The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 26, 1857, Image 3

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• 177—`. a;id
other countries diking the tisi•al yesu r cuii.
• Ist; lasi, wag $3.26,954,50:4; of lifith
',0,195,591,835 lore to .the
itiiiii;ris; Ali() ininu periud,` , 04ift.1
t :314;t14„*1 I , of wtikti $1540(04 16 '1704! (ion;
tritish 'Qur Vsrft'S
a intifintalto $ "tiar.:::itneottste
sti4:l;ed the'
Tarfrf of
azairtA us, trod rettil 'the T . :till:I"'
W.ottid into Ines
wirplt ;dad a ltrcl i iii tacit tf:tefin wiadoti?.— 4
utver tipta tenre - wretehet . l scheme' or •
plunder, injustice & tyrabny. th:n' a]
.-proteetive Tariir." yet niter i; . piliiviitil;theiver 7
plc it wiped out ue'd fur . gotten.—
. .
Ifollowa 9's:l ) i 1 .s:,—Persons Of bilious lath
it, or irltO aro liableAci,altiatki ( tt' f dytipep,
s hould fortify their, ystettll;3 I gaitl it , the relay-.'
ing!henti of Suinrnii by it con rFe of this-rnild
a perient tinii idt&inttive,in the Spring. It
n ot only regal/ties tiiseeretions,and rettioves .
the obstrat:tions frdm tho bow - brace!.
ant relvit:ilite's digestivoptiNVers,
e akeneti by i t alti!genee,or
Ut a.sedetitary testijnony -of inva
lids o fb ol li s .xt.tti and all ages : in every Oat'
of the globe, detnonstratet.; beyond qtiolion
that all internal diseases_ not resulting; frotn .
InalforftritiOn, are teeing eared
this gnett:t. - rent tly.
A Pertaweet Breath.
What lady or gestieman would remain und:r
the ere rse of 'a disagreeable breath, when by us i n g
tne "Italia of It tt iuistid Fluceers"as idi , totrifice
wo , ild not ottly retntier. it ; sweat Wit :leave 'the
teeth ,Oite as - alabaster Many persOns do not
know their breath is bad, and the ',subject -is as
(Lli.ite their freindi never mention it. l'imr
a single drop of "13. Lint" on your tooth brush
and wash the teoth night and tnorning. A fifty
rr of lwtdle u•ill last a „year..
A bout:lfni ttrwniptocioti - triHir easfly be netinired•
by i u , itr* the 4- Balm of a Thou , and Flower."
It s'll remove tan, pimp!e3,-anikt reekl es 1 . . oin the
*skin I,av•ing it OIL still and hoe. \Vet
t o w e l, print Op tWO or throe drops',.and wash
the f.. e nicrhtand.tnornititt, - " • •
EASY:—Wet your sha
ving brush ir. wartn.or cold waer,pour on
two or thre.;!t• bps of "Bairn Of a Thnli*rtivi
Foitiiers," rah the . beard 'U-4 , 11. ani it will niakF•
a he l etifal 4oft latii6r; much the op.
po , iltiori of shavinli:. l'rVo, only fifty cents. For
hi; den' L !lists. - -Iteivare of counterfeits.
None *. , chine unless sietted by -' • •
P. Ff.TRII)tIF , & CO,
41:16.1 . - Franklin Stet:art...Kew York.
The. nmitrose Fire. C. N. 2 will meet
Monday Evvtiiug, at 7 o'4;lock,illardi 2, 1857.
. . S. W. WILSON, •
. _
The "Thitigewater Education4l Asoeia
tion"vill:llolci ineet ing Satu.l:(lay Eveni
Marcli , 3d, 18.57, at..the School Louse near
S. T. Sf,Ott's •in •Bri,lge+yater. All friends., of
EducaCon:oe iiivited to attend. By orde, of
JOS. JAY.F.-:.(iN.,
In -New on the 14d, nit, by n e r.
H. A. l.ilec, Mr. en )(LES' WIIE:VT and
11.,keinzt. VANOUSDALE, both ofßridge-
Ornrige COUtliV 7 N. Y.
1 1)
InNeur M;lfortl Eel,: 16 of Scarlet. Fever
MARGLRET ASYA, eld'vst of James B.
and Mary B. Siminuns, nt..d nine years, four
months, and twenty eight
. .
Sheriff Sales. .
virtue of writs of Vend. Ex„ isstiedby the.
ILPECotirt of Common Pleas' of Su-gnehanna
ttotinty and to me directed .1 wilt Expose to
Sale at the Court /loose in Montrose on Sat
nrday the 14th of March nr-lvt,nt one o . c.lock
P 31., the following Real Eitate to. wit:
All.thit certain undivVed half part of a/I that
c er tain piece.or'par ec l of land 'situate, and being
in the township Of Jessup in the County of Sits.
iiiiehanna, and biiiinded as fidlOWs, to wit:: Be
ginning a. a post in the road leading from limes
Fanrots to the Wyalusing Creek road near a
western corner of Abi:lChateiedls lands. thence
west 36 perches, •to a post, thccre south. .1 0,
degs. west; 72 perches to a !cis:, thence west 14
perches to n post, thcnce North 63 dogs. west,
72 perches to a post in a lido& Caleb Carmatt's
land,thence ;long' the same North 10 deg-4. Bast.
186 perches and 2-10 of a perch to a post,thence"
east 143 percht-s to a post, in the aboVe men
tioned road,thence along the same south 22degs.
west 38 perches, thence south 26 de'ts. west,
24 perches, thonce south 35 deg's. , west; 11 per
dies, and thinec ! Oath eighty perches, Contain
inn one hundred and -fiftithreetieres,atid ninety
two perches with apiturteriances. •
seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Job shepherd vs. L %V. Birebtrd.
ALSO—AII that.. certain piece fir parcel of
lantsitnato and • being in the Township of
- BUSquehantia Courity, bounded and
described ns follows:on wit: on the north hY,
lands.of Mites Prtehard and W. B. - Hendrick
enittliy — ilM 'Episcopal dhirsonage, on the south
by the road 'leading' from- Sprinitville to the
Tutikbannocli Creek. on'the West by la rids of
Ezekiel - Fritz, containing one sere of land more
orless, with the appurtenances, one dwellitig
house and all iniprovt.d.
Seized :Intl InLen, in execution st the suit of
Renjamin Savre es., D. V. Holienback•
Important to Farmers P.
By this method the weight of the operator is pi•rfOrm the whole labor of planting an , ,l
no time lost as one C/ La plant as fast as he
can walk.
The machine is all:lathed to-the foot by !mull
of a strap, or by a screw to tiio toot of ,I.Jie op- i
erator, and is eo, arranged as to plant .at any I
depth desired. , •
The many A I
Advantages of this machine over
all others can readily be seen, and their sitnplie- 1
ity and cheapness' .'carniot fail of bringing them 1,
into general age nmon,g all, farrntre, and can be
used on all firmsin tins section.' ...Prie.- k 1.50.
Fa ,r on_
County coyrti,tate.itiznts, 02-,
ply to' '-'' - -- -- 11. - S. SEARCH .
Agent, lilocitote, Pa.
..„TCl3:—Theyse 3f:whim's,Vi'arranteci to
farPliin. in oie Corn in i-tt - With I,k4ii labcir
than any hard . plunter, and plant more ear
ruc;ly thin,a4y_machiue eve.t .i
. avelited,nad are
jam liasl6 nut of replilr: Ifr- 1
FrL.•,i3th_4SD7 J'
.4* t
- tras a or's - Salo , .?a
tato. _
in purkttance of in order - Salem:Pio by the
Prtto, vputirt Sur.4u*inn.:4 Countr, will be
." 114 al;:ie presti,v; t on BAtuedAy,
dity. of .NLI.O::111 : next, at ooe oolock
ibst 4ertgin pinre or. porsel ,
Atc , :lialli!„tuwilliWP of Lenox, In. said :.County,
bou -0 4 41 North by a publi;:toal; on 11~e
roust-bi )2.n454 of Thomas ,CrDo6l4,;'on, dim
1501ith,.11,141:144 of*Vui. Gar4oei, ktyf 00'1'110
.Wpai 4 4ndt or "lifir.le:o
• „About 103 sy rani. with the Pittaiteilan6lll4l:?!"
4luipse;kg hart), and 1160 1?,344.:! . :ifi1f , 400;
latoill9..tenin 41;rrit,' ,
I rcfma of paynii.nt inadv kni e twn tile 44.4
oak. - 7.1N.A DAILY ildtul*tr. !tor.
• Guardian's:Sale.. • -
NOTIC tiet*littveit that in- . -Tritranince
of an order front AM - GrPititts , Court of
S tol'aroitnty 'OM ettlisiriher will otter to pub:-
lic eatn . by vcttihie the .followinzditeribud prop..l
i:ity die Betide of Bitainin I E. Geign late of)
Lakelleceeed; Bonrided Niuth•by Linde
of Itetthen:-Met-kot, end Beenni T thiftV, On
.tliO Bait by' hindit•of B bi. G.iiee,on the Sonth
by lanat s 4 , lPetty Ann Galge:•and on the %Viet,
by . lands ofi Henry Bong, containing too
inorOnr-lotimobiiet .80 - aerie improved end -orr
which ore two orrharilg,a ynnd dwellin; Heise,
v eap.:on.hntn.; traps, sitt44 &c. &c. Gale to be
Meld upon tlim iti Silver Lake toWtiehin
nriTui4ayllifreh''24th 1857. et 1 o'clock. 1 ) :141 •
and tittas uf spaytnent mnde known on day of
oni'irdian'of Christiana Gaige a minor
FA: 4 24 1857. "
sallieribet:. at his residence, one "the.
1 Nadi day of March next will -offer toi*tlet
at publie - feialne Or'untery,- the following prop.'
erty, viz. 2. eight year old mares, 3 cows, 3 year.
lines, 1 light two borne lumber wagon; 1 sett
doable,ltrnes ,, , 1 light lumber sleigh. 1 horse
sled (iron mlitui) one bob sled, (do.) Sixty to
80 tbushels of. ears of corn.a small quantity ; of
hay, and rye, straw in the. bundle, together with
a va r i e ty o f n irro i n a to ds, household - furniture
and carpenters toots &e., tee:
TERMS. All slum over three dollars one
year's- time (with strong notes") with interest
'and -rood security, all under that sum, cash- on
delivery of articles.,
timoklyn.FArto.ry 24th. 1857. 9w2.
Admi.strator's Notice.
. •
I L te e ( tt ,f ers z t i ) ri f a .4 11 .11 , n , is i t a r t ti o n f rid ) : 3 )
county, of Susquehanna. deeea.ed, have been
grzlated,to th,,e.subserjber; pqr:;ons indebted
to Um -sztiti:eit:tie.are requested tO, tuSke im
; mediate payment; - . and those hiving claims
, n2airst the same, will present theta . duly
, thentir:aed for settlement: to
1 ZINA TIAILY Administrator.
1 Lenox. Feb. 2.1. 1557. pit G.
T •
I.ll.4:ceivvilatid for sale, and Ntlaranted to lie the
right kind. • • - By A. BALDWIN.
519%tr , kie f.s.sth 188;.'w4.
Chemicals, Drup.s,
i t ND ytery de.,evription of Nir.iiealB, at Sin.
akton's, Laboratory in . ilontrome. • Aikozn
inunientiontt'a&ressecl to the LaboratoryAlin to
anA • tvereti by return mail. Late linuse Sure.eon
to the folhoyino histitntions:-St. George.% Boa.
pitai: arid the ',l,.e.ttaini-tvr Hospital, tho Infir.
rn:a.y Matiehessterr: Brioot Intirmary, Vrisool
Lnd Lai , of the Marine Ho4pi:al, San
• Feb.. 1857.
you- read it, Resolve tolteed it.
Pr..fessor E. Stuart, of .It. Vernon, Oh;.o,will
o , )erate st r o .luis, by the new and beautiful
••. I ttnbregraph - process, during, the week foilow.
inz .
Be sure'tii you wish something. tali.
W. IL DEANS, Artist.
11ontraw,1 7 4:b. 2(, 1857
Farm. for Sale
The snlow.riber uft:..ra fur Sale a small Farm
in. Brooklyn town,hlp ;.. 4 11- , qu'a: Co., sitn.ited
W•ple . ) It , oil Creek, LiVl) Miles from 13r,.0k1V11
Ce.dre. and . :hree talk,: from . ..!:ot , .tirol..e Dcpot
on thi..D. 1.. ..S; %V U. It.
Oa •••-‘'• t ftim , are two frnineol 1:1011,01, one
framed tram r.ncl Shop, and is . well watered.
Tertm‘ ra:o!k: known on applieltion to the un..
dvr , igne.l, ALVIN DAY; 4,
Brooklvn, F. E 5, lss7—tf.
" Timothy Seed. -
warrant(. here. - For vri!t• bt
Moritrnso. :loth, 1857.
Tenements to Lot
Delaware, Lackawanna& 11, - .
New and expeditions broad gunge route from
the North and Wcst: via Great o ßead and Seram. _
ton, al:a from Ow Lackawanna mei Wyoildne
vallies, directly through to New York and Phil-
Oct no d a ft e r Monday, Jan. 19th, 1557, trains
will be ran I'4 4 . 4•1 i )(I‘4 :
Ciheitinati Ex erte.s Train hound east on N. V.
E. It. It.. arrives-at th. Berui4„B A. M., f; out
ltinehamten, &c., and eo n nect, with the
EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for
Nov York and Mira, 8.30. a. in.
-Dae. at Montrose, 9 03.
Stroudsburg.. • ' p. in.
Delaware. 1.5 minutes to dit.e. 2.00, "
Bridget lac. Phil. pOs.,. leave 2.23, "
Junction, 3.35, "
• New York, 7.15. "
Passenzers from N. Y. leave Pier. N o.
Norio river. at rn.
From,P;,leave Walnut st.
Wharf, at . • 7.00,
Leave Junction. 11.15,
Due at . llr . elg•evi ;le. Phil. connection, 12.15, p. tn.
Didawil7e. 15 Min. to dine, 12.45, "
Stroudsburg, 1.27,
Sera ft], . • . ' 3.50,-- "
5.25, "
Great llctul, -
Ccinneetina' at Great Bend With the -
Mail Tr.ti We,t. at 6:10. p. in. •
Scranton Aee . ommdation 'Train, leaves
Scranton f , ,r Grmit Bend at 10.45, m.
Arrive At,Gettat Bend. rn.
Ciirmtmin•i• with Rochester Accommodation
East. and Dav ENpre.s WeNt. on N. ,Y. E. It.
It Reiiirciin;!, Great Bend at 3.2)p.1n.
Due at Scranton. 7.10, . "
For the accominotintion of way ffavel on lb:-
Southern DI% inlfm. a Pa.:seni•ar rar will. lie at
tached to the Expresiffreitgit Trains. leaving
Scranton at - • 6 00a. tn.
Due at Stroudsburg at 10.55
" Junction at 205 p.m.
Returning, will leave Junction at 4.00 a. in.
Due at Strout - Wier:2 , at 11.50
" Scranton at 12.-10 p.m. -
1 1 :149 - o.reN from New York will change ears
at Clark-ville..
" To and from Philadelphia, .via B. D. R. It.,
leave or take the ears at Brid ,, eville..
For PattsU~n. Kinnton, and Wilkesbarre, take
Skerili's Sales. • . aL& B. It. - It. ears at - Scranton: .•
By virtue. of writs ot Void. .Ex., issued out For Jesup, A , eintedd, and Garbontiale,thanee
antic Court ofComtuou Pleas of •Wyont ing car at f . • •
Y1•,1 •
Übtsnty,.nd VS Hy directed, 1 will expose to l'ickets sold and Ita;_i'g. , •Te. checked between
sale at the Cowl_ If ease in3lnnt rose; on Sa t u r '" . all stations on cormeeting reads,
day, the 21st-day of r e vry.,, i n ,,,t.. a t o n e o'clock, • Pa;;seng,r rs to and from Wlkosbarre,
1 ) ,,i M., the following Rest Estate. to twit: ins, tLt..via Lack:kw:lnn:C.& BleOmsburo , Rail.
All that certain pi';-ve or parcel of laird situate road. g„ mive,t , t , ntinn
at ser.ta.
idd beim', in the township of Rush, in the conn- ton. :,s the trzhis on that rel ., ' ruin in conneetion
with the ExpresA-trains on the D. L. & W. R.
ty of Sasettehante4 Weeded and described as .
roilows, to wit: On The,tiorth by'lands of Miles Stance pas , :er!erts may leave Kineston at
9,30 a. tu;and arrive is Philadelphia at Bp, to,Eitas, oe the-east. by lands ocenpied henry
F.stils, on the conch by tands!',. reeently ocenpled or N.-Verk at 7.15. p. tn.
tc Stertimr llihVard, en the west by lands of Jos. . Ito rain r, leave nt 7a. m., or
Einerbe ry and Wm. Lake. Defendant's interest :Slew York at 7.30, and arrive
. in Kingston at 5
ti - einz, the undivided half Of the above described . It fit•
;Pare Wyomintr and Pittston
lot, StiPPOSitd to contain fifty acres, be the termed
more or.les4, one leg house; one log hovel for' to t ,, s ew 74,75.
cattle, and' ah,,et twenty' acres improved. • Ti,:kets sot - 1,. and ll:ergage ido:eked through,
Seized 'tied taken in execution at the *nit of „JOHN Sup't.
S. S,,Gxuy'er to 'use of Spencer & trat..,V Gen`' 'fieftet A• , i;nt.
ALt 4 O —All the right titte and intorest.- of
. defendnnt, of In and to, that certain piece
of Parcel.i,f.laXtd altizae - and kitiirtg Jo the town
-411i1)-A-uf-SPritetTil.le, ill. the cuenty of Snsrpv'n,
:n1 lekuntied-ae , i_d , -!;eibed :to to t
nn tho sl.t 11114 ;ends of tinthard
:;rd ltriric
land, and enst;h:C lands Of lletary Drinker,
Oft: the !anis 'of Orstfm Culver,
`t ht; : west bY - la ads' of 'Z.' Calvet'. tint;
taining a4qat..140 Aciips,cif 1341-_,More" Or toil%
one,small ariticniall 'framed barn,
one ortfhartentiLeimut , 4o-icres improved.
Seized andutaken itt etreUtion at - the-suit of
Of Spencer & Porter vs,
betzus4. Curvet% ; •• '; I;
;. 'lf: P. HOLLISTEft,
o,4reti ri d, I 857.'
rrl LIE House ,:ind It, called the Pe/ !force
.I. Th.:lr the Ilapti,t Chart h, and :mother
smzll dsvolfir.g, house, also an once over Molt
& Tyler Stdre, to let from - firs of Apiil, en.
.quire of the Soln-criber, or olil. C..Tyier with
1 3 t , t M. C. TY I.E. t.
Feb. I F 57.
THE Counts CO:nimi,!,i,,nc-rs havit fix(-ti upon
; t he fe.;;lovin! , day :aid dates roves:Os - 6y,
for heurin , ! ii_ppent% from the .Veie,stnent•;, for
the Year 1557. althe ‘ Ctvutnissioneeti . utliev, in
3lnTarry..w, to wit: •
Apol.won.*Cboennut. Forest I..ike. Friends.
ville anil Midtiktmrn, 3,lnoLay„Jr'eb. , 33d, 1857
Franklin, Libinly at,d''Sirr•er Lake, Tuesday,
Feb. 2.lth. •
Auburn, Jessup and Rust, NVednesday, Fib
amt.t.lz, Lathrop -nnd Springri;le, l'humEty
Feb. 26, h.
Great Ili:nil and New Ililford, Friday, Feb
Ilarmonv,o4kland and.Susgnehanna Boring.,ll,
Monday, Marco -
Arar.o, J.,;:k.1,0n and . Thomson, Tuesday,
3.1. • •
Dubdaff and Lenox, Wednesday,
'arch 4thy. , •
iiarford and Ilerrick, Thursdny.
March lith.
Bridgewater, 3lontroso and Brookiyn, Friday,
'-‘l4rch 6th.
By order of the CorninissiOnerg. '
1V 11. A. CROSS M Cleek.
• •
Commissiow'rs' (Y.lloe, Wontrose, • -
Jzirivarr f2lst, A. D., 1837. • Bw4
ii - TILL be expar.ed at Public Sale. on Mon
t V da , :, ilie :11 day of March, 1857, on the
presisiEes formerly occupied by Antos-Tewksbury
in Brooklyn, the following property, to wit:
Two Cows, one two yvar old Heifer, one par
of Suer Calves, on.t set of I.llaelibmith Tools.
on e Two llor,:e Wacon, one Two liar
a nontitity of Hay in !Lira. one llort.e . , and
other thing, nut tnehtioned.
Tcrms rancle known on the day of
• Tl - 1031, 0 -S itOBINSON.
Brooklyn, February 9th, 1637. , 7‘5.3.*
appeared to extract the pain alnio&tiorritedlstely'.
It healed rapidly and left no scar of tteeount.
Cnis, Po-rEn, 410 Brat , tstrett. Plsikddlohla:'
It is truly a wonderful article. It will eure any
crow of Swellittg,,Bortis,St;ft Joints. Eruption*,
nr Rheumatism. For hnries it should never Ira
diepaitscd with, One Dollar's Worth of Mustang
hay, frequently ;owed a valuable horse, It, ;mew(
a l id a , Sprains. Into:hone*, Kr:Ong sand Loan
, dere. Beircr.! of imitot.ions. Sold,ln Ulrparts
rrit7ltlCS lalalld 'Salt; =by the retck _ barrel or ; :,, , -- . , .. —;. of the Ivrbitablo Globe, • '. .; • •
I , lb. bs '.- - 1 ' I.II.ITULLAII.D. . .
i pOCKET KNIVE.S.--ik larg e tratorttneot of I D#4l , :ze 4ii, V.t . r,, Proprietor.', !illif Yew*. i
'l3 k ,
Itc;,;:filtrik,o, ‘
...: • . - I •is• • A - .
' Vie -vat t merle!, ut TUR.ItELITS, . •
. Ailirus. a or s
WII kl AS. ItrittcrirorAdtitiniatiatioti •to
the &nate of S. S. tlibek.wii, tate 'of the
eoonty of, Susquehanna, dece.atied4 have beet;
granted to the httbsetiber; all , pertions indebted
to the %aid eitate am requeste , l to tnakeitolue.
diato imyntentt,and thet4o havinz claims againAt
the same, will presen; them duty authetiticated
for dettlonent. to J. , }. IIIIIHARD;
Anburn, Jan. 23tifi3f57:
NU - I'i .k.; is-fiefeby,given that In conformity
u, ith the statutevonverning limited parthfir
iinip4.,we the ilebseribertt, Moe .% C.Tvler,Daniel
IL I.awt.enee. J.un 4u:d John A.
Kingsltury,tll. hereby certify that we hero form
ed a litiiited imrtaership puratiz.nt . to said stat-
partner4hip is to bermidneted un
der the nant.• and firm . • of LAWRENCg,
GRIGGS dt- KINGSBURY, That . the uenernl
mature of the, business to . bo transacted in the
and tr.iding in , straw goods, mil
linery goods; lintsi.e..4lls, fors, umbrellas and
such Otho articles its are Mod!? sold there.
with In= the city of New York. Thnt the said
Daniel 11:Lawrence, James if. Griggs and
John A, Kinshury, are the .General Partners;
that Daniel 11..LawrenM! and'intnes
reside in the City. County and State :of NOw
York; Oat the sAI4 John.A. Rinasbury oxides
in Jers.:,t, City, .11 ini.toit' COunty 'and 'State
of Netv Jersey; and that the said .Moses C.
Tyler- is the Special Partner interested in said
partnership, and th;,t jic resoled in nontrove,
Susquehanna County, Stale of Pennsylvania,
and that as such 5pe63.,1 - Vartner, the said Mayes
"C. Tyler has :mat:film:kJ:to the confmon stock
of s:&id partnership, the sum of six thousand
dolla6 in cash' actually, lid in. TI at.the said
partru4ship is to eilintnenCe on - the first day of
January, 1837," and terminate on the thirty
fird d•ty of D,..e.einher. lSs9—Made and signed
this 3; day of I)eeent4er,lB36.'
A 11 IlS,' M. GRIGAriS. !AGen'lParnt.-.
MO - iES C TYLER, Spocialllartner. 5w47
Saul uinberis Furnished Gratis.
I'S V.II N F.. F) 1 : 01:1;::- 21. V r.s.-
.Apply to ti,:e
5w4.1 • • 6ti gouth ThitchSt.. l',iil;aln
REVEII S E -. 1) •
LL tho firm 41t .
Thayer & (:%'., and R. Tlr . tver, Jr. are here
by notifi,tl that .unle.:s they call and settle ha
mediatek tc:a
' rose, Jan. 4 29:1), 1 f!'s7.
To Consumptives. ar in- the first or iniddle
, thim alinost 'tineutablo tliseuse are
informed . I hat t;iem is a reipetly which has pro
ven successful. remedy I will send lu any
upplicatit.upon the reccipt
Take Particular ,Notice
That t hk. remedy. though it will , :rently alleviate
the *lllTeritws of ttin" , e in the /alt s , c , res it trill
NOT (tire I hen) 1,1%t or 10 - 0.1`,1n Oh` Jrq and
7)/ ad!!, \\ rmi I a enre: and any
4,4, who i.: not have their money
refunded at miee. We do to II nnibli!!
any Oni_ • and rep , at that yto..r mowy will be
refunded'upon application, rfier g',ving the rem
edy a firir rri ri.
Ad dres! , , nr rue of Post 6 1 .11:-c atui Coun•
Dr. A. G. iittnNlTACE,Jun'r.'
Binghaniton, Bioome County,
Executors , Sale.
Y . vi r t o ,, l of au Order of &le made by the
1.1 Orphan's Court nrSusquehanna County. will
b e sold at pu4ii e Salo ou the pr s (tii,e., on Alon=
day, the one o'clock,
i9..11:14.41te . tap0n, all that _co c4iin ; Varni or Tract
9.1 . Land situate' in Ilridin wa; n.hip iri aid
county. li.outulka tiq.por4-11. of Gar
wood ,31iteliell,-.ou the east by lands of D.* H.
Wede.en the sonth by lands of Latham Gardner
and. Siinuel .Cluttobeilin, ; and on the West by
lands p( _ lra . and Daniel Fest?", eial . itaining about
e.iglitv acres of land, with thi) Appurtenances,
one House, ,, one . Barn and Shed at.
Lathed ,and.about ligty ncrei iruprored, late the
estate pi - Lutes Steplveas c dpc.esn.4ll.
-.P. If. %WADE. „ -
ALFlttli t ceutors.'
rAii)ruarY,, Jat h ,,1,857....... •• • 7w3.
IXTOULD respectfully announce tithe la
' V V dies of SI untros.3 and vicinity..khat they
hare opened a'l Fancy Dress Goodi More, on Main Street, over the l!! `a
store, where they' will. be happy4tit - <4oa
their old friends. end alse solicit the patronage
of new ones. 31 is* Chose will attend tip the
Millinery department; the Press-ranking depart
ment will be under the charge of Miss Vatter ,
Nlontruse, Sept,ls, 1856.
T_TOI.LO . WAY'S LAlS'llft XT.
11. Ayers Cherry Pecturtal and Cathartic
Fills. Thu Balm of a Th 4 usand Flowers. Mus
tang Liniment.liattly',A Forrest Wine and
Pills. Myers' txtract of Ifirck Rose. And near.
ly'ait of the Medicines in plarket; For sale at
the Drag,, Fancy Goods ) ] Jewelry. slid Variety
• Store of , • • IAt2EI. TURILELL. •
Montrose, January, 1837. • ,
Look and Read! .
undersigned, JFerchant at Pitnock Fonr
_L Corners, has lately discovered . that for
ready pay lie C3ll S(.11 moreGoods,and make - tuore .
money .nt one•halt . the ususl profits put upon
onntry Clnod2C t.onseqtantly lean sell Cools
front tiro to ten per cent. lower than any other
establishtnent in this section. But do not take
rny word it. Call and 'see tor yourselves.
Bring a little Cash or sumo kind of Country
produce, and buy yotir C Is at a price . unpar.
:dieted in the history of Mercantile trade. My
stock is large and well selected, and I atn re
every week.. y TermK of Sale nro READY Pas.
It will certainly tre.for your interest to can and
see tile before purchasing. elsewhere.
Flour and Salt kept coroatantly on hand.
.flimock, Jin. 13th. 1857.
North Weft Cor.of. &cola and Phila.
CAPITAL, One' Two - Hundred and
Filiv Thous:lntl Dollors.
lorti;Ted in lioutl4, Alortnges, and
tleod . Securitivg. • -
the liw'llusinesi- and ...etin(lition of.l
tlty C'ompany to 2% uvetn!.er Ist, 1856
Premium received nn llar7ne and •
fo. Nov. 14.-1856, §',4214.681
169.79 G 61
Intert. , ,,t o n Lnatl4, • 5.,70.4
Total Receipt', _ . - - - . $400,183 GS
Paid Marine Losses, . $64.427 04
Paid Fire dn. -39737 S 9
ExtienseQ. Salaries and
- 45.459 00
Iteinsuranee, -Filetern
Premiums &
(V• Charges, - - 27.474 63
----8 171,128 GI
Balanee remaining with Cu.,f2.23,057 07
T1:r..1 , .-: - :11 , :01:IIIECONIVANY MO: Al FOLLOWS.:
ILil:ul.•iphi:t City and - -
County . SIG.SI4
Railroad Bunds, 11A00 .
Flrst 31urtvt.s, Real- c eeNt pr:eaqi
Estat...• . - 141.500 00)
Call, • - - - 3:2,100 00.
Girard and ConKrdida.
lion Mink Stuck, .. 54:15 00
Depo-its, with Dolean,
Sherman & Co., New
Dekrred Payment:Z.un
nut yet due, 97,700 00
Nit em Sur Marine Pre-
The 11,tard of Directors have 111;s day declared
A dividend of 151)4..r efnt.. payable ou demand,
upon the business of the ,Company, to the ht
farmers:dia. ''slectanics'
- - - 30.000 00
minas,- . 108.080 00
Due from Ar , elitS, sc•
cured by Bonds
Pretniunis on . Policies
recently i.,ued..stiti
deb:4 due the Co., 26.470 38
- •
.74,4tA 74
- 35.376 18
Company In.sures
end fr. , inSit'u qi,ooo, at the Lim'eNt
Pates t . ..11,iNt0“ ‘vith Security, and Upon the
Liber,l I
.'enris - , and mike Pf: 031 IT PAY:
Al ENT upon the :itlj , i!..tinent under Pun.
is,nt•ti 1.1;
n 1 1856..
113101'11V- LOYLE
of New 31i:fo:(1. Aarq.
HAN9M; completed his eumw a',lTereantile
Eine:alum of eitf4t years, with two of the
most rest - wet:Ade den rs that the e - inntry
has located himself at Lawsvillo Cetitie. where
tie 0.% ill 1w pleased to see his friends . from a):
part~ of the country, and would ass ure them
tAmt h e wilt d„ t h em _mud, if they will Only call
and examine his stook. of Goods, contilmin;:r io
No I of I
Dry Goods, Groceries4ltirdlyare,
Ur Pu !terns and Besi Quality.
lials and Caps, :loots and Shots,
Wall Papes . ts and Borders,
iL b rel las. Carpet Ittao.l
Drugs, and the Most
Popular Patent
Medicines of
the slay,'
From his low , experience in selling.gr4.tis for
this section of country, he flitter's himself that
he will be able to sc;ect goods that will please
ail, an i p!ia::.:es himself to deal honorably with
all ulv . ) ;jive him their patronage. Solicitthg
lat;:e shale of
.your p.itronage, I remain xotir
senant. KIiNYON.
1 nw•ville Centre. Innunrr Ist. ism%
. _
Attention the Whole
HE subserib'er .. reNpectfully informs „his
II friends, (coinurisin.: of course the whole
eonituntlity.) that' the 'New - Briek Store in 1.1?-
m oo vi I le, one door north of the old "Exchange,"
fi:led with a sioek e4.Seasonahie Goods, con,
arising in part of Dry-Goods,Grhet•ries,Crrioi4y,
Hardware, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Cops;
Ready-Made Clothinz Walt-Pqrier,. NN'indow., Fish. Nails. Yankee Notions. &c., and
on; Mi;vii he %%ill. yell Cash, Barter, or
Short Approved Credit, as low ass' can be bought
iu Susquehanna County.
WANT in exelianze, Butter, Grair, Pork,
Poultry, Good}fixed WoorSoeks, in fact every
'it-reliant:lWe article %Mull his patrons have to
se ll h e %ill' buy at fair prices. Cutne one . , come
all, and see St' !ou don't, buy.
J. L. 311:1111151AN . .
Upsonville, Dee. sth, 1856.
CV alTord to be without Xtuitang Linement
in their honfc. The many accidents wc
arc. liable to. may render it naceß . gary any mo
ment. and nothinz is cable of performing such a
certain cure. (Extract.) "in lifting the I;ett'i•
from the fire it caulht and scalded my Hand and
person very serenely---pne hind rdalost to a
crisp. Tile torturp %vas nnbearable. - ILwad an
awful sight. * * * MustariT Liniment
- HEALTH -011,--81011912313,7
THE Blood furvisheg the material of every
butte, mescle, gland-Und fibre in the hu-,
twin frame. When pure, itspcbres health to eV:
ery organ; when corrupt, it neieasarily produces
di%ease. HOLLOWAY'S N LLS operate direct
ly upon the elements of the stream of life; nen.
tializing the priuciplo of dkease, and' thus radi
cally curing the malady, whether located in -the
nerves, thU stomach, the liver, the bowelr,. the
muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other partof
the system.
_Used Throughout the World?
HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are-equally of oads's*
in complaints common to the, whole human races
and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and
Alarming Disorders'.
Dyspepsia and derangement of the liver. the
source of infirmity, and Pufferini, and the Mee
intim erable deathi, yield to tNese curatives, - in all
cases, however aggravated. actin as a mild pur
gative, alterative and. tonic ; _they relieve the
boweds, utility the fluids. and • invigorate the *sys
tem and the constitution at the same time. .
General iVeakizess—Nerrous Complaints
When all stimulants fail, the renovating, and
bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to
the....hakine: nerves and enfeebled muscles of the
,victim eigeneral debility. .
Dolicate Femalos.
All irrezulzrities nod aliments iacident to the
d , littte and sensitive organs of the sex ate re
moved or prevented'by a few doses of these mild.
but infallible alteratives. No mother' who re
gards her own or her children's health should fail
to hire them within her reach.
Sciontific Endorsements.
The London" Lancet," the London 4 Medical
Review and the most eminent Of the fneult:i in
Brent rtritiiin,France and Germany,
.have eulo
gized the Pain and their inventor.
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known
in the world for the following ,disease s s.-: •
Asthma ' . Headaches •
!towel Complaints • Indiaestion ,
Combs Inward Weiltness
Cohis Intionirnation
Ititluenz!l , •
Liver CoMplsinis
I..ownets of Spirits
Piles •
Cps! i Telles!
Chest Diseases
Dycpepsia Secondary Symptoms
Diarrhoea_ Store and Gravel
Fever and Amis. . Venereal ifieetions
Female Complaints Worms of all kinds
"„, Sold at the Mannfactories of Professor
ITM confAr. SO Maiden Lane, New York, and
244 Strand 'London, by all regpectnble •Drua-
Lyi.t.: and Deniers in Medicine throur4hont the
United Statearand the civilized world, in boxes
at 23 cent?. 6-2 1 centa. end $1 each.
rt. 'l'herels a considerable sating ky taking
the hirger sizes.
N..ll.—Directions for -the guidlace of Oa:
tien:x in every disorder are affixed to each box.
n. 40.11;
Guttenburg.. Rosenbaum - & Co's.
B it RE. -
0117111 ERE is a general rush at their establish
1_ nwot, and it. is . reported thit they linen
just reeeit'd, and are daily rectiving s. fresh
supply of
- The trOth of this report canhe best known by
calling; at their store on Turnpike •Street nt the
ro t ~r gublie Avenue. 1170 have on hand a
carefully selected supply of
for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything call
ed for, from a pair 'ft' HosE'to a HAT or BON;
NET. Those wishing to protect their health
from the cold atmosphere 4,,this region, would
d u w e ll to call onus, as we will supply their
wants on loWer terms than any other establish-
!Lent. To our friends, one and all, we would
say. give us a call. and we promise, that you
shall gn away fully satisfied. •
Mont rai.. Nov. 27,1856.
$1.5 will purchase une of. the best
Ever Invented. '
hIE under;:ifyied know prepared to furnish
1 to FARMERS, Millers and others the world
renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller--the wonder
of the times—being the best, most durable,.and
easiest running Sheller now in use. .IVarranted .
to shell more corn in a.shorter space
than any other machine, entirely cleaning the
ear,•from end to end, without crushing either
corn or cob. ,
The Machines. are constructed With two .
cranks, and pulls for a belt, so that two persons
can turn them, or attach a belt in motion by
any power. The attention of persons owning
mitts, is solteited, as the Maehines are wonder
fully adapted to any kind of power. They •are
very easily turned, and when once in motion a
small boy can turn them; they are capable of
shelling ono bushel per minute—every Far Mer
AhuulJ have one—as they save their cost, in
_les than ono seasons.•• •
They aro on exhibition nt Searle's; lintel;
Savre's -Foundry, Ely's Mill in Brooklyn, -and
at. Lathrop's Lai;e*Milts, where they can be'seon
in operation nt acytime.' All orders addressed
to the andersigried, will receive-prompt mien:.
thin. Machines shipped at -a 'distance and war::
ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE.
Al Searle's Hotel.
Montrose, December. 11th, l 856:• •
THIS is to certify, that I have ekamineil and
used one of the above Shelleis,for a*.by D.
D. Siantr., and unhesitatingly pronounce it,.one
of the best, most durable and easiest - running
Shelleri ever introduced into this county. -• It
- will shell mote corn in a shortertimo than any
other Machine, and is always ready for service.
I most. heartily and freely recommend them to
the Partners of Susien County, as the cheapest
and best . Sheller,. now in use. I lave one In
operalion in. my fbill in Dimock, which needs
only to be seen to recommend itself. Call, and
see it..
Brooklyn, Beeeniber.llth,
DiticCEssOn •To• A. & BALDWin.I.
• & Tn. MIES . AND C.SULIAGS , Tnnilitrn
AVOU icVito n 1 who itio Jo
,wont, of,.nny
article ever kept M.S. ilarneasahop togive
him a call •
.11artusis outdo of the best Oak Tanned Leigtp
ers on short notice, • •
HO has on hand a. rood wortotoot xtt Cite
tinge Trioluii Hy,* whish ha- offers on; thel. most
rea‘anablo terms. Carriage Ttionningi . gotta
with neatness 'and' dispatch.,
Repairing done ormshort notice.;
No. "1.3 & 3, Basement Searles /Iota!: ,
'Sfontroie; Nov, 28, 1856.—n49
QPLF,NDID Mark alike at' r :.;
bq. TbSi's.7.l
New Goods.
• brotypeor
Strange.thii:Esitriisitrising-- ;
' 3 .44 111 eV i g All i tkrjC4
Sotne - Oing near *4 tirpristng. -
.411 B. DNANSottteseArtist is near
• prepatigfattiriliate,'lni
„old stylo,ol pietirtsc:thelidtpromedailobtotype;
4 nn cI the
.recently i knyAnte4,Aw:pheg l7 pl k a„
TheaWAmbilitjliei, 'or glass pictures arscdu=
Table,' 'sat and -bfilliatit in , theirtinte tad finish,
and free from.titht.,dark,leoulen,buelstkich, tow
Loon qif te,Pieturesofthisdeseript!on.
Tho'larepitogi'alotehi l ari'unreieiseiffilreneat
on paper, (entirely different from the 'Photo.
graphs.) very lumeepiAle,of colnis, and, much
' yosenitwies a fine, painting on ivory.: They are
just the thing far i naertm gin gift hooks. familY
records; dtc;; or• fer.Mnillag to distant. friends.
Sky Parlor in tho Brick Block;over Bentley
& Read's.
blentrose; Dee: 170 i; 1858.
No: 106 dftathatn4st. 7 cor. of
." •
Keep on hand eAeneivo inna cOmplete itnintri
ment of tin:Oaten pgitations and bovt man tine.
;tures of . . • '
Equal its material, ;make, texture, dutability.
and style, to any offered in.this enun,
try—ind - nt:pnces which cannot fail to Suit chide -
Cssu buyets.. Q.o Ns I &Tx NA 0 r
sit inTe r with linen bosoms, col tars and wristbands
of the Veit qualities i 'inid new and ehoide styles: ,
CALICO e latest and most att raetirepsens
• c riDERAkt knTS and nu SWEB,—or Wool; illerluo,
cashmere, silk and cotton, of &lambic and dura.
ble qualities—and the TtiaorArtiot. under Orin
ents, so highlq amitosed by : Physicians.; : Also
the shaker shirt s and Drawers.._ • .
unAvA;rs',..Sulierior qaality: ' And' beautiful
styles, and 'a
-full assort dient•of itocks,
.NeciYes, Gloves, scarfs, and 31utfiers, of the rich.
ent;kinds. • •
'Siispeaders--;Au almost. endt.'ss variety, in
eluding the - finest:lnd most durable.
Toetet-handkerchiefs—sqlr and Cotton•=plain
and printed—an,miriyalled issortinent..
Half Hose-Weoi and cotton, of the besttex
tun., selected expressly for retail trade..
Horning Robes, and, Gmyos—Elegant Pat
terris. excellent watery, and of the' best make.'
This stock - . grades, from the
lowist,to the richest. that can be • fitoduced—
and haring every - facility for 'lmporting and
manufacturing, not
.exceeded by any other es
tablishment4n thellnited states—buyers, there
fore,y:ll consult.. their intereSi by.: examining
the goods which are. sold at. the
towE:ir,ro!. , s)BLE. PEKES
Goods proMptly delivered at all the
Rail Road =Depots, steamboats, Ac,. andin_any
-past of the isity, without Char - re. • •
• 40 * * Shirts made to order - experienced
hands in stiperior style, at short, notice, ,war
ranted to 6t... \o , machine work -done in
thiq'establishnient.: • - - -
ticlidssilver. plated' steetat4etingo;:iifirecti•
Gold - iiracolets,liwke:ts...WAle- 440'61 ' 6 i".*
1 '6 "i ' .
sleeve luations;:etudi,*erosses; iteitnoiratoberiii....,
,and butter knives, napkin rifles, salte‘lterth.Wlit.,
:land KravyliidleS. rariti•atiesi&: - ; -- '" -'-''" ''',' - '4 . -
it re , , . Pearland shell 'airdt:tases rand4mitemetittitheo ' , Li:
maw ku r , ; ,..1a20 :...
~ .: Carat biyaili.,jet artaluts,fa i.ssitcs, •:,-". :1---; ,--..i .---,
. . One. two :three -incl tour 16ded !colitis -
Shawl, Cloak.& 'Dress Goode Em- ' ' -'' ''.. - .-' '. --(- .--''.."---.
Ba±ot vtol.guttarand violin of ItreA. , `".' .". "`' `J:
- porwa . for, ritll 1806, ' : : ; '-- SomeNery,rieltplated_eaSturs t leaket-As
T T BUR kIiTT would call attention 1 , 4. his tabll l' an -c i, ! te *P r '' ll'iY!l: 4 n4. m r.,-I:Pfltei l gi e f..4s.W , l •
.11.• new stock of.F:ill trnii Winter Goods, 8n tilrers Muff rays, tea setfiii *Qui ankfotks...
including :a great variety of 'Lich Plitt Printa in '.. A intli4. ilid "ri"e:de;l.46ll-eliliit'llftgit":44 Ili ' v P
new StYleS; Plain and Fancy Delaines node:l4r. Britannia. ware, sewing birds, tredlefil.4.s.s.:l
tneres, l'lnin and Fancy Mohair Cloths. Plain Shell, buffalo :Ind ivory combs - . .
~ ..4. ' jt
and Pl a id' Merino - es and Paramettas - , Bled: .- 111 !
: 1 ,'"' 14 thnti : bl.lli4trel i -gt:Elirli: ",_ ' ""L!" .l ',"
Brocade, plain and I'lincy: Stilis:' Wool Bro. w" m
'",""sold 14-lar - 1 9. Went " girth 'Oleg-ft 41- Atemw
rode, Cashmere aitd Silk Shawls, Gents Shawls,' stan d Q!',.. - - ' • -- '- ` ' '
Rich Ri bironi arid FliiiYeris, feidiott Clothi and ' : Atrlizt J. EtA .
. _ -
Righ.,Velveim' fur Cloaks,,Broadoloths.
_Cassi..., - ' '..' ' 4 ' '''' N '''''' l 1 Fiff ' kitit im 'L - '
mers, &C., with a'fai'ge assortment-of othersta. _ Bingitamion,:lioy.•. 1 t .1866.44:7i,- , .. ..`,. t ...., : ,# . „,lrt c ,
pie and Fancy Giuds as itiMid, .incl tiding Ha rd-.:. - - "', - 7 ---- 1 - :71 - 7.'t' -- - ---, T - 7 -- i., ..;. , w‘ ;;t 0 .,- , ) - r, ~v..., , ,, -. 24 . 1 a . ,
cg. t . ,
ware; Crockro, Iro and Steel, ;Paint&N' Importan .-to. DagVAttc.ool4 l 4l6 O ;1:
Bunts and Shries,i flits, Caps, Cloaks, Buffalo • . Mirbid Ti ealet $3 and' iittiot, ,
Robes, Carpeting, '&e., 'with . a large nntl new i - t . - t.- _. ,;:_.2.-.;, :,.., , -1,1 tl , ~...--ILrR,- ,: ii)
assortnent. of Steven ur-tke most approv'ed I, . Monin t ie
~ :. *nerve vre• •Ple, ,111
ntartio, " at ‘`.1443 - •k '
styles and construction, till which will be "sold '
to tneet, the views of the 'closest buyers fur
Cash or apprOved Credit.- ' -
New .NliltOrtl, Sept. 1856
1311.ASTING Powder, Safety Fuse, and Rifle
II Powder for flak by I. N. BULLAitD.-'.
BB A LITIFE,T.L variety of Wall Paper at,•'.s7.] - • KENYON'S.
VINE assortment or Lndie§. Fine Stine., at
12 Jan. Imt, '57.1 K ENYON'S.
itANBERitIES, and new. Rabionm'for - male
by J. N. BU LLARD.
Money': Mone7,, Motley
Wil V
. lost as easy for any. oile to be. amend
with a pocket full as not, if they only think. so. r _
I have got a now - article, from Whirl/ firm- five'
. -- • ,
twenty dollars thy can be made, either by
male or female.'- It is• highly respectable P.4,1(044 1 0-, (Iq-cefr4t,4.-inatif.
nesa, and an 'article whichis . wanted in• every.; "dPee "fa}` Mit amakiiiertilt
tamityia tltt. United-States. Enclose me awl); i.tneatlW
nin,-"let ache twit gdfidritrithil hide''%4bittlP
dollars by niitlVaTircular, - with full. instructions mail, at my risk, and, I will forward. 'the•re4 l , ll wanillg:‘a , `` AAP O•Takii* 10, OAP 41
by returw
institution.".. If you dion't. believe this, - call - st :l
in ihd art. 'lle -business is eery easy.
Try-il, John Grove s Shop, a few steps tram Sentle'stlia
if you are out of employment, ana you will never itelcitpd he will' ; Forwinee. ydn•wirirahoOr rtnt-4 - a
regret it; be. better for .you to pay the 1 . • '-. The.F41,ra.814044,
above sum, and Insu re..a . . good buSlness, than to rat 3 rea'a and BeY's vi r oihiEig for 'lao. s i' L -D4llq,
pay tteenty-liVe eeli.“er t , sperians - ..adi-ertiSe; blunder'into JeWshaiti'eStaldislititeit,..4lieFet
went.. 'thi4 is nu. it !ITry it ! Yea ate likely ,get toWtillvititAtakitarksilikte
Try" ii lAd (I reas• vOn Letters to.' •-. • - shop-, fru 4e, at!vei,,Sj4 f lbulldiat,f t tapt„--
.DWICIiit • NIONROE New Yor k .'„ •Searle'S IIOtet: I' %lilt w rra#i .04 441 to NC
welt :Ito & ut,eitc stifftatittli:4lFtettoiliiitarliiii.
fur-cash down. • • • •
ir d r cutting dope ss ust 3,•,„
r' 7 3ottrir - GROVElilt i '
Manulise .0etq5t6,14,544
t. sent 'olloOf, my eirenlar to an F.dituriin;
fleoqiia and Ini:dare me a notice in Va fralier
tho follosiß • •cr -
"Mr. 3tori roe kit' me ono of Ms el rinlarti, and
I will just sny lb my readers that iyhoirer
you are WA of employment that Mr. MOnroels
imminesh fs'a g'OOd..husiness, ,
and Money can he
mado odt of it, it. is no hutnbair." 52m3.
. • ELECTION'S:OVER! • • •
Thc_Country Quit!.Prospe'rity
• . , , „ _
A 'ND now that ctlutOr has - dome . , Farmern 'and.
111, - „:" provaxf to the.
fruit; of their ,::boil, y (among
reqpirements :to Fixe,sidef 1-. la ppi n ens) - a py.or
two of ionic of th'e 'Ailed.' Book's just- redatived at.;
I,,,,fr o s e lk i et Stare, which can tiad I
sold aiietieniiha at at - O.:other Stern" this'
aide uf N. .even: nt r Evan's Sr,. _Vu's.
great Gilt 1.160 k -sate in' the City, that senile 'int"_
au many Seksdrs - Penktizies. •
Ationg the new Booki aro . . Weatern - 'l3order
Life, tlora:Grailoo, Life (AG 'en:llroliani Three
per e,ettt a Month - or the Peril:4 . 6f Fast Litintr,.-- ,
The 1.a.,i - or Pottigt - Aiii;'Eited, : toriift•Light;•
Violet. ; 'A' Post o(Aetf'Difeeteiy . or 'Beefless:
Man's Guick; a - BooX'that O'er* Hi:tattiest - man in
the County shOold;Own,..tapao.lpeditiort;
ehanie's Teti Book;
• ALSO a . fie*'itoirk - hf;Sehootl3odtii -whietyl
wilt be si:Weitniit the prineipte that - the
sixpence is' better than the ! • •
A r.ew Plipienl Geography of the United=
Stati:it by -- o.'itt:36 - Vairen, the nieestAiiing'hut..4—
th;tard's IfiatofPiif thii- United, Staten , a- - n4tir
Scheel Bookfilet iElenteritary 'Moral tres•
sons for Se 4 iooia Mid Tenn 31...P.liawdery
brat rate thing, Greeh's Element:o. 4 ot '.Engtlitti -
Gratittnnt;; . Calbertui titlwiaeries of - Arithtsietia%,
ati[6:-Xmintiqq's ".•
--- "
iVebnOt ' Dic s tfiltartcs- , itl dhtl "iai 6e
ehebtlet' Oita) that l'enktfifellutese.
, Diaries for I§s7—Azpood alsortnient, and ill
light fl thlif and Atninnnet .fo'r 1851 0 th ei l—
A'=6etilottifDlisink Bbolti,AVritinß Boolis c with•
ettlek; iedited; Pens , sad'
Popo' of 111111reit - itt6 ninr ca or"; fleisiarn.'
rinhhenki" tind!
"a" , L_ 1 199, rark 6 l l /o'ilp Cqlinitratket Slaps ~
o!' ditibtnniAkettrall a.,tite.'- •
N. Mitildlittk" 2 : -
Blonthia, itt'peo ;. to6l '
N. 8. - --thilitifiai - irld'Ne*Neire id] be here
ig a 1 9 , \ d3 Y.!-7
;' 3015?"1.t4-ha tj. .1114.#4.--
7ti' •
414111- 1 3:' ' '-ft.i iilrr i iio. l o l l l. I' l ''
E it aiwER ---- 4irriivr ,
jail 00 Ek
t 1,,,, , ,
0,-%;,/x4,- .- ' •:, •
- .i. 7-
~..t• irt :41 - )
. .
4 , DF4 -" E,„cau *A litTitStG :l o - -..--
A ND the ende*strAirO r siffilkirealOi!,
21. sire stock olfiltp,erAo..r. ,ipisqii d tflode
lately reeeivisqftiiii itii la `76folVo . PIM tali .
hatonent is Bittglaitittif.Thite 7 -rillii‘eira 1/0.1/1211,11 .
failure to our, frieolis.cation•qineisO 0 4 440 k it
Mitring." We pejo:l - T . oogs ,:tire.l. foSit .had
should j udge that "merour:' (*Moot Wearing)
would be all.tbOYri , v 4 ivary to. rani:We tar
public that -r -: 4 , :11 '4 •T '•
04 Z.:'71. 1 '5i - AVI ::
' BLILAIP.AIr f S. et: 474.:1112,44(4/G.4: -• '•
ikt theirkriro,imkt!liteit;lN4M a 1 d li
lhe e9att°o l stir h a v v I h' I '", -B° R 6 7 - 0, 1
sirable eiriel'of.lloolrarid:
......„... 4
"i. 1 l'`..) 1 , 21 it-) • epu ,ti 2 . : 4 :6:-IP
4'; cl l .:. -10,....). ~
ever introduced tido thilitninitetliiittelkiroilitiari . .
(we offer no competition wiO'fgatts4l**goott)'.:
durability and style t ,we' ehOltn,geAcup, -
We are receiving weekti horn_ the „lot 0111011
in New York, tlie - latetiistylaititi'Beitt: lilles -
'or Goodir,irlikitteeitattritsiiettateilVettaltlete. :: ~
Just reedited et large , additioirtiittioetjetforrnelr.-
stock, consisting otßigritu,Pateptiatutr
s ii let tsf
Patent Leather. §liittt ! `l3oitta,; i z ,tt, 4 ... ~,„,,
Gaiters, Shoes ' and Sliiis,` .a i AO ; -14AD/111- . ,
Ciders, Bupkirlt,,Siipi Ansi 801414 E. k9r4,C . 1 4
Also, Boyi,'Yetithit and OildretOr
ere and Shoes, the '&A ihltitiritrif Awl 440
ery thing belonging: toltteet tiedel 42)151). - .7 , 4 I -
Altez aT
All kitaisor-Leat.hei,trimfikire, ,Apitieds"
of work outdo to oille:tora rePltiring_ Coßtitit
• — sirsitAg'&3ltßtt SIAN. -
Montrose, July t1ft,1856:"" ' '''-'''< "1.
...v.•%;.--, ', rII,IIE B,nlm,glg,be, r,.. 14,,5 . c th ud -
...*:.. ': . .1.: dai,fatutnedlrilpi..,liew .
-, F--.lok V ork whh "i faille iiiid well -
' l, .i4.lretort ii44ttnyelli of 3 - , )
.:,t.IA. WA
' • ..',-":" --1 k tNCY COOPS 4i -e.• '• -
, r iL . 1 ,----,..-,*
t title in hi3linct f. ! te- .-4, 1 .9°, 1 1C; ; : 1 10 112di
Louv be ftion --:. ' ' .:‘'' -'. ' '."": ' , -' - ,
Gold and Silveg:' Vale oli iii itiat Itiriet . a
lariiliiiitlilicriVh •- : - Isr 11W - oft -
- -
tin , , , . z.: „
t') _
Cameo, gOidl 1 14
o,*-44qtn rin eiterit frail,
coral and all Idd :11:1 did' 41.:iti"slpina. , " •
biatn and. i. by. Iran rl e u v
arnet, rarne:o, ; :vatiA'
oynx,chaAcd. pl a in and ettitdrieg litiferithirgs.
Gold,idiii:atid :Wild "Watetil'l.C.fizikielliid•
I.lttillart has tong been ;tellect,liir ici
1111,:sert in licAttrabto isiotteetylXigitOetreolliiri -
Lihenfisetell,to floadatfineo,and,4lotormiptils.,;-.lisi
have been_ inuerifacturion. these tuies for tho . ,
Ino4 tufo yearta, aril'A
esti rtautitleititrleseei4o . `
the psoure for ajonfi. numbUrof rests;
The outside Foxeniiiitk.uf .
and "the loos whieh melee •s .fhe
Weeirs_-it' in a Afdfci
great :limber of yonrut , is nut& of brftss i ,k.isseregitt,
&hr. „If makes a very n eat. jutt,crt A It tl adtftofit y ,
fir most - unit - 4f. They 'are used in 'Grjeliwiell
Cemetty, Atibtirm Latin. 11.111;Itifikoisit" ,
other Centutrietiinthe'..VoitedtStotgo.—;f • ;•1
Alihßratdittruntinitcht Martitskjlejtorapd
al:sue:m(o rtive trOtii .1112`,61T
$9,90.' A -Oreille :tif ' , ertgrucingiilolll , s6
any. addressi„free. With •price Nat. .Addrtuot.,
A. It. 'BALDWIN; Ail. of
ti2m3.l 385 itioadway,llloo
't • : ' - '7 7 ,7 iri r s .•; kt , ?.•
Airkt TVREfEIifT4
K c-e tt i 1 .1 1 - 1
and ,-a Firs , M llO Ass,so l Pwl; -- 9 (1_ 1 :10)
~Motitiosev-Pa, : - - , ' -: . , i , : , . :4-,ir.1`,4
Evans's ,Gregt :0.41, Zlook:
. . . . „:. salp.,. -,, f.".-'1'1',1 , 41 lljt , 14 4 4.
4" Brc,aid,;l,9"*.:lVtf
N. XRAIF , II: ir.. '
.4 ,
rINB 601.. D .1 - L-WI.n.Y
.Glii E A WAY,X: i ,,r,
' " 'I ) IIR6IIA.S.EItStiIF I BODitg,.' - ' " 1 ' '
ALL Books snld as ilitiqtreilirlbaltiiii
13 ut " he r §Y'res,ln4.l4 of. Ottn-k!itl!!!.E,Pit.w.
•Boolim - received itaili. A 6ift Naiying in valutt
front _5 dent ssto
the itnil'it., is' sultLl ,, Ravittit? urilsiltie arlrepi -
targe stpck V l neiati,4,calugYli
ely i kicstifj-4# 4)44,
motto. la': Large Sales and 1. man . prufitts7 re aro '
deletiniibid' .. -tert.itir tini iiiStntaki l beitgi i tak,
g ai0.1.J.30. Can . Int. lad , ebiewboro.s "ailuiyAirstu
published in Neil: York or libiladelphin willAyi
prothptly sent, elite included, On receipt of pat.
11itthef.e.,price.,,Cat.a)ogUe..uf- - -119.olteritIdttratt. -
tluts, containing ftill.tivintatiptokyiil ,t , 4a '
free to`aii t f;afts Wfitie" Cotin , ':
try. i ' '.- :-. ''''''.: '
Tho:inoot LiborittinditarnatitrOlitioalferettiti'
i Aga. .$l-,..,:-Wt0r46.4::b..y tio4ixg,or:.wk,
i for te,n books, ioltit money, incloati,riatti .e bc,at
titteditt'lifnira 116‘orilatai. - --- r'
k f - 1
, MI btherirfor:Vot#l,4:eau tichitnitine e , i ; I
epu n r so9gr,F l 5. leV) N
,PW 4l O9g te`fitit . -
toe.. ost ave n ero the aro m file d ; Aß
reCtedoto Ek.stni;''.*...Pedi.; 449 - qt ' i•bdayi if
y , c; lll #fq/ 1 7 114 11 11 .9Pii : ! a e ,41 1- . 4+9 1 ;e:
hint It 'S,ticet. thlia pipliut; J. It. I. oil
&Ca.l-Plitillidetphtii AA Oriel - V*6*re/ - ;.-
wiravii*WtYptitti aitibp.4l4llwica*Maiiikitto
Ne* tork. fig ;sc4 404491410gyP - -
- I i-$• -- airAlks'it - c0:. - - -
..,..,„Prjriopat.,§wgl,449 1,4404..);
liijakti 4forito at'l2F,flivitinuf.ciikbpsf.o44o
wi t igi ir i tt if ii *.t.:-. ; •. ,a.,-, ~., 1.
_ . , r , ... , • - - - _ _ w
•,,,74.! ..k , tAilit I. ` - ‘4 ,,, ,:i .i i iii.1 1 . ' '''!•A•l 1 . 0 6. 1 , ,, sFik .
I' , 1 ;', 74 : 1 N 41131 4 11111 W -- . 9411 , 4 , 11 41 1 111i* . o r liiii. ---.
#4 pie* 1'4 ; 10 40 -1 16 1 0 -: 'fi *Re.
_ ll '4 7 - 7 11 101Yrriti ItX
IV 7
av / i ikir
ANossititibv.4 kr:. 7,,:., itiirbibiris Ictiti SirielNA
t lf -7iIW;4A4r ,F .
1 . 1";.43( 74S