The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 12, 1857, Image 2

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    the British lost bilker; and
ty men- killed and. °ended., l,t,, was a fine
triumpli.tor the Aeseriean aintiq and spread
throughout all the land a sound of rejoicing
rind vietorv. •r;
Washington, after the tiristinefs, and spoils
ere seenred, and the wounded men attend
ed to ; pttt,ltis &tiny in tuotien,andreerussed
the Delawara. Unt 'before' le, retired, the
commander-in-chief, with all that tenderness
which, mingled with bravery, constituted his
chtraeter, called upon Col. Rattle and offered
the sympathies . of a friend and brother. sol
dier. The brave . Colonel died soon after, and
in, his last ni orients expressed fur Gen. Wash.
ington the highest sentimentsof respect.
- The victory .of Trenton Sent McCaig:
out, the *bide - confederacy. ''.Public confi.
dence was restored, and the drooping cause
of freedom once more saw-a gleam of hope.
singleincedotei will illustrate the manner
in which- - public Confidence was reclaitned:-- 7
Immediately after the battle' - ofd Trenton,
Wastri'ngton wrote a note to Robert Merris. o
thrit'great political financier, stating that be
met have at once fifty thousind dollars in
hard money. Mr:, Morris - instantly left, his
counting:room and started forth to devise'
raisins to raise the_ required funds. Passing
down the street, he encountered a 'wealthy'
ontleman, and to him. Morris made
known his wants. " Robert," said the man
,of peace, " what security csnst thou givel"
"My note and my honor," was the ready an.
swet. " Then shalt have the money," said
the Quaker;and in few hours the cash was
on its way to the American camp. A few
days afterwards, Wathington fell - upon the
British at Princeton.
- • What a pity that the patriotiii Morris
was a "bloody furriner 1."
Pontrose giemocrat.
313 ntrese,Thuriday, Feb:l2, 114-57.
The Democratic State Convention
for 1147.
The Democratic State ConventiOn, for the
purpose of placing in nomination candidates
for Governor, Canal Conrmissioner, and
Judge of the Supreme Court, to be voted for
in October next, will be held at HARRIS
BURG, on MONDAY, the second day of
March, 1857, at 1 t o'clock, A. M.
Ch airman of State Central Committee
The. Annual Statement of receipts and
expenditure.q of the county will tsp 'found on
fourth page. Let every tax payer give it a
careul i fispec ti on .
AR' The recent thaw has caused much
da.nage.along the Susquehanna• and other
rivers, several bridges having been swept
away. We are unable to give particulars on
account of non-arrival of mails for some days
The Penns'ls - ania Legislature and
_Not long since-a resolution was offered in reputation, but was universally known as a
the. Pennsylvania Legislature instructing our person of ungovernable temper, a dishonest
Senators, and requesting our Representatives businessman, a libertine, road an- individual
in Congress to vbte against the admission of the worst possible reputation generally.—
of Kansas into the Union ins a Sl ave , State. His habits of life-led him a great deal into the
This proceeding is as absurd as it is unteces- society of bad females, and be induced a 'o
slay. By the organic act of the Territory man of notorious character to come and live
Congress is pledged to permit the people lin his house, No. SI Bond street, as his house
thereof, to form and regulate their domestic !keeper. This she did, taking with her into
_institutions in their own way, subject only to 1 the house her family, consisting of two grown
the Constitution of the United States. If in ' daughters whose reputations hve not been
the exercise of their just sovereigpity, the ac- I good, and two young boys. • This woman is
teal residents of Kansas establish the rela- I, a widow whose name is Cunningham, and
thou of master and slave, or in other words 1 she lived in Dr. Burden's house to illicit in
fix by law the social and political condition I tercourse with him, while one of her daugh
of the negro, Congress has no power to dis- 1 tors occupied another room of the house with
r., regard their will. The people of the whole I a young man named -Snodgrass, with whom
country, speaking through. their ballot-box i she also lived as his wife, altho' they had
on the 4th of November, 1850, pronounced I never been married. Dr. Burden was worth
in favor of pdpular sovereiguity ; and their : money to the amount of about 1100.000, and
verdict is entitled to- respect. Should thi ! the woman . ingbarn made repeated at
resolution to which we referred receive the 1, tempts to get him o marry her, that in the
approeal of both branches of the Legislature, I case of his death sh might inherit a widow's
„Pennsylvania would be placed in a wrong i share of the property. This the doctor had
. position—a position which her independent l always refused to do, and in consequence
voters never designed she should occupy. 1 the , re had been many bitter disputes between
Our Senators and Representatives in Con - ; them, which bad ended in an enmity which
greys Were selected with reference to this ' was soon increased to deadly hate. They
very question. They use hesnd to support I still continued to live in the same house. :li
the principle which in their election was tho' the never spoke but to quarrel, and the
triampisant. Of what use then is it, for the i establishment was entirely managed by the
Legislture to send theta instructions, on the / 1 woman, she being of so vicious 3 nature that
subjeet of slavery, when the people have al'-, I the Doctor has been heard to say that he was
ready instructed them on that subject? Again; ! afraid of his life. Sometime previous to their
the resolution originated with the black 1 open hostilities, Mrs. Cunningham bad intro
reptiblican members and by -them will be I duced into the house as a boarder, a .14r. J.
supported. 'They elected Simon Cameron, U. ! J. E e kel; This man oc c upi e d a room a dj o i n .
S.. Senator, but a few days since. lie np- .i , ing Mrs. Cs., with a door communicating be
ll:andel the principle of popular sovereignty! tween them, and afterher quarrel with the
and suppOrted the Kansas Nebraska bill.
-I Doctor, There seems to be uo doubt that she
They knew his sentiments and by electing admitted Eckel to her room every night, and
him endorsed them. How inappropriate and ; and that be remained there till morning.—
ineousistent then. it is for these men to bring 1 This state of facts was knowo to Burden, so I
forwards resolution instructing him to re- l that.there also existed the most bitter feeling 1
pudiate she doctrine-he advocated so earnest- 1 between him and Eckel. This was the state 1
ly alittle more than two years ago! The 'of affairs in the house *hen the murder was
voters:of Pennsylvania declared - in 'favor of 1 committed,* it will at once be seen that
self-government for the Territoriei—in the ; the inmates were of the toast' disreputable
selection of their Senators Sad Representa- 'l, character. 1 . .
fives they either spoke againstor in favor oft On tbe priming of Saturday January 31,
Congressional int& centioa. That issue wed the boy who went to. Dr. Burden's offices to i
also enadein the Contest for Chief Magistrate, Icleao it up according "to his custom, found
and Pearraylvania by a large popular rnajori- I that his erspicyee bad been most foully mur
trproniusrced- in favor of the principle etol 1 , dered; his body lay - art the floor dresied in Atli
bodied it the Kansas bill By what authority walking dress, as if. be had been killed before
do:the black" republicatei of her legielatnre, ! he had .an-opportunity of retiring to his bed.
assume to -set aside the rerdiet-of her (lee- !Fifteen stabs were found in his body produe
torstForwltatpurposedetheYdrazbefore distil ed by i dagger or sword, - and the marks of A
bodyiseglieetion with which aslegislators — for 1 rope were on his neCir, air if he had 'been
thelkateenf-Peaneylvariit, they have "nothing Istraugled ktittritileke, and then fairly cot le
- to slot ..Do they cthick to alarm 'their con- i pier-exHsl4ile 'be two ,belpleto mid defenceles'.
aittieatirwitb. 'the old Or about the 'dea; [Bleak Was spetttered:e4aßoatthe room, and
emoloncipti-eftiot4lare rsnrerr - ' -." them we're marks of a deadly itru" r„;;le-for IA;
' 7:=7 l ; 4iciriearaO -77 f - - er- 1
be excited by the mere declarations - of dema
gogues„ Do they expect that a readiness-to I s
meddle with- that which does,pot concer •
.theni"; So teed' the, ikris
olitionisto itud ;s todisiegard the• plulftr
are the qualitlis respiectd by tbeirconstitu
ecis are dierited, to
disapliointinent; rot. the publii; is preparing
to take a proper and intelligent view of such
things. Regard the resolution in any light
you please, and it is unnecessary and absurd.
rir At the charter election in Bingham
ton on the 4th inst. the Democrats `were tri
umphant. The contest says the Binghamton
Democrat waslnimated, the parties taking
pound distinctly on " the great issnes that
divide the country:" A • democratic Presi
dent and thar Deinocratic Trustees were Cho
leis; to ofiehlick ReputlicaU, and one . Fill
more American. • A '
SemalOrini Conference:
The Senatorial Qonferecce for. the XVII
district:composed of the counties of Bradford,
Susquehanna and Wyoming, met at Husli
february,Sth, to electu Delegate to rep
reser.t the district in the. Democratic_State
Convention to be held at Harrisburg on the
2d day of,March next. .
Ira B. Stephens, yru lulled to the chair,
and .A. J. 9erritson_ Chosen Secretary: ,
• _The following named persons presented I
their credentials and took seats as Conferees :
Bradford,lra IL Stephens,t. S. Russell; Sus
quehazina, C. D. Lathrop, A, J. Gerritson;
(no Conferees appeared from Wyoming).
On motion, proceeded to elect a Delegate.
Win. Elwell, Esq., of Bradford, and N. New
ton, Esc, of Suquebanna, were nominated.
A ballot was taken resuiting,---Elwell • 2,
Newton 2,—a second ballot was taken with
a like reknlt. - :• •
On motion, the nominations were re
opened, and Gen. John . 131 anding of Susq'a
oounty . was; nominated, and
name having been withdrawn, the third bal
lot. resulted,—Blanding 3, Newton 1 : where
upon Gen. John • - Blanding was declared
unanitnoutly nominated; with power to sub
stitute in case of icability to attend.
On motion, it was resolved that these pro
ceedings be published in the Democratic pa
pers of the district. Adjourned.
' 1I A 11. STEPHENS, Chairman.
A. J. Gcaarrsos - , Secretary.
Neu pork CorrtsvinDtur.
Messrs. Editors
I cannot, probably, better in
terest your readers, than by giving a short,
connected sketch of the late terrible murder
in Bond street. This event has caused an ex
citement the like of which I have never seen
during my whole term of . residence in New
York ; it has absorbed and swallowed up ev
erthing else in the shape of news; foreign
steamers go and come unnoticed -by the pub- .
lie; great fires occur; men are run over,
garoted, trampled on pr killed in oener rati
ons ways; but still the great public mind is
unmoved, the public heart can feel for noth
ing, the public brain can 'think of nothing.
and the public tongue can speak of nothing'
but this 'most horrible occurrence. I will en
dearer to pen a condensed account of the facts
that all who read this letter may get as idea
of the main features of the case.
1 The murdered man, Dr. Harvey Burdell,
was a dentist of no considerable professional
NEW Tors, Feb. 9 . , its 7
There was no *doubt
. that heliad lieeriMnider
ed, and yet, althottglf all tire ! persons before .
nam&l idthis 'sketch :l eleptin ththehouse,that
niglst they all asiert,,,that7they heard no nnu-
Inuil 411415, and that the:l2ooe was. quiet all
night: The alai-tit - Wei instantly given,. the
Coroner commenced -in investigation, and
every' effort is'inzi<l Yeins.tutide to fix the guilt
upori s s6rne' 'One. Alt the persons who were in
the house . itt the time, have been arrested and
kept in, the closest confinement-- 7 they are sepr- I
arated from' ea& ether; and are 'not Peiinii- 1 hold any communication . with-any one
except, the oMe.ers„.and ,not - allowedto,see the,
newspaper rePortiof the affair. ker five days
has the Mvestigationbeen going oti f and thus
far no single,ray of light hakbeen thrown on
the mystery. . The facts which I have.narrat
ed before, have all been sworn to i : but, they
all merely circumstantial, and they • cast
Suspicion upon Eckel and : Mrs. Cunningham, {
they are not sufficion'to convict .them in a,
court, of law. Public: sentiment, points to ,
them, an&there can, 1 think i , be no morel i
doubt that they ace the two persons who cer
planned tho deed, even if they did not'
execute it themselves, with their own hands. I
' The most reasonat,le supposition concerning' ,
the affair, that t have heard, is put forth by
one of the morning papers. .It suggests that'
the plan to murder Dr.l3urdell has been com
, Oete for many months, and.theassassinS hate
l only been awaiting until chance should debit"-
iet their victim into their hands. According,
I to the theory of this Journal Mr. Eckel and
Mrs. Cunningham are the guilty parties; and
their object was to get Dr. Burdeli out of the
wan, 'and then obthin the property by Means
lof a forged certificate of & marriage With the
Doctor; which was
. to be presented by Mrs.
! Cunningham. This is, however, merely stir
-1 mist, as the investigation gees- on, and the
coetradiritory testimony-. accumulates, the
I whole - affair 'ir,diws moie tionfused,' and there
seems less light on the sulsject than ' ever.—
The public Mind' is excited to the, highest
pitch, so much - that I3ond street is chromed
i all time by thoasands ;of people who stand
for hours in the street merely to look .at the
Ihouse.: This latter has been taken possession
lof by the Coroner. and the Police and the
reporters; and is thronged from morning till
night. • The funeral took place on Weano.
day front Grace Church; and Was attended by
thousands of people, all anxious to satit'fv a
morbid curiosity,. by a sight at the man who
was so cruelly. murdered in his own' house.
There are a thousand rumors flying about the
city,.concernink all the parties suspected and
every incident connected with the :alit in
any way. One of the latest of these i.. that
Mrs. cunulnrrliam has confessed tnht she and
Mr. Eckel did the deed. I do not however
place any ,faith in :his repOrt.
Yours Truly, .. .
* .* ' vi
Delegate County Coni - ention.
In compliance with tf call of the. Demo
cratic; Standingeommittee of Schuylkill coun
ts- the Demoeratie. Delegates elected on Slt
urday, the 9th day of Augtst, .1866, met in
County Contention, At the Curt
the_boroazli of l'oftesliile, on the 24th nit..
About half past eleven, A. M., the Conven
tion was called to order by J. M. Vretherill.
.President. The roll Ucing callrici the follow:
lag members an. w:ered - to tbeir names:
[We omit the names for want of reom,---
there acre upwards of sixty in atu;n:lanee.—
EJ. Dent.]
