•.DissOlution• . • THE coliaituership horetofore.existing.under 11- the firm - of SUTPHIN di. YOUNG is this - Jay dissolved by. mutual consent.: !'ho Hooks, and'paliers of said firm will . ko loft with -R. L. *sutphin Tor settlement - tit the istiire.- —• . • • . SUTPHIN reYOUNG: • Su mmersvilloi March 23, 18.513. _ " .„ , • . • - • Copartnershi p FrIIE business will bo continued At the old atadd by the subscribers under the firm of Young & Smith, on the ready-pay system. •We inutui to go to "the City the .first of, Aprili when ;vv . shall have a full supply of good:tat prices to ~,:r:e&poad with tbeliseee. , yourig* SMITIL Stimet.;„erivi lie, March 23.1858::=3w. FOR Eit lIREE pairs of mitles.goTid age and in good Condition, and at . .prices; to wait the-times. Enquire of DICKERMAN GARRATT. New Milford. Sian:ll'l6, pl.lB. • , NOTWITHSTANDING, CI,. .- '„.„.„..._ I / 11.#77 - - -011"4'ra times," Abel Tur. r:l,_ . j . , IP" , ` , , . ' roll' - - ' 7 o..ricty of selected V- 1- f '- . 7 --:‘ '" '' - , keeps nit No. 1, end ) • 4 t.... ' • • , • • • . ... s constitnLy receiving *cessions, every few ya. __Wiens e s low u `the lowest.... , , • Still They come!' • THE largest stock of MatictsiEs.ever 'before kept in this market rtqty be found at the • ' P. - 24.311.11'13 131 1 02. M. It wfl be useless to enumerate. When you wish any thing in the Paterrt Medicine line, or others ise, call at the Panacea store. Don't for get thq place, &ton town: - It. THAYER. , MonF,rose, March 3cl, 1858. , IVOTHIC E-:-TO DEAtERS of 31'EliCHAN ilf DISE within_theeciuntv of Susq - Uebatma;- --In pursuance of the 86.er:if's - eta of the Assembly of this Commonwealth, to provide revenue to meet the demands - upon the'Treasury, and for other purposes, the undersigned, - Appfatter of, mercantile taxes of Su.4ifa Co., has prepared a list of all the tnerchints trading Within said 'to., --'and placed-each of said merchants in thatf class which seems right and just, acconling toilie pro visions of said nets of Assembly as follows, viz.: 'Residence. f Proprietors. • f Class. P't Med.. Auburn, ' ft. W. Healy, ' Waltman it Swisher, • Apolacon, E. 8.,. Beardslee, ,11. Barney, • Brooklyn, E. IS. Kent , " " R. 7. Ashley, - S.. D. Tompkins, " " Hempsteadp & MeKeniis., XII. Clifford, Brundage & Wilson, XIV. John' Halsted, Tho. Arnold, XIII. J. B. Slocum, " Church &S. H. Phipney, " bi int a, •Wm Thtver, XIV: L. 11. Woodruff, .1 .J. Smith, Jr., " Frietuliville. J. Hosfortl, XIII - " Glidden & Buffum, " ' Lewis E.uffuna, Franklin, J. L. - Blertiman, Forest Lake, -D. L. Meeker, *Gibson, S. S. Inalls, XII. " •C. P..& Q. M . Hawley, 'MIL " N. E. Kennedy, u --John Smiteyv G. W. Walker,_ Xik* ;Great Bend, 1. &N. Ddbois, 4 " D. L. TaylOr, " _J. T. Carlysle, . - S. B. June, '- " Wm A. Snow, -' '" Thomas &Whiting, Emery Simons, . I t .S.Lenheito, XIII. • " S. H. Divton, - . " H. McKinney, '44 Harrell% Eaton It -- MolcleY, P. Carpenter, " C. S. Johnson, " ' Zemh Verrr, Gnile & Blending,. Herrick, _John Miller. Ilophottom,• 'E. & T. tell, Harmony, B. R. Lyons, S. A. Lyons, F!D. Lyons, • -Cm Tremain & co., • Brant & Schrager, • r H. I). Hathaway, J. J. Turnet, ....Elakeale'e, A. A. Beeman, •*" - • hoger Kenyon • ' tenox, Shutts, Eaton & Co., XIII. 4 E. It. Gi ow & Bro. -O. F. Gunther, iddletwn, D. Colemln, -1 • Bris'er & Riley • , Jl. -.lt 0314. C. H. Plumbley, Montsore„ C. Mott, .XIII. • W. 7: & S. EL Mulford, 'Xli. • J. Lyons & Son, XIII. • F. B. Chandler, XI S*. A. Lathrop & Cc.; XII. Post Bridthers, • Xt. t Bullard; • XIV. duifenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., XI. Bentley, Read & Cc,., Abel Turrell; J. Ethridge, 'R. Thayer,' Jr., Keeler & Stoddard, A. Merriman, S. H. Sayre & Brothers, XII. Alfred Baldwin, H. J. Webb,' _ - a - Dundaff; Janke:..^., Liberty, Z. Cobb, • 'A. N. Bullard, New Milford, Wm C. Ward, •‘. - H. Barth:, • Dickerman & Garrott, - .XIV. • J. Moss & Brother, . • • ' Hayden Brothers, • Satphiii & Young-, • Rush,. " • Nortnan Granger, ___ Silver Lake.. Timothy . •J. BrickneY & Vail, ' Springville, Stott & Riles , XH, Grover, Philips dr. Co., MTh Susqa Depot; A. W. Bronson; ' • • C. S.-Bennett; _- • C. S' . .,Bennett, ' A. W. Rdwley; • S. B. West,. • Jima Bell, • Tho. • Guttertberg, Rosenbaum & Co..' • R. Lewenthall, XIY.: • Gaylord Curtis, Mit. . • Smith & Shdtts, .XIV. • A. J. Sey moor, . . 1 .E. Carlisle, 4 H. Cohen & Brother; • N. 'C. di - D. W. Norton, -S. Bryant,.. _ - ..Perrine . & Son, • • D. G. Smith,- • Thompson, IL D. Hathaway, • nun HOUSES, EATING HOUSES, ZESTAUEANTS &C. - Dander, Enoch Chambers, . - Ftleridavtlie, George Simpler, • •-- .Lewis Buffum, - Great Bend . , Walter Paintin,l ." C. C. Hamlin,- - ildntrose, Z/Cobb. . J. N. Bullard, 4 - •E. Bacon, ' . ' VIII. - Near Milford, Edwd. Cornwall,, Snag's. Depot, Wm. Howarth, " Martin - Conroy,- pit: DuiTauz.m.- James MeMla. X. „, • LIVON. - DEALERS. ( hod Bend; :L. S. Lenheim. ELLIAND Clifioni, Son's Depot—A. 'botopeon, ketpeti one te• Lye,l Hume $30,00. And'the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas Will bold a Court of Appeal at Court Buse in Montrose, in and for said County; on-Friday, the 3tfih day df April next, at' ode at which gate add place any of Ad Mordant*, described; defined, and - classed, as afonesaidlot their agents or attorneys' may appear !rain said assail:neat if they think proper: IfARRY BARNEY, Mer4utile.Apprtgatr• AP -4 :4l”:r;llareh IS5a. . • ' ',z • -- • a: • - 4 " • . . . . NATtfaL be expoSed to sale 'at public vendor., 1 lit the house of the subscriber in Jesitin,.' on Satiirday, March '27th, 1856, the following i property, to wit: -..0ne.)01;e-Chien,l PloWs, 1 Wagon, 2 Chains;l:Clx.yoke, some Fowls, a quantity , Hay and Grain, and other'articles too ntimerous to mention. - Sale_tocommenco at tenVelock a. m. . . • -TEttits..-All sums under $.5, Cash, over that ' amount six months credit with interest and art, proved 'security. JOSEPH H. ‘V;OOiISEY. Jessup, MarCh 15th, 1858.