CEMIM=M= -T-',-'irenciswes*- Association. teeehers'ef:Susq's Co. will hold -their 'neat A Quarterly _ASsmistion in Rust` own- . 'Ship, in :lie School Ilotrie - neer Cooley's tiv 'ern (fornierly known as the Lune* S. on I'riday rind Sitturdsh , the' 22nd and 23rd of 'MASI'S from a distance tie accommodated free of charge. - A.l3.llrxr, Ex Com W. Ettatere, 1 - U4D.RIBD. ‘ 1 InAi,' Ma's lid . : byll Gray, , Rev... . ~„,,,,,rtOscrs:Slicsnimmaand Miss EIRIK9fI), both of Ruth, :In Bridgewater, April 28t1i, 1857, by Rev.; Juba G..Parey, Mr.. EMERY * U. CULVER of Springville...and Miss Altar D. BULLARD of Bridgewater.% ,• _ , ..• i•ThMiailletovin, on Sunday. April 20th s 'hy the , _Rer.-..oltiley, J.t.xits Trionnwr of Choconut, and Miee*Rcral .littEr of Middle town. . • - • In Apo!aeon on Sunday, May 10th, by de Rev . Valise - I;6ONp, Air. EDWARD BrannEcir, R pd Mise„EuzenFru Gstunnx, both of Apole- USD, In Jessup, on tile 4th inst., &Taws at., daughter of Peter E. and Charlotte. E. Bedell, aged one year and fire dark. One u•e loved has left vurniunber.: Fur the. dark and silent tomb; Closed her eytm in deathlesi slumber; Faded-in her 'early bloom. From our circle, dear Estelle, Eutly least thou passed twiny; But the angels say Another- • troins, our holy songs to-day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • MONOPOLY!..TONOPOLY!! • Inas'is the greatprinciple among,- otir set. fish, mita!, ,merchautit. In proof of this look it,tlie late 2‘ct riasSeil at Harrisburg:. prohibiting hair:kink and peddiing . in Susquehanna County; an Act passed to gratify .sotue of the Merchants •wholta, , e 'expressed a:desire." iv vop su'rne large lbagarts." - ' . 05rtittnttrg, o,scitbatttit N "'•`r T ,DOWii MTH k,'.OI\IOPOLY. • her large Wagon will run moie than ever heti:re, until .their license fdr nedlling expires. 'ln oraet to accotntnothto the truhtnn city and he Able to battle melopoly sneers:4Al -174 they hate Ale arranzernyntg to get New Goods weekly (fora -New York, and they will sell the saute from lb tr 1 20 per rent. cheaper, than other ostAbtisliment in Suninehtiona Coun ty. We have now received our li&V 511.131131E111 GILOIE, The largest; chea peRI and beSt :ISCleett4l stock , ever offered in this tnarkeL It - is not necessary enumerate the articles which onr assortment •complises: it is sufli ie.nf to'say that we have.a. general ?dock of the latest and most fa.shionSlit e g oo d s in them irket, - and we cannot fail to RUit, public, as well in, ta.te, as in prices.. A few 'words more to onr fellow_citizens, and trartien -. tlarly to those who feel tht naelvec" independent 'and not oblized to. purehi ae at some pAritieutor attire: We know that it will be for your lute 'rest to•exaraine and price our goods before pur r chasing elsewhere; that is a toue,th9tto that 0a penny sate lis better than two earned." • We are determined-to spare no_ pains to give general satisfaction, 'and we shall :a ways aready and WIC+ to exhibit our assortment to those who will favor us with a call. GrITENBEISG, PiOSENIIAI3I 3; CO ttanfose,Al4 12th, 1857. ITIVA:S,cf(i3. A'cic.»,, NOWING as I do that the high prices IX. which have prevailed here for some time gist, have deterothmny from. ectting their,Pic tares, I propose to reduce the price so that all "nay obtain them after this date. I willigiVe,Am torotypos with Cas-s foi 50 cents, end itarae :roeco'Caseseor 75 cents to all who choose to favor-me with Call at the Car on the Green in Montrose. liottrose, May lath, 1857 BUNK! IN . 11.41111.. • WIONTROSE, - PA. •.• ?VIM subscriber having purchased, .L refitted and newly furnished the - • aft 4bare well known and popular Hotel, - is•prepared to accommodate the tray. •eting •public and others with all the attentions and convenience.; usually: found, in first-class Houses. No eirort will be spared by the Pro. prietor and his Assistants to make the Haiti equal in every- point to any in the 'country.' The Bar will always be supplied with the -Choicest liquors. • . The Stable s, connected with this House Are lame, roomy and convenient. and careful and Attentive liostlers are always in charge or them. J. S. TARSELL: ,Vontrase, ?day 111th, 113:7o . , 'I; anal low - Ens :#itstratire (O. Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsy/rania. CAPITAL $500.000. ..Fire t . Rtaulise and Inland Transpor tation r 7 AEON S . LAPP77O7T, Presilnt. Wir. A. anonaa, Vice Alarr.ED WEEgs, Secretary. DIBECTOI6I.I4. \ Aaron S. Lipincoti, Charles Wise, Win. A. Iti - todei , , Alfred Weeks, Win. Thomas., " 3.. Fr.loalthi Sank, Will. Neal, - Jobu P.. Sing:Doris, Cliarles J. Field, 'James P. S'nritlt. Office No. 10 liferchapfs Exchange, Phis. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Ps. c. w..ausn, & co, . Beal Estate Brokere. and Dealers in Ex tkan - ge,. cued - Lind Warrants. DES MOINES, 'OWL . / ATE, 4 .;" Exchange bought and sold. Interest liaid on dvpoxits. Motu y loaned or invested at Western rates. Lands bought and acid. Land. located - a-Ith Warrants or Cash on the most favotatge terms. We attend to any ba*inees connected with n: meta Land Dikes, in Central or Wes tern lowa,—taus' paid. Collections made, and promptly remitted. Des Monies. May ;at, 1837. Adminis6tor's Notice. 112[Theit , eaur, Lettere or Adminiistratien to the 1111 et,tate of Edwin Tiffany, late of the town ship of Broflklynoinceased, hittw'been grunted to the subscribers :ell persons indebted te the said estate are requested IC make immediate paytnetit; and those haring claims against the , Same 'sill present them duly authenticated for - settletnent, to C. 31 GERE • 80FIIRPNA TIFFANY, Administrators. Brooklyn, May 12111;1857. .• 20w8. Adraixiistratoes Notice. Itinhereas,•Letteitiof Administtadokiume tutka gmotea -to Rfle subeiriber on titti es tate of Lyman Knapp, late:of the toareship of Idpriogville, deceased; all: perioats indebted - to alat. said Estate aus nvested tomato imam:fiats paytnantaalso Mt baring just demands against the sates wiji yam pretreat:them day, antent i. AsttletusaL _ • „ _ • •- ,A ES 411 inti, • 0478 VP (1/MllO - ' T' undersigned having purchased tha ins tercet of Geo. W. Seymour In the firm of Geo. W. Seymour & trill hereafter - • GUILE 84 BLANDING, Where they will her happy to see their old friends end show them a nice stock of. Geode of a 4tl; prior qualiiy at VERY LOW PRICES. C - - • IIALLIS, L a wns And Ginghims, a choice usortment andtheap at Gums & BLAINDLINGI9B. A VERY Nice Abs./nonelit odium• 111.. mer Alhawb, at all prices,iit GUILE & BLANDINGS. BONTIETS; •Ilionnet Ribbons and Trimming'' a Good and Faaniamable asaortmenkat Gcr,ILE BLiIaTING . S. • ClROC4l.ltiltt. of the Latest Patteims - and V a full sasoittoent of all kiada.of Glass Ware ,ut • GIIILE- & BLAXDISCN. PEAR "JIM JaCkson's Saws, and Wiley S Carreis Fllegi,—the beg Brands in one, at GUILE & Harford, May 12th, 1857. le t r Lt. who wish to buy sooss and VrATKOISZY ay., will call at-the/Montrose Hook Store in the Post Office, where they can get good articles at a fair price. • " JUS7 I . - T RECEIVED! , . . A xsw Lat of scnbos aooss—Town's and Web:,'a . at iO3 0 Readers, Waylande Ele ments of Moral Scienee—eight direrent sizes. Webster's Standard Dictionaiics, at reduced prices. • . ALso—A choke lot of . fresh Garden seeds, raised . and put up by the Shaken+ of New Ltbant n. A. N. ELLIARD. llontrqse, Pa., May 13th. 1857. TONE- 64 Pop Goes the Weasel." Ilallo, stranger, stop a minute.— - Here's .4 store, just drop in it, And view with wonderful surprise . The Books and Toys that tatet your eyes-- At Bullatil'im. I bare As and P.iper,jutt th'e best, • . That you can find East or %Vest: k any of my friends shonld dabbt it, . Call In, I wilt ease your minds about l At Bullard's.. tint gooks, Pens AM I'4er too; All kinds of Children's Books, and new; In short, here ot•erjthing you'll hnd In the BMX and ets.rtosttir lino— At Bullard's. $0 come along, come one, toine all, Come rich and poor, come great and small; Mid I will sell you Books so cheap, I knoc.l shall your custom keep-- At Bullard's. Montrose, Pa-, 1857. FRENCII CALF •.BOOTS, and Enaniel!ed Si.nes at KENVOICB. , • B LACE SILKS, al kw prim, at • - KENYON'S. Lnwsvale Centre, April 6th. '57. • • . Sheriff's Bale. • BY virtue of sundry writs issued from the 11 Court of Common Pleas of Susq'a Conutc. and to me direted, I will expose to sale at the Court Douse in Montrose, on Saturday the 30111 . day of May next, at one °clock, P. M., the fol lowing Real Estz.te ; to wit: Alt that certain piece or parcel of land s'Anate and being in the township of New Milford, in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of John F. Adams, on the Southeast be Page's Mill Pond, on the. South by lands con •tracted to Samuel Gardner, and on the west by a lot of land known as the Gardner iota,—with the appurtenances, one framed barn, and about twenty-fire acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the sitt:t of D. R. Lathrop vs. Jedediah Reed. Awso=-All that certain piece or parcel of land sitZate aed being in the townsh;p of Great Bend, in the coianty bf Stsrea, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: he-viewing at a corner of Charles Ilayo's land and renntng thence by hinds of Charles and Myron Mayo's north ene hundred and thirty-five perches and west sixty six perches to the line of land granted to,------ Law; thence by said Law's laud south fifty-one perches to, a corner, and west twenty-three per ' ehes to a corner; thence partly by land of said Law, and