17= A • , ...- • • •- i,•, -•----- '''. ' -- -i*NrO'FiCil lbitereliy.giyellitilt, ift nenfornrity .;„r n all'LLJ 7. ..: 7 ' '.. _l-4.11, y. ith, ON At:!tute eoattertiin,; iiiii:ititipart)ier-; Alt corm : ruined to speak. 0 g„iti . bf . t h e gr i t i.;.; tklips, wy. the.suir4rrihors, I-loses C,Tiler,lhiniel lode Whiciti feel, : and the rettewdd obit ti- 1 1% . Laurentvi Jilr•e s . - Al:.--C;r l 3;‘ , ..antr Jobil. A. , . fritisdi, in t Kin gsbury, de.li vrehy, certify that we' haye' co rm. l ions,. Ahitt '• my Many llictiantilit, lair:other " ed..t.t limited ,pariaership pursuant tn,said itat his.and adjoining counties.,havtiliia.: eedtne lode% by the:kind initronrige extendtlei to l ulr,• '..: .: , , ~., , - ... . , .. That su, ; h..partn l rAtaip is to lie conducted ed. Me. iii the Jfardtearr'and C-trarrybirsiucas,(witit !- der, i the „panto and lino. of O.IYR:ENCE, i 12.1. Alont,4 at 21A Pearl . stretts: N.r.Y.:. and' to sat• that .my inter est, , stiLl - cotuirm.4 at •the ',Ernie ' GRIPPS &...li,lN9;BliiiY t . 'Putt the general niiture of the business to be trans..te tell is place,,wheie 1 ask a continuance: (if Their:favors tot the year , ensiti,ahr, and:promise 10 all such, as buYingt- ?telling and. t radial; in meat goods, mil well as .Ih . tete Withl finery .goods..„hats._capti fisrs, tave not found - it convenient timbrellaa and such z tither articles as :ate, usually auld there. • ti.calti• that twill - do - all in env' power, to fluidic with in .the city. et-:New York, • -That the said . it ti ,,,i,,i,th rr est ludo so. ttrid be groteitil for all ' 0,11011-,%0;5. And . woultalsoitivize•thein to call I) nniel II- Lawrence, •L'irlits 51.' Gritrosrand lalid street' where tam Sp•aial Part. .3 0 h*. A.. Kinuimry, are .the General Partners :it 46 Cenit shut i re.i t l ide :in' the City, County and Slate of Ne — w. ,ter in another.branh -of snide; viz: lints; Csi,s,' a taniel 11. Lawrence and James - 31. Griz,,,K Millinery.' Goodsi,•&e.. and Fars. Straw Goods, when:. i ant c,r;.!/01/61 by ;the gin/0i fromheinir York; that the said John:A. KitiesbnrY.resides, • 6 ,i: w oe er, : z i;:ed in seiiing or' buy itilii , t'orlh.- in •li'rs'") . CitY , Hudson County and State ' Fir IX. Very respe.etfully, , ~.., yi .of New-..!erseY; and hit - the' naid ,Nfoses C rcsided in. llontros • 'NI. (1. TYLER.. • .rY l e r i' thq :7 1 1 1 erial Partner interested in said . . ..., ~ ,4, ,,3 s it irtnersliip. and that h o • - 31ontrose, Januar) . 2911101 $,67: , z Sa-, • lint hanna County. - State - of Pe . nnstlYani c a . •.. . and that as sikehSpeei it Part nor, the said Nimoll . C,.Ty1,, , r 4 ,tas ,tiontributed to the common stock r aid I}: i tik.,,,hip. di, .um of six thousand fdlllars ilyeash.. :tan:illy (hid lit. That thn said rtirtner4ltip is to commence no the first day . nr J innary. 1457, and to terthinate on the titirfv ftrst ti..y of I);:etenber. 1359--Itlade . add signed this :list day of novena - lei, 1356. DANIEL, 11. LA WR ENtIE, '. . It 111.7,5 . 'AI. t7tRIG(3S. - Gen'irarnt. •JOIIN' A. KINGSRLTR.Y, MO.IES C TYLER, t'sp,...•lal Partner. 5w4 * A'reriumo lireatth. What lady or g,e.ntiornan would reatitin ntidor the cure of adisagrcealoe breat h.w hen by u-ing the "Balm of a Tuotound Flowers" as a dent rirtee would not only render it sweet but; bortve! the teeth .white as ntainizarrl Many persons dO cl o t know their broth is bad., aid. the atthjeet i s as 4 1,1j0d0 their frelad;wiq .ftevor metioulf it. your a single drop of " 11-the on your Lo a th b rtt ,h and wash the teeth ttig4 . and morning._ A; fifty e'enthottle will last a year. A beaatiful t'li fn ple xi on may easily be neti timed by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flutters.' I; wll r'etn* fan', pimples and:frecklis from the it of w 4 oftatid t•toateltrie. Wet a towe l, pour on tv,o or three 'drOps, and ,Wash the face n:it:ht and -pornitoz. „- SIIAVINti A[)E EASY.—Vet your vin•Lbrushic 'Alter %% win or cold water, pour on two or threet • ()tot. of "4lalm a a Thotisand Flowers,' rub the beard well:and.: it will O m i t ,. a h ov itiful soft lather, mad' facilitating the op. position. of shaving. Pried only fifty cents, For sale by all . dr,ozgists. eoultteireits. Nona genu:ne•unkss pip..ned he" - W. FLTIIIDGE &CO 40m6.] - Franklin Square. NeW York. 1P1Z331 H i n piir4 , ,ville, Suf,:qu'a co. on Fliday„,the Jannatv 1557, 111cKia, is the.:3l!nd, year of 4.er a . tze. Th e d e ..eased was for lhatiN ; Vvats. a awin• her of the l'iutestant ElliseopaiWburch.. She l e d a e orisfkit4 life, and was ever found in t h e f a ithful ,ii•-charge of her christian ' and te ! al ivedatie , , so-far as ..111 health p..4luit led. She t.tifrered uiunditnitringif for a toter ti* t h e and w,asting attacks of that (ii-ease ,C6,4;y7rvilint, and at last, fell k unScr ite power. Site died, as she had lived, in the F;dth of and in c...otutnunion kiththe (Mutt:4'of her choice, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MIM • • Exelitcirs'- Y virtue of a'n Ordcir cif S. c Made bp. the D Orphan's Court of usrl uehart na Cott n y. wi lt he sold at 'Sale on ttl'e M o n.; dar t : the 9 - th day of March - next; at one &dock; i n the t.ftermion. all that certain Farm'bT Tract of Land situate in Bridgewater tow=nship in said county. lioundeti on•tho north be !:finds of: Gar wood 7 .llitcheil, on the (edit by lands of I. H. Wi ade. on the south, be lands of Litham Gardner anci Samuel Chamberlin, and on the weq by lands of Ira and DanieliFfister.'eonteininm about virility acres of land. with *the uppurienanres, one Dwelling Ilottsr. qne 1.1411 and „Shed- at tacht d. and about sixty :ivies improved, lath the estate of JarnvAt..3teriltens t • deceased. . D. %NATI& Execntors, I . " ALFRED STEPIIENS, February, if.th. 1837 DOCKET KNIVES.—A assompent of I the I , e-t market, at . TURTLE LUS. Public F ale. WILL bP exposed at Pt nn •711.nri dav, the 2d day , Of 11Inreh, .1857. on tip• s formerly occupied by Amos *Few lz,bu lirio.hivn, the funny:l4i, properti., tl/ t.ll CIAI g, and two your old lielfer, one r of ni.er .;rl. l'ools. one Two Horse Wasron..one Two Horse Har ness, a (Pi:int:Ay of . 11ny b:irn; one liorse, and ether things nut Mk:mkt:led. Terms known on the 'day a ROBINSON. .13rooklyn, February - Mil, 1857. 1K 3.* Sheriff% s,al.es. IBy virtue of writs of Tend.. Ex„ issued 'out of the c•urt.,,rCu i pmca L l!leas of Wyoming, County, an 4 to me dirotted, 1 will expose to• sahrat . the Cowl litoite in Montro'e, on Satur day, the 21st 4.ly.ofFeb . ry, inst., =time o'clock.. P. M.. the following Real Estate, to uit : Ail thatqrtain pivei : or•partrbolland situate and being in the township of Rush; in /he toun ty of Su-isucharma, , bouuded and -described 'Os' to wit: o..the . north be lands of Miles Estes, , on The,cast by lands occupied by-Henry Estos, on the south by lands r e c...mtly occupied by Sterlino Ilibbnrd, on the o;!st b r lands of Jos., Linerbnry ar.d Wm. Lake.: Defendant's interest being, the yndiridrd_h-lfof the:above dc.s,:xibed supposed to contain fiftydcres, be the same - more OT lesa. one log t'sl)6, one log 'hovel fur cattle, nnti - atoiit' twenty acres iruproved. Sezed and tat - en in execution at thF suit of S. S. Grover to use of Spebecr & Poirter, vs. 13. i ma bus - Ki rkaff. • ALSO—AII. the right'Aitte and interest of the defen6nt,.of 'in arid .141;.that-certain piece a r parcel dr land situ,:te and being in the I.,,wn t,hip of' Springttlie, T2i. the county of Sneqn . n, and brtunded. ;:nd dr:seared ns fellows, in wit: On the-neirth :by lands of - - Sathlrd" :irrd Strick land; and on the east by lands of Henry Drinker, and on the south by - . lands Orsartr, t:ulver, and en- the west-bi land's of Z.' Culver. taming .ab . .)nt lUD asre . l4,f• land. inure or 1..45, one -arnSll framed hon.4l.'ionetstiialilrarned barn, one orchard and libout 40,iseres'irnpr6ved,— Seized and taken in execution.at- the suit. of .S. S. G . royer , to..o4e of -Spencer. dr. Porter vs. Ozias W. Culver. •• " P. P. liOLUSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's tOffiee, ) 'Montrose, Feb 2ci, 1857:;.. E. 04IILDWF # LL &. SONS, r turoirrEng OF .111. CD itEALtritM. " ilia;:: '. : 451 - 4 . 55; . : f'!.4r,illitkiaart. L ORAL TXU.42 Li* li•E S , , . „ Sirs .. . . •.• • .• , To. - 711:. t.iiiii4att eei. . T.T3rNIR cATl.Dyytu.,: } - I.IENAY S. .KNAI'P, p T. G. ciiirAiwitri :" It i t h W. -A. : 9 6CLOWELI4 , • ,' 1:] ' ea ; Or iv. . . . The subscriber having..conneeted himself with-1 the above bnnsein tbe Pro:lFy Cr:she:in alLit's varipies branches wonid t iztply_say to.3l.ereh.Tt!, ffof hrii Boarding !louse Keyperscig ancriidjni fling countiex , that their stock js one of:_t be largest of the kinxilept NeW York.. Ttibir assartinent is large and ,general.";, Thcir ronds - are of - goocl gnaljt and, choice patterns Their • prices as: nle spa. thb4Aitcle can offer with reference tofprofit, and, .161, +hi Is rev'? tnalkisaii', 1.0111 .whn may think itini interetit to vire him a vat!. r API!: New York-, Jan. Ist, 1857. HER-gA.S, loa!tees • Admintstrattiln Yt• OP' .50% 1 ' of S. S. Hibbard, 'Ate of the .county of Sugtinokanna, deeealskf,' Wive -been gr" 4 " l -to thwikotawkriber.;--all persons irgle4led . ' to, - 16 wkitifltlie 4!P reGioirlet4 tcittia ke . /WU' e. and those baying tiaitro filz*ct tie tiarn,r, will ,p_rilsont, ilwni luttbtriliested 4ettlVniect, to - J. A,LII,BRAritai AdmiDiptiAtot. •Atitkri: Yin. 25th, 1857 NoticPs• TiPaTiTi ; rART.IM4SIP - . TIE. WHIM EVEARG POST. ...11e qc,s,t.'tQtt - Ott.i . j. V,aller. , Snimple Niumi?ertii.Vitruished Ei'AMlNti Poll YOUUS4VES apply ti the ' DEACON & PETERSON. 66 South Third-St., THE ORDER OF THINGS R E.V .E R. S,E D.. u, persons indebted to the firm of R. /1 Thayer &Co..and lt. Thaver, Jr. are here by notified that. ante . s thvy calf and settle jm• tnediately, cis trill he raatir.. R. THAI ER & CO. Mont rnso, Jan. 29th, 1857. To Consumptives; .. IfOSE yttp nho arc in the fir;tt. nr sLores ! tr.:him aiin,)st uncut:lloe rike:the :,rt• infitrtnutt IhaLthert•• :t rtltintelx %ttle!' it:ts ~ticet.stt•ful: 'Phis rutntedy 1 win bend to any , • applicant upon the receipt or 85, • - Take Purticethir Tiolive • .That this rptnedy, thihigh it will aileriatf•- ihe stitTerilio•if in Ili., /as! ...ia•res it 7 0%4 . 1 tint . cure t; eht C but . kr ilin••e in the .f irs: atrt "(aid4/1 ill•‘‘ al rapt a curt.; and ati. 'oaf , ho is 111'4 t•ati.fied . can have their ninth.). refunded • \Ve du nut wilt n ny one ; and t' :at that'your ror.hey will be mfauded upon applicationo.fier giving the rem (dy trial: • • • name Pu't Olive ahrl Coun fy, • Dr.. A. G. 1311UNDAGE.,,Jun . r. • - • Bingframton, Broome County, N. V. NEW R. R. .RpUTE. • Delaware, - Lackawautxa & W. 11.11. Now and expeditious•broad ivagr route from the North arid 11'ttsi., via-Great : l Bend and Si',!raf,- t4m, and from the Larkawanpri and IVyiiining vallies.. directly through to Now.' York and Pull adelPhia. On and after Monday, Jan. 19th, 1857, trains will be run Cirwinuati Express bound east ny'N. V. & II R. It., arrives at Gt; Botid.it 8 A. M.. flow Binghaniton.&e... androotineets with tho EX BP.ESS Train• which lea% es Gloat Bond for New York and l'hil'a, • 8.30, a. ni, Due at Montrose, . 9.03, " MA 0, Stroudsburg. • 147. p. Delaware; 15 minutes to (Brio. 2.00. Bridgevii pass. leave 2 2.5, 4 iiiDeliort, N,•w York Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier. No. 2: North river...at • - 7.30,a. m FromPoiladeiptiia, leave Walnut st. . WLtrf., at 7.00.. " , , Leave Junction. : . 11.15, . . Due at Bridgeville. Phil. connection,. 12.15. p. In., Delawaze, 15 min. Lu dine, : 12.45. " f Stroudsburg., . • 1.27, : Scranton, - 3.50, " Montrose. - • . - 5.25,- " cireat. Bend, • 5.55, . " C'ennectino at Great Bend with the ,litil Train West at:6.10, p. tn. - Scranton Accommodation Train: leaves Scranton for Gre. Bend at 10,45. a m. Arrive at Great Bend, - 2.20. p. ri. Connectiri,z, with - Rochester Accommodation E ast . an d .I,), t y-' Expr e s s ' West. on N. Y.. Pi. -R. It. , 'Leto riling, !ears Great Bend at 3,20 Nam Mit:. at SCratattn, . 7.10, " . For't he serit - minociation of way travel on the Southern Divisii4m. a Pas-engar CA- ‘iill be . at tallied to the Expreit t s Freight Trains. leering Scranton at ' 600 a. rn. Due at Stroudsburg at • 10 55 " . " Junction at - , 205 p.m. Returning, will leave Junction at 4 00. a. tn. Due at Stritudsburg at 6.50 " " Scranton at - 12,10 p. cm Passengers from New Yorli will change cars at Clarksville.' . - To and from - Philadelphia, via B. D. R. It., leave or ttthe the cars at Brid•ieville. . For Pittston, Itiingston. and Wiikesharre, take 1. & 13. It. It..ear. , at Serantaa. f - For ./tssu - p, Archibald, and CarbonCiale,thange cars at Greenville. ' • ' • Tickets srdd and baggig,o ' checked between ' all stations on' : connecting malls. '--, • F PaSsen!rers to and from Wilkesbarre, - Wvoin. t ing. &c.. via Lackawanna & Bloonmsbarg hail road. go through, sitliont any detention at-Sri-an, lon.7otime•lrains on that :nevi ran in connection with the Ekpress trains on - the D. L. & W. R, R.,—herice passe'ngitrs may leave Kingston' ' a t 1 .9.30 a. m, and 'arrive •in Philadelphia at S - p. m., ['or N. Vork at 7.15. p. tn.- • 1 Returning, leaCe Philadelphia st 7a. m.. or New York at 7.3:1, and arrive in Kingston .at 5 i p. m. • ,' Fare from Kino4on, Wyoming and Pittston toPhiladelphia,l44.sa. t o 'Nett' York. 4.4.1 . 5. Tickets sold, and Ilaggoge (checked throwg.h. -:- . - JOHN BRISBIN, Suit. ._ War.,-N: roses. - . Geni:Tiekot Agent. .:' . NO 141X1fIILY CAN afford to be without Mu:tanl Lihernent in' their hou.,.e. The niany' neeident!" wv are r .liable to. may render it neees:ury 600, and nothing is cable of performing Hush u eeitnin''etire: (Eitratt.) " in lifting the I;ettle from the•fire it eauzht and scalded w hand and per Son very neve`ely—one . - !mild- almost_ to a The torturewasvnbeurable. It wns an awful 1511:111:. "t". Mustnnz Liniinent appeared to extract the pain almot It heakd rapidiv avid 'left no scar of arrount. Cuie. Fosita, 420 Brrxid•strat. Philadelphia.'-' It is truly a - womileitul cure any ease of , S**4iiiT, Burns, St4f•Joi mg, Eruption,. or Rheumatism. Fr , r foirsei it /should °ever' be dispensed with.. One Doilar's,.wort i h Slustang ham frespieniiv servedvaluableit cures thiPils;• Sprarns, girift..l.ihnes* , Spavins and Foam ' imitwidns.. Sold in all - parts of the h.,bitable .• . IJAl:Nttr&Pkrar, Proprietors, New York. • 6ml. E C • TANUAILY 1857, commnces, another 11- Year. Therefore wo would respee.tiolly in vite l it those whoi:e nomeseroupon our Illooke, to call And balance thorn np to that Ante. We domotinteod - th tetsnvlsteeonnt run longer Than 04..menth4. Those-indebted will . ple.ase ;there. fo ro 2 attend .to I hez Ph Ole withoot rairlb*.r ice. 'I3IMNIONS Sc MEW:till AN. Montrose De:. 16tb..1-$56. 11.711.1tELL'S'TimoTliv SEED, wiirrauktl pure. Fur sale bC 2.ATIEL TURRET...L. -,• 201.11, 1857; - - • •, ETOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTM F , NZ Act•r's cherry Vectorial and Cathartk• Pills, ,The Balm of a Thousand tang Linirneat.,..pr: Halsey's Forrest Wine arid Pills. Myers' Eiftiet Of Rock - Rose., And near ly of the . l‘tedirintFr in Market: For sale at the. Drig;'Fancy Goodii; • .. Store . -of ABEL AIIt.RELL. 111ontrogt t Januarn .I°s l - — 4ri CHOICE Firkin - NIC . 4 at 40,00 V Port Jervis. at 'I ighillitt,t, per hunvirvki hrided ntrnieC.tri in quAntitimt to Knit bayera. and warranted a good article. A.ire'as the subiscriburs tit;s•ox'Co'', N. J. inmidry I.sth. 1817 Look and Read !•' SOAIETHING NEW ! Tuadersigned, Merchant at Dirnock Pour Corners, has - lately discovered that for ready pay he can sell more Goods, and make more menvy at one half the usu.il profits pat upon Comary Goods. ConscquontlY I can sell Goods from lice to ten per cent. lower than any other establislanem in this section. Tut do not take my word for it. Call_and see for yourselves. Bring a little Cash or some Eind .of .Country produce, and buy yonr. Goods at a price unpar alleled in the history of Nlercantile trade. Aly stock is large an d. . well selected, and I am re. CLIV111:7, NEW ADD vrxoNs every week. My Terms of Sale are READY PAY. It wilt certainly. he ler your interest to call and see me I.efere purehasi:g else..‘ here. Flour and Salt kept eenstauth otl ham). WM. 11. THAYER. Dimar,k, Jib. 13th. 15:i7. fatincrs an 11 CE CO II P I 1 7 1 g. 1 Nora+ West Car. (I.Secf»te - Taiici Walnut -V., Phibi. One,Mil;ion Two Hundred and Fitly •Thousand Dollars, ASSETTS, 8523.057 Q 7, Inve,ted in Bonds, 31ortagett.; r,nd Good Secitiritivs. . • THE FOLLOWING STATE3IENT FAlkibits t)!,! thcl and Condition of the (itnr ny to Nortiplter Ist,.-185G Premium reeeivcii iin Marine and to Nov, Ist. 1856, $2.14.654 60 .169:79G 61 ltileivst on Lounv; - , . - - 47 •S'i 00.183 6 ." . P:A•1 1:‘ ri LOSNtr., $04.4'.).7 04 -Ica 41 Fi:-(.! . - 39.737 89 Szilitries Comjnis,H)n- , . - 4.5,1'59 OU R, imnrar.cr, . Iteturn P,reutiunis.4.: - cV Charzch, - '27,474 GS 5177,1:23 Cl BalAnce roirininlnf , with C0,.5223,057 ()7 TOE AS , EITs OF TUE CVMPANY ARE AS F,OLLOW:i: Phi ladviphia Citynitid County Boni $16348 18) 11.000 UV FirAt j cr” , t. price* • E.t'Nte, •- 144,500 00) • 32,400 00 Girard and Consolida tion 11. ink Depi—its with Dornti, . Shcrwrin&Co.,Now Payrncntsran Stock hoot yet;-cit - 4, . 97,700 00 Note, for M..rine Pre- iiun•s, . 10S.OSO 00 Du e frNio curtql . Pr-:1'111m, 1,11 reeetitly And ileirt.4 dui the Co., 26.479 :IA 11.:Intit;(. in Bank, - 113..156 '74 • This Company In.ttrv. Mvrdiandize, an l Stoek. Inuit S' vt) at the LnWl..t. 17 :tr..% C ,, 11.1741.::t with I t ratio •. and ;be I.Ulrr:,l and nr,k4 , Pi;o3:rT I'AI - - 1111 NT the •.(i.;•;sttlient if 1... - .?••es vie.; issited by lb, w. 7.15. 'rho B,ard DircetcrN haye dvelaril3 a ail:1401d a 1.5 ;err ernr., pavatilt• 1)0-..inr-,5 CulApaoy, to the _Mt HP. THOMAS FLORENCE. President EDW .11:1) R. HELM BOLD : Secrflary. \ovemht•r 17th TIMOTHY BOYLE of New Milfro . d. I'. 52 , n6.1 T-TAVING eompl.:teci (7011.4 t. of Mei•o:futiie . too, ,Pt year 4, witti two of the r,srve . ta Lae d..alerx that the eltinlty 11:,s 1.14-wed iiiinseic at Liw..villo Centre, where to mil. be-_ please/1 to see his friend? from al'. parts i‘r vuotary, woo.l n, , ore. them that he do limo 0..0ti, if they will only call :to.l exaii/ine' his .stock of Goods. coutieting iu part of Dry Goods, Groceriec . , Hardware, Of 1) c, Patterns and Best (heality. ll:its and Caps, Boots and .Shoes, Wall Papers -and Borders, Umbrellas , . Carpet 1113 gs, - liTrtigs, and the riost , Popular. l'atent . Illedieinet °I the , da.y, •ckc.• From 1 1 , , t lona experience in aeflint.Y . goniis for this section of country, he flutters !ju...e1l that he trill be able to , eieet - good. that Will pleii , e al', arai pleti2t•ti tn de:II honorably with IA 1 1 .1 Bite 11:U1 1.1 . 0-17 liatrtinage. Solicit. lig A tgt• share of 3 . 01.1.. r Nltrunage, I remain your .errant. I EN YON. Cuntrg, Jotwiry Ist. M. 7,7. AttentiOn the Whole! subwriber ret-peel folly informs his friend,. (etitapti,int: of eoorse the whole . coimmtifity,) that 1 . 1,t. Nev Store in Ill ita.! do t ir north of the iild ••Exeltange," is tilled with a sto,•k of Seas:inabie put e,f I.)Q •Goods.Groerries.,Crtiekery, iian are, - Boots anti Shoes. hilts -nod Caps, It.aciy.3l.ide Clothing. Wall•R•per, Window. Shades. Fish, Nails, Yankee 'Notions. &e., and Sri on, whi e lt h e will hell bur Cash, Barier. ur Short .Ipproved Credit, as low as ran be bought in Sasq.n•hanna Connti. WAN'i ED 111 ext•tinnue. Butter, raj- , Pori:. Pmiltry, Ge.,d Mixt-a 11'0,,1 Suck+. in f:.ct every Merviinnb,ble article which ItiF. patters have to seri be will buy at f:lir priees. Come one, come all, and see if ou don't buy. _ J. L 'MERRIMAN Upon :111e. Dec. 51h, 1856. AmbrotypeS, Atrephographs, Daguerreotypes. ditranse thinza Aligt is ever p . desiri!! Something new and surprising. • 13. DEANS ' the 11 n ro e Artist ,is now prepa4;d to furnish, in ad d ition to his old *style orpictuies., the Improved Ambrotype, .and the recently invented Atrephographs l • . These A mbruipes,,of glass pictures, are du. rable.sott and s brilliaiWin.their tone and finish, and free from that: dark leaden hue which has been the objection tit pictures of ads deserilaion. The Atre_plio,,, , rraph is,an uoreverard likeness on paper, (entirely different from the .Phiito. graphs.) very xuvieeptible of colors, and much' re.embieg a fine paintinq on ivory. 'They are jut the thi og_for ,jo;aertine in . gift hooks, family of . t,r mailinz to .distant.friends. • "Sky tartar in the Brit,` Blpek,pver Motley & Rcad'ai. • ••: MOntrose, Dee: 17113, 3836, Timothy Seed. POR SALL. IL C. & W. CLARK. . 5,2:5 00 30.000 00 33376 18 R. KENYON on -siotifEsst C1i0037. 33ETWEEN TIME 1 II 016 Is OW &IC '% PILL rglitE Blond rorniAhes the material -of ever? bone, ateele, ,g,ti:nd and fibre in the itu-. marl framq. When pure, it secitres health t 9 ev ery organ; when corrupt, it neeeisarily prodnees. disco so. FIOLLOWAI"S PILLS operite direct. ly upon the elementl of the stream of rife: neu. tralizing the pritnipla ofdiseaie - , and thlti catty curing the malady, teliether loeutcd in the nerve's, the stomach, the liver, the boveelr, the muse:t.st• the skin, the brain, or any otliet part or the system.. Used ThiongNout the: World? HOLLOWAY'S; PILLS are equally efficacious in complainta 'common to ihn w::01 e human race, and iu disorder's peculiar to certain climate• and localities Alarming Disorders, Dyspepsia and derangement of .the liver. the source of infirmity, and F ufi eriag, and the cartes or innumerahledeatlar, yield to these curatives, in al l calve, however aggravated, acting is a millAmr alterative and tonic; they 'relieve the bowels, purify the fluids. and invigorate the eye tetn and the constitution at the eatna time. Genital 11 7 i , akness—Xerr . ous Complaints When all stimulants fail, the renevatinz and bracinz properties of these Pills give firmness to the.ehakintr, nerves and enfeebkd :nuscles of the victim of general irregul,,rities and aliments • incident to the delicate rind sensitive orgsns of the !lex aro re: , moved or 'prevented by a few doses of there mild, bat infallible alteratives No mother who re mi'ids her own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach. Scientific Endorsements The. Lnivion " Lancet." the London " Ittedient Review en d thA . most eminent of the faculty in C. rn ht noitnin. FranCO and Gcrmany, have eulo. glred the Pills end their inventor. Hollow!' 11's P ;11s ai't , the test remeay known in the world for the Allowin , y diseases : Al . thmr , i y,,, :nd „ Nrbr , s Bowel Complaints Coughs Inward NVeakners ('olds . intlamlitatiAu • rc/Ftiven , •ss Intitterma.- t Chet Diseases ' • Liver CoMp'aints Debility Lawness of Spirits • Dropsy • - Pilch • Dror . ppia Secondary Symptorrps Diarrhoea •Stone and Geared i - F..ver and Av.tre . Voneral Afiertions , Female Complaints . Worms of all kinds t Sold 'at the Manufactories of Professor Tiorr.owne . , FO Maid - eri Lane. 'New York. and 2-14 Strand London, by nil respetrible Drug. *fists and Denlersin :Medicine throuffhont the United States noci the. civilized world, in boxes Int :25 cents, n; . l-2 rents. sod - 6'l each. KT ' There is a con-ideralde.saring by taking • the larger sizes. B-I'irecii" n G. uitlll3.-0 or pi. , tber witt tient s i n ever y di s nru e :vu to each tux. tiage, it ' is beside • • GREAT EXCik er i i , E f,'NT AT Gutt3nburg, R,0 4 im itt Co's. • T _ rillfEßE is a general rush at their estabiisli. J_• mvnt, and it, rep , ,rte,i that they hay , " iuct rervhvd, and are d•liiy rem ivin - g. a fresh supply of 8523,1157 07 , The-truth of thi' report can L best known ht• callin7 at their store on 'ffrn)•i}:c Stre•rt at the Avenue. We huge en hand a carefully seleet,d supply of• READY MADE CLOTHING, for both La.iies and Gentlemen. everythinz ed for, from . a pair of !10-c to a HAT •or BON. NET. Tho+e uishing• .Prot .et their health the cold atmos: , i,ere in region, tirould ido well to en u+. ss we will supply their , wants on lower terms than any other estaldisli i ment. •To our fiends, OM! and 2111, we would say. glve ns a call. nnd. we promise, that vou shall go awnv fully +utislied. . WITTENBERG ROSENBAL73I & Co. 31,,nt nlse, Nor. tr7,155(1.. • FARMERS] $1.5 will purchase one of the best CORN SiIk,'LLERS and SEPARATORS . Ever -Invented. TIIE unriersigned ‘ is now prepared to furnish to 1. ARNlER:s....lillers and others the world ned .I.lxcelsior Corn Sheller—the wond e r of the titnes—l.s..ing the best, must durable, and easiest running Slirller now in use. tt , iirranted to shell more corn in a s horter xtpaco of time, ! than•any other mucl.ine, entirely cleaning the ! car, from ead to end,. without crushing either I cern rd- cob.- The Machine , : are constructed .with two I cranks, arid pally fur a licit, so I liaL two persons I can turn them, or attach a 1). , ;t in nfotion- by I any pow.r. TM. attention of persons owning i mill-, is :odlcited, as the Machines urn %vender i luny adapted to any kind or power. They are I_ , -e;ry easily turned. and when . once in motion a i small boy c:m torn them ;, they re a capable of I shell;wr one Im-hel per minnte—every Farmer Await) have Ore—as they Save their cost, in leg than ono seri,:onF. They are on exhibition nt Srails'A Hotel, Sayre';.. Foandry, Ely's Mill in thooklvii, and at L-ithrop's Lake" Mills, , Aneretliey can be seen in operation at ary time. -All orders addressed to the andersizned, will receive prompt :men. tion. ;Machines adistanee and war -ranted to operate. . D. D. SEARLE.. , . At &firle's Had Montrose, December. l 1 ib, 1556. • craTIFICATE. TIIIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one of the above Sheil,rs. for sale. by U. 1): StAnt.c. and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one rif the hest, Most durable .and easiest running Sheller* ever introduced into this corinty. It will she'd more corn in a shorter time th,n any other !tiachine, and always ready for.service. Unmet heartily and freely - rccontmend thern . to the Partners of Atsfi'a County, as the cheapest null best Sheller, now in use. I have one •in operation in my' mill in „Dimnek, which" needs only to.be scot to_ re commend . itself. Call and see it. • A. 11.111 ELI' . Brooklyn, December 11th. G.. FORDHAX, [SI7CCESSOr; TO A. a . B...llALDwix.] MANUFACTURER,OFSADDLESMARNESS, & TRUNKS .4..'SD CACRIAGE TitIMMEI2 NI,TOULD invite all. whn are in 'want of any Y article ever kept ata liarn,ess shop to give him a call: - Harness mndo of the beat Oak Tanned Leat hers on short notice: ' He has On hmd a good amiorttnent'of Car. riige Trientainga which he offers on the most reasonable • terms. Carriage Trimming, done with neatness and'llispsteh. • . • Repairing, done op qir;, notice. ' No. 1.11 Basement 'earlet Rote, 31nntro!‘e. Nov. ',IA, 1856.—n49 Q PLEN DID Black Eillks aE Jan:l AA, .5 1 7 3 • Delicate Females. N - ew C.nods. THE' SOCIViY: FOR Triff 'ENC6IIRAGE:: - - -MENT OF WEARINo CLEAN/MATS AT • - • • No; ICU Chltharn-fit., cor:olTenstitt. Keep An hand estensiro end complete assort. went 0' the latestitnportatiens and beiiminufan-; tures- of • • - •'; • G ast? L E {EC's FURN/BRING GOODS,', -Equal in material, make,' texture,-dnyability anti style, to any stock ever offered in this conn try—and,at prices which cannot fail to Snit - close cast' buyers. Co? sI s TING Or -strut's-with linen bosoms,eollars and wristbands of the best qualitir:t, and now and choice styles. C.41.1C0 no: latest and roost attiaCtivipat'fis U:iDERsDrEts and DRAWEES-Of Wool, Merino, cashmere, silk and cotton, of dealrableand dere bl e qualities-1-.104 tbeTsvhir wool. under g a rm. ruts, so highly approved by :Physicians. Also the shaker shirts and, Drawers. •Onsxxrs.---superior quality and beautiful styles,And assortment • of 'stooks, collars, Nedtyes, Groves, scarfs, and. Mufflers of the rich tst kinds. - • :- ,• • 1 • • ....Onspendera 7 -4ir almost endless'Yarioty, in clnding.the 6m:stag: most durables PoekeNtandkeichiers:—Eillic and Cetton—=plain and printed.-van unrivalled ailortment,,' Hatt R o se—Wool and cottog,,of the,best tex- , tufo, t‘efected etprcaslir for retail trade. • m or y,i n g.Ftobcs,. and firtiwns l —Elegant Pat terns, caeellent Material, and 'of the .bes; make. This stock comPeices. MI grades; .from the lowest to the,richeat... thit can bo 'produced— and. baying (wary' facility for Importin. and Manufacturing, not exceeded by.any.citber es- N blizihment in ;ha United at:rtes . —buyers,' there fore, wil consult their inierea',l4 - etatninitig thn goody 'which ore Sold at the • Lownzir POSSIBLE CASH rnicF.a.. • ..%ft. ~Goods promptly delivered at all the Rail Road Depots. steamboats, Ac t . and in any part of the city, witho ut charge. - ' • 4 * * Shirts. bade' to order by, experienced hands. in supeEior style, at short notieo,'wqr 7 ranted to' fit. E' No • mactine , .Work done in .this establishment. * • • Sept. 11, 1850.—n381y • . YMNV-EL,'.'ITOlkoD Shawl, Cloak & Dross Gbods Ern porium for Fall 1856• ; BURRITT would call attention to his 1.1.• new sidek of Fall and , Winter Goods, ineloding a great variety of Rich , Fall Prints in pew Styles, - .Plain and Finley Delaines stud Cash. mere', Plain and Fancy '.Mohair Cloths . , Plain and Plaid Mvrinoes and -Paratuettas, Black BrlkmAle, Plain :Ind • Farley Silks; -Wool-Bro. uncle, Cashuiere and Silk ,Shawls,•Gents.Shavris, Rich Ribbons an&Plowers.• Wier Clothornnd Rich. Velvets ,for CloaltS,,Broadoloth4,. Cassi mem, with a large .assortment of other Sta ple and Fanev Goods; as' mean% incinding'Hard. ware, Crockery, lrnn • and Steel, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps; Cloaks; %Edo Itob'es, Carpeting; &e., with a large,arid now welortnent of Stoves of the most approved st . Vlcs and con s truction, all which will be *sold to meet • thn views of the closest buyers for Cash . 0r approved Credit: ' - • . New Milford, Sept. 1856. 13 LASTING Powder, Safety Post., and kille Powder, for sale by T. N. BIILLARP. : VOTICE is hereby given that Letters-Tes /.11 tamentary upon the estate of JaMes Ste. ph.ens.deeeased,lute. of 13ridgeWater tea:whip, have been granted to the subscribers. All per sons indebted• to said estate are requested to ingest! , immediate payment, and those having-any vlaims upon said estate, to present them duly attested for settlement. The notes and accounts will be found in the hands of the subscribers in Bridgewater. D. IL WADE, I^E rs* - • ALFRED STEMIEN,S, C Bridg,eu:att r,...tan...7th., 1857. 2w6. MURKS Islind Salt, by the saekAarrel or 16: by I. N. BULLARD. Nov: 12.7.,-ISfiG. Country Mofchants, IT /TILL niia Hardware, House Furnishing and Faller Goods at New York!Prices, PHYFE & KNOWLTONS. Binzitamton 111 EAVUL variety Qf Wall Paper at Jan. I>t;'s7.] KENYdN'S FINI as.ortment of Ladies Fini3 Shoes at 131). Ist. '57. j K Ei'STYQN'S ( - IRAN BERRIES and new Raisons for s a ‘...1 by I. N. BULLARD. • Money ! Money! Money! BE WITHOUT MONEY? when it. just as easy for any one to be around with a pocket full as not, if they tinly . think so. I have, got a new article, from which from- live to twenty dollars a dry -can he made, either ktv male or female. It is highly respectable buo-: nes:„ and an article which is wanted in every family in the United States. Enclose me two dollars by mail, nt my risk, and I will forward by return mail a Circular, with full instructions in the art. The blisiness is very easy. Try it, if you are out of employment, and you will never reolTt it; for it will be better for yell to pay the above sum, and insure a good business. than to pay twenty-live cents for a spurious advertise ment. This is no humbug. 'Try it Try ii! Try it f Address your letters to DWIGHT MONROE, New York. T sent one of my Circular to an Editor in Georgia- and lie gave me a notice in his - Papor like the followino'' "Mr. Monroe sent me one of his Circulars, and I willjti - St say-to my *readers .that whoever of von are Oitt of employment that Mr,' Monroe's businessis a good business, and money can he made oat of it; for it is no humbug." 52m3. ELECTION'S OVER! Tie Countiy . is Quiet: Prosperity A ND now that winter has come, Farmers acid I.l_ all others, should prepare to enjoy the fruits of their labors; by securing' (among other requirements to . Fire:side Happiness) a copy or two of some of tki6 choice Books just received at the Montrose hook Store r which- can and will. be sold as cheap as at. any _other Book Store this side of N.. Y. City; or-even at Evan's & Co's great Gilt Book sale in the City, that sends out so manv Selisors and Penknives. - • Among the new Books are %Vestern Border Lite, Dora Grafton, Life of Gen. Morgan, - Three per cent a Month or the Perils of Fast The La!st of the Foresters,• Dred, Toreh•Light, Violet. A Post OQieo Directory - or' Business Mn'*a Guide. a Book that every- Business man in the CountY should own, Japan. Expedition, Me; chanies Text Book; &.e., &e.,' ALSO a new stock of &hoof Books whieh will be shld upon the principle that the.' nimble sispemee is better than the-slow A new. Physical Geography , - of the United Stztes hy D. M. Warren, the nicest thing Berard's 4-1 istory.of the United States A '.new School Book just out.' Elementary Moral Lei sons for &hoots and Families by Cowdery a first rate thing, Green's Elements of English Grammar, Colburns new series of Arithmetic's, alsee—Greenlertf's new Arithmetic. Websters Dictionaries—all sizes and to be sold cheaper than that. Petikmle Mouse in N.' Y. Diaries for 1857--A good assortment:and all right as to prices, and Almanacs for 1857; also,— A new lot of Blank Books, Writing Book; with or without copies, Ink Black and Red, Pens and Paper of different sizes and - colors. Scissors, Koives..Razors, Port4fonies, Fishhooks and Lin'es, Limps, Portfolio's, County Pocket Idapi, of the different States. . • •A. N. BULLAXIX • Montrose, Dee. 2, 1856. • . D.—Christmas and.,New Years erill -be•her• in s. few days—l word to the wise Sur. - • • A..N, B. P. S.-,..Any Paper or Magazine published he the Unitlui States can be procured at the correct club price. tAquire at the F. - KEN'YaR". !S Executor s Notice: Abounds 12 • ir :41: 6 4 4r )r't • DEPAP,TING • A NI) the endeavor to. palm off Stud_ Ester ILIL sive stock:43.r superior (OW-4 , ra:if goods, lately received lions an old . 4brokto dolivn estab..' lishment in Bifighitntoti, tins proved-in entire' failure to our friends &ion - •! is • beliering." , We *novirSto thti .And' should judge that '"areing" • (witticout"wealiilg)', l would be all that was nectussary to:cOnSince . the _ public that - ' "- SIMMONS MERRIM4N, at•their store on : P . 641.1c livzjc Eist4o"orsliOve the Rost Office, lino the isitortf ana..most, de siritile stock of".l3ooT4liiiid. , ever i n trod ueed t his market, which:for pride: (we offer no comPetftionivith seco nd iirfe.goodlY durability and style,-we dhallerige - earnpetithin; We are receiving weekly from the 'best' limisti in New York, the latest stYles,and best qualities', of Goods, which. keep our.assfirtruont dompleta. Jnst received ri large. additiDn to our former stock, consisting of Gla-rs Patent Leather Boots, Patent Leather Short Boots,,,Freneh Calf. Roots,. Crtiters, Shoes • and Slips: , all. styles, - Gaiters Buskimi, and Boots, best qualities. Also, Boysi - .Yontbs and ChirdrOni 1691 i, Gait, ers and Shoes, the best in' Market: In faet.ev, ery thing belonging to the trade: . . • . - All .kinds OrLunther,,Findinga, &e. , AU kinds o s rwork made - tdciAlrarid repairing dono neatly • • - - & MERRIMAN., . Montrose, Jui y „ a NEW- GOODS. ... . . ~ . _ei ' rrilig iutner:ber J . lO this ''- • ' L. 'day'rettirned fromlNew. .: .'- ' 14 Vogl; with a large :- and well * 1 . 0 .?\ .., • • . , -.•: 1 • • ' l7( selected- , assorttrient•Of n.", ,: ! " ', -• WATCHES. -12A.V.ELTLYi‘ 1 . • •,- , e 0 ..,12:;:. FANCY. GOODS, :ctc: !.* ---- - ', - Comprising .almost .every at.... ticle in. his line of business. Among. his stock , may be found— Gold ands Silver Watches in' great variety, (al large pottion of which are of-' his own imports. I Lion.). . . . . Cameo, gold stone, mosaic, enaffielled, fruit; coral and all gold Ear-Rings and Brea otpins. • ; Diamond, ruby. pearl, garn , .t, cameo, agate,' oynx, chased, plain arat children's Finger kings. Gold, silver and plated Watch Chains arid Keys. Gold, silver, plated, steel and german . Specta cles:.\ Gold bracelets,lockets, watch hooks, snaps, sleeve buttons, studs, crosses, peur . 4 and pencils. SILVER. spoons, forks,-cups, pre. cake, fruit and butter knives, napkin rings, salt cellars, soup and gravyladles. card cases,._. Pearl and shell card cases and port° monais. Coral bead;, jet armlets, scissors. r • One, two, three and tour bladed knives.- , Bass vioLguitarand vitdin strings. ' Some very rich plated castors, cake baskets, table and desert knives and carvers, candlesticks, isnuffers and trays, tr;a setts; spoons and forks. - Amber and wax beade,.cornelian -rings. . 1 Britannia - ware, sewing birds, needles, - Shell, buffalo and ivory combs. . • . IHair and troth brushes, &c..&e., all of Which will he sold at the lowest cash prices, at the old stand of - .. . . ALFRED I. VATANS. No. 2 Odd allow's Hall. Binghatnton, Nor. I. 1856.-,-47 • Importatt to Daguertootypists, • In'arble Dpalers andlothers, Monumental Dizuerreotvite ijAses, METHOD !rag-long been,soatzht,for to in ! sert in a durable! manner, D - Agnerreetype Likenesses to Headstones and Monuinenta.'. have been manufactitring, these Cases for the last two years, and can warrant them to - secure, the picture for a lona number of years.. . • The outside ease is made of - Parinn-llsible, and the box which eneloses the pieturo and - i keeps• it in a state ,of great preservation for a. great number of years,is made of brass,--a serene box. It makes a very neat job unit . Headstone • or monument, They ale' used in 'Greenwood Cemetry, Mount Auburn. Laurel Hill, and many:. other Cemetries in the United. States.- A liberal disecrunt made.to Warble Dealers and Daeuerreotypists. .Price,frOin 82,6 a each to $9,50.- A cireulat of engrivings will be sent to_ env address, free, with , price liSt. 'Address.. • - A. DALDWIN,Ag: of Maasoleutn D'ag. Co., b2nl3.] '3435 Lioad - war, NeWTorle.; - - . - REMOVAL - TAILORING ON RAM 82.,-REST DOOR le TIME FARMERS STORE: Ttindeisigned having- removed :his shop 1 from Public Avenue to Alam :STREET I , is about receiving a splendid assortment b 1 • BROADCLOTHS, CASSI3IERL'S,...; VESTINGS, 4C.• ... • . Which ; he is. prePared to cut and mske toot.- dor in a Style that cannot fail. to suit all . who I nlay favor him with their *tom; "Those wish-_r in! their work done •i a. neat and durable man ' ner will find it to their interest to give me • a I call. - • ' 3; SAUTTER, Tailor, • Montrose,-Nov: • • . 1. . E. Plaribus SO3IE forks transla t e this celebrated motto " Onel f ca*ky''--,Othoss say the most literal meaning ia, " go with the bido”—rbut the real. meauing is,"- A tip top Tailor is a good institution." If you don't believe this, call at John Grove's shop, a few steps from Searle's Ho teloandhe wilt convince you and,show you The . Fall Fashions, fer Mon's and Boy.'s . clothing for 1§56.. Don't blunder into a. Sewsharp establishment;, where you are to net tooled with bad work. •My shop is on _Turnpike street. 2nd, . building - from Searle's•liotel. I will warrant my• work. to fit well. and wear well,.and my .pridpa-reasonable for cash down. Cuttiag done al uhual. . . JOHN tontrose flet. 15th . 1856,:. . " ABEL TIMM= - Keeps all.the Pop*lttt -PATENT MEDICINES, and a First, Rats? A4s9rtmnitt G-E NU I ~D ..RU, G 6, . Montrose, Pa. • -• Friends and Patrons4:Happy rie~~""Z ear - you..-. 1 Rather late ithntly;bot I linve all thri way from to say It - .;a4 taro it is and- you i 'ivoNv. ,round'' right off and see me for I have isom e ihine new to shoe!, • ' " t): - D: ITIEfOIL,'Resid en t' in tht ' Mentrorde -331 K -?: . , ‘TS' , , UFFAl.GRobe%srdupeeiorlotinat • ed and will be-anid 14."Ptitdtit. Now t milf6A, OetiAler'lB46„, 11II.LINERN,DRESS, MAKINGe)" • Altri`.%ll!clr' STTPCZ . , kie.o . , "(ITOULD-roetientiefir kneeintei Fe 'tlieilit.- 7 7iiirRaitite'rete'iro"ifts' l Hi : ir tl-A4 ' --- ir es eren and '' -TV dies of Montrose and vininity,.thatthey, ‘ ,l,llZvlotstlestinni. flitelieloria Liqui'd -110, - lisiti . opened . a Fancy .. Dress,. _Goods-A Tip , : . I:lyelliti..2llo/dnvii etessai , ‘ , 4 2 tuv -. 3111111* - itf . Ik r nisAing Store, on Wain fjrnntoliefithe _titntneir. Vitiaitaa - AdrlFltilierfr..! linotiims .Hon'eat4so Store ; wheio-lhoy -401„,..tw !!APFT,I.I'' Ile' , 1 11 ;t0 11 1 ielrfitke'va" t if WM' ltilliadtAliii. their 014 filiiias.-'and iifik.sillfeii.4lq..oo4age iii i iriti r io_ . • it e 4 of oriok.,74oThrir 'of jai* arias: Miss Clif4o - WPf..-. 4 44MVP- thli essiclintne l ifie; 'RAVI:A 4 :01oti „Omit : 8 7 ta 2011InTydftkitinleili"* . RT,4*. ' 2,:flepatto 'looaits Reif 'lteiritidlei, ad..a,trif;l4. et inetkinll)ns wader A. Wions ptlifse3wautaci tHerinbst miularliedieines..Pithcl6:'arii'llfnr. 1,04". - - - irot;atthe Store of - Avrx, Tintlitt , - )lentrise, Sap t, 15, 't 6 ; 66: a 8 - !LA . .' ;Initial e 7 .Oat .; C I t 56-,, - --, `''- ~ - - ' tiriiiiirti'iraTs Irrea 11$4i001 4 .t......*,* 111 z i4„!, l i ip igioviTl di otilalit;l6o'.- p ik. :FiN4j,GdAll JEWLRY, GIVEN AWAY TO V 3 ' -- li" 4 5 ' PURCHASERS OP BOOKS; ' 'EX LL Books will be sol 4 asit* ii,ttatchtiltatk: At otherStateto ma ity-,44 tittlti theleit. - /Vow t BPOltit rego,,lYA4,llll4.2.4 7 9AratAist in flaws ttoit.'27s"Abiliii - tii 4106; pia todlr each bOok at lie tits -it - is aphl. -- Hitviiig At_klatidAt tory ' ../arge stock yiiia'and ialuable fhp` Witt &stout motto toitaige ii!ilealad:inialt ; itrotßor.lre are deteriiiitig;ti-gtve Our eustomawblettet Buz ;,'gains thith l .R4,:be had ,eltiewbeedA;rfl book Poblisliitritt,•l4or VOtk At Philidelphfit. Mt be promptly_ soot r glits, i aelndsil,- ou'llooiii# !bob -1 -fisher's priettt-..CatAlogno or,,gobili ,akiwyres. 14 Ants; contaibhtlitill explanatiotik:".l9e,'6:tteht freelo all-paittot,l34 eountry.'" - „,_ Ti l_ . ,',. The todAt. are' Libentfinducettrenti'i ip '”k4. t• O, th Agents..;''Ai#,MtrnsentliNtoiia ). .ortier for tent:Max, wi MOney'ineflAwkw ri lfFiffolz titled to-111'1*ra;Padk - and Gitt:rLs--4:1 ..fi _- All oilerit‘for;,bookif t :einititlittisg h toOtleA (to ensure peifeet,eatety;),slfoftid,b,4--rolliateritt at .the i s illt Ornoolvltere they. oth.ttslititVhiaß die ' rested. to. &yule,* .Cagy 409%.thvadw9iy i lNii. ' Y0rk..... . „ ,, ,v....: ~- ...... , . ~-;;, , in .„ ,1-_,, .z.- REryanzoott.. , -41. -Thomas illtl f 4iiik (Mit Fourth- Street? 1 2 1iiladelphia-,4211: -- t ott ofir;Co.,Philadwrphiik; D:AliptiielipS , t.lC*,- Sack 4 way, NewlYtiikt Dorby'az jggittiPPnit** l4 "4 - New Nork. 'l4,7filentt fori Cat.a19,04p4114 ,' •• • •-•• ' '., -.:., 'EVANS4.P_ ,4 x 1 - '-' Priocipia'Stori, ^ 4el9:SiKttd*yiN.lN , L Branch*StOtei. at It6.C. hi,4 . liitit` amine, stiid ai liYashutiton, D.C. .... ~ ~. ',7 4 :•.r11-.1"_;1) ...t. - • .'. .. ~ I , -..-.- ". . . ... .. . -ear t,..4......4163'.. ME= a .- ~ :.Rhode's Fever and_ftne_ .0 4.4iitidot r to .31alatja; fol . . the prevention' .tittd.cure of reieeand'AftieVor Chill Fe: .ver.; Durob..Agttej'aritr• - other-litermittent an& IteinittentrFiversialan`of:BilliOtis.' resent, ac companied bl.Typlii;;_id-rkiV . t 'Yellow-revere Ship and Jail : Fe'ver,i.Vene,ra t l.,Dehili - ry, Night Sweats x and -ratthe - r:ii;tisaritt-diseatnr i ithich haven common origin in, • 1A I:Aka .01i : isitASMA:- , ;• k• • Egnally certain as a.preventive For sale by AbeFoodervignedcatithorlitid agent !of the Propriatori lan ; it"Rhi4i OrOVidencei ' 7 " 7 - f. 114311114gr7f: • Montrose . , IllaYl.-1856 . II A TENT EDICT:NE . BIO • kVA CTED P4AD., Guritsniint. Miracists.--Arfgetiltlit . Green Mountkiti. 01:uttnititc: Sitrifiparibt, Cinnpound,• Children. Pamir - ear,* Eye.fLOtion.Fii; - ver and Ague. Remedy, H en tail> Syrup, Consuroptlre',..ellalrn,"X.ishall'i that 'rine, Cat tiolicet!,' _ and 4stroP 114. AO. i tannees• GermarDintument.. Trgsft,s. Alatrie . tip Oitittnerit,- GintnifttnPatti Killer,- - 116. t FlftWa Ifearcebrteetrir:.‘ , liinneit, Root and.P/Unt, • Lnules ißorereigtt'nlalm. au; Wright.' Indian Vegetable' ( -Villui "1? - 44.. Fe vet and Ague -CtuT• 'Merritt/1,1e:: GlirOgt 01 - 1 Arnica Linacnerit.,' CanAillteWalt4r; tr,#itegdi Pieern, 'BlYrifi,* - 14teerie*;‘•, - , .&e, new suppy ItiAt receited.lo - .l 4 : : lteibt7ottitantly on . hand; fur vire; by : • , • • Montrose.Cra. St4TrAP.O4 . • • • . I °4 . vy 1 11'4 . 661 T11.EM44 ,4 dr•:;VO4;ate-, - -ati bind unit chispeat stock of general merchandise in totraj 'Couidisfing of Aie.S. A Ipacca, and •Alspic*,; ,. . - :1 Brooms, .Botrtsand:Bidatesidi.:. _ Cloilks;•Calicoes,and - Denhns 4 :Ditigs, and Door 114iitirci:" ; • Envelops, Edging, arid Etiskn'Salts; - FIOUr, Flannel's, and Fisb-Houks. Glass, Groceries, and Hats. Hams, rind --• Ink, Indigo, and (diesies.) Jugs, Jaeonets, and Jewsbarps. Koixes, Knobs, and lionSucly ;Jean's. Locks, La and- Looking,Glastrii: . 3.lusiins and l‘lolasses s ; .Ntitineg's" ' .Srankeen. 411 - Nu - o..xliott.s and oi/cis:lli.' Pork,'Pills and POwder; (tucensware, Quills, and Quart:o4 . FL.,:„. Rubbers, Raisins arid, Rat-tiatis. - Shoes, Shirts arid Sugar. • • '-•- Tobacco, TPa and Trace Chains. - Umbrellas, Uuder-shirts rind Voils,Vinegar and yitrok. - Whips - IVallets-aidMisli.t ow!s. 5 .' Xtra dbperrine.Flotir. ' • York, Cottonades sind Ybutlirs(Datii,, Z., /tnd man); other. articles . Which Cf4y.; are: selling at-a very small advance on cOst ..prictes. " Srusd l; profits" avid fair dealingis't rmisttolot the, Otentmetar t 54- Give, us a tali mad . tht truth of our 'assertions,: ~ , From the -13in,ghaniton . Democrat, itplitiOth. S 7 ij SPSPLENDID-I.mrlovrpitsT:=We tq bier, noticed the-new erected by"A`..Anow ten, : Esq., adjoining the -Bank • of BitighigitontiV,be oecdpieg. as a Hardware Store tit - Metairi.tlfilfe & Kno*lton: As it approaches completion it ,deserves More aud•more the praiSea that have • been bestowed on it; and is undelibtedly ityle;finiSh urd appointsneets Theloodel store et the Southern Tier. Moises:l': . dr.`2,g. are now putting in iticiratOck, one hitter 'and:more coin, - plete thati„bruihereinforeLbeen ItCtikri this ease. embracing :at that lepaitmenti_ :.liardware. Builders FiniShing Materials, - Gas Fixture a f &e. &C.- Mr. BlaCkstone; . tui e*paiienced-and reads workman.snperintendethe Gas'•Fit tint dais:rt.. ment. • Look in atPhyte nnd:iCeowltiinY4 _° HARDWARE, HOUSE FUR- NISHING AND FANCY GOODS. VD VOtt U - 1.1[11A4t.31 5 1115111%' Of Susquehanna and Neighboring • - • • - • Counties. • - Ts would respectfully eolicit _your ~ otten V tion to erstr: large steelt ,K-414 : 4b0ve `mentioned Goodly now in store ssitim-tourat of receptleir. . Per *any years , ibetit4e,ot the-largest pertienl ..11i9s ElOiteASll4 4t Van • been retained by a inounpnly,wiriChAreepAtisist - ' given away before. th; - .) rokti of eairPliellKti. a Possessing Unequalled facinties;.-for.-.:bitting; and having direct conitninicatiok. - withlhowirist extensive Manufactories in - the United Staves,. - •we say; without exaggeration, _that we_ c a Len4 will or; tower. thin - ever Offered - lieforo WertOß. Y. - I While nothing:ll4 (get 4E 414 liard ware lido; we'ha're"giVen`Ptittircu tentron to itiuso Fdtashing lii Leli at °liUr'.'bi! s'inoer. i and have on hand n stock -*ell Worthy the II- - 11apeetiott of-. Rouse Keepers. Of Panay G00441.40ii: Anentoirttich, having beensealeete4,oshc A peetat 'referen - de fa "Mb' tvithtsi of o u r customer., we 'think Will please,those in nerd of arti iatja thbi t'o 40 - etitiinsiotror**truldnay - thrkt 'ottr fjOidt are new; ,Ing 4 :4709s 6 4 1 : - gaftitY, Nt i kAk or r*- h ope, lat'atikiCatroin'tion.',tO . ,htismelymeoc c ic. stantantfciptitinn'idthe' "vrisbei T;l,7paltonii, itierit even nninereaufettii c 'elititdeile* - rondrreposed in us. • pity Ft it_ IE3O Aktiedo - -EstabfiphillentoblicontE;W:Biolthitee4:l; • • Ilitifitaon. . N. 11. , Werlisik ii ligilt - tOatiet'fitireVAYlV4i es ilea Will9.*WfrAgM4ol.lWilaticanlsunisk Ware, Polity 9tes, !periling app.& . TsOkie is allits varietiesi.Gmikraffoillitelso ILlstentsl.l4r.c,'T ~ • ~ w m.TßEamicat.c.cr. Lindsboii),Pa. 4 3'Xar,26,