Fan4y Fars for Ladies. OliN FA gI a A & CO:, (New ,No.) 818 pi T • :MARKO St.eabove Eighth. Philadelphia ,IlupOrters, Manufaeforers ana dealers in Ladies. ti -at temen - and Children» FA NCY . FURS.— Wiioles.tle abd Retail 3. F. & Co., would call • the attention 11 . 1 DDaterfraid th.t Public genetally to 'it heir immense StOek of Fancy Furs for Ladies. fLintlemen and Children; their assoontent em hraces 'every article and, k ind of Fancy Furs that' • will be worn during Vac Season—such as Fla 'pea. HMI Capes. Quarter Capes, Talmas, Aril/- ta r - mem, Bias. Muffs & Muffatees; from, the fineit It ascian Sable to the lowest price Domes% ieVairs. For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars; Gloccs, Gauntlets &c ;being the direct Importers of all our Furs and Manufactorers of tifeartmder our own supervision, we feel satisfied we can -offer better inducemei3ts . to deaters and the publie generally - than any, other house, hay* ihg itiimense . assgrt meat to select tram and at the Manufacturers prices. - We only ask a coll. JOHN FAREIRA & No. 818 MARKET St., 'above Eighth, Phila&a. Sept. 3, 1851. 4m.- . . . Melainotypes! HAVING pureliad the right for makipg the beautiful and 'durable style of pietires known as the Melainotype, or Iron _ Pictures. 1 4tand ready to furnish them to such es may pre rer them to the Arohrotype or Daguerreotype.' MM== If aritody prefers a cheap likeness to one of *dor quality, I can, and will make them as (*yip ! and as good ! ! as those sold by Wood, at the cart on the green., 1,4 r. FIRST CLASS PICTMIES AT USUAL PRICES W. B. DKANS, Phenix Block. Montrose. July 23d," 1857. S. H. SATRE_& BROTHERS ARE TO'' RECEIVING s u pply of All SPRING 744 % co, AND. . '6I6IIINVEIt •GOODS. • WHICH for Cash or Produce can be boughk very tow. VVALL PAPER. A select assortment just . received. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS CARPETING. Bargains sifered)bv S. IL SAYRE & BROTfIERS._ PLOWS! PLOWS!! , . D LOWS. We invite ihe attentinn of -Farmers to the celebrated Peelcskille Plows which we have added to nor large ttssortmerit. S. H. SAYRE S. BROTHERS*- Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrnse. April 29th, 1857. 181 f. STOVES! STOVES !! STOVES !!! OUR. Stoves have been so• thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend from us. S. 1 . 1. SAYRE & BROTHERS. _ B o w s & SHOES JHST RECD, at the" Ups'enyille Exchange' . - 5D.8.13 - :__T.l'Diniit Ala 1 AT THE HEAD Alt NAVIGATIOP, 4 . .11) examine .I.he choice stock of pring IL. and linosnier Goods, just opened ' "or Examination and -..kALE, at spry lowfilures by C. W. I.IOTT. DeLain Shawls at 'very ivy,' prices by C. W. 3,10'1"r. pIAiS and 0, of the neweatattles, in great . , C. %V. 310rriT. po EITS in abundance by - C. W. MOTT. D ROWN and Blue Sheeting. and Skirtings— %Shirtine Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Simmer Atut as low• as can be afforded in this market. •G. W. MOTT. elLOTlll,Cashimers and . Vestings, very de airable stylcg, at prices:that-Tannot fail to <nit. Call and be convinced. C. W. ItinTT. 1. BASS Hoops, llosieiy,. Gloves, BertiO .: , 1 ;:tc.: vtx.„:„ by C. W. MOTT:\ Elgle Fottndry Plows. FO . R. 'superiority. of Uastins, and excellency Uof machinery emn not he excelled, • • S. 11. it,I3IIOTTIERS. FIOUR tor safe by the Lond or Barrel. by INCISERMAN 6i, GARRETT. New 'Milford. June 100,1857. • Dairymen Take Netice. . T_TAWLEY & GUILD have constantly on LI. band and hive made to order Churns; Fir ins. Brim-it - Pails and Butter Tubs of the best I [Gibson. April 20th, 1857. • - Cash ,Paid for Wool, rpm hithest tn6Tket - priee in CsAn paid for Ten Thousand pounds of Wool by . - HAWLEY •& GUILD Gibson, June 24th; 1857._ dash for Wool BURRIT will pay the highest price for Woot, is Casu or Goons, lit his store in New Milford. • July 4111.1857. ',7,;_•NElif GOODE:: ---~T--- H. WETIB'S. MONTROSE, APRIi,Oth 1857. FULL STOCK OF FALLOILY GOODS. EYRE & LA NDELL ith.&`Arch.sts., respeet fu Ily request Cash purrs to examine a fine Stock of Sensenabk Goi;de,,adatpted 10 BEST Peassricasta TRADE.. . ' • ' Frill Line of Fall Dress Goods. — New designs of Fall Shawls. -Rich Silks of Newest • Styles.-- Good Black Silks of all widths. 4 Cases assor. ';,ted•Frenehllerinoes. '7 do. Poll de ChrvieK, new Goods... British and American Dark Prints. *Satin. ctts, Cashmeres. Cloths& Vestings. Linens, Flannels, Llankets, &c. ' N. R. 'Auction Bargains from N. V. and this City. daily reed. \ Particular attention giv en t o Country orders &r' Desirable Goods. Terms Nett Cash. - , sept. Look and - Read ! • SOMETHING NEW ! rrviE undersigned.Merelsant at Himock Four JL Corners, has lately; discovered that for readypay he canse ttritoreGoods,a nd make more money - at one-half _She - usual profits put upon Countr. Goods. ConsegtOritly 1 van sell Goods free-. tire to - ten per centi,lower than any other ~ tablishment in this section. But do not take tnv word for it. - Call and Itfee for yourselves. Bring a little Cash or som . O•iind of .Country prortece, and buy your Goods at a price nnpar. al feted in the history of-Meicantile trade. My stock_ is large and well selected, and I am re, ceivitiig• NEW ADDITIONS. every week. My Tern:lat:of Sale are READY Par. it will certainly be for your interest to call and see mwhefore oUrehasiriggiaewhere. - Flour and pot "kepi eonstantli on hind, • 'Tyr. U. THAYER. Di meek: .71. n. 13th. - 1 f,57. BREASTPINS, ttotne ep irPly nom pliferns• jumt:ireeived by ' A. L EvAigs . Binnhatnton, Oct. 'ith. 1857. 1arr)).?%1:3 Aromatic Schiet'svn • Pehrortm. nt y -- _ . TUBB ELLIS • ABEL TURRELL II" just returned frOti 'Nei . York, with a large and choice variety of Goods, bought for cAstt, and selected with much care, from over thirty of the best Houses in New York, which he offers to hi., customers and the public at low .prices for cash. His stock cuniprkseo 1) RUGS • • 'EC N S .7' A II N T S,- - IL S , . . • • NDOW .G L A_S S, • I)YE'STUFFS, • - GROCERIES . _, 14. W It7F. C It 0 .0 E R bI I'R R 4-, . - • cLocKs,-, ,• • W ALL P k_VE It , .1 N- I) W PAPER, WINDOW OIL SIIAD,g-S; FANCY GOODS, ML'SIC A L• INSTRUMENTS, ' JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, • D R G.O 0D S, • ‘,• II A R D r. W A R E,, • STONE W A- R E,. ' WOODEN W ARE,. BROOMS, It BAT S 1i E S , • !A PA NS ED W A E .11„IR.D. CAGES, CANARY SEED, •POCKET KNIVES, WHIP S, U M E L A S -• GUNS, P I Sr° L S, AM M, NITIO N.., • TURPENTINE, ,C A M P II E.N E, BURNING FiLuip,... • A \L C O II 0 L • LIQUO•RB, (For Med ici nalPurposes - TRUSSES, SUPT'ORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, PORTMONAIES, SPECTACLES, ,- SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, dm, GOLD .PENS, STATIONERY. • VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., And all of the most popular PA•T-ENT MEDICINES, Thankful for theiiberal patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance and large ire.trease of the same. ABEL TURAELL • Montrocc, June 10th, 1857. MONOPOLY! MONOPOLY '• Tllll5 is the great principle among our sel. fish, small merchants. In probf of this look ;at the late Act passed at Harrisburg, prohibiting :hawking and peddling in Susquehanna . Count); an Act passed to gratify some of the Merchants who ha% e espresstid a desire "Iti stop swine large wagons.,' ogiattnibug, llostVaitm DOVii Wag MONOPOLY. Their large ,wagon will .run more regularly than ever - before, until their license for peddling expires. In order to. ACCOIIIModate the comma. nity sud be able to _battle monopoly successful• ly, they have madozarrangements to get New Goods weekly from New York,and they will sell the same from 15 to 20 per cent. cheaper. than any other estabiisliturnt in Susquehanna Conn. ty. We have now received our . • NEW SUMMER. 'G001106! The largest, cheapest and best selected stock ever offered:in this market. it is not necessary to enumerate the artieles which our assortment comprises: it is sufficient to,say that we have n general stock of the latest and most fashionable goods in the market, and we cannot fail to suit the publte - , as well in taste, as in prices. A few words more to our fellow-citizens, and .particu larly to those w ho feel th(mselves independent and not obliged to purchase at some particular store. 'Wr know that it will be for your late ' test to examine and price ourgooda before pur l-chasing elSewhere; that is a true motto that "a penny saved is better than, two earned." We are determined to spare no pains to give general witisfaction, and w•e shall a ways be ready and happy to exhibit our assortment to those who I will favor us. with a call. • GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM ik Diont-ose, May 12th, 1857.- - Tioga Point Agricultural Works. 11. ;411 retells * Virooks - , 'ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PENWA MANUFACTURERS, IV noLy.sALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IS EmerVis Unrivalled Horse Powers. .RESlipu.s and -Separaters, Threshers Tand Cleaners, Circular and Cross Cut Saws, Mill Saws,Shingle Machines, &c.,Etnery's Hickok's and • Kranser's Cider Mills and Presses, Corn Shelters, C low's Grain Cradles,Ffay. Straw and Stalk Cutters, Eloise Powers, Dog Powers; Grain Drills and Broad Cast Sowers, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Corn and Ceb Mills, Dederick's Eby Presses, Stump Machines, Ketchum 's Mowers and Reapers, Excelsior Fan ning Mills, Provi;ion Safety Refrigerators Leather and Rubber Belting. Our Excelsior Fanning• Mills are unrivalled. Extras Furnished for repairing all machines sold by us. EirDescriptive Cat alogues. Price Lists and Circulars of all ma. chines sold by us, sent gratis and post paid to all a ppli ca nts. • Semi as . vour name and address. Agent. H. L BLOsra, ns. (of Franklinj Mont rose P. 0., Susonehantia County, Pa.i • R. M. WE LLSsIk.BROOR S. Athena, Pa.. July Ist. 1857, ' 28014. New Millinery and Oren Oinking ESTABLISHMENT. Ladies, have you Heard the Neirs Mrs. Hamm. formerly of New York, has openened a Millinery • • and Fancy Store in the village *7-f of Brooklyn, and havingjust, re x a!t , loy'll . turned from New York with a 4 Large and Fashio nable • _ stock of Goods consisti ng of La dies and Misses Straw Hits of everyityle - and variety. Also, Crape and Silk Hats, constantly on hand. of every hoe and colon together ,With a spltndid tosortment of • • JVA NC V GOODS! suchAt4 Embroideries, Hair Braids . Hosieiy,Caps, • Henti Dresses,. Lace Gmmis, ete., etc., all ,of which she offers rt the LOWEST PRICES. . * *Pattieular attention will be paid to Bleach ing—always. at hothe. Brook lyciAtay hth. /857. 4 -V-S":1" WE APING failed of selling out ourstnre with 2 it its contents, we are again in the market with NeW Getm4vell log for Cub nnis, (*rifts than can be (nand in Suspiehatina Comity. We" are determined to se l t goods Low notwithstanding the railings °four up town neighbors. So, one and all, come and buy where You can buy the cheapest. Your money saved is as good for you as for those you hare enrieliedleretofore:* it. 'MAYER & April 281 h; 1857, itroittcp3rattriatijes INSURANGII CONANY, North West Cor. ofSecaiis ransi "fllillion 'to Unwired said IV 'Fifty Tlion'sineDollnru. ASSETTB, .523457 07, Invested in'Bonds, lifortagesp* Good Securities." ' TOE FOLLOWING •STATEMENT Exhibits the the liusiiiesic and 'Condition of the Cmpany to November Ist, 1856. Premiom-received on Marine and Inland Risks, to Nov. Ist. 1856; $214,684 60 Fite Premiums, 169,796'61 Intvreston Loans, - • 8,704 47 Total Receipts, . •. . . $400,185 68 Paid Marino Losses, . $64,427 04 Paid Fire do. . . 39,131 89 Expenses,Salaries and • • Commisißione. 45,489 00 Reinsurance, Return ;- Premiums &Agen. cy Charges, . . . 27,474 68 177,128 61 Babinec; rensainine With t0.,5223,057 07 TRR ASSETITF OF THE COMPANY ARE AS FOLbORS: . Philadelphia City and County Bonds, . $16,848 18) Railroad Bonds, . 11,000 00 coal prices First Mortagcs, Real Estate,- . . 144,500 00 Stock a, Haters's, on . 32,400 00 Girard and Consolida., tion Bank Stock, . 5,225 00 Deposits with Ducan, - Sherman& Co.,New " • York, . 30,000 00 Deferred Payments on Stork not yet due, 97,700 00 Notes for Marine Pre..' tniums, - • - 108,080. 00 Due from Agents, se• . cured by y:limd*. .35,376 18 Premiums on Policies • • reeentlyisseed, and debts doe the Co., 46,470 38 Balance in Ba\ok, . . 16,456.74 This CoMpany insuresltaildings,itterchandize, and Stock, from $I 00 to $5,000, at the Lowest ateg consistent with Security, .nnd upon the most Liberal Terms, and make Puomrr PAY. NEST upon thindjoistment of Losses under Poli cies issued be them. The Board of Director* have this day declared a dividend of 15 per vent„ payable on demand, upon the business of the Company, to the Ist inatant: Hnr.,,THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD IL lIELNIBOLD, Secretory Philadelphia, November 17th 1856., TIMOTHY BOYLE /541 pabp. j of New Milford, Pa., Agent. REA -M. VT I 3 lk firt&Nibc 'Stock fls.itr.ancta. OF:POILAD.ELNIA, No.S. Walnut-St, above Fourth. CAPITAL $300,000. - Make Insurance against loss or damage ly Fire, on Buildings, Furniture and Merchandise generally.,::: ALSO,. OP • • - 'tortes and Cattle, against death • from any rause. FLOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED., DIRECTORS: • R. It. MILLER, .1. CEOASDALS. J. It. FLAN:dEx, F. S. 110L-Cl3-ET, 1108 JOKES, SAUL. J. RAICDALL FLANIGEN. Of Witraingtoll, Del. WILCARTERET, Sec, • B. R. MILLET, Pren't. 'BILLINGS STROUD, ilgent. 111 - dull(turas' afitsnranre Charter Perpetual. Granted by tlu. Slate of Pennsypyrnia. . CAPITAL $500.600; Fire, Marine and inland Transpor tation. • AARON' S. Lteerscorr, President. WII. A. RHODES, Vice Pres't. ALFRED WEElig, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Aaron S. Lipincott, Charles \Vise, Wm. A. Rhodes, .- Alfred Weeks i -. . Wm. Thomas, • • •J. Rinaldo Sank, 1V M. Neal, John, P. Simmons, 'Charles J. Field, James P. - Smith. Office No. 16 Merchant's Exchange, Phila. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Ps. 20y1. FARMERS - I $l5 will purchase one or the best CORN SHELLERS and . SEPARATORS Ever Invented. THE undersigned is nowprepared to furnish to FARMERS, Millers and others the world renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the times--being the best, most durable, and easiest running Sheller now in use. Warranted to shell more corn in a shorter Space of time, than any other machine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end to, end, without crushing either ion) or cob. The Machine* are constructed with two cranks, and puny fora belt,so that two persons can torn them, or attach a belt in motion by any -power. The attention or persons owning mills, 'is solicitedout the Machines are wander fully adapted tcranylkind of power. They are very easily turned, and when once in motion 'a aniall boy can tarn them; they are capable of shelling one bushel per minute—every Farmer should have one—as they save .their cost, in lee than one seasons. l'hey ale on exhibition at Seat:les Hotel, Saire's Foundry, Ely's . BIM in Brooklyn; and at Lathrop's Like Mills, where they can be seen in operation at au time. All orders addressed to the undersigned, will. reeelye prompt atten. tion. Machines shipped , at a distance and war. ranted to operate. . . D. D. SEARLE. Ai Searle's Hotel. Montrose, December, 11th, 1856. CERTIFICATE THIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one of the above Sbellers.for sale by D. D. SEARLE, and unhesitatingly prcinotince it-, one of the beat, moat durable and easiest running Sheller. ever introduced into this county.' It will shell more corn in a ahorter time thatvany other Macia/ne, and is always ready for service. I most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farruera of Busiest County, as the cheapest and best Sheller, now in use. I have one in operation in, my ill in , Dimoek, which needs only to be seen to recommend itself. Call and see AII3II ELY. Brooklyn, December llth; 1856. tf. F t [Svccptsoz To A. &. E. BALDwo.] Manufacturer of Saddles, Harnesses, and Texuak and Carriage Trimmer, WOULD invite ni) who are in want of any article ever kept at aliarness shop to give him a call.. Ilerneasei made of the. beat Oak Tanned Leathers onshortnotiee. - Ho has on hand 'a good assortment of Carriage Trimrriing* which he offers on the most lesson. sale terms. Carriage Tiim wing done with neat ness and dispatch:, ; • • ' ; . ; Repairing donewri itotite: - • No. 1. Signet 3, BousAment Esarte's Montrose. Nov. aoth,, et_SOCERIES, Crockery., Hardware and Ur various other article:eta numerous to men do/I.—all of which shall be.sold Cheap for Cash or .Ready Pay. - - ,C. %V MOTT. tin trqsi, May. tt;14 . 67;: : • no••• THE MOUES T.I'RIVEiEt PAID FOR _OUTTER,ftt the." UprOpei!Eirtteep,".. Above we present you with a likeness of Dr. MORSE— the inventor of; MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. This philanthropist has spent the greater part of his life in travelling, haVing. visited-Europe, Asia, - Africa and South America -epent3 years among the Indians of our West ern country,-it was in this way that tho Indian- Root Pills mere first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all disea ses arise from neruarrY OE THE nt.oors-that oar strength, health and life depand upon this fluid. When:the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the diff erent functions of the body, the blood loses its acion, becomes thick, corrupted and Aiseased;- thus causing pains sickness and distress °revery name; our strength is exhausted, we are depriv ed of our health, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, the blood will become stagnant and cease to act, and thus oar tight of life be forever blown out. How helm taut is it then to keep the passages of the body free and open. And how pleseatit to us to be a ble to put a medicine in your reach, viz., Morse's Indian Root Pills; made from plants and roots that grow around the mountain cliffs in Natnres garden, fur the health and comfort of diseased man. One of the roots from which • these Pills are made isa Sudorific, which opens the pores cf the skin,and assists Nature in throwing off the finer portions of corruptien wthin. The second which is a plant is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, performs its duty by throw ing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third isa Diareticr— w•hich gives and double strength to the kid °eye; thus encouraged,;they draw large amounts of impurities from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been diet-barged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic. and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood: the coarser partielea-ol impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in great qnatithies by the bowels. From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not on:y enter the stomach,' but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely cleanse the system from ell impurity, and the life of the body which is the blood, becomes perfectly healthy;•- consequently all sickness and pain is driven fr"m the system, for they cannot remain ellen the bo dy becomes so pure and clear. • The reason why poeple are so distreseed when sick, andso many die, is because they do not get a medicine that will pass to the :Acted pens, and which will o pen the natural passages for the disease to be cast out, hence, a small quantity of food and oth er matter is lodged, and the stomael and intes tines arc literally-overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermeata lion, constantly mixing with the blood, a hich throws the corrupted onatter through every vein and artery, until life . is - talon from the body by disease. Dr. illorWs PILLS have added thi inselves victory upon victory, by restoring . niiiiions of the sielc to health and harttineas, $523,057 07 Yes. thousands who have been racked or tor mented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by, the burning elements of raging fever, and who have been brortglit,.as it were, Within a step of the silent grave, now,stand ready to testify that they would hare been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medic ine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. Atter 1 or 2 do. see had bleu taken, they were astonished, and absulutely i surprised, in witnessing their charm. ing effects.! Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away 'all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at,once go to work at the foundationof the disease, which is the blood Therefore,ilit will be shown, especially by ihose who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and.purify, that disease—the deadly enemy—will take its Bight, and the llitsh o' youth and beauty will legato return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. Vir Beware of connterfeia in yellow wrappers—all genuine are in ntun, with the sig nature of A. J. WHITE &Co., on each box. July Ist, 11357. , 161 A• 25 IV 11 ESSES —OR-- r"..' t.• Q.,. Or faulty ' 61nutftru. ‘. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, , Who has had 10 years experience as a illanker and publisher, and author of tteri , s of Lectures at Me Broadway Tab. ernacle when for 10 successive nights, over a"50,000 Greeted him with Rounds of Applause, I N s while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frsuls, and the Surest. and Shortest Means of Detecting ,\ ithem! The Bank . ..Vote Engravers all say that he is 'th e greatest Judge of Paper Money living, REATEST DISCOVERY of the Pres- T eat Century for Detecting Cormterfeit Bank Notes , Describin g Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation! }Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE. is ••• EAST and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. lW"" Nu ludex to examine ! No page to • hunt up. But so simply arranged, that t he Merchant, Banker and Business Man can }see all at a Glance. English, French and German. ' This Each may read; the same in his own • ; Native Tongue. : :Most Perfect Bank Note. List Published. N ' Alsti a List of 1411 the Private Bankers in America. c L A Complete Summary of the FUCANCE OF N I 'in AND AMERtCA will' be published 'in each edition,, together with all the Im portant NEWS or ?HE DAY. Also A SERJES OF TALES • From an Old Manuscript found in the East. . It furnishes the Most Complete History of , OUIENTAL. LIFE, ;describing the Most Perplexing Positions ;in which the ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have been found. These Stories ;will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever loffered •tr the Public. g hi. aisheCWeekly to Sabscribeis !only, at $1 a yea*. All letters must be ad. ;dressed to # . JOHN. S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 N. Y 180. Patent Medicines 81e. AFFLICTED READ I GgArtiEscEnG Manic!!!Es.—Vegetable Pills Green blountaio Ointment, Saraaretrila Compound, Children'a4tanacea, Eye Lotion, Fe. yer and Agne Remedy; Health Bitters, Drien. tary Syrup, . G4' insumptiva's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholieon. Dr. Lii?by's Pile Ointment, and Manual of, Health. Ayrestla and Cherry Pectorial, Tanner's German Ointment, Trast's Magnetic-Ointment, Hollow: , s Ointment. and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Pitch's heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills , Sonte's Sovereign, Balm, Wright's'lndiatiVegetsble Pills, Rhodes Fever and Aague Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arai: catineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregorici Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, itc ' &e. A new supyly just received, to be kept constant. Iy on hiutd, tor sale by . I. N. BULLARD,- October, - -Ist, 185'6. •• ' ' " riASW paid for - stf Wool. '&4E 4114;11i V Co., bi DICKERMAN &GARRET: - AYER'S • •- • Cat hartic Pills, • • (SUGAR CQATEDO - Alit , 11.11,2 10 • CIZLIBE YRE BLOOD An CURE Tall act Fathers,. Mothers, iihretelansi . Philanthropists, read their Mereetst hull judge at, their Virtues,. • • • VOlt 71IS CCU OP . Headache, Sikh Beeldache,Foul Stomach. Voiy 1, ISO& Anat. fir: I ham been repeatedly care,t of _ the ..worm loselnehe any tasty can late by a dote or two of your Pills.' It arena Inertia froma font stomach, which they cleanse at once. if they will one Weis as they do. me, the fact is worth knotting. 'fours with great respect, rumni.r.„ Clerk nf denainir Clarion. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints., DIPAWIIIMIT Or ss) /MIMI, WastuSterolt, D. C., 7 Feb., Ant bare Used your Pills In my general ant hoapitil peactke mar since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the beat cathartic we employ., Their mit listing Action on the liter istptirt ant deckled, consequent ly they are aa admirable remedy s,r derangetneuts of that organ. IndeeiL I hare erlikontitel • ca m of bakags OM no obstinate Butt it did not lily yteld to them. . fraternally yowl. MALABO BALL, id. D., ' ' Iltmeiaims of the Marius Hospital. DVsentery t Relax, and Worms. POST Omer, TIARTUNIT, LIT. Co., kites., Nev.lls, 1815. Da. AM: Tour Pills ate the - perfeetkin of •norlicine. Tiwy Imre done my wire more good than I tan tell rat. She had been sick and pining away for months. 'Sent off to be doctored at great 'sperm, but got no better. .She then commenced taking your Pills, which won cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from bar body. They afterwards cured bee and our two chlldeeu of bloody dysentery. One of ourneighbas had It ted.andi my wife cured him with two doses of your Pills, while others around ra paid from fire to twenty dollars doctors' bills, and lost touch thus, without being cured entirely even then. Such a medicine as yours, which le actually good and honest, will be prised herr. ONO. J. GRIME, .Thetmarier. Indigestion and Impurity of the Mood Rom Rye. r. awes, fitsfor rt, .ditecat Church, Ibetze. DA. Am: I bare used your Pills with extraordinrt atrryy ,succewi is my Ilanlly and among dame I am called titbit 'in diaries. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they are the very best remedy I bane purr anwari, aredikican confidently recommend them to NI friends. Tours, J. T. HIVES. • Waastu, Winfulro CO., T., Oct. 21,1816. Data 811: lam wing your Cathartic Pills In my 'pro& Ike, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse tho syetim, and purify the fountains of the blood. Jon O. IdEACIIAM, IL D. • Erysipelas, derod and ela, Rifles Evil, Teller, . Tumors, Salt Rheum. • Prom Arroardireg him:hog ref R. Lewis, Me. 4, ismti. Ds. Arax : Toni Pills are tits paragon of ED that te great in medicine. They have mod my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon bar headland het Out had purred Incurable for years. Her mother has been long etrirerour ly afflicted with 'blotches and pimples on her skin and Is her lair. After our child sae cured. she also tried your Pills, and they bare cured her. AEA MORORIDOIL Ilkennentbari, Neuralgia, and Goat. Rona LAa Rer. Dr. lkiptft. of Use lkihodult Epic. Clurech. Pruset Horst. 8 .. • fit, Jan. 6 / 666 - Ilo.wmarn 8,5: I should be ungrateful for the re lief your skill has brenght me if I did not report my me to you. A ndd nettled in my limbs and brought on eat-root/ding searttlide Irian, 'which ended In chronic rheumatism. Sots itiotanding 1 had the beet of physicians. the diem, grew worse and worse, until. by the advice of your excel , rent agent in math., or. sierts.utie, I tried your Pills. Their egrets were slow, but sure. Sy perseeeting in rho use of them 1 am now entirely well. Szertrx CSAYSLII, Devois ROMS, LA, Da. Arta : 1 have been entirely cured by your Pills of Bbennratic Gout— a painful diocese that had afflicted me for years. TINCENT SLIDELL. For Diopsy, Plethora, or kindred Com. reqstiriag an active urge, they are ea surde lentremedy. For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Diessier , PUl, they are agreeable and effectual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Indonesia. time, and ...ea Delailthsoss and Piatrelsl Uthbi. mesa, bare beats cared by tlio alterative action of these riga. , • . . ' Most of the terns In market contain Mercury, which, tai though a valuable remedy In skilful hands, la dantmetwas In a put4lcydill, hem the dreadful consequences that the quently 'Gales. Its incautious use: These contain no mar. cup-or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR THE RAPID CURS OP corcillyCOLEll. 1110 A MINX Ellll. ROMA, BITOXCHITIP. WHOOPING covan. cuovr, . CIPLENT cossviiPTlo3l, ■MI for the relief of arssuniptlre patients In advanced stagetrof the disease. We need not speak to the public of Its Aetna. Throughout every town. and at mot every hamlet of the American States, its wonderful gums of pulmonary corn plaints' hare made It already known. Nay. few are the families to any civilised toiletry on this wyntinent without MD. periocial experience edits effects; and fewer yet the communities any where *bleb bare not among them ensue hying trop hy of its vicroty over the subtle and dam , gerund diseases of the throat and lungs. While ft is the moat powerful antidote yet known to man for the form!. dable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it also the plesaturteig and safest remedy that can be ens . ployed for Infants and young ;memo. Parents should have it in store against the Insidious enemy that steals upon them nnprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe the Curium Prevnt. asses more Lives by the con- Bumptious It prevents than those it cures. Keep II by you, and core your colds while they are .curable, nor ricp, hurt them until no human atilt cur master the thesorabla canker that., Glistened on the vitals, eats your life away. All knoW the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too the virtues of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them it la still made the best it can he, We spare no cost. no care, no toil to rominee it the most perfect iximible, met thus afford those irho rely oa It the beat agent which our skill can furnish for their cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER, . Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lavell, lass. - , AND SOZD BY ' .;'-; ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, And by Deiteri in MEDICINES everywhere. SIUM3IIM ARRANGEMEIWTS. • g=o;Er-=a, New Rail Road Route. Delaware, Lae kawan nis.& W.R.R NEW- and expedition - is broad .giage route from the North and West, via Great Bend and Scranton, and from thu Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly, through. to New York andPhiladel phis. On and after Thursday, June 18th, 1857, trains will be run as follows : Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east on the N. Y.: & E. ft. IL arrives at Gt. Bend at 6:12 a. m., and the Mail Train at 9:25 a. m., connecting with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and F'hiladelphia,at 930 a. M. Doe at Montrose, - 10 03 Scranton, 11 40 " Stroudaburg, 1 58 p.m. Delaware, 15minutes to dine, 7 2 27 " Bridgeville, Phil. pass. lease 2 50, " JunctiOn, 3 35, " • New York, '7 15, " 8 20, " Passengers from N. Y. Leave, Pier No. 2, North River, at '730. a.m. From Philadelphia, leave Wal nut st..Wharl, at ; 600 " Leave Judction • 10 55," Due at Bridgeville, Phil. connection, 11 45," Dela Ware, 15 minutes to dint,l2 00 m. - Stroudsburg, - 1 07,p.m. Scranton, 3 48," Montrose, - 5 35," Great Bend. 6 10, " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train West at Scranton Accommodation Train leaves Scranton 'for Great Bend at 925 it.m. Arrive, at Great Bend, 1 00 pYin. Connecting with the Steamboat Express east; and Dunkirk Eitpress west, on the -N. Y. to E. Rail Road. .. Returning, leaves Great Bend at 425 R. to Due at Scranton, 8 20 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Envision, a passenger car will be it. tached to the Express Freight Trains,leaving- Smatoa. at 600 a: m Due. at Stroudsburg at 11 35 a' Junction at 3 45 p.m. Returning, will leave Junction at 400 a.m. Due at Stroudsburg at, 35 1, " Scranton at 220 p. m. Passengers from New York will change cars at Claiksville. - To and from Philadelphia. via B.D. R. R., leave or take can at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbanre,take L & 8 ,, R. R. cars at Scr anton. For Jessup.Archbald, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold and baggage checked between all stations_ on connecting roads.- Passengers to and from Wilkesbarre,_ Wyo. moing, &c., via. Lackawanna & BloAnsburg, Railroad, go through Without, any detention at' Scranton, as the trains on that-road run in con nection . n with the express trains entails D. L. & W. R, R. Faro from Kingston, Wyoming {led Pittston to Philadelphia. 84:50.. .From Kingitton to New York, 84:85. - Wyoming and Pittston to New Ytirk 84:75; . . Tickets sold, andliainmge checked through. . - • JOHN BRISBIN,SupI:. Wm. N.,lstras. Gaul Ticket Agent. . fIOLLO AV'S P Ils and Ointment,Norse's Ilidifin'Root Pills. and -Ayer's Cherry Pec toral and :Cathartic PHIL Constantly for sale. &it Advertisements !knits' paper. T•• • -' ABEtAtrititElst: SETTLEMENT OF OLD ' ACCOUNTS DESIRABLE, - at the' " Upsorilte , ' • • Impo CONSUMPTION, ' and all diseases of the LUNGS and THROAT are Positively curable by INHALATION, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air pasaa ges, Ind coming in direct contact wilth the disease neutralizes the tubercular tnatter,al lays tbevough causes mime and easy expectoration, heals the lungs. purifies the Wood,imPirta renewed vitality: Jo the nervoo, system, giving that energy s indispensable for the restoration of the health. To besble to state eonfiiently that Consumption: is curable by.lnh.dation, is to me a source of un alloyed pleasure. It is u much under the control if medical treatment as any other formidable die: ease; 90 oat of 100 eases can be cured in the Ist stages, and 50 pr et. in the 2nd : but in the 3rd stage it is impossible to save more than 5 pr ct., fur the lungs are so out np by the disease as .to bid defiance to medie.a! skill. Even, however, in the laststages, INHALATION affords relief to the suffering attending this fearfukscourge, which annually destroys 95,000 persons in theU.S.alone and a correct calculation showsthat of the prest;.nt population of the earth, 8Q,000,000 are destined to fill the consumptive's graves. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa tal as Codiumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy oclife. for it spares neither age nor sex, butsweeps off alike the brave the beatui!ful, graceful and gifted. By the help of the Su preme Being from whom votneth every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent. and speedy care in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their dep osition in the lungs is to prevent the free admiss sion of air into the air cells, which causes weak ened vitality thro' ihti entire system. Then sure ly it is more rational to expect greater good front medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the stomach; the patient will always find the lungs free . and the breathing easy, after inhaling the remedies: Thus. lnhalatton is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally,and with more power s" • certainty than remedies administered through the stomach. To' prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloro- form inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility . in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nerious sys tem, so that a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning destroy)ife in a - few hours. The inhalation of emnfonia will arouse the aye- tern when faintir.g or apparently dead. The od or of many of the medicines is perceptible in tbe skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and May be immediately deli cted in the blond. A convin. tin.: proof of the constitutional effects of inhale lion. is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air-is not this positive evidence that proper remedi a l, carefully prepared and in -dieiously administered through the lungs'ihould produce the happiest result? During 18 years practiee, many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been undoing care and I have of tested many remarkable cures. even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stage% which fully satisfies me that Con s•lmption is no longer a fatal disetuie. My treat ment of Consumption is original, and founded on long experience and it thorouch investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tu. bercles,'etc., enables me to distinguish, readi:V, the various forms of disease that simulate Con. -umption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely boing mialakert...oe.a it. a single ease. This fam. Linty, in connection with certain Pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted' 'chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the ' entire system.-. Medicines with full directionastnt to any part of the United Statesand . Canada% by patients communicating theirsymytoms by letter. But tie cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would - give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my see: ing tho patient again. G, W. GRAHAM. M. I). Office, 1131 Filbert Street s ; ( old No. 109, ) below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. (Yl4n26y. Of ail disease ; the great, first cause, Spings from neglect of Nature's laws. SUFFER NOT IVizen a CURE is Guarassteed in all stages of - SECRET DISE.ASE, Self Abuse, Nerrous Debility. Strictures, Girds, Gravel; Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, MeretiNal Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ancles. Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose:and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs, Cancers, DroPsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases arising ,from a derangement of the Sex ual Organs ; Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision with peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspepsia; Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the 'ace, Pain in the back and head, Female irregularities and all im proper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease originated, how ever long standing or obstinate the case, rumor. ERY is cenTers, 4 3td in a shorter time than a permanent cure ca be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease has bated the 'skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their means of cure. The mdicines are pleasant, with ,oat odor, causing no sickriess, and free .frout merenry.,or balsam. During-20 years of practice I have rescued from the jaws of Death many then sands, who in the last stages of the above men tioned diseases had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in .promising to the afflicted, who place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret dig eases are the greatest:. enemies to health, as they are the first causeofeensamption,Serofula, and many other diseases, and ought to be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever effec ed, a majority of the cases fal ling into the bands of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure,the .the, constitution, titling - the system with" mercury,' which:with the disease, hastens the sufferer Cato rapidspiriumpion. • * But shatild the disease and the . treatment not cause ditatti speedily . ; and , the victim Marries; the disease is entailed upon the children. who . ,arer born with feeble conatitutiOns, and the current or life coritiPted by a vim which betrays itself 'in Scrofula, Titter, Ulcers, Orititions, and' other if fections of: the•skin; Ey es , l'hrost and Lungs, en 'tailing Opon thews brief esistence of suffering and consigning tbeivn to an early grave. SELF ABUSE is another formidable else my to health, for nothing else ie the dread cata logue of human diseases - causes so destructive a drain upon the system,drawing its thousands of victims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the NOiIsWIS sys.' tern,' rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental'derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for mar rime. society; business,- and all earthly happinesi, and leavei the sufferer wrecked in body ind "mind predisposed to consumption and a train-of AMIs, more to be dreaded than death itself. With• the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate vie. tims of Self A buse that* perwaueuf and speedy Care can be effected, and with-the abin. denment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. - The afflicted are cautioned against th(3„titm, of Patent Medicines, for.there are so many Inge& ions snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that minims have their constitutions ruined by the vile ,com pounds of quack doctors, or the equally . poison ous nostromsvended ' I "Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed many of the so called Patent Medicines' and find that nearly all of them containcerrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongeit preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing disease disables the system for life. Threo.fourths of the' patent nostrums . now to use are put up,- ` by-unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not understand even' the alpha. bet of the Int:feria inediea, and are equally as destitute' orally knowledge of the human system, having one object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequences. , Irregularities and all diseases of males and fe males treated on principles established by 20 • Years °rosettes. and sanctioned-by thousands of ..the, most remarkable - come. Medicines sent to. int part of the United States-or COIALIII9, brim. tieats,communicatingtheir symptoms byletter. Business corrapondence ateelltv onufidential.• Address, .1. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. OfaCe No:1131. Filbert st.. otd :No 109 entow 12th- TittExottrittA ' 6 Wry 4.4 6 57, 4 nit . Ditcovery, C4t Soutrast gemotral, . • TUDLISHED EVERY. TADEBDA4 MORNING DY MC'COLLULE-- & GERETSON: TERZIIB.- - =-$1,50 cash in advance,e2oo if not paid within six months, and 112,150,a1 the end tbe Tear. No - paper discontinued ut.til all ar reaisges are paid; except at the option of the Publishers. All cbriimunicstions connected *kb the of f ice, to ensure attention must be directed to the EDITOES,Mostrome. Simla. Co., . 1! Rate. 0 Advertising : One,dguare (12 lines or less) 1 or 3 weeks, 411.01, Each' isUbsequent insertion, . - 0,345. One square three months, ' 3.00' One square six months, b,oo Business Cards, four lines or less, 3,00 One-fourth Column, one year, 15,00 One-half ' i , . - o . 28,00 One column, . 60.00 Yearly advertiser: will be "restricted to the businFss in which they are engaged; and are considered as wishing to continue advertising unless they shall give special' directienefor a discontinuance of tlfraame. JOB WORK. 'The publishers havingadded to theii t lob Printing materialsot,large,and SUPERIOR assort: ment of Job Type.citre now prepared to exec~ut te Jon WORK in a manner unsurpassed in this ec. lion of country, and on reasonable terms. \ .. Blanks of every description kept constant. ly on hand or printed to order. . glirttior g . . WM. W. SMITH, Cabinet and Chair Rianatactur• erg, foot of Mein Street. Montrose. Pa. ABEL TURRELL, Morraoss, Dealer in ,Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints; Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, ,Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew elry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. • JOWL GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Hotting House, on Turnpike' Street, Stontrose, Pa. LATH OF Dealer in Ready-Msde Clothing. Hats and Caps Boots and .Shoes , Dry Goods , Are. 1 1 1 14'Store opposite Searle's Hotel, M ontros e , C. D. 1.11.121:0P, and t wi th J. P. W. RILEY, LA. LAmitor. DR. R• THAYER, Phydeian and Surgeon, Montrose, Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store. FRANEITZt FRASER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,' Montrose, Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi ness entrusted Whim, in the County of Sum's. Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, arid charges moderate. Le `will also attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers, their widows and heirs, against the IT. S. Govern ment, for Bounty Land, Pensions; &e. May be found at all hours at the officeloraterly occupied by J. T. Richards, Esq., north of the Court.lionse.-48,53-1.% _ M. V. TYLER Interested with I. L Hunt, Importeraild Dealer in Hardware - aad Cutlery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &e. N 0.12 15 Pearl Strret, N. Y. Where his Mercantile friends, in this and crruErt Connties, are kindly invited, and EARNESTLY so licited to call and purchase. 6tf. Dr. H• Smi th SURGEON DENTIST lias-removrd his .of- Bee from_ Searle's to his own dwelling opposite the Baptist Church, (northside)' where all Dental operations will be performed in his usual good manner.• Illontrose Day 13th, 1857. J. D. VAIL, M. D.. Physician, and Sargent.; bus perms netly loeated himself at Brackneyville, &IN's County, Penn a, and wilt promptly attend to all calls with which ho. may be favored. • May, 1856—n22. SASS, BLIND, pOOILI, I.a&D GLASS DEPOT, ON CHEST.NUTIST I Montrose, Pen n'a. BY D. BREWSTER. All sizes and deseriptionly . in any quantity made to order, or furnished on the shortest no. Lice. ' HAYDEN BROTHERS. New Milford, Peua'a. Wholesale dealer in Buttons, Combs, Suspenders, Thread's, Fancy Goods, Watches, Joweire,-Silser and Plated Ware, CaV 'Wry. Fishing,Taale;Cigars;&c. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied 'on liberal term& WM,HAYDEN, - TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, . GEO-. HAYDEN. DR. E. P. WILMOT, Graduate of the Allopath:e and Homo. pathle Colleges of Medicine. is now per manently located in Great Bend Pa. ,April lst. 1856. - • JOHN SAL rat, - mlashioaable 1 miller. Shop first door north of the Farmer's Store. DUI 'MONTROSE :P A I • HE subscriber having purchased, .••• .IL refitted and newly furnished the 806 " • a bove well known and popular Hotel, re • • is prepared to accommodate the tray. cling public and others with all, the attentions and conveniences-usually found in first.elasi Houses. , No effort will, be spared by the Pro prietor mid his Assistants to make, the Hotel Equal in every point to any in the country. The Dar . will always be supplied -with am ChoiceaL L;quort. - - The Shades, connected with this !louse are large. roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostlcts are always in charge of them. J. S. TARBELL. Montrose, Nay . 13th, 1857. Salt! Salt!! Salt!!! THE subscriber begs leave to inform his frilnds and the public that he has taken the Store Nci. 201 Washipgton-street, (direct . ), op posite Washington Bfarket,) lately occupied by Volney Elliot, and is now prepared to offer 2 -tor sale on the most liberal terms Fos cAmt; all kinds of Foreign Coarse, and. Fine Salt, from vessel; or store, either in sacks or bulk, or put up in small bags to ordcr, Dealers will be. furnished with their names printed on the bags wiren orderings thoheand or more. Persona from a distance ordering by mail can depend upon •having their orderi promptly filled at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. GEO. W. MANN. NewYork. - Mareh let. 1857. yl.' The Rev. C: S. Bussarr, mobile laboring is a Missionary in-Southern Asia. diseorered a sim ple and certain• Care for Consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nereus Debility, and all impurities of the Blood; also, an easy and effectual mode of iihaling the Remedy. •Actuated by a desire to benefit his euffering-fellowa, be will ch e irful spoOlie Recipe (free) to such as deiire.A.withltdkand.esplicit directions-for pre "paring and successfully, using the edicioe. Ad dress _ Amt. S.' BURNETT, • - 831 Broadway, N.Y. City. August' eth. - .1857. 31030. CoIIPLETE 1144864mnd of GROCERIgS • at C.P. - L &. 02M. 14wLEVG.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers