The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 03, 1857, Image 4

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    "=. •,7J
Of the ...Susluchanna Coltlify,lglit:tf Rural
and Cat: Sht> , r , :to LI held in .illon
tose, on Thursday, ("Le :131 day rf Severnlnr,
For the. best Durham 1014 - 2 years old, and
upwards. $5; 2d bust, 3 ; '3'd best, J. Fur the
best - Devon Ball, 2 years do. $5; lid best, 3 ; 3d
best, 2. For the hjst•grade or mixed blood,15;
2d best, 3; 3d lest Fur the beet Mileh Cow,
$5; 2d beet, 3 ;'.3,1 best 2. tor the, best two
,year old Heifer,. 2,1 best, 3;• 3d best, J. For
the best lot of Store Calves, not less than five,
$5; .2d best, 3; 3d bust 2. Fur the best pair
of .Working Oxen, $5; 2d best, 4; 3d-best3;
4th best, 2. For the best pair of three year old
Steers, $5; 2d best 3 ; 3d best 2. For the beet
pair of two year old Steers, $5; 2d best, 3;
3d best 2. For the best lot of Yearlings,. not
less than five, $5; 2d best 3; 3d best 9.
•'Tor the best Fine Wooled Duck,, $3; 111)04,
3d best 1. For the best South Down, $3;
.2d best, 2; ad,.. best, I. For the best Long
Wooled Buck, $3; •?d best, 2; 3d best 1. For
•the best lot of Fine Wooled Ewes, not less than
three, $3 - ; 2d best 2; 3d best 1. For the best
lot of South Dt4n Ewes, not leas than* three,
$3; 3d best ; 3d best. I. For the best lot o! .
Long Wooled EvAis, not' less than three, $3;
2d best, 2; 3d best, 1.
, -
For the best Boar, $3; :II best, 3; 3d best,
1. For,, the best Sow, $3: 2,1 best, 2; 3d best,
'\ l / 4
1. For the best lot of spring Pigs, $3;.2d beet,
2; 3d be -A, 1.
For the best Stallion, fur all work, $5; 2d
best 3 ; 3 best; 2; 4th ls st, 1.. Poi the best
Breeding 31are, with colt by her side, raised in
the county, $5: 2d tipst. 3; 3d best, 2. For
the best pair of Matefti.d Iler•ses, - rsised in the
-county,.ss; 2d best 3; 3d•best 2, . .
.rorzu - kr.
For a e best Vol 111V:114..1:ens, not less than
twelYe, 42; bestXl. 1.'4 the best lot of
Fowls. nct less than six, Rooster'and
2d best, 1. For th: best lot of Turkoys,
2d best 1. Ft,r the lost lot of Ducks, not less
than six,. ; best I.
For the best firkin of Bntter, $.5 t 2d bent 4
3(.1 beat, 3 ; 4th bes.t, 2. For the greatest (ivan
tap tnade titiiing the sea Arin from any number e
cows, $5; 2d 3; 3d bent, 3.
For the beat Cheese, nut fear than 251b4., $3
.2d best, 2.
V , i G ETAI3 urs
For the beef aqd greatest - variety, $2; 3 best, 1_
For the best specimen of Fall Apples, not less
than 1.2 a buthe!, $.2 • 3d best, 1. Fur the hest
specimen of tVinter Apples', not less than t -it
bushel, $2; best 1. For the bust peek of
pears, $l. For the I:Ko,t peek of Qutacos,
For tho best specimcv, nit le!=s. than 10Ibs
$2; 2d best, 1. • • -
For the best five gallons (f eider vinegar, ~,,3
2d best, 2; 3d best, I.
• For the best lot of Shoe Leather, $3; 24 best,
2. For the best lot of Harness . do., best,
2. For the bet lot of Calf Skins, $3; 22 best.
2. 'For the htst. CoMmon. Pouhl,e Team Harness.
$3 ; 22 best 2. For the hest Carria7e
Harness, $3: 22 best 2. For the best pair of
Calf Skin flout, by Exhibitor, S 2 ; , -;:d
best 1.
Fol" bcst exhibition of Cabinet \N'tirk,
2d best, 3.
1311 - LEMEICT::.
For the bast Plow nir r trelioral use, 83
Caltivter, '2; 1).0-t Straw Critter, ; be , t Corn
Shellcr 2 : be>t (Thorn, 2: I.K-st Clk•ese Tres,? ;
best Firkin , . nt.t le,s than two. 2; best 11,, rse
Rake, 2; best flee Hive 2: best Harrow, ;
Singl6 Carriave , 5; -2d, best. 3.
1 ,. rc.r tilt: 1.,•<2,t lot of llorm-tq10e5,(,42; '2 ti I-!est,l
POI. the spc:einten of Flannel, not less than .
ten yard., 42 ; For the best spui
men of Failed Cloth, not less than fit n yarls. 2:
best, 1. For the best Woolen Carpeting.
not less than fit . tcen yards; $3. 2d host, 2. - For
the best Rag Carpet; 3: V. best, 2. For the• .
best half do'zco pair of If Woolen iiffeks, ;
best, 1. For the host 0, - oul Mitten, not
than two pair, $1 ; 2id best 50 cis. For the
best Patch Work Quilt, ;2d best 2. For the
best Quilt, of any kind, $3; 2d best 2. For the
best Silk Bonnet, $l.l. Fur the best :Velvet,
Bonnet,sl. For the best Lady's Sacque,.sl.
To the Farmer whose productions are the
greatest, (hay included)'in proportion to the
number of acres under cultivation, taking . it,to
account the stock kept on hia farm during the
season, $10; to the next, 5. •
. The Reports, on the greatest productions, &e.,
will be received, and the premiums awarded at
the meeting of the Society in January.
The Executive Committee in prc. , entiu; the
'foregoing, Premium List, would take \ occasion
to remark, that it has been thoronghlY revised
and extended to the utruthit limits of the Socie
ty's means, in order to give the greatest encour
agement to competition.
.0n a full consideration of the subject, it has
appeared to the Committee, that it would be accordance with the object for which ilk' ,
Society was instituted, to omit all special pre
miums for grain or root crops, as thi have. a
tendency to encourage an undue share of atten
tion to these particula , - objeets,to the,.neglect of
the general interest of the farm. But in liiftt
thereof, premiums are offorcd for the largest re
turns =if the farmer's labor, which, after all,
the main object, es it is the best general nianage
ment which deserves commendation, Whetberdt
be on a large or small farm.
'- It is highly creditable that the interest in the.
Annnal Fair continut.s to increase, thereby Nitow
int that the public, appreciates 'the inAlulness (,1
the Si?cit:ty in pro:outing th: - :, pr ,. .Apyrity of the
.. ;
THOS. pt c..lot.soN, .
f Eu'i re
F. 51. Wiitaams, y - '.r,T
• Onnmittee.
'.. AiruEn Itatntritt,
N. 13 A - track will be prepareti nn the Fair
ground,fx,r the exhibition of horses. .
Tioga Point Agricultural , Works.
ILLNUT.A.c.T.t"r.Er.s, , x7IOI.ESALT. A? - RETAIL nr.A.L.
Emery's Unrivalled Berge. Po wers,
THRESHERS and &waters, Threshers
and Cleaners, Circular and Cross Cut
Saws, Mill Saws,Shin ines,&c.,Eincry's
Hickok's and Kranser's. Cider Mills and Presses,
Corn Shellers, Clow's Grain Cradles, Ilay, Slow
and Stalk Cutters, II ONe Vowel's, Dog l'ou'ors.
Grain Drigand Broad Cast SoweN,Coltivators,
Horse Hoes, Corn 'and Cob Mills, Dederick's
Ray Pressls, Stump Mat:Lines,
Ketchum's Mowers onq Reaper:, Excelsior Fan.
fling . 31111 s,
Provision Safes, Itefrigerators Leather and
Rubber Belting: Our Excelsior Fanning Mills.
are unrivalled. Extras Furnished for repairing
all machines us. as . 7 Doseriptii'e Cat
alotues, Price Lists and Circulars of all ma
chines..sold by us, sent gratis and post paid to
all applicants., Send as your name and address.
. Agent, H. L BLOWERS. (of Frzn k I in, r ) Mont
rose P. 0., Susquehanna (Away, Pa.
'' , Q4,llleus, Pa., July Ist, 1807. ;Null
Efts IS
Important Discovery.
CONSUMPTION. end all diseases ot the
LUNGS' and Tifitavr arc positively curable
by INIISLATION, which conveys the remedies
to, the cavities in the lungs through the air passa
tree, and comingin direct contact.with the disease
neutralizes the tubercular matter,allays the 'cough a free and easy expectoration, heals the
Kings, purifies the bio,d,irnparts renewed vitality
to ,the nervous system, giving that energy so
imlispcMfable for the restoration of the health.
To be able to sate confidently that Consumption
.is curable by Inhalation, is to me a source ohm.
alloyed pleasure. his as touch under the control
;t. atment as any other formidable dis.
ca, - ,e;00 ont of 100 c..ts can be cured in the Ist
,tages, and 30 pr. et. in the 2nd: butin the 3rd
stage it-is impossible to li9VC more than spr et.,
for the lun;s are so cut up by the disease its to
bid defiance to medi,tal skill. Ever, however, in
the iast stages, I NrIALATION allbrds relief to
the sutferiug nttondiug this-fearful scourge, which
annually destroys 93.000 persons in theU.S.alonc;
and a correct calculation shows that ot the present
population of the earth, 80,000,000 arc destined
to fill the consumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa.
tadas Consumption. In all ages it has been the
great enemy of life, for it sparei neither age - nor
sex, but kweetits offalike the brave the beautiful,
graceful and gifted.' By the Itelp of the Su
preme Beinerotu whom eeme di every good and
perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afilicted
a p e rm a n en t, and speedy cure in Cousutuptien.
The first cause of tubercles is froM impure blood,
and the immediate effect produced by their dep
osition in the lungs prevent the free admis-
Aim) of air into the air rells,whieh causes a weak
ened vitality thro' the entire system. Then sure:
ly it is more rational to expect greater good from
medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than
from those . administerusi through the stomach ;
the patient will always find the lungs free and
the breathing easy; after inhaling the remedies.
Thus. Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless
it sets constitutionally, and with more power and
certainty than remediesadthinMered through the
stomach. To prove the •powerful and direct
influence of this made of administration, chloro.
"form ihhal,3 will entirely desttoy sensibility in
a f ew.ta in e [ o 4, pat the entire nervous sys
tent, so that a Ih:sb may be ampu6ted without
the sli.htest pa;o: inhaling the ordinary burning
gas will destroy life L. a few hours :
The inhalation of ammonia will arouse the sys
tem vvi.en faiatir.g or apparently dead. The od
or of many of the medicines is perceptible in the .
skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may
be immediately detected in the Mad. A convin
eie.;;T. proof of :ho constitutional effecti of iahala
tlOll, is the. fact that sickneS9 is always produced
by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence
that proper remedies, carefully prepared and ju
dicioesly administered through the-lungs should
produce the happiest riesuit ? During' 13 years
practice, many thousands suffering from-diseases
of the lungs and throat, have been under my care
and I have affected many remarkable cures, even
after the suarers had been pronounced in the
last stages, which fully satisfies me that Con
suniption is no logger a fatal disease. My treat
meat of Consumption is original, and founded
.oniong experience and a thorough investigation.
My perfect acquaintance with the nature- of tu
be.reles; etc., enables me to distinguish, readily,
the various forms of disease that simulate
sumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely
being mistaken even is a single ease. This fam
iliarity, in connection with certain Pathological
and macro-topic discoveries, enables me to relieve
the lungs from the effects of contracted chests,
to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to
it renewed vitality, givingenergy and tone to the
entire systcm.•
Alcdicines with full directions sent to any part
of the linitcd Stafesand Canadas, by patients
oca” n 11.* their symytzms by letter. But
the cure wou!d more certain if the patient
should pay rue a visit, which would give me an
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me
tO prescribe . with much greater certainty, and
then tlie.'eure could be effected without my see.
in. , the patient again. G. W. GRAHAM, M. D.
Otfiee. 1131 Filbert Street, ( old No. 109,)
below Twelfth. Ilidladelphia. Pu. (vl-1n26.y.
01 all tikz•ut,e the groat, fir.t cane,
Slings from neglect of Nature's laws
11'ncn a CITE is Guaranteed in all stages of
SECREI' 111 SEA SE, Se f Abuse, ferrous
Debility. - Strictures, Glecis, Grarcl, Diabetes,
Diseases 'lf the . Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial
Rheumatism. Scrofula, Pains in the Bones . and
Andes. Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and
Ey e s, Ulcers upon the Body or UmbQ, Cancers.
