PAPER; 4 J pot inquire 4 eittiot tell t . . fr 417 1, thin!:' . . , Yes,,Jarr.e.s brought it borne on Saturdot . •cratiniii bat nolo•hbor.rlT—k—and bia wife 'lietifkbere i 'he laid it'o2 . oe parlor table' - 'Oh, N."ba sirpt : ilie - pnpert 1 ,feraici it 14:ninw . of niliUgit to him: .. . - ,I,Znin - ye:. SerrY:for tbat; I, tiiinli yen do it very wrong, uahnnd, in lendig , thei papers bc."4,1 . WC71 veread them. .‘ lie: Who takes a : paper iticif pays for it, is certainly entitled, to. thtilirat.perusal of if.'. . etc but Ir ' - -~ askid me to lend- it l'O t Irefusql Solana and olilizing .a rreighbar) 'Aim sure he would lend us his itliin took coo, and,,l should like to borrow ' 41..i,rk't 11—tato a pip e r I' inq ," ed' M n. `,,, C. : - ;With -aurptho. : : not Ile is,ns . Lvays, alwa)''s very f., - ad of reading.' -` Yes ;' to‘thiniz !liaised una- Ili, to • ,ttfnatle! < Ile bt certainly ai able- as- we •ate. He pays a much larger tar, and is al= tnest Always b*,gging of Lis supetior cattle, aon • wifel Its wrong to speak- of ,our negithors' nitilts : behind their I. , acks. lie promised to' return tLe paper to day. - • •.' I hope he will. It contains a excellent 'Article-Which I desired very much lo read. M. C—was as excellenthadyad rp-ob 7 ,nPyiieissc:ssed as liberal feelings at her place loving hosband; but the could not believe it to be their duty to furnish a free paper to her • titore 'wealthy and covetous neighbor. Lad Connelly taken a paper ; - but thinking it tooexpensive, to ho no small dit coratinie of hit wife and little ones,he had or 7 dared itoiiiscontinuance. Ile, however,dear- ITlored to rola, and had, for a year or muse -Web in the habit of sending little Joe' on the disagreable errand of borrowing old ps-Pers of his teiglibor,c 4 _ - o—=—Ltrai tea patiently tit t ough "the day,_eipecting to see little Joe coming with the paper, but the day pasted, as lih.esvise did the evening, and no paper came. The text morning, after breakfast she eras Iteard to raW-- Well, John, the paper has tot be:in re tained • . .7' Ali, ; Iguess f teiglitor N bas forgotten his promise or Sh absent from home, - • 1 thialzi' she - continued, We - Lad teuer • send ;Tames after it? • 'Would is not be' hest, wife; to wait until . , afternoon I return it befora that :.• 'l`..s 3 - on. think bes.l4l-was the Mild TerYTy. ' . They waited until neatly dark, but no pa .. per'mnde its appearr.e,te. James a smart lad of ten years was now instructed to proceed to neighbor N—'s and get the paper. Ile soon arrived and made known his errand. 'Tie was very politely informed that it was ler.: to R—tlic blackquith, who lived half a ralle further'on. James unwilling til return dioine :without it,notwithstanding the 'lateness of the Lour, ~contiturd on to the Ilack Tali CIA. I. was quite dmk. when be r.rrired, but be Foon Marie his•husiness known, and wasin fermi ed briars: r.---- - , that rage sis got bold I r of the 4)'ll'ileratia_icire it:up. l , ‘, ! . 4 l'il' take the fragments said. James who 'was for having - nothir)g lost. `The fragments, aim I exclaimed Mrl .It— Old Donk, the ,pedlas.,.came along, he o to clkr,artd.isOld 'en2 with the rags.' -..-.- ' James sontewLat dispirited tv his ,ttc ' Aos:, rut rmssi.on, end not: belnz very cr2 rr.:''ge-, ti ii vusin the (lark, silently beat a hasty retreat for home Where it . . one reason be arrived and _reported the result of his errand. - 4 AIL,' Tery -composedly remarked Mr. C— .suppose IL asked neighbor N. to Icrui - him the paper, andhe did not like to deny him. We cs.nuot, I think, accuse either of doing intentiornl wrong ; and one paper,' continu ed-be,' is 01-little value.' 'Yon may argue N--"s case as you please:. replied Mrs. C-,-_—` but be assured of one thing. 'What is that l' asked Mr. C.----:with evi dent ker. : 4 Nothing, only neighbor . N—will not . _long he at the inconvenience of troirbling ' people for old papers' i In about three weeks after this conrersa - lioi.N. was informal by the postmaster that - he had a paper in the office; Lie was highly pleaseil at this announcement, but be eould . - not think .who was so very kind as to send ' him *taper. After many conjectures, bow . ever became to the conclut4on that it was from some friend whom be had _assisted in former years. '- ' :-. . -.. Oncyearlad passed': the paper coutinu -ed to •eeme, and N. was still ir,norant". from whence it,eame but one day at a hauling he informed-hits ueighbont of ids, goed :fortune, and espressed some fear that he 'would have to do viltimut a paper soon. -- ; `No you shan't' said Jan3es C. in a ,loud . tone of voice, 'for mother sent on two dollars for ,you. last _week: , . - ' I -Well done, Jiro r shouted a dozen voices, i (,) ."- while" a riatulutneous roar of laughter ran ... Along ~ .g lirt.of teamsters. .., ' ', s If'.. who la previous to this an nouneenien t ' - ,lteeti r:enciakably cheerful and talkative,. be:. }.l . - ine saddenly.sileut, while a deep; red color, ,'. will:dem of 'ham% mantled Lis brow.-- .... thii ;(27a. good lessen fot4N. - • -.._ . EaTlyoe4nqin , ,vg.l . *:metit sad paid. ;draw ! ,-- C; 1 / 1 .4 4- ;a4clawledged Wsat:Tart awl - was 'Darer tacTa:ailerwavds to' take two ideilrirptilien's.--IMaine Far.) /1t4r4 : 41 - 4contenTin Ohio, pit het"; ?habitlit° the truliiiletub, iticlirt?-froCktina +ei.- deal. info the eradie,-und, set her little • 1:4 , tO rod - 8110-01:outAi*OtieWie tWihe tsby die pinned idle leg to the line, u Ole hung it out in tlielai4 1,5 41 el, . ' 4 {,—,• .7.`".• •._ !TM The gontrost meant, 4 11 r, Lit:COLLIMI & GREPILT6 cosh in advance, 82,00 if not paid vr4b44ViSintilirifi $s 014 of the Seat. . ' l Vri"Vaiiikemconiinutotie4in I at 1-earages are paid, except at the option of the Publi,liera. All ccinimunica.tions connected with the ciftive, to cn,,ure attention cc eat be directed to the Enerote. Itioatrcle‘Qiimfa. Co., Pa. - : sates Gf Advertising,. . - Ono equate (12 lines or 10,40 . 1 or 3 wee:11,81,00 Etch sub7equotit urger n , _ ~.. _ 0,e5 .. . r One iltarci . title linpoth „ , 11,0t1 ,Ont Nualselni inonfltst-- -- ... it,oo 13usiness Cards, four lines or less, 3,00 One.eighth colum, one 'year, • -6,00 'One•fourth " "10,00 , One•half ' ! .• * rzn" . .- 4 . , - -: ~ t l, (-,.. ,v. 18,00 One column`, - ' " rte .." h..' " ''' ' '-• .) - 30,00 . - Yearly advertiser* will be restricted to the business in which they aro engaged; and are censitlered as wishing, to continue advertiling unless they sit slt•-gico special directiwnir,for ; •a discontinuance attint batile. -- . ": i'-- r_grifie pubilshers itnvirT Idea tc their Job Printing ..Inateria4 2 „13....Fi0 , ,an.d.twri4.t0p. nsl)ort.- nictrlt JA ;li,yk.:.,,arwttotr.rrontetl.tcr Jon' Wlvltrirrn mitn vitt its . : tltts4,4 kea k . Lion of country. fait: on rensoniVe '• lA-auks of every desrription kept constant- Iy,on band or printed to order. Nitsilltss- pit-cc-tort!. VAIL & BR UNDAGE Z 3 :o7 . 4cfaus and Ettrgeons, Susq'a Depot, Pcnitla. , •r -- -.-g, .31. H. A.:lll3utrgruvz... Wes• \7. S flTfl , Cc CO., Ca;:inent and Chair i c liinnfactur. vis, foot - of loin Street . lifectrosic • D.R. H. SMITH, - • f_7nraroix Deretist. Montrose. T':., \till be at Searlels Flocl, 31cralays .r.nd Thursdays enel, week. .ABEL tURRELL, Mon.-mos); PA._ • • Dealer in Drug- , , Chemicals, Dre :-;thfr4, Paints, Varnish Wintiow Glass, Groc:erie-A, Panu Goods. je' eiry; Periumerv, Agent for Most popular Patent Medicines - 30.1igi GROVES, rag:lion:lWe Tailor—Shop neftr t flaptiA, .Ift•yting {louse, on Turnpike titre .1!ont JOHN COLSTE . Drnler in Store , Tin, Copper grid Sheet Iron AVare, Lodersvi2e, ne:r the Great Bend 13:f. . • • Lt.THROP, - Dealer Rt=: , ..;7-Iklntitt Clothing, flats and lioo.:‘ and Shoes 3, Dry Good*, qriositeSear:o.' Liad,4ontrese, C. D. LA voth • J. P. W, 1Z jA. Litz rrtn:tn, DR. R. T.HAYER, - 1 3 111Nleinti nvld .Pinrgena, '`Montrcse, Office in the r:-.rineet: FRAMILIN FRASER, • Attoritcy and Ccmasellor at Lair, Montrose,Ta., will atter.d faithfully to ail husi- GCS3 entrustc-.1 to hilt) in the County a Susq'a. Convey:a:Ong and v. ritin.7 of all kinds will be clone ncatly, ancr.chr.r.ges moderate. ire wiil also nttetid to preseratien of claims of ai•lrEliers. tlauir widows hiirq, ng-Inct the U. S. lioret men!, for Bounty Lr.nd, I'er/sic:tit, &e. he found at ail 11 ,-. .nrq at the odiee formerly r.ernpirqi IT J. 'P. iliel;r.rds,Esq ,•Loith (..f the 3. EL C. TYLER laterc:s.ted wit 4 I. L Hut, Binpoiter caict Dealer in ilnran - iircnnd Cutlery, Czrringo Tritn . minrs. Springs, c No. 215 Pearl Strcct, , .Y. T. Where his I,lercnntile friends, in this a nd OTHER Counties, i re liticitilaviiedi nactid.tztvE,sriirst tietted :to en 44 pOreLise. • •. A" Cif. j. H. PA.P.SUNS, iii gioleswie DeaUer, in CzLinet "Pedteatis, Tables, SCanth , , - 13:rili;,r.)to'n, N. Y. Ntinre.ll.l.).7'n up Ftnirz. 3. D. VAIL,I.I ; D.. • Pltptfeizt?: attd perina net,y I,:cnt(d County, rt l ,ll. promptiy . t., - .4111 to c:,llt, a ;th which b' ra,ay,lnitavoree,. IS5G—r,•22. • • Znstive . or.tEse .Pence, CoTictiqr of IDeli,, Execator of ,nyetis, Contr4c:fhtt&s I.zivw. - vi Wrotativ , ; 'SU .V.l t eIAD 'it t GL A SS DEPOT, ON CIIESTNE7T-ST., Ilrobtrose, Pc):n . c. • BY- 1). BREWSTER. - Ai! 107eit-and rg . :l; tltrantity tnntip to t.rtit.r, or furnit,llt-d on thstiortest na 11r?. HAYDEN BROTHERS, Ntbss'llliford, Pleat:la. 1 - 17iitalec:ri!c dealer in Buttons, Coml.'ns, V V , Salie.nctrs, ~Threads, Fancy , Goods, Wn t Wies,...lewel ry,. Si; verz.pti Pla tpd Ware, Cut ; ;nil, Fi:; Liu:M.l:le, Cigv,rs, &e. &c.. 31. , rt•lhints - and pedlar, F., , upilied on 'liberal . terns.- - ~, , .-. . ~. Wr.l;l/AYEN. ..' ' -TR4CY4IAYDEN, i JOIIN 11AY.DEN, GEO, HAYDEN. . , ' ' 4yl ' . . DE.. E. P. WILMOT, • Graduate of,tb,§4.ll6:pallikand Horne°. puthie Colief.,;es of Nledicipe, is now per manently:located in Groat Demi Pa. April Ist. /85Z, _ JOHN . SAIITTER, Fashionable Tailor : Shop first door north of-the Fartnee4 Store. E. CAMDWEL.L Li SONS, Daonrszs or irD LIYALEtS CHINA, GLASS, et E.ARTIIES TARE AND • LOOIiUNG.GLASSES. 15Loti ._l:4 - :97-i , r - xe . A-s trcc e t • Eni t-iert CAULDWELL, ~,ENPA. S. liNAPP 4 T. G. CAULDW-F,I ; L, : . 0111,6* giwk.- W. A. ' Z'ACI.D'iL;LI.4 EAtstV 4,1 4 , •• "Tan subscriher tiering associated bimolfWith the above house in the Cruilery Lradein all its various branches, would simply say to Mercb. ,ants, [lntel and Boarding House Keepers. in Susnachanna - and.aidioiniageouni.imy ihai, tito4r stock one ofibC largest. of The ifiturlit New York. Theirissoitment large :Mir" gelieral. Their . goods are of good quality and choice pate isms. pryea as low as the trade can of. fer t‘trotirdiii, that he is very gratertd to all 'who inay'''thint" 'proper to give hi;n a cell HENRY B. KNAPP. .