A omelets cotivreiiiP A yOtiaggentleman happenipt to sit ,at o:iurch i D z, one i n Which sit‘i a young* ho' s m be-conceived strddett, and tiolettils k s!on, w as* deserious of entcribijntoa.courr cn t he spot; • but the .p:ace - bot. Suiting. a coring declaration, the esigericy id the, base sugges:' t el the following plan: • lie politely' handed . =fair_ neighbor. a Dib!e open, with a pin - stack in the_follo:wing text: - - - 2,rEpiitle .. of John, verse s—"And . now.l besCeech thee. Lady, •not.as though I wrote a n ew c omtnanaint unto thee, lint..lllst. which ve -had from* the Veinning, Mat lure one *another.' . She returned it, pointing tie 2d chapter of , Ruth, verse 10th : • . • • "Then she , fell on her_face,and bowediter --eelf to .the ground, and said: un to . him, why bare I found Igrace in thine - eyes, that Thou s.houlcist take knewlegde of-me; seeing that I .am a st n:l4r r lle returner the book, pointing to . the 12th z•verse of the 31 Epistle of John : "'hying many things' to write unto you,- I.would not write .with paper. and ink hut. I tru‘t to come unto you :tad speak face to face." F=rom the above interview; a : rriarriagm took mice thefollowing week. _ .1 - • - A short while since, says the' Albany Stathsman, the.riffectionate was'asto cished by a story of a young lady whose neck was dislocated in consequence of the ifl advi sed resistance which - she OtTered to the ami- cable salute of an admirer more ardent than discreet. Our exchanges from .Europe •now match this tale With another of an inquest held on Leeds on the body ofvoting ban of 21, who fell down sfairs . and killed himself 'in die eourso of an attempt - to - snalgh a kiss , ftom 'the unwilling lips. of. a girl, IST fifteen. Some- of our contemporaries. 'deduced from the first of these occurrences the whotsome morartitat•Yout°'r ladies should. never oppose the advances of their admkers..ln common fairueSs we are now hound to infer f-om the -second accident that no . man should ever attempt to take a kiss. until it issoffered to him. Between the twi. - I'.lessons there is reason.; to fear that ati ancient andi:not .altogether disagreeable enstem - -nry be summarily abo lished 'Lira Orr WEST.--Almost invariable, At times of comtnercial distress in the-cOuntry such asnow exists.• the holders of Valitable ate land are_obFzed to relinquish their Zit ler to actual lettlers,..or their ..e. t reflito'rs,,who will so dis . pose of it. To -get rid of it, most of - it sells below the government price, so as to . induce parties to; purchase, •,b ere b y , creat i ng a spirit•of etnicration: Thus 7C - see, by !pain! , back, a tide of emigration . tcy. the upeccupied lands lirtllte-West, follow ing such season as the present. It was so after 1537. 1547 and.-1554, and will follow - this tear likewise. W e hie inf,lrmation showing that the R d - e s of Qove; nment land has almost entirely . crased,`owing to the better terms ;of privatv sale offered,.; . and also that, the transfer will sum up as Jo:cc 'as nival, if not higher, all for Rettnd iiccupotion next vear2--Nininger (.1/. T.) Jou: na1.... ..• _ • . . _ rn a - computation recently yahhe. it is .0:dot - dated there aie in occupation 150,000 acres cf imi r,)ved and-800,000 acres cf unomp. -, ye..1 Inn , is in Oregon. The value of firMsise,tirnated at S - 5,000 . ,000, rind the to , - tal value of li Ye.stock at ?2,500,060. The to rn c T acres orssurveyed lands wet of e Mount,:tinc. as computed by the :•.:..irvevor General. is .5.705,553. Number of acres to I.e-suzvee:r, 230,400. This land is ai.o unsceptible of coltivation .Inclusive of this, there is east of the Cascade Ak - mutains vast scot c: of Lou:..try peculiarly .adapted for oilc - day probably he Eel t - led arid beco'ne a separate Territory or State, 7:3 the easetna% he. tAr;:n-Trts..r.mprioss At MINI NIA cer tviumident of the St. Lord's Rtptiblican,,wri th.izg from D.lniphan, K. T., says that Gen. Wbiifield stud :Ex-Secretary Woodson have bands full inadjusting.the claims of pre einp tors,at the laud Ace there, 'About a tlion spd cases bas been pre-empted, irhich com prise 160.000 acres of land, at a cost-of $2OO, 000. "YE,u•would . ;iinrdly suppose it possible," sues the writer, "far a money..panic to pre if you , S2IW the - heaps. of gold that:are every day poi:re4 from the ad - - akin Furf.es cf the-itardy _pioneers of this -beauti ful new coontry. l l . _ CrRE FOR jhm n exchange gi-Yei tl , .r. following :" Take two quarts-of fine salt • r.n.i one pint of wider, .c.5 , ;.01ve carefully and rub Tomself from bead to foot on going to Place a IMWI of Water under the bed, and all is safe: The.buis will not take more 111241 two nips.before they will run for a drink. The fid&l of the bowl being grewel, they will slip and .the morning from pint to two - i?Vfizi of bugs .will be found in the bowl—of . _ The prescription i , alike e!aiical.arid defer. PeGal tr; ' r•• SALLat.—Since the commence ment of the prttent year sixty. Salem persoilp imre rlipd, who have passed the nee of three viore anilten. Of theso were males and 34 were femalea.:Of the whole.nnmber 35 were between 7-0 and 80; 17 herween-80 and 9,0 ; and 8 between "90 : And 100. (./.; the most adraneed . in - vears, two were. 82; six Ea:, two 85.: one Si; tvro 89; .onej,9o ; One 91; one 92; two 93; tw9 94. - and one 98. • OJT,. Off::;r.of the Rontroso Fire Cotspntly No. g 2., eketo:i,J r nim . r.r.3• th, 1 - 858. - J. P. W. TULEY„Forerrm: • JEFFERSON . GRIFFIS, Ist Asst. ASA E. lIAWLEY, 2.lAssistant. ` • J. C. 1 0 QT , Tiaastird. . • • S.W. WILSON; Secretary;, -GEO. A. TILDEN, Pipeman. 7. T. CROWLEY, Ass't Pipet:pan: ' F. M. DUNN, Porter. 11..S:BEN1'LEIr, •- , J DEAN,' ' w za a en ), ALFRED RALD_WIN, LEONARD SEARLE, -• • nedical Slisifa *County ).ledical - Society will hold its next annual meet ing on Wednesday J'air. - 13th, - 1058 at New Mil ford, at 10 o'clock 41.