"1 - ze I'rt-idout read the call. ^ 1 made n
few reiniien uljeet of the
meeting: when on motion oi.S. K. M. Kenner,
the chair appointed the t'oliowing committee
on resolutions: S. K. M. Kepner, Miebael
Beard. Peter Seiherlin, David Pre!, Enradi
Boyer, Peter Aurand, Paul Barr. F. W.
Snycier,Tbotnas Gibson, Sanniel Miller, Daniel
O'Regan. James o . l.lara,' Ignatius Gardiner'
Patrick Christopher.
During the absence of the committee. the
convention on :notion, took a rece'j of half
an hour. On being called to older - he c'Grn
cnittee reported the Pillowing preamble and
resolutiong, which were anamimously 'adopt
ed :
•• .
Whereas,- the Democracr of Schuylkill eroa to the I.':nited Siates Senak., i:, trjast -
(4 . -.' •
easiness that. it will ft.. a.ditlimilt triat . ter 1 . ., 1 •-i ! '"i- hassle, Las l'""'" defeated 1 11 ?'‘ 41 'il ' ilie
county • have been overwhelmed with ;sorr o w abase ( 3f . Li, coinpetitor. the galhint ForiarY, , i ' • „ . instrumerthdity of bribers and . corn!pnion ?--;-
• ' - - • . tin,earn, particabirly
.with our citizans . t , r P>r: . . • • .. .-
and indignation, at the confirmed renorts 1 :nil the •ylni - ):;:1 , y - ;t insult toivaras 1111 !'''-'• e i., -'• 0 - No: tad. 1- onNty ts (ideated f,lr the Senatt.•,
....conentre. (fur grocer, of Ten'onie raee ihtit the Islas k• will soon diteover
Which have reached thesis (tom the ("aaitol cf. infarJous Itaitois, L.-1.0 an I Wsgon- e 11,..;r, is . : .
e t 00;IrFe. (all gtc-,4r4 tire now-a-claN•s.l a ii! I that lie "Still liee," aad- that, he is, strungt4
• • - , • :
Peunsrirania, of the betrayal of their princi- • ,)•.;',.t cause for every D.anoerat to Lre:it it :0, , . ~ ...- ~.i . . A .. , 7 , -: . ~ ,„ -,. .
,_ _ , , .
• perFT , t. tin sin.e 01 ail &Jur e.otts to tear., his, ! 111 !ill.!:Live.,ll3jlS O. L Ile p•a..p....t wan - ever.--.
ples,.and surrender' of their vary rights, I IWe doubt not that the' President 0,,. I, ll'lr.
ac- ,nu open enemy, ri:Jd tart - Detuocrat 0u , .• : • • '
"••-• the dollar and eerit• theory) try reekryn un by
quired through touch e.sertion and - ma•ny Ito withiedd bi-, patronage.from it. - i liccitavia win renel this fo-tt'llie, of Ole
Aillill , 4 liTl.l-pr.:l.C, and what -i,..; wore, I, e I
~-. , ••• • - • ..- / . . ' . '
1 . • be •,ul,- • ' •itainiontsta to clash a•man who- liar -entlefs
personal sacrifices, by William B.:Lebo, and I I?,:r:oircti; - That these . Res•Jantons 4
~;211,,,t, he '• brott. .. ilt
to the:ii , llt . ,nrit 1 .. n
.1 I - . . .
George WagonSeller,membersof the Pauseof; lb-lie'd in %II the , • • ' 3 ''; - 1 cal litleh 1131 serviela in- the 'cause -of -• die!
irra -' the'irath''that tin Aineriean . ' • ' 6 . .-
. . . '
~ ... of •.- • 1 on ano the.l.tnion. - It ot.
• , Democratic•papers of the •
Representatives elected from .this -county ; , county, and that S. K. Id. Kepner, J. F.. , „
ootrar ret,resents more than t.Wents7-1.. , ur cents, c the Cabinet is., tole taken f ro m - I . •,.. ontc i v r a •
and whereas, these feelings have be e n. i n -1 Aislatit, and B. C. Cl/list, be a 0011111.111 tee, to .
:::;1 our ell:;•nrre'is made is made out aceotd- l'''''' —a°4 w e ii '''' ! "• o.l ''' ' lll e i' e"tiile'l '''
1 one—rise Pr silent could not do a More to p ,
creased by the reflection, that to this . conven- 1 l a l l3 - the '''ulie More evert ine'llbe r u f th e ! suds, or he chaeg..-s thirtee'n-,eenta for What , ,
,:: i l i ), , , ,:r it t i i c e in t...._tlu c ii , i i ti i • s ; i ::l l li , i u trr io; C lt i e , c l. r. F , ottarEY .to the
tion ' as a remote (thong's innocent) '
ca uF .e, 1 Leg;,:ature.
' formerly cost a ten cents and a two' ,
mar be traced, the which have re- I l ie is bound so to, fix-- matters as to get, that i' •
Rezolecd, That the proceeoing - s of 1 1 .11 Cf.:ll
- and are likely to.result to the Country, ! vention he pahli-led in the I).tily Pennsyl- , , . 4 „ instead
Of , . •' . - ' Ne - ti , t - sbr Lightning : -
and the democratic party, 'ea- the nomination i ..----- aln cent , in..eea,
t'(./.'qr per c?:nt, he gets eight. TM . .. , must and 1 i I d a i . n° ° (ia L•*; . tbe ' l 43B of Prof * M°rAe ' ia
• 1 '
T. M. WETHERILL, President. , oir in. , time earth with telegmuiplr wires, the
and election of these trait.ors,that it is rye our- , will be remedied, when-in our families and in-: .. •
i PATP.ICK F.lllOl - ). secretary. • . i Ho•adelobitt Ladyra LllO ptOglluStleBl.o 7.
... . l,
selves 55110 have warnaed into life, the vipers ': _ .
-......-4------ our daily eonversatic.ns we take pains to ig- 1 ‘• There ts nosi every re.ison to believe that
who have stuno• us to the heart; sad whereas - , I T Prekident Buchanan.- nore *ll expressions a ~i,iiiintr , tLnd penye, 'in less thari two yearS, aild litoltaittv hers than
the Ledvet Will, (it'll morning,... be abb . ;
though we fear it is too late to avert all oil
the evils that mat resuft to the Democratici papers have
si.,, ce 1.1 - le e l ect ii,,n, th e Black Republican and Snake them cotniaratirt% ly obs,de :e terais.. •)"•'•
fur r i• 1
•cli<orticd that 'Jr. Buchan:in This is ti.e first great !eason to . he conned) 1° • '• : I t° -• re: O ler4 " I " 6 A ' M •• an l a ' - '"
cause, by reason of this betrayal, tievettlieless,! •- I • .• • ; but;cwt! • df- ' 1 r 1 -carryingl count ot tli•Luntion .aitil , Paths tnatkets. Op
,1 to its the day- ba•ore.. Iu LondMi, tit
4 is nut on r a very able, n a 51,11 Min. an earne._. in prop.-its - close
, ne doem it due to o.ursorlyes, to declare to ,'
: Their talk in - re:::ard to him now presents a form which has been F.•.1. , t on foot. The're are'idims from St. 'Peter:A.olg in one,. direction
the party c. , .. everyiyhere our condemnatioa r
! woudettui contrast to what they said of Lint other irript.•rtaat considrations which-pre:tent 1- atiff 7 BainbaY in :itoitier, 'w ill be . ft'otirly_ coin-
I ing in," - irtal.from Wall street to Cahnitta,the l
the course pursued hy those who efahn to few weeks-ago. H ere i s , portrait of him by : thetn ,, elve; in sPe.,tkina• of this sabj-et, the ea
, .
represent us in.the•State Legislature, and our '., a coriespon,jeut o f the N, y. Ti'Mfs, Wilo rd- ; tablishine.nt of a uniform c,nnauttition ~ t. 0: I Ik:cords of the, stocks. and -pricea one day;- will
, ih e read-in the,Lumion papers of the. tatie,tind
, sentiments 'of disapprobation upon the out--; eent h. i.i s i t a. mi n ; - 1 ter eoin'ilirong,out-all the Stares cf the Un- 1
' a n oo ,l ....,t news (turn all 'the. rrr - • I
•,, a 44 t, F .lO 11,0 0
rigeous transactions, of which Ilarristairg I „.. hc ion, bt-itirr! among them and to which rat. 4 1, :t r• .:
I • -i 1 %- ••••-ll 1 ..ii,ope„. St e amships will nut be I.,oked for
baslately been the scene. • first remark: la, a stranger co.ncerning
! Mr. Euelianan, wonld naturally be; • what a Pr"l'abi-I• resort at another time.; in the l as they 110 W ;lie, but: as' ,low coaches., they
, ~
TherefOre, by the Denrocratie Delegates in i fine old En •,, b • s b gentleman! , I ba d been i n _ : meantime we . say ' let •the old - silver coin•l Wlli he valuable only as . bringing in 'file-i of
1 Counts.. Conrention'-asseinbled he it • t•• wa il ; s pan i,h , r • • . . •• I old OtIWF-11.11,et - N aid just as;thea•pider, ;sitting
1 - - . traduced to him moray yeais :goat Gadsby's ,- ••• : .. . . -
.: iii.his I%eb, toriches a few, thieads, andbv and
/lean/red That the conduct of William P 1 ----•---------......-...._ ~ ,
i • , • J- , Ilotel, Washington, lint the interview , then i . - If , • by sucks ail the jaice.,..opt. of a. tly,•-and l e aves
' Lebo and George Warronseller, has been of . of 1 '• • Tills • I /art/ • , °noway's o . lntnient and _Pills.—Every -If , i i
Iwas ion uar.tiltal. time Pab.- , . on r the wings, legs, am,to be picked
i such a character, that will 'al they can have. in the i session of him for several hours. Oue of the i lie ' l . 1'4 ' 11115 stmll'i 'keep 4;' supply ' 4 l at fe;":ai•e:, ' 4 l e ; iere"1111•11 . operable 'it
. ..
ei .. .
i d of
c ics on:han
fid. 'No household i spider:like in'theri w.•.b of -- Whit's, 'arid' Su
• c k
i future no claim upon ns ther individually or s fim: remarks lie made, • elicited by the.presen• 'these great spe
collectively, for political, or social association, I tat in n 0 a new or •
r y 1 : . ' • t - . b.! can safely dispense with them . .- External and . digest.all tirojuicea of tateli day from-the
i „ coma are, was, t at.
injuries, abich would result in the lossiol. a , 4 , U1'14'21:11,.W , $l, for., yte-nutrinteptof cominerci:
nor even' for the common, civilities of life; i the 1-•lilidl,cl. .- - - ._.
portraits w-ic a een. made o. hit.., , ; a'..,r anytiona witcan now ArC we - tilav, c.d.-
an d from -she course -, durin . . i . H . • ;limb, or the etipling of ajoins, if treated•-iii 1. :, .`.:— "'`'. f•. .- - -z •-', -•' -- -
.that we regard them, g the canva.s.s were- most :,, a carica• s•andy obtain inform,ition from,. talcur t a_tu
• •
pursued bare a . right to regard them,' the o•ti:na vin d s •
•-+ • 1... 0e , m..y.,be ented with dim-' New' ''orli•"! in it Very titii - boars. '' '.-'''-
as i lures, that ' thOst svho had. not seen must im• 1
- ; 1,,,
without the pale of all human sonietf—mss-;
, agine him, from Ids effigies, to be grurn a t n n i patch, and ~without pail) or hazard,: by the %," When the Rattle of witt,4i r wAslot !g ht;
instants znaltfactors, traitors. Villains with i .s.h I,d • : l is
• 1 o b te, whereas e)1 scary: y ever uown an ;
: use of the Ointment,-, Eiyaipelas, salt shuns; it. took fsoin. Sir rul ay,, until,' Tuesday eve n ing.
, . for Ilse new, to -reach ....ondurt... ,. ...Brittlichila
I whom the most sacred feelirgsof our nature, I uneheerlui moment in his life.' - . . boils, sores, and all externabalialenbc irretre;,"
. . ' -rot the tidurnrs six hours before .tite.gorern.
the hightestlonor—an that enObles imil- di"- 1 ' In
a. f moved svitis equal facility and certa a I • ''' ir .; '• . - • ' - `i• '
int, .. 1 - •- • - vit - ty- • -
fact, in spite of the weight-of responsi-: . - • c . meet; e mt. tons by - buy tirr stock
, r., •
sites' the character of mankind, are to be ! billtv, he evidently feels, I* countenance in !the. a PP licAti " of ;this.-
its L. greatlicurative'; and after which-bejL*int, ' , lds inforniation to the
. .
ptirehased and. purchaseable with 'money. • a mirror of happy than
_ g u t and a benignant,! the manifold' disease of the stomach, liver,' liing!ailitiiiterst.: • Nor inore:aucli'. slohivs%iti
nee 'tairl_, Thit thOugh as yet tre, haveaot.
_... ...... disposition . : . lie.lotalsi Whale, temperate snawi ° l4 . 4 ?• 114e4 ' , -c9-91 LC! I 4 14, ig.tbia.e o l4air)", f4we ti r .;J .: S 4re t ' !gi-'' s° •°"'' 'n ° P -1) ,- 4'. !-gala
: -.. fougglit on thekruad, eltrtitlmt ttna resulta 9f
• the ability .to. institute; proCeedinfra f'. - f c us s - v ' te ll t i 1 4 u id a te e odd sisvaria,isly 4e . the Isaliatille• upesaation an. '-. .1 •a!:•1 4- ;; , .• ,- .4o , ''' . ' 'l . ''..• ".-,-,•`°,;"
... .• ~ ,0, o six.y, e Ie tu eti, lat. tin .. 1 • - it wtl l t be anown t in tatax OM a4U t f oiNoli
aa'3lost WjP.l- B. Lebo it geofrre IY:to . up r hut 'with orrirms . the'. redo i is: - 04. 11 - 1)1 / 4 • -.- ' r •••• ..1...• ••-• - - ,a-:. - i-f-:. ' - - b-- ...C. '
-6 - - p . 6 : elle gh • • 1(
.yids - P 1 1 . 1 WI. • _ • * . . . • —;,, -'• lii a l•W‘ own.' . :
ieller for the crime of bribery of which they
have been g . L•iity, - and though we have. not
the power toasw:trd to them the punishment
meted out to Condeluned yet'lve nail;
upoil allig — Ood mon to surrounl thitifisvillt.atl
odium,irtore 01E114.1311d mote lasting
any that be_ assigned . by' sewer)*
those :traittits,'whOse'nritnes - onli sboirt
or those of Judas and Arnold in the
magnitude of the.iuterests involved.-
.Resolred, That ,jit. is .due-to the tortor r ,of
the House of Represeritatives, that the char
ges of bribery and corruption made - against
the. traitors who voted with the linow,ltioth
.ing Black Republicans for Simon Cameron
for United States Senator, (which charges
we firmly believe to be true.) -.should be:
legally established, that these wretcheit .mar.
he expelled freni that body, Which by their
presence is made pestilential with all moral.
corruption. . • •., . .
Resoired, That in the opinion of this Con
vention, the action of these men hag placed
the Democrao patty of - this, County' in a - 1)6;1
sition •of undeserved odium illioughout the' ;
Stale; that we feel ourselces innocent of :till
political Crime to our brethren inother cotrn
ties, and we beg of them, by the memory of i
our former labors, rind the good we have (in 1
" past tinies) • done for the cause, to visit the
: sins that, have been . Committed ;:npon - the
s guilty parties; and that we, who have been
I loyal to our party and its principles, :May
receive sympathy 'ratlier than condemnation";
for what is to us as Well as to theirt.'a deep
I and almost irreparable injury, over which we
a s t h e y have had no control. - •
Resolved, That Henry D. Foster, G. N.
Sinith, B. Cresswell, C. R. Calhoun, Samuel
-A. Hill, ..John Fausold, Seth A. Backus, and
R. 13. Nicholson, in departing from the party
precedents, and voting against the Caucus
• nominee, are censurable, and though none cf
the guilt of the berrayal by the three traitors,
may rest upon them. yet by their course, they
have weaken6cl the Eolid i ty of the Democratic
Party, and rendered the appfoach, of corrup
tion more es , y. .
Rfsoirrd, 'flint t'oe Hon. C. M. Stianb, the
Senator frc 1161 district.. in coring, .for .the
Democrat caucus . noniine.e for Unitel Stnto•
senator. tlitchrift - , , ed his d Lay to his . constit
ue,.,rev., and :hat we instinct him n 5. our•Senti
tor, to the protest otrezeil by Wm. Brown
in the Sennte Of Pennsylvania.. "
.ReenTra 1,
"That we depeTent,e nll perFonal
viOlenee tlioe miser:lble belng,.; whollare
tovet.i thenr•eives with o•t!rla , ting• infamy,
and we rectitnlend to .the,:wrae citi
eonnty, the• er , ntirination of that
cor.,luctovitielx darin'g the late r..
citing campai:2l, r.!niit•ied thm tho ar.i . ruira
tion (nen of those, policy it eras;
make nn.i reprezent_them as the contrary:
.Resclod, That C'. Oraber,
Paul Barr, f , tnatir. , 'Wrn.
l'eter Scibedirr, te. CO 1. 11111 ; :!Ce to p11)%!C
and eircnito3 Petit,'-.^t to the :Lni=e of 1:0:,
rc'eLt rave , '. z.V :4 ' : i' : • : l,:r , ') r the invneti:nre :iv
o:rn , :mt i•, , v i
~ ~, 4 (-e :0 exatniile "." - n! , ..) :I.Je
cllar;r , 2 5: a 1ift ; ,•:;,.: 40.1 eotruptin, 12;,..t'Lli . te-i
fizf.iNt Vii: 4 . 4 - ' 7 '''..,, h , I. (.4- ,, l o . e W:wfq:scl
, . 4 ' ~- ', -
!,-r. -and -t!: , .‘4 , 'i l q:::: , at ; :1::u 1:::t. il ey b,e
: d so
_L/Tri.ClWC:Atijt: : 1,i,„.e." nil lo.nnirtit•ii.* gronsto.•
to nr;Z , ..! li:lit "; 1 0! _:: -!at u re: the
irivf>F.'6 , g:V.l , .:!
~,z,....,x , . =,..17 . ....- 3 ,I;L:e a..i. p c , --ibh• ;
tl,at t!wy •:k.)1111,1,
frenl from the olitim
;o t 3, min the eves or tt:l
:1.0,3 clairn to be C.L:I"
S:mon CameirP.;, tlitot:Z%
nr,,ltori':!ptioy of certain Inenilwrs v.
elt;c.:*:,l to the iThi:e,l
not entit!vd to a se:tt is dm
I)u' .1:,-;. ; i:J;IC - ' - ‘vci ILt:•rt-:;)re, c;t11 S.:jl
1!;is COIIII; ; 40!1 n , rainst
the . inf . ta ,- .!ti , A2 cf it; law-, by cqi , ling• the
NvzLing iron tbe.pri-
Ti•at meet
ing, tlie ne•••• - spni , er t1:o
n , r an,l E.n•1,):11)n at Pott. , ‘ •Ly
• stirtncyn - i•,:f I in - t,-71!,.parc.k,.ent,-
1 - I.:nry" L: rrike..latf•iy ,• Drui2 , .•••iti to lit: 1)e:no- •
•- :r.e, na!iv , t Arn,F.(:an cll!til “.r. ••••, , :tir,!•:. tid
to the ,. 1)ej , n...);..r , n a€.l.".
C....A - W.:F. - Cite ca every!:;t rn::n ; :
, n to t r,,ln(!e - in € - )nr ca!enhttion•a
its exititations in the election (~ 1 53?„,nr)n Cam
crtlnzs. Cn:tom• has I,r6r•ertv
trait of his moral and• intellectual character: jor,s,lrn rho Steuhco Farmer's Advocate.
-, ;,,,. i , : , - . , ..
i• A juwjeu Loin to be ono of tinogo Ba um4LN ...., 4 -- A . Zitztrimo • CAL,1321::, Y. • 1
'' • h . e • ' ...i ., •1-1 • • . • 1
ittipe,tuons, daring eluilactets,.*lto, by p1 , a4:04 i... 1 : . Y, •' • • ----, . --
t i • - i l'arprntirte .11.rptoto?z--A Whole . Egintlyi
qicatexivrience- - cif the-,ful!y,of,yie!dibg 4 , tcl,.,;i ..,.; i,,,.. i.- t„' t ,
- 1 0. . i o r . ' . .. , „ .15 tn.') :ea • ..11! . ;7•7-1 1
•s*riliulse,lliad•'.g,r4iditallyia'ecittirfodlTiifiliabii ot 0 1 , g t.
. L..._!. . 4.Ti .
.. ( i
_Lt. : •
v•itititig for `sober sec Old t . .foqg*' to cheek{ 1* qlin,
mr.l,lng!ealaty occurred nt the . trittisli,
end Overp his every sictioil'. l •,:: , .t$ i 4f/helitiv,i4;ll. Havens, a Wesievan Naliji
' •-•---- '- ~, .' ' ,'....i. - . 4 '- -t N. ,:.t> ,.. " -- .: ' -• . -".. ~.5, - '
r . '.. Ili,.f.ctittatir noce Alod'st'uis. Lbc.e..‘isiorwkliy;\‘•.;sli.s.t,A3rz,ytrtittleresiding- about fourNilljlei
his face will lighten up, both of his large blue South of this village, on Wedne , ,day after
r eyes-will distend, and listeners.aro-compslled 1110012 1 gistins'4 whereby three •persontrwerel
to., kink . ttreirg.vf_before, - hi* profound sornti- killed and -. a lou i rth injured beyond recovery.
nixing look. Suddenlv, however, one of his - It appears that fir. Ilavens was engaged in
eyes half eksed, "his head slightly inclines 1 the - preparation of "a balsani, of . whieli , the
tpw.ard*Jane'sidtaud 4 eyerY'i 4.1ri.1 appears to principal ingredient was spirits of4tirlentimpi -, ,
be weighed in the balance. You always find - . Ile had about two g,ailons of this fluid and 4 a,
that yotflire conversing - with fiti - efripliiitieillly Yin - an - tit y . orreiSiti - bbill tire' . togetherin ' striqlp(llf
great visa, and his unpretending, trifolst4erta- vessel tillop, tile stovie.•.... )3.; ;ionae r '.,l4lolii •ti e
I $ $ . Jf ii - •
tious . Siinplitiity adds' railer than ilt.iriuil , i was corntriiinieated'td the int.ut.filtih mix-)
from ' t lie int preskioii;' . w bile his 'u Mrfit:eted tare, and whijo M r.• 11. was- . endeay.oting _to 1
amiability and hospitality win your lieart; Convey it out ,of;,.!..dfxrst: um explosion took I
even tliejudgernout has resol('ed to-inali(i''re- plata}eseattering4g , hurning.. du i t iti vver,, , ..* ;
'' •••• •, krsons othimself,--11i4 , 1Wiresand
; three .aril- 1
dr(M,vtio•sZ , e're in th; ronin'i'dna letting' tie I
to the truildinir. ~...e:•.' ! L 9 :lh; : ,•,i: r ,„ r -; f s 1
. Mr. Clinflesl3rundrige,:: a near neighbori 1
who've: englige(lin word: not -far ; from - thel
. .house, he:tri its crie.cofrdistress,, - went; to-as . ol
certain the - , etitiso.., , The vette as desenbed b}..l
him mast be-truly heart-irending,: • On: gala
', lug entrance to flietion.e, he'foirtid litiis. - 11a .,
ven.i lying upon - the'lloorwith4very. partiole
of .clothing . 'Bucked 13111 ,. Mr. I IlavOis. , was -
partly sitting in a corner and calling fornsi.l .
1 sistatice. - Tlieohlest (laughter; aged 15,
1 tlitlewrlierlself on t , bed in an 'adjoinitnti,-rilom
and smoi tiered• the flames, tboreby , saving het'
1 life: She is badly burited,.but ; will probably 1,
1 rectiver. : 4tiotberliati4liier n•Yel two rear I
i - an(l'a .ion aged five - were - v(14o lying upon the . I .
ilooe with their clouting almost &limed , otf. .2
The force ,Of the explosion was so great, as
tolshatter'every.window in til€lious...' .. - • •
They were. carefully placed in the'''sleigli 1
or Mr. 13re ridage, =tind taken - iti his lionse, -
w!;ete they received every atientioa!aud care .
that'dould b'e bestowed, brt :with6ot hope of
sacin , ..'thei r 'lives. Mt-S. finvenS 'died at nine
o'7l . ock P. M.,'Of tine same (lay ; the Vontigest
,htii:ztittrUt 2 A:M.; of • thit 22d, arid".. the .
fattier at O. - A. M., bithe. Fame di'. ': ... : -
• Two (ither Cliii.itcn, . Who 'Were at'ithOol.,.
ire thus at'one tilb* 'deprived of ' father: and
inotlier:'. ; llieii: situation •cominends itself- to
the sympaties unite eliari \ mble: ' - - :: .. -
' Mr. •liirveri's •ifge• was 36 ; lils'w%ife's . .33.-L
The fi6eral eereinonic:4 took piac6 on Frisl;iv''
of bisil•we•el, Mr. Brundarre': house. The
rerrmir..s-ef the tle:erveli were taken to Ninth
Conlio't:.s(•n, in tI: t
iF:' ...0., for interiiient,'of which
~. .
pllee Mr.' Havens was t'orinetly it resident.
si ,, tanee
"1 am.a Rpublican.and he i 'Al)4inoc it,
but I . pafilim this willing iribfite: that 'he
aripronelies as nearly tO my ideal of the . o:en- .
tleinan of the - al school as any one" it hay
been my good fortune:to
The gurrency Excitement.
- There is n'great commotion the country
1-throuf4ll, - says the Aretcs, eon•-equent
coriternpirited•action of • the Governmetit! in
relation to the ree:eiviiig foreign silver 'coin
at n diScetint'. of tueMY per cent from its
nized value: The . people in ad
vance of any de - cided action on its part, Seem
singularly in a harry to get :lie foreign coin
°tat ofci - rculation, ‘viftiotit allowing-any day:
of grace-,—insiance the pocket being touched:
all parties are sensitively aiive upon t ie fl i n t'.
ter, - and wherever we , 2•. - ) the present derange'-'
ment in the. specie market is the topic either
of cormnrindatciry remarks; - or animadversion,
the . large majority of the peopledecidedly fit
s:oring the movement, and that it is an' eiivol;-
lent - and judicious ono, and Ono" that should .
have been itiatigurat - ed years ago, is blir
est belief. '
There rni;At perhap , : hare Lc: . insotne mare
jadiri k ins plan :i t biptcd than the one - adopted
for relieving onisclves of this tiiiisatee,s:o . that
it'Wonld bare fallen lesAercrely On the poorer
',chtsi-e5--=`• the be.WeiS o f Wood; an d drawers of
wa:er." Aside Itom a few vr6aker,bowei-er.
nho (rill natnrallygrowl apOn any solbjeet,
no matter how free from ol},ctions it war be,
movement generally popular. • •
But :.•oine stated day, not less sip,. than
thre months should b'e i:lt'en the Gb
j , etir . nahle euin Iron hl come to be rec e ived as
le:131 tender at its Ling rce;lgniied
WOVI:41, ue 11;:.ak, have been an improvernent;
this %coul4 give the oe4tile fa l ir'opportuniiy
of di:losing of the sum.Aon hani, at least at
a vaT sight discount. and Would not . entail
th;it 1-.,:s . ul;tut - the la!) firing '‘‘ hiefi is
nods ca-o. Sin3:l the :amount may
teem, there are many . , v.:nous are n o :
It i~ ths!:e ate :l'oat "55,000,000
:1/;r: comery, ‘,ll v.10(2 1 .1 .
ius.•• ; . :1,0i..0.000 i•tit cuaiult - upori
c:cri sc.ei.e,i of
• t •
41,0 .11
0113 711...% •J t- economy, llny(f.trea , t/red - Ire a.
t i le :',OO
v•iir pent, for Jt rain:• us:, of tLis silrir
Wi 1 . 1!1:it ‘VOtild
and wh o are tiow.c . otnre;lc:f..) to
Laity , . it Both and t.ii-none ( - it' it at :4' lons -of
l'e:.t; :14e .
the fidivalue for whatever they
Lave f.ITI 11:u11, it east to Coeur in tLe
wi:v - of traf!,... it must Leap".
1 . 1r . 2 .-'nt. to 4:I, are thui
;;a+l ::1111 . ();.t said 11:e UlllV—sido:eN in ',hi-
ref:Armtficn or die rem:v. W e b e lieve. then
:•11 , 01.1 Le ttkktin to tt move
the 1.111.1k - : n f. fin] :?:•_ Yt.t it i;
r7:1110.• vi! are in tavur Lit the ine4Pnr
:uacemrnt goinr , on aniil the
cio-xne i I:tatl3 ate ;ill
One of o.le ittna tlii-11.!ult
. .. .. . .
The defeat of
,this , rentletnatt for ,Lnt,ted,
States S'e'fiator i„vi yil oill - • endear hiiii - the snore
o the - I),!lnOciacy of Peutivlvania. liiB'
servieeA. to theparty, hiq in:egritv . of charne
-1 ter,' 4tni his high sen-e of Lonur, itaveseeured
-1 for hiin..he. Tfimiratipn.of . all true Lt4tnoerats,
au the re, , i i ll'll. of . the hone 7 t men of till, pay- .
~, .
• tle- , . (7.4 Fo.n:s-t:r :s ealphatieni , ly a self:
rnitele .tinin—the arehirect , of his own forfune.
i lie_ p05,4 , , , es indofnitatile . eni•roT, rtild is one
1 of the able,t waters in tLu I.;totel States,:as
i the oppc,r.ent of the D e toperatie party in thii
Statk!, Mi. 4 ). have felt hi...i,:k.e.en ida-.le, eau tf.s-,
i ; ;Ty.. Ilk dt'eat'
t wet,./.. , at, tail! onit' cats-e
Ith: , DonloCraes . • of bi-1 -. llati . e State to cliitz.
i closer - roll)av„, - "-an.1 lacy - wi+l 4 .7vj...zri,..* t.......4.:W1
1 ' ‘s !len th:fy see 1:hull:lc - edict a pv , ition coin
i 'nklii , uNce•wiriz itis wortit atoi tait!titz:, , llke
i.lilii.7l,: P. , -ral)!ic.iii , , if they expect lii . crush
(..',l. Foasu, by tin . ,ans o f hiibery and t.tor
, ruPti ,, n, bar.i couut«.l without tiwir hoit.r
! We would tauter a thongaitil• time., OCtltii;V
i lAi6 pti , iLiCil -If. day; than that of his - sueressiti.
: o ppoi.eLl, who will s Wjak .into thee Late
1 t.'-hautier iike, it thi t ,i, in. the - night, O. ere ro
.: i.n-nft with his preen , ...e, the tamest and great-
: ranoter'
Ilyint . %V, .F.o.rc.qr,
e , t merit of the nntion. IW . ft base conibitt=
I,ion_of ba•ze rn'en, CAI.II.I4ELt of this
StatP ; :tint whoni a parer tuatt - tiever
wailiereated fur the Supreme Deueh. The
I),.:nocratic porty_ inste , ki of tie-erting, stood
tip lit as 0 rot-li IJ:in, anki Pre'sident Vera .
nun hiter call,' him to a F.e.01. in
(-imp. BIG LER • era: dcf , -ated for G o v el nor .Le
he-worn tuilib;ns linow N,othingi,tri,a d .
atil. fraud, bat
fon•alze him, and ti:e . fltst Opportuni
ty th•kt 'fio!. elected to the I7iiii
ted so we mi.:Olt go 'on .
,tn , " 4nt:roitqs many .in“.. tirx . e.:„ o f 'the - svnipi;
thy an t i 7atitude of the Democratic:. party.•
SIIOII it be other w now k hen the - great
,tlrunpi,.n of I fie Democratic patty,. the g;kl.
. Atk,fitt ic;_tyirintreiksatioia :
AI n 91111 . tit e ' ti_qst'•)tiafttr - -- ii - if%:.,,t, iOn s and -
flisa ppo "tinents l iili •
.1 .. , we y l , l 4 ave .ik nowt); ~ re . -
siti,kr . t , g oat the, . te`frlb - ` .. .,ifOrrti;. is 'the• •
lice of arifriend 4.lWaill;\ f...5q., of '. T o . -.
' if' '' ls ;' a . l
A tm 4,, -inipa, ) . 1 ,..n.„, : . 1 ~..
, •
60. Siltuiday,l,t ite•4_o! h_ irtrtrhit,• be received
toiiipa q th liy-,t,i 4 e g rao!o - 4 94 hein g - the arri
4. Q' . Rs rignity,,.. fiesteli, from ` 'Havana,
.'irti : her ilieybarf - Orne• - st tile ninths since; to •
tr37l - 3 effect ora cintrige of clitnate in behalf
of - hrs - lintrghter,'W:ho - had latterly ` =evinced
s3•mpturns Of a•deeline. 'Thin; tone of the dis,
.patch .%Vas :such as to .Create g • reat - anxietr,and .
ff e s.t itt tea iftmitnfly for-New Yti tki - ii 3 -hop e s
tr- re 6 lh 11 'e.-1 1 , 1 .1 . chrY."'"fglioer for. ctuiries- •
hop. -- iArrit;ing- too f lato.N. Itelth4llediatelt• turn- .
eel his:eou rite sonthward in the rail cars.
~ In
- nrinsmitelirfeirl li 6' STdi•K' Ile - iiit .4 - Tw a - nfilas
and twodays . ,,,bersvfek Not,. Xotli• Itpci Phila
tle.,llloa,jatja ;ti taine len . gih 4pi tiria 4 :: l b e . '
tween the latter city and. WaShington—
reaching here only to - findbinturt:her progress '
at end - (ortietn+S. ti rill 1 Ottger, .••, - .Valiay r'oute
by lki"orfolk to Weldon...las been cl os ed f o r
erV,t0,f.' , 4 8 5,..4 inlen!' 4 l9;Vgn•q.- 1 44... krq V.lind
the t'oa`d t to 'Richmond ..still ,i Rip Zfilliiln.Raoa - -
ble . . To.' atiiifile47 it I's '' rii - biirtais in eit t;;:the ..
hod- of , telegraph tris•!ont•-Of Oil:lei' until ' : Yet.
ter d a y; tvlibu s ,theirrst . 4dtelliOnOe he'it.ceived
wa.s . . thet, rAcaillg P4nouneetngati•that( - his
d a Ogliter died :At ,Charleston, on .the , ; 2‘.1,4, in- ,
slant. Miss . )iirti . „ . W.san .: the - flece,4ed t was -
about fweof year's 'Of Age, atara-`younk lady
great beairtt' - ' itiifi ti - e - cotiiplidnikaiti. She .
will he deeply gniurnet: in lie!. lexten.aed ~cii.-
ele of ai,Traintance. .
The CharlestOn! (s'2 C.): Con rier . 46l the :24,,
inst.; ~a )*i.......: .-",. •
.' -.',-.i , " -,• ..-.'. -.. ...
~ W e take the foregping frPoi . ;.,the.•..-Wash.
'i agto n triii9apf, the c.?..atkp tri Epp. • Tho i. deltth
of • flliS - yotiog la 4 ticeilieti: at the ; 'gill. :.
ti.,,use.,ln thisi l 6 iii
tY,'"tlietiiiie . ' _
w il l p 9 5..4i bly Rcifi eni the poignineririf this -trtf3•
'fiction to some of Iter.distitotifrieuilktrr_state,,
a, we now do, upon. the authority of her ac r
companyi ng relative's, !thittceverY -.a-wen:flow
which l:inAttess ouruld,suggesti was.pW ,thP;rl
in their hour of trial, not QM); by the gentle-. -
tuanly propriciOr Of the,liOtel; 01r . .".' 11t,11Cai11,...
SONO and ilis•fartiily;"lrtit.liy matiy"Lfliis -res't
Went: gliestS 7 At ; n'it - ' 'Mt' . by - • titt4t , e,idePent
liysielan,-•.lir...Parrostano, and ;other 'citizens -
of Charleston % .The funeral;svas AttErided-,.0n
Saturday, the 24th. -nit by, the • Rei.. M. '
' Pi sok N Es-, of ,'mice Church, Anil her remains ,
were clepc') , izt:(l iu, the'. 311 , 1riolia-CeMeterv." ,
The bereaved tektite. 4 &sire. lil to le'fider
their heartfelt' •rickithyfedgt4nehtle'tcr: those ,
w h 0 - -have• bd..; tO w,ed ; t heir , Sylnpa t hy Ofxtii I'a
-.7---.41,..-,;".7.--7-7,1' - ' • . 11: 7 ,
The 4ippre4ellittg.:ll ; eiltitgiliatiop.
The 13t!ni 04'11.1e:11 , :`,Vie%i . f. aY4 ::- °:. , ' .. .: :
" The inauguration' of :fatties • BiAiiiiian ' .
promises Lobe the 'most .inagnifieerit ,:iitstal
went of a Chief Alaoistrate of the- United •
States that, has ever taken place:. ....:The:•hilli-, ,
tart' and eiyiA.: ; 8.54 . ..6(: ia , tipts pf.the la.rge ."ei ties '
MU imikkrig, preparations to visit Washington •
on the vcr,:t,iun. : Arnow? ; the rest, we. notice ,
the 7th'i•;iiii;iletir; !SUti r unai °tiara; of
ditri.i on New•Yilrk,State militia 'of 1.1it,=•••...4ty
of New -.Yo•k; ; t he. Pit ress cprtii of. Alliair ;
the Keystone Club of Philadelpl4.l::art4ffile '
, Y ou n g. Men's- P e Uninra t it: ' :UPI RP . CIA, of
New Yoil,Wh(i will 'be accordPatiied by bod
worth's full btinri... . : -, .. ,
SUgq. Co.ttiaf
• The Societk'rits To&t. lay
v e•ti i 117, a'atery 27 di, ISo7,liv U Drinker,.
Pribitient, hcij6urtied''4)S•er liopTlire
i,:al,-; week on'aecontit-ot m
r -
Thk . pitieeedings of lasi irieetzt weie iend.
it'iotion; R . 6:017:1 rriii tee w:is appotnted to
no4tiriat 191' thk •
the . i;oinmittee, the
wpi,' 71 . 1: C .. ..,"4(11.141V%. A -
'The Itellort.a the Trea&urei Tears
A.:lotpted—showing r. balarie'e in the Ttepsufy
.6ti the 'lst of 1 GG,J4.,
• The committee ip libmin;iteoffieersTerorted
fo:l o trg. writelt
.u•tis onatilinoustr tidopteil.
Julin t on; Vice l'iesi
Scortn-ry, Wm. J. Turreil ;
Sect-et:Li 11,".•
Cpminittec., A. .I.44lthvin.; ; ,, Treasutet, Aior
Latilr.dp. t r
The Secretary. not being presenk-,Satnuel
F..eartnait was clwtienS4;retary,pro..ifosn:
nn tmrtion the tinle.. , for . reee,iiingireports •
on g r:0 : crop wateottti tined, till Alie
tneetin , j or the Society. ~,
A corn - rnittee consisting of Azar Lathrop,
SnuinE4 F. • Carinaltl . IV; frreetl; -- G'eor!,iir
Walker and Witt, C.'Wurd was rtripointeii to
ing, watch of tilt.. Society It - scityie'ititiller point
that) sfontrase;•rind to reliOrt;lit:ilext:tife.6ti ne,
On tu'otion,"ndiourned to Tuesd6'ferening
of .
tirsi %seek At;ril c ourt. ''•`?
.Seerelary. ptc. tem.
.1..1NDNE33 IN CONV - lIIISA.TION.—!T4IO/e 13. no
way in .:nen„ can do . ' good t9.folllPtl
wi h s'ty Cxpein43 , .
nes.. in conversation. --”. WordN" , it is sorip-,
tinies Aaki, C0.5t.; no th ing."' I ,Av . nntl intrzi
kiird words no more 'than ''t,licks.* which are
h ar sh and irierciterl .
4in4..words mie z pp
tru norre, valued than tire most..costly gifts,
rind Alley are often` regarded - t h to
kens of a desire to : makc..rotliel harps.,
very thinkihat . kfild veiy
corrimon,lthm. are - sb elettp ' . brit . `ihere are
ninny-who .I . lave: a large
other languages 7-eNcelit :Yhey
have. mairy hitter words t and witty'Woras s atirt
learner) Words( in abundance; :but their stock
of kiwi words is Small: The'.
one might supriirse i %void& at. grudge Mite.
kindness in his littiguagd,:hOweveti'cl&tely.he
clin . n to his money, but—there are persona
who draw pri.tilteir,"kindlteSs . .stitli
luctance.tlian on their_ purses, .
cAfir:CL - TilF. 11ANSA -
rrit Es.—Ttie're irf llgilly:. - ititeresting, 'par
(-tuttal liars as .did Comtiiittcesa,-crracerttina
t mai)a , ,46iireitt, 'or the jit - ndi Oop trill a teti Tor
the re;a:f ep . u(arity .
incompetency and prtfate-coi'ruptignforti tho
su.iple Or the 'clirrif:%;;.i in both sides, itild i f . we
'are . to beliesu half t10:1;" tile greatest
f:ervite ilrit..carr be '4otro . icto re
vq. Italiicrpm ilArtite,(4l4,ertuthjliagby-these
set!. votr.s.tituted: cotrlraie,i.-7+Pni;Y r eles
~.. 1..--
E: ,
N4lf SI ; zTEII.-..3 '.
inagiritl:•"eiltly piportioneil illwitrAtioript ihg .
4 , ,tißi it srit eta earl 'be fOtiiviliC ihe i;o0i 004
of time .??iclori - on it iEnitlirer, w 1 en A 9,4 :fifty
3-elirs''el i pbbireill;n:`;.t.4'prOpi aor. . rertie , ti'ed
tO‘ - tirfaiiii , ,:to - n, bisi boiiti litivvie ( i . over 0.65 f,
04566e - 6'oin liiiig' patrons.- tie a' tiioiztit
oiticia . rloAs'iyas ' , a ot
. 3 / 4 giri) n : thit'Was . isiiiitkika
k $3d0,600 Or nit r 4 - tiislioiie:i3tY '' - ieems to.
Mit) iii . ea lii ni aia t.frik ir,,i)t k neinihe riietie,Wet
many newspa:er subse„ril,..t.s. . .%,....?;).1.