-11w2. lIYIPQRTA T &Alfillacc-dir-8AR13.3. TEMsuliscriber offers for sale his premises in the town of Conklin, BroonteCounty, N. Y., on the west side of the. Stfaquehanna river, five I miles-from Great Bend, and nine miles -from Binghampton, and ono mile from Kirkwood, con sistifor of a Wagon Shop, 42 by 20 ftet, with Ilhriksmith Shop in basement, full rig, both now in operation: A house and lot on:the oppositp side of the road from the shop, a new barn 20 by 1 12 feet, &c. The above named property will be 4 sold Very lOwl'or cash, or apart may be allowed I to stand one year. • • . I For particulars inquire on the. premises or ad- dress, post paid, H. C. KNIGHT, 11 w 4.1 COrbettsville, Broome County, N. Y. FOR 'SALE! OR TO RENT A DWELLING 1101.758, Barn, &c. with two and a half acres of beautiful land, an excel lent stand fors btacksmithi or shoe maker situ ated in Upsonville, Susquehanna County, near J. L. Merriman's store, will he sold /ow or tent ed to a good tenant. Enqiire of the :subscriber at his office, in this Boron.oh. or of L. Merri man, esq. Also houses and lots for solo or to rent, in town. M. C. TYLER. Montiose, 3farch 8, 1858_ "HOME AGAIN, , " 42* g) OrgiabiL OFFICE, over INihou"s Store. LODGINCS, at SEARLE'S 110tEl e . sfontrae, March 10th, 0.58. KANSAS EMIGRANTS. =MIEMMMM Or Persons who intend Settling in Kansas, and who may want reliable Information in re .gard to the best Locations; the Cities ; Towns: Mineral Points; Rivers; Soil ; the best route to come ; the prices of Lands, Tnwn Lots, Provis ions,.&e., may address the undersignedt , , _(Elplosing• a Fee of Owe Dallar,) On receipt of which.a correct and authentic ac count of the pail. of 'Kansas to which thd-Appli cant desire's to emigrate, will be forwarded by return mail. Address, JNO. BOURNE & CO., Lecompton, Kansas. j Ow 3 Register's Notice. ÜBUC NOTICE' is hereby given to all per sons concerned in the following Estate „to it.: Estate of - Lan'l F Lincoln, late of Forest Lake, .deec, Ezra Rice, Adni'r, Estate of L F, Wilmarth, late of Jackson, decd, Orlando Ginnison, Adar Estate of J B Worden, late of Jackson; deed, R jlarris, and E Tu F lier,-Excers Estate of Georle NV Stephens, late of New Milford, dec'd,ll. Stephens, Adm'r ; . Estate of Francis Qninn, late of Choconut, deed,F and T-Quinn,Adtu'r; Final acconnt of A 'l' Troc‘ bridge, 'Guardian -of 31 A and J A Chandler. That the accountants have. settled their se counts in the Regiiter's (Miro, in and for the county of Snsquehanna, and that the same be presenfed to thO Judges ofthe Orphan's Court of said County, on Friday, the 16th day of April 'next, for.their confirmation and allowann,e. CiIARLESNEALE, itegiq.!r." Register's Oleo, Mont:ose. Jan. 4th, I tl'sB. , ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE MOTICE Fs . hereby giren that in Furananeb of .1N an order of sale issued out hf the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna CounlS , . I Ain t• pose to Public Sale, on Saturday, the 27:II day of narch ingt, at one o . cl ck, P. M., :till that certain lot, picee or parcel of land, : situate in the township of Forest Lake, in said County. late the estate of Orrin Lester, deceased, and . deskribed as folows: - Beginning at t post in the highaeny, fhe north west corner of George Fisher lot; thence by said lot, S. 17 1-2. degrejs V‘r.fnine perchcs,to a post, the SW. corner of said Fisher lot; thence along rheLsouth line of the same, S. 75 degrees F. teed_perches and six.tent-hs to a post near Pond Creek; thence by land§ of A. Carr and L. Stig.er, S. 26 degrees W., on 7 hundred and forty. two perches to a print in a line of Ch.rle-s Davis : ; thence by .said Davis' lime. N. 64 ,degerees W. 127 1;g perches, to s white birch in enst bank of a. small creek, the lino hf D. C. Sherman's land ; thence'along said creek; 63,perchek to a post on the east bank of the same ; thence N. 25 degrees E.. 70 perches to a post, corner of D. T. Taylor's lot ; thence by said lot, S. 74 :4-4 degrees E., 125 perches to a post i t thence S. 81 1-2 E., 28 7;10 perches, to the beginning, containing 133 acres ariii..so perches of land---(exceptibg .50 a cA,stherefrom, of land which was recovered by Mathew- S. Cornell from the said Orrin • 't Lester, and which laY t in the south side m of said tot,) on whicn is a dwelling t: house, one barn, and outbuildings, and I a'bout"6o acres tinder cultlcatiom Sale to be held upon the premites, and terms to be made kmonm on thy of gale. ORANGE MOTT,'Jr., Adm'r. Forest Lake, 11f3treh I I, 185$. Dtts. ATTENTIONFARMERS =ME THIS is to certify that the undersigned have used Manny's Mower with Wood's improve enmt, the past season, and are fully Satisfied that isit • a good- machine, and we recommend it t. 6 the fartn6re of this County as a profitable and labor-saving =Chine._ JEREMIAH 111EACI1A2f, A. GI: MPS, .‘ JOVIN HARRINGTON,. . 1.. GAT:DICER, ' M. J. HanataciON, T. P. PumeEv. February 25, 1858. , Ftir machines apply to the undersicned Agent. - C. D. LATHROP. Metros°, March Ist; 1858. [hihlltht. Sheriff's Sales, Y Virtue of sundry writs issued out of the Cobrt of Common Pleas of Susquehantia County, :Indio MC direeted; I will expose to sale, by public vendee, at the Coen House, in Hoot rose,. ou Sattirday, 18813, at' one o'clock, p. m., the following - Real Estate, to wit:- •,_.. ALL those pieces or parcels of land *U -nate and being in the township.of Great Bend in said county, described as folloct4, to wit.: One tract cantaining one hundred acres, be the same utore.,or loss; also another tract containing 392 -acres and 20 perches of land--esoPting dud re. serving therefrom one lot of 180 perches; add soother lot of fifty acres and 136_ perches sold therefrom respOtively" to: JacoliA. Brink and tdOtiesilrown, the - title to:lhe first above describ ed lot being derived from :William( .Ward. add Jesse Lane, and the second from William. Ward and -wife' • " • - . ALSO . another Jot of land . containing fifty aereh, derived from Abel, SherMan;who .convey ed Elcazer Brown, who douveyeSto William Dayton by deed 'anted :the 37th day. of June, 1 - 847. _ • • AILSO another lot of land eentalning fifty aCtelil,:more or le . el,Ateting the same that:Joseph Drams conveyed to Wm. Dayton by deed dated Jun 18th, 1t147. thereteing exeepted that of she foregoing parcel of land ; one ltnodrell and five aerd.i.sold :by ,IPkirell Skinner to Charles 'Frew. ttii4tc, and'fifty acres sold to Allred Thomas; and tWertv.seven,acres mad to Ciharles Smith as by reference to sundry conveyances fe'r'the same will! fully appear. • ALSO oho other tract or parcel ol WIT: eon tairlng; one hundredfold seventeen acres of land More or leis, being the a 21130 conveyed by E. 3.*: Yet. lig and -Aaron Thomas to Elijtils Skinner, by Deed dated December 19, 1849; 'recorded in Detid BoOlz No.JB page 616. Also all the.in terosts, rights and•privi lege:, of the said grantor in alcertain lens° from Ebenezer Brown. toJoseph andiEleazer Brown, dated the first, day (if April, A. p. 1838, and duly assigned to Elijah Skin net% a ho conveyed to G. W. Scranton, together wilt Ile mill and improvements thereunto he longing, and subject, however, to all the vend/- tie] of said learn and the rents thereon att ertir' ;.I„ t and restrictions and lialfilities thereunto attached, which have accrued ' sing the first thy! a April, 1853, of may hereafter arcrue; -sail foregoing - several tracts of land, containing aflAr deductions of reservations three hundred and seVenty•five acres or thereabouts, with al lowlance, be the same more or less. This sale being intended to enni - eT- all the lands and privileges particularly described in the; deed of Elijah Skinner and Sarah his wilt to Ceorde W. Scranton, dated the first day of Juno A. D. 1852, and recorded in the Recorder's oflie of Susquehanna County, In Deed Book, .N 0.121, page 15-1 &r. Reference to'which wilt fully show. Excepting always out of the same thetright.of way of the Delaware Lackawana & Western Rail Road Company under the con. clitqms specified in said - Deed. Containing in all about three 111111(4H and sevkay acres, more or less, after deducting the exemptions, with the n pi] I tent:leos, two dwelling hot yes. two barns and sheds attached, ono saw mil,, an orchard, and anout'one - hundred acres initiroved. Taken in exeution at the-suit of G..W.Seran ton! vs. E. - T. Young nud Edgar Thomas; ALSO all that piece or parcei of land situate in the township of Springville Susq'a co..'boon ded en the north by W arren Tay lor's land.on the east by land of Jolts Richmond and C. C. Ly man, on. the 8011111 by land of Win L. Avery, and Warren Taylor, and. West by Ashley Brooks and others;containing 91 acres, with the appur tenances, two framed houses, n framed burn, and orcbard and about 70 acres improved. 1 4 .ada , n in t d at, the suit of Albert ;Beards- George Lathrop. 41 sp ) .11 that certain piece or pareol of land situate in the rownship of Dimeek, Susq'a Co. I'a.;-bounded and described as fol ow. to- it: onthe north by lands of Satn'l Sherer, on the east by lands of Dan'l Reynolds, on --the sd'uth by lana - of I.l).BAcer,and on the west by land of 6Wen Donohue, containing about twenty acres; with the appurtenances, one framed house and barn and about 15 acres improved. 't,ken in execution at the suit of S. A. Brown 39Signed to D P. Searle, vs. Prentis and Eußbline S. Gavitt: .ALSO all that certain piece or ravel of land sit:date and being in the township of Br:kewa ter.: in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded as follow, to wit: Beginning at a post on the iinti of Orrin Beebe's lot, thence south 87 deg. east, 86 perches to MosesXyler's let, thence by the;- sante south 23 d.g. west, 143 perches to a por4, on the line-of Rollin Iluyts lot,thence north 87 ideg.-west, 86 perches to a post, up Walter Fo4teee /ine,theneo by the name north 23 deg. east, 158 perches to the beginning, containing 80 acres, be the same more or less, being the same lot con veyedby the lu-to !Joseph t field, decasert, to Susan Maria Butterfield, by deed bealrin , . date Dee. 9th, 1848, recorded in deed brolk- No. 17. page 470, with the appurtoniireev, one (rained, dwelling house and barn, and 60, aeres improved. Taken in 'executi - nn at the suit , of Isaac L. Post. &,Co., vs. Joseph Butterfield and Susan M. Iffutteifield. :'LSO all that certain piece or p , ircel of land sittlate and being, in the township of Great Bend ,tto4nship, Susquehanna county, boon led and dee.ibed as klows, to wit: tirginnin at til37 !tenth comer of S. T. Bruin's land, as s,dd to hi m by Sheldon M. Brownion. being D 'coiner ror John 01;verTro*bridaeuti ,, thers and runs thence along the east bound:of s.dsl Bruin's land 42 chains to a stake and stones, on the west side of the highway leading from Great Bend to Windsor, near the Dug,way, thence along said highway 23 chains to n post and stone.: thence smith ti 3 deg. west 2 chains and 55' links iilon , r said highway, theittee tionli 37 deg. west 9 chains and 50 links to the, centre of the creek, thence up ithe same north 39 dog. east 9 chains and 75 linlfs, thence north 5(1 dog. west 5 chains and 50' to the line of Oliver Trow 0,. brid's l an d, thenee along , he same to the place of beginning, eod s taining about 48 acres of land, be the same more 6r less, with the appurtenances, 1 framed house, 1 barn, and about 30 acres improVed-. ALSO all• that other piece or parcel of land sititate as above and bounded' and dercribed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Oliver Trfwbridge r on the, east by the Great Bend and Cochecton turnpike, on the south by lands of Tqunan Baldwin, and on the west by the Susq'a riv'r, containing about 25 acres, be the same inure or less. with the appuitenanees, 2 dwelling hease4, wood house,-:L• barns and wagon house, and all improved. Taken in execution at suit of George Du. seribury vs. N. P. Wailer. lk,. - LSO all that certain piece or parcel of land sit tats and bein g in the township of Great Bend, in the courey utSusquehanni, and bounded and &Scribed MS Mows, to wit: On the north by lards of Charles Snedaker, otiihe east by lands of peter Kelder, on .the south and west by Inds of &Benjamin and Michael Spearbeek, containing 111 acres, be the same more or loss, with the ap urtenances, 2 framed houses, 2 barns, 1. Bliicksmith shop and I saw mill, and orchard, at d about 50 afros improved: . Taken in execution at the suit of Orrin G. Buck ingham vs. Chades Chamberlin. ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of land siNate in the township of Great Bend,A e_iiiiti a Sc squehanna 'and State of Pennsylvania, boun ded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Wm. Painter, on the cast by lands of the estate of J. B: Griffin, deceased, on 'hi:, south by Laid of Peritte Allen and S. H. Dayton. and on The west by the Great Bend and Coehecton turnpike road; 'it being 66 feet in frOnt on the turnpike, and running back 100 feet, with the appurtenances, 1 tavefn house, 1 barn, I !wood shed, and all improved, and -ennutio., about 7540, square feet of land be .the same more or less. -, ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of land situate as above, and hounded and described as °Mows, to wit: On the north by lands:of Milton (more, on the east by lands of Henry Langley, o the south by Franklin street, and on thb , at by lands of Tompkins, containing out one-fouth acfo of land, more or less, with the apphitenances, one framed house. A - LS 6 ail that. Other tract or parcel of land_ sivato in the township of Franklin, county and S ate aforesaid, and bounded and described ae Ilm.vs, viz: On the north by the. pnblie way; op the east by the land of Rufus Lines, on the Oath by land of Andrew" Banker, Joseph Doo little and Stephen K. Crane, and on the west by Mod of Bates Smith, containing about 90 acres, More or less, together with_ ta appurtenances, One barn - and cow•houiei some fruit trees, and about 80 acres improved. fTaken in execution at the soil of Lora Stone d others, va. John D. Paddock and Samuel Pad ek. . . .ALSO --, , ALL that certain piece tir parcel a land, situ p in the Toienhhip of Harford, SueqUehanna county,. lioisnded ..and described as .follows, to it: Oe.the North ly'lands of Hannah Stanley, .h the, East by the Turnpike Road, on the South a'd -Weit,by lands Of Joab Tyler; containing boat ,fifty . rods of laid, utoie'or leek with the ,•I:iurtenances; one large balding, erected • for e inaoufizttire of scalea, with, a &tom engine,. nd—Otber int atil . nory, necesterrfor such a - c,at. I fac,tory. one br.f:', tne,:al! itrvort.43 . . „. Taken in eltecutioti at the suit of E. Whit ney vs.. iL„Eattni: 2 • _" - ALSO all that certain piece or. parcel of lend situate in the.townsliip of "Lenox, Susquehanna Counts, bounded Sind described - ns followM, t o wit: on the North and West, by land. in portses- Rion of Mordecai Tanner ; on the East by land of ,Amos Carpenter, and on the South by the public highway; coutainiria about seven acres of land; morn or less, with the appurtenances, one framed dayliing housU and o trt to p tov ,d . Taken in executiun at the suit of Grow end Brothers assigned to. W. M Tingley vs. Cyrus F. Tanner„ ALSO :TB that certain piece Or iiareel of land situate in 'the Borough of ! ‘...l4;quehanna Depot. Susquehanna County;and bounde4 and described a. forlown. to wit f' on the North 'by land of Ambrose Egeleston, on the East - by land of 'I. B. Salmon. on Oio South try, the public high way, and on the West by. C. S. Bonnett, con taining about 5'250 feet, kii.ag,43o feet front, anti running back 81 1-2 feet, with 1110 appurtennn ceF, one framed thense, and all improved. - Taken in execution at the suit of Adetia Has brouck Vs. Jeremiah B. Kitnber. and David S. Rouse,. ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of Lind, situate, lying and being in the township of Len ox, county of Susquehanna. and State of Penn-7 Sylvania, and bounded and described as follows, to beginning at a stake and stones by a • a rock on the south West bank of the Milford and o.vego Tullylke and in the North West line•of Paul Harris' warrantee, and along said warrantee line N. 5G . 0"-- E, 17t perches to a stake and stone in clearing of Lewis NleNarua ra; thence S. 20' E. 44 perches to a stake 80 stone* in a line of lanCis-of Asaph Fuller; therce along said Fuller line N. 85' W; t 4 perches to l a stake and stone.; thence S. 213 Q W. 71 perch. to a stake and stones; thenCe S. 93 3.4' W. 71 perches to a stake and . stones on the.Nor_th s side of said turnpike' tried and opposite a •level swampy' , piece of ground; ,thence along said ! Turnpike road N. 42' W. 24 perches ton stake and stones, on the north side of, the road; thence N. (14' W. - 59 and 3-10 •per.. - 14 to a stake and stones Lthcrice S. d 7 W. 11 PDC) 4- 1 15 ptqchis to n stake and st , knes on the South side of th e road, thence N. 82" W. 12 perches to a stplin and Ntnnes on the South side of said road ; theme 82 \V. 12 perches to a stake and stones on the South side of said road ; thence Cr W. 10 perches to the place of beginning; containing seventy-five acres and sixty-six perches be the same more or less, with the - appnrtenanees, one mnall framed house, rind about five acres im proved. Taken in ekeeithin at the suit of Reuben) Whiting to the use of Solomon Taylor ys. Duer Yarn 2d. ALSO all those two certain pieces or parceK of lull situate, and, being in the township of New Milford, Susquehanna County, bounded and described as follows - ,,t0 wit: beginning at the middle of the Cochectiin and Great Bend turn pike read, at the south eorrier of land sold to David Minkle, the north corner of land sold to Ithamer 3futt, and the west corner of land sold to El,hn Mott : thence by Ithamer Mott's land and by the lots Nos. 33 and 32., ma' a map of resur vey of Henry Drinker (the elder) made by John Torry, South 44 1.2' W. 210 and 5-10 perches t o stones by a beech tree, - a corner of land sold to Sy Ivanu3 %Vatic. and John Wellman: thence by the mentioned land N. 401 perches and 5,.10 of a perch to a beech tree, and I'.l. 1%10 1. perches to a post in the middle of the aforesaid turnpike road, t northerly course to the begin containing 93 acres and 155 perches with Ilowances, it being lot No. 29 on the map afore; said. ALSO all that certain-tract or pareeLof land, part of the survey to Peter Platt, situate in the towocchip aforesaid: bc7innning : at a post in the Cocliocton and Great Bend turnpike road, thence 4 land sold t” Perk NV: "Ave - ry; S. 44 1.2' %V. 90 and 1-2 prelim:, to stones, the east corner of tot No. 33 on the map of the resurvey, aforesaid, Made by Torry aforesaid, thence by the split 45 1.2" \V. 17-2. perches to a post and stories the north corner of said lot ; thence by land sold to Alexander Shirley, N. 41 1-2' E., 73 and 1.2 perches- lo \ a post in the middle of said road to the place-of beginning; containing-, by the said survey 75 acres and 114 pereht 5, and allowances. be the same repro ot. less. it heing part of lot No. aforesaid,-with eft e appurtenances, on thp first described lot, two framed dwel;ing 11611 , TP. three barns, one orchard and the whole tieing im proved; upon thP last depe.ribed, is one framed barn and about sixty acres improved, the two tracts or pgreels of land lay contigious to each other and constitute one farm. Taken in exeeution at the suit of John trowel! to th e e .: O of Sarah Mott vs. Charles Tingl.ey ExecuWl of Ithamer Mutt dec'd, ALSO al: that certain piece is - r parcel of land, situate in the township of Bridgewater, and Sus: quehanna County, bounded and described as follows. to wit: on the north and cast by lands of Ezra Beebe. on the south by lands of AAA Fessenden and 0. S. Brebee, and on the west by the public highway, containing about fifty acres. more or less witti the appurtenances, one framed house and barn, on" orchard and about furtylacres improved. , Taken in execution at the stilt of George Few, ler vs. Theodore A. ressendot. ALSO all that certain piece or linicel 'of land, situate, lying and being Mille township of Spring . - I ville. Susquehanna County,tiounded and described ns follows, to wit: north by lands of the estate of Sarah Downing dift.i'd., contracted-to Ilmtal.th D. Fowler and Jannis kosencrantz, south by lands of .the estate of Ann Skysen &c . a., now in rissession of Charles Chamberlin, south by S. Stricklund, and west by lands formerlylMnreyed ' by the Executors of thelhst will of flow Drink , er dec . d.-to John Bullock, and Jerome Rosen cran jr. ; containing 77 acres am' 83 perches iit land, %z ilk the appurtenances, a framed house and _barn, and a saw mill, one orchard, and about sew ty scresimproved. Taken in execution at the suit of A. K. Drink to 09 use of Henry Drinker vs. Bordawine A. Brink -ALSO all those three certain pieces or par cels of land;Situate. lying •and being in the township of New Milford, County of Susiim han na, and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and de..- .scribed as follows, to wit : the first Commences at a post corner of land of A. Moss; thence running north 42 1-2' E. on a line of land of said - lines 130 perches to a post, the easterly corner of land of said Moss; thence. South 44 1-2' E. alOng lands of Hatch and rohnson 125 pe?riles to a pine enpling,eorne'r of lands of said Hatch and Johnson. and binds of John Boyle ; thence S. 4'2 14" W. along lands suppoitt;d to belong to E. A. &0. Pratt 130 perches to an oak sapling; thence N. 44 1-2" E. T 25 perches to the place of beginning ; emitaining one ban dredand oho acres and 24 perches. lie the same more or less, and all improved, Arse all that other piece,sitnate as above, and described as folloWs.. viz.:' commencing at a hemlock sapling, the south corner of A. ,floss land.; thence running N. 4.5 . E. along molds of said Moss 123 perches to a post. the easterly corner of lands of said A. Moss; thence S. 44 1-2' .E. along the - first described lot of J. W, Belknap 28 percht:s telt hemlock; thence S. 2.V W. si:ot.g, lands sunpond to belong to E. A. & 0. Pratt, 136 perches to a post; thence N. 44; W. along 'lands of Ilaydens'2B perches to the Once of. beginning ; containing 40 acres and 119 perches of land, be the smile more or less. Also the homestead property upon which the said J. WAtelknap now resides, situate as afore. said and bounded and described as Wiwi-3, to wit: on the north by Janda ,of B. B. Little, on the east by lands of. Win. Bedell, on the south by land of Robert ' and on the west by the Cochecton and Great Bend turnpike road, containing about 7o acres of land, be the same more or less, with thrtappurteeences, one framed dwelling house, one barn and shed, one black. smith shop, one wa,gon" shop, one saw mill and mostly improved. 1 .- 4 ken in execution at the suits of John H. Sutphin and 5..41. -Dayton use of Guttenberg, Rosen bautn & Co. vs. James W. Belk*: , ALSO ail that Certain piece or pircel of land Attila le in the township of Bridge Water, Susq's Co., bottnded and_delieritied as follOwa, to wit: on the north and east tit/ tend of E. L.Roberte; south by hind' of 'Geo. W. Crcieke'r: and - west by la .d of Rufus 13. 3ferriman; containing fifty; nix acres more or leis tiVieiliei with' the 'apperto. °anew!, one framed lionao, one barn, ono, Orchard, and 'lllont forty, screw impi,ofed. ' ' • TakenozeootiOrt at , the. ;;14',t of Ifciiitt, 1.!!!‘ , l'ir; A 1.,:r! e. • ALSO all that - certain,poce or parcel of land, situate in the township of Greet Befit:Libel:MY of Susquehanna, and, State of Penpsytventa, bound ed anddeseribed as follitws,lo *it ...on.'t.ttri north by Arte Mas Hall; on the cast be the Suiquehnn na river, andsowthe seuth-byJia.s..Dayton,cen taining about thirty-seven and . a- half acres, mor e ~ or lose, together .with the appartenances, one frame house ; barn and wagon house, and or- chard tad all improved. . , . Also nltthat other.piece situate as above, and bouiftled and; described-as follOws, to wit: on the north Lytle State line, on the east by , IL•T. Titrhoss and Artemas Hall on the south by Mil ton Gilman, and an the west by Memnon [lath- , away and the Drinker lands, it being the undvi ded half of two hundred acres, more or less, with the spperteneecea, two log Mews, and about 25 acres improved. • . . • ALSO all that other. tract or percel of land, situate in the township of Thomson,eoenty and State aforesaid, and dcscribed.aifollowt, to wit : hegirining at a post and - sato,t?ea,in,,the lino of Wayne and Susquehanna counties; •thence by said county. line, south '9.' W. 2 . 0 perches.to..2 post and stones : thence N. 44' W..;'15.2 ptireiten to n punt, the warrante e corner t' thence by land surveyed in the warrant ee name of Peter Snyder, N. 46 E., 147 pgrehes to the 'dike of beginning, containing 74 aerei and 92 perches, be the Mame more or lest , ., the same tract of land conveyed to ' nervy... Hell by Jtiim' T. Carlisle, by deed dated July 16, 18.57, and all improved. . . Taken in execution at the,' nits of Julius S.. Corto.tt, Sontliwortli, Stanson '& . Co.. cud .J. C Meeker and Perkins vs. C. S. Mesiek, R. A. Mc.. ski: and Ilarvey_Hull. , _ . ALSO all that certoin'tiece Or p oarcef land situate, lying and being ini ) the township of Ro a in the county of Susquehanna,. and bounded and described, as follows, to I wit:, on the north by lands of William Ross, on the east by lands of Charles 'Ferry, on the'aouth by Lands' of Di. It. ram Cogswell, and on the west by lands of N. J. Sherwood, being• the. samejand, recently conveyed by N. D. Snyder to S. H. Canfield, with the applartenances h one atiw mill, with lath machine attached, containing about:eleven acres, be the acme mote or less, and nearly all-im proved. • Taken in execution at the suit of A. S. Smith vs. 8, H. Canfield and Fairchild Canfield. Purchasers will in all eases be required lo pay, on the (jay of sale, an amount sufficient to cover the co l ts of sale, otherwise the property will be re sold. forthwith. JOHN TOTING, Sherif. Sheriffs Office, Montrose, 11n0 8, 1858. A rir,t elms Literary 'Weekly Paper, WITH A 11F.AUTIMI, PRESr.NT TO EACH' StrESCRIDEL! "NEW YORK - EXCELSIOR," 1 S a first class family Journal, beautifully Il tuatrated, of the larqest-size—eight pages or forty columns, imperiarquarto, and is -devoted to Litertiture, News, Morals, and -General eel tan v. - ThC editorial department will be und er th e immediate char; e of Alexander D. Munson, who is widely known to ttre.public as - having bean connected with several of the most popultajour nal% of the day. Although giving a hanisomepresent to each subscriber, intending to surpass all in our fiber.: slity, we are. determined that the . " Excelsior " shall not resemble those journals usually known as" gift papers," in any particular. "-Its contents shall be suitable for Home,. as our aim is to se cure it a welcome fn,efery - family. We shall till our columns weekly, with thrilling and, inter. esting tales, romances of real life, and sketches of travels, men of character, besides a full'eligeSt of the revs alb° week, and' all ci•ents of gen eral interest. . . , . • One - of tlio tollow•ing named pres'Onts is sent free, of potng,c to each subscriber itninediately. on receipt of the subscription. [Honey, SCHEDULE OF PRESENTS. An Ebony Cask, t, containing a full sett of ll:kimona Jewelry, Ear Rings, Neck-, lace, Brooch and Bracelets, beside • a (adv . 's enameled jeweled Gold Watch • I with 'Chatelaine, and .a gent'eutan English Hunting Case, full jeweled, • - Goid Watch, with Chain, worth - . 8801 Two superior Pianos, Rosewood and El Walnut case, worth e3OO and 8.400 $7OO Watches, Hunting Case - - 860 to 8100 Gold Watches 30 to 500 " (lothes' nod Gents.) 20 to 30-I Silver Hunting Patent Levers - 15 to •30 Pattn't Levers 13 to 15 ‘Vatehes - - - - - 7to 10 Ladies Chatelaines - • - - . 6to 20 Gnard Chains [ Ladies' and Gents 10 to • 116 Vest and Fob Chains - - 10 to 20 Guard " - - Bto 20 Brgcelets, Caw°. and Mo aic - 10 to 15 Armlets for Ladies and Children 5 to 8 Brooches. Cameo and Mosaic - to 8 Florentine and Lava l 6to 8 - Gold (Ladies" and Misses) tto 5 Ear Drops, Florentine and Lava - 6to 8' " Cameo and Mosaic • 6 to 8 " " Gold [Ladies' and Misses'] 9to 8 Gold Rings - , plain and chased 1 to. 7 Studs, Getitfelnehii - 3to 4 " Sleeve Buttons, [Gentlenien'al various styles - - - 3to 5 " Cuff Pins, [Ladies'] • - 3 - to 4 " Slides, for Fob or Rib'r. Chains_ 3to 5 Watch Keys 1 to . 10 Breast Pins, [Gentlemen'.] . 2 to- 10 " Lockets, Double Glass - - Bto -13 • - 2 to 5 - 4 to 6 " 'fitimbiei3 TERMS TO SINGLE SUBSCRIDEXS Two Dollars per year, with one Present •Four " two years, " four Presenti Five "' three " " fiVe TEnms TO CLUBS, Witn a pre s ent to each subscriber, ana al. ways an extra present to the getter up of a chili. Clubs of three - 85 " " five 114 - ten - - 15 " of twenty ( 1 extra to the agent )30 Clubs larger than 91. in the same proportion. The Publisher, Albt;rt Painter, bpi keen,known for many years as Publisher of the Northern & 1-kuthern Merclints' and Manufacturers' lour. nal, (edited by Freemaii Hunt,) and he with con tidunce refers to the leadin g busidess men in al most every town in the United States (to most or whom the M. and M. Journal has been circa. lated) as to the responsibility and integrity with which his pnbliahing business is conducted.-- I lacing secured the agency of a,prominent Jew elry egablishment in Newark, New Jersey, he is led to offer the presents in similar articles, but those who 68'.re itedn receive their presents in books. _ Lb-e.. 11; AGENTS: 1-- , All Postreasters,Merchants and Prusiass Men to whom we have ever forwarded a uoP f y of the M. and M. Journal, or their elerkit, or any othei.. intelligent and royonsible person, will confer a favor by forming a club or acting ait'•our LoCal Agent and Correspondent. rnr.mi'dms'To LOCAL AGENTS AND °rums , Any person sending 100. subscribers (with the full price at stibsOkiption)" will reCeire,,a superb [hinting Case Gold Watch and Chain, of the beat English workmanship, full jewelled, and Worth $BO, or, at-choice, one of Prince's Melo deons, of the same value. • • The person who can raiao a list of 300, within: a period of three months, will receive dauPerior Pinno, made by Ballet, Davis & gOsttin; 'worth $3OO, atM which cost $ . 31.5 cash, at Choico, a small set of 'Ladles' Piamond Joivelry; worth the saute For List of 50 tiith price, .a beautiful. Gold Watch; woith $46, will tie paid. - For thinner or htrgerlists, peiiimie may se. kit any article. fintn our pnblished 'schedule, of Watches.; lewolry„Books, 4c., worth.iti propor,: 'ion of $8 for each ten sttbscribera p sor,; if•pre cored, can retain $5 in cash, or 50 Cents foreaelt subscriber. • ,For further terms to Agents; address __• - The names tphouldboienteach week until the proptisad third - Cr - leconipleted, in order • that The presents and papers may beyrotaPtly ittalled:' • Address, . . • 'ALBERT PALMER, 'Pnbliithers,:„` •-• • -'" NE*. ' - 345. Be6a. - 1-vai, 'NeW 'York; LOOK HERE' ZCOBB °offers to the publie, at prices that . enniot fill to Wulf, r. St}pcnion asuntilent of • v.uoe 14. Vo 4 - 4 At the old well know^ witat'iiirtteatf rinerl Cupied by Oliver-Crone. Corrr., SPIcEH. - Flet .tr, FL Or:P.. rind SALT (by the sack orlarrel,) P:stc articles found in first class groceries. The 'attention of Fanrar.as , is Tl, n superidi =quality of GRAIN ;Ind 01"..Viq Which The undersigned has unhand and f. , r Ctorrn And TIMOTIIi SEED, 'and 'good Stet , WHEAT sold at rery low rates for CASH. AY I mein to merit, I hope to receive, -u liberal !hare of public patronage. 2. CORD. Montroire, March 3d, ISLS. ' [3m. ATTENTION - CITIZENS I 1 ! THE utidersignen is now prepared to furnish tho public with , Groceries or All kinds . et the LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. Teas, Sugars, Syrup, CV :et:, Fide,. cheese, S'pices, iuit, (Dried, and Figs,. Condlea, *lap of every rariet:Kand in fact /ILL . articles uqnslly .found in the best 'Country. Groceries.. Ifutter and ProduCapf all kinds taken ii, exchange for Goods, at mike. prices. • _ Call at his - Saloon in the basement-of e FRANKLIN norm, and satisfv.voiirselves of the truth of the above. .l: F. -CROWLEY. Montrose, Feb. 16th, 11356.-71 f. Executors' Notice. LEWERS TESTAMENTARY having been duly issued to the subscribers upon the es• tate of Wm. Wells, late of the township of ford, deceased,—All persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pement, and all persona having claims again 4 the snid estate, are requested to present- the same to us, duly authenticated; for settlement. JOSIN WELLS, D. TOMPKINS. Clifford, Feb. 2.oth. 1858.-BwG. Medical (lard, Itendering myseivices to the inhabitants of + Susquehanna County as a n florneo'?nthir Physician, I deem it my duty to publish the fol, lowing statistics taken from the records of Hos pitals of Europe, which show the, markedsupe riority of the llomentiathic over the Allopsthic method of treating diseases. INFLA.:II3IATION OF THF: LUNGS _ Admitted Died per et Allopathic nospitale, 1:184- 200 23 Homeopathic " 53S 28 5 Plea . risr Allop, Hospitals 10 . 17 131 13 Horn. " .• 3Bll 12 3 Peritonitis. • Ailop. Hoop. , 628 84 . 13 . Horn. " •184 8 . 4 Dysentery. Allop, Hosp. 102 3 ; ; How. " 173 6 Fovers, excluding Typhus. • Allop. Hosp. . - _0697 931 Horn. " 3002 84 2 Allop. Hosp Horn. " Cholera Allop. Elocp limn. - " 111 Diseaseß Allop. Ilogp., total; Rom: " - enacts residing distance uho tcinh to con.ult me can do so by letltr and freeire prompt iTply. ICo charge for rommitidion, THOMAS, 31. D. Grent Bend, f ~Fel), I, '57 • [3m. Office at the residence of C. Dimon, Etti GIFTS ralt THE PEOPLE THE NEW YORK MERCURY, THE LARG EST TWO DOLLAR WEEKLY IN THE WORLD! FIFTH-SIX-COL UMNOF CHOICE ORIGINAL MAT TER IN EAdINLMBER SPLENDIDLY. ILI:USTI:ATILT) Twentieth Year of Publication GOLDEJ EFTEKRISE. No other paper Can boast 'of such a galaxy of talented and celebrated authoys as_the contriba torial corps of ihe New York Mercury, who fur- dish its columns, weekly,_with the most absorb- jng and_ fascinating romances and stories eser perused, • DR: J. H . ROBINSON, . . • NED BUNTLINE, 1 • LIEUT.k-FOSTER BRANDON, T. HAMILTON VARANDA, and • • 1 . 1.. IL NEWELL, who are well known as,the most successful and popular romancers of tho age, constantly con tribute their brilliant If ovoNotes.-for the main moth jiages of the Mercur'. And micitDuMber also contains more completo' ‘ original stbries' and stretches — to say - nothing of - an immense amount of news and general miscellany—than ' ariv other two newspapers in America, without) exception. In Sheri, the -Now York Mercury i defies competition:la - rid invites the.. most search- .1 ing comparisoil. Its immense superiority over the little aii--13y- ; itiiie' mushroom publicatioN, o f the day will be apparent at the first glance. .We now' offer, in addition to a paper fully one-third larger than 'any of its coteipporaries, and replete with an unprecedented variety in- ;. teresting'reading, master, the following EXTRA INDUCEMENTS: A i'AttIAILLE GIFT FOR EVERT 9lioscr.mr.r. • • A Gifk.wprlit from : . 75 cents to $3OO 00 in Gold, will be presented to each subScri ter, inpnediately on receipt of the subscription money. - TERMS. , . • Ono - copy for one year, ,S 2 004nd I gitt One copy for tviOlrears t - 3 ho,Ziol 2 gifts One copy for thiee years, 5 00; and 2 gifts TO CLUES , . Three copies, ono year ' $5 00 and.3 , gifts: Fiire copies, one year, , 8 00, und 5 gifts. Tun copies, ono year,, 15 00, and 10 gifts- The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list . 2 Packagas of Got containing $5OO 5' 'do do , 4o - 2,00 " 10 do .do , doloo " 10 , Pat. Loy. hautitie watches 100 2.0 Gold Watches . 75 " 50 do e' - ' tit) " 100 d 9• • 50 800 Ladies Gold Watches 85 200 Silver Hunting cased Watches. 80 " 256 Siiiing Machines $3OlO $75 " 5)0 Silver Watches •$lO to 25 W 1000 Gold Guard' d i t 'ob ,10 t 0.30 " Gold Lockets, Braeoleii, Biooebes, Ear drop.. Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons; flings, Shirt - Studs, Watch. Keys.. Gold ,and Silver Thimbles, and 'a variety of other articles worth from 75 coots,to $l5 each. frnmediately .on receipt of the subscription money, the sUbseriber's mine will be entered upon our subseription book opposite a number, e e 4 the gift, corresponding 'kith that'number will be forwarded within- tfirekflays; thtt. subscrlberitimat , or express, post paid: Ev e , ry YeaifY itibaeriber will.recewe one of the above Oita. Jo liubsOPtionti 114 A 4358 - period than one -year will be entitled fo a gift. WAll•commtinkattionashokild be addraised c slizawzix, wnrrnr, Propiftkora of the.Nam•York Memory, Sproce street, N,l. * * "tecifayn copies tient-free.; tit 1-, ---,,----------------------:".'..7.7.-n•-""."- , VMS liti FARMERS OP P YLV . lA, , r. ItieViIrEIVIZION• .. - ATOU cau mil:0 1 1y yr.) relies 'with Clietal . at • Maaurep, Iv...I.:RANTED Pt . az. • which Ada been 1,0 ttsz,ln. New Jer4uy fur the pa4t Seireli Vearg--they _h:. , :e received the DIPLOMA'S of Nuw Jersey, NoW, Yuri:. lielaware.and Pennsyl s sn;a. A. ,•.r.. , ulturel Soe:ee•pir, and mere been CSED 4 ;,:, 1 , ,r , "A- , (.f t..,- . .•.'1 t'El) 'STATES. o't 11' , . t.',..ma..1 soti r . .. , .., t ..% 1.):11.,lir Oroundci at Via,.!./artt n, Li U., r.adi II tht folioaing Gen , , treirwa, viz • 1, LI le,:s.. i'.. I. ' 1 ,-, '. , . A. P. Lin,-;fier, . r.. 1 Om k she rt,' New Jersey. :2, moo: ittiberts, ,l 1 ,kV ° tilmto Meier, trf Ctire 14/and, N. 4 tl`..ir:e• ': or 4. )1. i 110.1 Mulford. L.% .; , .rat:mien. Sew -Jetsey, De. Berens. 1)r. Knight. 'lt r, Ftelch 51r. Atkinson, ;Ind Let i .11,h21301), edi of rely Jersey— tu,: Jersey.. -they B it is the c:ii.A {EST sud 31 st nr.l.l.sstr. lianuns Now ta Ll'ilt, being.'.permanent 4pd • improving the land I,y enriching tl}o salt , lt-is suited 19 the varl,,us crops you iltiie—Corn, Pontine* Grass, Wheat, Oats, &c. fii , enclosing &Cheek. on an, New Jemy or IPliiiedolptiik.Bank or refeienceto any good Ili?tte ittilliiadeff4tira4r la eu. flange for Produce. pt fair Market. raiep here, y:mr orders will b filled> and Shipped to vt4ll, ritEE or (.:AIITAGR rpr:CSE. . . Fir eret article sold Ini j ms is Git as anterd.4B Soper Phosphate of "Lim - 1 -.- 840,00 a Tun. BonoPhosphate. - - $30,00 " r American Fertilizer, -- ti l• -1 -- - $25,00 " lir -1 • 1 .: - -13 Auditor's, Notice: T bayiit been rippoktecl.allt HE subsetiber, Auditor to distradtte the f u nd s ar i s i n g from the Sheritrs sale ofithe personal property of It li. Eaton, Hereby gives -notice that be will attend to the dutida ot% the.said appoint !lta, aC his oyice , in lb:intro:a, on.llondfy, the '2.otli day of, Marelit,' inst., at tan (Mock, in the -forenoon, at .wciielr time all persons haring an interest in the distribution. of the said fund, can attend thpv think proper. - A. CITA, BE . 111.1)7 Auditoi. _ Mon, ro , f.. llatelt 1,1/83S. Patients Mortality . Auditors'Notice. 11111 E-, efsigned, aniA ditor appojot - e4 by I tin, (?rj;fta,n Court ISus..finoaWlia Po. upon Exceptio.:2s to thel account .of tbg 44 7 tninistrators yf the-Eitate'.Of Frederick rick= eting. dte'd„ herby.;if - 6:j notice that be will attend to the duties $.; said . ippointrnent, at his .ofike; in 3..lontrosic,i(>n Thursday, the t ilt illy \ of .Vpril, A. D: . 18.'18, at I o'clock in the afti:rny. , n, at which tin all haring an inter'- - est in flin s.tirl Adrniusstratlon accounts, are, requested to ntiend, . A . CITA.:IIIIEn.L,n, _el uditor. Maroli 1. 1859. 93:;1 13op 14 1423 210 14 12 8 G4G •50 'B4B 00 S 'rd 62 9 11 PAVE. for 'Boat and Tuition •TeJ.,.: rj I- 7 • in Corup;on Engfish, 01 , 4 Terni lif Fourtken le, 1858, FORT Elinliff INSTITLTE.Ii 119630 11701 10 32655 1365 4 Superb Stick building's, beautifully located on the Rail Road near Sar.tHga Springs.— Superior titej I P r Music..Paititing and Frenoh. `Stu. dents rt.“•;v1.(1 :it an v't!a`?e., and charged only for • the resitiut?..of Diplc.riiasa.i(airded",to 1,, t iie.5 4 %clic) vraraatc, Send fur a L'utarippie, xui:!•oil paifirt:dars. lUt. JOSEPH E. KING, A. M. 4 • ..3:111.1 , try VI, 1358, _ COMPANY • • • W'. Corner Se..;ondi arvl NYOtiut Streets, CAPITAL. $1,250;004: . ' 11,13 • Company (fii , c4- 14 - 7).e Insurance - on - lieficriiiffs, (food', Funriturc, (6e.. - 1 • Marine Item rane,e on Vessels, Cargo 'lied "Freight, - -t-, TO ,-!..tt, PAM'S orTtlE: 'WORLD. . ! ' Inland Insuran ce on doods -by - Rillers,.lll:es, Canals, Railroads. 4nd Lend ~Carriage; to :111 Parts of! the Union -up- - , '- , On the at , stfavoia- blo 'fern)... • - D L ..R. CTORS I foiT.Tiros B.Pr.ortE vc.c. I Cu.R LES DISGEt.• • GEO. H. A nmsTnolvr;, Tiros. DIANDETu - LELD. CIIAS. A.. null - mein, Ervw'n R. Ora.itnoial, GEORGE Flr Lll WILD, i F. CA R'LL BIZ E WSTEIZ, 31E3 E. NEAT., rp.A.AG-Ltd.Clloh..,‘ 'I'I R. 1 7 40-R.ENCE,, Proident, E DAV A RD . R.J.iEL3I_BOI,I), Secreiliry. T. BOYLtAgon't . Office, riCAV 14111001; Ph. Jannary 18th, 18.58 E. W. PHELPS' • ' PA l'ES7' CO.II.ULI ITIO2V .11414111 . E. A SURE protec,tiorragninet Molths,Miee,,and, 11. all enemies of the Ike: • llighly approved for the last 5 tears by 'the \most hpitelligent 13eo' Keeperi in the WeStern and enitern.Stales. •-• Rta•En:,:c:r.„4." r. --J. S. Gregory and J. LI: lier *holt*, NlOnrce; Oman Co., N. Y.; J. E: Ca6dei - I'Yiega.Co., N. Y.; 11. M. More; Piloted, Poet, N. Y.: - ;;:tell Kidder, J. - CI. - Eitoe;,atyl • A. C. FAY* Elmira, N. t,i John Veil; r AvNt•lt;,, N._ - J.; Frederick Easton, l'a.; flint Hull ; West tie lo', Mass.; I len ry Fit I ut:*4i, A.dd ;son; N. ,y., and Abij . ah NVells,-Gibson; 0., L. Hine, Ilarford;" G. C. rdan II; Jac kaon`, :did B. %Ve.ll,.Ctiffoid;* Saari:a Pa. It, , , may he used as n owarming Or, bon•sivi.krin.. ing hiv , e, the ti,orlilos honey and,vorib movlid without ikiniing -the - 13Yei:., ,ta :verycort•unient.t'o, cor,v*inient for fiievents danger from robbert a ; it ii* atts(Alie,cheapest pa. ..tynt hive now in use:',A hivz*vith-two.seetions eeste - $2,75, three seetions . _s:4,s(r, made - of tho_ best pine Lumber, ang c m Lc hnd . at all limes I.F.Wilierd; Eli:ilea,' N. Y., or or tlte ender'.` biped For making endu&hir., $3,. hire arld rigla Os. I will selttowti - rights, !raying bought for Ilte county. Mite WY" right, giva a book instructing how to: era ago v hive was at our County -Pali' faia fail and took the premium, with tbo Vies - and Iloilo; in it: warrant vvery hive - I_ sell to &lye, satinfaction, refundthe money after ' • • „ „ • ' - • COE WELLg.. -Gibson, §inireqCo_"..Pit, , ,lnn. Rth, Ist& Gal? it..RIE, Crockory . , Tiar4trapi vart ' s other articles to no tae/oga to mei tion&tit,loy: which shall ke sold, Choap for Cash. or fteatlitru. - ' C. W. liarr. 04),UPLETZiesilortmelkt or_GB L OPUIES . _ & Cktritcrt4rt: . /far A barrel, is sunkl : kit for nn Aare 'of. Ground ,broad east. 'l` l . l 1 . ... - -„ enre.4ope Dust,. (50.3 licarreiii now ready,), At $5,00 par bafrel or 635,40 a•tian. Poodrette. No. 1. (50o1,airels now readyatit 2,00 to $3 . ,00 a barrel. -.,.!...... - , , Land txbister No, 1.# 7 -1,000 birrels; sl ,&n to' a 2,60 off,arrel. - .., T i rat. A,h,50 barrals. _ . Pertn-lan. Patagonia. a :1 Ctilline GUANO. G E011GE: A. LEINAU, Proprietoi. , N 0.21 S'ou(l, FitoNr S 4 triet,PblefiCiiy, Pa. . • . ..•::. AV - Wholes:tit: Dealers,allowed dlibernldisT , . e-1; Pamphioq can lie had on application to my Office, or of my .:Izen,l9. - u4h3m..., f.armasi a sll‘.(l)aor,s7 Ell=