The mob took Barger over near Marque= eta where they hung hint about 0 o'clock on Pridaymorui !vg. Tlte'mob composed.of the snare men who lately Lung Gifford in that county.. They lire thoroughly organized nud are said to number from 400 to 600. llereisa a-case of violence luirdly less gross tint') ihtt of the burning - of the negro taut d et ers and ravkhers in LOulavtlle. And the crime is COMlllitlC . d 'in a free .tate of the What a dreadftil catalogue of crime do not the N9rth and South unfold in the vio lent io•Nitnittatioi)s.—.4/bawy Arytts • PEATit FISHERY is NEW JEIISEY.----In Feb• •• nary las% Mr: Da‘id Hinter, a earpenter, re . siding ia the suburbs of Patterson, N. J., dis coveto a large pearl in . whi c h .. h e had fished oat ( f the Gle,M Notch brook, three "miles South •of Paterson. This pearl was in.fortitnate/y not discovered until it was , disvolk;r'ed mid. nearly ruined, by being boil. ed with the. muscle.- It is said, that . had it ' beer, - eitracted in pet:ft - et order, it would hare been- worth $.".25,000! Since Mr. flow '4,A discovery,•others have -diseoveted pearls .; , . m rioiscle.s taken 110111 various broolthi n ear Paterson, and the search for them. has be .. vorne general. .. - One Mr. Quackenbush sold a pearl to tf f,,,v.,,t; Co.. for X3OO, which is valued try the recut holders at *1,300, and may: yet be di,n4ed of for .a much larger sum. That \neat:is hate existed in this regir•n of New. :letsev, and had been found occasionally, -for ninny years pa-.t, will appear to many -sur prising, but such nevertheless, has b ee n th e fact. Mr. David Quaekenlmsli, :I'll,l ,severad other old inhabitants of Patterson and vieiiii - . cv, state, that about forty- 'Years ago' there was a similar discovery, which catneda:`,..ood . . 4,leni of talk. The true locanty of the treastires was at the time kept eatefully from the public. and a few knowing spevulaturs bought tie " i ret tv stones" of the boys, 14;r,t , 1,Z.i0 or 6.'.2.00.----1 Why the business-was - disontinurd, whether the ti•hery was ,exhausted, or uhefher the 11,,heis could not find a matket, does not ap- - pear. - Another gentleman has laesid his lath -Cr say, that when a-bey, be had peen !arr.e. :piny 'substances 'found ih et stet's in the • no ghle:houll, which Here usel as playthings among the children, and alilioiTh bow known to be pearls Ofillmost km:deniable value were • n-.,i more esteeo,ed at the time refe.ted to . f. - , than -petty mAtttis. A you .. r , all fire *mall but, very flue \ pearls, sonic ten years azo; but lint -knowing • , y, hat they were.l: , 9ot theta till the . present I - dise.overv, whcn taking,- them to Tiff mtiv & ' co„h e r'e . ceiv6.l C,•;:?..39 for them. 'A lady "near lerehad a largeg r tMd ;perfect one, of fuel liars e, , Jors, se , e6l l , year-.•:- ago but not know in, its value, exclianged it with a pedlar' furl a diess,•Whleli,dres probably cost her five or six thea,a:l.l dr-‘;ii , frs. • . A Dei:bte Tragctly.. •.,3.ra a I.illeti— ~‘, , lairide of Oa ...Ix.vass , ,in ! ..I;e:tei.lay afternoon, Mac 28,11, - a colored man uarn.eddated . 1;:irton; aged IS VeA . l":iS, ,:al,bi#, - / 1 / 1 TO: ' 1;;:1 the heart and instant/v kill -4,1, in the tillage of Union inthiscramtv, by Ciar!es,Latourette. a white man, sho is in sane. - It appears that Latourett wetit into the ;:. , ore of Cristopher Mersereati, in Union PT:a taking from the show ease at dag ; f, , er im mediately stepped into the street and stalfbed the md l otturate young, man, wholviis staiid ir.g•rrear the store through the heart, cati , iner hi.•;iti;tant death. Latoutette, we are inf.t to ed„ has L- en irt. , •ane for the past two .years:. ;mil sometime ago attempted to take his own ./tle it is reportei that he. gave no le:1 , 1111 for 1:i:::::i :: : hi,, -,ictim -other titan that - he.- did not like/his 100k...7 Ile was brouf!lit to•hauP.e.n and 10 . di ,, ,1 in -.11 . .-., :-.- J'' llts Su:c11:1: From the tcst.irnonv taken I,,fiire the Coro ner, Itve ,learnt that .:,bout 8 kit...lock last erepin g Chas. \V. Carkier.eunsta o, tilts town, in cornpanr with Mr..l.leck cr, the 17u,fer Shcritl, eutußt] the (ilk, an , l 1,11 fra,,ing the one where. Laz , c,rette. W:l3 fiued,sawhini icing on the floor, tliroat cut. The razor with si Licit the pririz7 one: degtoved hini-elf was in IL!. cont•tioek• et cr a. fu: t•ec;iratit .of the ern, (Dan 3 lam/than.) and la Lich he, had 11(4:hien ta:ly left in the ruc,rn. The verdict of the Coro nct's jury was in ar.c , lrlinee with the abuse facts.— ) ropmc Daily .Reputdiran. SPECZAR. NOTICES. ;7cliortcy's nr;cl asthmatic gileo:ions are ways more or • less riFi , of;afe,:l srilll•irregiliatiaei of the seere- 'll,e stomaeli. the bowels, an , l tl:e liv er, canteit a Ilea] thy cowl the lungs 11111 the air raSsages _leading to ihern are obstructed, and in all diseases of the respiratory organs the effect of th e j';1::, saintnry. Ai no oatward ry.pliva ---tiou for F.ore thmat, croup, asthma, brvn ,ehitis, liollowri) . S Ointment is in% It .00ri relieve= the irritation c,f 11:t nueouf membrane vf the tr3elle:t nnia the br,,y,,1,ial and removei ti - Jat chuklng s' niZ in croup and ay.Lrna. Notice. Agreetihie to n res•oktion of tLe Suscia k- . 