The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 05, 1857, Image 3

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    • -
-igr-Lete.adviees front Niearagun itate
that Capt. - Walker is in a rather unenviable
position.. • It is thought he will be obliged•to
abandon his undertaking.
The Susquehanna Association _ of UniYer
salits hold nConfetenee nt Benton, on
Wednesday and .Tltursday. Feb.. 18th and
10th. All are invited tonttend.
A. O,:tWARREN, '
Stand CPI:.
2. tiara.
AM constrained to speuk again of the gratis
tulle which I feel; and the renewed obliga
tions, th:tt my many. Mercantile, and othei
friends, in this and adjoining counties, have pla
ced me under. by the kind patronage extended .to
me, it the Hardware and Cutlery business, (with
I. Client.) at, 215 Pearl street, N. Y. and to
sl y that my interest still continnfs, at ;he same
p l a ce, where I ask a continuance of their Etyma
tot the year ensuing, and promise to all such, as
sre3l as those who have not found it conveatent
to call, that I will do all in my power to.thake
it their interest to do so. and 'be grateful for all
sneh favors. And would also invite them to call
at 46 Courtland.street where I ant Special Part
ner in another branch of-trade, viz Hats, Caps,
Furs, Straw Goods, Millinery Goods. &c., and
where I am exclmled by the statute . from being
or bu y ing, for the
actively engaged in selling
Firm. Very respectfully,
Stontrose, January 39th, ]857.
A Perfumed.Bieath.
What lady or gentleman would remain under
the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using
the "Balm of a Teousand Flowers", as a dentrifice
would not only render it sweet but • leave the
teeth white as alabastCr! Many persons do not
know their breath is bad, and the subject is as
delicate their freinds will never mention It. Pour
a single drop of " Bale on your tooth brush
and wash the teeth night and morning. A fifty
cent bottle will lasts year. •
A beautiful complexion mac easily be acquired
ty using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers."
It wIl remote tan, pimples and freckles from the
skin of a soft and roseate hue. Wet
towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash
the face night and morning. •
SHAVING MADE 'E'il'SY.—.lVet your sha
ving brush it. Ither warm or cold water, pour on
two or three:' ops of "Balm of a Thousand
Flowers," rub the beard well, and it will make
a beautiful soft lather, much facilitating the op.;
position of sharing.
,Price_ only fifty cents, For
said br all druggists. Beware of c ounterfeits.
N”ne genuine unless"signed by .
41m6.] Franklin Square, New York.
The Annual meeting of the Susquehanna
County Toaehers Association will be held in
the Baptist. Meeting Hotise in Middletown on
Friday and Saturday the 6th, rind ith,. of
February next commencing at 10,o'clock
Entertainment will be free for, members.
from a distance. A punctual attendance of
all the members is desired.
py order of the Eseetitive Committee.
liontrose Jan. 17th, 1857.
/n Montrose, on the 25th ult, by Eld. A.
L. ro-t, Mr. A. B. Sal m of New Idilfoid,anti
Miss lIELEN L. GuovEn, of tiontrose.
•Shetiff's Sales.(
10y virtue of wilts of Vend. Ex, ssued out
of the Court ofCommon Pleas. Wyoming
County, and to me directed, Iwt xpose to .
sale atthe CouriHonse in Montrose, on Satur
day, the 21st day of Feb - ry, inst., at one o'clock;
P. M.; the following Beal Estate, to wit:
All that - certain piece or parcel of land situate
and being in the township of Bush, in the court.
ty of Susqnehanna, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Miles
Estus, on the east - by lands occupied by Henry
Estus, on the south. by lands recently occupied.
by Sterling Hibbard, on the west byJands of Jos.
Linetbnry ar:d Wm. Lake. Defendant's interest
bring, the undivided half of the above described
lot, supposed to contain fifty acres, be the same
more or less,.one log house, one log hovel for
can le, : nad about twenty.acre-s improved.
Seized . and taken in execution at the suit of
S. Grover to usa of Spencer & Porter, vs.
Ilarnabai Ki dint .
ALSO—AII the right titte and interest of
the defendant, of in and to,' that certain piece
or parcel of laud situate and being in the town
ship of Springville, in the county of Susqu'a,
and bounded anddescibed as follows, to wit:
On the north by hinds of Suthard and Strick
land, ,and on the east by lands of Henry Drinker,
and on the south by lands of Orsarp Culver,
and on the west by lands of Z. Culver, con
taining 'about 100 acres of land. more or less;
one •small framed house. one small framed barn,
one orchard and about 40 acres improved.
Seized sand taken in execution at the suit of
S. S. Grover .to nse of Spencer. & Porter• vs.
Ozias W. Culver.
• ' F. p. HOLLISTER, Sheriff.k
Sheriff's Office,
Montrose, Feb. 2d, 1857.
CANI AN afford to be without Mustang Lifiement
their, house. The many accidents we
arc liable to, may 'render it necessary any mo
ment, and nothing is cable of performing such a
certain cure. - (Extract.) "in lifting the kettle
from the fire it-caught and scalded my hand and
person very severely--one hand almost to a
crisp. The tort ire was unbearable. It was au
awful sight. * * -* The Mustang Liniment
appeared to extract the pain almost immediately.
It healed rapidly and left no scar .of account.
CHAS Ponta, ,4:10 Broad-street. Philadelphia."
It is truly ii wonderful article." it will cure any
ease of Swel g, Burns, SOT Joints, Eruptions,
or Rheumatis F:or horses it should never be
dispensed with. ne,Dollar's worth of Mustang
has freqnently saved s valuable horse. It cures
Paidit, Sprains, Riugbones, Spavins and Foun,
`ders. Beware of imitations. Sold in all parts
of the habitable Globe. •
Bakiisr & PAK, Proprietors, New -York
61ass, Ctrittutuart.
No. 76 Warreh-Street.
T. G. C A GLIYWELL, . 'O r Di Er Itrk
W. A. CAULDWELL, ' 4 .I. ii 4, •
The subscriber having connected himself with
the above house in the Crockery trade In all its
varietal' branches would simply say to Merchants,
ilotei and Boarding House keepers, in Susque.
hanza and adjoining counties, that their stock is
one of the targtestof the kind kept in New York.
Their assortetent is large and general. Their
roods are of good quality and choice patterns.
Their prices as low as the trade eau offer with
refereace to profit, and, that he is very anxious
to sell to all who way thiakit for their interest
to dive him avail. HENRY B. KNAPP.
New York, Jan. Ist, 1857
Administrator's' Notim.
IirIIEREAS Letters of A.dthittietration to
Y the Ellate. of 8. S. 'Hibbard, late of the
county of 'Susquehanna, deceased, have bee r
granted to the aubstriber; all persona indebted
to thcoaid estate-ars requested to make imuie.
diatepayment, and those having claims against
the -um*, will oreseat them duly anthentlettW
for settlement. to 3, E. SIBRARD
Auhttm, lattr'3Blh, 1837.
~AI 1-'s 4:1:):o
OTICE is hereby given that in conformity N
with the statute concerning limited partmi
snips, we the subscribers, Moses C. Tyler, Daniel
H. Lawrence, James M. Griggs and John A.
Kingsbury, do hereby certify that we have form
ed it limited partnership pursuant to said -stat
That such partnership is to be conducted
der the name and firm •of LAWRENCE,
GRIGGS & KINGSBITRY. That the general
nature of the business to be transacted is the
buying, selling and trading in straw goods, mil
linery goods, hats, cap, furs, umbrellas and
such other articles as are usually sold there
with in the city of New York. That the said
Daniel fj. LawrOce, James. U. Griggs and
John A. Kinabury, are the General. Partners;
that Daniel H. Lawrence and James M. Griggs
reside in the City, County and State ,of New
York; that the said John A. Kingsbury resides
in Jersey City, Hudson County and State
of New Jersey; and that the said Moses C.
Tyler .is the Spacial Partner interested in said
partnership, and that he resided in Montrose,
Susquehanna County, State of Pennsylvania,
and that as such Special Partner, the said Maisel
C. Tyler has ~ontribnted to the common stock
of said partnership, ,the sum of six thousand
dollars'in cash' actually paid in. That the said
partnership Is to commence nn the first day of
-January, 1857, and to terminate on the thirty
first day of December, 1859--:-Made and signed
this 31st day of Derembei, 1856.
JAMES M. GRIGGS. Gen'l Parnt.
MOiES C TYLER, Special Partner. 5w4 *
474 i Nest Rtechip Japer.
Sample numbers Furnished Gnats.
Apply to the publisher: , '
5w4.1 66 South Thild-St., Phihids'
ALL persons indebted to the firm - of It.
Thayer S. Co., and It. Tharer, Jir. are here
by notified that unless they call and settle im
mediately, carts will be made.
Montrose, Jan. 29th, 1857.
THOSE of you who are in.the first or middle
staces of this almost uncurable disease are
informed that there is a remedy which has pro
ven successful. This remedy I will send to any
applicant upon the receipt of $5.
Take Particular Notice
That this remedy, though it will greatly alleviate
the sufferings of those in the last stages it will
NOT cure them; but tor those- in the first and
middle stages, we .wil I warrant a cure; and any
one who is not satisfied can hare their money
refunded at once. We do not wish to bombe , '
any - one ; and repeat that your money will be
refunded upon application, after giving the rem
edy a fair trial:
Address, giving name of Post Office and Coun
ty, Dr. A. G. BRUNDAGE,•Jun'r.
Binghamton, Broome County,
4m3.1 N. Y. •
liClavi-are, Lackawanna ik W. R. It.
New and expeditious bread gunge route from
the North and %We; via Great Bend and &ran
and from the Lackawanna and Wyomincr
rallies, directly. through to New York and Phil
adelphia. •
On and after Monday, Jan. 19th,.1857, traces
will be run as follows:
Cincinnati Express Train bound east on N. Y.
& E. R. R., arrives at Gt. Bendat 8 A.. M... from.
Owego, Binghamton, &c., and connects with the
EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for
New York and Phil's, 8.30, a. in.
Due at Montrose,. 9.03, "
.. •
'Scranton, • 10.40, t "
Stroudsburg, - - 1.27, p. m.
Delaware, 15 minutes to disc. 2.00, "
Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leave 2.25, "
Junction, . 3.35, '.
• New York, . 7.15. ""
Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier, No. 2.
North river, at 7.30,n. no.
Prom Philadelphia, leave Walnut st.
Itiharf, ~, at 7.00,
Leave ]unction, ' 11.15,
Due at Bridgeville, Phil. connection,, p. m.
• Delaware, 15 min. to dine, 12.45, "
Stroudsburg,; - 1.27, "
Scranton, 3.50, "
Montrose, 5.25,
Great Bend, • 5.55, "
Connecting at Great Bend with the
Mail Train West at 6.10, p. m.
Scranton Accommodation Train, leaves
Scranton for Great Bend at 10,45, a. m.
Arrive at Great Bend, 2.20, p. m.
Connecting. with Rochester Accommodation
East. and Day Express West., on N. Y. &E. It.
R. Returning, leays Great Bend at 3.20 p. in.
Due at Scranton, 7.10, "
For the accommodation of way travel on the
Southern Division, a Pasmengar Car will be at
tached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving
Scranton at 6.001. m.
Due-at Stroudsburg at 10.55 "
" Junetlon at • 2.05 p. m.
Returning, will.leave Junction at 4.00 a. m.
Due at Stroudsburg at 6.50 "
" Scranton at 12.40 p. m.
Passengers from. New York will change cars
at Clarksville.
To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R.,
leave or take the cars at Bridgeville.
• For Pittston,.Kingston, andWilkesbarre, take
L. &B. It. R. cars at Scranton.
For Jessup, Archibald, and Carboaciale,chang,e
cars at Greenville. '
Tickets sold and baggage checked between
all stations on connecting, roads.
Passengers to and from Wilkesbarre, Wyom
ing, dr.c., via Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Rail
road, go through without any detention at Scran.
ton, us the trains on that road tun in connection
with the Express trains on the D. L & W. it
R.,—hence passengers may leave Kingston at
9.30 a. m, and arrive in Philadelphia at: 8 p. m.,
or N. York at/AL p. in.
Returning, leave Philadelphia at a. m., or
New York at 7.30,- and arrive in Kingston at 5
p. m.
Fare from Kingston, Wyoming and Pittston
to Philadelphia, 6440, to New York, $4,75.
Tickets sold, and Baggage checked through.
Wm. N. lusts. Genii Ticket-Agent.- ,
keeps all the Popular
and a First Rate Assortment of
Montrose, Pa. '
Friends and Patrons : Happy New Year
to yen. Rather late I know.hut I. have come
all the way from Philadelphia to bay it and
here it is and aGod blessyou with it. And Cow
"call round" right off and see me for I have
somethinz new to show you.
C. D. VIRGIL. Resident Dentist.
Montrose Jac. 7tn. 1857. _
DUFFALO Robes, a superior lot just reeeiv.
ed and will be sold Lew. by H. .Burritt.
New Milford, October 1856.446
C: N...
.TA.NUARY Ist, 1857, eomtnences another
year. Therefore ire would respectfully in
vjte Xll those whom mimes' are upon Our Books
tonsil and balance them op to that, date. We
do not intend to lot any &peanut run longer than
six months. Those indebted will please there.
fore attend to the same without ferther'notino.
81MWONS dr.
Montrose De:. 16th i , /1556. •
F.X.. 3 / 4 311:4E FOR YOURSELVF.S. .
To Consumptives.
Houle Again.
Timothy Seed.
war:iota pure. For sale by
Montrose, January 20th, 1857. •
Ayer's Cherry Pectorial and Cathartic
Pills. The Balm of a Thousand Flowers. Mus
tang Liniment. Dr. Halsey's Forrest %Vine and
Pills.•MyerbEErract of Rock Rose. And near
ly all of the Medicines in Market For sale at
the Drug, Fancy Goods, Jewelry. and Variety
Store' of ' • - TURRELL.'
Montrose, January, 185'7.
40, CHOICE Firkin Poles at
000 Port Jervis, at 7 shillings_ per
hundred loaded on the Cars in quantities to suit
buyers, and warranted a good article. Address
thu subscribers at liainsville Sussex Co., N. J.
H. C. & W. CLARK.
January 15th, 1857. • 3w6.
Look and Readi
THE 'undersigned, Merchant at Dimock Four
Corners, has lately discovered that for
ready par he can sell nmreGoods, and make-more
money at one.half the 'usual profits put upon
Country Goods. Consequently I can sell Goods
from five to ten, per cent, lower than any other
establishment in this section. But do not take
my word for it. Call and see for yourselves.
Bring a little Cash or some . kind of Country
produce, and buy your Goods at a price unpar.
altered in the history of Mercantile trade. My
stock is large and well selected, and I am re
every week. My Terms of Sale aro READv
It will certainly be for your interest to call and
tee me before purchasing elsewhere.
Flour and Salt kept constantly on hand.
• " 11711. H. TIJAYER.
Ditnook e Jan. 13th, 18.57.
s,:arniers llltcljanics7
North Ircs, Cor.of Seepnil a nd Wain u Philo.
CAPITAL, One Million Two Hundred and
Fitly Thousand Dollars. ASSETTS.
$523,057 07,' Invested in Bonds, Murtages, and
Good Securities.
Exhibits the, the Busine,s and Condition of
the .Cympany to No.vember. rst, 1856.
Premium received nn 3larine nod
Inland Risks, to N0v.1:41.1856, $214.681 60
Fire Prinniums, 169,796 61
Intereet on Loans,. 8,704 47
'Total Iteceip!s, - • - $400,18.5 68
Paid Marine Losses, - $64.427 04
Paid Fire do: . 39,737'89
Expenses. Salaries and
Comtnissmns, - - 45,189 OU
Reinsurance, Return ,
Premiums & Agen
cy Charges, - - 27,474 68
Balance remaining with C0.,82.23,057
. 07
AS 4 4:TT:; OF . TIIF. COMPANY AUE As 1:01.1.0Wtz:
Philadelphia City and -;
County Bonds, - • $1,848 18)
Railroad Bonds, - 11,000 00 •
First Mortages, Real , ie"t Prices
Estate, - 14-(,500 4 '00)
Stocks, Collaterals, on
Call, - - 311,400 qp .
Girard and Consolida,'
tion Bank Stock, - 5,225 00
Depehits witti.Duenn,
• Sherman & Cu., New
York, 30,000 00
Deferred Payments on -
Stock mil yet due, 97,700 00
Notes for Nlarine Pre
miums, - - 108,080 00
Due from 21,zents, se
cured by. B“uds. - 35,376 . IS
Premiums on Policies
reeentlylssued, and
debts due . the Co., 26,470 38
Balance in Bank, - 16,456'74
This Company Insures Buildinzs, Merchandize,
and Stock, from $l 00 to $5,000, at the Lowest
Rates consistent with Security, and upon the
most Liberal Terms, and make PROMPT PAY..
NEXT upon the aajustmeat of Losses under Poli
cies issued-by there. '
The Board of Directors have this day declared
a dividend of 15 per cent„ payable on demand,
upon the business of the Company, to the Ist
linn. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President.
Philadelphia, November 17th 18.56.. -
of New Milford, Pa., Ag,ent.
VING completed his . conse of MercantileHEducatiOn, of eight years, With two of the
most respectable dealers that the o - mntry affords,
has located himself at Lawsville Centre, where
fie will be pleased to see his friends froth al:
parts of the country, and would assure them
that he will do them good, if they will only call
and examine his stoe6 of Goods, consisting in
part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Of Ike 41 - ewest Patterns and Best . Quality.
Hats and Caps, Boot*. and Shoes,
• Wall Papers and Borders,
Umbrellas, Carpet Rags,
Drugs, and the Mod•
Popular , Patent . •
Medicines of
. .
• the day,
• From his long esperienee in selling goods for
this section of country, he flatters himself that
he will be able to select goods that will pease
ail, and pledges himself to deal honorably with
all who give him their patronage. Soliciting a
large share of your patronage, I remain your
servant, - . KENYON.
Lawsville Centre. January Ist. 1857.
Attention the Whole !
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends„(compri4ing of course the whole
community,) that the NeW Brick Store in Uji.
sonville, one door north of the old "Exchange,"
•is filled With a stock of Seasonabie Goods, con.
aiming in psrt of Dry. Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Hardware, 'Boots and Shoes, Hats and. Caps ;
Ready.Mado Clothing; Wall-Paper, Window.
Shades, Fish. Nails, Yankee Notions, 3.c:., and
so on, which he will sell for Cash, Barter, or
Short Approved Credit; as low as can be bought
in Susquehanna County. . . - •
WANTED in-exchange, Butter, Grair, Pork,
Poultry, Good Mixed Wool Socks, in fact every
Merchantable article - which his patrons have to
sell be will buy at fair prices. Come one, come
all, and see if ± ou don't buy.
Upsonville, Dec. sth, 1856.
1 - Daguerreotypes.
Strange things are uprising—
Man is ever desiring
Something new and surprising.
VB. DEANS, the M entrose Artist, is now
. prepared to furnish, in addition to his
old style of pictures, the Improved Ambretype,
and the recently invented Atrephographs.
Theme Ambrotypes, or glass pictures§ are du
rable, soft and brilliant in their tone and finish,
and free from that - dark leaden hue whieh has
been the oliection to pictures of this description.
The Atrephagraph is en anreversed likeness
on paper, (entirely different from the Photo.
graphs,) very susceptible or colors, and much
resembles a.fiae punting on ivory. They are
just the thing for inserting io gift hooks. family
re cords, &c., or for mailing, to distant friends.
Sky Parlor. in the Brick Block, over Bentley
& Read's.
Montrose, Der.. - 17th, 1856.
THE Blood furnishes the material of every
bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the hu•
man frame. When pure, it secures health to en.
ery organ; when corrupt, i t necessarily produces
disease. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS operate direit
ly upon the elements of the stream of life; nen
tralizin,g the priucipla-of disease, and thus radi
cally curing the malady, whether located in the
nerve's, the 'stomach, - the liver, the bowelr, the
musclei, the skin, the.brain, or any other part of
the system.
Used Throughout thoiVorld
HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are eqiially efficacious
in complaints common to the whole huinan race,
and in disorders peculiar to certain climiites and
Dyspepsia and derangement of the liver. the
source'of infirmity, and suffering, and the cause oi;
innumerable deaths, yield to there curatives, in al t
cases, however aggravated, acting as' a mild pur
gative, alterative and tonic, they relieve the
bowels, otifify the fluids. and invigorate the sys
tem and the constitution at the eame time.
General Weakness—Nerrous Complaints.
When all stimulants fail, the renovating and
bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to
the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the
victim of general debility. • •
All irrezularities- nod aliments incidynt to 'the
delicate and sensitive organs of the sex are re= .
moved or prevented by a few doses of these mild :
but infallibly. alteratives. No mother who re
gards her own oLhet children's hea!th should fail
to have them within her reach.
Scientific Endorsements.
The London I. Lencet," the London " Medical
Review" and the most eminent or the faculty in
Great Britain, France and Gcnnany, have eulo
gized the Pills and their inventor.
Holloway's Pills are the hest remedy known
in the world for the
. following diseases :
Asthma. .t Headaches •
Bowel Complaints Indigestion .
Coughs • Inward Weakness
Colds Inflammation
Costiveness • - 'lnfluenza
Chest Diseases Liver Complaints
Debility_ Lownessof Spirits ,
Dropsy' Filet!
7- Secondary Symptoms
• D
Diarrhoea yspepsia
Stone and Gravel
Fever and,Ague Venereal Afiections
Female CoMplaints . Worms of all kinds
•.* Sold at the Manufactories of Professor
llozzowar, SO Maiden Lane, New York, nud
244 Strand London, by all !espeeiable - Drug.
:fists and Dealers in Medicine throughont the
Uuit'ed States and the'eivilized world, in boxes .
at 25 een6, 62 1-2 cents. and $1 each. •
ItT There is a considerable sav i ng by taking
the larger sizes. •
N. B.—Directions' for the ~.4nidanee of pa
tients in every disorder .are affixed to each box.
8177,128 Cl
Guttenburg, -Rosenbaum & Co's.
THERE is a general rush at their establish.
ment, is
.reported .that they havo
just received, and aro daily receiving a fresh
supply of
New Goods.- .
The truth of this report can be best known by
calling at their store on Turnpike Street at the
loot of Public Avenue. Wu 1":"avo on hand
carefully selected supply of
for both Indies and Gentlemen, everything call
ed for, frinn a pair of HosE to a HAT or BON
NET. Those wishing to protoct their health
from the cold atmosphere in . this region, would
do well . to call on us, as we will supply their
wants on lower terms than any other establish
ment. To our friends, one and all, lye would
say. give-us a call. and we promise, that you
shall go away fully satisfied.
Montrose, Nov. 27, 185. G.
$323,057 07
$l5 will purchase one of the best
Ever Invented. •
HE undersigned is now prepared tq furnish
to FARMERS, 31 il le rs and others the world
renowned Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder
of the.times—being the best, most durable, and
easiest running Sheller now in_use. Warranted
to shell more corn i o n a shorter space of time,
than any otherlmachine, entirely cleaning the
ear,-from end trend, without crushing either.
corn o r cob.
TIM Machines are constructed with two
cranks, and pally for a belt, so that two persons
can turn them, or attach a belt in motion by
any power. '•The attention of persons owning
mills, is.solicited, as the Machines are wonder
fully adapted to any kind of power: . They are
very easily turned, and when once in motion a
small boy c::n turn them; they are capable of
shellinz, one bushel per minute—every Farmer
should have one—as their cost, in
tes.lhan one Seasons.
They are on exhibition at SearV Hotel,
Sayre's Foundry, Ely's Mill in Brooklyn, and
at Lathrop's Lake Mills, where they can be seen
in - operation at aertime. All orders addressed
to the andersizned, will receive prompt atten
tion. Machines - shipped at a distance and war--
ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE. •
At Searic'i Had.
3lontrose, December. llth, 1856.
THIS is to certifk; that I have examined and
used one of the above Shelters, fur sale by D.
'D. &ants., and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one
of the best, tuo'St durable and easiest running
Shellert ever introduced into this county.. It
will shell more corn in- a shorter time than any
other Machlne, and is always ready for service.
I - moot heartily and freely recommend them_ to
the Farmers of Susq'a County, as the cheapest
and 'best Sheller, now in use. I have .one in
operation in my trill in Dituock, which needs
only to be seen to recommend itself.- Call and
see it. AMMI ELY
• Brooklyn, December 11th, 1856. 610.
WOULD invite all who are in want of any
T article ever kept at a Harness 'shop to give
him a call.
Harness made of the best Oak Tanned Leath..
ers on short notice.
He has on hand a good assortment of Car.
riage Trimmings which he offers on the most
reasonable terms. Carriage Trimming, done
with neatness and diapstch.
Repairing done on short nottee..=
No. 1.2 & a, Basement SearlesHoteL
Montrose. Nov. 26, 1856.—n49
QPLENDII) Black Bilks at
Jag. Ibt, 1371
Alarming Discirders.
Delicate Females.
No. 106 Chatham -at.; cot. of Pearl -st. 7.
Keep on hand extensive and complete assott
meat of the latestimportations and best manufac
tures of
Equal in material, make, texture; &liability
and style, to any stock Ocr offered in this coun
try—anti atkpriees which cannot faitto-suitclose
c.tsu buyers'. Co Nsi s TING O F
sUIRTS-WI ii linen bosoms, collars and wristbands
of the best qualities, and new and choice styles.
iLII.ICODoI—The latest and most attractive pat'ns
UNDERSIIiIin and urtAwsns—Of Wool, Merino,
cashmere, silk and cotton, of desirable and dura
ble qualities—and the Tsvtor wool. under garm
ents, so highly approved by Physiciais. Also
the shaker shirts and Drawers.
CRAY/as:a-superior quality and beautiful
style; and a full assortment of _stocks, collars,
Nectyes, Gloves, scarfs, and Mufflers of the rich.
estkinds. '
Suspenders—An almost endless variety, in
cluding the finest and.most durable.
Pocket-handkerchiefs--silk and Cntton—plain
and printed—an unrivalled assortment.
Half Hose—Wool and cotton, of the best tex
ture, selected expressly for retatl trade.
Mornin,gltebes, and Gowns—Elegant Pat
terns, excellent material; and of the best make.
This stock comprises all grades, from the
lowest to the richest. that can bo produced—
and having every facility- for Importing and
manufacturing, not exceeded by any other es
tablishment in the United states—buyers, there
fore,wll consult their interest by examining
the goods which ere sold at tho
-rig" Goods promptly delivered at all the
Rail Road Depots, 'steamboatA, Ac,. and in any
pact of the city, without 'charge.
4 ' * * Shirts made to ord s er by experienced
hands, in superiorlstyle, at short notice, war
ranted to fit. at , No machine work done in
this erstablishment.
Sept. 11, 18.56.--n3Blv
Shawl, Cloak it Dress Goods Em
- porium for Fall 1856•
IT ,BURRITT would call-attention to his
1.• now stock of Fall and Winter Goods,
including a great variety of !Lich Fitll Printaln
new Styles, Plain and Fancy Delaines and Caish.
meres, Plain and Fancy Mohair Cloths, Plain
`and Plaid Ilerinoes and Paramettas, Black
Brocade; Plain and- Fancy Silks; Wool Bro.
'nide, Cashmere and Sill: Shawls, Gents Shawls,
Rich Ribbons and Flowers, Ladies Cloths and
Rich Velvets fur Cloaks, Broadcloths; Cassi.
tners, - &c.,'with alartre assortment of other Sta
ple and FanclGoods, as usuitl, including Hard.
ware, Crockery, Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils,
Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Cloaks, - Buffalo
Robes, Carpeting, &e., with a large and new
assorment of Stoyes of the most approved
styles and construction, all which will be sold
'to meet the views of the closest buyers for
Cash or approvedgredit.
- \t:4 Milford, Sept. 18.56. •
j).LASTING Powder, Safety FuMe, and Rifle
JL., Powder for sale by . I. N.-BULLARD.
, .
Executor's Notice:
- . - ro t, T ru lC el E ta i r s v h u e' r r o v n by ti g le iv e c s o ta t t h e at a L
j et , t n e ie r ,i
s Tea-
-1 11
i phens, deceased, late of Bridgewater township,
r.bave been granted to• .
the subscribers. All W-
I Sons indebted to said estate are requested to
rtnake immediate payinent, and those having any
1 elainis upon said estate, to present them duly
1 attested for settlement. ' The notes and accounts
will be found in the hands of the subscribers in
Bridgewater. . .
f Ex'rm
Bridgewater, Jan. '7th, 1857.. Rive.
MURKS Island Salt, by the sack. barrel or
J. lb. by - I. N. BULLARD.
Nov. 1:1,-0356.
Country Merchants,
W " a L nd fi F i a d nc H lt Goods arthva at New e ' Hou .York triis
IyEAUTIFUL variety of Wall Paper at
1.1 Jan. Ist, KEN YON'§.
FINE assortrnpnt of Ladies Fine ShnPx nt
Jan. Ist, '57.] KENYON'S.
CRANBERRIES aml.naw Raisons fora a
by • I. N. BULLARD.
Money! 'Money'. Money!
wily BE WITHOUT MONEY', when it
I V just as. easy for any one to be around
With a pocket full as not, if they only think so. _
" -
I have got a new article, from which from five - • REMOVAL !
to twenty dollars a day can be made, either be TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT,
Male or female. It is highly respectable bnsi-
nesi,, and an article which is wanted in every on. -MAIN , ST., NEST DOOR. To rni. FARMERS - wpm
family in the United States. Enclose me two THE, undersigned having removed his shop
dollars by mail, at my risk, and I will forward ...L from Public Avenue to Mats . STREET
by return mail a Circular,. with full instructions is about receiving a splendid assortment of:
in the art. - The business is very easy. Try it, ; BR OAD CLOTHS, CASSLUERES,
if you are out of employment, and you will never l VESTINGS, 4C. .
regret it; for it will be better for you to pay the I Which he is prepared to cut and make to or- .
above sum, and insure a good business, than to
dor in a style that cannot • fail to suit all -who
pay twenty-five" cents for a spurious advertise-1
may favor him with their custom. Those wish-
ment. ThiS is no humbug.: - Try it: Try it: I •
; fry it ! Address sour letters to • 1 tng their Vk work done in a neat and 4 urapie man
ner, will find it to their interest to give me a
call., . .
I: SAPTTER.,. Tailor,
Montrose, Nov. 27,,18,56.-49tf;i
•I . .
I sent one of my, Circular to nn Editor in
Georgia and he gave me a notice in his paper
like tile following:
"Mr, Monroe sent me one of his Cirenlars, : and
I will just Nay to my readers that whoever of
you.are out of employment that Mr.. Monroe's
business is a good business, and money can be
made out of it, for:it is no humbug." 's3tn3.
The Country is Quiet! Prosperity
ND now that winter has come, Farmers and
1 - 1. 'all others, should prepare to enjoy the
fruits of their labors, by securing (among other
requirements to Fire-side Happiness) a copy or
two of some of the choice Books just received at
the Montrose Book Store, which can and will bo
sold as cheap as at any other Book Store this
side of N. Y. City, or even at Evan's . &- Co's
great Gitt Book sale in the City, that sends out
so many Scissors and Penknives;
Among the new Books aro Western Border
Life, Dora Grafton, Life of Gen. Morgan, Three
per cent a Month or the Perils of Fast- Living.—
The Last of the Foresters, .Dred, Torch-Light,
Violet. A Post Office Directory or Business
Man's Guide, a Book that every Business man in
the County should own, Japan Expedition, Ile,
chanic's Text B o ok, & c .,
ALSO a new stock of School Books which
will be sold upon the principle that the 4 nimble
sixpence is batter than the slow skilling."
A new Physical Geography of - the United
States by D. M. Warren,. the nicest thing out.—
Berard's History of the United. States a new
Shoot Book-just out. Elementary Moral Les
sons for Schools and Families by M.F. Cowdery
a first rate thing, Green's Elements of English
Grammar, Colburus new series of Arithmetic's,
also--Greenleaf s new Arithmetic.
IVebsters Dictionaries—all sizes and to be
sold cheaper than that Penknife 'house in N. Y.
Diaries far 1857—A good assertment,lnd all
right as to price, and Almanacs' for 1857, also,--
A new lot of Blank Books, Writing Books, with
or without copies, Ink Black and Red, Pens and
Paper of different sizes and colors, Scissors,
Knives, Razors, Port-Monies, Fishhooks and
Lines, Lamps, Portfolio's, County Pocket Maps,
of the different States &c., &c.
- . A. N. BULLARD.
Montrose, Dee. t, 1856.
N. B..Chrietnaas and Nast Yawswill be bore
in a few days—a word to the wise dte.
A. N. B.
P. S. - . Any Paper or Magazine publiihed ,in
the United States cap be mewed' st the current
club price. Enquire' at the P. 0.
SUIT 2E2234,13
Abounds !!
AND the endeavor to palm off that, "Exten
sire stock of superior . quality" of goods
lately received from an old broken down estab
lishment in Binghamton, has proved an etitire
failure to our friends down town" "Seeing is .
believing." We acknowledge thee' fact. And
should judge that "seeing,' (with6at wearing)
would be all that was necessary to , convince the
public that - '
5L1f...1t0.115 cf? MERREEMN •
at their store on PUELIC AVENUE first door above
the Yost Office, have the.LARGEST and - Most de
sirable stock of BOOTS and
(4 1 / 9 J
ever introduced tnto this market, which for price,
(we offer no competition with second role goods)
durability and style, we challenge competition.
We are receiving weekly from the best Houses
in New York, the latest styles and best qoulities
of Goods, which keep our assortment compljte.
Just received a large addition to owl. former
stock,eonsisting of GEsri Patent Leathei. Boots,
Patent Leather Short Boots, French taw Boots,
Gaiters, Shoes and Slips, all styles. LADIES
Gaiters, Buskins, Slips and Boots, best qualities;
Also, Boys, Youths and Children% Boots, Gait.
ers and Shoes, the best in Market. In fart ev.
ery thing belonging to the trade.
All kinds of Leather, Findings, &c. Ali kinds
of work made to order and repairing done neatly
Montrose, July 28,1856.
41ft " rfIHE subkriber "has tilts
1: day returned from New
=. 4 ,..71111 York with 4 largo and. well
I. selected aNiortuient of
4...9•• • •,"15t1" . : FANCY GOODS, 4-a.
s` t Comprising alMost every ar
ticle in his line of business.. Among his stock
may he found— .
Gold and silver Watches in great variety; (a
large portion of which are of his own importa
Cameo, gold stone, mosaic,. enamelled, fruit,
coral anti all gold Ear-Rings and Brea•tpins.
- Diamond, ruby. pearl, garnet, cameo,
oynx,chased, plain , and children's Finger Riags.
Gold,.silver and plated Watch . Chains and
Keys. .
eiold, silver, plated, steel and german Speeta- .
G l ohl bracelets, loCkets, watch hooks, snaps,
sleeve bnttons, studs, crosses, pens and pencils,
• SILVER spoons. forks, cups; pie, cake, truit
and,but ter knives, napkin rings, salt ceilars,Soup
and .gravy ladles. card cases,
. Pearl and shell card cases and porte monais.
Coral beads, jet armletsocissors.
One, two, three and four bladed knives. -
Bass viol, guitatand sttimls.
— Some vary rich plated castors, cake baskets.
_table and cksert knives and e.arvers,candiestickS,
snuffers and trays, tea setts, spoons and forks.
Amber and wax bends, cornelian rings.
Britannia ware, sewing birds, needles.
Shell, buffalo and ivory comb.
Hair and tooth brushes, &e, &c., all of which
will be sold at the lowest cash prism, at- the old
stand'of •
No: 2 Odd Feilow's
Binghamton; Nor. 1, 1856. ,, -n47 -
Important to D,aguerreotypists,
Marble Dealers and others. -
Monumental Daguerreotype Cases:
i t METHOD has long been sought for,trb in.
sert in a durable mshne,r; Davierreotype
Likenesses to Headstones an Monuments. -1
have been manufacturing thelie Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant them_ to:s ecure
the picture for a long number of years.
The outside ease is made of Pariah 3E:able,
and the' box which encloAes the picture and
keeps it in a state . eat preservation for a
great number of years, is made of brass,—a screw
box. It makes a very neat job en a Headstone
or monument. They are. used in Greenwood
Cemetry, Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, and many
other Cemetries in the United States.
A liberal discount madeto Marble Dealers and
Dag.uerreotypists.• Price from 82,50 each t 059,50.
$9,50. A. circular ofengravings will be sent to
any address, free. with puce list. Address. •
A.L.BALDVVIN, M. of Mausoleum Dag:Co., .•
- 52m3.] 385 Lroadway, New York."
E. Pluribus Unnta! - •
OME folks translate this celebrated motto
One of many"—others say tilt most literal
meaning is, " let the tail go with tip hide—hut
the reel meaning is," A tip top Tailor is a good
institution." If you.don't believe this, call at
John Grove's shop, wfew steps from Searle's Ho
'tel, and,he wilt convince you and show you
The Fall Fashions;
for Men's and Boy's clothing for 1b56. Don't
blunder into a Jewsharp establishment, where
you aro likely to get fooled with bad work. My
shop is on Turnpike street, end, building from
Searle's Hotel. I will wariant my worst' to fit
well and wear well, and my prices reasonable
for-cash down.
Cutting done as iisnal.• -
Montrose Oct. 15th 1856.
Hang the Banner on , the Outei
plea' Agents are now receiving their see
and stock of ' •
Fill and Winter Dry Goods,
Which they are selling Qff at about one half
the Old Fogies' Prices. ,
No charge for snowing goods, ! No Deviation
in Price. • . •
Call and take' a peep for. we .aro, bobbing
around with the cheapest goods, ever . Joffe:fedi:li
this section of,thu.State. No mistake. .
New Milford. Pa„ October 11356. wtirtt:i*
mtn Vd.xcr , srettz.
A. D. sTOltlf co.
ItTOULD reepectfally announce to the la.
die* of :Montrose and vicinity, that they.
havo opened :a Fancy Dress Goods' 4. Fun.
eiskiegStoro,,on Main Street, over . he. Farmer's
Mine, whore tiler he _ happy to lee
their : old; frionds,-and else the patronage
of now anti. Chiba -will., attend to. the
Ifillinery department; the Drosiwnalting depart-
Inent,w4l be under tho charge of: Mao Wetter._
Montrose, Sept,l 5, is . •
Evans and vo is, le !Grea t `.6lft-lea
• de9 Itrondwar, Nio!r' Turk.
ALL Books will be sold allow as can Ia; - had
at other Stares, many of thetn , fortess.- New
Books received daily. A Gilt ihrying in valu e from 25 cents to 8100, given 'with eseh book at
the time it • is- Auld. Having, on hand a very
large stock of ord. azrd raluable 144410. mil as our,
motto is 4- Largo sales - and small profit'," .`we
we Aro
detentined to give., our 'customers better bar.
gains thane can be had elsewtreie.` "Altif_book ,
pnblished in New York or,Phitsclelphia-,wlll-10
promptly sent, gitte included, on receipt 0f4r014. -
lisher'S firiee., Catalogrid of Bdoks and ,Priii.
eats, coritainin,,,,* full explanationS Will he ''OPf
free to ail parts of the conntry. '`,, - -
The : triest Liberal Inducements ire offeictlYo
- Agents: Any pencil by sending us ''an ordir
for ten books, With moni7 inclo4d, will he en..
titled to Art Extra gook sod Gift.' -,, --'- '..
. All orders for books, iontainieg money,' (to
ensure perfect safety,) should be ;;rettistered-g1
'the Post Office where they are ensiled, And „di. -
reeted to Evans_ & C0.,;-409 Broadway, New .
York. : ' - ;
REFFERESCE:-31. Thomas ili - Sons, Seltil '
Fourth. Street; Philadelphia ; ~t- IL - Lipploaft,
& Co., Philadelphia ; D. Appleton & Co., limed.
way, New York:- Derby & Jackson, Narosu•it.,
New York. }'Send for a Calalogoe.:JEUC
EVANS dt C0.,. ._ , :.'-i' , .
- PrineipalStere, 409 Breadway,N.•Y. -
Branch Stores at 125 Chesinnt St , Phila., and at •
Washington, D. C. ,
Rhode'si Pever. and Ague
grAß . Antidete -to Malaria ; for the4t . eientintr
kl and cafe of Foyer and Agee._ or ChM
ver ; Dumb Agoe;And other Iriteranilleitt;'and
Remittent Fevers;•also of Billions - -Feyeas.: se.
'cornpanied by Typhoid Fever. Yellow -Peter,.
:Ship and Jail Fever, -General
Siveats, and all other forms of disease 'which'
have a!,.common origin in•
Equally certain , as - a preventive,or'eare. • .
Fur sale by the underaignedoitithoriod agent.
for the Proprietor, Jas: 'A. Rhode's, 'Providence,
R. I. - • I. N., BULLARD... - _
Montrose, . 1 / a y I. 1850. • - • . •
GR TIM NEI J:Ra - 31 cnictsr.s.—Vegetable' Pith!
Green Mountain la .
Cornpound;Cidfdrens Panacea, Eye Lid'unati.";.
e'er and Ague Remedy, Heilth Bitters; , Drkin.
tery Syrup, Coustimptive's te -
rine, Cat huiieon, Dort. • Libby's • Pile - Ointmat;_
anti Manna} 'tit Health'. • .
Ayres - Pills and (.;lierry Pee•toral;•.Tansier's
GermallOintinsent. Trad..s Magietie:QintniOnh
linllnicays Ointment and Pills, . - „Daris - POW'
Killer, Doct. Fitch's•lleot Corrector.: BennriffsT
Refit and Platt, Lguks boveteign Baltn , 'iii t
Wrights' Indian Vegetable Pills. Rhodes- Fe
verand Ague COre. Merchants' Gargling
Arnica-Linemen, Caniphor,Ca.stor Oil; -Paregor
ie, Aloes, Pieera, Myrrh, Lieoriee,.Ste.i
a new sappy just received ; to' be , kept conbtatitly
on band, ter saki by • •
Montrose.Oet..! 1856... I •. ;;
Starrucca, Rail Road !!
ift 5 1' A `it sl. W A
uv - ILLI A3l
.TREMAIN & CO, are on 'hand
Y,T with the largest, best, ancl.eheapest Stock
of general merchandise in town., Consiating,:ut
Axes. Alpacea, and - Alspive.: • 2 . -
- Brooms, I3oots and Bedsteads. •,: •
Clocks, Calie6s and Clothing, -
Denims, Drugs, and Door Handle's.
Envelops:Edging, and - Epsom;Salts..-
Flour, Plannels f and Fish-Mocks.
Glass,•Groeeries, and • Giusbleti. - '
flats: [lams, and Hand-saws. '• •
Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies (dreases.)
Jaa..itolo, enta•Jew.atiarpS'.. 7 -
Knives, Knob:i, and Ken t ucky Jeans., -
Loeksi Lamps and Looking Glasses::
Matches, Muslin's and Molasses. : -
Nutmegs - Nankeen. and Notions.
-Oils,Oxbosysand Overalls. - * •
, Pork, Pills and4 f owtier. ' • •
Queensware:Quills, and. Quart-cups. •
Rubbers,Raisin's and Rattraps. - •
Shoes, hirta and Sugar. - • • •
Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains. - • -
Umbrellas, Under-shirts•and Union flats. -
Veihs - Vinegar and Vitro!. . . ' -
Whips,Wallets and %Vash.bowls. - •
Xtra uperfitie Flour.'
York; Cottonades and Math's fiats, • . •
Z. And many -other - articles whith they ars
selling at a very small advance on cost prices - .
''Stna II profits" and fair dealing i 4 the -- mottoter
the Summer oe'36. . Give, us a call and test the"
Until of our assertions. - H
• • W3l. THE MAIN &CO.
Lanesliorii,Pri., May 26, I • -
. -
From the Binghamton Democrat, April tOth.
SPLEIMID IMeuovesterr.-01Ve have before
noticed the new store erected by A. Knowlton,
Esq., adjoinit , the Bank of Binghamton, to be
occupied as tjHardware Store by MessisPktife
& Knowlton. As it approacheseompletion -it
deserves more and more the praises that have
been bestowed
-on it, and- is undoubtidly in its
style, finish and appointments the model store ut
the Southern Tier. MestirS, P. Ar; K. now,
putting in theirstotk, one laitor and more coma.e
plete than has heretofore.been kept in this Oars.
embracing all the departments of Hardware.
Builders Finishing Materials, GaeFistnre a, ilke.
3.e. Mr. Blackstone. an experienced and ready
workman„ r aitperintends the Gas Fitting depart.
ment. "Jook in at Phyte and Knowltone.
Of Susquehanna and Neighboring
I Counties. -
ILITE, would respectfuDy solicit your. atten!.
V'V - tine to our large stock, .olthe kbove
mentioned Goods, now in store and in course of.
reception.` For many. years the trade of one; of..
the largest portions of
.the Empire State. hea
been retained by a monopoly, which•has at last
giver away before the rush.of. enterprise.. : -
Possessing ttequalled fat:Mike for bnying;:.
and having direheoinniuniention with thfmno4t
extensive Manufactories in the United States,:
wo say, without-exaggeration, that we. etia'aud"
will sell, - eitber wholesale or retail, at priiel.
.than ever offered - before ; :weit of.N: Y.
City: • .
'iVl,ile nothing has been omitted in the Hard
ware line, we have given parttcular attention to
the House Furnir•hing branch of 'our "business,
find have on hand a stock well worthy •the in
speetion_of How* Keepers,, - - •
Of Fancy Goods we have else a large assort.
ment, which, having teen -Selected - with espetitisi
reference to the !wants of our customers, wo"
think will please those in need of articles in titbr
In conclutettm, we would say thaVour • Geode
are new, and4ftlie first quality, and:. that we -
hope, by , strict attention to business, and aeon.'
tan auticipation of the,. wisher' of .our patrons.
to merit even au inereaeu of the confidence. al.
ready'reposod in' tre. -
Hardware Aouso Fernishingcattd Fufiep Gibiodir
Establiehment,-51 C our t .. st;Br oa h ox i l
ten, N. Y., adjoining lautif
N. B: Wotiave a very large - bleat waii4
en and Willoar Ware...Wats - and 4o,i,, , 4_Brihiyintri
Were, Fa.ney slrd, .Csgeam.-Orgilortiog
apparatus of every de.eariptiou,bacluding Fishing
Tack le in all Its varieties;Rittes, Pistols,
Gu lAnterinle, . -
}lnlr ; RTto'd
er, int
Zvlobalsarnum. • Bachninee
Dvo, and .11/Adavin Cream. , TTIto Ihtlnt4itit
ThogoindFlowers.; ItrfatinitS Huntroitto-
Bottom ; MatitewatitN Ink 11 'hie - Reineat
Ise'a Catholieon ,DoSeworclirm4
and Ointreentl Baron's- eetnat.7t'
Radway's"ltendy Repedietk
tho most - fripulai 10dielnes. Pill", arei,,ln :MO;
ket, at the Store of AITEL TITRREL:
Montrone, 0ct.,8, 1856,-