The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 17, 1857, Image 3

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    1 lTh*' l i - ' - st th Lee ''''
ler p °p . a., e,efomp ‘ atrt n,, , ratn- e. omit.
ton- rograinme istliiiihn , lnetionfsts
pudi to an. instrument Iv_hicpliky admit 'to be
free from itriperfeetions. , Kansan:affitis . oeinPy
' *then - reeisely this position`:*a_ full vi? . t.e, in t.llet.krii-'
tory n the-21st will ineritsbly dedicate it to free
abor ;.,.` by - 4E th n , nip - idiotica 'of -allt-iilitOWfra
, tient' oil; lie . 11hitOtecl; liwitiliANl:treOitr o yersy:
'ended - arid the agitator lloccAiation taken from
him. We eninestly. hoperlhat.ithe 'kepis':of Kart-:
`sae will consult their own inlonsistotir.ree;:end stet.
liki - sensible Min by selileiing a desirableoobteet
whil the Itayn the power, ; ills to:tos,expecteci
that u1:11 politicians as:Wilmot „anti - -Grow will
nneo rage a factions policy; oi ont . of the coat"
stry's istreis they hope to mike capi tal for the*"
tette Party; They' know that the,admissiou of
• Rsn s as a free Sate would blast 'their pro n ...
peels in thepol :
iticaworld forever. But the
I practi cal, i pa t riotic prople of the-nation wait this 1
15.nsai,nrittirel settled' as soon aslit •c4n 'be done
Aonoralily and in . .iierprasn'ce ; with justice.; We .
` , therefore expect- them , to approve the congers-a.
tire Polity of the Addlinistiition
,cilculated to
prodilce this resift •
timiress OtAbollitomism.
In 1'835 aiiii-slayery societies we - reformed irk
all t c free States for the propagation of just
such 'oetrineinsihoi"ltcPulilicanS"lf our time
bald for:: These societies ' were svrieiy
,„ e e
noun ed 'by the political parties then mintedrig
,• .
• for t e-niastarrtt4ll4,4heitAneetings-.Were.fre
• quen ly dispersed, ihf , ,lnobs: .So odiou s in
popu, r estimation:- *ere the'eaptains in_the ab
di tiiin inovement ',that i • th.:ei, were frequently
treated to 'a ;coat of taceanctibaLhers and ..vigo.
o . us'lyl,„pelted . ,:ith:; rotten cis, by an indignant
publi, : 94r pNlinthropleTellow citizertavid
117,i1 . ot --led a mob against. they!•inceridialies”
:- whet 'they attempted to Ist' iheir -, light shine at
qowandain the „now "African Desert. c At
, '.inotherlime he , - mot , ed. Congress In forbid the
.." • • ~, --
richt of f•etitien on dr subject of - •rdaverY, for
the espe,clitl_p_ttrixise of demonstrating his an--
:'tipaihy towards, the enemies' of the Stinth and
the ? - disturbers,: trithe : puhlie, peace." These
refaronees—thongb, _probably unpleasant aid
. rove , king toMr."-Wilmot and his -kin- I -are re
• eessii, yto stideessfully iliuserate the change that
• lia's tbdien placela-our:political condition within
the last twenty years; Abolitionism once despis
ed And powerless e , he now ,strong and . arfogant.
•-; and disptiteS..with the.._Nationat Democracy . for
.ascendency in sixteen States °tibia Cal!, Ws .
eto lightly estimate ifs strength: it isler-7 r A.' Petrification. .
11 1 / 4 the prejudices and made reckless by the - .
' ' 'a d We am inforroU tint a natty of . ti of a ratsgui e people: But some.peti- .. . , ' • young
~. . • ~.- -- ,- ,- . ,amen _visiting Prospect neck* on ounaay rem
no poittrman ,nray aeny our premises and,
:that AbtilitioniSm - of tvveritY years ago and .
I,3th inst., found near the rock, a deer's bead
jibliegniam",, of to-day aFe l :not. one r iu spirit ',perfectly Pelrile4.., The . borni are natural, as
sign: We know:that the most iribilvilli- are also the eyes, nose, mouth 'ie.. This won--:
V, the South anckher Institutions dislikes to derfst „curiesity was found - about the
'efed:is an aVolitionist,--the popular hatred' rock . and was left by the finders'at the Hotel
1: charaitetis not yet extinet,- 7 -bukfacts in- :near by. Here is a subject for Investigation.
vertibly prote that-the . "coat fits"-andhe,
cirear it. What. thost i gh's . 1 '• Republican"
' We oever before knew a ease of the ettifiea
flea of animal matter On the *surface of the
,curios semPrts that slavery. in the States-is
isle and beyond he reach-of Congress? 1
f- . 4
f l y years - ago the AlurS , rieart anti-slavery so-
declared the-Same doctrine:, but a.- keen
' patrietismienetrated its - purposes and earth and ' especially so far from water, or the I
. In - fit - mace of - water on the soil with• which it
might be covered. l'ht, can tell how many '
thousand years this-deer's.head may have lain'
dated. it:' .The:real,object or, ail political tYere sinee it lived in the pride of its prime- ;
. .
ents'..that:lopeal to thopOpplar preitidice vitt forest I May not the Set . , net of the petrifi
slayery for *Strength; is the abolition; of cation be found in the supptsition that the
institntit 11. ' If' there be .no intention on y valley was once'a great- lake, the waters- of
tart of the ''B.epilislicans7 of..tiberating the which-laved the
men why do, they so.industrieusly labor lb Beneath . sack
1 e for him- theyirblicSympithy, and for, his • .
• - pOpular-IMtred f. If they-respect and do es'
esign' to . destroys the master's right of pro- mountain tops around it.—
aw. , , ,
wee mar this 'stag Of the for-
have sank down in death, and- beneath
the turbid waters he trust _hate become--
in Lis s'ave,,,why do they - struggle for the st°ne•F•r•
_. 41. - . '
ion of: a putdic opinion that shalt make.un-.
in and ins,ecure the duration of, that right ? •
repeat it is impossible to disguise the aim of
BAT übl icartism" of the preSentdny. It leeks
e aboar_lart ,Of f: alavery--by. indirect means;
true 7 but stilt to its aliolition. .The only
jar' Permanmat urcs in all affections of
the throat and lungs are constantly ;being
uncle by Mkt-Vr's Balsam of Wild Cherry.--
Great as isits reputation, its,. works are grea•
ter. Many . plysiehlas speak of it iir the high,-
1 ity for' the South ,is in the: success; of the ert terns. None is genuine unless signed i
• !
ocratie - Pr.ey; abolitibeism . disgaiS.ed . as. i Butts. ' • • -
~tihlieauism"*Musthe not only defeated, but r
. lyrouted--antfihilateit Its tebelliou#_spirit 1
be quelled, or ; this - ,,,governmental Structure 1
i•lisited.,' There can be ncronriir,Omiiga with 1
1 ideons mod treacherous monster—n giving 1
,to itikleirrand:si-noemicess i sm to its tumor. ••
: prePadiies on Cliiett it rests mid . the OssionS
. irirpel . it must not .ilb Pandere itO. Its'
th:lia's-b&en fearfully rapid within 1f to last'
years; 'the,late _der:Sobs 'have drivlii it to
en ;-- twit , itiriS ready to sPiiii;syforth4on the
I Pretext ..”4 to. piotit b the knit shewl
I seord in_the rabiticef its triumphant d'oe.--
• aide . Chief •ftagitrate, With characteristic
, and paifkifiiM tuts defined: his iiminis.
ve peliey- , ,--a iiili'ey•conservative. and- look.'d
4,-itii* , ertual:eare to the interests 4 all parts
he Union: - Let Democrats North and Soiitli
tamlli - rim faithfully and cordially; the - ILL:a) : we i
(-for the gradual;lnt gore t xtinetien. of the
it that , animates ; secticinaliiim aml,therettfret
at atria; that ought to gist between 'can.
rate sor_treigntit:s." 'iThenV. Will tbe:iarbeSsi.: -
, of. the . nation lie duly:eared for, and ~'llislel
e legislatien take the place ot_zingt.Y.4md tnii
tzbledis.:Cdtisiort_Onjhe..e4ifatiiniitherue of
anslatkift , :"' * ''-.• • . '''""i
• tOt
- .
. 'rise
that I
" ofa.
Fiftmi 'lTashiLqll9.u'i`
casniiiiiok-_1 7 .110.4..—The ad miiviiii' lion
trig•lteen.aLivisecl .bv Leleifarth- illaL..Aitt-
Goveiniir_Staritan " . had Called. a special
ti rig of the Territorial tegislatu fe .14,.piii-s.
the President to-day foitli\vithieinpved
and nominated to Ltte-Senate.seiliiistk--
r General Penver, taiw-:Corrnissionerluf
an Afairs, who left Washingtop,forAile,
t last, week.- The reason tar tb4-ren*val.
qr. Stanton. is that he has violatotl - thein'
amnions hdret4ore:even to' d#. "Walker'
1, -,- hiinseff t • do'no act which could Ptissi
lo .
:•disturb the peace ofthe Territory., but to
'rt fall thepeatis in -their ipower toprisecre
• of
443.501 - Object and purpose of the con yen
cf the Logi,lature, it is considered Can` be
p to • engeridefistrife. And onabarrnss the
ple in iottng ontre ouestion in the.
,prOpo# by the tOrisi . ttutioiaal t'ouren
, .
i ' e' : - • , i . - - , : '''• '. : • se nt
1 Last• . -sieqk , inatrm . h one :were. se to .1i ! &f
nton to :take, vvery precantion to - prevent
{ r -tnrbonces at 11e•Ainsuing eleotion and - 'to:
ord free and. unobtructed• - ererciso of the
1 c • 're_fran •
its& - - . • - -
{ I:
IWAsursaro7s Din. 10,—The -Serauf
t s
firmed the Appointments
of. Genoral,Den
as :Secretwy of s lignov , ,ifico Etinuii,.re
• ' ‘ and 0f{,\41.-!Richariliacrius Goireirior
i liebinska.Territory .. .- '•• --' -. , ', - .1
IThe U.S. District Attorpey, fOr New pr-
Th ßDS:having been remtiver. on Account 'of his
, mating.' Getuirsi,Walkeeto cm:ape *0 etr•i•
Thomas J.Snonies•ltas.bnen - vrottited in
W,i,stigotor.c.i'Diee. 11 - .4-111'e , bninocratie
iiatoilatonCus ti.i:4l4,igret•d On' she Stair-:
ug.:Committeliv. ' Marion of Yirg itiss is to
ptintie Chairman of the. committee oli Por
n Affaric: Dour', is of :Illianisi.:4n TerritO.
, • -- Hunter - of'Virgitria, on - -finstiCe ;'Stuart
Nfichiiari l ;-im 'Public ' lapel s ; 13ayard . of
'aware, on the Judiciary; Brown.
.of iris
il'F.ippi on - din District of Colunibia • ' and
Wee of FloriAla t ou - riA .. : .•
Giving rap. tlielGlserst t , •
TheuirPre'Cirientell- revolution ih üblic
ietiliment of this State dunug lli,elitsitweivel
idetithsc restiltittin the Succe4'or the Pon;
paay.tty a majority 'irif,.lS,6o6,yotes .
agai:rista .. ll-e - puhlican majority of 80,000 oak'
blve fear:ego, is certainly .an .aitoinding. re-'
snit, and Welt calculated to,throw discourage
ment and dismay- in the opposition' ranks: —••••
but tve had scarcely expel:led, so soon after"
the - etettitn, to-'"hear the - acknowledgement
frau.. :-the teost prOninent of tire l'etrdert of
that party, that this Unlcioked for, . defeat,
lavdsWbeltalut -as it has been,.had giv'eu the
denal idov.v to am Republican organtralidth
and consigned' • it to.alteep from . which" Mere
is no - • o• •
,-1 e have, ho w &, thll
e'uffalo - kip - rea,
_edited by Almon M. Clapp, ES4., thelate' Re
publiC 'Candidate foettcretafry of tit ate,the
candid ad - Mission that , the result - of the• late
eleCtihit shows 3 i%u ' t.ikere is no Republican
party,,' . that poteerful organization, which
swept all before it fri this and most of dm oth.
er Northern States in i 866, having " disap.
retired token a than:oe of mind, fame."
'As it may be interesting to:our Republican
(riends to rend what their late candidate says
uponsthis sub ject,..we will subjoin an extract
from the- ; which wellave, already al:
luded, awl which, Appeared. in ,his paper, (the
keprese.) on the 6th inst.., wherein he
says: ,
This result shawsthat-there Is no Republican
• party and that, Oat appeared to be, su c h one
'year agii,*wasta sort of mirage which was thrown
upon, the public-view by a peculiar condition of
the aterosphede, and which , disappeared when a
change-of wit* emu°. 'The people- entered the .
Repablical 'flirty last year from a love for the
p:incipies Vppifessed, and showed their devo
tion fo hose principles_in a majaiity
cord ta a right page in the
,political history of
lb . Atter that victory th - party become
more intimatelparquainted witt the designs 'of
many who attempted to lead them became dis
gusted and: went: to sleep frw which we fear
Mere is no waking.,
-The Repnbtiettn - parts , - luid its origin in a
fanatical clatiMr ',whisCh, had 'neither reason
tuif truth for a foundation, read it-4 sudden
downfall under the crushing wdight of its own
rottenness, is only a just, retrilmtioO of that
same public sentiment,sihich Its leaders sue
needed fora time in [mooning' witliTalsehood
and leacling,intofermr.- It is u tire-sober sec
ond thought of tile people," rising up in vio
-1 dication of its. own hem : sty et purpose and
,discrintinttingittlelligetice.— trego te.
Toral hers and ,31434her5.•-You know
how important it is for your children that you
should keep good lie.Slth. How frequenCdo we
see feeble paretesseti in mourning, on ac-.
count" of the &alb of their beloved children.
What a pity it, is, when, by proper care and
"receedies, all
trials and troublel,cart be
'avoided. When health
.can be restored to the
parent and life-rind'happines to the child. Re
store the health .of—the mother. and you obviate
the necessity of Paregoric, Godfrey's Cordial
sod other injurious narcotics forcryingthildrmi.
We entreat you, as. *C - desire to improve the
-'condition of our race, to procure Dr. Morse's Al
manac and read 'how diseases are cured in at:-
cordatice with NATURE'S l*ws with-innocent
Roots and Plants.
• rocking; r
this critical perlcd MOrii`e's tadiab
,Root Pills vit be regoired, teenw they ck.dnie
the body from those--morbid 1 humors ; and
, thoroughly drive away all pains,land giye ease
and cmifilrt_ to the tnol.lor. Frdm one to three
of ;these takes 'o'o thrtle-titpo
pregnancy, will cause the mother a sale and,detivery,'and be'aure to give a stout
and heitithy'constitution to the child.
, s-
"The turnpike:road tp,,penkle' hearts we find,
Lilts Lb ro' tligirinoutbs;-or
wastelietu46 7 4l,s6,;;vi
• ON
"December 25th, 1857.
'the object of which iitc934,for their Hoe Cart
SinfifeTieliets, $l., Laify 4nd Gent.; $1.50.
"Reap on afore wiled! the wind it chill,
But let)t whistle as it
We'lr . keerront-Christn)as m e rry still.".
MC MOTE, _ A. P. Yagiirt,
I S. " F. A. C -#se,•
S. IL Ntrisoitp. , D. D. SEAELL
Nod Utliiersalist :aural
Brooklyn, will be appropriately decorated:and
Illuminated -on C Witler Ikt X.%
E l VSii r the 24. 1 -1911 inst. •Sertitoa by:
Rotor: - Per order,
Turnpike Notice.: .
Ilf:' Siikkholder of the Lenox ifc Harm°
Turnpike Itosd CO. will hold their annual
titeetticg at the'liouse or Joril.sTE&BlivK
in I I.lSOli To anstiip;osi . mcapAY, iii r o tli
Jay of January, 1858, at 10. o'clock, A.Mgto
eleet a President, Secretary, Treasurer, =and 6
Mailer" to. Serve said company the ensuing
y=ear;,and to' tmnsltct otter blisineis that
• 4 ... )rneitvaore the Beard::
BY order, of the 'gonad:
• Tiattnear, Dec; 1i2;113.6?.."
,_ • -
..1 - li SE 1 EL - RV.
rimEsos i c k rber Flak this day iet t urned --- f roin
- .
.:1_ New Ari .. with a large .rtrat 'w e t! selected
stoeko,.. - fe.Ft . ~:.. ' ~.
,I.JVCIMURY' .r atai FANCY. GOODS, - -
tvldeh'. - b e d Pureltase&ln tile present eX
t-eniely,l4or. ' d state of trte• mar kltt, will be
*l e
sold atilfislisri ly low prises. Amongis a
. e .. ~ ~
tient rnaW.found)
~g , t:Z.,: , - 1 - ~G OLD
Chains, - raftalfhl Keys, Pens - and Pencils, Earrings,
Breast piosigringerrin,ga
of every style, Brneelets,
Armlett - 4 - 10e'N:ts, Snap; - Watch Hooks, Sleeve
But6ns,Atti ~Thimbles, Crasser; Spretaeles,•
Slides, &c 41260. '-.- • - • "
. •
Threaded and plitiraorks,.Spcians, -flutter and
Fruit, Knives; Salt and Preserve Ladles, Card
Cages, Cups, .hildrensSetti,Naptltrings,Chains
liemeptetalles and Thimbles. .
Also,a lay e stock of SilVer-Plated table kad
dessehtnivettfivers, Caitors, 'Cake Baskets,
Crird Receivers, Salts, Tea.' Setts, Forks, and
Spoons, donb)e, treble and extra plate: -
Also,Shell nd
.. tnitationCombs,Needles,Coral, ,
Packet liniver., S•issors,,Knives and. Forks, Jet
Bracelets, Bqaitpins 'and Earrings, Moir and
Tooth Brush Pearl and Cornelian Sleeve Bat
.tons; Shawl 1 itiS; Gilt Hair Pins,'very rich,
Leather Pars , t Bags Clucks plain and alarms,
Sewing Birdsi l dre., &e. . •
All;plwhic will be Sold at the,. loweit cash
prices. i ALFRED J. EV ANS ,
•: ; . 1 , '. , . No. 2, Odd Fellow's Hall.
' Binghltete‘, Dec. rL. 15.57. . .
Piarlt and Coral oioarnenta for the tilr,
very riell,paptr,ns, foF , aale by A. J. E..
Card Receivers, Sugar and Salt Stands, Cups,
-- -and Pearl Card Cases, Silver
for the Holidays, A. J. E.
Lreastpins,. to every variety of
iquality. to please every taste.
h:t r vie and
• •
Gold tveeitzteles- of all.a,ges, Gold' Thimbles,
Tooth Picks, Pens, Pencils, Bracelets Sock.
ets, Sleeve Bbt.tons and Studs, Gunn:LATE:4 Fob
snri Neek (Chin's. &e. ,&e., by ,
liVatgLer s• fine
andopen, face
ne stack
Watches nll
most of them or my own importation, atmi war
ranted first einss.time keepers. . A. JE;
aver Spo(?nm, Perks, 'putter and Fruit Knives
0 warranted pure as eoiri, by A; J. E.
d Table Knifes . A large and Rill stork
of those desirable Plated Table and Dessert,
Knives; alsolPlated Carrel-1110 match. Al-o a
good stock of Steel,Table Knires and Forks.
p ..
b4ed ‘V, re. A very fire stork of Castors',
Cake Ilnakets:Tea Seltsrandlesti,ks,Forks,
Spoons, dee 7 ,]&e, by AiTIiED J. EVANS.
4. .- 'V 11 116: T.
Al v - Nv -, r
,-I.lAs just; returned from NeS . , 'ork, with a
large arid chutes variety of Goods, bought
for CASH, mid selected with much care, from
over, thirty of the be Mouses In .New York.
which he offers to . his ostomers and the, piddle
at low prise* for cash: Ilk stock. - vinprises:
D. ° t ti S ,
t' . l) ICINE - S ,
rl INTs
0.1 1..5,
•0W (; L A "S / S,
T F.F-S,
It 0 C E It S
. A,
ALLP A l' E It , •
W E• L It •V , -
R. Y 0001)5, •
Alt W A E , • '
r 0- N- E \V A It E ,
ipllEN W E
I It D C. A GE S , •
W •11 4, I $ ,
P.l S T 0 L S ,
R E v r•IN l, . •
41-A ,M P E N Es,
iA-Lcono ,
4 L 11,E It- B A-C S,
G (1 L ENS , -
SA 1' I N
A nil all I of th 6 niosrpopulnrl
Thankful for thelilier#patronagohithetto re
ceircd, he hopes to niei:it a continuance and
large ire...rense of the same.
Mantron, Dee, Ist 1857.
W I N I)
(Far If e
. - 0 1 !
006, ;
'lin F4l
- -4- 1. • 04.4
, .
. PO .
iot through the handspf the
Z. sr SP 1 1 —.
2 t a g
s i - • 6 -
.....,. ....ii ) . i ii
WH prefer to 'disPo4 of j ohr hwh ,Voolls,
therefore GREAT INDUCEMENTS are,
olTered toGASII CUSTOMERS, or on a sHORT
cREDIT, vitlith ajirrovtAl NOTES. . these who
wish to avail themselves at this opportunity; we
advise to all of the Stores of -
•-, ~ . . •
6ntteit frig', (tgoscitilattm,:i-Cq..,.
At A eitheri illosstrose, Susq'a Co., Pa.,
-scSiisq'st Depot, . ",.
_ 'Or i Tivara.stilla, Brit'd "
Whe're wi l offer. to Suit the Times and at oid
Suspenitio GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers
of All Kinds of DRY GOODS and READY
MADE C 4 I.OTHING. which have been lately
purchased-under existing Low Prices and sell.
ing_at the same. • ~
gi r i
~"comprisint+ almost Eery-Kind of DRESS Goons,
..stieh" Rich Moire Antique, Black and Fancy
Silks, Plan snd.PrintedTrench 31esities, Shaded
and Plain All Woe! and common De Laines;
ParatriettS ;42.1 to 3Q per cent. Lower than -ever,
&e., &e. llnVoniestie Gonda; oaf assortment is
complete, nd Astonishing LoW. We also hate
on hand beriiyi(t4. - 9f) . : ' t - ::*
.- _ _
4 1
Which Wh will - Offer 3t/„.'per cent. lOWer
than Sayl.itherpsthbliphinent In this section. Also
' 'L l t 0 l'irnid :-.3fllD : fil TO ''ORDEA :: ::
In - thy - eatest,and best'rnaonet and V.Varrated..
• All ks 01 Grain taken at the kliahest Mar.
int price '; 'also Dried Apples and Geese Ped-th...
.. .
* * *Please call - and' &ice oitr goods-and satisfy
yourselves of the above faitts..
-.- Montrose. J'a, I. , .
. . Npf.llfith,..lB's7. _.( • ~- .
plp 11IIR'S
Besides furnishing_ the large9t am
ount of really useful information, pro.
pared, by,a great number of practical
WORKING NIEN and,wosits, the Agri
culturist ii now the largest Joh rnal
of its character in the world, but otr
ing to its immense circulation, it can
•ItilLbe afforded-at One Do/lar-a year,
or ldr eighty cenis
.eac,h to Tibbs of
ten or more. , ,
or 14 months will be sent for!the2i
*oil leer nll 3, tio hilt; ulinceiliers for
1158, (Vol, XVII)', that b', all single
or club subscribers for 1858,wh0 sub.
seri he now, will •rteeiTo 11% two very
valuithlti bttmhers for November and
tfeeembei., of this year, without extra
charge •
'Valuable Seed Premiums
A large Hit of valuable Field, Go r.•
.den Flower Seeds will be presented
to the.. subscribers for volume 11,
from which every subseriner will be
jallowed to choose 3 packs without
'charge! The Seeds will alone be
IWorth l the subscription price to litany
ipers-ons. Send in_ your names at
Inrice, and get the November num.
`tier, now resdy, and the succeeylitg
numbers promptly upon the fiSt day
iof each month, until the en of 1858.
The best remedy fo , the ", [lard
Times" will, be to ten from the Ag
>trirulturist the bestritivst•of in cream
ding the Tiroduet,of your Fields, Gar.
ldens, OrcharsK &c. •
4 4TE1:11101( ADVANtk —sl a yerie(or
14 tn9ufhs, now). SIX eopiesf9r*s.-
IT7inipies for $B.
/ OR.ANCE Jb.,DD, Publisher,
/I ' ISO Wnfor.strprt. 'Piety Vork.
'The / Pennsylvania Farm Journe;l' has been mei.-
' g e d into the Agriculturist, and the Agricuhuris:
is now peciiliarly. Me piiper for Pennsylvania
Farmers. . `
n akc r's
Bait is
R 1 ,
TIIE UNDERSIGNED. have the piengure of
announcing that the SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY
NonuaL SCHOOL. Will again open-in the ACADE
MY BUILDINGS at Montroae'nn
Monday, November 3011, I i 457,
to continue 2 weeks, under the charge of Prof ;
Sronnano, and Contpetent Assistants: .
To thoeu who desire to attend school, tbis.op
portunity efti rs rare inducements.
Prof. STODDARD ' S character as a thorough,
practical _Educator and Author—Ws discipline,
scholarship. •ind PJ,t pvrior methods of instruction
—is already too well known to require : 4;o=lo)l
Those who design becoming tearhers shriuld
not fail
,to themsel% es of the' advantages
hero presented.
Prof. tirouri.tun will deliver. &airy . , the term,
a Course of Lectures upon The &iota an? Art
Teachin , *, and Mora/ Sci;wcr: •
- There a ill be an Experimenial Department,
connected with the Normal &Awl, to which . 40
pupils only will be admitted..
Tuition . .!n Normal Department' .-. *
per qr. of 11 wrelo,
" " ' rApurimental " • 350
" Loin ana Greek.
Board per wecky-frum;t2.oo. -to 82,50.____
It is highly desirably that the tuition VIM be
paid in advance. The money will; he. refunded
if the student is kept from school by protracted
. . _
Students estrhosrd them?elt•rs the. *IMO 2s
tinting. the Fall term. Cookinrf Stuves'ind fur.
nitnre may be rented u-f 3lr. Sayrnt very tea.-
sonable rates. - t
N. B.—lt is highly important that.M•ert
dent be present-thefirst 11.3 y of the. term; as the
classes Will then be forMe(l,and studies assigned.
W.-JESSUP. Prest .
C. F. 114E1..n, Sec'y.
Montrose, Nov. sth. 1857. •
Notice- Not Extraorainafy. •
—A S much as we despiz,e denning, -we
would like t 0 Scsee every. man and •‘ wo
man tharis owing us on o'd acentintA and in some
way settle the suite. The hardtltnesnave over:
taken. as. We ..
wt. would
Ire alasi-s.-17sv,- 'stitch is utterly irupwelible
Jay our iirboritnil whatis due us.. Now will
every. dbe 'unsettled 2c :counts with us
call and see us? If but small, every little helps.
We will take Beer,Tork, Fowls, Oat., with every
kind. of 'Grain' which the farmers have •to !Tare.
We can turn M'crything,on our debts: so brim%
it alonq and let Om i rnd we, will work
- for there.
Nov. 30th,•1857
YATIITI I TAlBisfil - P:2L;
slicoloTlllol of this Si.gool wilt
cotnincneef.De. 71h, 1857. Roonis in the
School Building will be rented . on veri-sonson
ado ,terms to students wishipg, them
selves. Tuition. io common Eig.ii4l, nr,anches,
(Physiology included) per qr. of lq week; $4,
New Milford, Nov. 11th, 1857: .
Things as They (Should Be. ' 1
would . say to our nttinerons Friends and
Customers, that we ' have - seettretrthe
:Igen*); of most of the popular Patent Nledicines
of the day, for which we aro allowed forty per
cent. fur selling. We.propose (ender the hard ,
times) dividing the profits 'with our customers.
Now, good friends, and enemies" (if'sve.have
any), you that wish to save :money i -etill at_ the
PAammts.,' Stoat -and - you:ewill ‘... find ever) thing
which poor diseased nature requires for her. res.'
toratioh,. at prices thaparalled' in the history of
this medicinh agd. 1 . . .
Among our..cetalugue found the cele
brated Grtefenherg,.sledidines;,.Dr. James ,Mof--
fees Pills, Sovereign Baluf, „Oa- German -Lion
of the Day. Ilygcian Yeg.e.taiLle.Medicitie,
.Gifflin'silufetand'sf..Q.erman Segetable,
Judd's Medicated Colticles,lostling's-Vermifuge,.
Pain I{filler, ivith eeery.variety of Thayer's
Iv Medicinesi,warrantAd. answer the Immesh
for. which• they arts. retottustronded; Cntudall'S
Illood,Purihet'vslia:dway's --Ready Relief, with
others too numerous-to.mention. Call and. see.
Counsel - Masud Advice-free of-charge.. .
I Montrose, Dec. let, 1857. , •
• . •
NE, Two,. Three and Four Bladed.Knivos,
and Scissiwrs, by A. J. }VANS.
Binghamton, ect..7lb, 1157.
IlardTi mem! Hard Thasois.t
•• - •
Eulaigeimux**UleirOmiieui !
Tbiii-1114310417 - 1124.-Alltortd.. •
Cheapest ; l> the WOrld.
jiiteiested. •
SOFittliPtot ,Owners.
Wet' value or
iltimiCi;rcilitie.vient: the '4faeil .
Hones," tho pa4lishc r.of the Alitat
cws Au tlictrt.Ttargi• is happy •to an::
Bounce that. he hag increased the pa
4es of thin staunch old journal eue-:
i rd,and the initiaaic value
Euch number will hereafter . contain
32 double 9uarto pawn:Ailed
fora atiou,of exceeding value Never . ) ,
one who culti watesa Farm, a Gardent
or but the sontllest. plot of ground. -
I.ADIES, each volume of the Ag
riculiarisi will contain hundreds of
eakellent praeticitl hints upon every
department of Ismoott, or household
work. •
. ,
Prof. J, F.. STODPARD,
o r tan't!
.Boi tieri*lrliti•• 1.
." :.:. To Sisit , tlM
Profit ITIVIII• till the -
all styles of Pictures
former prices. ~1-,..,;:.•
Or ; 10 those - who p,:
with e •ery lll:chess
sty!, o fill,,gp i re,i,ta)ie
:Or, t ) riiiri (lei. o'r el t I
time, ti will' dedriet it
prices; 1 •••' ' •
• Cite ii Pictures; fo
good's 'dies cheap as ,
Ever picture sold
those 'Ale nre so for
places 4f 33, 66, 99,
cave Alipir pictures rui l
D --- .
of. Janunro will sell
IluLI io.per cent -below
1. • ; '
,fer, I will gave a-present
lin‘nlue according to the
s of !tie pr .
per cent
sect( as desire.- them, as
ny in town.
will be numbered, nod
tnnste as to seenret tito
.e.,,,0n • the Hz-L. Will re
's; of whatever style be-
'.e..a .
'eircUmstances 1 •*•ould
d suet; indlitetnents, bu t
preSsure" is pressing
so ttifit, at ‘Airne rate, tho
Mle). nny ordivar,
not, am, could not ho
the dep l re•odon of the
opprehte!y upon me,
" imprr ions" muss b
thienix. Block,
'Aiontiosc, N'ov. 191
- Diss,
Tmnricfor K.
dilolved by m'
tinier & Co, is - this day ,
conFent. •
185'7. • • 45H.
Monti so, Oct. 301 h
SSt a Iv/
g a IWrg Et atc, ' Uf i
T i 0 V Eft.-
.assi)rtmtickVof Elevated:
aatil Flat' Top Piimium.
i or wit, with a Superior'
lielyintd Shop Stoves. for
,Store I'ipt, Zinc, Sheet.
. 4-c.
include the moat Skizer
'ES in market, and will be
irabie terms,-and to which
lr Ocular attention sirCAsii
•• NE t.
= 4j3 a 17
Ls jun). reo-oivir
d -
1 .1 N EW
NC 1.4D1N0- • a ful
I OreA, Larn . e Oyer
Conk St - res. for Wilo
variety f l'arldr. I
i e . j
Wood, COili i also;
Iron, S4e Tnbes, *II'
I lis ntortrnenyw ill
and I)Es A nt,e'STO
sold on Illie4nont Inv
ho woultiiivite the
Ikycc't,•, ;
•• Pitw V
. '
Octlier, 12th, 1857,
. E .
N lE. lAr
it !A 1 I 'A: V. I[l3' Ti . 1 5 1- 1 V IA a
_ - • GOO DS!
Fo Cash rßeady-kay.
The still crihershavp.
gonsisting of
D 141 ,
Groerriet 4c
, .Crwk e . ry, ,
I,Viiiilil OF tr, them fo
vr5.441".1,112.t_ti Gtjuds
for unsnl or — i •
us that this is the w'
nems. i
As Wll.llhVe hoitgt
ring the great imoni
them Low, and *ill,
* * *Please givu us
t Mitt ildtutt: rot' ettOt
. Panic. Are: Zaira bouQktt
ell than the. same.
call and' examine our stook.
18 57.
' "
rd,Ottt. 13tt
My offlee WI my new residence nisarly 0pp0..;
sito the Pres4terian Church, on Turnpikel
Street The ituldis tare invited to•cal I and exam-ii
ine specimens of thy varimis styles of Pltig,gin
and Plate which 1 am daily exccutine. No gss4
sing, "any. more," friends. the work speaks
itself. C. D.. VIRG4 I Resident. DeutisE ,
• Montrose. Pa. 18b a.
B. ISBELL wishes to inform the public
' that he has rented a' window in F. •B.
ClSilei:s Store, w Jere lie wilt' he found ready
to repair Clocks,NVAtches and Jewelry, on the
shortest notice, and:in good style. All •repairs
warranted. I I
Montrose, Sept.,- 1857. • . .. if
rI11 )- ------- - g----7:
HIGHLY I I I. .ORT ' T • .
. TO TOE 111:1.iL1i.: IN ill ESE
oliE SUBSCr s tIBERS hating teen so fort:ti
t- nate as tei have: some NIONEY on hand iiii.
ring the drelitful-Finadeial Crisis, have availed
theinseihes of the 7 p t rtuniic afforded 11 - tem.:in
New York- City to buy a Large lot of - :.
DRY 00 - ODS • fok H:
at from '2O to tifl per cent. betstle'
prices,knd they pror,se to sell ,theth correilop.•
,dimly cheap, as will be seen by the annexed
• schedule : I,
llcacy it'd wide .1;i1 - 4; She - g.h 1. e,wort h
Fine yard wide,blewilied Shirting, 74 walth.-10c.
• Fine all :cool yar4 wide, 25e, worth - 33.,
Rich dark - .Caliboes.7.t'rst teality,fiA
Dark CalieceQ, 'madder coli , rs,'6 I=4e. worth 10.
Splendid(big.heols 4). Laineil 2.1- I kc.worth..23c.
Rich Dark P id, fci dresses; (parrSilit,)•l2 - 1-2.ei,.
worth 31c.,
French .Blerinocs, a shaded; 50c. worth .87c.
.AII' Wool De Leine: --25 c, worth 44ii.,.... -.
Rich Vatic Silks, ss, 6:2 14, 75 y and Elle. worth
1110 per cent.tnore.; .. :... .. -
1/e Bug°, 6 1-Ati,'w .rth .1a 1.2 c. .
Heavy D trk Satine i S tur Pants, 31c, worth 50c.
F Heavy mid G 9
assiinerce all/4 , 0450; worth 75e.
Splendid Dourell plthe.Showls,.pure.,Silk end
Wool, only 8 0,.w -•-
rth aid. • .
_. 7 ", ,,
lSingh Drocher Oita la v part. Cotion - ,164.25,.w.84.
't Do. do. ; do. al Srlk and Wool, $4.513,w $6.
A great variety,ilf other articles, equally cheap.
I The above Gdods.a ill be seildlor CASILONLY.
'Those who call 5 twill secure the GREAT
' '• IW. N; WIIV4OII &•C0.,..
corner Court and Water Sts. 4 ;frimpkins Block.
Binghainton, Novt 10, 185 1 k ' • Im,
. i
BY virtuo of sun
of CothWon-P
of Sosquellaiina; an
pose to sale 1 by ..
Douse in Motitrose,
December:l,6;r., at?
ing. Real leita l te, to
e All that ee, Lain 1
iik,the townsh p of
Susquehanna Lou I
follows, to sor
Perkins anti 1 anis' .
of Eraat us ;Bre wst
l b
1 dintan, `nil the E
Jam ion nand d Sari
by . 194.5, 4 ite t ees
contuinining 1 wil,
or less, with the'
dwelling houses,
horse barn, o e'w
one bundled nil
- Taken in e nen
and Seth Ab 1 . ve:
• She)
Montroit; IDee,
try writs issued by duarourt,
leas of„in,a_nd for the C . o l t i tnty ,
1 11) 1 1 ( it me dir ected,
% c a d' the w I Co e til - t
on Saturday. tho 2,8. th day. 91
ne o'clock, 1): M., the toliON.
%% it; I .
, :ecoa gr pare or an ,sttuate
' - • I ' a • •
,3rook tyni flarfoid.and Lenia,
ty, bounded and lieseribed4ag
n the north by landi of We
Oalddy, on the east by lands
r,„ O. Carpenter and Obadiah
1 titli'hy . lanas of OlNlcliah
el 'Wright, And on. the, west
ate ):)f Wise Wiiihtgleceased,
oinked and forty, acres, more
appurtenances, two framed
our b'arns, one cider mill, Cte,
od shed, an orchard and about `
erenty ; five stares impro v ed.
ion at - Oke-Ait of Henry Abel'
t Lich* 'grown. -
JOHN l'olll7, Sheriff.
'ff ; sl. l ffieJ, i.... •
. '
7th; 185'7. c
kpi ,
A i r y 'Razpr's it
Ohi c°7e'' a
iso "wry _
_Vg ec
. lint; plat
L , , .„.1 -
cliarfvt) a .:•
. I -,
18-_. 4rantori_l
gimp mptorill to •
Street.;. . I Moil,
my BreA eau sera
;I t all, on land. , ot
.rot in .my that R
feetvaluooth,av - 111)Li
•'' •
kt4pepcp—lomplo. fo
• he "'dreier:l' Stoie;'• on' Maio
irose,Nov. 735, ":57. - --- - 41rwS. •
co4Ved p i aria
N.: hti I to ta ;
'. ',A ~.:t'
is sidaiiintyp, Rooms,
uot., of Public Aanue,
,1857. •
jtimt pusehased New an
Staple and Fancy
= 0 0.. D S.
lai•dicare, - Bou(s and Shoes }
(0., 4-e,
mate a ttitir Stare, at
aye beep sold( itz this Once"
y true way of doing tnnsi-
Iff'g Seib, ,
111 KS,. B uperior lot, just te:
111 . ‘be sold low* • •
o : , Vu•Rtt7l%,
Atte r CS 11
. _
utr I LI; pleitee remember when ho i ing, that'
•_ V V the snbserihers are furnishing
At theloweit Factory priressind that they 'heel'
constantly nand, n large stock
of -
NAILS, ' •
dult§; • • •
ttITY, _
y/ t.
;in tht"iray of
, ries.
j ,sell thorn :it a very
5 , assure Builders, that
, eon lilt their own' ilitereits
.111 - e eret'purchnsing : .
1)00it TttIMMING§,
, ,
- LINIE,' & e 9 &C.
In fact, we have almost everythir
:. . -
• ' ' Badding Mit ,
Of first rate quality, and wilY
small ndimnue from Cost fei
Therefore v.'eeonfiderit/
they will materiall y 'Min
by giying us a enlytie
8., SALT, . , \
L / I - M. E ' : .
laiY the LOAD or B :OM F: 1., constantly on
4.. r nd for sale.the very lowestsrates;
gob'Septeinber 1810857.
• 1 .
• • _
- fang an ,SpiratO. %totk of
For.the Summer Trade.
New and. Be:wilful styles, ,
Nnw being opened by
FRESH lot of those Fine Heavy Ctidfi - sh,
A'also, Bluefish in Barrels and lialf,Ohrrels,
juat Feceived by • . HiRDING.
, .
A : L'S
. .
A NEW Stork of,- Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, e., &e., s hundreth part,of
whieh we have bot tin, to mention; Enough
to say, we stave almos, anj.:thing,, and
rything expected to be ibund,at a store in tho,
country , -;-all of which 'we are determined t.
. into dash, in the' very shortest possible:
time and we herewith issue a • c
, " .
A ..
N T.I_C.E,
_ . ...
- ffT - S-AVIII TO3tI , DLTAiraN - t.
We wish It distinctly, iindeestood, ,jdiai for
CAsii we WHY sell any 'kind of Goods at mach
lower prices than 'usual.
.s', . ' - , .
. .. .
Fresh Groceries..
Q UGA R,* &dinettes, Rice; Coffee, Tea, ind
0 all kinds of Groceries in any quantity, at
the very !unmet 'rates; a ful! stock constantly. on
hand, by • Lirrix &
Four Sititling . Teu
TOTWITEISTANDDk: itlie recent he y
•111 advance in tho'priCe of Teas, we hasp se
red a large lot, of the satne . gpality of that
whieh ham created - ,• so much good fuelihg among
our Tea drinking eukomersc. ~.t
Plenty a it,,by the cheat or,p6iiini, at the old
price, by, • .• . ;
BS. ILtanir c.
It is:a Fact,
/MAT Saleratus, Soap ondfCandle ,s s of-the
1 bealtrilities, ore for sole 'by the Box, at
New York city wholesate•prices,by,
o Potash,
r Tin Cans., a Pure article, for saleAl
lirrt.E Az. Hardit,ica
- Shoesi
ONSTANTIN on hand; first rule assort.
ment Of Men's; Boys° and Yojuths tloutte
sole Boots and Shoes, of the best manufacture.
also, NVOitien's Shites, of.
• and Gaiters. in
greatyariety, all to be sold at very-16w rates, by
' Hats and Caps,
IN almost enless-varieiy,nf kinds, ri:lality and
prices, for sale by - • ,
s at ,HA NG:
bi:mete •
Plovers and , TrimmingN fns sale
:by. • 1:1171.E . ,& HARDING.
. Clothing!
OATS, )7.4;sta and. ?ants, weir made, and
good styles.; Sfidrts Colkirs, Hosiery,
qloves, etc., for sate cheap, by
• -LiTTLE. & HdRitING.
Q . O I.E I And intptr Leather;' Per, Shoe Nails
#o'ind Tbren4;-Wnl and many other kinds of
Shoe FindhiO, for sale by . • • .
• lATTLE & 11AG131' G. .
Carpeting; •
DAM all Wool ptlce, for
I.lWisale bjr
• • .
To iiimberilleit atailidofiefit. ,
EUTP cagt -- ster - nrin qtevt•p!Ai.Awm, 04
.. L 1 Steel Mill - ind X CutL.Saws, ArlikO Patent.
tooth V Ott Sam's, with. File's, of althost alt de
seriptions, for sale tiri . . ,
LiTitr. & HlRbic. -
To Dairy Men; - \ S
IiItEINS, Return Parts, Tans, Tin, Painted
and Cedar . Pails, lintter Bttvla, Dairy Salt,
&c. &e., for stile by • -
dt. Iltinbtxc.
, - •
• ,AroYou Building?
ATOU Hove mono9 - 7by purchasing •.your
J. Nails, (.1145s,Paint,d11@, Sash, Dour Trim
mings, ina 'Hardware
- &
flout, 'Bali- and
Bt b o toad, or _Barre4 - consatitly on
and cot sale LI)?
Cash I
Ciii.dati buy aliMist thinning, in W 044 ;tit
qdni;rtit Nfeeensuirlise, for Cask at
„a. very
• aniall ndvance from cost, of - • -
Lirive & Ibiatrso.
Piodime. Wanted.
10111UTT . ER, - Eggs, ' Lard ,
all ki ! utd, -- R;v1;01d Lymbek;
Shi Rees, p ried II cans, ika.;
ekchnnid tfir Goo4y; by , ' •
- • • • &
1711..anp - 611= .
L1:1714E- & Ili DING.
Tunktiannoo Depota
' et; 1151: f`
r rl • a r- , ..-- ~,
• ; ' 4 t • : fi , •s# .- ' , .* 4.-4/Ng
'*l 5t 1 1t:ttRL,•,,,,,,. v . .... •• . -
I?:t . .,Z i tt . ?"s:! !' -
AS&l3AtOtAti 4 ''4o' .q ii6* re=
i ,•• heir Si,ck4e-o;M(i'veit,for, - the - Fall'
i • faith.; and : iioilifliek, leave qi say •
i; metous•:,friender , ;and customers`. that .
/ ..orchAndAheclargest.--and best &Cleated '
1 . . Stove's .e ve r offered 40 . the inhabitsits'
i ',
Pcht;nti:i CO: llieir.,iStoek :cdnelifa of
'oat approved patteinti; of Blevitaii .O' on,
l i a ge Oven, ; P rotniu at a ad, C4lCorAtintigtprea...
Wood and Coal Parlor Stoves .of Elegant, pit
terbari-alsoi Six-Plate. Office: awl : - .ljoter•-. - Stoveti
Goal Burners, fliia.. - . ,We-..taisii.; , thii:„l - be - iili More
&instructed on .!the.iiiVllitllta.." j?rinciplc;,: e'er
made; eta very -tnoderate price: - ' .l 11;" i- , •---:'-;- •.: :,,-,
. WeWciu Id titre dlas (Ipportuaity of rCroindiOgr
our friends - whO-are solleited,to. parchalCti,their •
Stoves of Ifasekers & Pedinis,lhat a mo r menia
il , fleet ion ,w il I cpav ineik their' .thatl t is,..veq: bad ,
economy ~yidO so, .- ,- -, ~ •-•..-' .., ;
.:::'„,• , .. .;
It is a:weil estahilsired . fac(thnt ',tike:iist ".of ' ;
ellingStoces by pcilling-theui about i.he ; totlar, ‘ t r..
try is not less or 4,9 per cenfoinkkerier
aily as. higlifis.2:Q, to;„say no,thlug,of ;bad„ 4ebtsr ,
and cost olcollectionsi•* Qf conese,this eltra e; : . '
pepse must come oft of the pOeliets ol,te.pur-
In censiciernti&a. of flie "abicica faCIS . We • Ore!. ,
our entire Stock of Stoves ntIIO per `-ce,itt legit
any Pedlar will, or, czin
,seit. :Chß,' aid 'n'e6 I . '
these-Things are sits't. ~ : :, .- :.;- ,-. ~
New 'Milford, Sept. 16tn,..f8.57, , • + : . i :
• •
.11 - ceivim , '
and Winfor
to their ni
Sf e ock
of Si
To the , Independeht Vo.tetti
• OF O:(I CNTK . ..
AND ;at. icketc interests; --
, 'The umie.rsigned is not just now to .
self with along opiitlefor your "rotes : ati - ;.the
coming election," but
has just reciived a.neW Enid
STA.TlOnipirv, whieh tie iS i6dytO sell tO
all thoeo,w hp want, ju•si". eicaMy. right, , •
" Anew lot '.of "Pocket & Family - Bibles, Testa
ments, grayer.ttookaote.,",• - -; •
SCHOOL BOEA:3,.siiebaS will - be ic'aiited in
the Nail AL SCIIOO.,L: - • •• *
A choice lot of '24:...VT. .
Inks, 'Pullet& Family.:3Soa . pi...i.adies!..kqetitfe z
men's Perfumety, and Flaoring. FAM,rac.o._
. OIFTS,GIFTS, " As It.hits e.coitie: so
_ionable to adveitise" :spleudici gift inOrkises,”l ,
would lust:say that i,will . iit,r,ree,to fOrujali -,FottF
chasers w lib .gifts, and it nite as valuatikkettiett too;:
as Pewter Penkniies.; B r ass ; Fingercings':oitiotheill
Val peless•trinkete Try. me .at •Abe-.- Attin-Vr to •
Book Store. N. 81i..LLA4!.•
I " Mentri,se Pa. A-ug,- 12th,
L'iI:TLE at. Ililt;IAG
' • ,
w w oald
rep' eetfully no), , ify the noblie thist
Iti candidate for 'yew. s•llFrarres, and 'V pledge
'myself, whether eleeteior, not, to fiat the duties
of my otfte,e, (vthieh is to tiMko your coats;lfests'
And Punta.) to the beat .of my. ability.' and in 'a
style that sball•be imatand „,dutabls ther'o
kno4vledg,e of the busines's,lliiilifulnessio
Ise* aad a determination to please in customers,..
are merit 3 worth atltthing, then aiwl.entitledlo
"your tsulfrages: ttilla along your eloth,l sad.
yourinoney to Pai.for cutting or,.. , miking,
see if I Ant 'not all tight.' Poor Itiehardtayst
the Plow would tdrive , -
Himself muit either-bold oi drive."
Trnei—and - if appli*d to Tailors, ,~j would
read in deleetable r)thm:
"13e that ts 4: the Shiar4Veuli. tiirir..; •
Mlist.make good work Or—L•rmikee Doodle."
• I pledge myself .tiS make.'.goo4 . -work. Drop
in mid look' ovate Fa ll Fashions:
Fff - Shoo atllte . Mid stand a few doots - West
-of Searle's %Corner. . Cutting done . *natal:
• - Montrose' 5ep..107, , JOIII"GROV'ES:
, . • - -
Farm for Sale
TIIE-subs*.riber offers for 'ante a Good Farm
-of 95 acres i Bridgewater. four miles Oast
of Moritiyae,lo acres im!iroved. There -is on I.
.the preiniAcs lipuse, a
good frauud Barn, an 'excellent Apple' Orchard,
One half of the purchase-tnoney will be reqttired
dowiii the :dance in annual inst-,lnvents. •''
• , • ELIJAH. ErROWN„, /-
Bridgev. - ater, 2',:na - st Oar,. I
Groceries !G,roceries!!,
~ .
A Erdo assortment. of Groceries ..c'omnriSing. •
Fi,h, Tca, Coffee, Sugar, .)
and oiherarticieS- in tho'•line too numerous to:
mention, which is..4ete4 'Satiate 01-re'es,. '
for •eash pa e, and examine %ir
Goods add Pitittla-hefure• purchasing .
• . S. S . :3IGTT. • 1
Montrose, Aug. 10th, 914357
• • • f • • • • .'•• 11
Zi I NEAR Board,wistung-„.
~FA (urkiltned incidental
expeussaid tußiuu!rt com . inqn,Ftlish at.
Superb :brick- tnii Mingm; iocated oh
the Rail Roiirl-ii,eat,..:Satatoga t Springs., • facii It Y.
twenty Profellaora and Teachers. Dipildinbas*
Ilwarcivd thl.aaids who.gradeate. Winter. Term
opens I/ye. 4tll, 1857. Send •for . a catalngne.-14i
Sep. 20-I y.) Rev. JAS. BAING, Principal,
eTRAYED . from the
. stibser.ilieritt tyre ~bore'
of Seraiitim;: on tire t etti r f Sept.,.a-darkted
STEER with 2i 4mm! spot of fvhite on the top
of the tail ; alss.aligh;l r,eitl STEER: Said tattle
weie bought Of , lix Reynolds of Auburn,
Susquehanna county; $5:00 rewara..Will be,
given to any person who will - give me inftitnia
thin where said Cain°. may, be found.
. .
,Setanton, Oct.. 2373,1857,
.•, ...„.
ADMrN tati l ltATOß'S
VOTICE is hereby given to all peraiine„ . ll . ly-
i\ in , . demands against Abe . °Oita, of D an
Payne:deceased, late of. Lenoi.Jownshipit4hat
the same. be:presented in t,keifindetsigeed
for amingetient; and ill! tiet44;an's Liiititted to
said estate are requested •;)- makellnitiediab
rayinnt.. •• ,
• ALPY.ZO A.RANNE,..Administritini.
.Lenox, bet. 12t13. 1857. -
ildmiiiistratoes. • Notice.. -- '
NOTIcEjs tiereby Oven .to.all pawns -1 air-;
iog a c tr ina rvis portivst tiso estate cic
- T yte, - .(t00550.1', - 1.1 1 :17- c'f" t
' that
sate mtnit be
,tiri.seitte4 to the tititierSigned• for
ni:rimg,e,went, and ntl persons ' . indebtett. , to said
estate are req.ustalp - tnal!e immediatopament,
•• , _ VARY ,Adm':.
Dridgewaler, isi".(!v. 11. 44416. , -.:. •
• ~.•..
NTOTfCßislicieby given to. all tioponsAikai.;
-d, nil. , leainiitthp• eatatitse.Datiiel
ing demands anal.__ _ _ I.
Tirri`y, ‘ "deeesised, late of ittoOiilvn tow JAN that
the mant‘ must be-presetited to Fordinat(d.~Vhip.
pie for settlinnent nd I;appeilt:aarl, , airpe . taoni eatite - .tite '.teilnested to make
immedinte;Orineitt.••• •: •
't•Atove.a.73o;lftintrPt.a., Eaecii t;
:TOR r,Y,YaXeCtI
Broofilyit, Nov.7,3th; : - [44t.e.
-• No#ce:
IN TWICE ii.bereby - glyea. thatlettere
I'll - ministration' hafet heeti iranted
deraliped :upon the estate .".pf Calyjp 'PeP.-de•
ceased, late off' t.ho, township Of Lenox' in - 2 the,
Conely of Sustfitehanha, - - 411 '
elating aganilt siijd - estatp:are -therefore ,notified
o pr4i3nt them duty attested; ;aticl:tfitotif 'irhe
are owing; mad estate are regizahted te! . .miake la s s:
Itbediate payment:, • '
, CATI-lARINE ; 13E14.iAdoix:,-
• .1. Mon,trotie,Oet. - Ipo,:ist7, - 4W6.
` } t.
` ~-.