- From the Methodist Protestant. 'The following was intended only for pri tate eye of the ectitor; but is so graphic, it would be - a pity to withhold it from our re ad err. ED. Prat Mr. Zlitor :\ ' . - There read-yout weekly paper, Read with plea Sure and with profit - Often read, and nti'er regretted, _ 'Rtad it a'quiet conscience,. For. I've !mid you what I owed you,. ,Paid you with a le,galtender, ..-.llearlng Uncle Sam's inscription - Ilnele Sam the roWidiee call And the poets, by a license, . . . Since they cannot make the metre . Chime so wall with Miele Samuel.: Many months ago I paid you, Paid in full the olden score, sir, Therefore I can read yout paper, Read it with a quiet conscience, -- With a self complacent sniffling At your Hiawatha dunning, - Dope up a-la Hiawatha, • - . - At your sad complaints and murmurs, Calling on delinquent debtors, Debtors .who'so long have owed you, •Owed con for your weekly paper Which they read and never paid for, • Bead solong and never paid for. . Now I fanny, that I see you, See you ,with a doleful face, sir, . , Touring o ' er your rusty ledger, O'er your long list of delinquents, Who bare owed you for your papery Owed for volumes long since, , ended, Owed for yearsof pleasant reading, Owed in sums' from two to twenty: And while thus you'er sadly counting, Counting 'up the moneys due you, ' • In there comes. the Printer's Devil, Crying, "Copy !. Give me copy I" Arid behind him comes the Printer, . With a •face as long as yours, sir, • Saving in most pitions accents, . Please to pay me what you owe me." Then the kind old paper maker, With a mild, btmigmint . visage, With a cordial friendly Creating, • 'Sara, in accents too familiar; ;,• " it suit you, sir, to pay me Foi‘ the papeobat you purchased— Purchased several months ago, sir V' . Seareely'lms he left your sanctum, Scarcely has ho crossed •(.16 door-way, When in pops-a Nee of .Ebon, And a head as build as Edward's— • , Uncle Ned the rowdies call With.a.grin of sr:luta:ion, And .with o rr.ot oht;oo t uiona bowing `Thus bogins the sable carrier, • • "gassa! if Yott 1,1,:tf.e, mr roafsa, Par old Moses dot ere litotes- --- - - . lint yea owe Lim for de carrying -ob„de papert, tru city." In n - fit of wild oisrraction Out you rub to make collection; Sparcely hare yon turned a corner. , • SOtrcely turned when_ you're accosted v- By the agent of tile landlord, ty the well known tent colleetor, • Who demands the EMI] of money - • That you owe for lease of office— Lease of uf.lee long since due him. 11 is sad to hear such greeting - Wheorour funds are all exhausted, When your pockets all are empty, . When your bark book slows no credit, When your gold coin all has r it Ind your paper tnoner JERUSALEM. Tf yort . ,stayin the Holy City long enough .anything like regular habits of amusetnents and occupation, and to become. in Short, for the time. "a man about town" in Jerusalem, 'you Will necessarily lose the en 41:usiasm you may lareifelt when- you tr, - (1 the sacred soil for the first time, and it will then seem almost strange •to find yourself en tirely carrOunded in all your. pursuits tl e „signs end, zoundA of religion. Your h ot: 1 is .4t monastery - -your rooms are cells, the land .lord is a Et:itcly abbot,. and the waiter's nre 'hooded monks. If you walk out of town, •Tim find yourself 'on the mount of Qlires, or Iti the Valley of Jeliosapliat, or on the Hill of Evil Counsel. If yon mount your horse and -extend. soar rambles, you Will be guided to ~ the wildernes s_ cf Si. "John. or the bitthplace of our Saviour. \cur • club if the great 'church' of ~ ,on`r 1141 y Sepulchre; where eVery k;4...i,4.Y rneets'l eerybody every day. If rot: lounge thr i cgh town, yon Pall Mall Via Dolorosa, :ilia the olject of Tour 'affection' ip :•sonie maid or matron all forlorn and sadli shtotaled ia pilgrim's robe. - if you hear music, it must be the chanting of friars. If you look at pictures, you see yir gins'. with mikerably foreshortened arms, or ! devils out of drawing, or angels tumbling pp • the skies in impious perspective. If you would make any purchases, you must go again to the church doors, and when you enquire for. ...the Manufactures of the place, you find that i! they- consist if double blessed heads - an J .sanctified shells. These last are the facorit • tokens which the pilgrimS carry off • with I them. -The shell is graven, or rather scratched, - .on the white side, with a rude drawing of the 1 I.llessea Virgin, or of the Crociliction, or of _.. some other scriptural subject,- and., having I passed this stage it gods into the hinds of a `priest Iby whom it is subjected to some pro - , cess 'or rendering it efficacious against the Schemes -of our. ghostly enemy, the mannfac titre is then coinpletc, and is deemed :o be fit :tor use. ' . . And thus the turner in:Jersisalem is • over constantly reminded „ that the very - - • gruntLiTon w he treads', is holy—hay-. lin been sanctified by the pres.euee cif tbe-Re-• 4deemer of the world. llisimeditations, both :by day and night, are upon the incornpre : hensible goOduess of God in thus hallotving The spot, by Eeuding, His only begotten SOu, through - whose death we might hive, " And in -roaming thesacrea hills, his soul is enraptur- 'by the song.which was chanted by - the .'itiitcenlytbreng ci.;:liteeri hundred yenta ago Peace on'erstir; and good will to men." - - • Dr...{rit.or J. Normu ar • r.—A Gentr , emr.n writing from Pads to the New Orleans Pi cauneteys ?-tTlie- necrological list of the Week recrhas tDe the death of one dear to all French Irearts--"-the solace of wet Sundays in Paris--t he daylight of bright day—the never- i failing source of laughter—the baboon of the I Garden of Plants! Pulmonary consumption, alliel bas carried so many geuiutes to an un timely grave, has ended the baboon's • life.; It renehed Paris in 1852, and until three i months before its death, was remarkable fur I its good nature. It woutd obey its keeper _ _.... ....-... 7 --, with alacrity, and would hang around his i : THE it l : 4l /S 0 DA r."'"Th is weta;lY se Pen- neck like a child. Three months before it 1 Sian of toils, this weekly undoing of the bur- oied, its character changed entirely; it was then' of our labors from our haek, reconciles; strong enough to overmatch four men. All I us to the sentence of labor, mid we bend to i monkeys become irritable and vicious as I our tasks as-sons d Adam with, more willing 4 they grow old; and during the last six months ! -minds. 'All - . our life is not toil ; it is not one li of tins baboon's life, the keeper was obliged 1 sine:casing, round - I,f "work; we can refresh to beleobstantly on 'the watch, its attack of our wearied belies or cur jaded minds; "e I fre.ra.Y" were so Sudden and terrihle. Before 1 O pattin off the yoke from our neck, r '" and, it lit fell sick it devoured everything greedily, were,. stretch ear limbs. 0, how great the but during the last thjee months flits life it blessing Of the Lorfs day!. 0, happy thing, b ecame capricious; sometimes it would eat fOr as that we can have some reprise from 1 nothing but biscuit, then it required oranges, workl It is not all work—work—work. ,We poteegranates, chickens, and, towards the last can put -doisn spade and, plow ; we cant it could scarcely be made to touch anything. - rid of buying and selling; we ea!? close's Tt 14 said that at its, death the 'canine teeth and leave the bales of goods; we can l e began to appear. When it died it had not &ego out in the forge; we can let the cattle a single hair lefa orris body; during its last r'st in their :stalls and not drive the team; 1 1 sickness it amused itself in twisting several We can rid of , clients and conaultadonsi hairs ,together and pulling them out, then it - rind disputes, we can escape fact°ries 'ant i -- swallowed them._ This is the first time a -10 OWS .and the Lot air of workshops; we can i baboon has lived mote than one summer in. 1 1 4. dpwn the needle an d - g iv e rest to the l any ,menegerie—so, at least, they say here; ~"wears' angels and. oohing eyes; we '' .lll - PI" i and the longevity which-this - attained 'is at... from. the counter .and wearying etiquiners, I tr ib ute d to the care of its keeper, - tied to. .. from the desk and ‘dry 'accounts; we can 11. e precaution need of keeping. it' witlr,the reCape 'an the din, clatter and noise of. the , to rive al6ne. _ , . . i., thief Monkeys. it is not good for monkeys - tits3l working world, nod have . one-.dap on . 2,L ji of seven a dity'of peace. ..Ail then is calm . . , --.6.41.,..,;--;..--.-.. , ' ..,. all is qniet • quiet are - the ,streits, "quiet- are - • .11Nr" , A married_ c . ouple,"'.. lays, .Sitiney sables a pint of so joined ..tlia - :Sheys.quiet are" the gelds and'the 15_08; 1 raklt, " tete shears,, ~,, .ormaething of , Pssitisr of heaven passes ovir'thel that they ottinet he. - sepicatecicO4tr =roving '-.--wOrld, and we k=el. 4111kt:stick stitlrtmjs,fkurn I, is flotaita. directios* yet ' allays ptinTshing • healcu, — - -- ' , • lay otai *he comes between them:" - ' LIFE IN lOWA. In the regions of advaneed civilizatiOn'fieo ple have little idea of the modes of . life and privations, of those in the regions pf admit oug eivilization. in the , " wide, - wide West" the pioneer has his trials fat' a time, but ere long the horn of plenty pours its treasures in to his lap, and . makes him. - proud of the " tough limes" he has seen. A friend writing to this office on business from Western lowa recently, after speaking of the incomparable severity of the- past win ter, adverts to some of the stirring scenes they have there, and also the scarcity of W4:l. men_ in the West. We hope this want will find an early supply—don't all speak at once. But we give the extract : - " This is by far the severest winter I over witnessed, and that is saying considerable for a down Easter. • Last winter was so savage as to astonish us ; but though colder, could not compare with this one. Cold weather came three weeks earlier than usual; dama ging most all the corn crop and ruining much of it. We had a furious storm the- Ist orDeeenabee, twenty 'inches of anon' falling. Since then storm has followed stornetill trace elfing is almost an impossibility, attended by' hardship, great expense and . risk. I think that over four. feet of snow- have fallen, and it; has been two and a halt on a level nearly all winter. There is Allard crust underneath.-- leis now snowing and has been for thirty six hours. Settlers have suffered much for want of provision and proper shelter. flour has sold as high ns $34 a barrel, anti corn .inesl t3„50 per 100 lbs., Of course theseeetre exceptiorial pikes, but they are extremely high everywhere. Cattle, horses and poul tribare suffered extremely ; many have di ed. I bear of persons losing six s nine or twelve cattle each, besides several horses. A man at Blue Lake; near the Missouri, found ! a pair of cattle standing uptight in the snots - frozen to death, Auother man at Blue Lake miesed a.citlf one morning and gare it up as losfs A fortnight after : lie" found it- in the snow; filty rods from the cabin, alive.. It has since died. A large cattle raiser has lost for ty hogs, and others have killed all they oWn. A spt 4 euletdr below drove five hundred head I of cattle from Missouri-on to the rushes and ; will lose the meat of them. People say thousand head of cattle will die on our het torts4this Winter. . We bare some start women hereabouts as as I shall show von. Mrs. ll—, a neigh hotef ours, seeing tiro deer pass her cabin, set thil dogs or., took down her husband's ri- Jleeshot one, l'e-lseeled,"and killed the other. She, Weal do to ri eli've -in Kansas. She was from Mass:tele:seas ceiginnily,'l believe. TwO little girls have been married near here the, past year, colieins—one . fineenehe other four teen s-ears. This is beginning life With a vengeance. .The that is, the country has a large number of unmarried men and •searce .ly any girls. When one comes she is beseig ed and fairly taken by storm.- .In truth ram not much in love with the social part of isr der life. The immense - immigration svill soon cure this. No one forsakes Westernlo wa after he gets fairly acquainted, unless it be to go East and bring his family. Even those who (very few - indeed) - go away grum .l Wing soon return repentant and ,settle. Game has been very plenty this winter. 'Deer have been slain in „immense numbers. They have been il led, so: deep is the enow, without fire arms. A man LeloW went out in this man tter with his , dsige and killed four one -fore noon. A hand sf Sioux Indians drove 42 elk in from the praitie on the Sion; and killed 40 of them.'. They also set fire to some property between here end S'reithlatel. One of those elk we'glted LOO Its. dressed. - CR INCILLNE Et- VIE DF:111.-.A f.W.C6 o TIIE OLI MAN A lac - 3y, w;th a erionline was walking , 1 ,- 0 , .11 the f:trect•—lier feathersilattered in it —het Loops sinck , iut a feet. She • walked the earth as ,if she felt of it she was no part. and proudiy did she step along, for pride was in her heart. She did not see a curly dog which walkcelo , -e by het-side, all save . the it Lasliv ta . of iiiiich her crinoline did hide. llis trai l ate aimlt nlal tleasure slicky - k,it flut tered in the wind, and from the 11,‘!yes crino iine stack "but a ,yal behind. A crowd the tail sc.on did el-.y; --- 444 it waveiL to and fro. And like a ruzller sceniTl to pilo'. which war the mail should - go. 'llie early 40g right . plewd was lie suoli qulrters he had got, and •-aitikfa 1.-e-hle the holy in a• kind of dczish trot. Each slop ti.e lady now did take, served to intreise her train, while those who followed in tier wake ronred out with might and main. Some held their sides and taugh ed so hard, and mans fairly cried, and many even still ccpfess that day they'd like to die." But still the lady-sailed nlot:g,•in crinoline and pride, unmindful of the crowd behind, or do" close.by her side. But soon another flog 'espied the tail which fluttered free—it 'so provoked his doggiAr ire he could not let it. be--out with a deep ferocious growl . , for bat- Ile straight he vent, and 'neath, the lady's or:I:la:Inc - both dogs were quickly pent. They flit 'tis said one hour or more--theladv nothing knew—but with her head erect sailed on, arra did her way pursue. Some say she per, er would.have knew at all about the fight; had not one dog mistook and gave her-" limb" an awful bite. But 7imte that day Pre heard it 'said, the lady ne er was seen upon the : street, ,with so much pride—and. such lAtttrt ad .rctijani . W!:: • 'INSIIIANE.":I•COMPA6`T,Ic-,, North West Cor.pf Seetntd and Waltutt , st., CAPITAL; Ono Million Two fitindred and V Fifty Thousand Dolim. ASSZTTS, $523,057 07, invested la Bonds, Wattages, and Good Securities. TUE 'FOLLOWING STATE: END " Exhibits the the Business and Condition of the Onapany to November Ist, 1650. Premium received on Marine and Inland Wicks, to Nor. lst. 18.56, 014.684 GO Fire Premiums, 169,'79G GI . Interest on Loans, 8,704 47 Tots, Receipts, $400,185 6S Paid Marino Losses,' - 864,427 01 Paid Fire do. . 39,737 89 Expenses... Salaries and Commissions, - • 45,439'00 Reinsurance, Return Premiums & Ag,en-' cy afirgcs, - 21,4'74 68 Balance remaining with C0.,5223,057 07 . TLIK Assail's OF TILE COMPANY ARE AS FOLI-01VS: Philadelphia City and . County Bonds, . . $16,848 18 Railroad Bonds, . 11,000 00 cost prices First Montages, Real Estate, . 144,500 00). Stoeks,Collaterals, on Call, - . 32,40 00 Girard and Consolida. tion Bank Stock, . Depo,its with Dnean, Sherman & Co., New York, . 30,000 00 Deferred Payments on Stock not yet due, 97,700 00 Notes for Mnrine Pre. - . 108,080 00 tniutPs, - - Due from Acent*, se. cured by Bonds . Premiums on. Policies recently issued, and. debts due the Co., 26,4'70 38 Balance in Bank,• 16,456 '74 This Company Insures Buildings,"Merchandizei and Stock, from SICO - to $5,000,.at the Lowest Rates consistent with. Security, and upon the u t .,st Liber:,l Terms, and mariO enomPT PAY !iII:NT upon the adjustment of Losses under eies issued by them., The Board of Directors have this clay deetartA a dividend of h 5 per cent,. payable nii. - demaud. upon the business of the Company,' to the lit . . , !lon, THOMAS B. FLORENCE EDWARD R. HELM BOLD, l_zfere'ary. Philadelpliin,NoVemher 17th ISM.. . TIMOTHY 6011. r. 541pd1;p.1 t,fNev.- Milford, Pa., kre!.t. GREAT' EXCITER: :7 AT Guttenburg, Rosenbaum Co':, rrills:lZE ;An getter:ll rash of their - establi,ll. tuent,hadit is ,rep3rted th.it tl.ey just receited, and are 4iiiy receiving a frci. , h supply of • New Goods, The truth of this report canb;bizsi . known callin,g at their store on Turnpike Street at the foot of Public Avenue. We have un handb carefully ?elected supply of . READY DE CLOTHING, for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything call ed for, from a pair of thin to a IrAT ar lON NET. 'Flioe wishing to protect their health from theezid atmosphere in this retion, would do well t o call on u•q. us We. will . supply their wants on lower terms than any other . establish ment. To our friends, one and all, we would say, give us a cart. And we• promise, that you sk4l l go away folly sati,fied.' 'GUTTENBERG ROSENBAUM & Co. 31ontroEe. Nov. 27,1836. To Conaumptiveg. ; rpII9,SE of you who are in tho'fir?t, or rrild , th• stage. of this altnost tinetfrable tilgeaPe are inft,rmot that there is a remtqly , Which ims pro ven ref USSfel. ThIS reMUdy ' Rend to am appliei:nt nyon the receipt of $5, Take Parlieu!ar Noiiee That this remedy, 11161101 it wilt *jrnt!Y alicvL to the sun ins of those in the last rfnges it :rile Not cure them; but .for thoSe in the .firFt and middle st:if,:eig, narrant a mire; and any on e is :Kt frti fr.d c:in have :144 mnner refumkti at onee. We do not n iih tci litunl.u , arfd rep ::t that yonr mcney - xvill refunded upca application, (ler giving the rem. cdv a fair triql. . . Ad dress, Living. name of Post 01:.e and Cann; BT. A. G. BRUNDAGE; Jun'r. Binghamton, Broome - Cfmaty, N. Y. Clover & Timothy Seed' F OR sale by • • DURRITT New Milord, March 18,1857. 'REMOVALI TAIIJORINO .EST.:IIIIISILVENT, ON MAIN ST., NI:Z;TO(X443 TO Tilt TA csants underi-igmcd having removed his . F:hrp .1 from Public Avenue to 31ALN . S"I'REET, is abont reee 7 ving a splendid rtBs;orirrient. of BRoADcuoTtis. CASBI.II.ERES, • . NTESTLNGS, &C., Which he is prepared to cut and make to or Or, in a' style_ that-eannt t fail to suit all Who may favor. him with their custom. Those. wish. log their work ddne in a neat and durable •man ner, will C . a.?, it to their - interest to give- me a call. J. SAUTTER,TaiIor. • .1Ion(rose, 21", I 656,-4914. • Ti '1 3 - ERSONS desirous of paying me rrioncy,.on . 1 1D 'debt of any description, can do so by iTF• their ,paytnent;with.Post, Cooper & •Co, ank6rs .11ontrose,lo my credit, whose receipts will be allowed front their date. ' C. L 'WARD; April 18:b, 1856. . • if. HOUSE BUILDER'S DEPOT FOR SUS. QUEIIII NNA _C OUNTY, AT NESS' MILFORD. DICKERMAN & GARRETT :JO g,iting es. peeial attention to the- improvement cfm ternplated in this county the ensuing• season; and vow offer a helping hand, by Iteepag- con stantly fur sale a huge quantity of Window Sash and Glass, Blinds. Door„ Paints and .a complete assortment of _Builder's Hard Ware, &c. Those going td put up• house's' in the spring will find it fur. /Ilea interest - to give .us a call. We em: furnish everything you want, and at the very lowest manufacturing prices. • DICKEILII AN & GARRETT. New Milford, Pb.c Bth, .1856: a. F• FORDRAM, [SUCCEKOIL TO A. & E. BA.LOWIN.) Manufacturer of Saddler; Harnesgat .. , and Trunk and Carriage Trinuit*; WOULD invite all who are -in. fra# 'of any article ever krpt at a ilarnesasimp to give hitt a eilL . : •.' -Harnesses made of the best,. Oak: Tatter.d Leathers on short notice,: .•; . . - He has on Land a good assortment otCartinge Trimmings' which he offcra-on the tnoat•seisoa al.le terms. Carriage Trinstais* dcine Witt(neat nese and dispatch. Repairing done MI ahorfnotice. ' No. 1. 2, and 3, ttaseasent t7earle's Hotel, • Montrose, Nov, 26th. 1856. n 49. Cs' Orrtimtortmont of Pastern Dress LiNi , stnd ' I ritaal*s# 9r , inite Chtnaal MRZMI 8177,128 6! 5,225 00 35,376 18. $523,05 . 7 07 MM=C=MX=MI!=3 Patehf AFFLICTED READ ! r . OAIIIENSURG 14ruiciriEtt.—Vegetib.lo rills _ It ...Gretti__ liitlritain ,',oi . i.ttsynt 3 , k.4arsapirila CirilpOunk.Chi la re resi n , pin aces, F.% 01.. n ti, n. ;I.'' 1 vcti,a t id, airta ftiquedy i Ale&Htli IlittirAJlLDlt!i•fi.-.. tray Syrup; Conlin enptive's Balm, :1f :Ir-ball's -Uterine, Cathollenn, Dr. Libby's Pic Cintnient, and Ilianunl of Health. - • AYtes 0111 and . Cherry rectorial. Tnnner's 1 Gerinan;OiritmCgtil l iriisfes"4ll;itialtruTctiiillul..-nt, -1 //iillownv's Ointment Anil. Pdls, ii.ii';i's 4 .Pain I 'Killer, fir...Pitch's /lone. Correetdr, Bennett':; Root . and Pl:int Pill:, ,Soitle'sSevvreign Palm, I VVright's Indian Vegetal:le. ['ill', Ithode's Fever 1 nroi Angue Cure, Meiretara's tiara ling Oil, A roi• i en Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, l'aregorie; I Aloes, Ilicern, Myrrh, I:Ivo:ice, & e , &e., &e. A nov suPYTY just re.ceiv'ed, to be kept eon.:tavt ly on. hand, for. 541,? IT - .1.-N, 1,1U1.),.1.11.D -i (K : tobvir, lEt, 1_85(1. ; ' , • ~- , Uhodo Fever and Augne Cure ; nit Anti'lute to for t , :e prt:vention 1.5 and cure of Fcrera , ,; 2 l,Ang . e. cr Chll Fever, Dumb Antllse. and other Isiternllti;:ni. anti 11.. suitiant Fevcrs: stk.() of Mt revt , 6:. Typhoid Fever. Yellow Fever, Ship and jail Fe or, General Debility, Is:4:ht. Sweats, anti all caber furors of disease which have a cum mop origin in • 41/.1/..1/tl.l - 31 1 /A5.17.1. Equally certain as a preventative or cure. • • For - sale by the undersigned, authorized agent for the Proprietor, .1211. A. Rhodes, Providence, Rh . oile Islantl.l 116ntto . sc, - hr:11; 1 Burning Fluid and Canipkene. A - FRESH. supply, just rtnn.lvcrl. um" for sn't• rhottp,alsn,c.atilly's. 4,l(l*.f , ttniglt,bitl•enntsl..t . lt and hard enot):.. , ,h - L) htlinti alone. in s l ut/11er time, I , y = 1. N. 11:71_I.A1t1). Jnno 6th, MO, , lrri,T I 1.1,1•AMTI:1 T EMA 1 N & CO.. are on - hand . V V v:itn the iargi•st, ben, and cheapest stock of ~ . .:eacral tnerehut.dise. in town. Co:ls:sting qf , . - - - A!:!......11i•at. , -a,' and. Aillice. - '.. 1 . . . . . r . l . ,-. I Proctuy.l3oo.ts arhl-11t11-teads, . • . F A R . .ilil E k . IA ••..1: - . 'i .7.„:, , ,,,. in.:,1i,0,•:. ~,,.i ci,,li.;;:g. . I • 1 1),..:,itn. th.„,.... and 1)oor flandleil, $1.5 *ill purchase ulio of the - hof.:1: - s -;, . r - 1 . , —rive cpt , s- ....zing nip ... o wn suits. COF,N SiIELLEF.S and SEPAlLil . t. ) l:6'Flour. Flannels and Fishlloidts. . 1 EC cr lll vr t.:l rd. • ,i ' Glass, Gto - ceries and Gimblets. . , 11:0••;. I I:,.tn , i, and Ilanti.saWs, - ilk: uncler3igued is . now prcyr.red to farms:: I Ink, } n is Imp - Hal 'Bibles (dresses.) i T ti, FARMERS, 311;',crs atoi others the world I J r ,, rrg . , j a ,..., :n ,,t s and J, [ 4,„! !arrs „ renowned Excel;•ior Corn 1-... ,. ae1!t r—the wond,r ; - K1,;‘ . , , s Ki.0! „ .3 , ;(1 . Ker.tueliv Jeans, .. , o f th e times..._.l.eing the Lest. most dprahle.,..r,d 1 .1, , , , -L, .. L:aii ,, s and L.H.,k:n . „. ( ; ;1a...1,.. , !a , ''sales` I 4 " in g Sit ' n ' r n '' lv .fl' u-e. . W "'.* r ' t( ' 1 i )Ictches. Ni ' l-dins and 31 E „ es. • to si::_4l:rni , fe'eotn in n si'ml;'.r l'i'n"l-* of time , ! Ni, ,, ,ac , ;ls. N inkeron and Notions. than any tither mat:live; etalrely cltauir•- • tile !,- a 1.,. 0.0„,ws and overa ,. is.. . . . . ear, front end to et.d, wi th out etu,i.ing e ither ! eorn -or c , :b. i . . . (bu c•;;,.• , re. Q,oilis aud,Q,aart.rups. • - . The l -acl!Tr.cs are eantrueted_ uNI two I ituhin. , rs, Ita,ins and It tt.tra .. ,s cranks, and pnlly.for a bclt. so t 'ant tuo •persops I i . S!;,-,, , s Sl.,ir-ls'and Scf;•;ir. . eau turn them, or attach a 101 l in. mcf';ot, .1.y., .-, , l' , ; , :e..1 , , Tea arc! Trato.:Chairoo. • 1 auY owyr. !Ile attention cf . pvrsons on; , , u t , 1, 1 .,,, 11 ,,, , u•,,,,h. r , s hi nts „,,,,d u n t on, yf u t s , inclis, is solzeited, as the :Onc:oncr• .re '.t ( 0 -cl.• r-, i •,.,:'.,, r lr and 1 r ‘• 1 • , 1 : Ili ly tti..nrt,.4 in •ry hind of I),:wr. 'Pte:: 'are 1 wnii ,- ..; v. . al , tts : , nd, w, s bt o „1 3, _ . . - ~.. i"Cry , r-i!'y tr::..si s • Z.::(1 V.:1( r, 6nVi: in rnoto.‘n a ! .l":;;: b^.;+:•);• Frk . ,,,,,.., . . u-a.: l , 1 , ..y t:: tura. ; • ',•,: :n.: Cle . :,• :Ire euFuLle cl! v,., : . :,. c . , ,, , ... :,c , tdcs ut N, (l - / - , ,, , .. tws flats -IteN:n , * cue Llkhc: p:•r ininn:e—i very .1:•:mcr , Z. And 14:11 ,, , ,. ~ th„ . , l „ „ nr , ,i , , , i , :s ‘vilicii i1i ,., y,. Lt ., 1 should have '-one—aS titcy save. their cent, in' ' ,• ','.i:: , * at a. very sotalladx:lneo on. Cost pnees. 1 1 It•s th::: - , ou••.• seat:L.-. . . - 1 :••••,a.:1 profit" and fair dealing is the motto for ~ - tr• 1-'1 .11. . 1 ' . V a r e ''''' 4 • ;\ Lr ' :1: " 71 '''' t .f? ''' . "''' ' ''' """ '..l:‘. Snr—er ct 7:6 . Give Ili deall and test the Sarre'; l'otirvlrv, Flt's 2,1til in 13,:c01,1,9 - :, an. tnith or - t.1i . : ,., ,.. . ,.. . rti r 0n , i. i at Icathr, - p's Lake Mins, wher• they can Lt. seen 1 . WM, VRENLATN &CO. .. I 7n ( I ) Qr a t'''ttf rt ars tide, -All s"` -r 'i "d ""'"' T , .f.:,niShoro, l'a•., - May t:ti, I SZii. Ito ihe,otdeisi . ;;riva. Wlli rec.ultra 'Prompt tiler- .. ____________ . ___ • _________ C lion.' Mart',ll!es sited at '" Illtstrel'" red '•v"r- '.. ei OLD and Silver Sileetaeles, a new lot just I min t e d to operate. 1). D. '.....ti A 1; LE. ;• X. I rvq•,:ived.ejrntrising all ages, by 1 ~, ~ 11 N' . .": ,. s li ck) . -, eir, - ,ti,'. hidi. 1:.',6.1 , A. J. FVAVS. ' 1 . ..or.rose, Derr:sll , r, 1•1:11, is7',lfj. .___. . • 1 ci:ifT;rx..7.::. -- _: : - i--. -- ).ul Asoi..s end Fat s, uciv stylt,und choice 1-. Tllii-...! kto certify, tl,at I have fx:•.tained and .11_ varollt•s, :.t - . (L \V. S. & CO'S. itscd ci.e of the alio% e Sl:clicrs. for sule by D, -•--------:----- ----- ------- 1 D. ti: - ..?;:..cr.und nt,liesitatiu;zl . v . i.ronouuct• i;. 0: : ,• • LASTING Powtivr, :nil it i tl. I Powdor for tz. br 1. N. 1:1' 1.1,A D. _ ... . L. 1 . -4 , ....._,..-.1..„...1) or the Lest. most owabb• :ma ca- :c-.t rumiirv , SiteNert.i oer intrcirliiecii i•n•ta ti,i . e coll. ... -r • r•• 1 7,-Ir - . tv ' It ' ; i.iil l i ' i UitIZELL ‘.•.-11l :1(.11 mare earn in zi s!ii,r:er tivii. dinii any • : 4 :- . 1 4::VIIII.., InICI i% ::11:-.;•y.' r, ;•!('.:,- nu. ,i•rvlcc. ir AS jil,t. revolver' frorn• \e iv Yuri:, a fun I ree, , t. lit:m . l . ov :Ind IN ely r re arm r .: 7 ,,i the r , 1 ,, : lit -.r . 0.i desiralde stork - at' -• _ . the Fort.:ere ifSiti.i•i*ri County, ns ;!:c. ei,unpo....: !:•. - -NEW -.."00D5 1 I .. n „ d b ,.,..:, :sh r .lit. r . 1 ca' in. tier:. 1 11:-.1 von in . i - ' r (7. mori•ii7" 1 Cr. .!r-!e .I....artrn. , Lt: of Drum, (Tr :ration in. in:,- mill in Dimin-k. 1,-..iiivir L.:irk ‘...;.: •; '• i i • •.: 1 ',, , , Vf• ,• 1 r ,_ ,wile to - t) even to reviimmer:d Use:f. F..i; cud ~ : '''';,. s .: i ! ) t " n ,',...' - 'ulca O: ass . .....,11..qi Fix . , a'' s, ,'“4. a ,', c ...Ann.:, Chin% (_,,n. rs nri ,i 1.,, r ,„, •::::•ce it. - : : :le ii V. - nre '.r t.:4ied variety cif Crockery.) lkit- Brouliy n, .Pet ! inter . 11 :IL 38:3ft. Z.l: r . . , , .:nrini 11:1N...13:1p -nneti nail Pinnished Tin tViire, • . - • , Silver :-.•,,-.ti MI i:11:rr kimis (.1 . Spoons, Silver • Attention. tho Wholo I- ,, t.: , ...riiit!er Am 1.. !i.., .::-. Ail sorts of .I.ampe, rill. !t11:-,;:til)cr r0.m...! . . - ii'ly ianirir,:i !.,.: i . 1. 1" :;..i•:1 r.trit• - .y Qf Mondnn;Gii: Prime :illr. IL f i le il d s , (thmp r ii.":!g of .t.Azi . n.te the • wi,ole :r0.•.. %) . ..t:i nrlrl Wii.dow Paper, St.ttionv.ry. cotnrawrizv.) ;hat ;i:r. Now Itiivk S , orr. in "i, - . 1. :Stri..:::::d Wod , .T. \\true, Itrusbcs, Brooms. Fatni sons We, one door north of lin ! ! ~13 -;:xcl:arye." ' ie (r,- , .c.ri,-!. -I.7:mp 1):1.. Cmaphener Burning is elifil withri srnA ot fionsuuni , ic'Gootis. eon. ! I..'!ni I, T;11 , 4..,v tz , tcarin and Srcrtnneiti elm It s, sisnurr lil rr.:rt of Urt'•(l, - iikci.4.GrAyerit. - s.Cr:.:rel;•l:•ri , : llide and I.iller Wi/ip, Va rnklivs, 1V i ticiir.v Giles, Hord - iv..re, tiricitA nn a 5:1. , 0.i. li:iti r,.nd. Crip., : &e. A first rase varit ty of Jewelry and Taney ileadv-Vode Cir.] iiii.r. 11-aii.P:ll..r, vi r, ' Goods, Gald ariilr.r Spectocle., Gold Pen , t, Shloies., Fit..h. Nails, Yr ul;ce :s,,TionQ,;:,e., : , r ,d : Virilin., Pitttr:.,•riff. , i, keeortleoes, V:olln and Su . onOvllluli he ill 'Sell fOr C:!•!it, rarfur, or Violicecil!) Strlr.;-.4 &v. The largest osso:t -..SlrriA.,,rovrtl C - rt.:::1, :IS 10W - 24 1 . :,T1 br b: ::: ,, lit ;!..-.' nt- i'i . i . ".:''"el Kniv - -' in Sil'ti . a "tint:-',:nnil the in Se-;1:' , i!!.r.:: C!-.l , :rt . v. 1.!--.1 cn,111..! In n.n . rliel. - ;:z11.4 Gans, Pii•tot,s, . .. . . WA. ;.I ED ::, I...i . :an:re. r,:: , : , r, (3,.. , i- .P,,, , L .(-i-7,!1e and donioe blrrel,) Rerolve4. &e. Nol try. tir ,;o:.: . . 0 .,N t'd Woo: S•pc!;-, 7,1 t . . vt e',',.:v , LI .1:".,; - :, ...!;(• l'ii:s.: , V.a:l, tile Inll.lidah: 11 ouse• 31orcl - wnt:.l,'.. :!rticre I‘loch Ids 1 ., :,:r0ns 1,,v,, to ft , ''per, the E...rnier, the McchrinikvtioriManufac sell he wiH bay a,t, lairpriers, c.:otne or:c,eo:c, , . Imer, tiip Profession:o Mall, the Gentletnan;the all,iind Sc - if , onl tICM't bil!'.' . • iLa Iv. tlie Walt' 'ard the Poir. the Voting and J. L . NERT{Em,,A.N . , Old. the Bi..atiful and .the Ugly, the' Gay and - ITForville. Dec. 5;.11. - )S.z . t'. . - : the Fro.bionalde, taid all the rest of gm people, • , r. - 01 find something to sapply . their ,every- • NEWNII L FO RI) - i "'"" at T"rreli.s. 1 , . 1 Store.in the new Brick Block—Pikes low-- Shawl, Cloak au•7 lir, - . , :s Goods Emporium, Qualities good, - --Call and see . ... • ' : 'Pr Fall,. 13560.. 1 ABEL TURRELL. .1":1 BliltitlTT woula Calf attention to his I . new . !.t, , ,1; ,:t Fall and W d- - inter G. 1 Monntrose, March Gth, 12336. `t=_Zt - They are all going to Ttirrell's.;JEl ilxiMling a great V:.l!‘.: V nil Rich Fall Prints ill 1 - T : new Styles, Plain and Furor Detaines a - ride:oh- _T 01,1,0 W N 1 ' 6' Pills and Ointment. Ayer's „Li_ Cherry Pcutorial :aid Crab:laic Pills. The mi-res, :Nail) and lancy .IMc•lntir Clut.ll3. Pinin 1 . ::nd Piaui Merinees arid- .11,,rantuftris, 'Blouli I Balm of a Thousand Flowers. .lust.:inr , Lini. Br , cafic„Pl...in at.:l F.,ner Silif..: Wool Bro::,;I... I '''''''t• Pr' Ihil':ev'm• F"''''st Wine n" Pills. C:e.hricre pr.d Sill: tslia.kv;s . , Gent55b,....,11,. R4; l 1 Myer.: Exit - net of noek Itose. And. nearly..all 11 0 . 1 ,„„ „ : d_rj, ) „..... rs. 1,,1:„ Clubs „ id 114 , 11 „ ortho modicines in market :. For sale at tke Drug. Vcl;c:, for C;:...4. 0 ..5....Dr0ai1u10th5,C,155;t 1 ,,t,,&,,. .1' . •:::-.cy Good:, Jvwclry and Variety Store of with a largn a.-sDrftnent cf othcr St:!ple Lad. ; " i, - ABEL TURRELL. Fancy-Gonds, as usual, ineludinm Ilardw.lre, ; ..: . •'.'n";'rY , / 857. : . ' .„ ~. CmCherv, Iron :::ti Steil, Painle,Oir..,l.lo t .is :.nci : . ..: -, • it .......- z , 1., • Shovf, 1 7 Jats, , Ca pa, Cloaks, Ilt:frato Ito hes; C ;l r..6ifouunitdon. . prllitf.roSt.t.., with a- rtrgfw andlii.i7 'assortment of : i)LISTiNG Powder, Safety Fuse, Gun Stores of the most approved skies and ear:- i I_l Powder. Shot, Lead, Gun-Caps,.and Worm strattr.or, all . 11 i:it•!1 will I , e ..-0:il to met I he - i erii - Pow 44E:asks, Guns, Revnlvers,Pistels, Sze., vieiv4 of the closest buyers for.Cai.-.li or afprol ed ! . .11 t ht. Storeof - ABEL TURRELL Cr, dit •• - -' . 1 •Nloutrose, Oct. 1.5111, 185 G., . New 311:for.1, Sept.: 185:i.. f - : _ - i . . • . ----n . More and More New Goods. ) Timothy Seed. , STANLEY TURRELL'S TIMOTHY SEED k - 1 . - .EUR.RITT is avntin 'on 11,3nd:with n new i 1, - watrantcd pure. For sale hp ;La ; and' se - C - on 3 "si.ji:l; c.'l . lTal lan IVintv r. . ABEL. TURRELL.. Goods. maliing his . assf•rtment unasu:Wv ez,r. i . i i ,Montrose,:./annary 20th, 1851.. 5 - plete in ail rtspet:tt , ,, ar.d. ‘ill, he sc.th.l as low 1".-.3 , ; - .- th , ..-Liwest; or lovt - er, ftir cash 1;:a ter or approv- ! NEW: Jewelry, Perfmtnery, Fancy Goods,, t ed. credit. - t • Groceries. Nints,Oils, - Drugs, Mmerials for New Miiforj, Nov. 2S:h. 155(3. -- - ! Lights, &c., just reeeivca by. , . ABEL TtRRELL. - Furs! Furs! . . FUR Nectiitjti . !3"pcd.Cui.-1,a60 Robes, eilical Dii4envery; for sale a Dacts'acts'l6)er. ri:ceired ,end !•'r,r Oe n . ) l K 31 -by ABEL TURRELL. 1;17 1 ..tR1"1".P. 1 Nor, . Hew Goods at Webb's,. BUFF: il,O Rube. aan pertifir lot j mit received u-i .1.-- opened by-the subscriber- a full assort., and will be is ,1,1 Low by If. BURRI . 7"I'. New Millord, (.)ct., 1356. u4O. e meat of Spring and Seminar Goads.W il i c h • - will be sold•cheap—cheaper than ever. ' • • .- •,- —.-: 7 77 - : --- 7- ' - - Give us a call 'You canna; fail to 'be suited Low i Prieez , Triumphat. • '• • ' • • • for quality, quantity and terrLis. Everything CA EGEGE W. SEY.NIOI.II - LL& CO., are. now ;:shady found in a vriiety ~ .( 0„ . Ur.- recciviny :4' magnified:l , Moots .0f ~ i•itring• March llth, 1 556.' . - - • and Summer GI:ludo, Selected u, - itia „great .enTe. '------------ . : - a, d With N[ietl4l reg a rd to the tastes and Wants . , Webb or I his corp munity, consisting of a ehoice variety L- -' - • , , of Dry. Goods,' Facer Goods and Einboritieries. i TS now receiving his new. Spring Goods, which Boats; arid-Shoes ; Groceries, 2 -11:its;J7aPs i and I -s_ be now Ppm nt his usual low prices. Straw Goods, Crockery, hardware and Cut!', rv , I March 11th, 1856, 4 :e., w4ith we viritt_s4t torlncrupt ,ray,...4 lower rriceli - than any . iitir*'l4,tahliAtt !ot..._ixi. Ails couty , . .. • we would say. that they have not been forgotten and that in the way of -Dress Goods. we.have cuiled..for their use the clthieest gaols the ch'ar""ket3 .- Broil in - and - see' his,,inki we Will take pleasure in shenain* yon the n4ceisrandebeiipest stock of Goods'you ever saw in this place. • Ilniford, May Bth. • _ • _ hbui 'Paper, 'SING a good variety of new pet. Also WipdoWt rper, OP qua). ;,. ,ABELITUR ;PL.: is ti r r am B; fl s t p. c.v. • • The Cheap Store, BD. 28 1-fslaily r undersigned would.rePpectfolly ihform 'the inhabit:lilts or Itinglttnt2n and'. tleinitfi'l that ho has rccontly purchased of Edward Nita his large And 14.01 K . - 40A stock of DRY GOODS 4 tvlAell ha Tins removed from Ll Fayette Nock to No. Court-st. i van dour above'tho Amer.i can llmd. This to ^e f‘tra•!.. rtnrAnAtd ennsiti. crab!). bel,iw New Fork On ' It, UP/W/1i so to ti'ntz rata hint in saVir:gili:a Lei! (luotli . cheop vr.th.in enn Lei boughtat 4ny other tore in town. ro. kg: ick: l ?2,;) ). , ;• 1 • it iis 7lo4- • Gooch. 'loo the :Lnie stock has 'just been added . a large invoice I,f'Spiing and Finn. riser Goo(11 of the latest styles, which will be closed out at great barg,ains. . The stock eonsits in Bart of the following Fine LaWns. fast colors. front 9 to I S ,:ts. per yard; Ca iie oe Amt.: luau a nil En•:!i,h, 1 . ;•oin .1 to 1 I 05.•1?...ir yard; M•litnarl; and c.:o. e!iceol'rints, at II c-14.; 11:eaditd and slleetirns four 4 els. to 3v. GJ per. yard; 3 eam. fr stir ls.•3d. to 2.4. 63. per vard; I.7dies' [lose, from 61 to 3S. ..6d. par pair; GM , liams, from 10 Os. to :23 ets. per yard Dc Laines from 10 ets. to 3 , ;. per yard. 'Also r larq,e lot of Linen's, Quilts and Conterpains, Curtains and Dmperks. Gloves, 'Table Covers, Silks, Saves, Emborderies, Trunks, Vatiees end Bags, of airsize ; and prices. . rzir-r),,n9t, 6.r e et the nutuber. 2S Court street, I I 1)0 , ,r east .of the Atuerit'utn Ilutel, but eat! and two before pueltaAitif, , here. C. GOD-WIN . . 13;ig!::Imphrt, April 33, 1836. • RAIL ROADM! t 4 T r A. a Vt. gV AL. I4 —rt r1 •I nl l- I 41_6 IS. Oct. Sth, 1E56 ,--, Take- Notices. r _QUDA'Y SCllool,gfurnished withLibarrieh 0 of diftereo sizes at New York retail prices. Call at, the Post Ocoee: 1856, : Asst. rs xi wassail', Keop% t iii all: the - PpirlAr ..1?/AVAET AND FIRST RATE ARSORrAfEN't ()F - GENUIXE I)RITGS, . . (.5 Ball, by the-iv:saki barre lor U*lb: by: N. lIR.LLARP. .>"t0yagi...40,56, =M=I=MM Now Rail - Road Rout tOettivairel Lack awnionn.dt' ur.reme i Intl.'Frrn ENT. We lt11:111i,DAY MORNING 71kTEW and expeditious broad . gunge- route , . ' IN from the North and Wecti Cis Great Bend:' 7 . -f;r 7 fTrr r 'r 'l' 7 '. l ' & E9PER and Snrantnn and froth the Lacka*antts and ' 4111-1 '-" , 4 4 - 1, att. .1. k _I , . Wvonqing valle)s, directly through to -New 1 York rod Philndelplii.t. On and 'after 'locality, .ran. 19th, 1857, traitis will be run as follows a neinnati E 3. Traia bound cast nu "tile N. Y. it; F. R. IL, anti cos at Gt. Bbtiti. 8 A..V. from Ow cut), Ilin2listaton, &e, and connects, with the 11X- Pll/;SS Train u hhh Ibltl CS Great Dead for New York and Pliiintitlphias 0 .10 a. :a. Due :A Montre,,,,, 003 .11 , Scranton, 10 40, " S:roudslmr?, 1 2.7, p. m. Delaw are. 15 tninates in dine, 100 " Itridgevilic, Phil. I ass. leave 2 2.3, " Junction, ' 3 33, " New York, 7 15, " l'assent.'erb from N. Y, Lea% O .. Pier N 0.:,, North River, at 7 30, a tr. From l'ltilsd”lpiti t. leave %Val \ nut st, \l'l.ail, Lt. • '7 00 " Ix.\ve Junction I I 13, " Dm , at iiritig,eville, Phil. connection, 12 15, p m Delaware, I mir,utem to dini-,12. 45 Stroudisbrir,;, 1 2'7 " _ , Ver.inton, 3 40; " :1,1(.011 trosp, 5 25," Great 111 5 55, " Colviceting at Grt t Byrd with the 'Mail Train Westl at 6 10, p. tit. Scranton Accommodation Train leaves Scranton fitr Great Bend at. 10,45 a.m. Arrive at Great Soda, 2 20 p. BY. Connecting with Rochester . Acc e tramodatio'n East, and clay Express West, .on the N. Y..&• E. It, It. • • It. turning, leaves Gre• • td at .: 3 .24-p. m Due at Scranton - , - - • • 0 71 0 " \)? It For the recemmoda tis y avid -on the Southern Division, n ( !pasFl geee .., will he •rir taahNd to the Express Froiglit Tref , )casing.l Sernator. at . / - G ceo a. to',l Due at Strotiihburg at : . . 1 1 0,...;15 q:1 :" 3 unction pt . . . 2C5 p.m. ReturninEr, Will leave Junetivn at. 400 a. in. Due at Stroudsbitrg at, .. - 6 50 " Scranton at •.", • 12 40 p..ni. i - Passengers from New York will change'cati at Clarksville; To and from Philadelphia. via B. D:R.R., leave or talco ears at Bridgeville. For Pittston, King4ton..and Wilkesbarre,take L. &B, ILA:, cars at Sin•anton. • .. . For JeFsup,Archibt.lel, arli Carbondale,ebange. carsat (3 - rcturitte. - Tickets told - rad baggage ebcelted been all stntioas on eetinrctinff roads. ' , Pase•ergers to and from Wilkesbarre. Wyo.. moin7. &e., air. Lackawanna & 810 rnisburg RailreA, go demo p.11.7.111t0ut any detention at Scranton, as the trains on tltnt road rim in e!,n nection with the i-xpre..se, tr:iir.ii or. tbe. D. L. & IW. R. R.,—lienve passengers may leave.g.ings•- iton at 9 3t) a.- tn,..and arrive in Philadelphir. at 1,7 p. m., or N.Tork at 715 .in. -- I - Returning . , leave 0%Bit:101111in - rt. 7 a. m., or New York at '7 31..,, and strive in Eingqoa at S . I p - . rn• rare frora Kl:g:tr , ll, WV(. - ,l7lir"r.ntl. Pitkti; tal'iri;:aleltd:t;;, 0.1 Li; t i fa` ely Yozk;r73'l 75. l - Tiektts sold, :Ltd ba..!;i:1L .. ... chccked throti^h. i • JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. 4 W,74. 'N. Jr.?: - r,:s G:..nl Ticket . A f7ent: THE , St)CIETY FO 'iii: ENG( )1.51P.G.1•1- MENT OIL 11'EA1:iNG AT • • • • Na. 106 Challiarn..M. Pea";l-st , - N:IVYORK, Ni.c p oa hard an (..xtf.n,;ive omplete agAsort m,•nt. of latest impg,;l%tioni and best mann -fi:ettires 1.)1 c:ENTLE3iMeS Ft TIGhItING COO - liS., - • - Equal in material, make, trture, tiPtrAility and style, to any stock .ever offered in this equti.. - try—and at prices wh=cheannot tall to suit close CASH buyers. Consisting of • linnea bosoms, crPilar.s - wri;tbanti's or the tett ritmlities, and new choice styles. CALTee DO.—The latest and most attractive „pattcrus. U::IIEnSLEEVES and Dn.airr.ns:—Of wool me rino, cas . htnere, sick eOttoo, of ch.:sir:a:le anti qtr::)l6o,--;;I:(1 the Tc.Niot Wool rind. r gr.rtnents, so highly ::lit :over, by I.lpys'xi:,ns. 41=cp.:1he Shaker shirt and &Jurors.. . . . . ClfiviTS.- 7 Super or gimlity tali! Voautifai btr.li..s, tend a full assortment of ?,tael;.f,.erdlar., neekiyes, gloves, scarfs, Lail niufliers of the rielle:it kinds. , . . . . St - srzxnEr:s.—An n'rnost•endieS% variety:, in ept ling the fittest nitd - m,lst, durihte. :•nd Cotten— plain and printed—an unrivaled assortment. HALF Hos,ri 7 —Wool and eo!ten, of the best textures, selected expressly for the retail trade. Olt tilif; untvt , :s.-I?.ll.trent terns, exeellitt material, and of the bust make, rhistut I:•cen , pll:ii -talcs. fr(.111 the law. est to th, richest, that. predece- - -at,d havin2 etery facility fr.r inTortitqf and. ri•intt- . laeturipg,not exce«ieti by any other establieh moot in the United States—buyers, thi•refore. WIN ennsmit thiir inters it by exaMir.ing the (roods ivhi,At are sold at the . Low tsT TOSSIBLE CASH FRICES 7 Good delivered_at ail the Rail Road .Devtg, steamboats, &e.,and in any part of the of the city, without.charge; . . *** - Shirts made to order by expeliefiend bands and in superior style;:,.at short n;)tice. warranted to fit. Sr No machine* wOrk'dotie at this is labli sement. * \ 3.. . . Sl . ll, 11, MG.—T . .3Oly. . . • . . Important to Farmers! A MACIIINE FOR EVERY, FARNIFIZ!_!; MACH U'S PAT'Xr FOOT \ CORX PLANTER, BY thisraetho i the 'weight of the operator mido to perform the tyhole labatof plant. inn and no time is lost as one "cap irant as fast as he can walk.. • • Machine: is attached to the ro - ot•bv mcr.ns of a . strap; n r .by a, crow to the beet of the cep erator, and is so arranged. as to :plant at. any depth desired: The many advantages of this machine oi•er all others cab readily bes6eni• and their simplicity and . _chcaPness cannot fail of bringing them into e•cnerr.l t 1.30 among all farmsers, and can Le on all farms in this iectiMit.' Price . . For 11 - tzt:hines or comity or Sta; itights, nr. ply to:- •li. a. SIWALE, ' Agent; Slo - atraae; Pa. Mayhities Warta - wed .to •:„ 'ER — Plant more Corn its dal w4li.les* labor than any hand - planter, and will. plant more rilr rectly than an m: chine eref:inytintedand are less liable 1 .. D ret out. of repair... '11 1n ontrot, Feb..l3llt, 1.5.57. • • NEW GOODS. -.. ..,v)... . . TGE stih2eriher is now re, 1 * . .4 0. .7'.l -•.- ' • ' ' ' - ets tam hot. S prtng Ftot-4 .-*... --. llii of Goods to which he. would .0.,-I' , invite the attention. of his . az--.,i, friends. : - .Among - his • goods', gN. 4' , a „...ct4 - ‘ may b e fo . und- a Vejt largo as- S.r.. •- -; .‘ :,-' . - sertment - of Geld and Silver Watches of ever -ariet , 'edinprisintr, - 18 .differ-- ent style-s of, his owu importation, and . - ,a large lOt of LOVOlll l AxiehoiA ' and Lepluos of -.different makers, op,la,Chans, Seals Kers,. all . the - new patterns orEar•Aings.. , Breast Pins.. and - Finger Sings, Braael et.S, Cockets, Gold andSilve.ePhimr 'Lies, .20- Spectacles, ...A lull sleek. _of. Silver_ Spoons,•forks,NapkittiLings Butter and. fruit knives. Plated Teble.;,koives,.,forks,',..Caltors. Cake beskets; , ,C t odhistleki.. 4te..,Cutlery, nee. dies, Shell combs, Gold . ..feria and peneils„..Baaa Viol. Violin. Sod Gaiter .Stiings,,. Gold iSleeve . buttons;and_atucla,- ifewilig.,.4ir,4B,4r..+SLO., all of whksh.will be aolll,at the, l i oUtw4ailh 'rl ces , a t 'the old s tand: of:: _•-.- ..., •; -.-:- . .., -, S. - • - . AtritEitil.'Etr4 S. i . y -** - 'llim Odd iTeiloonslialt. 'Binghamton. 24thr. / 23 `Attentiourapnersecr, ow.Pointe , F almost every pettern and kind, noar. in to; m Qalso Nig'S leStatoliley, Plowe - and Corn Ploia, may he 'had etlany limo of tlaiatul -10.o`cleck'st-nitibtOttlaMbanger: for- Old Iron, GralpEOrm errmy*led - a1440 - PoVilor 38561 1. N. 11USLARD. • -.. ,' . .,11'; ~-.',-,-30110-Ef',5*,.,..0.0jict',411 „ 10 -adv an ce , 921 t pat paid wiil:ie eiz nst n 2iis cad $2,50 at lb ' ofAl)o:yeAr,-”' ;Nu paper ilitipti,tinyed until .1 . . reurn ge s Aro raid, e:te;(14:13 - :-the - optiottici Ptiblisher; • 4 II- cuniinunie . tiiinspunetted' -, , _ the u to e 'to -the .EI4ITO.iiS, Sutifi, .tte.tes of Advertising.' t ' I Of 3 rquare (12 lines or lets) 1 or 3 vreefti, Eaulrsub,equent inert One rquiirc throe months,,, • Oriti quart: .t.ix months, • Ilusigers Cards, four lines or leas One=eighth (Ante, one yearL f - Otv-fourih . " , Ore color:in; ;, • vivertiscts :viii tkatritted bu,inesst. in' Which the, urg ingaged; eoiu4ldercei washing t-9 .Obtain'le idwit unleSA 1116' shall - 11iVu iikrectistibs discontinuance of the :same. • .10.111 . - WORK.. 'The pubtixher6 - • 11414r.g:_ added 40 thei, Printinp, mntorial!i a !icrii anti:t:Ruth*: A merit n t J 0 h 'ry are. - notiV - pt4arvii to,,ei. Jon Wonx in a manneennsurpaited tion of country, and on reOnnabit tirtro,. Ell Auks of .er'ery iv on - hand or prititel, I? .order.. , ``g j1;pinc.5...::.;;-Pii7:ett#.-., - AAA BRUiTDAdE, • I pilefaus :put . litareconsp 8 Dcpgr. _ M. 11. C. VAit„ A. Brtirsit*Gz . . ' Wll ' Iff: sXtrit , Cabinprit and Ekair Iflpniditqc ersi, root :or * S4cut.'sloutrose, P. 2.• DR. H. SMITH, Frirgeost Dentist; Montrose', Pa, w at Secfrte'.s 3lntci, Monday,s and Thniada eavit wvvlt. - : 'ABEL TtIRRELL, MoxTrtpsz:P . - Dealer in. Drug . .NI - vileines,' Chem 1 ‘vin,f,, t v Grooeries,.Faricy . Goodgi. Pertlimerv, &e.--And Apnt fol.- . all inont piptilar Pal eta .)It•dicir.cs.•. J*o i i,T G.Rows. rash i tratl Tzintor—Shop nearl il:lptist, 'Meeting Ilouie, *on Turnpike St Montrose, Po. - JOHN COLSTEL SIOVVA, Tin, Coppei and NVart:, Loacr.syille, t:e4r . the Great- • A. LATILROP, - De:l.l.lyr in P. d,•- MI! - de Ciolhirig..Ha p-t. 1. 1 9(.):13 S . llkes, Dry G6cids,&c.. • ..4rStare. Soarlc's J. P. W. RAI:Er, S . A. LATits, DR. h. THAYER, Eltt Ttz I' via tt!tt Surgeon, Mon Oil:e• is the. Fancier's Stoh). • I . • P.U.AIiKLIN FRASER, . Attors2cy and Cottlisell ti . .or . t ' 31onfmse, Pa., will nit end ,fititfully to all r ne..ss entrusted to him in the County of Su ConvOltrxlFr2 ny,(l wilting, tf all kinds si dine netttly,':ind eliar,gt , s ineclerate.. - He ult . l attend to proiol!e 81' ,., ntion - ot - elaivis soldiers,l widows :Ind' heirs, :q. , ,:iinst atoll.' S. 'Got mot; l'oi lloet:ty Lana, Pensions, re.,.: 31 aye he clir,oci at :11111.1nrs at the.offie . .e . fnio 0 oeitopiccl by . .1. T. .11,4-Lards, Esq., nortti„o 'Culla 11(iuse.-1551,-13- . - : ET. C. TYtElt, :.."I:ritortist6d with 1,,L. Hunt l'-;l.iporter_ttizd Deacr in IhOwtate Cutlery, CvEriff,c.e TOrniningx, Springs, aVo. :21 5 . Pearl Street, N. Where tits Islieri , -.lllllle friends; in t big itlia ius.• art- invited, and E.Ailtt*TV to call - and parehnr.e. J. H. PARSONS, and Detail -.Dealer C:lbitsot Nrnre. Oefas, Bedsteads, Ts. Stands, No. 9Wro.hingtern st.; Einginuitop i .N. to l -r q• AV e oom up stairs.. J. D. 'NAIL, N. Physician and fincgCon,•has.pe nvOy I;K•lgrd bitnsptt 13ritekneyville. $u oonty, Polii - On, - nna'Aiill promptly iittetitt . ! calls a ith "which he may bela'vored; May, -*- ;• • • 'A. PIMEEr s .Ititstiee .of the Pence, Caned° Exechkir of Deedl, Wilh s Contrite% Otike, vale, %%ryoming.Coutity, Pa,.:.' liar .9. 1 JG. . • - , „ `11111,11.N.11, 1 4)00 - . . Gh:tss DEPOT, ON CHESTNUTS .414ntrose; Penizio. ' • • • 13Y TiIfEWSTE . All' sizes and "iloieriptiont, in any (pail trade trt order, or furnished on.thqshortest , , HAYDEN BAOTIMRS, • New.M Ilford, 'Petrulrro 171 i 7i:olerale 'tlealer-in Butte*. , V_ _ St:Tefitiers, Thriquis, Fano_ y: NVatehe; Jetveirk; Silver:m:3 Pla t ed Ware, levy, auptilie4 tert,n7, ..• . IV,I,itYDEN, • JOHN HAYDEN; DR. R. r WILMOT' ri irralwxte 4bf th.V Allopath:e and - ptitl,le-Colikges sledieineja manrntly lneatcd .Great Bend Prt;,' `April Ist: .1838: _ - . ,Avior "Vasilior.sable 3 :Mar. , cl) ltrst„ north or,ti*Farmets.s . 2. °WAD WELL -44 B L93$ • Lltru•Rrrzs or hain , DzAsk :a :* . 11 : 14 CHINA; GLASS;. d- BART T 0 AiD • LOO KINCr 01G - A .:.- _ 41111111 . N 0. 7.6, . W tirx gi ult:t. roe . ~ Elikki'R CAVI:DWEI.i., - . HENRYS. 4(3,t1 3 1., 0.: CAIILDWELL: - , • lin twivt . - 'W. A. eAuLtrivrax, ' ,-: ispis"l , ,! , m y!!. • - ma subsoyiber havi a ssociated the aboVe s finiss :the Crceliiq 04011411 vatious brkriclms, ' 4 441r ants; Hotel and tauKtiehaitna and adjoining cool stock is bne- oft he large4,of York. •...!Thoir assortmont.o Imre .Thoir goods are of good quality' tenm. - Their.prices as low Ulf to.t With rorateree to prvnt•;2lkiii gratOral to all who' may think• him a 'New. York. 1 41851. "•-• Astitcui Bali . oamtiy-ttnd,Tale:' U seti,,Jr fo-salt by the BA*: bash/ 'lO if 1 , end g r . thg with ted Jqb • OM, Cute bee. 'II be Is of syl :AN lhefa, row. the ;beet •Dd 3tE ►w, 011sto sq'a: 11 be also i heir eill. TAAGY,HA'; - GEOHAYP . ~T -4r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers