Fancy'ruralor Ladiesi ,!1N FAREIRA & . 0)., (New No.) 818 lAltliET abovatiglith, Philadelphia ,rters,.-51aritifacturers dealers in Ladies. - ] ic Men and Ch;llieris PA NCY' FURS,— I lesale and Retail. .4. F. & Co., would call mention et:Dealers ar.d 1114;PerInie genetallti sir imcieu o Stock of Fancy Furs for Ladies; leinen and,Childretn their assortment errw 3.5"eik . r . y . . - artii4o aid kind of Fungi Furs t hat be - Worn_during the Season =— such as Fall !s, !Lilt ta' pea:Quarter "Carien,Talmas, Vie. ('M, nista, ffa & Muffatees,fiem'the jine4 rig n - sah(e tiitU lowest price Domestic Fars. Pr crentleinen the largest assortment of Fur 3rs; Glii% es, Gauntlets dre.; being the direct irters i 4 alt our Furs and Manuracturers 1 •of under'litir Own supervision, we feel satisfied can coffer better inducements to delters - and mblic . gerierally than any other house; haV itionense aiaortineut to Select trom and at qautifueturers prices.— tire onhi ask a call. • - 301 IN FAIrF.IRA & CO. • 2 : 1 ' No. 818 3t ARKET St., above Eighth, t'hilad'a. Sept. 3, 1857. 4m. • MdairlOtYpBS AV ING inirehnsed the right for.. making A ii . ' .. tho freatiliful and durable style of pictures -4 known as the•Nlelainotype, or Iron Pictures, .I stand ready . to furnish them to such as may pre far them to the Ambrotype or JY.,guerreotype. 1 il *anybody prefers a cheap tawness to one of ~ . .suis!rior quality, I can, and will make them as d .:Ig cheap !. and anod!! Ms those sJld by Wood t ni 1 : the cart OD the green. fair FLUsT CLASS I'ICTUDES AT IamITAL PttlefiB B. DEANS, Phenix Bloat. Montrose, 301+ 23d, 1857. .• H. SAY RE . /lc BROTHERS • E4HAB,E NOW P. EC EPTING • svkliply o f jut Si t SPRING 4 4, %), AND. • : stimmun oooiDs. WHICII for Cash or Produce can be bought very low. WALL PAPER- A select assortment just .received. 5.,11. 'SAYRE & BROTIIERS. riARPETING. Bauains offert4l by , lJ S, H. SAYItE & BROTHERS :411 - '• _- . - , ~ , t PLOWS! PLOWS!! ; • . • 1) Lows. We invite- he attention of Farmers' ,:•! 1 to the celebrated Peekstille Plows which we !fare added to our large'asSortment. , S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, I' i - Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. 7-l. •‘ ontrose. April 29th, 1857. lBtf. i': • ‘..s TOVES! STOVES I! STOVES !!! _ 11. 'OUR Stoves have been 4o thoroughly tried _ to the entire satisfaction of all, that they i : '•_.•-ticed no recommend from us. .S. 11. SAYRE at' BROTIIF.RS. B OOTS & SIIOES M C MIST REO, n the " lipsonville Exchange" it 3 FD r!? cz a „ • AT.' \ TIIE HEAD Of' I No i:xamine Choice stock or Spring - .IIL and Summer Gund%, just o p . ne d for Examination and SALE, al rer y low figures 1) 3 C. W. MOTT. Q. 'MITA. .Cwstitnere, and DeLain Shawls at . 0 very prioes by ' C. W. MOTT. - • 11rS nod Cap* of the newest styles. in lIL great variety by 'C. W. MOTT. p RESTS in abundance by IV. MOTT 'DROWN and Blue sheetint , and Stirtings— , Stripes, Ticks, 'Denims, Sublimer Stuffs, &c., &.e., as low as can be afforded in this market. - C. W. MOTT. el LOTUS, Cabhimers and Vestings, very de sirable styles, at prices that -cannot fail to suit. Call and be convinced. C. W. MOTT. i) (CASS liocopst, losiery, Gloves, Belts, rte.., by C. W. MOTT. Eagle Foundry Plows 011 -superiority of casting - and excellency F ofinuehinery can-not I>e excelled, S. H. SAYRE Bno•rnrus. F LOUR, tor . vale hr the Load or Barrel, by 111CKERMAN & GABRErr. New.llilford, Toe 10Ih, 1857. • '; .Dairymen Take Notice. lll,‘`„Wd . khi'vTZl:thoavotieermataunrntifY3,F?rn Returril'ails and Butter Tube of the best or:tit v. [ Gibson. April 30th, 1857. - • Ciah Paid for IWool. • 1 1 11 E bighest market price in paid for 1-en TlMus,:nd pounds of Wool by • HAWLEY & GUILD. Gibson, June 24tit, 1857. . • wash for Wool riltRIT will pay the highest price for • vt...0 , . in Casu or Gdops, Sgt. hia *atom in H = ' Ni . ,%. Nititc.rd. • , Joty 4111.8.57. -7 , ico-A,nif.,iltiflovii46/ to-ituil uvuuoilior H. J. WEBB'S. MO:VP:ROSE,. APRIL, 30th 1857. FU LL Sp - .R.1; OF FALL DRY GOODS E 1 RE A. LANDELL 4th & Arelx-sts., re:T.ol'4llly requegt Cash Buyers to examine a fine Stoek 44 Seasonable. Goads, adapted 4o BEET T'EnNsYLvANrx TRADE., Pall Line of Fall Dress - Goods. New designs of Shawls. lid, Silks of Newest Styles.-4 :oo.od Black Silks of all widths. 4 Cases assor. ed• French Merinees. '7 do. Pail de Cnerrex. new and American Dark Prints. Satin. -;ts. Ca,hmeries. Cloths & Vesting& LITIt'T , A, Elankets, &e., &e N. B. Anetion Bargains from N. Y. and this daily P.irtieu!ar attention given to I;t•tultry L,Oers ft.r Desirabie Goods. Terms Neil Cash. Sept. Look and Read! SOMETHING NEW rir .1E undersigned, Merchant at Di (DOC k Four JL Corners, has lately discovered that for ready ptiy he ra n sett ro ore Goods, 9nd make wore money at, one.half the . usual profits pat upon i;ountry Goods. Consequently I can sell Gomls from-tire to ten percent. lower than any otht estalAishment in this sectiOO: • But do not tak may word 'fora. Call and ; sCe for yourselves. !king Cash or sortie kind of Country f proluee, and buy your (foods at a price unpar. I . , , alfelPd in the history of Mercantile trade: . My ')Sincli' is large and well -selected; and 1 aat•re ceiving. • YEW ADDITIONS. -every week. My Terms of Sulestre RELDY PAY. if t- will certainly be for your interest to call and see ms before purchasing elsewhere. Flour and Salt kept constant on bumf. • WM. 11. THAYER.. Dimoek. Jan. 73tb, 1857. : - NITOLF'S Ar orsL! \ its Sc ., biedn s iti u =7 , :ta s . !x! 113 EADY MADEi CLOTHING, ' • 116 - a thou Upsoncille Exchange." 1 ABEL TURRELL fAS just returned from Nov York, with large and choice variety of Goods, bought fur CASH,: and selected with much care, from over thirty of the hest Houses in New York, which he offers to his customers and the• public at lei? prices for cash. ' , His stock comprises:- - M• 1) IC IN , E S, P , A"•I N. TS, • OILS, .• WI\NDO V GLASS, DYE STUFFS, GROCERIP.S.,. • GL AS S—W A 11E, 'CROCKERY,• • M I : It R OHS , C L C'E WALL PAPE'R, WINDOW PAPER, WINDOW OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, „ JEWELRY,. .PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, ARD W ARE, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE,• I3ROOMS, :B. R S, . JAPANNED WARE, ,13 113 IY C A G-E S., • CANARY SEED, . 'POCKET KNIVES, • •': UMBRELLAS, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, TURPENTINE, CAMPILENE, BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, • LIQUORS, (ForMed,icinal Purposes onty,) tr.% • 0 0 t•;' Q #.l IV U •.• 9 S ORTE It 5, SIIOULJ)ER BRACES, PORTMONAIES, SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS; dm, ' -GOLD PENS, . STA TIO'NERY,' VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., And•all of the roost popular PATENT MEDICINES, Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance and large it4rease of the same. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, June 10th, 1857. MONOPOLY! MONOPOLY ! I MUSS is the great principle among onr sel fish. small merchautfr. hi proof of this look at the late Act passed at Harrisburg. prohibiting hawking and ped4ling, in Susquehanna County; en Act passed to gratify some of the Merchants who have expressed a desire " to stop some large wagons." Guttnitco, Iloscubaum A. DOWN WIT.' MONOPOLY. Their large wagon will run more regularly ,than ever bafcre, until their license for peddling. expires. In order to accommodate the commu nity and be battle monopoly successful ly., they have' made arrangements to get New Goods weekly froth New York, and they will sell the same from 15 to .10 per cent. cheaper. than any other eatalatinhment L in Susquehanna Coun ty. We have now weeiyed . our NEW GOODS! The largest, cheapest, and best selseted—st o ck ever offered in this market. Ws not necessary to enumerate the -articles which our assortment comp:lse*: it is sufficient to say that we have a general stock of the latest and most fashionable goods- in the market, and we cannot fail to suit the public, as well in taste, as in prices. A few words more to our fellow-citizens, and particu larly to those who feel themselves independent and - not obliged to purchase at some particular store. We know that it will be for your inte rest to examine and price our goods before pur chasing elsewhere; that is a true motto that ma penny saved is better than two earned." We are determined to spare no pains to give getieral satisfaction. and we shall a'ways be ready and happy to exhibit our assortment to those who will favor us with a call. GrTTENITERG, RocrsnArm & Co. Mont - ose, May I 2tls, -1857. Tioga Point Agricultural Works. 11. I Z!CtetlS Vrooks, ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY. PENN'A. MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL " ERS Eatery's Unrivalled Iforse Powers. ripIIRESHERS tin: 4 Separates, Tkreshers and CleanerS, Circular and Cross Cut Saws, Mill Saws,ShingleMachines,&c.,Emerrs Hickok's and Kranser's Cider Mills and Presses, Corn Shelters, Clow's Grain Cradles, Hay, Straw and Stalk Cutters, Horse PrOvs'ens,Doigiowers, Grain Drills and Broad Cast Sowers, CulErstors, Horse Hoes, Corn and Cob Mills, Dederick s Hay Presses, Stump Machines, Ketchum 's Mowers and Reapers, Excelsior Fan. Provision. Safes, Refrigerators Leather and Rubber Belting. Our 'Excelsior Panning Mint are unrivalled. Extras Furnished for repairing all machines sold by us. lEtPrDetwriptive Cat alogues, Price Lists and Circakis of all ma chines sold by us, sent gratis and post paid to all applicants. Send as your name and address. Agent, H. L. BLOWERS, (of Franklin,) Mont rose P. 0., Susquehanna County, Pa. ; IL M. WELLS & BROOKS. AthenQ, Pa.,„Pkly lit, 1857. 28m4. New Millinery and Deesig-Making ESTABLISHMENT. Ladies, have you Heard the News. Mrs. llMlnrs, formerly of New ti ;::York, has openened a Millinery and' Fancy Store in the village of Brooklyn; and having just re -1 "- 1 :11/I' l l it:wiled from New York with a - '••• • Laige and Fashionable stock of Goods consisting of La. dies and Misses Straw Hats of every style and variety. 0 Also, Crape and_Silk Hats, constantly on hand, of every hue and color, together - with a spit ndid atsorttnent of Biaslins, snchAs Embroideries, Hair Braids,ilosiery,Caps i {lead Dressea, Lace Goods, etc., etc., all of which she offers Li the LowEsr PRICES. - ,,*,*Particular attention will be paid to Bleach ing—always at home. Brooklyn, May sth, 1857. WEI 41.4114 48); AGAIN. HAVING failed of *aging out our store with its contents, we are again hi the market with New Goodv selling for Cub only, for less than can be .founld in Susquehanna County. We are determined to sel I goods Lou iihstand ing the railing~ ofo Dr up town neighbors. So' friends, one and all, come and buy where you •ran buy the cheapest. Your money saved is as good for you as for those you have enriched heretofore. R. THAYER & CO. April 2,81 h, 1851. =WM FANCY GOODSI Xtrintrs 7 int ttlaitir s - W-SURANCE . COMPANY,. Ni West COr. oilSecoild a ridiValitut:ii.,Pigil . a. C&P!TAL, 'Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. "ASSETTBI 11523,057 07. Invested in Bonds, licirtsges, And Good Securities. TILE FOLLOWIEW N STATEMET Exhibits thethe Business and Condition of the amipany to . November let, 1850. Premium received on Marine and Inland Risks, to Nov. lat. 1856, 8214,684 60 Fire PreCAMS, - 169,796 61 Interest on Loans, 8,104 47 411 Total Receipts, $400,185 68 Paid Marine Losses, - $64,427 04 Paid Firo do. . . 39,73'7 89 Eapenses.Salaries and Commissions. - 45,489 00 Reinsurance, Return . Premiums & Agen- ey Charges, - - . 97,474 68 lance remaining with C0.,5223,057 07 Trig AiSETTS OF . THE 4 COUP ANT AUE AB . rou.ow s: Philadelphia. City and County Bonds, . 816,848 18) Railroad Bonds, - 11,000 00 l eostpriees First 3iortages, Real Estqe . - 144,500 00 Storks,dollaterals,on Call, - . 32,400 00 Girard and Consolida- lion Bank Stock, . 5,225 00 Deposits with Ducan, Sherman dtCo.,Now York, 30,000 00 Deferred Payments on Stork - ont yet Quo, 97.700 00 Notes for Marine Pre- mimes, • = . 108,086 00 Duo from Agents, se. - cured by-Bonds, Premiums on Policies recent: y - Issued, and debts due the Co., 26,470 38 Balance in Bank, . . 16,456 'l4 85,376 18 This Company insuresßuildings,Merchandize, and Stock, from $lOO to $5,000, at the Lowest Rates consistent with Security, and upon the most Liberal Terms, and make PRomrr PAY NEST upon the adjustment of Losses under Poli. des issued by them. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of 15 per cent„ payable on demand, upon the business of the Company, to tIT Ist instant. lInn.THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD. R. lIELMBOLD, Secretary Philadelphia, November 17th 1856.. TIMOTHY BOYLE 52ylpdhp.] of New Milford, Pa., Agent. T ULMMUT-U AL fire k Nib c%tothnsurtince OF PHILADELPHIA, No. SG Wain ut-st, above Fourth. CAPITAL $300,000. Make Insurance against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture and - Merchandise generally. ALSO, Or horses and Cattle, against death Irons any statist. Eir LOSSF.t. 2 PROMPTLY ADJUSTED.JE: DIRECTORS: B. R. MILLER, J. CROANDALE, .1. R. FLAMES, F. S. HoEcia.vt, lIENar JONES, SAML..I. RANDALL CHAR. FLANIGEN. of Wilmington, Del. WILCARTERET, Sec, MILLER, Pres't. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. glamthourtrs' n►uranre Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of ' Pennsylvania. CAPITAL $500.000: Fire, Marine and Inland Transpor- -tailors. AARON S. Ltermeorr, President. Wx. A. Rnonze, Vice Preet: ALFRED WERRA, Secretary. - • • DIRECTORS. Aaron S. Lipincott, . Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Wm. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wi4. Neal, John P. Simmons, Charles J. Field, James P. Smith. - Office . No. 10 Merchant's Exchange, Phira. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, 3lont.rose, Pa. 20c I FARMERS! $l5 will purchase one of the best CORN SIIELLERSand SEPARATORS Ever Invented. THE undersigned is now prepared to furnish to FARMERS, Millers and others the world renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the times—being the best, most du rable;and easiest running Sheller now in use. Warranted to shell more corn in a shorter space of time, than any other machine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end to end, without cruahingoither corn or cob. The Machines are constructed with two cranks, and pally for a belt,so that two persons can turn them, or attach a belt in motion by O any power. The attention ofrions owning mills, is solicited, as the Machines are wonder. fully adapted to any kind of power. They are very easily turned, and when once in motion a small boy can turn them; they are capable of shelling one bushel per - minute—every. Farmer should have one—as they save their cost, in lea than one seasons. . They are on_ exhihition at Searle's Hotel, Sayre's Foundry, Ely's Mill in Brooklyn, and ai Lathrop's Lake Mills, where they can . be seen in operation - at any time. All orders addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt etten, tion. Machines shipped at a distance and war. ranted to operate. D. D. SEA RLE.I • AI Searle's Montrose; December, 1111' 1 1856. . CERTIFICATE. , THIS is to certify, that I lava examined and used one of the above Shellers, for sale by D. D. SEARLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one of the best, most durable and easiest running Shellers ever introduced into ,this county. It will shell more corn in' a shorter time than any other Machine, and is always ready' for service. I most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Susq'a County, as the cheapest andhest Sheller, row in use. I have one in operation in my mill in Dirooek, which needs oely to be seen to recommend itself. Call and see it. `i - AMMI ELY. Brooklyn, December I Ith, 1856. tf. G. P. PORDHAM, [succEisoß To A. & E. BALDWIN.] Manufacturer of Saddles, Harnesses, and Trunk and Carriage Trimmer, UTOULD invite all who- are want - of any article ever kept at a Barons shop to give call. Harnesses made of the best Oaf Tanned Leathers on short notice. lie has on bawd a good assortment of Carriage Trimmings which he offers on the moat reason. aLle terms: Carriage Trimming done with neat. news and dispatch. Repairing done on short notice. No.l. 2, and 3, RasementSearie's Hotel. Montrose, Nev. 26th, 1856. QIIOCERIES, Crockery, Hardwire and various other articles to numerous to men. Lion.—alt of which shall be sold Cheap for Cash or Reedy Pay. C. W. MOTT. ' Montrose. May 51b,1857. HE HIGHEST PRICES l'A I D FOR pUrrEß.,ai. the " Upsoaville Exehenge.° 177,128 61 --.9523,057 07 ROOT PILLS.- This philanthropist has. open the greater part of his life in travelling, having visited Europe, Asia, Africa and South America —spent 3 years atriong.the Indians of our West ern country e! it wasin this way that the Indian Root fills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the - fact that all disea ses arise from lIIIITRITY OF ruEßLooti—that our strength, health and life depend upon this fluid. When the various pas'agew become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the difB= erent functions of the body r the blood loses its acion, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased?.. thus causing pains sickness and distreSs of every name; our strength is exhausted, we are depriv ed of our health;and . if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, the blood will. become stainantand cease to sa, and thus our light of lifo be forever blown out. Ilow impor tarit is it then . to keep the passages of the body free and open. And how pleseant to us to•be a ble to put a medicine in your reach, viz., Morse's Indian Root Pills, made from plants r.nd roots that grew around the mountain cliffs in Natnre's garden, for the health and comfort of diseased man. One of the roots from VI h ich these ('ills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in.throwing off the_ finer portions of corruption within. The second which is a plant is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing npnner, performs its duty by throw log off phlegni,and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic,.— which gives ejse and double strength to the kid neys; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of impurities from the blood, which is then thrown out Lipuntifully by the urinary or water 1:::',;;; E :.:; i Ana W hich could not have been discharged in afii other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pit Is while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity %Ilia cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities by the bowels. . From the above, it is shown that Dr. MorSe's Indian Root Pills not only cuter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely cleanse the system from all impurity,and the life of the body which is the blood, becomes perfectly healthy;.— conserpiently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, fur they cannot remain when the bo dy becomes so pure and clear. The reason why poeple are,so distressed wheu sick, andso many die, is because they do not get a medicine that will pass to the aflieted parts, and which will o pen the natural passages for the disease to be cast out, hence, a small quantity offood and oth er matter is lodged, and the,stomich and intes tines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus uudergoiug disagreeable fermenta tion., constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and' aitery, until Itte is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions 01 the sick to health and happiness.— Yes' thousands who have been racked or tor mented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of_ the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they .would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful:medic ine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. after Idr 2 du. sea had been taken, they . were astonished, and absolutely surprised, in -witnessing their Charm ing-effects. Not only do they give: immediate. ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to,work at. the foundationofthe dasease, which is the blood Therefore, it will be shoten, especially by-those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—the deadly enemy—will tike its flight, ar.d the flush of youth and beauty will again return. and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. EV - Beware of counterfeits in yellow wrappers—all genhine . are in BLUe,,with the sig. nature of A. J. WHITE &Co., on each box. July lat, 1857. 25 WITNESSES! Sorgir 611thirieb. 4 ' 47 ' JOHN S. D 'IS THE AUTHOR, ..‘ s , ‘N• ho has had 10 ears experience as a taudeer• and publisher; and author of t A series of let tures at the Broadway Tab. ernacle when for 10 successive nights, over x'50,000 Peoplei • ! zGreeted him with Rounds of Applause, 4hile he exhibited the manner in which • N). :Counterfeiters execute their FraniA, and itheSurest and Shortest Means of Detecting them! % / The Bank Ynte -- L'n' graters all say that he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living, ICIREATEST DISCOVERY of the Pres ent.Centary for ' , Detecting Counterfeit Bank Nfites Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and. Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation ! Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE is EASY and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. Or" No I,adex to examine ! No page to hunt up. But so simply arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a Glance. • ~' . , z v... so • No •-•63. English; French and German. . - - inns Each read the same in his-own . „ - r t, Native Tongue. 4 (1 % L.lfost Perfect Bank Note List POlished. Als&a List; of NNy •,:., ~. All . the Private Bankeri in Ameriea. • $ A Complete Surninary of the FINAICCE or EUIIOTE AND AMERICA will be published ~.. in each edition, togethei with all the Im. %.,, portan . t NEWS OF IRE DAY. Also A SEniks ~... _ OF TALES € From an Old Manuscript found in the East. It. furnishes the Mott Complete History of . . . OfttENTAL LIFE, describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which thi : Lidics and Gentlemen of that Country hare . been found. These Stories will continuo thtonhout the whole year, ' and will prove the Most Entertaining ever V \ offered to the Public, w r far Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters must be ad dressed to 1 3011 N S. DYE, Broker,. Publisher and Proprietoi-,10 Wall.nt, N. Y. • 18yl. Patent Medicines, dr,c. • AFFLICTED READ ! GBAMENDERG MEDlClNES.—Vegetible Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparila COmpound, Children'a Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fee vet and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen tary Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Mamhall'a Uterine, Catholicon, Dr: Libby'. Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. Ayres Pill. and Cherry Pectoris!, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment -and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fiteh's • Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Sonle's Bovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill., Rhode's Freer and Angue Cure, illerclinnt's Gargling Oil, A rni. ca Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Noel, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c &e. A new supilyjust received, to be kept. constant. by on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1856. CAS" paid for nil the Wool.. in RoPquebanna Co., by DICKERMAN & GARRET. AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) AIX HAMS TO CLEANS THE' BLOOD AND CUBE THE SICL InyalldE;Pathers. Mothers, Phryirlanis, Phlionthropiata,getid their EtTrite. -.. and judge of their.' Virtues! FOR. Tilt CCRE OF - Ileadache,Sick II endaelic;Foul Stomach. Prresacno, P.A.,slay 1. lad& Dli.J.C.Arrit. • Sir: I lotto beep-repeatedly evirml.of the worst head/en t. any litalveati bare by Like" or two of.yonr Pills. it seems to aristonom fonl stomach, whit h • they cleanse at once. if theY will care others as they do me, the feet is worth knowing.. - Tours with groat respect, W. W. rßtnus. Clerk of Steamer Clarissa. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. , - DEp.orninv or ins Daimon, WASHIMITON, D. C., T Feb.. IaSO. Silt: I have need your Pills in, my general anti boapital practice ever since you made them, and cannot beeitate to my they are the Lost cathartic we employ: Their icon bating action on the liar it qnick and decided. roneequent .ly they are an admirable rearmay for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have rehlom flanut a ewe of ha:owe air TUN So olethiate that it did nut readily yield to then,. Fiat/molly yours, ALONZO ItALL, NI. D., • llopicims rf Me Marine I.torpild. • Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. • Ton Oyster, litattodsts Lit. Co., Mica., Nov. 16, 1633. DR. ATCII: Your Pills ate the-1 e, fection of medicine. They have done my wife More goad than I can tell you. She lard been sick and pining away for niontite. Meld otT to be dot-toted at great expense., bid got no better. She ; then commenced taking your NlL...which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms 0111 font her body. They afferwartiv cured her and our-two dillies of bloody dysentery. One of our neighbors had it beet and Tny wife cured him with two dosses of your while Mhers around us paid roan five to twenty dollen doctors' bills, atul list tench time, Without being cured 4-nli:sly wren then. Stith medicine as yourp, which is actually good and honest, will be prired here. • OtO. J. GRIFFIN, DAtituuter. Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood Prim lkr.J. I: !lanes, Itutor of ,Adrad March, Mabel. . Da. Arra: I hare used your Pine witb.rxtreonlinary success in my family and tinning titles , i am ca11, , 1 to AJArt ilistreas. To regulate the organs of digestion and polity the- 1,12 , ,A1 they are the very best. remedy I have ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to my friends.. Yours, J. V. 1[134E8.1 Wasto, Wrologn Ca, N. V.. Oct. '24, MS. 'TZAR Sit: I am rising your Cathartic Pills in my prase. tire, and find them an excellent purgative It cleanse the systini, and purify the fountains of the blood. • ~JOHN O. 3.IEICIWI, 111. D. Erysipelas, Sciofula, King's Evil, Teller, Tumors, aid Salt Rheum. Frots a Ip aarardirg Merchant of e. Louis. Feb. I.ISM. Da. Arta: Your rms are the paragon of all that I, great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sites upon her hands and Pet that had proved Incurable for yenta. ,lter mother Lis been long grievous ly afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our child Was cured, she also tried your Fills. and they have cured her„ -ASA 3101 W ItIDGFi. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. Ass. the lien. Dr. Ilatekes, of the iktloxiisr Epir: Murch. Pri.tett Horse. SAVANNAH. GA.. Jan. 6,11::6. linToN SIR: I shunhl he ungrateful for the relief your Ain has bronght me if I did not report my came to pat A cold settled 4u my lied* and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains. which, ended in chronic rheumatism. Kota ititstanding , l had the best of physit inns. tin utLease grew worse and worse, until, by the advice of your excel, lent agent in Italtimore. Pr. Mackenzie. I tried your 1111. e. Their effects were slow, fait Pure. Ivy per Aqing inihe .use of theni I ant now entirely well. Fore Cruonica, Damx Roca!, LC, 5 Dee., 1855. Du. Arta: I hate Leen entirely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic Gout —a painful disease that had afflicted me for years. • VINCENT SLIDELL • For dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Comes plaints, moiling, an active purge, they ate an excel lent remedy. ' For Costiveness or Constipation, and at a Dialler nu, they ant agreerlde and effectual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, In Ramrsa.• awn, and men Dettifinesie, and Partial Blind. aces, hare been cured 1.,y tin, altetative action of these Most of the pills In market contain Mercury, Which, al- though a valuable remedy in shilfol lamds, Is dangerous Ina public 1411.•froen the do stand consequences that fre quently follow Its meantime tuelal awhotarsce whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR TIIE nAnD CURE OF coricui.coLns, 110 A TIRES ES 3, =FLU. • ESZA, AI'IIOOPI2SG cnorP, ASTII3IA, IN. CIPIENT CONSVIIIPTION, and She the relief of consumptive patients In advanced stages of the disease. We need not speak to the puLUe of Its vlrtnea. Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States. its wonderful cures of pulmonary com plaints hats made it already ktrown. Kay. few, are the families in any civilized country on this continent some personal experience alto alkyls: and fewer yet the eartinnnitiee any where which bare not among them IMO living trophy cd, its victory mar the subtle and dare germs diseases of the throat and lungs, 'While' It is the most powerful antidote yet known to man Mar the Sunni dank and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary orga.ns, It is also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be enz• ployed for infants and young persoci. Parents should have it in store against the InsidionS4nerny that steal upon them unprepared. We hare abitinhint grounds to believe the CIiMILY Pternast &area moyttives by the con. entuptions it presents than those It cures. Keep it by you. and cure your able while they are cnraidn., nor neg- • Lect them until no human still can master the inexorable canker that. fastened on the sintls. eats your life away. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders. ana as they kno* too the virtues of ads wo ne n l not do more than to "Amer them it l still mid, the bent it ran be. slave nn root. oo r earr, on toil to produce it the most perfect pe.lble. and thus afford thiee who rely on it the heat agent which our still can furnish fur their core. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. - AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Riau. IND SOLD BY ABET. - TU RRELL, Nfontrose, And by Dealers in lIEDICINES everywhere. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. New Rail Road Route. Delaware, Lack:swami:J.& W. 11.11. MEW and expeditious broad gunge route 1.11 frOM the North and West, via Great Bend ana Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming v.illeys,. directly through to New York and Philadelphia. . On and after Thursday, June 18th, 1857, trains will be run as follows : .‘ , • Cincinnati Es. Train bound east on theN. Y.& E. R.. It., arrives at Gt. Bend at 6:12 a. in., and the Mail .Train at 9:25 a. m.. connecting with theCENPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New Yorkand Philadelphia ; at 930 a. m. Due at Montrose, 10 03 " . Scranton, • II 40 " Stroudsburg; • .1 58 p.m. DelaWslC - 1 - sthintites to dine,',2 27 " Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leace 2 50, " - Junction, 3 35, New York, . '• • '7 15, " Philadelphia,' . 8 20, " Passengers rom N. Y, Leave Pier-No. - 2 North River, at 7 30.•a.m. From Philadelphia, leave Wal nut st, Wharf, at • .6 00' " Leave Junction fo 55," 'Due at Bridge Ville, Phil. connection,;ll.4s," Delaware,ls..minutes to dine,l2 00 m Stroudsburg,.• I 07,p.m Scranton, • 3 48," Montrose, _ • GrAt Bend. . 6 10, " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train West at Scranton AcconamodatiOn Train leaves Scranton for ,Great. Bend at• 9 Arrive at Great Bend, 100 p. m Connecting with the. Steamboat Eipress east, and Dunkirk Express west, on the N. Y. & E. Rail Road. Returning, leaves Great Bend at: 425 p. m Due at:Scranton, 4 , 8 20. " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car will be at:- tached to the Express Freight • Trains, leaving. Sernato,i, at 6 00- a. m Duo at Stroudsburg at . 11 35 " " . Junction at 845 p.m. Returning, will leave Junction at 400 a.m. Due at Stroudsburg at , • '7 35 -" . -". Scranton at 220 p. m. Passengers from New York .will change cars at Clarksville. .• To and from- Philadelphia, Via B. D. R. it., leave or take cars at Bridgeville. • ' For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. & B, R. R, cars at Scranton-. For Jessup.Archbald, and Carbondale, change cm at Greenville. • Tickets sold and baggage checked between all stations on connecting- roads. Passengers to and from 'Wilkesharre. Wyo moing, &c., via. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad, go through without any detention at Scranton, as the trains on that road run 'in con nection with the express trains on the D. L & W. R, R. Fare from Kingston, Wyoming and. Pittston to Philadelphia., 154:50. From Kingston to New York, $4:85. Wyoming and Pittston to New York $4:75. • Tickets sold, and baggage checked through. • JOHN BRISBIN,Sup't. Wst. N. 'Ears Gen't Ticket Agent. Htia..lA/1V rills and Ointment, titnrse's tndian Root Pills, and Ayor's Cherry Pec toral and Cathartic. Pills. Constantly for sale. Sea Advertisements in this paper. ABEL TURRELL. A SEVTLEM ENT OF OLD ACCOUNT : DESIRABLE, attho "Upionyille Ex change." Important .iniscoverp CONSUMPTION, and diseases-of the. LUNGS end TIIROAT.are _positively' curable by INHALATION, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in this lungs through the nir passe gel, and comi ng in direct contact. with the disease neutralizes the tubercular matt er,al lays the.cough causes a free and easy expectoration, heal* the angs - .-purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the, nervou, system, giving that energy no indispensable for the restoration of the health. • To be able to state confidently that Cunsumpticint is curable by Inhalation, is to me a source clue allOyed pleasure. as under the control of medical treatment as any other formidable dis. ease; 90 out of 100 casetkein- be cured in the Ist stages, and 50 pr et.' in thelndt but in the 3rd stage it is impossible save more than spr et., for the lungs are so cut up by the . disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, INHALATION affords relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, whieh annually destroys 95,000 persons - in theU.S.alone and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, 80,000,000 are'destined to fill the consumptive's graves. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa. tal as Consumption.. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but Sweeps off alike the brave the beatianl, graceful and gifted. By the help of the Su preme Being from whom eometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a pernianent and sp , edy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their dep. -osition in the lungs is to prevent the free admis sion of air into the air cells,which eauscsa weak ened vitality thru' the entire system. Theii sure ly it is more rationnl to expect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the stomach; the patient, will always find the lungs free and. the brenthing easy, after inhaling the remedieS; ilium, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it nets.core titutionally, nd With more power and certainty tl an remedies administered through the s:oneteli. To prove the powerful and - direct influence of ibis mode of administration, chloro form inhaled will entirely destiny sensibility in a few minutes, patalyzin,g the entire nervous sys tem, so that a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will arouse the sys tem when faintir.g or apparently dead. The od. or of many'of the medicines is pe\-eeptible in the 'skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convin., ein! proof of the constitutional effects of inhala tion. is the feet-that sickness is always predueed by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and ju diciously administered through the lungs should produce the happiest result? During IS years pra tire, ninny thousands suffering from diseases of Vie tune's and throat, have been under my care and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the muff,rers• had been pronounced in the list stages. which fully satisfies me that Con souption is no longer a fatal disease. :11y treat merit of Consumption is' original, and founded on lone experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of te.. berries, etc., enables tn.. di,tingulA, readily, Eno - various forms of disease that simulate Con ;umption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely b .ing mistaken ev•ot iv a single case: This farn. iarity, in connection with certain Pathological ald microscopic disenveries, enables me to relieve tie lungs from the effects of contracted chests, t r enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it rene.ved vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United Sta'esand Canadas, by patients communicating their symy toms by letter. But Vie cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which eronid give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my see. sag the patient amlin. G. .W: GRAIIAIL.M. D. Office, 1131 Filbert Street, ( old No. 1090 below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. (v14n24: MEM o'',7, " Of all disease ;,the g,reiti - ,first cause, Spings from neglect of Nature's laws SUFFER NOT When aI;URE is Guaranteed in al( stages of SECRET DISEASE, Self Abuse, Nervous D•bility. :Strictures, Glects, Grarel, Diabetes, Diseases nf the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial itheum.atism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ancles. Diseases or the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eves, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs; Cancers. Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita'e Dance, and all diseases arising from a derangement of the Sex ull Organs ; Such as Nervous Tremblityr, Loss of Power, General . Weakness, Dimness of Vision witliTeculiar spots appearing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulnem, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the .-'ace, Pain in the b::ek and head, Female irregularities nod an im proper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease originated, how ever long standing, or obstinate the case, RECOV 'Er.r is CERTAIN, and in a shorter lime 'than a permanent cure can bo effected by any other treatment, even after;the•disease has baffled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their means of cure. The . mdicines are pleasant with out odor, causing tin sickness, and free from mercury or balstm. During 30 years of practice I have rescued from the jaws of Death many thou sands, who in the last stages of the above men tioned!diseases had been given up to die by their physicians, wider warrants me in. promising to the afflicted, who ])lace themselves under my care, aperfect and most speedy cure. Secret dis eases are the greatest enemies to health, us they are the first _cause OtConsumption,Scrofula, and many otherdiseases,and'otight to be-a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever eine ed,-a =Snits of the cases fal ling into the hands of incompetent persons, who not only tail to cure, the (diseases, but ruin • the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which;'svith the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rapid consutnp . ion. . But should the disease-and the, treatment not came death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the childeen, who "arc' born with feeble constitutions, and the current of • life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Totter, Uleets,Eruptions, and other of fictions of the skin. Eyes; Throat and Lungs, en tailing upon them a brief existence of sutiliring • and consigning them to an early grave. ; SELF ABU S E is another forMidadde'ene my to health, for nothing else in the dread cata• logue of hum in diseases causes so destrpctire a drain upon the system ,drawing its thousands of • Victims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tern, rapidly wastes away, the energies of, life, .causes mental derangement, prevents the proper developement of the system, disqualifies.' for mar riage. society, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked id bh4 and mind, predisposed to - consumption and a train'of evils more dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the t : vic tims of Self A btr.e that a permanent and speedy Cure can be effected, and with the:Ann donment o f . ruinous pratiticesmy patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. -The afflicted are - cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingen ious snares in-the columns of the public prints to Catch end rob the unwary sufferers, that millons have their constitutions ruined by the vile. - corn . . • pounds-of qdack doctors, or' ile equally poison. ous noglromsvended a» "Paterit Itledicines." I haVe carefully analyzed many of the so called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Subliniate, which is owe of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing disease dieribles the systeth - for , • T h re e -four th s of the patent'hostrums now In use are put up by unprincipled - and ignorant persons, who do not understand even the alpha. bet of the maieria medico, and are equally. as destitutenof any knowledge 'of the human system, having ono object only in view, and that te Mahe Money -regardless of eonsequences. Irregularities and all diseases of tnales4ud fa 'males treated on principles eatablishvd by 20 . years of peat:tied, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable Cures. Medicines sent to any part of the United States or Canada», by pa tients communicating their symptoms by letter. • Itesineas - correpondenee astrictiv confidenty. Address, j. SUMMERFILLE, M. .P- Ofnoe No U3l Filbert St.. (old N r° ' /09 BELOW 12th, PIIILADELI'III.4 I PA. [27 ldepont ro t PLIDLIBU4D EVERY -111CASDAY MORNING DT MCCOLLUM - . G EPIITSON. TERM5!......51,50 cash in advance, $2,00 if not paid within six months, and $2,50 at the ens of the year. No paper discontinued until all sr- Nunes are paid, except at the option of -the Publishers. All communications connected with the office, to ensure attention must be directed to the EDITOI:B,Iif °strobe, &tufa. Co" Pa. • - Mates of Adre.raishag. a Onesquare (12 lines or less) 1 or 3 wee kt,81,00 Each suiisequenti insulin'',o,2ll One J.quare three months,. . • Lou • One square six mon th s, . . 4,00 BusinesF Cards, (our lines_ orless, ' 3,00 One-foul th entrain), one year, - • —15,00 . One-half HI I* - . ; 28,00 One column-, I 50.00 • , Yearly advertisers will be restrieted to the burins in which they are engaged; and are considered as Wishing to continue advertising unless they shall give special directions for a discontinuance of the same.. - - JOB WORK. The publishers having added to their Job Printing materials a large and SUPERIOR assort ment of Job Type, are now prepared todereente Jon Wont: in a manner unsurpassed in this see tion nf country, and on reasonable terms. Blanks of every deseriptiOn kept constant ly.on hand or printed to order. - Nusintss Pirtrforg. WM. W. SMITH, & Cabinet and Chair ifliatpufactur• ers foot of Main Street. Montropp, Pa. ABEL TETRRELL, m oNriaosE, PA. Dealer in Druga. •Chepiicals, Dye Stull's, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,' Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goode, Jew elry,.Perfumerv, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. • ' JOHN GROVES, F al b i ona bi e k Tailor—Shop near tho Baptist Meeting House, on .Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa. A. LATHROP, Dealer in Iteady-Made Clothing, Hats and . Caps, Boots 'and Shoes, Dry Goods, &e. Store opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrose, C. D. LArnior, and w ith J. 1); W. RILEY, Wh LA. Lirnßor. DR.. R• THAYER, Phy%ician and Surgeon, Montrose, Psi. Office in the Fnrmer's Store. ""lia INFRASER Linter Attorney and Cst onsell rat 1 Montrose. Pa., will attend faithfullyto all busi ness entrusted to him in the Coanty of Susq'a. Conveyaneing and writing of all kinds will be /done neatly, slid charges moderate. lie . will also 'attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers, their widows and heirs, against the U. S. Govern. tneat,:for Bounty Land, Pensions, &C. May be found at all honrs at the office formerly oecup_led'by J. P. Richards, Esq., north of the Cournlouse.-1853-11 • M.l- , C. TYLER; Interested with I. L.-Hunt, Importer and Dealer in-Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &c. No. 215 Pearl Street, N. Y. Where his Mercantile friends, in this and orris Counties, are kindly invited, and EARNESTLY so licited to call and purchase. 6tf. Dr• H• Smith SURGEON DENTIST has roMoved his of tiee from Searle's to his own dwelling opposite the Baptist Church, (north aid«) whore all Dental operations will be . performed in his usual good manner. Montrose Hay 13th, 1857, J. D. VAIL, M.D..- Physician and -Surgeon, has perma. netly located himself at. -Braekneyville, tiusq'a .County, Penn'a, and will promptly attend to all calls with which be may be fav4red. . May, 1856—n22. BLINIII,‘,IaOOII I ' AIDTD GLASS DEPOT, ON CI4ESTNUT-ST., Montripge,. Penn'a. BY D..BREWSTER.- All sizes and descriptions, in any quantity made to order, or furnished on the shortest no. Lice.. HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Milford, PeOu'a. liolesale dealer in Dutton', Combs, Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars,•&c.'d&c; Merchants and pedlars, supplied 'on liberal terms. W5l. HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, DR. E. F. WILMOT, Graduate of the Allopath:c and flomeo pr,thic Colleges of Medicine, is now -par manently located in Great Bend Pa. • April Ist. 1856. JOHN SAIITTER,' - Faolionabie ailor. Shop fi rst door north of the Farmer's Store. t • 11-IN - 11 . • MDINITROSE, PA. HE subscriber having purchased, - • refitted and neWly furnished:the "Slfi ove well known and popular Hotel, is is prepared to accommodate the trav eling 'public . and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-dais Houses. No.effort will be spared by the Pro' - prietor and his Assistants to• make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. • The Hay will always be:supplied.with too Choicest Liquors. - • ' The Stables t contiected;with•this Houle " are large, roomy and eonvedient,and careful mil . attentive Hostler-a are always ip charge of them, JI;S..TARBEIL44 i'qgontrosse, May.l3th, 1857. • Salt Salt!! Salta • ' rpllE subse . riber begs leave inform hi* - JL friends and the public that he la r ii taken the Store No. 201 Washington-stret.gfaifi•eti op: polite Washington,Market,) lately ' , Seeupied by Volney Elliot, and is now prepared to offer for sale on the most liberal term's ron all kinds of foreign Coarse, and Fine Sail:, from vessel, or store, either in sacki or bulk, or-pat up in small bags to order. - Dealers will be furnished with their names printed on the bags anon ordering a thousand or more. Persons from a distanfe ordering by mail can depend upon having their orders promptly filled at the Lows.? MARKETTRICES. GEO., %V M ANN. • New York, March Ist, 18b7. yl. The Rev. C. S. BURNETT. mobile labOrifltNN a Misiionary in iiouthern Asia, discovered a ales plc and certain Caro for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Novous Debility, and all impurities of the Blood ; elm?, an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the Remedy. Actuated . by 'a desire to benefit his suffering fellows, he will cheerful send the Recipe (fret) to ,such as desire it, with full and explicit directions forpre paring and successfully using the Medicine, Ad dress, Ray. C.‘ 8. BURNETT, " * 831 Broadway, N. Y. City, August 6th, 1867. . • 31m6„ A COMPLETE assortmenl'al GROCERIES at • Cl P. & 0. M.- 21 ti TRACY HAYDEN, 'GEO. HAYDEN.. 4y 1.