The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 29, 1857, Image 4

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itfo Otorittf*
moomitz! BELLE.
T 1 ilatielier !its in he parlor,
di d• in her'easy
slur ilia: . '
-,-,1%.4.1e1r4 Ali w ,lier it:4;
giggles-and limpets,
AiiiCiit*rs midgig-06 and Sinks,
—Ana though she tajki
-‘--frialrastlor tnowthan she thinks.
ratter oces ctsd h his rivet,
ragged and seedy at that
lliicuate are all - put at-the elbow--
itthost &heating bad hat,
1.;1 1 :s boarding and isavinglis shillings,
:.-iiiit:trefulty day by daY,
While she on the beaux and poodles'
lethrowing it all away. •
- -She lies a-bedin the morning
'llll nearly the . hour of,tioon;
• Theu comes down, snapping and snarling
lltlcanse she was called so soon. '
lier hair is still in the papers,
Her cheeks still dabbled with paint—
terttaini Of ter b t night% blushes; ;
- 114bris 614 intended to faint. -
- Sher-dotes upon men unshaveß,
And men with the "flowing hair,"
She's eloquent over mOustaehes •
They give such a foreign air.
Site talks of
And fails 'in limo with thetioon,
tho'a more should meet her,
She sinks away in a swoon.
Her feet are so very little, _
Her hands so very white, •
Her jewels so , very heavy,
,And; her head so very light,
Her `eolOr iv made of costnetiov,
Oda she will neverown
ner betty made mostly of cotton,
Her bean is made wholly of stone
She ails in love with a failOW,
Who struts "Atli a foreign sir
Ile, marries her for ber money—
She marries Alin for his flair;
One of , the very best matcher—
Both are well mated in life!
She's got a fool for a husband,
And he'a`got a fool for a wife
It is now about twenty years ago - that we
saw in the lecture room of the New York
University the.first rudemodel efliforses Tel.
egraph. It had a coil :of wire one mile in
length running stronnd the room, and the ex
periments made by the students were very
amusing and'interesting, but no one but , it.
inventor, and l Professor Gale, (now Chief Ex
arainer at the Patent Office in Vinehington.)
seemed to have any real faith in its practica
bility. Now it has threaded every. country
of Europe and, America, and a gigantic 'en
terprise is even in progress to unite with it
. the eistern and western hemispheres. This
generation has witnessed succession of tuaiveb.
'of science entirely unparalleled in the history
of man. The Arabian Tales contain nothing
more startling than what is now not merely
a reality, but a very prosaic . one. 'The iron
horse, 'the talking wire, the self moved ship,
and the magic mirror are all every flay mat
ter% and in a few years a new silver 'will be
extracted frem the clay. Nut only has the
sea been forced to give up its secrets, but it
will soon cease to oppose any barrier to the
communication Of men. The wire will prob
ably anon . be laid which will enable the mer London or Liverpool to send mesa
ges to bis agent in New York of New Or
, leans with perfect regularity and accuracy,
and receive an answer. In one month after
the wire is dropped into the ow); and 'the
connection established between the two con
tinents, it
- will cease to be wondered at and
become a thing of daily use. - But . its .nag
vificent - and beneficent results will not• wear
out as soon as sty novelty.
- We can hardly measure these happy infic
. encei. The , explanatiiins of difficulties be
tween the two Governments at Washington
and London tan exchanged at , once -and
:mailed in spay. - Ideicantile transactions
eau be : carr i e d an as espeditiouAly as if the
, •
parties on either side of the Atlantic were in
the same countirer-rootn • and instead of
waii3ag for a week's installment ofnews;dtti
ly begets will be carried back and forth be
tween tbe two continents.
At 'sunset the Wakes of, the daily papers of
-New York may receive everything up to.rnid
night an London, Liverpool and Dublin.: The
result'cleeoOn in Net York 'might be
~wat in lime for the morning papers :in Lon•
'don, and an inteiesting debate in Parliament
might. be printed alongside of the , proceed
. Mgr. in Congress.
This wire - sitl indeed be a link of peace;
it will give .security and certainty to business
operations; and prevent dishonesty by taking
iiway all chance of escape and every loop
hole of error.. There seems .to be not the
- slightest doubt of the feasibility of the plan.
The!boi of the 'ocean appears ~to have beet
„graded as it were by the land of- nature for
the reception of this delicate conducting
• thinad of iron. A Soft layer of the finest and
• „smoothest material, compose(' of minute sheks
`many feet in thickness will receive the wire
and protect it front injury ' ,
while jibe appear
anee-of these &hens indicates that hardly a
or motion -ever stirs the liquid Medina)
ira l tWa- ;Unfound caverns of 'the deep, deep
tlienJulhe realms of profennd ailebee
Allonghts of men awl the
seta' lations -- of h*r. -oo the Cringe .
-' of ligh tning alon g "the lottom:of the sea from
city to eity,iinlong the continents, and mak
ing the ilise so long aerated, -cese family by
;the ties of a commoniatereek,Ssd -the ar ei of
an exalted coritintPoitirr :re
merits fist year of 114:11inavre
sotelap4:l4ora - - 04 S flia)to
Tel is oalalgOtady44 a aketoh:iffAs
Ant annual Memsgs to th e tthirty-litiliVat•
oese mill probably appear-4s. the-do:
glints on the day after its-dellilfroft-"'
inton.—Mirttenta , -flogrkr. -
The folluiving is a, remarkable and most
praiseworthy in , tainallif what persevorence
and industry, rightfr4 directed are able to
effect •
Among the graduating class at the com
tnencreat, Collegei, vu one by
the namtiot Condit, frOirt .lerseY;
tleman is a shoernaker, married, an d has a
family of four children. Sir years ago, he
`eemitig sensible of the blessings of an educa
tion, be commenced learning the simple bran.
ches, Ruch- as are taught in our primary
schools. One by one, as lie sat on his bench,
he mastered grammar, arithmetic, geography
tke., with some occasional assistance from bis
fellow workmen. At this time be determined
to obtain a collegiate education. Without
means, and nod with a large family depinding on
him for support, he commenced and learned
Latin and Omsk, after his day's labors were
over,-uncler the direction of a friend ; and af
ter the lapse of a year and a half, prepared
for and entered the sophomore class at Will
iams College.
Ile brought his bench and tools, as welr as
his books, with him. The students supplied
him with work ; the faculty assisted him ;
and frith the fund for indigent students, - and
some occasional assistance from other sources,
he was enabled to go thrergh the college
course, and at the same time support hit far
lie graduated on his birthday, at the
age of 32. He stood high in his class, and
at their farewell meeting„in consideration of
his talents, perseverenee, and Christian char:
actor, they presented him with an elegant set
of silver spoons, tea, and table, each hand
comely engraved with an appropriate inscrp
Mr. Condit will now entei.the Theological
Seminati. at New York, and will no doubt
make, a faithful and popular minister.
What young man in this country will ever
after such an example as this, d e spair of ob
taining an education Springfield .Repub
Length, Breadth, Thickness and
Weight of the British National
The weight of the national debt in gold
amounts to 14,088,475 lbs., or 6,289 tons, 9
cwt., 3 qrs., 13 lbs.; in silver, 266,666.669
lbs., or 110,047 tons, 12 cwt., I qr., 14 lbs-
To transport this debt acme the seas, it
would require a fleet of 25 ships, of 250 ton-.
burthen each. To carry the debt by land it
would termite 12.580 one-horse carts, each
cart, being loaded With half a ton of gold.—
Those would extend in one unbroken line 35i
miles. If conveyed by soldiers, and every
soldier were to carry 50 lbs. weight in hi
knapsack, it would require an . army of 281,-
789 men. Eight hundred millions of sover
eigns piled one upon another, oi.formed into
one close coluinn, would extend 710 miles.—
If this column were commenced at, the Land'.
End and continued Northward, it would
reach ten miles beyynd John O'Groat's.House.
The same number of sovereigns laid !flat, in
a straight line, and touching each other,
would extend -11,048 miles, or more than one
and thrWourth times round the moon.—
Eight hundred millions of one-pound Bank
of England notes, sewed together, would cov
er, a turnpike road 4 . 0 feet wide and 1,052
Miles long,. or from Land's End to John
O'Groat's and nearly half way back again.—
If the-notes were sewed together, end to end,
they would form a belt long enough to go
four times around the world and sixteen
times around the moon.
The whole population of the world is esti
mated at a thousand million souls. An
equal distribution of the national debt would
give sixteen shillings to every man, woman
and child, or four pounds to every family on
the face of the earth. Were Blitain- to con
quer all Europe, and levy a-general poll-utx.
to liquidate the present debt
. she must have
from every man, woman and child 5 lbs. 17'
71d. Supposing for amoment such a thing
pooible,, as that we could 'procure from the
Mexican mines silver in sufficient quantity to
pay off the debt, it would require to bring it
to England a fleet of 476 ships, of 250 ton.
' each. To carry-it to the Bsnk of England,
ire one-horse - carts, each containing half a ton
of silver, it Would take 238,095. These . mng
ed iu one unbroken line would extend 676
miles, or from Land's End to Wick,.24 mile.
from John . o*Groat's.' If carried by men,
each, loaded with 50 lbs. weight, it would re
quire 5,333,333, or 1,391,033 in. addition to
the whole-adult population of Great. Britain.
izelifhe.Ereuing Post.tells the following
of a thrifty Pirson
"A donation party was given the other day
to a'ciergy man in one of our New England
villages, and among the articles he received
was a superb from the Oenin of the
place. The parson, much pleased wish the
hat, ventured to ask the donor what such a
. hat ought to be worth ! That is an eight
dollar, hat,' was the reply. Th e parson turned
it over again, renewed his thanica to the hat.
ter, and remarked that it was ' very fine, very
fine indeed;' and so they parted.
The next day the parkon wended his way
to the hatter's store, and after the customary
salutation, took him aside, observed that.. he
was 'not accustomed
,to wear bats worth eight
dollars; that a four dollar hat was good
enough for him—a plenty. He concluded
-by proposing to exchange'the hat be bad re
ceived for a,four, dollar one, and to,'lake the
balance inlnoner.•—ract."
st Windsor / took cold, .ed
was laid op with - slayer. I bad been in bed
tbree days, ritei my tandliuly came into
"Veil, Captain, how do yues find yourself
by This time r
" 94, fain tittle better, tip 4 I re.
41 : W 441, glad beesuse Lareet to
'whiteleaskyptir rooin; and if the eeloiltika
:au** do torztorpziF bcdaargisima
aeolber Varlet of eAlollaer,
aes , aot able to tummy tome
Well, 'the* Pil speak tellhe t 4lateaay
Ae vos't Riad Vow itiog is Itod arba7e - AO
OpERATII by their powerfal influence on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu- •
late iI into-healthy action. They remove the
obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other
Organs of the body, and, by restoring their impale:
action' to health, correct, wherever they exist, such
derangements as 'are the' first cams of disease.
An extensive , trial of their virtues, by Professors,
physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of . den
serous dismiss* almost beyond belief, were they not
Sabetantiated by persons of such exalted position
and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth
Their certificates are published in my Americus
Almanac, which the .Agents below named are
pleased te furnish free to all inquiring.
Annexed we give Directions for their use in the
complaints which they have been found to cure.
Foa COSTITSMESS.—Take one or two Pills, or
_such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos
tiveness iv frequently the aggravating cause of
Pitts, and the cure of one complaint is the cure
of both. No person can feel well while under a
costive habit of hoax. Ilene it should be, as it
curb. s promptly rehered.
FOR DTAPEPSIA, which is sometimes the cause
of Costiveness, and always unisontreatable, take mild
doses —from one to four to stimulate the stomach
and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and
the heartburn, boclyEnren, and aenslburn of dyspepsia
will rapidly disappear. When it has. gone, don't
forget what cured you. .
Fora FOUL STOMACH, or ]forbid Inaction of the
Bowels, which produces general depression of the
spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills
at first, and smallbt doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system.
Fon NEUCOMM" Shea HEADACHE, Nitrous.
Pain in the Stomach, Bock, or Side, take from four
to eight pills on to bed. If they do not opm.-
ate sufficiently, take more the next de k v until they
do. These complaints will be swept out from the
system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul.
FOR Scaorvaa, BUTRIPEL/13, and all Diseateo
of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels open. The eruptions will gener
ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up hi
the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, and
some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate
the whole system have completely yielded to their
Influence, leaving the' sufferer in perfect health.
Patiental your duty to society forbids that you
should parade yourself around the world covered
' with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your
system wants cleansing.
To PCHITT THE Bump, they are the best medl
tine ever discovered: Th e y should be taken freely
and frequently, and the impurities which sow the
seeds of incurable diseases willbe swept out of the
system like chaff before the wind. By this property
they do as much good in preventing sickness as by
the remarkable cures which they are making every
/Argil COMPLAINT, JAmancrt, and all Bilious
Affections arise from some derangement—either
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and rends.
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrouti to the
health. and the
,constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp
torn. ObstructiOn of the duct which empties the
bile Into the stomach causes the bile to overflow
into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a
long and dangerous train of write. Costiveness, or
alternately. costivaiess and dimvhcea, prevails.
Feverish symptonis, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in-
ability to , sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness;
sometimes th ere is severe pain in the side; the skin
mid the white of the eves become a greenish yellow;
the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch;
the whole systems irritable. with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
diairlias, dysentery. &c. A medium dose of three
or four rills taken at night. followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a few da) s, will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
such pains when you can cure them for 2.5 cents.
llnsemarism, Gory, and all hvianinoalary Fea
rer: are rapidly cured by tha, purifying effects of
these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital principle of Life. For tlicie
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
milt] doses. to move the bowels gently, but freely. •
. As a Disr , :ttt Pitt, this is both agreeable and
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to tike,
and certain y none has been made more effectual to
the purpose fur which a dinner pill is employed
DR. J. C. AVER d CO.,
Practical, and Analytical Chemists
+M) sow ay
Whips by the Million
F ROM 25 OS to $5,00, at •
Ashton Salt, ,
FOR Dairy and Table nse. just received and
for sale by the Sauk,' 4usbet or. Pound, by
June 9. 18:5'6
Peace Declared!
ON such terms that secures the right ()revery
nation to the navigation ot the Danutre,and
be' - it known to the people or Susquehanna
County, and the rest of the Forld, that they will
find it to their advaaitage ro come to the Temp
erance Saloon and Grocery in Main St, Mont.
rose, Pa., (the only Temperance saloon in Mont
rose) to get Pies, such as are pies, Cakes,
Cheese, Crackers, Sardines, pickled Oysters,
Clams, Cuenmbers, Ice Cream, Oranges, Pine
Apples; Candy, and Segars, Nuts &e. Small
Beer, Ice cool Lemonade, and Soda Water to
eat and drink. At the same place is a gond as
sortment of Groceries and Provisions, with new
supplies every week from New York, such as
Tea, choice kinds, from 2s. 9e.. to 6e. per lb.
Sugar now at 9 eta. Best Coffee I I I-2ets.,
crushed, Pulverized and Granulated at Is. per
lb. Molasses' 3s. 6d. per Gallon: best Syrup at
6d,' per gal: Pork, Smoked Ham, and Shout
ders. dried. Beef Ham, Cod, Mackerel. White
and Blue Fish, Cheese, Crackers. Lard, Tallow,
Sterine patent and Sperm .Candles, a variety of.
Bar Soaps. Slurring do. best in use, Coffee Rice,
and Tobacco, plug and fine cut, Chewing and
smoking, do. in tin foil. Fire Crackers and Fire
Works. Matehes, all kinds. dried . Peaches,
Plums; Cherries, Figs, from Is. to Is. 6d. per lb.
Prunes, Zantee Currents, Citron.. Fig paste, Sa
go for puddings, Spit;es all kinds, do. Ground -
Mustard, do. French Soap Powder, Babbitt* Sal
teratus, do. and Washing Soda, Cream Tarter,
and Super Catb Soda Tartaric Acid, Licorice,
do. root, Fancy Candy and Gum Drops, fresh
from N. 'Y., Cassia buds, Canary - seed, Nutme ,
Cloves &e., Cocoa, Stoma and Chalkulate, Lo ,
ilarda, black and Scotch snuff. lisisinb, from Is.
to is. 6d. per lb, Stutance seedless Rusin s, starch
(pearl) Corn starch. Patent Nutmeg Graters,and
Clothe's pins, Sweet and Castor Oil in bottles;
Raymond's Lees. and Wrights Pills, Salts, Roll
Brimstone, Sulphur, Gum Camphor, Vinegar
Choice lot of Catsup, Pickles, Pepper Sauce,
Rrispbery Syrup, flavoring extracts, Hair .Oils,to
embellish and prerent from falling
. offer turnin,g
grey, Herring b y the Box, White Wash, Scrub
and Shoe brushes, Store and boot Blacking.
Garden seeds, slate and lead pencils, Axe hand
les, Brooms, Tooth Ache Ointment, an almost
sure cure for burns,Sprains, Bruises, dte. Rus
sian Linament, good for man' or beast. Horse
Medicine, together with a large assortment of
Children's Toys. selected, with great care. for
both girls and boys, among which are small
pole and . Bawkets, Horses, Dogs, and Cattle on
wheels. and rockers,smail Tea Setts, Thimbles,
Carnelian Rings, Tops, Clarioaeues, Accnrde
on, thimonieenk Harps, and many- curious
things, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, Sick
Salt for family - use, Corn Mee Lahr° Flour, kept
constantly on hand, by the pound, sack or -bar
ren. .
T 62 1 ,1311 i3MAD,
Clams, Oranges and Lemons, Pine Apples, &e.,
Some Eggs Butter. Potatoes, Beans, &e., taken
in ere-lunge.:' Theaters Goods are for sale for
each or ready pay. - ,
Thankful for past • faro's, I hope by strict
attention - to business and small-profits to gain a
layer stare of permage, and thereby all be
unatnaly benefited, all orders with the ready
mill be promptly atteadetto.
- S; S. MOTT.
Tooporetrerk Saktoo, firfreery and Provisioo
Store in Mehl St.. Montan*. Pa..-May 'lO. MG.
Miming - . Pita Citiniitteliti•
A .FRESition l iplyjiist reegyed. sad torsi%
cheap, shoo, 4aadlekold arroogli., hig ee
oash aad hard isaarrigh stand , alms. la aye.
oar 011%14 • - 1. AL SMARM •
Jane 9, t 1951.
- _ rilliE SALA, hi AND ERSA FES
--- . , -- .1. of Philedelphia against the
vorld.—Evros & Watson. N 0.26
1 , .oath Fourth street, Philadelphia,
. •'------- %awe had the serest demonstration
in the following Certificates, that
their wanufacturc of Salamander. Safes has at
length fully warranted the representations which
bare been made of them, as rendering an un
doubted security against the terrific element:
PHILADELPHIA, April 12, 1856.
fords us the highest state to you
that owing to the very protective qualities of two
o the Salamander Safes which we purchased of
you some few months since, we saved a. large
portion . of our Jewelry, Books, Papers,. &e., ex
posed to the calamitous fire in %Instead Place;
o n the morning of the 11th inst.
When wu reflect that thtise Safes were loca
ted in the fourth story of the building we occu
pied. and that they fell Subsequently into a heap
'it burning ruins, where the vast concentration
..f heat caused the brass plates to melt, we can
not but regard the preservation of the valnable
eontents as most convincing prOof of the great,
-ecurity afforded by your Sates.
We shall take much pleasure in recommend
itvr them to men of business as a sure reliance
against fire.. GEORGE W. SIKONS & Otto.
MESSRS. Evase & Warsosi-1 have to offiq
you my testimony in favor of the great security
atirtled to my entire stock of Jewelry, books,
pipers, &e . during the recent aisastrous eonflm.
oration iii Ranstead place, from the fact that the
.4.sine were contained in two of the Salamander
Safes in munetured by you. '
Hating fallen from the filth story of the Arti
san Building, where theywere previously placed
and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the
preservation of the valitahle deposits seamed to
every one who witnessed the opening and interi.
or examination, a matter of profound astonish
PHILkDELPIIIA, Apri 12, 1856
To all who may require u perfect protection
from the ravages of fire, I shall not hesitate to
roentr.mend the use of your Safes, as I consider
they have now undergone the most trying test.
PHILADELPHIA, April 14, 1856
Nlessas. Eveas & WaTsort .-Gentlemen—No
doubt you will be deeply gratified to learn the 1
void condition in which I discovered my book,
policy of insurance, certificates of steel; and
•thcr valuable documents, when or, Friday last I
•'pened the Safe made by your firm.
With my knowledge of its great exposure,
ouch to the intensity of the heat from so hot a
tire as that which destroyed the Artisan Build.
in", as also from the force of the fall from its
former:elevated position in the third story, I
could entertain but slender hopes prior to its in
terior inspectidn, that the contents which I once
so highly. prized would ever be of any serviee to
Joe, but as their fertraare now happily removed,
I feelit only due to say to you that I can hence,
root) recommend the use of your Safes to all
:Ow may wish to feel a confidence in the per.
e , -et security which such means provides atrainst
frightful an element.
EDWARD GASKII.I., Bookbinder. •
Constantly on hand, Patent Powder and Thief
ProOf Locks, for Banks, Stores &c. • -
Al,rit 24. 1855.-17t•1
Important to. Farmers. -
New Freight Line from, 3lontrOse
Commission Merchants, So. 3, Erie build
- tngs. •
FOR the better accommodation for the farm
ers Susquehanna County we have con
cludiu to receive fright every day in the week,
(Sundays excepted) at the store of M. S. Wit.
won & Son,. who will attend to shipping the
4:tme to New York. and the'returri - bills be paid
in sash at their store.
Cap t. Wiekhatn is their salesman, whose long
experience on the N. V. & E. R. It., tiauer. 4
himself th•it justice will be done to his pations
with the above n man gtm en t, we invite the farm
eN to give us a trial. JUSTUS D 11.1..
\tnntrnse, Anti. 20,11356.-6 m.
Bird .Cages ! Bird. Cages !
111 YET & KNOWLTON hare] ust received
a large and well oelected aase-tment of
combininm many of the most e.egnnt designs
;Ind beautiful finish ; eitmhining durability with
lightness and ..iriness of style. From 5s Gd,io
SlO,each, ilrinltinv.uri seed cups included.
51. Court st.. Ttin,thltnton.
lITILL (lad a lt i r z ^ L e ..c lot ß l eg,
V V,
Spides, Shovels,
- Gra,s.l - looks, Sickles,
- Cradles
and many other articles for tilling rind beantifv
ing the earth, at I!IIYFE & KNOWLTON'S,
Ilinlihaslttin. N. Y.
Hardware and House Furnishing
•VIIIS is a progressii.e age. No one doubts
1 it; or if they did, a glance at themanitoll
writes on wh ch the lightning whizzes with im
part:int news, wou Id. soot% convince; a look' at
the rushing cars would add more emphasis to
the 1 - 24 t and wise conclusion. New proofs pre
went thetnmeivem each day; each day we are
wore a nxioui to
C..teh the living inanners as as they rise,"
turn Cheat t our own account, and LA_ in as
much cat}, as pcissible•
Now a days people are averse to dealing at t,ld
fashioned Stores-- - -those established from ten to
twenty years aLro. ' Their proprietors having }w
eene thoroughly inainvd with the high price
principle, (of. rather lack of principle,) are un
willing to tower their 'demands to a scale more
in accordance with the times we live in.
esolved to keip pace with the , pro,gressive
spirit of the age, we have opened our new and
spacious Store, No. 51,-Court St., with a very
large assortment of
Hardware, House Furnishing,
anti Fancy Goods, which - we offer wholesale or
retail, at the lowest prices, for cash or approved
credit. • PIIYFE & folow.uroN,
51. Con ft St., Bi .ghatnton, T Y.
r"4 We advise country merchants to visit us.
They will find it advantagoous. - •
fir AS just received from New York, A full
LA• and desirable stock of •
Comprising'a first . -rate assortment of Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals., Medical Instruments,
Paints, Oils, Dye Stuns, China, Giaseand Ear
then Ware, (a good variety of Crockery,) . Brit
annia Ware, Japanned and Planisbed Tin Ware,
Silver and all other kinds. of Spoons. Sliver
Forks, Butter Knives, &c. All sorts of Lamps.
A. good variety td• Wood and Gilt Frame Mir.
rors. Wall rind Window Paper. Stationery.
Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes. Brooms.
Family Groceries. Lamp Oils. Crmphene:—
Burning Fluid. Tallow Stearin and Sprrnlawli
Candles. Hide and other Whips. Varnishes.
Window Glass„ Ste.. A first rate variety ()flew
dry, and Fancy Goods. Gold and Silver Spec.
tarles. -- Gold Pens. Violins, Metes, Fifes, At
eordeons, Violin and Veulincello Strings, &a.—
The largest assortment of Pocket Knives in
Sasq. Co.. and the best quality in Market. Shot
Guns. Piaols, (single and Double Bagel,) ;in
vokers, Am
in short. the Pbyttieian. the Invalid , the House
keeper. the Farmer; the Meehanie, the fdanufie
tarer, the Professional Man, the Gentliman,tho
Lady, the Rich and the Poor, the Young and Old,
the Beautiful and the Ugly, the Gay and the
Fashionable; end all the rest of the • people, will
find something to supPtytheir every'darivapis
at Turrelre.
Store iti the -orgy Beek Block—Prices low
Qoaliliesgood-.-Call awl moo.
ileatreeN sreh
1856. •
riirriAl are sit tarn to Ten
.more.and it 9 reiteir, goods.,
10111" ItURRITT agald of band with a 'new
WINTER GOODS Making bis assortment nun
sunny complete in all respects; ind will be sold
AS low as the lowest, or tower for Cash, Barter
or approved credit. - -
New Milrotd, Nev. Se, 1838.
FUR Nectarines and Cuffs. and Bu ff aln Robes
a new titooc just received, and for Sale
cheap be 'H. BURRITT.
Nov. 28, 1856.
- New Goods -
A:riving daily, by Erprom, at. Hopbottom,
THE subseribers are now. opening
.a large
and well selected stock of new Goods.—
Consiatirg of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes of all
Sizes and Wes. Flour, Corn Meal, Salt. &c. &c.
All of which they will sell as cheap as can
be bought elsewhere in the County,in exchange
for Lumber, Shingles, PrOduee of all kinds,
Woolen Sock& for cash approved credit.
Two - shillings per pair paid for good Socks.
SiAteen.cts. per doz. for Eggs. . '
Twenty eta. per lb. for Butter.
Hombottorn.. April !24,1856.
EXTRA Floor from 7 1-2 to 8 riollara per
bbl., for sal.. at S. S. MOTT'S.
PIIITE.& KNOWLTON are Agents for a
number of Manufacturers, and will anppir
the Trade ,on nsr terms. and at a low price at
their Hardware. {louse Furnishing and Fancy
Goods Estub!Mown,.
BLASTING POWDER. Safety Fuee , Gun
Powder. Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, and Worm
ers, Powder.F.aska. Guns, Revolvers, Pistols
ate., at the Store of I
Mostrose.Oet. 15. 1856.
WE aro tiket Mined to suit the I.sdies, hav
ing theirconifort in vie*. we lately pro
cured of the importer?, a large assortment of
.vhicb mtn4t certainly please even the most
;Winn. t vs ti,
We have a'ti ne stork of flair, Nail and Tootb
firos.lim, comprising Mall eirgant style*.
. Of coml.. We Bare :in extensive varietv.'nelo
dim! num3 of Ina , Rubber, Iron ;did Morn.
We,love. brxide. manv other Fumy Article*,
too notnerous to mention. ' Call and•erstrdnit
our Fancy Goods.
51 Court St.
Britannia Ware. -
A VERY tarp fit oe le :it
Hurrah for the New Store !!
'lll-1E undersigted take pleasure in announcing
to their friends and customers that
. they
hive moved into their NEW STORE. with an
entire new stock of Goods, consisting of every
variety of merchandise kept in country or city,
Friends, giVe us a call ! We do not sell at
old fogy' prices, nor " Jew" those who For
,name of ; but tradu fairly and honorably at
‘• live and let live" rates: , We both preach and
practice the true business principle of "quick
sales and small. profits." Let it be • distinctly
understood that we do not wish to sell goods . on
a long credit. We will sell goods so low
that the purchaser can afford to borrow money
aL t%elve per cent, and pay down for them.
Salt: fmur and produce of all kinds kept con
stantly 0.1 hand. and sold at. lower rates than at
any . otherestahlishment in town. To prove that
we are not botwing, but telling plain truths in
a plain way; call and purchase.
N. B.—Alt kinds or produce taken in • ek
change fur goods.,
THAYER,& Co. -
Montrose, Sept. 26th. 185ri.—n-41
MEW Jewelry, Per:nmery, Fancy Gooch.
1.11 Grocerse., Paints; Oils, Drugs, Materials for
Lights, &c., Just received by . .
M (intense, Oct. 8th.1836. .
and l'ovk et Cutlery, a great , variety
1 at very* iorz, prices, at
. Montrose, Pa.,
Consignments Constantly' Rereired
New Goods at Webb's
LUST opened bv'the subscriber n full assort
t,/ ment of Spring and Summer Goods, which
will be sued cheap, Cheaper than ever.
Give us a call. You cannot fail to be suited
. quality, quantity, and terms. Every thing
Is.ually found in a variety store.
H. 3. Webb,
Is now receiving his new Spring Goods, which
he offers at his usual low prices - .
Montrose. Mar:.h n, 1856,
House Builders . Depot for Smque
haws° County, at Neu- 111111ord.
irIICKERM AN & GARRETT are giving es.
peCial attention to the improvement con
templated in this County the cotneing Henan'',
and now offer a helping hand, by keeping con
stantly for &ilea large quantity of Window sash
and glasa, Blinds, Doors f Nails, Paints and Oils.
and a complete assortment of builders Hard
Warn; ate. Those going to put up Houses in
the Spring will find it for their interest to give
.tis a call. We can furniSh every thing you
wantand, at the very lowest manoticturing pri
ces. . 'DU:KERMAN & G4RRATT.
New Milford. Feh.B. 1856. .• : .
The Cheap Store,
ED. 28 a'DgEir virk.lEtv.
HE undersigned would Tespeelfully inform
I the inhaSitants of,flinghamtnn and vicinity.
that he has recently purchased of Edward Priest
his large and well selected stock . of •
which he hag removed from 'La Fayette Bloek
to No. 28 Court Street, one duck above . the
American Hotel. •
This entire stick has been purchased eonsid •
erably below New York cost, enough nu to
warrant him in saying that he will sell Goods
cheaper than can be bought at any other Store
In town.
Summer Goods. to the above stock has just been
added large invoice of Spring and Summer
Goods of the latest styles, which will be closed
oat at great, bargains. ,
The Stock - consists In Dart of tbe following
Goods, viz; Fine Lawns, fast • eblors. from 9 to
18c. per yard; Caliente. American and:English,
trom 4c. to 11c. per yard; Merrimac* and :Co
chec.o Prints, at. 11 c-; Blenched and Brown dime.
tinge andiShirtings, from 4c toile.6ll. per yeid
Kentucky Jesse, from lu. 3e. to 2s. 6d. per fed;
Ladies' Hose. • from 61.4 c. ,to 3s. 6d..,per pair ;
Gingham*, frog; .10e. to 23c. per yam; DeLnines
from 10e. to Its. per gaol. Also a Large' lot of
Linens, Quilhs and Counterpoint', Car:sine and
Ontperis. Shawls, Gloves„ .Table .Covers, Silks,
Saco*, Embroideries, &e. dte. •
Maks, Vance/ and Balmoral! sing sisd pd.
forget the agetiper.2llo.iortatteet.
1 Dour out, of tbs.Aulefittkifotte,l, bat etil end
see before purcbasiog elsewhere. - :CT.GODPL
. Sinew/erten, April ad, ;WIC
LOW P/008 Triutahnt.ii'
rede ß B rn '4l
1 1 1 4? e tl 4 - lt r :ol "I) f ir ; I t;
and Sundier t. *elided' withgreit care
and with !mild regard to the taatearandwanto
of t eons m anti y: eortaisting of a choice amt.:
ty of Dry Goods, Fanry Goode and embroider
ies, Boots and Shota,Groteriee, Hats,Caps, and
Straw Goods,'Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery,
ate. Which we Will sell 'for, prompt' pay, st
lower prices than. any other establishm e nt in
thin" County:
ga..2la Ia r DIU
we would any, that.they hav e . not been forgotten,
and that in the way of ,Dretut 'Goods; we have
culled for their use the choicest gems in the
market! Drop in and see us, and we will' take
pleasurein showing you the niceht and cheapeat
stock of Goods you ever saw in this place.: :
Harford, May 8, 1856.
WOODEN, Willnw and Tin Ware,ni‘
To Sportsmen.
: Tackle ! Uuns - Rips ! Pistols!
PHYFE &KNOWLTON have now on' hand
a splendid lot of FishingTackle,eonl-pris.-
ng •
Roth, from Is 6d, to $lO each.
'Lines, from acts., to $5. etch. •
Reels, from $1,50 to $6 etch, and an assort
mentor artificial Rah, never nefore equalled In
this vicinity, ineludingPmz-. 3fice,Glasa, Lea St
ubber, Minnows,Glitta - Perths, Grau
Hoppers, Shrimp; Spinning Bait, 51e.. &e. Pat
ent spoons to !mud catching grass while - hillinr.
Patent Spring Hooks for Pickerel , or Pike.—
Sue dolugers, or Yankee . Doodle a new.
and improved mode of ealehinu fi- h.
W have s st . nek Glue,. Rifles: R.
volying, single and double liarrelAd PistOli.POW
gier.Shot, Water Proof non her ea" Hinging
.Horns, Turkey calls. 4-c Powder Fliaks,
Pouches, Game Bags Temperance Rottles,&c.
&c., &c: • •
51 Cooftgtrert
In fact wo -have every Article of Spartingap; ,
paratua. Hooks, for outlieir the, hen.
41red thoueatil Pl-11TE & KNOWLTON.
51 Court st., Bineb,uilon • -
Tus Treiteived a lot of New Goods, such as De
Id !Aloes, De Sages, Paramettas, - Persian, Al
pacas, Ginghams, Merinos. -Prints, and Shawls,.
in fact a general assortment of Dry Goods Jr bicl
will be sold low -
WANTED—Socks, Eggs, Dotter,Lard,Cheese,
Flannel. &e., any quantity 'lt exchange forGoode
at cash prices. C. W. MOTT.
Montroee.Sept, 1855%, " •
(lAN now be found at his new-stand on the
corner of Turnpike and Chestnut Sts.,
tew doors east of Post's store, whore he
eirectuanst repairs will. dispatch. Watches,
Clocks. Guns, JeWelry. And every description of
machinery. Wheel cutting, Gun and Watch,
m-tterials supplied to the:rade.
Attention Farmers ! --Plow Points
OF almost every pattern and kind now in use.
also, No. 2, R. L. Blatch3ey Plows and
Corn Plows, may he had at any time of day, and
until 10 o'clock at night, In exchange 'tor cash.
4ld Iron, Grain, Eggs, or any kind of ready pay.
of 1. N. BULLARD.
. sfontrose, May 1, 1856. •
rIOLDsnd 4ilver Spectacles. a new lotinst
kif received, comprising alt ages, by '
August 18 A: d. EVANS;
JUST rrti s,
eei s v o ed to a s ia l .lo oo lo . t, at : priees ranging
HAWLEY & GUILD would reipectfully: in.
rite the attention of the citizens of Gibson
tad vicinity' to their very large stock of Fall and
winter hoods, which they are now receiving aad
are now selling at very Low Priees.. Consist.
ing in part of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware,
Crockrey, Paints,Oils. Ready mad, Clothing,
Boots, & Shoes, &c. They are prepared to ex
hibit to the people of Gibson one of the largest
Stocks of Ready made Clothing ever offered in
this market which they are bound to sell 'cheap
in the cheapest. In addition to their Stock they
are now receiving a large Stock of Coocking and
Parlor Stoves, Tin Ware, itc. So call and
if you do not buy, ,no charge for showing toads.
Gibson, Oct. 19th. 1856.
- N. U. All kinds of Country produce taken
exchange for goods, at market prices. .
W. Singleton,
Binghamton N. Y
PARASOLS and Fans { '
new styles and choice
varieties. at G. W. S. & CO'S.
RETICULES,, for Ladies, a large assort.
meta. at.
New Store! New Goods!
rpHE subscriber is-now teceiving his second
/. general purchase of. GOODS his, Spring,
which renders, his assortment very iesinible 'and
complete. By strict attention to business and
by. fair dealing, he hopes to merit a liberal share
of public patronage. To those' friends who
have yielded to hits their preferenees,anditindly
riu,tained him by .their pationage, with the in
tention of aiding ltim in repinining - in part the
heavy' loss recently sustained by fire. ho tenders
his sincere thanks, with the, 11.4411 ranee that their
interests shall bemuivally promoted. '
Montrose, April 24.1856. .
PERSONS desirous of paying me money, op
debt of Any deicription,can do so' by leaving
their purulent with Post, Cooper dz. Co,. Ban
kens, Montrose, to my credit, winos receipts
will' be allowed from their date.
April 18. 1856.-tf.
.New Goods _Cheap for Cash.
CW. mantis just received another tot of
• New Goods, such as Challis, Bar;ge De
Was, De Bag's, Ginghates, Collars, Embroidery.-
PRICES. SUMMER SHAWLS. a now lot just,
received—beautiful pattern%
.at very . low prices.
as low as the /direst. - - • -
June 13
._ _ •
To the Citizens of Montrose.
& lit i powlton Are at all 'times ready to in
sert Gas Pipe in old or new houses, in a work.
man like manner, and at low prices. -
They have a fins assortment of Chandeliers.
Peadents, Portable. Brackets. Glass Globes, and
Fancy Paper Shady).-
. Mr. Blackstone, who superintends'the work
has had much experience in this' in Nvvr
York and Brooklyn. Oiders solicited.
No tradi,inllfikitg•
mHAT'S long.tisPhyfe tim
iFotp stieh spiel:l4a itiortment of
AR' they' nee? have in obit* end *hick isbv id I
hand*, nvai Haidtvarea included, 'aeliOviikagiiti
Vita the '
ever offered to the citizens of Bruoine, - . Strequi%
i c
hanno . a ny ritlier eirinty - .1
We ea* furnish an toed At of Mohr ae
Hill, Wood or .ifissymoiAr. sf Neor Yorfrifitr.'Aid
at primal 1ea4:24 percent.-awer then - either.
TO + ot.D:DTqs wancit. Do prnT; PROM
Asp.: expmeirren ,, szciwinnwon,,Tan
nonnr- - •
Itaidware. 110w$ Farnisbiest and riinevancids
ratnblinhason; Okont-Elt., Bingham.
teet0 4 :44 4 1 1 1,0114101 Built,4l-•
Ey' :I) manse - Rtmetral„
TEIR,VS44/31.0 '.94 is , le ( , •(ore . (( ,
tiotpaid - within_six months , mud *2,6o;at th? •be
onbeyear. No papetdiscouti trued tintilarte&r .
gea are paid., excvOtat. th4iNlPtf#tibtthe Pub
liebers. A y.OIA M nii3llo6lll:'Cilintetled rcitL th •
otlice.tijoectreitttint;oiontieWtiorti.cire- thw
Emicma s ifoptrtme,'Suigitiebtatimi County'rh.
, .
One sqnsre.(l2lines.ort.lstst) 3 tnsertions: - sl,no
Esti!, subsc, (Oat ineeriitte; , 0.26 .
Ode squar three in,ql3_ths;,
one square six months, _ - 4.00
Business Car,ds, fUqr anus of less, 3430,
Ono-eighth. column, one year, •'' exu -
One-fourth - " 10 . 06
. " • •' '
One eolumn, ' 3OOO
Yeisrly advertisers wilt be reitrifted
business in. ;*bith' ,ther . ars eupsgrd-,ln*drtire
considered as wisliing tviontinur - XdseyliNist ,
unless they skis tr giie speoial" , Oirtietiohs Pit
dise.tnitibuuoce of the slime. -
i 1 10111 • -
re Thepublietierehorinp addtd to t heir J.
Printing materials it ;large istiof ittpritiCr Itor'ent.
moist ot Job,,Type,„nre now pre - pared excr I.
Job Worictri nirtnirri . tilintriiiinwea thix err -
don of eountry,nne am re”14no.,1111,
Bbanwks orovery4escriptinniepte,onsiant
on. hand or printedlo girder. • • .
I# - .40i..0,:. : - : _,J i V.l.*o4: :.
_ - .
• - Penna.
Si. H. a VAIL,
Dr; N. 7 1 - TflelFAl 4l3 ri -2-
Saqs , ,Cconity hi. ~
Dee. Ist, 1856. "
-W. Sivirritilic Co.
Cabinet and:Chair Manupict:ittersifoot
Street, Mnntroses,Pa. : • -
. ,
s eon dentist, ?limb-I:AN •Pa
'Snarl e's lintel,llnndssyp And Tuei‘days o tr
week. . • 1.5 1 y -
- ABEL TlUOUELL,,Aforiiii . oi4t Pk.
Dealer iu Drugs, Medicines; C6errliCulS:ll l .•
stuffs, Gliisfi-ware, Paints; Oils, 164 01414.14. i: iv.
dow Giass,: Groceries, ratio ,
Sie:-..-anci : Agekt,yor all. 0. - Ill ! 11,4 ! ,,,
i,,opuiar 'Potent, . •
rashionableTailor—Shoputder Searle,
Hotel, Main Street,Montrase, Pa. • •
DEALER IN. Stg.yettiVin, C...pperand Shevt
‘Vare,Loderiville,tkear Great Bind Depo.-1:-
DEALER in Ready-514e 'Dits an ,
Caps'; Bouts and Shoes; Dry Goods ;
'Store-opposite S4rie's_litotiiiiiloitruse
C. D. LiniEctr, and with
J. P. W. - RILEY, •
. ' Dr. R. TriAYER.
, .
PHYSICIAN no! Surgevn Di ontet!ie
Ogee in the Fut,ttner'sStvre.
ATTORNEY ANb CoUNSEI:Li)II: AT 1..5..‘v,11 imtruc.
Pa., will attend - faithfully to all bitaiiiess
trusted to bins in the courtly of SuSiltriliairi
Conveyaniiing and writing of all kinds sill 1 ..
done neatly, and "charge moderate. - Ht s
also attend to the.prOsecution ofcleinisct scl
diers, tbeir widows and heirsogniiist-thli
government, for Bounty _ Land, Pensions. r
Slay be all htinrs aftheOftiiii
occupied by J. T. Rich north of tifi•
Court-lionse.Bs3-13 • • •
-M. V. TYLER, " 7' -
InterititOd sclitli,T-L. Bunt,
luroaTEU AND DEALE R in Hai4V l ol4..llllld Ca •
lery, carriago.Trj routings. Sptiage,,Sie. .
• - • No. 21 'eeir 7'l
Where . h is 31ereantile Prirnds i . iti thiitiad calf
Coun ties.are. kindly iTivitedon#earßest . ls guile i
ed to call and purchase. -611.
J. H. Parscins,'
Ware, Sofas, Bedsteads, 'Tableis,-Stagal,
No. S Wlrshingto iitrrat
Bingh6 mina, N. Y,
er.CotEn Ware. Room up stairs,
J. D. - VA.11.; M. D.
fIi'SICIAN and Sur ' eon has pern r ianents-
'- - !Heated himself at Biaclin'ey,ville;''Sto•kat
Count) Penn'a, and uttinifti,
cults with which he mayl,belavoyed.
Ticiett, =
JUSTICE VIE PrAns, COitretnr_ of-114.14*
Executor of Weds,: Eontrae__ A tft
.:deer Of
fiee,Lacoy.ville.' Wyoming r - entat.),:l74.:
May 9, 18;16. _ • •
- • ' SASH BLIND' DOOR ' •
Gr,:is roi6i=ci,o . ."( ivii..s . TNlF'rii*, - ;
. .-
- .oliftro Iri
se, ',iiii , iii L-- -,
' - .•
- 131 7 D. DitpW#Eti.
' All sizes and deserip l.i ittiy ,, iininii
iiiJide tio'citdei,bi - ftiOiirshtitiii , iliilifoitriio
1 1
ties.. 7: 7 ::!:i;'''S`: . ,:, : ;.' T : 7 :: :.,:``S -- '&:1:; -
. ..-- nrelkl:milroifit.'vittasiva4; - , .
IN7IIOLESAILE 1 , D,:itil;rit :: In . I:caftans
, v y •Cotubp;, - Save - ad, ets,.' ThOnds: Fancy
Gaddy, -%Vatehes, Jewelirv. Silver 'ali .Platra
Wart!, Cutlery,- fithinkTack N;l7iiiims. .." - &.;,Sti.,
Merchants and Peddleriv
,supplied . on liber:,
C. L.: WARD.
DR. ; E. P. WILMOT *. - -
meopathie: , .cotiew,,a - fpf edi r i n r;-is - o nto
prtutanently lybealtd,l4,ier4itvad Pa.:: •
April- f 866,. , • • •
ao ' ' sAllarrEL . l '
IMA Sli lONA BLE: TAIL-4) ft... z.. 8 hop fits, 'don
.1; north of the Farnsoo: Store. . •
• E;` l o444TlLlEliiifiL L - *IONS, import
ers of Chink Glap",a; 4nd,,Eartitern Ware, Nn• it
Warren litriit.lsii.iv'YOrk.
A GOOD - siortatent of PK !tern Dips t. wnw
G. W. S. 4r., ri116.:::
D°R.CE !kind G itt‘l.lticts
,• t•-2 - 'ecrs.':
. ,
.ZISNOI YOtP6O4 luqiisb4 .. with Lil.r-
41 ,r . tf Vrrni.s4lo P New
v - re li
` Ci l / 1 ..thit . -
-• StOVOS Sta Veil • -
71EI • BURtiiii t iftilid 41%10 intention 110 hitt
- .l.,l ' 7luCipvetork- of No neStovect,:losi reecirtd,
inv i ading itiwifrtmeet of Eirtc#Civrn Air
Oreliiind Parlor; OiErt , and
kfto v re.' fur WoilAtic Conl,tilso Stove Plo.Zivt
Sheri Iron. Stove- ,tu beak His isporlinetit
will include .t Mast eider!. 'end'ovry
In Marks and will he ,Awikleritlieffiescfeitiroble
terms toy Cusir; _
New 31iletirri 4 Oct. 19th 2 ins, •
_ •
A'lt . tiiiiiixit - AtL
- - 7 -40'HIC.COLETI.14 #
A. Lathrop,
. •