- ~ ~,___ - . .---.10 . April; LU XA Mt "Il : -,,AVID MIER, MI, e Diet year: of. his , ago.. !..-' . . , ~_. ,', .:• i- t : - Dea... Geer, ri ~,native of.. Kent ,Towrudtip, Litchfield Co. Cont, was born, , Dee. , - , 1 , . 0760. When aboiit '3O - years et age:, - he - ,united .with tik,:.Congtvgatiopil tlitireh tia:the 'dei c e ,4 his taitlS'4 , i nia.in little' , a'a_S d.lialen. a Deacon, w hi c h wil c o he held until 1835 When, remov ing to this place, , he - transformed his relation to t heyresbyterian Chrtrch of Montrose. The rauvity - of_inanner, ind gentknesa of s pirit of..tinr - verieratO, friend secured the s trongaffection Of all 'WhO kneW ' him,; while the uniform consistency .:,of 4 i. , life' With this profession, his inteiest. in the, prosperity of the cause of ths' Redeemer; his peaceful submis sion to the ottieringa of.Gotrit hrovidence,and his, spiritital mindedness - bore stendy evidence to the sincerity of bit' duty add - the,y ripening nutinritrof his spirit for a better warld. During most of the prat year ,lie was with his children in theoity ,Cif . : New York': a n d was looking With mnelt interest to his antici• pated retuen to those with whom : : he had spent the last 30 years of Ids life, -and who were prepared Most cordially to welcome him with the kir or" being :little "to minister to hi s - com fort amid the iiifi :mints ofincieni ing age. But ditcl initls wisdom, ordakel it otherwise. _ . ,-.- ' : - At the very time that tier gements we:e making for his return, he, under the , pressure of age, rather than -of disease, tell gently . as t. se p, *His body was brought' up and inter- red on the 10th, in our rhos • grave, yard, by — theitide of the chosen ennlP4iiinif of his yonthfel dal's, the tiife,of his manhood and the sympathizing partner of Lis -hoary age, for 60 years he Lail lived,' in unii.ierrupte i barmouy and who two years :since f.ni.shed her course in peace:lllns ,preceeding him a little in the enjnyment of the recoviipeuse of the rightecay. ... , . ' ,11. A. R. --- In Lynn, SJsquehanna Co, rd., on Satur day, the 18th inst., LYMAN, soil of Justus and Anna Knapp, aged 33 years. - ' The deceased left Wow. (t second wife) and five small childre to& by his tir.st wife; left- and one by his secon" wife!'." The deceased' suffered over .six mouths .with ; pulmonary con sumption, and diedlwlthout.-n'strugglo or a. groan, leaving satisfactor'y evidence of his acceptance ith God.' :I.le trusted in - 1.1 upe of, a glorious In Bridgewater; .nn the 24th inst, Mrs. FnE FAxerrUti, 'wife - Of Jo! ri, Faucher, aged •64 years. , , • • Alm Faucher Aists Loin' in Butintr7m, the!, Luzerce-Co; Sept: 7th, OA She gave evi dence of a goon Lope in Christ,:and was bap Used by 'LW Jr.cob Make, and united with the Baptist when about eleven:years of; age. She has maintained her profession ever since in siteli a manner that no ode that knew her had a reason to doubt the reality of her adoption into the 'family of God's 'children. She was esteemed and loved by all-who knew her. She suffered fur many yeara from that dreadful dism , e, tie Consumption. But was never knot.% to 'Timmer -o r complain. She was petfeetly resigned to die, and said to her friends that she had an assurance in her own mind thait she should . go. to (liven •with'the Savior that she had always hived from the time she thought he had given her a new heart. She had times in the forepart of her "pilgriinage •dotibting her hope, as she ex aimed her life, but vheu . she has carried her case to the Lord he had always given her re lief froin her fetes. Arid now she was ready to leave her numerous friends, and all of earth, for heaven. Atal ,when ,the. time of her de parture was fully come she died without a struggle. Hating given her last farewell to them She has left a kind latshand and a large family of children, and a large 'circle of friends to' mourn her loss. • [Copt. .; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. :NEW GOOK!!-: Xre --- H. .'J.'., wE. BR'S. MONTROSE, Arßri„ :30th 1857. rissolution. rrlIE firm existing under the name of S. H. & D. Sayre ham beim.clisolved by mutual eon sent. Thelumitiess will be continued under the mule of S. 11,Sayre d., ikuthers. ' 8. H. SAYRE,. D. SAYRE. April 29th, -1857. ' • . S. H. SATs RE & BROTHERS ARE 'NOV RECEIVING sol ay of An ze. .50 .31 C OPRING 41 4 itr' D 1 41311111:Fait GOOD'S. "Explicator Cash or Produce can be bought V 'Try low. UJALL PAPER.. A k.eleci ass4rtment just teteived. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bartnitoi offered by S. H. SAY RE k BR.OTHERS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! 13 LOWS. We invite tbe_attention of Farmers to the celebrated Peeksialle. Plows which we Lice acidelito oar large nasortment. S. B. SAYRE S. BROTHERS, . Proprietors of. Eagle - Fonntlry. Montrose, 29th,',185 . 7. •' • iStf. - 1 DiSSolialo3. - THE coirtuirtershift heretofore existing, be. tween Elisba Bell and W.. M.-Tingley under thefirm 01110114 Tingley is this day dissolved by mutual em cut. _The 'Books and Accounts are in the hands of W. M. Tingley for settlement in consequence if his being acquainted with aid *Mounts. They will be at the , store in ilt , /leqi Pont' on7Aaturday of each week. All persons lying npsettled - account upon them are reqaeste to settle the same itobse4iately, by note"or otherwise. ' . EusriA - BELL, - - %Y. M. TINGLEY. - Ths bashiesi wiH -be , ciirried,.-on fa ille old stand-in Hop Bot.toi o. by Elisbahnd Truman Bell: whit are ilnuskfal for paid. favors,' , We - wlicit a gall from s'll our old custothers: E. BELL, . . . ' silop-13ottonvApril 29111, 1857. 1 H$ =embers of the thion Rill Artillery Cotnpany, oreAtereby ordered to meet on Monday ills -fourth day of itiny- nut et Union 'fall in, the Townehip of Ilarford it i O'clock, A. EL. armed and-equiped siecoM ing Utile for tlie purpose ofeompany Drill. ' .. '• By order of the Ownpuby. Buford. Aptit iitty,oBsB. - • .Votse. 'UBE School 'DiitOtoiamelitiitiOinnter triet wOktnnotlit , Thn &Ivo!!House near litrritt NOUN( in nailiitittiot, en &PIA/ fib -dry of- MT iiixt to tet,ifieliOdiat 'citron Doi 1 1 i M 4 0 1 .1 , 104 place: • ~,,5 , ,i . . ....', . .14 . , 1" ..., -i - •; 1 . , • - • •Aerc, • 4••;., ,,. ...:••.4•LW."4•41.• AG iIN I riAtriNg.failed of selling out ter store , with Js-e. its cOutents, we are again in Alio market with New. Goods selling for Cash.ouly, fur less thin can be found in Susquehanna"..l;4' misty , - We are determined to sell goods Low not Withstanding the railings of our uptown neighbors. Sp friends, one and all; come - and huy where you can buy Om cheapest. Your money saved is as.good for you se for those you have enriched heretofore. It. TIIAYER,.& April 28th, 1857. GREAT PREPARATIONS TIIE SPRING TRADE! 1857!! rri lIE subseriberibers have on. hand (and are constantly making .additions thereto) the largest stuck, and most varied assortment of HMV TIZO,D2 ever before offerisi to this corm u. ily. comprir. ing almost every Thin expected to he obtained -41 eountry storta nll selicted with the view of - ineeting the vt(tious wants, ;:nd neeest,ities of trni customers. • Small Profits ! ! Wo are selling, and are willing to sell our -whole stork of • n • ) • At the cery smallest advance from Gin! Con sistent with a small renutnerative profit ;believ ing it to be more fur our interest, to sell a large amount of goods st a small profit, than a tattll amount, at a heavy pi otit. O. PIMHARM TAKE vNOTICE THOSE WHO ILL'I TITEIR GOODS FOIL We ask to note-the abi3ve facts, and net, as will be assnmdly fur their be s t interests, by giving us a-eall: • - •• I'D an MB CUSTOMERS!! Thankful • for Abe opto' rtur.ity cf.cervin , so : - .amerotts a fiat of en!..torners, , and hi , fily ap. pfeciatit.g 'their tpany favors daring, the year past, ae .assure .them, that it shall be our e on.: stant study and care, to anticip:4le, and meet their %slims in every particular. Produce Wanted. Most kinds of Produce Wanted In exclungc fur goods. • % , PARTICULAIth ..VE.VT WEEK. Tunlhnnnoek Depot Apr..lSth, 1858. [IS ail : 23 WITNESSES: - —OR— • Tbr forrirr• Oninrttb. • 4 JOIN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR,. has bad 10- years experience re a ißanker and pnblisher.und author of ,A reeks Of Ler:tyres at the Broadway Tab. ` i erpacle when for 10 surcesSivi nights, over 5 tar"so,ooo People - Greeted him viith Rounds of Aptilansp, he Exhibited the manner in' which 'Counterfeiters exie:2le their Fraii.is, and `the Sorest and Shortes Means of Detecting ARtin! The Bapi: Eneraters all ravlat he is the greatest Judge ref Paper lifoney living, I . IfI,EATEST DISC'OVERY of the Pres- O M eat Century for Deteetirg Counterfeit Bank Notes. • ;Describin; EveitGenuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance' . every . Ciiunterfeit in-Circulatinn • Arranged bo admirably, that REFERENCE Is 5 ' EAST and 'DETECTION INSTANTAXEDES. • ler No lirdex to examine! No pag.e tp ihunt op. Bat Ao - aimple and arranged. that • ( ithe Merchant, Bankc r rind Busluess Man can lsee all at a. Glance. Eng lish, Fre7lcli and G'crrnan. ThnK Ezeit rnny read the rnme in bitrown lkinth-e Tongue. , :` ;.Aiost Perfect Bank Note List Pub!ished. Also n Lißt of ' the Private Bankers in America. A Complete Snrimary of thetimccs or tEnnorr Amp Amr.niciv will be publit•hed ° yin each odition. together with. nil the Im• NESE or TER DAY . . Also A SEUIES L _ OF TALES ;Pim en Old Manuscrip found in the E3st. it furnishes the Most Complete History af . `‘.• 01111,1ENTIAL LIFE, describing the Most 'Perplexing Positions yin which the ladies nod Genttemen of that e `,Country hare been found. These Stories - V continuo throurhout . the whole year, will'itrore the Most Entertaining ever 't,,a k .'„offered to the i t ar Turnicbed Weekly to Subscribers c p. ) lemly: at $1 it year. Ail letters must be ad - • - . JOHN S. DYE, Broker, • iPubbsber and r_roprittor,lo Wall.st, N. Y. WBELL: iBena 110011rAVING'14#» mxible to fulfill my 'mint -1- Meats. is Oe-towas mimed below, en ac. tourit4f the late snow storm,,) wit! hold eaaat• 'nations in,them a Toiltowe ; Liberty, ally 51 4 b, Demme* 10 o'cloe : V., 111. m. Hargaerly i' - g. Ws. u. 10 s, tn. Thomson, Xoyith.etrititr S. 0.10 delott Ararat, Slav 104f:berth, s''_, . ' P. lacbsoe, Stay ft y 5th,140.1 . .10 id • • B. F. T4WirerUlty,co.4ls. Ariritth; 200. • - • -FOR CfrISH, LITTLE & HARDING. Exuduaions. ru w znyiarnot - Alike Aesv Store In . GibeetllN rrilßnrdersigned having jugt returned from 'AL -New York',,are now exhibiting to the good people or Gibson - and vicinity,* complete tuisort. meat of MI Groeeries,.. Crockery, Hard ware, Bouts and:Shoes—Data and Cr.ps, Ready. made Clothing; Staple and Fiiniiy Day Goods cohabiting or Lawns, Berges Chats's Ginghaffts. Prints, Sheetin,g4,Tiekin,gs, Ind a large 'Mei of Summer Goods fur Alen and Bin's wear. 'Believing the Ready ray lard thert erttlit sys tem to be the true one our motto is "The nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Call and see as for we mill sell you goods Cheap fur Cash. - • HAWLEY & GUILD. Gibson, April 206, 1857. • •.N 11.. Alliinda of produce taken in exchange for Goods. H. & G. A _Complete assortment'of Bonnets, Bonnet at:d Dress . Trimmirgs,4e., :at ' HAWLEY k GUILD'S. • ALarge ati,ek of Gloves and tiot , iery of every variety, fur Gents, Ladies.; nod Children, at HAWLEY & GUILD'S. BOOTS and Shoes , , and ,Ready-made Cloth ing of every style.in market. at . HAWLEY & GUILD'S.; F LOUR and Salt by the Elaml .or Pound, at HAWLEY & GUILD'S. Dairymen Take Notice. TTAWLEY & GLILt2 have ,constantly on hand and have node to order churns, Fir- Reto,ru Pails and,llutter X p ubs Ad the best - ) .[Cibmen, April 20th,' 1837. .M.ll - Uft. • VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL. rsS ar 13 t E he SSI t E u;I S ic . ,n RILEY, , ; ,r f a t ‘ s i been ß ll l 7 of New Yotk, eri rtsly: to •qualify herself for giving instruction, will give lessons on the Piano and in Singing to sneh as may desire !t, at the residence of her Cither, Rev. IL A. Riley. gi , ntrope, April ::0;11, 1851. 17t.f. AYER'S • C Ell Rl' • ' PECT 011. FOlt I:AND Colds. coughs.. anti It oarseriets. Multi - mu). Mtgs.. lilt Der-. PM. • Dc..l. C. Arsx: 14, *Ay P r; !h , beet noittoty lure •:cer r.to !'“ , r Iltntoccuotok Eutuint. Ist: 1 the' •ji es•Tio'ntitztot cyt.ti•u•nr• I. . C•ionfir I`:.criltt. Its rotac:atit upe in . my protti,e an.l my Nita, for the Lot ten yennt !ins *Lova it to loran.. ctipt, • I,‘ 4.r t trines_ ror the trmtment .4'• thews S. • tointrLsints. EIIEN KNIGHT. M.D. • . A. II: 310111'LT:1'. ESQ—of Errie4, (.Y. trritnt: wI hare yaur Pt Croll DlyiNli All -tuy family OTOS SIMS yon hirented it, end believe it the beet medicine 1;w its pnriens ever pat out. WWI a lad cal I aluuil.l Oho Ah•T pixy twenty-IS‘o f..r a le;ltie than du without It, or teke anj other triut.dy.." Croup, 'Whooping Cough, Infttienvi. F.U. 1F.6 Itturriura Arm: I will 92 - wet - hilly certify ytmr PrcrostAL ie the lit remedy we tire,. hit' the cure or illicv , pirig (ZniviS, Glint". and the chest rd - children. We .if yont fraternity in the S.milt appreciate your skill, inid commend your medicine to "lir people. CONKLIN, M.D. - .1010 S - writce, Ja..h,.1 5 ,36: "1 Ltd a tediowt ItAtt^ttna, whi , h confuted rrte- ht doom gin wt.4.ke; troll tunny tn....lid-nes with,tt rel:e1"; tlnAlty tried true PICI"R u. by tL. atl.lce. of t.or ,lerfylntt. Tite tirott dowe relieved the wwette-w in nty ebnavt m:4 Innot; leas than one half the b. , ttle n.,1« u.« t....muiet«ty Tour utt-licitow are the chezvvot AA well ntt llte.l,ettt wr enti hey, and we r,teent yon, I Ctw, and ,)" . 0111" reme died,. as the l.tiv notu's ft fiend." Asthnu or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. Itir.sr MAN;n:Arr.. E. 4. MAL Stn: Tour Or:x.lw it performing marvellous enrra In thiteertion. It limirrlieted several ft,nt Akinll. intz Sylupt44lll aml is nol, R man who tom lAN - n.41 under an aff,t;:,at of the Irmo for the Iva forty-years. 1.. PA ItE.S.. Meretiant. A. A. 11A3ISET, Arat.lx, 3.10N50.t Ca., V)W4, Sept. During- my yeaetio....sf many years I have found nothing. tins! to . yotir Chi:ASS PE.CTOUSt. for givlng.wsse and relmf to rousuMptlce patients, or erring sack AS are eural.k.:, We might Ada tolltrnes of eritlenee, Lilt the, amid eon• vincing prnot the %it tut,* of this realm!). is found im,its effects upon trial. ConsnmOtion. Peal*lay no onelll.iy ha. e%vr been known cuica so many and inch ibinmqns cases as tLis. Sams uo Kaman aid con rearli; tut etpn to those the Cum-ay Pr c-roitt alferds relief and comf4,rt.. Arm lI•mSL Nos Son% Cm, Mar.-1, 5, 1565 Dome Arra, Lasted.: I feel it a dray and a pleasure to inform yon whit ycnir Cnrzra PS.C , ?-41. has d.,ne for my wife. Sir bad trey are munit . o Inr.cleing ander the dangertata arympinzne of enierunption, from which no aid 'rec.:add procare rave IhrT much relief. sl,e wen steadily until Dr. Strong: ct this city. a I:ere we Illre emir for advice., recornrocal Jed a :CAI car y, , nr mnUrine. %I. bleu Ida kantnrea. as w e our skill, for ?her has recov ered fr•on that day. Sl.e in Lot %it 'trope. as ..he used toll , a but is free it - 6ni leer and calla bcreelf Years 14 lib gratitude and rt•caed. ORLANDO FIIELIdr, or SILLISTIILLIL. Qmriasp'ita. do trot dvsvair till, you have tried Arres ebtXtri i'Lernitst. It is iilnde woo:ill. lam. t mediesd riwinlsts in t'. , is 1., Id. and its caws al: artnitad rrs Ix:speak ILI high tuerits a its lii-tues.-17,Z:ziki1dais Ayer's Cathartic Pills. r sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their rdnuat to prothoreihis het. most perfect pargatise which is known to man. Innumerable Knots are show u that three tali hose virtues which tonnes in excellenre the ordinary medicines. and that they in on precedentelly open ths , estrum of all then. 1 hey 14011alfe and pleag.int to 14.1,.. but p , werfal to rove. Their pttre- Latins; properties stimulate the vital irtithit. e f th, body,- retuoTe f the otebruetions of . Its organs.-purify the ' and expel tlirea...e. They par;-.e art the tool bum ,, rs u filch breed and grow distemper, stlmulate.elazgish or diem de'red organs 11i:01hr-it - natural scion, and impart. L tab hy tone with etrength to the sh,le system. Net only do they cure the e‘ery-day compleints of el tory body, but also pltoidable end 111 , 4710 as 4W-sus that have Is:Med the beat of human skill. tt Lila they produce powerful_ effects. they are at the same time, in diminished 4,...,1, the safest and teat physic that can he erat.loyed f-r children. aneox-cf.Ato.), tirey.ars pleasant tcila.ke; and being purely vegrtal.le, art , free final any rith. of harm.. Coma hire been made which surpass belief were they not stile stentialed by men cf attar exalted pu.ition mot character to to forbid the respicion of nntrotb. :Many rmineut decry. men and fdryeiciaor have lent their names to asti r y to the public liie relfahility of my remedios, while nth. ire Lave sent rue the assnrance of their conticti.ili that my Preparations contribute itutztrusely to the relief of my aftwied, suffering fellowmem. • 'lie Agent below 1/.1044 1 ,1•41.0"1 to furnish grille my A roes itau Alison:az, containing dlrection • f.t. !brit 1140 and out ifiestostiof their cures, of the Pdlowing complaints:— ' Costiveness. hiitkere Coniptithint, Itheurmathrto, I>ni.sy, ilea:thrall. he arielpe. Ftorasch. ?.o ear. ludiroothur. 31ortid Inaction of the lluwcls and rain witting tberefruin, Fl tulency..bues of Ali s oite, all Ulcer. one and nacreous Diselases odtich requlre an a:sc.:rant Sled:rine, Fen.f.rla or Hthe's Evil. They &leo, by purify.. lug the blood and stimulating the system. rure . ttriuy 0 , 1i1i.11111.114 1 , 11 i• 11 it r..n , id net. be supposed they .conid retteli. Such a/ T.'11f110 ,4 4: Pupal :170110/Iria NMI Serer tre Irritability, Pt ran:entente of the Meet and HW uo ys. clot. and other kindred c.unplainte string from a low some of the Lair cr oh.tructiz , n fur.ettons. Do not ,Le- put serf' ly emprincipltal dealers with roma other pill they make inure profit on. Ask for Area's Mts. acd take nothing else. No other they Call cite you taunt-area with this in its intrinsic seine or curative The sick want the 1..11 aid there is for them,., and they should bare It. • . Piepared by Dr. d. C. ATER, Practical and Arislytieal Chemist, Lowell, lieu. Pit= 25 Cm. rsz tWx., Fist Bozzs roz. $l. SOLD AY ABEL. TURRELL , Montrose, Ard by Dealers in MEDSCIN ES every here, 2000 Rolls Wall Paper, COMPRISING a good :variety of mew. p a t. terns; Also, Bordering, Window paper, &e.. just arrived, ind for sale eher.p for the quni• ijy. by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, March 18, . TILE .ORDER Or .THINGS t E persona ititiel;ted to the firm •of a Thayer & Co., aid W. Thayer, Jr. aro here by-notified that unless call and settle Ito medietely, cysts wilfbe. wade. 7 .:! it. TtlAYElt ,413:. CO. - noritrcise - lari °9tlt 1857. _.• • • :LUST look at the Ribbootond &moos at e." - • - - ,KENYONII. BLACK _81141.80a lovf.vicalret • KENYON'a. lAwavilletratni; Apiil litli; '57. TILIPPORD'S Otte Tut, • •• . TURREII, 1 8: „ _ HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING 4YD FANCY GOODS! FCR CASH ONLY ! lIAPING determined to change our place of business, we offer for sale our entire stock of 1111121bVii228 110113 WEA IEI6 itNll%lll‘ fag! UM, ALT f-G. 111 E & MILTON, Binghamtoh, April 23, 1857. tgr• We ni,b.it to-be distinctly under stood, that our sales will be made for CASH ONLY!!! 2 - 0" AU pei . sons open - accounts on our boas are rerittesteil to call and settle iin tnetliatel v. • • . - t-13 — Accounts not settled by the Ist of Muy %sill be put into-other htindsfor collection. GOING AT COST!! ! ! NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS!! lIXIIDWA.RIE, T1 , —.17 Tn 7. TT el r'r'r 7A--1 A ure..1=1.7111.N. • . - .27 4 4)n GOODai- i ii P P. as""atilrari‘.....7-Ssn'airs% You Lai- - e now a splendid opportunity to supply yourselves with everything In the above line, at New York cost. U%d' 01. 1 1 iirlo..' 4 \ir'ti . 22.•'1"6- . .We base a ve . ry large assortment, - .of Car potter's Tools of the best rioality,.whieli we will sell at. Cost. ' , I ,• . . . . . . • I.NZ 000Z:Zalli We hare a complete acsortcnent of Coop er's Tools, going at Cost. VC) DMITD2I-tflA. Locks Latches Knobs, Bliml Trimmings, Butts, Screws, &e., going at Cost. 'ft@ Desirous of Purchasing their spring stock, such another opportunity will never present itself. Our cline stock of. Trott and Steel will be sold at Cod. - Or Those dwriroas of selecting ,fiortt a complete stock will call early. • —. KNOWLTON, 61 Coutt-otteei t 'adjoiuitig itittik Bing 110,0pn.ton,- Aril, 10th; 1667: - 51 Court-street. P. & li. TH4 ,4IIII "OgPc 4 to gOod citizens of Brooklyn and vir,initY,thitt they have entered into - a co•fisitnership in The Getters! IferFhiuldliso ttaainetss,suidtinre rentoi , ed to the - store formerly occupied by - Edwin Tiffany, In.srooiklyn, Where they ,wonht be fisps by to see their frierkitsi bad/alit'!" Wontot Goodsi Cturstoekls-tinitemstensive,-- hicinding. sltlthei leading articles embraced in the eatalogili of Dry , Goods, GOo4O, Groe'ertes, +rare, .CrovkVrk; , -toots:nn4. , Shoe", ; : Fifth, Paints, Oils; Ortigl i ,P4- - - lent ;Medicines, DO Stuffs Fa rihinf , Tools, Wt, bare just received a fresh invoice, b o v.gbt as low as the cualket will afford, and vein 'ottur to sell thorn for a reasonable advance. Those in want of G.,oai will ai.i4urtalv Consult tbiir own interest by `giving us a call. • • • 0, 0. HFIIFSTEAD - El/WIN SIcKENZIE. Brooklyn, April .Btb, 1857.. N. B.:. Those who have unsettled.secounts with eitliero.-G •-fletnstead,or Smithlir. Hemp'. 4,. st d, will-see the propriety of settling the same tont delay. • - - • - . ° ":16w3. Chomicals, Drugs, AND every description of Medtcais, at Siu gletoth; Laboratory in Itontrose. munientions addressed to the Laboratoryoiill be answered by return mail. Lnto Rome Surgeon to thefollowintrAnsiitntiong: St. Georgrs ITOF. pital and tho — Westminister Hospital, th - o mare 'Manchester; tluißristol lufirmnry, Bristol Europe; and Lite of they Marine Hospital, San Francisco California. - Fob. 26,1837.- Farin far.' Sale The stiltseril:Tr offers for Sale . Aim], Farm in Brooklyn township Siisqu'a: Co., situated on llopttottom erer,k, two. miles . from Brooklyn Centre: and throe inj!es from Jlontme Depot On the D. L. & W It. R. On said firm • are kwo framed 1-lonsert, one framed barn and Shop, nails wulllitatered. - • Terms made known on applieation to the dersig,ued. _ . ALVIN DAY. Brooklyn, Feb. ii3.lB67—tf. • 11008 BOOKS r 'AND STATIONI7. TUST.AGOlNG.—Chenper.than at Any other Pstore this side of the 'Little Villagr of New York. Walk in and be eonvinead. Dr. Kane's Artie E•xpeditions,liteollections of a Life Time, Science vs. Spiritualism, The Sultan and his People. The Star and the Mud: or,a Daughter's 'MCP Goutieman's Guide to Politeness, a Man nil of and Letter Writing. New and Improved Circular Interest Tabled,_ Patent Unproved Letter and Invoice File, &e., &e. A new lot. of School Books, Blank Books: Writing Paper, Pens; Inks, Se.—O. the Pest Office. - • , A. N. BULLA RD. Montrose. April 31, 1857: . To the Fain itie3: anti Mtsiness Com munity of Montrose, and • rounding Districts. WHEN going or. sending, to New York for supplies, you are respeetfully Ind ited to make a trial of the superior TE . 2IS, imported expressly for the IMMENSE TEA 11 - AkEllOesE OF CHRISTIANSON & CO. Denleri in TEA S and COFFEES exc . rdsireiy. - This is by far the greatest concern of the kind IN THE WWILD, affording the opportunity, utAll times, of procuring.a pure, reliable, and choice variety- of l'EAs and CorTELs in quality and price, present unrivaled inducements to both Dealers and consutuers, 'rhe faei:ites pos:c-Ased by his establishment are of such a)rharacter as to warrant the proi prietors.in speaking thus confidently, and then 'are prepared tO l abide the decision of all who may test their sincerity by a critical examination of their stock and prices. , This immense establishment k situated the very heart of the city of NEW YORK at the corner of 13,oadway and Grand Street, af fording every g nreWenee of easy aceeFs, and in the midst of the most extensive establishments of this great commercial metropolis, Holding ourselves responsible for a fair and truthful representation of all we sell, and with the assurance to our customers that unless such shall prove to be fully equal to our representa tion, that the•goode will be taken, back and the. money cheerfully returned, we are sure that our system of doing business must meet with the hearty approval of purchasers. In conclusion. Ave respectfuily'renew our invi tations to Families and Dealers, believing that a trial will convince awn' of- the-great advna lazes which we hold Ohl. to customers in making their purchases at The:Boadway Tea Warehouse, No. 4Sti, commn OF GRAND STREET.NEW TORE.. -CHRISTIANSON & Co. nl.s—yl Propritium MANN V'S COYIBIN ED Reaping and Mowing Machine".- 'PHIS MACHINE can do the wort of ten or JL fifteen men. It took the first premium at the great National Fair'at Paris in the -summer of 1855, and when on exhibition at the County and State Fairs in out own country has allenyl been pronounced the best Machina in use. I in. cite the Farmers of this county to call on me at Montrose and examine the Machine for them selves, as en accurate description of the same in print would occupy too much space in the. columns of a newspaper. ' C. D. LATHROP, Agent. - Montrose, April ild; . 1857. _ NEW TOPOGRAPHICAL ZtlAt" Or • Susquehanna. County. the undersigned, propose io publish n T V map of Susquehanna county, cif sufficient eaconragement-be git:en,) said map Aiming all the Roads, With their angles,clf streams in their proper Vaces=tog,etliez_with all Lakes, and PlindS, with their na mes. Sltowing their. lo cation size and shape. The names of property holdersnre to be inserted in their proper phic: es—it will abio showy the lheatimi of all Church. es, -School Houses, Hotels,.Stores, Mills - of hit kinds..also a correct Table qf Distaneei froM one Post office to another • throughout the County. 'Said map is to Le on a f Cite of an inch and one eighth to the mile, and will be de livered to Subicriberri colored' and mounted at the exceedingly low price of 85,00 per copy. . : . - .LEE: & MARSH, 1- Non. 17 & 19, ;Mina riTfflltrA. To the School Directors of - Sus2'a GzaTt.r.itta:— . ln pursuance of the 43d section of the Act of 113 Y, ,1§54, you are hereby notified to meet in Convention, at. the Court house Nfontroseprr the fit:l4 "Monday irt thefaurth day Ide mouth, at 1 -o'clock in the afternoon, and iielret tire roce; 'r, majority of the whole number of Djrcetors preseut, , one per of literary and setentlfie attainments, and ski:l and experience, in - the _art of ' , Teaching, as County Superintendent, for ; au- three gummed ing rears; determining the amount : or 0002Pei2- .sation for the_satue,and cm:llo44lm tomtit: to the' -State Superintendent at liarrisburit as , requir: ed by-the 30ttt and 40th seetions.or,FOia Net. ' ' ::..8. F. T.EIWICSSUItY,` ;' . , . County Sapl of Subifs co. NewMittc;rdi-APil 161.4 1841..;, - • • fcir si4 ABEL, TtititELli•' sztm ~)A:prosent ~,_Everr'r!Bodlts ' Who purchases -ii ii Ire :Sipe between 'his .14 :. the fir tof .10e, , - - ' 1 IMINIM NO 1 t twee to Witt a eonaidilabli ~L.l 1111131.01 tho.!"nee4 u ming. thatmest Si inenths; l ..base•Nhosenffils:Pht!kto- 14 1PTeiskiiV business trusting. that my egortsTO: please My cusfOinera 'will', ..be `,llo,WidV„ltPPrilet#l,4 - tbat ; I * 11!)4411 Valet nogring,l4 4 _ the'operation. - : ,- - ' ...,:;, These presenta `.eorrsist orGOM Igock'ets;livint •$3,00 - to $1 ' 0,00; BOOkri fr6nro 50 - etc411,26 ; Ambrotymi from 81,00 ta.52,00 . ;- and' Litho graphs from-It 1. 4 1 via. -to $1,(10t; :ea ~:, • ...: . •', Two• hundred of those, worth Over *lna,oo, ' :will be given to the pnrehasofwof 240 cases se=- { leefed for the Prirpote.. .• . , =... •. ErThere are no tickets' and 'conequinily no waiting for.a'• "prim draWitig,", but esek:One *cis hi: present with his likei7eo-. .. - ' ' - " ' _ So now, my gnodpeopi Make, no . deitty,, -. , ; • For -April and ,Moy will yeas ,awlitlY - le Lig. . Whether rainy . or. shiol.n.u, -we Ore 0 . mber. ' ' ._ ' -. • For Wis do take . good pictures in` ail sorts'of - he weatr: ..- ' - ''.. ' - . . - _- , ' " n . ' W. B. !JEANS, -- • - . • .. • • Sky Parlorin the Brick Block OVet:- B4.tntley ;Road's. . . ' ... ' ': ' : . ' • I Montrose, April 2d, -187.- --.. Etrphiire2 CELEBRA7 4 .6'CItTIIO7.ItOII", - For the Pelief anti Cure of Sdtrering liemorrage ,- - E3or flooding; Painful, Suppremi d, and IrreguhlriA.lon3truation.- &e., with all their aecomParlYing tivils!(cancer excepted) no ;natter how. seven:or of howlon4r stranding. Thi3 medicine has fiet - er.been introduced by empty puffs and mi3repre3entationit, nor k It in tended that it 3 present popularity' atiall .13e sus tained by any. medium but its merits and the approbation of the public. • - REFERENCES.—Tho trieilieino in : now: Well known and appreinted, and nUI have a steady and inereaAng sale. 1-.1:11ow of •ato preparation tivit can compare with it for the liartienlar-entn plaints tot which it is•tle'signed.: 1 am tiatinfied.- lay the.nse now making i)f it in my own fatally, and by ,almont every daft: evidence- of 'its bene fits to ethers ; it innily Merits -the .warmest recommenddiem its best frieraN huve given it. E. B.Tr.r.tctss,. 31. D., I.ritriettaithivi flaying nov; used the remedy for .fu'ar years . in tnywractive, ,rely irli.9lly on it for. the cure of almost all female .disenses. With /a:my re: . gards for ‘ourself,l remain vour9,&e:- BENNETT, M. D., Cantdaigun, N . : Y. Thiix far it has given entire sati:sfsetiOn 'in all cases *here it has been 'used, andi do not hesit late. to recommend it.-in every-eaisefor.*hich i •is'clesiined.. I consider it an incaltuthie medi cine; and sufferers should know of it; .• "- „. L. BROWSE JI. D., Claretatint,..Nlll. - ; * * I would be-glad to have a farllter snp plY., as tne medicine is becoming very popular, and 1 thiuk will etintirmiN-s . has given re : . everY instance where prorw'rly tr ken.- THOMAS NtWMAN, 31. D., - .11.t. Vernon, led. , Githoiieon is (king good seitieb•hei - e: Alliihe patients that have tried the . medicine liari! heed hem:fitted -but one—;-antl. that one nothitig help. Truly youts f , NV m. LAILD 11,..zr.rrr 2 11.. 11,NeAv PION; Ohio. I am persunied, nfter trying, it in a. grentniany .sex, that it surpasses all otler-remedien.with .rl my Ino , Nledge for that cross of d . itliettltieS for which it is veommentivd, itaS cured some very extreme eases under my Observation ; which hive resisted all other treat:nerd. Prevail on medidal men to .adopt it ;n their praztice; and I have no furs a the roUlt, from what knowledge I task.- obtainetlperrionally - of its curative iibwers.. I with the inedicine kept berth, . _ The claims of this medicine to the. confidence of the_public are strengthened by the feet - of its, having 'received the - - approbation and liberal patronage of many pro.ninent members Of the ;Medical Faculty in the United States,- some,of vvhcm ave voluntary, given letters of eogitnen datign, (see • pamphlet,) sustaining - -all that. is claimed for it as a curative agent. • - Patuphlets containing much usefulinfonna:' tion touching the nature and symptoms of the, above diseases, together with testimonials from,: ladies - of the highest respectability, as certified by the most satisfactory.authority, to all, of Which the attention of ladies - and, practitioners is . re. igie'etfly invited, can be had . _ratir at the store of ABEL TURA:ELL, Agent; DruggiSti'Alentrose,-Pa. i?:. ~ - ii ,'+! • Also, - ale by Mrs. Maly A. Clark; Hawley T. D. Spring, La . Ceyvilly; Dr. H. •G. Porter,,Towarida; and by respectably Drnggists in all the adjoining.ronniies. -J.ll. MAItCIIISI Co. , Proprietors, Cen.frd Depnt,3o- . l.llr . oith!cay,'N. 14;e4 - • [5A1 1, 1421211 7 7.) . 1 ~r RS: S. FULLER. would announce to the 111 ladies. of Franklin and vicinity, that she will beprepaiedn the 20th inst„to cotmence the -• ' - . .., . , . - . ' MILLE •BY BIUSINESIS . • Tor. the season, wlin. nil cails in that - line Will be proinptly attended to. , ' - : flaring secured the: services of" an ekeellent . milliner—Miss E. M. 'Kip of Binghatntonand having a will selected •assoqtrient. of millinery goods now ,being pnielmscd -in New York city; she is confident 4)1 - pleasing all who may favor. her witha call either in priers or,quality, ..., • -1 L - am' Straw bonnets•dressed over to .ordei... Franklin - Forks, April - 8th,.1851. -. . 15w3. . . RAN Away from :the substriber' On the bth • r: instaul, :Amos - *White t J en indentured siOrentien to- the- z . - , art and mystery of:Farming. „ , ,'A pert ons nt e, hereby forbid h.atborr. ing or trustingsaid atipritntiee - • on • my aeentutt.Whoever, wilt rn. said runaway shall receive .the above re: ward, but no-charges; 'EZRAREEBR.' • 13rielmeiVa ter; April' 6th, 1 . 657. •- - • TWING inst returned frorn New Yrirk. wlth - T ' n convict° nbaortment of• good* to the - Sprin,g Trnde i.nnsieting in , part follows, viz: Dry . Goodio; Groceries, CroCkery, Hardwarc•,' Boots 41i* 'Shoes) Clocks / Looking Glasses,. - Umbrellas, Wall per, Ladles" ue(, &c. &c. A fine stoek of LEA NANA S7'llA-IV, mut PALS!-LEAF 11A and' many :other cies too numerous to, - mention, lr ould invite tits espet:bil attentien of Cash buyers to -an eiatni., nation of his 4604'm/bleb will be khown :freely : to All, sOd'soldniehenp as they sell goOdethis -31(101-New York:- Thankfol .for the patron: nfe--.that has been bestowed' upon hint the 'past year, he hopes by constantattention toile-Wants et ail, to suit.alf who. may call, s fiNint, ;that, Wp eitstonters wilt, not forget-that it settlement of. eceounts ; is duo me - _onpe a year.l.JUlnai n ttieir *errant, . 4 X.ErIY9N. • , SIIAWLSInri $l,OO to V ox* - • .-: IORENCII. CALF, -RC OZ'S,_ ))10" , FoliatItthi‘t s4(ma. z-KENV-014% h oc k B 41110* /kid ;- • ,pie-iosi It_ri° MEM It ' , tends pre=eminent forltß curative . pOwt . rs :the (incises for witch` it is. te 7:Ornmentled, ustrailk Feinal6 Coinplatints. Of.thesO are PrOlitoaus llteri, or falling of the ienntb:..Flitor Albtts, cir whites; Chronic InilantatiOn and Ulceration of- the .Weinb;- - Incidental L. D. FLEarnic, M. D., ROcht,ster, N. Y. T. C. iliwt:::s, 31. D., Wayil esta rg, One Cent Re:ward. 053. GER ~.. ~'..~ at a a rf4,7 14 - - = •'• - 7 ,,, ..--;.: - '1 , -,i''.4-..-.- ---, '..1.. .=::-...' I?, Ili:O, ' [ (liiitti‘ ;C o nn 1:1' * 1 6 1: t- t*iii4 1 . 1:: t riflnirttiiinfike'diaeit ''Ultsitflikatif - lid.:' , . ,K way to - the,- inte'rn4V: - ._ itthii:Allittiritit* , 4l4 -.::.:•-,- :ttoreavithit,skin: -_ This li gathiiiiOn ll o ll l.4 l- :'3 i i, - ; meltineuntler the: band:rit - if,' . 41itf , 4114:1411 1 1i14 6 ' . .,,. , . ; absorbed% through they;."": tae =t l '''.1014;7---r2J-.: ' retie-hi/210 , W aest,of infirm& Ittlims.irMsf *lfilitt 4 V" . int : ntiellyAbblinti-Il;: k l it't 1 1 :44.-10.iti 1k1.h.C7: 7 ! tit. kidneys, the lir - lifer , thor"liiii ;41 7 :itiit• ittriiiiite3nt...i: , ?.,, , / portant o - rgn P i . It penetrit a llMAsturfsttl'hr.,,t_itC.:! interior; tholeohnt (stirlitigi,:;finit l'i.4?-1 . - Meek:lto with - the r skilt afflthikr4r, itik Ofillgel!,:e, intolhe fevered - saathi diffusing its - 4**4 Irli.;:1-...',.. ,generating influenee.7-.- ,x . , , '... - -.1 , 7,.?- . ,:i*i ( : , -'-':-...: • ~..' -- ,L , ~---- ,:-:- - ..: : ,- ' Skin difiettiiiiiiid' Viandlditt ,-,•,-,-,- ~, . , .. 4ii ,, :,, , ....,-... , ...,,, f ,,, ........ ~,- -.. ~ . ~„ Surtni - , ..:~,-,,,,,..,:.:,-,--•. -,_ . -,, .... ~..t .:„.i:A..,-,1, 7 ,- ~,- ...,-., •. • • ' •• - - lekty Every speetes of estetioritrtitagn . - AU ~. . . ,4 rednled hrtheantilothtminrmir,ltittc4l, ' -' , 1'5. ; Ointment::: Angiy'.Einrrt Sti,:stif . n. ... .:,, 1 0 4Etnu,, - Et, ylitenr.iit, - 77 - `,T 'T,lttftti -- -;" : 4 . : ,.'; '&it t.ri Ilsan,7 Nrtrt:t . 11, 4.ii t - t'• „ tren)Sie ', die , ont, to rels -. ttilin4i niiiieiiiddel Iti".: T application. • iltispital - et ft rienikeini''Oft# l o lo 'o:4.7l 'the world pr . oves its -intuit bilitrf '' , Arutrantitt tk; 1 . tha akin ; the muscles, thkj intas , . ltl*glnitde.. Ulcers, Sttres,‘ d ,ti Ors; :. -: , , The sheet of t hii tiny:lva . , Kli , ek rrenitikt ~ upon SCrOfula, ' livid othei. Irdknt: : _.'lltlint* and , :, sores, is almost mirientoug :.!`. it nnit, , ,`:::ditaklurrtio. the.poisOn: which prod e 7 eupP,nril-intr,;4111211 7 - - proud 'flesh tand thus t the: 110 1 0..i0 its *II': piopirtiessiterward, C:OT , . 14 4 7 .,- tkrt islrf:OL'it i l .10 - as permanent:. - ;-,, =. r; , Wounds,. truisep . ' . Soaldt ?... In cases of (ti e treat:tin o , iansed , hi steam explosion , SCALDS, Rif EU 31,ATISM i STIII and contraction- oEthe sin) and warmly recommendedt marrellOes remedy has bet inventtcr in person hill) all of Europe, and nolrlynto i without it, - - .. . . . .. .. .., I ' , Unden.iable . - 1 `The Medical Staff of th ArtniSii in , the : Critikea.. - 1)., their apt rovalof Ij,ollowel ': most reliable dresetag, Dais; itr,un-shot wouncia. It i il l ' f. ge°nso tlio Allied Niiies Both the Ointineat onel • in the fothitti Bunions ; ; flUrng, • '.- .- -- Ch;lppod irands, - • , . Chilblains; - C;out, Lumbago, . . : Mercurial Ecuptio,ns,,l 1 Ililes; , , - ' 1 lilientrintiin; IRingworm ' I Swelled Glaildn; :' I Sores of nll•hirida; Sold at. the .3lantit: Flor,toniAy, 80' '-lkfaidin .4 `l:4 Strand,. Lentlen, V . v.: - al t aiszs and Dealers in . Medic - - /tinitad States - and. the at 25 cents,62 1.'2 ifints4.2 14' There ty.a . eonsid t king the largieslies; i- N. B.—Directions ll'irth in every disorder are . •oetfln-10 — ' Administiatco 'IEI;EAS I.taters o I Estate of 'Alit:IMO:I town, Stispiehitnna County granted to the,subtaeriber; to the .nitl'estll.6 are reqio diate payment; and those tho same will-present then for settlement— : - MIC[IAEL - . March tith * . I SeO Here to .perecifo that youtteet 1-1 • natty very uniform an. !time, broken and diEenlored !time, NhOttld von continue despoiled.of one o 'your noble and attruetive 'call on me - wittiouvdeltiy IBriek Block over Wilsott!t give tne pleasure to itresem consideration, just vast yt and fits mort,- • MOSTRESPECTF - 111 YoU areproUld of your. :is your Ma; and SO be L- Your stuileis - rhuubei et. - Your: teat a raind - rop o Butlwont be soloog to stay aivay froM 09 De l Leon now it gitcs..ine Those crumbling ' Then come along witho in the Dtiek Block over as . poor ns yoU are biauti Come along, come alon For just win 4 yott. inn . restore. - C. D. VIRG! 3triittfiiite,llareit 2,10 Admitastka,to AAT H ER EAS, : b;nets • the gstato . of tidg,l' township, county - of Su hive been granted to the :, intiebted' to the eaid CS make immeaiato ,paytnen, etaims ngnitist the tamei' nuthent:eatO: for Prttlem' BUMPH Lenny, March' 13th;.18 Salt 1. 'Salt! " ,üblitiritktr, begs , -f - • .. riends int" the:pablib Store No. 201 Allaabingt, 6 posit° Washingtaq Market -Voiney Elliot, and is tin Sale on thritiost_litietal kinds of k Coatkie, re'ssel;'ai'store,'eltteilh' up in small bags tdorder. Deniers bi - :,fittiOs printed on'thei bainifwat or more.:" PersonAL-tom mail rail.?:depend von: promptly filled -at the Lk. Yarki:Xars,kif4. tif/fik SOMET rrHEJOdiitalg*ed, '4o4 l _tti.Y., reiolYpa.yfibtasson-mgrkr money,' at oloAtilf pkitintty dikida. from five to teoler'eent i establishment ih'ilt `a e my . visrd 13ringx tito6,oiii!co rijk , produvi;.'andlay,Your• 5 4441 AdJibtoroP .. M 9 ftkllo4o-04:::0 . 4 sip r ) ,1 -o.lktifilttinlOtto;k4.' Ace :Aft "pfii*piiiolo tilticielOW)" 1.411 turns -said' - • *tsA'l :4 ..4h04 4 44:***i . ;4- '.4,40 * 0V . 1ii.' 1 0 1 4 it4 i) l l , l a ' trenc*itiutpeififf: I - . 7 y...,„0f0:0)41.i. betic',6ol.4'; . t ills sAptild4ectisett g ease. , " _ Sore- Ned y• - _',- Sorti-Throattli Skin Tttter;: - Venerelit • Winrndir etories. Z w P sae riste lane,: New irtirk,'' at tegPeetiblet gDng ied ,w9kld, - ....11.1 . pits; 1 - d e - ach".:,t, _ rniq 0anvil:1;1141a- ,tui dab 6.i. - orpatient d• to each • s N'ctiea .s AdZinjatrittibn egtinn trite ditlidalt:-' nil.rsoas• inilebtra, ',tett tb:znke' nt:rlg claims aglnal July- autlient.lotetl [,. - , ~,...-_- -. , . ,- -t.t. - ,.; ! - ~ I G ti,.:Atjurit4totgr.' 1 . 867:::: . ... -7 :: .11,4'0 ng Man l'A‘hit.ll .were ortgi Iva uti fal, ttrp, iweenv zotliti,--a. akots hegtect, theta; !Tot :. toy- i o:=its° 'Yfi: t'tore;.air'ei~it;''-tE°rril► ttictri fors vorYstial ur .n.citut Atilt allot% YOOtigifilsSt, emit) and -gtacci - _ on-the gardeutow• • tho Spntinert r pi)ct ir yo4 continue- - List for • ain,„; 4, veitcd Itt - ellitthtte: t delay to melt; ttbFe,:..nna.. , if 01 4 itto trial teri . . end - '' , ` - qiiiCabte-- n ay-..your ihittn*ni • . . , ~ 1 8-5 :gesid6i*..Nitii4; ~, . .. ~_ . '.&:: NOtjC a Adttriniatialion Blend, ttte - 4t: teitot : iiilebantsii,CL4,4o4eds- • bseriber ; tri,itkertiona tre " nt fult 0, - ; ,11[ me 410/.. Ta t to ," , EtliAßetti Admiaistraggi• , . -12w60_ leave.tcp - _iniciltnt MIL.: :that he, itas4oo . the , ofi,strO ti,:iii iti 04 op; --.-: !i)-,,rit0,1 7 : 6 4P 14 4 IT - _.7": 1)44,At010, MTV' for: et_eie -i 4 e# ,ektiii *I .- . - :. mid _*tibt: frattiTiom. - s- - ', , , tut: „ .ietta. elsoljti:.-6# .„, .. ad-silif thili , rola _ 'orderitteli 4how'aud -- gilatOefix=:eiderlettior JUitintPithWiatdelit, IgAiNVititeiii; ._ ...2.. , r.: , .. ---- -- .. 1: - .v......-...;:„......,..':-. ONEWY.r . ', hiin4kl)ll - - 4001C,00111i: li 4 ii - atittift'4l4'loe,"i-1- i?f4944:1011100110,* ..:: [ x O:4 3iCifltilti4tf,44 '4 t . 4 1 1 - ,Fliff tqwki.. l ll4kik.l44iitiii,e-f : ': 0 ,q7 - ' Bit 40;*Oliiiiiiott?.:'. tai t i AtiiCftrAii..lll 4, , 4404 . It., ,- 0 41, , ,;,„ .44,4i,u , , , ,,' ,-- g!r,-` , ..., :12b 1 ,1 1 .50 fsaa liti*tr A1,Vi.,_:. , ;!e4; , 4 C4 " 041At6 1 447 - ‘.:•P'',.,, —•1 2 VII + • ..t.Ts'n , i, 1. 14 Ttliktlintiv . .i?:: : ' itr.4,NINWc. - ;:r . :I' :14:4:Aq471.1.5f,:*;:t;