2000 RWall o Patter, ribIIPMSING a good varlet! of new pats terns ; Bordering; Window paper, 111,c., just arrived, and for Bah+ cheap for the goal :I-4y. by • - ABEL TURRELL 6fontroae, March 18, 1867 Anator's Notice. ,/r/IE undersigned, having been appointed an Auditoi . • by the Orphan's Court of Susque hanna County, to distribute the funds in the bands of James' Newman, deceased, will attend to the duties of his said appointment. at his of fice in Montrose, on Thursday, the second day et April next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons having any into. rest in said fund Will attend if they think proper. A. CHAMBERLIN, Auditor. Montrose, March 2d, 1857. • 10w4. Auditor's Notice. TE subscriber, appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court to report a destribution of the fritid in the hands of John Webster, Trustee tinder the will of Jos. Web! ter,d'd will at tend to the duties of rid appointment, on Fri. -- day the 3d day of April next, at one o'clock P. M. at his office in Montrose; of which all per sons interested will take notice, or he forever debarred from any claim upon said f un d; • WM J. TURRELL, Auditor. March Gth, 185'7, I I w 4 Administrator's Notice, HEREAS Letters ofAdministration to the W IV Estate of Michael Doman late of Middle town, Susquehanna County, &ceased, have been granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted to the said estge are requested to aimsdiate payment ; and those having c rightist the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL KEOGH, Admistrator. Middletown, March 6th, 1857.• 11w4 Clover & Timothy Seed. rrHE undersigned • have on hand and for sale by the bushel or load, CloviT Seed of the large kind; also Timothy seed of a ,superior quality, which wilt be sold in quantities to suit 4he purchasers. They have rJso on hand a large quantity of.execlient Seed Wheat, 'Wisconsin grown, which they will sell by the bushel, or. /oad,lnquire of • , CRANE - & ROGERS. .-,..Vpposite Searle's -Hotel. 0. M. Ct ane keeps constantly` on hand ca large as.sortment, , of family Groceries; which he will sell at the "lowest" living prices.' Be has just returned from New York with a new and extensive supply of goods in his line of trade and respectfully ts;!licits the, patronage of his friends and the. public. Call -at his_ lishineat oppoSite Searle's Hotel, and exam ine his superior stack o: groceries and consult yonr own interests by trading with him. Montrose March 11th, 1857, Sheriff's Salop. BY virtue of sundry writs issued front the Court of Common Pleas of Susq'a County, and to me directed, I will expose to sale at the,, , • Court House in Montrose, on Saturday the 4th day of April nest at one o'clock P. M., the fol lowing Real Estate, to wit: 4 - . All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and heino in the township of Bridgewater, in the County of Susq'a, and hounded as follows, to wit: on the North by the public highway leading , from the mill to New - Milford, on the East by lands of H. Griffin, on the South by lands of d 'Griffin; and on the West by the public high ay. Containing half an acre snore or less, o ith the appurtcbances, ono framed house, ono barn and wagon 'shop, and all improved. • Taken in execution at'the suit of J. 11. Sut phin vs. Harvey Slossnn. Also—The following described' .dwelling (louse, and the curtillage appurtenant, situate in Auburn township, and County of Stiscla., on the 1 coad.le.:.ding from Montrt,,e, in Said Co. to Skin: zees Eddy. in Wyoming Co., Pa., on the East side of said road, on land bonnded northerly by ' lands of John A. Kirithofi; Easterly by Joseph McKain, Westerly by Joseph Carlin, and South erly by Abram N. Stone, constructed with a sic): ry and , a half upright part, sixteen feet by twenty . two feet on the ,round. portico, one door & four windows in the front. chimney in the attic for . store &c., the front bein. sided and the other sides boarded and aattened. and teasing a tenter attached on the westerly side thereof two - feet wide and er.tending, atom the whole length of the said upright part. Taken in execution at the suit oAlorris, La bar vs. David Carlin. . : . Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land • situate and being in the Township of Oakland. , in !the Co. of Susq'a., and bosinded and describ ' ed as follows, to wit: on the North by lands of John Hilborn. on the East .by lands of A. P. Hussman, on the Smith by lands formerly occu pied by Dan. Bond, and on the West by land supposed to belong to John 31cCarty. formerly occupied by Jeremiah -Wilson, contaning. 106 acres more or less, with the appurtenances. one framed house, one framed barn, one saw nai!l & abent 18 acres, improved. Taken in execution at the snit of D. A. Lyons & brother vs.' B. A. Skinner. ..- . • • Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land I situate', and being in the township of Apolacon.,t • on both sides of the Milford & Owego Turnpike road in the to. of Susq'a., and, bounded and de stribed as follows, to wit: begionin,g in the line of a 'tit of land surveyed for Jeremiah Thomp.. . son at the. distanee- of one hundred perches from the said turnpike,. thence running along said Thompson's line, and crossing the said turnpike &by land of Caleb Carmalt 'South 35 degrees • West . 2oo perches; thence still by Caleb Calmat+ s land North 55 degrees West-SO perches, thence ' •by the . same:Norili 35 degrees east 200 perches. and thence South 55 degrees Fast 80 perches, to • the place of beginning, containing 100 acres; be • the same more or less, with the appurtenances, I Tavern House,. one large framed barn, and one small building erected' for Blaiksmith:ng, one orchard, and about 40 acres imprpved, the above to be sold sub j ect to a ground rental. of .$12,50 - • per year. r . Taken in execution at the suit of L Stanley . 4 vs. Hiram Cook. • . ,i Also—All that certain piece or parcel of .land situate in the Village of Great Bend, in the ' Co'. of Susq'a., hounded and described as foil owS, • to wit: Northerly by Church Street; Westerly by lands of Lowrie Green, Southerly i y lands of the N. Y. & E Rail Road Co., and Westerly by • lands late of Wm. Dayton, deed, being 40 feet . wide in front and about 134 feet from -front to rear, with the appurtenances, one frame dwelling - House and shanty' & all improved. _ „ . Taken in execution at the snit of Lodnsky U. Jackson vs; George J. Benk.min. - . -'Alsa—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Bridgewa ter, in the Co. of Sustfa., and bounded :and de scribed as f;illosve, to wit.: on the North &•Eitst ... bylands of Latham Gardner, on the South by • hinds ofJohn- Wood & Joshua Curtis, and on the • West by lands of John Trrinabsill, containing one c • hundred acres of land with allowance of 6 per I . - ,Cer4ibe the same more or less, with the appur -I.l.M:int:ices one framed lionise, one framed barn, 1 . orchard, and niostly. imPr6vetl• *- ;raken,iinexecutiun at the Suit of 'Alexander ‘ll.,,Lefsurin..f , vs. Richard Way.. - . Alit: - .Ail the right,title and interest of Mor ...titi Loveless in nH that certain piece or parcel of ,!find sittiateirt the Township of Harmony, in the :Co.• of Bts4'a..popad.e.d and - described awful t o WS, 10 obit: ' beginning at al:mint - in the centre of the Antap & Bt-haunt turnpike road.in the line of rolin N 'Skinner's WA, thence North 58 deg. 7.45 t, fire Imndred and .neventy-two perches to stones, thence, South 22 J-2.deg,. West, 92 pen-11- N.,ss; thence South 4.,i.2 deg,- . W'4, 4.80 perch ail to the testes of the above Mentioned turn to E - . row!. adjoining lends belgnging to the b« , ir* of Joseph Austin deed., thence North 32 V' . deg. West, 11 nerebee, thence North . 7 $ 1-2 (reprises . F - West, 20 pereheS, thence North .52 deg. West, 28 perches. Owner Nprth 40 deg,. West,.3opereli..l ei., thire'isjorth 3i - 4E, West. 9 perphes'to the !placp of treginnin, , f,' rontainitig 23$ acres. more or • Jess,,with the appurtenances, one framed honse, Putt frAllied barn, and about 90 acres imprtrred. ' . Taken. io "Palii o .o at the suit of Weltn IL Loveless vs. Morris LovelasS.' : - - ' - - 7 Alrin;-All.those certain pieces - or parcels 'if . Jan& pitnate and being in the Township of Great fend ? Ce.'of;Stisq'n. ? and bounded and described , as fellows ? to wit; 100 acres of land late the es. tate of Jacek-skinner .* andglishaSquire.l44' ' • Palihed 'ip FsiTiff Johroti'A fit t e d .io -WM.-Day- ton, slated April 13, 1844, and on 'which stands 2 framed dwelling houses,. 1 framed barn, 1 . saw mill; and about 40 acres impioved.—Also. one other tract of kind. situate as aforesaid, late the estate of Jacob Skinner 2d and Elisha Squires,' described in said Sheriff's deed toWm. Dayton, dated April 13, 1844, containing 400 acres and 140 perches of land, with allowance of 6 per cent. Also, one other tract of land situate as aforesaid. containing 1400 acres, embracing.that which was late the estate of the said Jacob Skinner 2d as described in the said Sheriff's deed to Urbane Burrows, and from him to Wm.. Day. ton by deed bearing date May 23, 1844. being the same premises formerly purchased .by Ur bane Burrows and Elisha Williami.of William Ward and Jesse Lane, and being the same lot of land eniveyed be Edwin Eldridge & wife to Ransom Smith by deed executed the 20th day of March 1850. Also, all that other Mgt or parcel of land :situate as-aforesaid, formerly oc- copied ty said Smith as the "Home farm," and the same us conveyed by the said Edwin El dridge and wife by deed executed the 18th day of May 1849, and by Reference to •which same several needs, the description of said several lots with more fully and at large appear, said deeds being recorded in Susq'a Co., Containirg in all about 1960 acres of land with allowances of 6 per cent. On the• Home farm are two dwelling house's, one framed barn, one log barn, one stable and about 40 acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ransom Smitlr vs. Hiram Curtis. that certain tract of land called" the Isaacs Cox tract," situated on the North branch of the Wynlusing Creek, adjoining land surveyed in the name of Thomas Dunlap on the South. and the heirs-of Henry Drinker, on the East, Rob ert Carson. on the North and on the West by unknown lands, eontainina three hundred and thirty acres and allowance of 6 per cent for roads, excepting out of the same one hundred acre* now in poss'ession of Dan. Pepper, lying on the South side of the said Isaac Cox tract, agreeably to the survey of the same, leaving two hundred and thirty acres ; the premises hereby intended to be conveyed being the farm on which the said Car ter now lives, and which Qua Saper & wife, by indenture dated the 21st illy of June 1834, re corded in Deed Book No. 9, page 205 granted unto said Horace Carter in fee,—wit the appur tenances, one framed dwelling houme, one fram ed barn and shed and orchard thereon, and about ninety acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car malt vs. Horace Carter. Also-All that certain piece or parcel of land . 'situate and being in the ToWnship of Silver .Lake, Co.ef Sumfa., and bounded and described. hs follows, to wit: beginning at a Stake and stones by the side of the Chenango turnpike road,.being the North-East corner of Edward W. Rose share of the reservatioi (so called - ) thence by said turnpike road, by its several courses as folloWs: N. 10 deg.-W. 120 p. thenyeN. 30 deg. W. 14 p. thence N. 45 deg,. W. p.; thence N. 32 deg. W. 3 p., thence 2 de g . East 14f -p., thence N. f 6 p., thence N. 39 deg. E: 36 p., thence N.ATI deg. E. 24 p. to the Bridge at mud Lake, (so epee) thence by the said - Lake as fol lows: N. 54 deg. W. 7 p., thence N. 85 deg. W. 11 p.. N. 75 deg. W. 14 p., thence N.,28 dee. W. p.. thence W. 30 p.. thence N, 38 deg. W:4O p., thence N. 38 deg. W, 56 p. to a Hemlock tree at the edge of said Lake. the N. E. cerner of said - Reservation. thence W. along the N. line of said-Reservation 153 p. to astnke and stones corner, thence N. 7 p. & six tenths, of . a perch to a stake and stones corner, thence W. 229 p. to slake and stones, the N. E. corner of the allot ment of Andrew H. Rose's .share of said Reser• . vntinn. thence.S. 88 p. to a stake and stones, the S E. corner of lot No. 15 of Andrew H. Rnse's share, thence W. 94 p. to a Beech tree corner. thence S. 88 p. to a - stake and stones corner, thence 5. 26 deg. E. 165 p. to the. hlehwaY. thf;nee S. 38 deo. W. 36 p., thence S. 20 deg.. W. 12 n. to a stake and stones %lamer, thence. S. 89 di.a. W. 52. p. to n stake and stones corner by the said bighwaY, thence S. 2 deg, W. 31 p. to a Maple tree. thence 16 deg. W. 41 p. to the edge of the water, at the shore of Silver Lake, thence by the same course 19 p. to a point in said Ledte. thence-S. 30 deg. W. 97 p, to a point in said Lake. in the N. W line of Edward W. Rose's allotment of said Reservation, thence S.' 52 dee. E. 44 P. to the shots of said Lake. thence by (he same course 104 p. to a stake_ and etnneszorner. the N. W. corner of Edward W. Rose's allotment, thence-,,40 p. to slake and thnps. E. 205 p. to stake and stones. thence, S. 122 p. to stalze and . itnnes. thence S. 76 deg...E. 180 p. to the place of beginninc, containing 1329 n.'res of land. he the same more or less. being the same p,reel of land cenveved to Robert ,11. Rose by Edward W. Rose and wife and Andrew 1 -11. Rose and wife, by partition deed recorded in Sustfa. Co. in Deed Bonk No. 21. p. 357, as his. share of said Reservation, with the appartenan ees. s ix dwelling Houses, seven barns, end lbont 500 acres improved. it being lots No. 6 8.9, 10. 11. 12 and.l7 of said Reservation, ns shown by deed ni partition between Edwt.Ni W. Rose and wife. A. H. Rose and . wife, and Robert H. Rose, dated .; Nov. 10, 1851 Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Wm. Jessun to the use of John G. Sturgess Robert H. Rose. 41:6—A It that certain piece or parcel of land situate llon being in. the township of Jessup. in the Co. of Susquehanna, and bounded as follows, to wit.: Beginning al a post In the road leading from James Fournts to the Wvalnsino Creek road pear a western corner of Abel Chatfield's lands. thence west 56 perches to a post, thence South.)o deg, west. 72 perches to a post..thenre West 14 perches to a post, thence berth 63 deg. west. 72 perches to a post in a line of Caleb Carmales land..tenea along the same north 10 deg. east. 186 and 2-10 perches_te a post, thenee east-145 perches to a post in the above men. tinned road, thence along the same south 22 deg. west 38 perches, thence south 35 deg. west 11 perebeS. and thence south 80 perches to place of beginning. containing one hundred and fifty three acres and ninety-two perches, with appur - tenantes. Taken in execution at the snit of Job Sheti. herd-vs. L W. Birchard.' Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Borough of Susquehan na Depot, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : North-westerly by the River road, lead ing 'from said Borou“ti to Linesborogh, on the SOuth.east by Church street, and on the South west be. lands of Daniel G. Smith, it beim. , a triangular piece of land lying between the Ricer road arid the said Church street, containing about w i e. e igth of an acre, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed House, (un- - fiuislied) and all improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Ebenezer Cross vs. Orson Dwight. Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Middle town in the Co. of Susquia , and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: m the North by lands of Charles Henry ' C. C—Wright and:va cant lands of the Rose Estate, on the East by lands of the said, Charles Henry, on the South by lands of James Cooney, and on the West by vacant lands of the Raise estate (so called) con taining :if) acres more or less, with the appur tenances, one log House, one log Barn, ani:l about 40 acres improved. Taken in execution at .she suit of C. C. .Wright vs. Micmac! Keogh, Adm'r of Michael Degnan dec'd, Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Bridgewa ter, in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded and described as follows to wit: On the north by - lands of. Horace Brewster. on the east by Land owned by Allen and EMI, west by land of Kirby Bunnell and Truman. Stone, pod south by land owned by Hill, contai.iing forty. seven acres more or less, with the appurtenances, one small framed house, and about ten acres in 3• proved. • " Seized stud taken In execution at -the suit of Appollos St-ine re. Seymour Root. Also—Alf that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the townshipof Springville, in the County of Susquehanna. bounded and de= scribed as follows to wit: On: the east by the public highway, and on the north, west and south' by lands of Dwight Risky, containg about ooti•lialf an acre of land, be the same more of less, with the appurtenanies, One framed House, and born, and all improved. - Salted and taken in exact/thin at the suit of Actor Lathrop vs. Benjamin.F. Risley. - F P. HOLSTER, Sheriff, Sheriffs Ofdee, **arose, March 1841. THE ORDER OP. THINGS REVE ST D Itui 'pertain) indebted to the firm of R. Thayer et Co., ttrtfi R. Thayer, Jr. are here by notified that unless they call arid settler im mediately, or cot!' trill be made. R. THAYER 4 CO. Montrose, Jan. 29th, 1867. Admistrator's Notice. WHEREAB Letters of Administratioa to the Estate of Merrit Turner,late of Lea. ox township Susq. county, deceased, fiuve been granted to the subscriber; all persona indebted to the said estate are requested to make im mediate payment; and those having claims against the same, will present them duty al thenticated for settlement, to - ZINA BAILY Administrator,' ' Lenox, Feb. 21, 1857. Bw6. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons eon. 'eerned in the following Estates, to wit: Estate of Henry Ellsworth, late of Harford Township dee'd, Charing Tingley, Emir. Estate of Ebenezer Gaga, late of Silver Lake township decd, James Gage dz. Anna Gage &Ira. Estate of Wm. Barton, late of Apolacon town. ship deed, Lewis Barton Ex'r. Estate of Silas F. McKune, late of Harmony township, deed, Robert McKune, Adm'r. Estate of Polly . Wasliburn, late of Jackson township decd. Joseph Washburn Adm'r. Estate of John Reese, iste of Clifford tor ship, deceased, Asa Howard Adtter That the secountants have settled their'act counts in the Register's office in and for the Co. of Susqu'a, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orplainia,Courtaf said Co., on Wednesday the Bth day of April next, for confirmation and allowance. J. %V. CHAPMAN, Register, Register's eflief4.- Montrose,Ainreh 10, 1857. C Petitions for Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance . of the Act of Assembly, the following per sons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of•Susquehaqa, for License to keep Taverns in said County. 7,- . • ,•-• • John Cameron, Jonas Riveriburgh, Alfred Allen. Cyrus F. Jackson, Elijah Barnum; Philander I'hinnt, LeonardSearle, Wm. H. Sherwoo4 Elijah L Adams,) Spencer HickLfoi Hiram Cooki - John S.Tarbell, Hiram Barnum, George W. Lewis, Benjamin Ayres, Robert Nichol, Alfred Thompson, Sampson & Lord, Lored Norton Jr., Silas Winters, A. A. Woman, Georze Snyder, J. O. Bullard, David Wilmarth, Jacob Kimble, • Daniel 1-d, Edwards & Billings, David Hazleton, John D. Paddock, Isaac Griugs, N. W. Waldron, Joel Steenback, A. J. Chamberlin, John Baker, A. F. Snorer, Petition for Grocery License. 0. 31.'Crane, Montrose I. N Bullard, Wm. Howarth, - Susq'a- Depot Wm. Painter., , Great Bend. S. B. WELLS, Prothonotary. 310ntr09.., March 10. 1E57. Salt! Salt!: Salt!!! MITE subscriber begs leave to _.inform his .1. friends and the public that he his taken the Store No. 201 Washing.ton.street, (directly op posite Washington Market.) iateiy occupied by Volney Eltiut, :it'd is now prepared to offer for sale on the most liberal terms. FOR cast', all kinds of Foreign Coarse, and Fine Salt,•-from vessel, or store, eitherin sacks or bulk, or . put up in sunlit b igts to order. Dealers will be * furnished with their names printed on the bags wnen ordering a thousand or more. Persons from 'a distance orderitt.r by mail can depend upon having their orders promptly filled at the 1-0 __WEST slAns.F.7 . Pntcas. GEO. W. MANN. Now York, March Ist, 1857. 10v1. Administrator's Sale of Real Es- In pursuance of an order of Sale,made t)y the Orphan's Court of Suquehanna County, will be sold at Public Sale on the premiees,on Saturday, the 21st day of March next, at' one o'clock P. M., all that certain piece or parse! of land situ. ate in the township of Lenox, in said County, bounded on the North by a publi: road; on the West by lands of Thomas O'Donald ; on the South by lands of Wm. 0. Gardner, and on the East by lands of Horace Snyder: containing about 103 acres. with the appurtenances, a 100 house, 100 - barn, and about 25 acres improved: late the estate of Merrit Turner. deceased. Terms of payment made known nn the day of tale. ZINA BAIL' Admiiitrator. Lenox. Feb. :11. 1557 Guardian's Sale. NTOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance .1:1 of an order from the Orphans Court of Sussfa-County the subscriber will offer to pub. lie sale by vendue the following distribed prop erty the Estate of Benjamin E. Gage late of Silver Lake deceased. - Bounded North by landi of Reuben Meeker, and Benoni T Gnige, on the East by hinds of B. M. Gaige,on the South by lands of Patty Ann Gaige. and on the'West, by lands of Henry Hoag, containing . 100 acres. More shr less, about 80.. acres improved and on which are two orchards,a ,sood dwelling House, arsgonilmose, barns, sheds &c. &e. Sale to be held upon the premisos in Silver Lake township en Tuesday ;March 24th 1857. at 1 o'clock P. M and terms of payment - made known on day of ALVAIIraic. W. GAIGE. . . tzuArdian of Christiana Gaige a minor &.e Feb. 34 . 1857 . 9w4. Farm for Sale- The subscriber offers for Sale a small Farm . in Brooklyn township Sulqu'a. Co., situated on Hopbottom creek, two miles from Brooklyn Ce•ltre. 4 nd three miles from Montrose Depot on the D. L. & W It. It. ori said farm are two framed Houses, one framed barn and ShOp, and is well watered. Terms made known on application to the un dersign ed. ALVIN DAY. Brooklyn, Feb, 25. 1.857—tt important to Farmers!! A MACHINE FOR EVERY FARMER 111 MEACIIIIFS PAM FOOT CORN 'PLANTER, By this method the-weight of the operator is made to perform the whole labor of planting and no time is lost as one can plant as fast as he can -walk. The machine is attached to the foot by means of a strap,-or by a screw to the oout of the op orator,. and_ is so arrangtd as to plant at any depth desired. epto The many advantages' of this machine over all others can readily be seen, and their simplic ity and cneapness cannot fail of bringing them into general use among all farmers, and can be used on all 'farms in this section. Price, $3,50. For Machines or County or State Rights, ap ply to • H. S. SEARLE, Agent, Moctroee, Pa. N. B.—These Marlines are Warranted to . or Plant more Corn ins day with less labor than any band planter, and will plant more cot. reedy timn any machine ewer Invented, and are less liable to get out of repair.ja Mout ose, Feb. 131 h 18574 Lenox Clifford , Great Bend Friendsville Kew Milford Summersvillo Montrose Rush Auburn ° Springville •°' Apolacon • Montrose Ciifford Dimock Dundaff Susq'a. Depot. Harmony. Liberty, Rush. Brooklyn. Lathrop. Choconut. ..Jessup. Great Bend. New Milford, Great Bend. Harford. Gibson. Dimock. lA•zox. tate• To Conmungtives. . THOSE of you who are in the first or middle stages of this almost uneurible disease ere informed that there is a remedy which has pro ven successful. This remedy I will send to any applicant upon the receipt of $5. , , Take Particular Notice That this remedy, though it will greatly alleviate the sufferings of those in the last stages it will trot cure them; but for those in the firs: and stagei, we will warrant a cure; and any one who is not satisfied can have their money refon,ied at once. • We do not wish to humbug any on e ; and repeat tha, your money will be refunde d upon application, aftrr giving the rem. edy trig/. Address, giving name of,Post Office and Coun ty, Dr. A. G. BRUNDAGE, Jun'r. Binghamton, Broome County, N. Y. ,'issolntion. T • & fi rm o f Simmons Merriman is this day dissolv.sd by mutual consent. Tt.e Notes and...account 3 may be found in the hands .if C. 3f. Simmons .until the first of April next for settiament. Af.t r whieh . time they will be left . in the hands of allroper officer for collec tion. gnimoNS & MERRIMAN. N. 13'. 'Tile business in all its Branches will be continued by A. Merrim an, who, thankful for past favors won Id ask a continuance of the Public patronage. i %. MERRIMAN. Montrose March 10th, 1857. 11 w 4 CLOYERI TIIIOIII SEED. - Received and for sale, and warranted to be the right kind. By A. BALDWIN. Montrosi. Feb. 25th 1857. 9w4. Timothy Seed.' O TANLEY TURRELL'S TIMOTHY SEED,, warranted pure. For sale by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, January 20th. 1857. Look and Bead! - SOMETHING NEW ! THE undersigned, Merchant at Dimock Four Corners, has lately .discovered that for ready . pay he can sell mere Goods, and make more money at ene:haif the usual profits put upon Country:Goods. Consequently I can sell Goods from five to ten per cent. lower than any other establishment in this section. gut do not take my word, for it. Call and seeifor yourselves. Bring a little Cash or some littn4 , . of Country produce, and buy your Goods r 4 a price unpar. ulleled in the history . of Mercantile trade. My stock is large and well selected, and I am re ceiving NEW ADDITIONS every week.. My Terms of Sale are IttADV It will certainly be for lour interest to call and see me before purchasin - OAsewbere. • Flour and Salt kept constantly on hand. WM. H. THAYER. Dimock, Jan. 13th, 1857. farmers •an INSURANCE COMPANY, North West Cor. of Second and Wu/nut-Et:, Ph ya. CPITAL,. One Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. ASSETTS. $5.23.057 07, Invested in Bonds, Mortag,es, and Good Securities. TIIE FOLLOWING STATE:TIENT Exhibits the the Buiriess and Condition of the. Company. to November Ist, 1856.- Premium received nn Merine and Inland Risky, to Nov. Ist. 1856, $214.684 60 Fire Premiums, 169.796 61 Interest on Loans; 8,704 47 Total Receipts, - - $400,185 GS Paid Marine Losses, . 864,427 04 • Paid Fire do. . 39,737 89 Ex pcnses. Salaries and Commissions:, 45,489 00 - Reinsurance, Return Premiums • & Agen cy Charge, -r— 27,374 68 8177,128 61 Balance remaining with C0..5233,057 07 TB F. AS?•ETT.OPTIIE COMPANY ARE AS FOLLOWS: Philadelphia City and County Bonds, . . $16.848 18) lUilroad Bonds, - . 11,000 00 cost prices First Mortages,• Real. Estate, - - 144 ; 500 00) • Stoeks,Collaterals,on Call, ..... 32,400 00 • Girard and Coniolida. • tion Bank Stock, - 5,225 00 Depo-its with Ducan, Sher Man &Co.,New York, 30,000 00 Deferred Payments on Stock not yet doe, 97,700 00 Notes for Marine Pte miun's, - 1 108,080 00 DU6 from Azents, sp. cured by Bonds. - 35,376 18 •Premiums on Policies . recently issued, and . debts due the Co., 26.470 38 Balance in Bank, - - 16,456 74 8523,057 07 This Company Insuresßuildings,3lcrehandize. and Stock, from $t NI to 85,000, at the Lowest Bates consistent with Security, and upon the most Liber:,l \Terms, and make PROMPT PAT 31Err uport the adjustment of Losses under Poll. sties issued by them. The Board of Directors have this day-declared a dividend of 15 per cent„ payable on demand, upon the business of the Company, to the Ist instant. Iinn.THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. ' EDWARD R. lIELNIBOLD, - Secretary. Pbiladelphia, Novetnber 17th 1856.. TIMOTHY BOYLE • .52y1pdlip.] of New Milford, Pa., Agent. R. KENYON J'MING completed his couse of Mercantile Education, of eight years, with two of the most respectable dealers that the enun try affords, has located himself at Lawsville Centre, where he will be pleased to sec his friends from al: parts of the country, and would assure them that he will do them good, if they will only call and examine his stock of Goods; con ibting in part of Dry. Goods, crocerles, Hardware, Crockery, Of ilia 2Vewest Patterns aid Best Quality. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, 'Wall Papers and Borders, . .Unabrellas, Carpet Bags, Drugs and the Most Popular Patent Medicines of the day, Prom Ida long experience in selling goods for this section of country, he flatters himself that he will be able to select goods that will please all, and pledges himself todeal honorably with all who give him their patronage. Soliciting a large share of your pitronage, I remain - your Servant, - KENYON. Law•sville Centre. laruary Ist. J 857. • i.• Atttion the Whole HE subsriber respectfully informs his T friends, (comprising of course the whole community,) that the New Brick Store in Up. souville, one door north of the old "Exchange." is, filled with a stock of Seasonabie Goods, con. sist log in co dot Dry-Gooda,Groceries.Ciockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready. Made ~ 'Clothing, Wall -Paper, Window. Shades, Fish,"Nalls,' Yankee Notions. dtc., and so on, which he will sell for Cash, Barter, or Short Approvid Credit, as low as can biltpught in Susquehanna County. WANTED to exchange, Butter, Grair,Pork, Poultry, Good Mixed Wool Socks, intact every Merchantable article which his patrols have to - sell he will buy at fair pricee. l 3.Comei tine, come allyand see its on don't boy. • • .I. L. MERRIMAN, Vrtdtville, Dee. Stb, HEALTH OR nactirEssi CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM 1101,1140 W til• PILLS THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the hu man frame. When pure, itieeures health to ev ery organ ; when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS operate direct ly upon the elements of the stream of life; neu. tralizing the priucipla of disease, and thus radi cally curing the malady, whether located in the nerves; the stomach, the liver, the bowelr, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other partof the system. Used Throughout the World? HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are equally efficacious in complaints common_ to the whole human race. and in disorders peculiar to certain. climates and localitiat. IlbaTabw.XlitiordOrs. Dyspepsia and derangement of the liver. the source of infirmity, and suffering, and the cause of innumerabledeaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, however aggravated, acting as a mild pur gative, alterative and tonic; they relieve Ole bowels, purify the fluids.and invigorate the sys tem and the constitution at the same time. General Weakness—Nervaus _Complaints. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general debility. Delicate Females. irregularities and aliments incident to the delicate and sensitive organs of the set are re moved or prevented by a few doses of these mild, but- infallible alteratives. No mother who re-' garde her own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach. Scientific Endorsements. The London " Lancet," the London " Medical Review" and the moat eminent of the faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, have solo-, gized the Pills and their inventor. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases : Asthma • -Headaches Bowel Complaints Indigestion " Coughs Inward Weakness Costiveness Chest Disensei Debility Drnptty Dppepsin Stone and Gravel Feverand Arils ' Venereal Afiections Female Complaints ' Worms of all kinds •,a Sold at the Manufactories of Professor IloT.LowAr, 80 Maiden 'Lane, New York, and 244. Strand London. by' all respectable Drug eists.and Dealers in Medicine thronghont the United States and' the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 1.2 centaottid $t each. tEr Tliers'is a considerable saving by taking the 'larger sizes. Nrß.—Directions for the g,nidaneo of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. n-10-1v Diarrhoea GREAT EXCITEMENT AT Gattenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's. STORE. THERE is a general rush at their establish. JL ment, and it is reported that they harp just received, and are daily receiving a fresh supply *of Nett Goods. • The truth' of this report can be best known by calling at their store on Turnpike Street at the foot of Public Ayenue. We have on band a carefully selected supply of READY MADE CLOTHING, for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything call ed for, from a pair of HOSE to a HAT or BON NET. Those wishing, to protect their health from the cold atmosphere in this region,, would do v.-ell - to call on us. as we will supply their wants on lower terms than any other establish ment. To our friends, one and all, wo would give us a call, and we promise, that you 11 go away fully satisfied. . GUTTENBERG ROSENBAUM & Co. Montrose, Nov. 27,1856. FARMER S! $l5 will purchase one of the best CORN SLIELLPIS and SEPAitATOPS Ever Invented. TH E undersigned is now prepared to furnish to FARMERS, Millers and others the world renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the times—being the best, most durable, and easiest. running Sheller now in nse. Warranted to shell more corn , in, a shorter space of time, than any other machine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end to end, without crushing either corn or cob. The Machines are constructed with two cranks, and pully for a belt, so thattwo persons . can turn them. or attach a belt in motion by any power. The attention of persons owning mills, is solicited, as the Machines are wonder • fully adapted to any kind of power. They are very easily turned, and when once in motion small boy can . tura them; they are cipable of shelling one bushel per minuteevery Farmer should have one—as they save their cost, in lea than one seasons. They are on exhibition at Searle's Hotel, Sayre's Foundry, Ely's Mill in Brooklyn, and at Lathrop's Luke Mills, where they can be seen in operation at any time. 'All orders addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt gluon. -tion. Machines shipped at a distance and war. • ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE. At Seark's Hotel. Montrose, December, 11th, 1856. CEItTIPICATE. THIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one of the above Shelters. for ante by D. D. SEARLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one of the best, most durable and easiest running Shelters ever introduced into this county. It will shell more corn in a shorter time than any other Mach/lie, and is always ready for service. I most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Susq'a County, as the cheapest and best Shelter, now in use. I have one in operation in -my mill in Dimock, which needs only to be seen to recommend itself. Call an. see it. A5llll ELY Brooklyn, December 11th, 1856. 510. . . P. ,tORDHAM, [SUCCESSOR TO A, &E. Balms.] MANUFACTURER oiS ADDLE'S, HARNESS &. Tr.unal AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER WOULD invite all who are In want of nay article ever kept at a Harttoss shop togive him a call. Harness rnade of the beet Oak Tanned Leath. ern on short notice. • • He has on hand a good assortment Of Car. riage Trimmings which he offers on the most reasonable . terms. Carriage Trimming, done with neatness and dispatch. Repairing done on abort: notice. N0..1. 2 & 3, Basement Searles Montrose; Nov. 26, 1856.-049. SPLENDID Elselt SLIM . a t‘ ha. /at, '374 KENYON'S.' Inflammation Influenza . Liver Complaints Llurness of Spirits Piles \ Secondary Symptoms NEW & R. ROM Delaware - , Lackawanna & W. R. U. New and expeditious broad, guage route froin the North and West, via Great, Bend and Scran ton, and'-from-the Lackawanna and. Wyoming nines, directly through to New York and Phil adelphia. • -• • „ On and after Monday, Jan. - 19th, 1857, trains -- will be TOO as follows: ' • Cincinnati Eipreits Train boned east on.N. Y. & E. R. R., arrives at Gt. Bendat 8 A. M 4 from Owego, Binghamto n, dte., and 'connects with the. - EXPRESS nein which leaves Great Bend for New York and Pbil'a, : 8.30,:a. ta. Due at MOntrose, - 9.03, l! Scranton, • 10.40, " Stroudsburg, 1.27, p. in. Delaware, lb minutes to dine, 2.00, " Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leave - 2.25, " Junction, •• 3.35, ". New York, 7.15. Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier, No. 2. • North river, at • 7.30,a. in. From Philadelphia, leave .Walnut st. • - Wharf, at 7.00, " Leave Junction, • 11.15. -4 Due at Bridgeville, Phil. connection, 12.15, p. m.' Delaware, lb min: to dine,' 12.45, ." • Stroudsburg, . 1.27, " Scranton, '3.50, " Montrose, " Great Bend, 5.55, " Connecting at Great Bend with the ' Mail Train West at 6.10, p. m. Scranton Accommodation Train, leaves- Scranton for Great Bend at 10,45, a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, 2.20, p. m. Connecting with Rochester Accommodation' East, and Day Express West, on N. Y. & E. R. R. Returning, leave Great Bend at 3,20 p. in. Due at Scranton, 1.1 - 0, For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passengar, Car will - be -at., taehed to the Express Freight Trains, leaving Scranton at - 6:00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 10.55 " " Junction at 2.05 p.m. Returning, will leave Junction at 4.00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at . 6.50 " " Scranton at 12.40 p. m. Passengers from New York will change cars at Clarksville. • To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R., leave or take the cars at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take L. & B. R. R. cars at Scranton. ' • For Jessup, Archibald, and Carbo-adale,change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold and baggage checked between all stations on connecting roads. Passengers to and from Wilkesbarre, Wyom-. ing, &c., via Lackawanna -& Bloomsburg Rail road, go through without any-detention at Scran ton, as the trains on that nail-run in connection with the Express trains on tri D. L. & W. R. R.,—hence passengers mak leave Kingston at 9.30 a. mond arrive in Philadelphia at 8 p. or N. York at 7.15. p. m. Returning, leave Philadelphia at '7 a. m., or New York at 7.30, and arrive in Kingston at 5 p. m. Fare from Kingston, Wyoming and, Pittston to Philadelphia, 94,50, to New York, 53'4,15. Tickets sold, and Baggage checked throne:. JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. War. N. JE . NIII, Goal Ticket Agent. , THE SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGE MENT OF WEARING CLEAN SHIRTS AT No. 106 Chatham-st., cor..orPetql-41 NEW-YORK, Keep on hand extensive and complete assort: . men t. of the latestimportations and best man tures of GENT L E MEN'S PURNiSIIING GOODS, Equal in' material, make, texture, durability and style, to any stock ever offered in this coon• try—and at prices which.cannot fail to suit close casn buyerS. CoNsIsTTNa OF smn:ts—with linen bosoms, collars and wristbands of the best qualities, and FLew and eltoieo styles. CALICO gla:Tile latest and most attractive pat'ns uNDF.natimrs and DRAWEns—Of Wool, Merino, cashmere. silk and cotton, of desirable and darn bte qualities—and the TENIOT WOOL under gam ents, so highly approved by Physicians. Also the shaker shirts and Draarers. Cravats:—superior quality • and beautiful styles, and a full assortment of stocks, collars, Ncctves, Gloves, scarfs, and Mufflers of the rich est kindi. Suspenders--,An Almost endless variety, In eluding the finest and most durable. Pocket-handkerchiefs—silk 'and Cotton—plain and printed—an unrivalled assortment, Half Hose—Wool and cotton, of the beg tex ture, selected expressly for retail trade. Morning Robes, and Gowns—Elegant Pat terns, excellent material, and of the best make. This stock comprises all grades,: . from the lowest to the, richest. that can be produced— and having every facility for Importing and manufacturing, not exceeded by any other es tablishment iu the United states—buyers, there fore, wit ,consult their interest by ekamining the goods which are sold at the LOWEST ressEnt.a cAsff pEIEE.s. • rir Goods promptly delivered at all the Rail Road •Depots. steamboats, Ac,. and in any pact of the city, without charge. *** Shirts made 0 order by experienced hands, in superior style, at short notice, war ranted to fit. No machine work done in this establishment. Sept. 11, 1856.—n381y. *SUM' 2223:43 Shawl, Cloak & Dress Goods Em porium for Fall 1856. HBURRITT would call attention to his . new stock of Fall and- Winter Goods, including a great variety of itich Full Prints in new Styles,'Plain and Fancy tlelaines and meres, Plain and Fanny Mohair Cloths, Plain and Plaid Merinoes and Parathettas, Black Brocade, Plain and Fancy Silks; Wool Bro cade, Cashmere and Silk Shawls, Gents Shawl:4, Rich Ribbons and Flowers ' Ladies Cloths and. Rich Velvets for Cloaks, Broadcloths; Cassi. mers, &e., with a large assortment of o`ther Sta ple and Fancy Goods, as usual, including Hard ware, Crockery, •Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils. Boats and Shoes; Hats. Capes, Cloaks, Buffalo Robes, Carpeting, &c., with a large and now assornient of Stoves of the most • -approved styles and*.construction, all which, will be sold to meet the views of the , closest buyers for Cash or approved Credit. . New Milford, Sept:lBs6. 1) LASTING Powder, Safety Fume, and Rifle Powder for sale by I. N. BULLARD. BEAUTIFUL variety of Wall Paper at Jan. Ist, 's7a KENYON'S. FINE assortment of Ladies Fine Shoes at Jan. Ist, '57.] KENYON'S. CRANBERRIES and new Raisons for info by ' I. N. BULLARD. ABEL TAIRB,ELL Keeps all the Po plar PATENT MEDICINES, and a .First 'Rate Assortment of GENUINE DRUG-S: Montrose, Pa. 'DOCKET KNIVES.—A large amorinient.of . 1 the boat in tnarket,at TURRELL'S: MILLINERY,DRESS MAKING . - AND TATICir STORE ' '• A. D. ST M•fk CO; ' , IaTOULD respectia annonnee to the la- VV - dies of Mont rtis ci vicinity, thafthey have opened a Fancy. Dreis °Oats (tlitir- -1 nishing Store, on Main Street, over the :Partner's Store, where they. will 'be haw to sew' their oid friends, and 'else solicit 'tbe.petrenare of new ones; Miss Chase .wilV`attind to she Millinery department ; the Dress.making depart went wit' be usderthe charge. of : Miss Witter. house. - ' - ' - -- ' Ntiontrose, Sept,ll4 1856.. EJECTION'S OVERr The Country: Quiet 2 Prosgeoritir Abounds A ND now thut - wlnteri tio come, *raters a nd ./1. all others;should prepare lo _enjoY, AO . fruits of their labors, by iseetwing (among Ober requirements to Fire-side Happineal) weepy or two-of some of tbe choice Books just received al the Montrose Book Store, which ese and will b e , sold as Cheapas atany other Book Store•-this side of N.‘ Y. City,or even ..at Evan's, dz. Co. great Gift Book sale itt - the City, thatiends .out. _ so many - Scissois and t'Enknires. t. Among the new Boole . are Vestern ..Bordetr , Life, Dora Grafton, Life ofGen. Mor'gan, Threw per cent a.sfonth or the Perils of Fast Living.... The Last of the Foresters, Dred, Torel4iglity Violet. A Post Office: Directory; or, Bisittness Man's: Guide, a Book thntevery Business Man la' - the Ceunty should own, /arm Expeditious:lPN chanic's Text Reek; &.'-&r ALSO& new stock r N•pool Books which will be sold upon the prarc - 2ple that the.' gig* sixpence is better than thr slow A new Physical Geography of the - United Statis by D. M. Warren, the nicest tbloretit:.— Berard's History of the C ited :- States ; a- new School Book just out. glementary AforallAs. - sons for Schools and Families_by M.F. Cosrdert a first rate thing, Green's Elements of English Grammar, Colburns new series of Arithmetic's, also---Greenlears new Arithmetic.. ' Websters Dictionaries —alleizes and to 'ls sold cheaper than that Penknife House in N. Y. Diaries for 1857—A good assortment, and. all right as to price, and Almanaes - f0r..1857, a 150,% A new lot of Blank Books, Writing &mice, with or without copies, Ink Black and Red, Pens sad - Paper of different sizes andcolors, -Scissors • Knives, Razors, Port:Monies, ',Fishhooks and Lin e s, Lumps, Portfolio's, County Boeket \kips, .of the different States &c., dm. A. N. BULLARD.- Montrose, Dec. 2, 1856.- ' - N. B.—Christmas and New . Yearswill be hint in a few days—a word to the wise &e. _ ' - A: N. B. P. S.—Any Paperor•Magazine published in the United States.= be procured at the omens &lib price: Enquire at the P.O. -. NEW GOODS.. .....p., - .HE subscriber 'has .ibp iiP - ..-- JL .clay returned from .:New ' -. 7 410. York with a large and well ) .s.,:\A . selected assortment of ":';_ s WATCHES. JEWELRY, e t - , s'''.4-.. FANCY GOODS, afe. igg, - _ 1 .....?&'-^ Comprising almost every st!. tide in his line of business. Among • his stock may be found— • - • Gold and Silver Watches in great variety, (s large portion of which are of his own import* tion.) Cameo. gold stone, mosaic, enarnelled, fruit ; coral and all gold Efr-Rings and Breastpins. Diamond. ruby, pearl. garnet, cameo,' agate: oynx,chased, plain and children's Finger Risgs Gold, silver and plated Watch Chains win Keys. . Gold, silver, prated ; - steel and german Specta cles. - - Gold braeolets,lockets, watch hooks, snaps, sleeve buttons, studs, crosses, pens and•pencils. SILVER spoons, forks, cups, pie, cake,_ and butter knives, napkin rines, saltcellars, npvik and gravy ladles, card cases, - - Pearl and shell card cases and ports mons* Coral beads, jet arml4ts,seiasors. One, two, three and four bladed knives. Bass viol, guitarand violin swings. - Some 'very rich plated; castors, -cake basket*. table and desert kiiives and carvers,candlesticks, snuffers and trays, tea setts, spoons - and fork's: Amber and wax beads, combat( rings. • Britannia ware,'sewing, birds, needlslis.-'••• Shell, buffalo and ivory caimbs: . Hair and tooth brushes, &c; &c.,,alLotwhieb will be sold at the loWest.einfat Rices, ut thaohl stand of • ALFRED J. EVANS - No. '2 Odd Fellow's hall. liingitamton. Nov.. 1. 1856.—n47 • • E. Plurib'usllnutp.!: sOME folks translate this celebrated.. motto " One of many"—others say the most literal meaning is;." let the tail go with the biderbot': the real meaning is," A tip top Tailor. is &good institution." It yon believe -thise..ealriut John Grove's shop, a few steps.from - Pearle't!No tel, and he will convince you and . showyou Fait Pashioits, • for Man's and• Boy's clothing for tb56.. Don't blunder into a •Jewsharp establishmeht, where you are likely to:get \ fooled with bad work.: My. shOp is on ,Turnpikdstreet, 2;14 building front: Sentle's 110 el. I will warrant my work .0 fit Well and wear well, and my prices reasonable for rash riOwn. - • . Cuttimg, done as usual. JOHN GROVES. Montrose Oct. 15th :1856 Starracca ,Ran Road In TUR93 go-w Ll-1, wILLIAUTREMAIN & CO.; are on bitoL i . with the largest, best, and chespestitofti of general merchandise in. town. Consisting of Axes. Alpacea, and Alspice. • • Brooms, Boots and Bedsteads. • - - Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. " Denims, Drugs, and Door Handles. • Envelops,-Edging, and Epsom Salts: Flour, Flannels, and Pish.fiooks. • , . • - Glass, Groceries, and:Gimblets. Hams, and Hand.saWs. Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies (dresses.) Jugs, Jaeonets, and Jewsbarps. * ' Knives, Knobs, and Kentucky leans. -*" - Locks, Lamps and Looking Glasses. Matches, Muslins and Molasses..c. Nutmegs, Nankeen, and Notions.- - Oils, Oxbows and Overalli. _ ► - - Pork, Pills and Powder. •,- Citteensware, Quills, and Quart-cups. Rubbers, Raisins and Rat-traps Shoes, Shirts and Sugar. Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains. -; Umbreilds; Under-shirts and Union ails. - ' • veils, Vinegar and Vitrot. - Whips. Wallets and Wash-bowls. , Xtra Superfine Flimr. York,Cottonades and Youth's flats, ..* • Z. And many other articles which they . its selling, at a very small advance on coati :mien.. "Small profits! and fair dealing is the motto for_ 'the Summer of '5O. Give us adiil and test the trnih of our assertions. - NV AI. TRESIAIN & CO. • Lanesbor - 0,Ta.,31ay 2611856.. _ Aanbrotypes, . Atrephographs,• - „ • ,DaguetTeotypes• Strange thicrii are upriideg = Mau is ever desiring - tioufething new and surprising: Atfß. DRANS, the M ititeose Artist, le law VT . prepared, to furnish s - in addition to hie old style of pictures, the Improved Atobiotypii, and the , recently invented Atrephographc' ,• • These Arnbrotype.s, or glass _pictutes ,. aredu fable, soft: and brilliant in their,totte and finish, .• and free from that 'dark leaden hue which.lias : been the objection td picturesoftbisdescription,- . Tho Atrephograph is an nnreversed "iffterienn''' ,on paper, (entirely different from - the Photo graphs,) very very sesceptible:or eolont,• -anuelo-- •resernblesoi fine painting ton. ivory.: They .sti4 just the thing for inserting in gift hooka,.fiusilly - ,. recoriis, - &e., or for tuailing.to:B6lllo , trick*, Sky 'Pager" idd the Wick BloattiMr.atlititt, : - . & Read's. . • I -.Montrose:No.4lth, 1856; • chew , odis ASD'eveiv dascrjrioo of iladieatkat gletoui Lakcratory in Ifouticiso, Anions.. ,-,-,- taorticationa'addiessedlo the 14theinterS*111141: 4 - , answered by !item mail: - Lae liiiiiao-Surgeios;.„ to the fallowing , Institutions;:Sty. : Georges es. pital and the- Weitioinfator: - HosPitali - the 10110 toarylitzu.taboater thißriatal Europe; and Ufa of ihit'ldarinolloopit4 Francisco. - - ' Feb. 26. 1857. /'BUR W*o SO; Ay lb; 1 4 .N111.744,14 0, - N0i.19 —lB5O. - 311-rtf. ti i MEE