partly by land formerly. of William Buck, south eighty-four perches to .a corner, and thence cast eighty-nine perches le the place of begin. ing„ containing 67 3-4 acres with the appurtenances. Seized and Liken in excenti-on at the wit of ° Calea Carraalt vs. Starr Thonnui. F. D. Wood Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the tawrohip ut"Great Bend, in the county of Setsq'r... and bousded and -de miribed as lollows, to wit: 'beginning 'at the northwest corner of a lot of land conveyed by . AMIVAL T. Trerwbridgo. to Charles C. Srait h, at a hemlock tree marked "six,' "seven," and ."eight;" thence east one hundred and eighty, two perches to k hemlock tree marked "seven" and **eight;" thence south twenty-four perches toe stake and stones, the northwest corner of, said lot convey ed by said Lafayette Trowinidge•and wife to C. es Smith; thence by said C. C. Smith's land east one hundred and fifty-nine and a half perches to a stake and stones, the nor.heast corner of said C. C. Smith; thence by said.Stuith's laud south six and a half degrees west, forty.seven and a half perches to a stake and stones; thence north eighty-uiglit and a half degrees west, three hnndred and thirty five perchei to a stake zwid stones; thence by lands of said C. C. Smith, earth seventy perches to the place of beginning. containing one hundred and twenty•five acres of land, be the same more cr less,' together with the appurtenances, one framed house, one burn, one orchard, and about screnty.§ve acres ha provel. Seized anti taken In execution at the suit of Amass T. Trubridge and John Blanding vs. C. M. Howard and". W. Howard. Asso--All th s at certain piece or parcel of land situate and keing in the township of Cho. count , ( cow A ~, 140,0 in the county of Sustfa t and bounded i '. 1 eseribed as follows. to wit: Beginning ry post and stones by the road on the line of &inbet Milligan's farm; thence north by the said line one hundred and nicety-two i perches and seven.tentbs to a post; thence west thirty-fire - perches to% post ; - thetice south eighty-seven and seven.tentbs perches to $ hem. lurk,; thence west twenty-two r kereLex ; thence south one hundred and eighty perches to a post by the road; thence by the same east faty.seven perches to the place of beginning, containing firty-tieven acres, be the same more or Icis. Also, fill that Wit of land situate is the township of Apolacon aforesaid aijoining the above eigscitwd lot of land. and bounded as follows, to wit: north by land said to be of Partrick Meares, south by the Milligan Road,.west by the above deecibed lot. and , east by WO of Elijah Duet, containing sixty:eight acres. Both of said lots beteg occupied Its one farm; and coat* tit:tg in - whole one bun& ed And I.wenty.throe sem, with -the folloiving improvements, - .to wit: about (Orly acres eller:ed, a email orchard, s dog bowie; and an _ _old 'lnglis's. - - .., , . :.. . Seized and taken in tzeention st ,thai.Onit of I Millivut, administrator of Samuel-Milli. , gan, &eased. val. Thomu Rooney. , ' A ' , Allthat certain -Otte orpareerof land situate ' being is the-towAst dp.of Auburn. in sak i the county offlursen, and bo unded add no :Idioms,. towit: - ,titii - tiortli .by hinds of 'Million 011uit, on . tie liasi. ET. lands of "Daniel POP', an jklOOOltOWlands of /ohs Beneiloter, CONTINUE MUSSINESS - Under the firm or 0, Yes! Of Course! and on the west by lands of William Jackson, contikitaleg -abcot otehtpeight; acres, be • the same more or less, with the ; appnitenances;oitt log house, one log berth- and about forty-fiee acres improved. 'Being the name lands recently tonVeyed to Isaac Casey by Vbctiff's Deed 'beiring date April 14th, 1855. ' Baited and taken in exeenticth at the 'tett of •Johh - F.'Duntriore vs..leauterN: Lieey. • Aran—All that certain piece brituircel of land situate and being in 'the tow nshit) of Springville, lit the county of Sum'a, and bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit; on the east by the public highway ' on the north, west and south by lands of Dwig ht Risleys containing -about one : half nere of land, be the tame more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed dwelling house, oz.e barn and all improved. • Takenin execution at the' suit of Azor La. throp vs. Benjamin F. Risley. Also—A:l that tract or parcel of lancksittfate in the township of Choconut and Apolacon, and borough of Friendsville, in the county of Snsq*a. and state of Pennsylvania, and • butted, bounded and described as follows, to wit: be ginning at a post in the Slilford.and Owego turnpike road, a corner of Lucinda Dayton's land; thence by said turnpike road south forty de grees east eighty.three perthes to a post at tile intersection of said road with the road