The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 11, 1858, Image 4

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    OF .11,'3r
. .
• thiii-Bealti - 11epublic has it•i fat COnespoict•
ant who writes that raper thuti.:
:Ai et intimated • to -you, firicing come . to
tlpeconchishin that there was nothing tit-to
-e - 14 Buffalo,',l started for New York on
Friday : A:est, On the Central . . Railroad. . I had
najdett that a man with a respectable quantity
of flesh, was leaked upon with - any degree of
- surprise, .outaide.of your city limits. 1- only
• weigh two. littfidte - d and thirty two
. pounds,
and if I arri said to be as broad as -:and long,
it certainly was no reason for the ticket agent
niacin Btqiilo-...4e0t to inquire, you
tvish to go as freb . ga, or as. a pa , senger!" ‘1
told him, With- cthis.iilorable tiTerity. "As
• it:issiSeriger - of course," when he charged me
tOriielieti for two! end -upon my expostulst
in: with him, he veik.,inipudently inquired if
tauppOsed else could sit in- the
same . mat I Occupied. Being aware .t. .it
was a Minuet' : of some doubt, 1 said no more,
but heard • hire mutter something to hinalelf
about .hogs - always going freight, as I.
otiiihd off—which remark was made, I pre
• snme; to an omnibus driver, standing near.--
(t teuld have had uo reference to me'
• Do visk think it could ! - - •
got on the car scone chat ruffled in
temper, and..after crushing twri or three woL
men trnftt. • A-Uzi/m.4er of
.ten feet into about
six iaches, and flattening out an apple boy
and pop:torn vender, so that their identity
I:oecarrie a matter: of considerable research, II
iinally obtained a seat opposite an old scraggy.
lady .
. and her unmarried datigkter: They
screamed as bat down, and J was tempted to '
expand my lungs' in the same truterier, for tee I
who!e feat give way with me, and &tasked
me- with.' my wig in a pool of tobacco juice,
and 'my feet in the bony', unmarried girl's lap..
Cij on extricating myself from the. wreck, I
discovered to any- horror that I had split the.
back of my coat, had utterly , crushed -out
of existence three bandboxes, and oblained ,
'the eternal hate of
s ate scraggy Women and'
;ter bony (laughter - for ever. My failure is
easily . explained, for:Who - 'ever heard otauy
m m
an aking the decent apology in a fradg r•
, Ni*
. 404 and a head saturated with tobacco
ittiee t •'• ••
%.41,lieli Went it:to another ear, in cense
inence of the indignation of. thk passengers
• - iaving been aroused try the two woman
:tided to, aud.especially as I heard a gentle
aan With short hair and
. not very placid face,
mqui rine' if he hadn't better punch him. Bar
, .mg, no doubt that the him referred to was me,
Imade myt,elf ai seldom . as possibte,and went
into the 'treat car: . - Toe tents in the car
• were all. weak, frail 'things, ne four of
• . them • telt tollieves asisat down on them.
Upon Making. my complaint • to the cOndue•
tot -who asked if tkire tiros more than one of
ine—he suggested that I had better go into
he 'baggage ea*, and. stt on one of the express
They being iron bound, lie thought
:hey . 'll Stand it, if_ nothing else would. I did
:o in there: - The r;iggaoc.rtan, who was - not
. rely polite, sked me What I-wanted.
I wanted' to stay in there He said it
, "•onidn't he! , did ;,as, if -1 came in, he would
'race to go out ; there wasn't room for " them'
two trunks and bo:b . of us in that the r e b ag .
.:age 'Car." • I accommodated matters with
%int by giring, him,a dollar one cf twenty
• . had borrowed.) he agreed to ride the
ontaide of the car, while I occupied th - e - inside,
I got. upon two,exprees trunks, andwas very
.:omfortable. Indeed I should hare been per
eo if the ba;7age man hadn't kept an
- noying :me. Ile kept diving his head
the . car, and a;kking if I was going to New
Fork; and -upon replying that I was, he wo'd
eorivey my reply to . ibe• brekesman, who evi
dently had been tailtin4 of the A:the way
.from Rochester.' Finally. the baggage malt
Move his.head in again, as if to end some ar
gument, ,and asked me it' I intended to wo'.toM
Uarnum's ZiEnseinn when I got to-New York..
F. told him J &old; which information he
!wrireyed to, the brakesman, who ejaculated,
Thon,ght so 7 :-it's him l"
couldr: l t in:vigil:le what, they meant.--
'1 . 14 . 'chuckled coniiderably, and said:
• •Twould .a cost two shilling's in New York",
abruptly put an end - to their" on•
• rersatina by:putting my .head Out Of the car ,
door, and inquiring Who was " him," /tihrl 1
shat 'Would cost two sidlyngsin New York,"
-and what they bad " seen for nothing." The
s...^akisman was somewhat stailled, but Teeny
s'ied'arfßeieritly to say's Fat Bo r." This an=
. .;wer.effaring the no nflrrna!ion - whatever, I
hacked. , intit.the ear agtin, Mitch puzzled as
a What they meant: D:earnirig th at I was
. being :broiled on. gridiron ,
for the purpose
•f" frying" me ont,•arld thavthe fat was run
ning: friiin me in innumerable rivulets, which
- wits being caught in little tin cups, and sold
by tradesmen td' all descriptiOns, f 3114E41 in
S'yracuse, and;
. therea woke, deli ghted to fi nd
--.hat I
_retained My :a:cmar
:oed flesh, and that.! ,
i•rongs 'wei4 sounding ertatic announcements V
of - "dinner'', I.w - ill- write.yott agein
Till then believe, me your much annoyed 1 1
affair of" honor" haringgbeen keft for settle
ment to Messrs.. J. J. Crittenden, Robert.
rtioyabs and A. Kennedy, as referees, by
the-parties interested, they replrted as fol.
'lVAsttmorox'; I). C., Feb. a.
We bare carefully examined and considerk
ed the facts connected with the recent -
enlty between Gen. Cullom Mr. Clav,and
%ye are <A' o,pinion that General Cullom acted
under mistaken impression - s and- was, in the
wrong,; suid. that the honor of 'both parties
demand that General Cullom shall make a,
tatigfictory apology to Mr. Clay.
_And We . further decide that the acceptance
of:these terms of t•ettleraent by Gen. Cullom
and the seconds 'of the parties shall be cop
isidered'aicompliance therewith, and restore I
dieter:Per relations of the parties.. -. .
This-proposition having been accepted, all
difficulty was 'at an end—a far happier result
isiran a hat - might Ittre foll Owed the attempt .
to blow out each other's brains. We hope
this is the lasi. - of the half dozen • "-affairs of
}towel about which we bare hhard so much
~f.late as about to come off at.the•Capitat of
the Nation. They area disgrace alike to the
individuals engaged in them, and to our na
tional character. In , reference to 'these
" troublous times" and billiouti-demonstrations
llnt. Crittenden,. wife of the Senator, -wittily
and pointedly remarked a day- or two since
that the season of dog days seemrd to have
heen . reversed, they usually Come in the month
of August, but now they come upon us in
February. •
tgr "Well, John, did vou - lake that note
-I gave you to Mr. Smit - hersr Inquired a
-gentleman of his rustic sr rant, "Yes, sir,"
iepliedJohn, "I took the note; but I. don't
Mali he can read it ."-"Cannot rend_ it," es=
Aaiined the - : gentleman t . "ahy so,. J-ohnr
"Because be la so blind, sir. While I wor,
in the loom he asked me were tuy hat'araa,
:and wc.r on my head nil the time."
The SOddle, lionness tild Truck Shop of
j$A fast Irishman, : i n a time of revival,
Hued this cliurchi',but was lusiad, sinoing, I ,bc• .Ik..En..ivara
.1 of-long afterward. "Didn't you join - . ,the is REMOVED to the building recently oven.
Methodist?' inquired a pionairtlispaietf,per. I S
C.. 0. Hollister, on Main St., one - door
1 above S. S. Mott's; where he will be happy to
n. ‘•Faix an' f. did—l -lined for six Inotiths,
wait on all l who may favor him with their patron.
-Cd' I bginved tO Will that thee Ipr tne '. --. , .1
°II 1 age. , _
aitit Sarre.'• ' - i
- . Jan. 20th, IMl3.—tr : ~
usitress Pirating.
Cc 11,1ontro;e ptmorrut,
Terms r «-$1.50 per annum if pa,id in ad
vance, $2.00 if paid within the year, or $2.50
if not paidu ntit the end of the year' or period
of Subscri Lion. Advance payment solicited, •
Disconttnuances optional with the Publisher
until all arrearag,es are paid. • . 4 ,
It sates of Advertising.
One squafe, (12 lines,) 3- weeks or less, $l,OO
Each subsequent insertion, _ . 25
One square one year, $3.00; two sq'rs $12.00,
three squares $lO.OO, four squares $20.00.
Business Cards of six lines $3.00 per year.
Job Work of all kinds executed neatly
and promptly. Blau always on . hand.
Janniry Ist, 1657.
*.1,300 1 00045 -
For . Firr, Lifr, and Inland Insurance:
Offiet New Milford, Pa.
January - 18i 1858. • - ly*'
Dr. A'. Smith, & Son,
-- QURGEON'D' ENNSTS. Residence and of.
0 flee opposite the Baptist Church (north side)
Alontrose. Particular attention will be given
to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and
to fining decaying teeth.
• January Hith, 1858. 3.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.
Office on Public Avenue over H. rWebb's
• WM. W.
Cabinet and Chair inannhoietur
ers, foot of Main Street. Moottose,-Pa.
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye Stuffs, Gl s ass-Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnisher,
Window Glass; Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew.
dry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the
most popular Patent Medicines. •
Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the
,Baptist Meeting House,' on Turnpike-. Street -
MonttOse, Pa-
Physician And Surgeon, Montrose.
?a. Office in \he Farmer's Store.
Attorney and Conlyoellor at La
Montrose. Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to him in the County of Susq'a.
Convey:luring . and writing of all kinds will be
clone: neatly, and charges moderate. He will also
attend to yirosecution at claims of soldiers, their
widows and heirs, against the U,. S, Govern.
ment, for Bounty Land, Pensions; &.
M. C.. TYLER, •
Intereetod with 1,,L, Emit,
Importer vivid Dealer in Hardware ano
Cutlery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &c.
No. 21 s.Pearl Street, N. Y.
Where his Mercantile friends, in this and OTHER
counties, pre' kindly invited, and EARNE.sTLy so
licited to call and 'purchase. • Ott
D. VAIL, M. D.,
Physician and Sstrr,con, has perma
netly himself at Brackneyville, Susq'a
County, Penn's., and will promptly attend to all
.calls with u•hich`ho may be favored. •
May, 1t356—n22.
litesw ; llllford, Penn'a.
Wholesale dealer in 'Buttons, Combs,
Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods,
irVatches i Jewelry. Silver and - PlatedWare, Cut
lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &e. Sze:
Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal
Qradtiate of the Allopath:c and Homeo.
pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per
manently located in Great Bend Pa.
April• !st. 1856.
Faalionable Tailor. Shop first door
1.? north of-the Farmer's Store.
LtbllU TO' EMMill
,Sharteied by the State of Pennsylvania
- .CAPITX!. 300.000 DOLLAILLS-.
Insures against loss oi damage by fire, on buil
dings, furniture, and merchandise generally.
Lizir Losses adjusted by arbitration, where
the parties fail to agree. afEj
IL - A. "Lantz, John Li t ades,
H. Ember. Fred. Scazback,
William Wallace, Eli Itiodig,
Samuel Dyer, ' Thomas Gray,
1' David Strickler.
II: KR ABER, President,
D. STRICKLER. Secretary: - •
, . 0. S. BEE SE, Agent, Montrose, Pa.
February 2d, 1858. [IY*-
„Elthitai - ulartrs' afitsunna Co.
Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of
• Pennsylvania.
CAPITAL $500.000 ;
Fire, Marine ands uland Transpoi
s Latium
- A Anjg S. Lirprscorr, President.
Wu. A. RIIODtS, ViCe.Preet.
ALFRED'WEEKS, Secretary.
Aaron SI Lipincott, Charles Wise,
Wm. Al Rhodes, . Alfred Weeks,.
Wm. Thomas, J. Rinaldo. Sank,
WM: Nal, JOhn P. Simmons,
Charles T. Field, - .Lames P. Smith.
Office NO. 10 Merchant's Exchange, Phil'a.
• BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Pi.
• ,20v1
FMK tiff TOM,
• rp HE subscriber having purchased,
refitted and newly furnished the
;I: above well known and popular Hotel,
is Prepared to accommodate the, tray.
'eling public and Others with all the attentions
and conveniences usually found in 'first =class
' Houses. _NO effort will be spared by the Pro
prietor and his - Assistants to make the Hotel
,equal in very point to any in the country.
The Bar Will always be supplied with the
Choicest Liguors.
The Stables, 'connected with this House
are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and
attentive Hostlers are alWays in charge of them.
- ' J. S. TARBELL.
Montrose, May 3 3th, /857. -
LITTLE & winairices 'COLUMN
E C H - S! !
la TILL please reraember,when building, that
WN the subscribe is are furnishing
SAga ids
• .
At the lowest Factory p4ces, and that they keep
constantly on hand, a late stock of
- NAILS, 1'
I , ' . A STE . -N INGS,
LIMF I 117 C tire
*I .1
In faet,,we hare almost everything in the wmy of
Building ltaterials,
Of first rato quality, an 11 sell them at a very
small advent.° from Cos for CASH. •
Therefore weconfideutly assure Builders, that
they will materially consult th6ir own interests
by giving us a call, befcirOpurchasing.
.13 Y the LOAD or nARREL, constantly on
hand, and for sall s 4t the very lowest rates,
Nicholson Septembet. 15t,1857.
rimy an c%,
J. B. McCoLurm
New and Beautiful st
A FRESH lot of t
also, Bluefish in
just received by
AAIAr Stock Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, dtc.,.idtc:, a hundreth part of
hich we have not tie to mention . enough
- to say, we have al ost anything, and eve.
rything expected to by found at a store in ths
country—all of which"
s we are determined t.
tnrn into cash, in the very shortest possible
time and we herewith issue a
110 airl:32l
We• wish it distinctly undemtood, that for
CAsn we will sell al l y kind of Goods at much
lower priies than usu 1.
Frei Groceries.
SUGAIL, Molasses, Rice, Coffee, Tea, and
all kinds of Groceries in any quantity, at
the very lowest rates, a full stock constantly on
hand, by LITTLE & I L
LVOTWITHSTAI , 'DING the recent heavy
advanee in the rico of Teas, we have se
cured a' large lot of the' same quality of that
which hag created solmuch good feeling among
our Tea drinking customers.
Plenty of it, by thi cheat or pound, at the old I
price, by
It a Fact,
THAT Saleratus,l Soap and Candlea of the
best qualities, 4re for sale by the Box, at
New s York city w/glesaTe prices, by
potash, .
IN Tin Cans, a Pzzre article, for aide by
CONSTANT -,Y on hand, a first rate :1 !I art
mentl of Men'. , Bogs' and Youths' double
sole Boots and Sh -a, of, the beat manufacture,'
also, Women's - Sh es, foots and Gaiters in
great variety, all to e sold at very low rates, by
Rats and Caps, ,
IN almost enless mriety, of kinds, quality anti f
prices, for sate y
Ltrmu & HARDING.
• sonnets,
"DIBBONS, Flo , ers and Trimmings, for gale
COATS, Vest And Pants, well made, and
good Style -; Shirts, Collars, Hosiery,
Gloves, etc., forle cheep, by
• Leither!
SOLE and Upper Leather, Pegs, Shoe Nails
and Thread, Wax and many other kinds of
Shim Findings, for sate by
RICH ail Wol
sale by •
To Limbo
BEST Cast St
Steel Mill a
`tooth ;.< Cut Sal
scriptions, for sa
F 4 l Ol
and Cedar '
&e: &e., for sal
YOU wilt ea
Nails, Gla
toinga, and Hard
Ito the Load,
11 and for sal .1
YOU can bu
General 31
small advance
.13 Grain of s'
Shingles, Driel
in exchange to/
Tsn kimono
/ay let
,stotit of
if 11 L.
For the Winter Trade
I Now being opened by
Fish! !
ose Fine Heavy Cod
Carrels and Halr e Barrels,
Four Shi lling Tea,
Boitits and -Shoes,
.1 Carpets, at low price, fur
!men and Coopers.
•el and Steel Poll Axes, Caet
.d X' Cut Saws, also Patent.
s, with Files, of almost alt de
urn Paris, Pans, Tin, Painted
Batter - Bowls, Dairy Salt,
Yon Building?
money by purchasing your
Vaints,Oils, Sash, Door Trim
! •are generally of
Salt - and Lime, .
or Darrel, constantly on hind,
ash ! !
almost anythiag,in the may of
4rchaodise, for Casa, at a very
om cost, of
LITTLE & I 1 Eblr6.
duce Wanted. •
Eggs, Lard, Tallow, kikeswat,
I kinds, Rap, Old Iron, Lumber,
Apples, Bean s e &c., &e., wanted
Goods, by •
lb amp vltt
i k Depot,
*l7. (.
B. 11. SATRE & ufteTutias
Of 41111(.4
1.45 3 , SPRIIIG7 .
W•l37llll.Elit GOOll%.
vuincu for Cash or Produce can be boug
V V very low.
WALL PAPER. A select assortment jig
CARPETING. Barvins offered by
,SH. •
PLOWS.- We invite the attention of Partners
to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which
we have added to our large assortment..
• Proprietors of Eagle Foun:ary. ,
Montrose. April 119th, 1857. IMt
OUR Stoves have been so thoroughly tried
to the entire satisfaction of all, that they
geed no recommeed from us.
- N E
It is unnecessary to acknowledge that
SELECTS the best style of Goods that are to
bo found in New York, regardless of the ex
pense. lie has jest received from New York a
large assortment of Dry Goods consisting of
Rich' All %trouts Butanes, French Delanes, Su
perior Plaid Goods, and Calicoes in endless va
riety. His goods cost and are worth 25 per
in ire than the goods usually Old through the
country, at the same prices. • Kentucky Jeans;
Printed.Flennels, Rich Ribbonds from five cts,
to five shillings, Brocha Shawls from $7 to $2O.
Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, White Goods, Shootings
at low prices. Ladies Winter Bonnets. Shoes
- and Gaiters, large assortment. House Carpeting,
cheap. Collars, Gndersleeves, Brocade Delanes.
28 inch Black Silk for $1 a yard, something un
heard of. Debngcs, lists, Caps. Crockery. A
complete assortment of Groceries, Brown Sugar,
at old prices, 10 cts, per pound. Call and to,.
one and all. My reputotian for selling good/
cheap has not diminished in the lohst; coot°
along with your cash and, trade with your Ser
BOOK accounts with enstonters of. O'er one
year's standing must be settled as lineed the
• IVool Sock Shadows not vennted..
Lawsville Centre. Sep. 15. /
T] T.l _TO !i7 ?I. 1
reiving their Stork of Stoves for the Fall
and Winter Trade, and would beg leave 'o on,'
to their numerous friends and customers that
they have on hand the large:st and best selected
Stock of Stores ever offered to the inhabitants
of Susquehann.t Co. Their .Stock consists of
the most approved patterns of Elevated Oven,
Large Oven, Premium and Coal Cooking Stoves,
Wood and Coal Pplor Stoves of Elegant. pat
terns. also Six-Plate Office and Hotel Stoves,
Coal Burners, &c. We have the lest, Stove
constructed on 'the diving flue principle ;'ever
made, at a very moderate price. •
We-would take this opportunity of, reminding
our friends who are solicited to purchase their
Stoves of Hawkers & Pedlars, that a moments
reflection will convince them that it is very bad
economy to do so.
It is a well established fact that the east of
selling Stmt.!" by them about the coun
ty, is nrt less than 15 or 20 per cent, and gener
ally as ltigh as 20, to say nothing - of bad debts
and cost Of collections. Of course this extra ca
ntinas must come out of the pockets of the pur
peln consideration of the above facts we offer
ehr entire Stork of Stot•es at 20 per cent less
y Palar will or an sell. Call and see it
these things are not so.
New Milford, Sept. 16th, 165'7.
Va S!
D 11.2
Is just receiving a large stock of
NCLUDING a full assortment of Elerated
I Oren. Large Oi'en and Flat Top Premium
Cook Stores. for Moil or Cool, with a Superior
variety of Parlor, (Vice and Shop Storrs; for,
Wood or Coal; also, Store Pipe, Zinc, Sheet
Iron, ...Store Tubes, 4-c., 4.c.
Ills assortment will include the, most SELECT
and DEstrtanl.E STOVES in market, arutreiil be
sold 'on the most favorable' terms, and tr;" which
he would invite the particular attention'of Cssit
New Milford. October, 12th. 1857:
ttJ • ' 7 '
.. PO
,10 A , re4of
. But not through the hands of the
. .
2 4 1: 2
E prefer to dispose of our own goods,
offered to cASII CUSTOMERS, or on a MORT
CREDIT, with approved NOTES. Those who
wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, we
advise to Call at the Stores of
6uttenbag, llostnbaum, k.
At either Montrose, Sustea*Co., Pa.,
4.Sasiea Depot. "
Or Towanda, Bra'd "z
Where we offer. tb-Suit the Times and acoid
Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers
of All Kinds of DRY GOODS and READY
MADE CLOTHING, which have been' lately
purchased under existing Low Prices and sell.
ink at the some.
Comprising almost Every Kind of Duns GOODS,
such as Rich Moire Antique, Black ar.d Fancy
Silks, Plain and Printed French Merinos, Shaded
and. Plain All Wool and Common Do Laines;
Paramettas, 25 to 30 per cent. Lower than ever,
&c., &c. In Domestic Goods, our assortment is
complete and Astonishing Low. We also have
on hand 3 heaiy Stack of
Which we will offer 30 per cent. lower
than any other establishment in this section. Also
In the fleshed and beet maned. and Warranted.
All kinds of Graih taken at the Highest Mar
ket prices; also Dried Apples and Geese Feath
ors: .
*i*Plessecall sad price our goods end satisfy
yourselves of the above facts.
Montrose. Pa.,
Nov. 24th, 1857.
Cashimera and Veatinga,veryde
kJ alrable stylus, it prim that cannot fail to
suit. Cal) and be convinced. C. W. gOTT•
. ,
A Benevolent Institution, established y Special
endowineny for the retie/ Qf the sic and dis.
tressed,ailictedleith Virulent Elatinic diSeasel.
MO ALL PERSONS Milkiest with Se?ximi
• .1L Diseases, such u Spermatorthcea, Seminal
Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhees., Olve‘SYPhi
lis,lhe.Vieit of Onanism, or self abase, &c.,
The liOtiAllD ASSOCIATION, in view of the
awful destruction' of human life; caused by Sexu
al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon
the unfortunate victims of such diseases- by
Quacks, several years ago directed their Con.
suiting Surgeon, as a CGARITABLE ACT worthy of
their name, to open a Dispensary for the trent
:trent of this class of diseases, in all their - forms,
and to give lIIEDICArt ADVICE GRATIS, to all who
apply by letter, with a description of their con.
dition, (age, occupation, habits' of lift-, &c.,) and
in ease s 0 1 extr e me povbrty, to furnish medicines
free cf 'charge. _ It is needless to add that the
Association commands the highest medical skill
of the age. and will furniA the most improved
modern treatment.
The Directors on a review of the past, feel
assured that their labors in this sphere of benevo
lent efillrt, have Leen of great benefit `to the
afflicted; especially to the young, and they have
resolved to devote themselves, with renewed
zeal,' to this very important but much despised
Just published by the Association. a Report
on Spermatorrlwea. or Seminal Weakness, the/
Vice of Otianistu, Masturbation or Soli- Abust,
and other diseases of tire sexual organs, by / the
Consulting Surgeon, which will, be . sen / t/ by
roan (in a sealed letter - envelope,) rgZE OP
CHARGE, on the recei pt of
.01' posh
Address, for Report or Tri
R. Calhoun, Consulting Sur ,
elation, No. 2 South Ninth
By order of the
Oct. 15'11.1857.
Patent Medicines, &c.
GRAMENBERG AVlnci.rits.—VegetablO Pills
Green. Nlou?tain Ointment, Sarsap trila
Compound. Children's-Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe
ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dyson.
tary Syrup, o,nsuntptive's Balm , . 11nr,hnl!'s
Uterine, Catit'olienn, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment,
and Alanusl of Health., 0
Ayres Pills and Cherry -Peetorial. Tanner's
German / Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
Holloway's Ointufent and Pills, Davis' Pain
Killer. Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's
Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm,
`'right's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever
find Augue Cure." Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni.
ca Lineament, Camphor. Castor Oil, Pareeric,
Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c , &c., &c.
A new supyly just received. to be kept constant.
ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD.
October. et, 18 6.
0 0 ID' P Et . 0 P-11; bll
• sATTIMOD : ,
4ND examine the Aoki' stock of Spring
and Summer Goods, just opened
for Examination and isar.x, at rery lore kfzures by
.0. W.- -3iOTT.
Q TELLA, Cashmere, and DeLnin Shawls at
very low prices by C. NV. MOTT.
'LTA Ts and Caps of the newest styles, in
&A great variety by . C. W. MOT .-.
pnENTs in nlinntinnee by
- C. W. MOTT
BR ASS Hoops, Hosiery, Cloves, Belts
etc., etc., by _ C. W, MOTT.
DROWN and Blue Sheeting and Sh'rtings•; , =-
Shirtine Stripes, Mks, Denims, Summer
Stuff's, Sta., Sic., as low an can be afforded in this
market. C. W. MOTT.
Groceriei !Groceries:l
(good assortment of Groceries Comprising
.111 Flour: Salt. Ffah, Trn, CofTee; - 'Sugur. -&.,
and other articles in the fine top 'numerous-to
mention, winch is offered for sale at low prices,
for cash or ready pay. Call and examine my
Goods and PRICES before purchasing else.
, S. S. MOTT
Moptrime,Ang. 10th, 857.
The Illanetic Bolt.
THE undersigned; after many yeara•of Fateful
research and experiment, have discovered
and perfected a safe, convenient and unexception
able means of completely controling ,the maternal
fun'etion, without employing any of the unnatural
and deleterious expedients so often resorted to
for that purPose.a Apart from its specifil use of
preventing conception, it is an infalible Means of
restoring to health and vier the ribuied,dembged
and enfeebled procreative functions of females,
and of reinvigorating and restoring the general
health to its wonted constitutional integrity. It
consists of a Magnetic Belt, which encircles the
body directly over the os illiani, by the magnetic
action of which the fecundating power is inter
cepted and held in abeyance, and the vital ncnro
magnetic currents., other Wise drained off by sex
ual excesses, are thrned back thro' .the system,
stimulating all the viscera to a healthy normal
tone. In a true moral aspect, no valid objection
can be urged against its lawful use, as it is de
signed to subserve a great humanitary purpose in
the reproductive economy: It is impossible in
a brief card to, give the reader an adequate con
ception of the virtues of the discoverb Ifind the
modes of its action. Accordingly, theproprietors
have prepared a pamphlet, fully, eml3odyiog the
philosophy ofits influence upon the ge l nitive func
tion, its uses, tests and results, which they will
forward upon the receipt of-six cents in postage
stpmps, to any address. The price of the! Belt
is $5, sent by mail free.
346 Broadway; New York:-
Address P. O. Box 2341.
d 24, 3m.1
The Shoais and Quicksands of Touch,
Jun POlish•d the 3d Edition.
entific Treatise on the treatment
and perfect cure of Nervous Debility,
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Im potency,
&e., resulting from vicious habits acquired du..
ring the critical passage from to Manhood.
Member cf the Royal College of Surgeons of
England, 1827, Licentiate of the Hall (1842)
and 3Q years Residen4 - Practioneer in Lon
don; Author of the "Guide to Health," "G reen
Book" "How . to be Happy," Memories of
"dingle and Married Life," &c.
This small, but highly valuable Treatise s writ
ten by a word renowned Physician. and Surgeon,
points out the only sure and permanent core for
ail diseases i,esulting f•ont self abuse. and is the
only publication of its kind written in a "benev
olent spirit and by a scientific man. It should
be in the hands of all who value their life add
health and happiness here and hereafter. •
Price 12 cents or 4 stamps, at the receipt Of
which it will be sent post free, and well secured,
by Dr. CH. ALINE, No. 240- lat . /Venue, Box
4588, New York. Vin. 28th, 1858.--tc. •
• Farm for Sale.
91HE subscriber offers for sale a Good Farm
of 95 acres in Bridgewater, font miles east
of Montrose, 70 acres improved. There is on
the premises a large framed Dwelling House, a
good framed Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard
Onahalf of the purchase money will be required
down; the' balance in annual instibnehts:' .;
Bridgewater, August 19th, 1807. 33tr..
OLLOWAY'S Pills and Oi nun ent,Tdoree's
1.1. Indian Root Pills,and Ayer's Cherry'Pee.:
torsi and - Cathartic Pills. Constantly for sale
See Advertisements ltr this piper.
PROFESSOR WOOD'S Hair Restorative at
• • ' TURREWS,,
A CO4PLETE sosoilmokt OiGitOCiitlES
xi, at C. P. &0. 114vIrr's.
- - .
- ''''''''''l - 7 --- . — '..7." 7- - ---- --- E
. .. AYR'S • . ‘.' ,Holmbold's Genninti. Piepaistioi
illigiily' _Coneentrattd.Componnd Plaid Extract
• • -..--
at lactic -... Pills , i / _
. , "(SUGAR COATED,) . - , - Baron. • •
. ,
lit aaDx r 0
Y Fur DiSeases of the Sheller, Kidney:, Grov e l
- Invaltds,'Fathers, Ilothers, Fayst,taam„ .
- Div a Weaknesses, ObstruCtions; Secret
Fhitaiitneoptsta, rend ehefr • Efrketeses , Diseases, Female , Complainia, and all ."
and JudEs- at theta' Vlrtna** ' • - Diseases of the Sexual. Organs,
Ton Tire cum or 1 /
' arising from excesses and imprudences hi lit, and
Headache, Sick Ilearnmdachume,rpo4vlsitolmaosmcb. yomoying all improper discharges - from the bled.
• Da. J.C. Arm Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of • der, kidneys, or sexual organs, Whether Printing
the word iiaslube any bc"ly ea" h ir e b Y a daaa " ralr - in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cam*
of your Pills. It emus to arise from oat stomach, whkh
they dew» at once. If they will, c re others an they do may , nave originated, and no matter of how
tee the Net is worth knowing. ~. long standing, giiing health and vigor to the
' Yourinith great respect, /ED. W. PEBBLE,
ejeek (Li Simmer Mario*: crime, and bloom to the pallid cheek:: ~
Bilious Disorders and: 'Aver Complaints. , -
. ,
a „DiP.„,ArtN 2 ,,.„,„,„°! c Tai„Jrzu,,,,,,,,,T, 56 .1 it cares r nertons and deliili Mted : r ulferem, and
Ike: limes tweel yonr mom nis general sad bewail . romoves all the syniptoms, among hieb will hi
practice evenalnce you ale them, and cannot hesitate to found indisposition to e*ertion loss orpower,
soy they are the beet thartic we employ. Their rega.
-I • I -
biting action ma the Neer is quick aud decided, couseqmmt.. loss of memory, di ffi culty of breathing, gen
'Y they are an l weaknees, horror of disease, weak
" 1 12 " rem°4 for der""lnlma or that eral
organ. Indeed, I, vs seldom Nand a cue of Nina de"
awe so obellnateAnt it aid trot readily yield to them. ,-, , nerves, , trembling, dreadful horror of
Free ly youni„,_. ALONZO BALL, 31. D death, night sweats, cold feel, 'wake , , •
-/ • Ph/deign it, the Maritsa . , ,
DOentery, Relax, lad Wonvis... - fulness, dimness of vision, languor,
Post o,vvws, ElaitetAnn, LW. Co., DUX, N0v.16, Mb. universal lassitude of the mei; '
, Dr. Arm Your Pills are the perfection of medicine. cular syatetro, often enormoust
They hive done my wife,. more good than I can tell you. „ appetite, with dyspeptic '. l
• , '
She Nad been sick and pining away Ex Months.. Went
offghe doctored at groat expense, but got no better. She' symptoms, hot bomb+, flushing, - • • .
, di commenced taking your Pills, which lipoli cured ber;
~ of the body, dryness of the ski , li '
Ihy expelling large quantities of worms (dead) Aran NW . ..,/ .
,body. They afterwards,cured her and car two children pallid connten linen end .eropti as ~,'
/ofbloodydyeentery. One of our nelghtcni had it tad, and on the face, pain in the back,heavidese •
may wife cured him with two dries of your Pllla, while
others around us paid front flee to twenty dollars doctore of the eyelids . , frequently. black apots
bills, and icor much time, without being coned entirely' •
flyingo before the eves, witb,a rem nor]
even then. Such a medicine b yoUre, which is actually i
good and honest, will be prised here. sof r os i on and loss Of sight; want of
s i eolitlo, -
OEO. J. DRUMM Asiteaster.• great mobility, restlessness, with Merin of AO-
Indigestion and- Impurity of the Blood ciety. - Nothing is More desirable to step patient&
Prom Rce..r. Y:Hist!a,
yorettf Adyesg
sett than solitude,ana nothing they More read for
Da. Atm: I have used. n PEN with eat . ,
aneeoet in my ikmilyand among those I am canted to fear of themselvesi no reposeof manner, nos
i ~
in dlstresa, To regulate the organs of &gallon and purify earnestness, no speculation, but a burned
Oa bloat they are the ver y be " " teed ' I be" ever
Known, and I - transition from one questionto entailer;
can confidently recommend them to my
s • friends. Yours, J. V. 11131afl. These symptoms, if allowed to gti on—which
WAISAir dour 0 4 N.Y.. dd. 24, 18515 .' . this me s c i on invariably ,lemoves-44mit follows
Dux Sot: I am using your Cathartic Mlle in my pore.
lice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the ' toes of flower, fatuity and epileptic fits—tia One
eyetim, and purify the fountains of the tdood. of whic h ) the patient. May expire.
~ Who Can say
JOHN O. 2034.CL1A51, M.D.
that these excesses are not frequently! followed '
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Kingly Elfil, Teller,
• Tumors, sad Salt Rheum. bydirefulrefill if
- thawdiseases—insanity tin .consump l
./kont a llbricardieg Merchant of St %mat, RP. 4, tau. tion f The recoed aof the insane anyeems, and
Dz. Ann Your Pais are the Psalloo i,K d a u g hters n the melancholy i deatts by consumptiob bear am
great in medicine. They have cured my Moe
pie witness tyihe truth of these asser i tions. is
°rut/unmet sores upon her hands and feet that hid proved
incurable for years. Mix mother has been long iertevoluk 10 male nay) rna', the most melancholy exhibition
r ( ly afflicted with blotehes and pimples on her skin and in
- 1 . her hair. After our - child was cored. she also tried yoef vppears. The countenance is actualiy Isedilen At
Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. . (ORS destitute—neither mirth or grief ever vie.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Goat. its it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is
.Pheta Me Rev. Dr. Ilaudett, q/ the MUNI! Epte. aura. rareletnytteutate.
PULAITZ Born, &TAIWAN. Oh., Jan. 6,1556..
, 7 "With woeful measures wan de mite
nom= Stet: I should he impotent for the relleriont , -
skill has brought me if I did not report my ate to you. • / Low sullen sounds his grief be uiled."
A cold waled in my limbs and brought on excruciating ,' Debility is the most terrible! and has brought ,
neuralgic pains, which ended in ehronk rheumatism-
Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the Weenie. ill olintiOds to untimely graves, thus blasting the
grew worse and worse, until, by the advice of your excel. • ambition of many noble youths. !Lean be cured
lent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills.,
Tit . .
Their effects were slow, but sure. ul persevering in Our by the use of this' . •
ass of them lam now entirely well. INFALLIBLE its:BEE. '
Sawa CiLlinialt„ Baron Ronne, La., 6 Ded.,1866. k -
Da. Am: 1 hare been entirely ennui by your Pills of If you are suffering with any of thei above itis. -
Rheumatic oats a painful disease that had anlieted ma Weaning ailments, the Fluid Extract. ( luchn will
yon. years. VINCENT SLIDELL. cure Try it and be conv'need of efficacy.
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindrcdrCom; pfr Beware of quack nostrums and 'quack doe.
pumas, requiring an active purge, they at. an excel'
Not remedy. / tors, who falsely boast of abilities and ( references,
For Costiveness or Constipati on; and as Citizens know and avoid them, and see long sof
a Dinner P/11, they are agreeable /intellectual. N,. tering., money, and exposure, by send ng or call.
Fits, Suppression, -Paralysill Inljam m „in_. l l.' ing for a bottle of this popular and ,LPeeifie rem-
Haas and even Deafness, And Pardue li..Utta
mesa, have been cored by the alterative action or these ed . y. :It allays all pain and inflammation, is per.
featly ple a sant - in its-taste tied odor, 11 1 et immedi- .
Moat of th e pills In market contain Mercury, which, ab a t e in eta nntion.
I -
though a valuable remedy in skilful bands,.l2 dangerous
in a public pill, from the dreadful consequeneee that fre• . H ELMO: D " EXTRACT BUCHU
quently follow IN incautious nee. These contain ho met.
cury or mineral substance filtalever. Is prepared directly netording to therulea of
AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Pharmacy slid Chemistry, with the gieatest ac- •
enmity and chemical knowledge and ' care devo
ted in its combination. See Professbr Dewees
valuable' works on,the practice of Physic, and
mo.t of the late standard works of inetticiiie.
M" . 8100_01 One hundred dollars will
be paid to ram' physielan*bo Cap pr?ve thatihe'
medial C - rer injured n phtientamd the testimony
of thousands can be ririlthici.d to prime that it
,great good. Cases of from 06. week to
13 years' standing have been effected{ The mans
of voluntary testimony. hr possession! of the Pro
prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers,
is immense; embracing names welt known to '
Science and Fame.
G - etage
ir.szA, • witn.k.Numns, WHOOPING
and for the' relief of consumptive patents in advanced
gages of We disease.
We need not speak to the public of its virtues.
Throughout every town, stud almost every hamlet of the
Amerman States, its wonderful cures of pulmonary com
plaint. have made It already known. Nay, few are the
familleain any civilized country on title continent without
Wane-personal experience of its effects; and fewer yet the
„canny/skies any where wide). have not among them
some living trophy of its victory over the subtle and den.
gerietiitiseases of the throat and lungs. While it is the
mmt ',Overfill antidote yet known to men for the forint.
dab% egad dangerous the rulmonary organs, It
Is also the pleaeantest and safest remedy that can be ems
.ployed for infants and young persons. Parents Should
. have it in store against the insidiona enemy that steals
upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to
believe the CHUM. Prcreesiraves more lives by the con
sumptions it prevents then those ircurea.- Neep it by
you, and cure your cold. white they are curable, nor neg•
heel them until no human skiltcan master the inexorable
canker dug fastened on the TRIO., eats your life away.
All know the dreadful fatality of lung dbotilers, and as
they know too the virtue, of this remedy, we need not, do
more than to assure them it, is still made the best it can
be. Be spare no cost, no are, no toll to produce it the
most perfect posaible. and 'thus afford those who rely on
It the best agent which oar skill can furnish for their cure.
Practical and Analytical Mends:, Lowell, Man.
ABEL 'IT KRELL, Montrose,
And by Deniers in mEntcnas everywhere.
EMEEII3= I M4 •-
New , Rail Road Route. .
pelaware, W.R.U.
NEW. and expeditions broad gunge route
from the North and West, via Great Bend
one Scranton, and' .from the Lsekawannit and
Wyoming valleys, directly through to New
York and Philadelphia.
On and after Monday; Jan. 18th, 1858; trains
will be run as follows:
TherNight Express Train bound east on N. Y.
& Erie R. R, arrives at Great Bend at 4.00 a: m.,
and connects with the EXPRESS Train which
leaves Great Bend for,NeW York 'and Philadelphia
at 8.30 m
Me at Montrose,
) 9.50 9.07 -""
Tunkbannock, •
,Factoryville, 10.13 " "
'Scranton,lo.oo "
SStroudsburg, , -
Delaware ; (lfrininutes to dine.) 2.16 "
Bridgeville, l'hil. pass. leave 2.40, "
• Junction, 3 30, "
New York, '7.10, "
Pbiladelphia,s- 8.20, "
Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier
N0..2 North - Rider, at
From Philadetphiac leave Walnut St,
Wharf, at I 6.00 - 11
Leave Junction, 10.55, "
Dueatßridgeville,(Phitconnection.)lL4s, "
- Delaware, (15 min. to diianer), 12.00 In.
Stroudsburg, 12.41, p. m
Scranton, 3.35, "
. , FaCtoryville, 4.27 "
Tunkhanoek, . 4.48 "
Montrose, 5.35, "
Great Bend.: 6.10, "
Connecting at Great Bend with !hi
Dunkirk Express, west, at
Accomm °dation Train leaves Scran
ton far Great Bend at - 7.20 a. in.
Arrive at Great Bend, • 12 25 p. ni.
- Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on
the N. Y. &E. „Rail Road. ' •
Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1.25 p. m.
-Due at Scranton, 6.10 "
For the accommodation of way travel on the
Southern Division, a 'passenger cal will bo at
tached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving.
Sernatoli, at • 5.00 a. m.
Due at Stroudsburg at ' 10.20 "
Junction at . 2:10 p. m.
Retnruing, will leave Junction at 5.00 a. m.
Due at-Stroudsburg at 8.35 "
- Scranton St , - 2.50, p: m.
Passengers from New York will change cars
at Jude:lon.
To and froth Philadelphia, via B. D. A.R.,
leave or take ears at Bridgeville.
For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesharre,take -
L. &• B. R. 'lt., ears at Scranton.
For Jesaup.Archbald, and Carbondale, change
.cars at Greenville. •
Tickets sold, and baggage cheelt . ed through.
WIC N..lsiqs. deal Ticket. Agent
:NEW GOODS!! f's
Af,ONTROSE, AMA 30th 1851.
- Removed, • y
, ,
offiee to my new residence nearly. oppo
lti .site the_ Presbv terian Chord', on To n rripik e
Street The public aie,invited to earl and alma,
iaeapeeimens of the various stYle• 4 ,Pluffirmg
and Plate r whieh;l ern daily oxeentinir, gee.
aing.."aoy more' friends, 'ho work - speaks. fer
itself. C. D. VlRGUJ,Rt3sideat Deolist.
Montrose, Pa: Sept. 1837. -
30, a. cm
7,L "
100,000 Bottles have been surd' and not "a'
single instance offailure has been reported!
Peron-ally appeared before me, aP Alderman
of the City of Philadelphia, H. Ti Helmbohl,
Chemist; who being duly sworn dois say, that
his preparation contains no Narcoticl Mercury or
injurious Drug. but Is purely Vegetable.
H. T. Heiml,old, Sole . Mlanufacturer.
Sworn and subscribed before me thip 23d day of
Nov 1854. Vm P.JIIBBARD, Aldeiman.
Price SI per Bottle, or six for so, delivered
to any address, accompanied by reliiible and res.
ponsible certificates from Profedsore 'of Medical
Colleges, Ciergymen, and others. Prepared and
sold by 11. T. HELMBOLD,
Practical and Analytical Chemist;
No. 52 South, below Chestnut, Assem•
bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa.
lar To be had of all Druggists land Dealers
in the U. S., Canadas, and British Provinces..
Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for lielmbold's
—take no 'other. Cures guarantied. . •
Sold in 3fontrose by ABEL TURAELL, Agent.
San. 20,'57.-52t. • ;
Lackawanna -& Bloomste
Station; N. Y. Mail. Acco'i
Leaveßupert, 7.00a.m.
Bloom, ' 7.10 "
&Foy, 7.18 "
Lime Ridge, '730 "
Berwick, _ '745 "
Beach Haven, 8.10 "
Beach Grove, 8,20 "
Shickshinny, . 8.35 "
Hunlocks CI, 8.55 "
Nanticoke, ;:' 9.00 "
Plymouth, , 9.20 "
Ar've at Kingston,_ 9.30 "
Leave Kingston, 9.35 " 1,4
Wyoming, 9.50 " 2. 1,
- IN'stPittston, 9.55' "- 2.2
PittstOn, 70.00 " 2.31
, laekawanft,' 10,10 - " 2.4;
Taylorvilli, 10,20," 3.0
Arrive at Scranton, 10.30 " 3 I
The New York Hail Train •con
Express going East, on the Delaw
na & Western Railroad. - I
Arrive in New York '7.15 p. ml
o 'a. Philadelphia, by Cam
Railroad, 8.20 p. m.
Fare from Rupert to. New Yorl
The Accommodation Train N
at Scranton with the Express '1
the D. L & W. Railroad.
Stations. Phira Mail.-- Aceo'n. N.Y. Mail
LeatieScranton, , 8.00.i.M.11.30a.m. 4.00p.m
_ Taylorville, - 8.10 " 11:45 " ' 4.10 "
Lackawanna, . 8:20, a 12.00 in. 4.20 "
Pittston, 8.30 " 12.115p.m. 430 "
W. Pittston, 8.35 ".... 12,20 " 4.35 "
Wyoming, . 8.40 " 42.40 " 4:49 "
Arrive at Kingston, 9.00 " 1.00 " 5.60 "
Leave Kingston, 10:00 " 6.35"
• Plymouth, 10.15 " . ~ 6.30 "
• Nanticoke. 10.50 " . ;16.53 "
Hunloek C'k, 10.45 " 1 7.00 "
hhiekshinny.' 11.10 " 1 .2...5 ..
: Beach Grove, 1L25 " , '7.40 "
Beach Haven, 11.55 g 7 50 "
' Berwick. 11.35 " • - A.IO ,"
-: Litni'llidge, 12.20p.m. . . 835 '
Espy, 12.30 "- - ._ • 8.45 '
.Bloom, . - 12.40 " ' 8.50 4
Arrive at Rupert, 12.50 . 9.00 "
The Philadelphia Stall Train ing'.South,c9o
dads with the Mail Train at R i pert, going East
at 1.10 p. m., for Catatvissa, Part Clinton. Potts-
Ville, Reading, &c., arriving at .Philidelphieat
.0.25 p. m.. Also with Mail Train going %Vestal
3 , o'Clock p. in., ,for . Danville, Milton, Nancy,
Williamsport. and Elmira.
r i
Pdsiengert, by the 4 O'clock - ~ m. Train gciag.
- South, can take the 11 o'cloekril In. Express train
for Elmira andthe Wester lodge at Blooinsbarg
and take the 4 o'clock - a. in. intim - going East,
arriving at Philadelphia at 12 eon. '
,E.- Passengers' for° • Harris org, direct will
take the N. Y. Mail train, (4 o'clock - p. m.)'going
EOM; connecting et Port linton with the
'Dauphin & Susquehanna Railroad, °arriving at
Hirrts k urg at 12 o'clock noon. hell day.
- • • - i l , J: LEAVENSIORT,H,SupI.
Serkriton,lonuary 131 b, 1853 .
- 3m3,
1 •
- • ' ' •' - -
'W CI WS •Aromiltic Schle,
..., . . .
,k rg R. It.
3.25 "
•' 3.33 "
3.45 "
4.10 "
4,25 "
4;35 "
. 4.50 "
5 ..2 1 0 5
.5.40 "
p.m. 6.00 "
• 6.20 "
" -6.25 "
" _ 6.20 •'
6 40 "
6.50 !'
5 " 7.00 "
nects with the
re, LsClaim-
'den & Amboy
orth, connects
rain West us
' AM