The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 09, 1857, Image 3

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    Executor's No#cet -
NNOTICE. is hereby given that Letters Tes.
tarnentary upou trie estate of James Ste.
phens, deceased, late of Bridgewater" township,
hare beetetranted to the subscribers. All per
sona indebted to said estate are requested to
make itnmediate paymunt, and those havin g any.
elahns upon Paid estate to present them duly
attested for settlement. 'the notes and accounts
will be found in the hands of the subscribers
a. 11. WADE,
Widg,ewatt r, Jan. 7th, 1857
The Alusfang Liniment cures Rheumatism.
The Mustang Liniment cures Stiff Joints. -
The Mustang Liniment cures Bu is and
- The Mustang Ltni.nent cures Sores and 1.71- -
The Mustarg Liniment cures Caked TheaSts
and Sore Nil. ics.
The Mustang Li 11117207, CtireS Neuralgia.
. The 'Mustang Liniment cures Corns and
(he Mustang Liniment is Forth ,
1,000,000 Dollars per :tannin
TO the United States, as the preserver and re
storer of vlluahle Ijorsea and Cattle: It' cures
nit sprldns, Galds„ "Wounds, Stiff Joints, &c.
ans wet this que"stion? Did you ever
heirc ) Cany ordinary Sore, Swelling, Sprain or
st i t T u gs, either on man or beast,. which the
m„,t a n , , , Liniment Would not cure? Did you
ow v i s it a ny res pectable Druggist in any part
„f t h e w orld—in Europe .Asia or America— who
did not say "it was the greatest discovery of
t h e ag er Sold e verywhere. Every family
i l ould have it 3 si7.o,
Pro:lrietors Kew 1 ark.
B i e N r
J. 3 AIM nt - .1 )1
NiTHEItENS the Lion. David Wilmot, Presi.
Court I d en t of the of Oyer and Terminer,
and General Lill delivery, Court of the Quarter
s e s,ions of the Peace, and Court of Common
Pleas, and Orphans' Court, in the Thirteenth Ju.
diciai Disteict, -romposed o f t h e Counties of
Susinehanna, and Bradford, and the Hon. Ur
bane Barri - Ars and C. F. Read, Associate Judges .
in Sniquehanna county, have issued their precept
bear:ng date the 2:2d day of December, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
An d ftfty.six, and to me directed, for n
Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail
Delivery, in the borough of Montrose, and coun
ty of Susquehanna, on., the third Monday of
January next, (it being the, 190,-day.),
NOT: , : IS nEn . l.l3l' etvnx to the Coroner, ins.
tires of the Peace and Constables of inia county
of Susquehanna , that they be then and there, in
Their proper nLYSOnS v at two o'clock in the after
noon of said day, with their Tecord4, inquisitions,
and other r e membrances, to do those things
which to their of:lees appertain to be dcne.• And
those who mire' bound by recognizunees against
the prisoners that arc or shall be in the jail of
said county of Susquehanna, are to he than and
there, to•prosrente vgninsi then - as will ht just.
Dated at Mtintrose, the of D e eembet. i n t h e
year of our Lord one thimsand eight-hundred
and fifty six. F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff.
Biaa ;Silks* at
.0, la-1: 1,!, '57.1 f's."'
0(..00;er. 195(3.—n-16
Auditor's Notie,e. -
1t: d, an . Attdit;..: l p ,, int ,
dz..; r,but, the fund." , 12,,,tate 0 1
11Hrt3i:-;•,. tri,l n114 , n4 the
hi.: • frcit in
Sat-di - day, IL- 111.1 c at::: of Jt,nt are next, ttr,,
.rit . :.ft'erziol , ll, kviCA:ll tune
p!al•l; ptestmt th,if
c},i;;l;s . t,r lo forever barred' from conning
upon:sr:id 19101.
Dec. 17th-7855
Auditor's Notice.
undersig,ned having been appointed
1 the Orphan's Court of usqnehanna Cdunt I
an:Aadilcr to distribute the funds in the hands I
of the Administrators of the estate of Escek
Taayre dere.ased, will attend to the duties of
ids said appointment at his office in Iklnntrutmr
on Tuesday the 16th day of fanuary next.. at.. 10
-o'clock in the forenoon, at •which time and plikee
all persons interested will presebt their el irns
or be forever barred from coming in upon -said
fu - F.A. C
Montrnse..Dee. 1858,.
FrIDIS i 4 to certify that Henry Leroy But . ton,.
who left Springville. SuSquebanna County,
Pennsylvania, last Maw. talting with him three
girls, named Salomy. Diantha and I I enrititta, has
left the unde.signed,.hisswlfe, in destitute
eumstanees, besides a large :imprint of 4bt.z.
Any one who will inform tre where he is will
be reasonable reiTarded. western papers
pleas(! copy. CLARINDA BUTTON.
Dee. 10th, ISFG. fll4 3.*
Sarnias 'dub Rapti&
N-)r:h West Cor.of Second and IVainitt., Phila.
One :1111iion Two Hundred and
V Fifty l'it.iu.stind Dollars. ASSET'S,
*323.4)57 07. itiveistett in Bonds, Mortliges, and
(i.oid Securities.
the the Bu,duess and Conditi4 . ,n o f
the !Cumpany to Novelgt , er
. Ist, 1856.
Premium recvivtql On Marine a*iii
1n1;64 Nuv. Ist. 1856, 5:214.684. GO
Fire Premiums, 169.796 61
Int , 2rcst on 1.01111% • 8;7(14 47
Total Receipts, $400,185 63
Paid Marine Losses; - $ 04
Paid Fire dn. - 39,731 89
Espenseg.Salaries and
Commissions. -
Reinsurano, Return
Premiums & Agc:n-
CY Charges, .
13: nee remaining with C0:,5223,0,57' 07
Philadelphia City and
County Bonds, - 816,848 . 18 1
e Railroad Bonds, - - 11,000.60 t [
First Menages, Real cost prices
E•,tale, 144,500.00)
Stocks, Colliiterals, on •
• Call, -
Gir:trd and Consolida
, nen Bank Stork, -
BPpo-its Witt, Duean,
Sherman & Co., Now
Deferred Parments on
• Stork not. yet duo, 97,700 00
Notes for 'Marine Pre.
- - - 30,000 00
Miums, -
16e from Allentß• Be
t•brediq toods.. •
Proniums tin Policies
r,-cently- issued, and •
debts due the Co., 26,410 38
L..ionce it: Bank, • - 18.456 74
This pnriy rollir Mcrehandlic.
fr.oll $' 1:0 to 5:5,00 0 .,at litt• Lowet
vonmislt•nt :with Ki . 1.4-urity....and upon the
Temp,. and 1 ) A1 7 -
~ r• up-ti the Ajoszioynt •01....t..44.1. 'nutter Poll•
i,supti by tb to
11” ar d ..d - Wreeter.s huA'eth tiny declured
divi,i en d .0 - l 5 per cept, imyable on deniund;
t)prwn the busines% a the Company, to -thu Ist
instant. , •
Hon. THOMAS B. PLOB.ENCE, President:
EDWARD It. 11ELMBOLD, Secretary.
Philade!phia, November 17th 1856.. * * •
T13.10111Y BOYLE
crf "Zew Ni!forei Pa.., .'41,-,esit.
t:.:£.l .
HAVING completed his cause of Mercantile
Education, of eight years, with two of the.
most respectable dealersthat tho country affords,
has located himself at Lawsvillo Centre, ►where
he will be pleased to see his friends from al:
parts of the country; and would assure them
that he will do them good, if they.will only call
and examine his stock of Goods, consisting, in
part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Of .Yorest Patteins and Best Quality.
nests and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Wall Papers and Ltorders,
- Umbrellas, Carpet Hags,
Drugs, and the Most
Popular -Patent
Mediciurs of
Ise ,- dal,
From hta longtxpc!ience in selling. goods for
this, - sectioWoreoutar, he flatters himself that
he will be able to select goods that will please
all, and pledges himself to deal honorably with
all Who 'giveltim their patronage. Soliciting a
large, share' tif your 'patronage, I remain your
•, • KENYAN..
Law : m-111e Centre, January Ist. MI..
wit:. , •
.P.tato of Haintd Pon era, late of Lenox "row
ship, deceased, Charles Tingley Executor,
• Estate of Ebenezer Colo, late of Forest Lake
township, deceased, Orange Mott and Elizabeth
Ansel, (late Elizabeth Cole,) Administrators.
Estate of IVillium Dayton, late of Great Bend
township, deceased, Samuel 11. Dayton and`lt.
B. I lay wood Administrators.
27,474 G 8
6177,323 Cl
32,400 00
5,225 00
- 103,080 .00
35,376 18
23,057 07
egistet s Notice.
DUBLIC‘NOTICE is liOrehy given to nil per
1. sons concerned in the follosing Estates, to
That the ::ecount::nts have settled their ne•
comas in the Register's Otliee in. and for the
count• of Susquehanna, and the same will be
piesentioi to the Juda.,,s of the Orphan's Court
of slid county, on Wednesday the 38th day of
I.nuary next, f o r confirmation and allowance.
Reg,istei's Office,
Montro,e, Dec. 30th, IS.N.
E. C. I. T. O. .N. -
ATMARA' lst, 1857, vornntences ant;llter
pi year. Therefore we would respectfully in,
vile all these whose tonnes are upon our Books
to call and balance them np to that date. We
do not intend to let any nemmnt runionger than
!nix months. Those indebted will please there-
fore attend to the same without further notice.
Iklontrose 16th, 1556.
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hetet y given to nn persons hnr
111 , * tiemnntls 4g:tins! the estate ofJittrATHAN
Er.L.swinrit, deceased, late of Miadlt o wn tOVVt).
Ship, that the Sathe must be presented to the
iltidt , rsi , 'nt-d for arratv , on , .nt, and all persons
iitiiejActi to said Estate are requested to make
inirtirdiate pat met,t.
Mi.,l,llotown, Dee. lith, t SSG,
Money! Money! I‘ . tonoy
P . l . - BE .wrrilouT MONEY when it
I V Just as easy f, , r any one to be around
with a pocket full as not, if they only think so.
I Lave got a new article, from Math live
to twomy dollars a city can be mole. either by
male or letm,le. It is highly resqleonble busi
nes,..zind an article which is wanted in every
landly in Ili, United Sl. -.14..5. Enidnie me "two
dollars by mail, at my risk. and I will forward
by return m:,i! a Ciroutar: with full instruetioma
in the art. • The businessis - yery easy. Try ii,
if you are out rif employ rrwrit. and, yon ‘vill . never
re:freti it ; for it .w,ll be better for you to pay the
abovelsono. ;, busimss. 'than to
ee;,!•• 1.-;^ -p,oi•m-4
1 ~lil it3~tll~
D IGli n. 4:York
I hunt ( of my Cireniar to an 111;tor is
Georgit :aid lie frave me .1 notice in his paper
F,lte the. following:
-.Mr. :Monroe sent me ono of his Circulars, and
I wilt just sny to my readers that witoever of
ycin are. out of erup!oyfrietit that Mr. 310nr , .!?'2,
business is a . :zio - ol businf,S. and flThlif.y ran be
wade opt of it, for it is no ilunibng." 52m3.
important to Dagncrreotypists,
Marble Dealers and others.
Motluap.:t.itul - i)agua r_ , ot ype 'CaN:s
Alo 7 rion has long Leen •rea;-•I; 4 , 5,,,, A ;)
sertlin a durable manner, D 4 waerreotype
Likenes4s lo 11(•,dst-nes and Nloniimeats.
have been tnanuCacqurim: these Cases for the
last two sears, and can warrant them to;
the pieta ri•
. for b.Ol GIAWr Or yCari.
011t,itit , rn.ide of Pari:in
and /P: box übich encloses the picture and
keeps it in a slate of great pre. , erv.dion for a
areal nil tnlwr of years, is niaile of•brass.—:r .xcrew
Lox. It makes a very neat job (~ n a lleads-h,ne
nr mooonient. They are used in Gret.t.w., ,, d
Cklmetrv, Auburn, Laurel Mil, and wally
other Cernetries in the United States.
A liberAiscotml made to 11.4-14 t. Dcllcrs an'd
D'iolurreoftvpists.. Price from $3.50 each to
89,50. A Circulair of engraving, will he scot to
tiny address!, fret.. with price list. Address.
A. 1....8AL0W1N, Aft. of .11:Lusolcum D.ig.
383 Lruati..s•tly, New Y.,rk
52n,3. ]
Evans and Co.'s- Great Gift Book
4O Zr.roittht ay, New Vorl-E;
ytfitt:HASIMS BOOKS. , ,
ALL Books will t?sol i - as low as ears trf• had
:it otht.r BtoreN, fri:srly.a 'them for le,s.
Books rcceN,ed A'(iitt wrvin in value
from; 25 tarots to B,lou. n with each book a t
the time it 'is sold. IFiving on hand :i very
late st.;c:/: tfillCtr cod rethtabln 13,,0k5, an I as our
motto is Large sales andistnall profins,",we are
determined give our , customers better bar
gains than can be had elsewhere. Any book
published in New York or Philadelphia will be
promptly sent, g ilts included, on receipt of pub
Ushers Catalugue of Books and Pres.l
eats, containing, full explanations will be send I
free to all parts of the country.
The most I.4beral IndueetuAts are offered to
Agents. Anylperson by sending us 'on order
for tee books.'cith monek inelOsed, will be en
titled to an Extra Book and Gift.
All orders fOr books, containing money, jto
ensure perfectinfety,) should be registered at.';
the Post Offiee.: Where they are mailed, and di. I
reeled to Evans &. Co., 409 Broadway, New
York. 1
REFFEStL<CEr-- T . 71101111191 & SOrig, South
Fourth Street: 1' r Philadelphia ; J. B. Lippincott
& Co.,•PhiladelWa : - D. Appleton & Broad.
way. New York: Derby & Jackson.,
New Yorke. W"Send fora Ca:aloi.rue..
Principal Store, 409 BrOatlway.N. Y.
Branch Stores at 12 Chestnut St., and at
Anibrotypes, , ,
. . . ; . Daguerreotypes.
Strange thiros are gaining—
Alan kever desiring
. -
Ruwithing now and surprising.
1 (17 B. DE - .4ltS,' the VI thtrore Artist, is now
V V .... prepared in fora's!), in addition •to his
old t•tyie fit pictures, the Improved Atnbrotype,
and the recently inveid..d Atrephographs. - .
These AtpbrotiTes. or glas4 pictures, are du=
rat:: , , spthand biil4iatit ilk their tone and finish,
iwil f•:. , fr..,;i :hull 4fark 1.. a .1,.., ha t . whi t . ., h as
hem, 0•.. L
. 1.2.-1.: m t•. ,il,:r a r,s of ill.;s :i . ..,-.eription
'Ili: At- . - t P.ogii.tpit is J.n uereverSlTA likeness
on paper, (entirkly different front the Photo•
graphs.) very sus4eptible of - colori, and ranch
onemirie• zi fin.. painting on ivory. Thoj are
just the thing for insertine in gifi books, family
' records, &c., or tar.-mailing to distant friends.
Sky Parlor' is the- Brick Bloat, over Bentley
& Read's. .- • . 1
Hontr. , ,e;Der.. 47t h , ISS6.,
Stray Sboop.
CAME into thu encol4u e the subscriber
about the first of OctoJcr last, seven sheep.
Tho owner can havo thou! by proving proper.:
ty and paying, charges
Rimock. Dec. 17111, 185
Attention th
THE subscriber re&p
friends, (comprising 4
community,) that the heyl
sonville, one door north of
is filled with a stock of
. S'ea
sisting in rat of Dry-6°os
Hardware, Boots and Shit
Ready-Made Clothing,
Shades, Pish, Nails, Yank
so on, which he' will sell
Short Approved Credit, as
if Susquehanna County.
7 1 :WANTED m eichanae, Butter, Grair, Pork,
Poultry, Good Mixvd Woo Socks, in Let every
Merehantsble article, which his,patrons have to
sell he with buy at fair pries. Como one, come
all, and see Sf :ou don't b 4.
Upsoncille, Der. sth, 18.'6.
TheCotiutry Is Qn et: Prosppri . ty
" •. Abonuctil::
. . .
AND. pow-that winter has come, Farmers and'
all others, should preloare to enjoy the ,
fruits of their !abors, by set urine (among other
requirements to Fire-aid!) I appiness) a copy or
two .of. some orme choice mks just received at
the Moi.trose Book Stare, w iich c an and will ho
sold es cheapas at any otheßook-, Store thfr
side - of .. Y. City, or even' it Evan's & Cody
great Gitt Book sale in the. ity, that bends out
so many Scissors and Pent: ices.
. Among the new Books a
Life ; Dora Grafton, Life of
per cunt a Month or the Per
The Last of the Foresters, 1
Violet.. A Post (Ake Dirt
Man's Guide, a Book that eso
the County shou;d own, lap
chank's Text Book, &e., &e i ,
ALSO a new stock of Salmi' 'Books which 1
will be sold upon the prin . cii le that the " nimble
sixpence is better than the sl, w - shilling,."
A new Physical Georgrap )y of •the ITnitrd
States by D. M. Warren, tie hkest thing out.—
Berard's History of the l'nit!ca States a new
School Book just nut. Eletentary Moral Lf.s.
sons for Schools and Familic - by M. F. Cowdery
a first rate thing. Green's Eblments of Engli.b
Grammar, Colhurns new ser6,!sof Arithmetic's,
also.--Grenlvaf's new Arithmetic.
Wthsters Dictionaries—al sizes and to bo
so:d cheaper than that Pe:4)re House in N. V.
- Diaries forlS,3l—A good la,,sortment, and all
4 \
right RS In prise, and Alumnis for 1851', also,--
A now lot of Bank Book., 1 "ri 1
.in Books, with
or without coptes, kik Black qnt. Red., Pens and
Paper of different ,izes and rotors, Scissor.,
Ifni .•F, a ., 1 - s , Thot-Monic.. Fishhooks and
t.inC-s, L Rz. amp.. Porttidi”'s, 4.70 mty Pocket Map.,
of the kKert.t.t St...tcs &c.,&.,. • -
Montrose. Dee. 3, ISSG.
N. IL—Christmas and Ne‘x Years will be licie
in a lewd: s—a word to the i wig.t.e. •
P. S.—Any . P.Terr. nr Nfaga4ine 111,111i:died - In
the United Sintes e;in be proepred at the elirroi
price. :1t'11.... 11. O.
_ _ _ _ _ _
TS hereby givvn, ti , :a in pu ,:uance of 'the :lot
• ing,tier•uns hate tiled
tr:,• Cirri of the' Court of
t for tirw Cf , ttntx.
"f. BzlNfitt,•l::,r.t.a. for Liv•-to.t+, t. , ,k4-ey a Taver:l
ut s::iel County.
Itoiwrt G, l Silvvr
Elijah L. A Itlin 0,11"
A ,
K, U
\. V. C.ari,...rt
1' n; it
Zep::, L.
L. S. n!..c1:11,
Gcorr•(. Struppkr,
Due. 10th,1 , 1 SSE 3
Xl5 viii purchase v
Ertl- Inren,
111 E under4zned is noiv
to FA 11 MElttti, 11 I en,: an,
reno , Aned Excelsior Corn SW,
of the limes—bring the
runnin,:r Sheller now in
to shell more corn in a short,
than any 'tlo machine, enti .
r, from end to end, ultho
cern or eoli.
.The:Mael . iities are enast
erarilo.:, - and pally for n belt, ..4t
can turn them, or :Attach a b
any powcr.., The attention o
tnilk, is solicited, as the Mae)
fully adapted to any kind of [1
, 'cry easily turned, and IA hen
-wall boy e:.n tern them; ttj
shelllmz• one bu,hel per in nuj
Ahoi l l„/ Lav e one Las they sl
lx• tli:,e one 1
Thel: are on exhibition al
Foundry. Ely's
Lathrop'; tubed
operation at nr. y A/f .
the iindersi ; :iied, will :Teel
at a
r..titid to opur.ite. D.
.)dontrose, Dt-cetnber.
THIS i. “, certify, that 1 It
u.,.(d one of the above
1). St - ati.E, and unhe..itatingly,
of the be..,t, in.),,t durable an*
5h flier,, over introduced, int..
will .hell more corn in . a shut
this contity.
iter time than any
!ready for herviee.
Ittomemi, them to
1, as the eheapeet
I' have one in
; veiktill needs
I itselfF* Call and
A 31511 ELY
Brooklyn. Dereml,er lltb, A 856.
miler :ilneione, and is always
I im(st heattiiy and - freely reel
the Farmers of Sustfa County
and best Sheller, LOW in use..
ere-cation in my milt in Dim(
Milk - to be seen to recommend
«.(n. it.
G- 1 7 - FORDHAM,
fsuccEssOn To A. &El BALDWIN.]
D invite all- who nr) . in want of nn . V
. article ever kept at a Ila neti.i shop to give
him a call.
liarnois m.ide of the best O 41: Tanned Leath
ers; on short notice. - I .
lie has on hand a good astmrtment . of *Car.
riagy Trimmings whielt he o4rers on the most
tecsoriable terms. earriwzo .friimming, done
with neatness and disp:.telL .1
.Rephiring-.thine on short notice: -
No. i..'21& - 2,l3asement Se les Hole!.
Montros i d, 26, 1856.--: 39
r i .„E .1!:11011,,,:h vi c toria! ;
1.. 11,1i,;.,ys,just irce'
rof , Bunk Stbre in th 4. Post .°
AL_BO,--Fanny Fern's-
Phr Book.
The New Lute of Zion, the
New York Glee and - Chorus
for the expected . 4 Co
where eb.A..) Lesideti other ne
mercies to mention, and nu t
a few days. -.NIA a C
Che Amt ! A:
Morttrosp, Dee., 17th, 1856.
13 EMITIPUL - coriety of W II Paper at
1,3 "Jao, ist, KENYON'S.
T 'NE imort mont of LAdies
tftilly informs 1114
f course the whole ,
Brivk Store in p ? .
the old "Exchange,''
s , inabie Goods, eon:
, (fats and Caps,
all-Pnper, Window
•e Notions. &e., and
'or Cash, Barter, or
w as can be bought
Western .Border
en. Morgan, 'nave
Is of Fast Lisino.—
Dred, TorelAight,
dory or Business
I .rs• Business man in
to Expedition, Me
Gr. a, 1.1v:1.3.
t•); , e nut.
G c Esi 1 . •
• I ..I rirtr.3-cillv,
S. 13. WELLS, l'ruth.
R• S !
of the'btst
opar.‘d to furnish
ethers the world
•ticr—the v.:tinder
.ost dural,ll.-, and
use. r titeil
space. of time,
clvatting the
t crushing dther
uCte4l with two
that two pi-rson,
tlt in motion
persq.ns oa v ,iirn g
fine~ aro wonder-
They are
lona! in motion
er are capable of
e--=l•t - pry Fa rttior
t-t: their east, in
in Ilrffok 11-n, anii
they can be seen
"rJers achires,ed
'VC prompt fl e
1 4 .• 1:111.4. end War
). SEA Rl,ll
tve examined and
rs, for Nalti D
irronminee it, one
easiest runninfz
rother Jonathan
,v'ed at the Mont-
k 3lo.- work—the
Sbnwm and the
Book,-(all O. K.
vention" or any
Books tut) nu•
1'1.?: expected in
,entit Cheaper'.
ine,Shnii it
rt .
It4' i v.A4.- ...
(a L \ cf-3,-.;--,J,Lr , : if•-_,,Qm
!,,4,.5. !...),;i,-:,..T....1
N s , i nikt k. IV .i.-4 , - f tl -" c -.'"4-v. , : t14`. , : ,' -1
N .•-• it'S t. .' " ..!!" A ' • irott 1;••• ' 4 " 4-:. '..'..' i tl• ' 1--
- 4 - 1 :1-A ' '-. l<*ir. 4 .4 •',V • : - I . sif t iAr k •1 .
••• • - J . ,: 5.,,,,..,A e r—r _'-' , ....r.5-.e..—.. ~ '
11:01.1[40.1% 1. 7 1iS
THE Blood furnishes the material of every
bone, ninsele, gland and fibre in theahu
m•m.frame. IVh ea pure, it secures health to ev
ery organ; when corrupt; it neee4inrily produces
1101.1.,01VAY'S PIL L S operate direct
ly noon the elements of the stream of life; neu
trllzing the priticipla of disease, and thus radi
cally curing the tnalady, whether located in .the
nerve-i, the stomach, the liver, the bowelr, the
museleF, the skin, the brain, or any other part of
the system.
tripd Throughout the"; World?
If LLO .1Y 'S PILLS am tqutally eflicactoe
in cotnplainta common to the whole human race,
and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and
Alarming Disorders.
Dyspepsia and derangetnent of the liver. the
F 4) u rev of infirmity, and suffering, and the cause of
innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives, in all
cases, however aggravated;ncting as amild par
alterative and tonic they relieve the
bowels, nurify the fluir s. and invigorate the sys
trm end the cerwittition at the Fame time.
General Treakness—Artryous.
:When all stimulitots rail. the .yetinvatittz and
bracing properties of these Pills give firmness. to
the Fit - eking' nerves end ciircebleri atut3cles or the
victim of gentrel debility.
Delicate Females.
irregtatrities and a litneuts incident to the
delicate and sensit;vA .orrons of the sex are re
moved or prevented bF a'few dos , l of these mild.
but infallible -alteratives. No mother who re.-
rnrcirlior ()Wu or her childr-n's health should fail
to have themtrithin.her reach.
Scientific Endorsements.
The T,onilon " L:meet," the London " 31-111eal
neiiew" rnal the, most eminent of the faculty . in
Croat BinAin,.Froance enri Germany, have euto:
&zed th'e Pille and their 'inventor. •
linnolen y's .1);11/ore the Lest remedy known
in the ?roil , / for the tlillow7ny diseases :
Asthma. ITerulaclos
Inward We:Auer,
Influenza -
Liver Compla:intx .
•Lnvnesaof Sprits
11 , 1%A-e1 Comp!aln:s
Coco vr • •
Chef. Difca ,, cs
stone .m nd Gravel
Fryer and Vi•nereal .4 fiv.etions
Femah. Complaints Icorins of all kinds.
Sold nt the 3,l4nuCactories of Professor
'nor Low.or. 'f) Malden Lene, New York, and
it strand Lendon,,bv all.respeetable Drntz
4ts and rkalers in 'Medicine thronghont the
States and world, in bcars
at rent 4, (L 1-2 1 Ws deitig,e
IT There is a tgold,'which ping by tA s i,i ; , ..
• .
I I " ,
ttTrr s!z• fn . until tuose ar -
N. 11 . ---4)1 " ( A lie sea coast. r
t4sniK in ensry to each box.
Guttonburg, & Co's.
'-S T 0 RE.
gen e rt:i rush ::t their e , ,tablisit.
incr,t, :aril it I+ . reportel that tiat.s hay , :
jut rceei‘f J, and are rectivitig a fresh
supply of
1 - ,et Gods' ,
Ti4e truth of tlti~ report.e:m .‘ bo best known. by s:oro "rurnyike Street- :It the
foot or Pni,:ic Avenue. IVe., halo on band a
selected o f
for both and Gent!omen, everythinff ea1I:1
ed for. front a pair of 110-E to a lIAT or 110 N•
NIT. Tinge wishimrto protect their health
from the cold atmosphere in this region, would
do well to mill on us. •,s %V will supply their 1
wants on lower terms than any other establish
ment. To our friends, one and all, tee %you'd :
say. giVe us a mill. and we promise, that' yon 1
s h a ll Ivo aay..r fuliv satisfied.
'lontrose. Nov.. 27, 1456. •
• - . rpHE .til,ser:ber has thi4
9... dar re!sinlvd from N 0.%
"...rir•A• 4 ,f 1 oil: with a larze and we!!
. pi? - . 3 - ' 1
~4, • !-elr•cti-d aortinent of
4 t?.. • ";t ,el‘'A'ff-'IIES. JEWELRY,
<1;:• 3 4..4 , ~ ,, Y ffrg FANCY GOODS, e. , ..
Ai, -,.'..:- - ,,, - , 04..t c . • 1.,, .
,„...., .... - ompri-•., almost every ar•
Cclt• in his line of I,tv,lnct;s. - Among his stock
niavile Pound— - .
Gobi anti ST.vt.: Watches in g,reat variety, (a
large portion of %%Lich arc or his own irnporta.
• •
t:aniEl, gold - 5.1.1-.e,inqFsate. enamelled, fruit.
coral antl all ;441.1 at•.l Brea
Diamond. rul,r.. pearl, :yarn: t, cameo, n"•3t6,
oynx,cha‘td, plrdn and children's l'in26r Rings.
Gold, silver and plaled Watch Chains and
(iuld, silver, plated, stc'el and Berman Specta
Gola br:tcolots.lockbts, watch hooks, snaps,
sleeve butt4uts, studs,- crosses, pens and pencils.
SILVER , pqnns: forks, cups, itio:cate, fruit
and butter knives, napkin rinrs, s..loeet!ars, soup
and gravy ladlOs. c:tril case., &, 7 ,„ .
Ptarl And slicil-card eases and poke monaii.
Coral bead-, jet armlets, seissors.
One, two. thrreand tour bladed knives.
Bass viol, gull:lmnd violin strings.
.Borne vt•ry rich plated castors, c.tke bukets,
tattle and &seri kniveti and earvers,eandlestieks,
snuffers and trays, teat atm, spoons and forks.
Amber and was tirade, corueliao
Britannia ware, sewing birds, needles.
Shell, buffalo and ivory c ombs, •
Hair and tooth brushes; &e, &e., ell of which
will he sold at the lowest rash prices, at the old
stand of
_ _ _
No. 2 Oiid Fellow's Hall.
Ilingl;amt.on, Nor. 1. 1856.—n47
MILE Stockholders of the Lenox and Harino
ny Turnpike Road Company will hold their
Annual Meeting Monday, the sth day of
January next, at tea o'clock, A. IL, nt the house
or Joel Steenback, in Gibson, to elect a Troll
dent, Secretary, a Treasurer and six Directors,
to serve 'said Company the ensuing year. and
to transact such other . business as may be ne
cessary. By order of the Board of Directors.
lonesboro' Pa., Dee. 15th, 1856. 82w3.
Auditor's Notice•
elpilli undersigned tiering been appointed' by_
1. the Orphan's Court of Snsqachanna coml.
ty, an Auditrr to distribute the funds in the
hands of the administrators of the estate of Hen
ry Benson tit:Ceased, will attend' to the duties of
his appointment, nt his ufhee In Montrose, on
Ttiesday theifith day of January next. at .10
o'clock in the forenoon, at which timenad place
MI persons interested will present their ,claims
or b.) forever - barred from coming in upon said,
fund.. . 'F. A. CASB.
Morstre,ic, Div: i 7, 14!`.C.
• AT '
N. 106 ChMktin-et. 4 ,cor. of t. •
N EW—Ytit{K,
Keep on hand extensive nod comptoto assort.
went, of the latest haportations and best wnnuf::c•
Equal in -material, make, texture, durability
and style, to any stock ever offered in' this coon
try—and at prices which cannel fail to suit close
cAsn buyers. Co Ns Is TING OF
stria linen busilins, collars and wristbands
of the best qualities, and now and choice styles. -
CALICO tio.—Thu latest and most sttractiverens
• UNDERSIIIIITS and DnAwEns—Of Wool, Merino,
Cashmere, silk and-cotton, of desirable and dura
ble qualities—andthe TEvlcrr wool. under g,artn
eats, so highly approved by - Physicians. Also
the shaker J birtn and Drawers. -
CaAraTs.—superior quality and beautiful
styles, and a full assurttnent of stocks, collars,
Nectyes,:Gloves,-scarfs,ind Mufflers of the rich
e4t kinds.
Suspender!—An almost endless variety, in
cluding the finest and most durable.
Pocket-handkerchiefs—stik and Cottoit—plain
and prititdd—an unrivalled assortment.
llalf 11ose—Wool and cotton, of 'the best ter
ture,selected expressly for retail trade. -
Morning, Robes, and Gowns.—Elegant Pat
terns, excellent material, and of the best make.
This steel: comprises' all grades, from the
lowest to the richest. th:ll . , can be produced—
and having every faciliry . for importing and
manufacturing, not exceeded by any other es
tablishment hi the United.states—buyers, there
tire,wit consult their interest by. examining
the goods which are sold at the. .
1,V," Goods promptly delivered Ist all the
Rail Road . Depotti. steamboats, Ac,. and is • any
p.itt of the city, without charge. .
-*** Shirts made to order by experienced
iiandA, in superior style, at. short notice, war
ranted to fit. krNo , machine work done in
thii establishment.
Sept. 11, •1836.--11381 y
Tiff!: BO RD E R PRIAYS 4 1 :17
lif . " l •
k z
ft • • • •• •
A ND the endeavor to palm. off that " E.i2tor•
rice x toz,-,1; of superior quality" of goods
lately received from an old broken down estab
lishment. in Bing,harrann, has proved an entire
thil - ure to our friends down town. "Seeing is
ink." We acknowledge.
_the fact. And
should judge that -!•Secing." (without wearing)
would be all that was necessary to convince the
public that •
at their stolen rustic Avr:st..T. first door above.
the Post °dice, have the LARGEST and most de
,sirable stock of BOOTS and
C S .I
ever introduced tnto this market, which for price,
(we offer no competition s;ith second rule goods)
doraUitV and style, we challenge competition.
vv„ are receiving wee kly from the best houses
in New I ork, she latest styles and best qualities
of Goods, which keep our assortment complete.
Jost received a large addition to our former
stork, consisting of GP.NTS Patent Leather Boots,
Patent Leather Short Boots ; French Calf Boots,, Shoes anit all styles. I.•Antns Come and See.
43 !item Buskins, Slips and Boots, best qualities_. ccpts in cash will'hur one
Alsa, Boys, Youths and t,hildrens Boots. Gait. I. dollars worth or flit/ splendid stock of
ers Shoc. , , the bast ;is Market. In. fact ex- " •
sprang and summer Goods.ins"t receiving -at the
try thing behiraing to the trade. • cheap cash and barter store at Dimock foureor
.lll kin a.; of I,nther, Findings, &c. AB kinds
, ners. where almost everybody es new to Inv
01 %cork made to order and repairing done neatly i their G „ 0
‘mear and salt- kept
always on
Montrose, July :2S, I SSG. • hand
Shawl, Cloak & Dross Goods Em
• porium for Fall 1856•
ITI3Uf ItITT wonld call attention to his
IL.• new stock of-Fall and 11'inter Goods,
includitor a great variety of I .lieh Fall Prints it,
new St vie's:Ph:in :;nd Fancy Delaines and Cash
meres,Plziin-asid Fancy )loliair Cloths, Plain
and . Plaid Merinoes and Pariniettas, Black
Brocade, Plain add Fancy - Silks: Wool Bro
cade, Caihtu2re and
_Silk Shawls, Gents Shawls,
Rich Ribbons and Flowers, Lttlici Cloths an/
Itieh Velvets for Cloaks, Broadcloth's, Cassi•
nwrs,&e.,_willi a large assor)ment -of other Sta
ple and rant; Goods, as usual, including Hard
ware, Crockery, Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils,
Boots and Shoes, Hats. Caps, Cloaks, Buffalo
Robes, Carpeting, &c., with a large and new
assorment of StcYos of the most - approved
styles and construction. all which will be sold
to !noel. Vie Yiews of the closest buyers for
Cash or a;iproved Credit.
New Milford, Sept.
- • C" ,, "'-' , ""AgkwiC --4, -
. ..V .i_4',1,1,2z -
Eh: `.a' Lackawanna& W. IL n.
Ne'w and expelitiou3 broad gungeroute .from
the North af:d Wcst, via Great Bend and Seran
ton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming,.
vAlies, directly through to New. York and Phil-
' adebbia_ .
I t 0 1 - and after Motalay, N0v..10, Trains will lie
1 fun as folloo . s:
i CincinnatiE:prePs Train 'hound east on N. V.
:-. E. R. R., arrives at Gt. Bend 8 21;M., from
Owego, BinOtaraton, &c., and connects with the
EXPRESS 'Traits which leaves Great Bend for
New rork and Plfil'a,
.. ` . 5.30, a. tn.
Due at'Montrosz, . 9.10,"
' .fierattton,_ 10.15, "'
Szr9ll.lslourg, 1.30„ p. in.
11.4 aware, 15 minutes to dit,e, 2.00, "
• Brilgeville, Phil. pass. leave 2.25, ".
Junetion, ' 3.0, "
' . ' New. York', ' - 7.15. "
Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier, No. 2.
North riser, at , . - • 7.30,a. in.
FromPitliadulphia, leave Walnut st.
Wit:of, at - - . 7.66, ~
Loavelutiction, • - 11.30,
Dec at Bridgeville, Phil. connection, 12.15, p. In.
Delaware, 15 min. to dine, lillitr, "
- Strondsiburg, - 1.30, "
Scranton,, . 3.40, "
Montrose, • 5.15, "
• Great Bend, - - 5.50, "
Connecting at - Great Bend with tho -.
Mail Train West at 0.10, p. m.
Scranton Accomtaodalion Train - , leaves '
Scranton fur Great Bend at -10,45, a. in
Arrive at Great [lend, • . . 2i45, p. m.
Connecting with Rochester Aceinumodation
East, and Dlif.Expresi West, on N. Y. &E. R.
R. Returning, leays Great Bend at - 3,15 a. tn.
Due at Scranton, . 7.30, . "
Passenge?s from New York will change cars at.
Clarksville. . .
To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. It. R.,
leave or take the cars at Bridgeville. •• _
For Pittston,- Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take
L & B. R. R. cars at Scranton.
For Jessup, Archibald, and Carbondale,ebango
cars at Greenville. -
Tickets sold and baggage checked. between
I all' stations on connecting - roads. • ' - .
I Pakseng,ers to and from Wilkesbarre, Wyom
ing, &e., via Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Rail:
road, go through' 'without any deteptien at Scran . :.
I ton, as the trains on that road run in'eonnection
1 with the Express trains on the. D. L & W. R.
R.,—hence passengers May leave „Kill:gado!) at
9.3011. m, and arrive in Philadelphia - -atB p. in -- .,
I or N. York at 1.15. • . ...
Returning, leave ..Plriladelphia nt 7:,a,.10., or.
I Nevi York at 7.30, and 'arrive in Kin,Oton 41: 5
I pism:
_. . ,
' - . : ,
I -- Fare front Kingston, 'Wyoming and, ritisten
to Philadelphia, 5-1,5 Q, to Now York, 84,75. -
Tickets sold, and Baggage checked (hroitgit:
- D. H. DOTTERER; Suet.
W:i. 1. Tetr a s, Gen't 'Ticket Agrr.t,
, •
• . . .
REMOVAL !, . - ~ : • Illoie, and . Mare New. Goods,' '
TAILOR isci -,E . StABMAILONZ -.- ~ Tr BURRITT' is:again On. :hand. irlitti tietW .4:
tcir mats ST., NEXT DOOE. TOME. FARUERS STORE. 1 - 1 -- 1 - • and • SEC°ND''ST°C/C °I . :- FALL - it ' ' =
pIIE undersigned baring removed hiS shoirl'W N T .6° " Slailkin k h* el "' itiasitt laiu--
;..1.. from Public . Menu . to ' IfAtic STREET ;- au suall- " al P l a ta' ill 1/4 " i P aals " lad IS4111ira"1
is about receiving a splendid 'assortment of %' -'. low at thala"4.°7 islve-s ' 4l. 'C'. l - 11141 " !
or approved eredi!., ,- - . . . -..
BROADCLOTHS, CA II S Eli ERE 81 4 ., .i • Nevr Nilford,'Not. 2ffi 11158 . .
. V E STING 3, .4C.. -
_ ,
Which he is prepared to cut and make tc,cor,-
dor in a style that cannot tail .to 'suit all who
may favor him with their custom. Those wish
ing their work done in a neat and durabii man
ner will find it to their interest to
,give ma a
J. SAUTTER, Tailor,
Montrose. Nuv. 27, 18.56.-49tf.
Pluribus Unum • •
QOl 1E folks Mil:islet°, .this .celebrated motto
10:' One of many"--others say the most literal
Meaning is, "let . the tail go with the hide—btit
the real meaning is," A tip top Tailor is . a good
institution..". If you don't believe this; call at
Julio Grove's shop, a few steps from Searle 's flo,
tel, and he will convineo you and show you
- The Pall Fashions,
for Men's and Boy's clothing for MN. Don't
bludder into a Jewsbarp establishment, - where
yOu are lik'dy to get fooled with bad work. My
shop is on Turnpike street. 2nd, building from
Searle's Hotel. I will' warrant my work: to fit
well and wear Hell, and toy vices reasonable
for cash down.
re— Cutting done usnol.
Montrose Oct. 151,11 185 G
Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure,
{IR, Antidote to Malaria; for the prevention - . „ . . ~,, .
i Oth
V 1 and cure of Fever and Ague, or Chill. Fe. I Prowl* thllgh"" 21 " 1 .• "um 9er a'• - - • -
Yin.; Dumb Ague , and other - Intermittent and .! . Sart.r.suit, lurnovs.sitri.—We rigs''' fele,
Remittent Fevers; also of. Billions' Fevers; - an - 1 noticed the' titers erected ily-liititilk !
co mpanied by Typhoid Fevci,'l,' Yellow. Fever, 1.6'5q.,-arljoining_theßank • -of . IThattlittatethilikit*
Ship and Jail Fever, General' Dainty, Night.; oCcupisdas a Hardware. Stere.by4leseit. Phyre, „
Sweats; and all other forms of disease Which i & Knowlton. As it approaches coati:dean:kV
have a common origin in• ,
• 3IALARIA Olt MIASMA. •• 1 deserve:4.'6 - 4re and morn the p
' raises; thit: Min"
'• t been bestowed on it. and 'is - tadenbtedipiiits
Equally certain :Is a preventive or care. • ' 1 • style,.finisli ard appointments - the model Store .0
Fur sale by the undersigned, ruthorized agent . the,SOutliorn 'ller. Messrs. P..& X-; areseit
for the , Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes,. Providence, ! t•. - inl " 'A At rin r fargar andatere collo, -
R. I. . I. N. BULLARD. pn ting t reit- N QC , , t. •
• i plete-than has Iretetofore been hept In this piece.
Montrose, May I, MG. •, . - I embracing All the. departments of ffertlyrare..
StarraCCll, Rail Road !!..'.. 1 Builders Finishing Materials,ltinqiittnresitlltei
t.-- , „ ri .7.,.A &e. • Mr: Blackstone. an experienced - ailltildp
:..i i ILa •'. -. .1 "1.1 A -1.. II 1 'T/ ta I 0 .., Workman,snperintends the Gtia-Fittinudejeuts
-1 IT LLIAM TRE3IALN & re on hand i ment. Look in at Phyte and Knowltons ~ v :`. -.-.
V ' with the largest, best, and CO., Aeapest stock 1 . __ ___.*_______ ' . - ' '•
of general merchandise in town. Consisting of ' I - 1 I n w i lily -- llouggfult .
Axes. Alpacca,' and Alspice. . . • , , Ili
li ft
Brooms Boots and Bedsteads. : . - • • - -• ' -.-. -, . ~
Clo c ks, Calicoes Clothing.and:
, ' l l / 41ISEEIN G -AND FANCY GOODL''''
Denims, Drugs, and Door Handles. .
Envelops, Edging, and .Epsom Salts. .
.UT itattlit il-Pl2lLsr RAE. Rt
__________, z. ,
T ._
Flour, Flannels, and Fists-Hooks. • ,
Glass. Groceries, rind Gimblets. •••c)f , Susqu . e h i i n n a , and Neighboritt .7
• Ildts. clams, and Hand-saws. • • Counties. •• • ,::.••,,.: ~.:
Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies (dresses:) ' j: would respectfully solicit your attentl
:, .
Jugs, Jaconets, and Jewsharps. •YV tion to our large stock of the
. 10:1;ne - s.
• Knives, Knobs, and Kentucky leans: - • .mentioned Geods;inw in Store and in tonne -
Locks, Lamps and Looking Glasses.' - - , .',.. reception. For many years the trade of ..itaiti et
Matches, Muslins-and 31°1:lases.. - , the largest portions-of. the • Vanpive St ate , -lur ,
Weimer'', Narize , ^l and Notions.
~ , , ~ , . ' beep retained by, a metrOpoly,tYjiith hie - it - beet
Oils, Qxbowsdnd Overalls.. . • gli-en'aivay befoie - the rush of:eaten:Oat: '',' -,- ~.
Pork, Pills and Powder. • , . ' - Posse,aing, unequalled facilities ~ foe. ,- inyint,..
• (4,ktensware s Quills, and Qria rt-e a ps. ~ I and having direct communication with, themest".
Rubbers, Raisins and
,Itat.traps. extensive 411anufactoric3 in "the. United Stetes.
Shoes, Shirts and Sugar. - iwe • sav; 'without exagteration, that we can and
Tobaw, Tea 'and Trace Chains.- - • - L will sell, either wholesale . or retail,, nty,,rieset
Umbrellas, Uuder-shirts and Union fiats.
, : lover - than ever offered W
-beforewest orit 'T.
Veils,Vinegar and Vitro].
. City.• ~. .
Whips, Wallets and Wash-bowls. • - V.': it - nothingltic boon omitted - in' t-iellesd
Xtra Superfine Flour. '‘ - : Ware tine. we-have glYen particular sqtentink,tiz,.
York,Cottonades and Youth's flat?.' , - the House Furnish i ng h ranc h .o v ou e, baii nessk
Z. And many- other articles which they. are I and have on hand a stock "Well •,Wortl4: the in
selling at a very small advance on cost prices. s p et tii‘o of IlouseKeePers: . - -;-
"Sruall.profits and fair dOaling is the motto for i t Of Fancy Goods we' have also a. largertioort , 4.
the Sammer'.of . 5(l. -' Give tisn call and test the : ! me m; iebids , l -*no' been . with' tillivisti
truth of our assertions. - , i . _selected_,
, reterenee to the wants- of our e.ustoiners. ire.
WII. TRE.II AIN & CO; ' think will please those in need of articles lathier'
I.anesbora,P. , .., May 26;1851; 1 'line.' . " --- . .
- .In conclusiontwe would say Miskottr - Got*
- are new, and of first quality, and that ust-.'
hope, by stria attentionr• folAsiness,andzieses ,
stant nntieipation of the tolshes of otif:platmssp,
to -Merit even arNierease of the confidence *lr.'
, , •• • .-.. .....
ready reposed - in ii?.. - . = 1 - .•,
PH YFE & KNOWLTON, - 1:-•' .--
liardwar6; House Furnishing aud- Fancy o,eguls:
. Establishnient, 51 Court St.,l3inghunt:7,.
• .
toss_ N. Y., adjoining Bank of - , •
----------'------' ' NB. We have a. very'large. - Sock of .W*4 .•
Attention Farmers. Zook Here- I t en Mad.Wiltow Ware, Mats and Rugs, Britannia,
1 fir C. SUTTON, Its.ring In! relhased the stock 1 I,Va re, Faney Bird Cages . ;•,&e . .. f,'4?Jr Sts . 3itlite
ill_ • formerly owned by C. .C. Wright, lie l apparatus ()revery tiesmptian t ineinding F . imp
would respezt fully announce to the citizens' of i Tackle in elf its -varieties, Guns, Rifle", PA*.
Middletown and vicinity, that he. has just re- i Gun Materials, &c:l
i ,
turned from the city tviii, a new and .full 'supply 1. . - -
. ...
of all-kinds of Choice SpriNrand Summer Gueds 1 - - 0 . rehiLllttitt :.V; .
. C untrir Me
which 4.0 will sell ata.nprec.l.ntedlow:priees furl .A - 1 1711.,i, .find hardware;-house ; llurnishipt
rds. r .::n . r ready my. Pieria - call and see: - His I. v 1 - .* and Fancy Goodsat.Ncti York-1 1 4645,
i-hoice lot of Dry Goods, for both La _
dies and l I s PiIYFE & Ii.NOWLIONS:''''''
Di rn rwk:Mav 35.1 San
Gent lemens wear, of ForCiza and Domestic. rtfan Dinhamton •
nfaeture, Ladies Bonneti , ,, Gents Legl.orn Hats,
Canaan do., Chip \Th. Cac4 : kere, G r o c eties pr ; - C 01.11 and .Silver Spectcles, a ttIV iut-jtuit
hard and hollow Ware. . t Ortgr,s and :Medicines,. 3 received, eoiripiisirt.rill_ ages, by:
Iron and Nails and 11...56; besides all other anti -1 - August • i A.
ores usually .kept in - country N . ttleCk.:. Ho Kill
keep constantly on hand ftipplY; of Sole
"and upper Leather. Wanted any quantity of
Pelts, Deacon and Calf .Skins and Hvdes,. for
which the h4!liest market piice rill 4.1
All kinds of • Farmer's Produce wit; be received
in C'Nehringi: fur GOChil. at Innt:o2.tlitif:!Cg.
enil and evamine for yourselves at the
old stand of C.C. \; rights. • •
Middletown. Susq. Co., Pa
ArrmeTia) MID
GRAPITENDET:4I Nmptcr.N . T..ti.--Vegefable:Pill s
Oren. Mountain ( . /ttitnenl, Saisriparii s
Compound, Chihirens Panacea; Eve:Lotion, Pe.
,and 21gue' Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen
tery Syrup, Convumptive'r I3alm, : 0 4.1arshall'a LTLe•
rine, Catholicon. Dom. Libby's Pile . OinttnCtit,
and Manual vt
Ayres Pills and Cherry Pectoral,. Lonna.
GermanOintinsent.. - 7.:rasAs Magnetic Ointment e ll
/lii/lorcays Ointment :Ind Pills. Da ri 4 Pain
Killer, Doet. - ritch's Heart: Corrector.. fic?inett ;
Root and Plant, [Aides sovereign • Balm, .sue
Wrighi.s' Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhodes Fti
ver and Ague Care. Mencircinte Gargling Oil.t,
Arniea Liniment, Camphor,Catitor Oil, Paregor
ic, Aloes, Picern, Myrrh, Licorice, &c., &e.,
a new suppy just received, to by kept congantly
on hand, fur. sale .by •
Montrose:lXL 1856.., I
Hang the Banner
_on the Ontei
ANU LCT 7111.: TIDINGS CO Mini •
rill II 11' HAYDEN BROTHERS, the:Peri
I. pies' Agents aro now receiving their-tee
and stoil of
Fall and Wintcir - DrY
Which they are - .selling oilfl. about one half
the Old "For , ie.s' Vitra.
No charge rot- spowlog'goods, N Deviati,Th
Call and take, a peep for ,we are bobbing
around with the cheapest , goods ever Offered in
thisseetion of the State. , No mistake. -
Now Milford. Pa., October '1856. h4ltnBli
RANBERRIZS and nos , Raisons for sale
• Ann rAltcy trion
D. STORM C 6..
ANTOULD respectfully ,the
V dies of ktentroie arid vichrity, that they,
have opened, a Fancy. Dres; Goods: 4 F o r.
lashing Store s , on Main Street, oierthe garceer'e.
Store, where they wilt tie - happy 10 - see
their old frieudi, and also solicit -the potion:Ng°
of new-ones. .11his Cheat:. will _atieti4 ,t 0
Millinery department ; the Drilis.ineli leg depart.,
.moat will be under thirttarge or-Mlie Wittier;
3lontroBe, Sept, i5..1845 - 6. •
blind Salt] -by the .- iti44 tiarroil or
lb. by. • l. N. IMILLAIID:
Nov. 12,-145d.
11 l UR. Neetorine'.s andel:s;4nd Ilidtifeggles
_LI s.aew btoek jWSt 'received,' and
eti:enp by " ' .
Nov. 28, 185 G ., : _ •
• Netr - Storci! NOW
AW LEYresipkintliffir.' 1
1.l vita tha r4tentiorf. of the cititens oftlitiaWll-
and vicinity. to their xery large stock orritiland
'rioter Goods, which , they ore no w'reeeitring
are now aellifig at verflow . Priees. *peg*
ing in part of Dry Goode; Groceries; liiirdsnriri
Croekrey, Paints,Oils, Ready wade Vothfri t
Doofs, & ShOes, &e. TheY arre,Prelkiia.ta4.*6
hibit to the people of'Gihson Oho of the himoni
Stocks"of Iteady.loade 'Clothing ever offirtf- br
thii market_whichl.hey ,orgs. bound to' sell clay
as the cheuiesi:
COta their Stoeit
are now receiving a largo Stock or coOrking
Parlor Stoves. 'Pin Ware; 4-e ; so coil-a& - ... rtar
if you do not buy,
,no charge for showing goods.
'Gibson. 00.:19Ph, 1866: - •
N. B. - MI-kinds of Country produe# (401..4
exchange roc: gootli,atmarket prices,
.1 - 2-ViliA Flour fr6mi:Ti 1-2 to 8 dothkrik
:sitle at - S. S, Di
- •
up LASTING POWI)ER, Safely _Pam, fios
Gorr cops, spctiVoini-
Guns, - revolvers; Plitas.
at the Store ul ••-• -
A8EL113RRE1.4.... -
, linnt r0 , :e.:00:15..t 85 - 6. . . •
-•-• "
XITE are'dtteitnined to uit the Ladies,:tiati
1I V ing their comfort in iew, lateltpyo- -
i '..nred of the iniportera, a far e assortment 01/
1. 4 . A NOY- 60 i".:9,
. which must certainly pima even the:moat
tidions taste.' • . - •• -
- Ny e ha-:e a finp. stock of Hair, Nail and Tooth
Brushes comprising many elegant ntyles,
1 Of c0u11.C.4 Ire have ail extenatte tartety,iteli•
dinh: many of fruiin Rubber, Iron- arid Horn:-
Nye i i a se, beside, many other 'Fancy Artieleill t .
too numerous to mention.: atcreSUDinf
, ,
Goods. Fancy Goo. _ . • " •
5I Court St. .it' •
_ r . ,
- Britannia Ware.
NE' brge stoek =,;
Sportsmen;:o .
.• .- •:- To= Sportsn4 . : • ',-.-., -
.friski»a Tcrekle 4 Sp ortsmen; : ..Rificitryistokt
PIIYY.E;kKNOWLTON..have noicit4erel
it svilemild lot of Fishiai-ereekle . eorepfili,
Reds, from I s _Gd, to Sj 0 br.tlt.
.Lines; from 3tts., to 85, coati: -
• 'Reels, from 1,50 to , $6 eieh, atid - au ,rtiaort•,
men t of artilleial Bait; never befoio -equaßk
this vicinity, including Frogs, Afire, G I ass, Leath. - 7 ;
cr, ledia Rubber, illinnows,Guita Percha, Waal
Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bah l &e., &o.
ent spoons to avord eataing grass while balling..
Potent Spring Hooks for Pie/tete' or
Soe::dologers,ar Ydrateo Doodles = 2lt;o ) rs; suet- : ,
and improved triode. of eatehing fish', -
W have it • stack of Guns. ,Ititho; --
volvtug„ sing 4 abd dotthle
-der, Shot, Water Proof and other clips, naittiallr.o.
Hornik..TorkeY calls,- Powder jai i t s ko i
.Garhe Jigs Tempe - rime!,
&c., &&. • ": 1 ` ' '
In fact ‘Co 11Aietery oitii:lo . 'or goorttneiti, ,,, c
PR III O 3, Hook 3 ,,for 11 , 1 ) 01 04 fishing klntiniiiltlfrr , --
drrd thousand. MITE 4:,
51 COirt st,ttingbaint6i.
i HYPE, & KNOWLTON tire APIA* , fotl
- fi r eyt.
ttio Tilde_ on gay teitai t '..aud at a p
their HArfiwatetjaciipia Finishing - atifiPaailyr
Goods Zatatigitataaat,
rt_(X)D Broad. _Cloth 4p4 for -
Ul - 'l4oiii at lIELL'4.-TINGLEyn
,VV:bilorti - !fair , Reaterat,
zitobaliaruntn, &Oudot% 1.1(0141,..thdt
Llve, and ilfoldatia, Creant„ The. Baltukitif
Thousind-,l.Plowettii 'Aloeliana Ks Hp
Bal earn, ;
.11/4thetklinyti n011.14-Retnedtrali‘sq'
isles Irikeilte` "Caibplicin ;,
and oinironue.Birob% i ttojd - Glatte!Viiiit z'' ii
Radway's Ready -Reatedies, and istittbF 4 ,o3 'tie?
the most popular Medicines, Pills, 144tt -
k et, at the Stern - ABEV - 11,1012;,„
Montrose, Ckt., 8, 1E:58. •
d'tf ;:
-.41-- ccotriaiTh•