~stlect Vottrg. POETICAL. DUN. - 'Some friend has scut us Under a blank cov er 'copy .of the 'subjoined very clever. and ce qpruetfeal jen fresprit, addressed by 'the etlitor . cf lie "Methodist Protestant" to his delinquent subscriber;., . Wicopy the article simply for ple aniusementof our renders; for as lkir.Randolph used to say of *his constituents, we hare the best and • noblest list of iubscri : hers that ever honored and sustained a Pub liiiournal. They therefore, as ti body ;iced no t suelt ingenioushint, but should them he found here an./ there nn exceptional case he is at .liberty to consider the Hiawathesn.ap peal addressed to himself. Gosten(lnd.)Dentocrat. _Should you nsk,us why this:dunnitig, Why these satlitn plaints and murinurs, 7 Mtirmitrs loud about delinquents •.. . Who luta re.atrthe paper weekly. _Oita what they have here,' paid for, Read with pleasure' and with profit,. Read of church affairs and plospects, ' *Rend The news both .home and foreign,.. Reid the essays-and the poems, . -Fill of Wisdorn.and instnretion, Read the 'table of the . markets, • Carefully corrected weekly— . • Should yen ask us why this dunning, _' • We should answer, we should tell you,: From the printer, from the mailer, . • From thekind old paper maker, • From the landlord,!from the carrier, From the man who taxes letters • With a stsstri from Uncle. Samuel— Uncle Sad th 4 rowdies call him, -From thent;aillthere comet a rnesF age, ...Xloage kiral,,hut firmly spoken. "Please to ay us what you owe us." • • Sid it is kr.hear suck message When our funds. are all exhausted, When the:last bank note has left us, ' .When thegoldcnin all has vanished, . . Gone to pay the paper, maker, • , - Gonn to pay the toiling printer, Gone to pay the landlord tribute, .Gone to pay the sable carrier, - Gone to pay old Uncle Samtul--; Uncle Situ the rowdiesicall him. . • Sad'it is to turn our ledger, ,Turn and See what smite are due ns, Due for volumes-long since ended, Due for rears of pleasant reading, , , • Due for years of toilsotnt labor, Duo despite our patient rWaiting, When the steamer corne:ll into port the engine, which has been•ti'rgoin and sobbing e for many leagues, is mral I M , to cool off gradu ally, for a collapse is as bad as an explo,ion. I.3ut to speak more n e ericulturally, (though some folks of late say that) fast horses are not - agricultural products,) elr4n the bcys hive had a soma trot with the 4 best nags on. the fair : ground, you see they ao not stop in the wind and let the ralitears egs. stiffen and hair . turn up towards his head, but they let him . keep moving to" cool off. _So much by way. of illustration, , - : Well, the great political "races are over for tl:e season, the. contesting parties have been bu t ' ' e ''' pretty well heated up ; arcwe not going to advise them to coolayff tiro suddenly, but gild° they are walking Omit the track to see who is killed and wounded and missing, let them alt take a sober look ahead and around to see wire they stand in Other respectse--- 1 Some of veu, who last spring were in - close ieeighbinitood, have floated wide apart in pur • :sit el thia - orthat, lewder, who has made you believe that thesalvation ape country de ; p tided on I.lle success or defeat of this or that . 1 measure. , 1 THE PRESENT CONDITIION OF I Now somebody has won {and ,somebody THE JEWS. . else has been beaten, atal we ihave ail got 'to , . . i After nicthat has been said andevritten 1 '-' 1 "" It- While in the heat cf the contest about the Jewish nation, theme is no neople i - you floated apart from yoUr neighbor by the about Whom so much vet remaisisao be writ- I force of r•art.Y currents, now 1 0 • " see you ten, and. no such yionderfor people on the I float kindly together r e g.:lite:by the force of a face of the globe. Their connection with this common harcanitY. You - have said - very rtountrv. and with: ns, the only nation that bard things of. each other Politically, now has never persecuted ethem, seems as if it i show that Yon are men, by thikgrant'fni reciP" might yet prove one of . the most important -1 rocities of social amenity. Cut up the bleu features is their annals, and who knows but t 0 7 and ash poles; that have floated , voer in ones/. At the prese . nt moment a Jew stand.., cotton political flags, before they mot eff. and at the :bead of nearly every walk in , lifeera!' uponsomebody's bead, and use them for - throughout Europe.' - The Rothschilds -c o rn. i a fartnees council fire, where rill may mtet, to marl the money market.of Europe, some in I talk over the lJest way - of raising grain and vieripa,. some i n 'L on d on, aw l that r am . 1 keeping farm stock; end making the best of ily loaned immense sums: to both, p ooe i e rural life. - \ i -one the ne band, and the Allies'on the For me, as a kader el the egricnitural par' other e in the late war in Europe. In lit- i iv—which Tuefoittinetely had no special can- ' erature, for centuries,- they have produced i'clidate in the field at the late election -I' have the able4saholars,- the subtlest of all thinkers. i been looking .about to see what consolation'l the. foremost men of each :re.: In the dark could b drawn from the result: Firsoin the Kee, and amid the greatest persecutions, " - backbone -counties," as - pelitieians call them they produced lights whose lustre still dailies; i but as tee choose to name then"!, the "great and now . in England, a Jew d'lsraeli, leads i wheat belt" of Ohio, the succese of the re ties Ilotise e of Commons, and a Jew is Lord i publicans taken in connectiee with the rave- Mayer of London. In Germany at least a ages of the wheat midge, seems) to render an 'half dozen of the meet distinguished Professors - , unfavorable etre!, Cry of the true 1 moralFy of ,are of that race. The great - Neancler him• i that party. - Next, while the: tremendous self was one of thorn, and Messeldohn, ale.) ielemocratie majorities of - Ilarnflton. Butler, was the envy of Goethe for his - power of btu- i m Cleront, ect., are ringing the Praises of that men gnage. In. Spain, of this nation here, I Party, kt.ow that the grape crop of that 1 informer. days, as professed Jesuits, while 1 region has rotted and fallen off like the very I secretly retaining- their own faith, obtained I . mischief ! and that the unusual ")quantity of - -direction- even of the Inquisition. In fact,l aonstitutional drink can only be:, supplied 1w! there are.. few heights of power to which they I a resort to lager beer. This locks dark for have not-attained, as there is no atnotuata of 1 the democracy. But the mischief does not I perseentiOn they have not endured. No mat- 1 end here ; the best corn crops frOm Belmont ter what they undertake, they StICIO to posh! reel Meskingliam and Scioto snd Hight:oh], I :it throuoltewith a vigor and enterprise th t' : fght where the American party I have been carry their point to tliektrtheiest all:titled i in full blosSom, and - in the abstract this I ' -degree, mai - further than will .be reachecl e by }.would seem to argue well for them ; but the any Other. The ablest musician in Londen Opractical query is,---eill this abut, ;ante of wae.a Jew, :Brehm, who retained his voice 1 corn Llece.- . us with fit bullocks or curse us , ..and position , till about. eighty, forming his 1 with (dicer, whiskey ! ' The qae-stion is corn name - out of Abraham. by the simple expe- plicated all around. Potatoes cheap at To client of dropping the A. to disguise his eri- i ledo, and they send a TS to coegress ; bin: And, in alike manner, the roost dis- ; cheese and butter nil cut off in. 'Ashtabula, • tinguiehed singer of Paris-, at this moment; is I and they return Giddings. No 'ague up in _illachel theolewesio In feet, no matter what I Ilarmoek—where Rev. Senator Lent has the they turn their band' . to, philosophy or the -', best ague tonic in the world—rind a demo dna arts, - 7 money changing or old clothes, 1 crat takes the place of Watson. i The Ohio • they.push 'their occimattonsao an extent, and I. ricer almost dry. ana yet the Ross district with a coolness of : computation that carries I gone against Ice:linen. No peaches at Porn - theta beyond all competitors: ' - ; oral farm, and Sam. Cox beat Galloway in There is no country where they are not ;the Columbus district. These tbinge . need seat - toed; and their numbers at the pieeent i explanation. I shall wait anxiously to see time Would - seem rather greeter than - at any i the governor's message. ' Meanwhile the :sat foriner period of their history. Being now at i est way to ensure the presperii v 'of the coun least-ten millions, they are rapidly increasing I try, is to io!l up fifty thousand subscribers to _in -this country,-and though they say but lit- 1 the Ohio Cultivator! -Eternal vigilance is tie to strangers-about their religion, hare this i the price of liberty, but the price' of my pa anotnept, as many synagogues in the city off per is only a dollar a year, cheaper- to clubs. - New York, -as. the - Llupttsts have churches. t _ - -They have dropped the name of I - ' fisee-and Saddceee, it is true, but retal to this day . the tire 'distinctive . prinei '..- which divide - them noire very Much as orrnerly. If any one Wants to see the sy agogue worship as it probably .existed before the destruction of :the Temple, he. has , only to go to the Green street Synagogue in ' New York, • where Dr. ,Raphael - holds forth. .-The sermon may'be,a 'fittie-ionger, and it-will beds English, but in . stl parer respects, there is uo change. _What, it .may be asked, is the great pe - caliarity of character ; which has, occasioned Due despite our constant donning, Duo in sums from one to twenty.. Would you lift a burtben from ,us -- Would you drive a spootre from you! Would you taste a pleasant ',lumber! Would you have n quiet consOienee 1. Would you rend the paper paid for Send us money—send us money, Sena ma money—send us money Sena the money that you owe us: apoli waisluaified unity, if we may so speak, in the results theyhare . produced upon all ages I<: his wheonnerable petal:tenet in one idea.at one time. They knave the power of seizing. the strong points of whatever they undertakc„,beyond any other :nation. and de vetopine-Ahose ,with energy, -and enterprise unequalled; And 'AL the expense of everything beside. No consideration of feelingsmitlever interfere with 'the tactics' of air:lied, and their strict pviistence in the - one , idea 'that become, idantifici with their ielf-lone. and them . . aeons to throw ein antagoniron to the world. It -causes them to appear to others, whether really so or not; utterly selfish in their :dint and ends. They are capable of noble and, generous actions, and among, their own people show • a iide of.their character utterly opposed to whet they exhibit to Christians.. Centuries 'of persecutions have ; in fact. wrought in their, character such -nisi antipathy to other nations: that to spoil them, whether by overreaching in a bargain . or di rect fraud, is . often considered a - matter of I commendation by men who would perhaps seem to wrong their own nation. I ', The..Londen Rothschild, who made the i fortune of the house, used to give largely the most valuable information and advice daily on the Stock Exchange, but would Some -1 dines indulge in freaks, of malice, especially 4 to those who bad offended him. - One - day a broker, to whom he had been under no great obligations, approached and. asked him I whether he. had better buy more or sell out i some critical South AvaeriCan stock. Roths- I child advised him •clearly and decidly one I war. The broker, however, suspecting some 1 I I trick, from what, he knew of his peculiarity,' did exactly the opposite, and lost by it to a I J lar g e amount. A few days after, Rothschild asked him if he had takm his advice.- ' No," replied the broker ; ‘: I was afterwards ! recommended to a different eourse.". "I 1 I knew it," - .replied .the millionaire, "and thereforc gave you the advice I did, expecting. you would act in the opposite manner." I This want of feeling for other nations and' 1 tribes, in the pursuit of their plans, while it (has bronght them .suceess, has also caused 1 them mush of the.perseeution they have oi dureii. They have thus incurred the hatred , of the world, even when they . have done it 1 the greatest good. There is, indeed, no race of its size that'•has benefited the world so much, or revealed to it so many irr, 1 portant laws of nature, but, none that has 1 been so tiuiVersally unpopular while doing it. ! Persecution has contributed; with their per t sistent characters, to kotit of these effects ; it has driven them to search out untrodden ani original methods of power mid succms by a . closer conforrnity to the bidden laws. and it has alto too often ! eanged theni to use their power retaliatingly—Philo: Ledger. From the Ohio t r 7ultivatt r. • THE EDITOR TAI,KETN OF POLITICS AND AC . • . RICULTM. JOTIN I ADAIIS..--" The elder Adams, the son of a worthy cobbler." . LTranscrlpt. It vras perhaps owing to.the very &et of his bumble parentage,. that the elder Adams became what he was. I hare ,nerer seen the story in print, but it legitimately descended .to me by oral tradition, haying been told my grandfather by A , the pious Deacon Adams, of the eburcl in Braintree" The Deacon. during a temporary absence, had set John t) cutting out the " uppere" for some shoes; bnt, like the Chinaman, who in making a pair of breeches'from a . pattern fur nished by some prudent captain t liad faithful ly copied the patches which his wife had put in the seat of the old _ones, John had embel lished every upper be-bad cut .out i with the three-cornered bole by which tbct patterns bad hung on their accustomed nail. saw,' aaid the Deacon, " I couldn't make ashoema kcr of him, so I intt Mtn to Zearlaits." ergant of the body, uy .. e action to health, correct, eherever t ley exis , such derangements as are. the first causes of d meaee. An extensive trial of their virtues', by Prof sere, Physicians, and Patients. has shown cures 0 data genets diseases almost beyond belief, were tl y not substantiated by persons of such exalted 'pteition And charnetir as to forbid the suspicion of to bath Their certificates .are published in my Auk:lean Almanac, which the Agents below nam il are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring: Annexed we give Directions for their Its° n the complaints which they have been found to el r. Fon Cesrtveriflest. Take -one or two P lx, or such quantity as td gentle move the bowels. Cos tiveness is frequently .the aggravating canse of Pies, and the cure of one complaint is the mire of both. No person can feel well while limier a costive habit of body. Bence it shoat'bel l• as D. can be. promptly:relieves:l. e s FOR. Illieri:relA. Which is semetimee the reir! I n Of Ceitiro n•Slt, Una. al Ways nlseenifOrizible, tali mild doses e-- from one to four —to stimulate the sh inch And liver into healthy action. They will do i , and the heartburn, bestel/iten, and sonlburn of dyspepsia will rapidly anetnpcar. When it has gone,ron't foieet what cured yon. For a Pout Serosteen, or IllorNil frunlion o'o4 BlICel4, which preditcee general depression est the spirits and bad health, take from fon!. In eight i Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the system. Feu Neuxoettesese, Stele II V.Antelle, NAtieltß, 11 1 Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side.-take iron font tb eight pills on gong to bed. If they do not per ate-sulliveently, take mere the next. day until they do. These complaints will be swept out remit the system.. Don't wear these and their kindre. 'lir Orders because your stomach is foul. F•lit Settorree, Bill - etre'. se, and all 'Dia ales of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequentl -, to keep the bowels ope - M. The erontions will e nor ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Ivlant dreadful. ulcers and sores have been healed 'fp by the purging at:3 purifying, effect of these fills ,1 end some d gusting diseases which seceded to sae rate the whole system hare cOmpletely- yielded to their induei ce. ljav:ng the sufferer in perfect berth. Patients! your duty. .to society forbids ehnt you should per . aile youreelf aroma the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers. sores, and all olany ;of the unclean diseases of the skin, because our - system wants cleansing. To Pt: el re rue Dimon, they are the best n• odd eine ever diecovered.'They should be taken hilly and fee - intently. and the impurities which sow) the seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the system like chaff before the wind. By this preprrty _ they do as much good in preventing sickness ak by the remarkable cures which they are making c? . cry -where. . . Livia COMTI,RINV, /AVNDICR, and all lii<*atal • AireiliOnt arise from eoree derangement —ei her torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the fixer. Torpidity ancongestion vitiate the bile arid /eider it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently tin ler mined belie other cause.. ' Indige!tion is the syMp tom. 05strnetien of the duet width empties the bile Into the stomach muses the bile to over:ow i nto the .bloml. This . produces Jaundice, witl a min and dangerous nof evils. Costiveues. et I alternately ceetivenres and diarrhea, prey: ill. earin ss, Feverish symptorns, languor, low spirits, vi • restlessne s s. and I, , e‘en:!lioly, with sometimes iu i. ability to sleep, -and sometituce great drowsing es; sometimes there is ices ere rein in the side; the . -in mid the white et the ce es become a greenish yell, w; the storn;lA arid; the bowels's:lre to the teeth; the whole system initehle, with a tendency to feeler. which may 'tern to bilieter fever, bilious rote, baliMS diaridera,.tlysentery, ike. - 'A medium dose of ti: cc orlber Pills taken at night. followeel by two or th -ea in the m rning, an d eeptated a few days. will rem se the rans-e of all these troubles. It is wicked to en . t.I. such pain, when you can cure them for 25 cents RUNS; ATI,NI, Goer, and a il feßammatoey 1 't reys are :avidly cured by the_ purifying effects t ef 1 these Pillr. noon the blond and the stimulus wh eh they afford to the vital principle of Life. For II: ye anti all kihdred complaints they should be taken in mile. de....e's., to inure the bowels gently, but freely As a DieNt: ft VI t.t., this is both agree:lllo Mid neeful. "ele Pill eon tie teade mere pleasant to L i ll e , and eteteiisly none has teen made more effectual Shl the pureose for, wilieli a dinner pill is emplold. rizErAnn nv D. J. C. AVELI 6:,C0.. Practiec.l and Analytical Chemist LOWELL, MASS., AND sou) •pv . Whips_by the, ROM itts to :it PII VIT & NNOWLTON', Bin7l atntop Ashton .Salt, M :Dairy and use, ju.t recei‘ed 'n .1.2 for sale lir tbe SaA, Bu-het or Pound,,b • I. N.I.Ii.:LLARIi. June 9. IP , sr, 110.::TILITIES CASED, Peace- Declared: • ON such terms that S.:T.lM's the right ore 'N* nation to the ntisigation of the limuLe,:i he it known to the people et Suspicion Couhts - .and ti.e rest a the v'orld, that they o3i I find it to their adt notag,e :o come to the Toil: enlace Saltoni anti Grocery in Main St , Mont. rose ; Pa., (the only Temperance saloon in Moitt r,tste) to get Pies, 1.11 eh as are pies, Cakt , s, - CIL - temp, Cratskt rs, Sardines, pickled •OySterti, Cl...ma, Caecroters. Tee Cream. Granger', Pipe Apples, Chntly, :tml Sears, Nuts &e. Snail Beer. leo cool Lemonade, and. Soda Wa:er 'its eat and drink. At the same place is a good is. sortment of Groceries and Provi , ions, with neiw supplies every we( k from New York, such as l'ea,lthtlice kinds, from 2s. Ste.. to 65.. per If.. & Tar now at beta. 13,4 c,,fne II 1-*21.. crushed, Pulverized and. Granulated at Is. p r lb. mel t : v ...o, 3.... GI, per Gallon; best Syrup it ss. Ctti. per o'll. Pork, Smoked I lam, and Shot 1 1 ders. iiried.Pcef Ham: Cod. liacko:rei:Whi r and Biue Fish, Clo r , se. Craekers. Lard, Who., Stcrine patent and t.. , .perin Candles, a variety ot B ar So a ps, shaving do. heal in 11-I', Ct•irev kid , . and l'obtece, plug hod fine cut,. Chewing, anti smaing,, do. in tin foil. Fire Crackers an:l Fire w or ktt. Matti';. a. all kinds. dried Peachei, Plums. (Thorr!e.s. Figs, from 1 , 4. to la. Gd. per ill. Prie,cs. Zentee Currents, Citrt.n. Fig 'paste, S. ~o for puddir.g. , „ t-t,;e,..s 1.11 kinds. do. Ground m 0 ,, t. ..,, t ,i, d o . F rettc h Soap Po tt der. Babbitts S di writus, Co. nod Wh-biri , " Soda., Cream Tarteil Wand Super Garb Soda Tartaric Acid. Licoried: do. root, Ft:ncy ('andy and Gum Drops: fresli Prom . N. Y., C. ssirt ttuds, Cannre seed, Nottnegst Cloves &..e., en t. ea,Broma and Chalkolate, Lon dards, blackand Scotch sluff, Basins. from IS' to Is. Gd. per lb, Suttanee seedless Resins, stare (rail) Corn starch, Patent Nutmeg Graters.an clothe's pins,SweeCand Castor Oil in bottles, Raymonn's Lees. and Wrinhts Pills, Salts, Roll Brimstone, Sulphur, Ginn Camphor, Vinegar .Choice lot of Catsup, Pickles, Pepper Sance.,, Ibt..phen• Syrup, flavoring extracts, Hair Oils.to 6mbellosli and present from falling offer turilingi grey. Herrin , ' by the Boa, White Wash, Scrub: and Shoe brushes, Stove and boot Blavking. Garden seeds, slate and lead pencils, Axe hand les, Brooms, Tooth, Ache Ointment, en almost sure cure for burns. Sprains, Bruises, &e. Rus sian Linament, Lrood for man or beast. : Hone= Medicine, together with a large assortment ofl Children's Toy, selected with .great.eare for; both girls and boys, anion , / which are small! pads and Baskets, lihrscs, Dogs. and Cattle on wheels and rockers, small Tea . Setta, Thimbles, Corhelian Rings, Tops, Clerinnettes, Amor : de• t on, Harmonicons, Harps, and many carious things, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, Sack Salt for family use, Corn Illeal,also Flour, kept I constantly on band, by the pound, sack or bsr -1 cell.. : , • 1 . 1I ID -'3 I D ?:.) 2 Clams, Oranges and Lemons, Pine Apples, dre., Some Eggs, Butter, Potatoes, Beans, &c., taken in exchange. The above Goods are for sate for cash or ready pay. Thankful for past favors, I • hope by strict attention to business an 4 small profits to gain a lArger share of patronage, and thereby all be mutualy benefited, alt orders with the ready will bepromptly attended to. Temperance Saloon, grocery and Pmriaion Store in Nain Montrnio , „ Pa., May - 20, 1856. Burntag,..riuid and Camphene. A FRESH supply:, just received, end f o rma ° .f.l chimp. also, candles, ed - enuug.h, - liig en• ouch and hard enough to stand slime. in sum; mer time, by • . I. N. BULLARD. June 0, 1656. rrIiESALAMANDt RSAFES .-c - -- o , .1. of Philadelphia against the 1 t s s r„..., yorld..—Evaus & Watson. No. $G 1 1 -oath Fourth street, Philadelphia. '_ 4.." - 4-. ,eve had the sorest demous:ration in the following Certificates, that their piaouttieture of Salamander Ssfei his at lengb fully warranted the represeutati+ which kayo been made of them, as rendering an un-' doubted security against the terrific clernrkt: • . PRILADELFMIA, April 12, 1856. 31EsSR 4 1. EVANS & WiTSON:---GOOLS "I--li, af fords us the highest satisfaction to state to ion that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of pa some few months since, we saved a large pokiest of our Jewelry, Hooka, Papers, &e., ex. pnAed to the eatamitons'fire in Ranatead Place, uothe morning of the 11111 inst. 'When we reflect that those Safes were loca ted in the fourth story of the building we occu pied, and that they fell subsequently into a heap 4,f burning ruins, where the vast concentration *oflicat canned te brass. plates to melt, we can• not hut regard the preservation of the Ivalnablo contents us most convincing proof of the great .ecurity afforded by your Safes Westin!' take much pleasure in recommend iag them to men of business as n sure reliance :against fire. Geottnt W. SIMONS & BRO. ltr.ssr.a. Evitas & W.rrsos—l have to offer vou my testimony in favor of the great security atfordc - si to my entire stock of Jewelry, books, papers, &c.. during the recent uisastrouti coal** ration in Ranstead place, from the fact that the same Are contained in two . of the Salamander S:ifes iminufactured by you. Elating fatten rrom thefitth story of the Arti san Building, where they 'were previously placed : Ind est), seil to avast heat for a long time, the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to t .Very who witnessed the inviting :Ind interi or examination, a matter 'of profound astonish ment. _ . To an who may require a perfect protection from the ravages a fire, I shall not hesitate to rotwr,toonii the u' of your Safes, as I consider they have now underg 7 ine the most tryinv. test. N. E. Mot:nits. . : FOR the better accommodation for the farm. ..0 er-t •f Susquehanna County' we have- eon-. I chttleu to recede freight everyday in the week, I, (Sandars exeepted) at the . store of M. S. Wit son & 'Son, who Will attend to shipping, the same to neW York,and the return bills be paid in rash at tier store. I Capt. Wiekham is their salesman* whose long 1 experience on the N. V. S. E.-It. R., fl.+ttgrs -1 himself th It justiee will be done to his patrons iilii the above arrangement. we invite the farm tl ers to give us a trial. JUSTUS DILL. C. B..AII3ISTRONG ‘ Nfont rose, Aug. 20, 18.56.-6 m.• • _..... :.;:;, r: tz:a,r oombinin7 many of the most e.egant designs •i „ I A by anl if t o ti n kh ; eamliining, durability with li;:lttnc... and airiness of stile. From 5s 6d, to d $lO, each, drinliing and Aced cups included. PIIYET,'&'KNOWLTON. 51. qourt qt.. Binghamton, S. S. MOT. R20(6 , 1-3, PuttAnttritix, April 12, 1856 PHILADF.LrIIIit, April 14; 1856 MEssus. Ev.'s &IVATsox—Gentleinen—No l; übt you will be deeply gratified to learn the , mod vonditri , •n'in which I discovered my book. policy of insurance, certificates of stock, and •Alter.valuable documents, when on Friday last I .;posed the Safe made by your firm. With my knowledge of its great exposure, hoth to the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire as that whteh destroyed - the Artisan Build our, as nlso from the force of the fall frovi its former elevated position in the third %tory, I :null entertain but slender hopes prior t o it s in. ,rior inspeetion, that the contents which f or Co highly prized would ei 7 er be of sny service to .00. but vs these fears are now happily removii, I feel it only due to say to you that Lean Ilene/ . torch recomtnend the use of your Safes to' all who ma y w i s h t o f ee l a confidence in •the per. feet security whieh such means provides against so frightful an element. . EDWATII6' Gassm.t., Bookbinder. Constantly on hand, Patent Priwier and Thief Proof I, , wks, for. Banks. Store* . &e. Important to Farmers. New z'reiglst l.iut from Montrose. DILL & ARMSTRONG, Commission .iferchionts, No. 3, Erie Build- • Bird Cages !'.Bird Cages '4: 1 - 3 HYPE & KNOWLTON havej ust received 1 a lar , ft and well selected assc-tment of • Bi RI) CAGES, FARMERS vETILL. find a large lot of tf . It , -)ea. Rake% Sp;:des, Shovels. Grass-Hooka, Sickleß; Cradles!, and many other articles for tilling and licantify. ing the earth; at pin - FE & KNOWLTON'g, llintha ,, :tfm, N. Y. • hardware and House Furnishing Goods. • THIS is a progressive ace. No one donhts it; or if-they dill, grinee at the Manittild writes on wh eh the lightning whizzes with im port int news, would noun convince. ;:ti look at the rashing o.trs would add more emphasis to .the last and Wise conclusion; New proofs pre srnt themsele,es each day; each - day we are moreanxiiiits to • . C..teli the liYing manners as as they rise," turn them to our own account, and tait,_ in as tnurh eadi a pos.,ible. Now a days people are averse to dealing at (*ld Tasiiioneci Stores—those e.tablished from ten to I w,.nt y years a , !o. The ir proprietors having be come th;iroughly imbued with the : high price principle, i ;:.:her lack of principle,) are ttn wiltin.:! to lower their demands to - a scale more in accordance with the times we live in. esoived to keep pace with the progressive spirit of the az., we have opened, onr new and s p, ae i o n s store, No. 51, Court St., with a very large Us.itortment of Hardware, House FUrnishing, ' ant; Fancy Goods, which we (der whelemale or retail, at the lowest prices, for elsh 'approVed credit. • NIUE & KNONLTONI. • 51. Court St., Bi .olaniton, N. Y. , ; , - 434 We advise country merchants to visit us. They will find it advantageous. LOOK HERE! ;I 1 'ABEL TURRE.LL LI AS just: received from' New York,. a full and desirable stock of • • NEW GOODS, . • Comprising a first rate assortment of Drugs, Nledicines, Cliemirals, .Medical Instruments, Paints, Oi Is, `Dye Stuffs, China, Giasa and Ear then Ware,-(a good variety of Crockery) Brit. annia Ware, Japanned and Planished Tin Ware,' • Silver and .all other kinds of Spoons. Silver Forks, Butter Kniver, &e. Alt, sorts of Lamps. A good variety of Wood and Gilt Frame Mir rors. Wall and Window . Paper. Stationery. Stone and Woliden Ware. Brushes. Brooms. Family Groceries. Lamp Oils. Camphene..;-- Burning Fluid, Tallow Stearin anci Spermaceti Candles. - Hide • ,andr-xither Whips.. Varnishes. Window Glass, tee. A first rate, variety °flew elry, aud.Fancv Goods. Gold and Silver Spec . tortes. Gold Peas. Violins, Flutes; Fifes, ice ' cordeons,.Violin and Veolincello Strings, b.c.— The largest asSortment of Poeket Knives in 'lSusq. Co., and the best quality in ,Markrt. Shot Guns, Pistols, (single and . Double Barrel,) Re. lvolvers, &e. . In short . the Physician. the Invalid,the House keeper, the Fume r. the Mechanic, the Mandan. turn,. the Professional Man, the Gentleman, the Lady; the . Rich and the . Poor, the Young and Old, .e Bdutlful the Ugly, the Gay and the Fas ' noble, and all the rest of the people, will Ond-sr, tithing to supply their. every day wants t Terre l's. Store in the new Etrigk Illock—Pricesiotr— a ualitiee good—Call'aucleep. -ABEL TURRELL Montrose, March 6, 18A6. .14"Ther are all going to Torrelre an Now Goods Arriving daily, by Zxpress, at ilopllayarn, Penny . • . . . TtIE subscribers are now opening a large and well selected stick of newlGoilds.—;:' Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries,. Hardware, .Ready blade.Cltthing,'BoatiVlritid ShOet'of 11l sizes and gtites, Flour, Corn Meal, Salt, dr.c..&e.. All of which they will sell as cheap as can be bought elsewhere in the County,in exchange for Lumber, Shingles, Produce of nil kinds ; Woolen Socks, for cash approved credit. Two shillingi per pair, paid for good Socks. . Sixteen ets. per doz. for Eggs.. . • Twenty ets. per lb. for Butter.. BELL dr:TINGLEY. Hopbottorn. April 24, 18.56. • tlC)*liikYtr o , Oarpetings, -Oil Cloths. LOOKING GLASSES; Ai.D GLASS WARE At the Crockery and .I.lnuse Furnishing Es• tablixhment of J. If. PEPE U, Cheaper than any :other in Ring- laaniton. FOUR D001:S EAST OF THE AMERICA?. ROTEL T WOULD call' the attention of llouseh e eper and the public to my spring importation of wares, f.tr their elegance: of styli, - to;;,n t finish. far surpassing anything before exhitsited, and having the largest assortment in store, can replenish old setts and famish entire.tie•w ones. of all the new shape's. - at a less price than any other house in this county. • The attention of newliousekeeners is partly: ularly called to- inyisteel; as ettsbras:ing all the minutiae, both nscfal and ornamental, of tif,nse furniShing GiOnts, for a complete (Mtfit—md being thus heavily engaged in this exclusive hrinch. offer great advantages to joirehss.rs. CROCKERY AND CHINA. DEPARTNIENT *embraces the largest variety ever. otr.re . ,l before In this section, oral! the ditren-ta . GLASS WARE of every needed artiele. Carpetin!„rs- and Oil Cloths. Th , s brarbth 4H,C11140:4 Litt. M1T.4113(1 of our establishment, nrarly tOtl feet in depth well stock6l- with Velvt t. Ind ingrain earpetings.Lts. Matm, Window Shades and Tattle Covets; which are offered ::In adv Ince limit Live GetNe Feat hen 4 always on Itanit boil; ing Gla*sets. Gilt. 51 atnignny, Ornatnental and (iy.ti filatises, in great variety. 110U8E FURNISHING GOODS. ,•nns;stina of Wood and Willow Ware, Plated Goodv, Britannia and. JapantiCd %%rare of overt. description, Ten 13 , 13:t18 in VZIril)110 t y , Tlide Cutlery, Feather Dusters. Fluid. Oil and Latups, Bird el , 2l*also fane) Baak eta, fteticules, Satchels. &c. &c. 1 . -fr To all of' which we invite your attentiou Ind solicit sour trade. J. li. DE PEU. Birighamtbn,April . , Hurrah for the New Store !! r 1 1 1 11 E rundersigied take pleasure in announcikz. to their friends and costumers that they have moved into their NEW STORE. with an entire new steel of Goods, consistitur of every variety of merchandise kept in country or city, Friends, give u" a call ! do net self at "old fogy' priers, nor, Jew" those who pur eonse of us ; but trade fair)v and honorably at live and let livo"'rutes. Wo both preach and practice the trite business principle of quick sales and small profits." Let it be 'distirielly understood- that we do not wish to sell goods on 4 , long credit. We will sell goods pin low that the 'purchaser can afford to borrow rim e: i at, twelve per cent, and par d urn for them. Salt, Flour. and Prod nee of all kinds kept con ‘lnisliS on !Nandi nr,rl sold at lower rates, than at sny other establishment in town. To prove that we are riot boasting. lint telling plain truths in a plain war. call and purchase. N. B.—All kinds of produce taken in ex change for goods. R. TiIAYER,& .Co: Montrotie, Sept. r2tith. 185ii.-1141 ER' lewvlry, Per. - urner, Farley Gory& i. Groverte4, Drug?, Material:, Tor Lights, &e., Just received by A131:;1, TURREL, Mont rcwe: Oet. Bflt, • rARLE nd Pot I tzet Catlery,.:l great varier . ) ~L at rery low prices. at • Pll Y FE S. K SOW LTON' S. PATE 'VT ITIEDICINE AGENCI. ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa., DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, FOIL ALL THE TOPLTLAR PAIEtII7 TEI . I3IIEIII - S•TI OF TOE DAV. Consignments ConNiantly 14c-rived. New Goods. at-WObb's TUSToptfued by the snbieriber we, toitlaily kept in a country store, which. he will sell as not lower, than atty•lther establish ment in Northern l'entntylcania. - Montrose nut exeepted. Gentlemen and Ladies give - me a call. and t.atitine my - 'steek of Gitods, and my prieetY? save :II 10:1%11i01110 tithe tree el 4inli perlattn , froth ten to fifteen cents on eir ery dollar you pay nu:. A good A . o4or tment.ot Ready Msile elothing kept e ooliaroly f i n b an d All kinds ofConnty pra nee Laken in exch ange fOr•Goods at the' Market •price: W H. THAYER. I toioek. lan: 15. t . NEW GOCOS - 011EAP • AT . C. Jr Orrs.- TusT received a tut of: New Goodeotoch ,asi Dr tJ Laiues. R.o...._ . .•Pirinwititi;' I'irsian, Al paci.s, Gingham', Merinos. - Pritstis. _and r , Shawls. in caftt afzenerat assortment of Dry Goods which will be sold low• • • •-• • . • , ANTED—SneVi, Eggs, ,Butt er.teirit,Chees., sze.,auy quantity .exclunme fat' Goode at cash prices.: . C. w..morr. lifintrose,Sept. 1155 • ' W. Singlkton, ; _ now he lonnd new stand An tho ilaropike•and Otiestnnt. - StS.. few doors ea-4 of Post's store, where ht eireetuallv repairs wits. dispatch. ‘VateheS, Clocks. Guns. Jewelry. ana e..very description tit machinery. Wh. , el elating. (inn and Watch m.tterials 41troptif4i to the:rade. , Attention Fartnete :=—PlOw Points F ah.nost-every pattern and kind nowto use: niso,•No. :3. It L. illairliley Pinto! and Plows, may he h-id at •tny time of-day:and until 10 o'cliwk at night, in exylmoge for Cash. old Iron. Grain, Egg ,-or any kind of ready pay of I. N. BULLARD. . Montrose. May 1. 1856. Rofrigorators• r UST received a 10-ge lot, at prices . rangin _ from $5,50 td $12,00. • VFE & KNOWLTON. Ilin , zll:onton N. Y-. Cash for Wool. • TITcKERNIAN & CLIRRAI7 will pay the 1 Jr hi,th i . s t market :price for nil the Wool in Su-qut•tiann3 C.:tvoy, Jelivereil at their store. New Miifor,i, Juine - 16, 1856. 13ARASOLS :and Fans, npw styles and chniee jj varkties, ' . G. W. S. scrirs. ETICAJLE, fir Ladios, a Urge ..assorl merit At Pll ITE & KNOW LTONS NOTICE. P • ÜBLIC notice in hereby given that A. Woodcufl is receiving a 1104' Int ofStoVen and wares of all kinds usually kept in the Stove and Tin lineThr lotiinesk; among which nv.y he found a bett er assorttnent Orstroven. heat ler. lin.- 4er'and more durable than ever before offered in this county, all the proof yon need will be just to call and examine for your s elves. All stoven warranted in every respeet. JC..pt eons - tautly on hand, an extensive:mon- Mem of" Pin ware, made out of the best materi als which I,4 : 6ffered 'for 'sale as cheap as can be bought in :tnv market; also on hind Lead Pipe, all sizes, Chi& and gearing for Chain Pumps, Cistern - Pumps, all sizes, Brass and . Porcelain, k e ttles all sizes.i.Jappanrd ware, all,kinds. Johin ,, done on short notice and in good or der. All Goods in the, line will be 'sold cheap for cash or approved credit. . s. A. WOODRUFF. 111 . ,ntromtit. 111nreli 20. 1856.. . • . c6A1.0. ot.rris now receiving his second' geoeral purchase of GOODS this Spring. o hien renders his assortment very t esirsble.and eompltje. fly strict attention to business and be fair ile.Tling, he hope , 4to merit a libetalshare tf pahlic pltronage.. To these friends hg,ve viehltid to him their preferences. and kindly •u-twined him by their patronage, with the -in: tention of aiding, Sim in re„ dnining in part .the heart' ree...ntly sustained by fire, he tenders e shanks. with the assurance that tbeir . interests shall be mntitylly prnortnted. ABEL TURRELL. Mfintriise. April 23.1856. •. asoss desiron4 pa - viti,o me Money, .on 1 debt of any deseription.mn do No - b v leavino their p tement with Po.t. Cooper,.& CO.: 131 n. kers. Montrone. to: my credit, whose receipts will li e ~Ilowed from. their date. April • Now Goods ChOO.p foiteash. , W. llQi'Phan jtist reerived 4nother Int - to Nttw Goods, totelt ,Challis. Baron De I Lains, De•Bagt s.Ginultannt, Collars;;Etnitroideryl, Lawns, Ste., &e. WMCH HE iiFFERS'iT Vg.RY LO. rracr.g. SL'3l.llEk SHAWLS. it' new lot'iti;: rereivetl—bezintifnl patterns at. very low rives. aim. CRAP:gar& lILACK SILK SIL4IVLS as low - as the lowest. inne 13 To the Citizons of Ncintrose. GASFITTING; AND FIX 'TRES. • Pbvfe At Knowlton . ore at all times ready-to in 44ert Gas Pipe in lair. or new - honmes,-in - tt ivork: win like manner; and at low - prieem. - They hare n fire• assortment of Chandeliers. Pend..nta; Portable. Brackets, Glass Globe,, and Franey Paper Shades.. • "' Mr. Blackstone, who snperintendsthe Work has had much experiene.e in this line, in New York and Brookln:- Orders aalielted. • PIIYFE & tiNOWLTON• • .BinAutinton. : • • .. No Use in .Fife-ing. Irr HAT'S pa—ns Icing no Phyre & Knowlttin 1 keep such .a splendid Ossortnieet or s. CARVI.INTERS TOOLS, . idt thoi • aficv' have iWstnie; and whieb im by luindm„'eival Mad Wiris incluch4l, 'aehnuialedied [OFi►tlritie .'t , . BEST AND CHEAPEST, ever offered to the eitizette•of Broome, Stuoitio- `! • ' • littOVOS•Stoves I henna, or any other county. . - - ~ W o.4mn furnish us, good art out6t of Moho av T_TBURRITT, woniti invte ittentian *is Hill, W oo d or Seymour. of New York.eity, and ~ XI 'livestock °Mew Slan+, juntlrecteived, at prices at loamt :15 per vent. loweri hen • either. : including a fall assortment of Eir ttidOven, , Air ALL 70'1.8906 BT WHIM s :DO ROT nova Muhr,Lurge.Oren,nod.Parlor„: , otrara end Mhop nA N-EPURIPITED WILL at EXCRAIIGED O& Ilia. SitoVra. for Wood or Cool, nle o Stove Pilie.Zine RONEY HERM/MD. ' , - Shirt Iron. Mittel tithalr, ike.; His „itesortitent , • PHYFE At , KNOWLTON., will itirludi the - Moat gelkett and die WirablerStovea Hardware, Hones Furnishing and Fancy Goods in 314rketland- will he sold on the moist favoiable Zatahlbliuent, 51. Court St.. Bingham- t terra 4 sll'llivit ton, N. Y., adjoining _Rauh of - , . H. BDRRITT. _ Binzhatnten. N@W Milfen3, Oet. 19th, 1856, Notice. C. WARD. C. W..3lPT`►' t.r4e.:- , ii 01.tr054',_:gitittliii.til, Puisusitgu'zirsas: 111WISDAT monists° Et ML I COLLUM' : GEREITSON , $2.00 if noipaleviithin six Wei the ;usia's2,so, at the red of theyone. lieuentieued uetilaireara : gee are paid, except at the . option oUthe P u b tom niattieititinivotineeted with flop oice.toinsareattentiiin tit eittiedireettd to the - Eorreas,Atintrolie. Sit4quenaeria, County-, Pa.- . .. , . (7 . -- '" "Itatecor Advert'ilisg. _. ... - One silo Ire (I:llnettor less) 3 loserti ns. 81,00 Eseit subsequent insertion, - -.- ' ' 0 . .23' One r:quare time months, . • 3,0 0 One.rquare six tinuntbs, : - ~, 4,00 Business Cards. tau!, lines o!less, lk 3,00 o , m eighth column; one, peer, \ . ' 6,00 On..f'urth I *, 10,00 " " 1100 One column.: • ." . . 3opo Yearly idftnrtisep‘ rcstrieled - .to the businesn in ..which..,ibt;y..•are , etvnged ;'and are considered es wishing tR continue 'Hi kris - 0n:17,1.6ft give - direetioni for disconiinunnve. of lbe. , . , 3, 501 1: - W (10,1 4 1 Li_ rieThepublisheruhutintadded to.their,l4 Prin-tinp totatt.ri als a large .and xitper fur im.ort. nwni of Job type, are now prepared to exteut. Joh 'Work in a wanner niionfrpassed in thia ate• thin of eountry, nad un reast•noirti terms. ttitit~ , a wags every atuteription tpteloultsrill) on hood or printed to oraer; flitsints - 5i:: . ...,P;'i,i1t.) . 4.. VAIL. & 3 IITSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Susqa., Depot, Pelllin. M : H. C. VAIL., Ur: A. M.'TIFFIIIII4 sur.l2,toti, Aarford' STufa Couu ya. Dee— list. 18.56. Win. W. Si TH iic Co. . . Cabinet and Chair Munufactatern, foot Mbin Sircet. (Int rase, pa; Dr; 11. SIIILITII Surgeon Dentist, Illantrate, Pa., will be at Sots rig's fiutel, Stun day a and Tuesdays of each Wee*. 15y1 , - - ABEL TURK ELL,ltostuosr, Dealer in Drugs, Cheinitruls. StutV; Glass.ware,Puints.Oils, Vpr nis~ ► ei:.. 1 1~1 d„w Glaser, Graiirries, Ming Goods, • Jewelry, Perfumery . , &c.,--and Agent for all vi the- must popular litlent'slrdicines.. - ' - JOHN GROVES, Fashtensabl TteltoseShtip under Searles Hotel, Main,S;reet;Npronmei Pa. - • • DEALER is sad. St)est Iron tre Locierscitle rieur Great Bead . De ot.-13 A. Latbrop, DEALER in Ready-31..de _Clothing. Hata and C..pm. Boots and Orly's, Dry Goods, AC. " - birStoro . oppohite Searle's Hotel. Alontrome. C.D. LATUROP, stßort With - .1. P. W. KILEY, ' LA. LATHROP • Dr. R. TiaYEIL . . PiriTSICIAN and Surgepn - Montrose Pa. Office in 'he Fainter's Store,' FRANKLIN FRASER,• - , ATTORWE'T 'ASV COUNSELLOR AT LAl.V;l3l4itltriif Pa., will attend faithfully to all buSiness on= ' -trusted to itini in the county ofSusquehannr.. ',• Conveyancing and writing of all kiuds sill be ' . : donumeatly, int..charge su;oderate. • He 1%11 also atten d o the proserution - otclaitutotsol. . dierSithe wi dows and heirs,:igainst the 11:••., givernincnt, fur Bounty. Land; Pensioni, &c. May be found at all hours at the offieu formerly • occupied by 4.1 1 . Rickird,Eiti.inOrth' of the 0 . 11,11"1.- liOnSM—tBs3-13 ' - -.• . 1 ' - M. C. TYLER, _‘- Interested 'with - 1. - L. imponTr, AND DE.tiEll in - Aardm.pie and Cut iery, Carriage Trimmirtga. Spriakt,C. Nu, 213 Pearl Street:A. Y. Where Me rc antile friends; in this Lind other Colinties,rtre kfndly.invited,and earnestis .td - to ea Warid purchase. - . , 6fir. J. H. P4recizia,, , , WHPLES.A . Lt ;SND RETAIL • DEALER 011,1:110t Ware, - . Sofas, Bedstead*, Tables; . _ Chairs, &c. • - - • No: 9 WashinOtim street. • • it. • . • - Binghatittea, N. Y. 'Coffin Wire-Room up 14airs. • '.l. D - ..VAIL M'.,);#. P . . _. .. . ... . iIIiSICIAN and.--§'orgi;on ha. 4 iir.,:rTiuieqtly Ifiett:d . himself "at firaekaqiilh l / 2 *lN's County. Penn's, and tv ils promptly :attend lu all calls with which - Ile may buStritPd.,., . ..,... , May. 1856.—n22, 1 -. ;• • - ..'-.: -.- - A. :Pickett,- . JusTicE or . Tail Eiert) 44. it/ Peeds, V‘' ilia, CotalltelxoSce.-- fice, LaciTvitle-, Wyoming count}, ; . „ . 9, 1856. • . • SASH, BLIND, DOOK,, '- GLASS D.POT,I)N enEs-rNui ST., Montrose, Penults, All size . s ntid'des&ipthina, In any quantk, made to order, eirforniahed on- the shortest `no.- HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Mill ord,''Pelitillai' VVl t o oll L bi Goods, %Vatr.hes, Wart., Cut4:ry, Fimitin; Tackle,' blerchantei'and Peckdent supplied. on : terms. • -.. • W3l HAYDEN, - ' TRACY4IA - VbEN, JOHN HAYDEN,' . - GEO. HAYDEN. „...., ;sy)* WILMOTi. IRAPti ATE or the. Allopathie• end Ho kfi tueopathieHegel ofiderneine.-ii. - ,no, permanently -Inerged-in Great Bend 'Rai . , April lat. 1856. " . _ JOHN SKUTTER, FASIIIONABLD.TAILOR.: - Shop bisidoor ' um lb Ihe Faraterw!titore.,") -El. KNAPP, iyrim • E. CA UE.D W ELL dierbilLoll9; • ' IntOH. em urn 4 Earthern3l(!srci,No..l. ‘Vitrreq rtet. Nrw York: ; . AGOOD aNstirt went ot tveti 44.1:LoAmins allprirem. Af G. WrS..& p° ll -CLAI.NsInfi P..anite at -"' • W. tt st:Ci)l3. • . : ;T a ke N o tice . ' 5! Qt,NDAi' ScI10()LS furbished iiitt;tbia . - CI ritm.firditervoi size; sat ~ New - ..YYFIc Mail ist:h.ie,4;'''aCidt, id . the poni,office:- - .`. ' ':-.' . :lit!iC - - .: ' - _' ! - r• , tai Ii _ A. 11.-REtiligtr4lol; BY "DCBBBIV:4TER