The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 10, 1857, Image 3

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    Fiat Is L~rc ~ftltioiit leitijoym' cuff
r lack ft vitt!l importance.-- ! -The beautiful
,setru-transparent envelope 14, Which Nature
ancloied tub won'tlerful mechanism of the
-humeri body, is peculiarly Eeusitive to the
4 0 1 0 1 3 i n fl uence , .wlitch for ia4 of ft • more
specific term, we call infection end\ contagion.
' Alany'eittptive .diseaties ate cotrututitable by
" the' tOtiat, and gait one fif the' IThist
.eommoti cutimeous.rnaledies io Thus eotlntry
is generally considered contagious.: -lit is a
painful and disfignring , disorder, and In its
,chronic form is apt to become- hereditary.--
But in whetyrer shape it may.Appear,howey
er exaggerated the sytnixtoms, and whether
'-vontrabtea by accblent nr:dc4ii.Cd from an in
berited taint in thi%lood, it maybe , estirpa
ted by the application ofthat peerless ester
`.:nal curative, Holloway's Ointment., Science
had been eloping for ages after - something
that would reftore to the di s eased skin, its
V.pnrity, ftesbnem, smoothness "'and flexibility,
-when Profeguir Holloway introduced Ws in.
`estimable preparation, and in no '
'disorder have its*Tects been more' salutary .
'than in Selt - Rheittn. We have seen it applied
after the Lebanon waters, sulphur baths: and
and every .presdription in the pharmacopoeia
- .'harl,been tried without the slightest benefit,
and have known a-perfect cure accomplished
• , 'threogh - its agency in six .weeks- Sometimes
the disease, after having passed' through the
t earlier stages of a watery eruption and a vis
" cions‘ suppu ration, assumes a scabious form.
and is not unlike certain species of leprosy.-
- of this kind the itching is almost
,machleniug,anilas it Is , get.erally 'increased
by warratb,' the bed of the sufferer is only a
'bed of torment.. Most physicians pronounce
thispliase incurable.. llulloway has-no such
wordlinzliis-roctibnlarv; and it is when tie
ecall* has reciter' the extreme point of vir
'ulenee; that the Ointment achieves, its most
'marvelous triumphs. A reaction at once
'commences. The - exlcgrnal vessels recover
'their tone'and 'Vigor, the irritated nerves that
• - 'torment the' skin are soothed, the'pores res.
•ume theielbealtliful functions, and the virus
of the disease is expelled frorn the exterior
',circulation and exhaled from the system. In
fact it easy be sttidpfgolloway's Ointment,
-as Portia said of Mercy, .
..,"ItAiroppeth like the gentle dew from
Heaven upon the place beneath,"
'eradicating by its balmy , yet starching
ence, everii-kind of exterior inflammation.—
WV have dwelt mote particularly upon its
'operation in Salt Rheum, because the corn
, 'plaint is so general and we are cognizant of
the fact here stated. The Ointment, and e
-vaporent ord 'manly retcribed, are. at
the best mere - paliatives, and iu many initan
'\ ces they throw back - the external fire upon the
'" 'vital mganixation producingserious affections
'of the lungs or. brain. Ilollowey's Ointment.;
on the•other band, exting uishes - instead of
transfers.' 'Like his equal ly celebrated
'nal remedy, ithas a reputation founded on
- twenty rare 44 uninterrupted success,—N.Y.
'"Synd y Mert:Ury.4
Rants for the Season.
1. Now is the time—a late time we admit
—to cut all briars and weeds of various kinds
that may be growing in corners or unculti
vated.rooke. If the seeds.are mature enough
to germinate, be sure not to scatter them.-
- gather the plants, and burn the whole.
2. Do trot forget to keep sour yard acid
gaiiien treat: - This is apt to be neglected
bow, because most gardens have yielded near
ly all they will this year. But these. weeds Themselves for next year, unless
they are deNtreyed., Besides s o m e thing i s
dile to neatness and taste •
'3. ( Do you pick_up all the apples every day
and have the defective ones - fed out to pigs
• or cattle? If not, begin at once to do so.—
Those - apples that have fallen, are likely to
have ;vents in them: These worms multiply
rapid's's tetiot destroyer', Gathering them
each da1 . . , , mid reeling them out, prevents this
propagation greatly. The nourishment in
these fipples will pay fur . the. trouble. But
the great reason tor this operation, is the fu
ture value of your orchard.
4. If you have pears that are' ripening, do
not let them hang-on the tree. Gather them
now, and let them finish ripeping in , some
elry,-cool place, under cover: Alt pears
should "be gattered at least one week before
they ale dead ripe. Their flavor and rich
tess.a re greatly improied thereby. Besides,
you thus save them from pilferers.
5. Early grown meadows have now a sec
- bud growth of grasp, almost fit to mow, so
abundantly have been the rains. When such
meadows are'in or near orchards, we suggest
that they..may he mown, or in some way fed
off, else they will furnish homei for hosts of
mice during the next winter. We have in
:mind two instances where flourishing orch
ards,have been nearly destroyed by mites hut'.
rowing for the winter in the grass of the pre
- ceeding year, which was left unmown.
• 6. As far as you can, estimate the amain
• every thing your farm produces this
• Spare a little time bn this tnatter. Be
accurate. Persuade vour neighbors to do the
same. Cempare t h is= with former years;
study the'eause of difference. Ybu will find
seine curious things to think of, if you dose.
7. The season of Fairs is at hand. We
recommend to all, to get their work out of
~ the way, if possible, so as to attend, one or
two at least. Bate something, too, to exhibit,
Bud take it along. may
-take the premium,
and if it does riot, it may give a hint, which
-will enable you,. to deserve, if not get the pre
mium nett year. ••
8. Finalk, for this week, we wish to firm
ish one hint which we hope will last for the
whoile season. It will do great good, if bee&
ed. • It is' this gathering valuable fruit,
swerahoke .tattays pick it with the
and place_ it, without bruising, in bas
kets. For- the mime reason, do not pour the
fruit into bags, barrels, or out. upon the floor,
In handling it, always move it in the gentlek
tray. it requires some care and experience to
save fruit well.—Ohio Farmer.
A CONJUGAL Tnim..—At Zurich, in former
times, it was a Custom, when a married coat.
le applied for divorce on account of incom
patibility of temper,for the magistrate to shut
tip the pair for a fortnight in an isolated
tower on the lake. Not only were condemn
ed to a commol3 room, but they were sup
plied:with only one bed, one chair, one knife
And obefork, so that their comfort depended
on plutital complaisance. If, sifter the expi
ration of the ftirtnigbt, they persisted in-thtit
resolution, the tribunal ordered a serious ex
amination of the case, and if possible the di-.
vorce. , But in general the qaarreleiosne pair
did not wait for the end of the trial JO which
they were . subjected, to become reconciled
and to reqUest to be released.—gatipursa's
Jfesscnger. •
kixnue.-,--Intellect can't bear, fashionable
tefinernent, and dies under it in one or two
generations. ' , lf you would Select a south
wbo' is"filieTy tolnalte hisPn!ritl• Ihs 114 " id
sake one who is carting mutt in s asurslilsoll
iwrikr,on, or building a house in the aaad—and
ot the delicate boy who is fondling a china'
ap dog on the parlor carpet,. Daniel Web-
AWN' . father muds a 'cradle for little Dan
;art of- a pine 'log with an axe anti augur;
and' Thwis Cass was-rocked by bis staid
fetillitropitit4 mother in a woad , hand sugar
'POtigh., The greatest architects for the
7 i l inufa 4 l l re of genius Aft? Poverty and De
• ,•.•••.•••••••••,••:••••,..1.......,..•01.11114.••••••,..-
. .
Sr From an Extra of Dye's_ Wall Street
Broker, dated the 7th, we
,clip the following
in regard to Teel:Sank failures.
"Danby Bank, Danby VL is thrown out by
the Suffolk_Bink, BOston, this morning. .
Oliver Le4.ind:Co.'a Bank, , ,Buffalo. Fait
this day'. *' • ,
We .gice 'Ulric all 'the Banks thug have
failed up to tbe present tisuiheint, and ONO all
thiehaVe See%
IL/AC*B :Tan Tlttirli it/ILl:ft
ISleC'hat Ecs Ban : king • Association, Ili% Y.
Blain Island Central Bank, -
Hollister Bank, Buffalo, N.Y. ' •
.-.'Bergen Co.,llank, N.J.
'-rivettop Bank, R. T. - -
Farmers Bank of Wickford. IT. I.
Sacketts Harbor Bank, Buffalo,
Reciprocity Bank, "
Bank of lianas ka, Va. - --
ILO:1p DISC IttDrar.D.
Bank of nallowel, Me. •
Wooster Bank, Danbury. '
Warren ,Co. Bank, Pa. •
Mount Vernon Bank, Providence.
Agriculturial Bank, Brownville, Tenn.
We have ptivate advice* that some - of
the stock holders of the last untied have
.been embezzling its funds and it Will have to
suspend. We hear also that the Indiana
Banks are paying ont $125,000 a week in
coin, which shows a very unhealthy conditiun
. of affairs, and must lead id failures."'
John Thomson, N. Y.
Atwood & Co. N. Y. -
Adams & Buckhrgbam, N. Y.
Hatch & Langdon, Cincinnati.
Ohio Life & Trast Co., Cincinnati.
De Launav, Iselin& Clark, N. Y.
Beebe & Co.; N. Y . .
Jame L Lyell, Detroit, Michigan.
Franklin & Son, Newark, Ohio.
The Bank of -Newcastle, Pa.. which failed
'three months ago, will resume on the 15th of
October,it is stated."
jr4' The' Semi-Weekly New York Vaunt
of tfuly '24, contains a letter dated Lawrence,
.13, 1.857, the statements of which are
not all reliable. If that commanication was
furnished by the regular correspondent, the
proprietors ofthe Tribune should make a
change at once th their Kansas correspond
ent, if they desire their paper to retain the ,
confidence of our people. They cannot 're
spect a paper, the columns of which are used
for their vilification..--Leavenworth Times.
Notice.--=For the accommodation of those
driving in stock the day previous to the Fair. as
Those driving from WescT Peckin's fartn;
Springville and Wyalusing; F. Coon's fatm.
Plank Road, Post Brothers' farm. East, Judge
Jessup's Farm. Snake Creek; H. S. Searle's
farm. Great Bend and New Milfutdy 'F. M
William's farm.
A committee will be at tiro fait Onidnd the
day previous,to direct those who drive in over
night. (By order of Com,
Notice..-The' next meeting - of the WYO
MING ASSOCIATION till be held et Lacey
commencing en Wedeeeday Kept. 30th at
10 o'clock A. M.
Introductory seemon by ite)r. J. kr-Inittor.
Rev. E. SttitOr.VANT alternate.
3 1 3*3.) • D. D. GRAY. Coe. Seep.
Philiples aUd Blotches are the result of
impure blood. The blood becomes thick and clog
ged. The skidis not able to east off the iirpurt
ties so important to health. Now many young
men and women we see with their frees covered
with pimples and blotches, who are trying to ro•
move them by the wce of soaps and washes of
various kinds. This is very dangerous and sho'd
never be practised by persons desirous of good
health. 'Mothers who have children afflicted with
sores sand eruptions, should never dry them up
by external applications, for in this way they will
drive its the hoinofe *ad produce ill health lee
the child during its whole life time. There is Op
mother that likes to see her children afflicted with
feeble health.
3101ZRE'S IKDIA ROOT PILLS are prepared ek
pressly for the tore of eruptions of the skin t such
c m Pimples, Blotches, Sores Szo. They cleanse
the blood of all impuritiesi producihg silseautiful
clear, healthy skir t ' so much admired by all pea
le of taste and refinement. •
Nolice.—The PLOWING MATCH of the
Susq•a Co. Agricultural Society will take place
at Friendsville on Tuesday Sepletiiber 115th at
o'elock P. M. The committee of arrangements
are, Dr. Calvin Leet, M. W. Bliss and S. F. Car
malt. Judges of Plowing, Jon. F. Deans, F.. T.
Taylor. and M. Kane. The Judges are requested
I. report on the merits of the different plows.
The committee of arrangements will pay every
attention to competitors on their arrival.
First premium on plowing, . 155
24id best, 4.
3rd best,. - - • - - 3.
4th best
6th best'
- - - .
Tito!. Nmant.sog, •
t'. M. INILmAin, F.Z. Com.
Aunt° nA.L.Dwm.
v atiltßlAlllo. •
In Jeasup, Aug. 17th, by Eld.ll. H. Gray.
I3ROTZMAN, both of Auburn.
`,ln Rush, Aug. 26tb, by the same, Mr. S. B.
HOWELL of Jessup and Miss SUSAN
lIURD of Castile, of Wyoming Co. N. Y..
In Clifford, Feb. 19th, b 3 E. Omura Esq. Mr.
BROWNILL, both Clifford;
In Clifford, Sept. 3d, by the same, Mr. JO
BARNUM, both of the
- above place. -
In Clinton, Wyoining Co. Aug. 97th, Mr,
S. 11. CAPWELL, aged 34 yearsand 0 raj's.'
[We are obliged to omit the obituary, no ,
tice, and proceedings of the I. 0. of G. T.B
Lodge, on account of their great length at.d
the late bout at which they were handed in.]
To the. Independent Freemiem of
SusqUehounm County' -
IN compliance with tbe,expreased wish of nu.
mero us friends in various parts of the county,
u well as in accordance with my own sense of
duty and propriety, I am constrained to announce
thati(until further advised dile "popular will,")
Pim still a mindidate for your suffrages for the
;4ilficat of Register and Recorder for'*second term.
.6bould a sufficient number of or felloW citizens
--approving the manner in ithscht have thus
far striven to &scheme the.deties of the office—
be disposed to sustain me blob the true merits
of the queasier, after a fairand candid view of
the caeo.l can only promises . continuation of
my -utmost efforti to deserve , that confidence,
with all the increased abilityto discharge those
duties to the public advantage; Whsch three
years experience Ire given me. If, however, a
majority should•deem other coneideratiOns pant.
mount, hope they will treat motives with
fotbearatice, so long as I do not impugn theirs.
image. W. CLIAPMAX.
Sept. 10. 1857.
To the indeperident Vote,* of Sloe
• quebalana County.
Toffer myself an Independeot .
candidate for
the office of Treasurer, living to receive
votes enough to elect me that office. My poli
tics are the same as heretofore. Last Fall 1 vo
ted for Buchanan ; previous to that time I always
supported the Whig ticket, and was never iden
tified with Republicanism, now no - Called; This
Fall I intend to vote for the best rout for County
officers ; setting aside the opinions of cliques
and wire• Pullers, sodstand or fall on my own
platform. Opposition I expect frow n the Montrose
aristocrats. More anon.
• Montrose, Sept, 9, 1t57.
{ l. • . N-F, ; _
1813 f IL wishes to inform the public
.11.51. 'that 'he 'has !voted .wirdow in F. 13.
Chsaiiles atfire,, where he will be found- ready
titi.repsir cloud, Watehesllo4 Jewelry, on the
'shortest. ftntlet, ihd inod style. All repairs
M n
i art:l3
tat, 1637. - if
e •
-• r n.riab ". CLArKei.
'Vlt? HEIttA S, •by -the laws of this'eonimon
....wealth it Is made " the - duty of the Sheriff
Of 6'lo Coltritt,,to_give notice of the General
Elections, by publication in one or more news.
Papers of the County, at lefust . twenty dilyraefore
the Election," to enumerate therein the" officers
to be elected," sod to "designate the place at
whichelection is to be held"—Therefore,
F. P. lIMLISTER, High. Sheriff of Susquo.
banns County.'4lO hereby make known.and pro
'claim to the qualified &cetera .of 'Snsqucharia,
that a General Election will be hold throughout,
said C.innty; on Tiesday• the -13th day ; of Octo.
her neat, being the "second Tuesday" in said
month, at,the several districts, within said Coun
ty, to wit:
The election for the district composed of the
'tbtrtuthip of Apolaeon, will be held at the Town
House, near Joseph Beebe's in said township..
The election for the district composed of the
township of Ararat will be held at the School
House, near the Presbyterian Church in said
township. : •
The election for the district composed of the
township of Auburn will beheld at the house of
•George Ilarverly io said' townsnip.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Bridgewater will be held at the
Coati House in the Borough of Montrose.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Brooklyn, will be held at the
house ef James 0. Bullard in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
townahip of Choconnt will be held at the School .
House near Robert Griffin's in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Clifford will be held at the house of
Hiram Barnum in said township.
The election rot the district composed of the
borough of Dundaff will be held at the Dundaff
Hotel in said borough.
The election for the district composed '6f the
township of Dimock will be held at tire hods° of
John Baker in said township. •
The election - for the distr.:et k otpOsed of the
township of Forest Late will be held at the
bottle of Betsey A. Clit.rk in said township.
The election for tire district Composed of the
township of Franklin will be held at the School
Houseoear Jacob Allordi In said township.
The election for the district composed of the
borough of Friendsvillo will be held at the
School House in said borough.
'lie election for the district composed ,of the
township of Great Bend will be bold at the
hodse of Alfred Allen in said township.
Tim election for the district composed of the
township of Gibson will be held at the house of
Joseph Washburn in said township.
The election for the district composed of , the
„township of Hanford will be held at the house of
N. W. Waldron in said township.
The election fur the district composed of,the
township of Haltnony will be held at the house
of William SaMpsOn in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Hetrick will be held at the house of
Shnhael , Dimock in said tntroship.
- The election for the district composed of the
township of Jackson iOll be held at the house of
J. J. Turner in said tiOrnship. .
The eleetion for the'distrid composed of the
township of Jessup wit- le held at the house Of
Daniel Hoff in said township.
The election fur the district composed of the
township of Lenox will be held at the house of
Grow & Brothers in said township.
The; election for the district composed of the
township of Liberty will he held at the house of
Bela Jones in seal township.
The election for the district composed: of the'
township of Lathrop will be held at the house of
nlishi Lord in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
the toweahlp of Middletown will be herd 31!, the
house of Joseph Roes in said township-
The electiou for the distriet composed of the
borough_of Montrose will be held at the Court i
House hi said borough. .
The election Tor the district rcohliposed of the
township of New Milford Will lie held at the 1
bottle occupied by David liazelton in aid tote's.
The elettion for the dietritt coMposeti of the
township of Oakland will be held at ' tbo house 1
of Robert Nicol in the borough of Sumps. i
The election for the district cciaposed of.the
township of Rush will be held at the bowie of
N. D. Snyder in said township. . -1
The election for the district Composed of the
township of Springville, will be held at the
house 'of Spencer Hickox in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
tolosip of Silver Lake will be held at the house
of Robert IfcGerigles in said township. I.
The election fur the district composed of„1-he
borough of Susquehanna will be held at the I) di se
formerly occupier! by Elliott Benson in eel - bc
roegh. ' - L ,....
The election for the district composed. Oitthe
townehip of Thompson will be held at the hoes
formerly occupied by Martin J. Mumford in said
township. .
I also hereby make known and give notice, as
in and by the Act of Assembly of this Common
wealth, entitled "An Act prescribing the time
and manner of submitting to the people for their
r.dificetion or rejection the proposed Amend
ments to the Constitution," approved 'May 12th,
1857,1 am directed, that, for . the purpose of as
certaining the Sense of the citisent of this Com
monwealth in regard to the adoption or rejec
tion of said AmendMents, or either of them,
an election will be held in each of the townships,
wards, aria ifisteicta in said Conn:y, on said se
cond Tuesday of October. in the year of our Lord
one thousand' eight hundred and fifty-sevee,
fur the purpose of deciding upon the ,adop.
tion or rejection of the said Amendments,
or any or them; which said elation shall, be
hEld . fit the places, and opened and closed at the
tiuse,at and within which the General Elections
of this Commonwealth - are held, opened, and
dosed; and it shall bo the duty of the Judges,
Inspector', and . Clerks of each of the said town
ships, wards, rind districts, to receive .. at the
said election tickets either written or - priuted,
or partly written or partly printed, from citizens
duly qestlified to vote fu! Members of the General
:Assucaly,\ and to deposit them in a bOx or
"boxes tol:n o . ftir that purpose provided by the
Proper officers; which tickets shall be respec
tively labeled on the outside,"FirstAmendment,"
"Second Amendment," "Third Amenditent,"
and 'Fourth Amendment," and, those who are
faloinble to said Amendments, or any of them,
may express their desire by voting each as many
separate written or printe d, or partly written of
printed ballots or tickets, containing on the in
sidethereof the wofds "For the Amendment, *
'and those who are opposed to such Atziendinents,
or any of them, may express their opposition by
voting each as many separate written or printed
ballots or tickets; Containing on the inside thereof
the 'words, " Agaittst the Amendment;" arta 11140
that, the election on the said proposed Amend.
meats shall 'in all reapecia be conducted as the
General Elections of this CocninOnerealth are
now conducted; and it shall be the duty of the
Return Judges of the said County and the re
spective districts thereof, first having carefully . as
c.ertai end the a unitertif votes given for or stalest
each of said Amendment, in the manner afore
said, to Make out duplicate' returns thereof, ex
pressed la words at lengthand not in figuresi only,
one of which feturos Sea &sae shall be lodged in
the Prothonotory's.cnnee of the Court of _Com
mon Pleas of said Cointy; and "00'0116 "wiz
ed and directed to the Secretary, of the Cow
monwealth, and by one of said Judges deposited
forthviith itt, the most eoevalleat.Post otiltf.
It is farther directed, that the election at the
said several districts alasni,be opened between
(be boars of eight and teas' o'clock 'in the fore
noel:4B4d shall continue open without interrup
lien Niedjorusment moil seven o'clock in' the
eventeg,sviten the polls shell be closed.
The odiums to be erected at the time and pla
as *foreland are: • • • ' : •
One karson for Governer of this'Common-
Gips erasers fey train Commissioner.
I:'. - c:
, Two Persons fpr Judges of 'the Suptemo
Court of Pennsylvania..
. „
One Person for Representative.
One Person to Sheriff: .
- .
One Person for I'rothonotiry. . ,
- Ono-Person tnr Register and ftt%order.
One Person for Commissioner.
• One Person for Treasurer.
One Persoo 'for Auditoi. -
°tie' Person for Coroner., I
It is further directed that the'
meeting of the
Rethro Judges, at the Court House in Montroie,
to 'Mike - out the General It.eternit, shall be on the
Friday succeeding she General Eleettion,
Vilt be on the ltitbday of October.
Arta in and by Said Act, I am farther directed
to give notice, that every p erson, excepting Jus
tices of the Peace,. who shall hold any offices or
appointment of trust under the Government of
tbo United States, or any city or incorporated
district, whether s commissioned officer or other.
wise, a subordinate officer or agent, is or shall
be employed under the legislative, executive
or judiciary department of this State; or of any
inorporated district, and also every member of
Congress and the State Legislature, and of the
Select or Common Council of any city, Com
missioners of any incorporated district,is by law,
ineapableof holding or exerciaing,at the same time,
the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or
Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and
that no Inspector,Judge or any other officer. of
any such election shall be eligible to any office
to be voted for.
Given under my hand at Montrose; this Ist
day of September, A. D. 1857, and the 82nd year
of :he Independence of the United States:
P. P.. HOLLISTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Montrose. Sept. Ist; 1857. f
at C. P. & 0. M. Hawt.Ey'a. •
Adininbitirtatorls *once,
Notice is hereby. given to ailrtons'
demands against the estate of L EoIAzb Coox.
deevased, late of Hovirk tosontsp, that tIVP same
must be presented to the tindersigne'd for ar
rangement, and ill persons Mdetted to said es
tate are requested to Make immediate payment.
*nits etnt.Eir, Adm'r.
Smiley, Aug. 28th 1857. . 35-6 t.
LYRE tr. LAN — DELL 4th da , Arch•ats.,
respectfully . tequesttrash Buyers to examine a
fine Stock or Seasonable Goods, adapted to BE • .ST
Pssasitndara Trans.
Full! Line °Wall Dress Goods. New design, *of
Fall Shawls. Rich Silks of Newest Styles..—
Good Black Silks - of all widths. 4 Cases assor.
ted French Merinoes. 7 do. Poil de Chevres, new
Goods. British and American Dark Prints. Satlit.
etta,Cashmeres, Cloths & Yistings. Muslin,
inens; Flannels, blankets, &c., &t.
N. B. Auction Bargaints from N. Y. itid this
City, daily rec'd. Particular attention given to
Country orders ft.r Desirable Goods. Terms Nest
Cash. ' iept. 3d.-3m.
To the Independent Voters of
Susquehanna county.
By earnest solicitations of my friends, of all
partne•, I brave been induced to offer myoelf ma
an Independent Candidate +for. SHERIFF.
If elected, I will,endeavor to discharge the
duties of the office' faithfully, impartially,arid
to the best of my abilities. -I ask the rotes
of my fellow-citizens, on behalf of the south
ern part Of the county, which has yet never
had the office of Sheriff.
In pribcipte,l have ever been °pawed to
the exiension of slavery, and
,in favor of free
tlont. At the same time 1 hold that the
iCorth has bb right tb intbrfere with slavery
wherri. it N.iint ts a State institution.
.1 ask the vows a all thy fellow citizens of
whatever name or party, Dernotrttts,
cans. Whigs, Americana and Foreigners, and
should both of the nominating Conventions
nominate me,lshall . pot be offended, but will
fully appreciate the favor, and feel under many
obli,gations for the same, and if elected will _try
to remember that I received the office from the
Auburn, Aug. 12 1857.
NXTOLV*Aroinatia-Scilleditm Schnapps, at
Notice to -Students
12 to 20 Nottaal School Students can
. be accommodated with good rooms and
trial"' on reasonable - term% at: the FRANKLIN
34tf.] . Proprietor. •
Public Vendue.
tjtAVING concluded to remove West, .the
subscriber Will expose to sale at his house
in the township of Dri - dlewater, , on Fridav,Sept.
11th, at 10 o'clock, A. 31 .1 the following describ
ed propetty, t 1
One Cbw, one yok6 two yzriS Old. S,teert ,
one vCarling Heifer, tAro Calves, eight Sheep,
one nor, a quantity, of 'jay, Plows,
ands, Variety of Parming Utensiht;_Bed& Tattles,
and other articles of tiouseloa Furniture too
tinnierotts to mention.
Tugs—All sums over $5,00" three Months
time, with interest and approved security; no
der $5,00 cash on the delivery of the articles. •
• M. A. NEWCOMB. .
Britige*nter, August 25th, 1857. 34tf.
Farm roil Said ,
rri lIE subscriber offers for sale a Good Farm
A. of 95 acres in Bridgewater. four miles east
of Montrose, 70 acres improved. There is on
the premises a large framed Dwelling House, a
good framed Barn, an excellent Apple: Orchard.
One half of the purchase money will be'required
doirn; the balance in annual instalments.
tfridgewater, August Iflth, 1857. 330.
good assortment of Groceries comprising
ill Flour, Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, &C.,
and other articles in the llne too numerous to
mention, which is offered fof sale at low prices,
for cash or ready pay. Call and examine my
Goods and PRICES before purchasing else.
Montrose, Aug. 10th, ,1857.
To the Independent Voters
AND ALL OTEIER, who look to their own interests
The undersigned is not just now to offer him•
self with a long epistle for your "votes at the
coming election," but would simply say that he
has just received a new stock of BOOKS and
STATIONEUIti. which he is hbtuly to sell to
all those who want, juts exactly rigfa.
A new lot of Pocket &. Family Bibles, 'testa.
ments, Prayer Books &c &c,
SCHOOL BOOKS, such as will be Wanted in
A choice lot of A. W. garrison's Columbian
Inks, Toilet & Family Soap's; & Gentle
men's Perfumery, and Flavoring Extracti
GIFTS,GIFTS. As it has become so fash
ionable to advertise "splandid gift enierrliei,"! I
- -would just say that I will agree to fornists pos
-1 chatirls with gifts, and quite as valuable ones too,
as Pewter Penknives, Brass Fingerrings or other
valueless:trinkets. Try me at the. -MontrOge
Book ~ Store. A. N. BULLARIi.
Montrose-Ps. Aug. 12th, 1857.
TOTICE_ie hereby given that the firm . of
Elawt.rx di.beltz is this day diiiloived. by
glottis' consent:, .C. P .HAWLEY,
Gibson, Aog. 17 1857. E. E . GUILD.
The books and accounts can be found at the
sthie &sisterly oedupied by the subscribers. All
persons basing Unsettled *manta die requested
to settle the sumo as soon as possible.
The busleeart will be cendireted,in Write
the undersigned, tindpi the firm of C. P. &.O.
M. Hammy:, who are constantly receivipg from
New York and Philadelphia, the htteetityles of
Fall nisi Whiter Dry Osoilpi
ibis* Sc., all of which will be *Ad at i very
small profit for ready pay.
Gibson, Aug. 31a1, 1857. C. P.,
- Q. M. !Jimmy.
ROOT PILLS. This philanthropist has spest
the greater part of his life in travelling, having .
visited Europe, Asia; Africa and South America
-wpent3.years among the Indians of our West
ern country,-it was In this way that the Indian
Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was
the first man to establish the feet that all disea
ses arise front IMPURITY rg. THE BLOOD-that our
strength, health and life depad upon this fluid.
When the various passages become clogged,.
and do not act in perfect harmony with the diff
erent foneticms of the body, the blood lases its
scion; becomes thick, corrupted and ditteased;-
thus causing pains skinless and distress ofestry
name; our strength is exhausted, we are sdepriv
ed our health, and if nature is not Waisted in '
throwing off the stugnantbontors,the blood will
become stagnant and tease to 'as% Aria WU* our
light of life be forever bleien eat. !low itpier-1
taut is it then to keep the passagehtftlie body
free and open. And bow ptekint to ifs to be 1-
ble toput a medicine in yottleisc'h,Morse's
Indian - Root Pills, Blade plants and roots
that grow around the mountain cliffs in Natnre's
garden, for the t hikth Ind 'comfort of diseased
man. 'One'ortles 'roofs from Which thetse Pills ,
are wide lattßtdOr l ific, which opens the !setts of
the elan, Mid . itssists - Nature in throwing ot the
finer portiditth bf corruption within. The second
which is k plant is au Expectorant, that opens
and unclogs the passage to the lungs, andthus,
in a soothing manner, performslts duty bythrow
log off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs
by copionSispitting. The third is a Di' relic,--
which ,gives ease and double streegth to the kid
neys; dna encouraged, they draw laye amounts
of impurities from the blood, which is then
thrown out bountifully by the niinary or
water passage, and which 'Mad net have been
discharged in any other way: ..The fobrth is a
Cathartic, and accompanies the other properties
of the Pills while bngaged in tintifyting the WO;
the e,oaraer particles of impurity' which cannot
pais by the:other otittoth, at thus taken upend
conveyed off in krent - quantVes by the - bowels.
From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's
Indian heel. Pills not ohiy enter the stomach,
but become united with the blood, for they find
way to every part, and completely cleanse the
systebt from all impurity, and thelife of the body
which is tht blood, becomes perfectly bealthy;--
coriseptently all itiekness and pain is drivenfrom
the sySteie, for they cannot remain when the bo
dy beeontes so pure and clear. The reason why
poeple are so distressed wheu sick, andso many
die, is because they do not get a medicine that
will pass to the allictecl parts, and which will o
pen the natural paSSftges for the disease to be
cast ont; hence. a small quantity _of food rind Oth
er matter is lodged, and the itonlach and intes
tines are literally overttowlog with thebotrupted
mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta
tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which
throws the corrupted matter through every vein
and artery, until life is taken from the body by
disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to
themselves victory upon victory, by restoring
millions of the sick to health and happiness.—
Yew thousands who have been- racked or tor
mented with sickness,
pain and . anguish, and
whose feeble frames h ate been scorched by the
burning elements of raging fever, and who have
been brought, as it were, within-a step of the
silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they
would have been numbered wittt.the dead, had
it not bten for this great and wonderful
in'c, Morse's Indian Root Pills., After 1 or 2 do
ses had been taken, they were astonished, and
absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charm
ing effects. Not they give immediate
ease and strength, and take away all sickness,
pairiland anguish, but.they it Orate go to work at
the fonndatiohof the disease; which Is the blood
Therefore. it will be shown, especially by those
ho use these Pills. tie... 4 1 .zy --;t 1 Aosre.
and purity, that disease-' - the deadly enemy-will
take its flight, and the flush ot'youth and beantY
will again return, and the prospect of is long
and Itsppy life will cherish and brighten t obr
days. , far BeWare ureountirfeits ib yelloW
wrappers—all gennitte are in non, with the sig
nature of. A. J. Wit= &Co., on each box.
July Ist; 1857. 127 Bm.
ITAS established a greater celebrity than has
1.1 ever been obtained by any other Starch.
This_ hala been the resnit of its marked supe
riority. in quality, and its Invariable uniformity.
The public may be assured of the continuance,
of the high standard now bistablished.
The production is over Twenty Tons daily,
and the demand his extended throiighotit the
whole of the United States, and to foreign coun
Worktil thus on n verv . Arge scale, and under
a rigid systern,ilieY are able to secure a perfect
uniformityin the quality throughout the year.
This Is the. great Desideratum in Stareii making;
and is realized stoic , for the first tithe. ,
The very . best Starch that .Can Made; and
so OTHER, is always wanted by conihtners, and
this willpe supplied to nerd by the grocers, as
soon as their customers have learned which i;
the best, and - ask for it—otherwise they, would
be likely to get that ankle on which the largest
profit ran be made: .
Mr. Kingsford his been engaged in the matt
facture of Starch continuously for the last 27
years, and ddring the whole of this petiod, the
Starch made under his supervision has been, be
yond any question, the best in the market. For
the first 17 years, ho had the charge of the
works of Wm. Colgate-it n which period
heinvented the Ptecess of Co.,Se minnfacture of
Corn Starch.
It is sold by till the best grocers in nearly every
part of the country.
- (FOR PUDDINGS, &c.,)
Has obtained an equal, celebrity with their Starch
for the luundiy. This article is Perfectly pure,
and is, in every respect, equal to the best Ber
muda Arrow Root, besides having i idditionai
qualities which reuder it invaluable rot, the des:
Potatoe Starch has been extensively packed
and sold as a Corn Starch, and has given faille
impres.sicrns - to mums to the real merits of our
Corn Starch.
Fiona its greitdeticitcy and purity, it is com.!
ing into extensive use as d diet for Idfatits and
invalids. E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Age**,
Mg. 20 int) 196 Fulton Street, N. Y.-
ItFFREY'S ltnproveo dottble-acting Sue;
ti don and Force PUMP, with India rubber
half valves, which has b een aviardki the Brat
premium at the New York State Fair, held at
Elmira'lBss,—patented the sth of Jane 1855.
The Suticriber having bought , the right of
Bridgewater, Brooklyn, Springville, Auburn and I
Lathrop,Tcownshipg, and Boroughs of the same,
.to sell the af4tve.deactibed Pampa, is noW‘ pre.
pared to furnish all who Inky want Pumps in
said territory..,
This Pump is applied to As tire poposei
which any pumps are used,With this advantage'
over may others, ct Oonverting it , in a moment
into an efficient Fire 'Engine, thereby iaidining
your buildings secure against fire. •
For particulars call at my Store In Nontroee;
and see the Pumps for yourselves, or , address, -
S. S. 1111:1TT, -
ntrose, Aug. 10th, 1851.—1 f
f Get a Pump before you get burned dit.
Ramp DeMines
A T:reduced pikes at •
gitAwids Goof sitoo oE o Nyoss
LrriteLE 'cipio*ar.
F 4 :R. - --fvl, E R.,' 4
'IX7ILL please remember, ishee . hiitidiagvihs
- V the subscriber* are fan:atm*
. sAsa and
At the lowest Factory prkes, and that
constantly on hand, a large stock of
LIME I &c., &e.,
fact, we have almost everything In the way of
Building Mater al
Of first rate ittality, and will sell them at a very
Itnall advance from .Con# for Cam
Therefore sloonfidently assure Builders, that
they will- materially coasylt - their own interests
by -giving us ticall, iieforefpurchielog.- '
t R;
-A D -
1* • t i.
- IDY the LOAD or BARRiL,ionStantly on
1.) band, and for sale. at the very 16yest rates,
Nichol:web Septtornber 15t,•11157.
- 1.11077gE1 .-
fait wd sspitok.,4toti Hof
lit . 0.112-.-.:
For the Somme.: Trade.
New ind freatit3illl itytes,,
. NOW being opened by
Fish? Fish
AFRESH lot or those Fine. Heavy Codfish,
also, Bluefish in Barrels and Half Barrels,
just received by LITTLE & HARDING.
A- NEW Stock of •oroceries, Hardware,
Crockery, &c., aze.l a hundreth part of
which we have not time-to mention. Enough
to say, we have almost anything, 'and eve:
rytbing expected to be found at -a store in the
country—all of which we are determined 3.
turn into cash, in the very, shortest pbsilble
time and we laereivith Issue a
We Irish ft distinetly understood, that for
Cwsli we will soli any kind ofiGokidit at mock
lower prices than usual.
Fresh drderies,
SOGAR, Molasses, Rice, Coffee, Tea, and
all kinds of Groceiles in any quantity, at
the very lowest rates, a fun stock constantly on
hand, by Lints & HARDING.
Four Shilling , Tea,
NOTWITHSTANDING the recent, heavy
advance in the price of Teas, we haie se.
cured a large lot of the same quality of •that,
'which has created so much: good feeling among
oar Tea drinking. customers. '
Plenty of ii,by the chest or pound; at the old
price, by
It Is a Fact,
THAT Saierans, Soap and Candles:of thi
best finalities, are fur - sate -13y:tne-boarat
ken , York city wholesalt "priceB,l3Y . ,-
LattLE ost, delouse:
N Tin Cans, a Pure article, Fitt. bite,l4 .
- _ LITTLE & HARDIzild,
opti ajid. Shoe's ) ,
CONSTANTLY on hand, a first rite assort
meat or.gen's, Boys'And Youths' double
sole Boots sad Shoes, of 0141164 ihanufactnre,
also, Women's Shoes, Boots' ittid Gaiters in
great variety, all to be sold at'.try low Hite', by
Ltfrt. ;St.
Hats 4 1 14 cape,
N alum:kat onion mariety;of.kindi, itaality and
pries; for Bare by .
... Bonnets,
bill3tONS, Flowers and Trimmings, for sale
Clothing ! _ ,
OATS, Vests and Nati, well made, nod
gia fityles• Collafd,
Gloves, etc., fur sale cheitp; by
•• M
Leather! . -
I • -1,
SO and . Upper Leather, Pegs, Shoe Nana
and Thread, Wax and many other kinds of
Shoe Findings, for sale by
Lixti & HARDING,,
Carpetinit -
RICH all Wool Carpet's, at low price; fo
sate by
To Lumbermen and Coopers.
BEST Cast Steel and Steel Pell Axes, Cat
Steel Mill and
_?4 Cot ,Sews, also Patent:
tooth X Cut. Saws, with Files, of *Utmost all de:
siriptioni, for tile hir
Lrrna. & IlAavnta.
To Dairymen.
Pane" +l_,n !jointed
. and Cedar Polls, Butter Bowls, Dairy Salt"
&a.' &.c., for solo by •
Ltrits & HXabz d.
- Are ton Building! •
-itou anq sivie rimier 14
Glsor, Paints, Door Trim
mings, and Hitliiiare igen . * 1174 . :
rxts it. 11
Flour,. Bali aid, li*e i
lakY the Load; or Barrel, constantly on hand,
ll_ and fol. sale h'y
& .
, • A
OUT i.sitimy sibuttit'any.thing, tlie way of
Getters! :Merchandise, for Gass.; at a yet) ,
sandl advance from coat, of , - •
UTTER Zeit, ?NNW I%oSWaitt
JICY Gnat Viilds i ltitick ad 114, Lihibiti,
Dried 4pities, Keens, ite., Rc 9 ivanteil
In ezehiagi for Mods,
Unit di;
MI MD .tlll% .
urnit HAR'DING
Tatildias' iioek Depot,
July 10,1$b1.
TITTLE* Hianiivi
~ ABEL, r .l " VERB/.
IDICAte tr.,3n3 l i4eolsr
large, and choice verielyof One*,
foi cis% and ieleeted ear
over' thittrof •the best, Renee& lii Nei
which' he otters to etilitorneffcallifth 4
et low rites for milt. Hit stoik cowl
0-I.L S,.
N W 0--1;
- D - E S - U F F
F. I E •
-• R_O K,E Bry„;
R 0 R
•VV I W.N D2O. P
W I N.D W 0 I - $:11 A
siE Fti W1t5..71;
... - D R Y _ .G ,0 0 D,S,
li A RD_ W ARE.
Et R 044
B R lI[S
_P 1.) R
B rit A t, s - ,-
N„A,R , Y D,
. 11M8.11, - -ELI,AS,' - •
G II S •
- • P.ISTOLS,. •
T R N ,
-• C A N.EI
•L 1901,-010 , ;
. ,
T 4t3 s ES;,
S P P,lO :11; 'LE It 13.
- S ULD_Xit 'BPo A C E
PEC'TA L E. - it, -
VIOLIff - rOttrN - Gpws
,:And RH of ihro i?oPulitf
Thaukful for the liberal P V'enogPti4 l l:e.cto re-1
ceived; he hopes ,to meri!„ a eentinunuee
largeinerenso of tlie:Same.. • , •
- - • - TURRELII. . 1:. -
Moitioie, June 106, 1861.'
Horrible Siasll. - Irpl
A CAR ittiv OIT TIIE bed tv4
, .
.And Twenty• Five Dollars Destroyed!
IEI UT this hears no coinParisoii ih horrrir avid
1,11 what we are 'ebb& to relate . . You ac
probably all beard of- the Man *ith a cork Jig.
so perfectly adjusted that it." walked itself,' and
kept on walking till it walked him to death and
thee_ ran Off with his anatomy. But this is
(Nile tame compared with a story - that we heard,
the other day of a lady who had lately been ft-!• L
ted with a Full Set. of Artificial . Teeth on tho''
Nei? Plan.. Boon after the teeth had been ad. 2?,
jested in the mouth a kind'of spasinedie twichimaP
of the musCles et the lower jaW was felt, 'and:/
from that, her mouth commenced to open and:
shut With such rapidity, and violeice, that all she
could do she couldn't atop it. Shewai of course
'almost seared to death and so was,the Doctor.
Sprigging Jorward he seized the jaw and
ing it with all his_m!ght he finally sniceededll . . :
a ptodigious exertion-in pulling, the teeth out of
thri,Aouttb.olid bete_the,tuitenee etthe tragedi
ended. But the uaddeitpart of- the Story re. F n . .;
mains to be. told. Imagine the lady's distress
when she discovered thatAier• splendid set of
teeth for which she had lost paid three hundred
dollars had completely - eaten themselves up. This
lady from last ac.,•unnts was still suffering front
etistean.ths jaw.icht•li'vve
by pie •StoTent contractions- or-lne.vignsubiclus,
was slightly dieloested. Now it , is to be molt 11
devnplly hoped; for the sake of huntatnity that it
the profession will take.tvarnint by the unhappy
fate of this , lady, and be Cautions how they eal. •
ploy their skillin all it; most inciderit and per.
*tea forme. fdr ( Withoutabubt has the doctor, it
failed to get out theah teeth they, ,frould hero T A .I.
eats the roorjady to death. Boaasured, friends, 'O,l
shall .e.rideavor to.keep clear of each jaw break:
era, putting into ttly sett of -teeth just the
aihnunt of the eating proleinsity which is practi.
cable and scfe. You will fin -me at almost any
titno.eicept meal time or night time in my office 1374
over, Wilson's- store, west chit of Brick Block, i;
with a heart almost bursting with thankii for F
tif,iit-favor.a;and ever at your service fora mod
crate ' • -
Yours thankfully, - - . •
C. D. VIRGIL.. Dentist, Montiose. Ps.
- Gash for -Wool. - - •- rl
. " .
Tx !SIMI= will pay .t 4 !desist . prick for 1 1 11,,
111 I • WOOL, is, CAsti or.Gdpos„ut Fos store In `v.
New Milford. ' '• - ;. b
- inly 4fh, 1851.
.. i 't ,
' •
'NEW GOON!!-:,'
. -
316NTROds, soti
• Daity.m‘ on Take . &ice.
, _
HWLEY & .GUlth have constantli o,i i;
. baud suvi hav# made to order Churns, Fir. ‘ , ,i,;
kin*. I' turn fails and Butter Tuba of the beat
reality. ' [Gibtatto, April 20th. 1857. r. 7.
Val !Paid.
AE Highest; naik et price in • Ctirfpabi for•
Ten Thoniand pounds ofwool by
• • •
Gibson, liine4. l 4th. 1857.
. • JewetW --
A VERY full and desire le itlnk of Ear : rings,
Breastpins, Lockets, tbsins, Crosses,
Studs, Sleevellotkons, Gold and Silver Specta: ;
ees, Gold and Silyar.ThinibleS; Pens and Peti.. I '4 ;
cite , armo"dr 4 .l r II would invite tiro at
.tention toy. ri and fill persons wisSink
to purchase. . ALFRED L,EVANS.
Binghamton. Adv. iith, 187. . fy.
Eagle Foundry Plows
L -'1011„ opperiority at casting Ana excellency
.11: of niacbinery can not beexcelled. •
H. S&YRS dt.Bnciiscan:.,
= Plated Wats..
ABLE - sod Dessert Kuives,-Furks,Spoonii,
Cauturs,' Cake saskets; Pups, Tea: Beta,
good, assoftwOut;-
July. 17th, 1467:1
ArIASH. paid. for Ail ihe.WettA n gusfitiobsoisi
A„„. I Ca, by - DIOKRRAI4N-ar. GARRET..
LOUR for solo by the Los& oi*pet by
New lailfords-runs
BLACK SlLlkS i lki in—vt Price. mt.
Lawavill Cenite,April • z
T-T 0 4 0 51/tra kofs
total and Cathixtio , qt .
ace Wdvertieemota this PORer,- ,
- - TUttagii
. .
rrillOCElßlOßTiveittit; thiphiare uid
kit varlooe other *Attlee twournerofte to meo.
Boni erliNet witu: be . sea Chet* for Clii‘
or Reidy Poy; c. W;1101"Pj
*lntro* Met
tkEAUTWU I 4- 1 4904;0f Lot fie. ,1$
13an4 041101 - WO Parila4 •
WEBB'S; if'
. J E' V ANS: