=!!!! ',.oiatoo• giterlor. ip'-, Sontme Ptinortati: PUBLISHED -EVERT THEEISDir BY ANDREW J. GRE,EITSON., Terms. 6 ssfill.so-per annum if paid In ad. - ranee; $2.00. if paid within the year. or 1)&50 :if not paid until the end of the year or period of subscription. A - Trance paybent solicited. ' Dt;eontinuances optional with the Publisher s- -until all arrearages aro-paid. • ' Sates of auorerttsteire One square, (12 lines,) 3 weeks of less, $l.OO Earl subsequent insertion, 25 O.M square ono year. $B.OO, two,s4frs -$12.00, three . squares $16.00, four squares $20.00.. -;• t-iness Cards of six lines $3.00 per yell.. Job-Work of all kinds executed., neatly .dd promptly. 'Blanks always on hand....L. Sanitary Ist. 1857. . -T 130YLE• 9 - REPRESENTS A CAPITAL OF OVER MOOIOOO9 Fox Fire, %rine, Life, and Inlatflasaranee. 'Miele, New JAnnarvilBlll, 1858: • Dr• K. Smith, & Son, - QIIII.QEPN DENTISTS. Residence and of flee opposite the Baptist Church (north aido) Montrose. Particular attention _trill be given toinserti,ng teeth on gold and silver Filate, and to -filling decaying teeth. - - January 10th, 1858. 1. sIIEWTON &McCOLLVfir. A ttor nevi and Counsellars al Law. Office on Pnblio Arenn“ . lier 11. J. Webb's titore: N. NEWTON .11 WM. Vii r ; SMITH, &:00., 1 : • - Cabinet and Chair Ma:nutiteitkir• troy foot of Main Street. Montrose. Pa. f ABEL TURRELL, MoNTRosE, FA:' Dealer in' Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals; Dye Stuffs, -Grass-ware, Paints,.oils, Vainishrts, - Window Glass, Grotieries,!'ancy Goods, Jew. - ulry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most-popular Patent Medicines. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tallor . —Shop near the Baptist Meetino. House, on Turnpike Street e. Montrose, Pa. , ------- "•• DR. Pb• THAYI2, , • • Piissician and Sprgeols, Montrose, Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store. • FRANKLIN' FRASER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Montrose, Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi .. twist entrusted to him in the pounty of Snsq'a. Coleveyaneing and writing of all kinds will be ° done neatly, and charges moderate. He will also attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers, their 'Widows and-heirs, against the U S. Govern mont. for Bounty-Land, Pensions, &e. X. D. VAIL, X. D., Physician and Surgeon, has.perma netly I orated himself at Braekneyiille, Susq'a Couuty,Petifi's, and will promptly atteld to all calls with v.hich he may be favored. May, 1856--n-22. ' HAYDEN BROTHERS, New nilford,:Penn'a. -VlThoiekile denier s in Buttons, C6mlcs, W SuspenderS, Threads, Fancy Goods, "Watches, - jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut lery. Fishing Taicklic Cigars.; &e. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. WM. HAYDEN, JOHN HAY DEN, DR. F. WLLMOT, Gri. dilate of the Allopath:c and Mimeo pAthic Colle,ges of Medicine, is now der rnanentiy located in Great Bqd April Ist._lo6. JOHN smrsTEri, . Uashicinabie Shop first door _U.,,rierth of the Farmer's Store. 11'A - 211 - 0 2 ETVO_2I EIRE INSURANCE CO., TOUR; Pa. 'Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. • CAPITAL, 300.000 DOLLARS. Insures against loss-or damage by fire, on bal ding -I, furniture, and merchandise generally. y ' Losses 'adjusted by arbitration s when tito pada 1 1 41 to agl•ee: Diu.Ecrors- H. A. Hantz, . John I.s.ndea, H. Kraber, -: Fred. Sultzback,- ,- William -Wallace, - I , -.TA tamnel Dyer, I . • .Thom:.a Gray, • • r : . David Strickler. - KR ABER, President, • D. 3TRICKLER. Secretary. • 0. S..BEEBE:, Agent, Montrose, Pa. , February 2.4, 1858. • ..[/Ya- Danuf (Ilsarauct to. Charter .rerpetttol.,(l , ‘lited by the State of hania. • CAPITAL' 8500.000.. Fire, Marine lute.' inland Transpor _ - tatiloss. .A tics S. LIPPISCOTT, President. \VII. A. ltuonss; Vice Preli't.-„ • At.raio NVKar:=, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Aaron.S. Lipincott, Charles Wise, %%Tar: A. Rhode., Alfred' Weeks, WWI . . Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sink, WM. Neal, • John P. Simmons, Charles J. Fielti, Jades P. 'Smith. • Office No. 10 Merchant's Exchange, Phila.. A. N. BULLARD, Agent; Montrose, Pa. • 20v1. 111 O.N T•Ft - 0 S E; PA. .- -- fr ILE Subscriber having purchased, 111111 JL refitted and newly furnished the above well, knoWn and popular Hotel; ' ti's ~ itis prepared to accommodate the tray. eting"-public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No effort. will be - spared hy the Pro prietor and his AssiStants to make the Hotel e4nal in every *point..to any-in the countiff Theilar will 'always lie supplied with the Vhoiitest Liquors. - • • 'The Stables, connected with this House are l'arze ' - roomy and convenient,and careful and attentivellostlegs are always in charge of them. . . J. S._TARBELL Montrose. May 131 h, 1857. _ , 'REMOVAL. The saddleOita:nese and-Trask Shop of S • YOADOiIa REMOVED to the In:dialog recently won: pied'CX: Hatllister, on — Slain St., one doer above 'Mott's, where wtll be happy to wait - on all who may favor him with their pitrow. - . Jan. 20 th.115511.-,-tc. . piateriftk• TIN iirklNTSin Toberk-Brushes, Tie, Copper and Silver - PC•il; Ohm Slabs and Mullet* Bitbegraps2;:ate:, artite Stire of • i t - 111:tintrate, Dee. 151.1 i, 11357: lieltat for:sate by the Load or Barrel, by X ' DICKEMIIIII Ivo ARRETT. Ile Milford, Jnne 1.0111,11847:. Litti* as HAlismaitiv_coOyitor. A'RMERS -AND- - 111.ECHA-NICS!! TILL please V V the,subacribera are fbrnishing • BLINDS, At the lowest Frtory pricesiand that they keep constantly on , hand, a large stock of NAILS, - - DOOR TRIMMINGS, FASTENINGS, _ - LIME, In fact, we have almost-everything in the way of Building Material& • • Of first rate quality, and will sell-them at a very small advance from Coat for Cask. Therefore weconfidontly assure Builders, that they will materially consult their own liatereats by . giving us a call, beforeVurchaaing: • LITTLE dr. HARDING. _ - ' FLOUR, SALT, • -AND .. I 1 E : SY the LOAD or BARREL, constantly on hind, and for site. atthe very lowest rates, by. LITTLE IL HARDING. Nicholson September ist, 1857. _Tarp ad pledi4 - SkAotit o 11 It Y ::g: RI .# I_ J. B. Tift:CouAnw Fish! Fish!! A FRESH let of those_Fine Heavy Codfish, a!so, Bluefish in Barrels and Half Barrels, just received by LITTLE & HABDIIFG. TRACY HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. 4vl DOORS, Asft atd GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS; SASH AND BLIND ANOTHER For the Winter Trade. New and Beautiful "Myles, Now being opened by LITTLE & HARDING. , ii-,L 3-0, ANEW Stock of Groceries,Hardware, Crockery, &c., &c., a hunreth part of hich we have not time to mention. Lnough to say, we have almost anything, and eve rything expected to be found at a store in tbn country--all of which we are determined t. turn into cash, in the very shortest possible time and we herewith issue a. NOTICE a;-av2 gD:TrffRIM We wish .It distinctly understood, that for 'Casa we will sell any kind of Goode at much lower prices than usual. - • Fresh Groceries. SUGAR, ?lotuses, Rice, Coffee,Tea, and all kinds of • Groceries in any foantity, at the very lowest rates, a full stock constantly on hand, by. Urns. dz. - HARDING.. Four Shilling Tea JOTWITHSTANDING .the recent heavy advance in the price of Teas, we have se r. core 0 a large lot of the same quality of that which has created so much good feeling among our Tea drinking customers. Pkmty of it, by the chest or pound, at the old price, by At is a 'Fact, THAT Salem - fits, Soap and Candles .of the best qualities, are for sale by ,the Box, at New York city wholesale prices, by_ LITTLE & HARDING. • Pbtash i IN Tin Cans, >< Pure article, for sale by LITTLE & HARDLEG Roots and Shoes, rIONSTANTLY on hand, a first rate assort. -kJ ment of Men's, Boys' and Youths' donWe sole Boots and Shoes, of the beat manufacture, also, Women's Shoes, Boots and Gaiters in great variety,-all to be sold at rerrlow rates, by LITTLE & HARDING. • Hats and Caps, N almost enless variety,of kinds, inality and I pritia,for sale by , LITTLE & HARDING. Bonnets, • RIBBONS, Flowers and Trimmings, for sale by LITTLE & HARDISG. Clothing! 1-40 ATS, Vests and Pang well made, and lJ good stylas; Shirts, Collars, Hosiery, Glaies, etc., for sale cheap, by - LITTLE & HARDING. , - Leather! • SOLE and Upper Leather, Pegs, Shoe Nails and Thread, Wax and many other kinds of Shoe" Findings, for sale-by _ LITTLE & HARDIEG. Carpeting' ICH all Wool Carpets, at low price; for I% sale by _To Lumbermen and Coopers.' p EST Cast Steel and Steet Poll Axes, Cast 1.). Steel Mill and Po; Cut Saws, also Patent tooth X Cut Saws, with Files, of almost all de scriptions, for Mile by - . LITTLE & HANDING. To Dairymen. • . FI RKtNS. Return 'Paris, Pans, Tin, Painted and Cedar Pails, Batter Bowls, Dairy Salt, &c: &e., for sale by LITTLE & HARDUIG. • Are You Buildingt- You will awre money by pure - basing your Nails, GlaU,Painta,Oils, Sub, Door Trim minp, and Hardware generally of LITTLE & HARDING. • Flour, Salt and Lime, 1Y the Load t or Barrel, constantly on band, and for sale by LiiTLE aG HARDING. Cash ! t Y OU can bay almost , anything, in the way, of Generarliexchandise, for CASH, at.a very small advance frdin coat,-of • - LITITE .& 11A.RDINS.. Produce Wanted. DI/TITTER, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Beeswax, VD Grain of all kinds, Rags, Old Iron; Umber, 86inglea r Dried Apples, Beaus, &e., le-,wasted in exidbange Air Goods, by Earns & Kamm. IB''. Lark* & 11ARDINg. Tunktrapßook DE4eO • _ - Ji). 14t, NO. S S. ILSATRE & BROTHERS . ARE NOtf RECE - IVING o.t : te" _ 3 l ~ a4p rR ING o, e , AND . , avnnvita GOODS. WHvleceyill low. Ca l eb cir rredpeeten be bought WALL PAPER.A select assortment just i . 11 v. S. H. .AYREASE. BROTHERS. C Al*T i n. rat BROTHERS.4 rI - PLOW I I FLOWS!! • .PLOWS. 'He the attention of Farmers to the eelebm ed Peekskille Plows which we have added to ur large assortment.. - S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, - ProPrietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose, April' 9th, 1857. Mr. • . STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES !•! ! • OUR Stoves htlee been So thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recovend from us. • ' aIL SAYRE a; Bitumens. E 'UT FALL AND WINTFR GOODS! • ' It is unnecesSary to acknowledge that R. KIENYON • .i SELECTS the nest style of Goods that are to be found is New York, regardless of the e;. pence. He has just received from New York a largo assortment of Dry Goods consisting of Rich All Wools Delanes, French Delanes, Su sperior Plaid Goo4s, and Calicoes in endless va. riety. His goods cost and - are worth 25 per more than the goads usually sold through the country, at the same prices. ' , Kentucky Jeans, Printed Flannels, ;Bich Ribbonds from five eta .to five shillings, Brocha Shawls from $7 to $9O. Caraet Bags; Uml+l las, White Goods, Sheetings at low prices. Ladies Winter Bonnets. Shoes and Gaiters, large assortment. Housetarpetittg, cheap. Collars, I.lndersleeves, Brocade Delanes. 98 inch Bidets Silli fur $1 a yard, something un heard of. Dehag s, Hsts, Caps, Crockery. A complete assortm nt ofGroceries, Brown Sugar, 1 8 at old prices, 10 c . per pound. Csll and a., one and all. My reputotian for selling good cheap has. not diminished in the least, come along with your cash and trade with yourSer- I vent. KENYON. LITTLE ' ,HAIDIECi LITTLE & HARDIE; BOOK accounti with customers of over one year's standi g must be settled as I need the proceeds. I Wool Sock Shtilows net wanted. • R. KENYON. Lawaville Conire, Sep. 15. • 1 1 11 M MY:P.OIDI)'IrVITI GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES!! TAICKERMAN & GARRATT are - now re ceiving theit - Stock of Stoves for the Fall and Winter Trade, and would beg leave ye say to their numerous friends and customers that they have on hand the largest and beat selected Stock orStoves ever offered to the 'inhabitants of Susquehann.t 00. Their Stoat consists of the most approved patterns of Elevated Oven;, Large Oven, Preinium and Coal Cooking Stoves, Wood and s Coalparlor Stoves of Elegant pat terns, also Six-Plate Office ana- Hotel Stoves, Coal- Burners, &C. We have- the- best Stove constructed on the diving flue principle, ever made, at a very trioderate'price. e would take, this opportunity of reminding our friends who are solicited to purchase their Stoves of Hawkers & Pedlars. that a moments reflection' will convince thein that it is very bad economy to do sex It is a well established fact that the cost of selling Stoves by pealing them about the coun ty, is not less thin 15 or 20 per cent. and gener ally as high as 20, to say nothing of bad debts and-cost of collections. Of course this extra ex rainse must come out of the pockets of the pur anaser. • • pein consideration of the above facts we offer chr entire Stock b( Stoves at 20 per cent less y Pedlar will or tan sell. Call and see - it _ these things are nct 50..„ New Milford, Sept. 16th, 1857. NEW STOVES ! Is 31, ra 11112 just recessing a large stock of . NEW STOVES INCLUDING i full assortment of Elerated I. Oren, Large Oren and Flat Top Premium Cook Stores, for i Wood or Coal, with a Superior variety of Parlor, Office and Shop Stores, for i Wood or Coal; also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Pon, Store_Tube , 4c., ite. His assortmeb will include the most SELECT and DESIRABLE STOVES in market, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and to which be would invite the particular attention of CASH buyers.. New Milford, I tober, 12th. 1857. teslaa ..,, Oli •-• " " - 1114 I -- ~.., • • OA ~/,'.: wiss* ,-"°----- Sisssi‘ two-- if 140 •• ._ , 0.0. 0.0 JUStA GOING! . But not t trough the hands of the g . Tg U 2 -ill Et reprefe r ftn.e t G ° 1i1 8 . 1 171SI o l t ) UZI 31E; 1 5 S o od a r s e , offered to CASH CUSTOMERS, or on a SHORT CREDIT, with approved NOTES. Those who wish to avail thi3mseives of this opportunity, we advise to Call at the Stores - of 6uttenbtrg, 4 losenbattm, i GI 0 i • 1 • At either IlloatrowyStasq's Co., Pa., Susofa Depot. VP VP Or Towanda, 8ia. 9 41 " " Where we-offe4 to Suit the Times and aVoid Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers of All Kinds 0 . DRY GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING, which have been lately , purchased 'andel! existing Low Prices and sell— ing at the same; A SPL I NDID STOCK - OF ° gt ..r 0, 0 b . 5 ,- ,Comprising almost Every Kind of DRESS Goons, such as Rich -Moire Antique, Black sad Fancy Silks, Plain and Printed French Merinos, Shaded and Plain All Wool and Common De Lainesi Paramettas, 25 039 per cent. Lower than ever, &0., dtc. In Domestic Goods, our assortment is complete and Astonishing Low. We also have On hind a heav Stock of • READY MADE CLOTHING j Which we wil offer 30 per cent. lower Om any other e tablisbment in thissection. Also eLorgt 1 G MADE, TO ORDER In the neatest and best manner and Warranted. All kinds of Grain taken at the Highest Mir ; ket prices; alsd Dried Apples and Geese Feath. ors. - * * *Please call and' price our goods and satisfy yourselves of the above facts. • GUTTENBERG, ROSENBACM,As co: Montrose. P it , .Nov . 24th , i it .... .N . 57. i• • - _ rtlLOTHS,Psolitmers; and Vostingi, very de. Nj strati!. st ye, atprice . e that' cannot' fajt $o suit: Cill , and s couritwed, MOTT. THE GOLDEN PRIZE, FOR illustrated. - 1858. lilestrated. The New York Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE is one of the largest 'find best literury papers of- the day. Au Imperial Quarto containing Eton PAGE.. or YORTIt coLurass, of entertaining original matter, and ELEbANTLY ILLUSTHATLO every week. A Gilt worth from 50 cents to $5OO in gold, trill be presented to each subscriber imme diately on receipt of the subscription money, TERMS: - One popy for one year, . $2, and 1 gift. One copy for two }ears, $3, and 2 gifts. One copy for threwyears, $5, and 3 gißa. One copy for five years, $B, and s,gifte. AP:I TO CLUBS, Three copies one year, $5; and 3 gifts. Five copies, one year, $B, acd 5 gifts. Ten eopies, one year, $l5, and lOgifts. Tiventy.one copies, one year, .' . . . . $5O, and 21 gifts. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list: - - 2 Packages of Gold,containing $5OO, each. 5 • do do do $2OO, each. 10 do •do do $lOO, - each. 19 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches . . ~ . . . $lOO each. 20 Gold Watches, . . . . $75 each. 50 do - do $6O each. 100 do do $5O each. 300 Ladies Gold Watches.. • $35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches, . , .... $3O each. 500 Silver Watches, $lO 00 to $3O each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, and Fob ,_.. Chains, . . . $lO 00 to $3O 00 each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold- and Silver-Thimbles, and a variety of other articles worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. . fmreediistely on receipt of the subscription mony, the subscribers name will be entered up on our subscription bodk opposite a number. is t i and the gift orresponding with that number will be for* d within one week, to the sub- Scriber, by ma or express, post paid. All communications should be adressed to BECKET & CO, - 48 S. 49 Moffat Building, 335 Broadway, N. Y. Etr" Specimen Copies sent free, HOWARD ESSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA A Benevolent Institution, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick and dis tressed,eictedwith Virulent. Epidemic diseases. FrIO ALL PERSONS - afflicted with Sexual 1 Diseases, such as Spermatorrisea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonerrlicea, Gleet,Sy phi- lis, the Vice,of ORanism, or self abuse,-&e., &c. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexu al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quack's, several years ago dire,ated their Con. Ratting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all Who apply by letter, with a description" of their cou, dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme puvbrty, to furnish medicines tree of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors on a review of the pas‘t, feel assured that their labors in this sphorepf benevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association. a Report on Spermatorrhcca or Seminal Weakness. the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self• Abuse, and other diseases of , the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which .Will be sent by mail (in a ,sealed lettet ienvelope.) FREE OF CHARGE' On the receipt of TWO STAMPS for pos tage. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon; Howard Mao ciation, No. 2 South Ninth - Street, Philidelph Pa. By order of the Directors.' EZRA D. HARTWELL President - GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretary, Oct. 15th, 185'7 Patent Medicines, &c, AFFLICTED REF.() ! GRAPHENBERG. MEDlCtFEs.—Vegetatile Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsapirila Compound. Children's - Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe. ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen. tarp Syrup, Consumptive's Balm,- Marshall's Uterine, Catholieon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment; and Manual of Health. Ayres Pills and Ci—rry Pectoris!, Tanner's German Ointment. rs.ik's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant , Pills, Sonle's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever and Augue Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni. calineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, 4c., dec., 4c. A new supyly just received,to be kept constant ly on hand, for sale by , I. N. BULLARD. October, st, 18 6. 1:500D TlfB?1% bbd 11_2 - '02N,10 9 . AT TILE HEAD OF NAVIGA I TION! A ND examine th - e ehoice stock of Spring A and Summer Goods, just opened for Examination and SALE, at very low figures by C. W. MOTT. STELLA, Cashmere, and Detain Shawls a very low prices by C. W. MOTT. HATS and. Caps of the newest styles, in great variety by .' C. W. MOT . PRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT. BRASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts etc., etc, by t C. W. MOTT.' BROWN and - Blue Sheeting and Slirtings— Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denims. Sommer Stuffs, &c., &c., as low as cap bo afforded in this market. - C. W. 'MOTT. Groceries!Graceries!! Flgood assortment of Gioceries comprising our, Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugur, &., and other articles in the line too numerous to mention, which is offered for sale at low _Pricca, for cash or ready pay. Call and examine my Goods and PRICES before purchasing else where. Montrose, Aug. 10th, 857 The Shoals and Quielaande of Youth. Just Publishod the 3d Editton. -- ON SPERMATORRHEA OR .- SEMINAL DISEASE—A mi entific Treatise on the treatment and perfect cure of Nervoiii Debility,, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Inipbtency, &c,,_ resulting from vicious habits acquired du tingthe critical passage from Youth to Manhood. . 's, By DR CULVERWELL, Ilember cf the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1827, Licsatiate.of the Hall (1842 ) and 30 years Resident .Prationeer in Lon don; Author of the "Guide to Health,* "Green Book!! "Haw to - be Hippy," Memories of "Single and Married Life,* &e. This small, but highly valuable Treatise, writ ten by a world renowneelPhysician and Surgeon, pointa'out the Only Mire and ,permanent cure for all diseases resulting frank self abuse, and is the only publication of its 1114 -written in a benev olent spirit an& by a admit man ? it should be the bands of all who able their liforand health and happiness here and hereafter: Price 12 - mtig or 4`litampa, atlhe receipt of which it will be sent post free, Stut'Weirootarsii, by Dr. CH.• KLINE, No. 240 Istli s moitle, Box 4581;, New Ilork. [Jan, 28th, 1850:.—te.- I:Tic i - ATER'O - --:' '. . • Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED.)' - - AM XADS TO mama Ist' BLOOD Alumna THE SICL Invalids. Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, Philanthropists. read War Effeete, sad Judie of their Virtues. FOR TUE CURE OF Headache. Sick Headacke,Foul Stomach. Premium, PA., may 1,1e 66. rat. J.C. Arm Sir: I bare been repeatedly aunt at the wont headache any body can hare by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to arbefrorn afoul stossech,whki . they cleanse at once. -If they will bun others as they do • ntq*he Aid is worth knowing. Yours with great newt, !D. W. MOIL% Clerk ej Steamer Clarks. Bilious Dis Orders and Liver Complaints. Denman or to brew" worrimen t D. C., 7 Fob., 1565 Sra: I have need your Pills In my general and WOW prectict ever since you made them, au4 cannot hesitate to say they are the best cethartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver Is qukk and decided, ausennent- ' ly they are an admirable remedy for derangement" of that organ. Indeed, I have whim found a can of Wiese lial can so obstinate that It did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yoars, PhytegeaofOs Merim Mograel. Dysentery, Itelax, sad Worms. POST omen, norrum, UV. Co., Mica, NOT. 10. ten. Da. Aria: Your HU mos the perfection of niedinne. They halo done my wife more good than I an tell yak. She had been sick and pining away for months. Went off to be doctored at great expense, bet got no better. She then commenced taking your Pills, which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from bee, body. They afterwards cured her and our two children of bloody dysenterL One of our nelghbon had it bed, and toy wife cored h with two dons of your PH* while others around us from Sr. to twenty &Bare cured doctont bills, and lost much time, without being entirely even then. Such a medicine as yowl, which is actually good and hone; will be priced hers. ciao. J. 0317/11 4 1, Pbstwaskr. Indigestion and Impurity of tke Blood Prom Rev. J. EHiews, Pastor of Ideate deurch, Pie. Da. Ara: I have ima• your Pine with extraordinal, success in my family and among those I em called foible in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion andgunetr the blood they are the very best remedy I have ever shown,end I ran confidently =commend them to my friends Tours, J. T. SIMILE lerroxiera Co. N. It Oct. 24, 111.6. Dna fire: I am using your Cathartic Pills in my pram eke, and find them an excellent purgativeto cleanse the synth% and purify the fountains of the blood. JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Eril, Teller, Tumors, and Salt alterun. PrOM a • Amounting Aterchwat of .9'. Louis, /0.'4.118!. Dm. Arcs: Tour Pills are the paragon of that is great In medicine. They have cured my little datightur of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved Incurable for years. tier mother has been long grievous. ly afflicted with blotches and pimples on her akin and is her hair. After our child was cased. she also trledroar Pills. and they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. Rheumatism, Neisralgia, and Goat. !MX MA Res. Dr. Hanka, of the Methodist fir. Match. Putasu Horst, Savessuie, Ga., Jan. 6,1666. HONOILD 811: I should be ungratefdl for the relief your ,kill has brought me If 1 did not report my awe to you. J. cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended In chronic rheumathms. ribtwithstanding I bad the beet of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until, by the advice of your egret. lent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills; Their effects were slow, but eons. By pereeveriog la the was of them 1 am now entirely well. EIMATZ cßASnin, DIXON Romig, La., 6 Dec., 1856. Di. AUX : 1 hare been entirely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic Gout a painful disease that had delicted me for years. BLIDZIL. For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com. plaints, requiring an active purge, they are in excel. tent remedy. For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Dinner Pill; they are agreeable and - effectual. Fits,•Suppression, Paralysis; Don, and even Dearness, and Partial mesa, bare been cured by the alterative action of theme Pills. Most of the pills In market contain Mercury, which, al though a valuable remedy in skilful bands, Is daartrout In a public sillOrom the dreadful consequences that fre• quently follow Its Inceptions use. These contain as Nair vary or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL COUGHS,COLDS, 110ARSENRSS, =pm/. MINA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, IN• _ CIPIEfiT CONSUIIIPTION , and for the relied of consumptive patients In &drama stages of the disease. We need not !pea to the public of Its virtue. Throughout every town. and Winced every himlet of the American States. its wonderful cures of pulmonary cons pistols bare made It already 'known. leay, few are the families in any civilized country on thin continent without some pergola' experience of Its effects; and fewer yet the conimunithe any whigie which have not among them some living trophy of—its victory over the subtle and den prone diseases of the throat- and loop. While it Is the most powerful antidote yet known to man for the form'. dable and dangerous diecesee of the pulmonary miens, It • Is also the pleasantest and .mfest remedy that can be em ployed for Inhume and young persons. Parente should hare it in, store against the Ituldioun enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe the Comae PecroarA. eaves more lives by the con sumptions it 'privente than those It cures. Keep It by you, and cure your colds while they are curable, oar ner lent them until no human &Mean masterthe Inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, ate your life Sway. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and es they know too the virtues of this remedy, we need not do • more than to swore them it is still. made the beet It can be. We spare no cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect possible, and thole afford those who rely on It the best agent which our skill can furnish for their curs. PREPARED BY DR. 1. C. rill, Practical and Analytlcal Chemist, Levan, Kass. 4.IVD SOLD BY ABEL. TURRELL, Montrose, And by Dealers in a ranctses everywhere. WINTER A IMIANGEITIENTS. gARENEi.APNE New Rail Road Route, Delstware,La.cklAwauna.ik W.R.R XTEW and expeditions broad gunge rode 1.11 from the North and %Vest, via Great Bend ana Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, Jan.. 18th, 1858, trains will be run as follows: The Night Express Train bound east.on N. Y. & Erie R. &arrives at. Great Bend at m.. And connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia • at 8.30 a. m. Due at Montrose, - _ 9.07 " Tunkhannock, - ' 9.50 v , Factoryvillo, 10.13 " Scranton, 10. " Stroudsburg, 1.38 p. m. Delaware.(l 5 minutes to dine,) 2.10 " Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leave 2.40, " - Junction, • 3.30, " New York, 7.10, " Philadelphia, 840, " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at 7 30, a. m. From Philadelphia,leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, 10.55„ Dueatßridgeyille,(PbiLeonnection.)ll.4s, " Delaware, (15 min. to dinner), 12.00 m. Stroudsburg, z 12.47, p. m Scranton, 3 .3 s , " • Factoryville, , 4.27 " Tunkhanock, 4.48 " Montrose, ,„ _ 5.35, ." Great Bend. 6.10, " Connecting at Great Bend-with the Dunkirk Express, west, at Accommodation Train leaves Scran ton for Great Bend at 7.20 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, 12 25 p. m. Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on the N. Y. & E. Rid{ Road. Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1.25 p. m. Doe at Scranton, 6.10 " For the accommodation of way travel , on- the Southern Division, ayassenger car will be at tached, to the Express Freight Trains, leaving- Scrnatoa, at 5.00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at _ • 10.20 " Junction at 2.10 p. m. • Returning, will leave Junction at 5. a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at - 8,35 " Scranton at 2.50, in. Passengers from New York_ will change cars at Junction. To and front. Philadelphia, - via B. D. R. R„ leave,or,take ears at Bridgeville. , - For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. & B. R. R., cars at Scranton. For Jessup.Archbald, and Carbo — ndale, change cars atGreenville. Tickets sold, and bagpge checked through. JOHN BRISBIN,SupI. Wm: N. Jgsgs.Gen'i Ticket Agent. 8.8. MOTT :NEW GOODS!! H. J. .WEBIrS. MONTROSE, APRA, nth 1887. Rama seated,' My office to_my new residence nearly oppo. site the Presbyterfen Ch arch, on Turnpike Street •The pnbllearo 01111441'W midland own. km specimens of the, varidne style. of Flogging ind flake which I am daily,exemitiog. 'Rope &big, "any more." Mears.: t he - work speaks for itself. C. D. 'VIRGIL, Resident Venlig. nontease, VS: Sept. 147 VOR TILE RAPID - MAE OY ---A.T ikeimb old 's Genuine - Preparation COOCCII,IIIE4I Compound Fluid EMutt Dacha. • Fdr Diseases o f the Bladder, 'Kidneys; Gni& Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions, liftoff. • Diseases, Founts Contplaints,'and all • . Piracies 011ie 14 , Xual Organs, arising thorn exceliVes and imprizdences in life, and removing all improperdisdarges from the blad der, kidneys, or sexual organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatefer cause they may have Originated, and no'matter of how long standing, giving health and, vigor to the frame, and,blootn.lo the pallid cheek. '. • JOY TO THE, AFFLICT/3M! It cures nervous and 'debilitated sufferers, and remos all the symptotius among which will be fonn'a indisposition to exertion, loss of power, lessor memory, diffiaulty \ ot breathing, gen. oral weakness, horror of .disease, seek nerves. tzembling, dreadful horror of , ' death, night sweats, cold fent, wake fulness; dimness of vision. lupin naiversal lassitude of the tens , cular system. often eriorinotts, appetite, with dyspeptic \ , - symptoms, hot hands, flashing \ of the body, dryness of the skin, ' , • pallid countenance and eruptions . on the face.pain in the back heaviness , • of the eyelids, frequently black spots ~ 1 'flying before the eves, with stemporary surusion and loss of sight; want of attention, great mobility, restlessness, with hewer. f SO. ciety. Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves; no repose of manner, no earnestness, no speculation, but &hurried transition from one question to another. These symptOms, if allowed to go on—which this medicine invariably removes—soon follows loss of power, fatuity and epileptic fits-rin one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direfuldisteases--insanity and consump-' Lion? The records of the insane asylums. and the melancholy deaths by consumption boar am• pie witness to the truth of those assertions. In lunatic &spinals the most melancholy exhibition sppears. The countenance is actualiy sodden & quite destitute—neither mirth or grief ever vis its it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely- articulate: , .With woeful measures wan despair Low 'lnnen sivon&-his grief beguiled." Debility is the most terrible! and has brought thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. Bean be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REINEDY•. 'lf you are suffering with any of the above dis tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Bache will cure you. Try it and be conv'nced of its efficacy. Eilr Beware of guaek nostrums aud quad doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens kßow and avoid them, and save long suf fering, money, and exposure, by sending or call ing for a bottle of this popular and specific rem. edy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is per. fectly pleasant in its tate ar.d odor, but imolai ate in iteaction. HELIABO.O I 'EXTRACT BUCHU - Is , prepared directly aceording to_the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest .se curacy and ebemical knowledge and' care devo ted in its combination. See Professor Dewees valuableAvorks on , the practice of physic, god most of the late standard works of medicine. sr s 1 8 o_ol One hundred dollars will be paid to any physician who can prove that the edicine ever injured ayatient;and -the testimony of-thousands can be pioduced to prove that it . does great good. Cases of from one week to 13 years' standing have been effected. The mass of voluntary testimony' in possession of the Pro. prietor, vouching its virtues and curative power, is immense, embracing names well. known to Science and Tame. 100,000 Bottles have been Sold and not s a single instance of failure has been reported! Porso ally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City ,of Philadelphia. H. T. Helmbold, Chemist, who being &lily sworn• toes say, that his preparation contaius no Narcotic. Mercury or injurious Drne• but is pure'', Vegetable. • H. T. Helmbold, Sole Markufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day o r Nov 1854. Wm P. HIBBARD. Aldertnan. Price $1 per Bottle, or six for 85, delivered. to any addrefm, accompanied by reliable and res. ponsible certifieates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prepared and sold by • H. T. HELMBOLD, . Practical and Analytical' Chemist, No. 52 South iOth.st., below Chestnut, Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. Fir To be bad of all Druggists and Dealers in the U. S., Canadas, and British Provinces. Bewire of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's —take no other.- Cures guarantied. Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Agent. Jan. 20,'57.-52t. Lackawitnna & Bloomsburg R. R. ARRIYAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. Stations, N. Y. Mail. Aceo'n. Plan Mail Leave 8.0 pert, 7.00a.m. 3.150. Bloom, - 7.10 " . 3.25 " L'PY, 7.18 " 8.33 " Lime Ridge, 730 " 3.45 " Berwick, 7.55 " 4.10 " Beach Haven, 8.10 " . 4.25 " Beach Grove, 840 " 4.35 " Shickshinny, 8.35 " 4.50 " Hunlocks C'k, 8.55 ti 5.15 " • . Nanticoke, 9. . " 5.20' Plymouth, 9.20 " 5,40 " Arve at Kingston, 9.30 " 6.50 " Leave Kingston, 9.35 " 1,45p.m. 6. " Wyoming, 9.50 " 2.10 6.20 "- W'stPittaton, 9.55 " ' 2.20 " 6.25 " Pittston,. 10. " 2:30 " 6.20 •• Lackawana, 10.10 " 2.45 " 640 " Tdylorville, 10,20 " 3.00 " 6.50 " A.rrivest Scranton, 10.30 " 3.15 " 7.00 " The New York Hail Train connects with the Express going East, on the Delaware, Laeliavvin. na & Western Railroad. Arrive in New. York 7.16 p. m. " " Philadelphia, by Camden & Amboy Railroad, 8.20 p. m. Fare from Rupert to New York $B,OO. " The Accommodation Train North, connects at Scranton with the Express Train West - un the D. L& W. Railroad. • 7,15 " Stations. Phil'a Mail. Adoo'n. N. Y. Mail. LeaTeScranton, 8.00a.M.11.30a.m. 4.00p.m. Taylorville, 8.10 " .11.46 ." 4.10 Lackawanna, 8.20 " 12.00 in. 420 " - Pittston, 8.30 " 12.15p.m. 430 " W. Pittston, 8.35 " 12.30 " 4.35 " Wyoming, 9.40 " 12.40 " 4.40 u Arrive at Kingston, 9. " 1.00 " 5.00 " Leave Kingston, i f 10. " 635 " Plymouth, / 10.15 " 6.30 " Nantleokb, 10.50 " 6.55 4 Hunlock )0.45 7. Shickshinny, 11.10 " 7.25 " Beach Grove; 11.25 " 7.40 " Beach Haven, 11.55 " -7 AO " Berwick, 11.35 " 8.10.," Lime Ridge, 12.20p.m. 835 - Espy, . 12.30 " 8.45' 1 Bloom, 12.40 " 8.50 Arrive at Rupert, 12.50 " 9,00 " The Philadelphia Mail Train going South, con. accts with the Mail Train at Rupert, going East at Y.lO p. m., for Catawissa, Port Clinton, Potts vi=le, Riading, die., arriving at Philadelphia it 8.25 p. m. Also with Mail - Train going West at 3 o'clock p. m., for Danville, Milton, Muncy* Williamsport.and. Elmira. Passenger. by tho. 4 o'cloek'rqh. Train gcieg South, elm take the. 11 o'clock p. in. Express train for. Elmira and the West.or lodge a 1 Bloomsburg and take the .4 o'clock... tn. teat s gains East,. arriving at Philadelphia sit I'2 soot . 14," Passengers for. Harrisburg, direst will take the N. Y. Mail train, (A Vend it: 40 going South, connecting it Port Clidtein - with - !h. Dimphin dl Sitsqiehanna Raiitomi, striving at frirrlaburgal 12 o'clock • J. LEAVENWORTH, Soft Seranton,..lannary 3tb, 1868. ' liftLeB 'Aromatic Schilda* Schbotippsot -TURRELIIII GOING NORTET. GOING SOUTH. NOTICE is hereby. g iven . that . the; Arm liewtse G . OILD is this day_ dissolved by mutual consent. • C. P. IlAwicy, ' Gibson, Aag. 1, 1857. E. E. . The books and accounts can be found at the 'store fornierly occupied by 441 subscribers. AI,I perm** having unsettled a6ounta ate requested to settle the same as Mimi as ' - The business will lie conducted in future by the undersigned, undmr 'the firm .or C. P. & 0. plkutszrovha ire constantly receiving from New York end Philadelphia, the latest style* of Fall and Winter Dry Geed'', .113o thi6mAteof all of which will be sold ate very smell profit for ready pay. • = • - ,Gibson, Aug. 31st, 1851. - C. P. HAWLEY, O. M. HAWLEY. $2 0,.0 0 0 WORTH Of Goals at.raptic Prices! HDURRITT, is now receiving large adili tions of NEW GOODS, to his stock that will be sold at prices to suit the times, including a great variety - of • Ladles , and Gentlemen's Dress Goods, with a hill assortment in all departments of his TRADE, and at prices_ much reduced. and many kind's of Goods more than 25 per cont. lower than early fall prices. Eir He would particularly call the attention of cash buyers to his new stock of CARPETHVG,— • BUFFALO ROBES, STOVES, itc„ as large and rich, and at low down prices. ; New Dec. 15th, 1857. 721112 A lEE3 T7ll 11, G 0 .0 SI For Cash , or Ready-Pa•y. The subscribers havejust pusehased a New - and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of Staple and ranct DR - Y GOODS Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots,and Shoes 4c., (}c-r 4-c-; Would ofer them for sale at their Store, at low er rates than Goods have been sold in this place for CASH or PRODUCE; eFperience having taught ns that this is the only true way of doing' ness. , • As we have bought our Goode for Cash du. ring the great money panic, we have bought them Low, and will sell them the same. ***Please give us a call and examine our stock. GUILE & BLANDING. Hayford, Oct. 12th, 1857. NEW. JEWELRY. pHE Subscriber has this day returned from I New York with a large and well selected stria of JEWELRY and FANCY GQODS,, which, having been purchased in,the present ex tremely depressed state of the market, will by sold at unusually low prieea., Among his - assort.. meat may be found • GOLD - Chains, Seals, Keys, Pens and Pencils, Earrings„ Breastpina,.Fingerringslof every style, Brneelets Armlets, LOckets, Snaps, Watch Hooks, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Thimbles, Crosses, ; Spectacles Slides, &e., &c. SILVER Threaded and plain Forks, SpoonS, Butter and Fruit Knives, Salt and Prewve Ladles, Card Cases, Cups, Childrens Setts, Nnpkinrings,Chains Keys, Spectacles and Thimbles. Also, 'a large stock of Silver-plated table and dessert Knives, Carvers, Castors., Cake Itiakets, Card Receivers, Salts, Tea. Setts, Forks, and Spoons, double, treble And extra plate. Aiso,Shell and ImitationCumbs,N , le. - -.Coral, - Pocket Knives, Scissors, Kriic'es and Forli74. Jet Bracelets, Breastpins and Earrings, flair` and • Tocith Brushes, Pearl and Cornelianl•leev's tons, Shawl Pins, Gilt Hair Pins, very rit IT, Leather Purses, Bags, Cli,cks plain and Sewing Birds, du'., &c. , • \ All of which Will be stria at the lowest prices? ALFRED J. - EVANS, - No. 2, Odd Fellow's Binghamton, Dec. 11, 185'7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - T 1 '1" ABEL TURRELL TT As just returned from .I , le or. York, with a I.E. large and choice variety of Goods, bought for: cuff,' and solected With much care, from over thirty of the best Houses in •New York, which he offers to, his customers and the-pane at low prices for cash. His stock comprises: DRUGS, E •I C. INE S, P _• OILS, s . WINDOW GLASS, - ' DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES, • GLASS—WARE, -CROCKERY, MIRRORS ? CLOCKS, . WALL, PAPER, WINDOW PAPER, WINDOW OIL,SIIADES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JE-'WELRY, - .• PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, - HA - RD WARE, STONE WARE; • WOODEN' W A R.E, • . •BROOMS, • BRUSHES, JAPANNED WARE, , •BIRD•CAGES, CANARY - SEED, • P'4s OK'S T -K NI VE S, WHIPS, ' UM.BR-ELLAS, _ GU - NS; PISTOLS. - AMMUNITION, • TURPENTINE, CAMPHENE, ' BURNING FLUID, ALCOH•OI, L I Q U'O R,S, (For Medici n-alPurposes only,) TRUSSES, SUPPORTE.RS , SHOULDER BRACES, P OR T N k A SPEC - TACLES:' SILVER & PLATED SPOON'S. FORKS &c., GOLD PENS, STATIONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c.; And nll,of the most popular PATENTICEDICIiN•ES , Thankful for theliberel patronage hitherto re.; ceiied. be hopes to merit a continuance arid large inc,rease of the_same.: ' • - ABEL--TURRELL. Montrose, Dec. let 1851. • • -- • Farm for Sale. HE a obscribeiriffera for AA, a Vood Farm' T of 95 acres in Bridgestecr, four miles east of Montrose, 70 acres improved: there is on ISer preruises . a large framed Dwelling House, a, good framed Bern i na excellent Apr.ia Orchard One half of the purchase money will ho required' downs the balance in annnitinstalments. ELIJAH BROWN. Bridgestiter,.Anguat 19th, 1857. ‘33tf. . „ 110LLOWAY'll ingOintenent,.lttorse's JL.L.lndian Root and Ayer's. Cherry Pee. knit Ind (11114,616 Constantly for sale Adyertiriements id this ABEL! TURIIELL. . . p ROVEPOR',WCK)b'S Hitir Restorative at • 11/KRELL'S.