~::::~ Great. Bend Eli she 1. 5.q0 . . Ilerriek— Alva Cartienter, Jacksor.--Orlsuclo Gunnison, Artasa Norris. Jessup—E. V. Cook. L en o x —William - Hartley, Ma Howard,. Liberty—Patrick `Cerbitt, -William Trues dell, David Bartle. • - Lathrop--Ilorace Thayre.. Montt ose—A. .1.. Brewster, Daniel Sayre. • Middletown—E. Brister, . - RtiAb—Elisha Horton, J. Smith, Elliott Brown. S u s(faDepot—,—Jonathan Baldwin, Albert - • riev;on. Siicef..Lake—James Gage, Isaac V. Gaga sEnoxnj WEEK. , • Auburn.--Colw4llltcMicken• Brooklyn—I: 11, Itnyer,-Andrew Rogirs. 2d. T3ridzewter—llarvey Tyler, Spencer WA trotr,, John Ilarrinzton. Chnconul--Roliert Addigon,Blward Brock. ClitTord --Alex. Bums. Jas. M. CalenCier, Byron Ditumick, J. W. Lowrey. niinock--Charles Forest Lake—F ! 11. Southwell, Great Bend—William A. Green. Gibgon—ilarrison"flarnes. liarford Wm. Birdsall, Erastus Brewstm: • Ilarmony—Moses Claik, F. P. Lyisne l Mort. Litulser. lirrrieti—Llward Dinniek, 'S. A. Rey- molds. .• Montro:e—T. A. Lyons.. Newt Milford—lTliomits':D. Tennant. ' • • Cush—flngt Roddiug.' . sp r iogiillo—Wm. L. Avery, Joe, A. Ty rnxn, A rsd,•Wak4ie. •:- • •• - Silver Lake r —lse:re - G.64th MA Sutton, Meeker, Wm. Meeker it;.' Thocuson—Alvn !xtuagi, Collins Gelatt.- Lecture. requeg o fthe•Cl Hamm, Prof. J. F. Sronnsnn will lecture to the pre le of Neo Milford - nod vicinity. in BARNU3I'S HALL, Thursday 'Eevening. - Nov. 12th % 1857. at 7 o'clock, P. M.. on Punic iwarnrcriutt, with speciai referen.!t. Ix, the eidablishment of per manent NORMAL( SCHOOL in this County.— The public are earinestly invited to attend. W. FAIIROT. tE. Nov. 4, 1857. Lectures,.-470 be m delivered before ;the ST:se:Elmo:A COITT.TYNOILIIIAL SCHOOL: B. 8. BENTLEY. Esq.-Dim:arose, Friday ere. Nov. 6th. The public are Invited to attend. j - Brooklyn, Oct. 30,'57. B. F. Tt.wrisurrur, , Dear Sir ; / 4in he with you on nest Thursday evening, -November WI, - to lecture. I shall came the ..Veto Jersey route, for the purporre, - 1 of avoiding the long 'ride' by wagon. -Will You send me word as *to tie point of stopping, tfe. Your's Truly, W. Beecher• Subject; The iChristian Commonwealth. Teachers' Ezairninatiaus...-.4 will meet applicants for certificates in the differeut towns, as follows: Nov. I Vh.N. Milford:Ward S ILI() o'clock,a m. 1611, liarford Village, 4L a 17th. Kentark, Gib;on 4g •' 1 S th, Jackson, Xo. 2 " " 19th, Thomi,on Center " • 44 . 14 • Ilannony.OakiamtandSu:(oDepot, both, 1. 0 E nsL Hill " 21 , t, (t. Dena. Village " u .4 " " 2ri• 'Stant rose " " 241h34•Sciip. COrrell " " " 251h.1tn.h Givingeis " 4 4 a " 26th, A ribure,Center " v a Si " 27t h. Sering,rillmtioll'w " " Dirn.ek, Carner's• " 4 . 44 a 34th. Bylaklyti, C4lter " " " - " Dee. 1 Wit. Lathrop. " " 2d. I enox. Glenwood " " " " Clifford. Corners " " " • " 4th. lierrick.M. Church" " " sth. Ararat. Church " "1 " " 7th. Franklin. S. 11. 0 " " Bth. Liberty. Br. S. H. " " " " 9th, Si Lake, Britekriev" " " t oth. Chnconirt.C.'s SIT." • " a * 11 tit, F. Lalte.Town's "a ' " " • " " 12th, Middleto xn.; TVs" " " " _ " 14th. A polacon, L.M. " " " The ex.ltninntinn will commerce at the time rppninted. and close at 4' o'clock; after which time any questions env , one may desire to ask, in rezrtril to tly,se which hare been asked, will be cheerfully answered.. All teachers who expect to he esomined will please be. at the place ap p,,intfi. at the hour samed. They will also plrase hare with them a sheet or more of fi)olsray Piper, pea anti ink. The examination wit be in part written. anorthe above requisitions must of neoeb.sits , he complied with by each applicant be fore their examination can pmeeed. The School Directors will of tonne be present,nnd the pub lic ::re invited. B F TESVICSBURY, Co. Supt. Nov. 4th, 1 fts7. •43 . Notice to ikOhoOl Teachers and thaw who employ thesa:•—•The Board of Directors of NewMilfcad District re disposed to let the Patrons ofthe several schooli, respeca lively,, within the District, select their own teat:hers, under thefollowinzrestrictions: •. l,t. They wisti t o have those employed who - will consider it a\:pitiril , ge as well as their duty to attendTenehersi Institutei 'and .other. means 1 \ of improvement w hip their reach at least once in two wreks.iith ut compulsion. , 2d. All teachers Must be regularlylieensad by the County AupOintendent before tom menc ioz their schools, or as soon thereafter as the arranretnentS of the County Superintendent with regard to public exiniinations, will allow. 3d. Monthly reports must be regularly Pea. 'out and made to the Secretary sit the end of each moat!". If tnoreconvenient they.may be - left with Wm. C. Ward. Beg , School Treasurer. Any failure oti.the part of teachers, to coin plc with . the fore4oing will be sufficient revert to withol the pubqe money. Tile Board wisii 4:;IPSebon!!! to be 'in opera t:-,c by the third, pleads,' in •T;;:retnber, 'fr pcb -i.ibik, so that th e esooKtory books may Li: Pti• inisbed at the emnineneement. . By 'order of the Board, I. ;AV , . WALKER; Secriary, New MI Fever, . distatte to which the is caused by impure hut by-the more rabid action of the blood struggling mill snare in endezroring, to east out of the body the ear- - rapt mutter which is tieadly„opposed to health. lirnce the good and bad Lereors are at war with each caber, and the commotion which follows causes feiee end heat. -The symptoths of fever 2t re tarious; causing beaviness, langnid, - difficult breathing. eyes dull and heavy, anxiety. sighing acid Yawning', alternate heat- and mid. After which the patient complains of pains in the bead and back, great thimt,nauFea and sir-knee** run ness about the stornachorand sometimes vomiting , billion - it matter. Pr. Morse's Indian Root Pills , pare acknowledged to be ti stri4gthing and de lightful tuedicine for all kind, of fevers. They . not only cleanse the stomach, and bowels from all billiuus matter, but they open the excretory restels.caopting tbent topourcopions effusions from the blood into th - t-bowels, after which the corrupted mass is thro'Wnont or the b°dY. Ail that is requiied, in-nrgent cases of fever,. Will be , to take large doses. In order to have them opt • erate thoroly by the bowels, take from 3to 5. night and morning. until the fever entirely ahoy . Pears. After whirl', fmtn 11 to 4in the - evermg, until well, and yon *Mho - convinced that this% the heat way to cure fever..beeause they drive out ail inflammation, and restore the body tog a state of sound health. And ihe blood and other fluids mill be so thorely purified that diamtse in say form will be utterly impossible. 114100180. In' Rome, Branford Co., Pa, Oct. 22d. by Rev. Geo. Stone, Mr. J. B. VANWINK LE of Montrose , *ins 11.. wooDbuits -1.1 Rome. • In Lathrop, on the Ist inst, WILLIE IL, in• fant on of Asahel acd• Mary Lord, aged 2 years months,and 23 days. WILL be soli at public render, at the of the subscriber, in New Allillord, on Weiluesday, November 25th, 1867, the following property, via; one pair of Mime, one 4 years old Mare, one pair of 2 years old Steen, mated and well broken, one Cow, one pair of steer Calves, one 2.horse Wagon, one 2. horse Sleigh, one Cutter, one sett double Hareem one Plow, one Harrow, one Slcd, a quantity of Grain, (threshed) and a variety of other "articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale; all sums under $5,00 Cash, over $5,00, Notes tin the let of April next, with interest and approved security. Sale to commence at 10 o'clork.A.M. EZEKIEL BEDELL. New : Milford, Nov. 2d, 1857. 142tds. F D. WOOD is still in town, where he I.' • proposes remaining for two or three weeks longer. All those desiring good Pictures at reasohablo priers will find it to their interest to give him a call before going to any other place. Melainotypes without Cases for ;tido sing in Letters, 25 els. Pictures with Case,— from 50 eta, to 81,00 Montrose, Nov. 4, 1857. SUSVA COUNTY NORIAL SCHOOL Prot J. F. STODDARD, • ' IPAilatlll2l,-, 1 • • /TIME UNDERSIGNED, have the plesture or , .1. .announcin g that the SDSQUERANNA COURTS' NORMAL SCIOTR)L," will twain open in the AcADF:- MY BUMMER sat Montrose on Illonday,Norember 30th, 1857, . to continue 23 weeks. under the charge of Prof. SrnonAno, and competent Assistants. To those who desire to attend school, this Op portunity offers rare inducements. Prof. STODDARD'S character as a IhOtOrtgb, practical Educator and Author—his discipline, scholarship. and superior methods of instruction —is:dread! , too welt known to require comment. Those who design becoming teachers should not fail to avail themselves of the advantages here presented. Prof. STODDARD will deliver...during the term, a Congo. of Lectures upon The Science and Art of Tear/ting. at:I:110ra, Science.' There will be an Experimental Department, Connected with the Normal SchooLio'which 40 pupils only will he admitted. EXPENSES. Tuition' in Normal Department ' per qr. of 11 weeks, $B,OO 7 " Experimental, " 3.50 " " Latin and Greek, 5,00 Board week, from $2.00 to $2,50 - • It is highly desirable that the tuition bills be paid in advance. The money will bo refunded if the student is kept from school by. protracted sickness. , IStudent/4.03n hoard themselves the same as iduring the Full term. Gookinr , Stoves and fur niture may be rented of Mr. Sayre at very rea sonable rates . , N. B.—itiOrig" hly important that every atu he I resent the first day of the term, as the class es rill then be formed, and studies assigned. / ' W. JESSUP, Prat. . C. F. READ , Sec y. Montrose. Nov. sth. 1857. , lIM3 IZ=I=!1 1)11111.1 Thus the sweetest flowers will fade, Wither, droop. and quickly die. And in the silent dust they've laid. With many a deep and bitter sigh. Though no more his smile will greet, A parent's fond and anxious sight. Yet. in that spiriLland they'll meet. In realms of pure and endless light; Yes lin that better land hell bloOm, Lov-Iler far than Whtm bn • arth % A epotlesa gem beyond the tomb, Clothed with pure immortal birth. Then little Willie, gently iNleep, Angel* guard thy tomb at acid. A" golden lock orhnir7 well keep, For well we know, tkatt art in keacen. td. 4."' 4 rc I t ION S • , ( 4 Tyel . *1•••*b That Car T' on the Green 31111iAlt Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of suns'writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas of; and for the County of Susquehanna, and In me direeteti, I will ex pose to sate by riblie vendee at the Court Haase in lifontrome. on Saturday. the 14th day of November next. at one o'clock, P. M., the follow ing Real Estate. to wit: ALL that xertsin piece or parcel of land situ ate end being in the township of Choennut in the yo'unty of Stisq'a, it being lot No. 113 on a map of ee-suryey of the Rhode - Island pnrehsee; • eon. taining 1090-10 acres. and is bounded as follows to wit; or, the north by Int no. 115. and on -the * es t e y lot no. 112 of said re surrey, with the apperlenances, one dwelling house. sod • one fra med here, one orchard, arid about 50 acres im proved. Taken in exeention snit of Alclandor Dewing-vs. loans Steinberg. late loans McCoy-, chick; and Wm H. Steinberg. ALSO.—AII the right. tit! e and interest of Francalo Wright, in and-to that certain tract. piece or parcel of land. situate and being in the t own ,,bip o f B r ooklyn in the county of Suwes, and bounded and described it-follown. to wit; on the north by lards of O. Rally and 0.111. 1 1140 A, on iheeast by land of said Wrighton the south, be lands o f j. W. Galley and S. Gavitt. and on the, west be Ueda of F. Whipple and I. N. Palm. er. containing sbnut 65 acres, be the same more or.less. with' the •sppertenatees.—ene framed bonito, one tog Stable. sad about 34 wee in:lm. red. being. the Seine lands recently occupied by Mae Wright dee'd. , • - ' Takes in exeration at the snit of Alfred Teurge,s. Fa -cilia Wright; that certain pipet, or parcel of- hind. 'situate and Wine in the township of Crest Bend. is the tit Inge mostly raai«d Leder:vino, ,in tbe county of Amen. bonded and deerribed as foillowe, to wit; I , 44p:nnike - st the north weal coiner of the on the Greet Bend and Coiloetos pike mid, :theac• about south rf . cast 60 feet, thence at tied angles with the said last mentioned limit - bout n'th 63 deg. east 100 feet, thence in coarse parallel with the first fonntioned line,sbout n'th 27 deg. w. along the line of the barn and_ sumdshed, about 75 feet to the cotter of the woodshed, and also the corner of widow bteColluta's land, thence a- long said last mentioned line, and On's line of the woodshed, about oath 63 deg. west, About 60 feet to another cant! of said woodshed, in the line of said widow 31Mollutn's Land, thence a'th about 27 deg. east along the line of said w'oded about 9 feet to the main building and thence by the said main building about south 63 deg. west to the place of beginning, containing about 7549 eq. ft. of land, with the appurtenances, one tay. ern house and barn, With bbeds ,and woodshed attached and all improved.. - • Taken in execution at the suit of J. H. Sut phin, vs. Attie*: Allen and Pemina Afilen. A LSO— All that certain sawmill, situated very near the mill site known as the Bee Skin ner mill site, and. on land recently owned by Benajah A. Skinner, in•the present township of Oak land, ( Into Harmony) and bounded as folio's; on the.north-west, by land owned by John Pat rick, on the north by the faint kno w n as the Inn. Ilibborn farm, now In possession of John Ilib bornjr., on the east by land owned by A. P. Hap man, on the south by land owned.by Dani Bond and David Tavior. Taken in execution at the suit of A. & S. 11. Barnes, vs. F. A. Ward and Dougherty. ALSO—AII that two story dwelling house situatewm the north side 'of etrret B. in the Bo ve' of Stamen Depot, in the con nti aforesaid, con tvining in front on said B. street, 60 feet," and 1 in depth 120 feet, and the lot or.piece Of ground and cartilage appurtenant to said lot, being LK/Dl:t -ded on the north, by land of N. Linheim, on the ' east by land of the - N. Y. &E.R. R. Co.. on' the 1 south by B. street, and on the west by laid of C. L Ward. it being let No. I'7. Taken in execution at the snit of Morris S. L I Sherman, vs. F. A. Ward. A LSO—An that certain piece or parcel of , land situate is the township of Lenox. county of Swig's state of Pa., bounded and described as followe, to wit; on the north by lands of John S. Millard, on the east by land of Sterling Max on. on the south by land of Orville Tiffany and Lake Reed. and west by lands of Luke Reed,— containing '7l acres. it being the same premises conveyed to John R. Taylor bydeed &mien, date Ant. 141652. signed by G.R. Eldred High Sh'f of Sam'a Co.. and conveyed to N. ,L Sherwood by said John It. Taylor & wife by deed bearing date Oct. 20,185.,--with the sopartettances, two framed dwelling houses, rne framed - barn. one lone saw mill. one blacksmith shop. and a grist mill and orchard, and mostly improved. Taken in execution at the Imhof Amos Sher. wood, vs. Genet Titus, and German Titus. • ALSO—AII that certain piece or pareel el land. aircraft. and being in the township of Cha conpt. (now Apo!aeon) in the county of Stassfa, and bounded and described as follows. to wit; beginraihr at a post and atones by the road, on the line of Remnel Itfiltemm'a farm, thence north by the said lire 192 7.10 perch(/' to a post,— thence west 35-perches to a peat. thence 'booth 87 7-10 perehes to a hemlock. thence west 22 perches. thence south 180 perchers to a post by the mad, thence by the same east 57 perches to the place of, beginnings, containing 57 acres, bo that same more or less. A LSO—A 11 that lot Arland situtite in the township ntAnolacon efnre►aid adjoining tht a. hove described lot of land, and bounded as fol lows. to Wit: north by land said tube of Patrick Monin, south by the Million road, west by the above described lot and east bv land of Elijah Denel, containing . f.B acres. both of maid lots be ing occupied am one farm and containing in the whole 125 acres with the following itnprMem'nts to wit : about 40 acres cleared, - a small orchard, a lot, house, and an old log barn. liken in execution at the snit of Milli gan. mimic of Sam'! Milligan dee'd, vs. Thomas Rooney. • ALSO—AN that certain piece of parcel of land situate end being in the township of Oak land in the county of Sun's, and hounded and described as follnws, to wit; beginning at a pile of stones in the north west corner as tract of land belonging to Benajah Skinner's land,and in a line of John Hilburn'e land and adjoining lands granted to. Matthias Bond. and running thence along. his line, snuth,l.2 deg. west. 114 perches to a post and stones, on the north side l of the brook, thence down slid brook. south . 1 59 1-2 deg. east, 25 8-10 perches to a pile or Ntonm— thence north 63 3 4 dee. east. 19 percher to a pile of stones, thence east. 20 8 . 10 perches to a hemlock tree. thence north 1.2 deg. cart. to a stake and stones standing in the north . , bounds nf Benajah A. Skinner's land in a line Of-.. John Hilburn's land. thence north. 78 1-2 deg' 'west, along'aaid Hilburn's land to the place oflbegin nine. containing 43 serer; and 37 rode, be the same on=e less. with }ho appurtenancem., • Taken in execution ht the suit ofJames Fine] vs. Michael Holomn. ALSO-All the right title and interest of Jae. W. Belknap in and to all that certain piece ni parcel of land situate in the township of N. Mil. ford, en. of Susq'a 'state of Pa.. bounded and de *crib 'd as follows, to wit; commenene at a pest corner of land of A. Moss. thence running north 49 1.2 deg. east on line 9f land of said Mors 130 perches to a . post the easterly corner of land of maid Moss. thenre month 44 1.2 deg. east along hmds . of Ifstch & Johnson 125 perches trr a pine sapling corner of lands of said Hatch &Johnson end lands of John Boyle. thence , konth 42 1-2 dee. West along lands supposed to belong to' t. A. ,6r O. Pratt, 130 perches to an oak mpling— thence north 44 1.2 deo. west 125 perches to th , piece of beeihnine, centeinine 101 acres .and. 24 perches be the same more or less, and all unim proved ALSO—AII that other piece or parcel ottani situate as aSOre-bntinded and descritrettastnilo's to wit; comineneine at a hemlock sapling. the l moth east earner nf land of A. Moss, thence running north 45'dee. east along lands of• said I Nom. 123 perches to a post the easterly corner of lards nf mid .linsm. thence south 44 1.2 dee. cart a long the shove described lot of J. W. It mip. 28 perches tea hemlock thence south 25 dem west alone land supposed to belong to P.. A. dr. 0. Pratt: 136 perches to a post thence north 44 deg. west along !awls of Harden 28 perches to the place of heeineig. containing 40 acres and 149 perches, be the same more or less, and all improved. ALSO -All the Homeefeed property upon which the said J. W. Belknap now resides. situ ate as aforesaid, hounded and described as fel. lows, to wit ; on the north by lands of B. B. Lit. tle, on the east by lends of Wm Bedell, on the south by hind of Robert Gillispie. end on the w. by the Cocherton & Great Bend Turnpike Road. enetsming about 70 acres of land, the same more or less. with the appurtenances, one framed dwelling . horse. cue farmed barn and shed. one bl a cksmith shop. and wagon shop, one saw mill and mostly improved. Taken in evocation at the suit of the Com monwealth of Peensylvanis, for the use of Wm B. Rockwell vs. James W. Belknap. ALSO—AII, that certain satimill situated on creek known as the Drinker creek,and near pub lie road known as Curtis ram!. in the present township of Oakland. (late Harmony) said mill being on land'hounded ea follows; on the north by Wadi owned by Wakeman*. on the east by , the Lenox & Harmony Turnpike, on south by land in the possession of 3menb and on the . wear by the above mentioned Curtis road. Taken in execution at the suit of A., & S. H. Hams, vs. F. A. Ward. - F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose; Oet 26th, 1857. 42-3 t. Notice. ANY PERSON who oily haws any &map& against the estate of A. F. Will:ams, deed, late of Bridgewater, will please tresiot the samo to me, as no letters of adtninretration will be te. ken, lost. If. WILLIAMS. Bridgewatei, Ort. filth, 1857., 42 T ADIES Dross Buttons, some very pretty JUstyles, of Gold Stone and MonnieMit recd b ALFRED J MANS. G OLD: Silver , ned Bono z pCpc'KL:'T .6 , p7Glwmoi,differenfaties. A. J. F.. OLD Thimbles, of sll aims. jext re'ed bf • ALFRED I. EVANS. Ilisgbasstoe, Oct. 2i, 1857, NEW STOVES! atvatatazz Is just receiving a large stook _ of NEW STOVES INCLUDiNG a full assortment of. r hutted Oren, Large Oren and 'Flat. Top Premium Cook Storm for Wood or Coal, with it Siiperior variety of Parlor, Office and Shop Store,. for Wood or Coal; also Move Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Store Tubes, 4- c., His assortment will include the most SEt.tt't and DESIRAELs STOVES in market, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and to which ho would invite the 'particular attention of Caau buyers. - New MiVoril, October, 12th, 1857. NEW JEWELRY. THE subscriber Askes'pleasure in informing : friends that he is now receiving a large addition to his stock or J EWELRY and FANCY G(X)DS. His goodp have been selected with great care, and being purchased in the present depressed state of the market. will be sold at unusually low prices. ALFRED J. EVANS,. . No. 2 Odd Fellow's-Hall. Binghamton, Oct. 7th, 1857. GOLD. SPECTACLES of every age and of various quedities received this day by ALFRED J. EVANS. Binghamton, Oct. 17th, 1857. Register's Notice. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all per. .• .ns concerned in the following Estates, to wi lk state of FREDERICK PICYZEINa e IiIe of Susq'a 1 ..i.deceased,Wm4H. Hubbard. Administrator Estate of JOEL Holtuitiss, late of Harford township, deceased, Charles Tingley Adm'r. Estate of WK. WHITE, late of Auburn town ship4leceasad. Wm. White, jr., Administratior. .Estate of JOHN RMEEVAULT, late of Forest Lake' township, deceased, Mahala Rhinevanit and John S. Town Executors Thi;t the actountants have settled their ac counts in the Register's Wee, in and for the county of Susquehanna, and that: thesame will be presented to the Judges of the Orphan's Court of said County. on Wednesday the 18th day of Nov. next, for their confirmation and allowance. J. W. CHAPMAN, ttegit.t,er Register's office, Montrose. Oct. 21st, 1857. Notice. WHEREAS. my wife, M ingsrat "Anti: has left my bed and board without just rause or provocation, I hereby forbid all persons bar. boring or rusting ter on .my account As I will pay no debts of her conirseting after this date. ELI WRIGHT. Lathrop. 001 . 151 h. 1857. N 11 . 1111 r T - 211 D G O'' 0 D St For Clash or Ready-Pay. • The Rubseribers hare just puschased a New and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of Staple and Fancy • D-R Y GOODS GrOceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, ctc. , ttc- , Woted, offer them for sale at their Store, at low er rates than Goods ham bren sold in thie plea. for CASH or PRODUCE; exper:enee having taught us that this is the only true way of doing busi. ness. As we hare brwht our:Goods for Cash du ring the great money panic, we have bought thcni Low, and sill sell them the same. g * *Plesse give.us a call and examine our stock. GUILE & BLANDING. arford, Oct. 1 2th..1837. EIiNGER RlNGS—Avery fine lot of heavy J: 18 carat plain Finger Rings, suitable fur Wedding Rings; aka, Pearl, Garnet, Diamond: Ruby, Mosaic, Chased and Figured Rings,. from 4 shillings to $5O, by A. S. EV ANS. Binghamton, Oct. 7th, 1857. PLATED TABLE- KNIVEa—A new invoice of these beautifu! Table and Desert Knives; also, Sieel . Knivei and Forks, -of different styles and qualities, by A. .1. EVAN) Binghamton, Oct_ 7th, 107. ' I)UCKSKIN PURSES and BAGS from 4s. 1...1 to 84, by A. J. EVANS. Binghamton. Oct. 7th, \857.". Farm for Sale. . Situated about 11.2 miles from Lynn P. 0. Springville. containing 93 acres, about 60 acres under improvement. a framed [louse and Barn on the same. A good apple orchard, with a large proportion of grafted trees, sugar orchard and timber adapted to the wants of the Farm; within 1.2 mile of a good Saw-mill and Grist mill. Terms made easy. Apply at this Office or to Warren Taylor, Spring ille. Springville, O.•tobor '7, 1857. 40w3. Removed, MAiry office to my new residence nearly oppo site the Presbyterian Church. on Turnpike Street The public are invited to call and exam- Inc specimens of the various styles of Plugging and Pistil which Fain daily executing. N gas. sing...any more," friends, the work speakssy for itself. - C. D. VIRGIL, Resident Den at. Montrose, Pa. Se pt. 1857. ,7 NEW 4 IL ISBEI,I, wishes to inform 'the public I that he has rented a' window in F. B. Chandler's Store, where he will be found ready to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, on the shortest notice, and in good style. All repairs warranted. Montrose. Sept. let, 1851. tf JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. 02/1211tri U 1 DILI:. HAs jug opened a WATCH and JEWEL. B Y Establishment in A. Merriman% Boot and Shoe Store on Public Avenue. one door above the Post - Office. Clock* Watehea and Jewelry repaired in the neatest style. He will fill ail orders for Watches and"Jcwelry at less than city prices. * * *All work warpnted. Montrose, September 14th. 1857. 370. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Fri HE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF G 1850,11 .1 JL desire to employ 13 Teachers to take charge of the schools of their District, to whom liberal salaries will be paid 1 he compensation will be graduated according to the qualifications of the - persons employed.— All Teachers expecting to teach in Gibson School District must be licensed by the proper authority—the County Superintendent. Schools to open about the lat of DetersL er. JACOB L GILIZrT, Pee's. • SETH AnEI., Se•Ay. 0.13x0n SEpt. 26 1857. Anditor'e 'Notice. In the matter of the- Ad.' rirtHE un d ers i g t e d ministnitina account I JL having been ap of Rob% 111 , :kune, Ad. ' pointed ‘n Auditor ininildrt:tor of Situby theOrphan'stiourt 1 Melf.une, deceased. to toehtistleentre:vfacitioi hestui all parties in reference thereto. at his Office in . Montrose.on Friday lb. 6th day of November at ono o'clock. P. M. WM. 11. JESSUP, Auditor. Oct. 13th, 1647. 4terl. CAMEO Breastpins. soother lot very eheop. A. J. E. Q T DS, a iarge lot of old, Pearl and Jet, 4.7 just reed by A. J. E. Q LEEVE Minos, a fine assortment, just too •,.7 by - A. J. E. 0 ; L Necklaces abd Armlets, in esrlitte. A. t IXTA T = tan. a variety of patterns. V A.J.E. Two Myna and Four t buipd Kulyei, ‘.../ and Elcia;ors. by A. J. EVANS. Binghamton, Oct: 7th, 1557, N E W irstrTLE a If ARDING4fi'COtIMIN. FARMERS -AND MECHANICS!! WILL please remember, when building, that tho subscribers are furnishing DOORS, sAsV. and BLINDS, • At the lowest Factory price; anti that they keep constantly on hand, a large stock of NAILS, GLASS, PU TIT, DOOR TRIMMINGS FASTENINGS, LIME, de., 4., • In tact, ; we have almost everything in the way of Building Materials, Of first rate quality, and will sell them at a very small advance from Cost for Cis% Therefuro woconfidently assure Builders, that they will materially consult their own interests by giving us *call, befuretpurchasing. LITTLE dr. HARDING. LOUR, SALT, -AcD—• L X 111 E 1 1 • BY the LOAD or , BARREL. constantly on hand, and for sale, at the very lowest rates, by LITTLE & HARDING. Nicholson September fit, 1857. ANOTHER Pry an *ltabi4 Stock of lIIITIBOBS. For the Summer. Trade. Now and Beautiful styles,- • Now being opened by LITTLE. HARDING. • Fish !Fish' A- FRESU lot of those Fine Heavy 'Codfish, also, Bluefish in Barrels and Half Barrels; just iereited by - frrr4l & ALSO, ANEW Stork of Groceries, Hardware,, Crockery, dtc., &c., a handreth part of a bleb we have not time to mention. Enough to say, we .have almost anything, and eve. rything expected to be found at a store in the country—all of which we are determined tarn in'o cash, in-the very shortest possible time and we herewith issue a NOTICE I.A I L .b-DV-PDaga. We wish It distinctly undeeatood, that for CASK we will sell any kind ofGoods at touch lower prices than usual. . Fresh Groom ies, SUGAR, Molas s es, Rice, Coffee, Teri, and all kinds of Groceries in any quantity, at the very lowest rates, a full stock eonstantly on hand, by • - LISTLIr. do ILLEDING. Four Shilling Tea NOTWITHSTANDING the reeent heavy advance in the price of Teas, we have as. cured a large lot of the same quality of that which haw created so much good feeling among our Tea drinking customers. Plenty of it, by the chest or pound, at the old price, by - It is a Fact, rip HAT Saleratus, Soap and Candles of the heat qualities, are for eutle by tee Box, at New York city wholesale prices, be LITTLE &.'II.IIRDINGI. Potash, IN Tin Cans, It Pure_ article, for sale by LITTLZ & ['AIDING Boats and Shoes, CONSTANTLY on hand, a first fate Rawl- V meat of lien's, Bors'and Youths' doub'e sole Bontx and Shoes, a'f' the best titanttfacture, also, Womeh's Shoes, Boots and Gaiters in g ea variety, all to be sold at ve low rates, by Lrrnt &. Itattutsc. - gate and - 114 almost ; tntess variety, of Winds, tpOityaba 1. pates, for side by • - Lrett.t. dr. thaws. Bonnets, 1311380N5, Flowers and Trimmings, for sale by Lvr Ls & H*RbHb. • Clothing COATIS, Vests and Pants, well made, alad good styles;" Shirts, Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, ste., for sale chest by LilLttn & HARDIN*. ' • Leather! • SOLE and Upper Leather, Pegs, Shoe Nails and Thread. Was and many other Wads of Shoe Andinv, for sale by Lira.: & HARDING. Carpeting! D ICH all Wool Carpets, at low price, for sale by • LITTLK & HAADIJIC To Lumbermen and Coopers. BEST Cast Steel and Steel Poll Axes, Cast Steel Mill and 'ro, Cut Sawa, also Patent. tooth.0"I Cut Saws, with Files, of almost. all 1P... scriptions, for `sale by Limit 4 likronte. . To Dairyonn, IRRINS, Return P;lia, Pans, Tin, Painted F and Cedar Pa '2,s, Butter Bowls,,Dairi Silt, &e.• &e., for sal d by . are You Building? . YOU will save money by puiebssing your Nails, Glass, Psints,clils;:inub, Dour Trim. wings, and Hardware generally of LITTLE 1 411. HARDING. Flour, Salt and BY the Load, or Barrel, constantly on band, and for sale by Lime & HARDING. Cash I 1 YOU can bay almost anything, in the way at General Merchandise, for Caen, at a• very small adratme from cost, of LITTLE & Produce Igguiteds BUTTER; Eggs, lard, Tallow; Doeswat, Grain of all kinds, Barri Old lion, Lumbar, Shingles, Dried Apples, Beans,den., in exchange for Oobds, kr - LITTLE & Ittantsis. tokhaimoek Depot, ,duty lit, X 857. PAINTS, ' - OILS, SASH AND i3LISD & HARDING. LITTLZ & LI ri'Lt & HARDIN% Erfeff2 . _ - .Auditor's Notice. The dndersikued un Auditor appointed bribe Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County to, make distribution of the Fund in the havids of. Alum: da Benson,' Administratria of the estate of Hem ry Benson, deceased, will attend,to the duties of his said appoidtmint at lit office in Montrose. a r k . Friday, the 611141.4 of November ,next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at *hleli time and.place all persons having claims will pivaeht them or. be forever debarred from Coming in Upon said Fund. ' . ' • F. A. CASE. Oct. 6, IMt • NEW GOODS! /1 • FOR 'THE FALL OF 1857. HBURRITT is now receiving a large a stockof FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS, including his usual, assortment, and of the PEST AND NEWEST STYLES in market. which will be sold t,n the most fisOorablo term& New Milford, Sept. 26th 1857. • BarigliA tlgn EgaP@lillha GREAT REDUT lON OF PRICES! DICK • ERMAN GARRATT are no* rei ceiving their Stock of Stoves for the ,Fail and Winterpade, and w..mld be leave to say' to their numerous friends and customers that they have on hand the largest and bet selected Stock of Stoves ever afered to the inhabitantsi of Susquehanna Co. Their Stnek consists ot r the most approved patterns of Elevated Oven,' Large Oven. Premium end Coal Cooking Stoves. Wood arid eonl Parlor Stoves of Elegant pat-, terns, also Stx-Plate Office and Hotel Stoves, Coal Burners, ace. We have the best Stove constructed on the dicing flue principle, ever made, at a very moderato price: We would take this• Opportunity of reminding our friends who are solicited to purchase "their Stoves of Hawkers & Pedlars. that a moments reflection will convince them that it is very had economy to do so. It is a Well established fact that the cost of selling Stoves by pedling them about the coun try is not less than 15 or 20 per cent, and getter, ally as high as 20, to say nothing of had debts and cost of collections. Of course this extra ex. petite trine come out of the pickets of the par. chaser. In consideration of the above facts we offer our entire Stock of Stoves at 20 pei. Cent less any Pedlar will or r i sn „sell. Call and see it these things are not so. New Milford, Sept. 16th, ISM To the Independent Voters OF SUSQUEHA NNA CO UST Y A 261) ALL OTIIIHS who look to their own interests The undersigned is notjust now to offer him self with along epistle for your "votes at the coming electloti,' but would simply say that be has just received a tit , * stock of BOORS and STATIONERY, Which he is ready to sell to all those who want i insf exactly right. A new lot of Pocket & Family Bibles, Testa ment*. PriwYer Books &c &c. SCHOOL BOOK 3, such as will be wanted hi the NORMAL SCHOOL A choice tot of A. W. Ilartison's Columbian Inks, Toilet & Soaps, Laciiis! & Gentle men's Perfumety, and Flavoring k.stracts. GIPTS,GIFTS. As it has become an. fash. 'unable to ddvertise '-spfendid gift enterprises," I would just say that I will agree to fornish chaiers with gifts, and quite as trainable ones too, as Pewter Penknives, Brass Fingerrings or other valueless trinkets. Try me at -the Montrose Book Store. A. N. BULLARD... - Montrose Pa. Aug. 12th, 1857. • Stamp Candidate: Iwould respectfully notify the public that l'atn a candtd.ite for your suffrages, and 1 pledg,c myself, whether elected or not, to fill the duties of my office, (which is to make your Conts,VestS and Pants,) to the best of my ability, and in a style that shall be neat slid durable. If a thar'o knowledge of the business, faithful ness to prom. ises aad a determination to please my customers. are merits worth anything, then am I entitled to your suffrages. Bring along our cloth, and your money to pay for cutting or hisking,_ and see if lam not all right. Poor Richard says: "He that by the Plow wholti thrive n Himself must either ; hold or drive." - True,—and if applied to Tailors, it *ould read in delectable r) . "Ile that, by the Shears Would thrive. Must nuke good work or—Yankee Doodle." pledge myself to make good work. Drop in and lohk at the Fall Fashions. air Shop at the u:d stand a IV* doors ere' of Searle's corner. Cuttine done as usual. Montrose' Sep. : 1851. . JOHN GROVES. Farm for Sale. Xatlbsiriber efflrs for sale a Good ram X of 95 acres in Bridged-Ater. four miles east of Monterse., 70 arms improved. There is on tSe premises a large framed Dwelllhelinuse, good framed Barn, ah excellent Apple Orchard. One bettor the purchase money *ill be attired dowh ; the balance In anneal in%tilments. . ;3:4- raLISAIi BROWN. iltidgeWareri August 19th, 11357. , 331 f. GreierieslGrodertes! good assortment or Groceries comprising is Flour, Fall, Fitts, Tea t - Coffee, Sagur, and other articles in the line too numerous to mehtion, which is offered fur sale at low priers, for rash or ready psv. Call and examine my Goods and PRICES bnfuro purehasilig else where. Montrose, Aug. 10th, •1857 HOWARD, ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick and dis tressed, celicied with Virulent Epidemi, diseases.. T° ALL PERSONS afflietel. with Sexual Diseases,:svich as Spereiatdrrbtea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence. G Jnorrhees, G leet, Syphi lis, the Vice of Ona:'.ism, or sell' abuse, &C., &e. The Ilowae:., Ass.octaxituv, in view of the awful des% o ni on of htiman life, caused by Seim al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon tie enfortavlste victims of such diseases by Quaiks, several years ago directed their Con. suiting Surgeon, S CHARITAiti ACT worthy of their name, to open's Dispensary for the treat men4. Of this class of diseases, in all their forms, ad to give Ilanteat.ALvicz GRATIS, to Ail who apply by letter, with a description of their con. dition, (ag4,oecnpation, habits of life, &c..) and in eases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicine.* free of charge.' It is needless to add that the Association 'commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the ,most imptoeed moderd, treatment. The Directors on a review of the past, feel assured thaCtheir labors in this sphete of benevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and , they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed , zeal, to this . very Important but much, despised cause. r Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Weakness., the Vice of Onanism, MaStdrbiition dr Self-Abuse, and other diseases or the sexual oigans, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail (in a sealed letter envelope,) iitex nnAttnit, on the receipt of ftvo STARTS nit. tage. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. R.* Calhoun. Consulting Sorgeorl, Halyard Asi atic'. ion, No. 2 Shrub Ninth Btreet, Philadelphia, Pi • - Dv order Qf the Hirvetora. EZRA D. tIARTM LL President. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretory. Oct. 15th. 1857. AbNINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is herthy itiven to sit persoits -hat: lag demands saltinst the estate of Den PlYnee. 4eaevell , late of Lenoir township, that thesame twist be presented to the understeno for arrangement; snd all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to' make immediate *meat.. AI ONZO A. PAYNE, Administrator. Lector, Oet. 12th, )857. • 41 We. . T. KINGSFORD' & SON S . PURE OSWEGO ST (FOR TIIE LAUNIY I RY,), HAS establiShea wgreater Cel6brity ban hat ever bet obtained , by any other %arch. Triis has been the result of its marked supo,,, riority In quality, arid its itMaiiaLle uniformity. The public may Ito assured of the continuum! ottee high - standartrnew ostabliiihed, ThD production is over Twenty Tons d aisy; and the dem.lnd has extended ibrougfrut thi _ . whaler of the United Stutps i fod tries. •' Working thus on tiveiy large ids...-" . ... ...se . ~ kpeffet.. uniformity .in the quality throng o n • tile yia te l it This i 4 the great DesideratutiOn , _lat tiadlitlifi and is realized,now for the first t the. . • - The 'very besvStarelt that can beelle. and :co oaten, + s always wanted by Nitta r‘otid this will be supplied .to them by ‘ho'gtocera. ti soon as`their customers, have,i It tied which -it the best, end ark ; for ii—trtherw e they would be likely to get that unit:Lc - cm Which thei haigest. profit ran be made. . • • 1 !Mr. Kingsford, has been engng facture of Star4h continuously ft' years, and during thp vihole of t Starch made wider his superyisio yond any qtytation, the best in th the first 17 years, ho had the . works.of Wm. Colgate & Co.; h Aeinventecrkho process of the .COrn -Starch his sold by all the best &peers n nearly every part of the country. • ' • , T. KINGSFORD &St N'S • OSWEGO CORN ST Ci (FOR Ma/DINGS, c.,). Has obtained an equal celObritylri h thehl i Stareb for the laundry. This article is erfeetly pare, and-is, in every respect, equal to the: b4st Bee.. mada .Arrow Root,..bcsidos - hat ing additional' qualities which rend_ er It invaluab a for the &Alf-. aut. Potatoe Starch ban been eater-siren- packed and sold as a Corn Starch, and' lets gnats false impressions to many,a4 to the real men of Corn Starch. Flom its great delicacy and pa ity, it is eaal. ing into extensive nse as a diet or infants And invalids.. E. N. KELLOGG & C „Agents, Aug. 21m3.1 196 Fulton tneet,lN. y. N 13 W FALL. - AND WI It it unnecessary .to ackno ledget Mot i . • R. KENY NI:. SELECTS• the oast style of Goods that are to be found in New York, regaillesis of she e%a: pence. Ile has Just received from Nevi, York a large assortment of Dry Goods' corisiating of Rich All WOl,lB 'Delatios, French Delanea, Stl perior:Plaid Goods, mid Ciilieoe in endless va:. riety. His goods cost and are worth t 25 per m Jr.: thr the goods usually .rod through the country, at the same prices. tgentueitY Jeans, Printed Flannels, Rich RibbOnds from ilvS del to the 1 , hillio Os , - Brochs lihawls from el to 820, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, White G tids, Sheelings at low prices. Ladies ‘Vinter B nnets.l Shoes and Gaiters, large assortment. II use Carpeting, cheap. Collars. Uidersleeires,B cailet Dehmeis. 2.8 Inch Black Silk fur $t a yell. soriething un heard of. 'Debagel+. Illas,,Caps, Croekerv. id, A complete assortment of Groieriesillro*ll Roger, et olarptitles,"l (Vets. per , 'pound. Cell A nirsee, one and all. My reputotian for selling good* cheapl haw not diminished in th )earl, 'Come along with your cash and trade' ith .yoor Ser vant. : KENYO4. L . 1130 Bof . AC accounts. with custom+ over one 'year); standing must be twilled As I need the proceeds.- - ~ , r, . Wool Sack Shadow not Wanteil....: . R KENYON. . -` Lnerstrille Centre, Sep 1.5,114517. . - ./: . : The Secret 41ifirmities of Youth t Maturity ; Jun GnatiP, the 25t. 7'houltadd. FEW WORD'S .n the LA. treatment. wilho .t medicine of ft__ rPi"- Sperunitorrhea - Or tut wi!akdelot ; not:luring! etnissiona, genital add n .rv,ons pi.' maitre deney of thos syste'in, npau ricyolltid impediments to marriage genera l??:}, by i - • D. DE LANEY, the important fact that the i. 'thany alarming complaints, criginating in the u4prudenee sled solitude nfyouth.may be easily removed'withobt . ',medicine. is in 'Miasmal! tr:,et elealrl) dereonitra ted ; and the entitely Pew end lilthly,*tmeessfol.. \ "-treatment. as adopted by the Aut tot, t.— fatly r pleihed, by turani of which every one i s 'enabled • to are himself perfectly at the least.possible cost; thereby , avoiding all the adrytistd.,ttestrals, -of the day\ Sent to any address. gratis end:post free in a se led efiYelope. by remitting 2 .postsge stamps to br. DE LANEY, 17 L"spenard Street N. Y. Oc't 1 ISM _ .:: _ . , Ity.eq. YkAti....paya for 8 ard, washing. YIVI.VI fuel furnished. roe. • , espeasta and tuition: fa common at - FORT EDWARD lISTLItTEI .Y Superb brick building's bilintif l ully lOated . :4lll the Rail Road near Saratoga Springy raillity, twenty Proft.'ssors !Ind Teachers. / 1110nuab. arc - awarded to Ilauljes who e' ffrnduate. Winter'TierntiO, aliens Dec. 4th: 1857. Send for a rata ppm to - Sep. 20-Iy.) Rev. Jii,S." . E. KING -Prinetpal. ' NrOTICE is hereby - given alit the 111 rat of / 1 1 ItAwt.zir ¢r Gump is this dissolved by utual con4ent. - C. P. . Gibpen, Abg 11 1t 7. E. . Guit.u.. The books and accounts eon be found tt fhb store forrhoily 'Oocupieti by the subscriber:it. All pert Ons hn vinzonsettied aceonnta Lie r6lthested to settle the tome as soon as possible. The filminess *lll be onnduetd in future b the tinAerSigned odder the firm .of C: P; & O. g. fIAwLET..:O4 are constintlyieeeiting_froin Now York an44Philadelphls, the Tatra styles 0 1 Bud *Slater Dry Goods, 11.:los thing he., 41l of witieltwill bit sold at a very small profit for ready pr..y.;,. • 1 Gibsou, Aug. 315t.,1851. • C., P. Itairtt 4 4 Has-IAT. S. S. MOTT. Nbtide: • V'OTlChis hereby given thin !enema a. 1. 1 1 ministration have been gninteti.toithe'itne derligned UnOn the estate of egiVin Biih eased . , late of the tuttrn.hip of Lenox ib the' County of Bu:4oth:tuna. Al! Ipeii!ons hating Valeta aganist said estate are therefore hatlßed to present them duly attested; find _theta', Who are awing said estate are fkinated to that* imp mediate payment. CAtHt-Rll4t . lie troop ; Oet 19th,.1857.' • 41wtl. RACE LETS.—A very fin. a s tiottiticht- of 13 Gold, Bard, 'dad Hair Briceictkliftlired thi day by Y. trANS. Binihanatoil, Oct. it t; 18674 LATtLi Cilstors, alikEra*ets . ,, Sugae ris Snit Cella, eau! gailc4te, Candinstieks. Forka, Spoons. ace., &c, in every itniletv by J. -IVAN'S. • Binebam.iPn. ' 1 4837: ' "UtARRINGS.;--A. new lilt lof 'Earrings and Breast pin:. in. lett; 114 d *tarp variety* of Cameo and Ali-Gold Einin s—new patterns. by,. . 3. EVANS:, .Bitigbamton... Mt. 'fib, 'lSn ' . . , - - Mel ain'ti t*p, ,s I ,' - • : ' ttiiiNG p'ner'hasia the right , for milthii , _ ll 1 thb hootttiftltiiid dumb% style ofplettftr, known no. th s o 11olit;'nOtypor , Iron . Pieturei, 1 - ° 1 stoml 'ready to tu'ettish them t omit tto mei Pet, for-them to the Anibrotypo Of,Dagoeirootypoi ~.: If anybody prefers a cheap 9lteneit;i torose at slifteripr imlity, I can. and win - ,maker %hone' as i eficap ! apd as_ gand ! ! as lima spid•ll , Wood, at, .. !lir cart on the greon: Or- .. .. .. , Fiala CLAiik Picyriers li - ttotiAt Neva*. I.V. B. DEAN $i Pheigt Maki • - Mantron :I alv fl'M! 185'r - - . .'" - s f . ..,1 ' • G 0-D lotiffin ift;* dander, feet • in'the men. r the Isket, itpertod, the • bee been, be= market. For Large; of the -which peiloit ,sr,nfitetnte of NTER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers