The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 03, 1857, Image 3

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    A Enkehood Exposed.
It is not true, as' the Black Republican
'prints allege, that the State -lms` paid counsel
fees or other expenses in thesuits ["ought by
IL S. Mott against the Perinsylynnia Rail
road Company and others. toutzsel were
paid by the State only in the case of the Ca
nal Commissioneri against the same defend
ants; an °filial proceeding,which t,ie Court
decided it.was their right and fluty' -to insti
tute, and in which the great taxation ques
tion was decided, and-the Constitution.vindi
cated against a proposed violation. In that
case it is clear, the State shoUld s ay the prop
jet' expenses incurred, and nothing iriorehas
been done. It is ridiculous to say that the
Canal Board should have employed the At
torney general as counsel to conduct the'
cause, when it is notorious that he was hostile .
to the suit, and was, in fact, employed on the
other side ! This logic, would render it im
possible to have counsel at all.
The unjust, dangerous and unconstitution
al provision in the Act for the sale 'of the
Main Line, which released the prospective
purchaser forever from the payment .!of all
taxes to the Commonwealth, was assailed by
the bill of 'equity brought by the Canal-
Board, in ,their official capacity, and was
.struck down by the supreme. Conit. The
public heartily approved that decision, and
it was acquiesced in by all concerned ; and .
as the Commonwealth was the real party
concerned, it is but just that she Ishould bear
the reasonable expenses incurred in conduct
tng the suit.—Reacting Gazette.
1 • ..„ •
IV Iie..REAS, by the 'boa of thistomtnon-
V v ' wealth it is made " the duty of the Sheriff
of 'eretY County, to'gfive notice 'of the General
Eleetione,lty publication in one or mote news
priperreof the County; at Iciest twenty days bOfore
theElectioe," to enumerate therein the" 011ieefs
to- be elected:' and to "designate thelPhee at
which the election is to'be held"--Therefore,l,
F. - P. - HOLLISTER, Iligh Sheriff of Sutique
henna County. do hereby Make known and pro
claim On 'the qualified CICCIOIi of Susqiieteme.
that a Gertetal Election will be held'thrtughout
!it'd C tenth, on Tuesday the 13th day cif Onto=
herneat, being
, the "second Tuesdhy",,io Said
mouth, at the several districts, w r :thio saiid,Coun.l
ty, to wit: r -- e - ':
The election for the district 'composes:l : - of the
township of Apolacon, will he held at the Town
House, near Juseph4Beebe's in said township. .
The election for the district composed of the
township of Ararat will be held at the School
House near the Presbyterian Church in said
The Tor the district coniposed of the
township of Auburniwill be held at the totise of
George I larr erly' in ?said townsnip.
-The election- for 'the district comPescd of the
township of Bridgewater will be 'held ht the
Court House-in the 801-ough of Montrose.
The election for the district composed of the
totvnithip of -Brooklyn, Will be held at the
house of James 0. Bullard in said township.
The election -for the district composed of the
tewnihiprof Choconut will be held at the School
House near Robert Griffin's in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Clifford will be held at the house of
Hiram Barnum in said township.
The election for the district cempaxed of the
borough of Dundalf will be held ut the Dandaff
Hotel in 'said borough.
The election fur the disteiet composed Of the
township of Dimock will be held' at the houee of
John Baker in said township.
The election for the district composed Of the
township of Forest Lake will be held at the
house of Betsey-A.- Clark in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
owl:II:lip of Franklin will be held at the Settee!
house near Jae Aflords in said township.
Tfire'electionr the district composed of the
borough of Friendaville will be held 'at the
School House in said borough.
The election fur the district composed of -the
township of Great Bend- will Le held at the
house of Alfred Allen in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Gibson will be held at the house erf
Joseph Washburn in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
township of Harford will be held at the house of
N. W. :Valdron in said township. - I
The election for:the district composed of the
township of Harmony will be held at the house,
of NVilliare Sampson in said township.
The election fur the district composed of
. the
township of Herrick will be held it the house of
Shubael Dimock in said township.
The election for the'district composed of the I
township of Jackson will be held at the house of
J. J. Turner in said township.
The election fee the district composed of the
township of - Jessnp will be held at the house of
Daniel Hoff in said township. . .
The election fur the district composed of the
township of Lenox will be held nt the houie of
'Grow & Brothers in said township.. . '
The election le r the district composed of the
township of Liberty will he held at the hodse of
Bela Jones in said township. s •
The election for the district composed of the
township of Lathrop will be held at the house of
Elisha Lord in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
the township of Middletown will bet teld at the
huuse.ot Joseph Rosa itosatd-townshly -
The election for the district composed of the
borough of Montrose will be-held at the Court
House in . taid_burough.
The -election for the district composed of the
township of New Milford will be held at the
house occupied be David Hazelton in said town
ship. ,
' The election for the district composed of the
township of Oakland will be held at .the house
of Robert Nicotiu the borough of Simple
The election for the district ccrnposed of the
township of Rush will Le' held at the house of
N. D. Snyder in said township.
'I hioeiection for the district composed of the
township of Springville, will be held at the
house of Spencer Hickox in said township.
The election for the district composed of the
townijp of Silver Lake will be held at the house
of Robert McGerigles in said township. -
The election for the district composed of the
borough of Susquehanna will be held-at the house
formerly occupied by Elliott Benson in said- bc
rongh. .
The election Tor the'diOtiict composed of the
town-hip of Thompson will be held-at the hoot
formerly occupied by Martin"). Alm:llford in said
township. . .. .
I also hereby make ktotot and give notice, toi
in aid by the Act of Assembly of this Common
wealth, entitled "An Act prescribing the time
and manner of Subinittin , Y b to th e pule for their'
ratification Or ;,rejection The proposed Amend
ments to the Nostitutioe," approved *ay 12th,
1857,1 am directed, that, for the purpose of as
certaining the sense of the citizen, of this Com
monwealth in regard to The adoption or rejec
tiofi of said Amendments, or either of them,
an election will be held in each'of the townships,
wards, _and districts in said County, on said se.
, cond Tuesday of Qctober. in the year of our Lord
I one thousand eight hundred and fifty.seeen,
fur the pi-lopes° of deciding upon the adop
tion or rejection of the said Amendment.,
or'any of them; which said election shall be
held at the places, and opened nod dosed at the
time,at and within which the General Elections
I of this Commonwealth are held, opened, and
closed; end it shall be the duty of the Judges,
Inepectore, and Clerks oil each of the. said town
ships, wards, and districts, to receive et the
said election tickets either written or printed,
Or partly written or partly printed, from citizens
duly qualified to vote fur Member e of the General
Assembly, and to deposit them , in a box or
boxes to be for /bet purpose provided by the
proper officers; which tickets shall be respec
tively labeled on the outside,"FirestAmendmebe"
"Second Ateendment," 'Third Amendment,'
and "Fourth Amendment," and those who are
favorable to said Amendments, or ably of them,
may express their desire by voting each as many
separate written or printed, or partly written or
printed ballots or tickets, containing on the in
side thereof the - .tends "For the Amendment,"
and those who are opposed to such Amendments,
of anyof them, may express their opposition by
voting each as many separate written or printed
ballots or ticket's, containing on the inside thereof
the words," Against the Amendment;': and also
than election on the said proposed Amend
ments shall in all respects be conducted as the
General Elections of this Commonwealth are
now conducted; and it shall be the duty of the
Return Judges of the said Couhty and the re
spitctive districts thereof, first having carefully as.
certained the number of votes given for or against
each of said Amendment, in the manner afore
_ Dlissolailiosa. . I said, to make out depilate returns thereof, ex.
XTOTICE is hereby -given that. the firm of I preased in words at length and not in figures only,
HAWLEY &GUILD is this day dissolved by seen° of which. returns so made shall be lodged in
mutual consent ' 'C. P. HAWLEY, the Prothonotary's office of the Court ofCom-
Gileson, Aug 17 1857. E. E. GrUiLD." mon Pleas of said County, and the other seal
• The books and accounts can be found at the cd and directed to the Secretary
_of the Co
store formerly occupied by the subscribers. Al l trionwealth e end by one of said Judges deposited
persons having unsettled account., ere requeste d ii i
forthwith In the most convenient Post of
to settle the same as soon as possible. I t s-further directed, that the elec ffi tion at the
said several districts shall be opened between
the hours of eight and ten o'clock in the fore
noon, and sitall.continue open Irithoat interrup
tion oil tuijournmenteruotil seven o'clock In the
eveni.-wheo the polls shall be closed.
The ffic era to be .elected at the time and pia
ril m
eels do id are: - . '
Oneemelt for Governor of this Common
Onir j ems for Canal Commissioner. '
Violent Bail Stoirm Ida inaiitnik
Blairsville and vicinity was visited on Sat
urday last by the most dreadful hail storm
that it has over fallen to our lot to witness.—
It began about 4 o'clock, accompanied by
very sharp. lightning and thunder. For smile
time. the clouds appeared light, and the rain
moderate, unaccompanied by wind ; a nar
row cloud, very black, arosein the southwest
advancing rapidly, and spreading as it ap
proached ; in a few minutes the whole eano
py was. enveloped in blaikneqs, and for nearly
a Quarter of an hour it was impossible to see
any object at the distance of twenty feet.—
The depth of the hail cannot be estimated
correctly, as' the water, rushing along the
- -
streets, swept it into irregular piles—but
pies of unnielted hail were to be found in the
gardens on the - following Sabbath evening.
The gardens are literally destroyed-:—Pats ly
ibg in the swath, or standing uneuVare also
destroyed; the buckwheat and corn crop
stripped of its blades—much glass was brok
en both in town and in country, but we are
happy to state that the damage is light, corn
rand ai h what inevitably would have been,'
if the bail - had been accompanied with a se
vere storittof wind. The bail extended from
North to South a distance of abent fire miles;
how great the extent in le'ngth from ;West to
East, We have not yet heard. Since' writing
the above we are informed that the hail is
vet (Wednesday evening.) 18 inches deep, in ,
places. one mile west of town.—Blairsville
POrt shows that Co!. STEWAET, the Democrat
ic candidate-for Governor, of 'Missouri, is elec
ted-by 334 majority. The official vote stands :
for'SrEwArcr, 47,975; for Rou.i NS, 47;641.
„,,_047-oar billingSgate neighbor of the 'Gaz
ette, accuses us of quackery because we pub
lish Dr. Ayer's advertisements. -Now •this
same editor knows the rharrnscopie itelf is
no: more free from the suspicions of quackery
than his medicines. Ile knows they are en
dorsed by the medical Journals of this coun
try, are 'prescribed by our besvphysidians, and
bare the commendation of professdrs and eat
-inept men . of character too exalted for his
-CompreLerision, and he knows too they. have
.(lone and are doing in thrs community an a
zmount of good•which the utmost stretch of
his ability can never equal. Berks iv: Press.
A sure Cure for a Cnu.K—Wistar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry is pleasant to the taste,
' - an,d seldom fails to effect a speect.y cu v
re-Of e
cry species of throat and Inng diseves.- It is
scientific preparation, skilfully compounded.
None genuine unless signed I. Batts. • 4
Holloway's Ointment and Pills.—Look
out for Counterfeitsi—thete can always be
deter 'ed by the absent% of the Water-mark,
_which appears in every leaf of genuine
book of directions. Unless the Words, "Aol
loway, New York and London," are risible in
serni-transparetlettarsin each page, the med
icine'therenrelorie is . spurions. to deplete
the system by bleeding and violent purging,
is to 'deprive life's inadiine s ry of its motive
power. These great remedies disinfect the
blood and the 'seeetions, and cure - external
and internal-complaints, by destroying their
seeds in the vital 'fluids.
. a n d '
_Pimples n Bletctmi are the result of
impure blood. The blond becemes thick and clog
god. 'lbc-; skin is not abie to east off the impuri.
ties so important to health. flow many young
men and womettise see with their frees covered
with pimple's and blotches, who are trying to re
move them by the .use of soaps and washes of
various kinds. Thi4 is very
. dan,gelsopi and sho'd
never be practised by Persons desirous of good
health. Mothers.who have childten afflicted with
sores and eruptions, should never try them np
by external applications, rot in this way they will
drive in the humors and produce ill health for
'the child during its whole life time. There is no
- Mother that likes to seeker children afflicted with
.feeble health.
Mons E's Imam Twin riLLS sreprepared
pressly for the cure of eruptions of the skin,snch
as Pimples, Blotches, Sores &c. They cleinme
the blood of all iaipuritieP,producinaa benu:ifol
clear, healthy skirt so much admired by all peo
ple of taste and refinement.
Notice...6Mo TOWN COUNCIL %mil meet
at their room over Lathrop's store, on Monday
eve. Sep. 7'57. A. LiTHROPPres.
C. W. Moil. See.
Montrose Sep: 1 •
Susq'a Co.'Agrieultural Society will take place
at Friendsolle on Tuesday September 18th at
:4 o'clock P. M. The committel of arrangement*
are, Dr. Calvin*Leet, M. W. Bliss and S. F. Car.
malt. Judges of plowing, inn. F. Deans,"E. T.
Taylor, and M. Kane. The Judges are requested
is report on the merits of the different plows.
The committee of arrangement's will pay every
attention to competitors on their arrival.
F. M. WILLIAiLS, Ex. Com.
In Lit criv, Arig. 27, MAIM, wife of Russell
Southworth, in the 51st year of her age
[ Remarks omitted for wfint of iiiom.]
The business %Val be conducted in future by
the undersigned, undPr the firm of C..P. & O.
M. HAWLEY, whn are constantly receiving from
Neir. York and Philadelphia, the latest styles of
Fan and-. Witter Dry Goods, Clo
thing ace., all et which will be sold at a very
mall profit tot ready, pay.
gibbet, Aug. 81a1, 1857. C. P.,
Q. N. Rawls,.
1 , 17 , 76 •
- 77 i Vita.ti* * 'M 4 1" tiR l 6 SWIQ
111. ISBELL_ wishes to inform the public
I w that he has-mated a window in F. .B.
Chandlers Zitere, where he will he found reedy
to repair Clocks; Watches and Jjwolry, on the
shortest notice, and in good style. An repairs
ilontrose, Sept. let, 1857. tf
Two .Perion's for iddges of the "Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania.
One Person frt. Representative.
One Person for Shetill:
) 1. One Person for Prothonotary.
One Person for Register and Recorder.
One. Person for Commissioner.
One Parson for 'Treasurer. •
One- Person for Auditor.
.Person fur Coroner. •
It is further directed- that the meeting of the
Return Judges, at the Court House in Montrose,
to woke out the General Returnr, shall be on tLis
First' Friday succeeding the Geteril ElecWon,
which will be on the. 16th day of October.
And in and by said Act, I am farther directed
to give notice, that every person, excepting Jus
tices of the Peace, who shall hold any offices or
appointment of trust under -the Gtiverninent of
the United States, or any city or incorporated
district, whether a commissioned officer or other
wise, a subordinate (dlicer or agent, is or shall
be emple;el under the legislative, executive
or judiciary department of this State, or ,of any
inotperated district,: and also every member of
Congre.4:s and the State Ledislatnie, and of the
Select or Common Council :of lily city, Com.
n.i.isioners of any incorporated district, is by law,
inespab:eoTholding or exereisinf,%t the same time,
the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or
Clerk of any election of 'this Commonwealth, and
that no 'lnspector, Jiidge or any other officer of
nay snob election shall be eligible to any office
to be voted for.
Gies° tinder thy land at Montrose, Ns Ist
day of September, A. I). 1867, and the 82nd year
of am Independence of the United States.
• • 'F; P. lIOLLISTER, Shore.
ISherff 'ts °nice,
Montrose. Sept. let, 1857.
LI at • C. P. & O. M. RAWLEY.S.
Administrator% -Notice.
Notice is herety given to all persons having
demands agenstge estate of LEONARD Cum deceased ,
deCeased, late of: errick towns'p, that the same
must be presated WAN, undersigned for ar
ran,gement. and alt persons indebte d to said es.
tate aro requested to make immediate payment.
kits SIULEY, Adm'r.
Stniley, Ang. 2Sth 1857.
EYRE & LANDELL 4th & Archsts., Phila.,
iespeetfully request Cash Burrs to examine a
fine Stock 'of Seasonable Goods, adapted to Bast.
Full Line of Fall Dress Goods. New destn'a of
Ail Shawls. MA Silks of Ni!wvst . Styles:L.—
Good Black Silks of all widths. 4 Cans assor.
ted French Merinoes. Tdo. Pbil dephe'vres, new
Goods. British sad American taik Prints. Satin
etts, Cashmeres, Cloths & Vesting. guslius,
Linens, Funnels, Elankets, &e., &e.. •
N. B. Auction BargainS from N. Y. and this
City, daily recd. Pante-War attention given to
Country orders fcr.Desirable Goods. Terms Nett
Cash. Sept. 3d.-3m.
• To the Independent Voters of
Susquehanna county.
By earnest solicitations of my friendi, of all
parties, I have been induced to offer myself a 4
an Independent Candidate fur SIIXIIII7,
Ireleeteci, I wilt. endeavor to discharge the
duties of the office faithfully, impartially.and
to the hest of my abilities. I ask the votes
of my fellow-citizens, on behalf of the south
ern part. of the county, which has yet never
hail the 'c,flice of Sheriff.
In prncipfe, I hate over been opposed to
the extenion of slavery, and -in fsvor of free
dom. At the same time I hold that the
North has no right to interfere with slavery
where it exiets i As a State institution . .
I ask thevotell of all my fellow citizens of
whatever name for party, Democrattylt,epubli
eins.:-Whi,gs, Americans and Foreigners, and
should both of tho nominating Coitqntions
nominate moa shall not be offende bat will
fully appreciito_ilie favor, and feel Adel. many
Aligations fOr the same; and if elected will try
to remember` alit I received-the office from the
. Aubarn,Aug.)l2 1857:
- 1-troLF-s Arianaqc Schiedam Schnapps, at
'V . ' • TU Rlt E I_,L,74Vit
• notice to Students.
FROM 12 to 20 Normal School Students can
be accommodated with good rooms and
board on reasonable .term, At. the
3-ttf.] Proprietor.
Public Vendue.
ACING concluded to remove %Vet, the
subscriber•wi!l expose to sale at his house
• in the township of Bridgewater, on .Friday,Sept.
11th, at 10 o'clock,. A. M., the following describ.
t d property, viz:
One Cow, one yoke of two years r:kld Steers,
one yearling Heifer, two Calves, eight Sheep,
one Hog, a quantity of Hay, Plows, Harrows,
and a variety of Farming Utensils; Beds Tables,
and .other articles of Houseloid Furniture too.
numerous to mention.
TERms--All SUMS over $5,00 three months
time, with •interest and approved security; um
der $5,00 cash on the delivery of the articles:
Bridgewater, August 25th, 1857. .11tt:
Farm for -Bale.
THI subscriber offers for sale a Good farm
of 95 acres in Bridgewater, four 'miles - east
of Montrose, 70 acres imprnved. There is on
the premises a largo framed Dwelling House, a
good framed Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard.
04e hhlf of the purchae money-will be required.
4,tiWn; the balance In annual instalments.
Bridgewater, August 19th, 1857. 331 f.
Military Farad eb
, .
THE Members of the Union Hill Artillery
Company are 'herby ordered to meet at
the house of Leonard Titus in Harford, on
Thurfiday the 7th day of September . ' ext at
9 o'clock. a. na:, armed and equiped according
.to lt.w, for the purpose of Military Drill and
Exercise. Per order of the Company.
Ilarford, ?ngust, 15th, 1857.
N. B. As there is fifty first rate muskets and
all the apparatus complete in my possession,
I herety 'give public notice to the citilens of the
township of Ilarford and its vicinity for the
purpose of forming ft Light Infantry Company
on said day,—COME BOYS.
A . SA Brigade lospectior,
1 Brigade 10 Divigido Sua. Co.
flarford, A ogist 15th, 1857. 33t
Groceries !Groceries!!
tland assortment of GroCerios comptising
Ploni, Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee; Sugar, ate.,
and other articlesin the line too numerous to
mention,- which is °tiered for tale at tow prices,
for cash (Jr ready pay. Call and 'examine my
Goods Add PRICES before purchasing else.
Montt' ose,•Aar. 10th, 1857.
To the Independent Voters
♦ED ALL OTHERS who look to their own ihteresta
The undersigned is not just now to offer him
self with a long epistle for your .votes at the
coming election,' but would simply say that - he
has just received a new stock of BOORS and
STATIONERY, which he Is ready to sell to
ill those who want,just exttal#
A new lot - of,Pocket & Family Bibles, Testa
ments. Prayer Rooks &c &c.
SCHOOL BOOK 3, such as will be wanted' in
A -ehoicelot bf A. W. lltirriscin's Columbian
Inks, Toilet & Family Sonps i Ladies' & Gentle
men's Perfemeit,,and Flavoring Ettracti.
GIFTS,GIFI'S. As it hai beeome so fash
ionable to-adverthie ‘!spiendid gift enterprises," I
would just say that I will agree to famish . pur
chasers with gifts, and quite as valuable ones too,
as Pewter Penknives, Brass Fingerrings or other
valueless trinkets. Try me at the Montrose
Book Store. A. N. BULLARD. -
Montrose Pa. Ang. 12th, 1857,
Above we present you watt • likeness of Dr.
MORSE—the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN
ROOT PILLS. -This philanthropist has spent
the greater part bf 'his life in travelling, having
visited Eurdpe, Asia, Aides and South Ai:aeries
-spent g years among the IndiaOs of onWest
ern country ,- it Was in this way that. th , *gndian
Root Pills were'fiist discovered Dr: akirse was
the first 'man to establish the fact that ant disea
ses atlse front IMITRITY CiF TILE BLOOD-'hat our
strength, health and life depad upOn'this fluid.
When the various patentges become, clogged,
and do not actin perfect harmony with the cliff.
erent functions of the body, the blood loses its
scion, becomes thick, corrupted and 'd:seased;-
thus causing painsaickness and distress ()revery
name; our strength is exhausted, we are depriv.
ed of our health, and if nature is not assisted in
throwing Off the stagnant humors, the blood will
becortie stagnant and cease to A.:44nd thus our
light oflife be forever blown out. How impor
tant is it then to keep the passages of the body
free and open. And how pleseant to us tobe a
ble to put a medicine in your reach, viz.,Morse's
Indian Root Pills, made from plants and roots
that grow around the mountain Cliffs in Natnre's
garden, for the health and comfort of diseased
man. One of the roots from Which these Pills
are made is a Sudorifie l which opens the pores of
the skin, and assists Nature in throwino. Off the
finer portions of corruption Within. The second'
which is a plant is an :Expectorant, that ripens
nod unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus,
io a soothing manner,-performs its-fluty . by throw •
ing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs
by copious spitting. The third NI Diuretic,—
which gives'esie and donbte adength to the kid
neys; thus encouraged, (hey 8 ritir large amounts
of impurities from the 'blood, which is then
thrown out benntifulty 'by the urinary or
cater passage, Ind WhiCh could not have been
discharged le any other way. The fourth is a
enthartic, Ind acCompanies the other properties
of the Pill's wh' . ile engitg,ed in purifying the blood;
the coarser particles of impurity which: cannot
pies by the other outlets, are thus taken upend
conveyed - - off in great quantities by the bowels.
From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach,
but become united with the blood, for they find
way to every part, and completely cleanse the
system from ell impurity, and the life of the body
which is the blood, bAotnes perfectly bealthy;—
consepently all sickness and pain is driven from
the system, for they cannot remain when the bo.
dy becomes so pore and clear. The reason why
poeple are so distressed wheu sick, ands° many
die, is because they do not bet a medicine
will pass to the aflicted parts,and which will o.
pen the natural psssages,,for tbo disease to be
cast Out, lienc6, a small quantity OfTeod'End oth
er matfer is locked, and the stomach and intes- I
Linos are literally overflowing with the corrupted
mass; thus uudergoing disagreeable ferMenta.
tier), constantly mixing with the binqd, which
throws the corrupted MatterthrOugh every vein
and artery, until life is taken from fife body by
disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS hare added to
themselves victory upon victory, by restoring
- iniliions of the sick to health and happiness.--
Yes' thousands who have been racked or tor
mented with sickness, pain and anguish, and
whose feeble frames have been scorched by the
burning elements of raging fever, and who have
been brooght, as it were, within a step of the
silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they
would have been numbered with the dead, had
it not been for this great and wonderful medic
ine, Morse'i Indian Root Pills. After lor 2 do
ses had been taken, th 4 were' astonished, and
absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charm
ing effeeti. Not only do they giro immediate
ease and strength, and take away all sickness,
pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at
the, foundationof the ds ease, which is the 'blood'
Therefore, it will be s own, especially by those
who use these Pills, t at they will so cleanse
and purify, that disease-the deadly enemy -will
take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty
will agate return, and the prospect of a long
and happy life will cherish and brighten your
days. lar Beware of, counterfeits in yellow
wrappers—all genuine are in BLUE, with the sig..
nature of A. J. %V nrrE &Co., on each box.
July Ist, 1851. . 1 . 27 Gm. ' i
- - PURE
ll: .
AS e '( s F ts O bl ß isli T ed il a E gre ' S l. te U r N ce p le ß b i r r i ; t ) y than has
ever been obtained by any other Starch.
This his been the result.of its marked ,supe,
rio ity in quality, and its invariable uniformity.
.. - he public may I;e3 assnred'of ther ontinuanen
ro ° ' he high btand.,i-ra now established. .
Th , ~4Joduction is over Twenty Tons daily,
and the - a =lnd has extended throughout the
wlfole of the United 'States, and to foreign coon.
trick . .- • l " • .
Working thus on a very large scale, and Under
a rigid system, they are able to secure a perfect
uniformity in the quality throughout the year.
This is the great Desideratum in Stara making,
and is realiied now for the first time. ,
The very best Starch that can be inide, and
so ottml, is always wanted by eonsnmers, and
this Will be supplied to them by the grocers, as
soon as their customers have - learned which is
the best, and ask for it—ntherwita they .would
be likely to 'vet that trticie on %Inch the largest
profit can be .b made. .
Mr. Kingsford has bees cukaged in the ma&
facture of Starch 'continuously for the last 27
years, and during the whole of this period, the
Starch made under his supervision has been, be
yond.any question, the best in For
the first 17 years, ho had the charge of the
works of Win. Colgate dr. Co., in which period
he invented the process of the manufacture of
`Corn Starch. •
it is sold by all the best grocers in neatly every
part of the couutry.
ilidi obtained an equal celebrity with theirStamh
for the laundiy. This article is perfectly pure.
and is, in every respect, equal to the , best Ber
muda Arrow Boot, besidim
qualities which render it invaluable for the des
I'otatoe Starch has been extensively packed
and sold 'as a Corn S tarch, and has given false
impressions to many,as to the real merits of our
Corn Starch. , 1,. . .
Flom its great delicacy and purity, it is com
ing into extensive use as a diet for infanta and
invalids-E. N. KELLOGG 4 CO., Agents,
Aug-20 ta3.] 196 Fulton Street; N. Y.
TEFFREY'S Improved double-acting Sue.
tionn stud Force PUMP, will' indli rubber
ball valves, which has been . awarded the first
premium at the Now York State Pali, held at
Elmira 1855,—patented the sth of tune 1855.
The. Siabscriber, having bought the. tight of
Bridgewater, Brooklyn, Springville, Auburn and
Lathrop Townships, and Boroughs of the same,
to sell the above described Pumps, is now pre
pared to furnish all who allay want Pumps in
said territory.
This Putpp is applied to all the,ptirposes for
wWch spy pumps are used, with this advantage
over may others, of Oonverting it in a moment
into an efficient Fire Engine, thereby rendering;
your buildings secure against fire.
For particulars call at my Store in Montrose,
add see the Pumps fOr iciufselves, or address,
s. s. mOrr,
Montrose, Aug. 10th, 1857.-4
Mr Get a Pump before you get burned out.
Barage DeLaines
AT reduced prices at
C. W. Morn's
SHAWLS frdm $l,OO to $lO,OO at
IVI E C A:'N ICS ! !
WILL please remember, when building, that
V V , kleit subscribers are furnishihg.
1 -• • SAST.I and •
At the lowest Factory prices, and that they keep
constantly on hand,4 large stock of
rtrrfr, •
LIME, &c., &c.,
In fact, we hare almost everything in.the way of
Bull Materiatil,
.Of first rile quality, and will sell them at a very
'small advan, Le from Cost fur
Therefore we confidently assurti Builders, that
they will daaterially consult their own interests
by giviggliaa a call, boforeffitirChaiing.
BY the LOAD or BARREL, constantly on
hand, and for 814. at the very lowest rater,
by . urns & HARDING.
Nicholson September let, 1857.
fug an 4 1 tnb Mock o
For the Summer Trade.
New and Beautiful styles,
'Now being opened by
Fish! Fish!!
AA FRE.all. lot :of those Fine Heavy 'Codfish,
also, Bluefish in Barrels and Half Barrels,
ast received by _ LITTLE & ILLEDIXO. •
ALS 0,
ANEW Stock of Groceries Hardware,
Crockery, &c., &c., a hunSreth ;part of
hieh we have not time to mention. Enough .
to say, we have airOont anythin, and eve
rything expected to be_ found at a store in the
country—all of which we nre determined 1
turn into cash, in the very .
. shortest possible
time and we 'herewith issue-a
5 T6 IIiTATD.2I3O.
We wish it djstinctly undeeatood, that for
CASH we will sell any kind of Goods at much
low'er prices thaa usual.
Fresh btoceries,
SLTGAR, Blv . •lasecm, Rice, Coffee, Tea, and
all kinds of GroCeriee in any quantity, at
the very lowest rater, n full stock constantly on
band, by LITTLE & HA:EDI:SG.
Four Shilling Tea, •
ivOTWITHSTANDING the recent heavy
1-1 advance in the price of Teas, we have se
cured a large lot of the same 'quality of that
which has created so much good feeling among
our Tea drinking customers. r,+
Plenty of it, by the chest or pound, at the
price, by .
.. . It is sFact,
TrhAT Saleratus, Soap and Candles'of the
best qualities, are for sale. by the fox, at
Ncw York city wholesale prices, by
. .
- Potash,
- •
Tin Cana, a Pure article, for aisle by
Boots and Shoes,
fIONSTANTLY on, hand, a Brat rate assort.
NJ went of Men's, Boys' and Youtha'• double
sole Booth 'and Shoes, of the bdst manufacture,
also, Women's Shoes, Boots and Gaiters in
great variety, all to be sold at very low rates, by
Hats and Caps,
IN almost enloss variety, of kinds, quality and
prides, for sale by
• Bonnets,
RIBBONS, Flowers and Trimmings, for sale
' Clothing •
COATS, Vesta and Paula, well made, and
V good . styles; shir t s, Collars, Hosiery,
Gloves, etc., for ealo cheap, by.. . .
. larisz & Hanmaa.
_ Leather!
, .
SOLE and Upper . Leather. Pegs, Sboo Nails
and Thread, Wax and many other kinds of
Shoe Findings, for sale by :- - - %,
Carpeting! •
. .
RICH al) Wool Carpets, at low price, for
salt) by
To Lumbermen and Coopers.
BEST C'sst steel and Steel Poll Axes, Cast
Steel Mill and"X Cut Saws, also Patent
tooth X Cnt - Saws, with Files, of almost all de
scriptions, for sale by • • •
To Dairymen. -
FRKINS, Return Pali% Pair, Tin, Painted
and Cedar Pails, Butter Bowl's, Dairy Salt,
&e: &e., for sale by • •
Lrrrt.E & HARMING.
Are You Building?
YOU will Bare money by piechasing-your
Nails, Glass, Painta,Oils, Saab, Dour Trim.
wings, and Hardware generally of •
Flour, Salt and Lime;
I) Y the Load, or Barrel, constantly oo hand,
andfor safe by . •
Citsh I !
can buy almost anything, in the way of
1. General Merchandise, for. Casa, at a very
small advance from cost, of
Produce Wanted:
13UTTER, Eggs, Lard, tallow, Beeswax,
13 Grain of all kinds, Rags, Old Iron, Lumber,
Sbingles, Dried Apples, Beans, &c., &e., wanted
in exchange for Goods, by, .
Lirrrat & HARDING.
gall alba !tit% •
. t.I :171.
Tunkhartnock Dtt . pot,-? .
Suit - 15th, 1857. _ • '
E :
=avii just returned front No 4r York, with a
large and choke variety of Goods, bought
for CAM, and selected with much • earc, from
over 'thirty of the - hest Houses in 'New York,
which he offers, to his customers and the . putlic
At low prices fur cash; Ills stock-comprise:;:
MEDI . 0
INES, • ~
; .
P.AINTS,:.. ••
• • OILS,
L A S SrW A RE.;
C .0
.K S , „ •
W A:•1 1 E.R , •••-, • .
W I.N D 0 W PA' PE R;.
• BROOMS, : .
B ll{ O CAGE S.,
W H I P S,
G U N S,
CAMP TI N . 1 1.;
A. L o
(Formedicinairti - rpo,oa only,)
• TRUSS.ES-,. • .
• ; S C:T A C L•E S.
And all of themostpopular
Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto re.
eeived, he hopes to merit a continuance mid
large ite:rease of the same. . • .
Montrose, June 10th, 1857.
Horrible Smash . Up!
Andiwenty-Five Dollars,Destroyedl
BUT ON bears no comparison in horror '
what we are about to relate. You ace
probably all heard of the :nan with a cork leg
so perfectly adjusted that it " walked itself," and,
kept : On wafking till it Walked him to death and'
then ran off, with hie anatomy. But- this.:l4
quite tame compared with a story That we heihro
the other day-of a lady who had lately been. fit._
ted-with a .Full ,Set of Artificial Teeth on- ttle
New Plan. Soon after the teeth had been ad.
Pasted in the mouth a kind of spasmodic
of the muscles of the lower jaw was felt,. *d
from that her mouth commenced to open and
shut with such rapidity and,violence, that all she
could do she'couldn't atop it. She was of course
alinost scared to death and so was UM-Doctor.
Springing forward seized the jaw and . 'hold.
ing it with all his might he finally sbeceeded'hy
a prodigious exertion in pulling the teeth out of`
the mouth, and here the violence of the tragedy
ended. But the saddest part of the story re
mains to be tot4....iin3sgirib the ladil3 distress
when she discovered that h'er' splendi - d set of
teeth for which she had just paid three hundred
dollars had completely eaten themseltes up. This
lady from last accounts was still suffesingfrom
a pain in the jaw,which,we had forgotten to say
by the violent...contractions. of the Digastricus,
was gig/4 dislocated. Now it . is to be 'most
devoutly hoped, for the sake of hunianity. that
.the profession will take warning by the unhappy
fate of this lady, and be cautious how they em
ploy their skill in allits most modern and per
fected forms, for without doubt had the doetor,.
failed le get out these teeth they would have
eaten the poor lady to dCath. Be assured, friends,
/ AO endeavor to keep clear of such jaw break
ers, by putting into my sett •of teeth just the
amount of the eating propensity which is procti: .
cable and safe. You'will find. me at almost any
time except Meal time or night time:in my office
over Wilson's store, west end of Brick Block,
with a heart almost bursting with thanks for
past favors, and'ever at your service for a
erate return. " -
• Yours thankfully, - '
C. D. VIRGIL. Dentist, Montrnste, Pa.
Cash for. Wool
T_T BURRIT will pay the highest pries fur
11. Wocn„ in Cult or Goons, tit his store in
New Milford.
July,'1857. • .
MONTROSE, APRIL, 30th 1857
Dairymen Take Notice.
y_TAwLEY & GUILT) have constantly on
LI hand and have made to order. Churns, Fir
kin. Return Pails and Butter Tutis.of the best
[Gibson, April 20th, 1857.
Cashgaid for Wdol. .
Tilt highest market Priee in CASH paid for
Ten Thousand pounds of Wool be .
Gibson, June 241.1 f, 1837.
AVERY full and desirable stock of Ear-rings,
Breastpinti, Lockets,! Chains, Crosses,
Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Gold and SilverSpecta
cies, Gold and Silver. Thimbles, Pens and-Pen
cils, &c.,&c.,-to which I ' would invite the at
tention o my friends and all persons wiahine
to purchase. , ALFRED J. EVANS.
Bin2hamton. July. Ilth, 1857.
Eagle Foundry Plows
FOR superiority of casting-awl excellency
. ofmachinery can not bo_excelled. ,
S. 11. SAYRi 13Romns.
Plated Ware.. a •
. .
TABLE and Dessert linive:l, Forks,Spoons,
it. Castors, Cake Ziskets, Cups, Tea, Sets,
am. a good assortment
July 17th, 1851.) , A. J. EVANS. -
d '
ASji paid for till the Woot in Susquehanna
F LOUR for sale by the Load orßarret, by
New Milford, June 10th, 1857.
B LACK SILKS, at luw prices at
Lawxvillo Centre, April 6th,
Silver Ware.
Q ILVER Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, CUps,
t.D Butter and Fruit Enives, dtc., warranted as
good as coin, and handsomely engraved gratis,
Binghamton July 11th, 1857.
JOLLOWAY'S Pills and Ointment, Bforse's
Indian Root Pill*, and Ayer's Cherry Pee.
toral and Cathartic Pals. Constantly for sale.
See Advertisements In thispaper.
PUBLISHED EVERY Invp . EriAr - alainclic0•131"::)"
_6O ,
TDILMS.---sl,so..etish in advinee, $2,00 if
not paid within six inotithS,atid - $.2, the end
of the year. Noliaper distoetined until altttf~
rearsges Are paid, - except at, ".the Option• cf- the.
Publilhers. All COMlnunieittions eaniected ttit
the office, to'enntirs'attention [Rust le - directot
to the EDITORS. 3foutroise - . ut:qli.
Rateliof Adveitidingi
One square (12 linos pr - less)l - or 0 vreeks,Vll .
Each subsequent' insertion, . • .gam
One square
,three montha, 1
One square six Months. -•-- "
Business Cards, - four lines or 8,00
One-fottrth telnum, on. ytar;
One-half " K- 28,00
One column. •• , 60.00
Yearly ;advertisers' will be restricted:to:the
beqineas• in which they are engsge l ak i 4 - Op
considered us wishing to continue arlyertialni
finless tliey chair give special -dirodtions for-•i*
discontinuance of the same. °
JOU WORE: - `-` t
'The puldtahors oaving added tothstriob
Printing materjals a (urge aad surEntos aatitri •
ment of Job Type, aro now prepared to *nests
Jos Wont in a mann.or assurpasEedia ibis *Cs.
tionofeoastry, and On - reasonable -terms. -
Blanks of every deicriptioa kept con!ktui..;
iy on. hanacir miked - to- - - ;.t.titi :z
,Wm• W'•
Cabinet rand Chairlganufactuee
ors, foot of Maio Street. Moutroße, EL
. .
ABEL TURRF,LX„ Mositogx, Pa:
Deale;r in brugi,
Dye Stufr-c •Glaas.wares Paints, Oilailturnishea s
Window (Anis, Groceries, runes , Vroods, Jew
elry,Prfumery, Agcntifor the
most popular Patent .
- - - GROVES'''
. Fashionable Tailor .near :the
Baptist Meeting House, op,. Turnpike Street.
Montrose, Pa. . .
Dealer in Ready:Made Clothing, bats kid
Cap.-Boots and Shoe, Dry Goods, &c.
`'Store opposite Searle's Hotel, llontroie,
C. D. Lk - 41ne1., and j
-' :
J. P. W. RILE T, LA. Lamle?.
' DR. R..THELYER - - - -
Phkovician and Surgeon, aiontroirP
Pa. " Ofliee in thu Farmer's Store.
ritArimarx. ntikszi,
itiaratty aatt iCatiaselloi at . Law
Slontrose, Pa. '
will attend busi
ness entrusted to lyre in the County of Susq't
Conceyancin - and -*riling of all kindS4lll- b 4•
done neatly, nnd -charges moderate. He;Elvill als•-
,attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers, thel.
widows and heirs, agninit 'the Z 3. 15, Govern
ment, for Bounty Land, fensions,
May ho found at all horii of the - plficefornierl;!,
occupied by J. T. Richardsi Esq; north of tLi !
Couralouse.-1853—:43. •
- C. TYLER; • - -;
Tritere'sted with lA,' 'Hunt;
Importer and Dealeiin Hard*arsana
Cutlery, Carrion's Prinarning,s, Springa,
' .Yo. 215 Piarl Streek-.N:
Where his Mercantile friends,-in.this and (=sr:l
Counties, are kindly invited, and LIZSESTLTEr.
jicited to cu - li and 'purchase. '. • 6tl)
• j , - Dr..H. Smiths
Q . urtEo . ,:i . DENTIST has removed h)s
isj flee taunt searie'd 16 his.owe dsvelliok.
opposite the'4aptist Church, (north side).wher;-
all - Deetal optiwtions will be performed is hil
used good manner.
Montrose Has. gith t 13374
D: vAt me - ix.
• Pirisiciaavaind Sumekau; has Otte's ;
natty tocatc•ii himself. at Br.acip Oit.'
County, perm's, nn4,*'outpqy,,atten4in ao.;
calls with which,lieixiiir b ,( afore
• May, 1856—n22. . •
office of the . Peate r Coltes r, • .
D bts, Executor -of Deed», Wins, Contr . 03z.e. _
0* • , Lacer vale, Wyominw evriy, P. • - -: -• '
May 9'11856.., .
14.14.%1111, BOLAND; D - OC
14fontrose, 'Peran'a. -
• • • BY D., BREIYSTEIt...
L All sizes and descriptions, in anrquantit?
Ansde to order; or turnished'on theribortist nol
"Ned' _
W ls s a u l ,p es e a nd l e e rs, det r r ea it t l Bu l t. a to n n . a,.
WatehCs, Jt , weir', Silver and il ielatpdWi4t., Ci -
lery, Fishiw Tarkt i ti,
31erthanta and pedlars, suppliedliborsi
tertnB. . . _ _ -
ClrAdisate -Alloprith;c rod Home*.
pnthie Colleges of 51gairinejs now per
-2 L46ontly located. iu Gieg Bend
April Ist. 1858. , -
FFashionableShop fi rst door
north .of the Farrnertore. / -
. mecum:rm s .
aoN3:O a to,
• • --
Wholesale And Retall4lets
Staple Fancy DI Goods .
YAN,KEE.NOtioN3. -
" ilinghainton;•N. F.
Ono door la:eat of the Canal. Opposite the Ex..
change. " -, •
m 0 N T_RO S E PA
pritiE Aubspriber having purchased.
• -.IL refitted and newly tarnished 'ths
III: 4: above well known am!popilaliotei,
2- is prepared taftecommodate the tiny
din 'public , anci,others with_ ail the. attention*
and.neonvenienceslusually- found; in firk-tla
tiouses.• No.effort will be spared by the PTO-
prietor and his Asaistents to make the Hotel
equal in every pointio any in the -country:
• The Bar will .atwuys be aupplicid with Too
Choicest ' •
The Stablei, connected with this. llana9
are large, roomy And convenient, and caroful aid
attentive Hostler - a are always in' ehargesof them.
- • s. TAILBELL_;'
,Montrose, Mak 13th, 1857.
The Rev. C. S, Buassrr.le laborite is
Missionary - in Southern Asia, discovered e.',a14.,
pla and certain Coro for Consump,tiom tist4.7r i
ct; a.
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, 14Itivous Delilltty-AtA
ail impurities of the Bleo, also, an ealw r lto,
effectual mode of inhaling. theßettedy.: Aettfit
by' a desire to benefit hivimffering (01101'8,--;44
will cheerful send the Recipe 'tfree) to *twig Ai
desire it, with full and explicit directiOns
pa ring and succensfully using- theldedielno.,
dress, - Rs,. C. : • SE BURDIE:rp i
(,41 IWedivity,' N. Y. ttty.'
Anitiot ettn itsl.• _- • sun
43 , 1 •