The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 28, 1858, Image 4

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    TALE CR EA-71 0
Br *****
ITo follow the line of all ere:Aien,
Down to the , present lZ)fty staioa.
- - .Weropology now for the tisitatiori
Of plain - and doggerel rhyme;
The-werld AIL'S made, as Mores writes,
In six consecutive dlys and nights,
• And all things being put to rights. •
The seventh, to recruit our inikitt,
Wait made a resting time..
•- The 'garden orEden was duly made, •
Without the use of pick or spade, • .
• Or any other extraneous'aid,
As has been handed down; ••
And.pli the animals crowded in,
Of groat and .small, of thick end
handsome as love, as ugly as sin,
• - From an elephant'' size, to the head of a
Pin,• •
• .
. Or even less,.ind nearly akin
it TO nothing; 'when '[was time to-begin
. To inake,a king for the crown.
ola,Father Adam,• a famous soul,
AVas favored with entire control,
And probably-held his courtly hole
Ito the earth or a stately tree, ' .
'And every animal - under the sun,
Paraded before him, one by one;
• - (The first - On letonnt.of militia fun,)
And when the pageant was Sono,
• - seizing his pen, began
A lengthy list, omitting-none'
Of the assemblage mighty and free: .
• Wheji old Adam had finished his Hat ;
And given the scroll an extra twist,
' locked it up in the family " s chist;"
And bid the key, as we insist, 2
To secure it. from innovation; •
• lie-suffered a serious attack of the "bine.,"
Feeling uncomfortable in his shoes,' •
And being deprived of a daily news.
• Paper to cheer his lonely, reelus.e,
•Eatgerly soUghtf—proclaim it muse;
To enter the-marriage relatkzi
Now ye . who,prench of woman's wifely .
. And steel your hearttainst woman's smiles,
Fiamine, the-records, search over the files,
• And learning how a wife beguiles '
The hours.ota - reaely man. • . .
.Rememberi that' one is made for . von,
• order-a bed, and bedding for two;
', A bachelor life will - do ; • • -,
'Tis not. Dame Nii - ture'n
• -Excuse, oh muse, the pnrcntheeisi.. • .
• •- And prithei do notdeem it AAIISS,
That any one, bfaunrEcr_like this,
Should be led in a mannei:Slstray;- • •
In soethAvrere etrange If voit fail - to sod
That many a subject on bended knee, •
• Has swerms•mrss fidelity
From vEn.F.-ntu to,eternity ;
:" eczarrenee of every day.,
• ' Now Adam ens-avid to press his suit,
And begged for a lovely ,rife to boot,
To xnunagi.‘his household aiiairs ; -
For all - must know kis 'a serious Matter
For a crusts old Bach .ti-surTer the clatter,
Of dishes and. kettels, nor relish the.,
Ing prospects of sblrts for repairs.
:Reclining one night ePon Lis, bed, •!'
Revoivingi the theaght within' his head,
\And.Wishing himself Marriild or &side
wish which is erhoed, I've often reed,- . •
By -simply juserting n eit he r " instead;).
• His body became as palid as. lend,
• Resembling it mesmeric doze;
When thebensehold elOck warned him to
rise. . • •
yoiA ef lovelinesii-dazzled his eves, -
A woman of beautiful feature and'Size,
-Stood - Oietly folding lierelothes.' -
lier zand elotbes wefe both
d,. • -•'•
And eve.ty visible earner ransacked,
For even the. Crivial ; • '-f
When lort2.4clt Main, heaving a sigh,,
Like any good leNs, she felt -very shy,
:And. putting her apron ap,to bereye,
For kind mamma began to cry _
• And vowed for 11, - .ine ehe'd surely fly,
- If she only had - brought her wings,
Eat Mara, her side,
Begged that she would be his bride,
Called .her "love," imr strove to hide
• -.....-Thikintensity of his pasOon,
'When calming down foolish fears,
And w i p i ng awa y i1..411.7ivis
(S o De ib ecom i n g in women of years.),
EChe yielded Ant-ter
were ma'rried, 'tis told, .
• And probably feed.r..ith a•V in gold, •
A I•a-sible constiintion of old,
And one undoubtedly deetined to hold
. Till the world shall be no more;
-And Adam led a happy life.
Free from .careand ramilytrife,
With' firs. Ve, his charming wife, -
Till S'atan their heart-strings tore.
Fir Ere. one day, iot.Wido awake,
Was sore beset by a devilish snake. -
Who finally prevailed chn.ber to take - N
10f the golden fruit forbidden ; -
-A.nd she 0 - Adam gave a piece,
Which bade their happiness to nesse,
And Satan seeing its decrease, -
.13sAY.F.D1, theta out of Edea.
And now the.pair, at Eden's gate.
Bewail thiiir changed and eorry state,
While sad and fearful feelings grate
• . Harsh and di-car Alpin them now;
.And tooling down the fearful vale,
While saddening thoughts and cares assail
Their tenderininds; and hardships hail
Them, and th4npright laws entail
That they nlnst humbly' bow,
, •
'Before allewitictile subject to
A timely moral - we'll give etehJsee,
"Alvrayti beware of a " Snake In the grass,"
Or. likoonr grindrnothor Eve,
You'll be -eotspelled,lninS, too lobe,
To tear yourhair and mourn tour f4te,
And of deeeptiyeaess to mto,
fearfully wail ,all.l grieve.
Bewarei3pung met, a. cupid's shaft;
• Let juveLitesaxoid the erafl.
Of wild, enticing gir;R
FOr Whin they've tni•slid you enough.
And filled ;your - heat: .with tickininz stuff,
find, 1.:11..5, they're 'sup to, sn tiff,"
/And will Itave you in a sorry. huff, '
l'o s enrsi the silly - churli..' ,
A 2174' 1rE41 7 6 . 1.41.1 7. JUDGE OF :THE
John Dudiev, of Raymond, ,s trader and
: farrier, S'S -a ,Judge of the Superior- Court
iti New Hampshire from 178 - 10 ]757: He
. was a man ; of kcen •sr.gatity and strong corn
mowsense; his mind was ilisctiminating, his
memory retentive, and lbe was a rnost—eit:i'a
-ordinary person. lie had. but little, edu
cation. and j no learning. Ile was in
tant.ou doing suni..tantial justice itr every cate.
TheophilusTarsons said, " You may laugh at
lase, and ridicule his hinguage, but Dud
ley is, after all, the best judge I ever knew 'n
is ow Hampshire!'
The following Spe.timen of - the conclusion
of one of the charges. of Justice Dudley. will
illustrate his ideus of the law. He addiessed
Ott jiiry somewhat after this style :
= "You have beard,gen tlem en, of the jury,whitt
'-has been said on this case by the lawyers; the
_rascals ; l,ut no, I will not abuse them. It is
their . business to make 'a good case -far their_
clients; they are paid for it; "and theY have
daMelin the, case well enough. But you ,and
Is4;entlensen, have soirtiting else to consider. ofjaw. W ks- , gentlemen, it is not
lawAtutt - we scant; b.titutice. They would
govern Us by the common law of England.
- Trust me,gentlernen, , eorumon sense is a much.
safer -gtii`de _for 414- 1 -the COMCCP99 , aanse. of
Baytwonii,-Eppitig, Exter and the other towns
which 'have-sent usbereto try this•case be- -
tereen onr two neighbora. A clear bead and
honest,,hetirt are worth more than all the
la's' of the lawyer a. There.:was one good
thing said at the bar. - It was from one Shake
, speare, an - English player, I believe, but no
atattet—lt le good enough almost to be in
the Bible.. It is this: Be just and fear not?'
't It is—oiir do justice hik*en4
. .
the patties, not , by any quirks 'of the law,.
out, of
,Coke and Blackstone—books that
never read nor 'levef will—hut by common
sense.and common honesty, as between' mani
and man. That is our. business; and the
curse -of God is upon us if we neglect. or
evado,or turn aside from it. And now, Mr.
Sheriff, take mkt the jury, and you,lfr. Fore
mai, do :not keep us waiting with idle talk,
of which . there has been too much already,
about. matters which have nothing to do with
the meritscase, 'Give us an honest
fenlict, of which, as "plain, common sense
men, you need not he ashatned."-.-Bostou
A - NUM' " TA K,EY D 0 WN."
' In Saintsville,a very quiet town in one of the
Eastern States, 'Squire Williamson reigns as
the sopreme fudge, in all:matters of taste, es
psecially in the arts. He: sets up to be the
most.knowing . man in the town, not in law
only, but in all departments of science. Now
and then he overshoots his mark. One of
the neighbors, in intelligent mechanic, hav
ing a fine taste for natural history, spent a
1 good deal of • time and labor in preparing It
1 cabinet of stuffed birds, arranging them as
" - tatural as life," on perches around his'shop.
The 'Squire' was fond of dropping , in froth
time to time to find fault with the arrange
' rnent Of the specitheita. lle admitted the
skill of .the man.i skinning and stuffiing
thenr, but - the habit of the bird was not hit
in the way he stands.
"-Why don't•- you follow. naturel" . the
'Squire would ask, and grunible at the work,
to show his own acquaintance with a subject
of which he tra&totally ignorant.
Rogers, the bird-fancier, was vexed at the
'Squire's clitieimc and self-conceit, and de
tertnined`ttpon. fixing him. A friend front the
country one day brought him a live owl of
beautiful plumage, and Rogers gladly took it
of him, ,and set it up in one corner of the
shop on : a shelf: Presently as the 'Squire
I was passing, he asked him in. His eye caught
sight of the new addition to the cabinet, and
be exclaimed':,• .
c "Rev, hey, Rogers—a most splendid spe-
I eimen that! elegantly stuffed, too l But,
I Rogers, who ..ever saw an owl with his head
I tucked up in that sort of a ,way I Follow na
ture, man!"
" Perhaps," said Rogers, " von could fix'the
head as owls are accustomed to hold them."
4 To be sure I can." Dczklied the 'Squire ;
and; mounting a chair, lie taiolied up to the
bird •to straighten out his bead. But his
ownership did not wait to be pulled; he darted
out his bill, and gave the 'Squire's forefinger
a - gripe that he will:carry the mark of for
many a day. Falling back out of the chair
in his fright, and seeing a smile of satisfaCtion
I on Roger's face. he saw at once that be bad
Ibeen sold. The owl looked on as wise as a
judge, and the 'Squire was compelled to give
in ; but he insisted that owls in the wood, or
in the barn do not hold their heads as this
rascally fellow does in the cabinet.
I A: man in Boston was sorely persecuted by
! an avaricious business acquaintance, to pacis
Ify whets he was obliged' to "settle;" and not
( wishing to_pay over a few hundred in cash,
1 , be drew up a note obllgating himself todis„
l charge the account at a s pecified time. Die
I creditor who was noted for his "stinking prin
ciples," was not, in justice, really entitled to
the money; but when thirty 'days after date
expired, he anxiously presented the note.' for
payment. The debtor, instead of'meeting it,
' replied :
1- "The note is net 'yet due, sir."
"But it is, though. It reads," Thirty days
after dates, I prornie to nay so and so," and
thirty-one days have elapsed since the-date
,Theiecif: and so—."
" I don't care if thirty-one years have
izlers..4..tepe ri,.-, .igt.l of this note. I 0 - mil see
tend for its,immaturity," answered the - debtor,
interrupting the not very good natured note
holder ; who soon made his exit, slamming .
the street door after Mari and muttering in
colsijutlyabout law, judgmeut,execution, etc.
I- • Itfa few days, both parties, were before a
'magistrate. who. en concluding - the investiga
tive proclaimed that he must certainly award
"judgment . " azainst the debtor for the full
amount of the,note, and the eost of the pros.c
cution besides. ' s.
" And what then i '.enquired the defendant
of the judge. • - ,
"I shall issue an execution, if the plaintiff
desres," returned his honor..
• "10, be sure,—l want one immediately,"
bawled, the plaintiff, whose countenance. re
vealed his determination to allow no mercy,
as he urged his way as near the judge as was
possible. .
"You are resolved upon judgment and
execution l" demandea the defendant.
" I am," replied, the judge takng, lip his
pen to record the same: ,
"To be lyre we are," coincided the plain
tiff; with a 'chuckle. ,
"I presume your honor can spell correet
fy l" said the defendant, as he picked up his 1, -
hat and threw it further upcin the table before
-him. , -
-"lnsolent 1" exclaimed the judge, choking
with raoee.' .
".' Will-yea oblige me by carefully spelling
and reading the first line in that valuable
document r urged the
_defendant, disregard
ful of the anger of the magistrate.
• The judge directed his' - attention to the
note and then at the defendant, but probably
-thinking it. was keg:" to take it cooly,` pro
ceeded to do as, tequested, and read aloud, in_
a very lucid style': • ,
"Thirty dais after date, I promise to p--"
`Stopr, ibouted the defendant, = "you'
'don't read'it right." --,.
-," I do," was the judge's quick response. • '
•"You tion't,: l ' returned the defendant,
'I thought you didn'i know how to.spell.'
The judge was now boiling over with rage ;
and smote the desk before hith so violently--
with his clinched band as to cause those.who
stood around him, including the expectant
plaintiff,,to retreat a few paces in double
quick time' ,
"Keep yoUr temper, judge; or we shall be
obliged to hitYetlicease transfered to another
court, where tie judge understands the art
and mystery of spelling words of one sillable,
and don't make a fool of himself by kicking
•up a row and smashing office fuyniture. There
you May keep your seat, and tell tboie pies:
ent what 'The first litie Of thar-note says," said
the defendant, with rt coolness that surprised
the audience and puzzled the judge, , •
' liming again glanced at the docunient,
and. appearing to detect sornething that -bad,
until that -moment. escaped' his preception i
the judge proceeded to read :
".Thirty days after d - ectih. I • promise to
----- 4
pay •
" Itightr.serelaim - ed the defendant, "you
can spell, I see!"
.. ,
"•This, note is not doe, gentlemen, until
thirty days after death," proclaimed the mag
igtrate, "the case is accordingly dismissed,
and the court adjourned till to-morrow morn
ing" -
"What!" exclaimed the plaintiff, " gip I
anis 'fooled t Villain l'''
The unexpected and ludicrons- conclusion
of,-the suit, threw the whole assembly, ease
the imiricicy plaintiff, into an uproaroui fit of
merriment, whigh bavjog subsided, they sep.,
aiited.aosi dispersed.'
The,ao 4 o4 i 4 not due yet.
NOWUCu ' '
0 400. y . of Alto ri
V s SPRING 44 4.
AND o,r
for Coshor Prodi
V V. jverylow
W ivy
e L .c l e ;_ i P ve .y . R
E . . A . seleeil
fIARPETINO. Bargains biTered by
• • S. H. SAYRE •a BROTHER:S.4
PLOWS. Wo invite the aqention of farmers
to the eelebTated Peekskillo PloWs Which
we have added to our large 25: sortment.
Rroprititors of Eagle Foundry. •
Montrose, April 29th, 1357 18tf.
fIU.R Stogies have been s. thoroughly tried
V to the entire satisfoctio of all, that they
need no recommend from us.
S. 11. SiAY • tiL BROTILEP.S.
It is .unttecessary to ac t
- R. KEN
SELECTS the best style o
be found io New York, r
pease. Ile has just reeeiVer
large assortment of Dry G
Rich .411 Wools Delancs, F
perior Plaid Goods, and Cal
riety. His goods cost and
more than the goods- usuall .
country, at the same prices
Printed Flannels, Rich 'Rib
to. five - Sha
Carpet Bags,Xinbreilas, Whi
at low prices. Ladies Vint
and Gaiters, large assortment
cheap. Collars, Undersleer.
28 inch Black Silk for $1 a
heard of. Debages, lints, i
complete assortment of Groe
at old prices, 10 eta. per pun
one and all. My reputotian
cheap has, not diminished- i,
along with your cash and Ili,
n 00K hecounts with en-
LI year's standing mast be
Wool Sock Shadow not
. .
Lawavilie Centre, Sep. 1 , 161.57.
' 1 1* iI
One of the largest in,ul bes
_ day,
An inaparial quarto• eentai
forty columns of choice.
'forms of subseiption T
dud a Gift w•ili be preset
be: immediately on the reeeii
- Eaeh 4!ii.meriber will be c
from Si 1.3 $500;00 i
To Clu
3 Cepie<s fur I year. . - 55,00
10 - " "
a P.A.,K...5-oo ftnal m ining -, _ _ gaoo ig. uvla,
-10 Gold Patent Lever Engliih Hunt
ing Cased Watches . /
15 ' " - "
2.5 "
100 "
309 Lailies
100 Silver. Hunting Cased
- 200 " Wale-hes - • -
500 Gold Vest and Guard :
Fob Chains, -- - -
5000 Gold Lockets - -
Gold Rings—Ear Drops—l
IT ]
Breast Pins—Studs=-Cu
St , eve Buttons, &c., &c. -
Immediately- on receipt
Money, the subsciber's . natu
our subscription book, op
the gift corresponding
be forwarded to his or her
press,-post paid. . ..
Address-BECKET & COll
43 and 49 31,
Gold Watel,
* * *.Specimen Copies SE
,Mf Bills of all the B.
qnrrent in the States from
Postage stamps are alsore,
December 10th, 1857
BIT/ ' ERTG:OI) X.lllf tan
llama] , f 'RE *
ceiving their Stock of Stoves for the Fall
-and Winter Trade, and would beg leave to say
to their numerous friendl - and customers that
they have on hand the lar est and best selected
,Stock - of Stoves ever offer dto the inhabitants
of Susquehanna Co. The r Stock consists of
the most apprqved patter s of Elevated Oven,
Large Oven, - Premium an Coal Cooking Stoves,
1 1
Wood and Coal Parlor St yes of Elegant pat
terns, also Six-Plate Office and Hotel Stoves,
Coal Burners, &c. We ave the best Stove
constructed on the divin r flue principle, ever
made, at a very-moderate rice. -
We would_take this op ortunity of reminding
our friendi who are solidi ed to purchase their
Stoves of Hawkers & Pe tars, that a moments
reflection will convince tb •in that it is very bad
economy to do so,
It is dwell established
selling Stoves by pedlin . g
4y, is not less than 14 or
ally ns high as 20, to say
and cost of colieotions
=luso must come out of
peln - eon . sideration of the
chr entire Stock of Stove
y Pedlar will or' can
these things are not so.
New Milford, Sept. 161
Mt a , X V at II 2 2
Is just receiving a large stock of
, YE W 0 V ES
1I NCLUDINP a full 4nrtment of Eleraled
11- 0 - , 9rea, Ler .getlren add Flat Top Premium
1 01(ik Stores, for= Wood o ' Coal, with a Superior
variety of - Parlor, few and Shop Stoves, for
Wood or Coal; also, S t
re' Pipe,' Zinc, Sheet
Iron, Store Tubes, 4-c.,
, His assortment willinclude the MOM. SELECT
soIdDESIRABLE STOITEk in market, and will he
••sold on the-most favorahle terms, and,to which
ho would-in v ite - the paitidular attention of CASH
New Milford, October, 12t11;1857.
• Farm for Bale ,
offer for offe rot-sale a Good Farm
J. of - 95 acres in Brid . g witir; four smiles east
ofs/ktontrose, 70 aeres unprOvect. There is on
the premises a large imnied Dwelling House, a
good framed Barn, an exoßent Apple Orchard
One balfof the purchase oney will be required
down; the balance in an nal instmlmenis.
Bridgewater, August 19th,,1857. , 331 f.
ce can be bought
assortment just
rizowleclge that
Goods that are to
gardles of the ex
from New York a
L'ods consisting of
each Delanes, Su.
coos an endless vs
.re worth 25 per
sold through the
Kentucky Jeans,
onds from fivo eta.
vls from $7 to $2O.
e Goods, Sheetitlgs
r Bonnets. Shoes
House Carpeting,
„Pis,Brocade Delanes.
g ard, something un
laps, Crosikery. A
ries, Brown Sugar,
•d. Call and see
for selling g6.-o1
16 the least, come
ide with vour-Ser-
temers of over one
, ettled as I need the
literary papers of
i•Li . .
!g . oignt page:4 or
imdtog matter ea-h
r o.Dollara per year
ted to each stibseri
t of the subleiption
titled to a gift worth
lOn Each.
es, 60"
5 0
" 35 "
Watches 25
-10 to 20 "
- 10 to 39 "
, -2to 10 4 "
-ins . .
to $1 to 15 Ea'h.
Of the subscription
wi!l be entered upon
, °site it number. and
1h that number will
ddress by mail or ex-
RON and MSh
ae eeting and Sh"rtings—
Shirting Strips, Tirks, Deniins, Summer
Stuffs, &F.., &c., as low as can he afforded in this
market. C. w. moTt.-
fl'at's Buildings,
nits token that pass
•henee ,they are sent.
THE undersigned, after many years of carbfui
research and experiment, have discovered
and perfeeteda safe, convenient and unexception
able means of completely controling, the maternal
function; without employing any o(the unnatural
and deletelions expedients so often resorted to
for Ora purpose. Apart from its specifiz use of
preventing eoneeption, it is an infalible means of
restoring to health and vigcir the abused,deranged
and enfeebled procreativ' funCtions of females,
and of reinvigeratincr find restoring the. general
health to its wonted constitutionalintegrity. It
consists of a Magnetic Belt, which encircles the
body directly over the os itlium, by the magnetic
action of which the fecundating power is , inter
cepted and held in abeyance, and die vital neuro
magnetic currents, otherwise drained off by sex
ual excesses, are turned back thro' the system,.
stimulating all the viscera to's healthy normal
tone. In a true moral aspect, no valid objection
can be urged against its lawful use, as it is 'de
signed .to subserve a great h iimanitary purpose in
the reproductive ceoporny. It is impossible in
a brief card to give the reader an adequate con
.wtion of the virtues of. the discovery and the
modus of its action. Accordingly, the proprietors
have prilpared a pamphlet, fully embodying the
philasophy ofits influence upon the genitive func
tion, its uses, tests and results, which they will
torward'npon the receipt of six cents in postage
stamps, to any address. The price of the , Belt
is $5, sent by mail free. .
act that the cost of
them about the coati:
t 0 per cent. nnd gener.
nothing of bad debts
f course this extra ex..
I he pockets of the pur.
above facts we of
at 20 per eent leas
11. Cali and see it
AND ALL oritEks Who look to their, own iliterests
The undersigned is notjust now to offer him
self with a long epistle for 'your "rotes at the
coming election," but would' simply say that he
ha' just received a new stock of BOOKS and
STATIONERY, which he is ready to sell to
all those who want. just exactly right.
A new lot of Pocket & Family Bibles,Teiitis
ments, Prayer Books &e &c.
SCHOOL BOOKS, such as will be wanted in
A choice lot of A. W. Harrison's Columbian
Inks, Toilet & Family-Soups, Ladies' & Gentle..
men's Perfumery, and Flavoring Extracts:
GIFTS;GIFTS. As It has - become so fash
ienable to adveitise `•splendid gift enterprises," I
would just say that I will agree to furnish pur.
Chasers w' n and quite as valuable ones too,
as Pewter nknives, Brass Fingerrings or other
valueless tr kets. Try me at the Montroie
Book Store. " . . A. N. BOLLARD.
'Montrose Pa. Aug. 12th, 2657.. . .: ,
et C. r. &O. HAwl, s.
rIE 11 FA I AII3 T A. ILA Ythttotill(itsitranct..o.
No. ti 6 Walnut-11; Above Fourth.
CAPITAL $300,000.
.Fake Insurance against: loss or damage by
Fire, on Build ings, Furniture and
,Iterehandise generally.
ALSO, •ox
IFlOrses and -Cattle,, aagninst death
finin any Cattl!Ce.-
Clam. FEANRIEN, Of Wilmington, Del.-
B. R. MILLER, Prog't.
411annfat1nrus' `itsuranit
Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of
CAPITAL. $500.000.
Fire, Marine moil Inland Tranipor
• Wm. A. RampEs, Vico Pres't.
Aaron S. Lipincott, Charles Wise,
Wm: A. -Rhodes, Alfri.d Weeks,
Witt Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank,
WM: Neal, John P. Simmons , •
Charles J. 'Field, James P. Smith. •
Qffiee No. 10 Merchant's 4rchave,..,ghira.
A. N. BULLARD, Agent, ;Montrose, Pa.
TILE REV. C. S. BUR NETT, while 'labor.
ing as a MISSIONARY in Southern Asia
discovered-n CERTAIN and simple CURE
Bronehitis, Coughs, Colds, Nevous Debility, and
all impurities of the Blued : also, an easy 'and
effectual mode of inhaling the Remedy. Actuated
by a desire to benefit his suffering fellows, he
will cheerful send the Recipe (free) to such us
desire it, with full and explieit directions for pre!
paring and successfully using the Medicine. Ad
dress, REV. C. S. BURNETT,
- . 831 Broadway, N. Y. aty. °
August nth. 1857. . 31m8:
B. : ISBELL wishes to inform the public
that he ha s
. rented a window 'in F. 13:
Chandlers Store, where he will be found rendy
to .repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, on the
shortest notice, and in good style. All repairs
Montrose, Sept. Ist. 1§.5.7. tf
Patent Medicines, &O.
lireen Mountain Ointment, Sariaparila
Compound, Children's Panaeri'a, Eyo Lotion, Fe
ver and Aguo Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen
tery Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's
Uterine, CathoNeon. Dr. Libby'S Pile Ointment,
and Manual of Health.
Ayres Pills and Cherry Pectorial, Tanner's
German. Ointment, I'rask's Magnetic Ointment.
Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain
Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's
Root and Pinut 13111....; govereign Balm;
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode s Ftiver
and A agile Cdre„llci•chant's Gargling Oil, Arid.
ca Lineament, Camphor. Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Aloes, Pid'era, Myrrh, Licorice, s:n &c.
A new supyly.just received: to he kept constar t
ly oti hand, fur sale ipy •1. N. BULLARD.
OctAer, Ist. 1856.
C. 6 0 1 13 _ 3 1 iLB 1 1
Atrii \ T2- 7 02:),,
A-r in examtne PhOicf , gtiCk oP spring,it and Summer Goods, just opened
fur 4.sainination and SALE, et Eery low figvrrs by
C. W. ,NOTT.
Cashruere, and Detain Shawls at
L . very low prices Ly - C. W. MOTT-.
rirA T S and Caps of the newest styles, iu
Al great variety by, C. W: MOTT.
pRINTS in abundance by
- C. W. MOTT:
- r? [Liss Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves. Belts
ete., etc.. by C. W. MUTT.
Groceries !Groceries!!
4 goad assortment of Groceries comprising
Flour. Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, &.,
and other articles in the line too numerous to
mention,syhich is offered for sale at low prices,
for rash pr ready pav: Call and examine MN
Goods and PRICES before purchasing else
Montrose, Aug. 10th, 185'7
Tile Magnetic Holt.
346 Broadway, New York
d 34, 3m.] Addres. P. O. Box 3341
To the Independent Voters
`''. AYER'S .
~, - ,
PECTORAL, ~,,.„:„".
'FLIt - Tllll RAP,ID CURE op 'Olll -
• ~. .
Colds; Cotighq, null 4 -
Illnisnntun, Mai.. 2Ath Dee, 1856. t w ,
Di.J. C. Ain: Ido hot lawltato toray si r.;
tbe brat remedy' I lone e'er found, for 74::f.-,
coughs, lloanteuesa, intluenr,n. um! the qb
rencomitant ilytupturil% it a Cold. In your - -
Castnr Ptcrap.AC. Its mnatant u4O In 'lr , -
my me n, A na my , family for the hut
ten years Lsl4 rboula ft to poroofts Kitt*. -
-tier virtues for the Rrratment of dome
toutplulutA. liligN liNltillT, If .D. . A '
- A. 11. sIoitTLY,Y, Esq., of i;ric4, N.Y.. WritHS: g' I hate
used your Pict-roam. myself and In my Wilily eTer since
yon inihnted it. and believe:it the befit malleina fur its
purpone.iiror put out. With a Lad cold I should sooner
pay twenty-fire dollen for s hottlo than do without It, or
take any other remedy."
Cronp Whooping Cough, Influenza.
Sentsurtttn, MIN, FOIL 7.184. •
BILOTIMII AM! I will cheerfully certify yonr l'frronot.
. the bed remedy wo pawn for this cure of Whoopitip
amph, croup. owl the eked disoneee of el/31,1t0n. We of
,your fraternity In the South appreciate lour skill, and
commend your medicine to our people.
- 11IRA51 CONR LIN, M. D.
MIDIS LEE, Elo..llorreagr, illy writes. 3d J 0411.0556:
"I ho 4 a tedium, Influenza, which cunfine4.l me in doom
six 'mke; took many medicines without relief;
triedytmr Mt - matt by the &tette of our clergyman. ,
The first dose' relieved the noressems In my throat sand
Inhget lees than one half the bottle made Inn completely
.well. Your takticinee are the eke:vein am well es thu heel
in, can buy, and we rtteein you, Doctor, and your rem..
diets, as therpoor taan'e friend-.
Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
Wan MAxatrarsi, PA., Feb- 4, /Mt
sta.: Your CUMULI' rt,tITORAL Is Ito,rfortottig marvellous
cures In this wection. It 4M relieved sorMW 1 from alarm
ing symptoms of consumption, and 'farmer curing a man •
who has labored under medfediou of the lungs for. the
last forty years. lIENRY L. PARKS, Merchant.
A. RAMSEY, Auttow, Manus Co., lowly • I,
writes, Sept- G, "During. my practice of many years
I have !Mimi nothing equal to your ClirdltT reesosst fer
giving ease and relief to ou'asnmptire Patients, or cutting
inch as are curable."
Nu might add column of evidence, but the mbet con
vincing proof of the virtues of dila remedy . is found In Its
eifects'upon trial. -
Probably no one remedy has ever been known Which
cored no many and tomb dangemns cares as ChM. Some
no human aid can reach; but even to those the Cutest
Pitcrocat affords relief and comfort.
ASTOR HOURS, NEAT Tons fm. March 6, less
Doom Area, Lonna.: I feel it a duty and a pleasure
to Inform you whatyour CHERIE PECTORAL bee done for
my wife. She had been five months laborinx under the
dangerous symptoms - of Consumption, from.which no aid
we could procure gave her mach ruttier. She sae steadily
falling, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where no have come
for advice. revondueuded a trial of your medicine. We
bless bin kloduena, as we do your skill, for alto one recos+
eml_from that day. She is not yet us Wong ma she used
to be, tout in . firro Mom her cough. and calls herself woll.
Tours with gintitnde and regard
emsumptires,,do not despair till 'you hare tried Artn's
CHERRY l'affroaat... IL is made by woof the beet medivtl
chemists in the world, and its cures all around us I,speatt
the high write of its vitt tee.— ruacrelphia Ledges.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
rpm. sciences of Chemistry and Melielne have been
taxed their utmost to produce thin host. most perfect
purgathe ahbh is known fo man. innumerably pronOl
are shown that them PLUS hove virtues which surpass in
cm:wilt/tire the ordinary nollieiress- arid that they it in MI , .
precetlent.lly upon the eettmu of it Men: They aro /cafe
amrplearant to take, lint powerful to cum Their tunas
tinting prepertles stimulate the vital acthitirsyf the body,
rinnove the oltatryetion, of Ii organs, purify the
and expel disease. They ',liege out the foul humors st hick
boded awl grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or dimrt
dried organs hits their natural action. and import heattby
tune with strength to the whole system. tot duly do
they cure the e.try-day complaints of every body. la t
Mao formidatle and dangerous ilis.itiWS that have baffle!
titmebeet of human skill. While they produce powerful
effi.ets, they me at the tame tints. in doses, the
unifest and best physic tfoit can tie employed for children.
Being sugnetwatett, they . arr pleasant to take; nip' being
Purely vegetable, are faro from any risk of hate.. Cur..
base knee shads which sorrow belief Were they not stile
Mandan,' by men Of iamb exalts,' poeitilm and charm ter .
as-tea forbid the onittpicion of ontrnth. Marty emitter t
clergymen and physicians base lent their nam es
fy to the pttlitie the reliability amp remedies, while oat
en; nave sent me the nastratme of their conviction that
my Preparations cent rilatte linsiteusely to the relief of my
&aliened, suffering fellow-men \
7 furnish ~ T otiomy
American AlWititla, containing direct ions fortheir use MA
certificates of their mires: of the fellow-fog contptaluts • '
MEOWS lthiMmatism. Dropsy.
tt,,,,ett,oru„ Brad o he in eing from II kin' Simi:ink Mi.,
11,1 i, I Itilir•Wil(4l. 1 ..f the Worsts Roil Pain
arming th..rotrota. f tatnirnry, L., of Aptmite, ntl L !rer
an, ant f niarcoite Di‘i•ii_ses whir), reep t ir,. tan ,:epena u t
53...roftda or Kings Evil. They also, by prit,:t
tbe Stitiltilatilig th.r system, rare 111.1ny
c..ntpluints with), It walla not he supprlsett they cool,
rend,. sit. 1. es Iwtafnees . ;" Partial Ilih.duee, Nettrolght nett
Norval,. Inthtt , • ty. !tempt:entries • f the tfe. r and Ent
no 3e, Poet. and , •tio.r Idiots its
low state or the body or obstruct lon if
-D., n, t 1, put off by unprioripted deems with some
Dikter ,. pill they nude more profit on. .tai; for A
NUS. laid take nothing No ether they con girt ,
coirir.WlS With this Ito totrmAie noise or ran.ite
i s... as. The- eiek swam the tent aid dirt, is for d o la
and they should hare it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVETr?..
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
• Pala 25 ern. rim Box. Fran Boggs tea $l.
1.,0 BY
A BEI. 'll3 RRELL,
And by Deniers in mEinctsr.s everywhere.
New Rail Road Route,
Delaware., Lackascatanadic
I\TEW and expeditious broad gnage route
I from the North and Nett, via Great Bend
anti Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and
Wyoming valleys, direstly through to New
York and Pliiiadelph;a.
On and after Monday, Jan. 18th, 1858, trains
will be run as follows:
The Night Express train hound east on N. Y.
& Erie• R. R. arrives at Great Bend nt 4.00 a. to.,
and connects with the EXPRESS Train which
leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia
at 8.30 a. m.
Due at llontroxe, 9.07 "
Tunkhannock, 9.50
Factory 01/ e, • 10.13 "
• • Scranton, • 10 00 "
Stroudsburty, 1.38 p. in.
Delaware,(ls minutos to dine,) 2.10
Bridgeville, Phil. pass. lentil 2.40, "
Junction, 3.30, "
New York, 7.10, "
Philadelphia, 8.20, "
Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier
No. 2 North River, at 7 30, a. in.
From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St,
' , Wharf, at 6.00 "
Leave Junction, 10.55, "
Daeatßridgeville,(Phil.eonnection.)ll.4s, "
Delaware, (15 min. to dinner), 12.00 m.
Stroudsburg, 12.47, p. in.
Scranton, 3.35, "
Faetoryvillo, 4:27 "
Tunic hanock, • 4.48 "
Montrose, 5.35, "
Great Bend. - ' 6.10, "
Connecting at Great • Bend with the •
Dunkirk Express, west, at 7,15 "
Accommodation Train leaves Strait.
ton for Great Bend at 7.20 a. m.
Arrive at Great Bend, 12 25 p. m.
Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on
the N. Y. & E. Rail Rhad.
Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1.25 p. in.
Due at Scranton, 6.10 "
For the accommodation of way travel on the
Southern Division; a passenger car will be tits
taehed' to the Express Freight Trains, leaving_.
Scranton, at 5.00 a. m.
Duo at Stroudsburg at 10.20 " •
Junction at s 2.10 p. m.
Returning, will leave Junction at 5.00 a. tn.
Due at Stroudsburg at 8.35 "
Scranton at - 2.50, p. m
Passengers from New York will change cars
tit Junction.
•To and from Philadelphia, via - 11. D. R: R.,
leave or take cars at Bridgeville.
For Pittston, Ki ngstton. and Wilkosbarre,take
L. &B. R. It, cars at Scranton. , •
Foriessup.Archbald, and Carbondal6, change
cars at Greenville.
Ticltets sold, and baggage checked through.
Wm -N. JENKS Gen't Ticket Agent.
H. J.
MONTROSE, APRIL, aoth 1'857.
Reinoved, • '• •
'miry office to my new residence nearly •oppo.
site the Presbyterian Church. on Turnpike
Street - The. publis are inyited to call and (mani
la° specimens of the - various styles of Plunging
and Plate-which 1, am daily executing.:lNo - grus.
sing, "any more." friends; tha work _Speaks 'for
itself. C. D. VlROlLitesident Dentist
rtrantrose, Pa. Seri. 1867.
. • • •
_ jmportant -DiScovery.
oivskawriotg, and all 'diseases of the
V -MIMS &TllRCATerepositivelyeurlible
by INDALATION, which conveys the remedies
to the cavities in the lungs through the air passe
gee, and camilig in iiirectuOklact with the disease
neutralizes the tubercular thatter t allays the cough
causes a fret end epsy expectoration, heals the
longs; purities the blood,imparts renewed vitality
to the nervous ',,y`stem;givlng that energy so
indispensableder the restoration of the health.
To be able' to state confidently that Corisuniptionf
le curable by Inhalation, is to me a source of un
alloyed pleasure; It is tiebrich under the control
utrnedical treatment es any other formidable dis
ease; 90 out of 100 cities can be cured iii the .Ist
shoes, and 50 pr et. in the and: but in the 3rd
stage it is impossible to save more than 6 pr
for the longs are so cut up by the disease - its to
bid defiance to medinal skill. Even, however, in
the last stages, !NBA tATION affords relief to
the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which
annually destroys 95,000. perions in theli.S.alone
an d a correct calculation shows that of the present
population of the earth, 80,000,000 are destined.
to 'fill the consumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa
tal as. Consumption. In all ages it •hae been the
groat eneinfof life, for it spares neither ago nor
sex, but sweeps off alike the brave the beautiful,
graceful and gifted. By the' help of the Su
preme Being from whom cometh every good and
perfect gift, lam enabled to offer - to the afflicted
A permanent and speedy cure in Consumption.
The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood,
And the immediate effect produced:by their dep
osition in.the lamp r, is to prevent the free admis
sion of air into the air cells, which ceases a weak
ened tqtality thro' the entire system. Then sure
ly it is more rational to expect greater good from
medicines entering, the cavities of the lungs than
from those administered through the stomach
the patient wilLalways find the lungs free and
the .breathing easy, after inhaling the remedies.
Thus, inhalation is a local remedy, 'nevertheless
it acts constitetionally, and witlimore peiver and.
'certainty than remedies adMinistered thiong,h the
stomach. To prove the powerful and direct
influence of this niode'of administration, chime-.
form inhaled will entirely &Buoy sensibility in
• a few minutes, pat alyzing the entire nervous aye,
tem, so that a limb may be amputated without
the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning
gas Will destroy life in a few hours.
, The inhalation of ammonia will arouse the sys
tem when fainting or apparently. dead. The od
or of many of the medicines is perceptible in the
skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may
be immediately detected in the blood. ACM:win
cing proof of-the constitutional effects of inhale
tion, is the fact that sickness is ifiways produced
by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence
that proper remedies, carefully prepared and ju.
• diciously administered through the lungs should
produce the happiest result? 'During 18 years
practice, many thousands suffering from'diseases
of the lungs and throat, have been under my_ care
and I have virtu:led many remarkablecures; even
- after the sufferers had been pronounced in the
last stages, which' fully satisfies me that Con
sumption is no longer a fat`l disease. My treat
meat of Consumption is original, and foundei
nn tong experience anda thorough investigation.
My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tu
, bereles, etc., enables me to distinguish, readily,
the various forms of disease that simulate Con
sumption, and apply the pruner remedies, rarely
being mistaken even iu a single case. This fam
iliarity; in connection with certain Patheloeieal.
and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve
the lungs from the effecti of contracted chests,
to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to
it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the
entire system.
Medicines with full directions ark - to any part
of , the tXnited States:tad Canadas, by patients
coitiutunicqtin , their sylnytum.,' by I,ller. But
the cure would be more certain if the patient
should pay me a visit, ..which would give me an
opportunity to 'examine the lungs and enable me
to prescribe with much greater certainty, and
then the core• could be effected without my see.
ing the patient G. W. GRAHAM, M. It.
Office. 1131 Fiitiert 'Street, ( old No. 'lO9, )
V14.126y.) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. I'n.
Of 111 disease=; tilt. , great, first cause,
Spings from firwleet of NI ttire'y laws
NIT BEN a cure is Griargnfred inn!! stages 01
Secret DISRA.CR, S.'lf Ause . , N , :rtous
Debility. Stricta-es, Gicets.. fiattret. Diabetes,
Diseases of the Kidneys end Bladder, Mercurial
Rheumatism. Scrofula, Pains in ale Bones and
,Ancles. Diseasettof tint Lunos, Throat, Nose and
Eyes. Ulcers upon the Do t ty or Limbs, Cancers,
Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance. 'and all
diseases arising from a derangement of the Sex:
ual Organs ; Such as Nervous Trembling. Loss
of Power, General ‘Veakneis,Diinness of VislA
with peculi:Zr spots appearing beforeNthe eyes,
Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspepsia, Liver
Disease, Eruptions upon the face, Pain in the
back and head, Female irregularities - and all im
proper 'discharges from both sexes. It matters
not from what cause the disease originatd, how
ever lorig standing or obstinate the case, RECOY
ERY" is. CERTATS, and in a shorter time than a
prmanent•eore can be eiTected by any other
treatment, even after the disease has baffled the
skill - of-eminent physicians and resisted all their
means of cure. The mdieines are pleasant with
out odor, causing no sickness, and free -from
mercury or balsm. During 20 years-of practice
1 have rescued from the jaws of Death many thou
sands, who in the last stages of the above • men
tioned diseases had been given up to die by their
physicians, which warrants me in promising to
the afflicted,. who place themselves under my
care, a perfect and most Speedy cure. qectet dis
eases are the greatest enemies to health, as
they are the first cause of tionsumptiati,Scrofula,
and many other diseases, and ought to be , a terror
to the hull= thmily. As a permanent cure is :
scarcely ever effee ed. a majority of the Cases fat
ling into the hands of incompetent persons, who
notonly fail to cafe, the diseases, but ruin the
constitution, filling- the system with mercury,
which, with the disease, hastens thesufferer into
a rapid consumption.
But should the disease and the, treatment not
cause death speedily, and the victim marries; the
disease is entailed upon the children, who are
born with feeble constitutions, and the current of
life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in
Scrofula, Tettor. Ulceri, Eruptions, and other of
feetions of the skin, Eyes, Throat and Lungs, en
tailing upon them a. brief existence of suffering
and consigning-them to an 'early grave.
SELF AROUSE is another formidable ene.
my to heilth, for nothing else in the dread eata
loges of human diseases cnuses,so destrgetiVe a
drain upon the system,drawing its thousands of
victims through a few years of suffering down to
- an untimely grape: Itdestroys the Nervousisys
-tem, rapidly wastes away, the energies. of life.
causes medial derangement, prevents the proper
developement of the syStem, disqualifies for mar
siage, society, business, and all earthly happiness,
and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind,;
predisposed to consumption and a train of evils
more to be dreaded than death itself,. With the
fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate vie:
tims of Self Abuse that a permanent and
speedy cuce can be-effected, and with the aban
donment of 'ruinous practices my patients. can be
restored to robust, vigorous health.
The afflicted are cautioned againitt the use of,
Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingen
ious snares in the.columuslif the public prints to
catch and tob . lhe unwary sufferers. that milieus
havotheir conStittitionssuinvd by the vile COED
pounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi s o n ,
ous nostromsvended
~"Pat e t- nes," I
have ca re fully analyzod..
_in any,,,,f so called
Patent Medicines hna find that nearly all of them
contain Corrosive Shblimute, which is one of the
strongest preparations 'of Mercury mid a deadly
poison. which instead of curing .disease disables
the - system. for life.
Three-fourths of the patent nostrunorm)w In
use are put up by tut:principled and -ignorant
peroms, who do. not understand even the a tpha
het.of the materia, ineilica, and are eqmatly as
destitute °flow knowledge of - the liftman system,
haring one object onlY in tiZ,st, and thatto make
niofiey regardless of consequences:
Irregnlaritietiand,all diseases of mal&fand re.
males treated'on principles 'established. by 20
rears of practice; and sanctioned by thausands of
the most rentarliithle Mires. "IttediAn'es sent to
nap, part
. of the United States or Cantuttos, by
flanks conitnuniestipp:. their symptOms 4,letter,
Busfeei* CorfaMmdence..4strietlymonfidenlikl.
Office No - . ill( Pillieit'Street, (old No., 109) .
27 'yl ' belo4 12th t Philed'e. a.
'(1.5, 4e -41.' ontrofic'', , ,; l.llitoctat, •
srernisiin. - ,141.50 per aranita if rintid in td.
take; $2.90 i pAid yt , tr, or 6.1.50
Virg. paid 60111 tiro end - 61 -
Lie year or period
of aut.,vription. Aiivttnec pa ro.f.ot doikited.
Piiii.tontinuane.e.3 with
until nil artearaot•s are paid.
• *lll.nten of Adverti,ion. • ',
One square; (r 2 lines,) tver.kli ks 3,
Eneh snbliefrent in oe do 1,• - 25
One iggisnre mte near, $B.OO, twr. ssq'rn $l2 00,
three rqtlaretk foqr squar , s
littsiness Cants olsix. lines 83.0 Q verlear.
.Jab• Work of all kinds executed neatly
and prompt/y. .Blanksl. alwaye on . hat-l„
January Itll.,
WM. W. SMITH; & CO.;
• Cabinet and Vaair Manain:ntnr
ers, foot or 'Main Street: Mout re,,e.
Dealer, in Drug., 141( ,, 1;e1f:r , 5, Citernicals,
Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware.. Painti, Oils, Varnishep,
Window Glass, Groceries, Pane). Goods, Jew,
elrY,PerfumerY, ke.—:-And Agent for all the
most popular ;Patent Irledit:ines..
Fashiosaable . Tailor—Shop. near the
Baptist A 1 eeting li,uac, (.;n,Turnpilie .Street.
Montrose, I'a. _
Dealer ill Ready-31nel Clothing; Fiats and
Caps, Boots and Shoo.s, Dry g00d,,, .see.
tgy — Store opposito Mon tro4 e,
DR.. R. ' .
Physician and Sartrems,
Pa. Office in the s Pariner'e Btcre,
AttOrney and Cot/m.6l'er nt Law,
'Montrose, P:r., atte;:d alt-busi
aess entrusted to him in the County +.l . SusiCr.
Convoyaneinp aLd writ;rig of nil kind's will be
done neatly, and elmrgps met4ralai . . Hol. will also
attend to prosecution° t oln;no, ! .l', , •lqiers,their
widows and heirs. the U. Goverr.
ment,for Bounty Law!,
May befoundat all hoary at tin.• aka formerly
occupied by J. T. Rl...bards, north of the
Court House.-1853-13
.131.'C. TYLER,
Interested with I, L. Hunt,
Importer in I and
Cutle,ry, Carriage TT' I :`;'1;11 7 S1. &e.
ji - o. 21 5 / d
Where his mercnntilt• fr•d•pd , . ;Ti lit 1- II 1" I,
Counties, are kindly ild a F. is
lieited to call and I,,:r 60.
Jr. D. VAIL. Y, D.
Physician :infl pt
netly Intuited ;t,:tt
County, Pc•nn'a,:“.4 4;: ; di
calls !:.ty ;
HAY EN 13 ao T RES S
New .
Su-pt , r;e:, r-. T!‘
Watches. J VV. . t
JiercLaiL aid
DR. E. 7...v7,3
pmhic -.• • . Low p, .r
triant-ntly lor;:trri
April Ist
north of I h.
rlig:k 1 , 1:!T !: .'*.i'l: :u:fel .1-1 . T. r
-,.. I .11..A..i1..h..L.i..!:: :: .: . .1.1 .t.i :LI.E ~.
TVI 0 N T 1 3' P.A.
p purchaJ:ed,
',tirr.:•lict! Sh
is preTnr , -! t , ,- the tray.
puhlie litteation..
and conv,.,-,i.ea.-ps u•nz. t• :• •n
noUscks. No etro.:t l y• ti:e Pro
prietor and' his - A•••••:- mlshe 11:o 11°1(1
equal in ever - 3' von,: re •
The Bar v. with 1.1.0
Choicest Li q uors. -
The Strpot'es, ;.o t :tif ;vpit this 11611. f.
are large, roomy and c,,n , r1f. , 11 t. r.l-1,1 careful aed,
attentive Hosticr3 :ire it; chnr..-c of them.
Montrose, 'May 1
A Benito - lent- special
endowment for t'..r f siek,
tressed, a . Pticte: d ; di:seascs.
IrQALL will) Sexual
. Diseases, smell Spei t umtor'itleen, Seminal
Weakness, Impotenc.t,tiormi-ramj. tilect,'Syphi
lis, the Vice of Out:nista. 01- se4•,: t
.imsi.t, &e., &e.
The HOWAV.IO ir ; view' o f th e
awful destrualon of burnati life.caused by Sexu
al diseases, and the eice:yiAiDro pr;:t.tised upon
the unfortunat,) Victims ,of such by
Quacks, several ycalts d;ret:.ed their COn
suiting liorgeon,•as q MT-113 . LE Arr uorthy of
their pantie, to open a Dislamsaryfor the treat
ment of this class of :1;•-c.ftz3ii..,in .1i) their forms;
and to give 31notc.“..‘tivittr. t:n.:Arts. te, ati- who
apply by letter, with a lc;teriptiou of their VQII
- ha hilt; stf life, &e.,) and
in eases of extreme pot. 'to nedicines
free ff iqiarge. It is !,, ~.da that the
Association commands the bi;ritest tnedical skill
of the age. arid mill tarnish. rim hit_tt,t improved
modern treatment.
The Directors on a reelew. of the past, fe el
assured that their Mt, r s4n t , phere• olUneco
rent effort, have been of great „berialt tho
especiaDy to ,ttitag, and they have
resolved to deveto it,e ices,with renewed
zeal, to this very im:t.t.rt.tilt hut -much despised
cause. ,
Just published 111 v Con. aaßeport
on Spermatorrh/r5 or mina!
Vice otOnanism, Nlasi orivo ion or Set f-Abilf=e,
and other diseases of the ....oven! , t r ans ,. th e
Go.nsutting :Surgeon, m•lnett be. sent by
mail (in, a sea It d Iti ter lit rbvc.l FREE OF
CHARGE, Op rt•ci;iit rt l, )t ;t fur pos
• Address, for Rep,rt or Treatment, br. George
R. Calhoun, ;Sim/viol, lloward
elation, 1'0.'2 South '. Inen
PA, ne•-•_!...?'ef tho Ili r• •
D. 11ARTW NIA , President,
Oct. 15th, 18.17. I t t.
Salt! Salt!! Salt!!!
qr . 111; 1 ,...kyk.• to inform his
rriehd- andtii:ll. he haA taken thy.
Satre 20 I (di; (Nu; op.
posh 4 %1 '
11,16.110011 MA4OO 0 ( 4* ( 1 14 '11 d b )
Vt 111 1 .) I;;111,4, and is nO kryreph.N-d. Lo 0)14q f 0
vale mt - st,e moht liberal rat , rot r.tStt. a)!
kind?, or Forei4ln Coarse, ar;tl Fine ::1;alt. "from
vessel, or store, Other io , :tt•I;: , or . Luik. or
tipin t sft bags I
Der.h•rs forni , hl4l mmt
printed oo t nen
or more. Persons from :t irg
mriil c.oo"dopilld upon 1 - 4•2viti'r? their orders
prOmptfy fritcd :it 111 N P
0 3,1,i-1 lIICES.
Vew . r • tviorks.y.w. m,ANN
York,_ll . T 7 r(.l . - ! • -
T_TOLLOWAPS-Pills ainfOr tlrlPilt, 31,,r4eft.
JULlntilan 'Root Pills ; and Art. 'A CherrY Pec
toral nod Cathartic Pills." Camsaptly for sate
See Advertisemehtn in Mi.= piper.
All}',l, 'etiRREM"
P...2:t as, C!onii . p.
.L:,l CUL-
~n litk..;nll
~,!\ M\YDEN,
11.\ (T.X.
6r, c or