The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 19, 1857, Image 4

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♦ MIX.
• The caliph Ilarona-al-Raschid, who was a
'great walker, was 'passing, one evening,
through the streets of Bagdad, accompanied
by his, grand virer Giafer. His walk was id
most ended, and the caliph was complaining
that he bad not met with a single adventure
during the whole evening.
At that moment he heard some one weep
ing and groaning. He advabced towards
the place and saw a young man seated in
front of the shop of a shoemaker. The caliph
addessed the young man:
" Why do you weep V'
The young man answered :
" My joys or my.._tears, my pleasure or
pains, what do they concern your ;
The caliph smiled and said :
" Holt do you know that! I ard perhaps
mere powerful than yOu think."
Ah ! if, you are an envoy of the prophet,"
replied the young man, "it is another matter
altogether, and you shall know what you
ask of tiro; you know that I am in love with
the beautiful Angell, the daughter of a poor
shoemaker, like myself, and that he refuses
me because she has a father, a mother, broth-
ers, nook., cousins, 'while 1 havo none of
The naivete of the good Adib greatly
. amused the caliph, who said to him : •
• • "Brothers, unclest will procure them for
you of every possible degree."
The young man, well satisfied with this
promise, followed the - Caliph, who conducted
him to his palace and caused him to be
clothed in a magnificent dress.
• When all this was done the caliph said to
" You are now disgraced for eiglit days;
I exile you to one of your country seats; and
•you,4dib, I make , you my grand vixer; en•
<leaver to fulfil this important function with
wisdom and fidelity." 1
"1 will- do my best,', replied Adid, pros
trating himself with his face to the earth.
The next morning every one at court knew
the disgrace of Giafer ; he was accused on
all sides.
The caliph on seeing the baseness and cu
pidity of these'men, could not help exclaim
0, men, how worthy of contempt are
you! And you wish that kings should count
yon for something?"
This reflection is not very philanthropic;
but we must not accuse the eastern despots
for their bad opinion of mankind, they judge
them by those by whom they are surrounded.
. Soon the new vicar was surrounded by a
great number of friends, as• was Giafer the
evening before.
On the very first evening• of his nomina•
tion the.vizer received a petition from one of
the riches inhabitants of Bagdad, who called
himself his relation, and prayed him to make
him one of his officers, and- re him one of
the best places in the empire.
In a short time he found so many cousins
that he was embarrassed
.with them. But
to all those whose titles could be questioned,
he said—
" You are rich, you avow that our common
ancestors Wive always been rich ; I must then
hav3 experienced on your part a great in
justice, since, ix ithout the magnificence of the
'caliph Ilaround-al-Raschid, who knows how
to distinguish merit whereever it is found, I
would be forced. to beg my bread, or to earn
by the sweat of my brow!'
There was, perlinp, some reply to make to
this argument; but ni money was the best
of 41, in a few days`-Adib saw himself pos
sessed of a considerable fortune. -
Ho then ser.t for the fatherOf the beautiful
Angeli, that he might order a pair of slippers.
When the old shoemaker Ilustaf lea:rtzd that
be had been chosen to . have the honor of
mailing the vizier's slippers, he was ready to
die with joy. He arrived at the palace of
the vizier, after having dreikd himself in his
best clothes, and put on - a turban entirely
new.' He entered-a 'magnificent apartment,
where Adib was at that time, surrounded by
hundred persona, richly clothed, redlined
on attomans and smoking aromatics. Rustaf
trembled like a leaf shaken by the wind.
When Gustaf bad measured him for a pair of
slippers, Adib begins to speak, and diNguis
ing his Voice, addressed him thus:
"You have a daughter, llnstafr
" Ye; magnificent. signor."
"Is she handsome?"
"Yes, signor, at the service of year high
"She loves, it is said, a young man named
"Who is this Atli!, r
• A poor wretch, signor."
"I, however, hid some inclination to take ' 1
ltim to make my shoes." 1
" signor I but your magnificence
*mild have had bad slippers!"
• "This Adib, of whom you speak so has
any other faults!"
"They are innumerablp, signor. I could
not give my daughter to unknown per
son without relations—"
" Without relations! Bold ! raise voueeyes
and look around you;—these are. all the re
lations of Adib."
The old Rustaf looked with amazement
around the apartment; but when he saw so
Many great. nobles, magnificently clothed,
be believed that the grand vizier was mock
' ing him, be tremblingly lifted his eyes, and
recognized Adib. At thi s unexpected re
cognition, poor Ruitaf fell to ilre ground, , cz,
. .
claming;: '
" Allah! Allah! I am lost r
' This exclamation caused Adib and all the
. spectators to burst into peals of laughter'.
" No, no, Rustaf you are not lost," replied
Adib, "you are my father-in-law, if you find
my circle of relations numerous enough.
cro then immediately and bring your daugh
ter ; I will order the cadi to come and cele
brate-this marriage in my palace;
perhaps, it be too late; for be who has
relations to-day, may have tlaem oo more to
I will not paint the jos and surprise of the,
Beautiful Angell; from the daughter of a'
poor shoemaker, she became at once the
wife of the man that she loved, and of a
grand vizier
The marriage was celebrated with a mag
nificence worthy of the rank of the exhalted
bridegroom.' The ceremony was followed by
a sumptuous repast, to which all the relations
of the vizier were invited. Nothing, to believe
them, was more beautiful in , nature than the
charming Angeli. Verses - were sung in her
praise: she was compared to the houris, only
that, the heuris bad not so many charms.
In this incense lavished by the tenderness of
his relations, Adib also received his tribute
of praise. Ile was the greatest of all the
v i z i ers that bad ever before held the reigns of
goi•erniment. He was the first politician in
the world: They already gratified with the
titite of graft,rlhey already celebrated t h e
glory of Adis the Great. Even the old Itustaf
was not forgotten, and thellitteriug poetry
fintls means of making something of him- so
much: flower bast poetry, so ingenious is the
tenderness of relations in kapott:int circum
Whilst this interesting and, numerous fund;
v ivertiabandonitig themselves to so lively
a jay wad giving thetnselres up without it-
serve to the sweet effusions of confidence and
friendship, a messenger from the - caliph w*a
announced., None of the - relations doubted
that this „ messenger , brought some magni
ficent present—their curiosity was on the
stretch. He advanced wit h . a grave step,
drew a paper from his pocket, imposed si
lence on the assembly and reads:
"From the Cummander Of the Faithful, the
great Haround-al-Rlsschid."
. At theft formidable words, the guests p:o.s
tmted themselves with their' faces to the
earth, and the messenger Continued :
"I, Ilaround-al-R.jsc% hid, representative of
the Prophet, have been plts-ed to name
Adib my first vizier, after having disgraced
Giafer; now it is my pleasure to recall Giafer,
and to disgrace Adib and all his family. Let
him then abandon a post for:which be Is not
made, and return to the dust:from whence I
have taken him."
•After the reading of this dreadful decree
the guests rose and looked around them with
astonishment and stupor. All their 'hope'
were destroyed ; they could not now have
those fine appointments upon which they bad
so confidently counted. The disgrace of
Adib carried with it that of his whole family.
Ile no longer bad any relations; it was now who
will not be one ; and in a twinkling the hall
was deserted;, its only occupants were Adib,
• who burst into laughter, old Itustaf, who
trembled, and the beautiful Angeli, who wept.
Adib laughingly remarked
"You re much astonished, my dear friends.
Just now, my palace was filled with relations,
who celebrated my praises and loved me. to
1 distraction, and now not a single one remains ;
fortune lent them to me, and fortune has t.a
ken them again. I was a vizier of , circa:o
- but, thanks to ?Jahomet and my
own wit, them, relations have given me
many other, who will console me for their
loss, who are very numerous, and who will
never abandon me at need. Do you ask
where are these good relations of whom I
speak ! In my coffers, my dear friend*, in
Imy colren. I have *
the least two hundred thou
sand tomans, and e cousins are more
solid, than the others who have just left." -
A Bold Burglary.
The Jewelry Store of Mr. A. J. Evans was
broken into ,on Tuesklay 'night, and property,
consisting mostly of plated ware, knives and
forks, soup ladles, tea eels, with a quar.- I
city of gold pencils and various other articles,
amounting to some $BOO or $l6OO in value,
abstracted. The burglars entered from the
room above, which wa3 open, by cutting a
hole through the floor, by boring off and tear
ing up a couple of boards and knocking off
the lathing
,and plastering. The hole by
which they entered was mode direcly over the
stove, wljtich nicely' assisted in their descent.
They worked with great deliberation, giving
the - large Safe, in 'which was a large stock of
valuable watches, (including customers',)
Jewelry, Silver ware, &c., a thorough trial,
though in the end they probably left on ac
count of being alarmed, as they left their
tools, two iron bars nicely and newly sharp
ened for the purpose of operating upon the
Safe, a large iron drill stock, bit stock, and
iron wedge. They had drawn the safe from
its position hi the partition into the back
room, and succeeded in wrenching off a por
tion of the outside plate from the back : this
evidently exhausted their ability ; they found
it a "hard customer"—likel3ltxanfield's Suf
folk cheese, "too big to swallow and too
bard to bite." Our merchants and citizens
should be prepared and on the look out foi
such determined depredator!.
Mr. Evans offers a reward of $,230 for the
recovery of the property and arrest of the
burglars, or f;tlso for the latter.—Bi,e,ara
[ ton Democrat.
MP'• Of ire members of Congress who. ac- I
cording to the report of the Committee ors ,
Corruption, ought to be expelled, (Messrs. Gil
bert, 'Matteson and Welch are 'Republicans;
and Mr. Edwards was elected c:s an 'Ameri
can; but on , all sectional gaesti?n , , has, we
believe, voted with the former party. Mr
Matteson was a member of the last, and has
been re-elected to the thirty-fifth ongress.--
His expulsion now only affect his po.i
tion for the remainder of the vresent session ;
-be would still have a legal claim to his, seat
in the next Congress. Gilbert, Edwards and
Welch are new members. Gilbert will be
succeeded in the next Congress by Charles B.
Hoard, and Edwards by Reuben E. Fenton,
both Democrats. Connecticut, from which
State Welch bails, has not yet elected her
members for the next House.
De kind in your reproofs, and re. , erve them
till morning. No one can steep Well who
goes to bed with a flea in his ear.
Wh,- are country girl's cheeks like well
printed cotton t Because they. are warranted
to wa4la and keep the color. •
Flode's Fever and Ague Cure,
OR Antidote to Malaria; for the prevention
and cure of Fever and Ague, or Chill Fe
ver ; Dumb Ague, and other Intermittent and
Remittent Fevers; also of Billions Fevers, se
compimied 'by Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever,
Ship and Jail Fever, Genera/ Debility, Night
Sweats, and all other forms of disease which
bare a common origin in .
Equally certain as a preventive or are.
For sale by the undersigned,authorized agent
far the Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes, Providence,
-. Montrose, :Wry 1, 1856.
#o4:glidtr, 441: fit'4 oIsPIA
VD '72:1 21112aTTEMITI
Of Susquehanna and Neighboring
WE would respectfully solicit your atten
tion to our large stock of the above
mentioned Goods, now in store and in course of
reception. For many years the trade of one of
the largest portions of the Empire State has
been retained by a monopoly, which bas at last
given away before the rush of enterprise.
Possessing unequalled facilities for buying,
and having direct communication with the most
extensive itlannfautories in the United States,
we say, without exaggeration, that we can and
will sell, - either wholesale or retail, at prices
lower than ever 'offered before west of N. Y.
While nethiurfilat been omitted in the Hard
ware line, we haie given particular:Attention to
the lions° Furnishing branch of our business,
and have on. band a stock well worthy the in
spection oflionse Keepers.
Of Fancy Goods we have also a large assort.
meet, which, having been seleCted with especial
reference to the wants of our customers, we
think will please those in need of ariiclesin this
In conclasion we would say / that our Goods
are new, and of the frret quality, and - that we
hope, by strictattentloa to baainess,and &COD•
stoat anticipation , of the wishes of oar patrom
to merit even an ineresse of the confidence al
ready reposed in as. _
Han/lire, If Furnishingaud Fancy Goode
Establishment, 51 Courf 'U..8114432.
ton, N. adjoining Bank of
N. R. We hive s : very ,large stock of Wood
en-and %Mow Wars, Mataand Rugs, Britannia
Vlism, Piney Bird Cages, Eirßporting
apparatus ofeveridestription,inanding Fishing
Tackle in all its varieties, Guns, Rides, Pistols,
Gan 'Materials, de.c.'
OPERATE by their powerful influence on the
internal viscera to. purify the blood and stimu
late it into' healthy action. They remove tha
obstructions of the etomaih, bowels, liver s and other
organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular
action to health, cornet, wherever they exist. such
derangements 'as are the first causes of disease.
An - extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors,
Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan
gerous dis' kses almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such exalted position
and &muter as to forbid the suspicion of untruth -
Their certificates are published in my American
Almanac, which the Agents below named are
pleased to furnish free to all inquiring.
Annexed we give Directions for their use in the
complaints which they have been found to cure.
FOR COSTIYENEss.—Take one or two Pills, or
math quaittity as to gently move the bowels. Cos.
tivamess is . frequently .the aggravating . cause of
Prze, anti the cute of one complaint is the cure
both. No person can feel well while under a
costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it
1, can be, promptly relieved.
FOR DYSPEPSIA, which is sometimes the came
of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, take mild
doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach
and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and
the heartburn, bodelinssi s and soolkoro of dyspepsia
will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, don't •
forget what cured you.
For a Foist Srowason, ot.Morkid rnactkes of the
Bowels, which produces genexal depression of the
spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills 1
at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system. - -
Pon Nsairovannsi ' Sten Beanseni, NAVIES.
Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four
to eight pills on to bed. ' If they do not oper
ate sufficiently, take more the nest day until they
de.: Thome complaints will be swept out from the
system. • Don't wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul. ' •
Fon SCROPCIA, ERYSIPELAS, and all Diseases
of the Slisi,.take the Pills freely and frequently, to '
keep thet bowels open. The eruptions will gener
ally noon begin' to dim inish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by •
the pursing and purifying effect of these Pills, .a
some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate
the whole system have completely yielded to their
influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health.
Patients! your dirty to society forbids that von ,
should -smear, yeurself around the world covered
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your
eystem wants cleansing.
To rustier THE BLOO:), they' arc the boor vied!
cite ever discovered. They should be taken freely
and frequently, and the impurities which sow' tha
seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the
system like chaff before the wind. By this property .
they do as much good in preventing sickness as by
the remarkable cures which they arc making es my
where. -
Liven COHPLAINT, 3AI.IcDICE, and all Bilious
Afre.-fienss arise from some derangement—either
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate , the bile and render
it .unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the'
health, and the constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp.
torn. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow
into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with
long and dangerous train of evils. Costivenmss, or
- alternately costiveness and dim-theta, prevails.
Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in.
ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness;
sometimes there is severe pain in the side; the skin
and the white of the eves become a greenish yelloiv;
the stomach acid; the bowels .sore to the touch;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
&asthma, dysentery, .ke. A medium dose of three -
or four Pills taken at night, followed by-two or three
in the mornine, and repeated a fen days, will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
such pains when you can cure thorn for 25 cents.
Rnerisirtsm, Gorr, mid all kfamnialory
tyre are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of
these Pills 'upon the blood and the stimuies which
they afford to the vital principle of Life. For these
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
mild doses, to move the bowelsgently, but freely.
As a .DI Pim., this is both agreeable and
Ire Mel. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has bcen'made more effectual to
the purpose fur which a dinner pill is employed. BY •
- DR. 3. C. AY ER & co.;
Practical and Analytical Chemists
'AND corn cis
Peace Declared!
ON nen tern. that secures the right oferery
nation to the nuvigat;on of the Dannbe,and
be it known to the people or Susquehanna
County, and tl e rest of the world, that they will
find it to thei saltaresee to come to the Temp e
erance Sete n and Grocery in Main St, Meet,
rose, Pa., (e e oily Temperance saloon in Mont
rose) to get Pies, sigh 43 are pies, Cakes,
Cheese, Crackers, Sardines, pickled Oysters,
Clams, CUL:lll:l3berS. Ice Cream. Oranges, Pine
Apples, Candy, and Segars, Nuts dec. Small
Beer, Ice cool Lemonade, and Seda Water to I
eat and drink. At the same place is a good as. 1
sortment of Groceries and Provisions, with new
supplies every week from New York, such as
Tea, choice kinds, from ns. 9c.. to •6s. per lb.
Sugar now at' 9 cts. Best Coffee 11 1-lets.,
crushed, Pulverized: and Granulated at Is. per
lb. Molasses 3s. 6d. per Gallon; best Syrup at
58.6 d. per gal. Pork, Smoked Ham, and Shout.
ders. dried, Beef Ham, Cod, Mackerel. White
and Blue Fish, Cheese, Crackers. Lard, Tallow,
Sterine patent and Sperm Candles, a variety' of
Bar Soaps, Shaving do. best in use, Coffee Rice,
and Tobacco. plug end fine cut, Chewing' and
smoking, do. in tin foil. • Fire Craekeie and Fire
Works. Matchei, all - kinds, dried Peaches,
Plums. Cherries, Figs., from is. to Is. 6d. per lb,
Prunes, Zautee Currents, Citron, Fig paste, Sat
go for puddings, Spices all kinds, do. Ground
Mustard, do. French Soap Powder. Babbitts Sal
teratus, do. and Washing Soda, Cream Tarter,
and Super Curb Soda Tartaric Acid, Licorice,
do. root, Fancy Candy and Gnm Drops, fresh
from N. Y., Cassia buds, Canaryiseed,Nutateeie,
Cloves &e., Cocoa, Brume and Chalkelate, LOr
ilarde, black and Scotch 'snuff, Resins, from Is.
to Is. 6d. per lb, Suttanee seedlemsßasips,starch
(pearl) Corn starch. Patent Nutmeg Graters,and
Clothe's pins, Sweet and Castor Oil in bottles.
Raymond's Lees. and Wright* Pills, Salts, Roll.
Brimstone, Sulphur, Gum Camphor, Vinegar
Choice lot of Catsup, Pickles, Penner Sauce,
Raspbery Syrup, flavoring extracts, Hair Qils,to
embelish and prevent from falling offer tnrntng
grey. Herrin:: by the Box, White Wash:Scrub
and . Shoe brushes, Stove and boot Blacking.
Garden seeds. slate and lead pencils, Axe hand
lee, Brooms, Tooth Ache Ointment, an almost
sure cure for burns,Sprains, Bruises, &e. Rus
sian Linement, good for man or beast. HorSe
Medicine, together with a large assortment of
Children's Toys, selected with great care for
both girls and boys, among which are small
pails and Baskets, Horses, Dogs, and Cattle on
wheels and rockers, small Tea Setts, Thimbles,
Cornetian Rings, Tops, Clarionettes, Accorde
on, Harmonicons, Harps, and many curious
-things, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, Sack
Salt for family use, Corn Meal,also Flour, kept
constantly on haiad, by the pound, aaek or bar
Fi r 2 7 1 5 f1M 4t I '2. l l\as
Clams. Oranges and Lemma, Pine Apples, &c.,
Some Eggs, Butter, Potatoes, Beans, &c., taken
in exchange. The above Goods are for sale for
cash or ready pay. .
Thankful. for past favors, I hope by strict
attention to business and small profits to gain a
larger share' o f patronage, and thereby all be
manly benefited, all orders with the ready
will be promptly attended to. _ _ ,
s..s. Corr.
Temperance Saloon, Grocery and Provision
Store in Main St:, Montrose, Ps., 3lay 20,1856.
THE unthesigueil having removed his shop
from Public Avenue to MAT! Stant
is about rewiring* splendid assortment of
Which he is prepared to cut and make to ar
dor in a style that cannot fail to suit all who
my favor him with theiecustons, Thoseivish
ing their work done in a neat, and durable man.
Der, wilt find it to their Interest to give me a
J. MUTTER, Tailor,
4 Montrose, Nov. 27,1856.-49 M
Tan WarijEra,
.....-, .e •• - - -t— 1. of Philadelphia against the
" L ' it t.- lr fe world.—Evans & Watson', No—, 6
tf i
. i ( m ath Fourth street, Philadelphia,
.. • ," have had the surest demonstration
in the following Certificates, that 1
their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at I
length fully warranted the representatione which I
have been made of them, as rendering an un- I
doubted security against the terrific element: 1
PettaDetrata, April 12, 1856. I
MESSIta. EVANS & WeNest—Gents :--It af, 1
fords us the highest satisfaction to state to , you 1
that owing to the very protective qualities-of two I
of the Salamander 4ifes - mThich we purchased of
you some few months since, we saved a large
portion of our Jewelry, nooks, Papers, &e., ex
posed to the calamitous fire in Ranstead Place,
on the morning efthe 11th inst.
When we reflect that these Safes were, loca
ted in the fourth story of the building we occu
pied;and that they fell subsequently into a heap
of burning ruins, where the vest concentration
of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we can
not but regard the preservation of the valnable
contents as most convincing proof of the great
security afforded by your Safes.
We shall take much pleasure in recommend
ing them to men of n sure reliance
against fi re. GeoaGE NV.Statoss & Bao. .
PRITADELPHTA, April 12, 1856
Masses. Eviss WATSON-1 have to offer
you my testimony in favor of the great security
afforded to my entire stock of Jewelry,. books,
papers, Ste., during the recent disastrons confla
gration in Ranstead place, from the fact that the
same were contained in two of the Salamander
Safes manufactured by you.
Having fallen from the fifth story of the Arti.
- san Building, where they were previously placed
and exposa ton vast heat for a long time, the
preservation of the valuable depoilts seemed to
every one who witnessed the opening and interi.
or examination, a matter of profound astonish
To all who may require a perfect protection
from the ravages of fire, I shall not hesitate to
recommend the use °flour Safes, as I consider
they have now undergone the most trying tent.
N. E. Mottd.A.a., April 14, 1856
fir:sans: cars S. W.A:sON- , - Gentlemen--No
doubt you will be deeply gratified to leant .the
good condition in which I discovered my book,
policy of insurance, certificates of stock, and
other valuable docutuents, whin on Friday last I
opened the Safe made by yourtirtn.
With my knowledge of its great eiposure,
both to the intensity of the he:q . from so hot a
fire as that which destroyed the,A,rtisan Build
ing; as also froth the force of tho fallfrovl its
former elevated position in the third •, story, I
could entertain but slender hopes prior to its in
terior in , :pection, that the contents which I once
so highly priied would ever be of any service to
me, but. as these fears are-now happily removed,
I feel it only due to say'to You that I can hence--
forth recommend - the use of your Safes ,to all
who may wish to-feel a confidence in the per
fect security which such means provides,apitast
so - frightful an. clement.
_Ewratn CrAsxtr.t., Bookbinder.
Constantly on hand, Patent Powder and Thief
Proof Locks, -for Banks, Stores &c.
April .
DORCELAIN and Granite China at
• G. W. S dt, CO'S
Take Notice. • -
QT.INDAY SCHOOLS furnished with Libra
riesL.7 of different aizes nt New York retail
prices. Call at the Pet - tOtlice.
May 7, 1856.
Ashtot' Salt, •
volt Dairy and Table use, just received and
for •, by the ;Sack, aushei or Pound, la
1. .
zone 9. ISSB. . -
- -
Burning Fluid and Campheite•
A FILES:I supply, just received, and forinle
cheap, alga, canales, old enough,. big eh
°ugh and hard enough to stand -alone, in sum.
tnt r time, by I. N. BULLARD.
Jun:, 9,1E56.
Bird Cages! Bird Cages !
- DRY & KNOWLTON tiavei ust received
1a krgo and well tiefectpd aiso-Iment of
combicinz ninny of thesvost e.eznnt desi7ns
and beautiful fu , i”l) rom'oining dur.ibility with
lightness :Ina' airiness of style. From as to
10, e•aeii, drinkinj ana euns
51. Court at.. Ilinghanunn.
STILL find a lame lot - of
R. :Ikea, •
• Spades, Shovels,
Grass-Hooks, Sickles,
and many other article% . for tilling and beanay
ing the earth,-at PiIYFE & KNOWLTON'S,
Binzhatnton. N. V.
Hardware and House Furnishing
• .- Goods. . .
THIS is a progressive - age. No one doubts
it; or if they did, a glance at the manifold
writes on wh eh the -lightning whizzes with im
portant news, *oulti soon convince; a look at
the rushing cars Would add - bore emphasis to
the last and wise conclusion. New proofs pre.
seat. themselves each day ; each -day_ we are
more anxious to ,
" Catch the living manners as As they rise,"
turn them to our, own account, and tat:. in as
much rash as possible.
.Now a days people are averse to dealing at eld
'fashioned Stores—those established from ten to
twenty years ago. Their proprietors having he-.
come thoroughly imbued with the high price
principle, (or rather lack of principle,) are un
willing to lower their demandS to a scale more
in accordance with the times we live in. -
esolved to keep pace with the progressive
spirit of the age, we have opened our new and
spacious Store, N0..51,.C0urt St., with a very
large assorttnAnt of
Hardware, House Furnishing,
and Fancy Goods, which we offer wholesale or
retail, at the lowest prices, for cash or approved
51. Court 'St., Divhamton, N. Y.
We advise country werehants to visit us.
They will find it advantaz'ous.
I 9
UAS just recolved frorad -New York, a full
and desirable stock of ,
Comprisinika first rate assortment' of Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals, Medical Instruments,
Paints, Oils, D • Stalls, China, Glass and Ear
then Ware, (a good variety of Crockery,) Brit
annia_Ware;Japanned and Planished Tin Ware,
Silver and ail other kinds of Spoons. Silver
Forks, Butter Knives, &e. All sorts of Lamps.
A good variety of Wood and Gilt Frame Mir
--fors. Wall. and Window Paper. Stationery.
Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes. Brooms.
Family Groceries.. Lamp Oils. Camphene.—
Burning Fluid. Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti
Candles.', Hide and 'other Whips. Varnishes.
Window Glass; &c. A first rate variety °flew
' elrv, and-Fancy Goods. Gold and Silver Sp'ec
facies. - Gold Pens. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Ac
cordeons, Violin and Veolincello Strings, &e.—
The largest assortment of Pocket Knives in
Susq. Co.,•and the best quality, in Market. Shot
Guns, Pistols, (single and Double Barrel,) Re
volvers, &c.
In short. the Physician. the Invalid,the House
keeper. the Farmer, the bfechanic•ithe Manufac
turer, the Professional Man; the Gentleman, the
Lady. the Rich and the Poor. the Young and Old,
the Beauliful and the Ugly, the Gay and the
Fashionable, and eli the rest of the people, will
find something to supply their every day wants
at Terrell's.
Store in the new Brick Bloek—=Prices 10w..-.
Qualities good—Call and see.
Montrose, Much 6, 1866.
arThey are All going to Tarrelra 4EI `,
Moro -and More Now Goods.
BUILRITT is again on band with• a new .
%%INTER, GOODS making his assortment unu
sually complete in alt respects, and will bo sold
as low 3.9 the lowest, or lower for Cash, Dartor
or approved credit. '
Now 31iliord. Nov. 28, VW.
FURS, ruin,
Nectorines and Cuffs, and Bufrido Robes
I' a new stock just received, and for sale
cheap by H. BURRITT.,
Nov. 28, 1856.
Now Goods
.4rriving daily,. by Express, at Hopbottom,
THE subscribers are now opening a large
and well selected stock •of now Goode.
Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes of all
sizes and stiles, Flour, Corn Meal,Salt, &e.,
All of which they will sell as cheap as can
be bought elsewhere in the Connty,in exchange
for Lumber, Shingles, Produce of all kinds,
Woolen Socks, for cash approved credit.
Two shillings per pair paid for good Socks.
Si.cteen cts. per doz. for Ergs.
Twenty cts. per Ib. far Butter.
Hnpbnttom. April 24, 1856.
Flour fro'ru 7 to 8 &Mara per
bbl., for sale at S. S. MOTT'S.
NYFE & KNOWLTON are Agents for s
umber of Manufacturers, and will supply
the l Trade - on asy terms, arid at a low price at
their Hardwnre, House Furnishing and Fancy
Goods Estalklishment,
ilanniunition. •
Powder; Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, and Worm.
ors, Powder P.asks. Guns, Revolvers, Pistols
&e., at the Store of
3rootrose,Qct. 15,. 1856. •
ITE are determined to suit the Ladle?, hay
ing their comfort in view. we lately pro
cured of the importers, a large assortment of
which must certainly please mien the most fas
tidious taste.
We have a fine stock of Hair, Nail and Tooth
Brushes comprising many elegant stylta.
Of combs we have fin extensive variety,inclu
ding_miny of India Rubber, Iron and Horn..
W': have, beside, many other Fancy Articles,
too numerous to mention. Call and examine
our Fancy Goods.
51 Court St
Britannia Ware.
AIL VERY large .4 t nt
[7l tt.tritEslSEnn 11Entrisr.s.—Vegetable Pills
Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsapirila
Compound, Childrens Failures, Eyo Lotion, Fe.
cer and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen
tery Syrup, Coosumptice's Balm, Marshall's Ute
rine, Cathoileon, Doet. Liblifu Pile Ointment,
and Manual of Health.
AyroEs and Cherry Pectoral, Tanner's
GerrnanOinttnsent. Trashy llagnetie Ointment,
Holloway: Ointment and Pills. Davis Pain
Killer, Doct. Fitch's Heart Corrector. Pennetes
Root and . P/ant, Lbuies sovereign Bairn, and
IVrights Indian Vegetable Pills, ..Rizodes Fe
ver and krtre Cure. Merchants' Gargling Oil.
Arnica Linament, Camphor,Castor Oil. Paregor
ic,Aloes. Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, Sto., &,...
a new shpt y jte=t received, to be kept constantly
on hand, for• sale. by
Montrose.Oct: 18313... I
.11.1FFA1.0 Robes, n superior lot just
c and will be mold Low by H. Burritt.
October 1856.—n46
XTEWJewelry,. Periumery, Fancy-Goods
1.11 Groeenec,Pamti, Otie,Drugs, Materials for
Lights, &c., Just received hy. . •
'Montrose, Oct. 5t11,18.56. •
ABLE and poeket Catlery, a great variety,
at rery.low prieisit. at
Montrose, Pa.,
1 22?1 - 1TX EIDTIcIhI;
Consignments Constantly Received.
Now Goods .at Webb's
TUST opened by the subieritier a full assort
P) went of SprinEr, and Summer Goods, which
will be sold cheap, - Chea tier than ever.
Give ns a call. You' cannot fail to be, suited
or. •qua'!it.r, quantity, and terms. Every thing
fsuatly c,una in a variety store.
H. J. Webb,
I . .
S now teeming his new Sprinz Goods, which
he offers' at his usual low price*.
Montrose, 1 1,1856.
Dorm Builders Depot for Smone...
!mania Comity, at New Milford.
n i ICKERMAN & dARRETT are giving es.
pedal attention to the improvement con
templated in this County the comeing season,
and no' offer a helping hand, by keeping con
stantly for sales large quantity of Window sash
and glass, Blinds, Doors, Nails, Paints and Oils,
and a complete assortment- of builders Hard
Warn, &e. Those going to put up Mouses in
the Spring will find it for their interest to" give
us -a call. We can furnish every thing you
wnntand at On very loWest manufacturing pri
New Milford, Fcb.B. 1836.
Tho Cheap Store,
ED.' 28 aJD'D.II7 VX:111 7 11,
r IIE undersigned would respectfully inform
the inhabitants of Binghamton and vicinity,
that he has recently phrchased Of Edward Priest
his r iarge and well selected stock of
wh;ch he hag removed from . La Fayette Block
to No. ‘,lB Court Street, one door above the
American Hotel.
This entire stock has been ? purchased consid
erably below New York /cost,- anough so to
warrant him in saying that he will sell Goods
cheaper than can be bought at any other Store
in town.
Summer Goods, to the above etocic his just been
added s largo invoice of Spring afid Summer
Goods of the latest styles, which will be closed
out at r etreat bargains.
The Stock consists in Dart of the following
Goods, viz; Fine Lawns, flat colors, from 9 to
18e..per yard; Calicoes, American and English,
trom 4c. to 11c. per yard; Merrimeek and Co-
Owe° Prints, at 11 c.; Bleached and Brown Shoe
tings and Shirting's, from 4c. to 28.6 d. per yard ;
Kentucky Jeans, froth is. 3c. to 2s. fid. per y'rd;
Ladies' Hose. from 6 1-4 e. to 3s. 6d. per pair;
Ginghams,from ioc. to 23c.'per yard; DeLaines
front 10e. to 3s. per yard. Also a large lot of
Linens, Quilts and Connterpains Curlainsand
'imperil', Shawls, Gloves, Table Covers, Silks,.
saces, Embroideries, &c. &e. • •
Trunks, Valices and Bags, of all sizes and 'an-
far Don't forget the number,9B Court street
Door east of the American Hotel, but call and
see before purchaaing elsewhere,
fl ngharetoo;Airti
-Low Prides. Triuixtpitant,
CLEORGE W. SEYMOUR. & CO., are now
NJ receiving a magnificent Stock of Spring
and Summer Goods, selected with great care
and with special regard to the tastes and wants
of this community, consisting of a choice vane- .
ty of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and b mbroider.
tes,Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hats,Caps, and
Straw Goods, Crockery, Hardware - and Cutlery,
&c. Which we will - sell 'for prothpt pay ; at.
lower prices than any other establishment in
this. County.
VC) UM11. 1 .1 - .011 .
we would say, that they have not been forgotten,
and that in the way of Dress Goods, we have
culled for their use the choicest gems in \the
market! Drop in sad see us, and we will take
pleasure in showing you the nicest and cheapest ,
stock of Goods you ever saw in this place.
Ilarford,May 8, 1856.
WOODEN', Willow and Tin Ware,at
• To Sportsmen.
Fishing Tackle! Guns! Rifles! Pistols!
110HITE & KNOWLTON have now on hand
A splendid lot oaishing Tackle, compris-
Rods, from 3 s 6d, to $lO each.
Lines, from 3cts., to $5. end). •
Reels, from $1,50 to $G etch,• and an assort
ment of artificial Bait, never before equalled in
this vicinity, including. Frogs, Mice,Glass,Leath
er, India Robber, Minnows,Gutta Pereba, Grass
Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c., &c. Pat
ant spoons to avoid catching grass while hotline
Patent Spring Hooks for Pickeiek or Pike.—
Som•dologers, or Yankee Doodle Hooks, a new
and improved mode of catching fish.
Whave a geed stock of Guns, Rifles,'Re.
solving, single and double barrelad Pistols,Pow.
der, Shot, Water Proof and other caps, 11 noting
Horns, Turkey calls, 4.e. Powder
Pouches, Game Bags,Temperance Buttles,&e.
51 CfinrtS,treet.
&c., &c. . .
In fact we have. every article of Sporting ap.
parstus. [looks, for outline "fishing by the hun
dred thousand. .PlrliFß , & KNOWLTON - .
51 Court st., Binghamton: . , .
TUS Treceived a lot a New Woods ' Pinch as De
eJ Lulus& De Bages, Paravettas, Persian, Al
pacas. Ginghants, Merinos. Prtuts, and Shawls,_
in fact a general assortment of Dry Goods which
will be sold low
WANTED—Socks , Eg.43. Dutter.Lard,Cheese,
Flannel .ece., any quantity n exchange for' Goods
at cash prices. 0: W. MOTT. •
Moutrose,Sept. 1855.
Ave'Cherry Pectorial and Cathartic
Pills. The Balm of a Thousand Fleivers,
taw , Liniment. pi.. lialse.y'S Forrest Wine and
Pill's. Myers"' Extract . of Rock •Rose. And-near
ly all of the Medicines in Market: Foi sate at
the Drag, Fancy Goods, Jewelry. and 'Variety
Store of - ABEL TURRELL.
Montrose, Jannary ; 1857.
Attention Farmers !--Plow Points
OF almost every pattern and kind now in use:
also, No. 2,, R. L Blatchley ' Plows and
Corn Plows, may be had at any time of day. and
until 10 o'clock at night, in exchange for Cash. ,
old Iron, Gq,in, Eggs, or 'any kind of ready pay,
Montrose, May 1, 1856.
.AT C. W. .hrOTT'S.
9LD and Silver ,Spectuel es, a not: kit just
received, comprising all ages, by
..Aum4t. IS: A. J. EvANS.
TUST received a large lot, at prices rangingti from e 5,50 to $12.00. •
- Binghamton N. Y.
ARASOLS and Fans, new fitylesand choice
varieties, at .G. W. 5. & CO'S.
DETICULF,S, for Ladies, a large asset:i
-ll) merit at
From the Binghamton Democrat, A„pril -10th;
SpLSitain btrnovEslENT.—We }axe heroii
noticed the new store erected by A. Knowlton,
'Esq., adjoining the Bank ,of Binghamton, to Le
occupied as a Hardware Store by Messrs. Phyfe
'& Knowlton. AS it approaches completion it.
deserves more and more the praises that have
been bestowed on it, and is undoubtedly in its
style. finish ard appointments the model store of
the Southern Tier. Messrs. P. & 'K. are now
putting in their stock, one larger and more cOrtr
plele than has heretofore been kept in this'place.
embracing all the departments Hardware.
- Builders Finishin g - Materials. Gas Fixtvre s i &e,
&c. Mr. Blackstone. an experienced and ready
workman.stiperintends the Gas Fitting depart
ment. Look in at Phyte and Knowlton'.
THE subscriber is now receiving his second
general purchase of GOODS this Spring,
which renders his assortment very Cesirable and
complete. By strict attention to business and
by fair dealing, he hopes to merit a liberal share
of public patronage. To those friends who
have yielded to him their preferences, and kindly
sustained him by their patronage, with the in
tention of aiding Sim in regainining in port the
heavy loss recently sustained by fire, he tenders
his sincere thanks, -:ith the assurance that their
ivterests shall be mutually promoted.
Montrose, April 24,1856.
pERSONS desirous of paying me, mohey, on
debt of any descriptions= do' Ito ,by leaving
their payMent with Post, Cooper Sr. Co., BM,
kers,.liontrose, to my credit, whose receipts
will be allowed from their date
April 18,: 1856.—tf.
New Goods Cheap for Cash.
CW. MOTT has just received another lot of
• New Goods, such as Challis, B:trge De
Laing, De Bagts,Gilmhams, Collars, Embroidery:
Lawns, &e., &c. WBWR HE OFFERS AT VEST tow
rutm, SUMNIER'S.II.4WLS, a now lot just
received—beautiful patterns , at very - low pries,
as low as the lowest.
June 13
To the Citizens of Montrose.
& Knowlton are at all times ready to in.
sert Gas Pipe in old or new houses, in a work.
man like manner, and at low prices.
They have a fine assortment. of Chandelicks,
Pendents, Portable, Brackets, Glass Globes, and
Fancy Paper Shades.
Mr. Blackstone, who superintends the work
has bad much experience In this line, in New
York and Brooklyn. Orders solicited.
No Use in Pile-ing•
THAT'S so—na !angst( Phyfe & Knowltori
1- keep such s splendid assortment of
ea they now have in store, and which is kvtill
hands, rival Hardwares included, acknowledged
to be the
ever offered to the citizens of Broome. Susque
hanna, or any other county.
We can furnish as good an outfit of tools es
Hill, Wood or Seymour, of. New York city, and
at rice. as least 15 percent. lower than either.
ALL TOOLS SOLD DT DS wurca DO Nor nova
1103EY azrusinn. , • --.
Hardwore; !toes° louroishingliod Fano, Goods
• Eotablishureot, in,. Court - 81., Bingham
*too, N. Y., adjoining Book of
fit. t
, ne r ,„ trOSt . Ptitira 1
MCCOLLUM; -GEM:11'180N -
TERMS-41,60,qtisliin advance, $2,0
notpaidurithi n six months ;enii s2,so,etthe eod
ofthe year. No pipe rdiscontinufa until:wrests
ges aro paid, except at -the .option oftlai-P4l
- All communications connected with the
office,to luso re attention t sunet bedirectetl to the
Enrroas,biontroie. Susquehanna County ,Pa .
Rates of Advie!Using.
One square (12 Imes or less) 3 insertions. 111,00
Each subsequent insertion, : 045
One square three months, 3,00
One square six months, , 4,00
Business Cards; four lines or . less, 3.00
One-eighth column, one year, 6,00
'One-fourth " "." - 10.00.
One-half " " • / 1 7,00
One column, • " • , • 30,00
Yearly adrertise.ra will- be restricted JO the
business in which; they are engaged ; and are
considered as wishing to continue atl i verlislng
unless they shall give special' directions ; for
discontinuance of the same. _
- Thepnblishershaving added totbeirJob
Printing materials a large and assort.
meat ofJob Type, are now prepSred to meta.
Job Work ;in a manner unsurpassed in this see 4
tion of etry, and on reasonable terms.
Blanks °finery description kepteotuttsitly
on hand or printed to order. _
- ofttiltts - $.•-pir;tPrg
- VAIL & .
M. H. C. rayt,,
:111V: SMITH it C 0. . . ..
Cabinet and Chair Mahufaetareri,tstat MaiD
• Street, Morktrose,Pa, . -
Surge9n Dentist; Montrole. PL, wilt lie st
Searle's i otel,Jlondays andTuesizys °fetich
week. . ;1571
Dealer in Drng,s, Medicines, Chemicals;DYo
StutTA, Glasa.ware, Paints. Oils; Varnishes, Witt.
dew Glass, Groceries, fancy Goods, Jerlielryr
Perfumery, &c.,—.and Agent for all of the pea
popular Patent Medicines. • •
JOUN Gil in ES,
Fashionable Tailor—Shop under Seal"
Hotel, Main Street,Montrose, P.
DEALER us Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet iron
. Ware,Lodersvittemeit'Great Bend Depot.-13
DEALEr. in Ready-Mude_ Clirthing, Hats and'
Cops. Boots altd Shoes, Dry . Goods, &e...
'Store opposite Searles Hotel. Montrose
C. I). LATHROP, and t .
J. P. W. Ku.x3-„,
Dr. R. TRAYE4. •
OIIYSICIAN and Surgeon Montrose Pa.
Office in the Fannees Store.,`
Pa., will attend faithfully to all business en.
trusted to him in the county of Susquehanna.
'Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be
done neatly, and charge moderate. He will
also atteuho the prosetution of claims of soli
diers; their widew and heirs,against the (LS.
government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, &e.
May be found zeal' hours rthe office formerly
occupied by J.T. Richard, Esq,nortit of the .
• IL C. TYLER, .
Interested With L L.. Hunt,
hiEOR ; rER AND DZALER in Hardstare wad. Cut'
Jery, Carriage Trimmings. Spriagaj&c. - .
No. 215 Pears .Street. N.
Wfiere his Mercantile friends, in this and'othrr
Countiesore kindly invited,andearnesilpso”ell
ed to call and purchase. 6tf.
Ware, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands
Chairs, Sze. -
No. 9 Washington street. •
Binghamton, N. Y.
rEr — Coffin Ware-Room up stairs.
IICIHYSICIAN and Surgeon has permanently,
1. lOcated himself at. Brackneyville, ane q 's
Corinty,'Penn'a;and will promptly attend to an
calla with which ho may be favored:
May: 1856.—nt12. •
JUSTICE OF . TUE PEACE, Collector of Debts;
Executor -of Deeds, Wills, Contracts,. &d. 011F
fice, Laceyyille, Wyoming, county, Pa. -
May la, 1856.
Montrose, Penula, •
All sizes and deseriptions, in any quantity
made to order, or furnished on the +shortest. no
. •
New itiilto d , Peini'me .
WHOLESA E Dealers in Buttons
Combs, S 4ponders, Threads, Feuer
Goods, Watches,
ewi:lrlr. Silver' and. Plated
Wnr,e, Cutlery, FishinE Tackle; Cigars, dm; &0 - •
Merchants and Peddlers supplied on
RADUATE of the Allopathic and HO
meopathic Colleges- of Medicine s is _
permanently located in Great Bend Ps.
April Ist, 1856.,
U north of the Farmers' Store.
C. W. MO'S'T'.
:Clina; , ,- ' Olassi .-:cj•llttnOti.t,--
4001143 G.GLASSES, ',.'‘
NO. 7 6 Wa ii ci s ii .4 i:ik . 4) 0:t.
~. .1. tu . arti.-..,
The enbscriber having connected himneiftrlo4
the above, house in.the is aft-itsi .
various branches would simply say to Metwbotati o „
Hotel and Boarding House'Keepers,lll SAW*:
han:a and:adjoining, counties, that tbair,ileat
one of the largest of the kitid kept la NielvYor)4_,,,
Their assortment is large and iteneopl., Theft%
Roods are of good quality and choice palgternaw
Their prices 113 low as the /sae can olkty
reference to profit,*and, 'hut be is very sazioulk ,
to sell to all Who may , far.thefr.inleresil r
to give him a'call. 'HENRY P..
New York, Jan. 154186 E
W -
ILL find Hardiare, Reuse Wo
qiiaVeney Geode et 'New, York,Prtef
A GOOD assortment etPittliiiDin,,trA
.C 1 illipriees t , KV- • G.
Dr. H.-15111IMEI,
A. - Lathrop, .
H. Parsons,
J. D. VAIL, M. D.
A.: -Pickett,.
. . _
• ;
ImronrEns OP AND. ngitrzirs Jr: IN
Country Merchants,