free to form and regulate their domestic in stitutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States." .In this manner, by tocal4ing the qUetition of stay . ery and confining,it-to the,,people who are -iimediately concerned,- every 'patriot expected this question fo be banished 'froth tite halls of cougtess, where it has always 'elated a bale= fill influence throughout the coi:Lift.' .It droner thatirtionid refer to the election held Oder the actiof the Territorial _Legislature, the l first Monday in January, on • file IA3- - d o mpton Constitution. this election was held after the Territory had beed prepared for admission into tbe Union as a sovereign State,-, and when. no arttlßiritvexiSted in- the Terri., torial legislature,,wilich could possible de-. stroy its existence' or change its character. The election, which waspeacefully conducted undo my instructions, involved a strange in 'consistency. A large matoritr of the persons who voted against. the Lecoiriptcin Constitu tion, were, at the same time and-place, recog ' nizing• its valide existence in the most sol emn .and authentic,,tnanner; by voting under its provisions. I have as yet received no offi cial information of the result of this election. As - a que-stion of expediency, after 'the right has been maintained, it may be wise fo reflect r pon the benefits to Kansas- and to rbe s w &We Union, which would result from its imme diate admission into the Union; as well is the 'disisters which may follow its rejection. Do mestic pear-- will be the'happy consequence of its admillsiOn, andilat fine Territory, hith erto Von by dissensions, - will rapidly increase in population, and wealth,and speedily realize the blessings and comfort which follow ..agri cultural and tnechanical industry. The people then will be soverdign" and can regulate their own affairs in their own way; if the majority of them delire to .abolish domestic slavery within the State, there is no other possible mode ply-which it can be effected so speedily as 'by its pro pt admission. The will of the .majority is supreme and irresistible, when ex pressed order?)• aid- in 'lawful' manner. It 'can unmake Constitutions at pleasure. It • would' be absurd- to say they cart impose fee ters upon their owitliower,•which they cannot afterwards remove. If. they . could - do this, - they might tie their own bands for in hund red as for ten years. These are the funda mental - principles of American, freedom, and recognized in some form by every State Con stitution, and if Congress in the act of ad ',mission should • think proper to , recognize them, I can [fereeive no objection. This has been done,emphatically in the Constitution of Kansas. It declares in the bill of Rights, that - "all political power is inherent in the people, ;. and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their, benefit, and . therefore,. they have at all times the inalienae tile and ind'eteasible. right to alter, reform or abolish their form of government, is such manner as they rimy -think proper," ''he great State of New 'York is at 'this Moment. . governed 'under a Constitution framed in di t2ct opposition to the mode prescribed by th previous Constitution. -If therefore, the pro vision changing : Kansas 'Constitution_ , after the year 186,1; could by ails possibility he construed into; tie prohibition to make"' stelt change previous to the period of prohi ••,-reiti.on, it would be wholly unavailing. The teeislature already elected; _may at- first ; session; submit the qtiestion to the vote of i reople, whether they will or not, have a Colie - ' • vention to amend their Constitution, and adopt all neeessary Means for giving effect to • the popular -will. It has beeh solemnly adjudged lq the highe • . •est Judicial, Tribunal; that slavery exists in liansas, by virtue of the Constitution of the ; `Cnitell Sates.--Kansas is therefore, at this'{ moment, a.; much a sirivel.Stare as Georgia or South .C;trulina. Withont• this, the equality c4 -- the sovereign States ieomposing the Union •stnild be violated, and the use and enjoyment of.Territerv, by the common, tress ere of all the Suit-es, woi.n be against . the t.eople and property of nearly half the 'Alen:tiers of the Coufetleratiy; Slavery can therefore never be prohibited iu Kamias, ex . iceph by means of a Conetituriteial provision,_ 'and in no other •nianner>ean this be obtained so promptly, if the majority of the people de sire•it, as by admitting it into the Union, - under the present Constitution. • C 1 i the 'other hand, should Congress rejec't JiterCanstitution, tinder the-idea of affording the disaffected in Kansas a third opportunity to prohibit slaireri , itf a State which they might have done twice before if in the major-' its', to nian tan foretell the consequences. If Congress, for the sake. of those`men who re fu-e1 to vote ter delegates tosthe Convention; when the3l might have excluded' slaehry from the Constitution, and who afterwards refused to '.vote on R, Ist of DeceMbee, when they might as ihey claim, have et6ken slavery from the•Constitut ion,. it is manifest that the agitation upon this important sukject will be renewed in Iv more alarming - form that it has ever assumed. Era's pitriotiri the country had indulged, the hope &it the Kansas Nebraska act would put final end to the slavery agitation, at least in Congress; w.hieli bad for reore than twenty years convulsed the country, and en _dangered the Union. This act involved great and fundamental pintiples i and if fairly car ried into effect, will settle the question. Should' the agitation be again revived, should the people of'the sister States be again estranged' from each other with more than former. bit terness, this arise-from a cause, so far as the interests of Kansas are concerned, More trifling and insignificant than has 'ever stirred the elements of a great people into commo tion. To the people of Kansas the Only prac tical diffefence between their admission or re jection, depends siMirly upon the - factovhether they can themselves more speedily thange,the present Consvtution i if it does not - accord with the will of the majority, or fratne a sec ond Constitution to be submitted to Congress hereafter, - Even if this were a que.stilzu mere expediency, and not of right, the small difference of time,- one way or the- other, is not of the least importance when contrasted with the evils which must necessarily result to the whole country from the renewal of the slavery agitation. In considering this ques tion, it should never be forgotten that in pro:- portion, t,c its insignificance, let the decision be .what it may, so far may affect the few thousands inhabitants in Kansas, who have, from the begin ning, resisted the Constitution.; and the law7fot `thi, very reason the rejection of the ,Constitution will be so Much 'bore 1 keenly-felt by the people of fourteen States of the UniOn ivhere slavery is recognized udder the Constitution of the United States, AC tin, the speedy= - admission of Kansas tor. tie 1 Union, would restore peace and Miiet to 1 the whole colintry. Already the AIL of the Teiritory - Isave,engrossed an undue proportion of the - public. attention,.,have sadly affected the friendly relations of the people of the !. States with each other, and alarmed the fears of patriots for the safety of the Union.—Kan sac once admitted, the excitement becomva - 10- .ealized And, will scoß die away for ,want Of otitsitiel,alitnent;' then:every difficulty- would he settled at the.,baltot box. Besides, and this is no trift - Ing . consideratiOn—we shall then be enabled to,;wrthdraw the troops from Kansas and employ. them in: - se'rvice where they are much` needed. They have been kept there 1 on the earnest importunity of GOvernor Walk- I er to maintain the existence of titer Territo rial Government and secure the execution of the laws. .He cousitleied at leWst two thous- and troops under the command of. Gen. Har ney necessary. Acting upon his reliable in fo4mation, I have been 'obliged, in some de gree, to interfere with die ekpedition to Utah in order to , keep .doWn 'le rebellion in Kan sas, which hasinvolfed a'veyy heavy expense to the Government. kansas once admitted, it is believed there will no tong& he. any occasion there for the troops of the United States. . have-thus 'performed thy duty on this int portaht'iluestiern, under a deep sense of my responsibility. to ,'God and to my country. My {ublie kfe gill te.rrhinitte with a brief pe riod, and I have nit; other object of, rthly aintition than to leaVe'tny'conntry in a ace ful, prosperous condition, aria five in .affections and respect of my countrymen, The dark and ominous clourri now impend ing over the t}rrion, Y conscientiously believe will be dissipated withironor to every pohion of it, 'by are adritisSion of Kansas during the prese'itt %essioa of "Congress, Whereits if it should be rejected, I greatly feir that these clouds will becothe darker ana tnor6 ominous than any that have ever yet thretttened the Canstitirnsin•aul the tinioit. BUCHANAN NOTICE. Expecting to be at home ,For a few weeks.l would hereby extend ,a - CORDIAL INVITATION to those indebted to me by Note, Book acct., or for. rents, to call at once and I sous may save costs, Office in my store, (up stairs) occupied by C W. Mott. M. - C. TYLER. Montrose, January 20th, 1858: Physician% recommend Dr. Tobias' Vents thin Liniment. It will not cure everything, as most patent medicines do, but will curopositive ly rheumatism, colic, dysentery, toothache, head ache, pains in limbs, back and chest; or the agent will return the money. See that every bottle is signed S. I. Tobias.. Price 25 & 5001. Depot 56 Cortlandt street, New York. [Gw•3. Fir sale by Abel Turrell, Ifontrose. [3t52. Helmbold's Universally Approver}Remedy —Compound Extract Buchu, cures diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsy, weakness, &e. Read the advertisement in another eolumn, headed "Ilelpholds Genuine Preparation." [fm Silence that dreadful cough !Or death must earry_you to an untimely grave. Consumption is caused by impure humors of the blood. The lungs are like a . spring of water,_ when roiled.;by mud, if clear wate(runs thro' the spring,impnri ties will be conveyed away. When the blood is pure,,as it flows thro - the lungs it carries away all corremt Matter, and perfect health kill be the result. From: to 4 of Dr...lforses pills, taken every other night, to keep the boatels open, will in a reasonable time cur, tensumption. [fm*. Itakft At Susquehanna Depot, Feb. 9th, by Rev. :T. A.. Wood, Mr. ALONZO J. WHITNEY and Miss ItUBIE TUTTLE, both of Susquehanna. avnto. • In . .,,londrose,,january lit, GEORGE S., on of John A. and Catharine F. Warner, aged-3 years anti 3 months. At Great Bend, on the . 18th ult., Dr. JAMES - GlitlITIN, aged sixty-five. Dr. (Intrns was a native of New Town Conn., and practised medicine fur several years in S.choharie county, N. Y., and for the last twelve years in Great Bend, Susquchannti county, Pa.• As a physician he stood at the head of his pro fession-, and possesued, to an unu s ual degree, the confidence of his, patients, in a very \ exten- • sive and laborious.practiv; and being a Chris tian, he prescribed faithfully and successfully for - both the body and spiritual disease of thomJ , around whdsc sick and dying beds he was called to administer relief. As a citizen and civil mag istrAte he held a high place in, the respect and j esteem of thecommunity in which he lived; while in the more tender And endearing relations o f brother, father and husband, he was'greatly loved for his many virtues and excellencies of both his head and his heart. In his death the : prior hate lost a friend indeed. ltis last lilness. of many months continuance, was , ori o peculiarly trying and a ffl ictive both to himself, his family and numerous friends.. All his organs of speech were so paralized, that his lips were sealed as in the silence of t ae grave, and his last.4dieu to his deeply afflicted family was given by expressive and affecting sighs, which satisfied all around his dying bed that he was departing for the "Rest that remains fur ff the people cGod." • Ilis funeral services were full of deep and irn piessive interest. - The Presbyterian church, in which they were held, was . crowded to its utmost capacity, by a sviepathyzing, and a ffl icted com munity; who feel ' that his ever!asting gain is a great loss to them. Con. • . Caution. it DO hereby forbid any person or persons trusting my son HEWLETT on my account *Mout a written order ih toy own hand writing, as I shall pay no debts of his contracting after this date. - I Is forbid the Postmasters letting, the said Hewlett have any letter or. paper that may come directed to tne'stithont en order as aforesaid. JOSEPH B. NVOOLSEY. Jessup February 4th, 1858.-c4w3. NEWTON &.McCOLLITM, Attoirneysand Counsellors 4t Lati-; Office on Public Avenue bier 11. J. Webb's store. NEWTON. - B. McCottry: f . Court Sale. . WILL,be sold on the premises, on Monday the first day of 31areh next, at one o'clock P. M, all that lot or land situate in Rush tap., bourldezl north by lands of Sherwood,seast by lands of James Fargo, south by lands of Hen ry Esttm, and west by lands of Abisha Gray,— being: Tart of a Jot known bh the tnati of WM H. Cope:s land as ltd: containing filty-s - evea acv s. • `, .?"4 . 4V - . • Framed House, Barb: and . - out-hoasz>,aisoanbrcFiard;andthiT _ ty acreg improved, late the ektatb of . romley. deed. H. Codstytt.t, Adm'r. February ad, 1958. tts. - 121 - SELcM" FIRE INSURANCE CO“ YORK, Pa. Ota;rtered Lv the State of Penngybvnia CAVITAL, 300,000 ,DOLLARS. Islitires.agaitist loss or damage by fire,, on buil "dingsi, furniture, and merchandise generally. far Losses adjhosted by arbitration, *here Ito parties fall f o agree'. H. 4. Hants, H. Kmber,, William \\'ali:ice, Sornuei Dyer, David Strickler. • 11. KRABER, President, D. STRICKLER, Secretary. -C 0. S.•BEEBE', Agent, Montrose, Pa February 2d. 1858. 1 d'*. • - Caution, - • wthe chasing d a ersi eer gn t ... ii ed, nn f , O; t r e bi , d ,i e n r rp to er s, per Stephen s. & Todd:-for the sum of fifty dollars, dated Au burn. January Bth. I B.sB r as it was obtained by 'fraud and deception, and for which-we . have re. ceii•ed'no value, end therefgre will not pay it unless 'compelled by law: It is a judgment note, ?ad waives thmexemption act of 1849. 11AltLES G. HINES, THOMAS M. HINES. \ Undersigned' by JESSE HINES. . Auburn, Jan. 25th. 1815.-9%4. FLOUR for sale by the Load or Barrel by DICKERMAN & GARRETT. Now Milford, June tothosn Maih and CoUeclurl Names. $ Townships. ;Duplicates.e4al Paid 1 Exoner's.t P'ec'crge.;Am'iDue.? Y'rs 'P. Welch, ' •Apolacob, -.; 417 18, 3,§9 63 : 7 00{ -20 511, • G. 6, 'Bildt . % in, -- - --l Ararat, -- -} 'lB9 38; 179 09; 87; - 9 423 R. J. Vines ' : • >Auburn, - ---; '875 9 3 808 6'4' 24 73' '42 561 H: P. Arian ,- - BridgewiteY,'4 1,532 00. 1,445 61 10 31; 76 08} J. L. Adam -- *,- -.- ‘-sßroalftf, ..3 768 173 '713 643 16 983 37 553 I B. Clark, .... •.. •- iCh,Ocortilt, *- •.3 459 48; • 431 1541 5 23; 22 71•;• • A. Ha/stead --- ---% - -Ratko, - -., 835 25, '785 39, 8 58 ; 41 33; S 'Samuel - She Eir . , *- '. - -glitelt, .. -; 916 683 866 553 . 4 53; 45,60} ' Charles Slo wit, --- —;_iitillfr, . —3, 201 2,0, 186 16 5 25, 9 793 A - i. Eiry. ha rd -"- . -- -3Fo're,st Lake, .; eot II; 564 72; 667 29 72, ; R. Tia,ttld, •• - . „ranklin, - 500 "8, 467 76;• 8 51 , 24 61; E. Nl.,Driy, .. -'--- . ariendsyille, - 148 09, 129 30{ 11 993 6 803 A. P.Rirlibei, - - ..Gibson, =.- -' 'lB4 63; 745 I'7 253 39 21; ,11 P. Terba, ;Great Bend, . 1,063 02' '99B 453 12 023 52 551 ; E. V. Gree ,-- . - . -11arford, .. -, '720 04' ' 6'79 22i 5 08 , 35 74i David Tay or, - 'Harmony, - . 404 98. 377 81>7 29; 19 88; E. Westga ,-. . . -'Herrick, .. . 423 38, 393 61, 9 OG; 20 71; T:Butterfi Id, ;Jekson, .. ~ , 597 43 562 Ti , 5 05 : 29 61' - I . .; Lulius Smith, `Jessup, —.- 550 54 510 43 ; 13 25 26 86; G. W. ninny, ( 3 Lnthrop, ... 274 76 5 258 56; 2 eo! 13 '66; "T O. T. Kinney, , .... 'Lenox , 543 84 , 502 45' 15 061 26 33; 3 A. A. Fish, ',liberty, .. -, 444 54 420 64: 0 '773 22 13), , • H. Spaffonl - ', ' Middletown, .1 648 98, - 608 283 8 693 32 01} James Dens,Dens,;Montrose -.; 1,706 26 1;615 63 4 '55 , 85 03; ; s J. P. Miller SN• ewMilford,., 1,099 ps , ' - 1 i,037 34V 809 54 54; S. It Esier :rook, .;Oakland. - 192 51 . 168 3% 15 363 13 85; i Robert Rey , olds, . ..Rush, -..-, 606 78; 571'58; 5 12i '3O 14:13 4 W. H. Gni e, -,- .. -'Silver Like, -- 142 613 693 30. 1•3 'O3 16 413; Samuel Cu ver, -;Springville, - . 3 - 23 69, 762 50% 21 06 40 133 7 C i 7 . Aaron Mye ,-- - r 4Susq'aDepo't,.' 369 64: 317 69 14 18 I'7 S. King, . ;Thompson, -.' 300 34' 278 661 0% 14 f;6,3 Trees 1) It. To Commi 'Road Vi Road L 1 wages, .. W. Slinith, late Commissioner,.. W. T. Case, .Conunissioner, P. 0. Mott Jr., do, Assessors, Consta lurors, Jurors, . , Grand 'Travers Printin Connt) - liatere+t o)uuty Fuel Station Court I F. jail, . . J S.ll. 'l,‘ Co rone Tow irkl Genera tunati Agricu Faster Wm. 14 Ref 0. S. 13 I). I). I). P. Cone tors. ' Townships M. B. Be iediet,. .... .". . :Clifford, .. ... I'. Welet, Apolacon,... 0. 0. Ba tl win, Ararat,,. R. J. Car er, :Aubritn,.... 11. I'. Ito ins, Bridgewater, . J. L. Ad. ms, Brook 1yn,,... B. Clark, .• • 'Cloeonut,.... A. halst'aci, • Clifford,.... ' Samuel berm,,Dimoek, 2... . Charles, locum,— , 1 .....;Dundaff,.... 11. Birch . rd, • • :Forest Lake,. Rufus Tu t1e,....... .Franklin,.... E. 11. D. y, - •-• • •Friendsville,. ;A. I'. lii ney, - Gibson, R. P. Te oss,• •• • - • Great Bend,. E. V. Or en,• -- - - Harferd,..... ' I la•:id 1 aylor. • - • ..... :Harmony, .. ... E. West ate, • • 3 'flerriek,.... T. Butte field, . :Jackson, .... L. Srait ,• • • - .. ... ',Jessup,. •' • G. W. Ti any, • ' Lathrop, .... A. A. Fib, • . , :Liberty, .. ... 11. Spa rd,• . • ... : '.',Middl•pto-kim, . J.`P. Mil er,' ~ . New Milford, -S. 11. ' -terbrciok, •. Oakland,— . . It. Rep] .Ids,jr , '.Rush, VV. IT. aige, Silver Lake,. Samuel ulcer, .., Springville,. . A. Mye a, S u s -q 78 Depot, S. King ' • •• . Thonapsob,;„: DR. • To acrid for 1' lo agg Tax• '49 a Anpuoi land John 'Andes, Fred. Suitzbek, Ali Kindig, Thomas Griay; as p To am To am , lista, BENT. OF - RECEIPTS IND EXPENDIMS Of „Susquttanna i btl' ll lL . d 4 lurstcance yan Art of ..48:46n the oApra, 1834 A. .1 ehannu County.---Balance. of Collectors' Account for 1837: üblishiii in $19.74$ 48`518.471 48 ,1 82"n - 08 _ _ RECAPITULATION. Total amount of Duplicates, atnoun,t paid by Collectors,. of Exonerations do., " " Percentage do., *18,471 48 299 0 . 0 972 94—519,7.6 48 S. A. WOODRUFF, Trrasurer, irrer's Office, Montrose, December 31st, 1857. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY a weal tll costs, ' °mu jtettec,med,..... ... on do. and Monerlparted, , . DiTico, .. 74,951 47,88 68,57, 215,36 , 845,07.„' 10,00 of the ,7 ells, Prot. and Clerk of Q. S. 290,191 's Inquest,• .36,7 t tlections ` .350,91 Elections,• • • • • 309,20, ats, • 4,00, 131,75 81,00, 10000, 1202 r 400,00 e 61,0•4, 6,00; 6,001 0,001 741,851 ouse,• . • • • • Ilister Sheriff and Jailor, hospital, vier Itural Society, .. Penitentiary,. Crossrnan, Clerk, finding Orders,— .. ebe, Auditor,... frown,. . do . I iffanv do , er s Percentage,..'. $1 . 9,286,6 1 M 1 mount of Duplicates, wont pajd.,by Collectors,.. .s49l,`.ti mount of Exonerations to Collectors,. , ... 182,50 • mount of Percentage to Cc' illectort, - 25,79 Amount of unpaid Duplicate of 1850..... .. 39,00—V138.50 K(Arksir.;ft - 00 fitkAsilittivsAiVit ?i•r %Vag MlLltiClaTel;ll). „ . .. ..4.WOOLftUFF, --- Freasuier nt received from Collectors S. A. r: ciODHCFP TREASURER OF SUSRA egate 413101.11:4 of Stare . levied and assested for e of the Cotratltinaealth , • year 1857; • • dte antoutit of outstand : ies for the years • .d'so, received from returned ( 4 8,588 64 P:11. um of Fines slid Jury fees r Certificate of the Clerk !e Court of Quartet SO- R. A. WOODRUFF TRRASUKER OF SUSQ. CO uut iu Treastirer's,hands • r last Auditor's report.... 1,439 - 37 .unt of Duplicates for 1857 19,743 48 'unt received of F. P. 1101- r , Sheriff Fines and Jury tint received from returned $51,49139 1 *893,04' By County Orders Redeemed from .440,00.1 No Ito 5 , 14, inclusive .545,25 By 14 Recoiling' Orders —138,00'13y amount paid County Auditors, .195,00 By Treasurer's Percentage,- ' .172,501 24,001 . 779,90 i ..659,5; - 507,951 . 2,304,03! 176,2 - 5 7,469,001 887,'A 1 , • $19,280,65 . . IA VINES FOR YEARS 1850 AND 1857:- D'y'c's' .I..P'id. Ex'er's. P.i."L'.A. D. rrs. $39,00 c 39;00'1850 - .. ' 19,50 $14,13 - $4,00 t 77 R 1857 12,00 9 1 50 2,00; 50 ; 40,50' 24,23 15,00, 1,27., 19,00', 11,88 6,50; 62 28,00 17,10' 10,00' 90. 11,00 9,03 1;50 4 4 45,50 36,10- 7,50 I,bV 25,50 20,43 - - 4;00 1,07 6,50 3,80: 2,50 . 20; t 17,00' 11,40, • 5,00 '' - 60. 12,00 8.10 3,50 40 11,00 3,80 7,00 20 ,• 17,50' 13,30 3,50' 70 51,50' 37,05, 12,50 1,951 29,00 29,00 23,75 4,00 • 1,25 )' 46,50 29,93 15,00: 1,51: Z 38,00 ; 25,65 11,00 1,35 1 28,00, 22,80 4,00' 1,20 • ; • 17,00 10,45 6,00 • 55 • 2 - 5,50, 10,45 14,50 55' , 3,005 47 2go, 03 ' ' 23,50 23,50 ,18,05' 4,50 1:05 ' 4`7,00, 42,28 2;50', 2,22, / , 19,00, 15,20 3,00 80i i , • 26,00' 16,15; 9,00; 85:, . 30,00;, 10,00 10,00; 1,00,, i , 21,00? 14,73' 5,50; 77 S 14,00; 9 , 50 4 , 00. 50' % 15,50 12,35 2,50 65 • : 738,50, 491.21' . 182,50' 25,79 39,00; CONTRA, ,B y amount paid to Brigade Injiector, Asa Spiberoti per abbount rendered, 39,47 By amount paid Assessors, 30,44 By amountpaid Printers,: 25,00 arnduEt Paid : 1 , 5„00 By amount paid Com'rs for §tationery, 20,00 By amount of Treasurer's Percentage on 8491,21, By ardoutit iri Treasurer's Liana, . *491 21 $49/,21 ti 91.2 1 • • . CO. IN ACCOUNT WITII TOE &FAIT OF PA. tli. By 5 perscent. allbWed to Col lectors on final settlement, 404 36 By Exonerations, ------ '`"" ' 135 30 By unpaid li , ttplicates tor Pre vious'years, 1843, '45 and 50.... 340 42 B? Treasurer's percentage on $7,. 708 at 1 percent. • ' • .77 Q 8 By amotint paid Stlo3 Tremurtii,.. 7,631 48 V 3,245 33 340 42 CR.=, 13,y amount paid Treasure and charged-in his account 3 per et. rbtained for collecting, p 314 00 *314.00 ACC ' T. CURRENT ifLrt# SAW Co. -1857. CR By amount paid Co. Auditors By eioneratioas to Col'tß, 296 od By percentage " - 072 94-1,27/ 33 By 14 refunding orders 81 02 , By County orders redeemed from I No. Ito 544 inclusive 304 58! By commissions on receipts $lB,-, 780,02 at 2 per cent 375 6'o ' I By corn's on expenditures 3 961 $18,462,78 at 2 per cent. 369 25-744 85 . By amount in Treasurer's hands 932 74 . - Stittent*Eit by **sq. Coy Treasury', To availableTtMds in theTreasury.,.t932,74 To UneVilre'nt money of previous y'rs. *6OO, To fktrth,issue of County Bonds to Wart. House Contractors, due 'Sept. 15th, 1858 *3,500 i fifth issue, due Sept. 15th, 1859,3,500 To sixth issue,; " " " 1860, 337 5t To several amounts of Notes, Konds, Judgments, &c., as per Auditors As. Report '• • s 500 00 We certify the foregoing to lie a cor rect Statement. , Wm. T. CASE, P. WELLS, Cat e r . rs. L 0. MOTT, Jr. ontntt icttest— Wm. A. CROSSMA s, Commissioners' Office, Montrose, •• January 23,'A. D., - 1858, )• EillMl $10,743 4.8 N.tendering my services to tho inhabitants of I S.ustknehanna County as an llomeopathic Physician, I deem it my duty to publish the fol lowing statistics taken from the records of Hos pitals of Europe, which show the marked supe riority of the Homeopathic over the Allopathic method,of treating diseases. CIL 818,40 1 2,78 61,02 18,00 744,85 AllQp. Hosp. 162 37 22 " 175 -6, 3 Fevers, excluding Typhus, t. tkl lop,ltosp. 9697. 0:11 Hohl. . " ' 3062 84 2 Tphus. ;Vlotif Ito-p. t 371 . 1509 16 re - 1423 219 14 Allop. fro , ti.., -total, 119630 1179 . 1. 10 Horn. " " 32035 1363 4 Persons rssiding at n distance who wish to e oraalt me can do so by letter and receive a prompt reply. No charge for consultation. THOSIAS, SI. D., Great Bend, Pa., Feb. 1, '57 [3m. 1.327 - Office at the residence of C. Dimon, Egg. THE County Commissioners have fixed upon the following days and dates resp&tively, for hearing Appea:s from the Assessments for the year 1838, - at the Cominisiones 011 4 ,ee in Montrose, to wit: - Apo'aeon, Ctioconut, Forest Late, Fri.•nd+t•ille and StidtHetown, Monday, Feb•y 22d . . Franklin, Lif,erty an,i Silver,Lake, Tuesday, " 23a. Mirn, Jessup and littsh,‘Vedneslar, " 34th. Dialed:, Lathrop and Springville, Thursdays"• 25th. Great.J3end and New ,Milford, Friday " 26th, Harmony, Oakland and Sitt,q'a Moro',; Monday, March Ist Ararat, 3ickson and Thompson. Tuesday," 2d Clifford; Dundaff and Lenox, Wednes'y " 3d. Gibson,. I larfo rd and Herrick. Thuzaday, " 4th. BridieWate'r, Montrose Wad Brooklyn, Friday, " sth. by order of the Ctimmissioners. Wm A. CROSSMAN, Clerk. Commissioners Office Montrose, Jan. 26,'58. Money Saved. tny subscribing to Hodges' Journal of Fi nance and Bank Reporter, because it gives full, early; comple,te and reliable information, of Bank fainires, descriptions of coante rfeits 6te., die.; and monetarraliairs of every _kind. Quotations corrected at New York, BostomCibeinnati and Chicago, Making 'Terms : t.onthl v. one 'y ar, ' . Semi, 1.50 ‘Veekly, id inuditg, Coin Books. Any one sending five snbseribers will receive a copy of the Safe Cuarsi and weekly Jonlnal Twenty-fivel)er cent. allowed agents and P. Ms. Or It cost 8:0,000 besides years of labor to arrange and publi-h Hodges' New .$738,50 It describes over, twelve thousand' genuine bills. With this book no one can. be imposed upon by bad inuney. Every business man should have it. Price $2., post free. 25 per et discottra allowed to Booksellers, Agents, or the subscribers to the Journal and Reporter. Address, J. TYLER HODGES, Banker, ft fit.) . 271 Broadway, N. Y. REMOVAL. The Saddiejfiarncoos and Trunk Shop of 1 . - 60 7 .. t• MALORAU I s ftplOVtD to tho bdilding recentl y de' eu pied C. C. flakier, on Main St., ono door. above S. S. Mott's, where ho will be happy' to wait on all whio teitty favor him il , rith their patron age. Jan. 206, 1558.-I.c. 4,91 .i 56,39 VOY VIRTUE of an order of sale iiiade by IP the Orphan's Ci;iirt of Susquehanna County, will be exposed to Sale, by.public.vendge or out cry, on Tuesday, the 16th - day of, Februar y next, at ten ' o'clock a. h that certain piece or parcel of land Ouate in the township of llerifck in said county; bounded on the north and east by lands of James Cook, south by the "Old NOwburg Turnpike," and west by land of Campbell, and George Crandall, cOntkining about • seventy acres, with the appurtenaneeg, one framed dwelling house, and barn, ;I g and having about 30 acres improved. - Late the estate of,Leonard Cciok; deceased.— Sale to take place on the premises. Terms made known on the day of sale. 48,58t3 0.4 304 58 9 42 r - rIIIE iindersigivd will offer for sale at public, vennue,bn Tuesday, February 23d 1858, at 10 o'clock in the forenood, on the.premises late of Ezekiel parnes, deceased, in Gibson town s/up, the folloWing property : r good Horses, a pair of three years pld Steers, 6 Cows, 3 Calves, Wagons, Sleighs, Plows, ,Harrews, Cultivators, and other Farming TOOlB, flaky Utensils, House beta Furniture, a quantity of Hay, Straw, au& Grain, Cider and Barrels, and various other art! , cies. - • S Tsairii.—All sums Under $5, cash ; $5, or over, six months eredit l with approvA minty. CHABLES Adm ato r , !bittern, Jailor) , 2501, 1858.-4 wt 18,402 11 $21,01 39 Recapitillailiolt of Court House Account._ 1857. NEW COURT HOUSE ACCOUNT {Dr. To contract Price, $13,500;00 To additional expense by order of County Cotninissioners • • '3:17,52 To furnishing Court House, • 1,425,70 It • _ . 1857. CONTRA By first, second, and third issue of • County Bonds, redeemed pith interest, 11,098,87 By Cash paid August, 1854, 500,00 By cash paid for furnishing, " 1,425,70 By County Uonds Utingtitured,..'.. 7,238,65 18'58 Medical Card, Patients Alorthlity Admitted Died par et: Allopathic Hospitals 1134 200 23 Ilittneopathic " 538 28 5 Allop. Hospitals •101; 134 13 Honi. " - 386 12 3 Peritonitis. , Allop. Hos . p. 828 81 ""13- Horn. " 184 8 4 Dveentet v `C h ca . ar A Allop. llo4p. 12.7'8 '046 '5O Horn. 848 60 8 AU DiseaFes. Notice. FIVE REPORTERS IN ONE. Bank k:Ote Safe-Gua,rd, Administrator's Sale. JOHN SMILEY, Adm'r • Jan. 19th, 1858.-3w4. Adminietrator's Sale. The Cheapest Paper in the World The NATIONAL MERCHANT , A largo Weetly at Sixty Cents a Year. LT c ontains webole - e cel«ctiun of- Literaty mat -461, Tales, I'delry 'arid a fare amount of commercial infor mation. The "reviews of the Markets gild Bank Ttepo'its are worth mote than the price of subscription, and the paper before it is printed, costs more than weger for it For ten dollars we send 16 copies, any three dollar magazine. Specimen cop •s I. 4 ent free on receipt ora postage stamp,. Cur •.a al(ow ed a - liberal commission, ainountldg iu tame ea : ses to eighty dollars a month. • Address, S. E. ASTI ig E. CO, - Nlittonal' eechantOftieo • • Philadelphia: I+2 0 ,2 6 3 ,2 2 Artist's Materials: PAINTS in Tubes, Brushes, Tin, Copper and Silver Foil, Glass Slabs and 'Mailers, Lithographs, &c., at the Store of • ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Dee. 15th, 1857. 6 : 20,203,22 NOTICE` is herety, given that the firm of am.v.Ey & GUILD is Chip day disaolved mutual consent. C. Game . % Aug. 17 1 . 85: 4 1. E. E. Ct: The books and acco . Enta can be found store formerly o . ce u pied by the sulowribers. All persons hr&ingurikftled alb onnis reelueeted to rhsttlo the same as soon as possible. The businesn will be conducted in future by the undersigned, under the firm of . C. P. & 0. M. Iliwt.EY, who are eqnstantly receiving from New Yorkand Philiololphin, the latest st) les et Fall Winter Dry Goods, Clo thingite„ all of whlch will be sold at a very sipa)l profit 'for ready 'pay, Cdtsoit, Aug. 31st, 1857. C. P. : 0. IFI:HAwLer. P 3 9 r, l'A-YS for Board and ' Tuition PrOGIOI.I in Counuon Engliah,ike Term of Fourteen Weeks, COM ineueing March la, 18b8, a t FORT EDWARD INSTITUTE-N. Superb brick buildings, beautifully located on the Rail Road near Saratoga Springs. Superior facilities for Music. Painting and Rrench. Stu. dents cfceived at any time, and charged only for the reship': of the Term. Diplomas awarded to Ladies who graduate, Send for a Catalogue, witk full particulars. Rev. JOSEPH E. KING, A. M., Pine,ipal, Fort Edward. January 13th, 1858. 2.n& T. Jl3 IT I 14 1 - REPRESENTS A CAPITAL UP OVER 45 1 000 1 000.4 • For Fire,. Marine, Life, and Inland iiituranee , Officie,,New Milford, Pa. .Tataiary 18th, 1858. Iy* f,anntrs' and ' l oerlpitits' INSURANCE UOIIIPANY, N. W. Corner Second hnd Walnift. Streets, -Vita: - .1141 ,- vattkirmuab CAPITAL. SI'SO,OOD• This Company elrects Fih Insurance on But'(flings, 'Goode, f'urn'iture, d.c. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight, TO ALL PAIITS OY THE *6111.b. inlitnefusuranee on Gonds ,by Rivers, Lakes, _ Canals, Railrofids,.and Land Carriage, to all Parts of the Union up . on the most favora , ble terms. • - IllEcToltS:' Ihis,Tifos 11.FLonEscE, CHA.ELES I)ING rE. UF.O. If. ArOis•rnoNG, • Tans. ANDT.RFITILD, CHAS. A. Rximcf•Am, EDW . ') R. t lEtsrunr.n, GEORGE 11E1.51130!..n, CA lA. BREWSTER, JANES E. NEAL, INA AC LEACH, Jr:. . THONI/1.8 R. FLORENCE, President. r.DwAtui w.,HELM BOLD, Secretary. T. BOYLE, Agont. Office, New :Milford, Pa. January 18th, 1858. 1)* •s4s ‘asatitioit , . 151111‘11121 . 31K V A. Ail tiloacTsaii '&l.suour .. ?! litattaq puu aui din) .2u!Cp b 1 ,c 4 pint 1u titlads.puu uf dais ouu.nd ytzom tu ghoul &lull(%) xis slutim puuttaullop amjlas suit utim am) Stu: us -satin; ay) ;pas 01 saJtid iu poi Sud Spcaa iot Has ot ‘st.z.tit 'SJunuut J O :A m 11:j otu uo paailautiuoo lug; suattud iptraizi Xtri u; Suriesiu mum • •spupti ictu jo no waif; ihd ol . poittlgo ag hugs I JO -iplzuotutui painatt aq ;soul siunotiou ain't ;m; 'aui amu tiqM asoi(; 01 ,Sus mho.% I 'Anson ;nog - limp) twig; daaii leuutta t puu,!slaati Sw uu fluipuat) ant puu 'au] uail -6 ) 101 ° olull sah:;.r. 1111(11 JILL' S V fivall flu Nooi u. -, i ' [f4 4t The Shoals nod Quicksand% of Youth. Xiist PuiiiisW ay. 3d Edition. • liero7 , l SPERMATORRIIIi;A OR SEMINAL DISEASI'L—A sci, entitle Tivatise on the treatment and perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Involtintilry Emissions, impotency, c.,, remultiogfrom vie `us habits acquired du liiig tte critical passage froth Youth to Manhood. • By DR. CULVERWELL, . Member cf the Royal Cotiege of S,iirteOrts o-f England,lB3i; Licentiate of the Hall (1542 ) and 30 _yearn Resident Practioneer in Lon. don: Author of the "Guide to Flealth,""Greens Book" "flow to be Happy'," Memories of "Single and Married Life," &e. This small, hut highly. Valuable Treatise, writ ten ty a world renowned Physician aiid Surgeon, points out tire only sure and permanent cure for all diserves resulting f-om self abuse, and is the only publication of its kindlwritteu iron benev olent spirit and by a scie,nti4 man. It should be in the hands of rill who yhlue their life and 1 health and happiness here AI hereafter. . Price 12 cents or 4 stamps, at the receipt of }yhich it will be 5l post free, and well secured, by tir. Cit. KLINE, No. 340 Ist 4tenue, Box 4586, New "i'ork. I.lan. 281410858.-Ic. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTIV Prof: .1. F. Stoddard, R -110 % HE BUSQUE, C OUNTYY NO MAI. SCHOOL was opined on Monday, the 30th daY bi Noi•ember, 1857, to eontinue- , two quarters of 11 weeks each, under the charge 61 ProkSTODDARD and compete* Assistants. Tlio, first, quarter will close on the 20th of Feb. ruary nest. The 4peQnd quarter will commence ON THE 2241 d DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1858. Dur)ug the most of this quarter, IF. F. Tewks bury, Co. Supt., will be present to aid in better preparing teachers for,the rlischare or their ar. duous du}ies. Those who — d . riign becomin,, teachers ahould not fail to avail themselves of the advantages here presented. Prof. Stoddard will delivot, during the term, a Course of Axe ott The Teaching,Seience and Art of Teaching, and Moral Development. 'there will be an experi mental Department connected with the ,Normal School, to which only 40 pupils will be Oriiitted. ~EXPENSFA.• Tuttion in Normal Department, per quarter of II weeks, 136.00 . , Eiperimental Department, 3.50 Latin and!ek, 5.00 Board per week, frcini .S 2 op to :92.50. Tuition bills are to be paidin advance. The money will be refUnded if the student le kept from school by protraeled sickness. N. B. It - is bighty important that every stu dent be Present the first day of the term, as the claises will then bo formed, and studies assigned. Teachers who are oblige'd to enter the school two we is after 1.1!e term commences, in consequence of eir schools. not heing . out until that time; n,-* be charged $5.00 tuition. . , 1. C. V. lESSUP, Pres't,. . C. P. READ, Sec'y, I..tontrotte, Jan. 20th, 1858. IliswluUou. - • 7- -ice. ••` Dr. H. Smith, & Soy, -,, Q IfftbtON DENTiSTS. ,ItesltientinqritVo?- 0 fi e , Dis ,,,it e the Rapt kt Church (npith iontrose. l'ortiCtnur attention bo give it ,to inserting tt•eth on gn'd and dilyor pl4e, to fining dec tying . teeth. Japuary 10th, 18:58.e 1 y. $42 0, 0 0 0 WOietll Of 11;oindli,pl rawe ivirieeskl , • ' : 11-. l i i. L „ .l :( l ) t' f r N r ' t. g\ i ‘ s:4 ( l :l ‘% lCt r lt i l v , i ) r f ' : t r o g cr e k .a t ti li d: i i it . will be sold at prices to :sa,i thu times, iticfudint, a great Variety .4 - • ... ti•ilie,..` awl Gentletia•se's arcs. Caoliii t with a full nasortmenrio al de;,rinients 0' IA TRADE, and at priers mileh rod tivt.d. : ' ,:t4lluan , V T kinds of Goods more than 25 pert:MlL lower that early fall prices. . . 14r Ile would particularly call the sitehiiot of caaj& buyeirs to his new stdck of • CA RPEM.II7U, 1 ... - Bcl FFAL . O 11 . 0 . 8 . A'.., . ... .- • STO" V ES, dc., ((c:, as large and rielt,„and- at low down prices. - , New Milford, Dee. 15th, 1857., - . Y N E - 211 a 'Big " . 2.llTl z Tat A . U *0 D S For Cas h,o ry-PA y'. • Ti,. .subserii;ers have jm.t pusehaeed a Neyiriuia WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, I, • Censisl,ing /II Staple mad Forrey DR YGOO D S Groceriv:', ert.elt•rl,, rlardlcu;v, Bouts arid Shoes, Wo - uld other them for sale at their Store, dicky er'rates-than Goods have been sold in this idnee for Cxstr or l'nonucu.; exper:mwe having tank us that this is the only true way of doing Tausi ne4s. As we have bought our Clutis fei Cash da ring the great 1114 , 11ey panic; Wo have bought them Low, Lind K ill sell them the sumo. ' %*Pleatle gi+e us a call and examine our steel:. GUILE & BLANDING. 114rtot:fq, 2t h.; 1 8 57. Things as They .Should Be. would say to our numeron.‘ Friends and Yll Customers, that we have seared the ageney of most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day, for which we are allowed forty per cent. for selling. We propose (under the hard times) dividing 'the profits with our customcrc. Now, - good friends, and enemies (if We have any), '2o,u that wish to save money, call at She FA ERS . t5:'il.11:1: and von will rind everything which 'poor diseased nature requires for her res.' toration, at prices unpvralled in the bit.toiy of this medicine ago. Among our eatalngue may be. found the cele brated 'Grmfenberg Medicines r Dr. Janies gar fais Pills, Sovereign Balm, the German Lion of the Day, 1 n Vt. get Ale Jti dfeine, Child's Pills, GiPlin's ilafeland's, We'fman Vegetable, Judd's •5f edleateACut Jostlin! , 's Vermifuge, Pain rciller, %vitt: every variety of Thayer's Fami ly Medieines, warran'tei to answer the purpoSe fol. Which they are recommended; CrandalPs Blood J'uritier, Radway's Ready with others too ntunereui to mention- call - and see. Counsel and'and Advice fre'e of charge. R.-TIIAVRE, JR. 11fontrose. Dee. lst, 1857. N EW JEWELRY. THE Subsetit'er has this day returned from New Yi..)1.1> with 9 large aLd well selected :t.f.:ck of• Bch-4F.W1 7 .1.111 - anal FANCY COOPS, " • , having been purrhasi•d in the present ex tremely depri•sA, - ,1 ~ tatte of the mAct, will be gold at unusually low priees. Amnng hie ass.ort ment may t,o found Chains, Seats, Keys, Peas and Pelletls, Earrings;, Breastpins fiugerrings of every 24y le;Brai.. , elel Armlets, Ilekets,.Sliaps, Watch . Hooks ? Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Thimi ies, Crc*eee, ;Frievt•aele; Slides, &e., &e. • _ _ SILVER, • Threaded and plain Forks, Spmins, B4tter and Fruit };Z:nives, Salt end Preserve Ladles, Card Cases, Caps, Childrens Setts, Na pkirirings,Chaine Keys, Spectacles and Thimbles. Also, a large stoFk.of silver-plated table ansl dessert Knives, Carvers, Castors, Cake Basketi, Gard Receivers, Salts, 'run Setts, Forks, and SpOons,double, treble and eitra plhte. • A iso,Shell and IrnitationCombs;Needles,Corat, Pocket Knives,.Seissors, Knives and Forks, Jet Briwelets, Breastpins a nd Earrings, Hair and Tooth Br 4 .ishes. Peatd and Carnelian SleeveAldt,- tons; Shawl Pins, Gilt flair Pins,- very rich; Leather Purses, Bags, Clot:4s - plain and alarms. Sewing Birds, tte„ - All of whleli will Le sold at the 'hiwest cash pricea. ,ALFRED J. EVANS, No. 2, Odd Fellow's Ilan DinghsnAne, Dee. I 1, 1857. NOTICE ER EIS I. GIVEN 'T 'V ABEL sT ITRRELL just returned front Ne`tv York, with large and e hotel!, variety o Goods, bought fur can't, and seleeteLf with m Care, from over thirty of the best House. 4 in New _ Which he' otTeri to his el:;tomers And the Rnblitt at low prices fo> rash,, llis stuck comprises: , UG S , - • MEDICIgES, PAINT S, ti) I L. S., a 1 N I) OW.GLAS 1" E T F F S , GROCERIES, UL A sS-W ARE; C OCKE Y, M I 11 It 0 It S i - CLOCKS, W A L L PAP,, W N OW PAPE E. , • WINDOW OILSHADES; FANCY GOODS; NILSTCAL INs t:NTS; 1 E L R • - PERFUMERY, D RY G 0 0 1) S. iI A lt I) NV A RE; sIONE WA R E;, W 0 E N \V A It E; B R. 1) 0 M • 'll FSHE S, JAPANNED WARE; BIRD CAGES, C NAIt Y SEED, -- PO\CKET.KNIVES; WH s , M It E L 1, A S 0 NS , • PISTOLS - 11.MMIi NIT N, u I , ENTtN E,• • C - A NI P E N E, • lit I N I\ 0' FLUI D, ALCOIrOL, • .L I (,), (For lied' et,nal P - ufpo•ca only,) T IZ I; S S'E S, • - SUPPORT 'rE R. S; SII 0 U Elt IT IZ' A \ t. SZ poIITMONAIES; s p c T C SILVER & PLATEn.SroONs,FORKs,&e.; GOL , . S T.A T NERY, VIOLIN STRTNO4, Dows, Ana nil ortYtti..most . popuhtf P TENT M D I CI N . E : S Thankful roi• patronarru,hithetto - I*- ccivea, 11,e Sholioli I, , rit a continuance and large increase of the bruit. I A 9E-1. TURItELL: Montrose, Dec._ I st 4357. CASII paid for all ilia ‘S'noL in klusqueliaria Co., by piciictorAN & GARAET;