§u,sine,ss Pirtctial, ale Vontrose gitinernt,, I'UBLISEIND EVERY TIittSIMAX 111" AN )REW J. GERRITSON. lrersok--$1.50. per innum if paid in ad. weace, 02.00 if paid within the year, or $2.50 Jitnet paid until the end of the year or period otsubscription. Advance payment solicited. Discontinuances optional-with the Publisher until all arrearages are paid. • Rates of Advertising. One square,.(l2 linsos,) 3 weeks' or less, $l.OO Each subsequent insertion, ' • 25 One-square one year, 88.00, two alters $12.00, three squaresll6.oo, four squares $20.00-: ' Business Cards of six lines $3.00 per year. - Job Work of all kinds executed neatly and_protoptly. Blank, always on hand. - January 15t,.1857. • - T. DOYLE, REPRESENTS CAPITAL OF OVER 4 4000 Al" For Fire,larine, Life, and Inland Insurance. Office, New Milford, Pit. January 18t li, 1858 : Dr• H• Smith, & Son, URGEON DENTI S TS. Residence and of -1,3 fice oppos4e the Baptist Church (north side) Montroie: Particular attention will be given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and to filling decaying teeth. - January 10th, 1858. - 1. - NEWTON & McCOLLIIM, A ttorneys and CoatiSet lors at Law. LY OffiCe on Public Avenue over H. J. Webb'e Store. - N. NEirros.f ' WICW. SMITE & CO., CabiMt and Chair ittanufactur ,ers, foo t .o Main Street. Montrose, Pa. ABELTURRELL, MdNTROSE, PA. Dealer- in- Drugs,: Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Semis,_Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew elry, Perfumery, Sze.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. - GROVES, Fashionable Tailor=-Shop near the BaptisViketing House, on Turnpike street Montrose, Pa. • DR. R. THAYER; Physician and Surgeon, Montrose Ps. •Office in the Farmer's Store. • FRANKLIN FRASER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Montrose,-Pa.; will attend faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to.liim in the County of Susq'a. Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and chaiges moderate. He will also attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers; their widows and heirs, against the U. S. Govern ment, for Beunty Land, Pensions, dr.e. D. VAIL i M. D., - Physician and Surgeon, has peirna - natty located himself at Brackneyville, Susq'a ._County, Penn'a, and will promptly attend to all calls with which ho may be favored. May, 106z-033. - HAYDEN BROTHERS, New i•HJford, : Pemea. laTkolesale dealer in - Buttons, Combs, V V Suspenders; Threads; Fancy Goods, Watehes; Jewelry, Silver arid. Plated Ware, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &c. Merchants and pedlars, _supplied on liberal terms. WM,HAYDEN, • TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, . GEO: HAYDEN: 4yl trlt E. F. WILMOT, Ctraduate of the Allopathk and Home°. Air pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per inanently located in - Great Bekd Pa. April Ist. 1'856. ,JOHN SAIITT.E - R, "VasblionablC Tailor. Shop first door 1 • north of the Farmer's Store. . . MEI 7 4`I.V IEgTaAI FIRE INSURANCE CO., YORK, Pa. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. • CAPITAL,' 300,000 DOLLARS. - Insures against loss or damage by fire, on buil. dinmA furniture, and merchandise generally. Losses adjusted' by arbitration, where ,g i lls parties fail.to agree. • ;Tons. _r4 H. A: Santa, ' John andes, \- 11. Kraber, - Fred. Sultibac.k, , ' William Wallace, .Eli Kindig, . i. 'amtiel Dyer. Thomas Gray, •'. • David Strickler. fi. KRAEER, President, • :D. STRICKLER, Secretary. 0. S. BEESE, Agent, Montrose, Pa. Fehruary.2d, 1858. . . ,-. fly. • Vanulitzt4r - trs'tsnr . ancr Charter Perpetual. Granted by the. State of .Pennsyhr ia: - CAPITAL 5500.000. Fire; and fulaud transpor 'anon. AAADE S. Lipruciii-r, President.. Wm. A. Rikoaci, Vice Pres i t. - ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. - DIRECTORS.. Aaron S. - Lipineott,_ Chinles Wise,. m , Alfred Weeks, Wm:Thomas, _ ,J. Rinaldo Sank, WM. Neal, John P. Simmons, Cba7les J. Field, James P. Smith. o.fficeWo, ,]0 Merchant's Exchange; Phira. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrosie, Pa. • ' 20y1. Ittni MONTROSE, P . A. • r r HE Subscribeihaying putchased, .1. refitted and newly furnished the above well knownand popular Hotel, is prepared-to accommodate the tray. Cling public and others with all the attentions and •conveniences usually found • in. fitst-class Houses... No witl be spared by the Pro printer and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point fenny in the country.. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, sonnec.ted with this House 'are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hustlers aro always in charge of theta. .1. S. TARBELL. • . Montrose, May 13th,1847. . R Al 0-V - A- L.; The caddie, Harness and Trnnk Shop of • • lir. TingRAE ISItEMOVED to the building recently Ocen. 1 pied C. C. Hollister; on Main St., one door abeste S. S. * Mott's, where tie will be happy to w4t on all who may favor him with their patron. •, • • • , Jan. 20th; 1858.—tc. - • Artist's Materfals- - lATNTS-in Tttbes, Brus)tes; Tin, Copper and sir.i7er roil, Glans Slabs and Idtdiens, -Lithographs, Le., at the Store of -ABEL TIIRRELL. Montrose, Dee. pth, 857. rLaUR forsale by *Sew Milford, J!W the Lcind or Barrel, by • MAN & GARRETT.: nth, 11351. LITTLE & "MAIMING'S COLUMN. t FARMERS -AND= • C N S!! WILL please remember,wh en . building, tha the aubserthera are furrualung. DOORS, BLINDS, At the loireit Factory prices; and that they keep constantly on hand, a large stork or — - ‘• NAIL:S, GLASS, PUTTY, • DOOR TRIMMINGS , , , SASH AND BLIND FASTENINGS, LIME, &c., In fact, we have almost everything in the way ó _ Building Materials, - Of first rate quality, and will sell them at 4 very small advance from Cost for Casn. Therefore we confidently assure Builders, that they will materially consult their own interests by giving us a call, beforelpurchasing. . LITTLE & HARDING. .-AND . „ L . • I DI E . 3 1)Y the LOAD or BARREL, constantly on LA hand; and for sale, at the very lowest rates, by LITTLE & - -HARDING. Nicholson September Ist, 1857. J. B. hfcCott.trx. Prge auk cSpleitbo . c %toth. of For the Winter Trade. Now and Beautiful styles, Now being opened by LITTLE & LARDING. • Fish.! Fish!! _ A FRESH lot of those Fine Heavy Cogsh, /1 also, Bluefish in• Barrels and Half Barrels, just received by- ". LITTLE & HARDING. L B 0 1 , s- ANEW Stock of Groceries,Hardware, Crockery„ &e., &c., - a hunreth part of hich we have. not time to mention. Enough to say, we have almost anything, and' eve rythin'g expected, to.be found at a store in thn country—all of which we are determined-1, turn into cash, in the very shortest' poSsible time and" we herewith issue a NOTICE r.133M igDnOEIPA. • We wish it distinctly-tmdetstood, that for CASH we will sell any kind.of Goods at much lower prices than usual. fresh Groceries, SUGAR, Molasses, Rice, Coffee, Ten, • and ail kinds of ; .Groceries in any quantity; at the very lowest rates, are stock constantly op hand, by LITTLE & HAILDING. NOTWITHSTANDING the recent heavy adVance in the price of Teas, we have's°. curedsa large lot of the same quality of that which has created so much good feeling among our Tea drinking customers. Plenty of it, by the cheat or pound, at the old price, by It is _a •FACt i THAT Saleratus, Soap aad - Candles of the best qualities, aro for'sale by the Boa, at New. York-city wholesale prices, by LITTLE & HARDING. Potash, IN Tin CM, a Pure article, for sale by LITTLE & HARDING CONSTANTLY on" hand, a first rate assort ment of Men's, Boys' and Youths' double sole Boots and Shoes, of , the best manuffeture, also, Women's Shoes, Boots and Gaiters in great variety, all to be sold at very low rates, by LITTLE & lILEDING. e _ • Hats and . Caps, IN almost enleas variety, of kinds, -quality anti prices, for safe by LIT= & HiRDING. Bonnets, RIBBONS, Flowers and Trimmir!ga, for sale J 1 • LITTLE & HARDIAG. Clothing!. COATS, Vests and Pants, well made, and good stylh• Shirts, „collars, hosiery, Gloves, etc., forsnie cheap, by LITTLE & ILLEtUSG. • . -Leather! OLE and Upper Leather, Pegs, Shoe Nails S and Thread, Wax and many other kinds of Shoe Findings, for sale by. - LITTLE & HARDING. • Carpeting! • CI-11 by. Woo- Carpets, at low pric e , RI for LITTLE ;St. HARDIKG. To Lumbernien and Coopers; BEST Cast Steel and Steel Poll Axes, Cast Steel Mill and X Cut ' Saws, also' Pitent. tooth X Cut Saws, with Files, of ale:mat all.de seriptione, for site by = LITTLE & HARDIEG. To Dairymen. . FIItKINS, Return Paris, Pans, Tin, Painted und Cedar Pails, Batter Bowls, Dairy Salt, &c. &c., for sale by ' LITTLE & HARDING. .... Are You BiiildingT ~, ... Y OU will save money, by purchasing your YNail*, Glass, Paints,'Oils, Sash, Dom. Trim. pings, and Hardware generally of - LITTLE & HARD/NG. - Flour, Salt and Lime, - BY the Load, or Barrel, constantly on hand, and for sale by - LITTLE Gt. HORDING. . Cash'! ! YOll can buy almost anything t inthe way of General Merchandiso,./for Cam; at &very mina advance from cost, of • • " • - LIME & HARDING. Produce Wante& Tallow Beeswax, O t ialTtr ea nds, l ila rd g;, old Iron, Lumber, Shingles, Dried . Apples, Bean g r ate., de.covanted in exchange for Goods, by & • AZDINC. E YARDI NG. • -. , . _ Timlthannock Depot, t • • = , • hay fat, 847. C . SASH and PAINTS, OILS, FLOUR, SALT, ~ ANOTHER Four Shilling Tea, LITTLE: & HARDING Boots and Shoes, S. H. SATRE & BROTHERS- ARE NOV RE,CEIVING - 1 ,, 4 05 , of 491/ S,PRING 1 1 2 '. AND 14131K11ILIRR GOODS . A - HICII for Caatior Produce can be bough V V very low. WALL PAPER. A select assortment fits received. S. H. , SAYRE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargains•offered by S. li.! SAYRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! • • PLOWS. We invite the attengon of Farmers to'the celebrated Peekakille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. 13. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, ProPrietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose, April 29th, 1857. 180. STOVES! STOVES !! STOVES 111- • kJ - tlt Stoves hive been so thoroughly tried to tho entire ',satisfaction of all, that they need-no recommend from us. S. H. SiTkIE BROTHERS. FALL AND WINTFR GOODS! It is unnecessary to acknowledge that R.-KENY-ON SELECTS the tiest style of Goods that are to be found in New York, regardless of the ex. pease. He has juat received from New York a large assortment •Of Dry Goods consisting of Rich All Wools Delanes, French Delanes, Su: perior Plaid Good's, and Calicoes in endless va riety. His goods (cost and are worth 23 per more than the goods usually sold . through•the country, at the sable prices. Kentucky Jeans, Printed Flannels, Rich Riblionds from five cts. to five shillings, Brocha Shawls 'from $7 to $2O. Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, White Goods, Sheeting* at low prices. Ladies Winter Bonnets.' Shoes and Gaiters, large assortment. House Carpeting, cheap. Collars, U' ndersleeves , , Brocade Delanes. 28inch Black Silk for $1 a yard, something un heard of. Debar,+,•Hats, Caps, Crockery. A complete assortment of Groceries, Brown Sugar, at old prices, 10 cts. per pound. Call and sr ! e one and all. My reputotian for selling good cheap has not diminished in the least, come along with/you-midi and trade with your Ser vant. ' I KENYON. n 00k accounts,' with _customers of over one LP - year's standing [Emit be settled as I need the proceeds. - Wool Sock Shapecis not wanted. R. KENYON. Lawsvillo Cen9o, Sep. 15. 21177 EITITOID 61.3CP/T GREAT RELWCTION OF PRICES!! TIICKERMAIsi & GARRATT are now re. ceiving they; Stock,of Stoves for the Fall and Winter Trade, and would beg leave to • say to their numeroue friends and customers that they have on Itan4 the largest and best selected Stock of Stoves ever offered to. the inhabitants of Susquehanna to. Their Stock consists of the most approved patterns of Elevated Oven, Large Oven, Premium and Coal Conking Stoves, Wood and Coal Parlor Stoves. of Elegant pat terns, also Six-Plate Office and Hotel Stoves, Coal Burners, &n. We have the best Stove constructed on the ..diving flue principle, ever made, at a very moderate price. We would take this opportunity of reminding our friends who are solicited to purchase their Stoves of Hawkers & Pedlars, that a moments reflection• will convince them that it is very bad economy to do soy • Luis a-well established fact that the cost of selling Stoves bylpedling them about the coun ty, is not less than 15 or 20 percent, and gener ally as high as 20, to say nothing of bad debts and cost of collections, Of course this extra ex rainse must come out of the pockets of the por- • anaser. pelri conside.ratioo of the above facts we offer chr entire Stock Of. Stoves at 20 per cent less y,Pedlar will or can sell. Call and seo it these things are not so. 4. New Milford, Sept. 16thi 1857. NEW, STOVES ! 32 9 01.11'_111 MUTT Is just ioceiving a large stock of ' NEW STOVES INCLUDING n „full assortment of Elevated Oren, Large !Oren and Flat Top Premium Cook Stove)i, for . Wood or Coal, with a Superior variety of Parlor,. Office and Shop Stoves, for Wood or Coal;. also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet . Iron, Store Tubeis, His assortment will include the most SELECT and DESIRABLE STOVES in market, and will be' sold on the most favorable terms, and to which he would invite the particular attention of CAR; buyers. . New Milford, October, 12th, 1837. 0.1 it#4 00§i it* JUST A GOING! But not through- the hands of the gUil 3-3 T7i YE prefer '4:r dispose of our own goods, thereforeOßEAT INDUCEMENTS are offered to CASH CUSTOMERS, or on a SHORT CREDIT; with ripproved NOTES. Thoso who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, we advise to Call atthe Stores of , 034ttenbtrgt 'gestitbaum, - At either l'llosstrtsse, Sustea Co., Pa., Stisq'a Depot, " " Or Totvanda, Bra'd " Where We offerE to Suit_ the Times and avoid Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers of All Kinds 4f DRY GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING, which have been lately purchased unde i r existing Low Prices and sell ing at the same A SPLENDID STOCK OF -r. o .11 br .s Comprising alm,)st Every Kind•of DRESS Goons, such as Rich Moire Antique, Black and Fancy Silks, Plairt.andi Printed French Merinos, Shaded and" Plain All .Wool and Common De Laines; ParamettaW, 25 to 30 per cent:Lower than ever, &c., &e. In thin3estic Gbods,-our 'assortment is complete and A4opishing Low, We also have (inland a heavy Cock of READY MADE CLOTHING Which we will! offer 30 per cent. lower than any other establishment in this section. Alimo CLOTHIN 3 'MADE TO ORDER In the neatest and best manner and. Warranted: All kinds of Grain.taken at the Highest Mar ketrs prices; gaol/tied Apples and Geese Feath e. * * *Please cal aria price our goods and.satisfy yourselves of t e above facts. GUTTEN ERG, ROSENBATIM, dr. CO. Montrone: Pad, . Nov. 24th, 1857. rtl6olellB,casfrimers and Vestings, very de. v suable styks, at prices that cannot fail to suit. C e ll and 1 convinced. C. W. SLOTT. . HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPIIIA. A Benevolent Institution, established .by 'special endowment for the` relief of the sick and dis. tressedftailictedwilliYirulent Epidemic diseases. TO ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual Diseases, each as Spermatorrhcea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhceit, Gleet,Syphi lis, the Vice of Onaniam,or Self abase, &c., &e. The Howsan Assent/alas, in view of the awful destruction of hurnatrlife, caused by Sexn al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago , directed their... Co nsulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to opens-Dispensary for -the treat ment ofthis class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, whir a delr i tstioa of their con. dition, (age, occupation, ha of life, dtc.,) and in cases otextrome poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The,Direetors on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of beneio lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important, but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on, Sperruntorrheea or Seminal Weakness, the. Vico of Onanism, lifasturbation or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the - sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail (in a sealed letter- envelope,) FREE OF dIIARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for pos.- . - tage. • Address, for-Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asso. dation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, pa; By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Oct. 15th, 1857. (ly. Patent Medicines, &c. AFFLICTED READ ! GRAMENBERG MEDICINES.—Vegetablo, Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparila Compound; Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe. ver and Ague Retnedy, Health Bitters, Dysen tary Syrup; Consumptive's Balm, Marhhall's Uterine, Catholicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. • Ayres Pills _and Cherry Peetorial, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and -Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pi Its, Rhode's Fever and Augne Cure,-Merelisint's Gargling Oil, Arni. en Lineament, Cathphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Piceia, Myrrh, Licorice, &c., &c:, &c. A new supply just received, to be kept constant. ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, st, 18 6. OD D. Plc:1t?l%. all Z2 , 0:80D,, AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION! A ND examine, the choice. stock of Spring Xi and Summer Goods, just opened tor Examination and SALE, at rery lowfigures by • C.W. MOTT. STELLA, Cashmere, and I)4:Lain ShaWis .a very low prices by C. W. MOTT. HATS and Caps. of the newest styles, in girt variety by C. W. MOT . pRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT BHASS'Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts etc:, etc., by C. %V. MOTT. BROWN and Bluo Sheeting and Sh . rtings— Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &c., &c., as low as can be afforded in this market. " • . C. W. MOTT. Groceries !Groceries!! good assortment- of Groceries comprising 1 - 1. Flour, salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugur, 4SE., and other'articles in the line too numerous to mention, which -is offered for sale at low prices, for caah or ready pay. Call and examine my Goods and PRICES before purchhsing else. where. Montrose, A pg. 10th, 857 The Magnetic Belt. rir lIE undersigned, after many years of careful researth and experiment, > have discovered and perfected a safe, convenient and unexception able means of completely controling the maternal function, without employing any of the unnatural and deleterious expedients so often resorted to for that. purpose. Apart from its specfi use of preventing conception, it Isom infalible means of restoring to health and vigor the abused,decanged and enfeebled procreative functions of females, and of reinvigorating and restoring the general health to its wonted constitutional integrity. It consists of a Magnetic Belt, which encircles the body directly over the os Winn; by the magnetic action of which the fecundating power is inter cepted and held in abeyance, and the vital neyro magnetic currents, otherwise drained off by sex ual excesses, are turned back thro' the system, stimulating all the viscera to a healthy normal tone. In a flue moral aspect, no valid objection can be urged, against its lawful use, as it is•de signed to subserve a great humanitary purpose in the reproductive economy. 'lt is - impossible - in a brief card to give the reader an adequate con ception of the virtues of the discovery and the modus of its action. Accordingly, tho proprietors have prepared a pamphlet, • fully embodying the philosophy of itss influence upon the genitive func tion, its uses, rests and results, which they will torward upon the receipt of six cents in postage stamps, to any address. - The price of the Belt is $5, sent by mail free. DeCOURSEY; NORTON & Co., I 346 Broadway, New York. d 24, 3m.] . Address P. Q. Box 2341. The Shoals and Quicksands of Youth. Just Published the 3d _ ON SPERMATORRHEA OR SEMINAL DISEASE.—A sci entific Treatise on the treatment and •perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, InvOluntary. Emissions, Impotency, &c., resulting from vicious habits acquired da ting the critical passage from Youth to Manhood. By DR. CULVERWELL, Member cf the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1827, Licentiate of the Hall (1842) and 30 years Resident Practioneer -in Lon don; Author.of the "Guide to Health," "Green Book" "How to be Happy," Memories of "Single and Married Life &c. This small, but highly valuable Treatise, writ ten by a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points out the only sure and permanent cure for all diservessreaulting frorn self ahuse, and is the only publication of its kind written in a benev olent spirit and by a 'scientific man. It should be in the bands of all who value their life and health and happiness here and hereafter. Price 12 cents or 4 stamps, at the receipt of which it will be-sent post free, and well secured, by Dr. CH. KLINE, No. 240 Ist Avenue, Box 4586, New York. Pan. 28th, 1858.—tc. Farm for Sale, THE subscriber offers for sale a Good Farm 1 of 95 acres in Bridgewater, four miles east of Montrose, 70 acres, improved. - There is on the premises a large framed Dwelling House, a good framed Barn, an excellent Apple:Orchard One half of the purchase - Money will be required down; the balance in annual instalments. ELUAH BROWN.% Bridgewater, August 19th, 1857. 33tf. LifOLLOWAY'S Pills and Ointment, Mo'rse's IA Indian Root Pills, sod Ayer's Cherry Poe. toral and Cathartic Pills. Constantly for sale See Advertisements in this paper. ABEL. TURRELL. PROFESSOR WOOD'S Hair Restorative at TURRELL'S., ACOMPLETE ass or tment of GROCERIES at C. P. Se. 0. X; iliaviz es. - CHER:II;Y • PECTORAL, An TILE RAPID CURE OP Colds, Coughs, , and Hoarseness. BiMOM" MAN, 20th Dee., 1853. Di, J. C. Area: Ido not hesitate tusaiy the best remedy 1 hare ever found for Coughs, Hoarseness. Influenza, and the concomitant symptom, of a Cold, is your CHEM PIICTODAL. Its constant use in my practice and my family for the beit ten yoga has shown it to poems, tepee tier virtues for the treatment of these complaints. ADEN KNIOIII, A. IhMORTLEY, seQ.,orUnca, If. Y., writes: "I have • used yOur PeetuitAt myself and in my family ever since you Invented itoend belleie it Me best medicine 75,r Its purpme ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner mtwentyffre dollars for a.bottle than do without it, or ike any other remedy." • Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. firstreonstn, bliss., Veb.l. 1856. Barrnre Ana: I will cheerfully artily your PICTORAZ le the best remedy we poises"- for the cure of Whoopieg *Cbugh, Crony, end the cheat diseases of children. We of your fraternity Ip the South appreciate your skill, and commend your medicine to our people. HIRAM CONKLIN, M.D. AMOS LEE, 11.5.,Mmerzesv, lA, writes, 3,1 Jan.,1856: "IMO a tedious Influenze, which confined in doors els weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally tiled -year PtCI.OIIAL by the advice of our clergyman. The Vet dose Mimed the soreness In my throat and luny: - less than ens Ind( thelle made me completely well.. Your medicines are th e Cheapest &swell as the best we con buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, and your remo dies, see the poor man's friend." _ Asthma or Plithisie, and Ilronebitis.. writ MINCIICEITICIL; PA, Feb. 4, 1856. Ste: Your CRUZ? PIICTOZAL is performing marvellogy muss in this section. It has relieved several from alarm. • • log symptoms of consumption, and Is -now curing a man who has labored under en affection of the lungs for the last forty years. • HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. I. A. RAMSEY, M.D., Atmow, Mougot Co., Irkra, writes, Sept. 4, 1835: e During my practice of many years I have found nothing equarto your-Comae Pacemat. far giving ease and relief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are curable.' _ We might add volumes of evidence, but the most cone - Tinting proof of the virile' of this remedy is found In its effects upon trial. Consumption.. • Probably no ono remedy has ever been known which eared so many and such d.ingerons caws sa - thia Some no human aid can reach; but even to those the Cum • PICIOIIII affords relief and comfort. Amos Mud, New Taal CDT, March 6,1866 - Demi Arm, Lowers: I feel ft a duty and a pleasure to Inform you *hat your Cetus PscrosAb WA done for my wife. She had been Ave months Ikboring nude the dangerous symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid • we could procure gave her much relief. She.was steadily falling, until Dr. Strong, of this city, when we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless hi, kindness, as We do your skill, for she has mans " ered from that day. She is not yams strong as she used to be, but is free from her cough, and cells herself well. Tours. with gratitude and regard. ORLANDO SHELBY, or Sinimmus.. Cleuumphees, do not despair till you have tried Arm'. CURIUM PscrokAL. It le made by one of the best medical chemist, in the world. and its cores all around ne bespeak the high merits of Its virtues.— Pluladelphia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have loon -11.. taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which In known to man Innumerable proofs are shown that these Pius have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win on. precedenteilly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to curs. Their pene trating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disor dered ermine into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every JO complaints of every body, bit. also formidable and dangerous &Num that have hegira the beet of human skill. While they produce powerful effect* they are at the same time, in diminished dews, the safest and best physic that can he employed for children. Being engareoated, they are pleasant to take; and • being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Curse have been made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of inch exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminei clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certi fy to the public tlea reliability of my remedies, while Oh. en have sent me the assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men The Agent below fumed is pieced to furnish grails my American Almanac, containing directions fur their use and certificate* of their cures, of the following complaints.— Costiveness, Bilious. Complaints, Rheumatism, Dmpsy, Weartburn, headache arising from a foul Stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain rinsing therefrom. Lose of Appetite, all Ulcer ons and Cutaneous Dineen which require an evecuant Medicine. Scrofula or King' Evil. ' s fliey also, by purify ing the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it • would net be , supposed they could roach, inch as Deafness. Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kid neys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make tome profit on. Ask for ATM'S PILLS, and take nothing else. No other they can give you compares with lbw In Its Intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid them is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AI ER, ' Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Kau. Pattiz *3 Cra eta lift. Fret Botts sou $l. SOLD BY ABEL TURRELL,Montrose, And by Dealers in MEDICINES everywhere. S. S. MOTT WINTER ARRAItGEMENTS. gwalmommi — New Rail Road Route, Delaware, Lackawanua.& W.R.R. NEW and expeditious broad gnage route from the North and %Vest, via Great Bend ana Scranton,- and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to Now York anlPhiladelphia. On and after Monday, Jan. 18th, 1858, trains will be run•as follows: The Night Express Train bound east on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at- i.OO a. or., and connects with the 'EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia at , 8.30 a. m. Due at Olontrose, 9.07 " Tunkhannock, 9.50 " Factoryvillo, 10.13 -" Scranton, . - 10. Stroudsburg, 1.38 p. in. Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.10 " Bridgev tile, Phil. pass. leave 2.40, " Junction, 3.30, " New York, 7.10, " _ Philadelphia, • - 8.20, " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at 7 30, a. m. FromPhiladelphia,leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, s 10.55, " Dne atßridgevi Ile,(Ph iI. conneeti on.) t 1.45, " Delaware, (15 min. to dinner), 12.00 in. Stroudsburg, 12.47, p. in. Scranton, • ' 3.35, " Factoryville, 4.27 " Tuck hanock, 4.48 " Montrose, 5.35, " Great Bend. • 6.10, " Connecting_at Great Bend with the Dunkirk Earressoyest, at, Accommodation Train leaves 4cran. ton for Great Bend at 7.2444. m Arrive at Great Bend, 12 25'p. in.. ,Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on the N. Y. & E. Rail Road., Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1.25 p. m. Due at Scranton,. , 6:10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car will be at. - tached to the Express FreightTntins, leaving. Scranton, at 5.00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at - 10.20 " Junction at • 2.10 p. in. Returning, will leave Junction at 5. a. in. Due at Stroudsburg at 8,35' Scranton at 2.50, p. m. Passengers from New York will change cats at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. IL IL, leave or take cars at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkeibarie,take L. & B. R. It., cars at Scranton. For Jossup,Archbald, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold, and baggage checked through. JOHN BRISBIN,Bnp't. Wu. N. Jun's, Gen'l Ticket Agent. :NEW GOODSHZ H. J. WEBB'S. MONTROSE, APRIL, 3014 1.857. Airy office to my new residence nearly oppo . My site the Presbyterian Church, oaTurnpike Street The public are invited to call and exam ino specimens of the various styles -of Plugging and Plato whichl am daily executing. sogas. sing."any more," friends, the work : speaks for itself. G. rt. VlRGlL,Resideit Dentist. Blontrose„Pa. Sept. Istm AYER'.S 7,13 •• ---Jk.T--- Removed, Helmbold's °Penni ne *reparation --.-0 - . Iligbly Coluentialed Conipoind Raid Extract Dacha. • • . For biseases of Ae Bladder, Kidneys; Gravel Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret Diseases, Female Complaints-, and all Diseases of the &rust Organs, arising-from excesses and imprudences in life, and removing all improper discharges from the bled. dor, kidneys, or sexual organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, .fromwhatever cause they may have originated, and no matter oth ow long standing, giving health and vigor to the frame, and bloom-to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE APPLICTZDt! i , It cures nervous and debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoMs,',among which will be found indisposition to exertion, loss of power, loss of memory, difficulty of b'reathing, gen eral weakness, horror of disease, weak nerves, trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, wake- _ • fulness, dimness Of vision, languor, naiversal. lassitude of the mus cular system, often enormous appetite, with dyspeptic, _ ay mptonis, hot hands, flushing s • of the body, dryness of the akin, pallid countenance-and eruptions on the face,pain in the back,heaviness - of the eyelids, frequently black spots flying before the eyes, with a temporary suffusion sad loss of sight; want of attention, peat mobility, restlessness, with howor of so ciety. Nothing, is more deidrable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they moria.dread for fear of themselves; no - repose ofjnitiner t no earnestness, no speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to another. . These symptoms, if allowed. to go on—which this medicine invariably removes—soon follows foss of power, fatuity and epileptic fits—la, one of which the patient-may expire. ,Who can say„ that these excesses are not frequently follewed by those direful diseases—insanity and consfitop. lion? The records of the insane asylums, and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear am. ple witness to the truth of these assertions. In lunatic asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden .& 'quite destitute--neither mirth or grief ever via.. its it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his. grief beguiled." Dsbility is the most terrible! and has brought thoftands to untimely graves, thus blasting the' ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Ifyou - are suffering with any of the above dis tressing ailments,. the Fluid Extract Buchu will cure you. Try it and be convinced aft., efficacy. Sr Beware- of quack nostrums and quack doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens.know and avoid them, and save long suf fering, money, and exposure, by sending or call ing for a bottle of this popular and specific rem edy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is per fectly pleasanein its taste and odor, but immedi ate in its action. NEWBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU h prepared directly according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest ac. curacy and chemical knowledge and care devo. practice of physic, and and works of medicine. One bundled dollars will inn who can prove that the patient and the testi►nony 'oduced to prove that it ;es of from one week to been effected. The mass in possession of the Pro. rtuE:s and curative powers, names well known to Science and Fame: 100,000 Bottles have been sold and not a single instance of failure has been reporte'd! Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City , of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold,, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or. injurious Drug, but is purely Vegetable. •H. T. Helmbold, SoleManufseturer. Swint and subscribed before me this 23d day . of Nov 1854. Wm P. HIBBARD, Alderman. - Price . sl per Boltlcor six for $5, delivered to any address, accompanied by reliable and res ponsible certificates fiom Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 South 10th-at., below Chestnut, Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. • - Fir To bo had of all Druggists and Dealers in the U. S., Canadas, and British Provipces. Beware of Counterfeits. AA: for Helm bold's —take no other. Cures guarantied. Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Jan. 20,'57.-52t. Lackawann4 & Bloomsburg R. R. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. GOING NORTII Mtatiuus, N. Y. M.o. ALctru. riitrai Mali Leaießnpert, 7.00a:m. '3.15p.m. Bloom, - 7.10 " 3.25 " Espy, 7.18 " .3.33 " Lime Ridge, 7 30' " 3.45 " Berwick, 7.55 " 4.10 " Beach Raven, 8.10 " • 4,25-" Beach Grove, 8,20 - " - 4.35 " - ShickshinnY, 8.35 " 4.50 " lionlocks ck, 8.55 " - 5.15 " Nanticoke, 9. " 5.20 " Plymiiuth, 9.20 " - 5.40 " Ar've at Kingston, 9.30 " 5.50 " LeareKingston, 9.35 " • 1,45p.m. 6. " Wyoming, 9.50 - " 2:10' , " 6.20 " W'st Pittston, 9.55 " 2.20 " 6.25 "• . Pittston, ' 10. 1 ' 2.30 " 6.20 " Lackawans, 10.10'" 2.45 " 6.40 " Taylorville,. 10,20 " 3.00 "- 6.50 “ Arrive at Scranton, 10.30 " 3.15 " 7.00 " The New York Hail Train connects with the Express going East, on the Delawarc f Lackawan na & Western Railroad. Arrive in New York 7.15 p. m. " " Philadelphia, by Camden & Amboy Railroad, 8.20 p. m. Fare from Rupert to New York $6,00. Th. etta.nt.latton Train Norm, connects at Scranton with the Express Train West on the D. L& W. Railroad. • GOING SOUTH. . Stations. Phil's Mail. Acco'n. N. Y.Mail. Leave Scranton, 6.00a.m.11.30a.m. 4.00p.m. • Taylorville,, 8.10 " 11.45 " 4:10 " Lackawanna, 8.20 " 12.00 m. 4.20 " - Pittston, , 8.30 " 12:15p.m. 430 " W. Pittston, 8.35 " 12.30 " 4.35 " Wyoming, 8.40 " 12.40 " 4.40 " Arrive at Kingston, 9. " 1.00 ".. 5.00 " LeaveKingaton, 10. " - 6.15 " Plymouth, -10.15 " 6.30 " Nanticoke, 10.50 " 6.55 " Ilanlock C'k, 10.45 ". '7. " Shieksbinny, 11.10 " 7.25 " Bench Grove, 11.25 " 7.40 " Boach Raven, 11.55 7 50 " Berwick, . 11.35 " - , 8.10 ,". Lime Ridge, 12.20p.m. - 835 Espy, . 12.30 " 8.45 .. .E Bloom, 12.40 " • • 8.50 " Arrive at Rupert, 12.50 " 9:00 " The Philadelphia Mail Train going Southicon fleets with the Mail Train at Rupert;going East at 1.10 p. m.,for Catawissaaort'Clinton, Potts ville, Reading, &c., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.25 p. m. Aleo with Mail Train-going West at 3 o'clock p. m., for Danville, Milton t Blaney Williamsport and Elmira. Passengers by the 4 o'clock p. m. Train going South, can take the 11 o'clock p.m. Express train for Elmira and the West or lodge at Bloonisburg and take the 4 o'clock a. in. train going But, arriving at Philadelphia at 12 noon. direct' lir Passengers for Ilarrialmrg, - will take the N. Y. Mail train; (4 o'clock p. m.) going South, eonnecthig at 'Port Clinton with the Dauphin & Susquehanna Railroad, • arriving - at Harrisburg at 12 Wool noon, next day. . • LEAMIWORTH; Suet. fleraooo, Imam 13th, 1858. /m 3, wows ittirmatia tichiedim • Schnapps, at IrtrICRELLU. He came to New Orleans; and Time,- after cooling and petrifying the lava current of his first love, introduced him to a fraulein, as fair and sweet,verhsps f as the lost Christine. Ile - married her, and they went to Texas, where they settled and were happy. Old Time continued to trundle the years around. Two fine children blessed the union, but asad event followed, in the Oath of the wife and mother. , Ever since then, or until recetitiy, the widower remained there, prosicuting his business , and taking care of his children. • Some weeks'ago he returned to New Or. leans on business, and whilst here, found . it necessary to go to Cincinnati.,He went thire to stop a few days. One nigt, when be was returning to his lodgings from some place of amusement, he was alarmed by female screams not - far- off. He ran, with,others, to discover the cause, and found this - the screams pro seeded from a girl about eight years old, lying helpless' on the banquette. She was badly, but not_ dangerously htirt ; and in reply to the questions of the -cr owd, stated that her unc.' le, with whom ske was living, bad conie home drunk and violent, main her, in her anxiety to avoid him, to fall out at a window; As she was a german girl, the widower Ding naturally felt interested inlaer and plied her with all sorts of questions, - as to her parent age, circumstances, etc. She told ljno,among other, things, that her mother's first name was Christine. That aroused an old memory and stimulated fresh inquiry. The girl gavesnch informatien, finally, as to leave no doubt on Ding's mind that her !nether was his own long lost sweetheart—his first love. - She had been for some years a widow, and was living dependent upon the charity of her deceased husband's brothel, on a farm ten miles put in the country. Next morning.lling took the little girl out there, ,and was by her introduced- to her mother. The - recognition was mutual and instantaneous. Of course there was a scene See Professor Dewees —all sorts' of a scene. The old petrifaction first love melted on both Sides. The widow - told her story. It. was a good counterpart to that of the widower. She bad searched and despaired, and sought consolation in' marriage with another. Time had made her Mother to one child, and left her a widow.-- The lovers seemed to have Met hy‘Providen tial direction, and were young agam, and in: effably happy. Of course the rest may be anticipated. The couple reached New Orleans a few dayi ago, having married during the \ passage down the river— the little gitl, of course being along, and put off by the earliest conveyacce to Texas. MICSMERI6II.—A few years ago, before the rail road :companies between Albany and Buffalo had provided the long and comforta ble cars now used by the mail agents, and , Livingston & Wen Express, the latter rode in the passenger cars "Just like anybody," and of course, encountered all sort otcharac ters. One of the firm, whose love of waggery is well kilown,happened to be going to Buffalo, and was quietly seated in the car, when his_ attention was directed to the conversation of two individuals opposite. One of these was, it apeuraled, a traveinu E , ...matirizer—ii regular "professor" of the science. Ile was dilating upon its rapid development—the wonderful phenomena it exhibited—its astonishing cu rative powers for disease—the extraordinary discoveries developed through its agency. Finally, he got upon his own superiority as a "professor," a congenial theme, and he was at home. After narrating a variety of ex periments, " some" of course, be spoke of the following with a gusto that was irresistable. Said he : " Last week, I was going through - the streets of this very city, Rochester—l saw a man just ahead, to whom . I was anxious to to speak. Be walked too fast for me to over file him without running, so I just straigh teded out my right arm, - and concentrated my will, made a pass at him—thus—and be stopped quicker than lightning." " Wh-wh-why, mister , y-y-you - don't call that very m-m-much of a trick, doiou 1 1 's " Yes, _ sir, I rather flatter myself that it_ was pretty strong demimstratiore . W ion% Lre6tu who what once did." "Then you ate fainiliar,with the science, sir, Lpresume." "S 11-80 rile." ".Might I enqiiire what was the case yon spoke of, sir?" "Oh, C-c-certainly. Y-y-you see 11-h-hap pened to be up here in B-B-Batavia once in the winter. G-g-going, down to the c-c-cars I saw a m-m-man on she t-t-top of a building; sh-sh-shoveling off - snow ; pretty soon his foot slipped, and d d-down he camp); w-w-when he, got about half way down, Ijnit made a p-p-pass at him, and stopped hin quicker than powder. I c-c-came off with-• out thinking anything wove About it n yo-yo-you are going to Batavia I wish you wouldjust 1-1-let bim.ddwo, for I p-p-presime he is h-h-hanging there yet!" GEITING MEAD 07 'Ai 1.."- it young couple eloped from Indianapolia last week, and were married in Cincinnati. Shortly after the ceremony 'they were telegraphed, and an officer soon traced them to the United States Hotel, where he entered their /00171 without knocking and found them - snug in thi bridal couch. Be explained Lis errand, when the young lady said, - with 'a ringing laugh—" Tell ma . „ it's too late—we've been married half an hour I. Tel he I bee ! "Pleare, sir, I don't think lir. Poai takes his phyla° rear; said a doctor's boy to his emplorer. "Wiiy so t" "Canso ifYr ba's getting Well so precious fist - To the truly poetical sent, evil, and Wrong are repulsive ; they are mutilations of tlhe` pure - and perfect and beautiful, which' alOne jt luiet. • TElit; LOVE STORY.;:- The , New Orleans Crescent tells the follow. tdg fittle love story,; - whiali is . so pretty sod romantic in its details that one would stip poie it a fiction, 'but fOr the good authority upon is said to be obtained Some fifteetror sixteen' years ago, in the Fa derland, a young man named Iling, and a young girl named - Westin, loved each 'other very hard and wanted' to many. A tight ness in the money ruarketi boWeve,r, forbad e the banns'; so, a ft er considefing the, matter, the lover kissed his sweetheart, swore a true lover's oath. to 'come back rind many her in" good time. and 'came to the United States to seek his _fortune. He worked likes good fellow, and pros pered ; and after saving op a go od sum he Hew on the wings of love to Germany. But a terrible disappointment met him: His in tended bride was gone l• She had not taken - "cold pisen," or eloped with a tinker; but weary of her lover's long absence, and des pairing (Allis return, she had, like the brave little sweetheart that she was, set out for the United States, determined to find' him, and enter into the united state which, is the El Dorado of -all true lovers. So the young man,came back to this-country, on the pad dle wheels of love, and- , with the additional celerity which: the screw propeller of anxious suspense always imparts. - He sought his fair one everywhere ; many. journeys he took, and much money be last; but all to no purpose. And he gave up his . Christine as forever lost to him. ,