„Nnw Yorls / . Jen. tett Bbl. 0 TAFFUBLES Olive Tar, at : S • A4~litaoll2..—Large Gilt me d. .171 female by - ABEL TURRELL Jec": l woßn. sz - t : =EMI W=EM= iilarlitaisAo - ::,-Dc,r.PA0,1,7:; 141111A1VM:1011PA:IN.L;i: Nrrith ofSt:ondand iVabua-st, CiArittAt, dne and v. Itety -Thonsankt ASSETTS; 8523,057 07, Intostod in Muds, Mortaies , lthd Good Secuiitics. r • - TIIE. FOI4Lp WING S'I'AT.EnEIVIs Exhibits the the Business and Condition of :the C..tnpsny to NovemLer, Ist, ISSG. Pre - alum received on Marine end • Inland Itroia, to Nov. 15t:1836, $3 4,684, GO Fro Premiums , • - ' - 16%796 01 tlnterest on Loar.4; • 8'704 47 . , Total Racal - 11'a, - 8400,185 P;id ItiarinapLosses, . 864.427 04 Raid Fire do. , . 39,737.89' Expenaes,Salaries and COunilationt. - 45,489 00 ReinsUranee, Return Piernintos & Agene • • cy ChCrges, - . 27,474 08 $177,128 01 B.l.lnr,see - remaining with C0 : ,82.:23,057 07 ASF•Erv..%or ran collricsr Ariz Ab r0i4..0v75: Pliiln2elphin City gird C..Ault• Conds, . 618,8 , 18 18) - • . i;Ako 00. ?•rost lau rU:ges, Rogl • Foiltnte- E -•- I.l4,ZiCa. j Stovki , , Col:later:Qs, on Girard am', Clanalid.t. lion Bonk heck, Depc,ita D.:v:ln, • Sherman Co:, New Yorit, 00 Defcrrect Pnyracnts nn , Stn e l t L ot yet doe, 97,700 00 No;es for "Marine Pro- - - /08,080 co Dac., from Agents, cured by 13,)::0.. 3.5,576 18 Premium 4 en 1 1 ,-,Fic;vs r(cer.lly bsvoa.nrd debts tl•ae no Co., f:C.47f) Balance in Bat;;;, . 18,456 7.1 Tl: l4 Cotauanylzsure‘.:Bui!ding4,Mer, o oitndize. and 2 titozk, from st(.o to $5,000, at the Lowest gattes eunzistent with Seenrity, and up - on the; racist tiber..l Tt_rmik• - ,and I'uomp-r MY.::: upon ttio ad . ; astment of Loses under Pori., rims imsued The Board of Direetvrs harp _Herd 'et' 15 rt'r rent,. pa . y:tl,li.: (0,.(1 , :nand. the bubiaslss of the COMpafiy, to the IA ,r, t. on. TE.IO . 2itAS B. ri.oRENcE. ;D‘VAIID R. tir.1.11I101.1), Seercarzi : • • Novern ber . 171 h 1883.. • '1'15:0 TLI Y BOY LE Ipdbp. I d Nev . :. Niilforo,,P.a., GREAT EXCITEMENT AT Guttenburd, Rosd ' ubaura. Cy'i Co's. ST&RE-, . • ' T111 7 .11E is a gr. , nerol rush r‘t their est.:111;10i. went, and it is n:portr,.l th,:t they hare just received. and ' daily reetiving n fresh supply of • . 2 1 1011'j. -Thetruth r f his report can belest knor.'n esliing; tore on Turni,i!,e Street it ti:e foot cif,'.venire. We have on Itr.ral eurcf4::iy suppli 'of IZE:i IA DE CLO THING, - I"%•••r Let!..1.:.-.7,1e0 . And -Gentlemen, everything ed forefrum.a pair orHu r. to a 1121'1' er I 3 )N. NET. I'Lotit to proteet their heohit from the erild Inosphere in this region. 'c cold. do well tr. eoll r,tl us, 84 re will ~n pply wants no toe-er terms than noy• other esthl,lian cepnt. .To our friinds. one and all, - we would say. live na -a ettil. and we premise, :hat you shaltf:4l:l,,,v r;gl!., . t/l LITTEN lt.t . ) SE N MAID! ck.. Co. rsi..mtrose. Nov. Vii, I 556. Clevpr Tilnothy Seed r.o4lersl(j.r.ed b• uu har..l nod for sr-2., , by th 114::-1.el or ;u:•.:1 - , Cleve: kage hlcirl; :1'153 'Timoti.y (-4( N - 1, of a sape) . cc • r tvhieh ssii!i)e ;:).it the pa re!.r.x( Thoir,ll;:4. , e ::,,, or, ha rn! quantll - 3- of I •:,...e!lct-t t. -i ;; ti:ey will k-t.-1; - 1!•e t r landiinquire_ of 4 • CILANE ROGEP-S. • • o n lite Sende's 110,1. • N.D. O. 'NI'. c. -, ntrini:r cisr hard a:large aqsortment of fa triiF Greeefiescit-hit;b lie WiH seli rtt the lone .lit - ir.g, prices. Ile !•1: jat,t retartn - 6cl from Ne.t. Yt.•ak'k.:iilt a nr-w ar.:l ex t ens i v e F•nrply ~.-, f . - zo-orb, line of trnje the pit,r(-r.:•-•.7.4n . frletnis•••nr-3 1.1.(44 his etto)- lis'litnetit nitrosit.e Searles FI-Itel,:!n(1 exam ine hi-m pnperier - tnel: (41 7 fTrotserie-t‘ • artri e4.re4-%-lt your own interm..tA by :rt.o - .: . :n,•• mall I I: h, 18.57 Clover & Timothy Seed F en •5a1.u..1..y New /Sri; RFMOV T ‘-) ! TAIL OR, I N ZS, A 111. c: 11-.lf 77 _1" T. t' , A. I7 iSTL.O'..;!: TO TIM: rinilE tlntler•i77.rtl'a _Et from Avenue to M.IIN til'itELT; fd al;oz..t rece'ving a as.cortmcbt. (If ' Lito.lDcLoTils. CA S.SI.IIEII VESTINdS. .'• • 1.0 is prep red to tnl7;e to or. der, it a:st).',e that can net' to :viz nil 11 . 11:.) may Cator him'with their emitotu. ir.g their work done is a nt , ar.and durable rann ner, will end it to their iuterest to give me-a call. J. SA UTTER, Ta::or Montrose, Nor. 27. 8.5G.--49tf. :1 1 1 zz- 1 1 T e • ERSONS desirous of paying me money, on dAt.of :lay description, can do so by kav ing Their payment with Post. Cooper S Cu., Eankers lloutrose,, to my credit, whose receipts will be allozed from their date.• C. L. WARD.. • April ISth, 1856. U. .•G F. FORDHAM, • . [St-CCLESOn To A. & E. Bia.nwrv.) Manufacturer of Saddles, llarnesses,• and Trunk and Carriage Trimmer, W OIJI,D invite all who are in want of any article ever kept ct a Harness give him a call. - ilarnesses•rnade of the best Oak Tanned Leathers on short notice. Ile Tias.on hand n gond assortment of Carriage Trimmings which he offers on the mnst.:eason aile terms. Carriage l'Amming done with neat. ness and dispatch. Itepairing, done nn short notice. No. I. 2, and 3, Basement Searles Hotel. Montrose, Nov. 26th, 1856. n 42. Low Prices Triuniphat. r I EOLGF. W. 5EY. .&. CU.. are ry , w Of receiving a tozglif,eert stook of Spr:ng aml Sommer Goods, :Selected with great rare at d with apeeitil regaid to the ta.,:ett :iilJ Want,: Look and Read, i of this comma:tit v, con , 4:sting of n ettoicorntlety I . _ , sof Dry Goods, rltlei , Goods And Emboritirries. SaIIETITING Nr 4 I ,IXT I _ ;Bents and Sitne•t. titYtterie:4, ilats,"CoPm, erti - ' '' " • 1 Straw Goads, Croc . iceiv,ll:.rtitt are and Cutlery; 'WE undersigned, laerehar.tst Dimock Four 1 & c. , w hid i „ w i t ; I oe, i for prompt p Iv, nt loAer ..L. Corners, has tateir discovered that for I t Prices titan any, calic.r e*tablh•ite (lit in thix' ready pay be can sal trtoreMods, and make more , c „ unt ~. money at one.half ihe usual, profits pat upon • - -'' VIRT Ix' ill g ' --" Coontry Guods."Consequently I Can sell Goods ... VI J ' 4 ' 1 4 , frani tiv t to toa per tent. tower than any . other ..kiti a-mild-liar, that they have not bt ot forgotten.' eatibilshuienkin this. section. • But do not; lake and that., in the way or - Dregs G00d4., we hare my word frit it.: *Call :ststd see fur yourselves. culled for ithelf. use ajar eheteliti gems in the Bring a bttle.Cash „or 'authe kind. of Ceutitry. In arkat i. Prop in• and seeTtii,a4 ; ye 101144(e _produce, and buy Your'CoOdaitt i'price unpur- i ' l ii: i i . 6 k a : or!Gl:lo::l):SiAylioflu.gel;rootfitshei,w/4146644::4 tr,pt4tlie,..irt t al ai produce, iti tif . e , t:ist , ory of Vireptile tride, My atock..lll.4rie p s24 wall selected, and lam re. ..liarfOrti, Miiy Btlt. , -; ,- .. '': •_,.. . -. • _ ,„ 1 t • - •• - •'' ': •' r * - r" I)O3I•C'ELAIN and Granite China at - ' ' IT IC TV A DWI tle 'TO 71111 - - -- . '------ - G.-W; !.4 & CO'S. ' ..ever`y week. Hy Termsef Sala are RiAnr PAY. .,__..:. . '•. '. i „ - _. ~..... . 4- 0: Irpk'cert *lily IMi toi4Ptir, iptire3i - iii:4ll. and • r •.14tiO,D assortment or P.atio;rn'Tiresa Lk. 1 ija*lieroce pnichiainteliethe4. 1, , on4;4 l P.icepta,t ,,,q.,,Y!. 8 1,‘,. ^. 4 :„iig" - - - Ploar Unit Salt. kept conatanilv on hand: '' - ' ' • ; . - ' '' ' WM. H. THAYER: - DARASOLS and FAZA. new IttOesituf PlioT6 ,/ eitnoci, lan. 181 h, 3851. .11 carietier, itt 4 W. S, & MS . : .. . - -.--- azloo 00 $523.657 07 !I..2.r•artlTT :3- - • .Fater.t . &e, AFFLICTED •-_-;Y . AiEtiVal-egt'tAko2 1/ 111 0 - -Greun Metrablin Ointsnent, ..Cern,potir.a. Citildr,enki ts. 4. 2 tiriaeea s -,Eyl,4otion, F. and Ague Iterpoly,llckiliti Dvrien inry Syrup, CninuraPtire'i .Uterire, Cathc , tieon, Dr: Libby's Piie Ointment,' rind 3/anuni erl3vatth,. AS res PUN and (:herry I'ectorh!!. Tanner's Geralzu Ointincot, 1 1 1144.;-1)nt Pain'l .Kilicr, Fitch'n :Heart Correetrir, Bennett's- Itoot Pi:fs, Sonle's Sovereign' %% - right's icn Vet.;,:tll,!e I'i evc r and.Aul.'fac - Cure, 3ferannes ilarghng, Oil, cn Linear:tent., .Cninritor, Castor Oil, Paregorie. Alms, Pieera, Myrrh.. Liee,,iee. &•_e_ A new truiiyty just re,•eived. 24, tar t ly crt.linnd, for sale by - I. N'.1.113 - I,L AR-D. October, let, 185 G. - Ithodo's Fever and• Ague Cure, R Antidote to :Njakt.::i: for the prtvenrmn and ettro of Fever:lntl A! COill Fever, D•rtoh ArAtte and other Interrtittert titittant Ve‘er- , ; ale', 4 V4T.- Vllll/Mr req . “ r, Ship ari JAI Fever...Cc-nor:II Ik;; ,, ht `‘vents and ail other fortit of ditat , tt Itt.totn. mon MA.LA WA .1;:A sm.!. 5 1 ,13111. r-4 Provoa:nii..c. r fol sAll.• by t r -r 11:(...Proptictor,..L9.. A. rift0t1!....4. Pr.ll 1,1:11d. l. 11131A.:ARD. • Mav • turning riuLA r,ncl r t• 0,11;5 alel, anal) vc,1!: : ::, ;;Pit• Juno Ctl:. 187,6 LASTNG 411'1' " r0:1•• I% P0W!..., , r tor I: F- A . R M R .e 1.5 tho ,• /..;/!tr lit 1' 7-1.2t1(..3 . now pr. nrcil t ch: to I'AIIMEICs,M 7 .;ters.!•:i,! %%,:r;;I ron• Exevi,i,,r (.7,4 %It (,ftl;(' tlow %1;.•r 1,4 d to shi. o .l /nor: , co:3 in 3 sii,, l t t •r , t ;„,,.. ttnn ony 1!1:111.1111.: v1::j!(.1) -r.11.: the ,car, froth wail -1-o t•mi, wilbeut vittier or or 'rob. . The 31nellirris4 i•onsfrac:c..! two AL,:t, ttrn pt rs enn tlvn Oieur, or I; a lieit in nmtio h any, p..wer..• This :.tti-ntiiirr ‘obvilvii,ns or-,d, r _ ally rolopteil to ; ny•I;;:ol po‘ver i l or are visry ;•lici otetion 3 small hee . .n tv;:n Coco: ; they .nrii l F3parkte t.k steel tie. linsl;el per inirthic—c very F.:' prie—r, they <::;e their cost. it; ~,,,1•••••;11-irn one sensor:v. They are en r.t : . •zenrl,••''s !lett.% Savre'v. -MO.; in g - rool:ii 3roi Ilt• I f• :Lr•evr, i, e see: , in orerntik , ;l:.: :3,14re,4, 1 1 le , the Untk7 . 74::llt4i. WWI r(Yl.:Vt.prdorlivl viten. git ranted to opLinle. 1). 1). :A:AR 1.E.. • Mor.trcsr, Icts6. • (".:P:III.s'ICAI•E.: THIS . e(•r:lfy, I (!urat;,! i• :..-4hcl:e ,v; ;n!rri,',i.:•••;! Two. co•r::y. It t•onr" 7 111.71 tirot• t, art nh y -erl 1 mo4l lictut"ly ar,d fri..4..1y P-cono:lo.iot ti ft rn to tize Farno..n. Stt.iltstenuntv, Its I o vllt-apt , st rntl, I: , e. I ht,rn (4.0 in fpointit,ff in ttq tr4l , net 4 , I niV t'. i ;s j „ A 'or ;101. - • .t 1 tt O. :it in 11 ii). is, IV tl ':..1 C• ! • F.-, ;!:: r, t. 1 . 1 . 1. t MIMES i:..1.• D 3 ti I P. ....;:r 2 r...r, Shaderz. . . f.,) on.~tFur Cali. 11,1,14.r..r in NVANI (;:r ,1 1,11-.• r 2 , 1 s•,( - • Si .. 4141 T)r,. ~;•1 _NE ti :NV/ • o;r:v:v new S: v 1( p d i.;•1 ;: 7`t !-, 1.7 :Foq. rt,l" f fcr ; , r d rt , Crt Icon :.;w1 Oil:. Mots. :0.,1 ilats, C1u.11; , , P,(O. - Ks, Car y. n ..;..1;:t cf • the tilLl-4, v;..1 it it i•••n -t:trooti.,n,it wifit47 1,..111 it , stl,;(I to tntil. ti I the c!otost. Later, le: (.74.sit or approvt.3 Now Sept. 15,:;6.• lloi6 and Jlore New Goods, - 1117 1 - 31.71111 - ITT it nf!airi nn ilanifixith a ilew zlnd sq•or:(3 stt.)..k F.:11 and Winter Gbods, nEthinz unn,43;iy- earn. pleto in a 4 resreet., and 5t,1.1 a, hro: the 1 , )w0,t, or tower, fur e:.sli, I b:irter, or r:pprov crl credit. Now Milton. Nov: 28th.1856. •_ _,. - • • Furs! Furs! FUII. Nect..rint.s and Cuff..., and 13.:11%1 In P,..,1.. c, Dew :4.0;71: jil•st rer:eiVirei'ii CI I'M' ,f 1 'le rile 3:1 by • '. :11. 11151tRITr. New. 28111, 1 st:_ LITAI.O It,bel, a Fuperi,,rl,4 jil4l received and will Auld tolv - 11'T. Niqr rtitlionL Oet., 1336. te4G. r„,1: - ';,;) •...". • Tho Cheap: ftFia 28 - :12,.31-ta, f 1 1111 unders3igni: would ifepectlitliy.ihrot,fil, r .R..t the inh:tbitant3 of Binghoiniton utid ,vicinity; that b has . rectintly, pprel4ltil of 2 dwar) Vries libliarge ttr.(l wc , l4 seice r feilitoek of 1. N. 171' MEN C.t 4.% t•ri othor.piU they puke pm" profit on. Ask' Air Arai. -. Prize, and Wu notlsths eirte. No, other they really* , Ton ncropttm sljL elthi intrineleirsine or ennui*" < The k 'vont *besutit ahem le for din% ! amt they should bare • • PrepdiredittY C. ATM% ' I'tltettit s 1 aria Chesibt,,Lavell, , ham _Ur. Firs. ror. Ili. 'ABEL TURRELL,:MontroF.e; • nti by De stem In sapitiszi t4erixtbtre:,4 3. DRY= GOODB, whfcti‘he - hni‘'reat.)ved from - let P:tyette Mk or court.t.;A:ue door above the Ameri can . This entire sioek-hai Leen parehased egnshl. et:;l.6bilgtr 11etc York e Ost, t,(l.*tv Wet , rant him in r4zitig that ho will tztt.ll Gonda cheap • ct th:ol . e:th tut act' other Store in town; - rovi - rticuiv 1;:\ vv ti;',=Atstd. Suml*etiGiwtis. the above stork / , as just been ai1,401a . 114:7e of Spr am . i Stun t/wt. G0,..4.1.s of the ktest whiel; will be eliose.f out The stock consiik in pail of tho- foltowing gootis, ; rifin f.:,; Vt.lor.k. front 9W . 18 els per yariitC4-licovs, A ill i iean F;oglish. front 4 to 11 et4:.per yr.r.l; Nleritnael; hr. 3 Co elo-eo l'Onts. at 11 et-.; I;!o;,elieti ;old Sliced:l24 ut,LShirii r . :t , ( - r e in .4 42.. 64 per . ; fr on Is. 3d. to 6.1. ir;•r t ; tril thew, froel 64. 10 3-t. el: ror Gitize.l.;ans, fromlit kt.s. to '2 3'Cii. per ynrC:' ' De ;0 el, to :is. per, :t ;od. • - a :1;:d •„ Coypt::, r•r:„"Lt!,,. r. rra ~ f p.• . • H. 1.. <l.! - :".)VVIN. ;., ;Ir, — ; • I_l2 .t 1 r r T • x L.) tl4 1 T. AS ::11-! :(1 . 1`1V1,1 N . .v ke aoL 1 :-.7. 5 1:110 . 7)!•!!!rfi nr!. lIP-Itlitn!W-, '!!•• • ‘Vaie, ; • C 4 ., d vat II: v, 4. , t1 t!f !•1!!..!! (1;1 !-(1:•!. of' La! 11";.4 , ,1 11:•ci Yramt. :q;r: LV:t i gmti 1 Pr.p , •r, n • In-, 1;1 :,, i;114 I,4, yr':nnllttrnir:tr r:,) I i•:;•;;11, 1 , cli w r w.iiv-, ‘‘k,' Z':zr. A fif-,! rate vtiri,tv of ti Plavy V . 01:11 &e • Th.. trr P. , pkt•l Kt.iVe-4 nr l, ! Vti• ipar;:et. :' 1 "2 11% :1 1 1 , 1;!.. 1 1 1 . 0 e I‘artd.).ll-v;,tv . ,-;% t • the I,,ener. titre ParnTr, th. ;!Itycliztt , :r. tfit• 31:mut:IN Irma, (iottlivntnn. tier= LAV. litc. liro; / ) :..r, 'Voting and Ord. the :,n,l the ht. G and the 1•`:1-111, , :::t1);(...:mel 'nil the peeplu. :::11nit•lh " ,ng to suilq their cvery want. :t Ttirre!rs. Store in t!u• nvw Mirk • • A TIF.T. Tun.r.ELT,. 15.7,13. • nri. AYER'S ) ) • ) 7 rill - 11.1.191:1 C1r1.1".. CF COZ1;;;11,z, ri!ld tid^Teeuess. t‘ • Va • 71n.1.1riclr,111ass, Dw M 1.11 n,tlm,itate opy Lt.rt rrrat.ty I Lars cy.,r 1. - rarrl Ga nn 1 the , •C. , 1•1.1. to.r f!. 114 , - an.; f.. t••-• 1:1.4t 11. :r..•11;;;:., A. rt. 1 . .,...c • i V it. :•• r..": 1 a 1%1 - . 1,1 , -.•IT•T .41 1•://7.,.31I I?, or Crdur, f•-r!•:fi,laerrzn. 1.7.,:dt 7.• I vitt e:.,...ti...11y errari 3. , ..r Pi .1 , F.117. )..--."! r''''.. , ...• .^,-. f e C., vett - , ,'[. 1V .. ... 1 , ~,,-• ~% f r. r • J 1 ... , ,..... th...,.•.: ~ ~.....,, ~r ,I , lldl,rt. V., ..4 3 - ,,str f;hte-t , ify in . ..1.., F.. 70! - A - .;.lre.'irOc 3...z.0r 0..,,iii. +4:1.1 c.,):::1.1,11.,..11" 1.1 , 4,in•-;,,,,:r ;,,,1,, . Inli.cli CONItIAN, M. D. AIIOS r0fc.,`.117.-tntr, 14, vvr:toa, Jan.,lq3C: "I h*J a tvdioaa v 1611 rootlia...l me in short au ays:iy vlihont trie4l adliro of o,t; ,1•x;.. r:iv,%v.l thy 5,4 r - f. 0,4 in ray llcoat %%4 T . . ne 1. .:f compl.ttly wc I rIK:r tiw u - A1 thvl.vit vre 1 , :.y. and r.c • 1. I:, Dv:l , A. a1,d . 1 oa. It, 14,1:3% Plathisic, rmd I3mnchitic. EMI2=IZ=IIMESII 1 . "•11" 17.17:`..:1' I": <-::< li. ~•‘<<. 7 lo.tee•< , e,h u i re . t<l7.-rnrt-<<•<«<<..i t <,,l :<,<, ‘3,7,1 <; ., tthtt , v. I. .e.I m.jk<i* 7; f or t h e conly rAIII1 . : 4 ; A. 1;.4;1•••• AI.. . To, a. owe. 1 1 . •••. - ,n , in t niy t•t'Uty r : , t• 011 I ! , ..tTo ;.• ;• t•;.1..: ,t 1 io r:..w:.; . i mil c.r ttrt tilottron l;t, plr.t g k. f,tlt: 1 io •••., ri- - C.StliVlS3ll7l;c•n • ta••••••is ••,•ro-1r g (••••s• lo•nA-n which eu'r•••.l , o 9 nny sotth t::i. Ste .s••• ail :an r.•: - ....3•; osezi toth.:•••••• Citry:s an!...t••••:.1•37 , rt. 10 71oreh 5. TFSI Alta. I..)•;;t13.: l'•••.6 it a •Itily Ulo: a I•l, to ur I , Fr•sor.“.. hus ••••111. for. any wito. SI, hal 1 . 0,17 71 , 1,.../11..in4nri•ii: It% s:.:1:0;:•;.••••3 tr,4• l r 9. !, !I t•mdii). rest: Dr. Sys;.•••:.; •-c L.; 114C1... , , 1t1,T411,“ ;I- WC' 4., 0 1., re,l - • e 1..: foo:r ti,-: CI.• , • , 4 ,-• }et .14 R . I011." GS be sist•ll to 1 •••• '..•a 2 1^ . ca!:•• Yours 'viz:: :;••••••.t:i••. -3 • an.! • ttiILAN:•O tti - En2l..torsitt.t. C us•vr;•••'ir•ss 6 • :lc.: :•.L•a bar- tric.l'.l3 TT lI'S l•T• /I 11.11:t, hp .it' hvst coedit ;tl sh••••;i , :m in ti:o TV . .)I - 1 , 411114 is t . lll,lR:i arr./I;;tfi VAN .t3per..L. 14:111, iiro ur Its Ayers Cathartic Pills. . • rrit: 14.Chensistry and Xedirine -.been !PANd thrlr uistast to endure this toOt. rerrert p‘trrati - ,e known to man'. Inontrerahie pu oofa 21!C 1.1.M3 !hot NILS }MVO wider,' Which' PrtIITAPS in e.... - elletwe the ordinary rnrdielnesi..ami that they win tin it",,,,r4.-,utc.lly ppm' th.. eSfjonti nil men. rcro safe aol pleasant S. take, teat powerfr.l to.rare. Their pene trating pr'; r slim, elate-the vital activities of the body. remote the OA:ructions <I its organs, purify the Wood, di , ase. They tinTrplemt the foul Innnvro which breed tarts:row disteemper, sar.tutato tier:ghat or' dleo 11:p.1.10$ into their id - nrllaCtion. soil Inlvirt healthy - tore !ilk strength to the nho:e system_ Sct only do they cote the sver: , .day ront;iauts entry body, lint f , rtni.!able and dsr,geretre dhertsoes that hare baffled the- hest of herresn skill. While they prodnce powerful ,ffr,cts. th u s a y e a t the same time, in dintini.hea 404 , nyttis esf,st and heft j bred, that tan empl , yed for rldhlt en: • Vein.; ett7.,,4r c,atel, they ars plr4untnt Mike and being purely ver tahle, to• rite fretm any risk °Charm. rotes have 6rt121 made %Melt turpnos belief tr,:ret they not sot etattiata Men of ' , mat e.talted r.litlos: and chersatir se to' forbid the anspicion of rant-a-nth. Many eminent clergymen and pityairinne hare lent ilitiC-114111r, 10 corti. fy to the public the rcliabilify of my remedies, while oth ers hue , sent toe the tu,nrattre of their tvoricllott that my Preparations touts-Mute immense') to the relierof toy afflicted, suffering fellme-men.. - The Agent below owned is pleased to furnlsltintils my American Almanac, routainingdirectiens for their nor,itnd et-rt . :hates rf their cores, ihn'folinwing cotitpinints:-- Cuitirintem. Cotnpktints, Itheattintirm, Met's!. Heartburn, Ilemisrnr athiog flows foul Ctinnseh, IL- 4 ‘ Zuttiglition, s l.l44losctitin oftba frowns and Pats arts:rig tin-ran - 1m Yeatulemey, Loeser Appetite. an Ulcer - %,r and Cutaneous' bisesuess uhtrla require an. starount n 0,116140. Ectvfilia or ki_ing's Eta. 'They also, by gnu* , • ittg the 1h5..1 and Vitt:elating the system...cum: many cote saints uhia, It weals not te.snpteated they could . reivh.brich as Deafness. renal' d illiudneas,'Neuralaitt and gerrous Itentngetoculeof the Litre and Kid neys, Curt. and other kitniteJ toutplain4l ariolic'trein ' tow than flf tliet"lndy or °On:ruction or Os ritnetkuor. Do nut tuvitodpiwt dealets4itk tem, -DOCKET KNIVES.--A large assortment of 1. the best in market t at TURRELLII, _Nest'''ltaff Road . liiiiii fr . ? - - irf . AZltiiir U ' - --e„;, . ., , ,„ /1 ra IC' - 014 TION Its l' • •=• , ''' ' ' iii.. 2. : mi6ii icii -- ''"l7 ' ri - - Delatirtire,Lacicawannu.4. W.1{.11f,:-.XI A - ' lIIA 1110 1 138 f -rm 1 XrtW nnd expeditious broad' guivito t outs'' -.. ' - -. 1 ,: ,-. -' . •• ~ ., ‘ , : .,„1 - q„ rtlartielfiii*.siiid tviste*ifOlivit'llftde -,:`‘ `,, ,, ''itL -, ?til ' • ' iN,V.,- 54- , T - ---- An4Aonitio„wttn4:*Ga ilkiLnetoilmilkniteli..l- ir , I .4rit-;..--,1. 1 ; - --tkhi.'-ci, , :t. - i ei t 1 Wyoming valleys, d ir e ct ly . through to New ',A: - z4*,..4.3 ,1 k:i "I'• ••=• • '''' , , , 40, - (- , 0 • , , York" anti Philatlelphis, - : „,...-. ' :, i, T s ,::,; . ,-......... (0k,..?" , . . ~. .:•-,' ,- On , atiirgiter,:6l,tulti3y, Jan.:190.4.1857 : Iroins: k i rA, 4 .. •-•1'5 . ,,: ilf,k ir + itl f ~.-- , ..e s ,, i will be run as foitova : „ - ' -" r ,•A l- ;::, '-• :7;_--,:- it,„, 1 .... , , -::. ' am:in:nal N.t.T:oln,lagund east en tilp NN. &. 7....;'-':: , ;,, •,•7'-'7:••=- - ii,,,- 4 , 7!,•;),'''r:vii-e, o' i'''' N. It. It., `err ves - at (jr. Bond. 8 N.Nr. fret) Metio;-, ,- .4 -,,,,: 1 / 2 - i.r44,3,w r 4- •!&•4V: -"*P4.4 . I it..? bi it-lnont nu, S. - _ , -;`44,1,1 connt•e•ts u ill: the EX- 1 ' " - •'''''';-'''''';' - r` - :- ." ''' -'• '' 4 T-''' r q't, • --''""";' PlCL§'s 'l'raio ..e.h",eh 1e,q1,-„1rer.i.13 ,, t,c1 Ipt,NeW , - - - ---• ---• 1' HOT LotrAYs' - OINWENT Yo 0; Atld l'hiLde,lplji, ~ ',-• 8 -30 :. 11.1'm, '. l - 4 • Due at Uontrosa,,. ger:4l(on, - - - . 10 - 4° " ' 4 i .." Tht, . Great - 'Co - tinter ... irrit' ain't — St ro utt,tairr, ' - 1 27, "p. to. vlielawnre, 15 Tti:n ;Ire Ato iiiilo,2 no •• -- ' r. 17,Aig virtue of the. 4iiseriso. oftth I:nal:mlth ii ? i , j „,,,.., l , e. p itii: 1 , ~s . 1( ~.e r ~) , 2 5 •• • L wa2,- to, th e , Inter:44 . organs' tillough 4143 • iiiire t ti,m, - -. ;›, ?.,5 4 , ••-• pure of the Akin': This penefroting Ointinent, ',. • i NeVI' York, ' ' 7 15,:" - luertiOg- under !he t i:anti is it l'is rubbrA.ll4lol-!, , Absfirbett through the Antno •thonnehti--tmit'; PagAenvers'from h r . V. Le avl3 Pier No. 2,, North Itiver,..nt,,,7 30„.1, in. rc:xtting the seat of 4111 u nkin al IP% protokT-And _ n-4in tfillliiietphia, leave %Vat.' '• ' ' 4 , in%nriably ;undue's it, .whe4 . it r 400,ted r- Ober nut At, 'Wharf, ut " ' ' ' - .7 i}tt - 4 - -'- -L ialw.vs• the : iive„i• the ivar; , , IT . r .s . my . " .. t . Frinf4 i. I,,•nve Slinetion "- ' I 1 15," portant. 4irg..a, ii:lrertetrtele*-Ine sititracia-ta tut,' * Due :a Itti* , k rine, PliZI. ebnrievtion, 13.7 n minelcs to dine,l9'4s : - .4rciii;kberg.,' • -21 - • • Per.inten, • °' Cront • - ..Crot 11 1 -rd . with the - Tii. _ - i 4. l l t'zoli:SrlllT. Orcat ni 10 , ArT.1%. , ,T :' • 2 20 riAti t (onTn.t-t:Toz - Tllll.i. lici:.l7(%•itir ArToommod,:th.Tl 1.: :•• ar.d (I.iT Vk'ezi.t, - -on. the N; Y. R. tufT;;!. , ..'-'lf - Tnveg - GrviTll3i:Fd :a 3 20 p. line ofZ'Et!fllift qt. 7 IQ • r . iTl . ll , e; ot way t::,“ I on Ow Soallivrti n;ri•loi), t pi.t-sr-n!_ri.", =ear Txill be 'pt- Expre?-s Frei , Tht '1; 00 :1.111 1.111-;nt at. - :2 05,p. tn, Tent-211 , n CO' 2. Due Tv. 1:'-trowl-ITur.„: 50 11 . . fCc:ll Ni.'W York nil] ehliflr;le tap; z :12,.1 . , - T.. , ; i1..1 11-, , p1 IIIIInfi:s!ili!ft. - ila B, 1). It. rt, t, :ivt. nr tski , t: r.; vkt.Tl i:...t. , vv i 1:e. 2 r. r l'it t--011,1Ciw;!--o on. :inri NVilkestgirre,trl - e I, t'Q' U. 1.. 1;..,,,,s :,!.Scrzrott it ...- 1 . ' , .r J. s.- I p ..‘!". b;L:, 41, .;:rii . Ciiri nr,tlgle,el.rxze t.• it-::t Cir,e...toi 1,,-„ Tick r t., , ch.: ;:itti t:gu.age . ellt clod Letween ail -,iNtion. 4,it i.- - - -ctittz r0a4..: . .. e. P;1: , ,..-t , t l'..t.r, to ArAl from. Willo-o::rre, W y,- rio;roz. &%. , -t ia. .Lneli;:o. - ntina & .11.:0 4,,,,1,i,i' = tznii,;.,„l,,u thruu g h , iii. ut :,, - ny detention at Sem-4041n, ;Is the irstirts'ort UM in n • rte•ell4:l v ilk .the ss 3rr:itts cm: Tile D. L. & \V. kilftV leave KirtlzA tor. at. 9 3 , 3 n. M.. :1114. :it ri p 15 n. tn. 110,tirtiirvi, lime I'pilacl4.!phin rt. In., clr tires V k nt 7 NZO,,timil urrive in liirtat,ton nt.s 11. in.... 1" ; , 0 -6 from 1 it-r4t,rp, Wyoniiiw.....ina I'llto' 0 t I'lli'n.ltoplih, .B.t no vk Now 1 1 4114:, $4 75.. sold, ~.:a 1::17,,a ,, ... elieck4;d'Arouo3..." • JOHN lilliStllN, Sup - L. Wm. N. JrNss Clen'l TiAtS.t. A!ze:it. ' • ... illi F-' , 01.:;IT::TY FOR THE ENCOURAGE MENT OF WEARING e.l VNI , SUIPTS AT • • on hand an extens:re :oad complete asssurt thc latest i:npenations a nd b t - 0,1, 1 1nnu.. i„etzires of . • .Dpi.,! in material, n.dike,. texture, d:Tr,bllit..- .; t.,13 le, to ail stock: txt,,si 411 . ''r;:d in tas . ; T. ; —,:titt at prices V. - hic it cannot Intl to suit Telo.e. eAstt I;uyer. Totkiszlng of • , ErMen bosoms, collars - anti wristbands of - the best cluttiltie.l, and •TICW ,e 1.4 choice . cALIC:; DC),-711:: latest aid most attractive pat Terr.Q. . UNDt r. , 3r.F.r.vns Dn.vtvr.:rs:--Of F,Pe ;.!;4,, 1 , • • • !; Int't uf .1 ( . ‘f 2 nrd du :ti co 'rev!,,t 1! , r ++:.rtn, 111 s. thi..:Sll2l::vr shirt :31„1 I larc titif:4l .t% o f:1: 44f I:.nd , valtllvrs et' litc• var..ol!, tine<t 'and 'tn..l-4, r!nrable... -• •' I'u air rtAttnKnitetutErs.— '6ok and o.itton— plain and printed—an unrivaled . assorttat-nt. • I lAcri blocs---Wool and coiton, .thrt best I.Ati:reir:.l,ilibctr&exin.ese=ty for the retail trade: . MDI:NING RuErs. eNe,..lent 'rnaterittl: and. of tlidrbo,t ttis.,tt,rk comprises nit fir: airs frort .cite ek.t tit the fill:est. Ittro. cnn be itrotittiteib- r -ared inkt. inz -every faeir,ty fur irap o rti r ,r tat:i tiring. not 4..xceetitqlant' molt Uncti-cl iStat4sL—lntyers., ;II - fht ir intert ht. by exanilttitlg I.lte ,nods iti:.l are rt,l,iat the C;:" , rt a. l 'n.:1.1- 1;t.:17:. 1, 4,;;!s.&& nd in an!' pzrt of f t'.tV.‘rk l',•:!! ionls:c I.) .."ti !-1ti , c3.74,t :Alf' No Tn.ichine. ti'ork done at this eb t •1.1:A,,•n0,r•t. • 1 I. 1 A . :lrAcinNE i , orz ELFIN. FAirNtr.rz:n . • FOOT - COliN . - ... . - PLINTEIL • inethod.the Weight of theTimrator it to perform ttn• nriiolc, labor of plant itvz n ini no tir.lo is lost as one can &lass fug 11.% he can . Tim binctattached,iiie is to Oa? foot by InerinS of a .strap, hr. a serow to il,c'Emot of ihc oji ,•rator; and is so arranged as-to :plant at. any depth : The many of this machine overall of KT..; evn readily- is,. seen, and their simptieity %nit eheapzess cannot fail or briti g ili r y, tf,rni int,i general Ilse atnorticol I farmers. r.n(l can be .used allon f ar o,* in .1 his section.- Prier, - : . For machines or ComAv or State Itiltlitrs,-np. ply. to S. SEAR E; : . • • • A gent; 'Alontioa, Pa. . _ ' N..ll —These Machines '! Warriinteds- to "Plant nuiror.Nirn in n -da! • with tree- tabor t ban any hand planer, and will plant n)ore ror than•any machine ever inv..entetLand are. les.;:linlite to cet..out, (4 * repair..XA 3,tontrgiso, Feb. 13;1'41837, . : NEW GOODS. " ' sub-ler:her is now 4e. Ott _L erring ItisSpting, stock of Goods to nide!). he Ivonta \ t invite ilia attemion of his 1 1 4 * 40 := 1 :.„7-i rtiends. Among his goods 141 nifty be sortment found a very large_ns.. Gold anti , Silvar Watelies of ever variety comprisin g ; dirr e r.. erit iityit.4 importation, a nd a i argc lot of Lovers. Anchor.. and Le pines ot Mire ren t hiakers, Gold Clnens, Seals Keys. -all the ,new tiering of Ear Rings. Brea stpins., and -Finger Rings, Ilrecoleti,l.ockets, Geldand Silver Them. blesond Spectatle.6 A- full .tock, of Silver Spoons, forks, Nal - Ain Rings,. Ratter noel fruit k Aires; 'rialto knives, forks. Galtints, Cake. haskeisi', Ciodlestickx, Atei Cutlery,. ne t :: ( li e n ; flii ( dt ct i ni ts is Gold pens and penoils.. RasA, and Guitar- ,Goht Sletivn bdttbno., and- sewing birds,dte, *lt of which will bepald at the I.otvott Cask prinesr-nt. 14.otd . ktited:Ivt - - A firltED EVANB.__-- . 11 - No. '2 "(hid -Followt MP; t Ainghstipton,„lllarch.2-Ith„ „- 13 '-; •20001a44 Welt raper fIOM PETRI-NG rotf:Niti.lov:Ar•Pie . 1 f uitiatlMl46.: • OPrbiringr :irceiettist irirvedi .IW4ift, eh r , R io eih p44ol . Ityr - A BEWIITIRE,Lii. I,fontrosei March .18 107._ ' No. 10(3 C'tia'.llr,rnst. cnr. of niarl:t-t, . YORK, • -- • 1 rrnsri•firsc GOODS, LolvrsT" Important to Fanners!! CM=IM interinr, thron s eyhtho con ntkEr ! fuLes flint ce o3 7 munient« kiiiit ifif! skirt nef sumnfef NIA - lines into the I'4l -eyed iyAtii,diffinitlOis-eXocit'44Y6'' l gvnein4ing in.flue_tc.e.: . -- ' - ' ..,, 1 -. : '!- :'; . 1.:% - `l,-;...z. Skin diseases and 'Glazia il ar''' ,_„ ..... , . , pecir. trxt6rioir irrilotion is gaickl reti ir;eit ,by tirci - nntiirifintittitht,i'iry.vetiott..::ot :this ~ ueti:.ifs ,S, r Rrittim t 1 7 .1Lv - . l'E 5t.7.5.-Lti C.: D, SiTT t Tti A ". SCA-14 (oi 1-rtir) tWte!nrdrio 121Pre,-uiltriirlts exptrrien(•c::in-all Torii; of the wor,ij pro..tsir,t:~itibilit p diettees of, th-.) tfistmuseles t ific.jolntg A nd t l ieglnndß Ulcers - Rores and Tumors .t nri y;jl.l t• . exitifpn isetredY Scrirtltil, awl ($11)14r itret4s.; end sc,r,—. iti k iltpit Ilse 'which prioluc'en nnd -th tit% the etittle - ilohktrite : hooYcip: propestie - s viva t d contplettr,*re safe o,elvoll. as perntaneo. • Bruls - cs -Burns :wk.]: S6.6lclS*:= In macs of ilke fracture of life. bohes • I crsol i•ttvant, explosi6ns:Bnufstfs;:4llfrJ4ti 561,.1..p.5, Itu STIFrcERS or thit anti eontratti.3l of the.:lllk•WSciit, is eitiplovia' r...aor mentlea-ty t.he fueUlty.." mir r e ikus renii.dy lovn irktrtkluced4ilit i inventor in_person thulo:lrpug . .floittifitlft.' I:ur9pe, and no . p 1 ... irate - household Ithtilttlir:' • • - - - NVitlifibt it. • - . Undeniablo Testimony.. the:rrO • lehintiti Artni.l:. in the Crimea. :have. 0f64.-11L*0 - 1 . 0 .: heirapiirrival liotiqn•ays' Olninte# k in( ; st reliable dressing, ror zun•slio It 144 nhe used: c by geons of ihji Allied Navies. : ' . 8011, ilLe Oititnicnt ond Pills tOrit su the following cgsa ; Bunions, • • SortkiLects; Burns, • SoreAlr,lBll4 - , Chapnpd Hands, = Sore Reads, - S'or,o Throaty ' , , FiAtuta, - - . • Sprains. _ Gout. • Stilt inint., I,l3talmcrf ) , S!ilt h e a. , NTercurial Eruptions. Scalds,- fries, • •• - rDkease,s,, Rhenmatism, • : • Tglter;• Rinaworin. . litcers, Swelled Ginils; • Vener,en l -spreF, ; -: Sores .of all kinds, - Wounds otkinds,-; *4t - Soial at titiniinfaetoriestbf •Profetisor Eft)LLOWAT. 80 tliniden Lakr.e, New York, raid :11-1 Strand. t,ondon, 1)v ull,- resp,;elabli* Ding pesters in 31e,lieino titrutrelirtut the.' Unit tti - StatPscand - the world, in vote,. at 25 t•ent:?.l3:3l-2 eigilts. and 81 . I • i , ,: . - - -f - r . , There is n enntillerable . arnivg• - trtau . kina f hi? hrzer sjzvs...:l-- - .• .-.- • .I'. . . N. - to - r t.heAuklane.r.of patie.ola or in errry ainillr are ralixeo - to each box. uct2n4 0 - . . - - . ' •' 1 : ,- - - . . it° (7•S.E- B ULF, PE WS DEPOT OR .(2 CO L1N7.13. r. PO I? .?"), . . • G A,l"' It are frixiner es _. improvt,rneiti c9r4 7 ..3* -, iliog:?clotAth ::1;•1 haitil, by keepkr4ip,ri• st,r•tly snit, ais to cp:mtitj. , o o :Wiridow:=Saih and Daa r. • N.z:le., - Paii)t; and Oil; a ciimpr,q.,!'io:.ptst up houses the spriow will it for .theiri.s.teresti4o give us a ca 11... We, can aa&At.thel'er7 . lowest fnanntattueng-piee*".- ,' -' ItICK ram AN & GARRETW'- New- 'NEI ford. Feti: Bth; 18561-;:;--,- Attontion Fames® - almnst every pa!terat ankkind V.l l 41w) /mini . l...Platt:lo4 Plows. 0 . 4941 Pipws, inay-13:..: had at any tlnto. of Areaynt=l at nizt, k -exts):ange, or ary„kitiii:pfige'idt4;o: ..Mav Ist. • I • tiew Goode at .Webbei , - - rust f.:‘ l l-;F:i. r ll.l4r - .1 4 * t 1 Stintrottr i Ice '3old firt'i I Givt, 113 ca!i. Y.tisi cannot rliffn ror citi:.:ntif..y nod terms, - I f:!tivil.A7f M rift 111 h. Isu G. , , • Ay - • .4: ebb T'CU.E'il'lng MS, nox -81 - trinitgo9tis, wijh he rror.r-t -, fr.r4 nt to iv"pri t ies: - ' 417 :ref) I I th, 256-: .". Mike Ntitiebe • Q uNI)A SCllool.Sftkrnis ' heri withtibirrie .) I tiiffeye'ns ,t.izee. at Ntilar- Xerk prices Cali :It tbe - POSt Orne:". •`' llac .thy 1854" • " r A Fru tt tun k, 4 : 1 Keeps all the' PaTrts_NV atDITOINIft...I; AND A FIRST RATR ASSORTAMNT OF' GENUINE DRUGS, _ I montiose, Pct. -: tl4:loll,:truse, 1 vrt, Po' ) t . l7eti r7 ;:a r s; t t i ;iit - St e 7v ti si e li 4 e " rtl.Piti a tr" 3 / 4 o • A:t the Btort• ..f : : ABEL -:111134:4% ( - 10 LS. 1 b . • . . • timothy-Sovti.l? STA N LEY I'URRIML'S.TINOI . IIYRZE warranted pure. ,Fur r-y.o ABEL VURRE4 tontrav%. lartarlue ;4,1_ , Goa, drorei.l64, I'litit.4,6.l.l•o!,9Rl:ollloltakfr. Lightx, just'reti n ve.4) • s . n , Ant_ttgßELt. .0,t.-55.86,J13 - 56::' • -- • - = irpNs7zpY,q &al% Difmi:i.r4i`.`iiiii• AI L - 1 '? ; ~... F .O},LowA.TA pawn" ointati.nt. g r y . „Cherry.. J'eetnii3l end Cathartic Piihr: Th 1 .thrtm of n Thciraand-Plnrcr_Mkt" Mliatairtt Lin! Inept— Dr. 114114%0a ,Pleolt:Vnik ' , .- A n4_- I r ll l 1 ,Alyivi,,Extrarr6(lork Rase. _;And OfiftlY. ll 9fthlt6lkhighttniriki`Phiiaii4 thePo - FA4doo=likreer-10ittie -:;:•liiiiticiri , ZYB4 l l. - ' '__ ~:- .--- f_l-,.. „t, z--,;, I 1.,, , „ L i ._....._. t. euit!cs - T 44 4 -1341,1; f ivi 1 , 2 - It7-t OT/Drabitaßtai-S - pettitilial l it nev lot ia rectivad:editrikriAleg4ll , -AnrOt-1811r; 3'. rVAVV. ,~_ =MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers