The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 01, 1857, Image 3

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    HAVING completed his muse of Mercantile
Education, of eight years, with. two of the
T wist respectable dealers that the emmtry afro*
has located himself at Lawsville Centre. *here
hd will be pleasedio ace his friends from all
parts of the country, and would mere them
that he'will do them goal, if-they will only tall
and examine his stock of consisting in
part of
Dtr Goods, Groceries) 11011irdwa4,
Of t h e Newest Patterns tad Best Quality.
Bats and Caps, flooia and -Shoes,
Wail Papers and "Borders,
Umbrellas, Carpet Hag',
Drug', and the Most
Popular Patent
Medicine' 01
the day,
F r om his long experience in selling goods for
ibis section of country, he [fitters himself that
he will be abte to select goods that will please
1 %0, and pledges himself to deal honorably with
s it who give him their patronage. Soliciting , a
large share of your patronage, 1 remain your
servant, KENYON
1 a wsville Centre. linuary Ist. 1857.
Register's Notice.
U LIC NOTICE_is hereby given to all per
-1 sons concerned in the following Estatet, to
wit: , •
• Estate'ef Hazard Powera,late of Lenox tow).
ship,-deceased, Charles Tingley Administrator.
Estate of Ebenezer Colo, late of Forest Lake
township, deceased, Orange Mott . and Elizabeth
.Angel, (late Elizabeth Cole.) Administrators.
Estate of William Dayton,late of Great Bend
. township, deceased; Samuel H. Milton and R.
H. Harwood Administrators.
That the accountants have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office in and for the
cotnty of Susquehanna, and. the same will be
presented to the Judges of the Orphan's Court
of said county, ea Wednesday the 28th day of
January next, for confirmation and allowance.
' • I. W. CllAP,MAN i .fteg,istsr.
Register's Office,
Montrore. Dec. 30th. 1856. •
E.C. I. T. 0. N. ;-
TANUARI ist, 1857, commences another
.e) rear. Therefore we would respectfully in
rite All those whose names are upon our Books
to call-and balance them up to that date. We
do not intend to let any acconnt run longer than
six months. Those indebted will please there.
fore the same withunt further notice.
Montrose Dez. 16th, 1856..
Auditor's Notice
IHE undersigned, an Audito appointed by
the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna County;
to distribute the funds of the Estate otStephen
Harding, deceased, will attend to the l tips of
Lis appointment at his office, in Mon trone, on
Saturday, the 17th day of January next, atone
o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and
place all persons.- interestod , will Resent their
claims or be forever barred from coming in
upon said fund.
Montrose, Dec. 17th, 18.56. • 52w4.
• . Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned having been appointed by
the Orphans Court of Susquehanna County,
an Auditior to distribute the funds in . the hart&
of the Administ4tors of the estate of Eseck
Thayre deceased, will attend to - the duties of
his said appointiftent at his office in Montrose
on Tuesday the 16th day ofJanuary next, at,lo
:clocle in the forenoon, at which time and place
a I persons interested will present their claims
or be forever barred from coming in upon said
fund, • F. A. CASE.
MOntrose.Dec. 17.1856. •
Auditor's Notice•
THE undersigned. having been appointed by
'the Orphan's Court of Snaquehanna coun
ty, an Auditor to distribute the funds in the
hands of the adminiatrators of the estate of Hen
ry' Benson deceased, will attend', te the duties of
his appointment. at his office in . Montrosi, on
Tuesday the 16th day of January next, at 10
o'clock in the' forenoon, at which time and place
MI persons interested will present their claims
or ha forever barred from coming in upon said
fund. ' F. A. CASE.
Montrose,.Dee. 17, 1856.
XTOTICE is hereby given to the members of
.L the Union Hill Artillery Company; that
there will be a sneetina held• by said Company
at Union Hall on Saturday Jan. 3d, at one o'clock
P. M. for the transaction of important business.
All persons entitled to Certificates for five years
service will receive them on that day.
• ASA SPICER. Sec)? of Co.
Harford. Dec. 12.1856. 52-2
!PHIS is to certify that Henry Leroy Batton,
_L who left Springville, Susquehanna County,
PeUnsylvanin. last May. taking with him three
girls, named Salomy. Diantha and Ilenrietui, has
left_ the unde.siped, his wife, in destitute air.
cumstanees, besides a large =omit of debts.
Any one who will inform me where ho is-will
be reasonably rewarded. All western papers
please copy. CLARINDA BUTTON.
Dec. 10th, 1856. 52w3.*
farnurs not 11Ittiraultf •
North West Cor4 Second and Walnut-at., Phila.
APITAL, One Million Two 'Hundred and
,Fifty Th o usand Dollars. 'ASSETTS.
$523,057 07,„ Invested in Bonds, Slortages, and
Good Securities. .
Exhibits the the 'Business and Condition of
the Company to November Ist, 1856.
Premium received on Marine and
Inland Risks, to Nor. let. 1856, $214.684 60
Lire Premiums, 169,796 61
Interest on Loans, 8,704 47
Total Receipts, - . - $400,185 68
Paid Marine Losses, - $64.427 04
Paid Fire do. - 39,737 89
-Expenses. Salaries and
Conimissions, - 45,489 00
Reinsurance, Return
Premiums & Agen._ •
cy Charges, - . . 27,474 68
$177,.128 61
Balance remaining with Co., $223,057 07
'Philadelphia City and .•,
County Bonds, . - $18,8418 18 •
`Railroad Bonds, - 11,00400 cod prices
First rdortages, Real
estate,- - - 144,500 09Btocks,Coilaterals,on.
- - 82,400 00
Girard and Consolida.
-lion Bank Stock, -
Deposits with Mucus,
Shermanii. Co, New_
York, - - 30,000 00
Deferred Payments . on
Stock not yet due, 97.700 00
- Notes.for hlarine Pm.
whims. •-• . 108,080 00
Doe Irem Agents,
cured by Bonds. 35,376 18
Protium; on Policies
recently issued, and
debts due the Co, , 26.470 38
Balance in Bank, - 16,496 74
'his Company Iniuresluitdings, Nirrehandino,
and Stork. from sroo to ss;oou, At the Lowest
Bites consistent with Sertfy, pod upon the
most Liberal Terms , and_ she...Piton:Yr PAT
. NEST upon the of Loots under
isimed bv them.
The Board of DirlSetorti have this day dedaied
a dividend of )5 per cent, payable on demand;
open the batintora of the Compeby,.to the ht
Hon% Tlloi AB IL FLOILBNG'E, Prekident
EDWARD IL HELMBOLD. Seortoiry.. , •
Philadelphia, November 17th 11350:: •
4 2 mq " tiew - Milfotdi Pa, Agatt.
• • _Administrator's Ifotioo.
NoricE is beret/ Oren to 41 persons bar.
ingdemands against the estate °lion*Tame
Et.t.swormu, deceased, late of Middltown town
ship, dint the same must be presented to the
undet t red for • arrangement, and persons
_ _
indeb to said Estate are requested to make
immediate payment.
Middletown, Dec. 17th,'1356. 152w6.
The Great Fatally Weekly Paper.
tained the extraordinary circulation of One
Hundred and Ninety -Thousand copies. The
Lcdger is devoted to Polite Literature. Original
Tales, Sketches, Poetry, Essays, Gossip and
Cnrrent News, and Maintains a high moral lobe.
It is everywhere acknowledged to be the best
family paper in the world! Hence its extraordina
ry and unheard of popularity. Mr. Bonner, the
Proprietor of the Ledger, employs the best tal•
ent in the country. and by so doing makes the
best paper. Such writers as Fanny Fern, Syl
vanus, Cobb, Jr., and Emerson Bennett. are per
manently engaged on it, and will write for eo
other paper hereafter. Mrs. Sigourney. also
constantly writes for it; so do a host of other
popular authors, including Mrs. Emma D. E. N.
Southworth, Alice Cary. Mrs. Vaughan, Mary
W. Stanley . Gibson, Clara Snydney, &c., die.
The Led_ger is beautifully illustrated every week.
The We* York 'Ledger is printed on bottifal
white paper, and is composed of - eight pages,
making the handsomest weekly paper in the
country. It is published every Saturday. and
sold at all the news offices in every city and
town throughout the country ; and is mailed for
subscribers at two dollars per annum; two
copies are sent for three dollars. Any person
obtaining eight subscribers at $1,150 ea h, (which
is our lowest club rates,) and seedy us $l3
T i r
a ill be entitled to ono copy Free. ' ;ma lava.
richly in advance. Address all letters to
Publisher of the NEW Yons Lxoese,
44 Ann Street. New York.
N. B.—Now is , a good time to subscribe as
Emerson Bennett's Great Original Novel of
Frontlet Life, will commence in (be Ledger on
the let of January. -
Dec. 17th, 1856. - 52w2.
Money 1 Money Money !
just as - easy for any one to be around
with a pocket full as not, if they only think so.
I have got a new article, from width from five
to twenty dollin a dsy. can be made, either by
male or female. It is highly respectable busi
ness, and an article which is wanted in every
family in the United States. Enclose me-two
dollars by mail, at my risk, and I will forward
by return mail a Circular, with full instructions
in the art. - The! business is very easy. Try it,
if you are out of employment, and you will never
regia it; for it will be better for you to pay the
above sum, and insure a good business, than to
pay twenty-five cents for a spurious advertise
ment: - This is no humbug. Try it ! Try it!
Try ! AddresS vour letters to .
I- sent one of my. Circular to an Editor in
Georgia and he gave me a notice in his piper
like the following:
"Mr. Monroe sent me one of his Circulars, and
I will just say to my waders that whoever of
you are out of employment that . Mr. Monroe's
business is a gond business, and, money can he
made out of it, for it is no humbug." 52m3.
TURNS island Salt, . by the sack. barrel or
lb. by I. N. BULLARD.
Nor. 11.,-1850. •
Important to Daguerrootypists,
Marble Dealers and others.
AMETHOD, has long been sought for. to in-
serf in a durable manner, Daguerreotype
Likenesses to Headstones and Monuments. I
have been manufacturing these Cases for the
last two years, and can warrant them to secure
the picture fora long number of years.
-The outside r ase is made of -Pariah Marble.
and the box which encloses the picture and
keeps -it in a state of great preservation for a
great number of years, is made of brass,—a screw
box. It makes a very neat job on a Headstone
or monument. They are used in Greenwood
Cemetry, Mount Auburn. Laurel Hill,-and many
other Gemetries in the United States.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and
Daguerreotypiats. Price from $2,50 each to
$9,50. A circular of engravings will be Sent to
any address, free, with price list, Address. •
A. BALDWIN, Ag. of Mausoleum Dag. Co., ,
52m3.3 335 Broadway, Nei , York.
Evans & Co.'s Great Gift Book Sale,
409 Broadway, New York. .
A LL Books will b z sold as low as can be had
at other Stores, many of them for less. New
Books received daily. A Gift varying in value
from 25 cents to sloo,gi g
ven with each book at
the time it ,is sold. Having on hand a very
large stock tf new and valuable - Books. an] as our
motto is" Large sales and small profits," we are
determined to give our customers better bar
gains than can be had "elsewhere. Any book
pnblished in New. York or Philadelphia will be
promptly sent, gilts included, on receipt of pub
lisher's price. Catalogue of *Books and Pres
ents, containing full explanations will be sent
free to all parts of the country.
The most Liberal Inducements are 'offered to
1 Agents. Any person by sending us an order
for ten books. with money inclosed, *ill be en
titled to an. Extra Book and Gift-
All ordera for books, containing money, (to
ensure perfect safety,) should be registered at
the Post Office where they are mailed, and di
rected to Evans di . Co., 409 Broadway, New
5,225 00
Monuden!,al Daguerreotype Cases.
Presents for the Holidays.
Rurractsca.--711. Thomas & Sons, South
Fourth Street, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott
& Co., Philadelphia ; D. Appreton & Co., Broad
way. New York; Derby dz. Jackson, Nassau-at.,
New York. or Send for a Catalogue,,
Principal Store, 409 Broadway, N. Y.
Br. Stores at Phila.Mad at Washington, D.C.
_ b2na2.
' Daguerreotypes
Strange things are nprising-.:
Man is ever desiring
Something new and surprising.
VET B. DEANS, the 111 ultra* Artist, is now
•V V . prepared to furnish, in addition to his
old style of pictures, the Improved Ambrotype,
and the recently invented Atrephographs.
. These Ambrotypes, or glass pictures, are du
rable, soft and brilliant in their tone and finish,
and free from that dark leaden hue which has
been the objection to pictures of this description.
The Atrephograph is an uureversed likeness
on paper, (entirely different from the Photo.
graphs,) very susceptible of colors, and much
resembles-a fine painting on ivory. They are
just the thing for inserting in gift books. family
reeords, Ile., or for mailinz, to distant friends.
Sky Parlor in the Brisk Block, over Bentley
.& Bead's. •
ontrui4e, Dee: 17th, 1856.
TIIE Mammoth Pict:mild Brother Jonathan
far the Holiilava,just received at the Mont.
rose Book Store in the Post Gem
ALSO;—Fanny Fern's new work;Athe
Play-Day Book.
• Th - e New Lute of Zoo. the Shatten and the
New York Glee end' Chorus Book, (all 0. K.
for the expected • Musical Convention' of lay
where else) besides other new Books too it
meivis to mention, and Still more expected in
h few days: Just a ring: chew- Cheaper!
OisesPest! A.-N. BOLLARD.
Monts4r, Ike, 17th, 1
Stray Elhoei
CMktg bite the eneoistire of • the subscriber
about the first of October is t, seven sheep.
The owner can have them by roving proper
ty and paying charges.
Dimock, Dee. 17th, 1855. ' 52w341
Attention the Whole!
TBE subscriber respectfali informs his
friends, (comprisingl
of co rse the whole
.community.) that the New Bri k Store in Up
sonville, one door north of the gild .'Exchange,"
Is filled with a stock of Seasonn bin Goods, con !
aisting in part of Dry•Goods,Groteries,Crockery,
hardware, Boots and Shoes, Oats and Caps,
Ready-Made Clothing, Wall-Paper, Window-
Shades, Fish, Nails, Yankee Notions, &c., and
so on, which he will sell for ash,. Barter, or
Shore Approved Credit, ns low can be bought_
in Sesquchanna County.
WANTED in exchange, Baker, Grni r, Pork,
Poultry, Good Mixed - Wool ks, in fact every
Merchantable article which,hin patrons have to
Sot ,
i sell he will buy at fair prices. ome one, come
alkand see St' y ou don't buy.
Upsonvillei Dec. sth, 1856.
The Country is Quiet
Abounds :1 '
AND now that winter has e me, Farmers and
all others, should prepay to enjoy the
fruits of their labors, by seem ri g (among other
requirements to Fire-side Hap iness) a copy or
two of some of the choice 800 sjust received at,
the Montrose Book Store, whi . can and-will be
sold as cheap as at any other ook - Store this
side of N. Y. City, or even atEvan's & - Co's
great Gi ft Book sale in the Ci y, that scads out
so many Scissors and Penkni 'es. ,
Among, the new Books are Western Border
Life, Dora Gra ft on, Life ofGe . Morgan, Three
per cent a Month or the Peril of Fast Living.—
The Last of the Foresters, Bred, Torch-Light,
Violet.. A Post Offiee Direc ory or Business
(tan's Guide, a Book thatever Business man in
the County shcluld own, Jape, Expedition, Me.
chanic's Text Book, &c., &e ,
ALSO a new stock of Sch of Books which
will be spld upon the Prineipl . that the •• nimble
sixpence is better than the shill shilling."
A . new . Physical . Geography of the United
States by D. M. Warren, thenicest thing.. out.—
Berard's History of the Uniteloi States a new.
St-hoof Book just out. : Eletnintary Moral Les
sons for Schools ind,Familiesiby Al .F..Cowdcry.
a first rate thing, Green's 'Elements of English
Grammar, Colburns new series of Arithmetic's,
also—Greenlears new Arithinetic. • •
Websters Dietinnaries —all sizes • and to be
sold cheaper than that Penknife Muse in N. V.
Diaries for 1857—A goodassortment, and all
right sotto price, and Almanatis for 1857,
A new lot of Blank Books , % 'ritino Books, with
or without copies, Ink Black nd fted, Pens and
Paper of different sizes and . colors, Scissors,
Knives, Razors, Port.Monie j a, Fishhooks and
Lines, Lamps, Portfolio's, County. Pocket .Alaps,
of the different States 'Sze., &b.
Montrose, Dee. 2, 1856. 1
N. B.—Christmas and NevrYearswill be here
in a few days—a word to the 'wise &c.
• ' A. N. B.
P. S.—Anv Paper or Ma Zino published in
the United States can he pr i uired at the current
club price. Enquire at the .'. 0.-
TS hereby given, that in p
1 of Assnibly, the followin
their petitions with the Clt.!
Quarter Sessions of the Pe
of SuSquehanna, for Lieen:
in said County. ' • .
Robert Gaige,
Elijah L . Adams, _
Judson Stone,
Thomas Clark,
N.V.: Carpenter,
Patrick Casey,
John C. Cox,
Zenas L. Cooley,
L S. Len4im,
George Stroppier,
Dec. 10th, 1856
$l5 will purchase
• Ever in t ,
THE undersigned is nowl prepared to furnish
to FARMERS,3lillersland otlers'ihe world
renowned-Excelsior Corn'heller—the wonder
of the times—being the he. t, most durable, and
easiest running Sheller nove l in use.. Warranted
to shell more corn in, a shorter space of time,
than any other machine, e tirely cleaning the
ear, from end to end, wit out crushing either
corn or cob.
The Machines aro constructed with two
cranksoind pully for a bel-so that two persons
can turn them, or # attach.. belt in motion-by
any power. The nttentioi of persons owning
mills, is solicited, as-the Machines 4ro wonder.
fully adapted to any kind 4f power. They are
very easily turned, and when once in motion a
small boy can turn them i thoy.are capable of
shelling one bushel per minute—every Farmer
should have one—as the! save their cost, in
les than one seasons.
They are on exhibition at Searle 's Hotel,
Sayre's Foundry, Ely's gill in Brooklyn, and
at Lathrop's Lake Mills, where they can be seen
in ope'ration at sty time. lAll orders addressed
to the undersigned, will rieceive prompt atten.
tion. Machines shipped at a . distance and war
ranted to operate..- ID. D. SEARLE.
I At Searle's Held.
Montrose, December. 11th, 1856,
. THIS is to certify, th have examined and
used one of tbe above Sellers. for sale by D.
D. SEARLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one
of the best, most durablei and easiest running
Shelters ever introduced into this county. it
will shell more corn in a horter time than any
other Machine, and is alwpys ready for service.
I most heartily and freely recommend them to
the Farmers of Susq'a County, as the chettiest
and best Sheller, now in.lure. I have one in
operation in my mill in pimock, which needs
only to be seen to recomTend itself. C•ili and
see it. . - AMMI ELY •
Brooklyn, December llth, 1856. . 51tf.
A. D. STO ,M &CO.
VOULD respectful f ly announce to the la
diem of Montrose] and vicinity, that they
have 'opened a Fancy Dress Goods 4- Fur.
nisiting Store, on Main Street, over the Farmer's
Store, where they xitl be happy to see
their old friends, and esti solicit the patronage
of new,ones. Miss Cha4 e wit; attend .to the
Millinery department; the Dress-makin,g depart.
went will be under the charge of Miss Wetter.
Montrose, Sept, 15, 14G.
0. P. PO I HAM,
tsvcctssoß TO Al& E. Eatzwia.)
WOULD invite all w,ho are in ,want of any
v article ever kept at, a Harness shop to give
him tt call.
Harness made of the brst Oak 'tanned
era on short notice. 1
ire hiti on hand a goiod alOtorttnbt of Car
riage Waiting. which he often on the moat
revsehelde tehns. Carriage Ttlmming; done
with tinititviss and dispatteh.
ReOstring done on shirt nottee,.
No. 1.2 &8, Basem t Searles Hotel.
Montrose, Nov. 26, 1.
tints itito the enelos
spring, s light red year .
tan Wive it by prating
eip,oeotati Deeetober
prsuance of the act
!Persons ha - re fi led
k of the Court of
ce for the County
, to
.k cep a Tavcrn
Silver Lake
Forest Lake
Great Bend.
Great Bend
I - RS!
f i ne of the best
n l ed.
re of thesubise* subscriber last
og Steer, The ownei
opeityaz4l pas;iygeltar.
li 1i356.
The Great Counter Irritant!!
CIRE virtue of the' disease often makes its
way to the internal organs through the
pores of the skin. ,This penetrating Ointment,
melting under the hand as it is rubbed in, is
absorbed through the same chionels, and,
reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly, and
invviably subdues it, whether located in the
kidneys, the liver, the lunv, or any other im
portant organ, It penetrates the surface to the
interior, through the countless tubes that com
municate- with the skin as summer rain - passes
into the fevered ealth, diffusing its cool and re
generating influence.
Skin diseases and Glandular
Everv'species of exterior irritation is quickly
redu-ed by the antiintiamtnatory action. of this
Ointment. Angry ERUPTIONS, such •as SALT
ITCH) &c.,die out, to return no more, under its
application._ Hospital experience in all parts 01
the world proves its infellibilitp in divulges of
tha skin, the muscles, the joints and the glands.
Ulcers, Sores, and.Tumers•
•The effect of this unrivalled external remedv
upon Scrofula, and other virulent- ulcers, and
sores, is almost miraculous. It first disehiirges
the poison which produces suppuration and
proud flesh,and.thus the cures which its healing
properties aiterward. complete are safe as well
as permanent. _ .
Wounds, Bruises. Burns, and
In cases of the fracture of the bones, injuries
caused bt steam explosions. Bitrtsts. BUT:Ns,
and contraction of the sinews, it is employed
.and warmly recommended by the faculty. • This
marvellous remedy has been introduced by its
inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals
of Europe, and no private household should be
without it.
Tin dottiable Testimon y .
The Nfedical Staff of the French and flordigh
Artni:is in the Crim.'a have officially signed
their approval of liollownys' Ointment, as the
most reliable dressing fir sabre cuts. stabs, and
gun-shot wounds. It ix aloe used by the - ay.
geons of the.Mlied Navies.
Both the Ointment and Pills should be used
in the following cages :
. .
Bunions, - Sore Lers,
Burns,Sore Bre..! , ;ts,
Chapped Hands,les,
Sore Ho
. . . ..
Chilbtain‘z, Srire Throats,
Fistula, Sprains.
Lout, StiffJointg;
Gambazn, Silt Rheum,
Mercurial Ernplion!, Scalds. -
Pile., Skin Disease!,
Rirrrworm. • Ulcers,' •
Swelled Gland, Venereal Sores. •
Sores of nil kinds, Wounds of kinds.
;*** Sold r 4 the 7trannfactories of Profo‘cor
IfottowAY, 80 Mniden Lane, New York, and
244 Strand. London, by all respectable Dria.T,:
uis.s and Dealers in Medicine throughout the
Unit.ui States and the civilized world, •iti
at 25 cents, 62 1-2 cents. and SI each.
1177 There is a considern o saving brta
king the larizer sizes. •
N. ll.—Directions for the guit :ince of patients
in every disorder are :axed to :wit box.
Guttenburg; Rosenbaum & Co's
rr HERE is o a general rush at their esiabli4l.
ment,and it is reported th-it they have
just received, and are receiving a fresh
supply of
New Gods,
The truth of this report can be best known by
calling at their- store on Turnpike Street at the
foot of Public Avenue. We have on hand a
carefully selected supply of •
for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything rail
ed for, from n•pair of HOSE to a HAT or IION•
NET,' Those wiAing to protect their health
from the cold atmosphere in this' rezion, - would
do well to call on us. as we will supply their
wants on lower terms than any other establish
ment. To our friendS, one and all, we would
say• give ns a call.• and we promise, that you
shall away folly satisfied.
Montrose, Nov. 27,1856.
Aft HE subser:ber has th!‘
=1 .1 day. returned- from New
-411 k York with a larqo and well
• \ •1 )( 7 selected assortment of
Aft,,, • c. ,1434-2,4 FANCY GOODS, Etc.
Z)) . Comprising almost every ar
ticle in his line of business. Among hiS stock
may be found— -
Gold and Silver Watches 'in great : variety, (u
large portion of which are of his own importa.
Cameo, ;old- stone, mosale,'l enamelled. fruit.
coral and all gold Ear• Rings and Breastpins.
-Diamond, ruby. pearl. garrf.q, cameo, ao.ate,
ovnx,chased, plain and children's Finer Rings.
Gold, silverfand liTat.ed Watch Chains and
Gold, silver, plated, steel and german Specta
Gold lockets, watch hooks. snaps,
sleeve buttons, stud's, crosses, perilt and pencils.
SILVER spoons.forks, Cups, pie, cake, fruit
and butter knives, napkin rings, salt cellars, soup
and gravy ladles, taro eases,
Pearl and shell card cases and porte tnonais.
Coral bead-, jet armlets, scissors.
One, two, three and tour bladed knives.
Bess viol, guitar and violin strings.
' Some very :deb plated erstors, cake baskets,
table And desert knives andcarvm,eandlestieks,
snuffers and trays, tea setts, spoons and forks.
Amber and waf beade, cornetian rings.
_ .
Britannia ware. sewing birds, needles,
v:ki b
. She) drab) and ivory combs.
Hair- nd tooth brushes , &c , die., all of which
will sold at the lowest ;ash prices, at the old
stand of .
. .
No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hall
Binghamton, Nov. 1. 1856.—n47
a Stockholders of the Lenox rn
and Haro-
Tny Turnpike Road Company will holdtheir
Annual- Meeting on Monday„ the sth day of
January next, at ten o'clock, A. 11., at the house
of Joel Steenbaek, in Gibson, to elect a Presi.
dent, Secretary. a Treasnrer and six Directors.
to servesaid Company the ensuing year. and
to transact such other business as , may be ne
cessary. By order of the Board of Directors.
Lane ro' Pa., Dec. 11Mh, 18561 .52w3.
argetings 11E011 Cloths. •
AUrge Variety of stiles and qualitiee are
. now offered for the Fait Trade, to which
the attention of ptirchisere is invited, at -
Looking Glasses.
13ICHLY.Ortamented, plain Gilt and Mandg.
.1.1, any framed Blirronscronetantiv nn hand and
for Azde.iit• • DEPEU'S.
Sept. is, 1830. ; •
No. 106 Chatham-rt., cor. of Pearl-;,t.
Keep on_ hand extensive and complete assort
ment of the latest Importations and best manufac
G . ENT L EM itaXIMING 000 DA,
Eqnat in material, make, texture, durability I
and style, to any stock ever offered in this coon.
try—and at prices which cannot fail loSuitclose
CASTI buyers. CoNsIsTING Or ,
situ:Ts-with linen bosoms,collars and wristbands
of the best qualities, and newand choice styles.
c A taco Do.-The latest and most attractive patens
UNDERSIIIIITS and nnawEns-Of Wool, Merino,
cashmere, silk and cotton, of desimbleand dura
ble qualities—and the Tuvrot wok. under garm
ents, so highly approved by Physicians. Also
the shaker shirts and Drawers.
enswrs.—superior quality and beautiful
styles, and a full assortment of stocks, collars,
Neetyem, Gloves, scarfs, and Mufflers of the rich
est kinds.
Suspenders—An • almost , ettdless variety, in.
eluding the finest and most 'durable.
Pocket-handkerchiefs-0k and Cotton—plain
sail printod—an unrivalled assortment. •
Half Hose—Wool and cotton, of the best tex
ture,sel:ected expressly for retail trade.
Iklorning Robes, and. Gowns—Elegant Pat
terns, eicelkoikmaterial, and of the beat make.
This stock comprises all grades, • from the
.lowest to the richest. that can , be produced—
and haYing every facility for Importing and
manufaCturing, not exceeded by any other es
tablishMent in the United states—buyers, there
fore, wll consult their interest by examining
the goods which are sold at the
ar" Goods promptly delivered ist all the
Rail Road Depots, steamboats, Ac,. and in any
part of the city, without charge.
•.** Shirts made to order by experienced
hands, in superior style, at short notice, war•
ranted to fit. rArNo machine work - done in
this establishment.
Sept. 11, 18.56.--n3Bly
4 NI) the endoavorto palm off that " Esien
il sire stock of superior quatity".of goods
lately received from an old broken cloVn estab
lishment in Binghamton, `has proved an entire
-failure to our friends down town.. "Seeing is
Ipliering." We acknowledge • the • fact. And
should judge that "seeing," (without *caring)
would be all that was necessary -to eonfirince the
publie.that •
at their store on PUBLIC AvExur. first door above
the Post Office, have the LARGEST and most de
sirable stock of BOOTS and d•
r er - % gr a
ever introduced tnto this market, which for price,
(we offer no competition with second rate goods)
durability and stile, we Challenge competition.
We aro receirin,g weekly from the best Houses
in New York,,the latest styles and hest qualities
of Goods which keep our assortment complete.
Just received a large addition to our former
stovic, consisting of Gears Patent Leither Boots,
Patent Leather Short Boots, French Calf Boots,
Gaitvrs, Shoes and Slips, all styles. LADIES
Gaiters, Buskins, Slips and Boots, best qualities.
Also, Boys, Youths and Childrens Boots, Gait
ers:end Shoes, the best in Market. In fact ev
ery thing belonging to the trade.
. All kinds of Leather,.Findins, &e.- All kinds
of work made to order and repairing done neatly
Montrose. July 23,185 G.
LowExT rom.stst.r. . CA9II rutcrs.
L\7-2\77'2 1 112ZAZ
Shawl, Cloak & Dress Goods Em
porium-for Fall 1856. •
BUP RITT would call attention to his
netv: . stock of Fall .and Winter .Goods
including a great varietli-of Rich Fall Prints in
ni;Av Slvies,Plain and Fancy Delaines and Cash.
Plain and Fancy Mohair Cloths, Plain
:and Plaid Merinoes and Paramettas, Black
Brocade, Plain and Fancy Silks; Wool Brh
eade, Cashmere and Silk-Shawls, Gents Shawls,
Rich Ribbons and Flowers; Ltdies Cloths and
Rich - Velvets for Cloaks, Broadcloths; cassi.
mers, &c., with a large assortment of ot4trSta.
ple and Fancy Goods, as usual, including /lard.
ware, Crockery,, Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils.
Boots and Shoes, Hats. Caps, Cloaks, Buff:do
Robes. Carpeting, &e., with a large and neiv
assorment of Stoves of the most approved
styles and construction, all which Will be 'sold
to meet the views of the. closest buyers for
Cash or approved Credit.
New Milford, Sept. 1856.
Delaware, Lackawanna & Wi R.B.
New and expeditious broad gunge - route- frOin
the North and West, via Great Bend and Scran
ton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming
values, directly through to New York and Phil
On and after Monday, Nor. 10, Trains will be
run as follows:
Cincinnati Express Train bound east on N. Y.
& E. R. it., arrives at Gt. Bend 8 A. U., from
0 Wi s gn. Binghamton, &,e.;and connects with the
EXPRESS Train which leavei Great Bend for
New Yiirk and Kira, 8.30, a. m.
Due at Montrose, - • 9.10, "
Scranton,3o.4s, "
St rondsurg, 1.30, p. m.
. Delaware, 15 minutes to dine, 2.00, "
Bridgeville, Phil. pass. leave 2.25, "
Junction, . 3.15, "
New York, 7.15.- " 1
Passengers from N. Y. leave Pier, No. 2.
North river,
at 7.30,a. m.,1
ProurPhiladelphia, leave Walnut at.
Wharf, at 7.00, "
Leave Junction, - 11.30,
Due at Bridgeville, Phil. connection,, p. in.
Delaware, 15 mm. to dine, 12.45, "
Stroudsburg, 1.30, "
Scranton, . 3.40, "
Montrose, . 5.15, "
Great Bend, • 5.50, 4
Connecting at Great Bend with theo
Mail Train %Vest at 6.10, p. in.
Scranton Accommodation Train, leaves
Seranton for Great Bend at
.10,45, a. m.
Arrive at Great Bend, 2.45, p. in.
Connecting %%VI Rochester Accommodation
East. and Day Express West, on N. Y. &E. R.
R. Returning, leave Great Bend at 3,15 a• tn.
Due at Scranton, -1."""
Passengers from New York will change ears at
To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. it. R.,
leave, or take the cars at Bridgeville.
For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilk esbarre, take
L & B. ft. It. cars at Scranton.:
For Jessup, Archibald, and Curboaciale,change
cars at-Greenville.
Tickets sold and baggage checked between
all stations on connecting roads.
Passengers to and from Wilkesbarre, Wyom
ing, &e., via Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Rail
=road, go through without any detention at. &ran !
ton, as the trains on that road, run-in contaectitm
with the Express trains on the D. L. & W. It.
IL—hence passengers may leave Kingston at
9.30 a. m, and arrive In Philadelphia at B'p.
or N. York at 7.15.
Returning, learn
_Philadelphia at 7.5. m., or
New YOrk at,7.30; and arrive in Kingston at 6
Fare from Kingston, Wyoming, and Pittston
I to Philadelphia, $4,60, to New York, 11.4,76.
..Tickets sold, and Baggage checked.thceregt.
Wit. N. Jr.atte, Gen'l 'Ficket Agent.
Tn undersigned having reinOted, his shnp
from Public Avenue to 1 314113 STREET
IS about receiving, a splendid assorfment of
- VE . STINGS, If C.
Which he is prepared to rut and to - or
dor in a Style that cannot .fail to' suit ail 'wire
may favor him with their coatom. Those wish
ing their work done-in a newt and durable man
ner,will find it to their interest to give me a
J. SAIITTER, Tailor,
Mobtrose, Nov. 21, 1856.-491 f.
E• Pluribus Unum
SOME folks translate' this 'celebrated motto
k7.' One of many"—others say the most liteial
meaning is, "let the tail go with the hide"—but
the real meaning is," A tip top TailOr is a good
institution." If you don't believe this,, Salt at
-John Groves shop, a few steps from Searle's Ho .
tol, and - he will convince you and show you •
The Fall Fashions, -
for. Men's nbd Boy's clothing for 1b56.- Don't
blunder into Jewsharp establishment, where
you are lik.:1;T•to get fooled with Lad work. My
shop is on Turnpike street. 2nd, building from
Searle's Hotel. I will warrant my' work• to fit
well and wear well, and my prices reasonable
for cash down.
rff- Cutting done as usual.
Montrose Oct. 15th 1856.
Rhode's Fever and Ague
. Curo,
Oa Antidote to Malaria; for the previottion
and cum of Fever and Ape, 'or Chill Fe - -
ver ; . Domb Ague, and other Intermittent. and
Remittent Fevers; also of Biilioug FeVeis, ac
companied by Typhoid Fevei. Yellow Fever;
Ship and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night
Sweats, and all other forms of discase,Which
have a common origin in .
Equally certain as a prOventive or . cure. • •
For sale by the undersigned, authorized agent
for the Proprietor, Jas. A. - Rhodes,. Providence,
R. I. . -* I. N. BULLARD...
Montrose,lay 1,185 G.
Starrucca Rail Road !!!
ie2 111 rit
WILLIAM TREMAIN & CO.,.:are on hand
with the largest, best, and cheapest stock
of general merchandise in town. Consisting of
Axes. Alpacca, And • Alspice.
Brooms. Boots and Bedsteads. •
Clecks,talicoes and Clottfinz.
Deninis, Dru g s, and Door ilandlea. .
Envelops, Etiging,land.llpsom Salts. .
Flour, Flanne l s, and Firh-llooks.
Glass, Groceries, and Gimblets.
Hats. Dams, and "land-saws.
Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies '(dresses.) •
Jugs, Jaconets, and .jewslirtrps. • .
Knives, Knobs, and Kentucky-Jeans.
Locks, Lamps and Looking Glasses.
3latches, Muslins and Molasses. '
Nutmegs, Nankeen. and Notions..
Oils, Oxbows and Overalls.
Pork, Pills and Powder. • -
Queensware,•Quills, and quart-cups.
Rubbers, Raisins and Rat-traps. .
Shoe. 4, Shirts and Sugar. . •
. Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains.
Umbrellas, Under-shirts and Union Hats.
VeilS,Vineanr-and Vitro].
Whips ' Wallets and Wash-bowls. . -
Xtra Superfine Flour. .
York,Cottowdes and Yonth's Mts.
Z. And many other articles which they are
selling at tu very small advr.nce on cost prices.
"Small iirofits". and fair dealing is the motto for
the Summer of '56. Give us a tall and test. the
truth of our assertions.
Tainemboro.Pa.. May 26,11856. •
Come and See.
KGIITY-FIVE cents in cash wilt bnv one
dollars worth of the splendid stock of
spring•and summer Goods just the
cheap each and barter store at Diomek fonrcor
ners, where almost everybolv goes now to buy
their Goods. Flour, and Salt • kept always on
Dimock, 23,185(3.
Attention Fanners. Look Here.
i r C. SUTTON, having purchaSed the stock
11.1 L• formerly owned by C. C. Wright, he
would respectfully announce to the citizens of
Middletown and vicinity, that he has just re
turned from,the city with a new and full supply.
of all kinds of choice Springand Summer Goods
which ho will sell at t.nprecedeniedlow.pricesfor
cash or ready pay. Please call. and. see. - His
choice lot_ of Dry Goods, for both Ladies and
Gentlemens' wear, of Foreign alai Domestic man.l
ufacture, Ladies Bonnets, Gents Leg Lor - "llats4
Canada do., Chip do. Crockeq;Groceries of all
hard and hollow Ware. Drugs and Medicines.
,Iron and Nails .. and Fish, besides all other arti
cles usually kept in a country store. Ile.will .
keep constantly on hand a -full supply of Sole
and upper Leather. Wanted any quantity -of.
Pelts, Deacon and Calf ' Skins anti li - vdes,.. for
which the-highest market price trill 1 ;e paid.—
All kinds of Farmer's Produce wilt be - received
in exchange for Goods at market prices.
Please call and examine foriyourselves at the
old stand of C.C. Wrights.
, . M. C. SUTTON.
1 Middletown, Sum. Co., Pa:
GIZA ritEn El: G MED ICIN ES.—Vegetablo Pill•
Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparila
Compound, Childrene retinae:l, , Eve Lotion, Fe
ver and Ague Reinedy,alealth Bitters, Dysen
tery' Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Ute
rine, Catholicon, Doet- Libby's Pile Ointment,
and Manual of Hea.lth.
Ayres Pills and Cherry Pectoral. -To l ime s
GermanOintmsent. Trash. Magnetic Ointment,
Hallways Ointment and PiUP. Datis Pain
Killer, Poet: Witch's lleart Corrector., Bennett's
Root and Mont, Laules sovereign Bitlm, and
Wrights • Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhodes Fe
ver and Ague Core. Merchants' Gargling Oil.
Arnica Linatnent, Camphor,Castor Oil, Paregor
ic, Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &e., de., Ste,
a new soppy just received, to be kept constantly
on hand, for sale by.
Monlrose,Oet. 1856... 1
, , ,
Hang the Banner on the Ontet
J pies' Agents are now receiving their tee
ond:stock of • . .
Fall and Winter. Dry Good ,-
Which they are selling 'off at about:lone half
the Old Fogi es'Prices.' ,
No charge for showing goods, No Deviqtian
in Price:. -
Call and take' a peep for we are - bobbing;
c roood with the cheapest goods ever offered in
this section of the State. No mistake. •
New Milford, Pa., October 1856. n4IM3* -.
BLASTING POOIDER. Safety rose; Gen
Powder, Shht, Lead, Gun Caps, and Norm:
or Powder,F.asks, Guns, Revolver*, Pistols
dre.ot the Store of
Ifontroie,.oet. 1458. .
Crockery - .& Glass Ware.
A, Very Large Stock consiating
,of a variety,
/1.. of:shapes of the best manufactures are now
offered at very low prides welt worthythe fatten.
tion of vdiage and out of totvli hovers by
(IRAN BERRIES ;Ind ni‘v R•itifirit ror'saie
v , -/ - by .1. 14,..11U1414:1.11,D.
W.A. 11. THAYFM,
_MOTO _and litore 43.1 F UM:MIL
RURRITT it nzain on Milt '
11. awl • sEcoN9,OTOCK. - Dt
11 pCsOrian34l47, . _
81*Ily cOmpleto in all reopeets: , Ond will be sol .
nslow the loseeWor
or npproved . „
_ New Iklilforit
Fila Nectarines and ti,nfro, - andlloolllo gabe o f
a new atoeti just, • ieeervittl; and - aidd
t h em! b y • 11. BIIRRITr;'-''"
, Nov. - 28, 1856. - - • -s.;•
Now Store! New I - ‘.
HA WLEY dz: GUILD Would riitioetfrillY4Mi ;
vito the attention of the citizens of Gamow
and vicinity to their very, layge.steelt viTallzritet r ,
Winter Goods, whieh they are now 4.teitintertati •
are now selling at very Lore` Ptirds: Corrsiera `,
ing in part or Dry Good4;Grocerieh,..lbtrdeitter•-•!
Crockrey, Paints,Oile,• Ready matii„Glothiok s
Boots, & Shoes, &e. They Are preparea'foeir. ,, .
hibit to•the people of.Gibsorf one of the largest 4;
stockl or Ready made Clothing ever ottled
this market which they. are bound to sell- cheer
as tlif cheapest. In additfon to their . Sleek theti - -'.
are now receivina a large Stock of Cootking
Pa-Our Stoves. Tin Ware, ife. So call and see
IT you do not bu y, no elthreeffor ahoWinerooffs.
- tiAwl.Ei Gutpx
Gibqon, Oct. 19th, 18h6. • _
N.B. All kinds of Country produce taken in
exzharige for reds, at nantliet prices,. • • •..
"V j XTRA Flour fraui 1' 1-2 I toiiilltdifitef - :
bbl., for sale. at - S. S. MOITTIEL
From the Singh mum Detonersit;
SPLENDID INlrdOi'ffifiSTrilre .. ll 3lll ) 3ls fereit
noticed the new store erected. by. A. " Knowlton, '
Esq., adjoining the Bank a -Biri g hionition,to bo
occupied as a Hardware, Store Mesars. - Ftjits
S. Knowlton. As it-qxpproiebes eoffrptetiAlt it •
deservetmore and mare the prititet. that hiky's
been bestowed on ,it4•and is undoubtedly irt its
style. fini;4ll and appointments iAe unidet
the Southern Tter. • Meisrs.
: putting in Uttar stock. Otte larger and mare. eOltnt
• plete than has heretOforebeen kept in this -
embracing all the departments .Of naedware:
Builders Finishing MaterialK Gas Fixttire s, Ate,
&e. Mr. Blackstone. art experienced and ready
workman.superintends - the Gas Fitting ciepati.
ment. Look in at Ph} to and Knowlton?. • -
- AND kima Goats:
7 1!@ 7111111.01111. it EITAIEAL •
Of Susquehanna and Wight*** ..-
- .
,I C.onitti4s. : _
~ .
W E tiOn °ii t i o d • -'r o e u s r PeiilY s -f eC l i ti ti .6 the r li a 4C v n ; -
mentioned Goode, now in store and in et:Mrs.:of.. -
reception. . For Many years the trade .of one 01. .
the largest portions of the Emplre - State "liits.. : -
been. retejned by a monoptitri*ltich has :Alan - _
given awlty•before the rush of enterprisei.: - : -. ;..
- Posseising unequalled • faeilitkit ; for. buying, ._
and Immo . direct cOmmuniCation with the,most '•
extensive Manufactories 'in - the` rnited 'ltsto, .- •
' We sac- without exaggeration ; we 'lean:end . • .
!..will sel ' l,• either . wholesale -
_or: . retail, .et :prices ' .-
I,lowei than ever ogereci-before ieett,t4 N.:Y..
i City.
I, • While nothing hag been crafted ht the Ilard -
1 ware - line„ we have ,given partientarottenttoo: to
' the - House Furnishing .branch a Our 'butibiese,.':
1 and have on hand . a s tock - ifetrtroithy'thiict- • .':
_. . •
I sped ion 14:11ouse Keepers. .:. . :.-,,.,..,/ -
Of Fancy Gods we . have also o large arittott,
ment,•which, -having been selected With Cipeeial
i reference to ' the wanti • -of ottr euitotattr 4 0. .
think will please those itticettotclesi 'oarti
t flue. . ;
In conel asion, We watzTd say - that, oar . Goods : .
trre new; and of 66 first 'imillty; and thaVwo -
hope, by striciattention to Imsinessiind:s-eon
stant anticipation of the, svishes of our pat fons;•' - •
to Merit-Rv!m an increase of the _ ern:tad - et:meal-
ready reposed, in ttg.. . . --...: - '.•., -,-
PUY FE. & KNOW4 4 .TONt,„: :.: .-,_...
Hardware. House FurniAintatei Fairy Goo de..
'Establishment, 51 Court St.;.Bingh: tri.._
• - '
ton, N. Y., enjoining Batik-of
' Binghamton. -- -.-- ....'-',. .
• N. B. We have a very largo stock n Wond :"'
en and \Villow Ware...Mats.und,RAer-,:Britarmie
Ware, Fancy -Bird Cages; &c.... • W.gporting
apparatus of every des:riptionf including risking •
Tart; le in all its varieties, Guns, Ritlea s -ristolih
Gun" lieterials,& e. , - - • . -
_ . ~_ ,
... . ........ _
Country iSle-rthantei • .
‘7l TILL find Hardware, Hansa - Vninishhig
V and Fara.iv Goods sit• New '•Vork,rieics,
at •• ' - • .rHyFE & .N.NOWLTON&;•I
Binghamton . • • .
G •.. ,
OLD and Sily'er Spec:Welts, ; DeK p3,t .
received, comprising ail tiz,Cic; by
August 18. . • , • • ' • _A:..4.•Veisss.•---
PURE Curled hair Alaitraettes--Live.Getiati
Feathers And Pillows.for sale nt thCroek
er. & House ruiaishin g
_Store pt ibeomkelit
prices _ DUET.);
Binghntpton,Sept. 18..
WE aro deXermined to 'Ault the — Ladies,:,bar.
log then' atilfort istiett pro
cured of the invokers, a forge ittiSoliment of
which mtist certaitily yleaseeien the oictit,
; -
tidious taste. •
We have a fine ttetk Hair Nall an& Teeth
Brushes comprising, many eirgatritetylei.'
Of combs we'have en`exteneite variety; inclu—
ding many of India Rubber, Iron aed. lama.
We have, beeilie; many other Fancy Articiia,
too numerous to mention. , eateilinitte,
our Fancy Goods. -
bt Conrt St. - ,
- 13ritatiiiiit
Az VERY jarge stock • 3
- • - To Sportsmen.: -.- - - . 1 -- - ;.
Fishing ...Tackk i Gang! -Rafte.4 : 1 iistols!
• ..-. •
_. .
1311YFE & KNOWLTON koFe tolsi ow-hand
1 a splendid lot of Filth - ail Tackle,. comp!!*.
rog - •
Rods, from is lid, to $l4 &kW.
I.ines, from
,2cts., $5,
Reels, - rrora $l,BO to Ittenbli,atl'iti
inept of artificial Balt; never Wore .
this vicinity, including Frogs,
er, lodia Rubber,illinnows,Gutts•Peichai Grass
Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Baii, dtce,
ent spobns to Ave* catching grans while hailing:,
Patent: Spring HoOks for „Pickerel or:
Soc.).dolOgere, or Yankee Dileidln HOOkkikleir
and improved mode".Of ' -
-WHave d good 'titehlf of - Guns. flank
volvinZ single and dotibli•bitrielod - PistriKiveirt::
der, Shot; Water Ptentntid othercapNlintitift
Hos t ._Turkey =.Powdeti
Ponchi_Gathe BagsiTitntml 44 ,. 8c 41 , 1 * 4ie•
. 4SE•c
itc. - • •
In fact we luire , ,eierjr:ntiicle=ol . Y-gpirtlog4p.
protua: hooks, for oiiiiipe,fiihing by:04,4411.1
.dred vwz:ti ANositigOlf:' 7, -
Si• Conti it., !.'"
II -
,Agents:for=t -
notabei of,.4lgitirOttitani.furt. imp*.
the Trade oa as% tors. awl
thAr,Haratieare. HtineeriallOthintP#4yami:.
Goddi Esteb44Citebt;
2S .
_ _
ri_l3(ol-Brdiii Cloth Capcliir-
VT:siietto-41C -IVELL iIjk;TINGLEIGI7 , 4
, , ,
Air RS-Ailetfe -We.tbrav iteNnte4/
Zylotieleem46. PfaettitW
Dye, and atiohlevii
Thnosend - rioliere:r‘ette 4 1 0 Vt
Blisinn'; , Methewseit'i
Ise's Unction , Catitelieetfy: enoiriteEtViDey,
and Ointment; Berns', Littold'AilinteCteensitt;:
Itedwity'Reed*"Reteedielli : 134. -rtWiktPlL4it
the most mutat Medici e, .P1114014.4,V
ket. the Store or - ..irtur.tarj,l4 Fx
Noliireser 0ci.2.87