-- . Important Discovery. -farliters ao: 4 llttintitiue . -- ......, ... 4 - cov-...;.111.1.103, and all disc' t..., of the ' LIINGS; and Ttino.lT are posaitely ettr^.l.:,4 iNsuRAN c t , , , .compiNy by INHALATION, vi hieli e )11 , .t.:S the rent( 'l,, . , 1 i I i to the cat ittes in the lungs thruut2h the air passa 1 , - • _North IV rst Gor.rf Seco:xclana,la/nut-st.,Phila. fires, and comingindireet coutactotith the dictaete , neutralizes the tubercular matt cr.all i}s Meet))) 1 - 1 I 41 - I.APITAL,` Ono'3li Mon Trio ilianarivi and trrTs; s `.causes a free and ca-v eAlu ctoratiou, Ile- , lld lot; I 'L I Fi ft y 'iltuusand Dollars.' . .tk - s longs, purifies the bletql,itr , p rt, renew(4l rit alit} . $523.057 07, Insisted in llont.U;liortsgits, nod . to the tier; ous system, git it, , that tn, rgy so Good Securities. I indispensable for the re•qerati,l of the Ilt:Ah. I THE FOLLOIVING STATEMENT To be :tide t3 , tate confidently t !'" t C ' rislita P tiun ' Bilit • bits tlez the Business and Condition of ti curable by li.h ttarhin, is to 1110 as , i tee ot un. the C I•the. C .rnolny to. November Int 18,36 • alloyed pleasure. It is as much under CI- control t • • .., . - , 1r ' of medical trt at in erg at frac Other f)rei ).:11 0 I. tli , ,. I' rt•nz iUM recelt • d •on Marine and -.t.. ease; ease; 90 out of 100 cases can be cured in the Ist 1 Inland Risks, to Not. hat. 1836, -$.214,68-4 60 , Itt igeq, and 50 pr et. in the '2:. d: but in the 3rd Fire Premium., +. . - - - ,- 169,796 61 st ;fie if. \ is impossible to sate more than spret ,1 Interest en Loams, . . .-'. - .` : 8,704 .17 for the lungs are 5 , 3 eta up by the di-ease ii to I -.hid deti..nee to met - Peal skili. Etc n, h.-. tter. in 'the itst z,tagec. IN11:11,\TION Mt 1 0..., relief 1, 1 the suffering nuending this fearful scout e - e.tt I.i, is annually th..),trox st,i,qoo ?ersans in Iller.: • lon, and a correct calculation shot; s that of the rcs, nt population of the earth, • 80 $ 000,0JO are dostitted to fill the consumptite'4 grate-4. I ristuly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa. !, tal as Consumption. In all ages it his bet n the I great enemy of life, for it spares ' , either age nor I sex, but sweeps otfaltke the brae the be .11•.'fol, i B :lance remaining` with Cc:4;3293,057 07 , graceful and gitted. By the help of the ;la. . _ ‘Tr , F A ,, T.T.115 OF TIM COVP ANC AAR AS 'FOLLOWS: ‘, relies Being fr en xt hom cometh i very ;!or.d and 1 ,„. ~ o , . ~.„. ; perfect ;,, , ift, I an et - 1 , 1131,d t o 0 fr, r I n t i,,, ~ t - LL ted L nyttie:phm L ity and 1 ... - a pennant Tit and speedy tart' it, Cf...2-11,,P,11; 19, 1 „ 4, , ounty ponds, . . $16,818 18), Tte first csmw ef tuber. lec i, frota h..p ,e',,h,,,,1, ; ~,,t ` l l4" l ,lllo' ads, -- - 1 t i ooa cro , COS& prlces and the immediate - 6.itirm in the long, is to prevent the fret .'rnis- I '-' „,,t: ` ,f ` ' '‘" ,t„ "te rat ., , on ' 144!501? 00 Fien of air iota t', e air et-11 , 4.1A hit . /1 (44.1; , , ,-, a tress- "' • '•--" - 1 (:111 ' • . • 3 1 450 00 encd titaiity tbro' the l ntire ~ At m. Tit, n sni c- 1— ' ' . - -`, .I} it is more rational to e‘pe).•t , :cater Tr.,)l ;ruin 1 - Girard " 6 C"n'•°/ida rnedi,ques en: , raiz the eat 'tie., , 1 the lu n gs than tto.n . Baul:,•`?'tock• - from these administere4 throktit the <,,, 11 , ,,.! t ; DePL`"lti.w lo ) Ducan, Slierroati-&Co.,New the patient tt ill alw.tt4 find the ;lug, I'r. e.i ..nd ' ' 1 - Yuri; t h e b,c a thin; easy, :Sic r inlotoo the tem.:A:es. 'd s. De ferrr lat ments on Thus. Inhalt.tio,, is a local retve 4, TIC: ertliPxs- 1 it arty' lnstitutionallrond with more von. el. and I . St "'''` nut Yet 4 4 / 1 31 07 ;; 00 75 0434 Note, for Marine Pre- - certainly than reniedit s administt re,lll:rough the stomach. To-prole the powkrful and d.rcet IlliliPBl - - • • 108,080-00 • - intiuenee ot this mod.. of administratiom elder°. D th'ln T " Ar-ttnt"','Bo - form inhaled It ill emir . .., tl, shot st.n-lb litv in I e'lre'd by . 11 " 114 - , . , - 3,5,3 76 18 - a few minutes, p tralyzing the (•lit're nervous s}s ) rn e'" l u m - 4 ( 2 0 P°, ll eie! tan, so that a hnib may he amputated taithout j T„l'"nt' , Y issued. and the , ili.' , hte-31 plin: inhaling, the ortiimay barn•ro. I -4 131-4 'lle the Co., 28 . 170 38 gas will dcstroy life in a fewll) ,, ur)l. t 'l3 tlonct in Ilault, - - 16,156 '74 The inliatation of atringlia will aro xte the syq. 5523,057 07 tern when fainting or apparently d al. The od. , This Coinpany Tnsuresßuildings,lferchandize, or of man} of the medicines is perceptible in the ; ans'l Stock, from - 8 4 CO to 83,000, at the Lowest -- skin a few minutes after being inhaled, ~nd may I Pates e I:l , i:dont with Security, and upon the be immediately detected in the blood. A convin- ' most Liberal Terms, and make Priourr V.A. I - - ;log proof of the constitutional t•trt• ltl f•Li 'i) .la mENT upon the adjustment of Losses under Poll ! lion, is the fact that eil:lrnes: is alw at., pr duct d 11C9 issued by tht in. by breathing foul air-es not tilk positive r•, i•lenci 1 Ti 'e Board of I):rectors have this . day declared that proper remedies, earef,i'dy pre' tired aril In j a di. i IL ml of 15 per rent,. payable on demand, dicionsly admini.tertd throng!) the lungs sloahl I 112 en the business of the Company, to the Ist produce the h.p ;ars: rt_ina! I) tring IS 3 car, ' 1,1-1 sat. • practice, many thousands sutrerirg from diseases I II tn.TIIOII'AS TI mortr,xcg, President. of the lungs and throat, 1n.% e born un it. r tr. e:lri• EDWARD R. FIEL111101.1), Secretary and I hate • fret ted Inane ryna*;:ahle eu-) - 4. even Philadelpltia, Not ember nth 1856. . alter the sufferers Ind been Kan mie.a d is tin TIMOTHY BOYLE last stagcs, which fully satiates me tha! Con- 32 lit il,)1 of New 'Milford, Pa., .og ee! somption is no longer a fatal ( " ::,l. a-e. :th- treat mr , nt old Consumption is or:ginal, and it ,m,lei on long'e \ periern e and a thoruagit investigation. My perfect rtquaintatiee with the !Lathe tit to hercies, etc.. enables 'me to distirynish, rtadiir. U.(' various farms of disease ;hat ..i:nrgate Con , ~ myth), and applf the prover remedies. rarely being mistaken et 0 it , a single ease. This C...in lharit, in conn.•ctit,a with et. rt. .in Pat,.ol, ,i, ni toil tnierosc.,pic disc) , t erit 5.(r...1)1es me to rt he. t the lungs from the effetts of contr., ted chests, to erdai e' the chest, purify the hi, , J, l , impair in it renexk.,l 1 . . , .3 1 .1y, giving energy ar,_: tune to tht • entire syst(.l3]. • '-‘1( - 14.ines With fan . r.nv part of the liaited •,tstatf.sarl cortont.tnieardl , their syrtlyt.proz4 by letter. .131ft the cure wottr7l L mon...cc:LA:l if t:te patit.r.t should pay nie givo we an opportunity to (-:;auttnelhe-lungs atal enable lilt .to pres:.rio,2 ‘... - '.lll h t..t.trtainty, and then tau odre eould Lc- • ii; , e tod without. my s(('- in, the pat:ent irt. G. W. G11:1[1.124, tl. I). • 0.11ce., 1131:1 Street, ( old No. 1.09,*). ; ; tir. t•:. • 1 . 1g1.:t.“.. 4,f NAturv's SUFFER NOT cLIZE is 7;:.ara.7.1 , cd in all stages rf • DISEASE, St.!Aimsc , ..t‘crttnt iiet tires, f; rare!, Diabe!e.c. :tt" ./I:l , : frryg ana 31C7ca'r ta Scrofula, Pains in the Ganes ary Arch:,. Diseascsi of ii;l! j u s, ' l ' hroat, N ose and .L•fes, 1-•icers the C.inecN liropSy, Epileptic St. Vita', 1).:neo, ;aid :di dier,ses risim_r, front der.lagement of the nal Or;ans ; Siicla as INiervons Treml.d.in;, Loss ofi'ot IVe•zikni Dimness of Vision with peculiar spots ayii - e ri:ring lu'ere the eyes, Loss ref Sight, Wakefaincs-_ , , Dyspepsia, - Liter I)isease -iffruptions itp.)a the 'nee, P.in in the back and Oend, Female irrozularities and all lin. pro,--t t r discUar;: , es from Loth s.t.xes. It matters . not from wkaitcause the dis - ease d, how ever •t, long standing or obstionte the cae, f:EC,OV- Is C!:.II,TAIN, and in a. 'shorter time than a perm:merit cure e 4.t effectel be any other treatment, even after the disuse lifts baffled the of ttnir,:at physielaus arid re:.i'lstel nil their tueatls of cure. The Md . :tines aro pleasant with out frjor, rausing• nn sickness, and free 'front tr:fareary or bn]sarn. Daring 3;.1 ;ears of practice I have rescued from the jay.s Denth many thou sands, Wi,o in the last sta•Tes.of tho above' tnen• lined dise'a.ses had hecn been up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in ,pron.-Ising •to the• ztli•cted, 1.40 . pidee -til,:taselves under my care, o . parfeet sad zno.it speedy core. Secret dis eases are the Lucatest enemies to • health, they are the firat cartsebf Consurnption,Screfala. and , -any other discases, and o Ott to be a ter - ror to the Iranian familv. As a . 1) •t innhent care seascoly ever effected, a ni; jorty of the casTs f ling into the hands of not only tail to cure, tlse hut rash titt constitution, litliog the sy4,ltan with mercury,- which, with tli'e elis,ease, hastens the sufferer it:to a ri,pid•consuttip ion. . But should the 4 ,:;inSe end the; treatment nr;t cause death peedily, and the victim marries, the. disease is entailed .upon the . -children, ere buru with feelkie cAnstitutio7is, atol I current of corrupte 1 by a virus 1.,:t-rays it-elf in S , ..rofa;a, Lfleprs..Ernptions,'end other et fe...tioris of E'yes, Throat and Lungs, en taiiing upon them :4; briel exi.,tet.ce suffering end eon,igliing them to an early grz:ve. is another fbittildeble elm Inv to he- , 1. 1 1, fur nothing cit>e in .I:ic dread este -16,-ne of human diseases cam-,es so .leslractlve a drain area the sys l tend,drt"wing its thousands of victims throunh a rcw years of suff.!ring.down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tem, rapidly wastes may the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper del - elopement of the system, o.ls-qualifies far met Tinge. society, business=, and all earthly happinos.., end tee: es the sufferer v.-rei:lied in body and mind, •predispcvq.d to consumption and a train of evils Juo re to be. dreaded than death itself.' . With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunqte vie. liars cif koilf 1 bnee that a iiertrtauent aid spec: it Cure can be e ff ected, iind with tire üban iionment of ruinous practices ervpatiolts can be restored to robust, vigorous health. c . -The aill:cted . are ceutionetlagninst Pateut_Medieines, for there are so many ingen ious snares in the columns of the public print.; to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that willow: have their constitutions ruined by the vile' com p-inds of quack doctors, or the equally poison pus nostrornsvended.as "Patent Medicines?' I hare carefully analyzed mania of the so - calla Patent Medicines and fled that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is orie of the strongest-preparations of mercury end a deadly poison, which instead of curing disease disables the system fur life. Teree.fourths of the patent nostrums no*ln Use are put up by unprincipled •end ignorant persons, fvho do not understand even the alpha . bet - ofthe malaria medica, and are',eilually as destitute orany knowledge of the human system, having one object only in vieyr, and that to make ;money regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of mates endfe- Males treated on principles established by 2.0 rears of practice, and smietioned by thousancis - uf • - the - inust remark-ibis cures. Medicines sent to Any part of the United States or Canadata, by pa *eats communicating their symptutns by letter. ftwin.ss cqrr:vv - or!prken •p , lrietiv entindenthil. S U7I.(E Rl7l, LE. M. -D. No-1131 Filbert St.. (old No 109 kEL 2 thi PfiIL3VELPIII:I, P. [27 a. - 1.4 . Totrkl itciceirts, $400,185 OS !E4rine. Los:ies, . $64,42.7 04 • P:t 1):;:p Jo.. 1." • 39,731 i 119' Expt•nk.)s. Sainrit;s nd • •Compisstorw.. - Ileinsnrance; 11.c.turn i'remitqus ey . ,elprgcts 25.174 OS 45.489 O - - - 00 2,5 AVITIIifNSES: .Q7ll)c JOILV S. DYE IS TIIE A UT/IbR, ho has had - 10- years experience as a ;Ranker and publisher, and author or A Lrrturils at the Broadway Tab wlen for 10 Soverssive nights, over • ar'so;o6o People al • ;(:reefed him xvrth Rounds of •Applause, he exhibited the manner in which ::Counterreiter4 execute their Frauds, and itheSurtst ant Shortest .11eans of Detecting_ 'lnc Ban!: S"..tr Engraiers all say that he is • !!ie ffrei.Yst .cadge 4 Paler Morey (""i RE.ITEST DISCOVERY of the Pres eat C.' , :rittiry for \' :)oteeting Counterfeit Bank Notes. • .D:2,:::1)15,', Every Genuino.Bill in Exltence, • ; and Exhibit•ng at =lance every Ginnterfeit in Cirenlatic•n ! irranfzi-d so acial . .,ralily. 1.6. t :1111 DETECVON INSTAYTANFOus. tudvx to exam:ine 1 No page to up.'' But 1 , q3 sifuply arringe.d, that • hi:-31-1 chant, Baukcr and Businpss Man ear: .c all at a Glance. - Eli's7t, Frind and' Ceen7 an. 1 Thus Each may read the same in his Own Native Tongue. • Perfcctßan7: fete List P ed. ‘• Also a List of All the . Private Bankers in, Amerka. !.. A CorriOote Summary of the cts or I:CF.OPE AND AMERICA, will be published fin each edition, together with all the rm. cz, ?port4nt JA. ,7 TArs. or THE DAT. Also A S.zutes . ' of TALES ' an Old Manuscript found in the East. it' furni,h - pzi the Most Complete history of s• ORIENTAL LIFE, • : the .Most Perplexing Positions J; , l which. the Ladies and Gentlemen of that ;Countre have b.-en found.: These Stories e;,ntintte thtottsdrout the whole year, tl prove the Most Entertaining o'er <,.:Nlotiefed to the Public, `4.• Furnished Weekly to Subscribers Innis, at 51 a year. All letters must be ad:* dresed to ' • I JOIN S. DYE, Bract., IPtith.sher arid Prop' rietor, - 18yl. '43lossoms aub CerOODZ? In Gi-ett PrVusion and Magnificence! ! 3L . n s g HIT •T; • —:,:0:: . ITTITII his compliments to his friends and V the public for--the sub.lartial and long. , I k4ot la CI cd pattbnage of his business, would again .1 1 .4hn0un(.4.e. that be is receiving a large and full stock of . • • • ,- .... . • . ,_ ... . Spring and Summer Goads; - including as usual a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goorls in Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, • Bo rege-I •Yanes , Calicoes, Silk Plaid - „B.lretz , Popiens; Brocade Black and ,ancy Dress Silks; Broche, • • ', Stelis, Silk aildrasbniere - f....7llawl'flatitiillas, Par. . . . * asoli,Richitibbona, 1 , I - ' ::: * . • Bonnets&Plowers, " ' • - ' • Broadcloths, ' : • . , Ca.ssimers, • - -.- .&c.,&e. With a great. variety of other Staple and Fancy. Gadd's, including Groceries,, Crockery, Vardware, Iron and Steel, ••.- - ,---, - Nailg,f3tO - ves, Hats at dCaps;Boots ' • and Shoes, Carpeting, Flower Oil Cloths, Painted Win. dow Shades, Wall Pa. • 'per, Clocks, Drugs,• . , . . 1 . , • * Oils and Paints, & c:, - & c. I'h entire stock having been - purchased for CASH and with much care; will be sold at the lowestfigure, and to meet the views of the closest i CASH or TIME littygns; • .-, • .- '. - New Milford, lqay 1851. Salt! Salt!! Salt!!! TIM snbseiiber begs:' leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken the Store No. 201 IVasAington•street,idireellvop• posit° WashingtoillSirket,)latefy occupie d . by Volney Elliot, and is now prepared to offer for Sale on tho most !Iberia terms roa cam( ill kinds of roreign Coarse, and Fine Salt, from vessel, or store, either in sacks or bulk, or put up in small bags to order, Dente `s will be furnished with their names printed oo the 'bogs when ordering a thousand or mare. Persons film a distance ordering by wail est) • depend ofietf- having their orders prpoipfirfilled at the LowzsT litarrarr PRICES. . . . . GEO. W. MANN. New York, March 1857.. • 141. - 17 . 7,1:1S 61 5 0 25 • - - CHEM EMME7 —_ --latent Medicines, - &c. E.D 1 A FTLICT .EAD ILirlil63l3SRO, rutcntrs.—Nezoablo Pills Green .lioititain Ointment, ,Sart,aparila Compound,olliiii.u'sPartilees, Eyo Lotion, Fe. vet. and -Ague ifiatth'Bi tte rs.; tary SYrviin Cimanciptives, Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholitob;pe. ritiWet 'Pilo Oib intent, and Manila! of 114101.' Ayres Flits -on& Marry" Tanner's Gerumu Ointment, Trask's talent, ;tad Pills, Davis' Pain Dr: ritub's lleart Corrector, Bennett's Root, and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, 1V rigLt'a Ind inn Vegetable Pi Rhode's,Fever "Mid`Auguo Care, illoreant'sUargling Qili Arai. Lineament, ,Camphor, Castor 1411, Paregoric, Aloes„l'icera, Myrrh, Licorice, Se, Anew supylyjusiseceived, to be kept constaet. ly on hand, for sale by . I. N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1856. FARMERS! , $l5 will pufehase one of the best CORN SHELLERS and SEPARATORS Ever Invented-. , . TnE nridersig,ned is now prepared to furnish to FAItMERS,3IIIIers and others the world renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the tiMes-L-being the best, most durable, and easiest running Sheller now in use. %V arront . ed to shell more corn in a shoiler space of time, than sny other machine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end to end, without crushing either corn or ceb. The Ilachines are constructed with two - cranks, and putty for a belt, so that two persons can turnthem, or attach a- belt in motion by any. 'power.' :Tho attention of persons owning mills, is solicited, a 5 the Machines-tire wonder fully adapted to any hind of power. They are very, easily turned, and when once is motion a 'small, boy can turn them; they are capable of ,shelling one bushel per minute—every Farmer - should have one—as they save.' their-coat, in les than ono seasons. They are on exhibition at Searie's Hotel, Sayre's Foundry, Ely's Mill in Brooklyn, and at Lathrop's Luke Mills, where they can be seen in operation at any time. All orders addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt atten. Lion. Machines shipped at x distance and war. ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE. At Searle's Hotel. Montrose, December, I I th, 18.56.- • , CERTIFICATE. THIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one of the above Shellers, for sale by a D. SEArZLE,nnd unhesitatingly pronouncu it, one of the best, most durable and easiest running Shelters ever introduced-into this county. It will shell more corn in a shorter time than any other 3lncline, and is always ready for service. I Most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Susq'a County, as-the cheapest and best Sheller, now in use. I have one in operation in my will in Dimock, which needs only to be seen to recommend itself. Call and see it. All3ll ELY. . Brooklyn, DeceruLer 11th, 1856. 511 f. ROGER KENYON. HAVING just returned from New York, with eomplete assortment of goods for the Spring Trhde consisting in part as follows. viz: Dry - Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hardware,- Boots de Shoes, Clocks, Looking. Glasses, Umbrellas, Wall Pa. per, Ladies , Boa. • stets, dke. dc.e. A flee stock of PANAMA, STRAW, and PALAI-LEAF BATS, and many other arti cles too numerous to mention, would invite dhy especial attention of cash buyers to an eximi nation of his stock, which Hill be shown freel to all, and . sold as cheap as they sell goods this side of New York. 'Thankful for the patron. age that has been bestowed :upon him the past .year, he hopes br constant attention to the want of all, o suit ail who may call. Hoping that my customers will not forget that a settlement of acceunts is due me once a year. I remain their servant,• "KENYON. "Look. and uead SOMETHING- NEW ! • TILE undersigned,Meraant at Dimock Four Corners, has lately discovered that for ready pay he cansel I mereGoods,and make more 'money-at one-half the usual profits put upon Country Goods. Consequently I can sell Goods from five to ten per cent. lower than any, other. establishment in this section. B'ut do nut take my word for it. Call and see for yourselves • Bring a little CaSh or some kind of Country prod uce;and buy your Goods at a price unpar alleled in the history,of Mercantile trade. My stock is largo and weli selected, and I am re- ce:wlg NEW ADDITIONS every week. My Terms of Sale are ItnAny PAT. It will certainly be for your interest to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Flour and Salt kept constanll3 on hand. WM.II. THAYER.' Dimock, Jan. 13th, 1657, G. FORDHAM, [Succr.ssoli .TO A. & E. BALDWIS.] Manufacturer of Saddles, Harnosses, and Trunk and airriage Trims CT, AVOULD incite all who are in want of any rrl article ever kept at a Harness shop to give bin] a call. . Harnesses made of the best Oak Tanned Leathers on short notice. He has on hand a good assortment of Carriage Trimmings which he offers on the most reason. alle terms. Carriage Trimming done with r.b at news and dispatch. Repairing, done on short notice. No. I. and 3, Basement Searle 's Hotel Montrose, Nov. :2 6th , 1856 ,00 -Fa Wt AGAIN. Ht vi c N o a i, fa n i ts ied_ w o e f li fireeli anrgain t i our h s e t ; t ! a l. r v k i L e h i. with Nrw Goods selling for Cash only, for less than va'n be found in Susquehanna Couuty• We are determined to sell goods Low notwithstanding the railings of our up. town neighbors; Swfriends, one and ail, come and buy where you can buy the cheapest. Your money saved is as good for jau as for those you hie enriched heretofore. R. THAYEft & Co. April 28th, 1857. New Millinery and Drein-_llaking Ladiesihave yon Heard the News. Mrs. Haunts, formerly of New York, has cipenened, a Millinery 107 . ;7-: and Fancy Store in: - the village of .Brooklyn, and having just re i:f27/,!. ' turned from New York with a Large and Fashionable • stock of Goods consistingof I:it dies and Misses Straw: Hats of every style and variety. Also, Crape and Silk Hats, constantly on hand, of every hue and color, together with a sp4ndid assortment of FANCY GOODS! - such as Embroideries, Hair Bralds,Hosiery, Calm, Head Dresses, Lace Goods,. etc., etc., all of which she offers at the-LOWEST PRICES. * * *Particular attention will be paid to Bleach. ing—always at home. Brooklyndilay sth, 1857. Nolainotypes: HAVING purelMscd the right for making the beautiful and durable style ofpictares known u the Idelainotype, or Iron Pictures, I stand ready to furnish them to such as dray fer them to the Ambrotypo or . Daguerreotype. If anybody prefqns chestA likeness to one of superior quality; l can, and will make them as cheap ! land as good !! as those sold' by Wood, at the'eart on the green. Fir.FILET CLASS PICTTIRES AT 17117 AL PRICES. W. B. DUNS, Phenix Bloch. ) lifootrose,lnly 23d, 1857. ‘., AYER'S • Catliart4c, Pills, • ( SVGA R . ebATEDI) • sss KLDI t 0• CLEANSE TER BLOOD ,AHD CBBZ TEE SIM. Invalids, Fathers, plathara, Physicians, -Philanthropists, >r cad their Effects, and judge of their Virtue". FOR THE CURE 010 Headache, Sick Ileadachc,Fasl Stcnbachi' • Crtmume, Mar 1.1855.• Da..I.C. AM. Ste: I bare been repeatedly- cured of the worst headache any boty ran bate by it dame, of two of your Pals. sans to arise thrm a foul stomach. which they desalt at once. If they-a - DI cure othentas they do me, the Tut is worth knowing. Tubas with great -rcapect, • 'ED. W. PluttrLle. , . - •. :C7t7L. of Steamer, Martil. • • • • • Bilious Disorders road Liver Coenabaints. weAlnuorr or TU3 lATIMICS, • ITaantairmx, D. C., 7 Feb., 1856.} twat I bate used rue Pills In tny general and hospital practice ever Wm:elan Made than, and cantterbmitate to may limy are the beet cathartic we employ. Their Inn- Wing action on the firer Is clack and derid ed, consequent. ly they RIP an admirable remedy for desongernmets cif that, • organ. Indeed, I Date seldom found a case of bdious,dis ease so obatthate that it did not rem tilt yled to them. I , Menially yours. . ALONZO TULL, St. D., Vibe Mariam Nospitat • liyaantery, Itelas, and Worms. . • Tose (Ura l Matta" Lie. Co., Mica., Noe. 16, It. Arta: our Pills are the perfection of medicine. They hare .done my wife mom gold limn I mot tell Ton. filo) hal been aka and plulug away for menthe. M cat ea to he doctotril at areal el - Peuse, but got no better. be ' then commenced tattng your rins,.likb soon eared hes, I.y expelling large quantltkui of worms (dead) fmm bet body. They.afterwards cured her and our two children -of bloody nniontory. Ono of oar neighbors bad ,it had. and ray wif,• cured him with two doses of your Pills, while others around ta paid from lire to twenty &Alan doctors bills, and loft touch time, without being cured entirely eren thent. Such a toonleinb as yowl, wbkh is aerially gooland honest, will be wised here. - • - GIGO. J. alarm, rbshaer. hidigesiion and Impurity nt the Blood Era per. J. V. Mew, /tutor qf Advent Merck Odra. Dn. Area: I hoist nkd your Pills with extraordiniry _ Success in my faintly and among those I sin allied to shit in distress. To regulate the aim:nor digestion and purify the blood thel are the very best remedy Bari ever snownoind I tan conlildstatly - irecommend them 'to my ftionas. Torn, V. 11131E3. Irsessir,ITTONIXO CO., N. N., Oct. 24, 1855. Dues flint :1 ant using your Cathartic PISS in my pine lice. and find - them an excellent purgative to cleanse tbs eystlin, and purify the fountains of the blood. JOAN G. SID,LCIUM, M.D. • Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Evil, Totter, Tumorsfand Salt Rheum. _ Pict a Tawarding Merchant of 3. Louis, 118. 4,1856. - • Da. Am:- Tour Pills are the paragon of all that'll greed in medicine. They hate cared my little daughter - of ulcerous sorest:pm her hands and fret that hail proved incurable for yearn. Ha mother has born long grievous- U' iillicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and is her hair. Afire oar child was cured. lobe also tried your and they hava cored ha. ABA. MOBORIDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gont. 'Prom the Rm. Dr. Ilawles,efne .lltthediot Zpis' . Church. 1.11.41 , 11 Hover. EATANNAII. (I*., JIM. 6,1656. Ifoirearn bra should be ungrateful fa the relief your skill has breught me if I did not report my cue to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating ititerldnic pains, which soiled in' eWanic riteusnathm. Notwithstanding I had the best of physiciani, the disease grew were and worse, anti!. by the advice of your ezcel lent swat in Baltimore. Dr.llackensie, I tried your Dills. Their ellievta were aka . , but sure. By moms:Lug in the use of them I am tow entirely well. Frti in ("HAVRE, Baton Cocoa, Li., b Dee" MI. Ds- Arse: I hare lan entirely cured by your pins of IThrtiutatic Gout— • painful &vase that had afflicted ma years. ' N'INCENT SLIDELL. . For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com. plaints, requiting an active purge, they are an excel. lent remedy. For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Dinner Pill, they ale agreealde and etlectuaL Fits, Suppression, Parldvsis, !Miasma. lion, and wren Larsifsiese, awl ParUal Blind. neat, bare been mired by the alterative militia of those ifoot oI the pinelw ansuicAt matalts Slonenry, iii tbrugli a valuable rouray In skilfol 'land.% is ALuigerow ly a public pill. fr,en the dreadful coneequeveee that fre quently follow Its Incaution. note. Three contain DO Met. eury or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL 70R TIIE RAPID CUM OF corGins,covos, BOA MIENENR.INPLU. ENZA, BRONCHITIS, 'WHOOPING COUGH. CHOVP, ASTHMA, IN. CIPIENT conisrmrTiom, and for the relief of consumptive psthtuts In advanced stage* of the disease.. We need not "peak to- the, public of its tirtnts. Throughout every town, and almost every Lamiet of the American :mfrs., its wonderful CUSCO of pulmonary com plaints hare made It already known.- Nay, few are the dimities In ally civilized runoff,. on this continent without some tersonal experience edits effects; and fewer yet the communities any where which have not among them some lining trophy of its victory over the subtle and dan gerous diseases of the throat and lungs. While It is the most powerful antidote yet known to man for the formi dable an: dee...mut diem...we of the pulmonary organs, it is also the plovautest and safest remedy that can be.em pb.yed for infants anal young persons. Parents should _lime It in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We lutes abundant gronn.is to 'believe the CREAMY riCTOILLL MACS more tiles by the COW. runptione it preterite than throe it cures. Keep it by end cure your c.ddit while they are curable, sarnit-p lac c them unlit no human skill can ouster the Inexorable rank:Cr that, [...a...1 » L. eats your life away. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too the virtue' of this remedy, we swedes:4.4o more than to assure them it is still made the beet It can be. It c spare no reek no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect sursilde• and thus affonl those who rely on It the best agent which our skill can furniah for their cure. lIEFIRED BY DB. J. C. IYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, mua. .A.XD SOLD BP . ABEL TURRELL,Montroe, "In4l I,v IL , akrs in mEnictNEs ereryuhere. ,--,.• - , -, 1 ..z. errn , , g- ,-% ~1 , -e !- . ~ ', 7' ,' l '-" e': N,.,.._ . 0 - ;itt. , : -,,,- ; ,..,,i..- 4 „,,.,,,c,,.,,„ : ,, -,4,.. - - 1 - ILIXE thi4 week received. i - - 1 a large-addition to In% Tlt" ',toe!: of WATCJIES,whieIi. , „.v L .? together with y u mersup 1, --.- wt.... ply, makes a *oll SMo rtm v n t 5 1,..\5,,,,, ...." -of GOLD N SILVER W Vlr RE % of every deicrip:ion, from $8 to $:125, in open Lee and limiting cases, a large proportion of which are of my own importation, and - cannot . I.a excelled, in accuracy of ti:ne, 'durability or cheapness. ALFRED J EVANS, 1 . No. 2 Odd Fellows' flail. Binghamton. July 17th, 1357.. - . laptitlartrs' li'nsurante Ca. Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL $500.000• Tire, Marine and Inland Transpor- titian. AARON S. Ltervicorr, President. Wm. A. Rnonks, Vice PreA, ALFRED WE eio, Secretary. DIRECTORS, Aaron S. Lipincott, ' Charles 'Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, i Wm. Thomas, • . J. Rinaldo' Sank, WM. Neal, '. John. P. Simmons; Charles -J. Field, James P. Smith. Offee No. 10 .Iferchaitis Exchange, Phira. 7 A. N. 13th.LARD, Agent, Montrose, Pa. • . . 20v 0,,5 , a , pl ttt*,6lo,o 4:41 H2VtiC)OD.Vg. THE undersigned having purchased the in -Wrest of Geo. W. Seymour in the firm of Gco. W. Seymour & Co., will hereafter CONTINUE BUSINESS Under the firm of GUILE & BLANDING, Where they will be happy to see their old friends and show lbent a nice stock of Goods of a sip. perior qualify at VERY LOW rotas. C IIIALLIS, Lawns and pin g bauts, a choice d t 2s:l2)nm:zit an cheap at ": Guam & BLANDING'S. "DON NETS, Bonnet Ribbons. and Trimmings, a '