The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 24, 1857, Image 4

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    . _ .
Important DDiscovery. r
CONSUMPTION, and-all diseases of the
LLINGg and THROAT are positively cornbie ; !
by INHALATION, which convoys the remedies
to the cavities in the lungsthrough the air passa , ,
4.res, and coming indirect cOnt3Cf With the disease •
neutralizes the tubercular matter.ll lays the cough-1
eauses a free and easy . i.cpectoration, heals (Bic
lungs. purifies the blood,impeits renewed vitality
to the nervous system, ;zit ing that energy so
indispensable for the rest.eration of the health.
To b e a bl e to ,date confidently that eqNstimption
curable by' Inhalation, is twine a smtree of
alloyed pleasurc. It much tinder the e o ntrol
of medical treatment as any'ot her form idalde
ease; 9t) out of'tOO eases can tie cured in the Ist
stages, and 50 pr et. in the 2nd: but in the 3rd
stage it is impossible to save more than .i pr et.. ;
`for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to
bid defiance to inedici - al sat. Even, however, in i
the laststages, INHALATION affords to
the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which
annually destroys 95.000 persons Tin theU.S.alone;
and a correct calculation shows that of the present
population of the earth, 80,000,0)0 are destined!
to fill the consumptive's graves.
Truly the quirer or death has no r e .
tal as Consumption. In all ages it his ipe;4 the
great enemy of life. for it spares neither age nor
sex, but sweeps effalike - the brave the be.ta[fu I,
graceful and gilled. By the - help of th e 6 0 .1
Kettle Beimg from wheineometh erlery
perfect gift, I am enabled to offer tri , the afiliyted
a perm meat and speedy cure in OM-amp:ion. ;
The first cause of t uhereleSds from kliptirc blood,
and the itutroidiate effect produced by their dep.
osition in the lungs is to prevent the tree admis.
Rion of air iiito the air cells,whieh causes it weak.,
ened vitality throe the entire system. Then sure.
ly it is Nnere ration-it to expect greater g.-o.d froin
medicines eatering, Vl , cavitics nithe lungs tlinn
from those administered - through the stonmetr:
• the patient will always find the lunqs free and :
the breathing easy, alter inhaling the remedies.;
Thus. Inhalation is a local reinedy, nevertheless
it :lets 'constitution:;3 - ond with no ;re power and
,eertainty than remediesadministered throtieh the
anti:Act]. To prove the powerful
; and direct
influence of this mode of airoi a istfat ehloro.
form inhaled will entirely destiny son ,. ; biiity in
; afew minutes, pamlyzing the entire nervous sys
tem. So that a limb may be aalliatatt . .d
the slightest pain;-inhaling the oalinary barnin:
gas win destroy life in a few hours.
The inhalation of ammonia Wilt arouse the s l s .
tem when Sainting or apparently dead. To, od.
or of many of the medicine's is vreeptibl t • in the.
skin a few minutes after being inhaled, red may
he immediately detteted in the Nom!. A convia.
zing Proof of the constitutional Affects of inh aa
flew, is the fart that sickness is always preduced
by breat iling, (but air—is not t his positive evidence
that,proper remedies, earefollv prepared and ju
dieiously administered throng:h the lungs should
prodace the happiest result? Daring 18 yeas
practice, many thousands smTering from diseas4,
of the lungs rind throat, have been under Inv care
and I have virected Many remarkable cures, even
after the sutllrers had bran pronounced in the
last sta , es, which fully satisfies te& that Ton•
sumption is no tonger, a fatal disease. My treat
meat of Consumption is oriiingi, founde
on long experience and a thorough invest igat ion.
My perfect acquaintance Frith the nature of in:
bereles, etc., enables Me to distinguish, .readily,
the various.forms of disease thatsimuhte Con.
sumption, and apply.the proarr remedies. rare-lt
being mistaken even it a single ease. This fain.
iliarity, in connection with certain Pathological
and microscopic discoveries, 'enables me to relieve'
the lung - s front the effects of ,contracted chests,
to enlarge the: chest, purity the b ot.d. i m p ar t t„
ii renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the
entire systern. -
Medicines with full directior.s sr nt to any part
of the united Stateiand, by pall, Iki --
corninaniesting theiCSymytomiby Utter, 11w
the cufr would be more. eert.tin if the pati,tA
should piny me a which would .e . ire toe an
opportunity to e.S:antine the lungs tesi enable tur
to prescribi• with much greater certaint k r , aria
.then the cure could iv la my s,e.
ing;the palientatda. G. W. 011..;111M; M. D.
o.liut , , 1131 E11.,r1
be!trw Twol ft++. Prnl
Of all disease ;lite:great, first eause,
Spings from neglect of Nntare's laws..
When a CUR. is G ni77 , 7:':itt dih al!! xi:r .! ..res• , : l
NECRET DISPLINII;. St ! 'l . Abusp, N,,, , ,e vm; .,
Debility.. ..Sfridnres, Glerls, l'eai - el. Dia:6,.
Diserzes u bf the ki,i,i , 7i s a» , l Will-hr, ').lr re;.tri , ,/
ftlieumatilsta, Scrofula, Pains in the: fi.)...:s' atm
lILMORADmi 1.4................., ........16.4...age, nriki4.9ll• - (414...c -
Eyes, lik . ikf . S upon 111( . 13 11 4 or I.,:onits, (fan :ors.
Dropsy, Epileplitt rit,, ...,;(.., vita'z D.,,,,..,3 ;,1 ,
.1.L.,..,,,3..,3 Sri irpilrorn a d:ran:Jeonent of the Sex
:Pal Organs : Such as Nervoas Trembling. Los
of Power, General Weakaoss, Dimness of Vision
with peculi tr spots appearitg before the eyes.
Lo -of Sight, Waftr.efithiess, Dyspepda, Liver
Disease, Eruptions upon the 'ace, Pain in. be
back and head, Female-irregularities and.all im,
_proper discharges front both sexes. It t o t tit. e 6
not from what cause the disease originated, how
,long standing or obstinate the case, ,actittv-
Enriis crinThis, and in a shin - ter-time than ,it
permanent cure can Ise effected by any other
treatment, even after the slistase has baffled the
skill of eminent physicians and resisted•hll their
means of cure. The nidicines are pleasant with
out odor, '-cansineno sickm:ss, and free iron:
mercer: or balsam.. During 20 years of practice
I have rescued from the jaws of Death many thto 4
sands, who in the last stagessef the above men .
tinned diseases had btq'Ti viven up to die by their
phy,ician:,whietr warrants am in prt l ,Mising to
\ e
the afflicted, wit . ) place thetnselves under my
care, a Ferfeet and mast speedy cure. 'Secret dis
eases are the gm t:tt _enemies to health, as
they are the first cause of Consumptien,Scimfula.
and many othersdisea.Se.s,tid ought to be a (error
to the human family.
,As' - a r? rthanent enre is
scarcely ever elle,. ;eel, it In : , :jo r ly „of it i e ca s ottilni
ling itaci.thrThandS of incompeicht Persons, who
not only tail to cure, the. rii,...'i.e.;, - lint ruin the
constitution. titling the system with mereury,
which, with the dise.eso, hastens the sufferer into
a rapid consump Von,. . •
But should the ci:sease and the, treatment not
cause delth kpt.L4iiy, and,the victint tnarrie-s, the
disease is cmailed upon the children, who art ,
bora with fecild constitutions, and he cut rent of
lire corrupted by a virus which betrays its . eff in
Ist...rofol a, Totter, Ulcers, Erilfifi'm's and N her of
re: lions of the sk . :n. E t'es. Throat and Lars, en
tailing upon them a brief esistenee of suffering,
and consigning them to an early graye:
SUL r itlit 7 SE is a nofher formidable en(..
to -tie tlth, torrnalting else in the dread rata.
lait-tte causes .F.O destructive a
drain ap•in tj,e sy;tc;m.dr ming , its thousands of
thrat4ll a rex years of sul.E.ring down to
as untimely grave. h destroys the Nervous sys..
tten, rapidiy wastes away the energies of
causes mcatal derangement, pre% eats the proper
deYchweatent of tie system, disquatifies tor taar
risg.e. society, business, and all earthly tiappinks;
anti !eaves the sunrer wreeked in body and mind.
tv consumption and train of evils
more tab , " d l.l.;:in death, itself. Wral t%e
fullest confidence I assure the' unfortunate vie.
tints orsr-itqf that tt perrlEl .11W2S
speedy ettrzn, can be effectedo . ind with the aban
donment of ruinous pfacticesmy patients can be
restortii to robust, vigorous health..
'The afflicted art cautioned against the use of
Patent Medialruts, for'„there are so many
snares in the columns of the public prints to
eatch'sndrob the unwary sufferers. that millons
have'theit constitutions ruined by the vile com
pounds of quack doctors. or the equally . poison.
tots nostrotus vended-as_ "Patent Nf edicines." I
hire carefully anal zed' Many or the so' Called
Patent-Medicines andlind that nearly all of thcin
cot tainUorrosive Sublimate, which is oac.of the
s trongest preparations of mercury and a deadly
poison, iwhich instead of curing disease disables
- 0 14 _ v.steua for. life.'
Tiiteaourths of the patent nostrums now in
use are put up by unprincipled and i gnoran t
persona, who do not understand even the alpha
bet of the maferia. medico, and are equidlY as
4ostitate: of any. knowlodg.e of the human system,
baying ontibieet only in view, and that to - make
money , regardless of consequences.
regularities and all diseases or males and fe
maleA tee:ited on principles established by 2t)+,
years a - practice, and a:motioned by thousands of
:the moat
.retuarkabie• cures. Medicines sent to
Ainypart of the United States or Cantada.s, by pa,
- ,o4 f it s .communicating their symptoms by letter,-
::,e o§ .inessi corn' ponfb•nee strictly confidential.
Aitdregg, t , ./. SUMMERVILLE. 31: D.
N 0.1131 Filbert S',-,(old No 109
T r.toNi;l 4 ,2th, PCIL .'.I) . ELY 13 I Al. VA. *.
• •
i•-• _ I
No,„ ~,c,„ Cor r
.Two liundrearand-
Fifty. T3t , in3an,l ASSEI i TS,
$51!3,057 07. Invested in thinifS Mortnes, and'
Good.:•,3centities. •
tae :And Condition of
the tnpanV to Ist, 18 1 :10,
Premium rvevireti on 31aritte and
Inlnnt.l it.islt , 4, to Nov. 13t. 1856, - 41:213,G84 GO
Fit Proo:ono-, • • 169.79 G 61
Ititeir,,t on b.:ails, 8,704 47
Totni Rovvijoy, $400;18.5 6S
1 1 ;tia Marine '864.421 03
Paid lire rii.• • - 39,737 89
EA penses-.Salnries:;nd
- 45 ; 489 00
Ileint,uranve, 'Return
Premium:, Agen
cy Charges,• - 27-,474
Balance romining ivith C0.,.5223,057 07
phitnclvlphia Ci!y r,nt.l
11,0-, • $16,8.18 18
- 11,000 00 !cost prices
Past : 1 1prtilges. •
- 144.,.500 00 . )
Gall, - - -- .T. , -- 132.400 00
Gh - ard and Cono/itia-
Linn lank Stoe'li, . 5,225 00 4 :
Deposits With Dtican t ,
..: • -'.
She rtna n'iL Ce - r 7, New -
York, 30,000 00 .
Dvforred Paytnents on -" : . .. -
• 5t0..1; not yet tine, 97,700 00
Notes for 31..rine Pre-.
. .
- - - 108,080 00
iron "‘ etN. se-
Lt' 11mras. 15,370 IS
reeent Iv issued. :Ind
0),le 11 , w Cu . . 24'3.470 38
11:14anev in flank, . . 16,436 74
Tr sircs 13 it i/d.ings. rehand
and si d , i . r r „ n , t 55,000, at the Lowest
Ilates t‘;tii :Security, .and upon the
at , ,st Liber:i I Terms. aml .triake l'uomt:r NI - -
Int:NT upon the istihent OrLOSSeb Utidt:r Pon
vit's Lr
Tiit• Board nrllireet ors have tiris day declarCti,
f 5 per_ct it;.. Tiayabiti oh demand.'
upon the bnsita'sS of the Company, to the Ist
lon. 711011 Is. - 4 F 7 I,()TrF:NCE. Pre,cident.
111:1;11B(.)1,1). Srr,:oary
!'t Until Novemlmr 17th 185 G .
. • 11 MOT lIY BUY LE
p New . 31 i!ford, 1?;1 .
Lief •
1.141 r) has haul 10 yenrs experienee 48 n
irtriker and publinfler,und author of
JsrriPs ,:f LeNures al the Broirlway
. C\ %eritacic 'wallfor 10 suree . sAive nifzllts, over
. • t:4•7-50,000
,Greeted hint with Rounds of Appause,
ti !while he. exhibited the manner in, which
?;xeeate their Frauls, acid
:theSurest•ami Stiortost Means Of Detecting
;.: . •
• ne'Briak Engriners,c7l scv thin he is
•-•\`' Jittl:re Parftr .111,1tef
T 1 IZEA 'I ' i2:ST DI S - _',OVEIII" of the Pres
;U.l e.nt Ceuttiry for
Detecti2g Counterfeit Bank
_ Notes ,
Genuine Dill in Exit.tenee,
god Exhihit n!,17 at a glance every
Gratify: f . vit is CireolatiNtil
) .'srrangea, atiotirable, that, lIEFEI;ENCE
- s.
!,1% rAs-i" a:1:1 DE-r-ccrws
No I.itivx to examirte! pngt, to
;.aunt, ttp. 11 . .ttv.ittroly arran!„to, - 1, titnt
„ -
".• ?the rt. t ...!- _
.Froalt and German.
ri,us Each may red the same in his own
• ; • Native Tongue.
_ll - (t Perfect 1f.ii,1.7.,\ - ote Lit!! Plc&iishal,
.111 Also n Lis4 . of
„ .
.•the 1 - rerate lila-erg in ..4nierirry.
Complete Summary of the PisaNce. OF
•••• r.rm,rc ANn . Ailti:Etca IA ill be pub;b•lied
each edition. to tether with all the Im
;11,-,i.t.:lift,N.Eti-s OF F. Div. Also A SEntEs
\:3.... , (I
\ Fr im sn rid ,M - Inttserlpt found in the East
lit flings:be, the Most Complete History•of
tel.cril,i!.g the 'lT.tst Perplexin.7 Positions
?•n tvhfich the.l.adies and Gentlemen of that.
/ 4 1 :ountry-have been bona. These Stories
e , ,o;hme thiontrhotit the. tvhole rear.
•Ind will prove the Most Entertaining.ever
to the. Publje. r
(:• 1114,ed Weekly to Subscribers
loniv. at:s:l n }"ear. • Ail letter 4 must be ad.
JOIN S. DYE, Broker,
'fPutAiklit:r aldProprif:tor,7il WsII,M,N. Y.
.ISr I.
. .
:,‘- - --prino: iil.!ctssom stn? ~:spriq
lir G,Tut • P f;'( - !
IL 11, II ll_ IFI .T T,
t:ott— .
. .
i7llll compinot.nts to his friends and
- Eh , fur the substantial and long
/-ont inzicd of Ids. business, would again
that he is ree,eiving a large and full
stock of
Sprittg. attd Simmer Goods,
L3'01.1(141.= 1:-.4nnl a gent Variety of - Ladies'
I)ies Gfi-pis in Print 4, Ginghams, Lnwns,
B;irerq..D e bre . ,, s; , rs, I , ‘Tiens: Broesde Black
nvy llress,SSliks:l3roche, -
t Ha, Sill; anil Cashmere
S'hawl l / 4 : : Mantillas, Par-
&4.; &t.
With a great A.:J;(4y of other Staple and i
Fa lacy GlK4as, including Groceries, [
Crol.korr. ,114rdware, Iron and Steel, - -
N t Bats ar d Caps, Boots•
nnid Shoes, Carpming, Flower
Gil Cloths. Painted Win. .
duu Shades, Wall Pa
. pi 4, Clocks, Drug t,
• ' Oils and Paints,
& .& c . • i
The entice stork having been purchased for
CAsu and much care, will be sold at the
2 3 / 4 11C1 to meet the . views of the closest I
cit , zu or, 'Mt: blivers.
New ilfordi.lllay 1557.
TO A. & E. BALDwrx.]
114nufficturei... Scularlm. - Rapiiises, and
Trui,k, find carriage
NITOULD:in e ail. who pre in wsot, of tiny
article ever kept aE a Harness shop to give
him a call.
. .
13 arnesses made. of the best Colk Tanned
Leather s on short notice.
it! 1)118 on hand P good assortment of Carriage
Trimmings which he offers on the 'most 7eason-
Irrnis. Carriage Trimming - done with neat.
nese And dispatch.
3tep:4ring dime on short notice..
No. 1. 2, and 3, Basement Searleg
Mi/ntr , ne, ?tor. 2t h , IPSC, • 't49.
Above We present you.with'n likeness' et Dr.
MORSE- the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN
ROOT PILLS. "This philanthropist has Ellen.
the greater part of -his life in travelling, haying
Visited Enrope, Asia, Africa and South America
-.spent 3 years among, the Indians of our NOt-.
ern War in this way that the 'lndian
Root Pills were first discovered. 'Dr. Morse was
the first man to establish the Let that all discs.
ses arise from rairVitiTY of vac Er,oob-that our
strength, health and life depend upon this fluid.
• When the various passages become ellciTed,
and do.not net in perfect harmony with the diff
erent functions Of the body, the blood loses its
,ncion, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased;-
thus causing pains sickness and distress of every
name; our strength is exhausted, we-are depriv
ed of our health, and if nature is not assisted in
throwing otf the stagnant humors, the - blond will
• become qagnht end cease to net, and thus our
light of life be foreYer blown out. Ilow impor
tant IS it then to keep the. passages of the body
free and open. And how pleseant tO us to be a.
hie to put a medicine in your reach, riz.,•)loree's
Indian Root Pills, made from plants r.nd roots
that grow around the mountain Cliffs in Nature's
garden,for the health and comfort of diseased
man. - One-of the roots froniwhich these Pillsl
are mndels-ArOudoritic, which opens thepores of
thr Ain, and assists Nature. in throwing elf- the
tinerportioris of corruption within. The second
which is a plant is an Expectorant, -that opens
end unclogs the passage tci the lunge. and thus,.
in a soothing manner. performs its duty by throe
leg off phlegm. and other hunters from the lungs
by copious spitting. The third is a Diaretit--- .
which gives cnse and double strength to the kith:
nets; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts
id impuritiesfroM Cho blood, which is then
thrown out bountifully by the urinary or
valet pai , snge, and which could not-have here
discharged in any other way. The fourth is a
Cathartic, and necompnnies the other proPertics
of the Pills while engaged in purifying the Wood.
-the coarser particles of impurity uhielt cannot
pass by the other outlets, arc thus taken up ard
jconveyed off in great quantities by the boivels.
. From the above ; it is shown that Dr. 'Morse's
Indian Root PHIS- not -Duly enter the, stomach,
but become united with the blood, for they flit?
way to every part, unit completely cleanse . the
system from, all impurity, and the life or the bkly
which is the blood, becomes perfectly healthy:-
consequently all sickness and }nth% is driven frian
the system, for - they cannot remain when the bo
dy becOmes so pure and clear. The 'reason why
purple are so distressed when sick, andso 111:11
die, is because they d 6 not get a medicine th - it
will pass to the aflicted parts, and which will o
pen the natural passages for the disease to In
. Cast out, hence,a small quantity of food and oth
er matter is lodged, and the stomach and intes
tines are•literally overflowing with the corm lied
mass: thus undergoing disagreeable ferincnta,
lion, constantly mixing with the blood,
throws the corrupted matter through every - vein
and-artery, until-life is taken front the body by
disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS ra. added ti
themselves victory upon victory,' by restoring
tuiliiurs of the sick to health and -happiness._
Yes' thousands who have been' racked ortor
mented with sidings+, pain and anguish, and
whose feeble frames have Ireen , seerelicil by the
burning elements ofraging fever, and who have
been brotig,ht, as it were, within a step or the
sßent C rave,
now stand ready to testify that they
would have been numbered witti`the dead, had
it not been for this great and wonderful" medic
ine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. Alter l or '2 d.
ses hadhecu taken, they were astonished, mn:
ahsoluteiy surprised, in witnessing their charm
ing effeetS. Not only do they give immedian
ease and strength, and take away all Isicktie's.s.
pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at
the foundatir;inifthe drz•ca,,o, , u bidh is the bloc d
'PheretOre, it will be shown, especially by thos e
who use:titer-el.); Ils, that they will so eleam.e
and purify, that disease-the deadly ent-niy 7 w:
take its flight, and the flush o' youth :rad beauty
I will again roma, and the prospect of a - long
l and happy life will cherish and brighten your
‘vrappers—all genuine are in 79. t -r., with the
nature of A. J. WIFITE &Co., nn each box. •
Jule Ist, 1847. (27 Gm.
$523,057 07
$l5 will purchase cue of the best
COI:N SII ELLERS :ind SETA 11A . ro1:s
Ever :Invented.
rr 11E nmiersiEned is now prepared to furnish
~to FARMEItS, Jl niers and others the world
repots ned Exeetz.iur C . aro ::31teller-Ihe - wonder
of the .times—Leing the best, most duralli. and
easiest running Sheller now in use. Vt arracted
to shell more corn in a shorter space of time,
thin any other marl,The, entirely cleaning - the
ear, from end to
.end, without crubbingvilber
corn or cob.
The Maehines are ennstructed with iwo
cranks.; and,pully for it belt,so that two persons
can turn. them. or attach a .belt in ;notion - by
any power. The attention of persons owning
mills, is sobeited, as the Machines are wonder
fully adapted to any kind of power. They are
very easily turned, and when once in motion a
small boy can, turn them; they are eapabie
shelling one bushel per'minute—every Farmer
k h ou w h ave on e —a s they save their cost, in
les than one seasons.
• They are on. exhibition at • Searle's notel,
Sarre's Foundry, Ely's. Mill in Brooklyn, and
at Lathrop's Lake Mills, sihere theyean be seen
in operation at any time.. A2l orders addressed
to the undersigned. will receive prompt atten.
tion. 'Machines shipped at e distance and tvar
ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE.
At Searle's 11G1e1..-
Montrose, December, 11th, 1856. • " •-
THIS is to certify, that I have examined and
übed one of 'the above Shellers. for sale by D:
D. fSEAR.I.E,and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one
"of Ilat best, must durable and easiest running
Shellers 'ever introduced' into this county. It
will shell more corn in a Shorter time than any
other Machine, and is always ready for-service.
I most heartily and freely recommend them to
the Farmers of Susq'a Lonnie, as the cheapest
and best Sheller, now in use. I haire one . in
operation in my mill in Dimobk, whit-h needs
only to be sect/ to recommend itself. Call and
see it. MIMI ELY.
Brooklyn, December 11th, 1856. 6 1 tt,
Patent medicines ; ,& c. •
GllArittsnEßG MEDlClSES.—Vegetable Pitts
Green Mountain Ointment, .Sarsapnrila
Compound, Children's Panacea,'.t:,ye Lotion, Fe
ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen
tary. Syrup, Co nsn ptives Balm; Marshall's
Uterine, Catholieun, Dr, Libby's, Pile Ointtui:nt,
and Manual of health. •
Ayres Pills and Cherry Pee trial, Tanner's
German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
lit Ointment and Pills, Davis! Pain
Killer, Dr. Fiteles Heart Corrector, Bennett's
Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm,
Wright's Ind ian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever
and Augue Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni.
ca Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Aloes, Piecra, Myrili, Licorice, &c, &c.,
A nevi supyly just received, to be kept constant
ly. on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD:
October, • Ist, 1856. .
B OOTS &IiOF:J.3 .1176'T
at tile Upsonville Exttbunair
BUTTER,at the 14 1Jpsonville Exchange."
DESIRABLE, At t " Upsouville Ex.
• Barage DeLainee
T - reduced prices at
' - Cathartic -
. ,
. . 01:0412 coArEp,j'
• • Alt 311iI TO . .
. -
Dtvalldit:Falbtrd, 3lottaers, Ph yhttlases,
Pbtlanthrevlste. 'read their ftittette,
• - and judge of their lrArtsieet.
VoU.TI.II. CUI OV . . ..
Hen ma e l Sick Head ache,Foul Stomach.
I'cmBt nu, I',...„,!ktAy 1. 1564.
r,..T.e. ATM. / have teen repel.tealy cureut tt
the Icor., lamidacite any taaly •ima Nur by a Ripe./ Or two
of y r. .It serous toss he thin a foul rtotnach,
ly clean*. at once.
_,lf they lill curt others as they do
mei Ike fact la mu tit knotting.
yours lith g•ttu,t cvirpoct, ED. W. rnximr..,
etcrk if Steamer Ciarina.
Ditroas Disorders and- Liver Compinints.
psr.tarayst or 'ma lirrinuok
• lirtsrmetrox. D.C..; !eh.. 11.%.1
Pm: I Late, 41.4.4 -your i I to no' general Alia htepitai
imartien-ptee rm made ibrtii. and cannot lmsit•te to
eiytlwy are the heat . hattie Their rev.
*thou on the ttrer ie tinn k and dnrided. cotoequent•
ly they are an oubunable rrmcdy for aerauger. neuta ui ttutt
organ. • dndeml. 1 tuna ...Mom • It.rtnit • ram. td in7iatat
C2te to otathiate tlut It .1/11111:/ixPadify yield to them.
Imternall,v yenta, ALONI.O BALL. M. D,
• .PAysidan ef The Marine Narita.
• POST 01 , 1`tri.. 11/AUTt.4O(I., LW. CO., MICH., Nor. 1g55.
The. AVM: Your Pills ere the polfection of namlielne.
They hare done my wife more good titan I can tell you.
:the had !wen .kk and 'lining, away fur months. 1% .at
oil k bo dor:DP-Am great ealtrnee, but trot no bettor. Bbo
then zottitneueed taking your 1411 1 4 which mewl ( - tired her,
hr expelling large gnat:titles of worms (deal) (own her
body. They aftenrardx cured bey .and rutiVtren children
of dywntr ry. One of our nci4l,laau had it had, and
:we cared bltn atth two aerie* of your ItiUs, *idle
otters nrotand alt paid room five to tweedy dollars doctorte
bills, and lota nruch time, ithoni tiring tined entirely
et cu Own. Snell a inc4l.lne yteura, which La actually
goat( and honest, will be vrfrea Iter*.•
GEO. J. GAIFnN, Arlinorter.
Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood-
Pron 1.• cr. J. r. /limes, flume of .Atfrent Mures, .10toit.
DR. Airs: I Love year rills with esti-mm.llone,
suetewt in my Cottony end VITO MC those I run cattat h. visit
in ,listnos. .To tvgniste the °tram of Aismition and peril's
the blood they. ere the sell hest remedy I hate ore,
snow - 101.nd' I esti . , tently reeointaeml them to my
friends. Tonre, J. V . 1113118. •
IS - stun, Wyoutsto Co.. N. Y.. Oct. 24. 1958. .
Data Fix: I am using p.m Cathartic 'Pills in my prac
tke. and stud them an excellent piartatlee to cleanse the
syxtim, and purify Eho kitin biting of the bkmd.
JOHN G. 31EAC11.131, M. D.
Erysipelas Serofhln, Ring's Evil, Teller,
Tumors, awl Salt Rheum.
From a Pleioaniing AarcAanf (Ist Louis, REF. 4, 1956.
Pa. Arra: Tout Pills 1111, the paragon of all that Ia
great in medicine. They lime mired my little •daughter
of tilcerout sores upon ter Lands and tel that had proved
Incurable for years: liar mother has been lon, grievous.
ty afflicted with Undies and pimples on her akin and la
her hair, After nor child was cured. oho - seen tried our'
Pillt. and they hare MIKA her. ASA MOIMIRIDGE.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout.
F. out at Jar. Dr. Jfatairs, of the .11rIliocli4t Epis. Chunk
14:1.Ankt llot:v4,BArAtalnut, CA., Jan. G..1.n..46.
110Nottin :nt : 1 .1.1/lil le ugratcfel ter the rel ict your
skill 100 , brougl'A me U / did not reivitt my close to yon.
A mkt w.ttl,Ni to toy lintls l.rongitt on txclueuatttng
nenealgic pans. a Ida ended in rbeobic glieuznaziam„
Nctnilledurnling I had the beet of uhyficianx. the disesso
pex worse an.: worse, num. by she whine of your excel
lent agent in Ml:isnot e. Ur. 'Mackenzie, I flied )enr /'lilts.
Tbell effects were alCdc. host Plitt% fly retpel uring In the
two of tlotu 3 an. now enthely arelL
EiNATP: CRANISOI, BATON fi9tlit, Lt., 5 Dec., 1235.
Da. Attu: I tem, eutiirly cared Iy yout Pills of
Imuoia:ic Gout —a painful dica•o that haft afflicte,l me
tor 'eam :' VIM'ENT SU DELL.
For I)i , opsf, Plethora, or kindred Com•
plaints, relitutiug an uctlie purge, they ure ao excel
lent rtmeay.
For Cosiircuess or Constipation, and at
a Dinner PHI, tl.•y An sovesble and ertet tiud.
Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflamma.
lion, and e,us mortices, and Partial Mind.
nel.s, Luse been curd 4} the altetatite a,tion of thew
31oot of the villa la market rotiotolo 'Mercury, which,
thootzli a oalunt.lo rtio,ool plaid'. Ia tlougorotta
la a lothlic pill, from tho Jrea,Stul tontootttiotscro that fro.
quototky follow its incelition, non, 1 . 11,'1ip1i31 u. rncr.
curt' or mineral ouloaattor a hato.ter.
Li% Z.V, 1.1/t()Zi 11" IS, NV 1100 PING
COCIL.IIII, Crtt)l'P, A 5T.111,1,1,
and for the relief of conenzuptire patients in mleanced
stamps of the loose. -
We need not speak to the public of Its virtue&
Throilghont every loi‘ts. and almoet Mel y hamlet of the
American States. its w:arderfril eni of pulturnaty emit
viands hire made it already known. Nay, few ate the
xry eit Hired contatty on this continent without
Pone perwmal expeller:et. of ite effects: ■td fewer yet the
coninnmities any where which hate not among them
emu• lit rim trephy of its , ictory ores the *Odle Aliti
rrimUS .1,, , -ales of the thrmit a n d Li the
anal rowel ful antidote yet lim , am to man fit the furnri•
11.1.14 r. and ihtt - rroUR dierasey of the pulmonary organa, it
G air. tin• end Mille' remedy that ran it ern.
p!.•tr l for it.fante and yon q:: rMreun7. hat eras should
!Air. it ib store against the Insidious eon my that steals
up-c. rn el. 'We tare almndard ground, to
1.1.!0rt I:FITIrto.T ri,•Tnatr. emcee-more flit, tic the mn.
4ii:illl , l/.;3 it pre% cuts than thoee it Hirer. Keep It ter
you. arid corevm:r colds yllle they art. curable, nor net
feet them until no human skill fait master the Inenorathlet
canker that; cn the-iitsle, tate your life away.
A!! 1,111. , Yr the drta , :fiti fatality of Rug disorders. and as
they k Mar too thelirtnee of this remelt.. we need not do
Wore than to xasure them It is eoll little the beet it ran
be. tre ef.Are uo e,t.11. , , Ale. 110 toil fin produce it flee
toe.? perfect fea-1!.1s. and MIN afford thew who rely on
It the Lost agent whit hour el:int:an furniab for their cure.
• PREPAIIIII BY . Dt. J. t.IYER, - -
Prattlcal and Aialytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
- .vh scup By • •
AllEl4 I'URRELL, )Lintrose,
Nn,i by I)•.:.n!crs in ilEinclNT:s evvrywlivre. .
.• 7` - rI. : ;; ; ;:. v - 0
.r ft . • xi-
riimb 4 - HAVE ad.: week received
1 a large nddition to my.
:...4114, -.kick or tvAltilEsoNtiieh.
I,, g eo w r w ith my formersrip
1, 'o lmakes a full as.ortment
- a. • -.. e -- IV(' G
of every tieseription,frotu f$S to 8225, in town
Lee and hunting cases, a large proportion - of
which are' oftuv own importation. and cannot
be excelled, in accuracy Of time, durability or
chea ne.ts, ALFRED J, EVANS,
No. 2 Odd Fellowa' Hall.
Einr(hatuton, July rith, 1857-:
lannf low trs' 3insurance
Charter Perpetual. Granted by the Stale of
CAPITAL $500.000.
Fire, Marine and Inland Transpor-
Amos S. LIPPINCOTT. President.
Wu. A. liitotns, Vice Prei , i l ;.
A LTltErt WEEK‘, Secretary.
Aaron S. Lipincott, Charles Wise,
Win. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks,
Wm. Thomas; 3. Rinaldo Sank,
WM. Neal. John P. Simmons,
Charles J. Field, James P. Smith.
OjTef No. 10 .14rrhane$..Exckange,
= A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose; Pa.
16,4 4.2 b,
446 t
,PI I 2A W00T)2024
ripliE undersigned having, purchased tha in
terest of Geo. W. Seymour in the firm of
Geo,W. Seyniour & Co „will hereafter
Where they will be happy to see their old friends
and slow . heat a t,ice stock of Goods of it sec.
periur quality nt NEM' LOW kfIICES.
ri II LL IS, I.4owns and Gingbams, a choice
k_J absw-tment and iiheap nt
DON :WETS; !Sonnet Ribbons and
JO Trimmings, a Good and Fashimmble
assortment at • • GUILE & BLANDING'S.
rinoctiEny. of the Latest Patterns and
1.-/ a full assortment of all kinds of 4 laps
W*re at CUTLE & Bcarrnnio's.'
SPEAR ' and ',Lekso n's ti l l Riley
Cirri's Files,---the best Brands in use; at;
GUILO 4 BrAnntarel;
-Harfotd, May i 2 th il Bbl.
OUR - Stoves have been go thoroughly tried
to the entire gatithetion of all; that they
need do reoonmendlrom us. .
S. g.t.Trti. AEG 'llrvirltns.
C. W. 31GTT's
Dysentery, Rens, and Worms.
Under the firm of
. A : 41r.b *A+ ,14.Eyikyl,T110111
THE :.01111)",t111/1101100$
The Great Counter Irritant 3
11E virtueof tho disease offeh makes its'
. L
,Way to the internal organs through the
pores 'of the skin. This penetrating Ointment,
melting under the hand as' it is rubbed in, is
absorbed Waugh the same - Chantiehi; and,
reaching the seat of ittffaminatlon;promptly and
invariably suLduei it; whether located in.the'
kidneys, the liverohe or any otheilm
portant organ, It peitetrites . th'e' surflietii . o the
interior, through the eountlestilubes that rom
municate with the skin as 'summer rain
into the fevered earth, di ff using its cool and re.
generating influence.
Skin diseases and Glandular
Swellings. .
Every *cies of exterior irritation is qiiickly
redo-cd -the antiinliammatury action of this
Ointment. Angry' Enut.rios - s, such as SALT
1111 E r!tf, EA VSIPELAs i 'FETTER. Itl!tGICOEld,
'SCALD' }iEAD, NETTLE - RAqf; • &ARIES, (or
!Tor) &c., die out, to. return no
.more, under its
application. Hospitil ettperierice in all parts of
the world proves its innillibilitto in diseases-of
:ha skiu, the muscles, the joints and the ;lands,
Ulcers,. Sores, and Tumors.
Th.. effect of this 'unrivalled external remedy
up .n Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and
so.7es, is almost miraculous. It first discharges
th , - poisoa whic.h„ produces bup.puration and
pr ara flesh, and thus the cures which its healing
pr perticsaiterw.atd complete arm safe as well
as permanent.
Wounds, Bruises. Burns, .and
In cases of the fracture of the bones, injuries
caused by steam 'explosions. BRUISES, Itunss,
ScALDl3,ltttEum,vrtsu, STIFFNESS of th e Jorcn. , ,
and contraction of the sinews, it is employed
and warmly recommended by the faculty. .Thi
trvellons remedy has been introduced ht• ifs.
inventor-in person into TIII the leading Itospita6
of Europe, and no private household should by
without it.
Undeniable Testimony.
The Nledical Staff of the French midi Eng in the Crimea have officially staneci
theirnimroval of liolloways' (hutment, as t!
most re•liable. dressing for sabre cuts, stabs, and
LrUn-shot wounds. It is :Owe used by the iser 7
goons Of the Allied Navies.. - •
Both the Ointment and Pills shoyl,l Ad Itlf CI
in the follotting'ectses :
Ruliions, • . _ , Sore Legg, .
/turns, . Sore 'Elreast Ft,'
-. .
Chapped Elands ) , Sore Ileads.
Chilblains, - - Sore Thieats,
Fistula, • Sprains, . -,
Gout, • - StiffJointa,
Iminbaf., Salt Rheum,
Mercurial Eruption, - Scalds,' ..1
Piles, - • Skin Disease!i,
Rheumatism, ' ' 'Tetter; . .
Ringworm, Ulcers,
Swelled Glands', - - 'Venereal 'Sores,
S,ires of alrkinds, - Wounds of kinds.
'Pe Sold at the. Manufactories of Professor
ifot.towAy, SO ''.laideti Lane, New York. and
344 Strand. London, lie all respectable Deng.
Liss and DcalerA,ip Medicine throughout the.
Unit Id Slates :.nd the civilized er,,eld, in .pots„
at 25 cents, f'%.! 1-2 cents, ant4s . l each. :
.„".,.--.11 - ''' There is a considerable saving by ta
k inn . the la rzer sizes k .' i,
N. EL—Directions for the guidance of patel'..-
in every disorder are atExcerto each 1.u.;', , ,„ , -
Eit A I: it A IN.G I C:11 ENTs..
• - STX:W•
• New Rail Road Route.
Delaware, Lasekana utta.d.; W. 11.111,.
NTEW and expeditions broad gunge • route
.1.1 from the North and West, via Great Bend
and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna anti
Wyoming v.dlyvs, directly. through to Nem
York and Philatielphia. •
On and after Thursday,* June 18th, 1857,
trains will be run as follows :
Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east on the N. Y. &
&R. It., arrive.s at Gt. Bend at6:l« a. m., and
the Mail Train at 9:25 a: m.. erinnectinf with
the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend
for New York and Philadelphia, at 930 a. ni
Due at Montrose, • 10 03 a '
Scranton. H 40
StrouMarg, 1 58 p.m.
Delaware. 15minutes to dine, .2 27 "
Bridgeville, Phil. Intts. leafy 2 50,""
• Junction, • ' - 3.35, "
New York, • • 7 f 5, " -
Philadelphia, • 8 20, '-
Pasttengers from N. Y:Leave
• Pier No. 2, - North River, at 7 30, a.m.
From Philadelphia, leave Wal
nut St, Wharf, at ' • • 600 "
Leave Junction ' • - 10 55,"
Due at Bridgeville, PhiLeohneetion. - 31 45, °
Delaware, 15 minutes to dinc,l2 00 ni.
Stroudsburg, - 1 07,p.m.
Scranton, ' 3 48," •
Montrose, 5 35,"
Great Bend: 6 10,"
Connecting at Great Bend will/ the
Mail Train West at 6 57,"
Scranton Accommodation Train
leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 9 2.5 a.m.
:Arrive at Great-Bend, • 100 p. in.
Connecting with the Steamboat Express east,
and Dunkirk Express west, on the N. Y:& E.
Rail Road.
Returning, leaves Great Bend at 425 p. m
Due at Scranton, 8 20 "
For the accommodation of way travel. on the
Southern. Division, a passenger car
tached to the Express Freight Traint4, 7 lenving.
Sernator. at 6 00 a; m
Due at Stroudsburg at •' 11 35 a
•K JunetioWat • 3 45-p.m.
Returning, will leave Junction at 4 00 - a.m.
Due at Stroudsburr , at '7 35 ".
" Scranton at b 220 p. m.
Passengers froth New York will change cars
at elm ksville.
To and- from. Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R.,
leave or take ram at Bridgeville.'
Fur Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesberre,take
L. & B, It. It, cars at Scranton. •
For Jessnp.Arehbatd, and Carbondale, change
cars nt Green Ville. • •
Tickets sold and baggage. ebeeked 'between
ail stations on connecting roads.
Passengers to and from Wilkesbarre,- Wyo.
moing, &c., via. Lackawanna & 810 mishurgr
Railroad, go through without any detention, at
Scranton, as thetrains on that road run in eon;
'leafier' with •the expresso trains on the D. L. &
W. It, It.
from Kingston, Wyoming end-Pittston
to Philadelphia, e4:50.' From KingstOntO New
Y ork, Wyotaing and • Pittston to New
York $4:75. • • '
• Tickets sold; and baggage checked through,
•- • • ' • , JOHN BRISBIN,
WPC N. Jawas, Gen') Ticket'Agent:
Vt A
• .-
AVlNG.failed clf soiling out our store with
ILA its-contents, rFe are, Again in the market
with New Good* selling for quit only, for les s
than can be found in Susquehanna. Count- We
are determined to sell foods Low notwi t hstandi rrg
the railings of our up town neighhors. 89 friends,
one and all, come nod buy where yen .carc-buy
1110 cheapest. Your Money saved is 49 good for
you as for those you ;have enriched heretufOrc,
THAYER, dr. .CO.
April 28th, 1657. •
it ft ; Atilt auto Tii!iat s
s writY of AiLi r .
- IL - A . 7 - Inep for Cash or PrCduce can be bought
V-V very low•. • ' . . .
WALL PAPER. A select ussoittnent just
S. 11. SAYRt & 13ROTI1ERS.
CAR.PETING. Bargains
• Y
•-. • -
- ninvs, We invite the attention of Farmers
to the celebrated Plows which
we have added to o - dr•lare assortment.
• . Yroprietors ot . Eagle Foundry. •
Montr4e; April 30th,.1 857. . • lBll.
ff.i @I-a DTI? 1 @T.-EIH.AIi 1
4 .111' 4 2.00D"
AND examine the elmiee stnek of' Spiting
and .Einianne'r Goods; just opened
fur Exawinatiou and rerillotrfigures by
C. W. ,!iorr.
TELLA e it;alllfirnere, nod DcLain nt
0 very ,tow' prices by C. \V. MOOT.
ATS Cap% of I,lw newest 10;4, in
griat-variety by MUTT._
pRINTS in abuntlance by •
C. W. MOT I'
RQW,N arid .Blue lilleeting
'lleks, I):!iiitrrs, Summer
Stuffs, &c., &.e., as luw as can be afforrit i in this
market. • - C. 7 . 11 7 . MUTT.
rt cashimers and Vestin2ls
jj'sirable style% at . prik.s . that cannot fail tc
...Alit. Catl.tnri be eonvim'cd... C. W. 311-11"1'..
R.ViS . Hoops, Ilohiery, Gloves,
.I—P etc.. ete., by • y _C. W., MOT'P;
Mill ES
. is the- great principle aiming 9ur sal
fish. swan march:ll44. In proof of . thiS tool;
it the htte Act passed, at Harrisburg. prohibitint;
hawking and :peddling in Susquvlianna Count%
an Act passed to gratiry sane of the Merchant,
who ha% e expressed a desiro lu slop R1:lle large
snit is."
6ittteitherg, Ilpst) Q r ,o , ,
0 7
Their Ire wagon will run more regutarhi.
thani . ,ever befure, until their license for peddlint.
explees. In order to neeommodatelhe commi t .
nity and be able to battle monopoly successful
they . hare made arr;uigenrents to get - Nest
Goods Weekly from New York. and I hpy %1 ill si..);
the same, froln 15 to 20 li, i Cent. cheaper„thau
'any other estabiist:mr nt Susquelu,..tura Cuuti
tr. We hare now received our
NEW S.4:3111111.400D:z
The lorge<eheopes, and best . selected
. stock
evil o ff ered in this market. It is not necessary
to enumerate the article; -vr Welt ourassortmeta
comptises; it is µltll= - len t to say that we have a
.feral stock of the latest :Md most fashionable
! ! 00 (i' :the market, and Wecannot fail to suit
the public, as well iu taste, as; in prces. A few
words more to our. fellow-cltizens, and part ienl,
Inrly to those who feel lii independent
l nd not obligedto purchase at some particular
'tore. 'We know that it will be for your intr.
test to•exa mine and price our goods before pur
chasing elsewhere; that true motto' that , s a
penny saved is better than two earned." We
are detertnincd to .veirr gtril• general
satisfaction, and we shall a ways be ready an;
happy to exhibit our assortment to those wile'
will favor us with it call.
(7.. -- rrENBEI;(I,II,OENISAL:I 4 tk: CO
'Ainhi nso, .May 12th. 18.57.
- -
11 11 UT 1 1.3' 1.
ircl c . • . ..
' t ofli • 4 15111111 ff O.
Ao. SO Wain ut-st, above Fourth.
CAPITAL $300,000.
.puke -Insurance feguinAt lore or..daqrage
Fire, on _Buildings, Farnintre. and
Herehandi.ce generally. -
Horses - and Cattie, against death
trots) any rause.
• D. R. .11u.t.en, JA.4;o.kspriLE,
J. FLAsti; EN, F . S2l-141EcELEY,.
. • IlExta r
..I(.7sEs f ; • , SAME. J. RANDALL
CHAS. FLANIGEN, of wituliugt,,n,
. It., Pres't.
Tioga Point Agricultural Works
. :411 aletis k Crooks,
Emery's Unrivalled Norse Powers.
THRESHERS and Separateri, Thresher,
and Cleaners, Circular and 'Cross Cut
Saws, Mill Saws,Shingle Maehini,s, &e., Emery's
Hiekbles and KranSer's Cider Mills and Presses,
Corn Shelters, Clove's Grain Crdles, Hay, Straw
and Stalk Cutters, llorso Powers, Doo Powers,
Grain Drills and Broad Cast Sowers, CI ltivaturs,
Horse•Hoeis, Corn and Ceb Dederick
Hay Presses, Stump Machines, . .
Ketch urn's MowerS and Reaper:, Excelsior Fun-
ning, Mills,
Provision ..Safes, Refrigerators Leather and
Rubber Belting. Our Excelsior Fanning Milk
aro unrivalled. F i ;tran .FarniO4 for-repairing
all at:whines 501d.14 us. - .Wfleseriptive Cot.
alnues, Price Li and . Circnlnrs"uf, all - mia.
chines sold by us; sent gratis end post piid to
all applicants.- Send us you; name and address.
Agent, U. L. Br.owmts, (of Franklin,) Mont.
rose P,Q” Susquehanna County.
Athens, Pa., July Ist, 1867. 28m4
New ItlillineiV niid - biesoi-Makis
'-•. ...• 1 '.. ESTABLISHMEX2'. - •;" • ' f
„ .
Ladies,tave goii ireardtlie'Ne s 7.
;,-, ... M r s. flaunts, formerly o 'ow .
'` 'N`
_..„,.. -4,7,;i:Y0 - rk, hni,olienoned' a Nl' nery.
.. 1 .7:7 7 -72.`..:: . .i; and • Fancy Stole in the . Wage
......:,..... 7 1 , 5 : , -.:-..:.; of Brooklyn, and hay's , just re.
--` ' '.t.v/ . . , q: - ...' turned' trim Nevi yo with a
• . .. r
' Large rind Fa‘l3 liable
'' : ' • - • . .Stock of (lands Consi • "ng n f La.
dies and 'sl.lsaes St r aw flats of er /Style and
variety: 'Also, 'CiAtle'itnil .- Silk 110, constantly "
on hand. ot.'ercry,...hue and color, gagether . With
a aphildid asaortnient of '''- .--- - '
...; - 2 .
•' • ' . ,•- -, - PAttalr - 600n. , - "
such As Embroideries , flair Brai 4,Hnsiery;Caps,
fiend Dresses; Litce GOChi, etc., eta., all. of
which She 'veers Ft the Lowy.- PRICES.
• • * * *Particular attention wi be paid 14;),Ble,acl h
le,tf4l-iglyi At homp.,. ._ .., : .-,
• Brboklyn, May 5114 1857 '
Borttrose Ptmotrii:
irf j r t . .; i I: Tr ( S,
I, •1 ••• .1
WELCIIIS.••.SI,SO,coaI) in ad raneeofs2,oo if
pot tootitit%,and,s:2,so ai the eaa
o f the year. . No paper i Foot (I until :Iliac.
rearagt: l are paid, t-xetitt :It the option of th e
Publo.hera r All re•,..iftittolv:iiii,Ls eGnot ettd ttith
the office, to etnre . atten..ion 11:111:1t It dirtellid
to th e Erkixo,fity3loo .
(fa. Co., Pa;
Rale% of . Ailverthittg; .
Onesquare (12 lines or less) 1 or 3 INctkt, isloo
Eaclisubsesittent insertion, • 0,25
One aquare tlaccenronths, ` • '
One square six months, -
Business Cnrds, four Imes or ksw,, . • - 3,00
One-fourth column, or,e ykar, • lf„oo
One-half " ' 28.e0
One. column, • - 50 .00
Yearly, adverllsera will 4e restricted to the
business in which they lino en - paged t and are
considered as wishing to continue advertising
unless t h e y & m il give sped& directions for a
discontinuance of the sante.
dll+lii ‘7Ollll.
g.V""The pnli!islters their cab
Printing matvrials' a 1....rgv anti .4613T:t0n ",4„. 1 .
meet of JOVTOe, are now prepar e d to e x ce t te
Jon Wot'fk in a manner tthAprpatieti irrthh !,ee.
ti,,n of connti*. :ma "on reas;ovabie terms.
Blanks of 'lvory deseriptio74 kept constant
ly on band or printtri to order.V
•. ' : ‘ ,7_
lts. 11E-CI-DAT
WM. W- SMITH, & CO:,
rabinet and Chair Manufactur.\
root of 3T:tin St tog. Mout
Denier in D.rst! , s, Chemicals,
nve Stuffs. Gla Kg..wil re', Paints; Oltg, Varn6heA,
Window Class, Groc:• rirs, Fancy
.Goods. Jew
elry, Perfainerv t &e..—And Agt-nt' for -all the
most popular, Patent
. .
GII,OI7E.S i .
Baptist 31ediug on turnpike , Street.
Dealer in Ite::ity.:klntio Citiihin7; flats and
Marc, Bowls and ShoeF, Dry Gii'oriA, &e. ' .
. .7.47—store ~t ipogiteSenrte* fliakil,,,MontroEe,
f 3.1). LATllliOr.ani.l.- with,.
1.. , r
P. .W. lt.n.ny,- . • L.A. LATHROP. •
phr.deinn and Surgeon, llontroe,
Pa. 011ier in tho PUrtnet", Store.
Attorney :ilia Connwitor at Law;
Moraroge, Pa., will at tend, tly to nll ousi.
en:ru-ted to 11;:u in the County of :Insq'a.
Conveyancing rd writliT of all kindi"wiff . ho
dinie'neatly, an? ebargi moderate. Ile Will nlso
aifend to prliszeution of claims of t.oidiers, tiMir
widows 'and:heirs, ag:.lnst the Covert.
mem., f o r lintiriv Larit4 Pensions, &c.
lfay bo found at affivinr..: at the ntiiee for . merfy
net;opied .by J. 'l'. Ricluirds, Esq., north.,44he
Court floe.-0.53—i 3.
• ••' • . }L I - C.,TYLERI . .
• Interested Niith I. L. 'Lint, .- -
importer anti W:t!er in 11:trdware Dna
Cutlery, Carritt at:, Springs,.&e.
,•J- - _yo. 2 1;:!.'PO) -- / Street, - N. E
Where his Meri;antile friends, in this and oinzn
C t tant ies, are kindly invited, anti EARISESTLY At3r
. ;eited to e.11.1i aril purelt:l,4e.. . --- 6tl.
Dr. /I- Smith.
URGFX/N I)ENTIS"I' ha.i.ikrnov(-13 - his of:
kJ live 'from Seario's. to I±k Wir'n - thioelling
ootio:iite the Iltpt Church., (north side) where
, i ft Dente} oper:;.tons Le. per
gc,oti - -
'Alontrome 1557.
J. D. VAIL, H. D.. t.
I - ' ) ysivian and 4q..4:11 . (.023, lir..,qcrma
levy d Braektieyville, Stoitca
.:09nty, Penii":4 srld wit prvortly . :ittenti to . aq
•alis with v. bleb he may he favorql.
. May, 1556—»1!2.
nia..JAl 4 100.0 it,
2 .Av t - .0 •
;Ifurit ruse, Pev it' a.
- • 13Y sT ER. .
Ail sizes arid descriptions, i n a ny quantity
I:1;14.10 order, or'fitrnished on theshortent
• it :11 i . •
IN7trolesale dealer . in Vtationtk;
• I SuApenders, Thread s , Fancy Gods;
Watches., Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, Cut
lery. Fishing! Taekle', Cigars. &e..tte:
Merchants and pecilurei supplied on liberal
IR. El F. WILMOT, - -
G raduiti r of the Alinpatit;e and
COileges Mvelicine, is now per.
ninnently located in Great Bend P.
April Ist. 1556.
• -
Frt ionable " alloy. Shop first door .
north Of the Farmer's Store,
i Salt! Salt!! Salt!!!
Tit .„
I . siitm,rib;:.r to'lrs leave to inform .hts
ends and the public. that ho has taken the
StOrkNo. tIPI 44aAlhingtomstteet. (ditectlt.op.
pn. - t Washington Barka},) inteiy occupied by-
V :ey Eilit4,3i)d 18 tlftW prepared to offer for .
s •'on tho most liberal terms Fba CASH. nil
‘. I d s ot44Vr e i gn .Coarse, and Fine - Salt.,lrom
..ssel; or store, either in sacks or bulk s or put
apjn iiMaillings to order.
I)tmlers will be fornisled with their nabeik
printed en the hags' wneri ordilipg-411194esnci
or more. Persona from it,
tnail can .iiepend sport having their .ortierik
proMptly fillyd itt the LOW ENT 111Amer..7
GEO. W.111 . 4 - NN.
1 4 1 , tw.,1 7 fork,31:treb Ist. 145'7. 51-
The..Rev.r. S..lleuserr, while haUtring ni
:iliSsionary &Ili hi , rn Asia, discovered a situ- .
Our nd rertaint;orp fnr Cortsjnptiqn, Asthatft,
Nertius and
nll.,unpftritivs of the Ilbiod ; - ulso, ensy.-anct
effectuul mode of inhaling the fternedy; Air.tuatiut
by n desire to F,ent-lit him suffering folio - Uri; ho
will'ficprfol Nen fl the itccipo (free) to- such "as.,
desire ivith full und,explicit directions fur pro
Viring : flturucct-ssfulty using the Medicine.,
drew, R EV. C. S. - "BIIRNErt
R,l Proadway, -N.' -Y. City,
August fith, 1857; , " 31ate
c i Asa paid for:nll,thii Want in SuNAnilanq4 1
tJ Co., by N GARRtr.