The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 12, 1857, Image 1

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ScCoilut 6hritson, Trogrittors.
Oh ! cottld there in the fouad
SOme little snot of_haPpy gmund,
Where village plettattrey,might go round,
.Without the village tattling!
Bow . doubly -blest that:place would he,
Where all might &well in liberty, •
'Free from the bitter m6ery
Of gossip'a endless prattling,:
• If such a spot were really known,
Dame P.P%Ce tnight claim it as her own ;
And in it she might fix hir throne, •••
Forever, - and forever;
kAi queen, might reigniind live,
While every one would soon forgive
The little slights they might receive,
- I:. And: be offended .never.
misehiettnakers that remove
Far from our hearts the l warnith of love,
And lead us alt to difapprovi
What gives another pleasn et
They seem to take one's'. part—but when
They've heard our carts, unkindly then
They soon retail them out again.,
lklied with their puis6nous measure.
And tben•they'ce such a cunning way
Of telling 111 7 peant tales—they say:
Don't mention what.l said, I pray -7
I would not tell atiotler ;" . •
Straight to your neighbor's house they go,
Narrating everything they know,
And break'the peace . of high and low
Wife, htirband, friend, and brother,
la: that the mischief-making ems,
Were a 3 reclueecOto one or two,
. And they were painted red of blue,
That every one might know them!
Then would our, villagers forget .
To rage anti quarrel, fsmeand fret, .
And fall into an angry pet
With things so much .below. them.
For 'tis a sad, 6egrading 'part,
To make another's bosom smart,
And plant a dagger in the heart
We ought to love and 'cherish!
'hien let us evermore be found
In quieteness with all around,
While friendship, joy and peace abound,
And •angry feelings perish !
Ido raped - ifir - oIT, the times of
beans and pork,
When our old clever, honest Dads, went
. whistling to their work;
When old oock'd hats and breeches were •the
fashion of the day,
And good thick bottom'd shoes were worn,
with buekles shining gay
`The. titnes'of old—the times of old—when
our good mOtiiers more
'6ood home-spun t•tuff—and kept ibeir cnuti:4
and tippets - evermore !
When good stout waists were ail the rage and
cheeks ne'er ptrinted were,
:And borrow'd curls ne'er need the girls with
beauty debonair!
The. times of old—the good old times—when
borne-brew'd . beer went found,
The merry hearth, where boisterous mirth - siod
apples did abound—
- . •
giggling maids world hang their beads
in bashful modesty, -
And sprightly lads would eye their Dadsluxi
nudge them cosily 1
Tbe good old times, when our Dads were fat
and hearty too, • - '
'With hair coMb'd back most gracefully, and
(lone up in a queue-- . 1
1 do respect those golden days, when fashion
was inclin'd
To make her votaries wear their coats With
pocket boles behind !
Alas ! they- 1 e pased with time away--tbose
.:halcyon ilays are o'er,
And now men (last on green frock coats with
pocket hales before!
The . .
women, too, take up .their cue, and wear
their chains of gold =
ID for the lads, like our old Dads, who lived
in times of old
lbe inn may wiiim'ibe 'grass to life,
The Clew tha drooping flower,
The eyes grow bright and watch the light
. Of Autism's opening bour—
But words that breathe of tenderness,
- ..And smiles are•now . are tme,
Are warwer than the Summer time,
• And brighter than the dew. - •
It ifs not much the world can give, '
With all its subtle art, •
And gold and gems are . not-the things
To sanctify the'fietrt, ;
But 0, if those who cluster round '
The altar and - the" — beartb,
Rafe gentle limo:6 and losing amiles,
How heautiful is earth!
/Or We are not to soppose, that the !AY,
grants stability because its light and eliatige
able:leaves dance toihe music of the braes. ,
es; sor are we to conclude that a teas wants
solidity and streairth Of mind .beca u se: be
y exhibit Au
.occasional ..PlaYfulnem and
db - utatiottal.
Delivered before the Susqueha nna County
Norma School, by Profeator , C. R. Co
buin, roibanda, Bradford County, Pa.
The subject which I have chosen for tbis
Lecture, is — a practical one, and I shall en
deavor to present ,my view in a plain, school
master-like way, without tiny attempt at
rhetorical display, fof the sake of display.
, I ask your attention .first, then, to a few
thoughts relative to the qualificati o ns of
teachers; and, Fetlol3d, to some Fnggestions
to parents and school officers, regarding their
Ido not propose to sketch the character,
or the literary o► perional.qualifications of a
perfect teacher; this would require the pen
of a master spirit. Neither do I intend 'to'
make at estimate of the least possible amount
of 1 •arniug a teacher must have, that be may
get along. and keep school ; my object is,
rather, to state what is requisite fOr a good
teacher to know, one who is qualified to take
the supervision of our youth, and train ti , em
up for usefulness. Allow me at the outset to
give niy view of what education is.,
To educate a person, is to take a human
' , sing, ignorant and helpless, as God created
him; the most ignorant and helpless, of any
being he has created, among the higher order
of animals, and develop, strengthen, direct
and control all the faculties, powers, emotions,
passions, feelings and affections of the soul;
to bring out, build up; cause to grow and
become strong, all the organs of the body ;
until this once helpless, ignorant infant, has
become a man, prepated to go out into the
world and battle .manfully .for the truth.
To educate an, is to take a . being;
originally created in God's image, but who
has sadly fallenfrotn that likeneis„ and bring
him back. so far as human agency can re
store him, to the state of moral rectitude in
which he was left when the Almighty Pro
nouaced him good. It in short, irbat the
word indicates, - to'draw out what 9s , 1)2 the
spirit until he shall stand before the world a
man, physically, materially, and morally, a
whore man, prepared for any emergency,
ready at all times to do duty in any sphere.
Any system cf education that dote! nut do
this, is not a perfect system. Any 4eacher
who is satisfied with anything less thorough,
is no such a teacher as the youth of this na-'
lion ought to have. 'Any school in wbicli a
tivated, a part of the man is educated, a
portion of the latent energies of the soul
drawn out and developed, is not such a school
as should be patronised by Americans.
From what has been said, you will readily
perceive, that t have not a very favorable
oninion of the system, or the schools that will
allow pupils merely to skim over the surface.
ThoroUgneas, in everything taught,should be
she motto of every teacher. Let
,bitn know,
perfectly, what he is suer:opting to teach, and
know too, that when he has done with a sub
ject, each schiAar in the class understands
all about it; that they have something more
eertaitt than a vague. unintelligible idea
of Something about something, somewhere, in,
some book. This superficial teaching, this
smoothing over the rugged asperities of sci
ence, and then administering whole volumes
at a dose; this external show of learning, fur
the sake of a polite, genteel, or an accom
plished education, while the elements of every
sullect studied at, or swallowed, undigested,
are left untouched, or smoothed over and
made so simple that it requires no mental ef
fort to receive them into the mind, in the
mass; such teaching renders the mind averse
to anything solid, and every sthool unpleas
ant and irksome; that requires close .thought
pod rigid investigation. For such teaching
I have tro sympathy.; with teachers who thus
teach I have no fellow-feeling.
Allow me, ladies -aed gentlemen, to enu
merate, and I shall have time only to enu
merate, the breeches that I deem it essential
for a young person to understand, before of
fering hituself as an instructor of youth.
First. of all, and above all, the teacher
should be a good speller and reader; he must
understand orthography, by this I mean all
the elementary sounds of the, ,iiiphabet, or,
rather, all the sounds - in the English lan
guage, in the various combinations and
arangetnents. and • the approved -methods o 4
spelling the comtnen wordsin the language.
Orthoepv, a branch of thistiliject, must olso
be Well
.undenttood by him. The pronuncia - -
tion of the teacher, soon becomes the pronun-
Ciation of the pupil, if each teethe! has a
system of pronunciation peculiarly his own,
or he follow no system, which is :mire likely
to be the, 'ease, we:can readily see what the
consequences would be. to fact, we do see
in almost every district in the State; no ten'
persons pronounce alike, unless they bare
been taught to
_iribenistrictly . , to some ac
knowledged . standard: We have such a
standard peculiarly our . owtr, a work of
which every` American should be proud, and
tt rough "tbe'cuttnificenee 4;l ' f tbe Stale hope to
see it Arced
„in everi district school bolus
within its bounds., There is, :bin, no ozetti.e
for that teacher whir habitually misprottottlt.'
cos cont . won - words'
.• ,
The-English, is A not language, destined,
no 4 . 004, to be. more extensirisly spoken than
any other living language; should not, then,
those who attempt to . teaell Who 4 1 11111814601:
youth, be peifetitly,Estaii "With native
tongue:', ifika
,Susquehanna Coanttl, feinett, CtarsZtag, Stantfitg, tittaartiLign,
tion lip should never receive a certificate, or
license to teach, whatever his other.qualifica
tions.may be. It *is said; long ago,' That it.
was no
. honor tti be a good speller, but a
great disgrace to be-a poor one.'i This adage
appears to have been lost sight of in modern
times by teacher. ; as to themselves, and their
scholant.Nore advanced studies have crowded
out the spelling book and dictionary. , It has
been asserted that, a poor speller can never
be a good reader; lam not prepared to ful
ly' subscribe to this doctrine; but it is certain
that a person who has made Wiwi( familiar
with the eletneutary sounds of the language
can read better then one i - who has not. To
be a good reader is desirayle, but a rare ac
complish-meat; and teachers, above s all others,
should strive to obtain it. There are but
few good readers even among educated men.
The cause is to be , found in the f;mt that our
youth are badly taught this important branch.
and not unit equently bad habits are contracted
when commencing to learn to read. It the
teacher is a poor- reader, his pupils will be,
as a matter of course, if he teaches by exam
ple. . These three subjects, Orthography, Or
thoepy and, Reading, claim more attention
than has of -late been bestowed upon them.
Our children are growing up poor spellers,
poor' readers, and 'sadly deficient in the
knowledge of the proper pronunciation of
the common words in their native tongue.
No person will, of course, think of offering
himself as an instructor, who has not some
knowledge of Geography; still this necessa
ry branch or common school education, does
not receive as much attention, from teachers
and pupili, as its importance demands. It
appears to be the prevailing opinion in some
'portions of the country at least, that it does
not require much knowledge of Geography
to teach it 'successfully. It is not expected
that all the names of places and rivers, &c.,
found upon the maps 'will be retained in the
mind ; this is not desirable, but the principal
facts should be known, and remembered.
The teacher, when applied to for assistance,
ought not to be obliged to . look as long to
. ascertain the faci;es it would take the scholar
to do it himself. The child will not be slow,
in such a case, in coming to the conclusion
that .he knows as much of the Geography as
the teacher. When such an'idea . as this has
taken possession of the pupil's mind, no mat
ter how it came there, the teacher's useful
ness is at an end, so far as that scholar is con
cerned. History being- a cognate subject,
should, he studied in connection with. Geog
eae materially
aids the teacher in imparting instuction
the other. Indeed, T hardly Geog
raphy can be successfully taught without
connecting With it the history of the nations,
and cities, under consideration. The history
of our; at least, together with
hat vf the nations from wbich the first set
tlers of this coutinent came, should be famil
iar to every teacher. I.'reside,s a knowledge
of history enables RTI inditidual to appear in
educated and iefitted society, to better ad
vantage than he could without this knowl
edge, whatever iris other attainments might
These two subjects also are shamefully
neglected in the schools of our country.
Schools of all gradts are blameworthy in this
respect, and teachers, as a general thing, do
nothing to break up' the apathy that existed
upon the subject. 'Geography is studied only
by those who are thought to be too young to
study anything else, while history is totally
neglected by pupils, and not generally uu
derstood by teachers. It is hardly necessary
to say that every teacher should be, at least,
a fair writer: (In the Common schools most
of the instruction received by our - youth is
imparted). Although no one qualification
will do more to ir.troduce a . person favorably
to the notice of trustees than a good style of
penmanship; still 'in no one thing are
teachers more deficient. It has passed into
a 'proverb that, teachers, tuinisters and law
yers are noor writers, as a matter of course.
The science of numbers is so interwoven
with every department of industry ; so con
nected with all business transactions, that no
individual can takestipon himself the respon
gibil;ty of life without, at least a partial
knowledge of the elements of thescience; but
teacher must have a thorough understanding
of every principle of the science of numbers.
It is . not sufficient - fur /din to know bow
pr , enis are solved, or that certain opera
tio s r►duce specific results. He must
by these conclusions are arrived at
by a particular mathematical- process", The
reason for every step must be known,- not
guessed at,' not studied out as they come up
in the class; not skipped, because not under
stood; nat slightly passed over, but known,
fully, perfectly known; so known; that no
scholar can confuse or bother him, that no
new principle can be brought up of which
be has not4hought,and for which he is not
Intellectual atithinetic and algebra, taught
as they should be, are better calculated to
develop and strengthen the powers of the
mind, than most subjects that can_ be intro
duced into our coptiton schools ; they call
Into vigorous exercise the powers of analysis,
and cultivate the habit doormat, rapid men
tal .cultivation; but if not properly might,
they might Heuer; let alone. Teecherv,
therefore, shonkl not Only understand these
brandoi but they si.oukl know how to teach
Seettral of the hiihef departments of
are vailtrayy finding their 447 ittor
*tit COVMOV reboots, sad. thoso tenherti who
intend to keep up — with the times,; and be
sought after by the directors of our best.
schools . must, at least, ituiderstand algebra
and the elements of geometry. The snore
mathematical knowledge an indiyidual has,
the better is he qualified to communicite in
struction •in - any of 'its departments. A
thorough knowledge of integral and differen
tial calculus, analytical and' deerciptive ge
ometry enables a person to teach simple
arithmetic much more euceessfully than be
could without such knowledge. It itt of the
utmost importance that scholars be thorough
ly drilled in the elements of every science;
pursued, but this is peculiarly necessary: in.
teaching the science of numbers, every . rule,
and ptinciple in arithmetic must be ao well
understood that he mild teach the science•
successfully if there were no text book upon.
the subject in the school. Teachers, especially
those who ere not experienced in teaching,
ought always to prepare the lessons well,
themselves, before they come before the classes;
and be prepared to bring, up some Principle
Or fact connected; with the subject, but not
found in the books. Allow me to repeat that
thoroughness; THOROUGHNESS, should be the
motto of every: teacher in everything taught.
Oh, this half way, milk and water teaching.
This stuffing the mind with undigested, in
digestible, uncomprehended, and many times,
incoinprehensible mental aliment. This pour
ing in and then drawing out process. This
standing before classes to lecture them, and
palaver over them, in, attempting to fill
the mind with a heterogeneous, conglom
erated mass of facto, mixed with a very small
portion•of the principloe.of score of ics; and.
ologies, and osophies, and onomies, while the
real root of every subject in the whole range
of science is left untouched;. such abuse cf
human intellect I cannot bear with.
Language is the vehicle - of thought—the
expression of operating mind; and be who in.
atructs the youth should understand its prin
ciples and construction most. perfectly. He
should not only be able to analyta sentences,
and tell the relation, agreement, government
and modification of all their parts, but be
must know how to form sentences or his own,
and liow to arrange them into an essay. His
ear should be quick to detept, and his tongue
,prompt to correct gra9a , 511Fisl errors. The
The language of 11,: r ... / ;( 1 ought at all
times to be plain, pu. e w ;'::. beyond the
reach of the most rigid 6,., . , and fir re
moved from cant rime' ''s ,A vulgar by
words.. -' • ' • __r.._-
- .muchch raPid - stiidei in.: ,q been made
in the arts and sciences- x t ra has science
been brought to bear u?'" 1- ' ' .:hanical and
'rush at t?
agricultural pursuits, auk rted t rolific has it- ,
vention become, that it M4ighly important 1
that our youth, have a kno ledge of the ele
ments of the sciences that -treat of the laws
~\ l,.
by which matter is govern. The teacher
should therefore, be competen to give in-
struction in Natural Philosophy ansi.Chemis
try ; not only to ask the questions Aced at .
the bottom of the page, and hear the Marked
ansssers ; but competeut to give instrutTstion
that shall be available and practical, and
point out the application of these natural
laws, to the several departments of industry. i
To explain to his pupils how the minute
particles are brought togo.ther, and by what
they are held in contact ; holy, the sparkling
diamond points that garnish the heavens, are
kept in their appointed courses; howthougth
is conveyed, with
.lightning speed, across
continents and oceans; why, by means of
- boiling water, or heated air,- the iron horse is
driven with.sUch fearful velocity along our
rail ways, dragging hundred oftons, or •thou
sands of human beings in his train, and car-
rying terror and dismay wherever be goes;
b .) , the piercing cry of his whistle, or the
thunder of his tread. I say the competent
teacher, is able to explain these subjects to
his scholars, and make them both useful and
interesting. 'ln this way he may stimulate
in them a desire to know more of the works
of the great Architect of the Universe.
As the business of the teacher is to deal
with mind, it seems to be necessary that he
know something of the Jaws by which mind
is goveined, as well as how, most successfully,
to impart instruction. An acquaintance with
intellectual philo-ophy will greatly aid him
in training those committed to his- charge.
A highly cultivated, vigorous mind is
of - but little value to either it possessor
o r the world, without a well developed, heal
thy physical organization. "The house we
live in" should be cared for, because we live
in it; and hot for its intrinsic value, or its
beauty. How can a piece of mechanism ; so
complicated as the human system, be taken
care of, unless we know something of its or
gans, their structure and functions, and the
lasts to be observed to keep theta in a healthy
condition. The teacher, then, should know
enough of Philosophy and Hygiene, to in
struct his pupils as to the organitatioti of the
animal-system, and the laws of health. We
do not ask that every teacher ebottid be a
doctor, or a surgeon, but we do :letnand that
he knows that every person requires pure air
to breathe, and that in large quantities; that
high seats; Willard backs, are not only un
comfortable bin positively injurious, that sit
dug week - ufter week bent over a desk; .with
_the head resting upon one band, willinevita
big produce distortkin of the Spinal column,
and that to -allow children to sit, in a our
rent of air after active exercise tuts produced
perspiration, wilt bring On colds, coil& an d
consumption. This much every Onion . may .
Iknow, and every teacher should knot, A n d
knowing &veld , apply is hill sebool a'rrabge.
ments. The fait which .I mention among . * '
things for the teacher to learn, is-tlie solenon
of teaching ; and the method. of iffanging,
managing and governing 'a school. Many'
wren noir think it require' no pitriates pre:
paration for this most important and respon: ,
sable business—that st.lxiy or , girl-that is six:'
teen or emotion yearslold; and has but just
lererning enough to bear inapeetion, and'who
is too lazy. to .work, and ton 'dishonest to be'
trusted with any kind of business, can step
from the farm, the shop or 'the kitcken into
the school room, and keep a first-rate schobb
A. person , should be prepared td teach, as
well lad as thoroughly, as ht should
preaph, or practice law, or Wedibiaa.` When
this is dons we shall hear loss complaint
about pool teachers and 'poor schools.
I have thus hurriedly,and‘ without any' to:
gard to order, mentioned most of the stadiei
'usually practiced in our common. sohoolsi.
but by no means ill it wouldbe useful for the
teicher to understand. There- is yet a long.
list of undies!, eacli one of which would be a
most valuable investment in the Bank of
Knouikdge, from which be should be able to
draw at sight: Book-Keeping, Analysis ; As- :
tronomy, Geology, Mineralogy, Music, Draw
ing, Rhetoric, Science of Government, Moral
Science, are Subjects which any ambitious
teacher should and will strive to rnaster..e.
'ld addition to the branches Abet - are , 13012*
sidered properly ischool studies, the teacher
must be a person of general information upon'
all the common topics of conversation. He
must be an extensive reader, not of novels,
or silly, senseless, sentimental, love sick stories,
that require no brains to write; and that per
sons with any brains will never read; not
works that will dwarf the intellect and corrupt
the morals. No, not such books would I re
commend teachers to read, but the standard
.literature of the day ; the proceedings Of liter
acy and scientific associations, the - doings of
the State and - National Legislatures, and
above all works upon education. Every
teacher should have a teacher's library, in
which should' be found Page's Theory and .
Practice of Teaching, Nortbend's Parent and
Teacher, the School and the School Master,
the Life of Mary Lyono.fie Teacher, Mansfield
on American Education, the several Volumes
of the Educational Papers of the State. my
Schools and School Masters,,by Hugh Miller;
and the Confession of a School Master.
To be well qualified. for h , -
aibilitims, of >►li ststiiia . to—be— prepaild , -- tw
amine the crudes of guiding the youth of tht
Keystone State, forming ' their habits; and
watching-over their morals, an individual
must have •tber qualifications
,than those
which have been mentioned in the preceding
remarks, he must know very many things
not taught In schools, or learned from text
Nature must have nobly done her work
for him and in Lim. A teacher, to be suc
cessful and useful, must possess certain per
sonal qualifications,.-aside from his literary
attainments. First of all, he must be a gen
tlemen. •I do not mean a manufactured
gentleman got-up for the occasion, one of the
modern stamp, who frisks a gold headed
switch, and dangles gold chains and seals ;
that other men's money has paid for, smokes
cigars, chews tobacco, cracks champagne,
and considers everything that does not come
up' to his standard, "decidedly vulgar,"
modern fop, that bows and scrapes to the
lordly aristocrat, and talks nonsense to the
daughters of the ',upper ten, while the honest
laborer, who has sense enough •to not carry
his capital, character and all, on his back,
is treated with cold neglect. But I mean one
of -nature's noblemen, who treats all with
genuine unaffected kindness, who knows, in
his associations with his employers and theii
children no rich nor poor, who encourages,
and applauds virtue, and despises and frowns
upon vice, in whatever garb he, may find
them, will render all possible assistance to
the - scholar that is contending against diffi
culties which may lie in his pathway up the
hill of science, though Le may be clothed in
In short, the teacher should be a person,
whose whole-deportment is in" , accordance
with the golden ruse, the principles of which
appear to have been forgotten by the Che 47
terfields of the present day : The teacher
should be neat and tidy in his attire, not
careful to he either the first or the last to fol
low the fashions, his personal appearance
should be a model for his pupils to imitate.
Let no one think that I am recommending
extravagance in dress far
.front it, it is pro
priety, I desire to see it carried ou't by every
individual who comes before yoliths as, their
instructor and example.
Love of order, is Ith important requisite
for the teacher, if things in the school room
are suffered to go along without any regard
to system, be will fail to teach by, example
at leist, one important thing for children to
know, and practice upon; that there is a time
and place for every thing, and every thing
should be in its .
Puncivality is another highly' important
qualification for the teacher , without whialk
no person is fit tki take Charge's:v(lollth.
deed it is °tie of thicardinal virtues the
chataiter Of a , person attOgaid in any buei
nesAi`it is the, corner stone; tipon which for
tine, .fittne 'aid - character ire built. It'
shotild therefore be instilled into the rand's
of the young,,forth part of their habits; and
be - inwrought into their very_ atnies. ,If- is
net enough to talk about the
this 'quality the teacher tenstlinpries
portanto Upon lthr pupils, in s far more
,: ,- -_ll ',;:t; , . :i..?,..: ; e1-1.: , . zi ---,..,.•
. ,
1 01_ 3 , 1 , w!typ by eiaMPle , T: lkskoutd: t!e, at -1 MS!
school r °9 l ? / : ef .t S Tfi t*94. l .4fAfk the.. 431 :!'
ties of l4 l Bgh° 9 l.4' cci . OI P 3 J4PPS Ofte44 1 9k
Waitbell.!Dg f9T O ELP o
t t .1!•'..n 9 , IA"! 151.*1gg)t.4. 41
Fveiy thing pertaining !o . the exorchut,
of the school onght.toibe done in exact time
no one thing. heingieliiwed Vencli upon
the.tfUse of neitheioiot even one
Extetnesi fir the . time ofcloning - sehool ' is - air
iMpoitant ai% the' 'time'. ter .commencing:- 7 =
The aside rigjir adherence: to lie all iniporf
ant prineipleabotild 'carried' into '- eery;
thing, wbetlier in ihe sclibol - rixitierAtt 'the
boarding place; in falt, ihrtingli 4 fiii" Miele
life, be onihtio'halitip' regular and eiii i ct that
employers'ean regulate": their tithe-pekes
by his.movements:. ,
• The teacher Must ha attidious{tire . Amnia
cultivate habit& of Close application Wad' rigid
investigation.' wotild
have 006 or .tivo . ',tidies to pursue during
each term. Ile Wilt, in this-way, becontiii...
ually enlarging. the list::cif the eaieneds .
able to teach, rut well'as expanding hiaintel: ,
lect,..and soon he - mar become learned, withi
out •having spent his seven year* in -college::
Essay writing might profitably en7l„sgeirlior.
don of his tilde: Perbaps - thern is no other
one thing in-which teachers, are
more deficient, than in :the-:ability: to` 'put:
their thooglms upon paper, in the ; forti et *
readable:article;= still there ii no -other oier
cianthat will so effectually call liutcle . laftt,'
energies of the trinati and build a strong, rig.
mous,' intellectual man... to this• teachers
opght frequently; to employ themselves. Let
them write artioles for publication -in the
village papers. •
Ind ustryrio another India - Pen - sable 'qualifies
tion for a teacher,; :be bathos possibly find
time to'be idle. The indolent farmer has
- poor crops;or nooe„ at - all; the mechanic,
whO'OegleCts hitShOp to loiter in streets, los
es his customers ; the lawyer that allows his
cases to go against his clients by default, will
soon have, no clients ; the, physician that is
not attentive to, his Patients, soon. discovers
that his more diligent neighbor secures all
'the calls fur medical aid.; the wares
_of, the
lazy merchant, remain on his shelves u nsold,
and his clamor for, their.demands. in
dolence of these men,injures only the estate
or the health, of themselves, or their fellow
men ; but a Lizy schoolmaster, ruins immor
tal minds, - orpermits hialpnpils to grow up
i 4"* Deverierint' e r4.oo ll ‘ 9llsl tr'--tirse
charge of undying Souls ;
_rather send him to
labor on less valuable materials, to toil where,
inactivity will produce less disastrous result's.
.:The successful instructor most be, apt to
teach; not a good lecturer ; not a shrewd
,hand to ask leading questions, so: adroitly
that under his hand a poor scholar will' ap
pear as well as a gdiad one; lout apt to c l ocn:
miinicate--aptin his methods of illustration
—apt in his explanations, and apt in all. he
does in school : apt in,making his pupils de
pend upon themselVes, instead of their , teach.
er. I cannot better eicpress my views upon
this subject, than to quote the words of the
eloquent Bishop Potter : be says, ":Ifl were
to reduca to a singlematini, the concentrated
Wisdom of the world on thestifect of practi
cal education,l should but communicate - a
propwition, which Ithink will commend-it ;
self to all Minds, but I fear is not incorporat
ed as it should be into the practice ofschoola
and funnies. Ttiat principle, is, that in edu
eating, the young, you serve them most effec
tually,_not by what you do for them, but by
what you teach them to do. for themsely.a.
This is the secret of all educational develop
can hardly lie necessary to , say that the
teacher should have a character above re
proaCh or even suspicion. There Aare moral
qualities that inspectors are not , required to
examine into; such as an arersion to. any
approach toward partiality among his Pupils,
a strong attachmen t for truth and justice,,
an unconquerable '
abhorrence of falsehoodi
deception, or injusticein any of their forms
.. ,
the least deviation from the path of recti-
tude • an uncompromising . disgust ., at, every
attempt at witty inuendoes , at :he, doctrines
of the Bible; and a- tespectfor, and -attach:
meat to; the Principles of
Finally, fellow teachers, , we must be porite,_
without being foppish; firm, but notCovei
bearing or censorious; gentle and forgiving,
yet always maintaining proper : authority and
enforcing Wholsome, regulations;
,communi- .
pative, and apt to teaell,:b,ut , rio t
or egotisgcal. In short, - we must ,fiave s 'an,
uncommon share of an uncommonly. , scarce
qualification, good notation sense, 1
. -
" I - 11 Ava 'so Tiaa TO REAu."--The idea
about the want of time is a tnerephantom. ,
Franklin' found -,
time hi the tnidst - ef, all his
labors to dive • into the -bidden jeeeues of
science. The `great"Friderlek; With an_erit
pire at his direetion,‘in - ilte Midst el' War,
which ittalio decide the fate of hisitaidim,
-. o • :
found time to revel in the charms f philcieo-:
phr ind - inteleetual *attires: Bonaparte, ,
with 111 Europe ai hie distiSial, with iiiigs,
in his• antecharatun haggler - tot' Vacant
throned, with thOsands Of: UMW whose' dead-,
flies were suspended by che-bo4 l ohrgs, , 4
his arbitiary pleasure!, had
,timeto , honverie
with books :' Otiltai, - - whgri he 'kilted Alai
spirit of theitorean people:end' waithitiiK
with:visitora from the.reitottst lemtdotes,t
found time foriotelhse4o4den‘Orsttigil. Eeekit
Man his time . , ,i he. is mirefOl . .tojipproFo_it,
as well as hetni "lit; 'he can ve9.thrWohl.
jovial*: - Lit il iiordie:ttie Of tou t s at thei r
diaposavinhe r , mint. to obtainywkrVetr-Itiz
agent* iii ieciety.. : 714.eisui it they ,144 444
bold-10 tit* 1404 the .destiales of our 110-
public. • -
•::,1 4.1 g firr.
~: ~.:
tokiii 4 r.r,
1: , :, itlf tIIII-.1.74.,,t4:;:fi,
. .. ~ Y .'~? '.'tL~;
1 1 ,6 t .1 at.hAY:i'f
-* •
....!nb1n. 1 .‘ 1 3 ,01 , - • n‘u 4-' 7 .- AO4
,„ . s
. ,
,-... . ',.- ttiertircwaitbXtenttrfe ''-' '' .l ," ) "'''' -
...., • , . I , -, •,:•, odoooki..* rit'l IC
F' -
“.4.: }--Etna '-
1 ,gu,Plaj, .darted Artvolgyrillittpti-v 41_,
~ 1
-Oa ga,44 1 4 4, 0 PP 0 l!kh , twootti4 flookc mt,
• -_., T.# 't Ie 4 M:M mi 1i314 4 4 , , , 414 4 7v1..,t;ii4,_:.- - incf . :::
-. TPT00tin , n1 41 .4r 4 4,-, Rtidox ..V4illirtiAre± - ,
'git - N iPO, hicte!p.!=4.4014.:31-4:/P.414•111
very peril9pAcnt4/ 0 I:o l2 Bl:44eltkAtitiokim
'Pal* , 4:!!P 1 PAP !' l 4: of:4s o **i thilPt,
American force. was reduc t ed,Aß Oiu.t , -fitte.w-, -,
t e enlll PY l 4. l) ?! 3 ?. l 4.WPaliffirAkiliil 4 l l 4ll . ll
6 4 1 ` 8 1 , a!Pt !..04i c lr.rslikitz4001 , , .
° C . I i W I YI-, 4 ~Mg": and A4415.44#_,..tj0map
B ,riii.ifi I,rr6f;,,asif_katki...l444oA
State'. Th" P . 4 9i f it 3 Ifolta;-PFcdwari#4.4140 -
s * i i-' 04,c9 4:T",.-tkiti-fel , 9.*lo4gltAlt ",
much ! , , W e ..,PLlleill:-.lna,".RXWaaftg!"• , , I
. h . u ,! ted ; f 4d9 :-:;1 1 4_
..1.:e 1 ;. OPIDAi 444,#140 1 4i , •
' 1 " !I ni :lM a l, ic tli,!Alilo,Wl,444. - 40arialnke
i i6e ftifo t 4q?°.9.t: l tt .k.iuni, 41;444 iiii.
boiCeli:si desiair." 'Yet ihe . ,fak4l, ,eti:Prtorgeri
Washington was firm„.,unilititqted ..syxViCott-
Piant ; helkiked forwa o l !s4l4. lo4 i4tetrigglPll4 " \
and with restless zeal he - .set idmself .ittonfr..,
organizing a new, puy. 11 was whil - c2
clunds-ticitorttut,e,,Were dati , liftiltb* , _
OM:Allelic; MARI:a eolipitiVieverAsititer'-
, planned and , triumphantly executed thet-barirg - -
Ile ogretitot. _ -., • 55.. -
Iteitil,,, -- ,14,„ *kb joirus4:_,
waahingi.":>ii:**lfttl*liiWcollected by,
promises ottioni*4o4-Pqf it&
more bit:tiftifippeals, thi—oSeirT4dei-in,„
Chief found, himself, on tbelt4T 1 4
bet, IR Ogormand of about Six thOutiaud49 2 .„ -
tive men ; and with tbiaittity be. ivsoived to
strike tt the enemhaathetivcreveitit. -
the of freedom. .. ' - - - .=---;
1 1 30 ,,,Britists foreetNettratihetJtibnP,lgtia"
tered in detatclimetiththrouthout New Ter- -
Rey: atidin,thezeighborboodUi-Pintedialphia.
There aras.a pOst at. Mount.:Holly;', owe.' at!
Batiingtco. l l..ane at Bordertown,,oner ex:Blade 2
1 4rse•usi one 4t-Tr00t00,..-whiiiitielldrogite,t
est fume was stationed -with . thee :Stores: aridii
. 4
ammunition at. Zrew: - .1 31 1 1 is,10L : .". AlL:these
1 i 1
posts up to the latter *ere! to, be, uni t :kW ; } :.!:f
simultigliceusty by a hody of men under the I
order 'of Generals Cadwallader pod: ;;Ewing, `"? -
while Washington, with two . thousand fourf:
hundred men, and twenty pieces Of . - ..iiiiillety,
was to surprise the British ancillessiatifonlewl' i ,' ':
at, Trenton:: .. .... -.,. . t . 5...! . ... , i....:i.....=?,.a
- - , -:-Ce --6. 4.4•4
mand at Trenton about . , 1 4re ir r i ci
r kendred
infantry, and a squadron - - of- 1, ..v0ry. -7 -;A:k4
Donop was stationed ashort ':dista - nes ;:fromn - - '.,
Tyantort with two thousind :Met:, - but .Ge t ti.
Putnam made,a.diverston . in fevor - ';ef...ilittA ~'
American:li by sending r.Col. 4riirta, , with.; 'T.'
four hundred men, to threaten Mount Hap' . ..'
1 • '
Donop at . 011 a. moved of in- pursuit, and at
the time oi' .. .Washinkcal'ifittiokliki - inell7 ~
off to rend4r firdleanrie'riit:lQ'
. ..
Washington'Oleated Christmas •rriglitfor ..
his enterprise; and 0a1.6-evettint'of'Dehinn=! .1... -
ber 25, 1776, hie` troops were paridedat'lifil; i - ,
Conkey'S Ferry, -bearly-opoosite_Triinfett,44.s
in-the-midst of`floating.icei and anal "tiff:is: l4
storm;..they:eamtuenceda dittokint the , : , Esiiii-; .
ware.:: Th u . clothing and-equipment:Lot Ar
arniy were very. poor. Vast of thettien . - '144 )
blankets; scariely any oVerebats; WhihrbeiniXi -
and shoes were sadly defreilittnikrie4filito--
men Were almost batefooted, and - theiirrelsoi"
bleeding feet left , crimsott , .stitini c .i , it lion - - tliti'-' ..
snow. _Often have we .hiaitr odt thittilfaitZ '
Cr, (who was an officer initheßontineritilaiiia:
toy,) de:crib:vibe herrort of that" iii,lfiti4tialt'l
bitter cola, the masseivot - voining 'liai '-ibio
toil of towing end maki4 paniage" itir...' Mir
boats, - Lind thedark.and elfeert* 'aspect ''Or."
the wihter'a sky. : .-- -- -`-` .-,' ,-: ',' ,-.'.: -
Brave General.Knor dismounted fihift'lijari
horse and lifted like a - giant s :lS:ha waS, ititte
whesis of his artilkiry at•tho gtinalNivtini4Ut . s
on board thelmatii., .-At.:Jiegr.g, not fir- - fiewt
four o'clock in thcrinerning,' the arroY '..4iiii!
leaded on the Jersey itrei'and . in .' two- , iii:.. -
visions prestied on towards' the , town4l Onif: l
division marched by .whet was .calleethe''.'
" upper," and the other - theAlowerh.l.'..:-
road;.and each. encountered k. ; 12:6- . inenervr
pickets about:thee:Lino Aiirte4l‘ '; 2 41 • , ‘ ,7.- -1 z - -"-.!
,The. Hessian and British. dtifife - - itesimttly 6 1
beat to arms, and Colonel_, -
presence of mind, formed this'astonishled4oetin , l'
for a stout reiistance. ,rl'he dist -.deeded zSit.'-'ll
tack was.niade by Captain Washiegtitur Andi;: . .
Lieutenant Monroe; lafterwaidw,trehailiol
wh odashedsforward - Mal . seixed,iilbatbsvr , 4:*
several i ,Catinetti. • driilni .4hn-artillerimery'--
from their -one; ;liellerhavint-fortrildi't
indietry,..eedeavered-toinake ad easaulti)bOttB
the Americans .pressing forwaniiiitir .clieviT
and heavy Folleyei thel . :llesaiana: , begia:7toi:i _
waver. .At this , :raorneni 3 Oiloneti it:LUSO:C/4'i -
ortally.wounded ; and hie - Wept '.; bikn ,
into fragmantketarted ett.;4l , rtin..sOleardit:.l.
, Prip - Ritciu, . :BO colonel Hand, with abattal. - 4: -
i44,AmtflY4tnia tnilitiar batagiAtairM'aP-‘ 1
in, th a t ' :friml, 41m. 44 0 Y -.. ,; thaw -hdomi- 414 4it'-"
arms j end urrertdowl: =;-,., .. , ...r-li,r; , ' 21:, -. , - I '' ,l 3, .. - '-v .
AbOlltt' o iis lotmlnlti inCtuatry le i, aratidue6tiOtt
Of Plikk AAri1iV15P513e4,14,40430031464,0! thlev
attaok..„::Atm4t.OlM.Ao4Blll4 PlikktieriVliter*-
tiI ION 10* Aix-. 1 0 0 . 4 14014 . raiNi , e 4 tifeldlie . 4l 6 - .
land stand otarta% kwelre - AattniutAnkl , fooir 7-:-
0 1 4 11 1 - .::9P-Ix01 , 4 0 %; Wontelvail 144 - 4bttisa s et!.
i&kiql.atiOaktiemiclig ttelebteut#4o**.iittoz
~A6Pl4)4lrafaffjftn 44114.14 ‘ - ' 3l4l,( Siti*l‘ -
',,nTY in ...P4t44riolk 43.11.41:4,414411046i*.
M c l ßm l 4 -, .ii , l , 4 6 , 4 l4#4clittfrectiaNS*ll4lo4EV
t 4 9,04;.X.R-; ts7thi-409401t0****eitge-
,iyopet, M;IMIPI44i4/44-I.*.twittkemi,
iftc- to, lea* 44. i 4oxiiirAt*Cthteiiii*Ciiiiol4, '
.that winter's al i ght , claw tiiiedt cittiV‘ier -, '`i
btu troops:. , , _ 7,-
-- -~... _~ct~r -~
ty , ,nt tt,
._ , . - ~
... , •?'' .4 " • ;
I*.: ..I'4 - ;•".• ;-.1;' , 1 , - - er ' ' T. n i
1 - • ' 'f . 's , 1q;. 7 4•••• - " sys.1 1 — 1
'' i --'
oi ,t, i) ,, '' t -. 4 .... t . , s... 1 :,,, , ,:k.), -'..4.0 •- . i
. . . .. ..
A t
. 5 ! -.5