Drop-1, F,pileptie Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all
di».•!ases arising (rem s deranftement . of the.Sex
iial Organs :• Such as Nervous Trenablin! , . Loss
of. Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision
with peculiar spots appearing before. , the eyes,
Los of 8;g 1 .: 1 .., \Vakefulness, Dyspepsia, Listr
Disease,-Eruptions upon the taeo. Pain in the'
back and head, Fcmit irregularities nod all im
proper clis;:harges from both sexes: It - matters
not from what cause the disease originated, how
ever long standing or obstinate the ease, nteov-
Eny is CERTAIS i and in a shorter time than a
perm :Anent cure can be etTected by any other
:ream:oat, even after the disease has baffled the
skill of eminent . physicians and resisted all their
means of,cure. The tudicines are pleasant: with
out odor, causing no Sickness, and free from
mercury or balsam. During 24 years of practice
I have rescued from the jaws of D. sth many thou
sands. the last stages of the above lien
tinned disea - eS had been given op to die' by their
physicians, which warrants me in promising to
the afflicted, who place themselves under my
care,. a perfeet and moot speedy cure. Secret dis.
.eases are the greatest enemies to health, as
they are the first cause of Consumption,Scrofula,
and.many ottler diseases, and ought to be a terror
to the human family.. As a permanent cure is
scarcely ever ctler ed, a majority of the cases fat
ling into the hands of incompetent persons, who
not only fail to cure, the diseases, but ruin the
constitution., flair , the system with mercury,
which, with the disease,"hastens the sufferer into
a rapid ennsumfrion.
But s:ou'..d the disease and thei treatment not
ean-e death speedily, and the victim marries, the
di , q-sse is entailed upon the children, who are
horn withconstitutions, and the current of
life corrupted by a virus Which betrays itself in
- .••;l,irofn la, Toter, Ulcers, Eruptions, and other of
feetions of the skin. Eyes, Throat and Lungs, en
tailing upon them a brief exiAenee of suffering
and 00m..., them to an early grave..
.is another formidable ene
my to for uothing, else in the dread cata
logue of bunian dis;,eaes caus . .es so destructive a
drain upon the systern,drawing its thousands of
victims through a few years of suffering down to
an unt.' rn?ly gave. It destroys the Nervous sys- .
tern, rapidly wastes away the energies of life,
eanses mental derangement, prevents the proper
deve!opernent of the system, diSqUalifies for mar
tinge, swirly, business, and all earthly happiness,
and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind,
pred:Qr o s e d to consumption and a train of . evils
rner, to he drerded than death itself. With the
fullf.‘st confidence lassure the unfortunate vie
time of Selff-A broe that a permanent and
' ver , ly Cure can be effected, and with the•
donnient. of ruinous practices my patients can be
restored t' robust,
The atMitteti are cautioned against the use of
Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingen
ious snares in the columns of the public prints to
catch end rob the unwary sufferers, that millons
have their constitutions ruined by the vile -com
pounds of "quack doctors, or the equally poison.
ous nostroms vended as "Patent Medicines." . I
have carefully analyzed many of the so called
Patent Medicines zed find that nearlv.all of them
contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the
strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly
poison, which instead of curing disease disables
• the system for life.
Three-rourths of the patent nostrums now in
use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant
persons, who do not understund•even the alpha of the maieria mfdira, and are equally as
destitute early knowledge of the human system,
having one object only in view, and that to make
money regardless - of consequences.
Irregularities and all diseases of males and fe
males treated on principles established by 20
years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of
the most remarkable cures. • Medicines sent to
'any put of the United states or Canadas, by pa
tients communicating their symptoms by letter.
,Business corrspondenee strictly' confidential.
Addresg, J. SUMMERVILLE, if. D.
01fiteNo.1131 filbert St.. (old No 109
1 BELOW 12th, PH/LADELptiti, PJ. [2.7 y.
farmers at
North West Cor. of Secontland Wainut-st:, Phila.
CAPITAL, One Million Two liundrM and
Fifty Thousand Dollars. ASSBTTS,
$523,0.57 07, Invested in Bonds, Mortsge%,nnd
Good Securities.
Exhibits the the Business and Condition of
the C,lnpany to November Ist, 1130,,
Premium received on Marine and
Inland Risks, to Nor.lst. 1956, $2l-1,G9-1 GO
Firo Premiums, - 169,196 61
Interest on Liam+, 8,764 47
Total Receipts, - - • +. $400,185 6a
Paid Marine Losses, - $64,4•27 04
Paid Fire do. 39,737 B'9
Expenses. Salaries and
Comtnisston+N . 45,489 00
Reinsurance, Retu'rn
- Premiums &Agen.
cy Charges, - - 27,474 68 •
----$177,128 61
Balance, remaining with C0.,5223,057
Philadelphia City and
County Bonds, - . $16,848 181
Railroad Bonds, - 11,000 00
First slortages, Real, cost prices
Estate, I - 144,500 00
Stocks,Coffaterals, on
Call, . . 32,400 00
Girard and Consolida-
Lion Bank Stock, - 5025 00
Deposits witb Ducat),
Sherman &Co.,New
York, - 30,000 00
Deferred Payments on'
Stock not yet due, 97,700 00
Notes for Marine Pre
miums, . 108,080 .60
Due from Agents, se
cured by Bonds.. - 35,376 18
Premiums on Policies
recently issued, and
debts due the 'Co., 126 ,47 0 33
Balance in Bank, 16,156 74
This Company insitres ferehand:ze,
and Stock, from Sr co to $5,000, at the Lowest
Bates consistent with
and upon the
most Liberal Terms, inalin - Pnourr PAY_
atEar upon the adjustmentof Losses under Pon•
ties issued by. them. .
The Board of Directors have thistlay declared
a dividend of 15 per cent.. payable on demand,
uponithe business of the Company, to the Ist
lion.T110:11AS B. FLORENCE, President.
Philadelphia, November 17th 1856.;
• bf New Milford, Pa., Asf,,ext.
, • 074 foryr
,\Nho has ,had 10 years experience as a
,Banker and publisher, and author of
scrios if Lectures at the Broathray Tab.
:ernacle when 'for 10 successive nights, otter
ss at -AP-50,000
**. ;'Greeted him with Rounds of Applause,
while he exhibited the manner in which
ICounterfeiters . execute their Frauds, and
s theSurest and Shortest Means of Detecting
, ,
ctnem: •
Ti Bank Nnte all say that he is
;the •
greatest Judge rf Paper Money licing,
ent Century for
Deteeting Counterfeit Bank
rs. - Notes,
- •
Deser'binn• Fve-v Genuine Bill in Existence,
and at a glance every
Counterfeit in Circulation !
\'• Arranged so adrairailly, that DEFEZENCE is
4: - Er No Index to examine ! No page to
hunt - up. - But ..Imp • * I that
tthe Merchant. Banker anti Bistaess Man can
'sec at! at it Glance.
English, French and German.
Thus Each mar rend the same in his own
• { Native Tongue.
Yost Perfiet Bank -Vote List Palisl,ed.
Also a List of .
JAll' the Private Bankers- in America.
A Complete Summary of the FINANCE OF
Et:r.orz AsroEnicA will be publi;hed
each edition, together -with all the fro
./ • or TALES
, =From an Old Manuscript- found in the East.
Sit furnishes the Most Complete History 3f
.describingrthe Mast Perplexing Positions
,in which the Ladies-and Gentlemen of that
Country haveTheen found. These Stories
will continue throutThout the whole year,
and will prove the Must Entertaining ever
,offered to the Public.
Furnished Weekly to Subscribers
only, at Si a year. All letters must be ad..
dressed to
\ .4 •
• JOHN S. DYE, Broker,
Publisher and Proprietor, ;Q Weli-sI:N.Y
rin N,lossonis and rin
In Great Projuaion and Magnificence !! !
ITITH his compliments to his friends and
I' the public for the substantial and long.
continned patronage of his business, would again
announce that he is receiving a large and full
stock of
Spring and Sntar.zer Goods, =
Including as usual a great variety of Ladies'
Dress Goods in Prints, Ging,hains, Lawns,
Barege-Delanes, Calicoes, Silk Plaid
Bareges, Poplens; Brocade Black -
and Fancy Dress Silks; Broehe,
Stella, Silk and Cashmere
Shawls; 2lantil Par- .
• cols, Rich Ribbons,
• Bonnets&Flowers,
&c., &c.
With a great variety of other Staple and
Fancy Goods, including - Groceries,
Criiekery, Hardware, Iron and Steel, • *
Nails, Steees, Hates at d Caps, Boots
and Shoes, Carpeting, Flower
Oil Cloths, Painted Win.
dow Shades, Wall Pa.
• per, Clocks, Drugs,
Oils and Paints,
&c& e .
The entire stock having been purchased for
CAsti and with much care. will be sold 'at 'the
lowest figure, end to meet the views of the closest
CASH or TIME buyers. •
New Milford; May 1857.
Salt! Salt!! Salt!!!
Tsubscriber begs. - leave - to inform his
friends and the public that be has taken the
Store No. 201 Washingtmstrret, (directly op
posite Washington Market) lateiy occupied by
,Vokey Elliot; and is now prepared to offer for
sale on the most liberal-sterms row c4fia. all
kinds of Foreign Coarse, and Fine Salt, from !
vessel, or store; either in sacks or bulk, or put
up in small order.
Dealers will be furnished with their names
printed on the bags when ordering a thousand
or more. Persons from a distance ordering by
mail can depend upon • having their orders !
promptly 'filled at the , LttwErr 11r.nxfz PrttcEs.l
New York, March Ist, 1857. 10y1..1
Fa.tent Medicines, &c.
GUATIIESBREG MscuctiEs.--Vegutable Pilh
Grevn Mountain Qintsnetitt Sarsaparila
Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Pe.
cur and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters. Dysen;
tary Syrup, Consumptifea Balm, MatAall's
Uterine, Catholieon, Dr. Libbia Pile Ointment,
and Manual of Dealth.
• ,
and •Cheiry- Pectoris!, ninnies
German 0411 meta, Trask's Magnetic Oiqtruent,
Holloway's Ointment and
• Pills, Doris' Pain
Rifler, Dr. Fitch's -Heart Corrector, Dennett'S
Root and Plant Pills, Soule's gOvereign Balm,
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever
and Atiguo Curc„ilerekant's Gargling Oil, A rni.
Ca Lineatnent, Camphor. Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Aloes, I'icera, Mcrrh, Licorice, &c , &e., &e.
A new supylyjtistrecolved, to he kept contact-'
ly on hand, for sale by I. Ni. BULLARD.
• October; Ist, 1856.
$l5 will purchase one of tho best
. ti Pr Invented.
frilf, undersigned is now prepared to furnbh
•1 to FARMERS, Millers and others the world
renowned Excelsior Corn Shellerthe wonder
.of the times—:.being tho hest, most durable, and
easiest running Shelleinow . in use,_ INarmnted
to shell more corn in a shorter. space of time,
than any other machine, entirely cleaning the
ear, from end to end, without crushing either
corn or cob.
The Machines aro constructed with two
cranks, and puny for.; belt, so that two persons
can turn them, or attach a belt iu :notion by
any power. The attention of. perso„ps owning
mills, is solicited, as the Machines- are wonder
.t•ully adapted to
-any kind of power. They are
very easily turned, and when once in motion a
small boy can turn them; they are capable of
shelling one Lushel per minute—every Farmer
should: have one—as-they save their coat, in
les than one seasons,.
They are on exhibition at Searle'S lintel,
Sayre's Foundry, Ely's 31ill in Brooklyn, and
at Lathrop's Lake 31illsorhere they= be seen
in operation at nr.y time. All orders addressed
to the undeNigned„,will prompt atten
tion. ILictiineS shipped at a distance and war
ranted to operate, D. D. SEARLE.
8523,057 07
At SPOT:V.'S Hotel
nontrose, December. I lih, 1856.
THIS is to certify, that I have examini•d and
used one of the - above SheHITS, for - sale by I).
D. tir..vnLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one
of the best, most durable and ea, lest runnincr
Sheller'- ever introduced into this county. It
will shell More corn in a shorter time than any
other Mach - me, and is always ready for Ne•r`vice.
I most heartily and freely reeontn e nd them to
the Farmers of Susq'a County, as the cheapest
and hest Sheller;r.c.w in use. I have one in
operation in my mill in Dimoek, which needs
only to be:seen to recommend itself. Call and
see it. AMMI ELY
Brooklyn, December 11th, 1856. 51tf.
T - LAVING' jus; rct ttrued from New Fork, with
_ll.l a complete assortment of 7ooilt, for the
Spring Trade consist ing in pail as follow, viz:
Dry Goods, Grveries, Crockery,
13atilware, .E4!et. 3c Shoes,
Clocks, LoOkiag,
Uutbrena.. tVall Pa.
per, Ladies' Ben
nets, ace..
A fine stock of - PA NA MA, .NTLIA W, and
P ALM- LEAF HATS, mai many Other arti
cles too numerous to mention, would invite the
especi.,l attendon of cash buyers to an exatui
nation of his stock, which 4hown freely
to all, and bold ns cheap as they sell goods this
side of New York. Thankful for the patron.
age that has been bestowed upon him the part
year, he hopes by constant attention to the Wants
of all, o suit all who may cat!. Hoping' that
my vw.tomers will not forgot that a settlement
of accounts it tut: CIO once a year, I remain
thcir servant, - KENYON.
. .
Look and Road!
THE undersigned, Merchant at Dirnock Four
Corners, has Lady discovered that for
ready pay he es use.ll moreGoods,and make more
money at one-half the- usual profits put upon
Country Goods. Consequently 1 can . sell Goods
from five to ten per cent. lower than any other
establishment in this section. But kio not take
my word fur it. Call anti 611 e for yourselves.
Br'ing a little Cash or some kind - of Country
produce, and bay your Goads at a price unpar:
alleled in the history of Mercantile trade. My
stuck is lar , re and well selected, and ram re
every wevit . My Terra s of Sale arc Rt . ..triV PAY.
It +•iii certainly be for your interezit to :all and
seo• the before purchasing elsewhere.
PlourAtii Salt kept ef)nstantlt on hand.
13tb, 1857,
[ - Succ.sort TO. A. & E. BALDWIN.]
Manufacturer .of .Saddles, Harnesses, and
Trunk and Carriage Trimnalr, •
WOULDinvite all who are in want of any
article ever kept at a Harness shop to give
hint a call.
Harnesses made of the best Oat: %Tanned
_Leathers on short notice.
' He has on hand a good assortment of arriac
Trimminzs which he titil,rs-nn the most T eas on.
al le terim. Carriage Trimming done with neat=
news and dispatch. z
Repairing done on Short notice.
No. 1., 2, and 3, Basement Searle's hotel. •
Montrose, Nov. 26th, 1856. • n 49.
• •
AVING failed of selling out our store with
its we are again in the market
with New. Goods selling for Cash only, for loss
thi - n can be found in Susquehanna County- We
ai.e determined to sell goods Low notwithstanding
the railings of our up-town neighbors. So friends;
one and all, and buy wlwro you :.can buy
the cheapest. Your money sated is as rood for
you as for those,you have enriched heretofore.
R. THAYER & co.
• April 28th, 1857. •
New Millinery and DrecssMalting
Ladios, have you Heard theliews.
~ . Mrs. 11.s.nraa, formerl Of New
1! 4 . 7 -I.:York, has .openened a y illinery
-,•.:;;'.'" • and Fancy Store in the village
.4 's .
14.;-. / r.'.. , _ ..i of Brooklyn, and having just re
~ e turned from New York with a
A Large rind Fa4sionable
stock of Goads consisting of La
dies and Misses Straw fiats of every style and
variety.' Also, Crape and Silk Hats, constantly
on hand, of every hue and color; together with
a spit neid assortment of
istich as Embroideries, Hair Braid 4 ,llosiery, Caps,
Head Dresses, Lace Goods, etc., etc., all of
which she Wrens at the Low,Fsv MICE'S.
*.**PArticulas: attention will be paid to Bleach
ing-always at home. •
. .
. Brooklyn, May sth, 1857. . 19tf.
H AVING purchased the right for making
the beautiful and durable style ofpicti,res
known es the Metainotype, or Iron Pictures, I
stand ready to furnish them to such as may pre
fer them to the Anabrotype or Dag,uerreotype.
anybody Pi'efers kcheap likeness to or.e of
superior quality, I ran, tnd will make them as
cheap ! and as good ! ! as those sold by Wood,at
the cart on the green.
W. B. DEANS, Phenix Block. .
Montrose, July 23d, 1857.
Couglag, and
tfcnrrrztu, M.t.., 20th Dee, MS.
Da. J. C: dirt: I do Mr, li.ltute to my
Um boat moody I hare at* fonud .for
Conchs. Muammr, funned:a, and Um
concomitant Proptemi of a Cold, iq your
my practice and my family for tha last
ten years Nut shown it to rOVIC.I Rut*
dor rtrtneic for the treanutnt of these
complaint!. En EN .11N UIIT, I.D. .
A. D. liItEITLEY, EN.,of trrites: "1 tiara
mot your Prl,4lmi. myself met In my feinity seer slims
yon invented It. aml believe it the beet wieslicine iur 11l
purpose ocer put out. With a boa cold I eLeuht sooner
pay twenty-Ore tonnes for a bottle than Jo without It, Ow
take any other remedy."
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza.
iiruisanr.t.r, MM., Feb. 7, IKA...
Munn*. Atilt: twill cheerfully certify your PEMBA%
b the best remedy we p.oorios for tho cure of I,7a.oing
Cbugh, Croup, and the chest dhuutsce of children, We of
your trateruity in the Fonth apprecbite your skill, and
commend your medicine to our t0.4i14.
iIiKA.3I CONKLIN, 31. D.
AMOS LElt, EB4„,SIONTELIS. I. writ es, 3dJan.,1856:
"I had a toliows Influenza, which retained me in demi
Ida weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally
hied your Picrettst. by the edrice of our cler.gyman.
The. first 40010 r.•liere•.l the sureness in toy throat and
lungs: less than one half the bottle made me coendetely
writ. Tear mrdirints are the choiq , cet its well as thebest
we can lnly, and we you, ho,:tor, and year reme
dies, as the 1.4 u man's
Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
WUST 31.0 it ItLtsTilt, PA- Feb. 4, Mk
Pm: Your Corium PgeTOIL4L in perfuming marrellans
cures in this section. It boo relic:red several from alarm.
lug symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man
who has laiored under nu atiet Hon of the lungs for the
Lxst (arty years. Mer,chant.
A. A. ItANIPKY, M.D., Atnyys, 3lostos CA. lowa,
writes, Pert. ft, 1a55: o During my practice olmany years
I hue tonna nothing equal to your Cntxxy PterSust. far
giling ease and relief to comounptise fottictits, or caring
such us are cr.rable.'
We n/SOLlsdd volumes ft evidence, but the most con•
vincing proof or the virtues of this remedy is found in lta
erects upon
Probably no ono we Las ever Leen known whlc.h
cured somany and such dangerous dues as this. 13ome
no,Lncoun aid ems reach; but even to thooe the efIITAT
rti - tout affords cella and comfort,
Anlit Iloyst,Nur Cry. Varch 5,1556
Dot - ro% ATLI, rAWLLL: I ft.n.l it a ditty and a pleatura
inform yo, what ynur Cat Lay PECVR.U. 11:101 dune for
my wife. ha.l been fir', mouths lanring under the
danr,erens sytni.t.,crs of Corsninption, fruzu which no aid
we tirreure given her rarrh rt.! 14. :he was "'to:Oily
. until Dr. t , trnoz. this city. ere +to 11%s - re:rang
for I ...lricrreoitin.entie.l a big: of rota inedieitie. We.
ble,g as no tl.e y our frr she luterrecnv
ere.l frOra that'ilay. 'he is not yet ag gimp,- as rtie to
to be. but is frre rrunt lii.r and culls Leraelf well.
Yours with iteatitnile rt,rAr,L
'ORLAND.) :.:311ELIIT, Or Sit rts. r vats.
(flirt:mil:it-es, do 1.4 till you have, triKl Arra's
Cucuta I•ss . tvitAt.. It is nts.lo b otut..f the he:t medical
1:: the worl.l, arid Its Cllvel 311 around ni be , pealc
the high tuvrita of Its vitt:res.— .Let/m•.
Ayer's Cathartic gills.
T I seienees 'Chemistry and Nledirlve have been
taxed their utmost to prixlnce this lest, most perfect
purl:4ll , re w Lich is known to man. Innumerable proofs
are sh.uw ti that theee hare virturs Which surpas,in
est. Pence the ordinary medicines, au.i that they win un
prece.lectedly iipondhe all Dien. They aro alto
and pica:taut to hake, but powerful to ours. Their pene
bating propertiva atinuil.kte the .ital activities of the Way,
remove the edetruettons of its orgnua,),ttrlry the blood,
at;! expel .Ilevace,. They pargeout the foul humors which
breed and grow distemper, stimulate 10.13-14gL•h or disor
dered organs into their natural action. anl impart healthy
tone with strength - to the whole system. Not only do
they coVe the evrry-loy complaints of every' body, but
nit formidable and .Ling;. -rote tii,...14.ed that have baffled
the toot of himian 'shill. they praluce powerful
effects. they are at the Fame time. in diminished drake, the
aaPstntid imll physic that can bOemployed for chltdien.
11.411ng witgar.crated, they are pleaaarit to take; and being
purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures
have leen made which surpass belief were they not sub.
sten tiated by men of such exalted position anti character
as to forbid tha suspicion of untruth. Many eminent
clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certi
fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while oth
ers hives sent sea the &muralist, of their conviction that
my Preplrations contribute immensely to the relief of my
afflicted, suffering rellovignen
The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratle my
American Almanac, eon Mining directions for their use and,
certificates cures, of the following coniplaints:—
CostiNeineo, Ithemnatism. Dr“psy„
Ileartturn. Ile.v7se he ari,ixnt from a foul Stomach. Nan
sea, Imligestiem. Morbid Ina‘tion cf thn.Bowels and Pain
arisi rag thcreft,m. Flat:lb:T.7, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcer
-0111 atol Cutameni Pi-ear.ea which natuire an tract:ant
Medielne, Scrr. , fol icix'• EN it: They ale°. by pin-Vy
ing the hhaal and stimulating the eyetein. Circe many
complaint.; which it would not to suppeod titer could
reach. salt at Ikatfilit. Partial Itli icriin.fitio and
liiervorn Irritability, Deratigemehb, of the 1.1%er and Hid-
Gut. and otira- kin. td cc..nplitints from a
of the lily or oledruction of Its functions,-
Do net be Fat off by unprincipled dealers with some
other pill they tn.AO more profit on. A.. 1 for AIM'S
Pats, and take nothing 'eh.e. No other they can give
Yea compares with !hie io its tutsuric value or curative
p,wers. The tick want the beat all there is for them,
and they thouhl have it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER.,
Practical and Analytical Chesnist, Lowell, Kau
l'alcr. 2.3 CTs. rut' 1 x. £crs 1.10rt..3 m $l.
2OLD F Dr •
And'. 'YURI:ELL, 'Montrose,
And Dvnlets in iunuksir.4 , ertry where.
1: ,.,( . . -- -7:.*::..t,r/ -A - . lit -. 0 - , - e I ' - -c! - .?.. 1 : -' 5 . , , • 77 j, ..:-. •
- `'ti - :::-..-...;-: , ':...,....:,>.:A . ..!........:•-,:,-....:...,,..:.-_,..,: oZ,' _
11.‘lit.: this week received
a large addition -to tny
5" 4 ,,c' ~ stoek of NVATCIiES.WhieIi.
4 - .;-'4 . .... tozether with tay Jorfuersup
ta 5iy...„.14,,1,:, makes a full assortment
t ' , . 7.:,r):....-- - -tif GOLD ANE) -.SiI.VER
iZsL• -:' -i " ---- ' - Vii f 3.7 C S.l ra g.
of every description, frotu k'.s'S to --2....15, in open
face and hui.tintr cases, a large r proportion of
which are of lay own itnprtation. anti- cannot
be excelled, in a..tcurnev of tinte, ilur.ihility or
cheapness. ALFRED 3 EVANS.
No.‘;..' o,itiFeltows' Hall.
liinqhatoton, drily rah'. 1837. •
14 Ituinfloarers .;iitsuraitrt
(,?:crier Perpetual. Granted by the Slate of
z Penasylrania.
- CAPITAL 0500.000.
Fire, Marine and 6:3 Tra.u+por
. gain:.. _
A tnos S. Lipmscorr, Preside t.
Wm. A. Patoot.s, Vice Pres't.
At.FnEu WEEliz, Secretary.
.1)111ECTO us.
Aaron S. Lipincou, Charles Wise,
Wm. A. Ithodeq, Alfred Weeks,
Wm. Thotnas, J. Dinahlo Sank,
WM. Neal, John P. Simtnons,
(nark= .1. Fiel.l, James P. Smith.
017;i - v. 10 Merctiant's Exchange,
A. N. BULLARD, Agent;-Montrose, Pa.
~. .
- ki .1 1, 4 : , ,
~` • 1
. .g: ) •• -
-,-,a * 4 . ' - ' '. 5
,r• -v 7N14 44 .. ..
.. -4.0 43 . . .
.Z: V •-,./ 1 1
H a t we ce,.. )D24
undersignM having pureha,:ed tha In.
terest °Neu. W. Seyinour in the-firm of
Geo. W. Sey Moor & Ca ) will hereafter
Under the firm of
Where they will be happy to see their old friends
and show 'hew a nice stock of Goods of a su
perior quality at VERY Low . rnicr.s..
CDALLIS, Learns and Gingham,choice
assortment And v . liPal) at
BONINETS, Bonnet Ribbon* and
Trimmings, a Good and Fa%ldonablo
asaorttnent tt GUILE & BLANDING'a.
CROCEilbRir. of tho Latest Patterns and
a full assortment of all kind* of Glum
Ware at GUILE &
SPEAR and Saekaon's saws, and Riley
p Carri's Filles,— .Mandy in use, At
Ilarf,ird, May 1815'7.
OUR Sieves havo been so thoroughly tried
•to the entire autisfaetion . of all .thot they
need no recoil - intend from us. ..
111.01i1LOAV AV'S Pia lle
nin HE Blood furnishes the materita °revery.
JL hone, muself, gladd and - fibre -id the hu
man frame, %Viten pure, itseeures ev.
ery organ; when corrupt,it necessarily produces
dk.caSe. 110.1L0 WAY'S PILLS operate direct.
upon the elements of the stream of life; nett.
ralizing the prineipla of ,lisease, and. thus rad'.
cal ly curing the malady, whether located in. the
.nervei,the stdmach, the liver, the bowelr, the
museles,,the skin, the brain, or any other part
the system.
Used Throughout tho World?
'i/OLLOW.irS PILLS are equally eflicacsona
iu complaints common to the• 1.;•holc human raer,
and in dis , rderapeculiar to certain climate* , and
. t
Alarming Disorders..
Dyspepsia and derangeinent of the liver. 'the
soun:e of infirmity, and satfering,and the cause of
innumerable deaths, yield to there curatives, in all
cases, hovveve ag,gravated,acting as a mild pur
gative, alters ive and tonic ; they - relieve the
bowels, minty the tl'uids,a fel invigorate the eye-.
tern and the c institution at the same time.
General aknesi—NerrOtts CoMpla infs.
When all at. nulauts fail. the renovating an
bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to
-the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the
victim of general debility.
Delicate Females. -
All irrezill.trities 'and WM - tents incident to the
delicate and sensitive organs of the sex ate re
;armed or prevented by it few doses of these mild,
but infallible alteratives No mother who re.
Cards her 11W:) or her children's health should fail
to have them within her reach...
Sciontifie Endorsements.
London " Lancet," the Loudon " Medical
Review" and the• must einiaeut or the faculty' in
Great Britain. Franc , and Germany, have eulo
gized the PIO:, aud the?r inventor.
Ilallrnrti Pills are the hest . reinetly known
in the worldfor the following diseases :
Asthma Headaches •"'
nosvel Complaints ludigeition
Cl/111411S viettl Weakness
Colds Inflammation . •'. Influenza
Liver Complaints
Debility • toviness of Spirits
Drepsy Pi les
Dyspep,ia • SeCalary Symptoms
Diarrhoea Stone and Gravel •
Fever and Ve.uereal :Mentions
Female Complaints Worms of all kinds •
Sold at the Manufactories of Professor
b 0 Maiden Lane. New Yolk, and
24 I Strand London, by all respectable Drug-.
gists and Dealers in MedieinC throughout, the
Gaited States and the civilized world, in bola
nt 25 cents, 6:1 centsond $1 each.
There is :t cou , iderable saving by taking
thelarlzer . ;
N. B.—Direction; for tlio guidance ; of pa.
tients in every dieorder are affixed to eiteh,host.
n-10- I v
F LOUR and :3att by the llirrel or Pound, at
Complete tts , ortment of Bonnets, isunnet
attd Dress Truttnings. &c., at -
ALard st,,ek of Glovps and Hosiery of every
variety, for I.l,liet s and Coiltiren, at
F-IRENCH CALF' BOOTS, and Enamelled
Shoes at KENYON'S.
• ,
New Rail Road Route.
XTEWana expL-tlitious,broad gnage route
from the North and West, via Great Bend
atr.:icrantea," and from the Lackawanna and
Wyoining rvAllevs, directly through . to New
York and•Philmfelphia.
Oa and' after Thnn:day, June 18th, 1857,
trains will us follows-:
Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east on the N. Y. &
E. R. It., :millet, at Gt. Bend at 8:12 a. m., and
the Mail Train at 9:25 a. m., connecting with
the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend
for New York and Philadelphia,at 930 a. m.
Due at Montrose, - 10 03 •'
Scranton, 11. 40 0
Strondsbnr7, . 158 p.m.
- Delaware. 15minutes to dine, 2 27 "
Bridgeville. Phil. p:lbs. kave 2 50, "
Junction. 3 354 "
New York, 7 15, "
8 20, "
Passengers from N. Y. Leave
Pler No. 2, North River, at 7 30, a.m.
From Phitlidelphia, leave %Val- .
nut St, Wharf, at _ 6 00
Leave Junction - ' . .;“ 10 55,"
Due at Bride:es-ilk., Phil. connection, 11 45,1
Delaware, 15 minutes to dinc,l2 00 m
- Strond.stiurg, 1 07,p.m
. Scranton, * 3 48,"
Mon ttose, . 5 35,"
Great 11. , nd.6 10; "' .
Connecting: at Great Bend with tho
Mail Train Vet at 6 57,."
.Aecommodation. Train
•-• leaves Sernntori for Great Bend at 9 :15 a.m.
Arrive at Great Bend, - :•, ."1 00 p. m.
ConmCcting with the Steamboat Express east,
and Dunkirk Express west, on the N. Y. & E.
Rail Road. ..
. .
Returning, leaves Great Rbtul at 425 p.-m
Due at Scranton, ' - -8 20 "
For the accommodation of way travel' on the
Southern Division, a rassisnger car will be at
tached to the Express Freight* Trains, leaving-
Sernatoa, at 6.00 a. m
Due at Stroudsbnro• at • 11 35 "
" Junction at . ' 345 p.m.
Returning, will .leave Junction at 400 a.m.
Due at StrottdM)uig at . - '7 35 "
-" Scranton at • . 220 p. m.
P:isong..r,s from New York will change cars
at Clarksville. • . . -
'l'o and from via D. D. R. R.,
leave or take car? at Bridgeville. • • .
For Pittston, Kingston, and Will:esbarre,tako
L. & J. R. R, cars at Scranton.
For lessai pArchba Wand Carbondale, change
c.lrs at Greenville.-
Tickets'sold and baggage checked between
all station s on connecting roads.
Passengers to and from Witkesbarre, Wyo..
moing, &e., via. Lackawanna &. Bto imsburi
Railroad, go through Without any detention at
Scranton, as the traitis,on that road run in con
nection with - the express trains on the D. L &
W. R, R.
Tare from Kingston, Wyoming and Pittston
to Philadelphia. $4:50. From Kingston to New
York, ' Wyoming and Pittston to Now
York $4:75.
Tickets sold; rind bringrif2e checked through.
Writ. N. JENKS, Gen'% Ticket Agent:
irIICKERNIAN & GARRETT bre giving es.
pecial attention to the: improvement' con.
templated •in this county he ensuing season,
and now offer a helping hand, by keeping con
stantly for sale a large quantity of Window Sash
and. Glass, Blinds. Door, Neils, Paints and Oils,
and a complete assortment of Builder's Hard
Ware, &c. Those going to put. hp houses in
the spring will find it for their intbrest Au give
us a call.. We can.fornish everything you want,
and at the very lowest manniaoturing prieea.
New blilford. Pa. Bth, 1856.
S. 11. 'SATRE &
vcc ptay- 41,11 ti •
O lge. SPRING 4 4'
. 0
.[]-jfIICII for Cash orProdnci can be bought
V V very low. ,
WALLPAPEII,, ".A:io_kgetasisoitnacnt just received. -
4--lARPTING. • Thirgains oftered -ty • -
PLOWS., PL0.1175.1!
PLOWS. We levite the s attention of Fanners
to the celebrated 'keel:skill° POWs *hid!
we have added to our large assortment. •
• S. H. SAYRE & BRO'flitßff;
•- . .S,Proprieterti of Eagle' YOußd6- . :.
Montrose,•April 29th, 18:57. ' Mr.
air6D . 2-EtCYPillt. ) 2l . l .
- -
• , _
A ND:exarn,ine the - ebOicitr Spring
and Summer Goods, just °penal
fur Examination And SAI4, al Eery loicfigiqes by
C. W. AlO - .
STELLA, Cashmere, and 11.. Lain Shail
very low prices by - MOTT:
HATS and Caps of the. ri6ve4 styles, in
treat variety by V. W. MOTT:
p REIMS in abundance by .
lIROWN-and Bine Sheeting and. Stittings—:
-LP ShirtintriP`=s; 'l%eks; Detiime t .Sutotnee
Stuffy; &c., &c., as low as can bu vfforned In this
market. f C. W. MOTT.
. .
OLOTEllb,Ca,hitnersandSestinp, very
sirabte stylr.s, at priet\s that•caunot
suit: Call - and be,convinvtd. C. W. 3InTT:
BASS Nuops , hosiery, Cloves. Belts;
ILA ote.,ete.; by , C. W. 310TT. •
noccalES, Crockery, Its ware and
kLK.Yarious- other :Irti..lesto nomero" s to men
tion,—allof which bhalt i be sold Chea for Cash'
or Ready Pay. --.- C. W. .to - TT: -
- Montrose, May sth, 1857.
TUSS is the ,great principle Among onr se).
fish, small ;nen:hal - 0. In proof of this look
at the late Act passed at Harrisburg, prohibiting
hawkitig and peddling in Susquehanna Colinty;
an Act passed to gratify some of the Merchants
who ba%e expressed a desire "tu stop some large"
6itttenb tit . , :Ilosenbaitnt . k
DOWN TrirT , G
, Tafory.
Their:large wagon will run morn regularly
than ever before, until their lieenselor peddling
expires. in order to aeNonnaodate the commit::
nity and be able to battle monepory' seccessful
ly, they hate made arrangements to get. New
Gaods weekly from-New Yor andthey will self
the Same front' 15 to 20 percent. cheaper, thud
any other eatiblislitent in Susquehanna Cohn;
ty. We hate now received our
NEW St/111191ER GOOD
The largest, cheapest, and bast selected : stout
ever offered in this - Market. It is not necessary'
to enqmerate 'the . artieles which our assort i ment:
comprises: it is sutlkient, to say that we have;
aeiteral , eteck of the latest and most. fashion Ale
goodsin the market, and we cannot fail to suit
the public, as well in taste. as in prices. A few
words more to our fel:ow-citizens, and - parlieu- -
larly to those who feel thinelves independent
and not .obliged to, purchase:at someltartii:ularr
store. We, know that it will be for your into.
restto examine and price our goods before pur
chasing elsewherel . that is a true inotto.tiiat "a .
penny saved - is better, , than two earned" We:
are . detertnined to spate no pains to give general.
satisfaction, and :we-shall a ways be ready and
happy to exhibit our assortment to those who
Will favor us with a call.
Mont - me, Mny 3857..
IS happy to 'announce Lq his nntneroui ens
tomers that he is now rectiving a cheap
stock of Sluing-add Summer Goods, coesistina
in part of •
Dry' Goods,
Which ho will sell for - cash
Butter, -
- ; Farmer Produce,
ilia manner whie . h wilt prove perfectly eatiefac. l
tory to all who are disposed to deal with him.
sonviile May 6th, 1857. -
at the " Upsimville Exchange."
at the " Upsoaville E4clianga",
1 BUTTER,at the " Upsoniille Exchatig,e."
.DESIRABLE, at the; "Up: 7 :onvitte
AMY .IP'EaaT, - 615 I . l'Dgß
- At the New &Uwe iu Gibson.
THE undersigned having just returned from
. .:New York, are now exhibiting to tho-good
people of Gibson and vicinity, a complete, assort.
ment of Dry Grckqdzz, Groceries", Crockery, Hard
ware; Boots and Shines. Hats-and Caps, Ready
made Clothing,. Sbplo and Pantry Dav Gook
consisting of Lawns, Borges Chals's Ginghams,
Prints, Sheetings, Tickings„lnd a large stock
of Summer Goods for Men and Bon's. wear.
Believing the Riad!, peg and short.eredit sys
tem to be the true one our motto is "The nimble
Sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Calt
and.'see us for we will sell you goods — Cheap for
Cash. .
- • ,• HAWLEY dz,:GIJILD.,
Gibson, April 2Oth, 1851.
N B: All kinds of produce talfen in etehange ,
tor Geodi: G,
T IE. T.l Ai lA.,
f_iige _Stock 411511111 . 1tit40.
'No. 136, above Fourth..
CAPITAL. $300,000: :
Make Assurance against loss' or damage By.
Fire, on Buildings, Furniture and
iferehandise generally.
Horses and Cattle, against death ,
from any cause.
J. It. Fismars, HoEcdsy,
HENRY JONES, VA J. 11,00)-&-LL.
- BALMlLiiit i -Oreet.
IiattIAUTIFIJL. stock or Wren': fine Sheets;
I.3and Children& Paiters and Parodis at
Crock .
'or any kind of