2th, 185'7. _ •
rpri SubscOer has this day returned from
N York With a largo .and- well selected
stock t
which, win been purchased in present ex
tremely L ivied state of the matket, will bu
sold at unusually lowlprices. Among his assort
ment Indy be found I
Chains, Seals, leys,,Pens and Pencils, Earrings„
Breastpins,Fin wrings of every style, Bracelets
Armlets, Lockets, Snaps, Watch Hooks; Sleeve
Buttons, Studs 'Thimbles, Crosses, Spectacles
Slides, &c., &c. I
• - • SILVER
Threaded and plain Forks, Spbona, Butter and
Fruit Knives, Salt and Preserve Ladles, Card
Casts, Cups, Cldldrens Setts, Napkinrings,Chains
Keys, SpcctnefeU and Thimbles.
Also, a largoisto,,k of. Silver.plated table and
deusert Knives, Carvers, Captors, Cake • BaAretsr,
Card Receivers; Salts, Tea Setts, Forks, and
.Spoons, double} treble and extra plate.
Aiso.Shell and Imit . ationCombs,Needles,toral,
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Knives and Forks, Jet
Brseelets, Bredetpins and' Earrings, Hair and
Tooth BroiliesJPearl and Cornelian Sleeve But
tons, Shawl Pins, Gilt Hair Pins, very rich,
Leather Porses,l Bags, Clucks plain and alarms,
Sewing Birds, &,e., &c.
Al! of which Will be sold at the lowest cash
prices. i - ALFRED J. EVANS,
I No. 2, Odd Fellow's Hall.
Binghamton, IDec. 11, 1857.
I S H.EIR Rni , GIVE .4N
•T T
11 AS just returned from New York, with a
large and choice variety of Goods; bought
for and :Selected with much care, from
over thirty of the beat Houses in Now York,
which he offenlito his customers and the public
allow prices for cash. His stock comprises:
U G 5, -
it I-C INE 9,
MI -RR 0 R 8,
B I 4 0 ,- C A 4E S,
GUNS, -• '
LII Q U 0-R S,
(For Medtpin.alPurposes only,)
S U P P - 0 R •T'E R S,
And all of the most popular
Thankful forlthe liberal patronage hitherto re.
ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance and
latge increase of the same.
-Montrose, D l pc. let 1857.
Farm , for Sale.
THE intiscr%er offers for Bale a Good Farm
of 95 acres in Bridgewater; four miles east
of lrentrose, 79 acres , improved. There is on
tie premises a large framed Dwelling House, a
good framed Bgrn, an excellent Apple Orchard
One half of the 'parchase:money will be retpiired
down ; the - balance in annual instijmebts,
• •
•Bridkewater , AugustiOth, 1857. 33tf,
, -
11 - OLLOWAY'S Pills and Ointriient, Miirse's
J_JLlndian:R4ot Pills, and Ayer's CheKry;Pee.
Viral *nd Cathprtie Pills. torratantly .orsale
44vertisewenta kill& paper.,
. . - 'ABEL TURRFtt.
ICIROFESSOVWOODItIItii 14,stanyti ire, ht
8. 18.88.18118
s oplY of u
i,te 4c " SERING s -
0 4 .
ILATI4ICH for Coish or Prodtice can be bonelit
V V very low.
ALL PAPER . A select assintment just
V V received.
S: H. SAtiti. BItOTHEIig;
CARPETING. Bargains offered by
LOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers
to the celebrated Pet4cskille Plows which
we have added to our large assortment.
Proprietors ot - Eagle FOundry.
Montroile. April 2904).1157.
• : .
O .
UR Stoves htitio beep, so thoroughly tried
to the entlre,eatiefaction of all,,tbat they
need no ionotiiniond,fiein es. ,
S. 11.'SiornitAr Tinoinstne.
- GOOD 'S !
It is unnecessary to acknoieledgck that
SELECTS the best style of Goods thot are to
be fonfid in New York, regardless of the ex
pease. He has just received froiu New York a
large assortment of Dry Goode consisting. of
Rich All Wools !Manes, French Delunes, Su
perior Plaid Goods, and . Calicoes in endless va
riety. His goods cost ail d are *worth 2.5 - per
more than the goods usually said; through the
country, at the same prices. Billatucky Jeans,
Printed Flannels, Rich .Ribbonds from five. cts.
to five shillings, Brocha Shawls from 81 to $2O.
Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, White-Goods, Sheetings
of low prices. Ladies Winter Bonnets. Shoes
and Gaiters, large assortment. -House Carpeting;
cheap. Collars, Undeisleevt;s;Brecado Dames.
28 inch Black Silk fur $1 a yard, something;un
heard of. Debages, Hats,. caps . , Crockery.. A
complete assorttnent of Groceries, Brown Sugar,
at old Prices,lo cfs.perspound. Cull and
one and all. My reputotian for selling good
cheap has not diminished in the least. conie
along with your cash and trade with y . ou r*Ser
van!: - • , -KENYON.
n 00K. amounts with customers of over one
yeaei_standing roost be settled as I need the
Wool Sock Shadows not wanted.
• 11.. KENYON.
Lawsvillo Centre, Sep. 15.
Z.t o 112 IE2 2 2
Is just - reiceiviDg a large stook of
INCLUDING a full . asiortmont. of Elerated
Oren, Large Oren and Flat 'Top Premium
Cook Stores. for Wood or Coal, with a: Superior
variety of Parhir, Ofce and Shop Stores, for
W o od or `Ci2;2l; `atsn, - 37.ere Pipe-, -zinc, &het(
Iron, State Tubes, 4-c., 4-c. • -
MA assortment will include the most SELECT
and DESIRAELE STOVES in 'market, and will ho
sold ontire most faVorable terms, and to which
he would invite the particular attention of CASH
buyers. . •
New Milford. October. 12th. 1857.
g4 ‘ ,.. !4.i. . 4 ..., i . .d:Z
_ ...: 4,,,... .
• But‘nol through the hands of the
" ;
WE prefer to dispose . of our own eliods,
therefore GREAT I JCE3IENTS are
offered to'CASII 'CUSTOMERS, or on a snotrT
CREDIT, with approved NOTTS. Those who
wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, we
advise to Call at. tire Stores of
At either Illonirose, Sugg'a Co., Pa.,.
Susq'a JEOpolk " "
Or Towanda, Bra'd " "
Where we offer. to Snit the Tinies acid atold
Suspensinn-GREAT BARGAINS to pitrehaser;3
of Ali Kinds of DRY GOODS and READY
MADE CLOTHING; which have been lately
purchased under existing Low Prices :tad sell
ing at the same.
g 050obst
Comprising almost Every Kind of DRESS Goons,
'such as Rich lfoirn Anlique, Black agd Fancy
Silks; Plain and Printed French Merinos, Shaded
and Plain All Wool and Common Do Lain-A;
Paramettas, 25 to 30 per cent. Lower than ever,
&c., &c._ In Domestic Goods, our assortment is
complete . and Astonishing Low. We also have
on hand a heavy Stock of -
Which we will offer 30 per cent. lower
than any otherestablishment in this section. Also
In the neatest rind best manner arid Warranted.
All kinds of Grain taken at the Highest Mar
ket prices; also`Dried Apples and Geese Feath
* * *Please call and price our goods and satisfy
yourselves of the above feels.
Montrose. Pa.,
Nov. 24th, 1 8 57.4 •
rt GOTHS, Cash! mots a,nd Vestings, very de
sirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to
snit. Call and be convinced. C. %V. MnTT.
Sarmer,s' u4 . ‘BtrOitics'
N. W. Corner Second and Walnut Streets,
CAPITAL. $1,250,000. -
This Company ttrects Fire Insurance on
Buildings, Goods, Furniture, tto.
Marine Insurance on Veisels, Cargo
and Freight;
Inland Insurance on Goods by RiVers,
Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage,
to all Parts of the Union up
on the most favora
ble "terms.
tioN.Tuos:B.Ft.or.ENez, I CHARLES Discre.,
HELM BO • ' P1..°616721 '
P; Secretor
T. BOYLE, Agent.
Milford, t ra.
Jattopry 18th, 18:58, ly*
A'Ob 5T127"1t eliforGllo6Eßlfe
-ilk fit , C. P. & 0. M. FrAtv.t.res.
rAstatt3.ot rzittlittain,
VIRT edit inplify yonnselven with Chemical
Manures, wattatirititME, which has'
bt;en in nag in' Now 'Jcitey'for the'Vast - Sevati .
Wars-460. bite received the DIP LOMAS of
New JerlieY•New York, Dalawire,and - Penitsyl:,
vania, Agricultural - Societifis; and have beet USE
by the PoiidOtt of the 011TP2.11 STA7'.EB:
on- his Garden' and' on the Public Grounds et .
Wilibiltion• Garden'.
and by the follcitting.Qmi-'
trim' en, viz: •
- Z. Lecke ESq., . '.. --
'A:P:1.4.4, Cltirlisboro'Nawlersey;
J. L. 'Reeves,-: .- .. , • - • '
'Sorratar Roberts, • .
'William Miller, of - Capelsland, n J.:
Charles York; - •
Thos. Mulford. Eis., Camden, New Jersey, ,
Dr. Beretta, Dr. itnittht,ls.le. Field; Mr. Atkinson,
and Ltiii lohnatin, ail of New Jerbey—they say
it is the mix.s.rhs2 and Steer *extant:E. Matintz
"mkt 15 USE, being permanent " and i mproving
the land by enriching the soil. It is,
the various '
crops you raise—corn, Potatoes :
Grass, Wheat, that, Su. By enclosing, a Check.
on any iqew Jersey or Philadelphia Rank or
reference to any good Houstrin Philadelidda or
in exchange for Produce. at fair Market rates
hue, your orders will be filled and Shipped to .
ar Every article acid by we is Guar - anteed..4V
Super Phosphate of Lime, - - - - 840,00 a Ton.
Bone Phosphate, ' - $30.00 "
American Fertilizer, - $25,00 ."
/VI" A 'barrel is sufficient for, an Acre of
Ground, broad nit,
Pure Bone Dust, (40.3 harfels now ready,) tit
ss,ooper barrel 4;u:71145,00 - a ton. •
randrotte, No. 1. (500 bat rola now ready,) at
2,00 to $3,00 a:barrel.
Land Plaster No. 1.-I,ooo'birrels,' $1,54 to
$2,00 a barrel.
Pot Ash, 50 barrels.
Peruvian. Patagonia and Chilian GUANO.
-GEORGE A. LEI N AU. Proprietor.
.N 0.21 South Faosp - Street, Phil's City, Pa.
ifar Wholesale Dealers allowed lt liberal dis
count. ,
Nr" Pamphlets can be had on application to
my Office, or of my Agents. ntli3m.
A Benet.;'lent Institution, established by special
endowment fur the relief of the sick and dis
tressed,allictedioith Virulent Epidemic diseases.
rpo ALL PERSONS afflicted with - Sexual
1. Diseases, such as Spermutorrhcea, Seminal
Weakness, Impotence, CiOnort hm3, Gleet,Syphi-
Us, the Vice of Onanism, Or self - abuse, &e., &e.
The HOWARD AssOCIATIOS, in view of the
awful destruction of butiosn life, caused by . Sexu
al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon
toe unfortunate victims of such diseases by
Quacks, eevcral years n - go.. directed their CoM
suiting Surgeon e as a CIIARITAIILE ACT worthy of
their name, to open INspogsary for rho treat
ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms,
add to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to Ail who
apply b t letter, with a description of their tiOn.
dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, die..).and
in cases et extreme povss...rly, to furnish,Marlicines
free of charge. It is needless to add that the
Association commands the highest medical skill
of the age. and will furnish the most improved
modern treatment.
The Directors on a review of the past. feel
assured that their l.•abors in this sphere of benevo
lent effort, have liven of giCat benefit to the
iitnieted;especially to the young, and they have
resolved 19 devote themselves, with renewed
zeal, -to this very important but much despised
cause. -
Just published, by the Association, a Report
on Spermotorrlora or Seminal Weakneene 4he
Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self. Abuse,
and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the
Consulting Surgeon,, whi c h will be sent by
mail (in a sealed letter enwinpe.) FREE or
CITAEGE, on the receipt...of TWO STAMPS for pos..
Address, far Report or Treatment, Dr. George
R. Calhnu-n, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asse..
elation, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia,
p a - By order of the Directors.
,P.ZIIA n. HARTWELL President.
Oct. 15111, 1857. r“;.
Patent Medicines, &c,
G4sriturrnEub ISlEntrusts.—Vegetable Pills
Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsap trila
Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe.
ver anti Attie Remedy, Health Bitters. Dysen-
Lary Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Ma Nhal l's
Uterine, Catholieon, Dr. Libby's Pilo Ointment,
and Manual of Health.
Ayres Pills and -Cherry Pectoris!, Tanner's
German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment.
Holloway's Ointment and Pills, DaNiti'- Pain
Killer. Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's
Root and Plant Pills, Sonle's SoVereign Balm,
Wright's Indima Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever
and Anguo Cure, Merckant'sGa rgling Oil, Arni.
en Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, Ste , &c., &e.
A new supyly just reeeived, to be kept constart.
ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD.
October, st, 18 6.
''OTD no d 2 2111
tet - 1 1 120D 9
AND examine the eboiee *OA of Spring
and Summer Goods, jdat opened
for Examination and Setz, at rery lowligures by
C. %V. MOLT.
S - TULA, Cashmere, and D4,Lain Shawls a
very low prices by C. W.-MOTT.
"TATS and Cap% of the newest styles, in
11 great variety by C. %V. 111 QT .
PRINTS in abundance by
• - C. W. MOTT
BRASS Hoops, Hosiery, Glov t Belts
etc., etc., by , c W . TT.
IaIROWN and Blue ;Sheeting and Slirtings
-1.1 'Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Summer
Stuffs, Ste.; &a., as low as can he sfferdktin this
market. C. W. MOTT.
Groceries !Groceries!!
A good assortment of Groceries comprising
LI Flour, Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee,' Sugur, dc,.,. and other articles in the line too numerous to
mention, which is offered for sale at low prices,
for eaah.or ready pay. !Call and examine mF
Goods and PRICES before • purchasing else=
Montrose, Aug. 10th, 857
The Shoals and Quicksands of loath.
Just Published the 3dTclitton.
.111. 4 ,50"7--..- ON SPERMATORRHEA OR
eotific Tr tise on the tkeatment
and perfect cure of Nerve s Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Eon sions,
&c., resulting from vicious hits acquired do.
:Mg the critical passage from Y uth to Manhood.
Member cf the Royal College of Surgeons of
- England, 1827 5 Licentiateof the Hall (1842 )
and 30 years Resident Practioneer in Lon.
don ; Author of the 'Guide to Health," "Green
Book" "How to bo Happy," Memories of
, "Siagle and Married Life,"_&e. ; ,
This small, but highly . valuable Treatise, writ.
ten Iva world renowned Physician and Surgeon,
points out the only sure and permanent cure ter
all diseases resulting Pont selfahuse, and In the
only publication of its kind siritteu in a benev
olent spirit - and by. a -- scleatilie Man. It should
bo: in the bands of all Who value their, life and
health and happiness here and hereafter:
Price 12 cchts or 4 stamps,, at. the receipt of
witieVithvillbd sent 'post free„ and well seo red,
by Dr: CD. KLINE, No. 24G isf Asien'ue, Box
`4588; New York; Rani. 28th, 4838,.::..te,
GIIIOCERIES, Crockery. Hardwate
varl , l; i.otheeartiel sato numerous to men
.whi4h shall 116 joicl,ChAsp fur Cash
.er Ready Pay. " C. W. - MOTT.
gBlii~oYd'a G~ennia~; pY+~pon;
llighlr-Connentrged,Compoundlinid Extract
• uau: -..;
Kidnekti Grataai
Dropsy; Weeeknetsei, 06structimts '4lecrer
• • 'Di/eater, .1 7 emak..:Coniplditus; anifia
- Diseases of the &zual . Organs,
arising. from exegeses and iinprudencee in lifetalad
removing ell improper diimltarges from' thci
der, kidneysoii sexual eigans,.wbetber.existine
'in 'MALE -OR. 'FEMALE; fro& whatever cause'
they heyti .origi flitted, and ri6Matter of hobs
lengetanding;_tiVing' health - and 'vigor
frame; Mid blown to the pallid cheek. • -
'4lo l t TO "THE 'ArrIiCTED I! !
It Cities nervous and debiliOed'fitijferers, and - .
"rinuerei all the sv'taPtettie, - am:MK:which Will . lie
'found indinpoitition to exertion, hiss Of-power,
foss of memory , difficulty of breathing, gen: •
• eral weakness, horror of disease, weak
nerves, -trembling, *dreadful horror.ef
- death, night sweats, cold feet, wake- ,
fulness, dimness oCrisiotnner.
• • • t languor,
universal lassitude of the mus.
'cular stiAtem, often enoiinnus
appetite, with AySpeptic
• •sytoptoms, hot hande, flushing •
Of the body,drypess of the skin,
pallid Counteriance and eruptions -
on the fiace.pain in the hack,heaviness.
of the eyelids, frequently. black spots
.11ving -before the cs. with u temporary.
surusidn and - logs of sight; want of attention,
great mobility, restlessness, With howor of so.
Nothing is moredesirabte - to such patients
'than •solitude.arid nothing they more dread for
fear of themselves;-no repose of manner; no .
earnestness, no speculation. but Whurried
transition from one question to another.
These Symptoms,.if allowed' to go on—which
this niedicine invariably removes—soon follows
loss of power, fatuity and . cpileptiefits—in one
of which - the patient may expire. Who can - say
that. thew , excesses are not frequently followed
by those direful diseases—insanity and consump•
thin? • The records of the insane asyluins, and
the melancholy deaths by consumption bear am.
ple witness to the _truth of these assertions. In
lunatic asylums the . most . melanchelv exhibition
appears. The countenance is actually - sodden &
quite destituteneither mirth or grief ever vis
its it. ShOutd a-sound of the voice- occur, it - is
rarity articulate.
• ••With woeful measures wan despair •
Low sullen sminds his grief beguiled."
Debility IS the most terrible!,and has brought
'thousands to untimely grayes, thus blisting the
"nmbition of many noble youths. . It con be cured
by ho time of this
!Its.* L'L L 'Et In Elf V.
If von Ire sulfuring with :env of the abiwe dis
tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Becht, wilt
mire you. Try it and he convoyed of its efficacy.
Beware of quack nostrums and quack doc
tors, who falsely boast of abilities and references.
Citizens know and avoid them, and save long suf
fering, money. and exposure, by sending or call
ing for a bottle of this popular and specific rem
edy. It allays all pain and irdammation, is per
fectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immedi
in its action. •
Is, prepared' directly according to the rules of
Pharmacy and Chemistry, with .the greatest ac
euraerandehemical knowledge and care devo.
ted in its combination. See Professor Dewees
valuable works on the .prnetice of physic, and.
most of the late standard . works of medicine.
$1 0 0 .4;61 One hundred dollars will
-be paid to any Oyfdeian who can prove that the
medicine ever injured a patient:and the testimony
of thousanOs can be produced to prove that it
dries great nand. , Cases of from one week to
13 years' s ndin a have been effected.., The-mass
of voluntary testimony in posseasion of the Pro
pr:etor, vnuching-, its virtues and curative powers,
is immense, embracing names well known to
Science and Fanie.
100,000 Bottles have been sold and not a
single instance. f failure has been reported!
Personally aplteared before me, an Alderman
of the City of Philadelphia, H. :T. Helmbold,
Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that
his preparation contains no Narcotic, :Hereof} or
icjuiiQus Drutr. hut is purer Vegetable.
Ltotrototid, Solo 111armfocturer.
Swirl and subscribed b e fo r e r ine this '?3d A n y o f
Nor 1854. Win P. lIITIBARD, Alderman;
' Price 81 per liliatle, or six for. 85; &live - red
to any address, accompanied by reliable and res.
ponmible ccriificates from Professors of Medical
Colleges; Clergytnen, and others. Prepared and
sold by • H. T. HELIIBOLD, I
• • Practical and 'Analytical Chemist,
No. 52' South 1-oth-st.. betow Chestnut; Assem
bly Eui'ding.s, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fir - To ho" had of all Bruggisti and Dealers
in the U. S.,•Canadas, and Brit ish, Provinces.
Bew•are-of Counterfeits... Ask for Helnabold's
—take no other. Cures guarantied.
Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Agent.
Jan. 20,'57.-52t.
New Rail Road Route, -
Delaware, Lack anan
NEW and expeditions broad gunge mate
from the North and West, via Great Bend
aria Scranton, and, from' the Lackawanna 'dad
Wyoming valleys, directly through. to New
York and .Philadelphia.
On and after Monday,. Jan:lBth, 1858, trains
will be run as follows:
The Night Express Train likound easton N. Y.
& Erie R. R: arrives at Great Bend at 4.00 a. m.,
nd connects with the EXPRESS Train which.
leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia
at 8.30 a. m.
Due at Montrose, • \ 9.07 "
Tunkhannock, 9.50 "
Factoryville, 10.13 "
Scranton; 10. "
Stroti'dsburg, 1.38 p. m.
Delawnre,(ls minutes to dine) 2.10
Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leave 2.40, "-
Junction, 3.30, "
New York, 7.10,
Philadelphia,' 8.20, "
. --
Passengers from N.-Y., leave Pier
No. 2 North River, at ' 7 30, a. m.
From Phi ladelphia, leave Wal au t St,
Wharf, at 6.00 "
Leave Junction, • 10.55, - "
Dneatßridgeville,(Phil.connection.)ll.4s, - " '
Delaware, (15 min. to dinnet), 12.00
Stroudiburg, ,12,47, p.•m.
'Scranton, +. 3.35,- "
Factoryville, 4.27 "
Tunkhanock, . ' . 4.48' "
Montrose,‘ 5.35,
Great Bend. ' 6.10, !‘
Connecting-at Great Bend with the
DitokirkExpress,west, nt.7,16 "
-Accommodation Train leaves Scrim
ton for Great Bend at • " 7.20 a. m.
Arrive at Great Bend, 12 25 p. m.
Connecting with the Emigrant Train'west, on
the N. It: &E. Rail Road. • • • -
Returning,inaita Great Bend at 1.25 p. m.
Due at Scranton, ? 6.10 "
For the accommodation 1 - )1 3 way 'travel on the
Southern Divisidn, a imaaabger'cur will-be at
tacked to theExpress - FreightTiains, leaving-
Sernatmr, at • . . 5.00 a. m.
Due at Stroudsburg at - 10.20 0 -.
Jurietion at' - 2:16
Returningovill leave Junction at.,- 6. -
Die at StFOndibutg at " 8;36 " •
• Soinnton at - 2.50, p . . in.
Passengers from Neer; York will- change - care
at Junction.
To and and frOm - Philadelpida;:via R. D. R. R.,
leave orlake cars at Bridge:oll'e. • .'•
For PittstorOcingston,andWilkesbarre,take
&IL IL R., cartrat Scranton.' ' -
For Jesattp.Archbald, andCarbondaleicbinge'
wan; rgenv e. , • .
Ticketi icild; and bae - kagegbeeked'thievg4.
. ' ..1011N•BRIBBINSup:t.
N , V;kr.N., 4106; _Ticket - :2lgont. • ••
a 14 1 Vg13.11'S
vovrkesp-xiipkri, 30/i;
.:~~ ; +r:...
fusintss firttiorg.
qt 7 lar 0.5 g Xloll4rat
rtr . Bt 18111iDiVENT
AND . REV (ERRITSON. - 'per: 4iinoui if' piitd in ad;
0.00 if,pard withilirlio year, 006240
if pit phi(' untirthn'tfnd of the year or , period
of- sithscitition: =Advaneelayment solicited.
- Discontintvmeesolitional with tile . !abliblie t , ,
until .all•arrearages are paid. • . !
Bates or Aslvereiatnirs 11 -
One•squire, ()2 nom) 3 weeks or less, - 4140ci
Each subsequefit insertion, 26
One square one year, 88.00, twosq'rs $12.00,'
three squares $16.00, four aquarea $20.60.
Business Cards of six lines 83.00 per year.
Job Wiprk of all kinds eieented neatly
and promptly. Blanks always on land:
January Ist 1857.
T. BOYLE . . •
*5,000 1 00%
For Fire, Marine, Life, tad lalandiiiiiarante.
Office, New Milford, P*.
January 18th, 1858. ; _ ly*
• Dr. K. Smith, & Son,
SURGEON DENTisTS. - Reslifenee and of.
flee opponle Baptist Clinreh ( north side)
Montrone. Parti lar attention
_wilt be given
to inserting teetk on gold and silver plate, and
to filling dee tying teeth. •
• January 10th. 1858. . 1.
Attorneys a nd Connsettors at Lavr.
Officeon Ptiblieliventtelever Webtee
Store. .
N. Nelarroe. • • McCouum.
w. Emit, it co., .
. Cabinet and Chair Binaulactur.
era, toot of Main Street. Mootrose. Pa.
Dealer in Drugs, Bfedicioes, Chemicals,'
Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware,Paints, Oils, Varnisher,
Window Glass, Groc • ries, Fancy 'Gticids. Jew.
airy, Perfumery, &c.— nd Agent for all the
most popular Patent Mu. icines.
Fatablonnble Tail r —Shop' near the
Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street.
Montrose, Pa.
Physician and. Surgeon, Monnon,
Pa. NOtnee in the Farmer's Stare.
- •
Attorney and Counsellor at Lan.,
Montrose, Pa. '
will attend Willfully to buss.
Doss entrusted to him in the County of Susq'a.
Conveyancing, and writing of ill kindswill be
done neatly, and - charges moderiqe; He will also,
attend - to prosecution of claimant' soldiers, their
widows and heirs; against the U. -S. Govern
ment, for Bounty Land . Pensions, dm.
. _
J. D. VAIL, K. D.*
Physician and Stirgeon, has perms
netly I mimed Prackneyville; &Ws
County, Penn!a, and will promptly attend to all
calls with which he maybe favored.
May, 1856—n22.
0-- New ITllilford, ressula..
Wholesale dealer in. \Buttons, Cohens,
V V Suspenders, Thread's; Pernik Goads,
Watches,lewelty," Silver and Plated Ware, Cot
lery. Fishing Tackle, Cigars, 'Ste. ate;
Merchants and pedlars, supplied •on
terms. .
• 4yl
rtraduskte,af . the Allopath;e and Hornet..
ft:Alai-Colleges of Aedieine. is now per.
ntanently located to Great Bend Pt.
April 1856.
Mlasifionablel ailor. Shop first door
12 north of the _Farmer's Store.
Ta , ilait2.?? YD. Tll2l
TOR K 1 Pa.
Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania.
Insures against loss or damage by Ire, on buil
dingv, furniture, and merchandise generally...
Losses adjusted by nrbitri►tion, where
the parties fail to agree. _AI
11. A. Hantz, John Landes,
H. Kraber, Fred. Soltztraell,
William Wallace, Eli Kindig,
Samuel. Dyer Thomas Gray,
H. KR ABER, President,
D. STRICKLER:Secretary.
0. S. BEEBE,'Agent, Alontrese,Pa
February 2d, 1358. . 12y*
anentitters üburautt CO.
Charter Perpetual. Grarifed by ike State of
Peonsylvanici; '
CAPITAL $500:000.
Fire, Marine and Inland Trampor-
Wm. A. RHODES, Vice Preet.
ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary.
Aaron S. Lipineott, Charles Wise,
Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks,
Wm. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank,
WM. Neal, i lohn P. Simmons ;
Charles J. Field, James P. Smith.
Ogre No. 10 Merchant's Exikange,Thiro.
A.-N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Pm
I 20v I
. rrt HE subseri.
- g JL refitted an ,
t above well kno
- is prepared to
oling public and others w
and conveniences usually
-Houses. No effort will`b
prietor and his Assistant
eqnal in every point to any
The Bar will always
Choicest Liquors.
The Stables, connec
are lame, roomy and 'conve,
attentive Hostlers are alw
ed with 'this hi onto
niint, and careful end
ye in cha rge *Ohm.
Montrone, Mey 130 , / 8 5?• -
RE M 0
The Saddle. lialrneee a
.T. 111
REUOVED to t h e to
1 pied C. C. Holliater,on
above 'S. S. Moles, where
wait on all who'ratiy faro
age. -
Jan:2oth'; -1 8.58..--te:
"artist's teriati; _
.111) AINTSin Tabos,,Sraphea, Tin, e.appai and
JL Silver. Foil, Glass{ Slabs and .:Mullersi
lithographs, &c., at the Stara pt • a
Monlrose, Aec. 15th { , IG7 .
Loun, for inlo by lie Lti ad or:Barka...4
Mu Milford, Jane 101, , 1861
I .#r baying ptitchased;
newly furnished ths
and populir Hotel;
I commodate the tray.
th all the attentions
found in -first-east
e spared by the Prti.
to make the Hato)
in the country.
be supplied with the
Triable . Shop'ot
ilding 'recently occu
Main St., One deo
he will be happy,,to
Mtn - Olaf their frattOn.