E•" 4 ‘'`. ll •.\ • . C 1 r W I t t he li x o P :se sed :t 11 15 : it at public reudpq o n Saturday, March 271 h, 1858, the ftilloiaing property, to wit • Ono oko Oien, 1 Yfoit, 2Plows,'l Writior;, Chains, 1 Os•yi:ke. 'sonic) rottli, 'a quantity of Hay and. Grain, 'and - . other tirticfes - too ituttiercitis to mention, Sale to commence at teh o'clock a. iin. Tssms.—All sums under 85, Cash, over that amount six-mouths credit with interesit and ap. proved s •eurity. JOSEPII /3 WOOLSEY. Jesse , March 15th , 185'8.-11w2. . . IMPORTANT . . • .. • f LIE sabscriber offers for sale his prerniset t in the town - of Conklin, Broetne Cuunty„N, Y., on _ the West, side of the Susquehanna river, rive miles from, C t reat tkeed, and nine Miles 'fiem Binghampton. and one mileTrotniCirkwood[con sistin,z of a Cragon Shop, 42 by 20' feet, with BT?rcksmith Sbop in basement, full rig,.botb siteiv in operation: A hiMse-and lot on ;the iiiiposite , side of the read from the shop; a new barn 20 by 22 feet, &e. • The above named 'property. will be sold very low f4r.ea:sh, or a part may bo allowed to stufd one year. 1 . , Fur particulars inquire on the promises .11°.,tta. dress, past paid, - H. C. XNTIGHT, l I u4.] Corbettsville,Brebrno'Ctiudy, N. Y. F .0 R - S 1:14 1 - OR TO RENT; A DWELLING HOUSE, Darn,dz.e. withlwo L 1 and a half acres of beautiful land, an ozeol.. lent stand for a blacksntith ° ,•or slide maker situ- ated in Upsonville, Susquehanna County, near J. Merriman's store, will he sold low or rpnt _ed to agood tenant." Enquire of_the subscriber T,7st hislotliee, in this Boronkh, or Of J. L. Wierri. :Man, -eaq. Also housbs and lots for sale or to rent, in town. • 3.1;„ C. L TY LEP.. Montrose, March 8 ; 1858. _ "IitOME AGAIN," !R> s. .orer Wilson's. Store. LOD - GINCA, aA'SE.A.FILE'S 00 WEE. 16ntrose, March 10th, 1868: KANSA PION EEC, -INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ; --4r Pei-sons who intend Setting in Xarisay,. want - Inforitittien' in re rani, to the best Leeathiffs; thb eitß's ; Towns': -Mineral Points - ; Rivers; Sell ;-the best*ronte to mine - ; the prices of Lands, Town Lots, Provis ions, may.askirese the undersigned, (Enclosiv a Feetf One Dollar,),: On receipt of which a correct and :authentic etc- Omni of the part of liansas to -whiCli the Appli eant &sites to emigrate, wild be forwarded by - return mail. -Address, JNO. BOURN R. CO., Leeompton, [low3 - -- Register's Notice. •• . PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Oven fn all per sons concerned as the Tellei:ing Estate,to nit: • . - . -Estate of Dan'l F tipeobf, late Of Forest Lake, dec'e, Ezra Rice, Adra'r; . , Estate of L F Wilntarth, • late of Jackson, decd, Orlando Gunnison, Adrierl ' Estate of J B Worden, late of Jacksdn, deed; B. Harris, and E Tucker, Exett'rs; . Estate of George 'Stephens, tale of New Milford, dee'd, It . Stephens, Adnfr ; Estate of Francis Quinn,* late of Choeonut, : 'tiee'd,F and T Quinn,"Adm'r; - Final account of A P Trovi bridge, Guardian :of .11A r and J A Chandlei: That the diedountants beset settled their se :counts in the Register's Office; in and for the F...,,tr.ty of Susquehanna, anti that the sane will be .I , 7e:scared to the Judges of the orifhanCs Court of`.aid • Cuunty, on Friday, the- 16th day of next, fur. their confirmatitut and allowance. - CHARLES NEALE, liegrdster. Rerrister's office, : 1 / 4 1ont7ose. Jan. 4th; 88. E . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. - NT9TicE is horebv given that in pursuance of an order of sale issued out of the Orphans,' '"wart of Sumptehanna County. i will expose to Public Sale. cm Satradav, the .27th day of March in.t, at on& ck, P. ST., all that certain lot. 1.4-ce or parcel of land, situate in the township crf Purest Lake, in said Ccunty, late tit 3 esfate of. Orriri'Leste,r, deceased, and described as follows: Beginning at a post in the highwaY, the north west corner 4 George-Fisher lot; thence by said lot, S. 17 1-2 degrees N.; nine perChes s to a pokt, the SW. corner of said Fisher lot: thence along the south line of the'karrie t 5.75 degrees E., six-. tEen perches and six-tenths to - a'prKit near Pond Creek ; thence by hind's of'A. Carr arid L. Sliter, S. 26 degrees W., one' hundred and i'grtv.two perches to a point in a line of Charles' avis : thence by said Davis' line, N. 64 „degeree4 W. ...LI tip tArw.3l. :n• 00•e1z...1. small creek, tite line of D. C, Shetina4 land ; thence along said e'reek, 63 perches to :rpOst on -the east bank of the same; thence-N. 2'B degrees E..--70 perches to a post, cerner•ot`Dl T. Triylor's lot.; thence by said loi, S. -74 3-4 degrees E., 125 perches to,a post.; thence S. 81,1.2 E., 28 7.1.9 perches, to the beginning, containing' 133 acres and .50 peclies of land—(eicepting 50 a cres therefrom, of land w.4lch recovered by Mathew S. Cornell froth the said O'rriri Lester. and which lay in the 'south side 'of said lot,) on which is a dwelling :I: • house, one barn, and ont.buildings, and - about- 60 acres under cultivation. Sale to be held upon the premiies, and terms to be made known on day ofsale. , • ORANGE MOTT, Jr. 7 Mm'r. Forest Lqke, March 11, 1858. _ (Mts. ATTENTIOA THIS is to certify that the undersigned have • 1, used Manny's - Mower with Wood's improve: enmt, the past season, arid are fully satisfied that ish, a good machine, •and we recommend it to the farmers of thi3 County as a profitable and labor4aving, machine. • • - JEREMIAH MEACHAM, A. GHIFFLi, jOrli HAREINGTON; - L. GAEthCER, 31. .3 7 HARI:MG:IONi February 25 1858. For mack*kapply to the ttildersjined Agent - b..LATHItOP. Montrose, March 1'4;1 . 0.58.; [rah II th Sheriff's Sales; 1 - )Y viritie of .nundrywrits issued out of the 1.1 Court of Coultrton Pleatl of Susquehanna County, and to, Mei directed ,- f.will,expose to sale; • by-public vendun; at the colirt flange, in Moe!, rose,. on Saitird47,. April 'nt one O ' c I ock, p. m 1 -the following Weal Bitite, to ALL - . thosi•Tieres of . Pitteeli of land int -rate and being iri the township of Great Bend in Maid county, described lb; follottrs, to wit: One tract eantaining one - hundred acres, be the same More Or 'oil; alsO another tract endtaiding 39 acres and perishes of 1.1441 7 --excepiing and _re serving therefrom one lot of perches, aid another iot of fifty acres and 136.perehes Sold therefrom respeetiikly to Jacob 4, Bask and 7_ doses Boon—the title to the firstabOve describ. oil lot being derived from William Ward and' .I,_•,”,_e Lane, and the second frdin William `Word. tn..] • ; . •••• "''''''' ----- - -- .. . • ..., .. -AL...qO another - cit . f Tana cOittaining" fi fty 1 stbreei, derived fremAlai .Shalllmne„ who - convey. ed to'Eleazer Brown, who eonveyed to William Dayteas•by deed :dated "the 17t1f - day of June, -84'7.- -• , 2 '.',, ~t • , '•_ ' ' '•:,:.,. ALSO another le,t ;.of ;land, containing fi ft y acres;, more nriess,;being, the, same that Joseph Brown conveyed' to Wm. Daytonlry dareti'dated June,lBth, 1847, there being SXCLVpid'iint,of the foregoing parcel of land;, one hAndied ina five ,:acrea'sold -by Elijah Skinner to Ctiarlie Trow bridge, and fifty acres,sold to Alfred'Alietnas, and twenty.seven :wren Sold tii,•Chatles g. giiiith as by . rifereace to isundryconeeyanceriTokielanie will thlly appear. , . • ,_,, '‘ittSo 'Oise other tract or parcel of land, iOn taiMng,one.hundredand seventeen acterrof lifid• mdredtlirel,: beittg. the ,earrie convoyed by E. T. Young arid.. aeon Tlici64 to - Elijah Skillit:le e by Deed . datedliecelmi)or 1 q, - 418:0 ; recorded in Deed Book "No. - 18 page 1413. Also' all. the ie teresta, 'rights and: privileges of hie R aid grafter in 'a certain lease from Ebenezer BrOlAtil. taneeph and 'Elearier Brnivn;dated the firstdif c:f Xtiril, A. D. 1828, : and dilly 'assigned to Elijiih'Skia ner, Who conveYed to G. W. Scranton, trigether with the mill and imprciiemnnte ihererlato.'be. locging, 'and subject, however, to all the 00130- flops of 'said lease - and the rents thereon ac •cruing,tand restrictions and, liabilities thereunto attached, Which, have 'accruCid since the first day of, 'April, 1853, ot may - herea ft er accrue; said fpregbing several tracts of land, containing after . deductions of reservations - three - hundred and ievetity!five acres or. thereabotifs,ivith al.: loliAria, tie the same morn orleis. - This, sale ' bein g :intended to Conieylill the lands , and 'privileges 'particularly. described - 1n the deed of Elijih ,Skinner and Sirkah his 'wife to, George W. Scranton, dated the gist..dv of June A. D. 1852, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Susquehanna Cminty, in Deed Book, No. 21, Page - 151 Ate. - Reference to which will' fully chew. Excepting always out the 'Same flie right of way of.the Delaware Lackawana & 'Western Ralf Road'Critiipiiiy wader the con. ditions isp!cified in' 'said - Deid. Containing is rill alidut three 'hundred and seventylAcree, tnOre or lend, ifter'deducting the ex6eptionsovith the nminiteritinces,twedwelling !mugs, two borne and sheds'attanhed, one saw mill, arr oichrird, arid audit: one liiindred acres improved. Thken irOirierifi on V. the, nit of 'O. NV:Sulfa lonsi.E. T. Young and Edgar Thomas. , ALSO all * ihat niece or parcel of land allude. in the township otiSpriegyille Susq'a,co'., boun ded on the north by Warren Triyler c s land-on the east by land of John Richmond arid c. .q. Ly man, on the south by land of Wm L. 4tve i ry, and Warren Taylor, and West by Ashley Brooks and others, containing 91 acres, tylth the appur tenances, two framed houses, a framed - barn, and orchard and about 70 acres improved: Taken in execution at the suit of Albert Beards lee vi. George 'Lathrop. ALSO ail that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the -township of Oimobk, Susq'a Co. Pa., bounded And described as fol ows, to wit: on the - north by lands of Sain'l Sherer, on the east by lands of Dan'l Reynolds, on. the south by _land oft.P.Bakeeand on the west by land of Owen. Donohue, containing about twenty acres, with the appurtenances, one framed house and barn and about' 15 Darer' improved. Taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Brown riasigneittn D. D. Searle, vs. Prentis Grivitt and Efut-tine S. Gaya . ALSO all that 'certain piec'e or 'race] of land situate 'rind being in the township 'M Efedgewa ter, in the county of Susquehanna, 'rind bounded as follow, Jo wit . : Beginning at a post on the line of Orrin Ileebe's lot, thence south 87 deg. east, SG perches to Moses Tyleea lbt, thence by the same south 23 d..g. west, 148 Perches to a post, on the line of Rollin Hops ler, theride Korth 87 deg. west,' 86 perches to a post, OA Witter Foiter'a line, thence by the erne north 22 'deg. oast, 15S to the beginning; containing 80 acres, be the same more or less, being the saute lot conveyed by the late !Joseph Butte. field, deceased, to S'usrin Maria Butterfield, by deed hearing date Dec. .6th, 1848, recorded in deed, book N 0.17, page 410, with the sripUrtritureces,' one framed dwelling house And ham, arid Go acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Isaac L. Post & Co., vs. Joseph Butterfield and Susan M. - Butterfield. - . ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Great Bend township, Susqeehanna county, bounded and described as fo laws, to Wit: Beginning at •the north corner of S. T. Brow. land, as sold to him by Shelden 31213rOwnson,-being'ailine'r for John Oillispie, Oliver Trowbrid,ge and others'and tuns thence airing the east bound of said Bruin's land 42 cfiains to a stake and, stones, on the west side - of the highway leading from Great Bend to Windsor, near the Dugway, thence along said highway 23 chains to a post and stones; thence south 63 deg. west 2 chains and 55 links along said high Way, thence north 37 deg. west 9chains and 50 links to the 'centre of 'the creek, thence up the same mirth 39 deo% east 9 chains and '75 links, thence north 56 deg. west 5 chains and 50 links to the line of Oliver Trowbridee's land, thence along the same to the place of beginning,' containing about 48 acres ,of hind; be the same more Or less, with the appUreenances', - 1 framed house,l barn, Mid abobt 30 awe's improved. ALSO all that other piece or pa're . el 'of land i situate as abeve and bounded and dercribed as 10110WS, LO WU: Oa. thy LIOILIs try lacteteryf:on,c, Trowbridge, on the - east be the Great Bend and Cochecton turnpike, on the south by lands of Truman Baldwin, and on the west by the Susifa river, containing about 25 acres, be the same more. or leas, with the appurten:lnces, 2- &yelling houses, wood house, 2 barns and wagon house, and nll improved'. .. s Taken in execution'at the am of teorge Du-' 1 senbury vs. N. P. Waller. . ALSO all that 'certain piece or.parcel of land 'situate and being in the township yf Great Bend, in the eoun'y ot Snscpaehenna,,and bounded and described as_follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Charles Snedaker, on the east by lands of Peter Kelderon the south and *est by Inds of Benjamin and Michael Spear:beck, containing 110 aeres; be the same more Gl' lees, with the appurtenances, 2 frith:led houses, 2 barns, 1 Blucksfifith shop and i sail , hail!, and orchard, and about 50 hires improiedi „ , ~ ~ Taken in eieeuriori at the 'ii it of O rrin G,..Bnck ingliam VI. Charles Chamberlin'. ALSO, all that certain piece or Parcel of land' situatrisi the township of great Bend, cotitity of Sdsquehanntrand State of Penniylvildia,,honn apd and described as follows, to with Ori the north by lands of Wm: Painter, ou the rest by lands of the estate of J. B. Griffin, deceased, on the south by land or perine Allen and S. H. Dayton. and on the west by the Great Bend and. Cothecton turnpike road; .. it, bejng :66,feet in front'on the turnpike, and running back 100 feet, -With the' applirtenances, and, tavern house, 1 barn, i Wood shed, arid all improved, - and contain.; Rhea 7540. square feet of land be the same .more or leis. . 1 . . .. . .. • , • ALSO all Plat certain piece.or parcel o f land situate as'abeee, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of - Milton Gilmore, on the east by lands of fierily Langley,' on the south by . Franklin street, and' on The west by lands of —.•:---, Tompkins, containing about one-fouth acre of land more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed house. ALSO all that Other tract or parcel of land situate- in the township of Franklin, County .and State aforesaid, and bounded And described as rolldixt, viz: On the north by the public-highway, On the east by the land of .Rufus Lines; on the south by land of Andrew flanker, Joseph .D-Oo little and StephenK. Crane, and on the weal by land of Mei Sdiith, containing about 90 acres, More or lesi, together with the appurtenances; one barn nod cow house; some fruit trees, and iborit'6o acres improYbd. L . • ' Trtireli le eiechtioli at the iiiiitof Lora. Stone nod other:, Cs. lohn D. Paddock Mid Samuel Pad , dock. - FARMERS! T. P. PnusEr. ALSO - • ALL that Certain piece or parcel ofi land; ith-1 ate in the Townthip of ; parfait', Suscitiehaiiiiii County. beunded And ileieribe4 as followa, tel wit: On the North liy Ueda of Stanley,l an the,flait by the Turneiktrioid, on the South' and' Wet by Wag (if ,Toab Tyleri Containing ; atiout fifty rods of -land . ; more,e!, less, iith, the appurtenancee, one 'large building, erected for!, the manufacture of 'scales; with sit steam engine; ana other_rnegbinery, necesikaryfor such ft mani , ufactory; one barn, end nil improved. , I M=M i fakerila executiOn at the snit of D. E. Whit: ney:yi. Exton. „ MAO that'igtai st ,PleVe griArcel 'cif land panatela .3 . town4ip, of LinOx,Suagnehanna Couit_y c kohnded, and described- ns follows, to wit Un.h . o Iklorthp . o *es.; by laiiii)n:posses. siorCof Mtiideeci Tatiitor„,Rn the East by Igui - or Amos. Oirtion . icit n 'zuiti on, slle.Sputh , by Ere public hightt P aY • lte o 4iailillg . 4 (3l lo# o " 4 ' ilerei of land, more .or less, w . ith tAte apportenanees, One , f rained h gri t eana. all. ir9 pro d. Takgp in execution At ‘loe.",soit.of .Orcitv and Broth!!!!. _assigned to W. M. is.'eyrus F. Tanner. - f , f./ ALSO all that certain i pke`eqr of land situate - in - the Borough of Sitsquelianna Depot., Susquehanna. County, and bc;iinaeAan'd Ai esciitiked as -follows-, io wit : on the North ; of AMbrose Eggleston, on the East 1 . .)y land ! of j. B. 'Salmon, on the South by the public high way, aid on the West by . C. S. Bennett, cow .taiqing abort ,5250 feet, being GO, beet front, aid running bark 137 I-2 feet, with' tbe aPpurtenan. 'eel ono 'fram4o helm,. and all improved. Taken in exCeulion at the suit of Adelia Has. ifrOuilt vs. Jereatrah B. Kimber and David S. Roman ~ ALSO rill that ceitamjiteee or parcel of land, sittiate, l lPkgaiiilbeieg in thitt . township of Len ox,county of tiiSimalranha.'and State of Penn sylvania, and betindid'atid deiitilted as follows, to wit: beginning at a stake and stones by a rock on the South Wiat'banl'Of the Milford and Owego Turnpike and in thp Norfh West line of Paul llarris' warrantee‘ and uled i g said warrantee line N. 66 1.2' E, 1'73 peiaes to a stake and stones in clearing of:Lewis ItlcNii . ina: ra'; 4tieliee,S.:72o" E. 44 perches to a, staltelnd stabes'in afibe of lands of Aseph Fuller; thence eking said Fuller N. 85" W. 14 perches to a stake and stones; thence S. 20' W. '7l 'perch. to a Ntike i arid stones; theqe S. 113'3-4" W. '7l perches to It stake-andatones on the North side of atid ;Citrupike road and opposite a level swampy piece of ,greond ; thence along said 'Turnpike road N. 42",W.,24 pgrylies to a.etake and stones, on the iiort,bliide of the road ; thence W. 59 and - 3-10 perches to a stake and stones; thence S. 6'7' W. 11-ani. 4-10 perches ' to , a stake and stones on the SoWit'side of the, road, thence. N. 8:1", W. 12 perches to a stake ?Ind stones on ahe South side of said road Clhynce N:' 82" W.,19 perches to a stake and storieson the South side of, said road; thenco W, 10 perches„to the place of beginning; containing seventy-five acres arid sixty-sla perches be the' same more or 1e57.4, with, the appultenanc'es,'one small framed hciiise, and about five acres. im prVed., Taken in execution at the 'suit of Reuben Whiting to the use of SoloniOn Taylor vs. Duer Yarn 2d. . • , _ MAO all those, two certain pigces or parcels of land situate, and being in the -township of New Milford,Susquehanna County, boaridesi and described as folloWti, to wi,t: licginning at, the middle of the Cocheeton and Great Rend turn pike road, at the south corner of land sold to David Miekle. the :north corner of land sold to Ithamer Mott, and the west corner of land sold to Elihu Mott; thence by 11,hainer Mott's land and by the lots Nos. 3 and 32., on a map of-restir-. re) , of Henry Drinker (the elder) made by John Terry, South 44 1-9" W. 210 and 5-10 perches to stones by a beech tree, corner of land Sold to Sylvanus Wade, and. John Wellman; thence by the last mentioned land N. 191 perches and 5.10 of a perch to a beech tree, and E, 120 1.2 perches to a post in the middle of the aforesaid turnpike road, a northerly course to the begin ning. containing 98 acres and 155 perches with allowances, it being lot No. 29 on the map afore said. - Ae.O all that certain tract pr parcel of land, part of the survey to Peter Platt, situate in the. township afOresaid; heginnning at a post in the Coshocton, and Great Bend turnpike road, thence by and sod to Park '.V, Avery, S. 44 1.2' W. 90 nnd,l.2 perches, to intones, the east corner of tot NQ 33 on the map of the ,reaur,rey, aforesaid, mride by TOrry aforesaid, thence by the said lot, 45 1.72 perchecijo a post and stones the north corner of said lot i thence by hind sold to AlBand'er 'Shirley, N. 44 i-s - E., 75 1.2 perehe'it to a post in the middle of said road to the place of beginning; containing„ by the said survey 75 acres and 114 perches, and aflowances, be the same more CirslesS, it being part of bit No. aforesaid, with the appurtenances, on the first described lot, two framed dwelling houses, three barns, one orchard and the wjwle being im proved; upon the last described, is ono framed barn and about sixty acres improved, the two tracte or par:cern or land lay contigious to each other and constitute one farm. Taken in execution at the suit of John Howell to the use of Sarah Mott vs. Charles Tingley Executor of Ithamer Mott dee'd. 'ALSO al! that certain piece or 'parcel of land, situate in the township of Bridgewater, and Sus quehanna CoUnty, bound:d and 'described as follows. to wit: on the north and east by lan'is of Ezra Beebe.. on the smith by lands of Asa Fessenden.and 0. S. llt;ehee, and on the west by the public highway, containing about fifty acres,. more or less with the apnurtereancea, one framed house and barn, one orchard and about forty acres i . • mproved. „ , Taken in execution at the suit of George Fow ler vs. Theodore t i essenden. ALSO all that certain pree,epneeel of labd. , • Situate, lying and being in the township of Spring le,Sinc4oehanni County,bounded and described tia fV , ll 6 ws; porth by lands of the estate Of Sarah Downing de'c'd.. contracted to Benajah D. Fowler and laniesi Itnienetanti, south by lands of the estato of Ann Skvsen, deed., now in Ppasession of Charles Chamherlin, south by SI Strickland, and west by lands formYrly conveyed by the Executors of the last will of Henry Drink. t'idee'd. to John Bullock,-and 3eroihe Rosen. cranti jr.; containing '77 acres nod 83 peiches of with the appurtenances, a framed house and Bain, find a saw mill, one orchard, and about sev pay deres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of A. K. Brink to the use of Henry Drinker vs. FlOrdawine A. Brink ALSO all those three certain Pieces or par. Ceti of Ind, situate, lying and being in the townshiß ofNew')fiiford,CountyofSusgnehan pa, and State of_Perianylvania, bounded made. .scribed as follows,lo wit: the first comm i ences ate ,po s se coiner of land of A. Moss; tlic:nce riiiining north 42 1.2 2 E. on a line of land of 'said Mole 180 perches to a post, the easterly corner or land of said Moss; thence South 44 E. Mon: lands of Hatch and Johnson 125 perches to a pine sapling. comer of lands of said Hatch and Johnson,land lands of john Boyle 'thence S. 42 k-2" W. along lands supposed to :belong to -E. A. & 0. Pratt 130 perches to an oak Stinting; thence N. 44 1.2' E. 195 perches. to the place of beginning; 'cottinining one hun dred nerd one acres and 24 perches. be the same more or less, and all improved. Aeso all that oilier Plec,,p,sittinie e, and `described as follows. Oz.: commencing at a hemlock : sapling. the south corner. of„ A. Mose' land ; thence running N. 45' E. along lands of said Moss ,123 perches Jo a post. the easterly corner of lends of :laid A. Muss ; thence S. 44 1-2 a E. along the first described lot of-J. W. Belknap 28 perches to a hemlock; thencoS..2s W. along lands antiposed to belong to E. A. & 0. Pratt, 136 perches to a post ; thence N. 447 W.-along' lands of Hoydens 28 perches to the .place of , beginning ; containing 40 acres and 119 perches Of land,-be the same more or less. ALso the homestead _poverty uncoil which the said J 'V: Belknap now resides; sitnnte as afore said and bounded and deiCritied as follows, to wit: on tiro north by lands of B', B. Little, on the east by lands of WM. Redell; on the south by land of ttobert Gillit;pie, and pit thi3 west by the Cocbectnn and Great Bend tarnpilia toad, containing_ about '7O acres' of land, be the same. More or less, with the aPplartenanceth one framed dwelling house, one - barn and khed, one black. smith is slrp,.opw wagon shop, - one saw mill and most y u Ltoproyed : . _ Tama execution at the suits of John H., Sutphin and ,5..11. PAyton use of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co. vs. James W.Belknap.. ALSO all that eirtain.piece orparcel of.laisd jaituate in the lownship,oUridgewater, Suscl'a Co bounded and described as follows, to wit: on tlto north and east by laud of E l : B. Rober ts, sbuth bv.land of Geo. W. Crockprotnci west by la .d of EON! S. Merriman; emitainiag fifty-six acres more ,or less together with the appurte. tome* ono frame.d,hotae, one' barn, one orchard, and.about fortracres _improved. ,-- Taken , in execution at • the suit of Ifeeritl Lillie vs. LIP d ASO all that cersln piece ot *mei of land, ilt9ate townsitip, Cif Great Atuil,countrof usqueliatina, and State of.Petinsyfighia;bound ed and described as followir, to wit: ortthe north by ArtethasltailonAtre costly thettiattuehari na.riyer, and on !south by Diasaiyitib,con taining about thirty.:seten and a half ridfsil,'more or, less, tclgother.3rilb , the appurtenanciol. one „frame house; Tarn," and wagon house, sad _or. chard iand all improved. 41.50 alt that other piece situate atiiibovo!spd. bOunded. and described as'• follows, to'wit'i on the north by the State Win ' on the east by.R..T.• TOrboas and Arteimus Well on the south bo lttil tnq GUM:in l and on the west by . Melnuon tath.: I Away s aiiii!the Drinker binds, it being the vtidivi tier half,ort4pliritidted litres, more or less, with' the tipttuiti.ifenes, fiVo :log 'houses, and about 25 'acres I,uiprdved. • .• Shat, other 6414 'or Parcel of tang : " t • 11 Th rn ctoate iq te_ toy ip,of .. ri_son;county nnc Pcpteuforssa q: and.deseribed'ils follows, to wit: Vicirgivit a Rost and steiies, in thedine of i itypß find Surveil:ulna counties; thence by -south n- W. 218 perches,_ to a phst and stones; thence 1 , 4, 4,47 perc h e , to a post, the warrantee cerrkeri, *epee ,by ltina surveyed in the warriantee name pf Pete:Snyder, N. 46' E., 147Vgiclva,to the placc,of tegiuntng, containing '74 acres, apd 92, perches, be the same more or less, the same tract ,of land conveyed . to Nervy Hall by John T. Carlisle, by deed dated July 16, 1957, and all irthiroved. Taken in execution at the suits of Juiiir S.. Corbett, South worth, Slauson & Co., and Meeker and Perkins-vs. G. S. Mesta-, R. A. Me sick and-Hariey ALSO all that certain r4as or parcel i of land iititateo lying and being in Ih . township of Rush in pw. con* of Susquehanita, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by Lupda of ,William Ross,•on the east by lands of ,Dharlesi TerrY,Dn,tbe south by lands of Dr. lli. ram Cogswell, and on the west by lands of N. J. Sherrond, v being same land, recently conveYed by N. D. Snyder. to S. H. Canfield,, w ith the a pprtenancesone saw mill, with lath machine attached, containing attou i t eleven acres, be ,the seine mole or loss, and ndifrly all im proved.. . Taken in execution at the suit of 4i. Smith vs. 5, H. Canfield and Fairchild Cripfleid. Ilitrchitsera . ivill in all Times be requfred to Pay. on OP day of sale, au amount sufficimit to cover the costs of ,sale, otherwise- he property will be resold forthwith. . • JOHN YOUNG, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Montrose, March 8, 1858. , Still Thoy Coda: . . THE largest stock of SIEDICINES ever I)efore kept in this market way be Nona !Olio T. 14 7.1 T 3 .. It will, be us,,eless , to t enumerate. nrhen you any, thing to pip patent Medicine line, or otbervii4e, call at 419 PArtnees Stoco.- Don't for eo lie glace, el , wn loran. 11.. THAYER. Montrose, Maich 3d, 1858. GIFTS FOR THE rzarLE! THE NEW YORK MERCURY, TIII LARGEST TWO DOLLAR WEERLI IN, ,TLIE WORLD! ,FIFTX-SI,X .COI ,OMISS OF CUOICE ORIGINAL MAT ,TER IN EACH NI.TIMVERI ..S"'PZENDTDLY ILLUSTRATED ! l l'weutief/r :rear of Publicalion. A GOLDEj ENTEF,iI3II,ISE. go other paper pan boast of such a &Inky of talented and eelebrated. an thors as the gontribu torial its the 'New York iroropri,who-tur ash its cofumns, weekly, with the must absorb ing fled fascinating romances and stories ever perused, • DR. J. 11. ROBINSON. NED BUNTLINE, • LIEUT..f. FOSTER B`ft AN ON. T. HAMILTON VARANDA, and R. H. NEWELL, who .arc well known as the most successful and polar romancers, of the age, constantly con trib te their 64'111f:tut novelletes, for the warn motti*tes 'Of 'the„Mercury. And each number also ,contains more ' complete original stories and SkeiChes--1.6 say nothing of an immense amount of news and ge'nerarmiscellany—than anv other two newspaper; in Amerjca, without exception. In short, the New Moreury defies competition, and invites the most Search ing comparison. Its immense-superiority over the little six-by-nine mushroom publications of the day will be tipparent at the first glance. - We now .offer, in addition to's paper fully one-third larger than any of its cotemporaries, and replete with an unprecedented variety of in teresting reading, maater , the following ' EXTRA INDUCEMENTS: A VALUABLE GIFT -FORIE'VE.v6Y A Gift worth from 75 "eiits to $5OlO do in Gold, will be presented to eac/ subscri ber, i nmediatelyon reemit-Of . subsJiiptkii money. TEttMS:. One 'copy foi_one pear, _B2 00, and I gift. One col)) , for tsro years, 50, and 2 gifts. Oriejeolq for three years', 6 00, and 2 gifts. TO cLur.s. _ Three copies, one year $5 00 and 3 giße. Five copies, one year, , 8 00, and 5 gifts. T e n c opies, one year,.. 15 00, and 10 gifts. The articles to he distributed are comprised in the following, fist • paclr i a'gas of Gold containing $5OO each. . 5 do do. do - 200 " 19 do, do d 0.., " IQ Pat. Lev„ tunting watches 100 " 2,9 Gold Watches " 50 4o ° - 00 " 100 do . • • ' 50 " 300 Ladies Gold Watches " 200 Silver Hunting cased Watches .80 250 Sewing Machines $3O to $75 " 500 Silv,er Waters $lO to 25 " 1000 Gold Guird,44,.Fott.chains 10 to 30 r Gold,Lockets,.Baeplets, Brooches, Ear drops. Breast Pins, Euff Pins, Slecie Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs,. Watch Kets. ,Gold , and Silver Thlmldes,, and a v.ariety of other articles worth from 15 cents to sl.6,esch. Imme4i4tejy,..ou. ,r'eceipt ofl.lto stilascriptitm mo,nek; t the subscriber' s name ,entered upon opt subscripthn fief*, opOsite.a number, and the gift corresPonding with Oat .. nernber, will be fo'rwerded within three, days, to „the subscriber: Ly Mail, or, express, post paid: Eve ry yea'rlysos.er4, , er receiyeppenfthe shore gifts, No slihs'eripponS fora l'ess period than one year will be entitled to a gift. comMudicatioris should be addressed I CAULD'kELL, SOUTHIVC;RTFI WiAI.TNEY; Proprietors of the New,Yotft j llercuiy, 22 Spruce,strcet, N. Y. *** Specimen copies sent free. [mhl lt6. • - NEW ARE.A.NGEMENI'S SUMME t SVILLE . THE entirscribers bake,cencluded.to Make a change in tlulir busin.ess,,thereNr4 on the 20th of Black next. the senior partner, It. L Sutphin, (on acconrit of &Clicking health; and through the, advice of friends and physicians.) will retire from the Mercantile trade, and the business will. be conducted it the old stand un der the firm of. YOUNG & SMITH - iin.tiie'ready-pay principle. " Knowing that this is the ,only ,true, space:Lot - doing business they are determined to give it a,fair ,trial. We hope our old.friends and customers .will aeliist. - them in their. efforts t as they, the people, will be the greatest gairiera by the snocesl of the reddy-pay 'Ye/en?, SUTPHIN & YOUNG. Al) those Indebtel to us t ,ou booh.or othetaviie are rehnested inifi‘„iintrigdleta„ We will continue to, receive graih i ou ascount until the'2o6 of lird.reli -iiektt et,. the msrket. seine. . SUTPHIN & YOUNG. VObinary 27th, 1856.-51.td., A COJIPLP T E aseprtment of G ROCEgtEs - 4 3:. lit C. P. 4. 0: M. iiitvaxes, 11:17htrItiej HARPEllitg'WEEnt A Journal of Carillon.lloil... e , Employs tits Pea Talent in: Mc Wtoild ! - Ytnsts—mr.suistax IS. ADVAICCh: . : , 1 copy 20.wecVs131 Ot) V copies 1 yisar'bb Iffl 1 " 1 year 150 12 ~" " " 20 00 1 " 2 "".. , "'4 pg. 15 : . ... -“-. “ .40 00 liarperia•Weekly l r3 , l:.*gaFine' 1 year 1 11 00, , Postmasters sciri4lgg a OrtU of twelve Sr twen. ty.fivc, rill receive out copy gratis. , i 4 . Subscriptions may'cointnenee wittrany number !Specitnen numbers grata t4uslyisupplieil.."' . • Akag.k numbers can Le furnished to any extent.: • Clergyttin &Tenelirs en pl'd Jai °West club raid. I. 'I : HARPER & BRUS, Publishers, mhl 3mj :. Franklin Squate, NeW York.. ; LOOK HERE! try , COBB offers to the public, at prices that . cannot fail to !init., a LARGE and _Stirtiftor asurtment of • - G IR. 0 t WIZ W!) at the old u?,e1,1 known establishmen formerly oc cupied by Olives Crane. SUGAItS,TEASS.C.OFFE, SrfiCES,ZRUIT,FLOUR, and S'AI,T