i wAltez,t, II H 2 0 60 0 bagc. IfillE undersigned hoeing purchased ilia lL tereat of Geo. W. Seymour in the firm of ,Geo:•W. Seymour dz: Go, will hereafter • CONTINUE BUSINLSS Under the firm ot. GUILE & BLANDING, NVhere . therwill be happy to see their'old friend and show them a nice stock of Goods of a sti-. perior quality t!t vE. - nv Low ;.nter.s. °HALL'S, Lawns and Ginghams, choice ki.as”itnaent atil.etwap at 1 CuTt.T: & ELANDING'S. AVERT Nice Assortment of 4n n- mer Shawls, at all priet.s,at GUILE & 111..17M1NA.3-S. . DONNETS, Bonnet Ribbon% and .1) Trinnning , 4,. rt Cool and F.:•Thionitile assortment at Gurt4 & llLAspiaG's. I • C • ocriErar. of the a Poiterng m) a full assort:ne.nt of all kinds of .);141,;i Wa"rat GutrE & 2t,ANDI.N•fs. SPEAR and 'Jackson's Saw?, and. Carri . S bet Itrard s in ni q ., at GUILE 4.1.; BLLNDING . S." Ilarford, 'May 12th, 1857. O; Yes! Of Cotiv,t.: . ALL.who 'vi.-h to hny nooKs tiTATTONE - 137 cheap, will call'at noetirc, , ie Book titore; in the Post Office, where they can get good articles at a fair price. JUST RECEIVED A Nr..W LOT OF SOIIOOI. DoOKs—Towil s end Wglas series of R. Faders, &e. Wavland-;' Ele ments of Moral Science—eight ditervm - Webster's Stand ;rd IMetionarks, at reduced prices. A. N BULL.VaD .Mont.r9se, Pa., 7Alay 13th, 18:57. TIJNE...9'Pop Goes the Weasel." hallo, stranrretr. stop n minute-- Here's a store, just cirop iu it, And view with wonderial surprl , ct r.tj Tuvs that meet . vt•nr At Bullard's. lie and juo, t';,e 13...5.t, • That yon can fintl Ei=.t.. or; V. - e.!: If any of my friomis ..shonPri (i.o:!)1 it, Cail in, I will. oi-o= your minds:llpol: • At lia'.larki's fine Books, Peens ar,tl Prirc.r All kiwis of :.rd nt.w; In shart, hore evervthing; : yon'il In the soon ancl ---- coma n , •)roc onz , . er.mo r.!l. (;orne rik-)r eoto: , erent sun,l l , ; And I win •sk!!! you 13.•0k•=. s,o chonp, • I knov: I tdiul: yont cast'oni korp 'At Montrose, Pa, • ill VA • W • . • AG UN 1 :1 ACING its..nt f. l ", l i t l:ti vl.. a , f':: - .l ‘ 1 i . n i 7 1,.. n n n t i .:. 1 11 1; ; , :. t. 67 ,1 7 1.1 1 1 ` . .;!:i1 t with New Go , }di h- 1 , ..:-:; f. - pr C. , ,h only, f.r - It-s., than can be fonnti in -lio.quelv , r,7l:lC ~ :-.%f v. W,, are determinel to.(!il (\ , no3s tow nr.twit;: , l:.n,lioirz the railings oro nr up . I;yam n:;,abut;. 5.).1'1 - 1,-nti , , one and all, e..,:smEt : , :i I 1.,..1y W :ion? y , ..1 :-..1r. tot)._ the cheapest. Y03r00..1y p,. ive I:s ft . ; r• ~ , . 4 1 f or you as fur thnse y , , , u have er.ri( hr-ci horoi,f..re. It. Tli -1.1 . E.11, & CO. April 38th, 15-7. . : . IEII GO"S 11 uD, - • - U.J. .-KIT 7 1 e• -4 • if 0.1 - 77? 0 SI:, c_ I P L'll., r i I ••?..,7 A NEW D t I LriLlt 1E CIF STAGE'S! , - 4;. ' "5,: - .7 - fr, - ,•::: , ;4 1 .....7, \. .,-- - i"-"' : .' i d e—t , -, - -. 0 a.,%,..7.- e -y,...,41 .. • , 1,, , ,2.--t-f. . . _...."..A , ...e.n...m.--....c.t .. ' ~ _ I From. Springville to Tunidic:Ln6cl: .1)Tot ! , (IN the Del. 1 - J:telt - fx:tarn & NVe , ,tern R. R., -, A. 5 via. Niven ;nd 1 3, ..r.`t•vilik.; e , tnneeth.g . with '. a Daily Line to Carb3ntlaltt.. - Leave Spring % ille ev, , ry morniaz (exatrpt Stln- . days) at 6 o'e!e:•1:, art-1\ e at 'i'tilthharthork Sta. ; tint in time for.the :' , :ctrni! - .g, Trt;:ht,- zt4in•i Ea -t and Vjet,t. 1 i Leave Tuni:hannoel; Strtion cn the arrivai•' of the Trains East and \Vest anid -arrive - fit E Spring,ville the same evenin , Z. . • New and Colutundi. - q•is StL•tzt.s., an;ll:Neelertt ! Horses, are in use upon thi•A Line, I%illi Cart-tal Drivers. • - GE011(3F; lVii,SO7:. I'r,:,priLt:,r N. B. Hors(-4 Crxrriv , iss nitynys in rea:ii. nesfs to conve} rS trom to any point desired. - Springt 3Lne • FLOUR znil Sec' by. 0,, at 11A ti'LEY & GUILD'S: Eagle Fwandiy Flows, FOR superiority of :r!(1 excellency of amehinery can not he erellecl. S. 11. S.t-rizt AiSNurtnient ot Cnitt and Die Tra:IIIIII,,CTN, &r.. ai 11/0:1,1.3: &GUILD'S'. AL.a”ge stock of GI (IVPS and Ill'Sit.ry of every variety,. for Getit! - :. Drlll : t t . , HAWLEY & GUILD'S. 1)00T8 and n;:d f.T , g, of every Style- in rintl,et, at • ifAW LEV & C Tiff ,D'S% STOI"'ES! STOVES cIUR Stove im.ve been -o thoronglOY tried kJ to the entire satiNfite.Lin of . that they need no recommend irran S. 11. SAYRE it 11iifiTrIrr. Challis DeLaing, • T"E pace is buy Chalqi for a sc,n2. is at C. \V. Mores Barake-DeLain3s A T:redueed prices at Lawns• Lawns. AT reduced prices at C. W. Mores Parasols! Parasols! you can buy a Parasol very cheap at _ _ C. W. Ittyrr's WOOL CARDING, FrHE subscriber is fitting up his machinery to accommodate his cufitothei's with work to suit - the spinning ., and knitting public on short notice. Thartkru(for past favors he hopes by -strict attention to' business to' merit a share .of public patronage. A. G. REYNOLDS... West. Brooklyn, /one Ist, 1857. - 23tf. - -Dairymen Take Notice. -T_T.AwLEY - &-GU,ILD hare constantly on JLL. hand and have made to order Charm, Fir. k ins. Return Palle and Butler Tubs of the best k lathy. 'l,Clbson. April 2011, 1857. Important Discovery. CONSUMPTION. and all diseases of the• LUNGS and THROAT are positively curable by INHALATION, which concept the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air past ges, and comingindireeteontset with the disease neutralizes the tubercular matter,allays the cough causes a free and easy espectoration, heals the lungs. purifies the blood, imp Arts renewed vitality to the nervous s}stem. giving that energy so indispensable for the restoration of the health. To &able to state COnli iontls that Consumption is curable by Inhalation, is to me a so,u ree of un alloyed pleasure._ It is as much under the control of medical treatment as any other formidable dis ease:9o out of ICO cases can be cured in the Ist -Cages, and 50 pr et. in the end: but in the 3rd stage it is intim:l , 46k to sire more than 5 pr et , fQ. the lunzs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to tacile:if Even, lion er, in the la-4 stages, INIIALATION affords relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually desire% s 95000 persons in theU.S.alon.t; and a correct calculation chows that of the present population of the earth. 80,000.009 are destined to fill the consumptive's grat eQ. Tully the quiver of death has nn arrow so fa. tat as Consumption. In all ages it his been the great enemy of life. for it spares neither age nor lust sweeps ofialtio the brave the beau, tut, graceful at d gifted. lie the help of the Su preme !king pram whom cometh e very g o od an d petit it, I .111 CO tbit to otr, to the :Shoed a perm tnet.t. :in -p.e.ly cure in Con.tumption. The first c. usc of tulwreles is from impure blond, and the hip, di ate t prodaced by• their dep osition in the lungs is t t o pre vent the free admi-t -sion of air into the ni.• ct Ils,u hich s a u eak ened vitality thro' the entire system. Then sure ly it is mitre rational to .expect greater good from medicines enteric..; the cavities of the lungi than from those. adtn'tilstered through the stomach : the patient will eta- tys timl the lungs free :and the breathing easy, after :nil ding the remedies. Thu,. fah .lation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts con-titut'onaliy,and wait more power and certainty than remedies administered throu_ril the stomach. To prove the pow, 21'01 and direet influence of this mode of .1 intini-'ration, chloro form inhaled wi'l entirely dt stiey sensibility in a tits minutes, pat :113 zing the entire nervous sys Ittetra. so t'i.,t a Betel, tray be amputated without the sti o htct pain: firth ding the ordinary barning, eat; will dt sirot fife in a t e w hours. The Ileko..itiOn of nitinionia will arouse ti:e 4.ys• ; tem Ivl:en ft.inting or apparently iL•rttl. The od. or of, mlny of the medicines Is perceptible in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may 1: - t • immc•il.itely (Jut etcd in the blod. A conria. :in: ; prnof of tio-eonstitutional criTts: fact th.it skizness is always. rr,•duc e d hy foal air—is not this 110,11.1V...P.et;cv that proper rina..dies, carefutly prepared an.l jn i'die;onsly ,!ministered thron:qt the 1rt:,;2,4 s houild prinitTe the If . :ppiest result Dating IS years practice, marlY thoW•ftrhis !••11:rt..fitg Ir , llll diSoZZ , k . ti Of t: - .c. - Itirt2s and that, !ince undertay c:lre And I Incny rcmat-liahle cure 4,, even • after the saff,•rers had ursor t ii ''the last stazcs, which fully sati,4l. s me that Con stimpticn is; nci bingo r fatal discasm. teat mebt of Consnmpilon is originai, and fountic •on e ;ft per:c•:. c and a thorouvlt iavcstigatioy. My perfect iltrpt .intrnce ‘lit .4 the nature of to cle., el„ahles me to dislingt,i,h, readlly. the various form , t,f diseas.t.. that :srmul:t.• Con . sunintiort,at:d.ail.ly the prouer rctucti:t rani: twin . ; n if. a single rune. This fcm i tlilrity, in connection with certain and roleresecTl,*clise.weries,ennYes melf,.V•reQ' 111n., - ;;4 from the efr-cts of eon:m.l4A chestQ, I to (Marge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it rene..yy•cl vit•tlity, catircy and tone to the entire , wslcm. • 1111:4;ir.i's will. Le.] til , i'et:tlr.S to nr.v ri St.i• Car..et.tz, eo - ratrum!e it:rg thrir ic;:;•r. the cure IA or,!(: le more certain 1C t:;e raticnt sbou':d pny Ire n mil V% hit 11 nn orportphily t' exnmine the lur.?A vie •Ni:11 much grcuter ccrlairtv, nril thcn the cur: e_eula be v.itht,ut tb:t 11.11 7 w , t \V. i I k 4 - I (Mire.. 13 21 031 No. • {':l4,.?li:'. Of i disa.ise ; the great fir-t eau Si-iags from ticen:ft cat Nat arLis laws. * surrEß• ©T 11 ern +.7 ('I 1> Eis 6'7, a 7 - .{7lt,'l't d* all i SE c: RE 'l' DIN Sr' A s.', rra s ti!rictu-rs, (iratedi:Ary i s and r, 1I rcuri•l( ghtrimroihn), niins in the Bones rind reles. Diseases or the 1,11:,•rq, Th roa t, an d Eves, upon the Iletlyor Le:111,, Dropsy, Epilep t tle Fits, St. D 'ace an-1 all diseases arias; from -t d_rtagemetit of the Sex ual Such as Nutt 1 ! ,0,!c+ or Power, Ccnerai Weal: rt. - .-Fs, Dimness of Vision i ti; pot•ttti.;r spots app:eiring be fere Ile.- eyes, ; Dyspensi . Liver Disease, Eruptions upon Um 'aatt, in the Lack and head. Ft ra.de irregularities and all Troper disehaTrs'from butte rerses. it n.tler;: not from hat rue the disease originatcd, lour ever long st and, ng. or obstinate the rase. E RI" is rztrr.t.tx, anti.in a shorter time than a !, permanent cum can be effeetei by any . 01h:T treatment,,inn after the diseaset has boiled the of eminent physicians and nos iced all their me ans of curt.. The Indicines are pier:tant with out odor, causing yo sickness, and fr: e - frota 1 nwroory or' als.m. Darin , * act %ears of practice I have resew ti tit'.tri the jar. s of Death many thou sands. who in the last stages of the above nom -tinned diseases had been given up to die hr tiu.ir ihys*:cianq, whi . vb %tenants me in promising ! ttu. place the-nst.as untis:r my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret dis eases are the gr.: , test enemies to lit alth, as f a r e the first calse of Con.umpti,,u,:-z....rofula, and atone other anti ought to be a terror ! to the human f:ndtly. As a pPrinant,nt cute scarcely ever offer ed, a tmjOrity of the eases feel I lin' into the hands of incompetent rwrsens, who not only laid to cute, the diseases, but ruin - the -; constitution, filling the system with mere urn. liit li,skith the disease, hastens thy-sitar-tit into a rapid e‘-nsurap inn 1 lint st‘ou:d the diseJse and the, treatment not ! cause &alb sot cdily, and the victim marries, thy d.i- e ase is entailed upon the- children, who arc horn with feeble constitutions, and the entreat of flit corrunted by a virus 1%114'11 betrays itze:f in . Scrofula, Tetley, h cers, Eruptions. anti other of fections of the skin. :Eyes, Throat and Lungs, en tailing upon them a brief existence of suffering, h ati d eortshming them to an early.grave. f4ELP A f. 11 . 7.171 another formitiableene my to health, *tor nothing else in the dread cata * logne of human diseases causes so destructive a • wain upon the system,dr,twitig its thousands of vlctinos through a few years of so Itering ttown to pn untimely grave. destroys the Nervou s sy s ..• tern. rapidly wastes ,away the energies of lite, Causes mental derangement, pretents the proper developeatent ofthe s, stem, distlaalifies for mar riage. societc, business, rind all earthly Intppiness, and leaves tflt , Sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a tr a in o f er t i s mere to be diee.de than death itself. With the fullest cot:lick-nee I assure the unfortunate ' vie ; titus of Self A britsc that a perinatteitt and speezly Cure can be Creeted, and with tne :than dentnc-at of ruinous ftraelices my patients can be f re bared to robust, vigorous health. Tire rtfilieted .are cautioned_ agriinst the use of Patent Medicines, for there arc so many itigen iotis snares in the columns of the public prints to cati-h and rob the unwary sufferers. that tuitions ; have their constitutions ruined by the vile com pounds of quack'doetori, or the equallti iIOIPOn. „us nostronts vended as - *Patent Medicines.” • have carefully inslyzed many of the so called Pat i ent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain-Corrosive Sublimate; which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, whid, instead of curing disease disables [the system for life. i Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in ; use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not understand even the alpha i bet of the malaria Infdica, and are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, having one object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and fe males treated on principles established by 20 . yesis.ofpractiee, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remittable ,cores. Medicines sent to t any part of thetUnited States or Canadas, by pa. tients communicating theirSYMptoms byletter. Business corr4oudence strictly confidential, Address, J. SLIMMERvaLE. M. 1). (wee N 0.1131 Filbert St., (old NO 109- 1 VSLOT 12th, P eru. Pi.. [27 . C. W. IAit,TT-s farmers antr Ballaities INSURAINCE COMPANY, North West Cor4Secan.land Wa lnut-s/. l Phile. fIAPITAL, One Million Two Hundred and V Fifty Thousand Dollars. ASSETTB, $:433,057 07, Invested in Bonds, Mortages, and Good Securities. THE FOLLOWING STATE:MEW' Eildidts -the Inc! Business and Conditionligf the C , Inpany to November Ist, 1,856. Preiniutn received on Marine And Wand Risks, to Nov. Ist. 1856, $9.14.684 60 Pi PPretuiii ols, 169,796 61 11/1121401 on Luang, 8,701 47 :t .Al 5 --- Total .fleeeiptm, $100,185 6.1 I': !aline Losses, - $64,427 03 Pali:trim do. . - 39,737 89 ExOnses. Salaries and ebrumisstong, . 45,489 00 Reipsuranee, Return • PA•erniums& Agen• Ch: roes, 27,474 tifi • . 61 Balance remaining with C0.,5223,057 07 THE ASsRTTF. of 111 F. COMPANY ARE AS fo11°W:1: PliiCtltAphia City and • • County Bonds, - $16.848 18' R.:Broad Bonds, - 11,poo 00 I Fwd. Menages,. Real I coal Prices Estate, 144 ; 500 00) :31.ocks,Collaterals, en Call, ... - 3:1,100 00 Girard and Consolida tion Rani: Stock, . DepeAts with Ruean, Sherman &Co.,New Deferred Payments on Stock not yet due, Notes for Marine l're- - 108,090 00 Due from Ag2ents, se cured by Bonds. Premiums on Policies . rezently issuetl:and debts due the Co., ;26.47n 38 13.11ance in Bank, . 16,436 74 ----1 " -- $. 5 : 23 , 0 5 7 07 This Cotnpany Insures Buildings, `lerch:undizc•, alci Stock, from .5.r.,.p0 to ss,otm, at the Lowest Hates consistent with Sec•uritr, and upon the most Liberal Tertns,nod make PROMPT PAY MENT upon the ::(liostroent of Losses,under Poli. cies issomi by them: The Board of Directors have thisday declared a dividend ;•eif- 15 per cent... payable on demand. :Tim the business of the Company, to the Ist instn ht. • • EDW MID IL 111:1,M1101.11, Secretary Philade!p;lia, Novorther 171 h 1856.. TIMOT'IY BOYLE • of New Milford, Pa., Agent 52.: 1 p 11)p. 2.3 Ix 'TN Ess , _ twirl Onituitib. • s 1)11: IS A rf1101:, R' h „ ; 10 ve., e:cr erit nee aw :t • , r , r, :too. ~tabor of ss. , / .1 o I f 1, , ei:1,(s at the Ili , ,a , bray ,rnacles+,tlt n for 10 suteeksive 'o% or c4l - 30,000 Grt c:orl him %%id, Runr.d, of Applanso, x:,:bite,l tae in:lnner in IA hitt) ro , ,r,torf,-iter4 cx.,•,•tito thoir Prat s s - Stzortc.;-t li!uns of Detecting 7Lrla' r:c Mink _)* , /e EnzrverY all coy that he is 1 7 v: g re qh. rf Mont? ( - 1 REATEST I ):.c - - I .C:OVERY ;be Century 1 . . 1... atedti:g" Counterfeit Bank. Notes. GLi;nuine. P.M in 1-listent;e, and Exhibit 111 r. at a 41atioe ever} erivit in Cirvolatf Arran:v(l F.o atllnlrablv, that TIET - ETIF.NCE. i. T..ku;l" - and DETZCT'ON ISSTANTINfArcs. No Index to (.7...atnir.e! No paf:c to mint up. lint arranzvd, !i.ut ;be M, -;e11-• • Ilan!, cr :.nti Iluz , iness enr. id a Giapre. Evql;z•k, Fici,cl4 and Gernwn, • rhu- Eauli may the snme in his own \. five ' Perfirl Anil: -Vole Li: Publ;Acd. a Lra of the Priratr Dinkei.s i;? ; A Complete Sunttunry of the FINANCE or extzore ANi; Al Et rC.t Vkill be pubii,hed n e:.eh edition, tc.gethcr with :11l the-L:- : NE.wQ or uttr. DAV. Also A St:r..it:s 14',T ALES (From nn Old Mnitil ,, eript found in the Elst. furni,,hes the M•est Complete history 'ORIENTAL LIFE, ieseribirg the Most Perplexing Position . which the Lad and Gentiemen of that :Conntry ht.ve been f‘tund. These Stories e , ,ntinne thton;.:hout the whole year. :and will prove the Most Entertaining ever ~~iotirred to the-Puldie. • Flanibed Weekly Ac Subscribers at 61 a year. All letters must be ad , to JOHN S. DYE, Brf,Ler, - ' ZPLI Wisher and Proprietor, ;0 Wall-m, N.l priun :42 1 1!050ras az 0 iDaY L i G rra t I'rifusion and 4 1IagaiiicoireV if ft' 11: T tt. IMEME=I IV ITt the phtilstit TiPr"tmh'entell t :ta i nl i tsial f r i neond d sloannrr d I continued patronage of his business,. would again „I announce that he is receiving a lArge and NO stock. of . I Spring and Summer Goodc, Including- as usual a great variety of Ladies' Ii Du;ss Goods in Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, Blirege•DelaneY, Calicoes, Silk • Plaid B:reoa.s, Poptens; Brocade Black and Fane i v Dress Silks; Broche, . . Stella, Silk anuCashmero • : Shawls; Mantillas, Par- • i asols. Rich Ribbons, • Bonnets& Flowers, Broadeloths, CaASIIIICrts, 1 1 &c., &c. . • • - With a great variety of other ttapie and Vaney. Good:, including Groceries, . I Crockery, hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, Stoves, !fats as d Caps, Boots • and Shoes, l 7lirpeting, Flower I Oil Cloths, Painted Win, .l dow Stin des, Wall Pa- i I . . per, Clocks, Drugs, I . Oils and Paints, . i &.:ti., &e. . . The entire stock having been purchased for 1 CASII and with much care. will be sold at the lowestfigure, and to meet the views of' the closest 1 cxstr or Tom buyers. New 'filford. Mar 1857. • Salt! Salt!! Salt!!! 1il?, subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken the Store No. 201 Washing! on -street, (dirt eill op posite Washington Market,) lately oceopic'd -by Volney Elliot, and is now prepared to offer for sale on the most liberal terms TOR cant, al/ kinds of Foreign Coarse, and Fine Salt, from vessel, or store, either in sacks or bulk, or put up in - small bags to order. • Dealers will be furnished with their names printed on the bags when ordering a thOusand or snore. Persons from a distance ordering by mail can depend upon having their orders promptly filled at the LOWEST RAREST PRICES. GEO. W. MANN. Now York, Mardi Ist, 1857. 10y1 5,2'25 00 30,000 00 97,700 00 35,376 18 =MEM Patent Medicines : -&c. AFFLICTED REAP ! GRAMIENBEIIf; MammaEs --Veget Able . Pills 1. Green Mott 'lain Ointment, Samparila Mpound. Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion. Fe. I ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen. I ary Syrup, nft upt i re's rig I tn, Marshall's Uterine, Catholienn, Dr. Libby 's Pile Ointment, and Manual of litaith. .Ayres Pills and Cherry Pectorial, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Hollewvy' s . Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fiteh's //cart Corrector, Bennkt's Rout and Plant Pilk, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Inilinn Veget tide Pills, Rhode's Fe% er and Augue Care, Mtrehnnesth , rg,ling Oil; Arni. ca Lineament, 'Cant! her, - Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Pievra, 51)rrh, licorice, &e. &e., &e- A new supyly just reeeiv'red, to be kept constart ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1856: • FARMERS! $l5 will purchase one of the best SUELLERS'and SEPAILiTORS • Eder Invented'. r..(SHE undersigned is now prepared to furnish _IL to FARMERS,llillersuud others the world. renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller--the wOnder of the times—beim*. the Lest, most durable, and. easiest running Sheller now in uie: I't amnted to shell More corn in a shorter space of time, than any other mathiye, entirely cleaning the ear, front end to end, withotit crushing either corn or cob. • The Muchine4 . are constructed with two cranks, and putty for a belt, so that two persons can turn them. or attach a belt in motion by any power. The attention of perzons owning mills, itripliejtepris the Machine's are wonder fully adapted to rant kind of poorer.. They are, very easily turned, and when once in motion a small boy can thin them; they are c::pable of shellim , one Ipbel per iniante—every F.:rtner should have ene—as they save their cost, in Its h:111 one ~vn~onr. They are eta at Searle's Hotel, Savre'Si Foundry, Mill in Brooklyn. and al Llthrop's Lake Mills, where the) . can Le seed in operation nt ary time. AB order.: mittresAml to the 11:idvrsign4 . d, till receive prompt atten tion. Machines ',hipped at a distance and w:ir. ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE. A l i 0,7 MAI llotitrose, December. ill. 1 • cmcrinc.a.E. THIS is to certify, that I have ex:lnflict - 0 and used one of the altexe 2 Sliellt rs. for :talc by 1). t:44...int.F..and unhesitatingly prittutunceil. one o f the b e st. most. durable and ettsiest running tiliellers ever introduced into this county. It will shell more corn in a she time than any tither :tlsen'ne, and is al‘cays ready for service. I mieit iorattily and freely riettninulel them to the .County, ns the cheapest and liost r, new in Ilse. I have one in operation in my mill in Dinutek. which needs only to It scett . t.o recommend itself. (: i d; and Ne 0 ir.. :01111 EIX n. r?;•i•t 111.o.:r I III!. E:s:,f;i::: F,11.:7-,i1•t.!..N f d from N, w V, k, with Tr;., 1 ,• evri,;-;!! 4t in r:ft fc,tl,m,t. Dry ii:1042-. C.r7)ceric ,, . Crockery, 11!,..raware..::•;00:s ,S:. l'itabr&la.ti, Vial; Pa . per. Lredie.• nel.. Owe. /Le.. A Imo .t,:•1, - .-„r 1 . - , A.V.A 11.1. ,V 772,1 . IV, and I'.t 1,11. 1, L.l F 11.1 TN.:.:•ii mr.rif efts t.,0 ntlint•rucs 10 . novntinn, y. 010.1 h IN ite the e4puri::l r.itcrti,n en-11 . 101yers In :In eX3flli n.t;ion v.1:1,1 1%111 11. •11..‘Ari irt.f•le to a!1. „rol no!kl . ns r'oe:T:o.they v.,,t es this 4;l' V. , 1: • tor :I.e patron o :11:1t b.:, I 0 , !71 1:'0 , 11 • 11'011 the ,:.r, 11,•!t !IV the t‘',...n . ` 4, ;.!1 V. 1,41 rtny i l ly v.1;1 thit !..•: . )44•MI•jit 441 . :11 . 4•4 4 4:141, 4 tht•;r strv;:f t, Lcol: and Itc;nd! - . SO:‘IET.HING NEW! r PiiE bunt at Diraock ronr corm r,‘, diseocert.il that for r yhr ca sod! t;lorc Goods. a ,;( 1 . male more money at usu.ll profits pnt upiat Country Gorels. tons gat ntiy 1 can soli Goods from 116; to tet. et•:•t. It , V:cr tl.an :,ny other !11, I 1-;It ;II: , ~ t ,cl ion. But Jo not taf;e, fuy word for it. C., ii aid n. 1. r yriurstdvrs. Brinr litt:o C.t:it or i,,vroe kind ;if Country prcit eye. and h , ti !,.ar.Go.,:fs :It a p;iee unpnr hikled in the history of 11:i:rent - A trade. .My stri.A i. 1.1...ge ::td el; siikcted, ti.d 'am re ceiving • N : AD.D4TZOINS every 7.1,..y r :Ir.• PAN . . It will int,...74-0. to call . and see mi. , bcfore win.lia,ll.;2..,lse•Ahcre. =EEO= Ditivivk, Jan. 1:103. 1E37, . G. F. FORDIIATT, r.:31-ccE-son sn A. & E. BALDwIN.] .Manulaigitrer 01 5.1111 e...; Haritesses, uad Tra;ik . (IL-4 Clrrirlye 11T0i;LD invite dl who pre in want of any arliek ever kept at a Harness shop to.give him a rail. I larnes . ses- made of the best Oak Tanned Ler.ther: -liQrt He has on kind r , z: , . -, :tlissortment of CArrin7e Trimrnin.4s which oal,rs on the most -e .m. nt le terns, Carrin , 2e. Trimming &Me with neat ne%s and disicticii. ltoririn2 d : me on , short natlre. N0.1:2. and 3, Basement Settrle's Hotel Montroso. t2.6th, 18:A, • PAM Zit 7:131111.111141A, tieeps all the Popular LP -Me Jr! l i FM . ) AND A FIRST RATE ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE DRUGS, Montroie, J. PALMER & CO. MARKETSTIZEET WHARF, PHILADEL- Dialers in Fish and Provisins; nave v on hand an r.srirtn tilt or - Mackyrel, Shad; /lerrings. Park. 1.,: id. :3lmiltders, Haws, Skies, Chetse Rice; &e.• The World's Great Exhibition PRIZE MEDAL! AWARDED TO C. MEYER, For. his Torn L'mf/on, Ocisi ! tr 15 . , 1851. C. MEYER, RESPECTFULLY inls;rms his friends and It the putlic generally, that he has constant ly on hand PIANOS egnal to those for which he .received the: Prize Medal, 'in London, in 1881. - - All nrciers promptly attended to, and great ear Wien in the selection and iiacking the *Ho has reeieved during the lest 15- years more medali than any other maker from the Franklin Institute ; also First Frei:Mums at Bos_ ton e and Premiums at New York and Baltimore. war e rooms removed from 528. Fourth street to No. 180 ARCH STREET, below Eighth, South side Philadelphia. May 14,1857. :1 -171-li II E:. VON. WM. THAYER. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR VIE RAPID CUIIR Of Colds... Coughs, and 11Oarseness. Bitritrtrth, MAP., V)Lrt Roc., 1.355. Ds. J. C. Arta: I do not hpeitate to my tlie I,st remedy Him° ever finite] fix Coughs, and the cmicmuitmat sy mptoins of ig your Cltratlit P6C7In U. ttl rnn.inot 1;.0 In my practice and my funny for the Imt till ]mars trag shown , It to reNow ., 4 .iope• nor rirtera for 1114 treatment of these rentplalnts. KNRIIIT, M.D. A. R. 3101111. El; P-4.1., of Uttc+, N. V., writes: "I have trwal your Pr:el.:y.4 repc•lf and in my family ever since yon Invented it. nti4l believe it the f.+r its perrare. ever pot out. With a had ruht I shouhl *lroner pay twentyfire dollars for a batik than +to withent it, or t4ke any other retools.? Crimp; Whnoping.ConZh, Influenza. Feb. 7. NUL name& A ITE :frill rlewrfully certify ',our Proroaaa A the beet retne.ty rre,'n.>46e , ,t for the cure of Inoving Cbugh. Coup, and the chest disea..4 of children. We if your fraternity in the South al•preciata your akill, and commend your mediciue to mit. pe0 , , , 1e.- CONKLIN, M.D. Alfrr3 LEE, Fo44...ttn•strmsr. I t., writes, :Id Jan.. 19411: "I tied a tediinta Influenza. which confined ma in doors six weeks; tool: many medicines wid,ont rencr: finally tiled yotir Preto...a. tbe s.ltire of our cler:yman. The fiat. doae 114i...id the solti,e-s In my thnxtt and !mix.: Ines than one half the bottle Made me completely well. Your medicine. are the Ciwskt,tit NA well as tlk beat we can buy. 1114 we ext.,mi u, Poctor, and yuur ream. diet, as the poor man's friemt." Asthma or Phthisic, and Itronchitis. :',LANvat,rrix. I\-1,. 4, P. 50 . Yenr Crtwer.e t.err,rl,,lTrz nun eritntui clam In this atothya. It 1.11 11,4..1.4 'Tat (win ntarrn lug Rs I:Lino:us of cwmt:n;,:t.. , n. and eminz a man chi, Sots Inh.red Ittnter nn 5t114.60 tt o Lungs for the lint forty years. i:NITY 4_ 111.7.8, 'Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, Mtrilitot Co.. /Ow** writes. 24 pt. 11., 1555: DUI Irv,: lay pray 11re of many years I him t`ilini nothing o'inai to PI:MAUL f.,r giving ea,* Anil relit 1 •consurnytl% e patients, or curing lintch av are rumble.' We milrht e!.l volumes r.f ertlenen, but the mast eon pro,f 61,11 w tirtoire - , , f flax tepirdi is foind in 112 effects upon trial. . _ Consumption._ rndably no one teneet) I..rn elver been kriesrn eihteh estriel so many toil ew h d.te:zerees con' a, this FPTUIP 110 humsn aid can . 1.111 even to tires the Cllt&r.t PECTORAL afret.le r.l;er And c•,,lntart•. • A:47OR 111.14,E, NES' YORK erre March 5, lASII Darroit Avra. Loatu.: I fool it a tints and a I.;easura to inform pol what dean fir my will!. Slit, ha t Ivan tire avinulis minder the' danneredi synildects ef Consewet+on• !rm. , whirl , no aid are on;LI IITTIC:Ito. gave her la milt steadily failitic. n ntil Isr 1 ti,i• rir base risitir For recommendel rrit.l of :101a We bit,. k to v ilo r Flae ha,. rem, ete..l from .'..iv. She i• rat :.et I.etta to lint is fn from her sough. and eails herself You's with arnrdede real tr.:LANDO SitFLIrY, or Fart.litstu.r -f-Lnocioir!;roY. do sal you have tried AVRR'Ir. COLIALT It is livvie ty oia. or the 1,4 m e .t.h.l nori.l.amt cion alt Aron mid ris tarpcak the high :nor its of its %trines.— 1141:p.r. A.yer's Cathartic Pills. rpm I.4lPitre or ii.rn!stry and 3t.olicine have been t;*.xt,ql their ntnpot to t . .. Eve this 1.14 t. not rerfret pnrgnthe ut.hlt 1 known to man. Innninerat.le proofs rru .to w tt th..t have str . tt:::t ANA samosa to excri!rnev tt a oa,tiL nod [lint thry aitt nn• lo,ctot-nteTy vino 11, n . l' art , safe nut plevant taLe. Ltd pourtful to rum_ Their hen:• tratiltg pri.pertiva gtim;:l3te the vital art!, 11,11. We the 4 - .1...:11trth00l of I'l ratify the bluod, expvt tilli1:11111 , k1S . bret.l 1111 , i ;.!'n•Vr tro•t••111i,r, etiuua.tt • do - v.:Mg:IIIF lith.tlttir hatzital and !zulArt tone with ttrer..7th to V.:e cysl , ..N. Not vuiy do they Cute the e rer7-4.1r. com;.lai ~(:eyery I,ly. but re.eo 3:1.: tirtt have I.ff.! the lo.st Inman its they prsohr.e vocerful effects. th. car' at !Ise t;ine. iit slim is:brio-a Joie!. the shoal Can he employol f•r ehitstren. Being soptar-mateti. they are plenennt to tale: and Lasing pmrely ref f • -• , l ;e. tiro free from any rink or bartn. Cures have been mode whist, sarpass 1...1,4-r afire they not me,. etsurtinto.ll,y in.,, of noels estalttsl pooltion and cb:usactrr as to feithl the suers!, ion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen ansi ph3sieise.s hare Imst their nanies to certi fy to tho pnisl. f c the is. lial ili , y of my r, :m a hire ten ers hate rent me the Br:mance of their amt ietion that my Preparatio : us contribute insmtsrls,l) to the relicf of cry afUirteh, - suffering fellow mon geht hamel plesterst tss farnleh gmtist cry American Alnutt.ar, r sot fie issa .Pfeetheiso for their me" Mut mils - se:ties of their Cl:rt c.f tl.e P.Musing etllli-laint4: Co.:lv.rtr-.. Cs4:110.1111,... ji b .. r,P.1 6 111, Dropsy, lissorthern. Ileosiso he as fiL Os a f... 11 Fisormsch. Net:. 11 7, 1:41• , :jr,11. N:lorr./.1 I i.. 0 .d the lloviset.aml Pain Srs -so s r thereileta. I , :ntahlusy. bees or Am -, fit°. all tris'i'rs 05.. soot I , i a hiss': re lune an ese.sunot }twin sue, Ss•rofssis: r 11:-y alstl. by porifys in:: the Mont ac.-I stinsel.f.Sts,ss .t-t.-tn.inae massy oesuplaiaps alsi, it it stool.l v t selps,el they esollsl reash. P.0.f0•, Parsi a Piss ~ . 44 . enra:;;in mad N. rv,r...k lrt !Pt v. P s.s eralsgements. Oa , 1,1,•, awl try*. C..:L.41ml 41: f..or r .1 isrinia.s.: from a how -txte of.t Lc IN.* or ohntru...tioss it, functiohn: Ito net be put .::7msprirsci,•loi dealers with .0111 r other pill they1:1011"kt. more' Front .on. Ask for A rf.C. ' s PILLS, acl take - nDthiitg el.e. No other they cau give you cr.wpon.s Vial this in it. itaria.ir mitt" or curative power,. Tile 'irk want the bast aid there is for theni, and they should have it. • Prepared by Dr. J. C. AI ER, Pi acdcal and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Pula: 2z. eTs. rra itox. Firs Loxis Ica $l. • SOLD 111' • "FL Ana by 11.8flyr. re. REMOVAL! TAILOR INV If..T...IIILISII.IIEST. nS :11AIN DCor. TO Till: F.'.l - .74F.ES ST( 1 11E. T E ::sttio : : toni , xvil t t , . 74.11% BTIIEEI, :1131,111. rt•ev . virfr ut • EI:().s,I)('Itf ". VESTINGS. &I' lie i. prvin:ri•ti to cut to or -4(.r. i n ri ! ..r‘k that. car.!: t Gail to :;t ho may I:tvor 1:411 itl, [I.,•L- .-ti Vii:,ll - their ‘vnrh, dont. in a :Ik.! wn rivr, will had it to thL:i.r inter,st to givo me a cail. J. 5.1171 - 11:n,-Tailor llor,trcso, I 5343 • Samuel LI. Eillecute:in, JILL- ITR. /6VIT B it! R. 31.1 _V 1 - I'.l f_: 1 Ell ER. SOLE proprietor bi . . J. l,l v „p p i ove d iitipriived .s•P C01:,112 nity and be able to battle monop o ly .fleet”..fi airy have • made arrar,L.:cments to out Ni' Goods weekly from X r:rk. an d I h cr , the same from )5 to '2u per eent, apr-r. tl i any other 'estabiislarti ht in r te -quel,:,titur Cie ty. IVe have now rvrei•ved .z . • NEW SUMMER. 1 1;a1.0 , ;)% !.. The larzest, elieltetn. and best ste ever offend in this marl; et.. It is not mess.;; to enlmerate the artielk.e.4 wllleti our 35sorttnk eompiis6s: it .gi t Tivient . say that we ILA gerieratock of the latest' ar d'inost fakhowal goods and we eamtot fail to si the public - . as ekell'iti taste,-ati in firers.- A II words more to our fello - x-eitiiens. and patti• bitty to 1,1.57 whit 14.0 thurnsviri s and not oldhzeii to purchase at stone pori=ieui 'store.. We lirtoti' tlizd it %ill be for your test Inexninine nt.d price our lic:f;ire pi clip sing,; elsewhere; ittst is a true motto Clint penny saved is better thpn, ton earned" 1, . . . are detertaini-d to !Tare rat-n , lfil I."- itivel'gent•l ,::ti-faction. rnd ne tthall a ivaya be feraly .1 happy to e. l / 4 1tilit .oltr'as.s'ortiti..etit to t!iit‘ie n will favor um with a Ilan. i . • - GUTTENII4IIO. ROF-ENLIAUSI Ai," CO : :Wont 12.ifi. 1857. • J. L. .r4ERRILIAK I. S happy: to annobtiee to . hi- ninoeions e, , i -tomes that he is bow reeti‘jok a • - ch.! stook of e 0 itT atid Suultater G ,t 1:, euuhh,ti in part of .. . Dry Goods, . . -.' • • .. 9:neeries, l . _ . . Crockery. . . . ilmitt are . Whiehl:e tr ill stlh for eLsli.. ' .. - Butter, - Eggs 4 . . , • , or any k ir..l o 17_,iiime,-Prodat, . • • in a manner which will prove *rt . ( etly sails: tory -to ail who, are . iii:p:ise.l . ' . 2 21 with hi. . sonviile May Sth, 1857. nEAUY MADE UI,A)I'III,NG, rt at the ‘‘ tipsitarple Exehnng.e., (X)TS Stl()Ezi JIIST i:e:1), - at the - Upm.nl Hip Exel.anze G 57," H/0 - 1 1 / 1 hr I' RICE'S' I'A ID \ IL 13UTTEII,at thict Upnotoine - _ A SEVTLPIENT OF OLD ACCOUI itt the, *.t.Up4nville 'itittatue " S• 1 g 1 ;0:tkitil . 111:1 II a r Dli ::-,f . • ,-. • .- . . At the New Stoie, - in.Gikspn. TIM undersigned-having ,just -returned (:rem :New ; York, arkeenow exhibiting to the cloud' 1 people of Gibson and s\icinity,it.eotitplete as. fo ment-cif Dr:,%\ ("voids, Groceries; Ciockery, 11 rd. ware, Boots.,and Shoes,. flats and Cap_s,-Re •itr= made Clothing ,Stzple and F a ncy ;Day. G (ids consisting of wns. Berger Chalz;r. Gingh: tom, Prints. Sheetings, Tielting , s ?lad a larg.e' sodt. of Su:rimer, Gqi,rds . for lien and Boy's wear. • Believing ist6 Ready pay and ehort credit es's. tern to be. the true one our motto hi "The nit tide I sixpence is better than the slow "..Fall shilling. and see.usityr we will sup you goods Cheai for Cash. • ' .. • ii - lIAW.LEY & GUI Gibson, April 9.004 N 8. All kinds of produce taken in exa for Goodi.l.• 11. & TICIV.4 7(1113 A. Ili At, tit tt 67. - OF PIOLADELPHIA,.. - No. Mi Walnut-sly above Fourthil CAPITAL $300,000. Make Insurance against loer or damage 6,9 • Fire, on L'aildings, Farnilare and - Arerehanclire generally.- • Horses and Cntlte,_agninst avant tram any :licause. - - faT - LCOES PROMPTLY ArlipSTP:. : o3 , - . • DlREcTolisvi • ‘i . B. It. likt.rx - n, - .'. J. Cho:snacfi. 3. It. FLANIGEN, F. S.'lloecia.Exts MARY Jottep i - o • , SANIL4. RANDAiL • CMS. Ft..onaE*. of, Wittnington, Del. itkßl'Efit.ET. See. . . _ - • tiftt.FAZ, Neil 1 BILLINGS STROun,• Apo. AVO, ON