The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 13, 1857, Image 1

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    ;McCollum & 6trritsn, Ifroprittors.
,*titct Vottrß.
mit nn hour to day,.J9lin,
Beside the old brook stream,
Where we time selioorboVS in old time,
When manlocid Wag' a dream;
Thn.hronk is elieked with falling leases,
The pond is dried away,
I scarce believe. 'that you would know
The dear old place to-day,
The Fisltortl-bottse is no mote, Jolin,
nnr loenstl trees:
The will rose b' the window side
N o more waves in tile bree'ze
The sentterei! stones knit desolate,
The r.nil tit6y re%terl on
Els been p!oweti nn by s!rnneot
Since on .nnd I were Anne.
Tbr fillt t roo. Sohn,
And ullat sad d er now—
Tivo broken grape-vine of our Swing
, ITnnas nn the withered hourrh.
I rend our TI4MPS noon the hmk,
And found tile • pellicle rnre—
Laid up beneath the hollow side,
As wn :had piled them there.
Ilene:111i the zrnss-arown bank, John,
I looked for our old sntino.
Thit bubble,; down the rtl , Tor pith
l'hrPe paces from•ibe
The rushes orow onon the brink,
The pool is bbir.k an.l hire,
A n d not . a font, this many ri any
It seems his trodden there,
-took the obi l,lind roa(1, .Tohn;
- That. waniiereii nil the
'Tis• darker .than it its.e,l to . hr%
And .seems so lone !Ina .till
The I .4irdm sin , * c.-t among: the hottolts, , —
Where once the ctrect. grapes. hung,
not a voie,e of human kind, -
Vitere nil our yokes rung.
I sat the on the fence, Yolin, '
That lies as in olden times, .
The same half pannel in the pith,
We use) so oft to climb• • •
I thought how. o'er the ham of life;
- Oer playmates bail ease-1
And left me counting: on - this fath,
The faces that are ,cone.
c, SCCZIitU tts.
'thirty Teats ago, I was seat to fini4i my
educath,,n I.v :1 rear or . i%N.o's ro.idenee
Germany. MY father beir.:: ift the Dallis•
trade, ron , io:ne.l to the cate of one of his
eorresis , mleitt-: at and by him
Was the kindest friend I ever bail in the
world.) I was soon intr:xitte_ed to all the soei
etv of that ac Lice and iweilkent little. town.
?dr ultimate destination in life was still un
dertermined. MY father Wished me to sue-
creed him in his business ; and; for • that rea- I know. Nnlea.lic k n ew. P e e Len a in a via
von, had resolved that I shrd,' be able to en-I betel, in Qaav street, he had icaideil far some
ay on the house's correspondence in the Ger : I months; ;.n I 113,ing a p ea raien, as t ie v i al io ,
titan language. My unele,who Was a flottrishin7 ; for the study of meilieine and anatomy; hail
surgeon in Laneaahire. ,wita earnest fir 171 V I j..ilt , A the Sll lents at the' ho pitril..and was
adopting his profession, ant offered many iri• l• the most attentive and laborious of i t s ri h.—
durietnents for my exelmiering the three-leg- I He was else the most asisidtions in his . direct
tiedstool far the . natty gig livid sharp bineet. I
tiunc to Duteh, Holland, anil Posaitin Kershl.
My motherland sisters favored the medical I was -e•; not that, he areened to like the la iat s:
scheme. It,,was so much more genteel than 1 themselvea, but they ,furnisheil him with an
wood yerila! and saw pits; and they had vii- , escape front Ihe ;pains (if refleittion. . He rush •.
ton: of M. D. after my name, -and. sometimes led into the excesses of hilarity without far . a
even of threesinall letters before it.; as :if I I moment brine. raiaeil in apiritsaitel eontitmeil;
were already physician to the Court. Fib, by: to be at cleatli'e head, in the midst of th e
a wort of compromiae, it efts arranged
~that. I
cerripitn-a—artil; silent, and • at. tinges
when I Went to Memel.l was to stoleille Ire tily alitediine f in the ripparent inteasity
bingo:iv, spend
gr an hoar or two a day in ;of his grief. \\ - e were al!. rd r otiose. busy
Hem kegler's °ate, rind attend certain lee- l with cotjecture.s na to the' cause: aif this per
titres given by a celebrated professor in the I petted gloom. Love, war, misfoiltine, crime. , ,
hospital, which was alao the medical* - schoolwere each in their tern considered tic sours.l 'ill"- ' .
of all that part of country. es of hi- aegref; but he was so distant in I ' And it is now ten tnitot:es past elevet
After*my first tear. I is deffnitela to tneneer, and perk ign supetior to lit in 11,i. I criedtilt' roan,
student, triumphantly.
choose; and, riming that proliatiorary ledeill; that we had eever \nit a iiiiestiotapein i t Idatik i . l " Your exteli is then tenoninutes fist," re
~ .„
was left, to follow my own bent. At • sigh- 110 him upon th e -: ai r,:ja a ra • I mi t er a.ationus, "and Iles Rupert is not i
teen, learning .like reading and writing,eomes a
; I dil. knew whether Camillus:might just. i.n v, exact to a seeond. F have bad deeper
-by nature. I used to think that the minas- I ly have been cash-r 1 gaioddooking. ; I slain!!! exfierieace," lie added whit a weak laugh,
,here of a place becamesatnrated wilt ; its I -ay tart, judging from my own impression ; I which revealed f:ir the firat time the extent -
langirage. so that von, inhaled graminer and ! for, in. spite of eo rewires, of feature; mai el e : of his unseliziety—" deeps r experience,,l tell
pronunciation with your breath. Attitudes ; g titre of shale mid movement, the effact, up I rota a hundred flat, time any man in - Europe,
-of body, oaprettilata a countenance also, are lon the whole was repulsive • and painful" I I * for - I havereane threnlli the - p , oitess mv-elf."
great heipa in the aequiaition of .a foreign I always felt that theme Arai aorniehiti a a alone! t A aerietal laugh followed this boa -t, - butt
tongu e ; which, indeed. ceases to be foreign I — e s mailing ineatire-sii.ic unfiaing in .the I Camillus was-displeased. He looked sae rilv
by the mere fact. of its being. in the land „f I ficeneas and Manliness iif the rietwaor form ; I rotted. .
its birth ; and, in about gilt months. ley look- •• and in theameaay. acareiladmOo savage leek I " You sire I.leaaiel, eentleinen. to consider
ling at people's faces, and .hearing the Baltic about the eves. and strange ecintrairted rietionl this U.; rlaelornontade. P i
ern not in the h a bit
Sea, eating German dishes, and having. alt :in the run=e les of the lips. It appeared as if l' of stating what is not the faro. I tell you I'
my thoughts cast into a German mould, I ; the si i. it within him relished airainst its earn- I lalVe.d:eil"—and r...a%aing his v e iee :la he s e w
gurgled and spluttered. Dutch; and -quoted I fineniet4 and heat it-elf like a tiger resitat i the incredulity in his audience --" I will say
Goethe, and smoked meersehaurtis, as if I had ; the bars !all its cage . . - ! more, lam 'dead now."
Lever been a denizen of-any other land. I Cite diaailfully cold anal dark day in Feb- ! . Nay, but, Heir Catnillus," replied Rupert,
I have not much to say of the society of i ruary, nett the end of my rear of residenac. I assuming a more serious tone than-before,
. the town ; for I wag, too young to, judge of I the good-natured Rupert Rraunfeldt announ-, j " you forget that we know nothing of yotar
it at the time, and nothing is sa deceptive as j ced-to•us,With many - eliiicklitiga aryl congrao ; name or history. We have been delighted
- 1 iwith
*tempts at of an earlier period;; Illation., that a dreadful accident had lap-
for you inevitably look at all the past through 1 petrel on board of aDanish ship in the
La-) weight to an unsupported assertion, such a.
t h e spectac l es , i ; the preaent. I will, there- tibor. by the bursting of a aoinaltal that, one of,, I men hare now made, your own excellent
ft: ~.,.—, ao'hira . of the awl-able voting ladies, i
the worst %%minded of the, survivors had been l ; judgment'-wil! ahoviyou that we require some
whom thought younger and i
brought to the lioapit rather a muntantee titan the word and hocor ofa
' rrer ataiei: of Venus a
r 5 ex:a:rent case,"l ward.
he . sabl. " The splito ; gentletnan whose nn'
ecedents we are all pro
- the Graces; nor 4. the gentlemen.—now,most I .r. . .
ignorant of." • .
of them. in all human probabilitY, passed ; tens have torts his muscles iartte.:ltt ntitolt_ i 5 -; 6 undy . .
away—from, whom I received so much atten- I jury to any of the great veiacls, so that, it eel " You are rignt," said Camillna- • -being. in
Lion. I wilt go at once to the incidents 1 al- .1 die, he will actually die of pain." I that state in which an appeal to one's sense
luded to at the beginning of this little histo- I "Who is lie I" said some one of our set li s the highest compliment that can be paid
ty ; againsaasuring the reader, thnt i though soo "A paaseriger. on board the packet," rea I," and I nil! :ell yOu my story, and then you
many years have intervened,its-cireumstances 1 plied Rupert t " that's all I Itnow a - a -a rich ! w ill pehaps clangs your opinion of ma re
are as fresh in my re'eollection as in the mo- I fellow, too, for his pockets were well filled I m ea t y," , . .
ment when they occurred. • . 1 with notes and dialers. A . sarong- minded I "Agreed ! hear idol! fill up once more
In the fulfilment of my father's intention, 1 i hero as ever died at the stake; for he disdains I give tne a fresh light!" cried the ditTetent
epent a, portion of every day in the counting -to groan, thought his i rgony nuteit be exeru- , members. of the meeting. " Now then, fire
honse Of Mr. Ziegler; To please my uncle, I elating." away 1"
had also entered my name as a stutie"t at the At seven o'clock we were all assembled in . , •"1 knott-not how to begin." aaid lijarnillua,
College h'ospital's; andabv .4 grao r ttetfort, over Rupurt's room; a vast kettle 'was-piping on I re gaining command over his faculties by nn
'my natural. repugnalie,e, persuaded myself 1 the stove; b e tti e s and tobacco-hunches wire; effart of hie will, and looking almost as if-he .
once Or Lade° a week to walk the wards. Fe I ranged upon the table: and anxioili hairlines i were speaking out , his own reflections without
miliarity had its effect, arid 'is if the made as to the condition of oar interesting' isle/enc.° to his audience: •'I am not even
effort to sustain self command blid driven me patient. j myself. I scarcely know who I - am. This
into•reckleaaneas and lain/minify. 1 gloried i "Ile was left entirely to the good pleasure 1 laxly I occupy isir unknewn-to me, as re
in inaPectintr eases of suffering and pain, and of
Dame itiature," said our host. "Doctor I garils its plevious.hiw m
ory. as a hotel you ay
was to all ' appearance utterly hardened ; Wolftatig had merely looked at Idin and Jiro ! . I,rint up in for a ',lngle night in a journey
against the sanctities and majesty of death.;'pounced his eriao.hopelesa. A , row aturoltle.; threugh a foreign country; but - that -other
` I
, .. .
:tglit ti d ! 1 UPPeeirtnee. for the whole.of these , w ere to he'liermistatered a but ereta that j " - a - . I life which grew round ire for, thirty years
atxeeases wasltbeilesult of au inward fear and ft:lf i t to the iiiecietion of the ; resident curator.; bringing, -me - eaperieneea horn my infint
ittaror, whielt - I could never sluike off, arid - Tlje pain was inerea-Mg every miunte; nitil a ; days, leading me tint:vigil Array-hood, filling,
'which was merely hid behind the Mask of la twelve at least, the g r ea t atr ugele v quid !my mentrey witli the happy faces of frierala s,
eruelty and diaregald. In this outward be- come on, and we should he epealalotaiof a ! and the old familiar seunds of home—that..
hariour I was not alone. ~' will not. jusree gieal eta , au: battle between the power,: of; life i s a now taken awa - y; I have no past . I
the henna Of_my companions. Mav-ther . all -Life and Datt 11." - . i can't even tell yoLl my flame. j am the
have higher viUws as I have...and re acquired •,B e fet e mixing. our fist a , ,oublers met light ! Couttt Clamillter ; that is till. - Mai rcoun p I
4 =holy reverentie, even for the empty eataket i j u g our firma pipes Ave rearrlied to visit the 'Nub- :do not know. lam ahipirreeked.,on a desi , rt
atrial has held each a jewel as a human of all this talk . - We passed along the I island more solitary than the English voya
, i
. -
soul! =- • .&••• • I !dog, narrow gallery I tuectioteai before; and, i ger, who had Lis goats and birds, ad at- lag.
. :
There must have been tom twenty five to
thirty - of these young 21'..-etilapiuses, - who at
tended the !emotes of 1 tr. Wolfgang.rind fol
lowed him in Ilia walk: thiough the. hospital.
On the 'flays - when a diffittult operation was to
he performed, our number was increased by
the attendance of two or three surzenns of
the town ; at ti uss'ons ult vh arose
round the patients' Iced Were tegitently pro
lottig.4l' over beer and perhaps, cold ham and
Mead, till far into the night. The curator of
the hospital Was a voutn* fellow who Lad' dis
tingu;,l-el himself by arnszitog skill, not only
ill the leHt rind or scientific parts of the pro
fessinr, hot as rttno-t expert operator. His
•name Ilepert Ihnunrchitt and, as if to
show. that talent and energy in pinfession
are qualities quitespart.frotn a man's'ordina
lry character and lo,bittO must say‘that not
pert'S in:inner - a were the mo-t di-solute, an d
his 1:17111:41 , e , the most heartless t f all - fht.
4• liiine I r e 1 . ,, t)..e..1 to. Vet. see him while lip
pe , tomed his duty sre with what gentleness
t he liatallell the - w-tint?, how st4Av he bandag
ed the too.: p-linful hurts, t•Ili W 1 ,10.1 h
th 0 .127111 ht. hadt h tt'e7l: : .(rV,es , :. of On. heart of
a womav, a: he had - certainly the lig.ll , l)(=s of
a wOnatt's hand !
It became the fa-Lion for some 'a:IV-dozen
of 114 to adjourn to Rupert's loom. This
at the end of a gallery is the- hospital,
that led to the patient?: bed. ; the intermedi
ate • p occupied by the leet nit-it-11h
.t and a r two (entering on another land
nz,) itiltabintd by the ?'er4 ; ant: the estate
!talent. Of.en i in die toke of our pipes.
and strong tumbrel.: t f -priTts - and water. we
hare set off to some iii , pute,l point of
a sulietet's times by in•t Ililll 7 in the
ectleli ;I'6(qt, vvithont :t feelin ,, t'ompttne
tinr, we have s•agfrercd hack tlircmgh hl t :
p iss o:rovinci to::rttel our •Pftl pn . :ll•lnc.
when 1 4:e was sw at to=t. i 1001.
ne t: : rhi n o, i:lt shame: lot: I 'a - As
po' , :in7c.t of the party. ....A dilf,
; havt,:ur would have hecn thottoelit eith•.r cow.
a d'T ejt aff..-e!atior. S o I it••ltowed forth my
trneuleilt and tattfeelintr - retnark: in th e Slrno
Itravadoing tone a: the other: did, and
tlouglot J was in a flit. wfti to supplant Coop
er and Abe•nethv,whon I had otitt-Teil every
sent imeat = i,f re , pec: f.,r the living or the
1...t.t •
The olleq (+f the }tart) - wag a man. who.
neeortlit.g to a fimta:tie ens-tom allowed- in
Germany. was ! , enetally caller! C:onil!titcwith
out AnY surname., which itn'ead (however, it
might be known the poll, (.) was - Ti I;
S :8
~ e 4 IC I or imptirel t,fer I.v any of
r ends. C.tveillw: looked abont thirty-four
years of ale. with ill-. mo-t -J and .1610,11'41,
evpre,..s:on I ever saw-awl the nivs-e-y would
have been inerei , ed I,v the or
‘'e - wh -t « , un rvtnn. s•
Gerthan in ,41).it al.;,earecia w a
foreitYfl" t.rwitm
eintion to thy. n Mvn),•]: Im:. !11,
P!•.(11:02(.4., , f lierl n anl Matlelt
havu.atit , e;t6-d Vie shoe, 1.0 ar. , :on‘nt , t 6!
I.le founded npon lawruttmf , .
• lle never entere.l into- the
hut -poke with u-crial iti.litreten..e of- all Ole
nations he Lt.:A iJe N)111.‘
farthe-t ea , t and farthea c lle hal lived
to the I)e:ert. and in D..111i, anal why in' 111 ,
worlij lid hi , lire at Nretnol clidn'i
'Montrose, ,•%usqutanntt Conti), penn'a, tAlnrsba morning, c l - ngust 13, 1857.
opening the dour at the end, foiind ourselves
in the first or private watd, in which there
was only one bed, Atli that occupied by the ,
obit:l . a our seat ch. Rupert field the candle ; !
the only light in the miserable aitartment 1
except tle;int beams of a dingy lamp at the 1
end of the, e: and chamber beyond—which
shone in at the half open door. We hear! 1
fl .
nothing except quick and convulsive breath,
ing; but, when the licrht wit th rown upon the I
couch, we saw itlace so pale, so ghastly, that, !
fy r a moment, human foelii:g.took pos'eession i
of our hearts, and we we were respectfu4 si- I
lent. . There ' was a startled wildnes in the 1
eve when he became aware of our presence,
and itmantly, by a great effort, he quelled the 1
agonizing sounds we had heaol ; and,.
,Il using himself. cried out, "Not el. not yet 1
—lam nut ready yet 1" :11111 then, recognising
I:u NA he changed his tone.
-" 1).1,:14a:" liit baid, "I have been wandeling
in lOh niittzl. Olere no hope in seience ?
niusi I tile in atl tliis ?--tell rue. -teli
Inc:" !zeta Iv, Compassionately, quite
fliatt ordinaty stvie, an•wered
hint Alia: there Wllli teasun to fear the %vorst;
Inv that some tif the p:tin might he nikviated.
awl that lie 4%as 10 contii ne. us quiet as pO , l
"That cannot lie," said the poor fellow.
"Thiele tan bao no quiet for me—no, not
when the ilteud hour is pa , t. I wi-lt it where
cutnt., for if !survive to-nhiit, worse. fat Wolk'
;hall dtatll will' upon upon me to
niortots fTh, !el me die at once!" I tinned
'aw..l:3* my eyes, but not witlnott bein g noticed
hr my c..mpamons. ()no p.ti kd out his
snuff bos. and 'preteliltal to bold it to n.y
no-e. as ill were fainting. A:toll:et' took me
on the orm as we - krt the room ; and.
mock; t , _•, me clown the
pods-ac . Ti,ey called toe Miss or Ihe Ftau
tein, a ll th e night, and I began to thit.k that
:t to my uncle's practice. in Lin
ea-1111e, war not worth the pains of a prtities
sii,nal- talaeati‘4l. I deist-twined to devo!.:
y..,,.11* Heir Z egler *gad his counting
hott-e. and ~ ,a te ANtley Cooper to the undis„
Imbed meta of wenlth and fan*.
At inte• vals of half an hour or-so my c(ll
inmion, ailjOurned along the sounding. pas
sage, - aw l renewed their insrectiori
_of the
stureter. I sometimes stayed behind. I felt
that; having given up the mediCal profession,
I li-Atlito tight to intrude Upon tile ssereAre.-s
of a death-lied—and the reports they brought
bark were coM111M11:y wOn.k! and works. Lot!,
of :moblets and !obavro %%ere. interehar,ge I as
to the es:tet petio! when tl:e pst irtit is Otild
die; and it also app..rt , rt;d that attempts were
made to :tse-2rta'n- the nn, ining of the wool,
Ile had uttered, with teretenee to the fa'e
that awaited 'hint if he suivived till :be foi-
loWu,_ .e:~~
. .
'.., .No -twee," a.. tended tite , e orideavOrc.; He :
krpt ii•• own eotto-4-1, :ilia poly, in triore or
!;: 1
eir, metes th ,n ever, I,k, •rtp , ll: 1 brio In--iv('
Ina, ru art.-thing; to *;014 eh 4••11's pnin. liv;44-4--i
::ite the totter clock-at the w , m• of the hits- , I 4
plat -ounkled i•lrleii, the •litierimr- 6f the :
lk ~ a u.'w.i man became imeeirrense. Whe!h-r
i;„ ha... 1 ['rt.!, I , II S:eld t liViii• Vk 4,44 again -t tte I
tenor of time spe,tae!e or not. I do not know; ;
but Most of the students Imd drutik, as I bore 4
aiMady tohl von, mote titan 0-u:dial:ore their t
repeateil . vi:::vs to the '4:lft). Anmeg• the rest,
effirolins had him-eh - I.vthe
potencc ot his brews, and wns—iess on hi. :.
guard than we had ever 'seen hirn. •Tlle .1v-
mg man seemed to !sive n fa , -eitintion /Or !
hon. ' Ile ineyer inisse , l army of tile pihrtiln-
a l lef- to his bed-sir:lc , , and always returned I
Inure and more interested in the progress of ;,
his dis,:ase.
`• llc mid die before tue:re," Ideu:ped
" How ?'" etkr;red " Aare von
had :t' mueh eXpel/011IC NS I have I hav e
s ee n twenty in one year in 'this I.o'y estah•
ment, an .1 can - tell by the light of a man's
eve how !oa_ he has to !iv -0, as. ea -fly- a s wh a t
, ;sclo'ek it - is by h.l.kittn7 at his watch. This
man will die in fifty-seven minutes from this
his faithful Fay.. But .enough. :Von s4ll
" I "Tema in the city of Prnue, a parson of
code birth and good povessions, and
heirs Ago was united to the Mos.t-beautifttl
and tnost affectionate Of wives. :For two
years nett lug distut bed the perfect felicity Of
oar union ; but, at that time, there came
man to the town who soon attracted univer
sal attention by the display of his wea.lth,ani,
also, I may say, by the el e gance of his man:
nets and hamisotnene ,, s of his person. - I be
-came intimate with him, mid introduced him
to mv home. ,Don't smile and wink as if von
pe:ceired the common 'mink of such unttie
introductions. It had a I err different tot mi
nation from shat you expect. The stranger
was deltp-,litlid in e , snversation front the i.ati
ed •boo.of his information; there was no
subject of which he was not apparently ma
ter; science, sneli as is known itoEuropeltad
no secrets reserved from hit ; unfortu
mock, his studies had tOmeliow itakn
" Ile I:8,1 lived nmong thP Bralithins nf in
(Fa Aril.the of frl;m
them bail mvsteries Which linve.been
laughed at in shallow reepti...istri by the i ea,
but whir.h gave him ititlitence and natlanitv
oyer the occult Retitle' ut things, and ptit
him - in shot!, in t.os-es,ion of u hat bz no
itrevt . renue toar all sup:4lllllmm powers. \Vlte!.
our itit nd,hip .lul lent hell a certain point,lie
otr,r e d to roinnoiniowe some - of ..11. - rze my-N.-
1101 N ifts to we, and, with the f o lly of incx,
vetience, I accepted the frightful
tv. 1. however, felt np drat b a ck ['tom - the
of llowled : ,, at first, bio walked alont
with my
. patrod .tip with the . - eeret con
:se . ou-no , s of pm% Meantime :1. s intitnney
in inv 11.41,e it.erea4tl: an.l at 1:1 , 1. I verce'.% •
tal - that Iris a as ttt•re Upl)(1 1 ht! Lea rif-ri
rly7e 311 , 1 faint of my bait:
mistak-able . admita . lion I 1, , enure jealou-t,
but without the t‘ltghte , 4 front
[ltint in the ectrulpvt of my wife.
ever, seenicri ()Lk to lembitter my ft;el s n2-
bmards the tival who. tried to r.applant tue
without a look r eneottra! , entent.—
Ail tit'. time I c tneettle:l the a:teralion of my
fee!irg 4, fem my -N e ro: ; we v-ent or. with
, - , ruitents n. before. Fie tanalit
the not-t hidden and most. awful of Ili.: pow
ers. lie tlutwed me how to :thinner! the
dead—yes, how to implant nit• owtt life in
at.rit'set man's hotly, if I h . /VlH ors: to it to
foie the ItlO,tri had frrown cold, And how bi
leave-it rain and restore my otiginal form.
-I hale done this of n at:(1 onct•--LlLut
think 1 hate i•aid ettou t z!t. Von know sVLas
I mean by having gone through the proitets
of dvinz."
•.` No . tro !" we all Cri l o, utrltin7.
some jee.ttn7. mil alt incredulou4: - !• Go on
'l , ,u have not told us how your jealousy was
it tots war,' said " Mr f,iend
•ricoaraged by the intht.tiee 11;.! . exereiseil
icer by his...llllot earthly knowledep, pre
sittned once to irateli - fir fn.; w - 1. in a deep
reetiss•of the wood, to which sl in the
habit of driving ir.the snout:et r Ito
the parpose of taking *air din , • walk'
anion ! , the allees and hr the sic large
h ke which fo:tutal the orna Met
It chanced my tvit. did no: go Ok't!!t
-,10.11 2# ' NMI Willi/ 1 rude out join /Wt . ; :ic
1:0,11 . 71,1 4 . . I WWI situ rii-esi to .lit,ii the' timse in
:eats, and greatly agitate,i. She tell me in
a few word • th: it'titv friend d attempted
to eorritot her tideßte to her 'tni.tie , s, :itch
i:e!iver hot into her . A hittals. She
pointed a- spoke to ti n ' hoilow where
h a d, t:i.,tiperticsi; mill, without another %void
I tlismOunied from inc liorbe, Walked litirtied
ly along the wood,dived into the dell, and
saw me friend leaning . ag,ninst it tree.
I know I and strut!: him with
ti:e tl tt of - mv sword. "Draw, or I-shall kill
ytr,tt like a dog:"
•• His eye: tin-lied ti:e. lie said
• von-are throning away your ;life.
• And happy. I cried, if IN so cluir,g, I can
lid the wi.rld of a vidain."
" W e fought. with tiriterntion. and in a
vit'rve or two I way _zing on the holy of
my rival. from %dile% a pool of bluol
welimg forth at a uound in the brea-r. Ile
lOoloA Ix:ant:1411 ro. he lav so and
se, saertsl—who -119 rt a ti
till,d with wiekt(l . I.a:e.
tur,(4, he receive o - ; 0 •
went—a sinile. a ;zit . % a look to.
,•atisfy ttlyseii by personal inqiii•y. I drew
the bu ilt. info a ile.,-per part (.4 the reees., an,l
rough tiro re..e-s.iry form, I aniina..e4
it o:.c.t ru 1 . •. own I left eotered vitli
aid, leaping. on my gailoped
into the rill.; and roa stwiglit to inv. own
house. I went up stain and-tun:l:i WV %Tile
in the b.,utloli."
" 'lie eriel, with in 1 7
mint ' %bat to enitr
hoe I"
. - .
"1.1i.0, trrpian-r: I st;i,f. t . : I na rah' l i n rr ifl ot i 1 He fell it;.on the floor, and for a while tl:e
~, fi n t I , e 1 1.: speaking with the-voice or my nerve: of Rupert and the others were cont..
frieni. ' You surely do not repent. -of t h e ' ple:elc shattered. As for me, I sat and- look
hope, you have given me i" ' etl on the dreadful scene like a rerson in -a
"I, sir ? I gave you no hopes. Leave me ; dream. ' I ova- too borritled tremble;
sir! but toae..---v,hitt Itheahrriiks are tlit , se 1 het. the .tudents soon recovered theii force.
• ..
upon you,r bosom ? WLere is m l y husband ? They raised the sufferer and bore hinal-be•
-Ali: I know all. Yon Lave killed him. I tween their arms through the long pillert. 1
IIelp! help :' and ringing the bell which i„, , once more. The groans gradually subsided 1
on th e table, she never ceased to call for as- jas the distance increased,. and at last ceased
stvaoce till half a dozen of the (lomesties j entirely. For: a (porter of an hour I wailed
ha,' e•mie armed into the room ; Tito full I impatiently . for the return of my ftentls; At
horror of my position burst upon me: , • list Hopei, came in, subdued - _ and looking
" Maria" I said, ' for Heaven's sake hear verYs"
The ber. - --
" others have ti. on e ; he Ffittl, " by the
tne for au instant ! -I am our husband, in
spire of present appeand e eq, 1, 2 t, me. go bu t j main staircase. It ie. an .awkward Inisinesa,
1 wall come - to you in m y and . l, caution -you not to mention what you
for an hour, and
true form." . - - have seen. The •min is dead at last, and the
" I was hurried off in spite of all I Could r authorities will suppose that Camillus has
say.. I was laughed at as a madman when.l •
left the town." . - -
asserted my true identity. I. was lodtred -inl have very little to add, as 1 left Germany
prison. I - or
felt every hour a tture too
ex- • ‘n a few wETkS- I will only say that officers
uisite to be borne ; for I knew that if decay of jostiee Came from Denmark. and brought
once began, there was no possibility of reani-
intelligenee of a dreadful murder perpetrated
mating the corpse, had law was Fob slow.
A in Copenhagen. In the person of the woun
week, at length passed ; an Ctirtubittion was led passenger they recogni7.ed.the assassin:—
undergone, and I was committed to prison --- No enquiries' wereanade after Camillus. It
was believed that he had been suddenly turn
wasDespair now took possession of nit. I felt I
doomed to be Camilla; f or ,,, T; an d moned home. • .
This is the tale I promised as an instance
when the next interrogatory was made, and' ,
my body had been recognized in the hollow l of ul t: d. strange things may-come vithin the
of the wood, unwounded.' and no proof cau l,' lex•peitence.of Yery- unlikely men; and if there
be brinight forward of the manner in
which i are nny.of my companions and fellow an
-1 bad died, I was dismissed. In distractions? dents of the • year eighteen hundred and
I rushed to my'house. I.wag driven -w i t h 1 twenty-rix still alive, I doubt not they- will
; corroborate every word I have said. ' •.
htirmr from the gale. I watched fur my wife
at the window. ' I Paw her in the .deepest !, - I, .
mourning • and on beholding me she scream- I AV' A veritable entry made by R. S. of
ed and Bel into the interior of the house.— } a Divi4on of the Sons of Temperance reads
I saw my little girl, and would have given I thus: Arter gwine through the yewsel fawns.
my life for one !jute kiss of her rosy.mouth, I there was a ColletkfillUß.ll47.4ll up, butviitlitii!
but she_ waiik hurried away _ from . me- as if IL,Neat.. void in.." :
had carrried - the plague in every- breath.--
Tired at last, of fruitless etfirt's, I took all the
incnev which Camillus had in his lodging ; 1
sold his goods : I left Prague fotevH.."
Some of - the party in the coarse of this nor
afire, had fallen asleep, some had t!I1e.(1 fresh
pipes; and Rupert took the narrator by the,
wrist, and felt his pulse,
'' Herr C.:milling," he said," ynti slt4 foci
little ; you are fevcrisli. I advise you to
leave him in the next- room to his - pains, and
.betake yourself to bed." But, hail; a scream ;
the patient is near his end.
They all hurried along the passngB. I ac
compai.i them, but had do courige to enter
the room. I heard enough ; groans, shrieks,
brnken ex, lamations, in which the conscious
ness of s ((wailful cr'nie pieice I through
Ahe bodily so:b.:rings—Lind at last, all of a
sudden, there- was a deep si!ence. It 1.11
lik a blow ui.on my ear lifer it was so thrill•
eel w.tit the liiileiaissouud. In s minute or
two tl e i tt ty °lnto the glillery, and Rl
laqt carefully elosAt,i the door. - .
"An oh, r In' I r," he said, " will enable
( I ; to t tt ik o x e t the scene, and " the night
Snow :and Pleet ngain ! it the wit - Mows
as. we came along: the pa.t.age. mil the wind
howled loiallyout , ide. Nobody could resist
tl:e invitation, and we resumed our Feat. ,
rouno, the - stove ; and, by the - light of the
now expitinc . andht, made-on:selves a fresh
inixtme and - hght e d our pipes. The PAN”Ie
had that for n while it si-
Ltaced ev,n 1:11), e practictd tie<pisers of death
and pain. •
Camillus .ke first. He tva.4, excited, and
still boie malice at the incredulity or arr:ithir
which his:story had 1.e.;,,m received.
" The man ill tho ncxt room Inuit have
bct.n guilts- of some ?Jett offence," he at last
5 :i.%
"!Imps mutdercti some friend who
had t.aid attention fit his wife;' : replied a
youth, who had rot joined in the eonVersa
non befor6. and if , ok. 1 1 di . oppoqunity .
showinf , just what he thought of the. riarra
" You too !" - excialm-ed Carn:lftts ; " but
Ina are- beneath ray tor own
1 will gi yon proof. I w;l.lliii
the limb , of that wre!ched tr e in z with n e w
I.t'ood and his heait with life._ Wrap me in
+t n.: cover up my belid, keep silence
for ten thinureq, :Ord call toe iropostpr if you
rot what I have p•ornife(l.."
If., lay down ttprin Rupert's hed at the end
..1 the We laid :i pilot's heavy cloak,
o% er hi, bode. and cotivealed his head and
)::,ce b, n-ath a for i.:t•ket. Rupert - touched
hi, forehead hen the,e
_preparatior...i were
eorol heed. ill plyin., he was eith er /Flu id 01
drunk, and w 1 te,toned oar place. There
was dead -Ilene among us all.
,The simmer
lug- of the ke'.:le was the only sound within
:he room, and we listened in the gowir
da.imeZs, to the g6.IA ot snowy wind outsid e
%%;;11 the unpleasant knowled2r that we had.
1 to encounter the. horrors r.f cold and storm
I on our war through the empty streets. When
. •
a ;'etc minute: ha•lpas-ed we faund our eon
I strained taciturnity Very irksome; and, once
ortwiee i some o; towards the bed on
tiptoe to sec v. het her CM:till:N.l:ml not fillet)
'i'!.cre w a Q no means of finding
out, :All :at last our inipatiem!e was growing
irn;pre,sible, %then sudiienly we were startled
by heatin , a loud knocking at the door at
It!ie farther end of the , pasoerge. Violent at-
I tont ts were4mude to turn the handle ; and,
timli!y, a da.1.11 anraimit the wood wo; k s•,nt it
rtlyito from is hinffes. There was nobody
that 1-r.d of the ng, fur Rupert had
Litt and lvokA the door of mount:ldeation
with the to=t of the ho , pital before' he left the
eltamler where the man had &eV' Now we.
hear.] the rapid pit-pat of nak , l feet on the 1e•1 floor of the gallery"; compressed
s! r:eks accompani e d the approaching visitor;
I;an!, at last, gazing min the room will, wild
aid borror•struck eyes. we.snw the face c f
:he wounded man-4 tht man who had so
teceutiv.expired ! lie ittcl nothim: on but 2
s!tirt ; and, tlitougli :he open. frill, we saw
;he !If eadfol W 0111141,4.. _
:" Save mt. ! save me:" lie said, r' the pain
r.:intoteialple. I knew not wliat I Ras doing
whon . l .hitleil tliii p!a, e of torture." - . .
Ile rushed eiLliv to the bet] wifere Camil
hal lain .I•t+ca, -away the jacket
i tun? cloak v it'l.tuntie gesture, and laid hi s
hand upon the shoubler of the recumbent fig
; tire. It sank 14:neallt 'his touch—the 'coat
c.bntricted as if the-sleeves were empt:t—the
whole holy Lec•ame depres.:ed--aml the
wretched Man turned, upon . . us a V, nuun:e
nauce so writhing, tba.t it never
tt i I depart froth my reeol'ection.
•• I should have, thquolit of this," •he said,
I"the true Cituillus ben dead for years;
and tliese nye but the - remains of hi skeleton.
I.ltol this is rit- lerpetual- prison howe:" he
this nrony of pain!"
__ •
F ro m th e B u ff a lo Courier of August 3d. I up. From the 109th to t
TIIE- FIGHT BETWEEN BRADLEY lout °C the 111 "ai "'AY, exct
AND RANKIN. t the 12ritlynade some 11
The following repOrt was communicated 1 41 game, bat hit short any
for publication by a patty present at thecon• 1 '' ' -,i
test described : , ; At,about this tirfle the Canadian Deput*
Tito absorbing topic of conversation i n i Sheritl, re ho had lippareni y been a deeply in-
Buffalo on Friday and Saturday kat was t h e 1 terested spectator of the.) little, giving Isis
prize light to take pine? on Saturday between t oPinion at V 3 1i" 114 Peilod its to vdojt Watt the
i correct thing to be done, and what not, and ,
the two Philadelphia pu,gili:ts, Bindle). and
I volunteering his. assistan t is alike When it. watt
Rankin. The latter has been in the city and
suburbs f 4.4 1, a week with his " trainer," an d i and %%hen it wa l / 4 - not wan ed, juniper] into the
kept up their exercise which is cleeintAl in- I ring, and with flourish f loyal an truly
dispensable to a contest in the ring.. Little, Ir i
n g, a nd al 04 violation d
of the
liowevor; we ate told, siiernel to be known IPeaces leotntroinded the ctmtilants, in : the!
or talked of about him on the street corners, I tialite of the Clasen, to ce se punching each
and at those plaees where the ".fancy" gener. 1 other's heads, and go lioite about their bug
all, congregate, Owing to the fiat that lie nes'. - . i
had kept himself from public observation. ! A few rem:tits or it so!?
Bradley arrived on Thursday and took lodg- 1 and contemptuous elutract
ings at a hotel in Exchange street, keeping. il reply, but the " hat l cunt e
him-elf very quiet before "going to work." i'4'' tiffleer %vas rather hu
lie considered himself in, riettv good, tholigh I Massed over the, ropes,
not extraordinary condition, and expressed . I hood of th's representr.titr
the belief in a rather indiffetent manner, that! On the 1 :-ii . tt roll"- ti
he slow Id be able to conquer his opponent w • ith- 1 ti""" (1 r wa h"urs and for
out much injaiy to himself. Ile thought be I evident that it was at an
nil 4 . • ireillaps be rounded a little and knock- i so veal' as scateely to be
4: dit.
uvet a few times, bat of his nitintatn inc. I seratc , ll;( but lie managed
cess he seemed to have no drinbt. I ..making n pass'at hlradie
Bru•at as are the scenes tl4, always I f lrree di" ow" blow. 11.
have attended and inevizably atteal ecaittesis I foul, and so decided by tl
of this sort, from their incepThion up to their ideclared thti contest inde
conclu i ir,tt is useless to disguise the fact that- victor. • i
ever . )• detail relatina. to them is read with Both men evinced thoA
more or less avidity lr a:Lela:sag of societr out ; but it was siptiaren
from those professing the greatest 'refinement eth ""t"I that liuttlieY 1
to these n.sitter prof44ssing nor possessing any f and nmst in the end b
at all. '11:4., stone spirit that lerids men 1 0 were " 6 Ile tt- ' re' n"ne en
the race course, to 11:u eienation, of a crimin- I Bradley did hot godo%•t
al, or to the court room where tire distraming end of nearly rver]. rots:,
recital of lirehtionsness and the shocking de- 1 d^ r2 . • -
tails of murder are to be elicited. takes men Our infrothant rrentio l
or all a irts to wiithass the prize flArt. ft was each ten or twelve rout.
t hi s dart caused t h e d ec k s and cabins of a , among the "Tiinc3" outsi t
propeller and three smaller vessels to be : e x 'ensl"w4 h il i bdie't blua 'i
crowded with persons 41e irons of seeing th e I eye'.
eriatest between Bradley and II rikin. • All pro. i ' Tire ccel.. t is liir'ely t
frss'reis—the learned and unlearned, and ar ma•ch already having 1/
mint every el tss in tire cominntritv—'we e the I ,"orreit inotiry put ispi
representer l . -. v
tit lcsa than two thousand 1-rerlsitJ• -
persons, it is elitrilte , l, were present as =pee- .We hear that the Yds
;3;44..4. The rope for Glut IP, 11 4ril: g on truant parties and spent- tor t
s p
nankin and his party. with a large in - unb e r I elearaures frorii the Cos:
of passengers, left tlie foot of Co t Orn ere lm I Canadian port, and are c
sweet nt about ten o'clock, arilproceeded isp a henry fins!: This is a
tire lake to Point Albino, on the Canada probably come blfbre 1144
shore, where they arrived about twelve. , ;trict Court.
• Thele beinfr •bo dock., the ve.sel came to.
anchor, and, the passengers - were landed in
.mail boats. As there were of these proba
blv a hundred, a landing was soon. effected.
A lit , ge number of Canadians 'And persons
fo , un this side, who had cr0 , : .:0 the River at
Black u,: re nbeacly theelm:lA.
The tug i•ontainingt Brad aril big f
with a canal lwitit in tow, both fil e d with
pasi.enget.4 did not artive unt.bab6nt two
o'clock. The t!..ltt did notcommenCe nnsil
tUenty minete4 past fmr. 'She in•esvening
time ilrqs,sia•ntin etring, .g. smoking;
with nor} then a sa.all ti lt, by way- of
prelude, by enthusiastic intik iduitiA . whiff e
pugilistic wopensities f.eetfied th- be excited
by the spiiit of the .ccca-ion. The,gtound
chosen uns the sante on %%hie!: took p: ace
the tight betueen Lantos and n ot ri
can, a bout a Tnenth sthee ; and inotiediatelc
upon it. being agreed upon; thither. pressed
the thrt t ng.
ltme tille time . was oecinpied,nnd -sorne
difficulty experienced in agreeing pun a ref
etee, but finally both pArtiea agreed upon a
Buffalo:din. The seconds thin 'up for
the choice of corners, which was iron -by
The. men %%lig were in carriage. outside,
.then called to Ilse ring. litadlev enter
ed first. ai rl " peeled." Ile app6arect in line
condition, his arms, leg:, a eltent well devel
oped; and looking as though lie could endure
any amount of “punislunent." Rankin GA
lowed immediately, and on stripping-did not
pre:ent t•etfeet an appearinee. rat. se
conds of Bradley were Con Fitvietald and
of Tom .03eis . and
16nkin's br , .ther. All b e ing in teadineirtlie
, eferee called them to the 1- g.:ratelt," b u lb
coining up 114d:1114.
Ist 1'.0U11 , 1-134.,th mot tt little careful,
eyeing cielt other elo•Aely, apparently to spy
out the weak points...—sparring for stitne four
Cr the minute: 4 ole' no attempt at any serious
.lon'gth Bradley got in
hlow on Rattkin ' s.tigitt cheek.. (Ira wing the
tirqbhiod.Spnrring . eontitritedAtoileygetting
in another on .his opponent's chin, when
-Rsitkin went'down.
2,l—Severe On both 11,inkin
aiming at the body aokr Bradley at the beat!.
Bruner gat in a blow on the left cheek,
knockiiiz Rankin dowli.
31—Brief spa t ng,Rattkin getting a Wow .
on 'the prohn-4:is anti going tt.,an.
p'riqoire on both Ranizin
getting hi one or tali holly filoa A, anti Brad
hitting the nt - Ae Rankin down.
.. .
sth--Rankin put i n s oon or two blows on
the botly and wont dtitii. . .
Gth—llradley gpre a strong blow on the
month. Rankin down. .
ith—Brudle.y placed n strung hit on the
left eye, eksing it entirtly uj 4 Rankin
Ctli-afore blows from 'Bradley. Itukin
oth to 13th--These rounds were . all 1)150'
and nearly alike, Rankin each time getting I
the_ worst of it, and going down. It. became 1
evident that, Rankin was no match for his an
and that the result' was merely ..a
question of time. - . 1
I 4th"- 7 -11.t.f.parting on this . round was gOod
On both sides, Rankin putting-in some good;
body blows, Bradley returning on the face. .1
15th. to - 39th—Rounds alike, Rankin, fight-`
ing'altogether on the defensive, mind down at 1
the end of each toned. ' '
40th—Bradley received the first blow i from
his opponet„ Rankin striking him iitider the
left. eye and drawing bhOd. Bradley return
ing it, on the nob. Rankin down. „. :, .
41st—Bradley elainuS this round_aatetiL -
Rankin falling without a blow. Referee de
-in favor of the latter. • , The referee,4, l
Buffalo man, was determined- that, the men
having? 6 come so cartes fight, - Should have it
'out, and - . 4 fair , decisions., _. : - ' - ' • '
4241.t0..96t1i-- , -The rounds . were nearly
alike Witte 05th, wheni Bradley , gave Ititim
, tageliiiii alerrible hloivmi the month; tiffitt- ,
'fists/a-upper tip wide open to the 'noes,' :-
Filotzt this-found- to the 109th Bradleghad
414, ewe - wilt, getting in -at"therehmer a blow.
.ori grain's rtipt . Ile whit* nearly` closed it.
OrAtli 14, lilinbtr
I '
1 a
rr BILLY stAl
people havc a lati;d tin3k.
worl ! !1 - 4(ourA. Even in
-111oe-lil cart. different:,
and :fives. a, the f.„114..ii
by n 6ientl illnstrnt.
.()141 13iiir C.. hnd tote
and, in eomnion fri
" c , ,nver:ed" anti Impti.•
nfte r , watiL, one of i!ii;
t home e•
! sideridp: " brick in , •
-" uncle 11.11y,"'ati4ite friond, '"I
tkorg,lti volt loi j rte
- "So I - did," atishered 4li ttelP.l3illy making .
! a _desperate effort to stand So F.
ITutes,.nn;l - would'a l!eett alfood 11aptis' if
airy lu alai tioatiui Tice everlastie Mean at
1 the water. I.)iil'ut you tear 'wont it hi
. ms - - •.
.• _
" Thd.n4ti ill .011 rolltit it. • u Kid
` - 1• 13
when we.uotne to -tll4 bapttsin' thai
was old ietiks, the rich Old 'Slintre,
vr* to
be dipped! the same tuna. Well, tlia
ter - tuck in ftt:it, WWI. didn't inind
that much, as 1 thouglit! %would lie - juci
t roOd when ream ; so he let him in, an' lifter
dippitt* him under. he lilted "mitO .
keerliti; 'and wintd
I , • then emit tny turn, and inAtenti of - iirtin'
r tn - e out like he did the 'Squite i aver" 'tie
one - Slosh., and left me itiawlitt
bottom like a confounded itutl .•
S. PI RI - 1i: AL FA
idei main' LT;ain an
Prisons net.l.ninplifinszes
That -brandy brands
who eapnot govern thei
That wine anuses run
houle... • • •
ilust pinch is the en
h• punhes.
Thrit ate eat,:es
brik4 - s ;natty to twin - mei
That eh:amp:tip 151111,
Tivit Lin-siNg4 Imre:
the •ling-,1 or oh!. -
That, the tepotntiori c
tail: is not it teatit t .r in
nit the money pen,
i f•upped by port's gems:
-a poor m
Tiott pOrter is it‘ieak.
:ye weak in b.itle.
Pti ttowirtur,
ittgeribed t he, followitig
-" I murk only the ho i
An exelintlf.feiiiyii . :
.1 for those wh i
World a wilderness.4wl
luck nnd in hot water
liubb!e-4 and glitter—W
is their lostos, ttials . n
nn of ivisdoni In this
was nerci• a life on Whi
I.roken, lutl.not toted, -
happy., Plionl.l never da,
re-calling only, the Slt( I
ventiVe to the attacks,
said to be ,
peppermit.- . 2f
draOrns.. n‘,
pnrtkexpoFed i !iv be.
This 'Wtts siren Hie I
precious tai 0,4 i tt.t -itito
a hunting expedition.,
without iveifvut success.
jar The followink is a gehuine Ijiberniar k
advertis - emeut :—" from:-
Jana O'Fogetts,;,ishff-lind in her arnts two, Ix*
hies and Guernsey now, all black with ted
hair and tortoise shell Oonil)s behind hler_eais,
and large. black Fpola kilt. - (10%!gf her)
which squiws awfully
its') raily in,B4toa, whi! w as tsitffanag
under a slight indispe9tien,lohl htikbandi
that it was with the g'reateit dtffinuttir
could breathe,' and:theitilOrt - ;distressed!,' ice.
eiceedingly: "T try, =my - deq,"
soothingly tTitckmiod (fie lina-beactelp:h464`
ie 126th, nothing
pting that. Rankin,
1,0 paste and ago*
1 failed in aeon-
i3wltrit - olifria4tury
ter were- te..trd .
wied TO - 0 -
411ypiekAd up and
txt nothing .more
e of ruyalts.
e fighthaving,con
minoteo, vit whi
end.. Ran -in was
el , hi to cue* to the
to get there, and,
,fe:i Aeon from the
his irls•elaimed as
Ile referee, who Alio
as d Wadley the
ugh pale 't.j.ullugh
befgre the ,tvienti
as the -better Initit
• vietoriots' Theis
1.1 .be Obtained.=
once, - but at the
kecielzetl. his ifinii
c that at Mac:ll343ot'
disputes "atoi;i3
de, wl,kh .ended. Uri
e v noises and bNcic
lead to. otL'erß l on
!en ; Mitt
be I)uYI3,ALd Fitt-
.1; that conreyed the
the • AO. took no
om 11.iuse :for any
insegnently liable to
matter that will
i • United States Dia-
It PrtsED.Toeir
of it in this , littlb
tiilta;rs of- religion
I , etween Lazarus
aneCdote, spat u$
dei a great-.4evtval,
fly othen! . , he wu
Macy week*
l eightiors. mei Lim
i l til.•groimd with con-
,tat wiliekey is the i:ey .
4 trttranoei ihtd our
lie noses of el_ thote
nppr.tites. •
v to winding
of many utfriena-
ftilings while be*
cause of many ;real
nioro: th*n
t (lei 11(4 find. of cock
lii.ates cap.
fot• port which 'is
would supputV. many
ttirporefor tilola
a tiau dial . hi 'NV it
~ o enn hut fint..thß
1 •
leore always p• t of.
1 --iv4O :.prate_. abode
so are ahrafs recitil
net laffEctioo4,O - voI- -
sitteie - line., Theie
.h sunlight liewevir
and be who would lis
ken his •PreSent,, by
owit of the Past.
TO G3.- ' - eftaili
'of utosquitoe' Week.
l e tie erine 4 oil of
, kel. of turpentine 4
et - ; het/it; in feet
iii ;with the
nit eminent physician,
the Sta..e,of
1 , I q*er knew it. tined