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' . • _ .5 . . • 44 WE ARE ALL EQUAL BEFOUE GOD AND TIIE CONSTITUTION. ,9 -...roine; •Ilivichauktu, . . . • • ..,,,c_...- - —.—.........- - -__:...............__.:........,:x." - ..._-.:: t ~. _—_.......w______.-7----------------.:-._-_-_-___---=------_-_,-_-_-_-_-_-7:-_-- ________-_--_,,,---__4,-____.,,..._ --- - , .. ..,. .- _ "... -.:___ - - - - .4- 1 - ..; ._-.. fi.. ; ~. _•-•..h.L., RicCott am 4: 6erritson, Vropritters. seilttt Vottrß. THE NEW.MOWN Itr 11IARLE8 MACKAY, When swallows - dart fr , ,m etiitage tams A n d farm e rs dreani of lanky sheaves; When apples peep amid the - te:uv e s . ,And woodbine scent the way. 'We love to fly ' , l*.pn daily care, To breathe the Cpuntry buxom air— To j ,, in our hands and .form - a ring— • To laurrh.and sp'ott—and dance and sing, • Amid the new mown hay. A stranger comes with eyes of blue ; Quoth he, " I'm Love., the youth and true; I wish to pass an hour witl; you, This pkasant summer day." " Come in I come in 1 you saucy elf And ‘‘lro' vont. friend r—"'fis friendships "Crone each—co•ne botit,ohr sports to share; There's weleotite kind, and room to Tare, AMA the hew•mown hay: The ring is formed ; but who a re the se - Come, tell your errand if pciu please; You look ! , o sour and ill at case, . ~ You .lim the face of day.r , , "Ami.ition :'' "Jealutzr !" and" Strife r Aild".Scorti I" and " Wearii,es. of Life ;" " If suell your tinineq we . lotte your kin ; The 'place is full, you can't come in Amid th Inv. AnotLer guest comes bounding by, tit A% brow unwrinkled, fair and With sun-b u rnt face and rongisb eye, A n d a pair leave til Qtto.li he," I'm Fun,yotir right Come in in you Ain] ihu; W 6 frolic in' s ring— Anti tlit wo nod dance and sing, Amid die new -mown hay: cr l iistetintous. THE,NEII,I73U3 WIFE CMED. Mc friend Wilkitt‘ married a sweet young girl, of a gitiO., amiable diTo.ition, but in no war, , killed in tho.c.dome.tic arts.without a knowled7e of which a wife's duties ate - altrar4 fe!t to he hard in the tie wa. the envy of mr , retan one who • had aspired to the of her hand. 1- kn-w him to be i n do,t rion., intelligent -and kind:helrted and I felt sine be had taken a life ce,mpanion, who world be faitlifol.rind !ovine'''. The . pro' raise wa:liri L rht ennlirrh to warrant a proph ecy of more ilianordinary They removed tn another town. Ten year. afterward:, in passin_r thron.-h the town, 1 e.alled upon Wilkin4, trio - inlet me wish the frank ec:rdiali..y. Eyes an.l face were in . a glow of ph•fvu..e. when. still gra.ling: 1, hand, I inquired af:er his wife. His counte nance changed inE.‘lantlY. "Poor Mary I'' he said, in a sad, discourag- ed way. " She has no health." "I'm sorry," was my natural respnns:ct "S;ekness and the foss of two of nut child ren have so Worn down kciv and mind, that She, is now but a shadow of her former Worst of ail, her net.% es,are cOrnnietely shat tered. PUt you mu-t see her. To ineet • an old friend will her rroo I. Will you spend the evening with us r e I assented, and then made farther inciniries about his ftmily and Worldly condition. Hist ttnry Was not a Very bright one. The birth of their first child was followed by a prostra-, liti Sichriet-g,Which bran oda. the young moth . er to the ritnio , t o f d em i,. -She lots never had. moodheaalth since :aid Wilkins, in n cleprelseti voice. My in . i-0rn,.. ! was: STlmti:Af;ri we could not afford 111 P, amount of Itonselvdd assi l stamie, in the be!-rin -. ning, that she really fecptired and so every thintt lkkC aritittc r her restbratinn to sound health. Children canoe •rapidlt,. bringing with them more exhauctinm cares: Anil the death of two of our little ones';to which I have referred,Speme I to complete the work of ruin. ;She is now a Borate:: invalid,, a poor, weak: iterrou , ; unhappy creature, to-neve wreck of what you saw tea rears agO.- movincr. like a tearful _host, thranalt her \ daily round of du . -'ties, and only kept aliVe liv the constant and careful attention of a physician. I don't think the doctor has been nut. ft my't house for two weeks.nt a time for. six years,' and f em sure has received more than three bun Bred pounds of my money in thatjime. The fact is, what with clamors' bills, nuise)c,, med icines..-and the hundred - nameless expenses a sick and a nervous wife entails upon a. man. 'cur fortirnes liave been' marred. They keep me poor" Wilkins spoke in A fretful voice. It was -plain that he hail, grownender impatient the trials to which the bad Irealh of his wife had exposed !tint. I called at his (Ape again toward evening nnd went home with him. Hai I met Mr'. • Wilkins in the street, I . would not have re cognized in her the happy. bride, who ten Years before: blushitor in beauty. 1 bad seen giving her hand in a life partners' hip, with smelt ;revisor confidence in the futu.e. to the • husband of her choice. tier countenance) was wan and wasted.all the . beautifully round ed outlines ,one.: her eye.. deeply sunken. ; were littpruni almost to indifference; her hair once riehlt. Insnritint, had fallen off, until scarcely half of irremained. and thin looked dry and crisp, with• here and there a prema ture line of grey. She stooped' slightly, and.. her motions were lifeless. 1. A faint smile parted her lipsias . ,l grasped her lintni with all the warmth of genuine friendly interest. But it faded almost as soon as it was born. l't ried to talk with her in a cheerful strain, and did surateed in awakening "a brief interest in the olden time. But the-i pre , ent was too painfully tea; it would . not permit her thoughts to indulge in pleasant fatettes. I could not help asking about her self and her children and this turned • the ourrent cif her,feelings s into its wonted "chap- _eel; and Slila i tned to her sad heart=storles, and.painfttl experitnee in sickness, until my own feelings warp deeply shadowed. I pitied her. What R. goirilire, suffering life had been "he'll Into tilt it a world of misery, instead of happiness. hail marriage translated her! As she tidkr-d I observed her husband care i fully. It was plain that he had' 'hut little feeling sympathy with brie wife% atate.of feel ipg. wasp sufferer 14 . ir her, though in a lighter destniei.iietaa his st4erings original edit her, there wAs s :plajniv*, 10;eilaitg.lack or kindly patience to*ards his domptuion, Sew. end tittles he interrupted her, trying to draw the conversation into another channel ; and once or twice he. threw ih depreciating sew tenees,as if she were exaggerating the unhap py story of her life. • I learned-that Mrs. Wilkins rarely, if eV3i, went out °flier own house. 11.er-ditties were very arduous, and her ability, from ill health, small. Every day she worked to bodily ex• baustion and -usually iu pain. There was no recreation of any kind. b.odily or mental. It was a living death. No wonder she was a droving, wretched, nervous woman. Next day, I called to see my friend, having made up my mind to have a plain talk with him. 1. referred to his wife, expressing my earnest sympathy in regard to her. "‘Pooti-Mary !" be replied ; " her case is hopeless, and mine, too, I fear." - " While there's life, there's hope," said • using the physician's half-despairing axiom. .; He regarded me a little curiously. " now often do you take her out r I in- • lie bill Leal. " Can't afford eartiage hire ;'tis as much a I enn do to pay the doctor. No, no, neith• er of us have time nor money to spend for riding out." .. . "Change, and fresh air, von will End bet. ter and cheaper medicines than doctor's sniff. Do you take Ler to the seaside in summer I" " Yon are jesting," he replied, with the air of one who felr that an undue liberty had been taken. " Far from it, my friend," I answered seri ously. " : feel to.) warm an interest in you to jest on tr subject. like this." "A . vi-it to et watering place is a luxury," ho remniked sadly. . . "Do not. mono tl.en as luxuries in your case. If the enervated votary of plea-ure needs them for reereation, an I to impart a new zest to the year's succeedinq, round to 1 grofexistenee, how Amid) more essential are they for the sick: the nervous. the exhausted toiler inlife'e field of eernest labor. I fear, my fiietd, ,hat you have not thought wisely lof your wife's true position ; that, in some 1 ..015‘0, t ots toe to blame for her present ill 1 health and state of mental depression." 1 . •• How r . 1. Wilkins-looked surprised. "The human soul," I answered." is not a 1 1 piece Of senseless maehinery . : not made up of a sere , 4 iron wl 0 'is that can do their wok , as well in the dark undervreund ehatuber as 'in broad ditylirrht. Even the flower must have change—air, sunlight, morning, evening and the advancing seasons, for its healthy , rroxili :mil ma•utitv. but the human - .soul. , is of higher organization, and has multitudi nous wants cempared widi the flower. Shut up - the flower from the warm sun and the re 1 1 re:siting air, and Will it not grow sickly ? 'nay, will it not fade, wither, and die ? You ale- treating - your wife- With . less consideration tha,n you would treat a lieuse plant. No won der that she is dying dai!y." Wikinsreally looked gm:teed.; and I was for a little while in doubt whether lie were offended at nix free . ,lorn, Or astounded at his oe n blindness touching the nature and wants of-the human soul which be had adjoined in a life cottManionship with his own. . 1 . "Natifre's two best phyricians."l went on, are rinds air and exercise. --itidi_ ell tt is better they charge nrithin7 fir attendance." "To a large part of mankind," answered Wilkins, " time is - money. P. is cur cas , 2'-, Don't niake that to - ) positive a conelusior. 1 Increasethestrength, and you Aniinisi. the hours of !abet—nay, more, you remove, from the cause of extreme exhaustion. My w o rd for it, if you hail spent twenty pounds a year in g i vin g your wife clu,n7e of seene,sead a l i . 'ile, and mental as well as bodily_ lei!reation. doom'scould I your bill uld have ben re liked I by more than that amount. How of en do von take, her to 'conceits, or other places of ittnortent amusement !" .t We haven't been to a concert for five yca;ei" said he. • . T A nd yet I remember she was passionately fond of musb.;" ~ . We can't afford it," rewind:ell 'Wilkins, . l eloomily. ' Ve . ter en without a dinner oeceF•ionally. Health a the soul is . onite sus essential as health of the lis,d v. If yoli starve - the former whit is there in more -eating , and drinking worth living, for f' "Mary wouldn't go if I Were to ptirehase tie:keti. , . She has housed herself so lonm that she has no desire to step across the thresh old." - May. 1.100,1 friend !" e'd end 1" ' " Far which, speakine frankly, and to an old ftien•t, y.ll arc, in a great tuea , nre to blame. And, unless voi at once,, and with, a purpose not - to be set aside by first - (lifIleul• ties, actually vonspel yonr drooping wife; t•o tro foil), a few . years will close up- the history of a wtetclied fife." " - Ali 1" said.hc, " I can feel the force of tr! & you say But how :in! where to begin ?. That is the question." I notice," 'Wag tnr reply. that a celetra ;eil composer and pianist is in your town,and will give this earning onz - ofiiii concerts.— Take , her to heir him." I am going to invite her," said I; "and I don't. believe She will refuse me." "I'm stile she still not go." Wilkins was quite positive. " see. You will take a note of inn tation from me. I will enclose tickets- -for you both, and say that T will call in the ev ening, and make one of the company at the concert ?" ivas incredulous, and half opposed me; but my interest - in his unhappy wife was too strong, and I resolved .. to have my own way. The tickets and invitation were accordingly sent, I called; at my friend's °EA, in' theafter ., . noon, to gri home with him. Well,. sa'd I. cheerfully, " what word from Your rod` wife? Will she be ready for the concert r • afraid not." - Wilkins ,•hook his _head, and looked very gloomy. What. did she Say!" . That it was impossible for her to go out —:-that she couldn't leave the children, and; finally, after had. met every objection , with reason that could not be gainsayed, she de clared. that sbe didn't feel a wish to go, and couldn't think or it." ' 1 The lee is rery solid, and' bard. .tfbreali throughl" I smiled as r !poke. ".It is thitt want of inclination which must bepercome. Sbell - so if we insist upon it:' But Wilkino waslotik differeat ontrost, Connta, T4ltrshn orning. august k, 1857. " I know her a gat deal better than you STEAL'S& IVATEI?..3tELOSS. do," w.ts his anr , wer. . A man in a country ' towictook _ Teat pleas . _ . . 'I went home with him. • There was a' me in having -a neat:garden. lie had nil change in Mrs. Wilkins ; a glance revealed kinds of vegetables 'and fruits earlier than his this. The languor and - exhauStion, so pain- n e ighbors, but thieving boys ili the neighbor- . fullyripparenton the previous evening, were scarcely visible.- Her eyes were briglTter,her 'hood annoyei him, damaged his tree, tram se pled down his flowers, and "booked" his countenance more n'e:ated; her lips had a t choicest fruits. lie tried-various -ways to pro firiner outline. I saw that some attention; tent; his grounds; hilt bis - watch dogs were had been giv e n t o h er ( p. c .: 5; an d, _though i poisoned, and set-traps caught nothing but nut in concert trim, it was plain enotigh thathis fattest . it would not take her a very great while -to fowls and favorite cat. One afternoon however, just. at nightfall, be in presentable condition. .i he.overheard . a couple of mischievous boys Wilkins was in error. his wife did g o to talkie. , together, w'aen one 0 t them said :- the concert, and surpris'ed both him and she receivedher 'e, What rhiyou say, Joel' Shall we come self by the amount of pleasur the grab game over them melons to-night from the exquisite Perf"rm"nee . ' In de e d, sh e Old Swipes wilLbe snoring like ten men -be expressed her satisfaction indi.yely tertns, and „l ore , 12 ~,, „ lo ck !: , .• with a glowing face, in the intervals of many The other of jested, as there was a hi g h Of the pieces. I wall to get over. - ••• now is Mrs. Wilkins r I aslied -of my • • Oh, ‘Pshaw ! was the reply ; I know a fiend, as I enteral his place of business On i p ;„, 0 w h ere you can &t -over j us t a s ea sy 'the next day. --know it 1.1:‘,1 a-book. Corns, ..Ite, let's us `• Better than for many months,lAM pleas- L ,,, ! - ; ed to say," . was his answer: " She seemed, The owner of the 'melon patch didn't like t this morning. almost another woman.l 4 imt th ; musk was like an elixir to her soul.". '- e' idea, of beinv,-tin eavesdropper; taut the convetsattoa so immediately concerned Ins •• I had faith in it,' , i. said I. "Derend upon melons which he had taken so much, pains it, Wilkins. von have been con-entipg to your to raise, that he kept rittiet and listened hi I wlfe's death bymurder and suicida---rnurder the plans of the young scapegraces, so that ;'on your part, and tinicider on hers. ly' next h e e ,i,- ..r hc snake it somewhat bothersome ft.); 1 recommendation ia the seaside. Give up t h em . - - ' . - - your,bnsiness for a week ; take your wife to Ned proposed to get over the wall on the some wate ing place i:nmediately. Sea rtr, south side by the great pear tree, and cut !sea bathing, and a si ,, lit of old ocean, will direetly across to the summer house.- just i . put new - life into her veins." north of which wag a very large patch of tine 1 •• She can't possibly leave home. We have Melons. tw many foung children." - . Joe w M as a clever Mhos., who .lured .g O O - e.lionie.and h er vow,. "s AT • She'll have to I. , :tveliorne,and her young, (I . l.lren too, forever. if toy don't do s4 - ene I tiling to save her." - I spoke with soot • feel- 1 ing for I was a little rovoke.%l at ray friend's I inclin.itlon to throw kbtli •alties in tine way.— I Jai: wake .ip yjoUr tt the thin , , to be done, in I I'll answer. f,r i.orr wife.-- , The fart i< it'- niv opi:iion that shell say ye.; on the fi!st propn.ition." And so Fdle A huh-. wana , ernent %vas practievd. I a:e•:Tr'ed another invitation to lea. aria 41 m i na th e eveninl, r•ave a. g.aphh ; n icion as w:ts in my) wer, of the ho:. el•v, ex ,, itetnent, an I woa , l-;1•111v e r ets - or a tvet:lcro Vie seashore. .Mv tot eNperience was quite to the point, liartn.z re gained ,t eno . l almost by tunic lifer a lon:•• rriod I vretne nervous exhatt-tion. " Y o u tuit.t. take :your wife to the .easide. ; It is just what she %%ants" said I, after the Wa r 1 1 .0 been fallefo:pare , l. _ followed l ip with such a hearty acqttiesen e that the point was carried wider scarcely an appearance of ol,joeri,,n. It tli cultie• were, of course, : but these were pronounced of such slender tanee . 1 that they were wakc alnioSi a. .01.11 a. pre-' , .ented. :Two ilaArtnei tvard.„l lirol .It isfaction seciF t i t them off. A. I sh-irk hatids With theniai p:irtinr., I could the countenance of Mrs. Wilkins tonne revi vine trace of - her old girligh I.eaut : and Ft re-dzindling in her eyes of the light Gf other days.• A year afterward., I ma& it m y h u ‘i n c.z... Ito visit my (44 mainaiptanee. lle ree,ived I me with a warmth of manner 30 cheerfnlne r.f spirit which satisfil rnt that his state of 1 mind had consilerahle improved. " Bow is Mrs. Wilkins! I itrmeliately inqn;red: A broad Smile went over his f:.ce as , replied : -• A thonqaml tiniec better than wlien you Bern year 970." • • I am ;leliooe4 to boar Nam • Itav llo\% SPaskie . pre,sr.riivion. answer r - " Admi.ably. It Woviced iike, a charin.— Mary came back another woman. It was to her almost liked i.roveritT. the f (await] or eternal I never saw.snch a change in • any ono." • Dirin't she fall lotel; into ( , 1a cf mind and' body after her return to the city?' 4 • N 4 .., " How (lid Vou firevelit this r I in v ..- red. , " By acting on'the hint roe ;are. I hirer,' earrinze for an excur.ion, once n week, while the plea , :ant weather an.l it co st me a few shillin7= each timC; but it wa, Icheaper than pain_ the rio,!tor. and the modinine cured Mote rat-14.111y. Yon can't _what a cbanme in lit.r feelinz: took place. .Nothinz!intsid , . of the narrow circle of Imme ini.eres..el her hefore; thought f• n • eft asleep; or ; - ,but now she takes an interest in evert.thiwz." " Was it not stars el into nte e than lufan tile. weakness r T ir)(pdred. ''Pe'rhaps so," h e said, thotnilit folly. "The mind mast have its appropriate food as well as the lind v„" . "-Nothing is truer than that," I replied. " And, like the body, it Most have tho til tt'ralions of iii le and a .sunslone, fresh air and exercise. It must have cliniv , e 'id rec-. reation, as well as seasons of labor. AVAhnut these, mental 'health is impo,:ilible ; and. without mental health, there can le r.o. 'true bodily health." - - Husbands 1 fear are not thon , litful enough about their wires in this particular. I ant very, rertaln if e.ely triing bou-ekeeper, and worn down, nervous. exhausted mother.whose pale faee is hardly ever seen beyond the por tals of her own - door, were forced abroad ne casionalls, into the s.o!•inl world, if they srould not an willin.lr, and taken. Yearly to Ate seaside for a few weeks, that hundreds and thousands of wires and mothers who are now siekly, nervon.i_end unhanpv, would be in the enjovment of good health and cheerful spirits, &yin, light to their homes, and hap piness to the belits of their husbands. - Try the preseriptien. ye mon with sickly. toilin7, exhausted w ive s . w h ose vi l e f wes haunt your homes like ghosts of f.,rnterbless ings. Pity them wisely, and hold them back, while you may, from the •low re , tine: places under the green turf towards which they are descending with rapid feet. -. ----s-wi------- . A FITTING REITUKR.—.IIAving to me youth notions of severe piety, says a celebrated Persian writer, I u.ed to rise in the.night. to watch, pray, and read the Koran. One night as I was engaged in these exercise., my father, a man of practical virtue, awoke while I was readin g . '* Behold," said I *to him. "thy a other children are Jost in irreligious stnrnber. while I alone Wake to prod.° God. "Son of my soul," he answered, "it is better to sleep than to wake to remark the faults orithy brethren." Ofr.Great talkers not only do the least, but gewerally my the least, if their words be weighed instead of reckoned.. • fruit exceedingly, and was as obstinate as an ass. Get him once started to do a thing, and h e would stick to it like a mndturtle to a negroe',, tt.e The other didn't care. so muck for tire water melons as for the fun of gettiner 111011. Now bear the owners - story • I made it,needful r eparation for the cis ,it -; put in brads prate thick in the seam- lin : , along the wall where tl!eVy intended to g,t ov e r ; bncovcred a large Ci:a!er vat whirl had been titled fur ...come time, from which in dry heather, I wits ttexustotoc,l to water my. ;;;rtden; dog a Irene!' a deep or so, and place , l slender beanb; •nc..:r it, which were -ftel4tiv covered with dirt, -ant Fist beyond them some little pOrdS, fiAtetle,l 5. 4 ):11P. eight inches front tLe ground. t locked all Ihe melons! tvi-lied to preserve, leaving purn• kips and squashes, about the size - and shape of melons, in their rlar.vs.' • The boys were vile right in supposing if would be bark, but they mi=red it a little in im'etain•• that • Ohl Swipes; as . they ca lled him would be in bed. , The old - man lik e( ) a ii;tle fun as well as they,. t a.I . when the time came, from Lis he listen ed : • Whist, Jut 4un't. you 11ear -ail Nt-l. I thick. !hat it Nv:t. Very probable llint CIO . (141, 1 , 4 were the won's ut . ter,..l, - ;Ilan there.caaN a -setkall of forcible tcrribg f fu•stian. • niv c'at whicpered Joe • there we 7 c One of the gaps as .surt: as gun; .ret off, Ned' At Ned way et', and one 1! , , , j; or hi, br,eelte, anti . then lie wms rth•inz and tellincr Joe :bat Ife believed there era= in the : , ide of the %%all, for som, 113 , 1 Z.cratelied him netaendo , l•ly and ton! hi• bre, cl)e! , all to pieee• - .' Joo sytn , ,,athized with him,- for he said • Wl' hii e.oat mos hanging up these some- vi I r.. 7 .P.er now .4:10(.4 11nnii, for Ned 1 eflevel lie knew the URN': T 1 y 1,1;.1 iiv , A 4 littkiwyon•l sont , ‘- tliitYg swa:4l: int• , lll4! w.tter- A st peze en si le d, then tl,e exel ttna!io.n • Thunder ! that water 1 , :•mell, rather old r Ne wanted 6 . 1 zo - home at once, bat Jo.' wai too much exeittl(l. to liken fur a tao ; !pew t ) such p:op‘ition. - • .• Never heard anything about that e:•••tern befoie ; the old :fellow mtl4- hive tixe.l it on purvo.e -to drown pelple in. Curioti, that we rho!.ld both tail into it.' - They pus'iva Ott again f a ir the melon..-- Pre,ently they were canzl,t, by the coral .. and.herellong they went into a heap of bri rr. Ntid thistles, and the like. which had - been I roa-ed there fur their express accommotla • • Suet) a getting up stairs!' muttered one Of tl ea). • Nettles and ihistles ! howithey prick !' ixe`al:ned the clter. . . . They now detertnined to go more cauti• on•qy. At length they arrit•ed at.the • pat,h. How thir.k they are, Jo; Come here There's more than a dozen pod fat ones And down they sat in the midst of them, and g'ectited to conclude that were :IMpt:y!tC warded for all their mishaps. IL v, Joe,' viid Ned, ' take,' this musk rnelcnr, isn't it a ?miser ? Slash itOn -it. 'I: cuts tremendous hard, Ned. Ned it's siinagli l. . • No if isn't-,ltellvou its a `new kind— Ohl Swipes sea to khode bland for the seed last rt ring. `'Well, then, all I've got to say the old fel low got sucked in—that's all.' • I'm going to gouge into the water mel ons ; there goes half A dultarl Yve brvke my knife. If I didn't know it was water-melon, 'should gay it was apuropkin. Fart is; I bdieve it is a pumpkin. - What the bOvs did besides, white the own er went to the glable and uninuzzled the old 1 due, and led hint into the garden, we are not able to say ; ;that. •they took long steps the onion' ud flower b 13 revealed iu the They psid.pretty dear for the whistle.— Thew had not tasted a single melon ; they had got scratched, and torn their clothes ;-- were as wet as drowned rats, and half seated out: oftheir wits at the ravenous old uog and the apprehension that they would he dis- covered. The next night the owner of the melon patch invited all the bore of the village. in cluding Ned and Joe, to a feast of melons, on the principle of ' returning good for ea t — This ciremnstance c h a nged th e h er e opin ion of • Old Swipes? and his melons, were never afterward; di4tettA, L4r Said a purchasor to a hors dealer flat animal sure footed :" PerfKtly said the jockey, 'when he puts his fort ad&wyn, you'd think he was never going to sake it up.i. 11LITINY lAr 7'IIE INDIAN ARMY. • The-London Tima has the particulars of the recent outbreak in the India - troops, Which wig originally ascribed to the insigtfloan fact that .thely catridges had been greased with polk and-bullocLia4 which had excited the :1 . religious feellin l gs -bribe troops, and indeced the revolt. The:Times gives the following. aecout of the Meerut and Delhi insurrection from the pets, of the Bey. T. C. Smyth., chap lain at Meeruti l ' - On the 9th-of May eighty-five troopers of the 3d light cavalry, who had refused to fire - with the .catridges supplied 'to them, (the saute which they hail used for many-munths,) were brought - up at .a pande of the :donut' coops to receive the sentence, 'of a ,general court-martial, ahiel bad fiuished its pro ceedings the previous day, and whose sen tence hail been confirm) by Mapr-General \V. 11. Hewitt, commanding the division, in accordance with the special powers which had been given hiii) by the commander in chief. „Chains were riveted on the:mutineers in the presence of the troops, and they were sentenced to imprisonment for ten years.. All remained qufet till the evening of Sun-, Jay, the 10th of Mav,.when 1 was driving do , :vn to the church a- usual, (distant abdut a mile ft dny hough,) for the 7P. M. service. and mC e on my way twn of Her Majesty's 60th titles covered with blood and supported by their comrades. On reaehing the church found bh . g.ies and carriages driving away in gtqat confusion, and a body of people run ning to me and pointing to column of fire :.n 1.1 smoke in tl e direetion of the city.. t Frequent rhos were thanheard, and the Ilistank cries_ of a Loge mob. My colleague, Rev; M Rot tOn and his wife came up at the inc-nent ; but, finding that the people had all gone back; me abandoned; of cour4e, - the thought of commenting divinit service .and drove how. We went together, just after my re:urn into the western verandah, and heard a shot in the. adjoining road-, fo h iced by a ery and the gallopmg of ahotse will' :t buggy. This pieced to havebee:l . a murder of a Mr. (v,,teri t iary surgeon-of the pl li g ht :dry ; ) who was shot and mutilated by five pets. 1.4. Chr,istie, (the surgeon of the same reginient - ,)• who accompanied him in the buggy, having been sadly disfi, , ured anti : injured at . the same time. .11e is still living and doing well, _ _ By this - time theEnzliA troops bad reached the native:infant iv line into which they tired with _rape and mu try. The inhabitants of the S rider Itaz?Ar and city committed atrocities fir gri•ater - than those of the Seioys. as in the Case of Cri plain Menuhald's wife. whoni'lliev pursued and frighfullv mutilated. (thutigh her 'children were happily all saved by the Avahs.) and of Mrs'. Chambers, wife the adjatarat of the 11th native infantry, who “a - 4 In.ade•el -- in her • garden d 1 in : , Mr. Ghainber'sab-ence on duty, Ler clothes hav ing been set on fire iref!.re she was shot and cut to pieces. About 10 o'clock a bung to immediately opposite our honse v as =ct on flue by tive troope''s of the 3d li,ht eavahy and an attempt (thou! , ll happily unsucessf was made to lite the hoifindier's house. Af ter this e!evrm strong pickets and a part rot of the English cavalry, artilery and infantry were posied on the to: near our hom-e, but the- Of 'lotuses, LI., continued until L.4)4! ultun daybreak, .nrit,cipdly eau-ed by tht; tr. , hboring villugers, after the guarding of the lit!;es. The less ot property; and rtlrisl of life, has been very dreadful. The part of Mt..erut in which the insurrection principally raged is a miserable wilderness of ruined houses, and some of the resident:;, Oa was the case with and Mts. Urea:(read, the counnis;.ioner of division.) escaped miraculti-ly from • the hands of their pursuers by hirlin:r'themAelves iu the garden and outhott , e: of their burning, Cungatos, and i n • bottle ca s e ; by diT • uisina Chum-elves as rritive servants. Before the EtiWileah troops at rived 'on Sunday night at the scene action, the following were bar- barously cut to pieces: • Mr. V. Tregnar, in speetor of schools ; Capt. MeDortild, of the 20th attire infamy, and Mrs. McDonald ; Capt. Taylor, Mr. Pattie, Jlt. Henderson, all of the same corps; liunis, commanding the 11 th native infantry ; MrA. Chambers, whose murderer wascauiht on the 13th, tiled at once, hanged on a tree Without•furt her de lay, his body afterwards being burnt to ashes. ! In the 2d light ctvalry the. following were : Mr. Philip. , vetetinary surgeon ; Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Mr. McNar, lately_ joined, and a little gi l l of the riding master, Mr. 1 Langdale, to:Tether with servral soldiers•of the artillery and GOth lilies, and Women ar.d children of the military,and general reidents of the station.. Among ctlict instances of frightful butch-1 Eery was that of &meant Law, his wife and six ch - 11ren, wI were living beyond the pre- ' Hots of cantonments. The state in-which the tither and three of the infants were found deties description. Happily- the mother and three of her children, though previously m rugled, crawled about midnight, to tl:e tillery Hospital, and it is hoped will recover. Mr. * Rutted and I have buried .31 of the murdered ; there are others who , e bodies have not been brought in. The 3d light cavalry (with the exception of some„7o or 80 troopers) and the. with native infantry, went off to Del ,hi during Sunday night. The 11th native infantry, who not only refrained from murder ing their officers and burning house -t, but pro tected the ladies and children of the corps, and remained in the neighborhood; 120 of these hate returned; and it is thought . that Imply more of them will do so; a proclama tion- of pardon, 'ander,the circumstances, having been sent to them. On Monday night many people, (Including a large number of women and childre4olept in•ae Artillery School of In-tvuoion,; a wulled enclosure, well guarded. On Tueiday I . retarned with my friends to our house, but while we were at dinner received the news that all the Delhi troops had =tined and joined the in su rgeanti. We were consequently ordered, with the ladies and children, back into the depot, and 'thnyoops were at once placed under arms and posted with cannon, so as to command the European lines of the slation t the rest being abaailoried. The night passed away with no distur bances,-. except Oust:tut shots between the pickets and the rinteis, the latter consisting of villagers and residents in the city and ',ba zaars. On Tuesday evening Captain de Wa iler, of the artillery, and, Captain Wallace, of the 14th native infantry, l , with, their react, Majority Abbott, Captain Han key, Mt: Elton; &c., with ionre women and several 'children, came in from. tkelhi, with fearful actonts of the.revolt in th \ lt city and massacre of the .EngliSh. R. ev. , Jennings, chaplain of Delhi, and his grown up -daughter (an amiable mid much respected young la dy) were murdered in the palace, where they were living with Captain Douglas, (also •killed,) commandant of the gaards. The Delhi Bank was plundeted and burnt,- (as were all pantonineras,) together with the premises of the Delhi . Gazette, the treasury. •ke I,- and the church burnt: But ale y feW, I fear, have escaped by the Kurnaul road, and in this direction, filthough it is ru mored that several carriages were seen pro-. ceeding. to Xurnatil. The, troops in - Delhi Were Captain De Teissler's light field. battery of native artillery, .with -the 74th, .54th and 38th regiments native infantry—the two lat. of which attacked and murdered their own officers-as well as those of the 14th. - On . the 15th of May COO of the sappers and 'miners, officered by commissioned. and non ; [commissioned Europeans, arrived at Meergi I from their station, Roorki e, and the c- mama der-in-chief is shortly expette'd to move from Unballah towards kurnaul, with three Euro pean regiments from tire bit's, atid 3,000 :coops fu - rnished by -the Jain . and Putteelah Rajahs. The Sirmore battalion is hourly expected in Meet iit front Deyralt. The-rebels are still at the palace of Delhi,. ant. have tulle I it is i - 411,1, iu imbreing the reighboriCg Rajahs to join their; • are ,- 'allotted to fightiag among uteri yes, .and the I suppose, ia3 in a- state of anarchy. • N u have lost all they possesSed except the clothes on tlfi-ir backs; among the refit, key: Alfrel and Mrs: Mvated, _of Ate church Missionary t'r-Sciet2,. Thrit gentleman. wits per fut ming divine st:tvico in the ,141 , sion at, the time of thetuditiny, and'escaped to the European lines. The rioters - ) braze into his house in the citv,•searchol event nook ant •corner for and 'burnt down the prethisk None of us, I believe, ate de-iitute of. pro found and heartfelt thankfulr.ess to . Alizii . rhtv . Guti fur our great deliVeratice. Our he a rts, however, are ldeetling t% .1- the loss-(under•eir oem-tances of ftiAtfal and unparalleled atrocity) of so Many of cur dear and un fortunate con ntry men. The soldiers, especially, arc burning to la" dint summary -punishment on these brutal murders of unarmed men. defenceless women and intocent chitdren. Martin! ht.t+ lifs been proclaimed in the district by ; theTS.litjJr- G e rfirral. The mutiny oornmenced wiih . the rescue •-f the 8 :7. prisoners by their comrades. Th.. jail was burtki.and 1,400 other convicts liberate-I. The fettered mutineers proceeded to the cuMnou tut of Capt. Galloway and com pelled his Ghrckststitit to ri-lisoie theii. chains. Die Delhi magazmes was defended for sotw . !lin I hy certain Europeans, but lit. 3 o'clock, I'. M . ., on t':e I - 2th inst.,-when the insurgents ha , ! stWere I in eff e cting, an entrance, - the place was blown itt) with a terrible explosio) by Lieutenant G.D. Wilmighby, commissary, ordiutin 'e, destrOying it is t IrMigllto,ome 1,000 of the. rebels. That gallant s4licer es, taped for the tithe to the main gnarl. His , Gate at present remains tweertitur, though bat' little hope is entertained of hi- safety. Not a single European or noire Chrisdt is Jeff alive in Delhi or tl.e neighborhood: LoArtms —J-The following stt.-3-, told of - Franklin's mode of towing the milli - nil call el " Lounger," is worth putting into piacttice occasionally, even in this ii!ve and generation. One tine tnorniug, while Franklin waa pre paring his paper fur the press, a " tonnuer" .'tepped 'int° 1 :40 :tore -4 - aid spent an hour or more in look* over the books, &e.. and fi miry taking dne iu his hand: asked. the shop ! - out' r ite price. 01i,?, dollar," was the answer.• "One dollar!" said the lounger, can't you take less that...that ?"' • • " NO, indeed one dollar is the priee."- Another bad neatly passed-when the loung er asked— . "Is Mr: Franklin at home!" " Yes, he is in the printing office." "I want to see him," said the loutiger, The shop boy itnmediatety infortned - Mr. Franklin that a gentleman was in the store waitini to see him. Mr. Franklin AtA3 soon behindkhe counter, when the lounger bcol in baud. wilressf..ed Um thus ‘ Mr. Pratiklin what is tin: law'est vou will takelwthis book "Oledollar , and a quarter!" was Lb answer. One dollar and a quarte:•! Why . your young man only asked a dollar." " True," said Franklin=-"and I could have better afforded to have taken. a dollar then, than to hare been called otit of the. offl, • The lounger seemed su prised, and wishing to end the parley anis oc u "Come, Mr. Franklin, tell me i What is the lowest yon will fake "One dollar and a half;" was the reply. " A (foliar and a half! why you offered it. your-elf for a dollar and a quarter." Yes," sa id Franklin, "and I had Letter hare taken - that price then than a dollar and a hall'uow. The lounger paid the price and sent about his business—if he had any—and Fr:lAlin returned to his work in the printing office. Isnitsrmors nADITS.—Teaci) your children to be industrious.. It is the" best preventive to . crime, the hest guardian to virtue. L e ad the histories of the hundreds who-till our prisons and learn that, idleness was the cause of their ruin. Youngmen of industious habits are seldom found in the sinks of ..pots, lotion—disgracing.• themselves or their pa • rent. The increase of crime among .us is , thistly caused by the distav 'of honest labor. If we would preserve the generation from thOse sins and vices which degrade the pres ent times, learn them good trades, and bring them up to good and industious habits,— Idleness, late hours, a disregard - of the Sab bath, drinks and the perusal of obscene sheets are .causing 'the ruin of millions. • t' Kitchen girls are now termed" young ladies of the lower parlor." People who. go about grinding knives, scissors and razors are termed "gentlemen of „the - reVolution:'— Folks viho dig Oaths are - termed "profoun'd investigators." Two travellers were robbed in a wood - And tied to trees.. One of them in despair, ex claimed," Ob, undone -" Are pout" said the otherjo ity," than I wish you'd come and undo Una 1 GE*TI.Ei4ANLY eild Railroad car. ree full , except one - whicl rough looking, Irishni stations-:coupleof intelligent 3- - etn,r lad] seats but seeing no to "go into a back c . h as tily and offered_ th pleasure.. , • " Rat rou t will lies rescondea one of the smile—hesitatine• tieCeptihgit, l • Nicer yeirnind_flat r i said.tho Mibernt " ye'rew(Pconie t 't! I'd ride upon the cow catcher.. ill New (York, any for'sli__ stlitieYrOM t o such ffne/enian/yladies retreated -has ily into 'the next car, - Aritid .Abe che'et's of to who. had .the den.. • .„ • . • Ar the table of nn tele,. n•roug)t. tuned -1.. v the vomit who•monopolized.all could reach. - "After for sotne time, the gormandizer pn the' • " old you too to Ohio ti " Why n0t..1" " Boendse.they've t4et-i - 1 - t • rir ". John," inqu. I hopeful 'pupil. " what who makes . . l'n'tailor 1" ".One w u• • you stupid fella w," his n tnnn wl master," returned .Tui not putt tails t o th e c lie all jeickt.....!' Set I honor to 'your muter . - MoDr3Tv.—A m a lea of elliktkeft, at "111 take the par dres ,, al in drawers!' A yolflig gentler:l : • "I'll take the Out bustle ?"- Hartslwrn was i to the lady. Wcnilen are 1 are-raineillw closer vile, old bachelor ad the_closer she Clinesl ruined. Poor rule,. Ways; Knock down i r...7. '-11') - •estiot! the proper age to : t - ,el Eve to his-bo,sont lici 1 an 1r..4 id P.irr titan) fired and twenty ; atiyheretetwe'an tl , .per gi‘•ing a; -:. gee says: - -- • s a larrre to . wn 6, ail/ ef brieA ''iris 1: giu i llet] c eiiption of Aibany; - Albany . is a city :o i l td , enty-ilee=bur with t4ir 9,-thle end ,t coacht4v B i,rPa,§on r,eL minembet. to harts_ 11`1.)atchtnatt, , ip*ply to I Iced hlVs6 the moat feminine Ihave reply, "1 3:pcis. do ieiti tr;er, vas 'a woman:' • . best and: did. Sn etfeet that we e heard. was given 1): a frie - iid, who yo east of countenante " wai t‘on foe dat-7-mv tit a rl e r An' entiaeht uilLessing the light, as reeentli-, en illumination of the t was li6trd to eiclan "T3y .love 'all I held tiny ihaie; t - A Freoch befOre a tribunal to revel vol . from he r mj " What. pretest b' inquired the presich " riease.sir," rep!' bare no pretext —it . tz, Dr. Frankli . w en: a- child, : fotrn4 Ilielong%gruces - use( by Ills - father before and / • I after meals - very ted ous. ..Ctiie - dir,-.after-tha: - -. witilet's provisions I ad been r:alt,4- 7 -' I thigh,' ....--: father," said Itcrtjstain, ' it.you . were -to -- • may .... gitiee over the whol4 cas.,)4*-:*`Ce: tor an, it: wc414.4 be a vast sairing ofiltirne . :,.' < ,—• es. 4iii. , ' - . I • :It' 110w..p. an y fond mOthe.ii . n