The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 09, 1857, Image 4

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'lon promise now, yms young, tnan, dar,'
Vat stands upon the vittor,
To hab dis woman foryotritfe,
And lab her ehermore ;
•`-`.- To feed ber mit sour eront,•
Nato Putter, milk and cheese ;
, 14.nd in , all thing so lend your . aid,
, „ Dat will promote her ease.
'yes, and you verminea, standin' - dere,
Do Wedge your lord dis tay,
.Dat you vill dake for your husband,
• Dis man, and him ober;
:-Dat you viii bed and board mit him,
'trash, iron, and meat his close,
• Laugh ven be smiles, veep ven he sighs,
And share his joys and roes.
•- Veil den, I. now, vitin dese calls,
- hfit choy, and not mit krief,
13ronounce you both td be one mint,
Vali name, von man, von beef ;
bublish now dese panda,
Dese matrimonial . dies,
,-Pefore,tnine vi re, Jake,. Kate and" Poll;
dose gazing eyes,
And asb de sacred skriptures say,
Vat God unites togedder,
; I, mai tare asunder put, s:
Let no man tare them sever;
Argil you, tritekroom, tare, here, you stop!
1.11 not let go your collar,
,-Pi3fore you ansyer .me dis ting,
Dat, ish—vare mine tollar •
1,.:..E7L1A8,LE YOUNG MAN.
Reader, were you ever in a strange place,
and on making inquiry of some , friend, what,
young - gentleman that was who bad just
passed, received for an answer his name,
and additional remark, emphasized—he is a
reliable young man I Then you know some
thing of the effect such a remark: will pro
duce. It is like" good' news from a far
Country, or cold water to the thirsty soul:'—
A reliable young man ! How pleasing the
reflection, that, in the midst of the numerous
temptations to which the young are subjeet,
in ibis age and country, we occasionally find
one of whom the intrinsically true.
We know they are like angel's visits, but
that only makes the remark more - thrilling,
and places the subject of it, higher' in the es
timation of all right-thinking men, and we
may add women too. , -
•:There is a world of meaning in the term
as we use it' in this country. It
mains just anything that is worthy and com
mendable. Ifla.young man is prone in any
of the leading vices of the day, If he makes
promises and violates them, or habitually
,paintslns conversation with his high wrought
and exaggerated expression, be cannot be
•called reliable. If he is frivilons, inattentive
to business, careless, indolent, or too, fond of
plea - mire and pastime, be cannot be called re
liable. Much less, if guilty of a violation of
those higher laws of community, not c to say
of .God, the infraction of which-would make
bins rank with the immoral and vicious.
SHcm,emiable the position of a reliable
young man in .a community capable of ap
peciating his worth. Every one confides in
his fntegrity. His word is never doubted—
as a business man he is sure to obtarri the
highest salary. The good bless him when
ever they see him. The old men speak of
him frequently _in terms of the highest praise,
and those who have daughters, think a little
in - ore than they.say—while-the mothers are
by no means chary 'of their compliments—'
d4ughtera smile with unaffected complacence
upon him, and could he but bear 'what they
have to say of him after be has gone,it would
doubtless make him blush, for men of merit,
are sure to be modest. In short, the praise
of such a yoing man is On the lips of every
one who knows him, except those, it may bo,
who envy him because be stands so far obove
theth, or another despicable class who despise
everything that is good. •
Oh, how refreshing_ in these degenerate
tinies, to see such a,young man i When will
parents learn wisdom so as to Impart proper
instruction to their children, that they may
learn to appreciate labor more, and partici
pate in such associations as win make them
wiikand goodo , nstead of those that Lead
(through flowery paths it may be,) to vice,
degradation and infamy.
:ger Young gentleman-4 have never Lad
the pleasure of seeing you before, sir, but I
met vonr dangh:er 'at Saratoga, and she
askedme to call upon her in town. Having
just been able to get her address to day, I—.
-Old gentleman, {indignantly interupting,)
—Get her a dress! Who gave you-permis
sion, sir, to m . *e„presents to my daughter?
I'd have you"-to know that lam able to clothe
my, children without your assistance. There's
the iioor sir.
„, t
• Sir ie love-of fun h not unknown
amongst the seriuus-looking Chinamen. • An
_English storekeeper ; wishingqo advertise his
articles in the Chinw,e language ' engaged a
Chinaman to paint him a sign. It did not
answer expectation fur the only perceptible
effect it bad on the Chinese was to excite a
grin. By a bribe he pbtained a translation
into English; and found it to be as follows:
"Don't bny anything , here--storekeeper a
larThere is .no use iu saying that, worth
makes the man: A poorrel ation says that be
pit - on a boirowed•snit f brbadcloth Line
coppany his family - to the show,
and was sur
prisedtp, ;hid bow affable all his acquain
tances-wire.' The nextday he entered town
everhalls, and was not know', nor
could he obtain - credit for a mackeral.•
Dacirin TErm.—:-An old subscriber, says
sa Attar Soda us the following recta
exe , pt
to Biel; the 'Ace/tying of teetb,assutiuo us that
he ha:aria-it with success
• Mix chalk, powered fine, with enough salt
to_givkit decided saline taste. Use_ nee
or twice' day Ite a tooth powder • With no
waler but dry with a tolerably -stiff
toi4ivihreah. •
'''There-is n grea • !melee between
laiiiog: it d- acting. 0 ;1 1en ° _Promise
this - Eliot -Ala talk the 4 itre 68 men
Who Ilinnkiiit lhe.mement -of need, and .Inun
the cold ithotdder.
, :zir Tying 4.paaft_#oo 7 9l T. pog.
trOpiaginiag yannalt . *hal% is one l of
lina...-fsiskal in-codfish aristocracy.
T`te'j *pit' glimeinit
Tg11111150.41,130 rash in advance, 92,00 if
not paid within six months, and $2, the end
of the year. No paper discontinued until all sr•
rearages are paid, except at the option of the
Publishers. All communications connected with
the (Ace, to ensure attention must be directed
to the Entrees, Moatrose, Burg's. Co., Pa.
Rates of -Adrertidug.
One,sqbare (12 lines or less) 1 or 3 weeks, $l,OO
'Each subsequent insertion, .0,25
One square three months, 3,00
One square six months, 4,00
Business Cards, four lines or less, 3,00
One-eighth eolum, one year, , 6,00
One-fourth . ' " " • i
One-half " " 17,00
One.columr, 30,00
Yearly advertisers will be restricted to the
business in which they are engaged ; and aro
considered as wishing to continue advertising
unless they shall give special directions for a
discontinuance of the same.
The publishersitzwinr, added to their Job
Printing Materials a large and ittputtott assort- .
tpent at Job Type, are cow prepared to execute
jou:,Wors in a manner unsurpassed in this sec
tsint'of conntry,ind on reasonable terms.
• Minks of every description kept constant
ly on hand or printe - d to order.
Noiness pirtttorg.
• Physicians and . Singeonsv, &min
Depot, Penn's.
.M.ll. C. A. H. BRUNDAGE.,
WM. W... SMITH, & Co.,
abinent and Chair Illannfactur.
ers, foot of Main Street. Moutrose,
Surgeon Dentist, M ontrose; Pa., will be
at Searle's Hotel, Mondays and Thursdays of
each week. 15v1
ABEL TURRELL, istospzosE, PA
Dealer in 'Drog,4. 'Medicines, Chemicals,
Dva Stufk Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew.
elry, Ferfnmery, &c.—And Agent for all the
most popular-Patent Medicines.
Faslisionalge Tailor—Shop near tlit
13aptist Meeting 'louse, on Turnpike Street.
Ntontrose, Pa. •
Dealer in Stoves, Tin, Coppv. and Sheet
Iron Ware, Lodersville, near thO Great Bend
Depot. • I3tf.
Denier in - Clothing, Hats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, &c.
Or Store opposite Scares Hotel, Montrose,
C. D. LAntaor, and min
Phlrsician and Snr—eon, Montrose
Pa. Office in the Farmer's Sure.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
31ontrose, Pa. '
will attend fdithfully to nil busi
ness entrusted to him in the County of Sulfa.
Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be
done neatly, and charges moderate. He wiil also
attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers, their,
widows and heirs, against the U. S. Govern
ment, for Bounty hind, Pensions, &c.
May he found at all hqnrs at the office formerly
occupied by, J. T. Richards, Esq., north of the
Court House.-185-13.
Interested with. I, L Hunt,
Importer and Dealer in Hardware and
Cu tiery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs,
.21 7 6. 215 Pearl Street, N. V.
Where his Mercantile friends, in this and ontr.r.
Connties, are kindly invited, and tinsEs-rLy
licitcd to 6.11 i and purchase. 6tf.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in
Cabinet Ware. Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables,
Stands, Chairs, Sze.
• No. 9 Washington st., Binghamton, N. Y.
IW'Cotrtn I.N . lare-Room ap stairs.
- 'D. VAIL, M. D..
Phydelan and. Surgeon, has porton
netly located himself at Brackneyville, Suscfa
County, Pentia, and will promptly attend , to all
calls with , which he may be favored.
May, 1856—n22.
Justice of the Peace, Collectoi o
Debts, Executor of Deed. 4, Nits, Contracts; c
Oiflee, Laccyville, Wyoming County, Pa.
Mny 9, 1858.
SA.uSli s BLIND, 1)0.0n,
MO7l trom, Pcnn'a.
AU sizes and descriptions, in any quantity
made to ordei, or furnished on the shortest no
. -New Milford, Penn'a.
Wholesale dealer in Buttons, Com'os,
Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods,
Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut
lery, Pis King Tackle, CigarsoSic. dec.
Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal
Gridnate of the Ailopathk and Romeo
pathie Colleges of Medicine, is now per
manently located in Great Bend Pa.
April Ist. 186 G.
wshlonable 'Tailor. Shop first door
orth of the Farmer's Store.
N 6.78, Warren-street.
Emelt ei.rmwEl.t., ii ENTRY S. SNAPP,
T. 0. C.1.17/MELL la Ats. f,
W. L. VAGLDWALL, . q:.3,0 4P ... U ern.
Tnr. subscriber having associated-bimself with
the above house in -the Crockery buds in all its
varioui - branches;would simply say to Merch
ants, Hotel slid. ItoinEng house Keeper*, in
ilusquehanna and adjoining counties; that
stock Ls one of the largest of ibe.. kind In New,
:York. ' assortment -is large ' and general.
Their goods are ofgood ?quality and Awe *-
tarsi. Their "pries* as low as can of with reference to profit. And that he is very
grateful' to, all who' only think
_proper to give
him a call, BENEY B. KNAPP. .
New York. Jas, ist 036,7. *„
Country "Mb 31148,114,
Tinil find Hatilinirti: rwriiiiiing
T is it Pang
_Goods st York' Price
I' HYFFtlic, KNovvvr.oTs,'Pagbangint,..
A Present to - Every Body
Ifrho purchases_ an Anibrotw between this and
. the first of Ant.
FINDING it necessary to raise a considerable
sum of the "needful" during the next two
months, I have chosen this plan to increase ray
business, trusting that my efforts to please my
customers will bo so well appreciated that
shall lose nothing 'by the operation.
These presents consist of Gold Lockets, from
$3,00 to $10.00; Books from 50 eta. 01,25;
Ambrotypes from $l,OO to $2,00; and Litho:
graphs from 121.2 cis; to 81,00.
Two -hundred of those, worth over $1(10,00,
will be given te ,- the purchasers of 200 cases se
lected for the purpose. • •
arThere ate no tickets and consequently
no-waiting for a "prize drawing," but each one
gets his present,teith his likeness.
So now, my`ocul people, make no delay,
For. April and May will pass swiftly away.
Whether rainy or shining,, we. don't care a
For we do take good pictures in all aorta. of
Sky Parlor in tha Brick Block over Bentley
& Read's.
Montrose, April 2tl, 1857.
ire curing the Sick to an extent never
before 'known of any Medicine.
JULES RAUEL,,.the - well known perltorner, et
Chestnut Street, rbiladelplia, , whoTe choice produce
are Cuund at almost every twist, says
am happy to say of your Csraserte PILLS, that I
'are found them a better family medicine, for common
pe, than any outer within my kuowledge: hlany of toy
friends hare realized Marked benefits from them, and Co.
lucid. with me in believing that they possess extraordinary
virtues for driving out diseases and curing the sick. They
are not only effectual, but =to and pleasant to be taken
qualities Which must make them valued .by the public,
when they are known."
The venerable ChaneelkeWAßDLAW writes ,from Bal
timore, 15th April, ISM:
Da..l. C. Area Sir: I hare taken moor Pills with
rest benefit, for the listlessness, languor, lose of appetite,
and Bilious headache, Which has of late years overtakes
me in the spring. A few doses of your Pills cured me. I
hare used your Cherry Pectoral many pear in my family
for coughs and colds with unfailing success. Yon make
medicines whichcitre: and I feel it a pleasure to Collllllelld
you for the good you hare done and are .
JOHN F. BEATTY, En., Sec. of Pam. Railroad Co,
"Pa. R. R. Offire, Pdila.k7plia, "Dee. 13, 1t.53.
"Sir: I take plenSure in adding my testimony to the
efficacy of your medicines, having dented very nchtertal
benefit from the use of both your Pectoral Ind Cathartic
Pills. 1 am never without them in my. family; 'nar rhall I
ever consent to be, while my mane will pmcnre them."
'The widely repowned 8. B. ST.DVENS, M. D? - of ICetis
worth, Nt li. writes:
"Having ustld your C4THARTIC Plus in my practice, 1
certify from expenenee Mai they are an inv .- alas:de purga
tive. In cast, of disordered functions of the liter, catoing
headache, indigestion,. costiveness, and the ;rear variety
of diseases that follow, they are a surer remedy than any
ether. in all cases where a purgative remedy Is rennimi,
I confidently" recommend these riffs to the I public, as
superior to any other I have ever found. They are sure
in their operation, and perfectly safe—qualities u Lich
make them. an invaluable article fin -public use. I have
fie many years known your Cheers Pectral as the bens
Cough medicine. in the world ; and these PHIS are In no
wise inferior to that admirable preparation for the treat
ment of diseatea."
Noe- 25, 1951.
"DR.]. C. ATZI —Dear Fir: , I have been afflicted (non
my birth with scrofula in its WORA form, and now, after
twenty years' that, and an untold of amount of suffering,
have been completely cured in.a few weeks by your Pills
With what feelings of rejoicing I write can only be
imagined when yon realize what I have suffered, and how
"serer until now hive I been free frormthis loathxma
disease in some shape. At times it attacked,tuy eyes, tusl
made me almost blind, besides the unendurable phi.; at
others it settled in the scalp of my bead, and destmyed my
hair, and has kept me partly bald all my days; nauetitnes
it came nut in my fare, and kept it for months a raw sore.
" About nine weeks ago I. commenced taking your Ca
thartic Pills, and entirely free from the comtilaint.
My eyes are well, My skin is fair, and my hair has com
menced a healthy growth; all of which makes me feel
already a new person.
" Hoping this statement may be the means or conveying
inhumation that shall do good to others, I am, at ith every
setitiment of gratitude, Tours; &c.,
" I have known the. above named Maria Kicker front
her childhood; and herstatement is strictly true. ,
Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co." PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from
Boston,:ltnh April, 1854:
" Your Pills have cured me from a bilious attack which
arose from derangement of .the Liver, which had become
very serious. I bad failed of "airy reiief by my Physician,
and from every remedy 1 could try ; but a.few doses of
your Pills have completely mimed me to health. I have
iven - tbern to my children fur worms, with the best et-
Forts. They were promptly cured. (:recommended them
to a friend fur cootiveners,,which had troubled him far
meths ; he told me in a few days they Earl cured him.
You make the best medicine in the world; and I ant free
to say so."
Read this from the distinguished Solkimr of the Sapient*
Court, whose brilliant abilities have Made him well
known, not only in this but the neighboring States.
" Arne Orleass, .stk April, 1854.
" Sir : f hare great satisfaction in assuring you thou
myself and family have been very much benefited by your
medicines. kly wife was cured, two year . since, of a se-
dangerous caagh, by vour CHRISM PRCTORAL,
an sine', then has enjoyed pettect health. My children
hake several times been mired - from attacks of the !Mitt
en= and Croup by It If is an invaluable remedy frit
these complaints. Your CATHARTIC PALLS
cured -me from a drepejwia and costiveness, which has
grown upon . me for some yews,— indeed, this cure is
much more important, from the fact that I bad failed to
get relief from Me best rhysicians which.this section of
the country affords, and from any of the mituerous reme
dies I had taken.
• You seem to us, Doitor, like a pnwidential bles-ing
to our family, and you may well euppuse we are not un
mindful of it. Yours respectfully,
• "Smelt Chastarr, 0/ir, -4pril Ibsl.
De. J. C. Arra Houreed Err: I have made a. thor
ough trial of the Csvitspric Pius, left me by your agent,
and have bean cured by them of the dreadful RArtmatima
under which be suffering.. The Ent dose re.
liered me, and a few subsequent dopes - have entirely
removed the disease. I feel in better health now than Ps
some years before, which I attribute entirely to the effee4
a VOUS eV/HAIM= Puss. Your; 'with pear respect.
The *bore Irwin hum *Won* who are publicly homyn
where they reside, and who would not make thee vtata
mints without a thorough etllniOßM that they were 'mot
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYES & CO.,
Practical sad Analytical Chemists. Lowell. Ipiss
PORCELAIN and Granite China at •
G. W.'S & CO'S
ATIRRORS.—Large Gist Framed Mirrors,
11,11, for sale by ABEL TUItRELL.
To Dealers of Merchandise within the County
of Susquelanua.
Tti pursusace of the several acts of the Assem
bly 9f this Commonwealth, to provide rev.
enue to meet the demands upon the Treasury,
and for other purposes, the undersigned, Ap
praiser of Mercantile •Taxes of Susquehanna
County, has prepared a-list °fall Iferchnnts tra
ding within said County, and placed each of the
said Merchants in that class which to him seems
right and just according to the provisions of
said acts of Assembly as follows, viz:
P. 31,
Residence. Proprietors. Class. C
Auburn, 7 John-P. Lambert, 14
Joseph MeCsin, 14
" Grorer, Philips & C 0.13
ft Waltman ik Swisher, 14
• " Hiram S. Lewis, -14
Apolacon, H. Barney, 14
Wnt Butrum,- 14
Brooklyn, F. W. Allen, • 14
R. T. Ashley, . 13 _
E. S. Kent, 13
" 0. G. Hempstead, 12
Montrose Depot,Poat Brothers, ' 14
" • J. C. Lee, 14
Bridgewater, A. N. Allen, 14
Clifford, John Halsted,' , • 14
Brundage & Wilson, 14
S. B. Wells, 10
Dandaff, C. C. Church, 13
" J. B. Slocurn, 13
11. C. Healy, " 14
." IL S. Phiuny, 12
a . Thomas Arnold, 13.
Dimock, Wm. H. - Thayer 14
J. Smith Tr., 14
- " L. IL Woodrnif 14
Friendsville, Jeremiih HasfOrd, 13
= Marsh & Glidden 12
Franklin, J.L. Merriman, 14
Forest. Lake, I). L. Meeker, 14
Gibson, S. S Ingalls, 12
' Hawley & Guild, 13
_ Grant & Walker, 23
- , John -12
Ken4:l7 13
Great Bend,
J. N. 14
S. 11. Davton, 11
D. L. Taylor, 10
EL B. June, 11
Wm. A. Snow, 14
G. S. Mesick de Co. - 14
IL McKinney, 13
•L. S. Lenheim, 12
Crane da Co. 14
Thomas & Whiting, 13
Alanson Itubbard, 14
John Colsten, 44
G. W. Sey motirdr C 0.13
Zerah Very, 14
5.13. Guile, 14
Johnston, Edwards
Lodersville t
• & Co., .13
Penuel Carpenter, 13
Eaton and Moxley, 12
.13. R. Lyons & Co., 12
Seth A. Lyons, 14
WM. Treninin & Co. - 4
Brandt & Sehlager, 5
F. D. - Lyons, 14
Bell & Tingley, 14
A.-B.,Merrill, 4 14
John Miller, • 14
J. J. Turner, 14
Timothy Dept* . 14
T. A. Newton I 14
Schultz, Eaton &Co. 3
E. R. Grow & llro., • 13
Roger Kenyon, 14
A. A. Beeman, : -14
Z. Blakeslee, 14
C. C. Wright, - 14
Joseph L. Ross, 14
Darius Coleman; 14
Post Brothers, 11
A. N. Bullard, 14
Abel Turrell, 14
Bentley & Read, 10
GutteLburg Rosen
baum & Co. 11
I .N. Bullard, . 14
S. S. Mott, 14
S.A. Woodruff, 14
Keeler & Stoddard, 14
Mott & Tyler, . 13
S. 11. &D. Sayre, 12
J. Ethridge, 14
SiminonF & Merri
- man, • -14
W. J. & S IT. Mul
ford, 12.
Alfred -Cal d win, 14
J. Lyons & Son, 13
13. - d. Sayre, 13
F.B. - Chandler, 13
Ilenry J. Webb, 13
A. Lathrop & Co. 12
J. 13. Singleton, 14
J. A: & 0. M. Crane, 14
M. S. Wilson A; -Son, 12
Thayer 'k Co. 14
Sutphin &- Young, 1 2
Hayden Brothers, 12
-J. Moss 4; Brothers, 12
E. - A. &0. Pratt, 3
Henry Btirritt, 13
Diekerman & Garrat,l2
Jessup, •
Liberty, •
~: ~
New Milford
Win..C. Ward, 12
Norman Granger, 14
S. 11. Canfield, 14
I George Snyder, 14
Thomas Sullivan, 14
J. W. Brackney, 3
iSeOtt (1.-. Johnston, 12
171. S. Park, 12.
Susqu'a Depot; Smith 47 Sinitts, 14
" \Vm. Shrimptou 14
" ' . • Miles Creeitan, 14
- • Gaylord Cu rtis, la
John Ti racy, 14
•‘‘ Whittier I3rvant, 13
1 1 W. 11. 4k J. F. b
& D. W. Nor
, ton,
Silvei Like
Thomas Inn•strtim, 13 -
A. H. McCollum - -13
Freeman Brodier, 1.4
James Bell, 13
A. W. Rowley, 14
S. B. West, l4 . 3
Cohan & Brother, l4 •
A. W. Bronson, 13.
Foot & Jones, -
Carlisle & Carpenter,l4
A. J. Seymour, . 14
Wm. Wigemore, 14
L. G. Spring, 14
Perrine & Son, 14
D. R. Pope, . 14. •
Thomson, HAY. Ilehaway, 14
Deer Houses, Eating !louses, %lesion- •
rants, etc.
Enoch Chambers,
George A. Struppler, 8
'alter Paintln, 8
A lanson Hubbard.
I.:S`; Bullard, • 8
S. S. Mott,
.• 8
Edwin Bacon, -8
J.. A. & 0.. M. Crane, 7
Milton Balch, 8
Joseph OrrnAbee;
John Tirney, 8
Mile; Cieegan, 8
WO. Wigerriore, . 8
- James -McAlla • 10
Liquor Dealerti.
Lodersville, L. S. Lenbeim, 14
Suspea Depot, Smith & Shutt& 14
" . Geo. Eggleston keeper billiard room,
two tables, license 640,0(Y.
" A. Thompson, keeper billard room,
one tatle, license 630,00.
And .The Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of said County, will . hold a .Court of
Appeal at the Court House,in Montrose, in and
for slid County on Friday, the let day of May
nest, at one . o'clock, P. M., at which time and
place any of the Merchants defined, described
and classed as aforesaid, or their agent. or At
torney may appear and appeal from said assess
ment if they think proper.
Neve Milford
Sustfa Depot
- • Mercantile Appraiser.
Montrose, March 26th, 1857. .13w3
/ft THE subscriber is now re
-1 ceiving his Spring stock
14 of Goods to which be would
invite the attention of his
• friends. 4mong, his goods
may be found s'very large as
sortment of Gold and Silver
Watches of: ever variety comprising :d differ:
ent styles of his own importation, and a large
lot of Levers. Anchors and Lepines of different
makers, Gold - Chains, i3eala Keys, all the new.
patterns of Ear-Rings, Breastpins, and . Finger
Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold and Silver Thim
bles, and Spectacles. A full stock of Silver
Spoons, forks, Napkin Rings, Butter and fruit
knivel. Plated Table knives, forks, Castors,
Cake baskets, Gandlesticks - , &c. Cutlery, nee
dles, Shell combs, Gold pens and pencils, Bass
viol, Violin and Guitar Strings. Gold Sleeve
buttons, and studs, sewing birds,&e, &c., all of
which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at .
the old"stand of
_. N 0.2 Odd Fellow's Hall.
Binghamton, March. 24th, 1856 13
DEMONS wishing their Pianos or Melode.
oils toned, can basalt done by leaving a no.
ti ee at the P. O. any time until the first of
ly. - Orders from a distance attended to on
short notice.l.; W. CAMP.-
Montrose, Mirth Seth, •
Clover & Timothy Seed
- u.prtfuttivr.„
N4IW Iniford l Match 18, 11157.
11E anbscriber offers for 'sale two Hottsea
1-and Lots, and a Shop in Montrose. Also
-15 1-2 acres of land with a large House and
good Barn in the Boron& of Sitsquehanna De.
pot. Cheap and easy torm.s.4 ,
Montrose, March, 30th, 1857. 14w3.
JUST AQOlNG.—Cheaper than at Any other
store this side of the Little Village of New
York. Walk in and be convinced. Dr. Bane's
Artie Expeditions, Recollections of a Life Time,
Science vs. Spiritualism, The Sultan and his
People, The Star and the Cloud: or, a Daughter's
Gentleman's Guide to Politeness, s Man
ual o f Composition. and Letter Writing, New .
and Improved Circutar Interest Tables Patent
Improved Letter and Invoice File,
A new lot of School Books, Blank Books,
Writing Paper, Pens, Inks, &e.—ht. the Post
Oflico. A. N. BULLARD.
'Montrose, April . 2d, 1859:
Chemicals, Drugs,
A ND every deseription of Medicals, at Sin
gleton's Laboratory in liontrose. Alleotn
mut:dent-ions addressed ta the Laboratory,will be
answered by return mail. Late House Surgeon
to the following institutions: St. Georgus Hos
pital and the Westminister Hospital, the Infir
mary Manchester; the Bristol Infirmary, Bristol
Europe; and Late of the Marine Hospital, San
Francisco Calififinia. •
Feb.-26, 1857.
muruis Island Salt, by the, stick, barrel or
lb. by I. N. BULLARD.
Farm far Salo
The subscriber titTers for Sale a small - Farm
in Brooklyn township Susqu'a. Co.. situated
on Ilopbottom creek, two miles from Brooklyn
Centre..ind!. three miles • from Nlon.trose Depot
on the D. 1.. & W R.
On .said firm are two fraMed House 4, one
framed barn and Shop, and is well watered. -
Terms made known en applieation to the un
dersigned. ALVN DAY.
Brooklyn, Feb. 25. 1857—tf.
SPLEDIIII Black Silks at -
Jan. 1 st,'sl7.] KEN VON'S
DOCKET KNIVES.,A large assortment of
L the best in market,at TURRELL'S.
Ta c hers' Examinations
\ATE will hold examinations in the different
V townships as follows:
Dimoek, Apr. 10th, Centre S. House. 10, a. m.
Brooklyn, " 111 b. " - 1.0, a. tn.
Lathrop, -" 13th, Thayer S. H., 20, a. in..
Lonox, " 24th, Glenwood, - 10, a. in.
Clifford, " 15th, Corners, 10, n. In.
Herrick, " 16th, Methodist Church, 10, a. in.
Gibt,on, " 17th, T. Hill S. 1L • 10, a.
Ilarford,• " 18th, Village S. IL, 10,'ti. m.
Jackson; " 20th, No. 2d, 10, a. in.
Ararat, " 21st. Church, - . 8 141, a. m.
Thomson, " .21A Center S. 11., 2, p. m.
Oakland and Apr.22d,East Hill S:11.,10. a. m.
Susq. Depot,
Liberty, ".3d, Beeman's, . - 10, a. m.
Bridge 'ter, " .4th, Montrose: F. S. 11„.10, a: in.
SileerLake," 25th, Brarkey S. IL, -1, p. m.
Choconta, ." 27th, Clark's S. H.. 10, a. in.
ForestLakP," 28th, Tower's S. 11, 10, a. m.
Middletown,“•29lll,Baldw:n's S. IL,. 10, a. in.
Apolaebian," 30th, L. M S-. FL,. 10, a. m.
. B. F. 'FEW BURY, Co. Supt.
New Milrord.lBtiolBs7. l 2w-1
Administratof's Notice,
Tx_THEREAS Letters ofAdministration to the
V Estate of Michael Degnan late of Middle
town, Susquehanna County, deeeased, have been
granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted
to the said estatee. are request make imme
diate pnyment ;" and those having claims against
the same will present them duly . authenticated
for settlement. . ' -
MICHAEL KEOGH, Adin6trator.
March t;th, 1537• 1 I wa
Clovet & Timothy Seed.
tiE undersigned hweon handand for . sale
by the bushel orload, Clover Seed of the
large kind; also Timo seed of a superior
quality, Which will be sold in quantities to suit
the purchasero,„ They have also on hand a large
quantity of excellent Seed Wheat, Wiseonsin
grown. which they will sell by the bushel, or
luad,lnquire of
• •Opposite Searle's Hotel.
N. 11. 'O. M. thane keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of famiiy Groceries, which he
will sell at the lowest Hying prices, lie has
just:l-I-turned from . New 'York with a new and
extensive supply of-goods-in his line of trade
and respeetfulty solicits the patronage of his
frierid's and the public. tail at his estab
lishment oppo4ite Searle's Hotel, and exam
ine his superior stock of groceries and consult
your own interests by trading with him.
Montrose March 11th, 1857. iitf
See Here Young Man.!
T perceive that your teeth which were origi
1_ nally very uniform and beautiful, are becom.
ing broken and discolored, and in a very short
time, r•bould you continue to neglect them, you
will be despoiled or one of the chief ornaments,
your noble and attractive face.' I hope you will
call on me withou' delay at tn;l4 ()Mee in the
Brick Block over Wilson's store, where it will
give me pleasure to preserve them fora verysmall
consideration, just what your means will allow
and no more.
You are proud of your beauty and graces- so
is your Ma, and so be-I. •
Your stuile is a sunbeam on the garden tow.
Your tear a.raindrop on the Summer shower,
But'twont be so long Mir one if you continue
to stay away from the Dentist far
Even now it gives me pain to view
Those crumbling arches "veiled in eboti hie,"
Then come along without delay to my office
in the Brick Block over Wilson's store, and if
as poor as you are beautiful, no -matter,
Come alung„ come along plead "not able" no
• more
For just what you can pay your charms. I'll
C. D. VlRGlL,'Resident Dentist.
Montrose, Mardi 26th 1856. •
Public Sale
MO be sold at Public Sale on Monday. the
20th, of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M.
farm of 100 acres situate in-Liberty township
Susquehanna County and State of Pennsylva
nia, 30 acres of which is under good improve
ments, well watered, with a good Log house, a
new frame barn, and a graftedor chard. Said
Farm has a pleasant and desirable location on
the banks of Trip Lake about midway between
Montrose and Binghamton, within two miles of
a good Grist mill, Saw Mills Mechanic's Shops,
Post Office and Churches convenient, also a
Catholic Church within four miles of the prem
ises. Said prioperty isadmirably adapt( d to Cal
tare or Dairy purposes and will be sold on
reasonable terms, halfthe purchase money in
band the other half in annuallnstalments accor
ding to agreement.
For further information apply on the prernis.
es to the proprietor, - DANIEL DEG UN.
Liberty, March 25th, 1857. - 13 a 3*
Administrator Notici:
yi - TLIEREAS "titers of Admintstratioll - to
the Estate of Hugh Mewl, late. of Lenox
township, county of -Busnuchanim, deceased,
have been granted to
-the subscriber ;!II perilous
indebted 'to the . said: estate are rcquested to
make immedinte psymint,; and those , ;having
owEus sgiinst the mune, Prmu(nt tbetw4mly
auther4cated tor settleiient, to is
- - - Administrator.
Lenox,Xarcb -13tb ) )857.1 - 12w6*
, ••,
ILTIRROBK-Lsrga GUt Fratord :Mirrors;
for sale by ABEL TURSG4I.I-0
Salti Salt at
Taz subscriber begs leave to inform his
Meads and the public that he has' taken - the
Store No. 201 Wasbington.strect, (ditectly op.
posit° Washington Market,) lately occupied by
Volney Elliot, and is now prepared to oireelbr
sije on the most liberal terms FOU CA,SII, all
kinds of Foreign Coarse, and Fine. Salt, from
vessel, or store, either in sacks or balk, or put
up in small bags to order. "
Dealers wilt be furnished with their names
printed on the bag's fwnen ordering. A thousand
or more. ' Perions from a distance ordering by
mail can depend upon having their orders
promptly filled at the LOvVr.sT MARKET PAICES.
New York, March Ist, 1857. • 141.
To Consumptives..
THOSE of yon who are in the fi rst or middte
stages of this almost uneurablo disease are
informed that there is a remedy which has pro
ven successful. This remedy I will send to any
applicant upon thereceipt of $5.
Take Particular Notice
That this remedy, though it will greatly alleviate
the•sufferings of thoge in the last stages it will
Nor cure them; but for those in the first and
middle stages, we will warrant a cure; and any
one who is not, satisfied can have their money
refunded at once. We do not wish to humbug
any one; and repeat that your money will be.
refunded upon application, titer giving the rem r
edy a fair trio/.
Address,giving name or Post,olTice snit Coun
ty, Dr. A. G. BRUNDAGE, Jun'r.•
Binghainton, Broome County,
4m3.] N. Y.
Look: and Read!
THE undersigned, Merchant at Dimoek Four
Corners, has lately discovered that for
ready pay he can sell more Goods, and make more
money at one-half the usual profits put . .upon
Country Goods. Consequently I can sell Goods,.
from five to ten per cent. loirer than . any 'other
establishment in this sectieif. But du not take
my word for it: Call and see for yourselves,'
Bring a little Cash or some kind of COntry
produce, and buy your Goods at,a price dnpar
alleled in the history of Mercantile trade. • My
stock is large and well selected, andl am .re
evervireek. My Terms of Sale are READY PAY.
It itlittainiy: be for your•inte:est to call and
sed*Mfore intrehasing.elsewhere. , ';', • .
Flour and Salt kept constantly on - hand.
WM. 11. THAYER,. •
Dimock, Jan. lath, 183'7, •
North West Second and Walitut-st., Phil
riAPITAL,..One Million Two 'Hundred and
Fifty Thousand Dollars. ASSET'rS,
:$523,051 07, invested - in Bonds, Mortages, and
Good Securities.
Exhibits the the Business and Condition of
the C)lnpany to November ,Ist, 1856
Premium receive - II .on Marino and..
InlaryLitisks, to Noy. Ist. 1856, $0.14,684 69
Fire Preiniuins, 169,796. 61
Interest on. Loans, - - - .8,70.. t. 47
Total Receipts, $400,185 -08
Paid Marine Losses, -, $64,427 04
Paid Firo do. 39;737 89
Expenses: Salaries and
.. Commissions, - 45,489 09 • -
Reinsurance, Return -
Premiums & Agen
cy Charges, . 27,474 68 .
Balance remaining with C0. f 5333;037 07
Philadelphia City and.
County Bonds, - $1G,848 18)
Railroad Bonds, - 11,000 00
cost prices
First ,portages, Real
Estate, - - - 144,500 00
Stocks,Collaterals, on.
Call, - - 32,400 00'
Girard and Consolida
tion Bank Stock; - 6,223 00. '
Depo'its with Ducnn,
Sherman &Co.,New
York, 30,000 00 • •
Deferred Payments on
Stoek not". yet due, 97,700 00
Notes for Marine Pre. • •
miurrs, - - - - 108,080 00 .
Due from Agents, se;.
cured by 'Bonds. - ' 35,376.18
Premiums on Policies -
recently issued, and `, •
debts - due the Co., , 26,470'38
Balance in Bask, - . • 1%;t56 74
____.4)593,057 07
This Company Insuresßuildings,MerchandiiO,
and Stork, from $lOO to 65,000, at the Lowest
Rates consistent with Security, and upon the
most Liberal Terms, and make Puoatrr Par
stENT upon the adjustment of Losses under Poli
cies issued by them:— ."
The Board of Directors have this day declared
a dividend of 15 per cent„ payable on demand,
upon the business of the Company,. to the Ist
Hon.THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President.
Philadelphia, November 17th 1.56..
52y1pdbp.1 of New Milford, Pa., Agent.
R. KENYON' -• •
H AVING completed his eons° of Mercantile
Education, of eight years,
with two of the
most respectable deniers that the country affords,
has located himself at Lawsvilie Centre, witere
he will be pleased to see• his friends from al!
parts of the counts, and would assure them
that he will do them good, if th . ey will only call
and examine his stock of Goods, - consisttng
part of
Dry :Goods, GroeericAi Ilardware,
Crockery, .
Of tie Newest Patterns and Best Quality. •
Hats and Caps, Hoots and ShOcs,
Wall -Papers and .Dorders,
• , Umbrellas, Carpet gap,
Drugs and• the Most -
• Popular Patent
Medicines at * • •
the day,
From his long experience itt . aelliamegaed,s for
this section of country, he flatkrs-Mself that
he will be able to select goodS that will please
all, and pledges himself to deal honorably with
all who give him their patronage.. Soliciting a
large share of your patronage, I remain - yoirr
servant, - KENYON.
Lawaville Centre, January Ist, MT.-
Attention the Whole!
ITIHE subscriber -respectfully informs his:
friends, (coafiprisin&f -course the,. whole
community,) that the New Brick Store in Up- "
sonvil le, one door, north ot the ol d ."Excbange,"
Is filled with a stock of Seasonable Goods, con
sisting in psrt of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cala,
Ready-lifade Clothing, Walt-Psper, Window-
Shades, Fish, Nails, Yankee Notions, &a., and
so on, which he will sell for Cash, Barter, or
Short Approved Crodit,as low can be bought ,
is Susquehanna, County.
WANTED in exchange, Butter, Grain,PoriG.
Poultry, Good Mixed Wool Socks, in fact teary
Merchantable article -which his patrons hate. to
sell he will buy at faitprices. Come:one t eosno
all, and see ) ou,doutt buy. -- .
LiltEltitlMAN..: -
- Uptouville, Uec. stn, 1856.-1 -
Timothy: acad.:Ll ,
TANLErTURitELL'S T1 5 1074!)z,1,.)i
trENtfiTDYittlifgdfiail giNien - iii4;:;036411:
AM. la101;111MRELL'
The Great Counter
+r HE Virtue or the disease - oft en - tnikes_
L way to the internal orgams - throngb ,
pores of the skin. This- penetrating Ointment;
melting, under the hand as.. it- is 'rubbed in, is
absorbed through the same. ohs:tn. - 00c r and.
reaching the seat of inflammation, proMptly . and
invariably subdues it,' 'whethe loreifedAt;:the
kidneys, the liver, the lungs, any oWim.
portant organ, It penetrates theilurfsei4inthe
interior, through the countless'inhealttriteom
municate with the as , iummer tatit , liseses
into the fevered etuthi diffusing iti - rennionntre.
generating influence,
Skin diseaiiiiiind
• _ _
Every species `cot exterior iirilationls, quickly
redo-ed by the antiinflaturnatorpetion of this
Ointment. Angry' Ettuvrioxs, sifeh.:4lClirivr
RHEUM, E TS! F.LAs, TETTEIt, RllHrproalti
SCALD 1.1E . A,D, NETtt.E RAS*, _ ,;(01"
ITCH) &e., die out ; , to return no apore, uridm its
zpplie.ation; ll.)spital experiencein partit.of
the world proves its infallibilitp n disoaselt of
tha skin, the muscles, the j'oints
Ulcers, Sorbs, aid Tuibiiiit";
. .
The effect of this unrivalled external:remedy
upon Scrofula, and other virulent . " ulcers: and
;tores. is almost miraculous. It fi r t ,dischaiges
the poison which produces simpurritiott_ und
proud flesliond thus the,euresrwhidrititerding
properties afterward coMplete- are safe iris iiell
as permanent'. -
Wounds, - Bruises.: Barns, att
- • Se - aids. •
In cases of the,,fiaetizro of the lieries,injuries
cansed by steam explosions. Baniati,'
SCALDS, RnauitAlism, STliTatai (if Abel:n*l's,
and eoutractiOn of the sinews, - it ,is ;empleved
and warmly recommended by the'fae:ulty: : . This
marvellous remedy has been introdloed.byejto
inventor in person into all the leaditig Hospitals
of rairope, and no p.rivato household should be
without it. . ,
Undeniable._ Testimeny:
The Medical Staff of the French and - Enestr
Armios in-the Crimea .
.have Opted
tlfeii . appraval :11,21toivayS' the
mostreliahte - dressingfor„,stkbre . eute,it:tb . s; find
gun-shot wounils. • 'Cis - wise:used t4e
geons.of.the Allied Nayies.. •-•,••
Boththe Ointmeat and Pills should•ke.,,sried
iir the following cases
. -
Bunions, . - Sore Legs,
Burns, -Sore tireasta .--
Chapped Hands, • - --
SoreNhreiths; -
Fistula,. Sprains -
Gout, •StitT.Tointi, • "
Lumbago, 'Salt Rheims'
Mercurial Ilruptioms, Scalds.,.
Piles, . Skin:Diseases,
Rheumatism, • ' Petters:---
Ringworm; tlieem•
Glands, Venereal - Sores,. •
Sore S-of al kinds, • Wounds of kinds.
*Sold at - the Mann6ctOries of. PrefessOr
* and=
80 "Maiden Lane, • New' lurk, and
244 Strand. London, by all respectable Drng.
gists and Dealers in ...Medicine throughout the..
Linitad States and the eiv.ilizki world, in pots,:
at 25 corits,B2 1-2 cents, and 61 eaeir.: -
L;4" There is a considerable-.saving by to-,
king the lanes sizes. • "
N". B.—Directions for the g.uirlanne of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box. -
oct2n4o • -
Guttenburg, Rosenbaum. It Co's.
a T-0 RE. • •
qpilEll..E WI general rush at their establish
": ment,:uid it is reperted .thiit they flay%)
just received, and are daily - ,reccivinA a fresh
supply of
hew Goods
The truth of this repeOit•can be hest known hyr
calling at their store on. Turnpike - Street At
foot of Public Avenue. Nke have on • lisfna
carefully selected supply
for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything call
ed for, from a pair of }loss to a HAT-or:BON
NET. Those uishing to protect tlmir,,bealth
from the.cold atmosphere, lii this r . egiun, woulddewell to
. call on , us, es - we *BI - supply their
wants on lower termsthatt any othereStahlish-s
went. To our friends, one and all,. we- would
say, give us a%cali, and we 4spremise, ,,. l.ltit you
*shall go away fully satisfied., -
Montrose, Nov. 27,1866,1 . • • -
. •
FA R t E R _
$1.5 will_parcha,so- one of t he best •
Ever Inpentect.
TBE undersigned is now ` rripared Ik - famish
to FARM ERs, Millnraustothers:tholiorld
renowned Excelsior. Corn Sheller-=the ASonder
of the titues—being the best, mestlitiiebWatid
'easiest running Sheller now in use; 14firrailted
to Shell more corn in a'shorter:spitio ., of time,
than any other machine, cutirerr - cleitning Abe'ear, ear, from end to end , withont - "crilidting either
eordor cob. ' s?
The lliaelnm•,t are constructed-;: with Iwo.
cranks, and pally for a belt, so. theet t iVo persons
can turn them, or attach a _bell iii'matiOn by
any power. , The fittentiiih . cif pesaiuoning
mills, is solteited, as the'3lsibrites,,ltre_ wonder
.adapted to any.kind riciwer_ They are
very ogsily turned, and when &fee,* wtiop
einall boy can turn thetai'ther mit!' iripidde [ of
shotling one bushel pe+inerinate:.:zevery Farmer
aboubi have - 'one,resthey'sitso - 4htpr cost, in
lea than ono seasoner'
' They are on exhthillon_ltt' Seer
Sayrei Foundry; Eries , ..miit' in .13rtkiklya,' 'and
at Lathrop's Lake'_Milis, - wherethiyeattle seen
in-operation at'ary Allmidem addressed
to the undersigitedi; - reeeive....prompt:at ten.
Lion. Machines shipped at . a distrtie* . and war..
ranted to operate. I).‘ - 1/:I3EARLE.
Montrose, Decelbel - 11h.4 8, 56,,; - - -- ' • "
TUTS is to tertifY, exit/Ulna/lei
Used one of the ahoTvit Shettriafori_.- - ficater:hy
D. SraiLE, and unhokitatingy - prolidilifl:eit; ono
of the .best, Most durable - and.eniiiitif running
Shelters ever introduce d
will shell mekre.corn. in it'lstiiirtietitile - Ahati any
other achlud,' and is always. ref
; ser ice.
I most heartily and freely reeommetra'.them
the Farmers of Stiatra-County,, - *the- cheapest .
and best Sheller, now- - in 4 4. hife: one in
in my_ tail fln 'Diirieeki*fileh ticde ,
only be-seen - to, reeotnaiiol - iteitf::';c6ll and'
seen:, -
Brook tyn. - Deeerriber . ilib4-1856.: • 'mit
A 1.1. oPit_ indebted: - or
Thayer & Ca„ an 4 .Ik,Vtaynta r . a tfy.herei
by notifiel -thaj, Wean ihireatt ana Bettie in f.'
megiply, `dr cuitiwiabe4ntrikesn4.t-.- -
TiVt - Yrett
2000 -'ii Irritteg'i
f t;
4- I • ntor thtitual"
ani al; 4a""`"t ' Ayttit,giou,'
' „„, -.. •