Thot,C4grtms mai t gAttixt". folloorto g Nibs 'Eel tcr)the •rof At eignerg ;relative to, Road .Viamete inkbelaware county, anktelativo to the Coretier et: The bill to z authorize -Perhiii;l;ratiia Coal Company -to in - eke ittio , Newl ;emir ivit4 PaSie.Lqe, Ic;ilaYS 9: -"' The bill to ineorperat4'the Iron Compauy,was:pasSed'by - a siMilar vote. A reselutiim was,paesed fixing .the . 17th of )tlarch for the election Y,f State Treasiirer. • AdjourneiFtill Monday at 3 o'cl6ik, .-+ ijou4.—The COnOittees reported favera,, blv, the bills to fßectrporate. the Logan • suranee Company, and.,,to-,allow. the MN, and reading Railroad Omir's , to ruri - their,caril through certain parte:of the , eity. ,(1 Mr. Jenkins read in:place a bill relative to' Banks, and Mr. Zimmerman one velitiYe the Railroad. law. The vacating Geoige , st,rect, ,F,oerteetith . Ward ,was ,A bill was alsopassed pre' ribing the mode ; for recovering ground 'mitt, , Adjourned till Monday at 3 o'clock/P. M. Nptice: iThe friends Bariqiipd!. 4,3 3 1 are respeetful!y incited co;oito4 'a, cliAnti'oiiyUit . at the Parsonage , ,on „the stfteinoop„ 11 14 eve. ning of Wellesday,:rolat:n4.,2sth 6 - rdtT of rgyinlitto;,- MAWBar • Feb. 13tb,-By H. M. GEROULD of Covington. 119,ga,P0. r. 4., to 311,4 s sALLIE %V. BACKUS, of Brjagwater,:Stisip . la'Co.. Pa.. . a. • In Montrose on thu 15th inst. by E,lder D. Dimock, Mr. Mencrs Cssi, of flopbOttom De pot, to &rise CYNTILt Snsoi, Of Aisrffod. 818• La Lathrop Jan. I6th, 1357 &P.m, wife of Dsvtioi, and the -eldest--danghter of Jam . and ELIZEBETIT Alio - 23 l'enni.z• = The glory. is • From a once bright:And-14py home Loves dearest tie isliroktn, The destioying angels come. O must one so young suld lovely %VIIMei in deaths - cold cnibil.ce, , And is yopder church yard londy'' Find a uiet resting place. a , • Yes site'i gone 'and_ sot forgotten; Thotigh to think of lieris . rain, In the howls °foil :whp. knevr.h4 Will bet image lonvemnia. ; . We ran searie eclietn lo we'Ve l ost her, unreal does it seem '-That it flits across the memory Lilco some wild and fitful dream'. 'Ye whose hearts are. well.tigh.breaking, Smarting "nesth afflict/OLN rod. . Hear- a voice-within ion ,saying; . • Peace-4t is the hand of God. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T IST Or LETTERS ietnitininiln the Mon. LI trose Post Office; Feb. 'lsth; 1857. taker D S • 2 " Branor Peter •-• Bennett Henry.. Kerrigan Patikk "taker Nichols Mills Joiirr-NL• ;- Catlin Charl'e's • - := • lilahan Walter' - • . Case T L • •;- -111aDin4idselatnes • tinier M'rron • Martin Mr - s Anna D Vluna Miss Margaret Mekintv. M iss H. Depue Samuel R: • . • v.Osborne - MiFin Helen Diens C Pierson %V K: Davis Melren Reed 3loses Darrah E Rogers Mrs Mary P. Fairchild Mica Lucy F Sutphin. R. IL . Griffin Patrick: • Stone Stanley • Green Miss Susan Salsbury Mrs llctses A. Gardineer Mrs Mary Smith Miss Ania W Ibiltsman D W 2 Uri M5l • Hely A - - Van HuraJ W. 7 , Harris David D • West Wm P Ilerieliu F Wright." W ' Limber Mrs SA • Wright Jolsn C. • •-•- Knipp F W • Wright Mrs Mary Ann Persons calling tor any .of the above lelters' will please say . • A.-N. BUI.iiARD;II. • - .-NeTICE. - ••• • IHE Count) fArnonistiouers`bave fixed upon The following day and•dates rsspectirely, for hearing Appeals from the Assessments-, for the year 1857, .at the Coin niasiotrer's office, in Montroise, to wit': . ApoiacoeXtroconitt, Fore§t take, Frion& villa and - Mid3letown, lifonday, - Fob. 233, 1857. Franklin, .Liberty and -Saves: Lake, Tuesday, Feb. 24th.'- .Aubars; Jessup and. Rusk ItVednesd!q, Feb. Bithoeic, Lathrop . and-.Springville, -Tiai*day; • Feb. Whh. - -Great Bend and New Milford ; Friday, Feb.. • : Harmony, Oakland and Susquehanna Borough, Mon*. March Bd. - • . Ambit ; Jackson an,d Thomson, • Tuesday. March Sd.• Gibson, Ilarrord and Herrick, thnrsday, March SIX:, 7 - -: _ Badge - Virdn'r, Moßtruinntid tinOilirr, Friday, March 6th. - ; • -• By 'older '431 lhedonithissionera • WM. A. CROSSWA'. Clerk. Cbnimissiimers' Office,4lontroie, January 21st, A D.,,,1867 Publid Saie. WM; r;spuselat,.Pahriii Bale Mon -I'V day; -the - 2d day ref March, - 1857, on the premises formerly ocenpiedliy knosTewksbury *Brooklyn, the following prOperty, Two Cower one two-year, old Heffer, one pale 'of Steer Calves, one set-of .Blaekamitlw. one Two Horse Wagon,' one Two Marisa flar: bees, a quantity of liarin.b.aro,Wne•Honseotad ;Aber things not mentioned. , Terms made known on the day-of:sale. troomy „ . HO3IA.S . :ROBINBON.: a, February 9th, 1857. 7vt-34* - ' 4. Sieerilfrs Nislon. '''' ' - IDY virtue .of writs of Vela gs.,inuf4Pilt of the c.ourtotcornotika Plean.of WiAta ing_ Oeutty, and,io....ine . .direde4S-4. will itpose, . sale at the Court noose In Kontmse, : of kintnr-' day, tbe.2lst day of Feteiy, inst., Altaic o'cldek,, P. M., the followinl4sl fist s44,?!" 1 1 1 -: all shut eiiitipt n *,ft nifluCullilisid*4ol,- sind leiiigin die to*ahlk, Of Ruili;iolie coatii 4 of susilueluthin . , boliuded nod 4Useribed as Villiiioni:to.wit; On.* Aortikhy r latsloPf Stiles Estus, on 414-eai4t by landn'Oectiyied brtlent,v Vatus,.on thisithilyiseuis iiiewntli foecupled toy - Starling Hi rd,on'the went *iv lands Of .los:; Limitary ar.d m. lAke. Defendsureinte*lf 'being. the undivided half of the abovf,doiffi I °4' l ,4 l Pcinedlo`ennjaiti 'fifty' itre.ti; liiheiatere moot' or'leits,'` one log house, oriejq'himeAtkr . : vitae; andd - abbot twenty' acres iinprovi4.7„...., Seized and tiken in eseention atthe Snit -45. S': - Gisi4t fo • itserOf, Spencer -& porte_r L ys. lbernates - flirknr." .. .. —,..... ' . ALSO - All the clgiii , tittii Sind interest of 1 the elelendaint,of- in sale; fiat iieitiliiiji"l7... erlarcel of laud fitaste and lusinifititheimeC.4 ship of Springville;;kf - thei.;connw .4118usqu'ao and bounded anddesclbed as On the north by lends of Butturill and Strict." land, and on tbe4ilitliy hitilWrieury Drinker; sad • cdt Alle=sotith:by-laidirlif , Oniatn r Ciati64 Ate oft Alto west:bylstideofilif:-Caleen.ton.s tainint abbittl.oo: nitres of land. mom or less one small framed house. one onnalMalnedincil: one orchard:gadabout 49 ncresttipmved. - '— Seised iiittd3aiainliwekeettilogacillipllfft ilif sus. Geoyer :to- WM- of Elpeno,st:W IV ISue 31 , Oziiitilit•ANOver,- , ' , , - - ~- -,- • • . : - ".p$- )7- .. ..... ... . /lbw/ Ctr Ottioe,l Meet:ea., Feb. pd, 1657. AtudaistvittovAoliktimi :11W-UllitteAkLlateltrefiAtt 001 44„ lim.Estatcof t S. PLAinPardi late-.9f the' tow* ;011..Sesquebanna, .doooased,. have ,ttOn grintod , to Abe:asibacTibor;.-4.11/iersonn indebted to.tho &int estate 4lre requeoteti to mak o.imtne. diateipaypient; oat those having:claims . . against tkq same; will prosont. them duipautbantkatted for,sotAsakent, to ; • RIBLIATUN . r, Administrator, Auburn, Jan, 280) 1 1857. • , sw6* . LIMIT= PARTZTERSIELP . NOTICE is luireby given that kit:el:lron:ally 1-11' with the-statute concerning limited partner snips; we the'subse ri tiers, Moses C. Tyler, Daniel 11.4.4iirence, James M. Griggs and John A Kingsbtirxido hereby certify that we have form ed partnership pursuant to said stat ute. :; > ;: That such partnership is to be conducted tin der the name and firm of LAWRENCE, GRIGGS &•KINGS.BUIW.• ,That the glebetat , nature: of ths ,bpsinees ift be transacted is, he buYing, selling and trading to straw goods, mil linery goods, hats, cape furs, umbrellas and such other artieles,sts ;ire, usually hold there with in .the city of : New. York, That the said Daniel IL Lawrencec, James M. Griggs and -TAW A. Kinsbnrr, are the General Partners"; that Thitilei H. Lawrence and James M. Griggs reside in the City, County and State of. New York; that the said John A. Krngsbii ry residCs in Jersey .City, Hodson County' 'nuti . State or New leiliCy;* and that the said, Nloses'C. TYler is the Special partner interested in said partnership; and thnt ho resided in AfontrOse, SnsiviehanntiCotmt.Y, ,State of Pennsylvania, and assuch Specint'Partner, the said Moses . C.l'yler has ..ontributid to the common stock of till partnership, the sum of six thousand. &Mrs in easV actually paid in. That the said partnership is to commence on the first day of JtaitlarY, 1857. and to 'terminate on the thirty find.dity of Deceniber, 1859—Made and signed thli'3lst day of December, 1856. • DANIELH: 'LAWRENCE, JAMES . M. GRIGGS. • Gen'l Parnt. JOHN A. KINGSI3URV, MOSES C TYLER., Spedal Partner. •5w4 * THE SATURDAY EVEAING POST. TitAltst Paprr. SautpicAusabers Furnished Gratis. EXAMINE FOR. ,VourtszLves. Apply to the poblkhers .." •'• tOk.',ACON.k PETERSON, Zw4.l -: 66 South Thitd-St., Philada ‘- THE ORDER OF THINGS - E V.E:R.ST v LL 'persons indebted. to the firm of It. Thayer & Co., and It. Thayer. Jr. are hero: by notified that unless they call and settle im. rnodiately, custs will be mar. • • - •. .R. THAYER & - CO. ,AT l r k ire, Jan. 29th, )837. To Consumptives. MHOSP.of lon ntio nro in the first nr middle _L stages of this altno . st uncurable disease are infoived antihero is a ,nomedy which has pro yen fi,:uccessfui. This remedy 1 will seud to any uliplic:int: upon theyeeript of $54- .Take Particle**. Notice . That Ibisietifedv,tVoligh it will greatly alleviate the sufferings of those in the'tast . iterges it will Nor -cure them.; but for those ih the ;first and middle sttr.we will Warrant a cure; and'any one Who N not inthfird Can haie their money rerundtrit&onee. We do not Wish to humbug any one ; and rept at. that yourlnoney will be refunded upon application, tiler giving the rem v &fair Hai. - Address,giving name of Post - 011ie° and:Conn. ty, • - Dr. A. G. IateNDAGE, Jou'r. Binghamtnn, Broome County, 'im3.] N. Delaware, Lackawanna & W. ft :New and expeditious broad gunge reale from the North sodlr', via Great Bend and-Scran ton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming directly through to New York and adelphia. On and ,after Monday, J4n. MO, 1557, trains will be ran as Solio%s: Cincinnati Express Train' bound east on N. Y. & E. R. It., arrives at Gt. Bendat 8 A. Al., fain I Owego, Binghamton, &c., and connects with the i ENirfIESS Train wide!' leaves Great Bend for ,' New York, and l'itira, 8.30, a. tn. 1 Due at Montrose, 9.03, " , Scranton, . 10.40, " Stroudsburg. 1.2'7, p. tn. Delaware, 35 minutes to dine, 2.00, " 1 ' Bridgeville, Pia pass. leave 2.25, " lunation, - . 3.35, " New York; 7.15. a Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier, No. 2. North river, at - • 7.30,a. m, From Philadelphia, leave Wainnt at. Wharf, at 7.00, " . Leave Junction, i 11.15, -' Daunt Bridgevilie, Phil. Connection, 12.15, p..m.• Delaware, 15 min. to tine, 12.45, " Stroird9ulr, . i 1.27, - Scranton,' /, 5.50, " Montrose, ..1 5.25, " '.. Great Bend, ' ' • ' 5.55, " Connecting-at Great Send with the ' -Mail Train West nt 6.10.. p. in:, t Scranton Actinnmodation Tmin,:eates • fkranton for Great Bend at . 10.45, a. m. Arrive at Great Bend-, :1.20, p. in. • Connecting with Rochester Accommodation East: and Day Express West, on N. Y. &E. R. R. Returning, Imes Great Bend at 3,20 p. m.. Due at Scranton. • ' 7.10, " For the accommodation ial Way travel on the Southern Division, a Passeng.or Car will be at tached-to the Express Freight Trains, leaving Scranton at . - 6 00a.m. Dar'it Stroadsturg at . " ' 10.55 " ,• ," Jurretbm at - p. 03 p.m. Returning, will leave Junction 'at %VW a. m. Due it-Sticiwiabarg at.. 6.50 " , " Scranton at ' - . 12.40p.m nrssertms from New Yorit.wilrchange cars at Clarlistßie. •." • * - _ . • :To aimi. from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. It., leave or Inkeitio cars at,Bridgeville. " For Pittaton, Kingaten,and Wilkestiarre, take It: }Leaps at Fur: Jessup, Archi bald,. and L'lrboaciale,change qua at Grernv - /. I . l itAttlit aold andlbaggage checked between ail stations on connecting roads. Pastaertgemao and from ‘Vilkesbarre, Wrom ing, &c., via Lackawanna & • Bloomgburg *Rail road. go through without any detention at Scran. ton, im....tha tramp on that road. run - in .connection with the*' E x presslraini ~ the & W. It. paseiengdm May leave Rinaldo' at 9.30 a.' is, and anlive Philudelpbia at Bp. m, Or N. 'York at 7.15. - p An. • Returning, leave ''Philadelphia" at 7 a: in., or New'Yorirat.l.3o, 'and strive in : Kingaton at 5 Fare from Kinviton, Wyoming and Pittston tOVhilndelpfhta, *4,50. to New • Tikkatamold, and Datrtram checked through. .••••' BRD3BlN,'Stiet. • Vitii i . l soiiria.fieul Tieket Arent. Executors' Sale; 300 Y virtneWien'Order4f:lls4 amide by; the JVArphigsSolirtoffinequelaannacontoty;win be r sold ikt.Pabijp•Sale,4the premises, ,on Delon; clap, the , 9th 40ypthLwebakeat, at. ose o'clock, In the itiketniian,:alf that Feria% rarni or Tract of tit townshll) in *aid cOntiey;itnititidid +Atm voith' by !midi of Gan: woodDlitehpq, on the east by, lands .0f it' H. Wade, on the r 4>nth i bilinnii lAttrint Gardner and, Sanlieton- tbW-wiet by lands of Ira and Mode! ioster."contalaingabont eighty sots of land: With!. the appnrtetutneee, onelDwielling - -ilonsitrn,;and tilted • n1 t tacked; end Atheatordxty "afiroved, late the eatalsof /smear Rh:phase deceased. WAD& • ALFRED S3'EPIIEICE,4 li? ) Wl; 4- " /I 711.3. , „ nocKEr KNIVIA-1- 2 'lO fug* voisortmen'i of 4 - Ow bvit -21311REWS. NE'T R. R. ROUTE. . f 1 Oaluothy QTANLEY.TURAELL'OTIMOTHY I.J 3,4rranted pnro ; ;Fait. into -by: • • . - • ;. • • 1 - ;ABEL ITURILEtt. Moatroso, /unary 20th, 18.57. , • • ' .T_TOLLOWAY'S I'ILLS AND OINTMENT. .ILJL Aver's Cherry .and 'Cathartic Pills. Vhe Bale of a Thousand Flowers. Blus. tang Liniment.. ; Dt.lfalsere,l l oitest Wine and Pills..3lyers' Extract of Rock. Rose. And near. ly all of the Aletlicines in Market:, For sale at the Drum Fancy Goods, denielrr. and Variety :Store of ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Januaiy, 1857. MR SALE. 40,000.2'r s r !! at t rk 7 ifl i, i l ll t i ' n l ; per hundred loaded on the CAN in quantities to suit buyers, and warranted a good article. Address the subscribers at Hainencil le Sasses Co., N. J. IL. C. & W. CLARK. • Jantiary 15th, 1857 • Lookand Read! • SOMETHING NEW T HE tirle rsigned,Merchant Warnock Four Corners, has ;lately • discovered that for ready pay he can sell moreGoods,aud make more money at ono-half the usual profits put upon Country Goods. Consequently I can sell Goods from five to ten per cent. lower then any other establishment. in this *section. But do not take my word for it.. Call and see for yourselves. Bring a littler Cash or some kind of Country produce; and buy'yotir Goods at a price unpar alleled in the history of Mercantile trade: Aly stock is large and well selected, and I am re ceiving NEW ADDITION'S every week. My Terms of Salo are Rim:Yr PAY. It will certainly be lur your interest to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. 'Flour and Sidt kept constantly on hand. . WM. li. THAYER. Dimock. Jan. 13th, 1857. 'firintrs 110 INSURANCE . 0011P.ANY North IY est Cor. of:Second and Walnut -sl., Phila. One Mitlion Two Hundred and lilty Thoutiand llollurr . Ass Errs, 3523.057 - 07, ,invented in BOnds, Mortnes, nud Good &entitles: THE FOLLOWING, STATE:IIE3IT Libiti; the the. Business and Condition of the 09tupany to November Ist, 1856. Premium received on Marine and Inland to Nov. Ist. 1856, $214.684 60 Fire Premiums • 169,796 61 Interest on Lon = - 8,704 47 -Total Receipts, . - • . . $.100,185 0 Paid Marine Loses, - $64,427 04 Paid Fire do. . . 39,737 89 Penses.Salaries and Cotrnissinnw, - 45,489 00 Reinsurance, Return Pfeuilunn: dt. Agen ey Chrges,• . . . 27,474 68 $177,128 61 • Balance rentainitig with C0.,8223,057 07 " - ilk Assrrrs OF TIIE COMPANY ARE A 5 r9LLows: Philadelphia City and County Bonds, $16,844 181 Railroad Bonds, . 11,000 o u Pa cost pricesst Mortages, Real . Estate, - 144;.500- 00) Stock s,Collaterals,On Call, - -- • • 32,400 00 Girard and Consplida- tion Bank .tit0ek,.•5,2:25 00 . Depo,its with Ducan, Sherman &Co.,New • York, 30,000.00 Deferred Payments on - md yetdue, 97,700 00 Notes 14.,r 31:trine Pre -7 108,080 00 Duo front Azents, 4e.. • cured by Bonds. - 35 : 37G 18 Premiums on Policies recently ihhued, and • debt-4 due the Co., 26,470 38 B_Llance. in Ilat,k, 1ff,•06.7-1 --- - , ---$523;057 This.L:Limpzny lusuresiluildinotg,3lerchandizr, and Stock, front $' tu to titzs;ooo, at the Lowest Pates consistent with Security, and upon the most Liberal Terms: and make l'aomil• PAY MENT.Mpon t usi Wein bfLO 3 / 5 C.3 Under Poli cies issued by - thcm. • The Board of Dirt tors have this:4lB"y deela rid a dividend of 15 per emit., payable on demand, upon the haziness of the Company, to the I.zl instant, Hon.THOMAS R. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD R. HE LAI BOLD, Secretary, Philadelphia, November 17th 1856.. 52m6.1 ' TIMOTHY LOYLE Of New Milford, Pu., Agent.. • R. KENYON HAVING completed his conse of Mercantile Education, of eight years, with two of the most respectable dealers that the cAuntry afford:, has located himself at LaWsville Centre, where he will he pleased to see his friends from al! parts of the country, and would assure theM that he will do them good, if they will only call and examine his slock.of Goods, consisting in part of • Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock erys Of the Newest Patterns and Best Quality. Hats and Caps t Boots and Shoes, Wall Papers and Border. ) • Umbrellas, Carpet Bags Drugs, and , the Most, Popular Patent Medicines of the liar, • !. alke. Pram his long etperience in goods for this amnion of country, he flatten; himself that he will be able'to settoet r.oos that wilt please all, and pledges himself to deal honorably with all who give him their patronage. • Soliciting a large share of year patronage, I remain your servant, KEN ON: Lawsville Centre. lannatr Ist. 18.67. Attention the Whole T HE ik Itsol e r respectfully _informs his friends, {eomprisimr, of course the -whole 'coon:Amity.) ibat . the New Brick Store in Up. sotirilleoine door north of the old ' . txchange, is . filled with a stoek of Seisonat4eGoods, con sisting in.purt of Dry•GoOds,Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Bunts and Shoes, flats nod Caps. Rea dy - MadeClotbiag,:.Wall•Yuper,Wind ow , Shades, Fish, Nails, .Yankee Notions. &c., and so on, which he, will. sell for Cash, Barter. or - Short Approved Credit;a* low as can be bought in Suwinehanna Cotintr. . . WANTED' sn exchange, Butter, Gralc, Pork, Poultry, Good ?diked Wool &mks, in filet every Merchant ble artiele;w•hieh his patrons . have to sell he will bay at fairpriees: Come one,eotoe all, and see if ; %ou don't buy: • • • J. L. MERRIMAN. Upsoville, Dec. 542,185) *.- SO 24MILY CAs affordto be without Mustang Linement in their horse. The many accidents we ar e liable to, my-render it neeesaary any mo ment. and• nothing is eable of performing . aueh-a certain care. (Extract) "in lifting the , kettle from the fire it caught and scalded my hand and Person- very 'aeremly..-cne band almost' ter a crisp. , The torture was unbearable. It wet an awful eight: " t The Mustang Liniment appeared to estraetthe pain tlin oat immediately. :It.tundeti rapidly and-. left no sear of amount. Cass Foams, attt :Broad-greet, Phi/add/Ala." It is truly a wonderful article. It will'eare any =NW utliwellicog,Blirnk, Stiff Joints, & pti m a* or Riteumitiem. For horses it abenld novertie dispepsed with. lOnh• wOrtft of Militant has frequently eared a valuable horse. It cures Gilds; apraibailtingbones; Spivins and dent: 'Beware of iMitatiOn.r. Sold in till parte of the habitable flik)bes, • • • -• •!, & PittUr, Proprietors, New York. A MEDICAL:REVOLUTION 1 , TELE W OIL L,D ' . , ILINA.NII.IOUS - ' f •. • , i ••'' -lc irk. `) r 3, 4 4111%,. ..frzl,.. e,::•,_ i. ', 4 ., , .. . 1 • -1; , 1 4 , w, v.c - . X . ,11.« c' ;"S(•,'e ' 5i t.7, - I pg..‘ 'i -- 4 . t .,,-.• „. ;If , 1 lc .. i ,..„\ r r• fr ' - `i::- ;.- ./ ; , e,' \ 4 1 41; 4 4 :. i --•-:„, - 1, :€44 4 1.4 ) ,--y: -.1.--4 .0 . ,-7 C. vs( ~,,..‹...44. Je qv t ~.. HOLLOWAYS' OINTMENT. The Great. Counter Irritant!! T"E virtue of t ' its ho disease often makes i way to the internal organs through the pores of the skin. This penetrating Ointment, melting under the hand as it is rubbed in, is absorbed through the same channels, and, reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly and invariabty subdues it, whether located in the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, or any other im portant organ, It penetrates the surface to the interior, through the countless tubes that com municate with the skin as summer rain passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re generating influence. Skin diseases and Glandular Sw©llings• Evers- species of exterior irritation is quickly redu-ed by the antiintlammatory action\ ot this Ointment. Angry - Eaurrimrs, such as SALT Rffetnu, EtysirEtsi, TETTER, RINGWORM, SCALD BEAD, NETTLE RASH, SCAMS, (Or ITC t) &c., die ont, to re•urn no more, under its application. Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves its infallibilitp in diseases of tha skiu, the muscles, the joints and the glands. Ulcers, Sores, and Tumors. The effect of this unrivalled external remedy tipen Scrofula, .and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. It first discharges the poison which produces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures which its healing properties afterward complete are safe as well as permanent. Wounds, Bruises. Burns, and Scalds. In cases of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused by-steam explosions. Bnvist s , , But:Ns, SCALDS, • Ratewt.vrzsm, STIFFNESS Of the JOIN?*, , and contraction of the sinews , it• is employed and wvinly recommended by the faculty. hits marvellous remedy has been. introduced by it* inventor in person into-all the leading Hospitals of Europe, and no private' household should be without it. Undeniable Testimony. The Medical Staff of the French and English Artniasin the Crimea• have officially signed choir approval of llolloways' Ointment, as the most reliable dressin for sabre cuts, stabs, and giinshot ,wounds. It is :114C used by the ii3r geons-of the Allied Navies. Both the Ointmrat and Pills should be used in the following cases : Bunions,Soro 14,75 1 /turns, : - Sore Breasts, Chapped Hands, • - Sore !leads, Chiliktoins, Sore Throats, . Fistula, Sprains, . Gout, . : . .Stiff Joints, Lumba!To, - ' • Silt Rheum, Nfereurial Eruptions, Scalds, .. Piles, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, i - Tetter, . Rintzworm, I Ulcers, Swelled Glands, . - Venereal Sores, Sores of rll kinds, ':Wounds of kinds. *,a Sold at the Mantifactories of Professor flottowar, 80 . Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand. London, by nll respectable Drug. aisis-and Dealers in Medicine thron ,, hout the. Unit'd States and the civilized •world, in pots,. at 25 rents, 62 1-2 cents, and $1 each. F ... - There is a considerable saving by ta kin(' the . larg•er sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every ditiorder are :Axed to each box. 0ct2n4,0 GREAT EXCITEMENT AT Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's: • STORE, rpIiERE is a generahrush at their establish -1 meat, and it is reported that they hav', just received, and are doily. reeding a fresh supply of New Goods. • The truth of this report can be best ktiown by calling at their store on Turnpike Street at the foot of Public -Avenue. We have, on hand a csrefulky selected sdpplv of READY .11ADE CLOTHING, for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything imll id for, from a pair of HO,E to a lIAT or BON NET. Th-lse wishing to prOtoct their health from the eold atmospher e in this region,. Would do well to call on us, as we will supply their wants on lower terms than any other establish ment. To our friends,•oae and all, we would say. give us a Can.. and xvc promise, that you shall go away fully satisfied. GUTTENBERG ROSENBAU3f & Co. Montrose. Nov. 27, 1856. FARMERS! $l5 will purchase one of the 'best CORN S E LLERS and SEP:q:A•roits Ever Invented. rjr BE undersigned is now prepared' to furnish _L to FARMERS, Millers mid others the world renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the tinaes—keing the best, most durable, and easiest running Sheller now in use. .Warranted to shell trio..n corn in a shorter space of time, than any other:n=l.ll)e, entirely :cleaning the ear, from end to end, without crushing either corn or rob.. • The Machines - are construrfed With two cranks, and putty for a belt, so that two persons can turn them. or. attach a - belt in - motion by any power. The attchtion of persiins owning mills, is solicited, as the Machines are wonder fully, adapted to any kind of power. They are very easily turned ; and when once in motion a small boy eao turn them; they are.capable of shelling one bu.hcl per minute—ccery Farmer A h en u h ave o ne —a s they save their cost, in les,than orke seasons. They are 'on eshibitiori nt _Searle's Hotel, Savre's Foundry, Elv's Mill in Brookixa, and at 'Lathrop 's Lake Mills, where they can bE seen 'in operation at ary time. Ali orders addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt atten tion. ISi:whines 'shipped at a distance and War. tinted to operate: • D. D. SEARLE. At Sesrlesiklel Montrose, Peeembet, 11th, 1856. CERTIFICATE, THIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one of the above Shetiers, for sale by D. D. SELIILE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one of the best, most durable and easiest running Sheller* ever introduced into this county. It will shell more corn in a shorter time than any other Maelfme, and is always ready for service. I most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Suiel'a County, as the cheapest and best Sheller, now in sine. I have ono in operation in my mill in Dimocl, whiclh needs only to be seen to recommend itself. Call and see it. AMMI BLY Brooklyn, December 11th, ;spit G. F. PORDE/al, - totrccEsson To A. & E.. BALDWIN.] XANUFACTIMER or SADDLIA HARNESS & TCUBVI AST) CASCIA - 6r. TRJMNEE, ;.• '.- 11,7031.714 D invite all who,are. in want of any article ever kept ata liarnessahoptogive him .a eat]..: • r • ihttletAmade of the beat Oak Tanned • Leath. cram short 4notite. . - : ti e toiri on. hand a good assortment of Car risgo;Trimmings which ho • (Alert on the most reasottatint, terais. CArriaze Tsiinming, - done with nestneta and dispatch.- Repairing done on i•hort notice. - No. - . 1-2 3 Basement Searles Moto:,, Montrose, Nov. 26, Qpial:Nran Biads Silks- at /PI! IA ' 47 1 1t N 1 . . Aullgot7peB,- -.7;• • . " Al i ep ograP • Daguerreotypes.: !Strings, t/sicks are tiprish, blati 1p eter - tlotopOring new nod iiniptiOing. WB. DEANS . ; the - ItintroSe-Aitletilis Ate*: . prepared to furnish, In addition to. hia, old style of pictures , the Improved, AnibicitYpei and the recently Invented Atrephogrophit: Thetie Airibrotypes, Or:glass pictures, Ire du- rattle, soft,and.brilliapt . in their tone and finish, and free frOm. that dark leadenbue which has ken the objection to picture, of this description. • The AtriThograph is an unreversed likeness on paper, ,(entirely- different front the Photo. graphs,) very susceptible of coin's, - tend 'Much' resembles 4 fine paitlting ,onlvory. They ate just [ho thibg for inserting in kite hook's. family records, &e:, or for "nailing to distant friends. Sky Parlor in the Brisk Block, over'Bentley . & Read's. v Montrose, Dec.,j7th.1856. . THE SOCIETY FOR THE. .ENCOURAGE. MEWL ; WEARING PLEANSHIRTS No:106 Chatham-st., eor. of Poart-it:.: NEW vt,:ypx,K,. Keep on hand • extensie and ‘compieteaiiiort. meat of the lateatimportationa and beat ininufar, tures of GENT LEHR S FURNISHING OOD Ef t Eqeal in material, make, texture, durability and style, to any stock over ofered in this' coun try—and at prices which cannot fail to suit.close CASH tiluyers. CoNslsTrNo Or saints—with Linen bosoms, collars and wristbands of the best qualities; and new and choice styles.. CA Taco no.—The latest and most attractive patine UND EDSHIRTS and DRAwEBS—Of Wool, Merino; cashmere. silk and cotton,of deslrableanddura ble qual it i esand the TEvzor wow . under garm ents, so highly approved by Physicians.. Also the shaker shirts and Drawers. Csavars.—superior quality and beautiful styles, and At full assortment of stocks, collars, Nectyes, Gloves, scarfs, and Mufflers of the rich tat kinds, Suspenders—An almost endless variety, in cluding the finest and most durable. Pocket-handkerchiefs--sllk and Cutton—plain and printed—an unrivalled assortment. • Half Hose—Wool and cotton, of the best tex ture; selected expressly for ret:lllrnde- Morning Robes, and Gowns—Elegant Pat terns, excellent material; and of the beet make. This stock comprises all grades, from the lowest to the richest. that can be produced— and having every facility for Importing and manufacturing, not exceeded by any other es tablishment in the United states—buy ers , there fore, wit consult their interest - by examining the goods which are sold at the . - LOWEST TOSSIELE CASIVTRICES. . • ti Ste►' Goods promptly; delivered at all The Rail Road Depots. steamboats, Ac,. and any plot of the city, without charge. • ' *** Shirts made to order by experienced hands, in superior style, at short notice, war ranted to fit. arNo thaphine work done in this establishment. Sofa. 11, 1856.—n381y *, maw E 12.231,3 Shawl, Cloak & Dress Goods E m. porium for Fa 111856. _ 11. BURRITT would call attention to his . new stuck of Fall and %Vinter 1 Goods, including a great variety of Rich Fall Prints in new Stvles,.Phtin end Fancy Delaines Ca& tneres, Tlain and Fancy Mohair Cloths,- Plain and Plaid Merinoes and Paramettaa, Magic Brocade, Plain and Fancy Silks; Wool Bro cade, CaAtuerc and Silk Shawls, Gents Shawls, Rich Ribbons and Flowers. ' L tdies *Cloths and Rich Velv'ets for Cloaks, Broadcloths, Cassi mers, &e., with a large assortment of otherSta plc and Fancy Goods, as usual, iocludingDard. ware, Crockery, Iron and Steel, Palms ' , Oils, Boots and - Shoes,. Hats,. Caps, Cloaks, Buffalo Robes, Carpeting, &e., with a large and now assorment of - Stoves of the ,most approved styles and construction, alt-which will be sold to meet the views of the closest buyers for Cash or approved Credit. New Milford, Sept. 1856. 1) LASTING Powder, Safety Fuse. and Rifle .1.1 Powder for sale by I. N. BULLARD. 13EAUTIPUL variety of Wall Paper at Jan. 1.-it;'s7.l KENYON'S - VINE assortment of Ladies Fine Shoes at r Jan. 15t,,'57.] KENYON'S orl RAN BERRIE'S and . new Raisons fors a by I . N. BULLARD.. Money! Money! Money! I' BF WITHOUT MONEY ? when it 1 V just as easy for any one to be around with a pocket full as not, if thy only think so: I have got a new article; from which from five to twenty dollars a day can be made, either by male or female. It is highly respectable bnsi nes. , ,, and an article which is wanted In et'ery tamily . in tht United States. Enclose me two dollars by mail, at my risk, and I will forward by return mail a Circular, with full instructions in the art. • The-business is very easy. Try it, if you are oat of employment, and you willnever regret it; for it will be better for you to pay the above sum, and insure a good business, than to pay twenty-five • cents Par a spurious ativertise• ment. This Is no hunibng. Try it! Try it! Try ii! Address your letters to DWIGHT MONROE, New York: • T sent one of my Circular to . an Editor in Georgia and he gave me a notice in his paper like the following: . "Mr. Monroe sent me one of bis Circulars; and just say to my readers that whoever of you arc out of employment that Mr. hionroe's business is dgeod hesiness, and money an be made out of it; fot it is no humbug" 52in3. ELECTION'S OVER! The Country is Quiet: Prosperity Abounds It A ND now that winter hus'eomeN Farmers and all;othets, should rare to enjoy the -fruits of their:ll6°ra, by securing (among other requirements to Fire-side Happiness) n copy or two of some of the choke Booksjust teceived at the Slontrose Book Store, which can and will be sold as cheap as at any other Book Mora. this side of N. Y. City, or even at Evan's & Co's . &ruts Gift Book sale it the City, that sends out so many Scissors and Penknives.. Among the new Books are Western Border Life, Dori Grafton, Life ofGen. Morgan, Three per cent a. Month or the Perils of Fast Living..., The Last - of the Foresters, Dred, Torch-Light, Violet. A Post Office Directory or Business Man's akle, a Book that every Business matt is the County should own, Japan Expedition, • 310.. chanic's Text Book, ' - stock of School Books which will be sold upon the principle that tho-' aimbie sixpence is better. than'the 'lan; shilling," ;I Anew Physical Geography of the Milted States by D..4l,AVarren, the nicest thing ont:— Berard's Ilistery of the United States a new- School Book jut out. Ekwaestarl-Monti Le Bowl for Schools And Families by ilf:E.Ciisvderit n first rate - thing, Green's-Elethentn raiglisfr Braemar, Colbanis near shries.Of Azithosties, .olao.GreenleaPs new Arithmatki ; 1:'" IVebsters Diciinitariestil sizes and :to- I*. sold cheaper than that/. Penknife Smut Pitts. 1467. A good itasortarCat, naafi, rightasto priecomd Almonds f0r.1147,gLea0...r A new lot .of Blank Books, Writing Book,, with; oe without cortifsint R BilkeiCand ellMentl and Poper of difetent !kisser,. Itatote, - Port..lfonietv FlebbilektilLerit i , intsf‘bution i -Portfolio!s; Cuurq_PWlr!tt IN* of the different Mates A. N. BuLLAIID: - itteirktrost, Dee. 2,`,18' ,s :: - • V4rinie 1 bgli ins ft N. rielyoutubd /felt fern daya—ta wit.rd.ti), the -*lila die - P • . Aay Paper Or the Untied tatea' - e c ao be procured at thecurretth club price. :require fit the F. Q;.: - .40 10 •• • • I 19 t iti a t 13 7 7 .) .'-N=.1.1 - I' - f.;•;; - 1! AND the endeavOi ter:pale:l2.6T thic:.:”si l 'en sire stock of • iFitkerior, - ,qiudity7.ef'ioeds. lately received frontal:ll4d koken detifiaTeitab lioibment in Binghamton, has..proyed pp . - , fpittire! failure to one frientik down Mum. .."SeeiPg is. belierin , r." We 'acknowledge.; the:fact. :. And should judge that wilealtig,"'lwlthent wearing)' would be all that was necessary to eonvinet the public that • , slmmoia cem.sminurf...: at theiratoro on Punzic Avmetz tint doorabove Post Office, havialie Lasioamt and. most de sra eitoek of BOOTS and ever introduced tnto tblimarketfivhichjfeiriitice, (we offer no competition with acconet ristr,goods) durability and style; we challenge competition. We are receiving weekly hewn the .best Holmes in New York, the latest etyles - tutd bestAtmlities Of Goods, which ketliotir assort neat Just received large additioii - Oirloimer stock, consisting Of GENtS Patent Lead:Set:loots, .Patent Leather Shbrf Bode ) Ranch CaTf Boots; Gaiters, Shoes an 4 'Sliys, all Pet•iEs Gaiters, Buskins, Slips and BooKbiet , 'Also, Boys, Youths an Chlldestis - Boots,•Gait. ers and Shoes, the bost'in Market: "In feet `ev: ery thing the trade. MI kinds of4athccainding,s, &e. Allkinds of work made to oriler and repairing done neatly SIMMONS & MEBIIIMAN. Montrose, July '41856. NEW.GOODS.- 4 . HE subscriber ffirs IP T d • av returned Worn New. •1114 York with a larp, , e and 'well • selected anortatenent 1- WATCHES. JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, 4.c. - Comprising almost every Ar• title in his line of business. Among Ilia stock way be fon nd— Gold and silver Watches in great variety, (a large portion of which are of his own importa tion.) Cameo,la stone, mosaic, enamelled, fruit, coral and all gold Ear-Rings , and Brea•tpins. Diamond, ruby, pearl, garnet, cameo, agate, oynx,chaaed, plain and children's Finger Rings. Gold, silver and plated •Watch Chains and Keys. Gold, silver, plated, steel and german Specta cles. Gold bracelets,lockets, watch books, snaps, sleeve buttons, studs, crosses, pent and pencils. SILVER spoons, forks, cups, pie, cake, trait and butter knives, napkin rings, saltcellars, soup and gravy ladles, card cases, &t.: Pearl and shell card cases and ports monsis. Coral beads, jet armlets, scissors. - One, two, three and tour bladed knivec Bass viol,guiiarandviuliwstuings. • Some Very rich plated. castors, — cake baskets, table and desert knives and carvers,candlesticks, snuffers and trays, tea setts, spoons and forks.' Amber and wax beads, coruelian rings. Britannia ware, sewing birds, needles; Shell, buffalo and ivory combs. Hair and tooth brushes, &c, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest rash prices, at the old stated bf ALFRED J. EVANS. No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hall. Binghamton, Nor. 1; - Trapoitant Dagnerreotypistg, Marble Dealers and others. Monurnent;al_pAguerradtTpe Cases AMETHOD hak long been sought, for to tn. sect in a durdtat manner, Ekigueireotnie Likenesses to Headstones and Monuments: I hare been manufacturing these Cases for the last two years, and' tan warrant them to secure the picture for a loitg number of years.. Tbe outside caser is made of - Parlin Marble, and the box which encloses the pieta ro and keeps it in a state•_of great , presort - 11110n. for great nciimber of years; id made'of brass,..--;.a screw bar. It 'makes a very neat 3.611 on a 'Headstone or monument. They are used in Greenwogiff Cemetry, Mount. Auburn, Laurel Hill, and many other Cemotries in the'United. Slates: , = A liberal diaconal made to Marble Dealer's and Daguerreotypists. Price from $2,30. each to $9,50. A eircularof,engravings will be sent to. any address, free, with price.list. Address. A. L. 'BALDWIN, Ag. of lianioleum 52m3.) EroadWay, New York. REMOVAL • • , TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, ' " ON MAINST., NEXT DOOE: TO 1 . 11 FARMERS - STORE. THE undersigned - removed hlishop from Public Avenue to .I).lms. i ftititzT is about receiving splendid.assortment BROADCLOTHS,'CASSIMERES,• - VESTINGS,' - - - Which he is prepared to mit and elske to Or der in a style that cannot fail to snit all who :nay . favor him with Alreirenstom. Thosevish leg their work done in a nen and datable man. ner, will find it to theft interest to - give me colt: " • . - • • ' J. gAtnitEß, Biontrese; E. PittribUS QOIIE folicsl ion Plato ,this edlebinted motto One.of many?_'—others.saytbe'most literal meaning is, "let yin tail go with the bide"—bitt: the regl: meaning is," A tiptop:Taller' lila good. -institution." If you don't believe- this, call at ./ohn Grove's shop, a few steps from Searle's Ho tel, and. be, will,convince yon.suilabow you • The Fall Fashion% for 3len's anti Boy's clothing, for , 1b56. Don't blunder. into . a Jewshary establishment, where you aro _likely .to got fooled . 2 14 shop is on Tanapikestreet. 2nd, building froze Searle's Hotel., I will Warrant, my work- , to' fit' well and Wear well, and my 'prices; reasonable for cash down. Fir Cutting done as usu Al. kontrn . sti - bit. : atli j: lisl ° 911°VES. ABEL =Ora& • e. p all .1.-1145 1 ir PATENT MEDICINES, Ad aVirst , ,Rate%As!,ortpieot - - 7 9t f . ti-Ft-U ~,„ Montiose, Pa. . Some Aff1111116..„ • - Year tio you. Rather-141cl inoir . 4 l)ufahaye ell Ilia=way. from Philadelphia to my- ii-'and her" it is and attiod Waiify6O l lll4ibitAtid ViD* reAll i iotind" right otT and seo me for have solFothiertnew Swallow - -"- : - ..(Y,TVVlRGlTC : l44ltiltniiitile-!_ Mthithse 4a9,•-jicb;:i-eo;:.` •-• 1 -',: iii '::: - 'Ekticiiiitciil(ll I ii.,011•;,-,' . Y: ) 11 *1 !,'cr, ii.tosoi*.ifb lotterik,,‘. s, , yinpwary upon the .e,o ,of, ilaimit ,ittoi. 'Oen*, clecetimi,4ll64 , ; Agita ge i rak a m e illi w hive been gran3bd to Aka sobiatibelo—!-Att ' mins indebted' :twolikVolitsti Id* ifok 'lb .glikke,ighbeatto•ipmint,Aind thditotiflayiull A[061;4011 esid•estatisft.VOreilehtllnfaild* „ , Atettlement. -The boil* and miming - -- 1. 161 4.4a 1 .4-hAktlitigthesOectibeit lii, t :40iliateTi. -- - - iik Isyri,ifE . ~.......„ T• of • into, limo' :804Aislii'i N tc_ity Net ; 1856 t:. 101/LllNEltt!DitEtianslittfilia s ,:-...`:,, 1 `: 1 " tit." 44 -Ali,' 4l # 4lC). 4: olll A f.)tzroa - ot . \ • .' -.4.:,A....1_W S 7 01 :1 4 .Are-A4W.;:: , ';'''' 7' 11 - touth mpeoloy otutoolle :1 '-• 'TV Iliesiir MiiiiiMia stailehti , a, ;-",- liirii ppenett . ft- Pe4tici ..f/tesf• • ; cic,`, , _ • . :tailing stbti f oitiihiiiiXtreiguot.xorifist Store, whi4O -310- 1 7*ir . 16- 11iiiieTs'4 - 7. then, old frieude;'erid Ufse`ealkit l aikr.- . k .iliffi of COW on* : 1 414,.0*:e 411 :::11 - •. ,4 - ' OW a Millinery di:partial:lt ; tbejOet ' 4 meet will° .uoder *ethane' of, it attar. hodee. .....-- z , ..., -, ~ :71A r w,...7cti Ikkintroses &154 3 1-1 5 M --;-; - , .i. , ...oisi— t ir. Limns andjeo lii'GreaVGiftli , -.-... t . ... ,144).Z; I« • . 4 4. 4 :___." 4: " 1 i 4 401Lttriiitthray, , Neur.X4016:Y: -3 1 'FINIS GOLD .irtViß G T ITEII ,- AIT#M, 1 ' - P.WECHAtiIE4I3 OF 110CMIC:-'- '4 -',:. 1 4.1.1. 14'40101 4,1 W. is... 9WARIIIt, - .CA it otborStereagisety, of ittem rot 4111114,1ttal Books rteeited.slallpi- A glitisokithasiw 'from 25 coot to Ifetrasitea mitts erialielik.llll the time it I. iold.t.Alasieg-ealtmor slug tam's stock rinetritirfehtebteilarAtkthiliimit 'motto is "Lary! sales ind small prelliirikulii tlekermi tied ' te: eviler vostometife ...,- :belt" gates thee - can be'; had elsestere. - ;,_*p l y - 4 . .pubUsbed iii 'Not Yihk - or libilaifetplk,' . promptlj ieit; gilts irieleditl, 'est - let/4401i lisher'e price. !Catalogue of loots and MS" ents,.contaislog.full explatutlitett wilt :be seat free'to all:peas . * dmstetiutrp try, , t'• ' - - Th . - Most Liiiiallitliiiiurestiate allbresbte Agents. , _: Roy perso r ;: p ifueOlig, wax order for ten -Wicks: wide *het teelescA,urill be es. it 0 titled to an Extra kaut - Gift:,1.4 . 4.'; ' ~.-,,,T :. , 4: . :,: - '4 l--, :li'.k•i":A. . All orders for books, coati/War (te ettauropertockantety,) - should be' regiateredoit the. P ost Ofriee - Where - they.age_utaitcrlf_Alia - di, reeled to" Scans . 'Co.;;lo9::DieVerfitaiiiir York. • Fourth street,. Philidelplabk; dt,Co4 Philadelphia D..Appletop&C.l,. way; New York; Derby Aviseksosilissassiat, !ibis - York, E r Send for a.Calalotere:AlS ' • • - ....... EVANS Principal Ettore,4llo9 Dreittlwriyik,:;; branch Stores Chub:Let 14tiph*itd at Wrasi9ngioti; D. C.., •• - - • ‘2 , -"faker*. Itli Fever . . ( - Ili Antidote- to Mala r i ii; : for::the T esebtioit -kJ and 'e ti re of Fever andiAtu tar* leldlnftr; ver; Dumb Agne; turd - - other= .Ithatteint. And Remittent fps ere ; pia° of en - DT:lnject bY 'Ty PhOli'ver s .',J , Yeliniti r juts'et, Ship and Jail - Fit-er t Sweets, and' all 'other' fortna(l# hese-a- coin on erlmti lb" - AtAkr..A, ; 0 1C All* 6l 4(4 ' i - Li - Equally certain „awe presentiveror t .epao s3 a : For sale by. the undersignediatithoidted toad for the Proprietor, Jan.. A. Rhodess'rTanorodatet, R.l. - - - • 14 1 .1 W BULLARD. Montrose. May 1. 14358 - . - j^. _ .'''Starrucoa koltd , ;-11. 4 'it K-RAB;11-74 - 111. VI LLIA4 . TRVAIN IX)4lr# , sin.lhand , with the largest; bola, and:thilipisilifpck of ge neral merchandise in - tilled:: Vonshtil)g of "Aies.. A lizeca,- _ Brooms Icots and Bedateadi"Z's Crocks,Calicoes and-Clothing.. Denim,,Drugs,and Door .Envelops, Eon a Flour, Flannels, and FiShaloi 2 Es. Glass, Groceries and Giniblnts.. • - • Hats. Hants, ant/land-OMM: Ink, Indigo, and Inipe ri iif Thibtes I r drinemy Jugs, Jaeonets, rind Jewshargs. --; • .Knives, Knobs; and Kenilirky , Locks, Lamps and' LookingGlaniseti. Matches, lduslirti- and 'Molasses. • , - Nutmegs, Nankeen - , and Notiops, . Oils, Oxboive.and Overalls., •.. . ' Pork, Pills and Powder': ilitir!nrt -Que:ensware,_Quilbh.av - -130 P1.'" Rubbers, Raisins and Rat- s tiapa t . Shoes;Shirti and S,figar• = • -• Tobaeed, T'esiand , ' Umbrellas, Undershirts and Unlutiltetsf, Veils; Vinegar and:Vitro!: • -• • - •••• Wallets'aild Witsh=bosilik-' Xtra SupeAtio - . - York, Cott'obadis hnd Youth's Z. And Many _ other ltrticies whicikthex selling at a viry small advance On zost, rtrseesAL "Smial Vriitits" and faii 11E44 icknito fk' the Suwmer or 'sc.. • di4t a call galato ttt trutliof our assertiene. ." . - _ a " .. - - [ - War. Laneshol;;Pa.; Mai 2t, 182Sto. -= l P 7 ' • • r : .• , From Lite ingliatitton;ll*ioct'4,4ll,ol ;gib; SPLE3DIII, AllPnoyl6lBo.asiVe Itastik:Wjais eoticeil the beW.:etere, eteeteaiiiik.:NifeirPOlfi,, ..sq.l,,adjoiei:ng the Thmk-,or Mien**. tojo occupied as a I.lii•doia're di, Knciwlto36: ' As - ' Appresrchis'eaMPletiellt _deierices more and more the praises that hove,- been bestowed on it, and is unduttbtedly Bito tiodel store etk the anetltirn -0,44& - 0,44-. 'K =_tri now putting in theirstecitOottelattet andloore *OW . plete than has heretofore been freptinthis yiajee.. •embraeing, all the depertmebte :of -, lfirdwate. -Builders Finishing thleVialt, - . Gatizilthire BLc. Mr: Blackstone- lekexperienced'ilui•• ?lady crorkman.superintends Om, Gas Pittittg - 4 . , LoOk iriatThybitilidlCinckiirlten4, tinowAß.liiimusglijoi NISHING AND I'OCY GOODS; f., V@ ?LEI% gilLailliITLIIM .. . . Of Susquehanna and Neighboring ..._..- . . 1 Counties. - -.-- 1 ._ WE would respectfully solicit;y oar atlas.: Ili V Lion - to - our' 4irgo Seek .of,,,thel _.,_. ,:illeift mentioned Gonda, now la store' aid la ' l . - olintrill reception. For. many, yicanitha trade - 44 oneof - 'tile largest patinas of Atm. Illoptmlittatai him - been retained by wistonopoirfwbfeli‘beinviinst given away 'before 001 *bah erallie**2"'.. ..'"''' • rgaSCSSIDg "tit eittial led follitien‘ for , imoymiiii . _ , i and lutiing direct conitnunkinden'iirlitelblilailet, 1 ' tengve Matusliatttacif in' tiii' United' MAW 1 we gay, iiithaat exaggni.atior4 tbat we eau aid . Will Qt. chime witiokaato -or-retail. at- esa - = -lowa Aftnn‘elier effered;_btfere - Itentittlfic."- a " tkeeif lifellis Una• .sth , the , , s , tA A Ware lineTWOrliNetlv* ttivemtlirlitielidalkW `the Ifo'rn FurniAtillT "li rcluf.- 7-- 4 1 1 1 •4 11 114 and.boo_onhind tis 'etil worth - 70*u. pection.4,llellie Ke'9 lll .• : - ..,`;•. Orriaiy Ina& ere Wilde° ilarire:miiiitt: ' l , :menti which', irairfalkiftit nellieted iiitllfialla rellirineasto. the ,wants..orNwitememetnoos . 1 think will plias° tboakt in need of mlieleilwAks.' - .n: i-,o say , that 0ar...41444: ~ . r r• ate iiiitilairAvik ,, Aiit ,- iiiit l 4l4:lliiitvot t - 1 640,11 strict Attelktir APII .. ~ . . - Sr . / 1 14)**04 scant antici ii 3 L4k." 4 l"kth44 - -..cmtvk , .-- ~ Ata.,mn!it_fiviii 'an inerem o _qt . !, e c,igo - ' reoyrtilbAll'itf ce.` "'' = "" ' .`" = --,. I • PIIYFE & Kso‘yti,nitt;:l-.s. ' ,Hirai - Pit : tilt& W i tte., , ,:t - 9•44, - , , • gala I lit. t,-, :. kagit a ii,,,, : : 1-4 4 .4n1 0 - N'i. Y , ...aiji-Aahmesist of L - gtiiit - Afir , ' . .zi ~.--y We ha ~411r0,1a4:440r40 -si,ft - -s'ts:. - . t -. 44 iiand Willai tiffs; aart -- ~.---,--- Wotriaay aka:i . o : :.., _ Il_ppfrghtotgnioikuipAiwhmot ,•,, ,_ ~. ~..., .klikthitaTarresies.o,l4l: J - ' ' iiiq itivialii 444 - .. `,}--,- :i,: . ,'", 7..:,;...t",1e,,, : 1 0 0111 * .t' W4l o illa r - ' - - - A . MMAIIIIIIIMAlliir . : Biliiketneli' thisiditi f _ = - • tt _ 441 1 .4/0, Mallkk t qillin. , .11111.',1 ' ' ' -•^:,._''''' : - 7,-4 = .• ' .flidtrrnipeni : - ;:jlitichoini - '-' ;:. , 4 ' 4 7e' - ) 4 1*P.Mi , A r labsitiiiiin Ilifilllblelt --, -.. , ~-,,,, fsotintaiiii:Vathonnowl'llinthiii ' • -, ,7 and.AutMantilliart*y thisisAiso r ..q; 71= 7 . - Itidifiro: Riadis-Rbostioi--t -air - -Ai ' -, killa f f i i Wallr'r 6 . 6 *ist - " lijitt ;M44 4'4' 11 Witiwiltoin - of .. •-, '-‘ Ant - Amp* : . , 2 btoilitbefit:Oct.;ll; teat -... -,-, --• , - --- -, • _ . . .... - .1