39unlv AtrriculturalSociety, the Executive Committee propose to hold the Annunl Plow ing Mate'i in somej one of the, towntAtips 'where suflicier.t encout-agement may be given. The .Committee ivon\W therefore incite pro- To al= addressed .1.0 Alfred lirddwin, liontroie. .Montrose, June 6th, 1857. 50 Cents ! . W El've ,v,t a ii, fz vi l , i e un c d' r a e s d es, more of thse: l o c entli.ll. Call and see them, • and y..p., will be sure to have your picture 'put in one of them. . .. . With permission -from the generous citizens -of Montrose, we shall st::y with thew a few weeks• more in order to give -all a chance to avail themselves ofthe benefit of our excellent offer. 'Call at the Car ca the GREEN. F. D. WOOD. Montrose, June 4th, 1857 v• • : R/14. 3 31X81N . •, In Montrose on the lOth inst., by the Rev. A. 0:- WarFeu,i Mr. LEWIS D. WILMARTLI and Miss Lois G.-LITANY, all of Ihrfurd. ~~~:~. ' In Overton, Bradford Co,'Pa., April 5i3 4537, Mrs.llAnnrwr L.. wife of Leßoy Haverly aged 20 Years, 6 moDtriq and 5 dais. • NEVi WOOL CARDING. TlPt , ubscriber is fitting up his machinery to:accommodate his customers with work to suit the spinning turd knitting public on shrift notice.: Thankful for past favori he hopes by strict attention to •business to merit ra share of Public patronage.. - A.G.,.REY/tiOLDS. • West Brooklyn, June Ist, 18.5.1. 28tfi A. NEW DgILY LINE OF STAGES! From Springville fp ; tankhann ock Depql! kJN the Del Lackawanna & Weatern R.• It, via. Niven and Piereeville ; conntatting with a Daily Line to Carbondale. Leave-Sprin , .ville every morning (except Sun. day") at 6 o'clock, arrive at Tankhannuck Sta. tion,in time fur the Morning Trains going Esvit and Wetit. • Leave Tenkbanneek Station on.the arrival of the Trains East .and Webt rind arrive 'at Springville the earne evenintr. New and Commodious Stazes, and Excellent tiorsep , ,-are in use upon this Line, with Careful Drivers. GEORGE WILSON, Proprivtor N. D. Horses and Carriages alrays in readi. nesl to conVe3 paasengcrs Irota Springville to any point desired. Springville, June sth, 1857. 241 f Horrible smash Up! 1 C.l R HUN OPF TIIL•' DUG WA And Twenty-Fire Dollars Destroyed'. BUT this bears no comparison in horror with what we are about to telate. Youhave i probably all heard uf the. man with . a cork leg su perfectly adjusted that it "walked itself," and 1 kept on walking till it walked him to death and Ithen ran oiF with UM anatomy. But this is i quite tame compared with a story that we heard 1 the of a lady who had lately been fit ! led with a Full Set of Artificial Teeth on the 1 New . Plan.. Soon slier the teeth had been ad ! jested in the mouth a kind of tip:it...motile twiching 1 of the muscle .of the lower jaw Was felt, and from that her month commenced to open and Ishut with such rapidity and violence, that all she icould do she couldn't atop it. She was of course almost seared to death and so t as the Doctor. (.Springing forward he seized the jaw and hold dug it n ith all his !night he finally succeeded by 1 a prodigious t•Xetti.l in pulling the teeth out of 1 the* mouth. and here the tiolence of the tragedy . 1 ended. But the saddest part of the story re imairf,s to be told,. Imagine the laly's distress sshen.she di.coverfd that her splendid set (4. !1.4-t•ffi for which she ,11A just paid three hundred dollars had coutpletely-tufzu nternEdres up. Th is 1 lady from last accounts was still slaving from [ a p tin in the jaw,whicloce had foro;ten to say 1 by the violent contractions 0. the Digastricus, 1 wcis . s/ight?y dislorated. Now it is to be most 1 devoutly hoped, flit the Nab -of humanity that the profession will take warninr; by the untiap:ty late of this lade, and he cautious how they- em i piny their ski in all its most modern and p,r -1 lected furins. flit without doubt had the doctor, failed to get out these teeth they wimid 'have' 1 coif II air pfivir hid% tr)dillt.s. Be assured, friends, 1 I shall endeavor to keep clear of sad) jam break -1 erx, by putting into Our seit of teeth just the 1 amount of the eating prepensity which is prac.q. cable and xa fr. V ilu, will find we at almost any 1 time. except meal time or night time in my drive' met. 1 5 :Ikon's store, west eLd of crick Block: with a heart almost bursting wait thanks for" i past fates:, and ever at your service fur a mod. ' crate return. X , ltin; thankfully, C. D. VIRGIL, Dc:ritkt, :11Ontrosc::„...P),/ sheriff's Sale. 1 - 1 V virtue of a writ of Ven. Ex...issued from -ILAF the Court of Common 1 • leon of Susqu'a County,. and to me directed, I. will expos e to the . Court House in Montrose, on Satur day, the:Ml; day of June inst., at one ()clock, P. M., - the followin7.lZeithEstaie, All.that eertaiu piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Bridgewater. in the cOardy of St , 3,w i liehanna, and bounded and described as follows. to wit • Ott the north and east by lands of:Latham Garthier, on the south be lar.ds of John Wood and Joshua Curtis, :IA on the west by lards of John Trumbull. con one hunched acres of land erect of six per cent. Le the same more-r:r less. with the a! purtenarets, one framed Louse, one Trained bait, an rirehard, and mn.tlt• improved. • Taken in. execution at the suit of Alexander W. Leisring, Rich;.rd Bine. • • .F P. lIOLLISTER,,SIierifr. " Stierir's Otlicel, 1 * :ontre,se.June 10th; 1857. ABEL TURRELL HASjust returned from \es York, with 'a lartze and ch(dee variety of Geoids, bought for cAsit, and selected with, niutdi care, ever thirty of the best Houses in New,,Yerk. which he effel-s to his etistorners and the public at low prices for cash. his stock .cumprises DItUGS,, MEDICINES,. PA,INTS, • WINDOW GLASS,. DYE STUFF,S,- •GLASS-WARE, It OC,K. E Y , M I I:, R 0 R S • CLOCKS, WALL PAPER, N* 1) O W P•A P E'n, WINDoW OIL SHADES, FANCY G 0-0 D S., '• WE'SI CAL IN TI.CIIENTS, JEWELRY, • PERFUMERY • ~ .I)RY 6-O 1) ,• HARD WARE. , 1 T NE.W ARE, WOOD'EN WARE, .BROOMS, •rPL`SIIES, , TAPANN . ED WARE, 13 I R.IY CA GE S„; i •-C A N'A R Y .. SEED,. POCKET KNIVE'S, . WIi.IPS, UMBRELLAS,. GUNS, PISTOLS, . - A M MUNITIO TURPENTINE, • CAMPHENE, BURNING ALCOHOL, - LIQUORS, (For Medicin - alPulpospe • TRUSSES, . SUPPQRTER•S, SHOULDER BRACES,. PORTMONAIES, SPECTACLES, SILVER fk. PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, GOLD PENS, TA•T I O s •N ER Y, • VIOLIN STRINGS„ BOWS, ac., And all of tho most popular PATENT MEDICINES, Thankful far the liberal patronage hitherto-re ceived, -he hopes to merit a continuance and large increase of the satue. ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, Jane lota, 1857.. , CASII paid for all the Woos. in Stoloehanna Co:, by. DICRERMAN & GARRET. "EILIDUR for solo by the Load or Barrel, by 1. 1 DICIEBRMAN dr. GARBrire. New. Milforehrim f0tb,,1857: rindPossoms nub ,Spring ti 0 0102 In Grcat Profusion and. Magm:ficence ! IL iiljr:. : # l TT7 compliments to his friends and th e public Tor the substantial and long. continued pat rotutgeoti:ii business, would again Announce that he. is recciVing.. a large and Bill stock of - Sprint had sllininer Goods, - Inrlading as usual a great variety of • Ladies' Dress Goods 'in Prints,.Gingbams; Lawns, Barege•Delanes, Calicoes, S.ilk Plaid • 'Lines, Polito's; - Brocade Black " and Fancy Dress Silks; Brodie, _ Stel la, Si lk and Cashmere • Shawls- ' Mantillas, Par nsols,Ricli Ribbons, • Bonnets&Flowers, Broadcloths, Cassimers, • With a -great variety• of other !ktap:e and Fancy Goods; including Groceries, • crockery, Hardware, Iron and Steel, - Nails, Stores, lints al d Caps. Boots and Shoes, Carpeting. P,ower Oil Cloths, Painted Win- • dow Sh, des , %Vail Pa . per, Clocks, Drugs, • Oils and Paints,- &•c & c The entire stock having been purchased for CAS/I and with much care. will be sold at the lowe.4fig lire, and to mectt he views of the closest Cash! or TlyE buyers. New Milford, May 1857, Challis DeLain& THE place to buy - Crintlisfivi, a , q•airz ie nt 7 C: W. Mores. Barago.DoLaitps A T reduced -pr:t•es at Lawns, Lawns. T reduced prices at IA. C. W. Morr's Parasols ! Parasols ! yOU can bay a l'araol %en' cht•ap at - • C. w. Morr's 4 Samuel AL Dlecutchen, .HILL-WRIGHT 1117:b! MILL STONE MANI; FAG TCR El:. 4ZGOLF, n proprietor oohnson's highly appro%ed im=rrorrd bMUT All,l E,NI:St; r•I CHINE , improved Iron Concave IlrauiDuster—tote Pre mium Machine for. Nhllers. . No. 64 Qtleon•s!.,' (IStlt Ward,) address lieas'.ngton Post 014 .e. NI/op:. laydt..ek-st., below Front; Philadelphia. Coealieu Mill Stones, - Alit, Irons. Stuutt Patent '!III Brush, Portable 'Mills, Stretched Beltlng, Cement and SA' -reen Wire, Sfirtare ..lftilted Batipy May 'lsth. 1857.. Eagle Foundry Plows. FOR stiperiority of (.•:isling ETA e - xecilcney of machinery can not be ext;t•ll4. Sari, tt . BELOTnEIZS. . Corn Ploivs. • •• .. - DAIITICULAIL attention is invited . to the 1 Put kAiil . Corn Plow,- dig:it:oily the best: Corn now ertq- intrridueiqi in. this market. S. 11. SAVI:E.& BROTHERS. Cultivators: iv 0 bat t er in Iliti conntry,than Olose•offert.4l ..S. 11. Sarre: - .SIDVES ! STOVES I - STOVES ! ! • Lll. Stoves have been so thoroughly tried V. 7 to the entire satiftetloit of ali t that they neLd no reeatuluenki front us. S. 11. SAYRE & 4. H. McCOLLII4 WITH VS'liolesalc and Uel til Dealers in Staple and Fancy "pry Goods . YANKEE NOTIOAS, 'Binghamton, N. V. One door w•eht of the Coal. Oppoi..ite the E . • . ehar,e. J. - PALMER 8c - CO.. • • • MARKET STREET PEIILADEL. • . D3alersin Fish and Provisians Have constantly on hand . an assoritrent of Mackerel, Shad, Herrings. Codfish, , Beef. Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Haws, Sides. Cheese Mei!, -1 21n12. Wool I . Wnol! CASH paid for Wool. at • June 4.1857_] A. LATITROP' 41:„.CO'S. LARGE and' evtensive aPNortinent or Goads on hard and will low. at June 4. v 337 j A. LATIIRC/P 4 C0%.4'. 25 VI'273I.:SSES: N , - fort3rr elninttcb. • JOH.V S. D YE IS THE AUTHOR; (Vho 1114 had 10 yen!s experie . nee as la B..nker and publinheromd author of :1 prlarrs al the 13 . n;adtray .Tt!??. ,ernacle wt for 10'surcegsive nigh :15, over r-k - 50,000 Peopie, •Greeted hini with Rounds of Applause,. '`while he exhibited the manner in which ;Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and itheSureit and Shot:Alt Means uf Detecting ;them! Th e Mi l k N.:te. Engrali-rx all say that he is :the areateSt Jtitke of Paper Money lining, •••N . 7 REATEST DISCOVERY of the Pres . ent Century for Detecting Counterfeit Bank . .Notes. • iDeserAing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, o ; and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit inCirculation! ;Arranged 80 admirably, that REFERENCE is EAST and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. iar No /odes to examine ! No page to 'hunt np. But so simply arranged. that the Meretant,Banker and Business Man can :see all al a Glance. English, French and German. Thug E 21.11 ma} • reid the same hi his own • Native Tongue. Most Perfal Bank .Note List PttElisheci . Also a List of . ;All the Private Bankers in America A Complete Summary of the FINANCE Of Eynon AND ABIERICA will be published in each edition, together with all the Im portant NESS Or THE DAY. ALSO A Sznits Of TALES From an Old Manuscript found in the East. ft furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE, ;describing the bloat Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that `Country have been toned. These Stories Will .eontinue thtooahout the whole year, and will,prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the Public I Furnished Public. to Subscribe rs $1 a year. All letters must be ad. &egged to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, 9blial!er . acid Pniprietor,lo Will-at, N. Y. C)0r..0 lEtol?al[t 3 ff l W . 12 - 014. • _ AT Tilt DEAD OF NATI . GSTIONI- ..., A ND examine th e ehoiee idea of Spring 11 and Sunnner, Gouda, just opened fur Exarnination 'arid Sits,4/ r4a lotofi r gures by - C. W. MOTT. ("MAUS, Lawn, Brilliants , rhoice patterns, very cheap by C. NV.- MOTT. STELLA, Cashmere, and Dazin ShaWl* at very low prices by . C. W. 310T.T. ri Ars and Cap% of the newest shies in 11 great variety by C. W. Alt:/11". IaRINTS in nbundnuce by - , C. W. MOTT BIIOWN and Blue Sheeting and Slirtings— Shirting Strilp9t, Denims, Summer Stuff's, &c., as low as can be nifordrd in this market. C. w. MOTT. CLOTH S, Casliimer4 and Vestings, - very de -1.-.1 ail-able styles, at price* that Catirtol fail to suit. Call and be convinced, C. W. )10T1'. R ASS Hoops, : hosiery, Gloves, Belts, -LP etc.; etc.. by C. %V. 310 r r. G G Roctailus, Crocker, Hardware and yarious other urtielcs to meg tion,—all of which shalt be sold Cheap for (74 , 1 or Ready Pay. C. W. MOTT. Montrose, May sth, 1857. S. U. SAYRE'%I 1111:0TURS °7 i '7'4 styp ply of 41 1 31 . i.t ec . ) ) • SPRING ' 7 c'9 . AND - cAOOI3. for - ez,bb or Prod nit: ezn be boufr s ht -Wen' tow. . C. \V. NoTT's WIALLyAPEft. A se:ect assortment just received, lARPETING. Bar. ; ;;.ir 4 oirtmi by • S. If. SAYRE S. DROTiIERS )LOWS. ‘Ve invite the att'enti”n ofFramcrs [ to the celebrated l'eel;skille l'lot‘s %hie!' ;4e have added t.) nu 1.1r;:e :elsortrwnt. S. H. 5.% YHA.; & BROTHERS, Proprietors of '11.7,!e: Foundry. !tinntr. - .te. April 29th, 18L7. • IStr, CALF BOOT:.3; And Ennmc•l!cd - 1 51,111'4 at • RENI'ON':.3. New nillinery and Dres%-naking ES 7'..1 BL ILVE _V T. . - - Ladies, have" you Hoard. the ITeivs• iv.N.---.4. mr, tIATIni, formerly of New AV"; ~: :: . - ,A •Yirk, has openerP2d a Millinery 1.,...Pfe . ,..4 ~ slgif i and Fancy :Store !n the vilhwe yi:4 `., 2 AN of Bro(dilyn, and - havfmr. just re- S at • ..t." . turned from Nmv York with a 0 %., Large and raqiiontible I'd stoek Of CciotLs consistinq of lA, dies and .M;sses straw Ents of every stvle . aroi L,/ variety. Also. Crape. and Si!k I lats, constantly on hand, nt every hae. and color, together :tit!. a spit ndid a: surtanent of • FANCt CC0155..! :anvil :Is Embroideries, II? ir 13rniiklIositry, en pp, (lead Dresses., Lace (i't..otTs, ele. , rte., ail of which she vtiers ❑t. the t..nwtsr * * *l'artijular attention %Wit be paid to Blench at borne. Brooklyn, May Sth, l 557 "ILTOLLOWAY'S l'il!s and Ointment. Aver's Cnerry P et rial and Cathaytiels. The Gain of a Ttionsand Mowers. Mustan , r Lini ment. Dr. Ilaisev's F.ioest Wine and Pill!‘ . . 1/term' E7;tract of It4elr Rost-. Arid irearlv ail nf the medicines in mariiet Fur sate pt the Drug; Fano' Gouts, Jovelry and Variety Stnre January, 1857 GARDEN SEEDS; a late issortmert nt TURRELL'S. linntro4e, May sth. 1837. B LAC K . SILKS-, at luw pr:cPs at KENYON'S. LawAville Centie,April 6th, '57, Dr. H. .Smith. . - Q ÜBGEON. DENTIST has reinored his of „.,:l fi...te from Searl..”s -to his own dwellin ,, opposite.the Baptist Church; (norl h si . do) where all "Yenta' operations will be performed iu lii usual good manner'. . . Montrose llay 13:14 1837. - 21 tf The World's Great Exhibition• P . F 1 IZ E MEDAL! AWARDED TO C. MEYER, ' For his. Tern Pianos, Lcnd6n.'OrtGber 15, 151 DES!? EC TY ITL LY - in form gt his friends and it the public generally, that he has einiAant ly on hand PIANOS equal to those fur whieb he reeeived . the Prize Medal, in Luildon, in 1351. All - orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in - thu selection and packing the same, He has recieved during- the last 15 years More medals than sop other maker from the ranklin Institute ; also First Premiums at lips on, and Premiums at N(4. ' York and Baltimore. C4fr Warerooms removed from 52 S. Fourth street to No. 180 ARCH STREET, below Eighth, South side Philad r ilphia. May 13.1857; m 3 - H. WARD MANUFACTURER AND DEALERS N %ll' It G 0 1 11 . :4 1 NOS. '77 &79 .NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We are now receiving our SPRING STOCK, which Will comprise A large,. and desirable as sortment of all kind: of • STRA W AND LACE 130?1NE . TS. . Our stock cif•Fiowers will be unusually large this season, and w would invite your - special attention to that department. Please call and examine them before making year purchases. H. WAIW . - Nos. '77 'St 79 North Second St. Mar 14, 1857.. . , . 21m2 . . t bare received information from the . Pension I Department at Washington, informing we that Military Bounty Land Warrant, No.' 65, . 1 903, issues), on the 12th day of April, 1856.. t John Baldwin, Sergeant in Capt. Camps Comp. ny, Pa., Militia, was forwarded to me at Mon. trope about that time. Now, as paid warrant has never been recieved by me, and has been lost, or miscarried by the Mails, I hereby caution the 'public against pure:basing said .warrant. as any assignment thereof Is fraudulent and void, and I have entered a Caveat against the issue of any Patent fqr land upon which it maybe toms, ted, acid have also applied for another witnant, in favor of thiatiio Job° Baldwin. - lOHN H. DllitiCit. 0.-6 w. MIT 185'7. S. 11. SAYRE it. BROTHERS ieLows! PLOWS!! Ann TURRELL C. MEYBE, Land Warrant Lott rinnilUel MINERIWIti N . IS hap py to announce to bis Immerone eu e tomes that be is now receiving a Choi • stuck of-Spting and Stamm* Goods, consisting in part of DrYS Goode, - • ' : Mich lie for cash. Butter, _ . Eggs, . or any kind of. - - t Farmer Produce, in a manner which will prove perfectly satisfac tory4o all who are disposed to deal with him. LiPaonviile May 81. h, 1857. RLADY . MADE CLOTHING, - • • akthe " Itponcille Exchange." BOOTS St SHOES JUST liEC'D, • at the " Exchinge" 11111F1 lIIGHES7' PRICES PAID -- FOIL . BUTTEI2,at the 4* Upsonvillo Exchange." ASErTLEMENT OF OID. ACCOTNTS DESIRABLE, mem t'Upsomille Ex change."- • • MONOPOLY! MONOPOLY!_! Tius is thereat principle among our sel s fish, small merchants. In proof of this look at the late Act passed at Harrisburg„ prohibiting hawking and peddling in Susquehanna County; an .Act passed to gratify- some of the Merchants who have expressed &desire' " to stop some large -let:arms." N" • .( itttc~iber .. ,iosrntraitnt' KA•2 7 7 ;7 :7 ' 1 . 4. 0 1 \T0 D 0LY . I , 44. uie 4. • Their large wagon will rim more regularly th:at ever befcre, until their license for peddling expires. In order to accommodate the eointnu : pity nud be able to battle monopoly successful ly, they have made arrant etnents to get New Goods weekly from T hew . York,und they will sell . the same from 15 to 20 per'cent. cheaper, than any other 'establishment in Susquebuma qourk. tv. We have now received our The largest, cheapest. and best selected stock over offered in this market. It is not necessary to enumerate the articles which our assortment romp; ices: it is suflizient to say that we have a general stock of the latest and most fashionable ood., in the market,.and wQ cannot fail to suit the public-, as well in taste, as in prices. A few words more to our fellow-citizens, and particu larly to ( - hose who feel th•tnselves'iudepcndent and rot obliged to- purchase ,at some particular store. 'We know that it will be for your into. )est to examine and price our goods before .pur. eliaslng elsewhere: that is a true motto that 'a pigmy saved is better than two earnod:.' 'We are determined to spare no paits to give general sstisfaction. end we shall a,wacs be ready and hanpv' to exhibit out ttssOrtluoit to these who will 111vue us with a call.. ' • A3UTTLNLIEZZG. ROSENBArII Lc: Co. Motif. 4,5 e,. 'May 12111, ;1 7- fr :friiirff TIME I\l 0 N.T R 0 S E PA. %taw- Trt HE subscriber having purchased, refitted and newly furnished the IA t above well kno - Wn and popular Hotel, - is prepared to accommodate the tray. e; in public and others with all the attentions and ct.mVeniencesi usually found in first:class Houses. ,NO effort will be spared - by the Pro prietor and his. Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every paint to any in the.eountry. The Bar will always be supplied with the Chokest Liguori. The Stables:, connected with this House are larze, roomy and convenient,and careful and attentive llostlers are always in charge of them. - - J. S. TAII.BELL. Montrose. May 13th, 1857. .11suralite Charter Perpetual. Granted b:j the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL Sooo.oeo. Fire, 'Marine and Inland Trauspor; • tation. LarTlNtorr, President. Wm. A. RITODES, Vice Pres't. Ati - nED Secietary. DIUCCTOIN. Aaron S. Livincott, Charles Wise, • Wm. A. 11iodes, Allied 'WeekA ; Wm.. Thomas, . J. Rinaldo Sank,. WM:. Neal, JOhn. P. Simmons; . Cimriei J. Fieh, Jaiiies P. Smith. Ogre No. 10 Me raary's Exchange, . Phira. A. N. BULLAItD, Agent, Montrose, Pa. .20vi Real Esta . te Broker,. and Dealers in • elange, • and Land Warrants. DES MOINES,- lOWA. I, I 4 ASTER.I Excluinge bciughtr - sad sold. Intercst.paid on deposits. - Mont yloaned int..sted at . Western rates: Lands bought and suld. - Lands located with War/ants or Ca'sh un the most favorable terms: We attend to any business, connected with Government 'Land Offices, in Central:or Wes tern lc,wa,—taxes paid. Collections Made, and Promptly retnitted: - Des Moines; May le; 1857. 20m3 Administrator's Notice. h et mj W L e ' r r n% a ; e t j) r 3 1.! o le f s A u b d b i s e t ; a o t n i t n h e h lecse -1,..te of Lyman Knapp, h.te of the township Of .deceased: all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate p.iyment; also all having Pig demands against the same will please present them duly autenti.- valet' for settlement. - •JAMES QUICK, Adminlitratfr. - Eprinzville; May Bth, 18x7.. • 2Ow Ran Away. LEFT my premises near Great Bend Snaq'a Co., Pa., on Thursday, 'the 7th spat. my boy George Philipi N he is *bent 11 years of age 5 feet.B or 9 inches high, and weighs about 148 pounds. Said boy left without any' coat, and wore a straw bat striped shirt of blue and white black Emil Cloth ;vest setih red flannel backend a small buadel of clothes. Said boy was bound to me by his father with his own consent,. until he was - tikentpone years of agek-.. I do hereby : forbid aoy person trusting barbering'or hireing him,.for I will.collect his wages. Any person that will give me information that will lead to hi*apprehension or return hit:okras twill pay ill necessary char es. w.:vriulf4T. • Gieai fled May f4th; 183'?, i iwi Groceries; - Crorkeil, Hardware &c. SEW SUXITIER GOOD‘: C., W. NASAI, ai f . CO, =EN= • • "do REV t),ZOSY FirtHE undersigtied havifik purchased 'thi terest of Geo. W. Seymour iP the firm of 'Geo. W. Seymour &Co., wit! hereafter- COITINVE 13csniESS Under the firm of - GUILES 4 BLANDING Where they will, be happy to see their old friends ata l lsbow thew 4 . nice stock of Goods of a' su peiiet palicy at VERY . LOW pnicas. - - , . • Lawns and Gingham, a ntioice X./ aasoFtmen't nod ch ea p at Guita & . . A Amin - ?lice Aasortisient Of Sam- Cher Shavrli, at an pricea,at • Gnitz. & BLASDING'S. • TIONNEWS, Bonnet Ribbons and Tilizimiugs a Good and Fashionable assortment at GCILE & &AIMING'S. CROCKERY. of the Latest Patterns and a full assorttheilt of all 'kinds' of Glast Ware at,• Guu & BLANDIteS. PEAR and Jackson'i Saint, and _Riley S Carri's Eiles,--the best Brawls in nee, at GUILE &- BLAELIIEG'S: Harford, May 13th, 1837.: - • • 0, Yes: Of Course ALL who wish to bay BOOKS an STATIONER,: cheap, will mast the Moutrose RoOk Store, in the Post Office, where - they can get good articles at 11 fair:price. JUST RECEIVED ! A :few Lox or scnooL 1400E9—Town's and Webb's series of Readers, &e. Waviands' Ele ments of Morn! Science—eight aurora. sites. Webster's Standard Dictionaries, at reduced prices. - • . Atsc—A choke lot. of fresh - Garden- Seeds raised and. Ptit up bv. -tiket Shakers of New Lebanon. A... : N, BULLARD. Montrose, Pa., May 13th, 1857. . TUNE --“rep Goes the Weasel." Hallo, stranger; atop a ininute— - H ere's a iferb,just drop itfit, And view with wonderful surprise The Bouts and Toys that meet your oyes— At 'Bullard's. • I bare Books and Paper, justihe best, That you can find East of. West; If any of my Wends should doubt it, Call in, I will case your minds about it— At Bullard's Fine Books, Pens and Paper too; All kinds of Children's Books.; In short, here everything you'll find la the BOOS and aTATIONEBY At Bullard's. Se . come along, come one, come all, .. Come rich and poor, come great and small; And I will sell youßooks so cheap, _ I know I shall . your custom keep— At Bullard's. Montrotl., Pa., 1857.. . -. • r•-. I ic - sk:FA WR. 4 - 8) : ;) „, . • - , • gg AViNG failed selling out cur store with its contents, we are again in. the market with NeW Goods selling for - Cash only, fur less, than can be found in Susquehanna County. N'Ve; are determined to sell goods LOW not - withstanding the tniling,s of our up-town - neighbors. 30 - frtoods 3 - one and all, come and buy where you can buy the cheapest. Your •money saved is as good . fOr you as Syr those you have enriched heretofore. R. THAYER' & CO. April 2.:•th..1857. :I'!W GOODS!!-Z ---A.'T--- H. J. WEBB'S. MO.Vno SE, APRIL, 30c14 1837. Sanittrs and Altckanir's INSURANCE COMPANY, North West Cor. of Secoyid and AN H undred and I - 1 TAL, One Million Two and 1..-/ Fifty Thousand. Dollars. ASSETTS, 8523,6.57 O'i, Inveited in Bonds; Mortimes, and Good Securities. • THE FOLLOWING STATEITIENT Exhibits the the Business-and - Couditioick of the . . C)mpany .to November :Ist, 1856. Premium receivedon Marine and Inland Risks, t0,N0v.15t.1856, $321084 60 Fire Premiums, - . 169,796'61 Interest on Loans, - - . . 8,704 47 Total Receipts, - • • -' • - $400,185 68 Paid Marine Losses, - $64.427 04 Paid Fire do, - 39,137 89 Expenses. Salaries and Commissions, - - 45,489 00 - ' Reia4uianee, Retain Premiums &Agen. = ey Charges, F 27,474 d 8 ---= . 3177,1'28 6r Balance remaining with C 04224057 07 TUE ASSETTS OF THE COMPANY ARE AS rom.ows: Philadelphia City and .County Bonds, - . $16,348 18) Railroad Bonds, - 11010 00 coStpriCes Pirst',Moriagei, Real tstate, .• - 144,500 00. gtocks;Coilaterttls,on - 32,400.00 - - Girard and Consolida tion Bank Stock, 5,225 00 Deposits . with Buctin, Sherman &Co.,New. 30 York, , . , ,000 00 • Deferred 'Payments on = „ . Stock not, yet due, :97,700 od. - Notes for Marine Pro. - minces, ,- • . 108,080 00 ' ' Due frOm Agents, se - cured by Bonds, - 35,376 18 Premiums on Policioa Tecenfly issued, .ind . • debts-due the Co.; 26,4:70 38 . Balance in Banki 16,456 14 $523,057 .07 Th iiCompity Indurespnildings,3lerchandize, and Stock, from to 00 to 85,000, at the Lowest Bates consistent 'Siith Secutity, end upon the Most ! l iberal Terms, and make PM/awl. PAY.... /SENT upon the adjustment of Losses tinder Poll: cios issned bv . thetu. • . : Tbißoaril of Direatera have thiaday ileclartid a dividend of 15 per cent„ payable on 'demand, non the bitslfiesti of the Compaity, to the Ist Instant. ' - • •• - : Hon', TkiallAS B. FLORENCE; Pre:idea, _ _ EDWARD It. lIELMBOLD, Secretary . Philadelphia; Novernblr 17th 1856.. • _ • - • TIMOTHY BOYLE. 52ylpdbp J - of Now Milford; Pa., Agent. Stray. CAYE into the enclosure of.the .euheeriber V in 'Clifford township on the 'fist „day of May, one,dapple,grey _hers% abouttee yeas_ old 19 hand* high, hunt in the;left bind fig./with a sear on thii hip of thopMe.,leg, the' _owner'. requested to.provi property, pay . charges' mid take him away. titbit bilikj 9th;161, MG= - - t • - Au - ill:1114 . ra li , o ,4,-A-, • hereat,' Letters -tA !Arent/ale '111,4; VV • estate of Edisto- '. ;jilts** icililtiq ,i ship4ofitiooklynyika' ''' ritilliirstieeittknOwtw i i I the: anbseribets;*l;,;' • .', uti;. - •:4idabtedficrl4.,: - said - - estate!. are'reAtie' .••• to ;mike ittintediotir.. i "payment: -.and - those= 'vitii.:Ulaimit,nolibot - thl, i ',,, same will present lite' -doliAtut..fientteititidi t .I.' settlement, 411,„ '-:.:7 :-C'. 11l : - GERE.,;. --",....- ' ....... , -,.,. -•,., •' : • '-•.'' BOP RONALti ANY; ••,.- ' . ' -7. . - . ..' -•-. '. . ': i!. - tra4,s,.*--ri.-,,, :Brooklyn, May. 12t 1857 ` . ....,•'--.- -`.:.. - $1(.00;:-?'. . • . , ,:- - - - ,-- ~;• • -.•..-., 00.04 ...: .111%71 tP. •Et •-•ttfJOßiar - -... i i . . ...: „... „,,.. - At. the Ai* 0 , re 1*G11 , 041.- - ;;:e - f'. InHE ur.d.ersigned - vingjitisttainined ' 4 101 tt - ' , -; Now York, are no-:exhibitinets4ka JIti011:;. ireophi•of Gibilon and 4 , tilty,itorrtp!eti inent of Dry Goods,..GrT :i . s,•Venekittiiiiitin+.l*.'. ware, Boots.attd,She:= - ilateanoLCipsatesi4 * 2:., made Clothing e StsPl-- ',4od, : rsocry, - Alay.:, ..,, ,•••• consisting orLawns, It . rges..Chils`s.Gtr . . '--;!;-: Prints, . lEiheetin,O, Tic togs, sod 'a : large, .4015 - ..'-' , ot gominer Goods for en and ,BoY'st wesit,:r - 4:•• - ....."-r•,:;, Believing the. Ready pay-indidiort.ereditT -', tern to be the true - one . ormottcila ~Thani' ''''-!• - Z sixpence is better* t in • he sloWtddlling.".... ma and see us for wej 4.01 you good. Citenikei-. Cash,. . . - -.--,. !: • .____.... A .- . r.: ~- -• -.--- • ' AWLEY &' PELL: AWLEY . . 'Gibson; April 20th,. SO. .'-.. 1 ... - ••,: ;.,- -: ~. ... , N B. All kinds of p•odetOrtakett . in axe' WO tor Goods. _ ' . : . -•• .1 - '•-'.,-; IL ,; tlk ~_ A Complete assort efit of Bottiet.iy - iklinlit 4nd Diveili Trice inga k dto-i-at - ' GUlttrai, • le stock of GI _CI variety, for Ge .1 1400 TS aha Shoes; _UP lug of every stylel FLOUR and Salt b Dairymen fIAWLEY & GU hand and have • kire. Return Pails dnd quality. [Gil See Hero IpereeiVoillet your 1 nally V itt uniform in t( broken-and discol time; should you vont will be Aespoiled ofo your noble and attract call on 'we *ithout de Brick-Block over Wi give me pleasure to pry consideration, just w and no more, fvI.OST RESPECT ' You ee_ proud of y is your Ma, and So be Your smile is a- Your tear 4_;aindro- Dut.'t . wop` liOg4 io to st a y away froth. ill Even 9ow it gives Thdse - crumbiiitg Then enni . along - in the Brick Bioek ov as poor as-you are be l Come along come For just•what :you restore. Montrose. March 2 Salt I S.: IHE siibscriber b friends and the p Store No; LIM IV:nib posite Washington M Volney Elliot, and is sale on the most libe kinds f Foreign Co' vesserfor store s eithe tip ip small bags to o Dealers fu printed on the - bags or more. Persons .fr mail can detrend prou3ptly filled lit the New York;.nare'h. • Digs • fr HE; bo•partpersh 1.• tween. El isha Bel the firrn•of Bell dz..Ti by mutual consent._ are in the handa./ of IN in consequence said. accounts. The I Hop Bottom on Sat persons having onset requested to' settle note dr otherwise. • ...-The business wil stond in Hop _Bottom who are thankful feir• call from all our old Hop flottom, Apri Important A MACHINE--FO HAM P BY this method t made to perfor ing and no time is I as he can The aquiline is att of a Strap, or by kse erator,,and is in err depth desired. _ The many advitlf others pAn readily Is and Oheapness Cann i general use - atm:mg a on all farms in this For at chines or plF to N. ii.-Tizeie'•M Fir Plant more Co than.ony hand - phut realy than any ante , loss liable to cot on. Mont rose, Fob. 1, Watches of ever va ent etylka of his own lot of Nicht) makers; Gold' Chain pattern , Rings.l3racehitail o oc bleeolnd Spec4cle_ Spoons', forka*Nsiiki kniven. Pigott Tab Can biakitk C 404! dles Sbell cilla bit; G..' Viol, Violin imi; Ga bowie, and Ands, which will .bo ;old at the old staid of . . . . 06iati1ion';.: ix* ricoolusiNG* terns; Also, &opt aniveot, mad! lir • onvoso:garon 1 mmoisuotwi tea and Ilaakry of ere) _ Ladies,liuid Childiea. at WLEY VUILITS. . and Ready.mada -FlottP! iA znsxket, at. WLEY & GUILD'S.; r_ the Saisi.or Pouodost WLEY & GUILD'S.' I eke LDhave con'stantly' ad , de to order Churns, rurf , ' IButter Tubas o, the bess .son, April. .24th, 2867., . , .00g Nan . -, eett ud edgove t e orki l .:;.. n ' mutiful, are beeom,.. red; 'mid in-s - very abort • nue to_negteetthem;You,-. e-of the ehief,ofinaments c 're face.- I hope you svilt- . , ay , at ;my Ago in :du :on's sioro,_where„it wilt" iernMenn fgraYeryamsli* n„t your Moine iußikllow _ _ 1 ... ._ - , --, ..:.,,, ~„.- , LEY' yodimiss i , . ur benutj,-. - Lua _ g rit . co ilia beam on the garden Vow., 1 on thq Sonline;.4lo,wer g . g• fair one;if poi contitioe Dentist for' ..e pain to vie,s-" -- • , "-hen 'ceiled in ei)on hne," lhout, delay to office' r Wileon'a -atore,, ,;(1 if ntiful, , no tnattek: .‘ long plead "not ablorao an pav your charms F!! L,ltesiOetit Dentist. , I ;tL~iiC~",:SZit7 ge leave to i nform Mei; eblie that he has taken that. eigliii.sliket; (driliefht op.. .ket,) litteiy oceiviell-br now prettakeditt,offer for -1 - - teims you - cisil;. AIG rse, and. Fine Silt, frour, in asteki or bilk, or put idled with thiii - 11220i nen ordering : ,4 the:4o24 m a distance Ordering bg; on having:l:heir - ±eirderl, l brtEST MAZtimTrinte: ~ ,s, GEO: W. IIAWc. at; 1861. . )01! lutioni*-..7 • • '•.4 ,• i .'", "4 p heretOfoni. eitishoi be : ;• and W.11L.-*iltly under gley heat dsy a; 49th, 1857: tO.riitinOtiat g,VERY-FAXIMEO,III -- FOOT: ':COIR .. ANTEL -. -'.',-:::----.. 'e weight of tlie operator in . the whole lab_or of 0:11131‘. t one can plint as fast diked to Abe foot tytOastni rew to the,bOot o ihe op t , nged. as to _ gent M any !Oil iirthia machine overall seeb, and their simplicity , • fail of bringing thnta %lit 1 farmers, and eau* used ection. PriceliWk : _ ~ loualy or - State litighla,ap: • • • H. S. SKARLE; 4gent,ldo,ntroak Pa. , eilines air Niviitilted - ti. v . ids ' dai With , leen' labor :. r,_Mul will.piiat. mom aor,, '• ine aim. Invented, &dere . rOfeeP 4 OAL -. it;1857 • '-- • . I ' GOODSCi - - ' I . HA siti*rar,i4 siwtoir:' - teiviog bite Sp F* stock j Goad', to ; which. lie Woald , l• IN: Abe, attention, - Of - hiii.- - ands; = Among,: ids goios , • ' y Ufplind il v.ery firgew :. 1 n entof .Goltitud- Sitiroi. , ,, • etY.coulklaut , :lll difer t ;:-... iropottOot t -and -4. - Asivo, -- Anc ll 44l#4,or‘4l.lrmnt, ' I sh i tm. 1 , Soaliiir, an - car: I. .re sit totAinti . et. 4.4;00 112 4, 11 ilveriTil ... -. A... lop Atolik4tsll,4., - ". ! , Ittagse,Buttik„atid. MO,. I'- lie iasil - f o rtis t (Mors;: - ' iiikii, : .itza;:-Catiiity, ne1i. ; .1. - -) 14::pins * id: tiguitsi:.llliiiiw.'f tar-itikilpth4ool44iilif I . 011:14 , 1454etAr f ir440 et fs the icoNelititmill-pOseH . .ijit-,-, ;6 4 40441411i)iN i 411:: ~ VallAtfikper, ° *44o# erifigt CridP_W?Pi orb ASA:4 TV 1 40 4 /4 i• fig 4