[Al Influenza, aud comulon Cold, like thieves in the night, have carried many to the nicer t grave: They are caused by a sudden check of Orspimtion, bi - which the stomach is rendered , inactive, and the lupgs become: loaded with. cor . DT', matter, and death is thi result For colds, ci , u2lls, and chills, succeeded by beat, forfecers. hoaretess and rawness of tho_throat, inegland stomach, weakness and siketess of airyind, from 3 to 5 Pills oil going to bed, for a few dayii,l will be all. that you require to restore you to per fect-health. ' Whet° been admitted all over Fu . rope: tilet there never "was 'a sneelieine s tint will • ,extirp:lte all manner of disease from the system, equal to Dr. _Write 's Indian Root Pillsj that the more you take them the stronger you grew. < ThewPilla not onifcicause the bowels,but fol;. los; the hjiNd_thi.o', every. vein:and artery, and so purify it from all Morbid and'earrtifit humors that disease of eyerc naine. is erieftd. fret(' the = In gourit-ilridge Witter' on Nnir s Yeitivii;O by Rei: J. Death% bin :THOMAS D. ALLEN of Montrose, and Miss MARY JANE FOSTER. of Rridgewater. - ' ' On the Same evening y the same Mr. HENRY B. Th:WKSBUII,'_.and Miss SA RAII S. ALLEN, both of Bridgewater. In 'a • M . , , Dee. 31. S. by The Rev. M Adam Miller r. DOUGLAS 'SIMMONS to Miss.kMlo7 113ktIV8Ttit, All of Ilarford. In' Crown i'oint (Indiana) on the 21st. ot. at the residence of tini bride's father, by Elder Benny; Mr. J: 11. ABRAMS and Miss MARY ji FOSTER " fornierly of Bridgewater. .At the Jackson Rouse; in Friendsrille Jan. Ist. by M. W. Bliss. WM. D. FANCIIER of Bridgewater to Miss MARY_ C. small of Forest Lake. " In Cerbetsville, 13ioorne county, N. Y., after . a p — rolracteo disease,IRNITAII DIMON, wife of Dr. E. PNIIKEII, aged 70years. She made pithlie profesioti of her 'faith in Christ in early life—lived more than forty yeari after, vat& to exemplify . the - excellence of the Christian Religion-the value - of early piety. And the all controlling influence of genuine religious principles. At tfie close of here life, she expressed the strongeitsonfldence ,in the love of the Saviour, Her end was peace. (Com.) V Prottrat Prmotrat, ANDREW J. GERRITSON. - Termo..--$1.50 per annum if paid in ad. - rnnee, $2.00 if paid - withinthe yedr, or $2.450 if not paid until-tho end of the year or period of subscription. Advance payment solicited. Discontinuances optilmal with the Publisher 1 until all arrearages are paid. Rates of Advertising. • One square, (12 lines,)3 wceks.or less, $l.OO l Ettat 'subsequent insertion, 25 lOne. square one year, $B.OO, two sq'rs $12.00, three squares $ 16.00, four squares $20.00. Business Cards of six titles e 3.00 per year. Job. Work of all "kinds executed neatly and promptly. illassks -always on hand. •-• January 'lst, 1857. _ - • . Register's Notice. PuBLIC.NOTICE is hereby given to all per ` sons concerned in the following Estate, to Estate of Jona Grt AHAM, late of Harford town ship, deceased, Tyler Brewster Executor. • That tht adountaiit has settled his ac counts in the Register's Office,. in and for. tlie -etainty sJanehanna; and that the same wilt be presented to the Judges of the Orphan's Conk ,aid County, on Friday,. the 29th day of Jan. next, for their confirmation andallowance. CHARLES NEAL, Register • Register's office, Montrose, Jan. 4th, 1858: [Published by authority of Town Council.] DE it ordained by the Town Council, of, the 13 Borough of Montrose, aqd it is hereby or dained.by the authority of the same, That it shall not be - lawful,. be lawful for horses, neat-' rattle, swine, sheep, geese or other domesticat ed 'o£ a mischievous nature, to go at bug, within the, limits of said Borough, it shall be the duty of the High Constable.-forthwith, to impound ihe,same; or if any of the said animals shall - be found in any lot or close, it shall be the duty of the I ligh Constable at the request of the owner or occupant of said close, to take up and imponc+,l the , same, Protidecl, That between the 15th day of April and the 15th day ler, Novem ber, in each year, it shall be lawful fur cows to run at large in said Borough. Ordinance passed Jan. 4th 1858. And be it-further ordained, by the authority afo:esaid f that no person or persons, ahall be permitted or allowed to ride upon hand-sleds or any other conveyance, on the aide walks, within the limits of the Borough, under the penalty of a sum not less than fitly cents . for the itrst of not exceeding five dollars for each subse quent offence. and it shall be the duty of the Ifigh Constable, - apd it is hereby enjoined upon Itkin, to see that 'this ordinance be enforced by commencing suits before the Burgess, or any Justhe of the Peace, in the name of the 'Bo?. ourrh. ai often as he knows of any-infraction of said ordinance. C. W:MOTT, Clerk Montrose, Jan. 6,1858.-2 w. Laalyal a tlatiy i rrHE subscribers having associated with them 1 Mr. J. P. W. RILEY of this place, the bn sinew; will hereafter be :conducted tindei the name and style of We shall of necessity have-So.k - 4)(m a new set of Boeils;and we are very desirous that our old t.nes should be settled, either by'nnte or other. w . ite at the earliest canvenience of those having open accounts with.'Us. To persons who have owed its for years, and shureited us berAufte of such indebtedness, wh Wield give a special invimtion to (lime in and See la,. To those vchn-hare for years bestowed upon us thei( liken! patronage and paid us promptlY, we would tentler.otir hearty, our Sin cere Th i tinkr,--earnesily soliciting a tontimiatice of • their patronage, under a pledge that they shalt have no c'Fkuse to complain Of the tfiee or quctityof our Goods. We ;hall have. on hand. constantly, assortment or all description of Goods usenlly sold i,n th 4 Country, and we-thtite all wishing to purchn4, to come in and examine Our Stock, before buying elsewhere. BENTLEY & READ. , . Montrose, lan. Ist, 1-858. Iw3. L IST of Letteit remaining In the Montrose Post Office, Dec. , 3lst, Archer, George ` Murrig, John Aldrich, Nathaniel -NrcFolfiono. E. 2. Barret, H. A. Vewton, Danford H. Boughton, James Newton, M. E. • Benja . pin, Cal ph Parsons, Chancey 3 Baldwin,Adoniram J. _Rogers Edward Brundalie - & Riste, Proctor Bash, ,'3lrs. Mary Richardson, B. - Bell, Mrs. Mary E. Rockwell, S. •. Craig, Etharles J. Saxon, James CaswelUliss Phebe Smith, Thomas B. Dais, ltilrern , Stanton ; Hiram Define, Miss Mary Stewart; E. liecker, Amanda Smith, Mrs. Richard ElltstufaMMiss' Jane Weston, N. C. • G-ay, Samuel G. White, Pierce Gardner & _Colvin, White, Joseph B. Howelf D.C. - Witite_; Edwin . Horrigan, • Coneaud Wright, john W. Jierson, David Welder, Thomas Hemmer. r, Simon - Wheland,:liargaretl. Leonard, J. S 2 " Persons calling for any of the above Lett* please say "advertised." A. N. BULLARD, P. M. . Montrose, Pa., Dec. 31st, 1857.,, B-L` A:se --W A-N AGOOD BLACKSMITH in want of elhploy merit can. find a - Chance to do a first rate business by applying to the subscriber at DE- PeeS 111 . 14. in Jessup. • The, shop (with or with- Uut tools) will be rented,' with house, gardetl and fire wood, on fair terms. .Plenty of work in the_vicinity. Apply at the mills, or address TIMOTHY DEPIJE; - Fairdile, §ustfa Co., Pa. January 2d, 1858: - E. S. 1 1 1 4RK, Sec'y • NOTICE. R. - TIIAYER would say to the Public that ho will be stifle office from nine till ten o'vlocl:, a, in., each riay. and Tuesdays and Siturdays, from nine in the morning till nine in the .evening.:., Eittraordiiinrfcases excepted. Will those wishing to see him govern thein. solves accordinglyl • - January, tat 4804: - 8180. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY 3cro~ . ,ugh Ordinances. EVNTLEV, TREAD & CO. • __ -.7-:::_::•:NO.TICE.-- HE. SU BSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS of the LI - firm isf McCollum & Gerritson have been 'transferred to me. To those who will pay' on or herein the 1 - stb, of February, 1853, a deduc tion of 20 per cent: from tho.full arrearage rates ,will be 'Made.' J. , 131 MeCOLLUSI. Ajoatrosi., January sth, 1858. _ ; Sheriff's Sales, Y virtue of sundry writs issued out of the Ceurti of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County, an 4 to !no directed, I will expose to 'sale, by ptiblic vendue, at the CoUrt House, in Mont rose, on' Saiurday, Janumry 18th, 18.58, • at one o'clock, p.l in, the following Real Estate, to wit: • • ALL thaCcertain piece or parcel of land; situ ate, and being in the township of Lathrop, in the - County .orSusquehanna, and b6tinded and des cribed as Rillows, to wit: on the north by land of Loomis right, on the east by the public high way, and osl the south and west by lands of S. W. Breed ilk. Co., dontaining about one halfan acre of land, be the same more or less, with 'the appurtenances, one framed house nod. shop, and cow shed, kind all improved. Taken in execution, at the suit of Rockwell & Winton vsi A.. 8. Merrill anti A. I'. blertill. 1 , ALSO—AiI that certain piece r.r parcel of land, situa e in the township . of Gibson, County , of Susque anna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described, as follows, to wit: begin. fling at a qemlock-knot, driven in the middle of the.Coche9tot and Great Bend Turnpike. Road, at the intersection of the State Road with the said Turnpike,-tbence along the_ middle of the State Road, south 35 deg.- west, '6 perches and two tenth of a perch to Another hemlock kaiit driven in The middle of the State Road, thence by land ofJ. R. Mack, north 55' deg . west 10 perches tok post-0. - hence by land of 'the same. float! 65 deg. east 4. perches and one sixteenth of a perch ito another hemlock knot driven'in the middle of!the Turnpike Road, and thence along the tuiddlp of the same, south p 4 deg. east 10 perches and :1-10ths of a peach to the place of beginning, containing 54 perches of land, be the same mbrp or less, together with the appurten ances, 1 framed' dwelling house, 1 Lam,-and all improved.l , Taken n execution at the suit of C. P. Ed wards, va c Stephen Price. • ALSOi—AII that certain piece -•or parcel of land, situate and bolug in the Born' of Susque -hanna De'pot, county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded, and described - as fol lows to Wil: on the north by lands of John Les ter, on the east by lands of Robert Nichol, on the south by Main itrcet, and op the west by land of J. B. Kimber, feet front, feet from front to rear, with thc appurtenances, 1 framed house, arid all improvt?d. Taken tin execution at the suit of Nathan Len helm vs. 4. B. Salmon. ' that.,certain piece or parcel of land, situate in Auburn township, Susquehanna Co!. bounded I d described as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of John Miller, on the east by lands late of John rind Thomas :tlorly, on the south by lands of Jesse P. Stephens, and on the west by lands of Wesley Bensaotes, containing about 300 acres, together with the appurtenances i - frame houses I barn, I saw mill, and about 35 acres improved. 'faked in execution at tho suit of Azor Lath. rop vs..fohn Baily and Weston Bally. ALSO-11l that certain piece or parcel of land, situate and being in the township of New Milford, in the COunty of Susoachanna, and bounded ii.-Al described as Jollowa, to wit : northerly by lands of 0. Smith' and - Wm. Mathews, easterly by lands of L. and D. Jennings, southerly bv lands oft,. Lelvis-,-and westerly hr lands of.J. Williams containir 152 acres, be the same more or less, with th appurtenanees, I. - framed house, 1. fram ed barr4 1 orchard, and about 90 acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of C. S. Ben. nett, to the use of S. Ilutchinsou ...Sz. Co., vs. John A. Div.! ' ALSO—AiI that certain piece or Parcel.° i land, situate in thellore of Sus.tehanna Depot, in the Co.jof Susquehanna, bound d and described As folloWs, to wit : north by lands) of James H. Smith, On the east by a street leading from Ri ver to Church street. on the smith ¶'y I .71oirch st.,. And west by lands of the said James li. Smith, being 4, rods wide on Church street, and 6 rods deep frfirn front to rear, with the orpukteniinci•s, 1 framed house. and all improve.' , I Taken m execution at the suit of A. J. Whit ney vsJE. L. Marsh. • ALSO—AII' that certain piece+ or parcel of land, sif.uate in the township of Lathrop, in the County ! of Susquehanna, boun - ded And described as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of S. • W. Breed & Co., in the east by the public high way, o the south_ by a lot recently owned and oecupi by Wellington Case and hinds of the said liked &. Co., and west by the said Compa nv's 1:10, containing about five acres of land, be the.saine more or less, with the appurtenances, I framed house and 1 framed barn, and neall - :, all improved. Taken in execution at the suit of C. M. Gere vs. Lo+snis Wright. ALSO—AII those following described pirees or partiels of land, to wit : 100 acres of land situ ate-in the township of great Bend, in the Coun ty of Susquehanna, and State of Penn Sylvania, late the estate of Jacob Skinner, 2d., and Elisio Squirds, described in Sheriff Johnson's deed to, Wm. Daytonedated April 13th, 1844, on which atinit4 two framed dwelling hottseh, one saw mill 1 fretted barn, and about 40 acres improved land. 1 ALSO—Ono other tract of land situated as I aforesaid, late the estate of Jatob Skinner, 2 4 1. and Elisha squires, described. by 'said Sheri E's deed to said Wm: - Deiron, dated April 13th. 1844, `containing 400 acres and 140 perches. of - land %-ith allowance of six per cent. A "0.(..)nt other tract of land sittete in the to an hip ' county and state aforesaid, containing 1400 ! • ii ergs; embracihg that which was late the estate of the said Jaen) Skinner, 2d. as described by the Sald Sl:prifrs decd, to tlitialaellnrrows and from bim,to Wm. Dayton, by deed bear ing date, May 93d, 1844. being the same pre-- raise!' formerly purchased by Urbane Burrows and LIM& Williams, of William Ward and Jes se Lene, and being the sante lots of land con eyed by Edwin Eldridge and wife to Ransom Smith, by deed executed the 20th day of March, 18501 ALSO-A II that other tract or part:el df land. situate in the same township, formerly occupied by the said Smith as the home farm, and the same as colt:trued to him by the said Edwin Eldridge and Wife: by deed executed the 18th day of May, 1849, and -by- reference to ivhith Sathe several deed's the description of said geveral lots will more folly and at large appear, said deeds being recorded in Susquehanna County, containing in all about 1960 acres 4,)f land, be the same more or tees, with allowance of 6 per cent. On the home farm are 2 dwelling houses, 1 framed barn 1 lo& barn,l stable, and about 40 acres insprov o ed. ,_ Taken in execution . at the snit of Ransom Smith vs. Samuel Watson. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, squab. , in • the township of Bridgewater, County of Susqbehanna.; and State of Pennsyl. Van* bounded and dC.scribed as follows, to wit : on the north by land of Daniel Stewart, John McCollum and Mathew Baldwin, on the east by Mathew , Baldwin, on the south by Mathew Bald win W. Baldwin; and of the estate of Wm. Gard ner,' deceased, and on the *ebt by land of E. G. Balieock,vontaining - about ninety acres be the sane more or less,.with the appurtenances, one . frothed house, two barns, cord hougei orchard,' andlabout seventy acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Matthew Mekphy, vs. Rufus Thayre jr., and Alburton Thayre. as R. Thayre & Co. ALSO—AII that certain piece -or parcel of land situate lying and being in the township of Auburn,.Susquehanna.Connty. hounded and de ' scribed as fotiows, to wit: on the north by-lands of Ansel Gay;-on the east by lands of Powell G. Biqa, en the - -sonth by lands of Edward I) or.. sod: and on the. west by lands of loans and IL. P. lCarter, containing about 91 acres more or less Frith the appurtenances, I flamed dwelling, house,l batri.shed, , COrn house-and. other . oot . ..buildings, 1-1 oreliard E and about eighty agree improved. •-paken in .execution at the suit of S. S. Mut , fod 163. Wm. COOley, Pi. ALSO—AII those two adjoininglots, pleces . niEparnels of land:, Situate, lying and being in ths tOwnshir of Bridgewater, in the County of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, to wit: the first one thereof being bounded and deseiib ed as follows, to' wit : beginning at a hemlock tree, the north west corner of the entire tract, it being part of a larger tract of laid , iturVeyed in pursuance of a warrant to William Shaw, thence south three degrees east, - paii4 along Joseph Brewster's, and partly alorigAinherd Lindsey's land, one hundred and fifty-two perches to a beech, thence north eighty , stken degrees east, one hundred and forty six porches to altemloek, in the line of lands formerly of Putnam Catlin, thence north three degrees west, by said l:tst mentioned land, and other land one hundred and fifty-two perches, to a hemlock sapling, in the south line of /ands formerly of Jacob Wilson, now of S. N. Newton, 'being the north line' of said tract, in the warrantee namo of NVilliam Shaw, and thence along said last mehtioned south eighty seven degrees west, one buntired and forty-six perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and thirty acres,' and ono hundred and forty-four perches and allowances, and being the same lot of land and ,pretnises whielr.an B. Wallace, by deed dated May 6th. 148, recorded in the Recorders office in and for said County, in Deed Book, No.B, pnge 187, con veced to one Joseph Reese, who, together with Mary his wife by deed tinted March 41h,1843, Re corded in Deed Book, No. 13, page Lt 36, convey ed the same to the said Patrick Crossen. And the other of said:lots being bounded and described as fol!ows, to wit : beginning at a hemlock the south east corner of tho above des• cribtal lot, thence south two degrees east, sixty six perches to the corner of the. Goss lot, thence. south eighty-eight dr , 2;rres west, dnc hundredand twelve perches to a beech, thence by a lot sur veyed to Israel 13. Gregory, north two degrees west, sixty. six perches to a post, In said Crossen's south line, and thence by the• same north, nighty eight degrees.cast, one hunted and twelve perch es to the beginning. Containing forty-six acres .and thirty-two perches, more or less, and being a lot of land which William Jessup and Aman da, his wife and Sylvanus S Mulford and Fanny,. his wife by deed dated the first dav August inst. conveyed to the said Patrick 'Crown in fee, together with trio appurtenances, I framed licese, burn, cider house, earn =house, and about one hundred and twenty-five acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car malt vs. Patrick Crnssen. ALSO—AII that certain lot of land, situate in Liberty township, in said County, being lot 121 of Jason Torrey's map of resurvey ,of Pcist and Jessup'a.land, and described ns. follows, to wit , bounded on the north by lads of Charles S. Coxe, on the south by lands of O'Sullivnni on the east by lands of D. 0. Turrell, and oil the west by the line of the Rose tract, and being in the , northwest corner of a tract of land in the warrantee name of George Hmer, containing 97 acres and 127 perches of land, with the ap purtenances, 2 framed houses, 3 framed, and 1 log, him, and about fifty acres improved. Taken hi exe,ntion at the suit of E. W. Rose vs. Patrick Whalin. ALSO—AII those certain pieces or parcels of land situate and !Ting, in the borough of Dundatr in the - County of Steluehanna, and bounded and described as follows. to wit : the first bounded on the north by the tannery pond and by lands of William Wilbur, on the east by a street or lane, on the smith Ivy a street running (corn the Wilke3- burro turnpike to the sehoc I house- on the west Ity the said Wilkesbarre turnpike, containing a bout one:half an acre with the appurtenances, a framed dwelling house and tannery, and barn, and all improved. A n d th e s e cond bounded on the north: by the Milford and Owego turnpike, on the east by land of William II Slocum, on the south by the above named tannery pond, and on the west by lands of F Chambers, containing about 1300 feet of land with the appurtenances, one harness shop, and all improved, the said last acsebrilnsl being the same property recently conveyed by Thomas Kinney to loslin and Flint by deed - . Taken in execution at the suit of Chauney Smith. vs. Joslin & Flint ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel of land. situate lyin; and being in the township of Lenox, county of SllFquehzintift, and ,bounded and described as follows, to wit : or. the north by la'nd of Stephen J. and Henry Millard, on the east by lands of Elisha Bell, on the south by ' a nds of Ftichard I'Vescott and Zina Bailey, and on the west by lands of [Area Miller, containing one hundred ; eres or thereabouts, together with' the appurtenances. I house, barn, orchard, and about sixty acres improved. T.ken in execution at the suit of Grow & Y.m.n.nb S SoOtt. • . ALSO—AII that certain pinto or parcel of Lod situate in the township of Lenox.County of Sus. .1,1(.1-Isom', State of Petinsylvardh, bounded and deenbed as follows, to wit : on the north by land, of John T. Millard, on the east byJands of Sterling, Maxon, on the south by lands of Orgill Tiffany and Luke Reed, and west by lat,ds of Luke Reed, containing seventy'-ane acres, it be ing-thesaiite premise.s conveyed to John R. Tay lor by deed bearin; d A Igitst 14th, 1852, sign ed bytl.ll. E , dred, 111411Sheri(1 - of Susquehanna Couniv, and conveyed to N. J. Sherwood by said John R. Taylor :ma 6re by deed s bearing' date October 20:h, ISS with the appurtenances, framed dwelling houses, 1 frame barn, one saw mill, one black-smith shop, one grist-mill, one orchard. and mostly improved. Taken in execution at the snit of Amos Sher .% wood vs. Dollet Titus &„Uerman Titus. • , . .1011 N YOUNG, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office. Montrose, Dec. 24,185'7: ATOTICE--1n the matter of the distribts tion of the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real Estate of 13. W. Clark, dec'd. The Anditor in•the aboie Case will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Thtirsday the 14th day of January nett at 1 o'clock P. ?Z., at his Alec in itiorrcrose; when and where all persons interested, will, make their claiin or be debarred froia corning in upon said fund. • - TURRELL Auditor. Montrose; Dec. 21,1857. 48w4. - $2 6, 0 0 0 WORTII Of Goods at Panic Prices! Bt I:PITT, is. now receivi n g large addi firms of NEW 1:0008 to his stock tliat will be Auld at prices to suifthe times, including a great variety of Ladies' and Gentlement's Drosi Goods, with a full assortment iu all departments of his TRADE,And at prices much reduced. and many kinds of Goods more than 25 per cent. lower than early fall Oicea Ettly" Ile would particularly call the attention of caA,huyerllo his new stock of C. 4 R P ETI "AV, BUFFALO ROBES, S T.O VES, cfc„'tE., as large and rich, and at low down Rrkces. New Jldfr.ord, Dee. 15th, 185'7. • • Auditor's Notice. In the matter of 'the The undersigned hay- Estate of James W. ing been appointed an dec'd. Auditor by the Orphans Conrt to distribute the assets of said Estate will attend to the duties of his rppoiotment at his office in Montrose, on Frith y, the fifteenth day of January 1858, at one o'eck .P. M. All per sons hating claims upon did estate will then and there make it known or be-debarred from c.nuing in upon such fund. Dee. 22. d. '57. • W. li. JESSUP. Auditor. NOTICE. --la the matter of Exceptions to ill the 'administration account of Jos. Wash ! burn, Administrator of Est. of Polly Wash ! limn, dec'd. - ... The Auditor in the allove.ease will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday the 11th day of January next, at 1. °clock P. , M., at his ciffieb i n Montrose; of which parties interested will take notice. - • 1 - Wm. J. TURRELL, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. ,21,1457: •48w4. Remoired, - _ y office to my new reirsidenee testir oppc sito tho PresbyterianChureh, onTuropikei Street The pablis are invited , to call and exam. (no specimens of the various styles of Plugging and Plate which 1 am daily executing.. No gas: sing, "any more," friends, ;he work , speaks for itself.- C. D. VIRGIL, Resident Dentist. Montrose; Ps. 1; +t• 1857. NEW JEWELRY: lIE Subieribor has this day.retarniefron 1 New York with a large and well selected stock of " JEWELRY and FANCY G.OdDS; which, having been purchased in the present ex. tromely deprbssed state of the market, will be sold at unusually . low prices. ' Among his assort ment may he found Chains, Seals, Keys, Pens and Pencils, Earrings, Breastpins Fiugcrripgs of every style, Bracelets , Armlets, L ockets, Snaps, Watch Hooks, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Thimbles, Crosses, Speetaclei Slides, &e., &c. SILVER. Threaded and plain Forks, Spoons, Butter and Fruit Knives,. Salt and Preserve Ladles, Card Cases, Cups, Childrens Setts,Napkinrings,Chains Keys, Spectacles and Thimbles.' Also, n large stock of Silver-plated table and dessert Knives, Carvers, Castors, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Salts, Tea Setts, Pati!, and Spoons, double. treble and extra plate. , A Iso,Shell and ImitationCombs,Needles,Coral, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Knives and Forks, Jet Bracelets, Breastpins and Earrings, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pearl and Cornelian Sleeve But tons Shawl Pins, Gilt Hair Pins, very rich, Leather Purses, Bags, Clocks plain and alarms, Sewing Birds, &e., &c. All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. ALFRED J. EVANS, - No. 2, Odd Fellow's Ball. Binghamton, Dec. 1 i; 1857. Marl, env Coral imamate for the hair, very rich patterns, for sale by A. J. E. Card Receivers, Sugar and Salt Stands, Cups, Goblets, Silver and Pearl Card ,Cases, Silver Napkin Rings, &e., for the Holidays:A. J. E. Lar Rings and Eireastpins, in every variety of ty le and quality, to please every taste. Gold Spectacles of all ages, Gold Thimbles, Tooth Picks, Pens, POncils, Bracelets; Sock ets, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Guaid, - Vest Fub snd Neck Chains, &c. ,&c., by A. 1. E. veryA tininff d • fine stock of Gold and H open face Watches most of them of my own importation, ,and war ranted first class time keepers. A, J. E. . S ilvQr Spoons, Forks, Butter and Fruit Knives, wrirranted pure as coin, by A. J. E. Plat,:d Table Knives. A large and full stock of those - desirable Plated Table and Dessert 11111 ves, also Plated Carvers to match. Also a good stock of Steel Table Knives and Forks. 'Dial l ed Ware. A very fine stock of Castbre, JE Cake Basketa,Tc*Setts,Cantilesticks.Forka Spoons„&e.. &.e. by. ALFRED J. EVANS. NOTICE IS REREIi Y GIVEN T ABEL T U RRELL I"AS just returned from No W York, with a 11 large and choice variety of Goods, bought for CASH,' and selected with much care,,from over thirty of the best Iluuses in New York, which he offers to his customers and the public atlou prices for cash. His stock comprises: DRU MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, • WINDOW GLASS, D.,..YE STUFFS, G RocEßlts: ' _ L A S S—W ARE, CROCKERY, • - MIRROR'S, " CLOCKS, WALL PAP°ER, - . WINDOW PAPER, WINDOW,OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY, PERFUMEitY, I)RY - GOODS, • II A It h \V A It E, STONE WARE,• WOODEN WARE, BROOMS,. BRUSHES,. JAPNNtti WARE, BI A It u2kon ry, CANARY SEED, POCKET KNIVES, - WIII - PS, - UMBRELLAS - , - GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, TURPENTINE, CAMPHENE, .• BURNING FLUID, ALCOIIOL, LIQUORS, (ForAfedicinal P urpos,ei3 only, TRUSSES, gIiPPORTERS, SPIOULDER BRACES, r R T )510'N A E S,_ srto,TA-ctts, snArEit& PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &e G:OLD PENS, STATIONERY - , VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &C., a.ll of the. most popular PATENT MEDIC,I. NES, Thankful for theliberal patronage hiiherto.re ceived, he hopes to Merit , a continuance and large iLerbase,of the same. , ABEL TURRELL. Montrose. Dec...lst 1857. JUST' A_ 0 - I G ! But not throu g h the hands uf-the g 2 V.l 1E 9 WE prefer to dispose of our own goods, therefore GREAT INDUCEMENTS are offered to CASH CUSTOMERS, orob is Bitola CREDIT,h ippioved 'NOTES. Those who wish to avail theinselvea of thia opportunity, we, advise to Call at the Stoma of • . . . . 6 ./titteitlitt - g vlotenbaunt- i a - 7 •, At either Montrone, Susq 3 a Co., Pa., Sumea Depot, Or ' Towanda, Ura 4 d 4; " Whore we offer. to Suit .the Times and avoid Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers of All Kinds of TAY GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING; which have been lately purchased under existing Low Prices and sell ing at th same. A SPLENDID STOCK OF r g • Cr,' o •tt, s , Comprising shiest Fiery Kind of Dntss6oons, such as Rich Moire Antique, Black and Fancy Silks, Plain and Priqted French Merinos, Shaded and Plain All Wool and Common De Lefties; Par:mattes, 25 to 30 per cent. Lotter_ than ever,, • c ., &c. In Domestic Goode, our tissortment is complete and Astonishing Low. We also have on hand a heavy Stock of READY MADE CLOHING Which we will offer 30 . per c ent. tosser than any other establishment in this section. Mao CLOTHING MADE I.'o ORDER In the neatest arid best inatiper and Warranted. sAll kinds of Grain taken at the Migiyist Mar ket prices; also. Dried 'APplint.'lo qeese era,. ***Please call and prieeour goo and satisfy yourselves or the shove facts. . GUTTENBERG ROSENBAumovd ) Montrose , Pa.. - Nov. 24th, 11351.-1, LITTLE ar, HARDING'S 160LIURIN. \'F A R 5- - • =• . _ M.ECHANI - Q - St! VATlL4lease rewmber, w hen building, that V V the are furnialqng DOORS; •• • _, SASH and - . _ \ , • ' BLIiMS, . . \ At the lowest Factoil prices, and that they 64 "constantly . on hand it large ;leek a NAILS; GLASS, . PUTTY, • \ PAINTS, . . DOOE TIUMMINGs, • SAO: AND BLIND FASTENINGS, . • LIME, &c., In fact, we have ramost-eveiything \ in the way of Building Material* • Of first rate quality, and will sell thinn\nt a very small advance from Cost for CASII. Therefore weconfidontly assufealtirders, that they *ill thAterially cobsdlt their own interests by giving us a call, bbfore7purchasing. V N .LITTLe&HARIAN.6,, FLOUR, SALT, -AND L I 111 E .1 BY the LOAD or BARREL, constantly on hand l - and for sale, at the very lowest rates, by .. -- LITTLE &,, HARDING. Niehols6 September let, 1857: . ANOTHER , gargr and fitllblV • SW - 4 of 11,,ft -T I 11 0: 11 I. Fbr the Summer Trade 'ew and &Mathll Myles, Now being opened by • LITTLE & HARDING. Fish ! Fish!! A FRESH lot of those 'Fine Heavy Co fish A also, BlUefish in Barrels and Half -Barrels •ust received by LITTLL & HARDING. ALSO, NEW Stock of Crecerms, Hatdware, , L Crockery, &e., &r., .a hundreth part - of which we have not time to mention.- Enough to say, we Lave almost anything, and eve rything expected, to,be found at a store in - thn' country—all of which we are determined turn into cash, in , the very shortest possible time and we herewith issue a • NOT E • VtD ft.A.VI IMDRITA: We wish it distinctly uncleostood, that. for CASH we will sell any kind of Goods at much lower prices than . usual. Groceries, SUGAR, Molasses, Rice, Coffee, .Ten, and all kinds - of Groceries in any quantity, at the very lowest ratcs, a full stock constantly on hand, by Idmit & HAr.DiNG. Four. Shilling Tea, VOTWITIISTANDING the recent Navy advance In the prien'of Teas, we have se• cured a large loaf the. same of that which has created so much good feeling among. our Tea drinking customers. Plenty of it, by the chest or pound, al the old price, by It is a Fact, Saleratds, Soap and Candle's ,of the best qualities, are for safe by the Box, at New York city wholesale prices, by LITTLE & ILITXT'Sq. rota.sh, I N Tiu Cans, a Pure article, for sale by LITTLE & ELIEDLNO oots and Shoes„ CONSTANTLY on hand, it first rate assort. meat of Men's, Boys' and Youths' double sole Boots and Shoes, of .the best nianufacture, also, Woolen's Shoe's, Boots and batters 'in great variety, all to be sold at very IoW rates, by LITTLE & HAREINU-'. Hats and raps, IN Earnest enless variety-, of kinds, quality anti prices, for sale' by LITTLE HARDING.' Bonnet% R 1 IfIION ll:16 S, Flowers and Tri4lgs, ror sale by . = "Arm & Hbnifitac. Clothing ! '. : .. . COATS, Vests and Panti,,.:well razide,,and . good styles; Itirts, Gollars, J - losit:ty, Gloves, etc., for sale cheap, by ..• _ LITTLE .4, Hanntao. Leather!.. _ . SOLE .N and Upper Leather, Pegs , Shoeails and Thread, Wak and , ninny other kinds. of . Shoe Findings, fel. elle by' LITTLE & ItiEDIEG. Ctqpeting R ! E l 101-nll Wool ettipete, at loin price, for eiLle by • •• To Ltunbermen - and coopers. BEST cut Ste'el ofid Steel Pell' Axes, Cast Steel hllll and Cat Sawn, also Patent tooth Y. Cut Saws, with Files, of almost all de scriptions, for sale by LITTLE & To Daitymen, FIRKINS, ReturnPais, Pans, Tin, Painted r and Cedar Pails, Butter Bowls, Dairy Salt, &c: &e., for sale 'by LITTLE & Ate . You - Building? Y OU will 'save money by purchasing your - 1 Nails, Giass,Paints, Oils, Sash, Door Trim mings, and 4ardwnre genoraliy,of • • LITTLE BC.- -• rlour i .Balt and Lime , Bv the Load, or 'Barrel, constabtlY, on ban and for sale by Ltin.r.„ k lianDuio, . ettih AMU nan.bny almoSt anything, in tile o. General Merchandise, for qtati, at • a very Y small savanna from . cost, of • Lamar, & Pioduce WarOIL rill UTTER; Eggs - , Lard,' -Tallow; leseawair, Grain of all kinds, Raga, Old lron, Lumber. Shingles, Dried Apples, Reanisokb„ ito,,wented in exchange for Gonda, by , Lirris Tunkhannock,Degot, I;str M 41867.1 LITLE & 11ARDliCO LittLi. at.- IIinDING tIT'kLE 'iSt. HARDING. ATOTICE is hetet& given that.in ti of the Act of Assembly, : the following named. persons hare filed.their Petitions. with the Clerk of the CoUtt of,quarter Belisions of the Peace fur the County of .Susquehanna; for Licenses. to keep Taverns, gating Houses dm: in Said county, fur which li4nsesjhey will apply at January Sessions 180-, vattx mccrossa. .\ Georie Snyder; • Rush. Judson stone 2d; Forest Laker: Silas Winters ", ~11armony: • Zenas L. Cooley; Hush. A. B. Edwards,_ Great Bend. E. J. Carr, Suoriebanna B. L. Canfield, Middletown: EATING HOUSE. Ceorge Strupler, Friendatiire' MERCHANT'S LICENSE. Is. S. teaheim, Great Bend. . Dec. 28, '51.1 G. B. 11.,WADE, Clerk. N E W Y2flll fiBE) WEIEVAriI GO OD 'S For Cash or Ready-Pay. The subscribers have just pnichasea a Nein' ant WELL SELECTBDISTOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of Strpio and, Fab DRY GOO . DS Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Roots and , shoes. 4 - 0., `'could offer them for sale et their Niore t -at,lowl or iates . than Goods have been sold in this place for C4SIT or PuonucT.; experience having taught us that this Is the only true way of doing busi ness. As wahaye bought our Goods for Clish du ring the 'great money 'panic, we intim bought them Low'and will sell them the snatel' * * *Pleasegire,us stall and examine our.stock. 'GUILE & BLANDING.. - Ihrford, Oetk, 12th. 1857. , Things as They Should Se. • wE would say -to our numerous Friends and Customers, • that we have secured the agensy of most of thwpopnlar PAent Medicines of the day - , for which we are alloired_ forty per cent. for selling. We propose (under the hard, times) dividing Vie 'profits with our customers. tow, good' friends, and \enemies (if tre have • any), yoy that wish to save Money, call A the - ,FasmEas' S'ronE and you will find everything fwhich poor diseased nature requires for her res-. • toration, at prices unparalled• it;, the history of this medicine age. . Among our catalogue May be fnund . the, 'Cali brated Grtfenterg Medicines; itte"3 Mot fat's Pil*overeign Balm, the Gerinan,Lion, -of the Day, lygeian-VegetableMedieinii - Childl Pills, Gifflin's - Hufeland's, German, Vegetable; Judd:s Medicated Cuticles, Jostling's Verinifuge, Pain Killer, with every variety. of Thaver's 1: amt ly Medicines, warranted to answer the tintion:se - for which they are tecamniended; Blood Purifier, itadway's Ready Reliet,\ with others too nnmerous to mention. Call s,nd sem Counsel and and Advice - free of charge. R. TRAY* JR. Montrose, Dee. Ist, 1857. . ,; . :NEW STOVES! ,ato a a 1:1121M -1--just receiving a iarqp stock' of NEW ttOVES -INCLUDING, a full assortment -- of Eleva ted Oien, Large Oren and Flat Top Premiuns Cook Stores. foi. Wood or Coal, with a Superior 'variety of Pizric,r, (Vice and Shop Stores, for Wodd or Coal; also,Stard- Pipe; Zinc, Sheet Iron, store Tubes, 4-c., His assortwout will includo . the most SELEur and D F.611t A Fax STOVES in market, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and to which he would invite the particular attention of CA S H buyers. New 'Milford, October, 13th, 1857. • Farm for Sale. rip HE subscriber 'offers for sale a Gudd tire& _ bt 9,s,aeida in aridgeivater, foUr Mires east of Montrose; i 0 acres imprdvid. There is on thp premises-n:large framed Drivelling House, ti good framed Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard huisor eh° imrchase money will - be required down; the balance in annual instilments; . ELIJAH BROWN. Bridgewater, Atigust 19th, 1857. 331 f. 11127 gU@Vil _ 112P0t1 - 1,14.JE. GREAT REDVTION OF. PRICES! ICIMPIAN . Sz. GARRATT afe how, re- D eeiVing their Stock of Stoves for the Fall and Nt'inter Trade, and umuld beg leave to say to 'heir n?merous friends and cualeiners that they have on hand the lareek and•best selected Stock of Stoves evereffereci to the inhabitants of Susquehanna Co. Their'" 'Stock. Comdata of the most approved pattern of Elevated Overi, Large Oven, Premium and Coal Cohking Stoves. Wood and Cbal Parlor StoVes of, Elegant pat-, 'terns, also Mee and Hotel Stoves; Coal Berneirt, &c. We hiVe the beat Stove constructed on the 'diving:fine itrinciple, ever made, at a very moderate price. , We would take this opportunity of reminding nor friends who are solicited to.purchase their Stoves of Hawkers & Pedlars, that's moments - reflection Will ebniinee theip that it is very bad • economy tab so. It is a well established filet that the cost of selting . Stoves by pedling them about tbe - : coon- Ay, is not less than 15 or 20 per cent, and gener ally as' high as 20, to say nothing of bad debts ort„d cost of collections. Ofi coo raw thla oars ex. -ralnse must come out of the ppeleeta of the pur annser. _ . - peln consideration of the above faits we' offer chr entire Stock 'of Stoves lat 20 - per cent lest y Pedlar Will or can sell. - Call and see if . these things are Dot so. - _ New Milford, Sept. 16th 1857. - • to the IndepeAdent Tirade OF , • , AND ALL OTLiTR9 who look to their own interests: . The undersigned is not just now to offer Mint self with alone epistle for your "votes - -at tho coming election,' but would•simply : say.„thit he has just received a new stock of BOOLCS• and STATIONERYt whicit he is ready tosell to ull those who want, jou eip‘cily •• A neW lot'ef Pocket & .atnily Bibles, Testa., ments„-Prayer Bunks &e &c. SCHOOL BOOK, sueh as Will be wanted is the NORMAL SCHOOL.] A choice lot of A. W. Harrison's Columbian Inks, Toilet & Funtily,Sonps, Ladiee& Gentle: men's Perftirnety, and FlaVoring Extracti. GIFTS,GIFTS. As itihas become ilo fatal ionahle to advertise '•splenilid gift enterprises,' _would just say that I will 'akree to famish tour chasers kith gifts, and.quito as valuable ones too, as Pewter Penknives, Brass Fiiverringit or Other valueless trinkets. Try Me at . the Montrose 'Book Store. • • ' A., N. BULLARD. Montrose Pa. Aug. 12th, 1857. _ • .1 • Dissolution• - • . N N OTICE is hereby gi ven that . ..the fi rtn 'of Llevauv:& GUILD nslhis du; dissolved by mutual consent. C.• Ilestsr, • Gibson, Aug. it 18,57._ • E. E. Gavin. • The books abd aecgnnis can be fnuikat the store formerly occupied by the subectiberug - AIL persone_liniing nnettled accounts at EV:ideated to settle the sania•suf soon iis•possible. Thi.tinsinesti will be dondacted -in future by the undersigned, undorthe firthAl C. ‘1 1 ...& O. 11, .141,MP:A who aro constatitliseepiting from New.. York and khiladelphiai the:latest styles of Fall aud Wlnter.Drl,Goods, Clo thing itt., all ,of whicp wlUlie sold at a very small profit for ready pay: , Gibson, Aug. 3tst, 1851 - ; t:P. Hawttxt. -- • • rt_II9CEIRIES, Crockery; Hatdivare an 1,3( - various outer articles to nue/terrine to men: tion e all of which she'll be sold Cheap for Carat or. N t eadyr - C. W. MOTT. 'Montrose, ttev_sth i 11351. ' • . - r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers