C=l IJRAZIL ,THE ..The Harbor of Rio Janetro is the most beautiful and the Most eittensivein'the world, - _ . in some respeet-s tesembling . the bay of Na I Pies. Its entrance is marked bY.,a remarkable . mountain, theyaa n'Assucar,- or real'Sugar- Losf perfectly"conical front a certain height, with sides ,so steep and- surface so - smooth j lhatits ascent is - ditlicalt. It. form's one side I of the entrance, and from its singular and perfect form -cannot be Mistaken 'for other -landmarks.:. The entrance is through a pass- • , age ahout• 51004 feet wide; between Ilha da: - Lsge-iand the point or Santa Cruz. aud strong'. .• ly g•tarded 'by - fortresses. The - 1-4 expands formiria...an immense basin, - surfot tiled bv hills, crotlied with wood and verdu.re. On thy left is the eity of Rio Janeiro, forming a heart-7 tiful pict4e,,. with' the Organ Mountains i the baii ground,. These mountains ate • granite peaks 'rising against.the herizont, and piering t, ie'clouds with their* sulninits;_ not \unlike organ pipes. In the, bay itre vessels of all nations,•spreading over its wide expanse Of water and, dotting its surface in all direct ions.. We enter . without a pilot and drap . anchor, and gaze around lig. The beauty of the fcene is beyond- description and almost leyOnd conception. The city has a . population of 300,000, vell . b . - and presents a sina trlariippearance, from, its ht-colored tiled . roofs and the eh aeace of • nies. •fireplace is somewit re behind the house, . and the smoke is. m•le in the woods.-the fuel fat- cult . • nary purpose being chancoal.., The 'Et spar" stare ranging „between' GO' and ob' the year round, stoves and stnokepcotiductors are.super- fluntm • • . - Theharbor of Rio 'Janeiro is not less im portant for its cotnmerce than as a safe anch orage. There are,notless than eight lines of steatriAlfips connecting Brazil with Europe, while them is none with the United States. A letter from - New York to .Rio Janeiro by steamer must go fitSt, to Europe and travel some 0.000 miles, If We had alineconnect.. ing'witli the West Indies, more direct corn- . inunication wo_tild be afforded. -There - is be forelCongress'a• proposition to effect what is so much desire7l, • in this direction. We are not,permitted, to land, and we'find employment in treeing the features of the scene iroutid us, until night shutslclovin its curtain, i s so suddenly that it seems, as if the sun fell vertiealy from the . .zenith. The south. ern constellations quickly light-up the -hear-- ens, glittetine with a brillancy tlnknoim the stars ',.f . the northern sky. Thtkilepth of the azure concave is greater. Orion, glitter ing. with his belt and appendages, is surroun ded .by i smaller stars aft vivid and distinct. Veins dhiplayaa brilliancy and lustre in which. she-does - not appear to us, casting a shadow from Opaque bodies, and reflecting a bland and bounteous• light. - The constellation of the Cross is the sacred cynosure of the South skV,_ and compensates for the.los_st of the 'Northern Bears.' Among the Objects new to. us are the nebulre Magellaniere, or Magellan's cloud, hating the appearance of fragments of :the mi lkv way ; •and -the below 'is Iprgi nons,with a phosphorescent light. The'city adds the-glimmer of its lamps, marking the lines of its sereeFs, extending...among and-over the W i ts, buining brightly antic the stars have --faded,ltincler regulation that ig • nores the moon as party to the contract with • -the gas company. ft.is night. but not a time - for-sleep. Many a -men - has spent his • first night in the harbor:of Rib Janeiro. on deck : watching the stars in their course in the. firmaAnt. . We land apd are impressed. throngh one" - or our at least, witir an ide of th e bad condition of..te sc.werege of the city.- The • smell from the offal dumped by the blacks . along the quays is a compound of Offensive - odors. Nothing like it exisls anywhere else. young man ftm Rio, Janeiro; it is said. was mired in-Europe of a malhdy that - would yield tb no ordinate- treatment,..and which his phyisician thoughtmightjbe overcome by the air„ of his native country—an inconvenient and , inpracticable prescription—by inhaling a confi bination of the most villainous smells prepar ed.kir the emerosency. Onr attention is next . attracted by a curious noise, end 'find it to proceed fromthe city eartme,n—negroes car- . • rang hags of coffee. Twenty or thirty,_or more, of those negroes passed us in a line Non •-a dog trot, keeping -step and pace with 'a Mader, each loaded with cOffee. Some of them , were Working out-their freedom it this watt, canning. sometimes tWo dollars- in cue . daA . -paying their owner .thirty-two cents and re - .taining the balance. People "move" on the beads of-the uterroes—pianoes, and houshold goods of alit tkidi—and furniture is very tartly Spilled off the cart and broken,as is ours occasionally. The neffroes sin; While at -work, their inoverffents eOrresponding with that of the air..par. Plantation melodioes are • popular - in Rio Janeiro as they are the World over, • and- it; was no uncommon thing tollear "0, .Susanna" and "Buffalo Girls l ' sung ip. chorus in the_venmettlar: of the country; the songs lcising nothing in the translation, but improv-- ed, rather, being more musical. Three ne-- gree.s at work paving itreets,_ : one day, spe cially attracted at tentirin nn le.e by the* . than by their manners. Singing a sort of of '3'o-heave 14: lepeaterl a.hourthree times n",l 'minute, and making- a stroke of the parlor's rammer at each - repetition,. their work pro seeded at a fate ver*r.:ittarent from' that to :which . we -were aceusto - rned: The clothing in Which the -three were accontred,woold-hardly suffice to makea singlesuit,4uch as would he • worn 1:1e . the most common laborer here. The stones . -for flaying,. in 18S4, were brought from the .I,le of Wight, and were of excellent quality for that purpose. Rio Janeiro . dray issix negines.* A. Brazilian cap is A pe 'culiar institution. • The, driver sets -behind. and, - the horses being-small, the. l'arsenger, his a fine_view. • _ , 'Themuenufacture of flower is a branch of the arts in which Brazilian ladies e - xcel, and particularly' to Le admired for their exe,eeditig, beauty of color and perfect arrangement, are feather II ewers, from the I;4in - 1' 1 ;e-of various birds--a Meng them; flowers from the delicate and bright hued feathers of some of the five' or - six varieties of humming-bird, Fish-scale d flowers are another and-very pretty ornamen tal production. All of these:are prized . as curiosit'ie's by-those who possess them, and - "evince much taste and skill in their manu facture. Apes and monkeys are numerous.. The peacock is ,conatuon- to the, country, rind 'is cooked and eaten. Atming the curious iltings one may see iii Braid - are the •curiousrfish— among. the - rest, four eyed . fish, and 4oman• 'lased fish: But perhaps < the most eurious and the' most beautiful of the productipni.lof Brazil, is its flora. A boquet of such meg= nificent flowersas.can be: procured 'nowhere else, cost the purchaser two cent i in Rio San ciro--one of like size in._ New York would cost two dollars. • We'.get into the omnibus. A Brazilian omnibus_ has its capacity distinctly marked on the outside. The one we tide in can carry fourteen persons and no more . : "The drirer knows,thix. and if he should forget it, his etn• lt ant - A - would - be stepped in str4t, his horses quietly taken fiorn it smiled away arid him self arrested, faker) to the police offie - e and -1 These are some customs besides that, perd taininv otunibtx, mg:lllations that we might . . r •---:,-•., 4- ••••••••:•,..z....,..,...,..;,:...—. A,....„.•=n_,..,-....... , --• -,,...,........ profitabti — adopt. A IlraZilian genitenian is, LITTLE &HARDENWS COLUMN. pcilitej_iind if be should accidently brush a - i - —z -- F --- A ----R--- I - M -F E - 14 -- S ---- g ainst-his -neighWr.in,passing, _or. tread on his-fedi - in a crowd, be will beg "p011on". If i - —AND 1 — it - favOrite. - seat in an omnibus or at, tbe.opera MECH-A is give& up to a Brazilian lady, the act id TICS I • I • invariii4ly acknowledged by a "thank 'you," WILL please reinembe'r.when building, that ry (an obleation the ladies are not supposed to the subscribers are 'furnishing hear.)a'A Bmilian gentleman recognizes and DOORS, acknoiletlges the presence of a stranger-by a boir. -2.-,t', Tlatreets`of fiio Janeiro are narrow, alid w. are concerned lest we - should be run into -ati \ d,damaged by vehicles passing in a direc tion oPpOsit te that we aregeinc,r, there being 'no roorni-io turn ; but we meet none. This. is .guarded*:airist by a regulation peculiar to this city. A anger, board at the corner of each street points the direction in :which all vehicles 4 5 rust move, and l this direction mutt .be f 011444 - Some such regulations, which nobody I..ktiis to think of, would at once free our Broaliway- from the blockade, experienced every hour in the day—omnibusses to pass down that thoroughfare- and up Greenwich street. We stop before a anntain in a square. Here the \ neighborhood gossip is ratailed-7 Congo and Anglo meeting upon a common ground and, as in other cities, proving that •the race are homogeneous,. Prof. Aggasiz to the contrary uotwitlitanditrg. While we look upon the curious scene- the- milk cart peculiar to the city passes, on-legs, not wheels -the milkman. leading his 'cow and supply ing his customers with milk undoubtedly fresh,• and, we might suppose, pure; but, if -we were- to observe his movements at the fountain, we will here discover that his pail has been partially filled with water, which'h supplies diluted with milk. We offer a glass tumbler into which he draws our sup ply, and are not deceived as" to its quality. Ile passes ori and is hailed by the sahitation, chee ! in a Ziolent, whisper, which he under stands. stops and milks away as if he was the Most finest man in the world, supplies his customer, and gas on. lie is usually a Por• . i tuguese, or-Madeira Islander. , Chee! again. This time it is a negro with oranges, who is hailed by a customer, o 1 with bananas, which fruit grows on a tree with leaves about ten feet loag and four wide, and it is supposed ,by some to be the„fig leaf from which-the first i- suit -of clothes was made. Chee ! was heard ~'perhaps twenty tithes in -passing a street, and "" - is the Mode •of calling attention ; and though - it may be uttered by a dozen persons at once land in a ‘ crowd, there seems to be no mistake i as to for whom it -is intended. Ghee! again. This time, a lady, leaning .froni a balcony, observes a pedler of silks and such ftibrcs as make up the dress for the sex, who at the call enters the house with his . tin'iboxes..These are filled by the best goods, and, searried about by three or four slaves,- whom he dismi.ses until the customer has had time to examine his wares and make her selections ; which she dcyes at her leisure. This is the Brazilian mode of shOpping—the . goats being - brought , to the costumer. It is a mistake that therefore dry goods bills are small, for this pastime is as much enjoyed by the ladies of Brazil-as by the wives and daugh ters-s.if the United States, who, in paying the most trifling article, compel merchants to ex hibit all the goods on their shelves, The ladies cannot resist the temptation to look at the contents of the tilt boxes, though they'd() not want to buy. The pedler descants upon the merits of hi , goods and the beauty of a new, pattern, and it is rarely the case that something does not suit the fancy of the fair Senoras and a trade or "dicker'' is not con, suit:Mated., The merchant does not want money, and r,Thaps the lady has none, but brings out, instead, a quantity •of lace, or Crochet. the product of her skill, diiis being a manufacture in which they excel; and wiah is quickly bought up by the French, who make immense prols in this trade. If neither money nor articles a exchange are at corns :nand, that need not hinder as initlubrence in finery. N The bill would be presented to the Senor and paid. . . Our sketch of Brazil to be faithfull,- must present some. Unpleasant features, and among them•the mosquitos may have a conspicuous Place. But a white atit is the great plague of - householders, Wherever ad' army of them determine ,to take possession, nothing can keep them out. They eat through everything in their way, hence the tin boxes of. the pe/- lers. =Ladies ark_alsO oblidged to keep their silks and flue clotTiing in similar cases to pre vent their destruction by theme pests. They enter houses by eating their war through the walls or floor. They have bee r n'known to cut the rafters of houses and canse the roof to tumble in. An army of them on their march took possession of a house where We sojourn ed; cut their war to the floors, through a trunk containing books, going. -through Bax ter's Call, Pilgrim's Progress,4d other works in an incredibly short time. - i. The custmos which isolate females as much almost as if they were in a conl'ents are of Moorish origin, but it is not believed that the - sex in Brazil is better for its --at least, we should be Sorry ~to say, beter thane Our own country. - Itssayould be bigfily improper for a gentleman to visit tile house of a Braz ilian in the maker's absence. Negotiating Jur a house and wishing to examine it before 'confluding the bargain, we ascertained that "the bead of the household was absent, and w e re, ebbed,4 at great inconvenience, to wait until nine o'Joek at night for his return "before we could inspect the premises. -, Ladies did not appear in the streets , -except ' upon public occasions, until within a few :ears:tend then in the costume of the country: The French boluiZtt and Paris style are more , :common,but are not worn tethe.church. ' 'Public worship is attended by .. the whole household, which is sometimes large—one, at least, including as many as thirty-two children-the Old folks leading the procession, followed I;ftheirlthildren, the rear -brought up by the domestics. Education receives its share of attention. The - girls are taught French, "Music and Dancing.—They are brit . littntly" but uns-übstantially educated—deli-- cieut in ge o graphy. A Brazilian belle asket whether England was a city or an island.— ,Like their.houses, -the roofs of whia, by the I Way, are built first, on posts, it may be said 1 to.haee no fundation. A young lady must i not go to - church, unless in company with her . mothlt, an Las little to say in forming mat. Aroonial ctracts, the preliminaries being renerally - arranged between the parents and the suitor for her hand, which she givO, it I may he, to some wealthy Portuguese.—She 1 is then shown at the opera, gazed at by the gay young men, who wonder Wow many cons jtas she was sold for, anal perhaps_ becomes a i dutiful wife. - . The Brazilians are .a home-loving people. They have a word expres.tive of this sentiment. that caunoi be translated. The family is the Brazilian's dearest object, and hence we must be prepared - to look for a high morality among them. SchOol,s agriculture, the arts, are the tulle of-thi government. Brazil is fortunate in these respects, no less than in the ititelli : gence enterprise and rare administrative talent of its Emperor, of whom a most interesting sketch was also given. , ggr She that mr,rries a man because he is a "good math," must not be surprised if he turag out a "Lucifer." Misfortune's a filter, which seperates siucere.frieutls froth the scum. MEM BLIN DS, At the !avast Factoiy prie ,s, and that they keep , constantly on hand, a larg stock of NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, DOOR TRIMMINZ;S, \S ISLI AND BLIND FASTENINGS,. I LIME, &c., &c., In fact, we have almost e4tything hi the way of Building Illaterials, or first rate quality, and will sell them at a very small advance from Cost for CASH. Therefore weconfidentlassure Builders, that they will materially consu t their own interests tr by giving us a call, beforel purchasing. LITTLE & HARDING. FLOUR, BY the LOAD or BA, hand, and for sale. a by '‘ - L 11" Nicholson September "ANOT 1 1 :arge a 0 11. I NaW and Beautiful style Fish FRESH lot of thosk 4.11, a'so, Bluefish in Bar just received by AL' A NEW Stock of -Crockery, &c., Szt hieh_we have not time to say, we have almos rything expected to be Ctruntry—,all of which turn into cash, in the time and we herewith is NOT =l').'An We wish it distinct! Casii, we will sell any lower prices than usual Fresh G UGAR, Molasses, I. 1:1 all kinds of Groce the very lowest rates, a hand, by Four Shilling Tea.- TIC - OTWITIISTANDINC the recent heavy 1.. I advance in the pri e of Teas; we have so. cured a large lot of thp, same' quality of that which has created so mteh good feeling'among our Tea drinking customers. Plenty of it, by the chest or pound, at the old pricy by It is a FacT,, rvilAT Saleratus, Stp and Candles of the IL best qualities, are or sale by the Box, at New York city wholes+ prices, by LITTLE. & HAEDING. Potash, IN Tin Ckns, a Pur-ell article, for sale by 11,ITTLE & 1-lAantan. I - Boots aOA Shoos, CiONSTANTLY on hand, a first rate assort. ment of Men's, Boys' and Youths' double sole Boots and Shoes, cf the best manufacture, al3o, Women's Shses 4 l Boots _and Gaiters in great variety, all to be s i bld at very low rates, by LITTLE & Hats aid Caps, IN almost enless variety, of kinds, quality and prices, for sale by I LITTLE & HARDTIKG. 141 t." Bo es, RIBBONS; Flowersiand Trimmings, for sale by i LITTLE & HARDING. - Cie - ling ! • COATS, Vests an Pants, well made, and - good styles; S iirts, Collars, Hosiery; Gloves, etc., for sale c eap, by LITTLE & HARDING. Le4,her! SOI,E and Upper tbather, Pegs, Shoe Nails and Thread, Wax i rd many .other kinds of Shoe Findings,for sal, 'by LITTLE & HARDING. Carrleting RICH all Wool Carpets, at low price, for sale by LITTLE & HARDING To Lumbernfn, and Coopois. BEST Cast Steel and Steel Poll Axes, Cast Steel Mill and XI Cut Saws, also Patent tooth % Cut Saws, with Files, of almost all de scriptions, foi sale by I I I LITTLE & HARDING. To D'irymen, FIRKINS, Return Pans, Tin, Painted and Cedar Pails. Dqtter Bowls, Dairy Salt, &c.• &.c.,foisale by - , A R DOG. YOU will save mciney by pt. ..sing your Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, Sash, Door Trim mings, and-Hardware generally of ' I LITTLE & 'LAUDING. Flour, Salt .and Lime, BY the Load, or Barrel, constantly on hand, and for sale by l LITTLE & HARDING. Ca h! ! • - YOU can hey all I stanything, in the way of General Merchandise, for CASH, at a very small advance from cost, of LITTLE"& HARDING. Produce Wanted, BUTTER, Eggs, I Lard, Tallow, Beesw.x, Grain of al L kinds, Rags, Old Iron, Lumber, Shingles, Dried Apple's, Beans,&e., &c.ovanted in exchange for Goodii, by LITTLE & HAEDISG. 1211 krin TTLE & HARDING Tunkhannock Deptst, - July Ist, 861_ PAINTS, SALT, E ' IR A, constantly on the very lowest rates, LE & 11ARDING. .t, 1857. HE R ~i)toth of If, or the Winter Trade INow bOipg opened by LE &OARDING. ish Fine Heavy Codfish, els and Half Barrels, Arne & HARPING. Hardware, (Groceries, ~ a hundreth part of to"mentiiin. Enough I anything, And eye-. Fund at a store in t h o -e are determined t. •ory shortest possible a CE muicestood, that for iod of Goods ht much 'iocenes.. ice, Coffee,Tea 'anti i I cs in any-quantity, at ul! stock constantly on ITTLE & HARDING. Lr~TLE & 11.1i1DriaG, SAVRE iteIg4OIIIEIERS ARE I\TOV RECEIV - 1 N • sopl : y of a tti Ise', SPRING 4 :4 1 0' AND SIOIIII.IF.St. GOODS. forVash or Produce ,pan be bought V V very tow. WALLPAPER.. A select assortment just received. 8. fi. SAYRE R. BROTHERS • CARPETING. - Baroins offered by S. 11. SAYREIi. BROTHERS PLOWS! PLOWS!! IDLOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which we have added to ow large assortment. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose, April 29th, 1857. 18tf. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES !!! OUR Stoves have been so thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend froth us. S. H. SAYRE BROTHERS. N E Tff FALL AND WINTVR GOODS! r=ff'M It is unnecessary to acknowledge that R. KENYO , N Q ELECTS the best style of Goods that are to 0 be found in Noy York, regardless of the ex pense. Ile has just received from New -York a large-assortment of Dry Goods consisting of Rich All Wools Delanes, French Delanes, Su perior Plaid Goods, and Calicoes in endless va riety. Ilis goods cost and are orth 25 per more than the goods usually sol dthrough the country, at the same piices. Klucky Jeans, Printed Flannels, Rich Rihbondrom five as. to five shil lines. Brodie Shawls fioin $7 to $2O. Carpet Bags, Ombrel las, White Goods, Sheeting's at low prices. Ladies \\Tinter Bonnets. Shoes and Gaiters, large assortment. !louse Carpeting, cheap. Collars, Undersleeves, Broirade De lanes. 28 inch -Black Silk for $l, a yard, something un heard of. Dehi - en.s. lints, Caps, Crockery. A complete assortment 4-Groceries, Brown Sugar, at old prices, 10 cts. per pound. Cell and see one and all. MY repototian for selling good cheap has Dot diminished in the least, come along with your cash and trade with your Ser vant. KENYON. BOOaccounts with custonierof over one K s year's standing roust be settled as I need the proceed.. • Woof Sock Shodo:rs not wanted. - It. KENYON. l.awsville Centre. Sep. 15. - li viip.-foRrE GRE.II' OP PRICES! ! I - NICK ERMAN & GARIZATT are now re -1 l their Stock of Stoves - tor the Fall and Winter Trade, and w.,uld h e. 4 leave 10 sa y to their numerous friends and customers th a t they tut vo on hand the largest and Lest selected Stock of Stites ever offered to tt:e. inhabitant, of Susquehann.l Co. TttLir Stock consists of the 'most approved patterns of Elevated Oven, Large Oven, Premium and Coal Cooking Stoves, Wood and Coal Parlor Stoves o f °El e gant pat terns, also Six-Plate Otlice and Hotel Stoves, Coal Burners . ; &c. We have the best Stove constructed'on the diving flue principle, ever made, at a very moderate price. We would rake this oppottunity of reminding\ our friends who are solicited to purchaie their Stoves of Ilawkers•& Pedlars. that a moments reflection will convince - them that it is very bad economy to do so. It is a well established fact that the cost of selling Stoves by pedlimg them about tho cotta ty, is not less than 15 or 20 per cent, and gener ally as high as 20, to say nothing of bad debts and cost of collections. Of course this extra ex ralnse must come Out of the pockets of the par amser. peln consideration of the above fads we offer chr entire Stock of Roves at 20 per cent less y Pedlar will or Cat) sell. Call and see if„ these things are not sn. New 'Milford, Sept: 16th, 1857. NEW STOVES ! 1-2 Is just receiving a large stock of NEW STOVES INCI.PDING a full assortment of Elevated 1. Owen, Large Oren and Flat Top Premium Cook Stores, for Wood or Coal, with a Superior variety of Parlor, (gee and Shop Stores, for Wood or Coal; also, Store Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Store Tuhe-s., 4-c., 4-c. his assortment will include the most SELECT and DESlnansr STOVES in market., and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and to which he would invite the partieulai attention of CAsil buyers. New :%lilford, October, 12th, 1857. 40. JUST A GOING! But not through the hands qf thi siert cp 1111 #l4 WE prefer to dispose of our own goods, therefore, GREAT INDUCEMENTS art offered to CASEI CUSTOMERS, or on a snonr CREDIT, with approved . NOTES. Those who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, we advise to Call at the Stores of 6atteilbtr, llootbaum, At either nontwo.e, Susq'a Co., Pa.,, Susq'a Depot, " Or Towanda, Bra'd . 9 ' " Where we offer. to Suit the Times and avoid Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers of All Kinds of DRY GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING, which have been lately purchased under existing Low Prices and sell ing at the same. A'SPLENDID STOCK OF 6tLob . s, Comprising almnat Every Kind of DI:ESS Goons, such as Rich Moire Antique, Black ar,d Fancy Silks, Plain and Printed French Merinos, Shaded and Plain AU Wool and Common Do Laines; Paramettas, 25 to 30 per cent. Lower than ever, &e., &c. In Domestic Gonda, our assortment is complete and Astonishing Low. We also have on hand a heavy Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING Which we will offer 30 per cent. lower than any other establishment in this section. Also CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER In the neatest and best manner and Warranted. All kinds of Grain taken at the Highest Mar: ket prices; also Dried Apples and Geese Feath ers. * * *Pkease call and price our goods and satisfy yourielyes of the above facts. ' GUTTENBEItG, ROSENBAUM, & CO. Montrose. Pa., - Nov. 24th, 1857. FLOUR for sale by the Load or Barrel, by r DICKERMAN & GARRETT. New 3111 . ford, ./utie loth, iB5;. HOWARD AS,SOCIATION, IMILADELPHIA A Benevolent Institution, establi;hefl skcial. endowment for the relief of the sick and dia. tressed,afflictedwithVirulent Epidemic diseases. TO ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual Dis6ses, such as Sperinatorrhcea, Seminal Weakness; Inipotence, Gonorrhoo, Gleet,Syphi lis, the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse, &C., &c. The -HOWARD AiOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of umanlife,cau.sed by isexu _ al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of Etill eh diseases by. Quacks, several years ago directed their Con suiting- Surgeon,as a CIIANTABLE. ACT worthy o 1 their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms; and to give 'SI Enmar.AbVlCE on.yris, to all who apply by letter, with a' description of their con dition, (age, occupatihn, habits of life, &c.,) and in eases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free qf charge. It is needless to add that the Assoeiatio,n commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevo lent; effort, have been of great benefit to the afflivitcd, especially to the young, and they lutvn resolved to devote -themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important bet much despised cause, Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhom or Seminot_Weakness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation' or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which" will b_e sent by mail (in a • sealed ,letter envOlope,) FREE Or CUARGE, on the receipt of Two STAMPS for pot tage. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Cotillion, Consulting, Surgeon, !toward Asso ciation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order, of tho Directors. EZRA D.- I 1 A ItTIV I J\Presidera. - GEORGE FAIIICiffLD, secretary. - "Oct. 15th, 1857. (ly. NEW WATC7:-11:AKER'S SHOP.. 18. ISBELL wishes to inform the padie 4 • that he has muted a window in F. B. Chandler's Store, where he will be found ready to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, on the shortest notice, and in good style. All repairs warranted. Montrose, Sept. Ist. 1857. tf Patent Medicines, So, AFFLICTED READ ! GIIAPILUBEIIa Mmucitins.—Vegetable Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparila Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fo yer and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen tary Sytup, • Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Cat helicon. Dr. Libby's Pile Okritment, and Manual of Health. Ayres Pills and Cherry,Pectorial, Tanner's German °intimMt, Trask's 21/ag,welic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pill 6, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Pitch's Heart Chi.iCetor, 13ennett's Root and Plant Pills, Smile's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. RhOde's Fever and Argue blare, Merelt ant'sGarglinr , Oil, A rni. ca Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, „Aloes, Picern, Myrrh, Licorice, &e., &c_ A new supyly just received. to be kept constant ly on hand, fop sale by • I. N. BULLARD. October. st. 1:3 6. r~~~ J t 1 ~ ~.~ I 2 4 14 1 2.1 1 HDD - ° .1T TIIE HEAD OF NIYIGATION! A ND twtroin.. the t•hoieo stook of Spring A as:d Summer Goods, just opened for Exaufination and ri-ALE, at ter y lotchtures by C. W. AIOTT. CsTULA, Ca!'linivre, and DeLain SLawls at, very low priee,s by C. W. MOTT. urtikirs and Caps of the -nel.ve,d styles, in _LA great variety by C. W. MOTT. pEZINTS in abundarfee by C. W. morr. BR iss Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves. Belts etc., etc., by C. W. MOTT. BOWNImi Blue Sheetingand Sh . rtings— Shirtina Strile , ;; T:cks, Dekims, Summer Stuffs, &c., &c., as low as can be ntTurded in this market Groceries !Groceries!! 4 mood assortment of Groceries comprising Floor, Salt, Fish, Ten, Coffee, Sugar, &., and other articles in the line too numerous to mention ‘ which is offered fur sale at low prices, for caah or ready pay. Call and examine my Goods and PRICES before purchasing else where. llontrosc,Ang. 10th, 857 . The 'Magnetic WIG\ TILE undersigned, after many years of careful research and experiment, have discovered and perfected a safe, convenient and unexception able means of completely controling the Maternal function, without employing any of the unnatural and deleterious expedients so often resorted to for that purpose. Apart from its specitZ use of preventing conception, it is an infalible means of restoring to health and vigor the ybused,deranged and enfeebleciproereative functions of females, and of reinvigorating and restoring the general health to its wonted constitutional integrity. It consists ()ca.:Uzi:garlic Belt, which encircles the body directly over the as iliium, by the magnetic action of which the fecundating power is inter cepted and held in abeyance, sad the vital neuro magnetic currents, otherwise drained off by sex ual excesses, are turned back thro' the system, stimulating all the viscera to a healthy normal tone. In a true moral aspect, no valid objection can be urged against Its lawful use, as it is de signed to subservea great humanitary purpose in the reprodUctive economy. It is impossible in a brief card to give the reader an adequate con ception of the virtues of the discovery and the modes of its action. Accordingly, the proprietors have prepared a pamphlet, - fully embodying the philosophy of its influence upon the genitive func tion, its uses, tests and results, which they will forward upon the receipt of six cents ' ristage 'stamps, to any address. The *ce of the Belt is $5, sent by mailfree. DeCOURSEY, NORTON R. 34G Broadway, New York. 1124, Address P. 1. Box 2341. Sant - Salt!! Salt!!! THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken the, `Store No. :201 Washington-street, (ditectlvop posite Washington Market,) lately occupied by Volney Elliot, and is now Prepared to offer for sale on the most liberal terms FoR CASH, all kinds of Foreign Coarse, and Fine Salt, from. vessel, or store, either in. sacks or bulk, or put up in small liims to order. Dealers will be furnished with their names printed on - the bags wnen ordering a thousand or more. Persona from a distance ordering by mail can depend upon having their orders promptly filled at the LOWEST MARNE PRICES. GEO. W. MANN. . New York, March Ist, 1857. yl. - = Farm for Bale. rp it subscriber offers for sale a Good Farm JL of 95 acres in • Bridmewiter four miles east \ of Montrose, i 0 acres improved. There is on the premises ajarge framed Dwelling House, a good framed Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard One half of the purchase.money will be required down; the balance in annual instalments. • HUME' BROWN. Bridgewater, August 19th, 1857. \ 33tf. J'OL LOW/WS Pills and Ointment, Morse's Indian Root Pills, and Ayer's Cherry Pec toral and Cathartic Pills. Constantly for sale See Advertisements in this paper. ABEL TURRELL. PROFESSOR WOOD'S Hair Restorative at TURRELL'S. A COMPLETE. assortment ofGROCERIES at C. P. & 0. 51.-11AwLI:r5. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE RAPID CURE OP Colds, Coughs, and Hoarseness.. teramw, Masa" 20th Der., MS. • DS. J. C. Anus: Ido not hesitate Wray the teat remedy I have ever found for Portglre. Hoarseness, Influenza, and the rowel:id tan t symptoms of ft COMd.Is your Coexist PUCTon. tL. its constant use In mypractice and my family for the lad ten years lam shown it to possess supe rior virtues for the treatment of these complaints. EDEN KNIGHT, ii. D... . A. U. MORTLEY, Esu.,of Mica, N.Y., writes: "I have A. your Psormit. myself and in my family ever since. 'you invented It, and believe it the last medicine for its purpose ever taut out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty:five &lbws SR a bottle than do without it; take any other remodyP Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. Srarearrpn, Mass., Feb. 7, 1858. -Raman Arta: I will cheerfully certify your PzetORAU Is the bestremoly we pumas* for the cure of Whooping (bugle, Croup, suit thecheat diseases of children. it •of your fraternity in the South appreciate your stall, and commend your medicine to our people. I.llftM CONKLIN, M. D. AMOS LEE, Eso., Moslem, lA, writes, ad Jan., 1858 "I bade tedious Influenza, which confined ins In door* six weeks; took many medicinas without relief; Madly hied yuur PLCIORAL by the advice of our clergyman. The first doss relieved the soreness in my , threst and - lungs; lees than one half the bottle made me completely well. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the best we can bray, and we esteem ..yon, Doctor, and your come- dice, as the poor militia friend. Asthma or Phthisie, and Bronchitis. Wear Maxcalmes, Pi., Feb. 4, 1818. Sit: Your COURT PECTORAL is performing marvellous mires In this section. It lam relieved several from alarm- • lag symptom. of consumption, anal is now curing a man who has labored under an affection of the lunge for the last forty years. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSAiI M.D., Aimee, Monism Co., lowa, writes, Sept. 8, 1855: During my practice of many years" I have found nothing equal to your Caner PIXTOIAL for giving ease and relief to consumptive patients, or curing such aa are curable." might add volumes of evidence, taut the nioet con vincing proof of Ourrirtnee of this remedy Is totted in Rs effects upon trial.' Consumption. Probably no one remedy has ever _been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases u this. Some no human aid can reach; but even to those the Caesar Pecrottie affords relief and comfort, Atrroa House, New TORS CRT, March 5, 1856 Docroa Arta, Leant: I fuel it a duty and a pleasure to inform you what your CSKAST Pecroaat. has done for my wife. She bad been five months laboring winder the dangerous symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily Wiling, until Dr. Strong. of this city, where we have come for advice, recommeuded a trial of your medicine. We , bless his kindness, as we do your Skill, for she has recur• ered from that day. the is not yet as strong SS she need to be, but is free from her cough, and calls herself well. Yours with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SHELBY, oft 13IIZLOTTILIX. Clanstimprien, do not despair till you have iried Armes CHUMS Ptc-roast. It is made by one of the best Medical chemists in the worbl, and its cures all around on bespeak the high merits of Its virtues.Phticuielphia Ledger. . Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Illticientes of Chemistry and Medicine have been -IL taxed thitly utmost to produce this beet. most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these PILLS have Girt ea Which suipaas to excellence the ordinary medicines, aihl that they win nn. e precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are lade and pleasant to take, but powerful to titre. Their pene trating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel dincaue. They purse out the foul humors which breed awl grow distemper, stimulate eluggieh or thou! , tiered organs - into their natural Salon, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole syotern. Net only do they cure the everyday oomplaintS of every body. t shoo formidable and dangerous diseases that hay ‘ e bathei the hest of human skill. While they produce poierful ethwto, they are at the tuune time, In ditalnished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being ougar-coated, they aro pleasant to take; end' being purely vegetaltle, are free froth tltiy risk of harm. Curet have teen made which surpass belief were they not out. otantiated by men of such exalted poeitlon and character as to forbid theonspicinri of untruth. Many enti s nett clergymen and physicians have lent their names to mitt fy to the potpie the reliability of my remedies, while oth ers have sent me the assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contributelrumeneely to the rellefref my afflicted, tottering fellow ineu The Agent twitter named is pleased to furpish gratis my American Allnanar, containing directions for their nen and certhicateo of their cures. of the following complaints fsoticeneas, Bilbors Complaiuto, Rheumatism, Ilropey. Ileartittirn, lieult4e arising from a foil Stomach. .I.tan- Pea. Indigertinn, NMI.i.I I narti'n of the DAVOS and Pvin ari.4in.'t therefrom. Flatnien , y. Loss of Appetite, all Ulcer ' ono and Volaneous Di-oases which require- an et ;tenant Sit,iiritlf , y Scrofula c.r il. They also. by purify lug the bb, al and I.tinollatiog the syotem, tare Malty - cot:opt:litho , which it wnuld not he onppottal they could reach. sorb as Deslness, Partial Illiminees, Neural.;:a Nervous Irritability, Dcraturemento of the Liver tre.f Kid neys. fnsut. nod nthet kindred complaint. arkin.; front a lowidate of the tardy or ob•ttui - tion of its function.. Dry OR lie put off by Unprirmipled tinders re ith come ether pill they make more profit on. Auk, for AYER'S ritm. and take el., No other they can give you comperes with tlrttl. in ire intrinsic value or inratire powers. Alm sick w - arit tire beet aid there is for them, and theyl'ohould have it. Prepared tly Dr. J. C. AVER. Practical and Arslytical C h emist, Lowell, Mass: , rsms rza Fiox Bogus row $ 1. SOLD RY ABEL l'OßßELL,ltontrose, And by Dealers in MEDICINES everywhere. C..W. MOTT WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. New Rail Road Route,. Delaware,Lackawanna.dc W.R.111. VEW and expeditious broad goage route .1.11 from the North and West, ria Great Bend ann Scranton, and from the -I..ackawatina and Wyoming valleys, directly through to New York and •Philazbelphia. • On and after Monday, Jan. 18th, 1858, tfains will he'run as follows : - The Night Express Traia bound east on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at 4.00 a. m., and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia at- 8.30 a. m. Due at llontrose, 9.07 " Tunkhannock, 9.50 " Factoryville, 10.13 " Scranton, 10.00 " Strou'cLsburg, 1.38 p. in. Delaware,(ls Minutes to dine,) 2.10 Bridgeville, Phit pa'. leave 2.40, Junction, 3.30, " New York, 1.10, " Philadelphia, 8.20, " Passengers, from N. Y., leave- Pier No. 2 North River, at 7 30, a. m. From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, - 10.55, " Due-atßrid,geville,(Phil.connection,)ll.4s, " Delaware, (15 min. to dinner), 12.00 Stroudsburg, 12.47, p. m. Scranton, - 3.35, " Factoryville, ' 4:27 Tunkhanock, 4.48 " MontQse, 5.35, ," Great-Bend: 6.10, " Connecting at Great Bend with the DnnkirkExpress, west, at 7,15 J" Accommodation Train leaves Scran ton for Great Bend at '7.20 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, - . 12 25 p. m. Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on the N. Y. & E. Rail Road., _ Returning, leaves Great Bend at 125 p. Due at,Scranton, 6.10 " For, the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car will be at tached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving- Sernatoo, at - 5.00 a.. in. Due at StroudsbUrg at 10.20 " Junction at 2.10 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at - 5.00 d. in. Due - at Stroudsburg at 8,35 " Scranton at 2.50, p. in; Passengers from New Ydrk\will chhnne cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R., leave-or take cars at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. &B. R. R., cars at Scranton. • For Jessup,Archbald, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold, and baggage checked through. - JOHN BRISBIN,Sup:t. Wm. N. JEIIRS,Gerei Ticket Agent. S. S. MOTT GOON!: ---ik.T--- . H. J. WEBB'S . . MONTROSE, APRIL, 30th 1857. , Reustss-Od, 1/Iy - office to my new residence nearly oppo 11j site the Presbyterian Church, on Turnpike Street The publis are invited to call and exam. ino specimens of the various styles of Plugging and Plate which I am daily executing, ,Norm. sing, "any. more," friends, the work speaks for itself. O D. VlRGll A llesident Dentist. Montrose, Pa. Sept. 1837. Hembold's Genuine Preparat —OF— ly Concentrated Compound Fluid Er • helm.' For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys,. G i . Dropsy, Ilreaknesses, Obstructions, Sec i Diseases, Female Complaints, withal • Diseases of the Ssxual Organs, arising from excesses and imprudences in lif removing all improper discharges from the eler, 'kidneys, or sexual organs, whether cxi in MALE OR FEMALE, .from whatever they may have originated, and no matler of longstanding giving health and' vigor t frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek.. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED It cures nervous and debilitated suffereil removes all the symptoms, among whkh found indisposition to exertion, loss of'po lois of memory, difficulty of breathing, g oral weakness, horror / of disease, we: nerves, trembling, dreadful horror death, night sweats, cold feet, wake fulness, dimness of vision, languor, universal lassitude of the mus cular system, often enormous. appiitite, with dyspeptic symptoms, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and eruptions on the face,pain in the back,heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spot Oink before the eves, with a tempos suffusion and loss of sight; want of littera! great mobility, restlessness, with horror ciety. Nothing is more desirable to such p than solitude, anduothing they more dre fear of themselves; no repose of manne earnestness, no speculation, but a hurrt - transition from one question to anottr These svmpOns, if :Thawed to go on—which this medicine invariably removes—soon fellows losi of power, fatuity and epileptic fits— a one of which the patient may expire. Who cin say that thesls excesses are not frequently_ fo lowed by those direful diseaiies—insanity and corsump tion ? The records of the insane asylums, and the melancholy deaths by consumptiorrbeiir am• pie witness to the truth of these assertion's. In lunatic asylums the most melancholy exldbition appears. The countenance is ocularly sodden & quite destitute—neither mirth or grief ever vis its it. Should a sound of the voice occdr, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despai Low sullen sounds his grief heguil d." Debility is the most terrible! and has. b ought thousands to untimely graves, thus blast ng the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the usty)r - this ti INFALLIBLE nEnEwir. If y ou are suffering with any of the above ci dis tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract tue U will 'cure von. Try it and be convinced of its flitiacy. Or - Dew:ire of quack nostrums and qua ik doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities and reVences: Citizens know and avoid them,and save lidng suf fering, money, and exposiire, by sending lo ne call ing for a bottle .qf this popular and speciie rem= ed'. It allays all pain and inflammation, is per fectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but iinrnedi ate in its action. . 1 RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RICO Ts prepared directly according to thQ rifles of Pharmacy and Chemistry. with the greatbst nc cluncy and chemical knowledge and care devo ted in its combination. See Professor pewees' valuable works on the • practice of physic, and _ 'most of the late standard works of medicine. tlcs 10 0 jEI One hundred dollto • wilt aid to env physician who can prove that the medicine ever injured a patient:and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to 13 years' standing have been effected: The Mass 'of voluntary testimony in possession of the Pro prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well known to Scis6nce and Faine. 100,00043ottles have been sold and ru)t. single instance of failure has been report:ed: Perso — ally appeared before me, an Alderman' of the City •of Philadelphia, 11. T. Chemb,t,. who being duly sworn do,-s sliv. that his preparation•enntaius no Narcotiv. Mc l icury er injurious Dru.., but is purely Vegctll,:' , l„ H. T. Ilelrnbrnft. SVe Manufacturer. Swornsand subseribod befot,;qt , thi. 2:341 day of Nov 1551. Wm P. lIII3I3ARP, 4ldcirtaan. Price $1 per Bottle,.or six for $.5. delivered to any lid Ire,.. ai•cornlianiol br reli„ble land r e ... poteertffivatcs fr - om Professors nfj\Ted ;I Colleges, Ciergymen, and oth , rs. Prefo.ed and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Praetieal arid Analyti - ea/ Clietnist; No. 53 South 10th-st.. below dbestnut,l. Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia. Pa. To be had of all DruE%gists 'al - Ai Dealers in the U. S., canadas. :led British Provihees. &mare of Counterfeits. -Ask for Helmbold's —take no other. Cure , ' guarantied. !. Sold in 'Montrose by ABEL TURRELI., Agent. Jan. 20, ',47.-52t. , Lackawanna & Blooinsburi R. R. RRIVAL AND DF.PARTCRE A OF TRAINS. :1 IMEEZEIMii Stations, N. Y. Mail. Acco'n. Pthra _Mail \ • Leaveßuperi, 7.00a.m. 13.15p.m. Bloom, 7.10 " ;3.2.5 " Espy,: 3.33 " Lime Ridge, 7 7. 3% 8 " 13.45 " Berwick, 7.55 " ;4:YO"' Beach Haven_ 8.10 " j 4,25 " Beach Grove, 8.20 "- . 15.1544..53 . 50 " :'. Shiekshinnv, 8.35 " llunlocks (2 . k. 8:55 " Nanticoke, 9.00 " 5.20 " Plymouth, 9.20 ". 15.40 " . Ar've at Kingston, , , 9.30 " ! 5.50 " Leave Kingston, '9.35 " I,4sp.rni 6.00 " Wyoming, • 9.50 q 2.10 " i 6.20 " W'st Pittston, 9.55 " \ 2.20 " • 6.25 " Pittston, 10.00 " 2.30 " ; 6.20 - Lackawan 10.10 " 2.45 " ; 6.40 " Taylorville, 10,20 " - 3.00 " 1 6.50 " Arrive at Scranton, 10.30 " 3'15 " 1 7.00 " The,New York Hail Train connects with the Express going East, on the Delaware, Lackawan na & Western Railroad. , - ! - Arrive in N ' ew York 715 p.,m. '" " Philadelphia, by Camden A. Amboy Railroad, 8.20 p. m. Fare from Rupert - to New York ..50,66- . The Accommodation Train North„ conneets at - Scranton with -the Express Train West on the D.'L. & W. Railroad. - ' GOING , SOUTH Stations. Phil'a Mali. Acco'n. l'i. Y. Mail. Leave Scranton, _8.00a,M.11.30a.n, 4.00p.m. Taylorville, 8.10 " 11.45 " ; 4.10 " Lackawanna, 8.20 " '12.00 ni.l• 4.20 " Pittston, .. 8,30 " 12.15p.m 4.30 " 'W. Pittston, 8.35 " 12.30 -1 4.35 " Wyoming, 8.40 " 12.40 " i,4.40 " Arrive at Kingston, 9.00 " 1.00 " 5.00 " Leave Kingston; 49.00 " 6.15 " Plymouth, 10.15 " • 6.30 u . - Nanticoke, - 10.50 " 6.55 " Hunlock C'k, 10.45 " 7.00 " ShickshinnY, 11.10 u. 7.25 " - Beach Grove, 11.25 " 7.40 " Beach Unveil, .11.55 " 7 50 " Berwick, 11.35 " • - 8.10 , ck- Lime Ridge, 12,20p.m. 835 r - Espy, • 12.30 " • 8.45 k • • Bloom, 1-2.40 " 8.50 " Arrive at Rupert, 12.50 " 9,00 " The Philadelphia Mail Train going • outh,con , nods with the Mail Train at Rupert, oing East ,at 1.10 p. m., for Cataivissa, Port Clir ton, 1 )0114- ville, Reading, &c., arriving at Phila elphia at 8.25 - p. m. Also with Mail Train going West at (1 3 o'clock p. In.,' for Danville, Milt la, Money,. Williamsport and Elinfra. - . - Passengers by the 4 o'clock p. in. Train gcing South, can take the Ilso'cloc.k-p. m. E) press train for Elmiraand the West or lodge ai I loowsburg and take the 4 o'clock a.- tn. train going East, arriving at Philadelphia at 12 noon. ' p riT:Passengers for Harrisburg, l. lirect will take the N. V. Mail train, (4 o'clock , m.) going South, connecting at Port Clinton with the Dauphin & Susquehanna Railroad, arriving at Harrisburg at'l:2 o'clock noon, next d‘ v. i F. J. LEAVEN WORT 1, - Sup'l. Scranton, January 13th, 1858. . 3w3. WOLF'S Aromatic Schiedam "clinappa, al TIMIELL;§ !, and )11W. . ting nose prow the