tending to the north branch .of Wyalusint, theme by skid north branch road south •thirty•elght de grees west, three hundred and minety-eight per= ehes to a post; thence by Caleb Calmat's land now in possession of 51cSorley north fifty two - degrees west eighty-one and a half per .ches. to- a post, and thence north thirty-eight east partly by lands of Caleb Carinalt contracted to Lucinda Dayton and partly by Lucinda Dayton's land four hundred and fifteen perches to the place af hegining, containing two hundred and seven acres more or less with the appurtenances, one framed &vain , * house, two framed barns; one shep and one building- unfinished, two or chards and about .120 acres improved. Taken In execution-. at the suit of Caleb Car milt vs.' David Rdbe. : - F. P. MUSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, May sth. 1857, ( • • 0 , 13 IP Et 0 It a 1 4 g l aianD • _ • AT THE BEAD OF NAVIGATIOXI A ND examine ttig choice stuck of Spring II and Steninser. Goods, just opened fur Examination and SALE, al rrry low figures-by, C. W. MOTT. CIIALIS, Lawns, Brilliants, tiviite patterns, very 'cheap by C. W. MOTT. STtl.k.,A,lmre, and DeLain:Shawls a very low pricey by C: Vll.l MUTT. HA 'IM and Cap% of the noweo.t styles, in great variety by ' C. W. MOTT. PRI;VT'S io nbnoclunce by c vv.. MOT r. BROWN and. Slue Shreting and Stfrting,sr •Shirting Stripes, .Tacks, DUtifll9. Summer Stull's, *a ; dm.; as low as esn be fri din this market. . C. W. morn- LOTH S, Cashimers and Vesting% very de sirab;e sty!cs,at prices that cannot fail, to suit. Cull and be eontineed. .C. W. IltiTT. BASS Hoopi, Gliats, Belts, c" etc., by , V. morn GROCEEIESi Crocker, Hardware awl G various other artisles to-numerous to men tion,--all of which shall be sold Cheap for Cash or Rebdy Pay. , • • C. W. 310T1'. :Montrose, May bth, 1857. Cautibm C. Y lIEREAS, my wife, Satyr JASE. ha.: 14 1 my befi and board without just cause or provocation. 1 hereby forbid all perscina harbor ing or trusting her on my account, as t will pa) no debts of her contracting after this date. LEWIS CARD. Springville, April 4th, 1857. , G ARDEN SEEDS; a ; larg,e assortmeht at TUURELL'S. Montrose, M y sth, 1357. .c\SYvilj LI AGAIN. --4'• /I MING failed of sollin;.out•tnr store with its contents, we are again in the market with New Goods selling. for Cash only, fg:r n ran be. found in Susquehanna COunty. We arc determined to sell goods Lott• notwithstanding the railings of our t4town neighbors. So friends. one and all, come and buy where von can buy the cheapest. Your money saved is as good for you as for those youhave enriched heretofore. K. THAYER & CO. _April .Bth, 1857. • W GOOF!" I I .161 7 ' • - - H. J. WEBB'S . M9',VTROSE, APRIL, 30th 1857. . Lissolution. "PHE firm existsni tinder thomame of S. H. & D. Sayre has been dissolved by mutual con sent The business will be continued under the name of S. 11. Sayre S. Brothers. . S.. H. SAYRE, , . D. SAYRE. April .1. 11 01, 1.85'7. • S. - H. SATRE '&.• BROTHERS R E FiT RECEIVING Supply of All . SPRING 4 0:, . AND t@IVAINIVIU. GOOll l 4. lATHIGH for Cash or Produce can be boaght -V V very low.. VIVALLPAPSR. A select assortment just V reetived.. . . S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. ARPETING. Barg no offered by C • .• ' S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! ILOWS. We invite the attention of Fanners to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose, April 29th, 1857. 18tf. New Millinery -and Dress.ltlaktug ESTABLISHMENT. Ladies, have you Heard the News. , MN. HMtxn, formerly of New .York. has openened a Millinery e` } ""' l 5 - and . Fancy Store in tho village • of Brooklyn. and having just re • '• turned from New York with a Large and Fashionable stock of Goods eonsistingof La. dies and ,Misses Straw Hits of every style and earieity. Also, Crefieisnd Slit Hate, cenetantly *ahead. ot every harand color. togothat with a *ph odid usortmenk :..• • • sttoksit testrokieriesofilair Braldsinoiderpesiv, Hasa Dresses,- Liseei,-GOods• etc, eto, all or which offers - st the LOWEST ramie: - • * * *Pirtieular attention will be paid to Bleo* iost—ralways at boom. - ---Stooltlyo r 3ley-Stie v 1832 _ GREAT PREPARATIONS -FOR ITE - SVRING-TAA - pE In Q E sabieribere the ou lora '(find are jl constantly making idtiitionst}; icteto) the largest stock, and most varied issaciettne'nt of HMV slitob2lll ever before offered 'to tbis eorntntrity,ton3pris ing almost everything expected to be obtained at country_ stores. all selected with dm View of reeethig the various wants, and neeess►ties . of oUr customers.' Small Profits ! We aro selling, and are willing to sell oar whole stock of • G IA Q t c At the vers. smallest, advance from Con! Con siatent.wit.h a small remunerative profit :hello-. lag it to be. more for our. interest, to sell a large amount of gonds sea small profit, than a small amount, at a heavy profit. - 'ir@ 6g - A IDa3p CUSILVIRERS!! Thatlkfui for the opportunity of . sefying so numerous a Mt of iiestomers, and highly ap. preciating their tiny favors during the. year past) we assure them, that it s4all be our eon, tatant study anti care, to antivipat, :Ind meet their wants in every particular. Fresh Groceries Molassts, Rice, Coll.*, Teas, and Sall kinels.of Urozeries, in &fly quantity, at the very lowest rates.—n full stock constantly on hand, by LITTLE & HARDING. Four Shilling Tea! VOTWITHSTANDING . the recent heavy adiance in the price - of Teat, We have -. Be. cured. a largo lot of, tho same quality, of that, which, has created so much good-feeling among our Tea•drinking *customers. Plenty of it by the cheat or pounl—nt the old price. LITTLE it; HARDING. Sc o Thingry ! Come This Way! f ESS Pork. Smoked Hams and Shoulders. ill Cod Fi4i,Whito rich, Maelp?ral in Ihrrelb. Halves, Qn.►rtors, and i - gener3l stock ot Pro visiont, uunstantly on hani and for sale hy: LITTLE & It is a Fact! THAT ,Saleratus4 Soap and Candles of tbr bvst qualities, are for sale, by the box, at New Yotic bay Ve - bo!esa!e pricesOiy LITTLE & HARDING. .1 • Potabt! TN Tin Cans—a 6no article, fur side y 1. • • LITTLE & }MIMING. - Dry Goods! P. ILES of the.v—for little eery cheap. by •• LITTLE HARDLNO. P. CartAtilliS p ICH ALL - WOOL CARPETS, ntloror prices, 11 fur sale by . LITTLE & EIARDING. Boots and Shoei CONSTANTLY on hand, a first rat. assort ment of Alen's, Boss: and Youth's Double. soled Boots and Shoes, of the best tuantifaetnre, alsci Women's Misses' and Children's Shoes, Boots and Gaiters, in great variety, all to be sold, at very - low rates by & ['LARDING.. Hats and Caps IN almost endless variety of .kinds, qualities and prices, fta sale by LITTLE & HARDING, Bonnets, - DIBBONS, Flowers and 11111iLory Gods. for IL sale by LI rTLE, & HARDING. Clothing!! COATS, Vests and Pants well made, and good styles. Shirts, Collar% Cravats, Hosie ry, Gloves, &c., &e.-, for sale cheap by LITTLE & ILARDMG: • Leather!!' - • Q OLE and Upper Leather, Pegs.- Nails, Wax. 'Bristles. and tnanv Other kinds of Shoe Findings,for sale by LITTLE & HARDING. Fanners and Gardners! Atte‘ntion! Farmers'Eiaairg l ek : f s 'Wdnvr, shves,%aai, Socp Garden Rakes, Garden floes, Manuro Forks, Ploughs, Cultivators, &e:,&e.. Alen, a large lot of Fresh Garden and Field Seeds, just received by • LITTLE & HARDING. • Grass Bead: TIMOTHY and Clover Seed, for sale by LITTLE & HARDEN( To Lumbermen and Wood Choppers?! BEST Cast Steel rind Steel-Poll Axes, Cast 1.) Steel >C Cut and Mill Saws, also, Patent. Tooth and >I Cut Saws . ,iwith riles of almost all descriptions, tar sale by LITTLE & HARDING. To Dairymen 13 FIRKINS, Return Pails, PazabOb, Painted and Cedar Pails, Butter Bolvcs, Dairy Salt, &e., &c., for sale by . LITTLE & HARDING. Are You Building? YOU will save money by purehising, your 'Naar, Painbr, Oils, .Sash, Dr,or Trim; mings, and Hardware generally, of LITTLE& HERDING. Flour, Salt and Lime! B Y the Load or Barrel, constantly on hind :t LITTLE dc..IIARDINqs. . Crockery and Glass Ware i! QTOVEAVArr, Looking• Glasses, M 117,4 and Medicines. Wall Paper, Grindstones, Sum es, Tin.Ware,Chain Pumps, Books Cutlery, Bed= steads. Medicines, &c dzc. , dr.c.. for sale • Cash I . You can buy almost anythiog iti the warof General Merchandise, FOIL CASIL, at It very small advance from coat of LITTLE & HARDING. Produce Wanted I UTTER, Eggs; Lard, Tallow, - Beeswax, JD Grain Gran kinds. Rags, Old Iton f tainber, StOngles, Dried Apples, Betas; 6u., &c., waited in 'exchange for Goods,' by LITTLE & HARDING. EirCALIVAND SEE,A3 -' - LITTLE - HARDING. ilhiabizeoell Depot. Apr; /. 1 307. [lam). LITTLE & H AR DING. RIMY itiRNIEb • • • . . THE indertignedlaiinflik. 'intuited lota Now York. are now exhibiting to:the good piciple of Gitionaind skinity,a*oniplete aseca— ment-of Dry Goods, Growlo,--Croehery. Hard. ware, Boots and Macre% Haba dud Caps, Rowdy. made Clotialn,o Staple and Foxy' Day ,Goods consisting of Lawn*, SOP. cluliek . Glogbiank Prints,, &heeling, Ind large Stock of Summer Goods Air . Men and Boes wear. ' • Believing the Reddy pay and short credit srys. tern to bifthis truebnoour mantic is aiThe nimble sixpence is better than the sloW shilling." Call . said see as fat ire lOW *ell yoia goods . Cheap Air Cash, - , 4" - tawnys& ' GUILD. Gibson, April 51Q111, 1 . 8'5; N. B. All kinds of produce Adieu in exchange for Goods. & G. AComplete assortment of Doringtk, Bonnet and Dress Trimmings.,-&i., at HAWLEY & GUILD'S. A Large stock of Gloves and Hosiery of every variety, for Gents; Ladies, and Children; at HAWLEY & GUILD'S. • 1011 DOTS Ind Shoes, andaßeady-made Cloth ing of every stylein market, at HAWLEY & GUILD'S. FLOUR and Salt by the Eturel or Pound, at HAI.VLEY & GUILD'S. Dairymen Take Notice. TTAWLEY & GUILD . hare constantly on ■ band and have made to order Churns, Fir kins. Return Pails and Butter Tubs of the best , quality. [Gibson, April 40th, 1857 e -1111 ID -• VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL !SS BESBI. RILEY, having been un. IVJL der the tuition of Professor ,Bas.sini of NeW York, expieStly to qualify herself for giviiig InNtruction, will, give lessons on the Piano and in Singing to such as way desire :t, at Ito residence of her &the% Rev. H. A. Riley. Slottrose, April 20th, 1837. " l7tf. See Here Young. IffOn Iperueive that your teeth wiii;ch Were brigi .l naliy very uniform and bentitifut, arebccom. into broken and discolored, and lb a - very ahott time, should you continue to neglect them, you will be despoiled of one of the e'hief.ortiaments, your noble and attractive face. I hope yo U will call on me without delay ut my office in the Brick Block over Wilion's utore, a here it will give me pleaut7;o rftserve them far a verysmalt conlideration, ' at what your moral will allow and no more. i MOST RESPECTFULLY YOUNG MISS r You are proud of your beauty mat grietsrao is your 514, Ind so beq. - Your smile t a sunbeam oath garviesitiour , er the Sethi show, s our tear a rain. rop on t e simmer , ower s But'twent be so long fair one If you continue t star away from the Dentist for Even now it gives me pain to view - Those crumbling arches "veiled in ebon hue," Then colue along without delay , to my office I i the Brick Block over Wilson's store, and if a poor as you are beautiful, to matter, • :Come along, come along plead "not ablo"no more I— ,For just what yoti tan pay your cl.arms • restore.• C. D. VI RGit, Resident Dentist. 31,,ntrose. Slarelt 2Gth 1657. Salt !' Salt!! Salt!!! TIIE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and,the public chat he has taken the Store No. 2t'i Waslsingtoke.itreit, (diet etl) op posite Wenehington Market,) lately occupied by Volney Elliot, and is now prepared tosiafTsi. Aar sale on the most liberal terms FOR CASH, all kinds of Foreign Coarse, and Fine Salt, from vessel, orators, either ise sacks or bulk, or put up in sateen hags to order. Dealers will be furnished u ith tbcir names printed on the bags When ordering a thousand or more. Persons from a distance otdering by mail can depend upon . having their, orders promptly filled at the LOWLS'F 31ARIE Niers. GtO. W. MANN. New York, March Ist, ISS I 7. 1071. Dissinutioi EE copartnership heretaire . exlsting be, T tween Elishn Bell and W. M. Tingley under tie firm of Bell & Tingley is this day dissaved by mutua l . consent . The Books and Accounts are in the hands of W. M. Tingley for se.ttlement in consequence if his being -sequaitiled with said accounts. They will be at the store io Hop Bottom on Saturday of each week. All persons having unsettled account upon them are requested to settle the same immediately, by note or otherwise. - ELISHA BELL, The business will be earried on ta the old stand in Hop Bottom by Elisha and Truman Bell who are thankful fur past favors. Wilelicit a call from all our old customers. E. BELL, T. BELL. 18m3. Hop Bottom, April 29th, 180 tS WITNESS.ES! • -on-- t - otiirt Ontnitcb. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, \N ' \` '' Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and publisher, and authOr of A series of Lectures at the Broadway Tab. ernacle Wheil for 20 successive nights, over W - 50,0 00 People) .~_ ~~ Greeted him with Rounds, of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which ,Counterfeiters execute their eralds, and 'theSurest and -Shortest Means of Detecting ;them! • The Bank' Nnk Engrarers all say that he is the greatest Jude of Paper Money liring, (1 REATEST DISCOVERY of the Pres- T eot Century for . 'Detecting . Counterfeit Bank Notes . . Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and 'Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation ! AlTATlgrait 60 admirably, that RISFETZENCS, Is EAST and DETECTTON INSTARTAIIEOI7B. Eir No lades to examine! No page to hunt up. But RO simply arranged, that he Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a Glance. • .... English, Pieneh and German. Thu* Each may rend the same in hie own Native Tongue. Most Perfect Bank rote List Published. Alan a Pat of t rill the Private Bankers in America. A Complete Summary of the FIXATES or EftISOPE AND AMESICA •will be published • in each - edition. together with all the .tin.. portant NESS or TEE DAY. Also A SEIUISS t ' ' or TALES, s an OM Manuserip &end in the East, It furnishes the Most CoMplete History of 4 ORIBITAL IMPS; _ describing the Most Perplexing POSitiONS e) in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country. have-been found'... 'rheas 'Stone: \;) will' mane* thfoughout.pio whole year, I , nil will prove 60 Hos( EnCertaining ever eyedthe 1 1 %blie. . igr Fuiniabedj Vi r eetry-Ottrifeextinies /only, at 41. a Oar., Ali letters mi ta tlend: l OW .rti r t s ; publisher and Propristooo Weitat,l4.' 'IIIBT look at 04 itltibiria at " " .° • /MOWS gr. . • • E. f o* - tip:` - = - [c.x .a`s ~' -.A.>:'%',i .fir; YA N C lr : H0:9..9:1).-,:al: HAVING determined to tionlie air idseo of bushiest, we eel' for sale CII6IIDiIIiFEI ilk of Itii2DVAMBEB 111.013 %IS VII RR1031,11.1014A gg- We wish it. to be distiniq - under stood, that our sales will we made for Sir All persona having ;en aecouuts,On our b oo ks are reivasted to I and settle im mediately. • iarAceounts not settled by the Lst of ?Jay will be put into other hands for collection. FOR BARGAINS.:!! W. 31. TINGLEY. AN. Y. !sr!: ''" iIBE P . . ::„, ........,, ..;.. UIIRMISHItte AND - 1 FCC cidt Ina ! t _ ;AND Fin! 14111, Kin & KNOWLTON, 61 Conn-street. Binghamtbri, lei id, 1856.1 cAs . ll,-,.,.9NLY.n1- . GOING AT COST !1-1 NOW IS THE TIME IN - `c' D W IR Et HOUSE FURPISEIRTG AND MVINCr 01* - 1 0 411 UtO ZOTOILIMatio You hive now w splendid opportunity to supply yourselves with eieiything itt the above line, at New York cost. 0412412X2na1e We bave a very large assortment of Cap penter's Tools of the best quality, Which we will Sell at Costs - isio'fz.ozwzgw_ , ; We hare a couplets autoittbetd it Coop er's 'roots; golpg • 110 V17311210MM.:_ I' Looks, latches, Knobs, Blind Trimminis, Butts, Screws, &c., dm, going at Cost: VO tiALIMENCIA, Deliroui.af ltaeubaring. thetr spriag Mack such &Gather appqrtoukty will never present Our entire stock of haw satt Stool irs sold at Coate of 'Serbia* Co con3prlti stock *ill'esit early: i F_ . :- : ,:',.,::11F 5 t, - 4s.flVo,llll:Air',:i.,:.l_ . . •. . ' -...,, :. ~ ..,-..;i, : --,..-..,p - , ; .,-..,:,...-,- - . , :.. 7 .43 , - , Comt4umtoldjolislo 4 .,liaelt..-ot-irmi , , . .. - • EIm:44OOUP .141$t .‘ '' ,—. —,..,---..„ .....4 * • " '''. ' -`\ • , , I) Z . .. - 4 . ... -.'- , .'..;--.., i... ..... , ; '. .' i'f, - 1-, • i' '..;• '.- _ _ - __ . . , - '',/, - _.e------•-••-,--,-,';. l===l „,t, ,:d.,,-, hur:4ll7:l,lo,su:iiivatioryperiw' o1111:;.:1:144—;LIi.: - RIM • W.Ax:* ” - ta l. • - WHERE LBW X4 l aim,* ilitart7!-- , bis .. 1, •P‘ .- L IP ett ir:4410/Ir--..... /g---- - --!`:. ;Itegatt,,,, m „ t tAt.Mr ...7( • • - '''.> ' l / 4 41Nw0i.-i-Prr- 6 1 4 ..=.., frm. - , . 4.. . f i•-‘-:',..,-'1- '''', l o' itittliOlST, ilifesin 04 - 1 A- ,- Pie Sent .. - *err ' r - m-. r Wk. joiretun,a Jur A kno.** 6 1, 1 * ,•, ~- pwira4 itneo,cHnie y t r o,:*:1:40 -z itiiiiPitidert„ saw of the 4 ifeed or artifritAittuttfrO - olordlfs, I irrievhosen_thic*lWWWWWlol,s , busineW4yeekinciltairn3V*4llP 4 reittari.„ # custom, will be mu von ni ' 4,',f- shall - tote ilothSefrft - Arai ' ` 4 : 4 ;c: "' .l. i t nesse preeente coati itir:o9* _ _ --: sum w 41 049 7, Bo , vs. ' or . , , Atlo, AinbratypeA..troni 81,1 if 14 • , 1 . riot 2.,.. i ," graphil licm . isr . C i tif tki fir•0( 4 V1 , ..40 -€: iY Two .Ikiloraota t • 0.1611,4 M : . Yr 14 4 Witt, bwitiffii. 44 1 04 i M - O° 21 1 01 ' : - p looted for the rpoge._ , - ',. 7,` z . , -= --,.: t" 4 k:1 i i - - a 1 .5:. ligrT(lare ;a* no lalteti4iiitosir no wallinC,fir a '.. 4 p - _41 . 444,144. * *4 04# 11 10 gels Ais Pflart xi* likeßtuf 't t : --- „:,, ~ __ I. :: , ,.. i 3 R ' ' i .... . . l'• ''''''; lr -.' " R SO nowony goo4p pif t. 1001 0 bAili— . • tou t or April and gay_ ' ill - iiidilltwri; -.',-- Whethe;;...rtrifYi - or - e I*lfihrriiitl, retther. : .j.: _ - 0 ~ ,::4 , 'S- -: :•7',e"-:,: Far ate i .dek,4lll .. . tiekiiiiis tll4l` T iiitio weathbr. •• ..ip-fcic,-z.,., 'f.: : .. _ , *)3.-04100f,t=4 , / til keit (A4thistrii -, : , - :_. • t.op,-. ..,......4.,.t Sky Parlor in tht Blontrosee'Apritit - ' BOOliiii 1 BOWLS:: ~., -,..., AND S . at -A il to 1,,•- >j 4 7 : , `-r" -- , . , _:&1,, TUST AGOlNgi—elleller thori 4. 1 4. 1 7 ... „,.- IL store this;aids of the Milk Vi lkyin _.. , I York. Wait lit and .'-'tioniiiiiefink:kligleArotofiry Artie Expedition*, g CliecOcinfiglitAA',.: 4lll/ * Science vs. Spirituali to„.ll4Silitie sal& People. The Star and &Cleat, Vii,-attonlikkeet+ Love, Gentlemen's' G do. 14Pollimiiiit A Ak*ft; &Aid Ootntookilion, nil Lettqr-l l rtitiOtftV quid Imp'roved Circule , Interestiriitlee, ram Improved Letter and lnv oice rite.lo4 ll P - 4 ,-- ; ---- T A tie* tot: br Sch , Booing',Mint , Bonk . s Writing Pape; Pe . , Inks; tkm t AX:jikt, Inek . Office. - - ' - A. N - : gULT;l 4 vtlf; Montrose. Aprti..2a imv. -.---,, -S , ''' 4 ' - . To the Fanniffes.. I nitifini .10.0 11._ , _ inunity - 'of` f M • - titiose; ::. it*dti litillig' roundisiebist tel :-,--_,, 1 -7 , -,-;,,, Y;', -t•. , 3= , VIT H ENig °In g of .sendiog.t4ligvrAstrit to • gupp iea, you re reflieetrilik nett', make a trial •of the at 'prior ' TEALVlTtrited_ expressly . -fer, the -• i W - :'-- ; , -f• -7*,' 'i, (:, r.t.- - : , :;;; ~;:: 4 , IMMENSE TE,AIiVAREI/00.10V,,, 011aiSTIA SOW ,'- Dekti in TEA S itrt COFFEESe*hiairill*: - This is by Ler the teat noti6rovAbeit, 15 WORLD, times, of Procuripg Od: thhise variety of TA.411 - id *Tie and`priee,presentimri • -Dealers and consume • The facilites poss • liititia:74.4abfhanneid;-: are of each ti characti -ap - tdwurantiber pro prieturs in speaking i t ,ennfi4lll.yr.and.titer - are prepared to aki l fe,.., dOsiiin illi Icho' may test their - slocerit hyit - ctilitaft of their stock and pyic • ' - .Tlifs immense. 'este .lishi ent. riit*ded fa the very heart of the ity of NEW. 11 7 .081 L the corner of Btoadwa and _Grand, Street, ' forditif "every conienic;ie of eaky iteceiklind - • -the midst, of the MOSt teildfawstribthOug. altlk of this groat, cowmen:l _inetropo r titr f - • Holding ourselves. • s ponsible for Owe truthful representation of 'AI irilecik ; s4ljaith' the assurance Ed' our C" iteinera. l 4tank**** shall-prove to.be to outqp • Lion, that the .. goodit iskinAiiii Tend - the - moues itberfirltyretqr .k.B;lseinsi Mart, r• - i ihrit system of doing basin _ 12uiaL - h,teet 5t11,114 beart9 ,xPPrOal of , Pu In conclusion, we pectfuil,yientsr diOrmvl..' tations tO routines al -, 4. Wit will convintio tai thg„trpat.;;advziaa'_ *ages which we hold, . to.Citstool - epartit thew irobases-at P. & I. - Pik the BoaOre*. No. 4115, cbitrat CHB n15 , y1 • • BIANN Reaping and C nontriisei'Aforit2.J. -NEW ,TOF.'o,fl - ktusgielia the undersign V znap-ofklui44 , encouragemputgive 7 the_Road *it s, hith e k t their rom iotsei4j 7 snaPdi4 Wlth:tl4fir% eaticin size and shape;.: )10Ider5 are 01)00 , 4br es—it wig 'Also show ill es, *bob!: Einkiett,, , lie kinds, also eorreet. one Post oitei? to CountP•Sajd'ulatilti inch and ins eigkiii-to', livered - to.SUl , seriberzi eleeed lo 2 l Y- 1 9w , P .. • _ INAGEILILENVOIC - v.lvct-'-' -.--- . lr:±ANVid ilia te' tail* :CP., Wry: 11 : 00 , i; *iii .- -::-,"-' - a complete assottmettetll o o4'4l4! tel,- . • - Swim Tricle cobsiblit&O plass ~.7 .v a..., ' z Dry -490444 ;GtOtierlefi , ,_ b ot i . „: - 011' - _ Hardior Illootil- olc-__ ~-•,' I _. '‘f , .. c 1 Clock LOokiaLikl 1 . 11111 .100 1 ;i:1 4 . ) ----: Vim relkwlVoit:";Plki l -,- .."- _ -,"•: ' • ~ .- Per:'' , La 41co!,1160-;-•!_•,:j" , $,;- der*.' it , fine_-Atook of Pi544,4"-ItAkalatc,,t: PA Lnit. E A r - ihfrisvAnit . twilothtr-ligtV-- - cles too mimeton*to - Mclitilikoklord*iielliol‘ olipictill'attatittell - 44** - ;eitiisti. - - - - 113001%'Otibl‘tVodlizAt**41AVr— #l/441Y-211 to all, 44 sold - 411 chelp,ousk; IS 44olliktialei-f -eide:of Neer Y9rIG:1 1 11100%. 14** 14 4 4 - Ltt•.,.',.: allh'ilferthilaPeeZ w ayel .l4 4`:- tewrobii*troOlt _ .:.4 „OP ,- ..,, -. .:-..4- , orckkid stilt an.w.tapf Q> - . IL I A ,. ;--.s - , ail sastmailia *AIL n 01,444064: no Mitii -etwouto4 iliocelif , ..togire*; - ::- , Toolimithic-, their servant i • ..-f , `= . -,z , ' , tz- ,4' --' 4 f .rf;sk' , • ,_ - Silk: ::.e.'. _ .... .. ---.' '' :-: "......,':'i b 7i -,.. " 4 ...1g4iiihte1f3 0 4 - - -V- .-'-'' - ' 7 2-' ....._ 1- 1 :. ISll:iiiitrr44o44/14010464 C:ft -7,` 46f-lialit-litikeiackAlSlK -. ":„,--';'- '-': :!` •.f.';:f.l; FrOR . . -, ,:.... , ..,,,. - z . ..::-Z . z74ti,M , , A . " 1 01: ; ,-a% ti nt illitAftivi,..9r'•a,,ell:2.6-.*1 T ../- , ... • ,7..:...- -- 3,1z- - .m.._ ~ „..44„-......., , ; • ,- 7. 4 --••:- , :.• , .. , .:1-t•' ..;'.1:.•,-, , ”:-. - . , 4 , .. - ..„ -- 701PAAUTIPUTilli01.4 -- -At'l -. . I .. ' • 1111 - 14CW-,' 4AjbUt 4 t ChU44 44 04 - o# l 4o 4 :oliti --- .- . -, ..<4' ,,,, t•1. 4 4 ,-- 1:14.-. - >t , i4• 4 01Wr*:',.4:1•• ~-anA4l7l W=; En= , IsvC" aa In ebtOnsai Drn~sr,x►ditt _ . o ;tgursOk. , ....LATFMIN4gtzt!= sst: .. lArtiltAig:S, P-'' • Y.' --',...,'•:,------;--,: , ' . ; .-CoOtti:, _"•. , '*l ' , , Rir , Peoi:hifietighlivii n 4 e 9416 044 ,111 0 14 / 41 4 ii),ealititell - bhmpitsg,US alltzlcakttrk.erprt hi ...- glther 'wig+ ;Mr-14r Amis,giowoithwa.• The'n*iri,..tif-lospeor edin'theitkopo r m_ . ,„. I 6 localioriVfall penyt:. tic vti , l6*;s.4ii ne:#4llV .., tglt.bt 1 / 1 4E0g6 (mi.; alibi' litiOiktheAt , . , thef o:liii -11_,D., : #410:ir l i n t: he iiiKet BAillibiriles: _ cr oiorea kW intot - or: ee,of 44 1 Iskom ,- Kum - i , **14!...Phir5.; , 23 , & • NiK-Vii&i-19;Viiil lott i u ti, 4,410. z c .V- ~ ,', 5 , :4-',. -, . , i:, -:4-•;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers