The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 04, 1858, Image 3

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    outrost 1 1 antral.
Thurt,day, 'March 4, 18,55.
' Or The ;"Lenox Road Law" has been re.
pe . sled, so far as it . applied to the townships of
Brooklyn and Gibson, in this county.
A Piiirof Judicial Shilbks.
Last week's : Bradford Reporter, printed at
-Tokanda, heads along article with these °Min
ousivords, "A threatened outrage upon the
rights of the people of this judicical district,"
and the Argus, shouts in like strain and
accent Three or four columns in Woe prints_
turn quite purple with coltiending,emotiOns of
fear, malice and rage,—belched out in terms. of
coarser Malignity than is becomint in abut-mom.
Indeed the style only Jacks the •otording and
embellishment 'of a few scientific baths, to be
perfect in. itslind.
The - __, , points are two: Ist, that 'Wilmot's
Wicked and "blood-thirsty" en'errOe are perse
cuting him, out of malice; and' Oti, that the dear
people are beidg also persecuted;and stripped of
their - most sacred constitutional ",rights! -We,be
liefe we hate Stated them correctly ;. at any rate
we have endeuivored to do so,as well as:'We could
gather themfrom those, incoherent ravings.
We will quote one specimen from Mc. Repor.
ter,—" it is a bloiv aimed at him personally,
"which it is, expected to attomplish by depriv
ing the people of their constitational rights',
preventing them from saying *he they will
"have to pass in judgment on their 'mat sacred
"rights of prOperty, of liberty, and, it may be,
"of life.". Again he cries, pretilit, ill the
"name of all that is honorable and manly,
against this dishonorable and cowardly attempt
"to degrade Judge Wilmot; as, a man and a
• -
"judge \
." •
Mt, Atgus gets valiant over it, and vents
himself-after this fashiOn,—" The reckless men
who'are "engaged in it, will atop short of no
" means to 'accomplish their !nloose, even were
"it to crobtoil the people of this district in a
*deadly strife for the maintenance of their
" rights."
Now it this threat does not reduce the Legis
lature to submission, we Shall wonder,—at least
they had better adjourn. and take breath, before:
they venture upon en outrage that is to create
a"deadly strife" in No. 13.
This is- a peculiar district—it would seem—it
is an institution in itself, an empire, a vety Utah,
that.sets up for itself, and flings defiance at the
Why what will the smitten and sorrowtryg
people do, if the walls of No. 13 are broken
skull, and her. fields laid waste? We'll tell you,
Mr: Argus,...-1111he sensible men, who; think
and act for thernselves,—and they, in our county
ar e a sacy'ori:y,iliowever it maybe iq yours gill
be very glad of it; and as for the rest, their
plaintive bloating May excite pity; but will not
inspire much terror. They won't light *dad ly,r
itaint cir nature,
`Now -hat is all this agony about? Simply
this: ur Government charges the Legislature
with the dirrysof districting the State, and if re-.
shaping !ho: o districts, as eireumstances;in their
judgment, iitmy warrant. It is one of their re.
sponsible duties, in - which all the tax payers Of
the State hare s an int Crest: Whenever they enter
Oen this duty, they do it w i ron - the ruthel merits
et the ease, unswed, and nnbribed by any mare
They are neither to make or unmake a district,
for thepefonal benefit or harm of any ont man :
It is low. and false to saylhat they act froth mere
pe-sonal considerations of any kind, It-is not,
and Ca :not be a ene-man, question; unless that
single man owns tfie district, WA its salary. If
he does, bring-forward his title, rind plc `eit en
rekord, so that we can examine it. is it ifee
simple, or it life estate ? Who giro the grantors,
and- %r here aro the covenants of warranty? Shoiv
us. and if vrk find we are dist Orbin g. Mee t we'll
back oat, at oven
In our simplicity, We bete* dreattlea Iliet
Legis'atice change of district lines, was gOing
to " degrade" any elan: _ But, it seem, Were
mi,taken,—the dis:rict doesn't belong to the
people, and their rppreseetatives; nor is the office
the gift of the pettple,--ll is an irlheritankf; a
"constitutional" rlght, vested, ,like property; in
.one lion!
Such task Must ihtended fht. the Übe
of Bradford alone; it sounds queerli• among men,
who etaim a little iedepehlience and self-goierh
-ment,—and we woeld ba'e thought the Argus
and Reporter ,:would jive been afraid to have
addreSsed such -language even to the Itfadfoi'd
P e^
Now We'oholl look at this iitlestioh ,iiptin its
mkord merits. We protest against this false is:,:ide up of men - opera - Una/considerations. Nor
will we be driven now, to discuss the merits or
demeriti of any man, because they are foteigh
to ihe subject. • - •
Now We . showed, hat week, that many of the
tax payers_ are positively burthened by public
expenses.. Many are forced to mike sacrifices,
and stint their families, in .order to pay, their
taxes. In this 7by 9 district, there are bot
about 16 weeks•!xasy liorlq . for an unearned sal
ary of about $2500,—0r $O5OOO for a 10 years
term. If the Legislatures in these hard dines,
. relieve us from this, and the attendant expenses,
are they • not doing a public duty- to their con
istituents ! And is it to be complained that they
are degrading somebody, and invading private
rights!, What nonsense! .. ,
Suppose they were to change the lines of
any other district; where is the paper that would
bristle up, and charge it as A personal, and via.
heions attack 'cipein somebody's rights? Stich in
d;,gritint talk is peculiar to No. 13; and it takes
Mr. lope:ter and Argus to use it,—it_woul't
.be so much as breathed in any other part 0f, 4 e
Old Keystone. - .
- k.
Equally silly is the other pica, that "it twit
Tents the people choosing their judge!" Jast,itn
if changing district lines, took away from the
peopl e the right to rote! It is-well we hate publ
jouraiiir; s lurainaries . set in the political sky, 4.
inform the dear, ignorant people when th4z
norereit;ia invaded, and to light theta on"ie
deadly rife" in defence of liberty 1 Withottt
this information - nobody would have dreamed
.stich - a thing.. - Like the plaintiff , in a slander
gait, who blubbered out, While his attorney was
Portraying his wrongs to the jury, .that "be
eel-et knew before, how ranch he was slansler.
ed." • -
Tho truth is, this district ie altenei a siveditir,
and ought never to have been made. - If ire are
rightly informed, it was made under ;very .pe
euliar 'circumstances, and - against the better
judgment of the Majority theta in the Legisla
ture. It s has been sohmitted:to nearly 10 years,
under the growing impression that it mu wrong.
The Reporter and- Argus assumes that the
present ineumlent is in, by the overanxious
choice of the people, Now if that were true, it
w9uldn't &ter the viestion s —becanse if the dia
• kid is' ehsnged, the peeplecip choose line
they will. He can run against Woodward . in the
Bradford district, and:everry free Whirr citizen can
vote for him if they wit& under the constitution;
—or, if the. chances would be better, be could
compete with Conyugham -in this,
.But what do Wit-know about their choice, if
that did belong to the question - 1 In-onr county,
,Wm. Elweli,bad a Majority - of the delegates
seritinto centention; 7 how that was -overcome,
is not material ,to discuss here. • After 'a while,
he steps but of the office,---ind surely the peo
ple ertdered his substitute, (who was an excel
lent Man an'd a judge.) with uncomplaining for
titude,--ind after a brief interval, re entered it,
heir! Not by public acchunitioir, het by ap
"FiointMenr, from-Gov. Politick. So that we do.
not lE6O* much *bent popidat in this
_matter, yet, and ;sift net, 'Until that 'question
shall he tried at The polls and
Conynghatts, *ocniwatil, or dwell. !inmate.
fiat as this is,Vve oblect to the palletsattdwnnda
assuming that a'S a fact, and attempting - to drag
it 'into a question of district Ilia*, no* pending
before the Legislature.
Who knew he was going to riot rot it in be
tober next! Wholhotight of alining at hit,—
or kith of the wear people. as yottti articles may
claim to have . A 'constitutional right to tote for
him only,—and for bin!' in this district only I And
yet Mr. Reporter howls many tibial leader, over
these iggies.sions and outrages, than he ever
did over "bieeding kansas.". •
- WeN'e changed "our etblipatior. he still,
Kansan,--your wrongs ate nothing -com Pa
red with ours. What is slave'sy:lnd all Ile;
woes, beside the putting bleeding. Bradfold iftto
Wo6dward's district! What "Border ruffianism"
so great as that of destroying salary No. 13!
%%Ist is Kansas, rapine and blood, compared
with tearing poor Busqttehanna from the em
brace a weeping siate's, set'd lashing her to
Conynghtim's haieftil tee kowtAiron
stifutlon is rent in : twain Won the World
pause and look on the partition scene going on
in the 13th judicial empire! that, like Poland,
is divided among her" blood-thirsty" conquerer,
her people subjugated, and her sceptre broken:
And when the world does so pause, and lifts its
eyes upon this tearing asunder 'of " limb from
limb," in dismembered 13, vron't it shudder at the
"deadly strife" that is so sure to come!
- In that' trying hour, no doubt, Gen.. Reporter
and Capt. Arguswill bare their bosoms in the
hottest of the " strife," and win simpler renown
in 4 last strugg:e for-the liberties of 13.
—On the morning of the 17th inst. the en
gine-house of the Liberty Fire Company in St.
Louis, was discovered to be on fire. Mem
bers of the Company were soon on band, but
found- the doors of their house so strongly
barricaded on the inside, that much time and
labor ias consumed in - effecting au entrance.
Whenlthe doors were at length fe,iceti,open,
it was discovered that .a wheel had been re
moved 'horn each engine, so that they could
not be pulled out. It was also discovered
that the openings to all the'fire-plugs in the
neighborhood had been battered. so that no
attachments mould be made, Finally ‘ a plug
was found undamaged, on the cornet of Wash
street, abd an attachment made% but the fire
had made seat progress, by this time, that it
could riot be subdued in time to prevent the
destruction of the buildibg\ili which it was
first discovered. The company had nscentiv
received a new antl expensive engine ; oh which
they 'still owe Adebt of $l3OO. The incendi
ary had so flied it, l.v unshipping one *beet
and disabling the others, that it could hot be
ietnoved before the flames prevented anytur
ther attttbpt,.. The doors of the first story
were strongly secured on the inside, and the
incendiary must have escaped from the sec
ond-story window, by leaping on to an awning
on proadway,
The 'Tecumseh (Itieh.) germld says - that
the prbyterian Church in that vilta,, at a
recentmeeting, resolved to discard that ab
surd tale of etiquette which requires•st whole
alip.full of gentlemen to rise and file out into
the broad order to give the lady the
foot or the slip. •
Tim Duets—Alt the duels in Wat•hingtou
appear to have ended in. smoke, nf rather
there has been no fightintz.saring in the case
of Lions, lien end Williams, and there the
only damage -done, was a shot through Wil
liam/iliac. When next, people in and about
Washington, take it into their head to ba
corne pugnaciou., we trust the result may be
as harmless as lb the cases noticed.
TELEGRAPII.—Some two seeks ago, there
arrived in our city a beautiful young widow
of twenty five, (a Hungarian by:birth.) on ler
way to New Orleans ; en route to Havanna,
where she infeeded to engage in her Kars
sion as a f e male physician. She was alone—
an exile from Hungary, where her husband
_had lived and died, a rttritit: On Friday la-t
an agent from , the hotisti of Hothschilds, the
great bankers, alstrteached our city in chase
of the beautiful yoking, self-rellppt Sidow,who
is intent upon tiet.journey to Harm'ill": He
,has been .dispatched froth Europe to seek out
the wanderer and bear to her the " . glad ti
dings" that gtie fiat recently cbtitt into irti
mensi possessions at home, and to invite her
to retrace ber trip. With. the aid of the tele.
graph he learned that she had iiirited safely
l'in NewVilesitts ; end was stopping at ibe St.
Louis Hotel: second dispatch; urging her
to await his arrival, was fotsatded; and he
has hastened on to hear bet the inforination
hat she has a fortune of eleven millions at
home its ai ting,her disposah-. - -Lotassills Dem:
ORANGE CtiOP IN CaLtkortirl.t.—The tir--
ange crop of Los Angelos, califoriria,.is com
ing into market. The' cioii amounts to
aboai 170.000, and is sold oh the ground. ai
sl2,per thousand: The'cultivation of the-or
ange is d es tined- to become an impoitant
source of wealth to the State, of at twist it
will occupy many persons, and held an Im
portant place itt our trade. The trees Com
mence bearing when eight years old, and will
produce crop worth $l:5 per tree,.or $lOOO
to an acre containing forty trees. This esti
mate -is a low one, both for the price and the
quantity of fruit.; for a good tree often .yields
several thousand oranges in a year. The cul
tivation in earnest has just commenced f this
year's crop may be said to be the lint which
has ever come to our market from Les Ange
los. The fruit is large and good.--Ca/ifor
nia Paper. •
a reeent iivectigation, the President of the
Fitchburg Railroad, Mr. Swift stated that, in
his judetwml., it cost a dollar for every stop
page of a common passenger train, and for
through and express trains a larger sum.—
The associated railroad Superintendents and
.Engineers cf New Englond, after it series of
compUtations and observations, came to the
conclusion that it would not, averaging one
railroad with another, and all trains taken
together,. cost mate thin, eighty cents a atop.
The New York Pod reads Senator Seward
out of the Black Republican party ; and ac
cuses bim.of the most , uripriampled
hi ffenitoriat career, The Post
h in John P, Hale's
inr ELM LDIII - ligh IVCiincentratei Extract
MAL Bodily, i prepitief - i'dwectly,according to the
rules of Phar' acy and Chemistry, and is the best
and mosta cti e preparation which can be made
for the cure o diseases of the bladder ? kidneys,
gravel, drops , weakneasesofic , I s, end the adver
%lament in a other column, headed "Helmbold's
Genuine Pre aratidn." • Lion
of medicines are humbugs, but Dr.
arrants his Venitias- Linltient to
mends it for, or 'the nietiey will
his agepts—ono will bo'fonnd in
n the state. if you have pain or
tle, it stops paih idatantly. (9t3
50 els. a bottle. Depot, 56 Con.
VOA. For sale by Abei Tur
MOST pit!
Tabias s
410 all he reco
be refunded b'
every village
ache try a burl
Price 25 &
landt street,
roll, Diebtros,
HE Bo* brand their functions. As perfect
Theilth i the grentoat blessing that we coo
enjoy, With° which Alt other blessings itt of,
little convey' nee. ive 'deem it of great 1t port=
once to point out the Way fur you to enjoy it.
The bOwels wit be -kept in a state by whielt
they are enab ed le earry - offeverything that is un:
necessary. nd it is impossible to tell what A
large amen?' of lickneas has been canned- by
conatiVation, or costiveness, in other words, by
not keeping t e bowels regular, it ik the mein
road to All Ilie'eases; thOmuse of unnateral Irrita
tion to the tnicous, dr lining membranes of the
bowelk. Haring lost their nature! kti'ength, they
cannot object to. what is required of them. Hence
the bowelsbeFoine inflamed. and unless yon find
speedy 4 relief,la thousand' thei.nomplaints are es:
yr ready to drAglou through a miserable and
wretched life Sech medicines Must be givie
A Will erennSe the ktoinach And bovvert, add re-
Atone their rater:ll strengtb r le accomplish this
there is Co V inpoand so vAluebte iiii Th. Morse's
Pills; all oth r medicines sink into otter insignifi
cance When c eilpared to theni; it seems as tho'
the Author o Nature had designed them for this
as well -es ii er 'complaints. From 2 to-5 pills a
day will inct•tre the grength and appetite, and
cletiest The S mach and intestines Aron!' whatever
is injuriouk. t dim
A IClrtird.;l7•The undersigned hereby tender's
to his yijdnus 3t Lanehboro, SuNquehanna, and
vicinity, his -mit'eflil 'acknowledgements for the
very liberal flniatiob bade-him At the former
plsce on thellsb of January.
There was dpnatell . ' 6221,00
Of which afthr paying Xll ekpenseh he
reeoivsd i 190.00
Of this there' was cash • - . - 180,00
And of Fundries 1 0,14
May the gl t .al Father bless those who have
thus kindly land`generously laid their preacher
under obligaion to them, with all needed good,
and enable them to feel the blessedness of the
cheerful giver. WM. LDE LONG. .
Binghanitilin, Feb. 12th. 1858.
Senai-tentensaial Anniversary.—
Tho Bridge Water Bspti.t. Church will hold PUB.
LIC. SERNBCES in commemoration of their
FIFTIETH ASIYERSART, Friday, April 9th, 1868,
at their meeting house in Montrose.
half past teri, a. m. -
REMARESItg Eld. D. Dimock, their first pastor.
PaEactua , afternoon and evening.
The chur h of this Asseciatinn and The
munity gene' ally are cordially invited tb attend.
Montt, iM. S. WILSON, •
Mar, Bd., 18 B. i W. J. TURRELLs
- vs, Avatinal.
Yn Bridge+v s ater, on tho 28th, by die ftev. F
Deans, Mr. WM. HILLIS of Vestal, Broome
Co.. N. Y., and Miss ANNA MARIA WHITE
of the forme! plaice.
In Montrote„ Feb. 28th 1858. at ,the par , onnge;
by Ri.v. B. 1 11. Emory Mr. ANTHONY BECK
and Miss M RY YSANNY of Duabote, Sullivan
County. Pa. _ . .
Hochzeits - Gedicht.
5101,: Wir winden Mr, &c.
Cho.Wsrum halt Du angefangen, _
NA iris Weiberjoch zu spannen .! •
Doch nicht, well das schten' Gesalceht
detieinst tntrinnen mcecht
Er 13s ist i'Follbrneht Gott sei gelobt!
Was k i ll so tane ersehnt, gehofft;
Wotol ditchte Tsa and Yacht;
ist keio Traum! Es tat tollbrachtt
trotz Mtennerlist n. WeiberiUngen„
Ich hatie nun den Preis errungrh ;
Die POP ist mein; ho-he
Drum hin ich such so. hertzlich fruit! X,
- F' 0
rip HE subscriber offers to sell, or to fent the
I. Shop rcupied by him in the wagon busi
ness, on rea onable terms: Skid Shtip has a good
range of business; and 112 S con'nected with it all
the necessafy utensils, lumocr, &c.; for carrying
op the business, together with a Blacksmith Shop
also a Howie; in course of erectiob; all. Of which
will be disposed of to suit cdatomerik
Dimock, March 2.1858: C; C. MILLS.
' All perstins indebted to me are requested to
Make immtliate settlement: C: C. M:
A Journal of Civilization.
tmployslthe Best fatetzt ire CM itfrosidi
1 copy 20 teaks $i 00 I 5 copies 1 year $9 00
" 1 year 250 12. " " " 20 00
" 2 I " 4COI 25 " 40 00
Harper's,. l Weekly' a n d '3lngaiine' 1 year 14 00
Postmasters sending a club of twelve or twen
ti-five, v sit ri-ceive one copy gratet.
SUbscriptions may eomThence with any,nuinter
Specimen numbers gr i tuitotialy supplied.
Back number. can lie fortislied to any extent.
Clergyen &Tenclirs p . m p'l'd at lo wa i st club rdtea.
CIAP.PF.4I& 1111013, Publishers.
inlll dad krmildin Square, NeNi Yor lj .
.1 •
(Aleoholieipreparstion ftom the leaves imported
from Creetttta,) for the permanent cure 45 . 1
I nucE,_s2, PER 11017i2:
Sone genuine without " Dr. U. James,
19., Grit di St., — .lersey City," blown in the bottle.
Fot Bald by R. Tus.Yr,s, N. V., Soe Agent,
tah4td) Montrose Pa..
. -
MME R A-r-
THE I,abseriberi have concluded to mike a
chant° in their businesg, therefore on the
Roth of March neit, the-senior partner, R. L
Sutphin,.(e en account of declining health; and
through e advice of friends ind physicians,)
will retire from the Mercantile trade, and the
business 'rill & conducted at tiie . old ' stand un-
der the faint of _
on•the read' principle. Knowing that this
i s the only true systern•of doing business they
are determined to giye it a fair. trial. ,Wl3 hope
• - iinr Old friends and customers will Amin them
in their efforts, as they, the people, will to the
greatest ainers by the success of the,
All th e indebted to us on boo c,‘
k orother Wise
are ieque ted to make immediate settlement.
We will continue to
.'renciee guild on sec - mint
tient the 21Alt• of March next at the market
versa. '.- . . strilitnN le. 1 7 0111 4 IC
' .. i rehmry 27th, i1158.-9w2.' •
r 7 COBB offers to the public, at prices that
. cannot fail to suit, /FLUME and &Prawn\
asortment of:
G LtOCEit .F S,
at the.old well known istablishmen fatherly oc
cupied by Oliver Crane.
and SALT (by the sack or barielJFrsa, and all
articles found in first class groceries.
The attention of' Paramus is sollcicited to a
superior quality of Gnats and theilas SEED
which the undersigned,tum on hand and for Mao.
CLOVER and TittotWir• &Ens, and good SEED
WHEAT sold at Veit VW Iratia for Casi. As I
mean to merit, I hope to rece i ve, a liberal share
of poblic
BlOntrome. March 34, 1868
Still They Caine!
largest stock of blEntctsEs ever before
T kept in this market may be found at the
11, R C T_O-R
1t *rill be useless to enumerate. When you
wish any thing to the Patent Medicine line, or
othemise, call at the Farmer's Store. Don't for
get the place, dawn town. It. THAYER.
Montrose, March 3d, 1838. •
Auditor's Notice.
MBE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by
the Orphan's' Ckurt of Susquehanna Co.
upon Exceptions to the account of the Ad
ministrators of the Efate of Frederick Pick
ering. dec'd., hereby gives notice that he wil!
attend to the ditties of said appointment at
his Office, in Itfontrose, on Thursday, the Ist
day or April, A. 1858, at 1 o'Clock in the
afternoon, at which tinte• all having nit inter
est in the said Administratioa accounts, are
requested to attend.
Idare4 1. 1858.
THE subscriber, having been appointed an
Auditor to distribute the funds arising
from the Sheriff's sAte of the pe'rsohil property
of R. h. Eatoti, h'erelly notice that Ire
will attend to the (LAW of the said Appoint
ment, at his office, in MontiOsn, on Monday,
the 29th day of March, inst., at ten o'clock
in the forenoon, At Which time all persons
having an interest in the distribution of the
said (trod, can attend, if they thinit•proper.
Montrose, March 1.1858.
YOU can supply yourselves with Chemical
Manures, WARRANTED PURE, which has
been in USE in New Jersey for the past Seven
Yearsthey have received the DIPLOMAS of
New Jersey, Ne' York, Delaware, and Pennsyl
vania Agricultural Societ,k, and have been USED
by the President of the 'UNITED STATES.
on his Garden and on the Public Grounds at
Washington, D. C., and by the following Gen
tlemen, vii:
Z. Locke, Esq , ,
A. P. Lasher, Clarksttoro' New Jersey.
J. L. Reeves, '
Senator Robrts,
William Jlillcr, of Caph Island, N. J.
Charles York.
Thos. Mulford. Esq., Camden, New Jersey,
Dr. Berens, Dr. Knight, '"Mr. Field, Mr. Atkinson.
and Levi Johnson, all of New Jersey—they any
sow LY vim., w og p.:......50v0t. end Improving
the lend by enriching the soil. It is suited to
the various crops you raise—Corn, Potatoes.,
Grass, Wheat, Oats, &e. By enclosing a Check,
inn any NeW Jersey or Philadelphia Ilank or
refl , rence to any good House in Philadelphia br
'in exchange for produce, at fair Market rates
lure, your orders *ill bitliml and Shipped to
you. FREE OF CARTAGE txrEsse...
Etrry article sold by Inf. is Guaranteed... A O
Super Phosphate of Lime, . = - - $40,00 a Ton.
Bone Phosphate, $30,00 "
American Fertilizer, $11.5,00 "
" A barrel is sultnietit for an Acre of
Ground, broad. cast.
Pure Done Dust, (500 barrels now ready,) at
$5.00 per barrel or $35,00 t tnn.
Poudrette, No. 1. (5100 barrels now ready,) at
300 to $3,00 a barrel.
Land Plaster No. 1.1,000 bariblA, sl;sn to
$2,1.10 a barrel.
Pot Ash, 50 listrfble.
Peruvian, Patagonia and Chilian GUA:eO.
GEORGE A. LEINAU, Proprietor.
No. 21 Simth FnoN:r Street, Phil'a City, Pa.
Wholesale beaters alldvved a liberal dis
Fir Pamphlets can be had on au'plication to
my Offiee, or of my Agents. 3mos.
Clover and Timothy Seed.
WARRANTED PiAtE.—ksot pale ,whole
sale and retail.' C. D. LATI LROP. s
Montrone, Feb. 18, 1858.-r4d.
SENDTOy ONE OH inionF,,poputsl.
rnicE Untrfficer.
A beful.Ornamenifor Erery Fatnily. -
The Lord's Proper:
JUST published in a large and elegant Platt
for frarolpx seven distract engraved views;
the memorable Prayer in large ornamental let
ters; else a
or an arrangement oldTestanientScriptures
in Chronological Order. for- the purpose of in
ducing the loveis Or Diiine Truth to a more
faithful reading of them in daily consecutive
portions once every year—surrounded,_bv. an
unique border, and e ivering a surf..ce of nearly
.400 square inches. It is a work that commends
itself to all classes; rich - and poor. It forms an
appropritite ornament for the cottage of the low
ly and the cottage of the rich; and-to bring it
within the means of all, the price hull been fired
at only 2:5 cents a copy, or . Dye copies for $1 ;
twelve copiefi foe $2, and twenty eriPips for $3,
put on rdllers, (Which secure them ffnua injury,)
and mailed to drdcr free of postage.
t*r" Money for one br more copies of the
Lord)! Priiyer, inelosed itt a ;otter, with the name
and post office address of the sender, may be
forwarded at our risft.•
Agents Wdssied.
In order to bring this useful ornament Within
the reach of the poor, any of our friends who are
willing to supply their neighbors with it at a
price they can afford to pay, can have ONE
HUNDRED eiki)ielLat Ihq imp:trailed low pike of'
This atordi a rare chance for nsefiil and
profitable employment. There is not, probably,
a single county in the Union. but in which a
thottisnd topies may not be sold ; and in many
con. fits itrreml thousand 'copies may be sold.
The second no+ ready.
Send Orders at, once anB seeare the hilt pale,
- • Address H. DAYTON; Publisher.
20 Anti-street, cor: Nassau, New York.
Adininisirator's Sale.
Vir VIRTUE of an older of sale made by the
1.1 Orphan's -Couit of Susquehanna County
will be expoaed, to eale,by public vendue or out.
cry, on Tuesday the 16th day ,of Februiry next,
at ten o'clock a. m., all that curtain piece or
parcel of land situate in the township of Hetrick,
in said county; bqunded on the north had cast by
lands of James Cook,south by tho.‘old Newburg
Turnpike," and west by land of = Campbell,
• -and George Crandall . , containing about
seventy acres, with the appurtenances,
one timed dwellinkhouse, add barn,
and about 30 acres improved. Late
the estate of Leonard Cpok,dec'd. Saleto take
place On the firenriaes. Terma-made known on
the day of eV!. JOHN SMILEY, Mier
Jan'y 19, - ' •
The above sale - had been adjourned to TUTS
DAY March 9th, 1838.. JOHN SMILEY,
3wiley, 17, 1858. Adw'r.
H• Smith, & Son,
if ItdEON bEDITISTS. tiesidenei ddb of-
K.) Bee opposite the Baptist chuith (north side)
Montrose. Partionlar attention 4111 bO` given
to %Setting teeth on gold and dilVe'r ptald, eed
to 61)Ing decaying teeth.
ianOry 1C4141858'. . 1.
T . .
HE undersigned is now prepared to furnish
the public with
Groceries of All Kinds
Teas, Sugars, Syrup,, Coffee,. Fish, Cheese,
Fruit,lo)ried Fresh,) '
• Raitvint. Prunes, .
* Catisiles,•Soa,i), • .
of every variety, and in fact ALLarticlisiiinally
fOund in the best Country nfoceries. Butter
and Produce of all kinds taken in 'ekehante for
; Goods ? nt market prices.
*„*Call at his Saloon in the baseinent of the
Hirer., and Satisfy Voniselves of the
'truth of the above. J. P, CROWLEY.-
Montrose; Feb. 16th, 1858.-7tf.
7.. COBB
Executors' Notice.
duly issued to the subscribers von khe es
tate of Wm. Wells, late of the township of Clif
ford, deceased,—All persons indebted to said
Mate are required to make immediate 4yinent,
and all persons having claims against tke said
estate, are requested to, present the same to us,
duly authenticated, fur EettXement.
', • S. D. TOMPkINS.
Cl;fford, Feb. 90th, 1858.-Bw6. •
• fan
111ustrated . : 18581 illustrated.
• . .
The. New York Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE'
is one of the Itrg,est and beat literary papers
of the, day. An Imperial Quarto .contain}ng
LIGHT iick'S.9l..riMlTY COLUIVICS, ofentertaining
original matter; and ELk:GANTit ILLUSTULTED
every I. l . , eeti.
A Gift morel from 50 cents to $5OO 00 in
gold, be presented to 'end! Subseriber imme
(l:v.dety:oti receipt '4 the subscription money.,
One CO : Pylor ono year,., $2 00, and i gift.
On'e copy for two )ears, $3 60, and 2 gifts.
One copy for three years, $5 00, and 3 gifts:
One copy for five yeare, $8 00, and 5 gifts
Three copies one year, 8 5 00. and 3 gifts.
Five copies, ono year, $ 8 00, acd 5 gifts.
Ten copies, one year, 815 00, and 10 gifts.
Twenty-one copies, ono -
year, . ' . . . $0 00, and 21 gifts.
The articles to be distributed are comprised
in the following list.:
2 Packages of Gold, contnining $5OOOO, each
5 do do do $2OO 00, each
10 do do do $lOOOO, each
10 Patent Lover huntingCa'ed
Watches . . . . . . $lOO 00 each
20 Gold Watelies, . . . . $75 00 each
50 do do $6O 00 each
100 - do do $5O 00 each
300 Ladies Gold Watches, $35 00 eac h.
200 Silver Hunting Cased
Watches $3O 00 each
500 Silver W-atchea,. $lO 00 to $30.00 each
1000 Gold Guard, Vest. and Fob
Chains, . . . $lO 00 to $3O 00 each
Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear
Drops, Breast-Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons.
Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold- and
Silver-Thimßles, and a variety of other articles
worth from 50 cents to ea each.
Immediately on receipt of tha subscription
mony, the subscribers tame will be entered op.
on our subseriptiod book opposite a Bomber,
and the gift corresponding. With Witt number
will be forwarded within one week „to the sub
scliber, by foal/ or express, post paid.
All communications should be adressed to ,
48 &49 Mottat Building, 335 BroadtVa N. Y.
114, - Specimen Copies sent free.
N tendering my services to the inhabitants of
Susquehanna County ,as an Homeonathic
Physician., I deem it my duty to publistithe fol
lowing statistics taken from the records of Hos
pitals of Europe, which show the marked supe
riority—of the -liorrieopathic over tho Allopathic
method of treating diseasek.
Patients -- Mortality
Admitted Died per ct.
Allopathic TlOspitals 1134 200 23
homeopathic " 538 28 5
Allop. llosi)ilais
Horn: i'
Allop. Ilo<p
Horn. `•
Dy &ante' y.
Allop. - Hogp. 10 :17 22
ilorn. ai 175 it
- Fecei's, excluding Typhus.
Al lop. lbosp. 9697 931 9
Hom. "3062 64 2
: - Typhus. ' • .
Allop. Hon). 9:371 1509 16
How. " • 1423 219 14
Atop: Efo.p
Horn. " , B4B 69 8
All Disemeß.
Allop. tforipi; total, , 119630 11791 10
Horn. " 326.55 1365 4
Persons rein at distimee who, wi.h t •
consult me can do so by Ibttei' :Ina receive a
prompt reply. No chafge for consultation.
11.TP:031/%8 i /31. D.
Gica't Bend, Pa., Feti. ,1, '57. . . i [3m.
Dr Office at Vie residence. of C. Dimon, Beg
YOUNG 31AN 18 ii:ARS OF AGE desi-
Xl. routs of learning the mercantile business
would like to make an eng,agemeet 'with dome
thorough businessman for• thrk...S years. Can
come well recOmthe.ndea, good reference
Lawsviile Centre., Pa.
Atiofneri And Contiselloi4 tilt Lair.
Office on Public Avenue oter H. J. Webb's
N. NEl7e"mv. 1. B. mccor.l.6!.
A StikE protection against Moths, Nice, and
11. all enemies of the Dee. Highly approved
for the last 5 years lif ttie Meat intelligent Bee
Keepers in the western and elegem States.
IttfrttEaccs:--J. S. Gregory and J. H. Bei.-
tholf, Monroe, Orange Co.; N. Y.• ' J. E. North,
Candor, Tikga Co„ IVY.; H.,31. More, Painted
Pest N. Y.; Sam'l Kidder,' J. C. Elton, and
A. C. Ely, Elmiis. St.; Mid Bell; Neiark,
N. J.; Frederick Fritz, Easton, Pa.; Hiram Hull,
Westfield, Mass.; lignty A icon; N. Y.,
and Abilati Wells, Gibson, D. L H e, Harford,
G. C. Birdsall, Jackson, and B.F. IV Is; Clifford,
Susq'a Co. Pa.
maj , be used as a swarmin or nori.iwarm
ing hive, the surplus honey And comb can be re
moved without injuring the bees. ft is very
convenient for tkeding been; and prevents all
danger from rob6eis ; it is sled the cheapest pa
tent hive now in use. k hire with two sections
costs $2,75, three sections .83,50, made of the
beat' pipe lumber, and can be had at all times
of 8.,F. Willard, Elmira, N. Y., or of the under
signed in Gibson. -
For making and using, $5, hire and right $B.
1 will sell town rights, having bought the right
for tke county. With every hive and_ right, I
give a book instructing how to manage it. My
hive was at Qur County Fair la'at fail add took
the premium, with the WS and holleY id it. I
warrant every' hive 1 dell' to give satisfaction, or
refund the money after fair trial. •
1 Gi t bacni,Busq'teo . ., Ps., Jan. 80, 1858. tatt
11,0 C • f`,lll6l,4cro4.kery;, ardware and
vari.,:,,tl other artielal to n nierOus to men
le lata Cheap for Cash
or Ready Pay. C.W MOTT..
• Medical U ard.
'loli 1 . 3 . 4 13
386 J 2 3
628 . `B4 13
181 8 4
1278 646 50
The Cheapest Paper in the World
A rarge Weekly el Sixty Cents a Year.
rr contains a choice selection. of Literary mat
ter, Tales, Voetry and a large amount of,
commercial Worth:llion. The reyieWis of the
3f ark tts . and Bank Reports are worth . triore.than
the pride of subscription, and the Plp:er before
it is printed, costs more than we get for it For
ten dollars we send 16 copies, and any thine
dollar magazine. - Specimen copies vent free on
receipt era postage stamp. Clinasiirs
ed a liberal commission, amounting hike:me ea
ses to eighty dollars a month..
• Address, P. E. ASHTON & CO..
National Merchant Office
Artist's Materials:
PAINTS in Tubes, Brushes; Tin, Cotiper and
Snit,. Foil, Glass Slabs 'and ,51ullers,
Lithographs, ?se., at the Store of
Montroser,,Dee. 15th, 185'7.
NOTICE is heretiy given that the firm of
tirovi.Ev & , Guitb isthisday dissolved by
mutual consent.... . C. P. lis'n•LEY,'
Gibson, Aug. 17457. E. E. GUILD.
The 3)OIAS arid a:e'er:Uinta can be found at the
storelornierly occupied by the subseribirs.. All
per Sons baying unsettled aeco Mit!' e requested
to,settle the same as soon as poslible.
The business wily be conducted in future by
the undersigned, under the firm of C. P. &O.
M. lIAWLEY. .who 41'0 constantly receiving from
New York and I'hiladaphia, the latest styles et
Fall lard" Winter Drs -Goods, Cie"-
thing dm., all of which will be sold at a very
small profit for ready pay. •
Gibson, Aug . alst, 1857. C. K. IIiWLET,
10: M. 1 lawis:f.
X 39-50
PAY fur Board . and Tuition
in Common EmAsh, the Term
of Fourteen Weeks, commencing March,lB,lBaB,
at the
Superb brick buildings, beautifully located op
the Rail Road near Saratoga Springs. Superior
faculties for Music. Painting , and French. Stu
dents received at 'Wily time. and charged only for
the residue of tho Term. Dipionus awarded to
Ladies who - graduate '
, Send for a Catalogue,
with full pirticulars.. Rev. JOSEPII E. KING,
A. M., Pincipal, F6it Edward.
Junuarv,l3th, 1858. ttmB.
- • T „B 0 Y LE .: -
• VS 4000 EA 60 1 , '
For Fire, Marine, Life, atnt Inked Insurance.
Office, Neer illtilford,lfia.
Januar). IBth, 1858. Iy*
Saniters' au Nrci r allics
N. W. Corner . Seeond and Walnut BtrebtA,
CAPITAL. $1,250,000.
This dOmpany elects Fire Insurance on
• Buildings, Goods, Furniture,
Marine Insurance on Vesich, Cargo
stud Freight,
Inland Insurance on Goods by itiversjakes,
Canals, Railrosds,and Land
• Ctirritig . e,
to all Parts of ttiq Union up
on the most favora
ble terms.
B. , Pcuatscu, I CilAra.Es DINGER ,
GEO. 11. - A a ms•ranNn, TIIOS. MANI/EI:FIELD,
CHAS. A. 11tr.MC.131,..'D 11.11ELDOLD,
. TJ - 1011AS B. FLORENCE, President.
EDWARD It. II ELM BOLD, Secreiary.
. T. BOYLE, Agont,".
Office, New - Milford, Pa
January 181h,1858. . . .
The Shoals Saud Quiclicands el
.rust 1;1161157'Pd she 3d E Etion.
entific Treatise on the treatment
and. perfeß cure of Nervous Debility; Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary EmiSsions, linpotency,
&c., resulting from vicious - habits acquired -
,zing the tritiehl passage from Yputh to Manhood.
Meinber c f the Royal College of Sergeons of.
England, 1827, Licentiate of the Hall (1842)
and 30 }eir:s . Resident Practiohnor in Lon
don ; Author of the "Guide to Health," "Green
Book" "How to be_Happy," Memories of
Single And Married. Life, &e.
This small; but highly valuable Treatise s writ
ten by a tirot:ii renowned Ph)siektinaiid Stirgeon,
points out the sure and perinanent cure for
all disetves resulting from self abuse, and is the
only publication of its kind writteu in a letiev.
olent spirit and by a scientific man. It should
be in the hands of all who value their life and
health and happiness here and hereafter.
Price 12 Cents or 4 7 Mamtis, at the
.reCeint of
which it Will be sent post free, and wel ts , secured,
by br. CUL KLINE, No. 240 Ist Ai: alit., Box
4586, New York. [Jan; 28th, 1858.—tc..
B 0 iri3 , ib 0
'Prof: S. , E. Sloddard, Principal.
MAL SCHOOL was! opened on Illonday, the
30th day of Novotober, 1857, to continue two
quarters of 11 peeks cacti, under the charge of
STOI DAR!) and t:orntletont Atoosiants.
.Tho first quarter close the 20th Of Feb
ruary next. The
, second qnartor will commence,
Duribg the most of this quarter, B. P. Tewks
bury, Co. Supt., will - be present to aid in better
preparing teachers for the-discharge of their ar
duous duties. Those who design becoming
teachers should not fail to mail thelnnelves of
advantdges hero inOented. Prof. Stoddard
will deliver, during the term, a Course of Lec
tures,•od The Seienco find. Art of Teaching, and
Moral Development. There will be an Experi-
Medial Department connected with the Normal
Sabo!, to which only 40 pupils will be admitted:
Tuition in Normal Department, per quarter.
of 11 weeks,,
. $6.00
Exporime,ntal Department, 3.50
I t atip.and Greek,. 5.00
nerd per week, front $2.00 fo $3.50.
Tuition bills aro to be paid in advance. The
money will te rafunded if the student is kept
from school by protracted sickness.
N. B. It is highly important that every stu
dent be present the first day of the term, as the
will then be formed, ar.d studies assigned.
Teachers who are obliged to enter the school two
weeks after the term commences, in consequence
of their schools not being out until that time,
will .be charged $5.00 tuition.
W. JESSUP, Pres't,
C. F. READ, Sec'y.
Montrose, Jan...dth,- 1858.
_ .
tiLo' ' a lot sole tho Load or Barrel, by
New Nifford, Sue 10th ,11151.
' ' k
OF LETTERS ileinitiningitt 41e M .
trose Post OffieoFeb. - 4th, 1'8513. ''
Armstrong.Miss3laryl. 4 3olinstondifiaiir '
Bisset, 3lielial '.'* Johnson, Lo'istt.E. -- . ,
,Barrett, Hollis . Killely,,blaitiii : . `.,
Burns. James ; Kani*;MiiiSElizabettt ' \I
Bartlett, tit v, - ..4 1 '.) • Lopez, Ned' • ,
Bro . wn. Mrs Anna Lee, MIA S.I.
Babeack, Mrs_ Sarah Logan Susan E.
'Conway, William • 'Mui ra'' Charles
Cramer, Ado!' W. '. : Morsb, 'Nathan M.
Connell, Al ieonql Morly,' 3 Cosnelinis •
Chapman, kvilliom It. nain., , , Ft.kiet •
Carpenter. F. B. • AlagrimdeJ.,S. B. • '
Dubois, Joliß •• ...ItleC,:,rrnie, Ann -..
Davis, Rim N. - - ' , Vial v, Mb. .51nr . Y,.
Dean, Mrs. Ly,lia ..t*Niitiev, Mi s Ronan
W. ' M - -S'
-Dewir , e M rs. T. Vir . ; Me 1. \ . , ,, , 1iv. s. . Mill,
Hammitt', \V, Volf ' We. . •
Fritz, Charles , Park,, A. T. ... -
Fowler, Mrs. William l'itrk,i Mrs. Ann •
Gregory Geo. R. 2 , 1 ItaniSey, E. A.
Gritu s es, Joshua H. , Rockwell. Si• . . '
Gutter. James N 'Stone. Thomas W. .
Gates; N. li., k...;eabbry, P. S. .
Goodsel,2lrs. tor:line Nithernaker,Miss )f.t.
Herkimer. ',email Thorlipson, Miire:ll.
Hanna. t John S. Walter, GIL
Hovey, Cha ries I ..Watrren,.J. I'.
Handrirk. S. T. Vslker, Charles. ' '
Hall, F... , ' WatrouS, B. Q.
Hinds,'L.. P.. , Whitney, A. J. •
Hawley, Miss:R.olth' Whitford, R. 11. ,
Persons calling for any of the above—letteA
will please say ‘•advertised."' ,
A. N. BULLARD, P.M., ,
Brontrn4e, Pn. Feb., 15th. 1858. •
.. N •
sg.o, o o WORTH
Of Goods At Pan ic PriCesf
HBL RltlTl ', is now receiving largesuldi •
. tions of NEVI GOOD to his stock that
will bo sold at prices to Bolt the tithes, inedialink
'a great variety of
I.siles , arid GenilemeOts Dress Goods,
with a fall asgortment in all :departments of Mil
TRADE;', and at prietls muehl reduced. and many
kinds of:Gonda ialoh than 25 Per Cent. lower than
early fall prieein. -
rill — lie would iiartie'ulaify call the AO titian -
'of cash bailors, to his new stock of
BUFFA L 0 -i? B ES,
. STOVES, cf-e,, '&4
as- large and rich, and at lowldown prices.
New Slilford, Dec. 15th, 1 1 857. • •
'JrGadl 21 V/ 11l V%
GO OP S! •
I'oi,Cash or Ready-Pay..
The stitscribers have j urt ptisehase - d a Reikepaid, '
Consisting of St:i ., yk and Fahey ,
D R. G .0 0 p .s
Groceries, Crockery, larilictire, adois and.B)loelt
etc., 4-c.,ct-c., • . •
Would offer them for sale a their Store, Atm . -
er rates than Gotids-have been sold in this Ode: '.
for Cisit or PhOtitTE; eiTer:enee hnving.taue;
us tlokt this is the .only truelway of dbing
As we hate hoiight o r mods- for "Cash
ring the great money panic, we have be i ught. ,
them Low, and pill sell them the .
* * *Please give Os a cell and ail mine our stociL.
Ilirnird, Oct. nth, -I 8:57.!
TFIE Subscriber has this day reiTurned:froili
New tor: I,vii!, a large and wel•lls'electril
stock of ,
which, having been purchased in the present ex
tremely depressed %tide oh the market, will li.; .
avid at unusually low pries:- Amon his 218501 i,
meat may be found , , • ,
GOLD , .„
Chalnsi.Sealiii ie,is; Peni and Pencils, Earrinr.;
Breastpins, Fingerrings of eYtry style, Bruneleis
Armlets, Lockets, Snaps, Watch Hooky, Sleep.:
Buttons, Studs, Thimbles, c.:ri,.:2:s'e r SpVetneka
Slides, &e., 'Sze. . e ..
'Threaded 01 . d plain Forks, Spoons; Butter arl
Fruit Knives .Salt and Preserve' Ladles„ Caul
Cases, Clips, - bildreiis Setts, Nalikinrings;Chain7
Keys', Stu - clacks and Thitutles. i !
• Also, a larg'e stock of Saver-plated table an.:
dessert Knice-, Carvers, Cat,tors, Cake Basket , :
Card Receivers, Salts, Tea Setts, Forks, slut
Spoons, doriblel - treide and ,:atra plate. -
A ;ao,Shell and Ituitati;;;;Coruhs,Needles,Coro,
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Knives and Foils,. 31!
Bracolets, Breii.4tiiinis and ,Tailine-s, Hair at i;
Tooth Brushes. Pearl and Cornelian Sleeve Bu'
tons. Shawl - Pins: Gilt - Heir Pins, 'Very rid , :
Leather PurSe's. Bag, Clocks 'plain and aarms:
Sewink Birds. &n.. rte. ' .
Alt of which *ill he ,sold:at the emit
prices. . .ALFRED‘J. EVAN,
No. 2, (kid Fellt;i,v's HAIL
Billgharoton, Dec. I I, A 57,
11 .E R ,B G Tr
, •
E .41
• „ T
Ti-As i rst, returned troop NeN.York,with,if
,1j largo:od choice variety of aooda;bougflt
for • CA4I, grid aelected with much care-,,fron! -
over Witty of the best liciuses in New York:
which he carers to his customers and the publiti
at low'prices for cash... Ili6 stock comprises: •
A I N T§, •
G R 0 C E• .
CLOCKS, „ • . .•
• WALL .4. PE1'..,,. • , •
WINDOSV 1, 6 A r E
A-N C 7 G 0 D S •
- PE IL F . U'NI;ER. Y,
E►Rl G 0 0 D S ,
II A It, D W, AR. E,
STONE ‘sit. A R E
W 0-0 D E N' k'lr AR E;
B R 7,0 0 IPtt
13qt SItE S,
Jt P A N.N E W• A R 13;
• SEED; •
1' 0 C T• V l S;
• • 1 P S , •
• -11.1 RR. E L• A ; • -
GUNS; • --
114 - - Di UNI•!T I 0 N . ; •
- \fi 1./ AXING LU I tl;
L ‘ u ; ,
T,R•U S S.E S,.
P 0 11;',Qt,R A,. -
g(lUL1) 11, ; 13 It A. C E S*,
-A nd al 1..0f t-h a t is o p
Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto rig
eeivad; he hope,' to merit a continuance and
large innrease of the same: .-.* .
. `ifontroso, Dee. Ist "