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Y Z - _ ... „ ., A , •- ; , ' - : . ...;f1 .- •1 .,,,, ....';. •' : :': i.-;"-"Ii - 4-'r ' . . .. . • .. ,„. • .- , ... l' a 1 N , . ..,. •,„ , .... . . •.., T , .._ .(k , ~ ......... 7 .,,_,..,",_...:__:__.,,..:.".. .......... j ,t, ,-:..t.....,,,'•-..,.....: ~,,.......:.__ . ..., . ~ L,..........„, _,,...., ' -;•- ..if,';•,, , ..'!....4.,:f• • ii - ;7. • .:4'4. 2•• :i -.. . ;7' • - •" -A I s , -, •-• ', ‘...- .7.: 'Allim p re . , -. . ~ 1 • ..,, .• -.- ... - .. —..- - . - .. • - -..... : , .. . . _. ... . • - - -. - .._..—..— - . . . • . . . .a.-...................,._ ..,...; A7•" 7 i ., .• . . - -- i -.. i •• F • .---,--1 - - 'i .t-e- •-ti., . -;.1•- ' •ti- :-!-%,--- --- -i,' " !•.,C..4 . .. . . . . _.. 4 . .-7.A..'.;ir.--:%.-.:1-• , ‘A . . ctothint Otrritson, tiriptittors, Original Part, THE COQUETTE. Br S. W. -V, Who robes herself in fine array, And prothenadeS each . sunny day Al o ng the fashionable !.ray t Wbo labor wheresoe'er she goes To Beare her toils around rtetebeettxt And .thus" to plunge them in Loris woes? Whieteeks- to pierce with C0,144's (but, An un.ophistiented Then tunas the agonizing sriritrt I; The coquette. Who lure' you -by a . witining leok, .And is seized the gilded hook, =Your fond oarvtses'will not brooki Who oinks, and blinks, and smirks a-nd- smiles I Assays tozhartri with artful Wilei Who unfledged popinjays beguile..! The i:•quette. Who casts a look of cold disdain Upon some passing love•sick swain; - Whose heart-atringi she has rent in twain Who's fond of brainless dandies' calls; Of soireers.pie-nits. drives and bails, But seldom's 14nd in learning's halls I • The Coquette. Who walks with prndish e .mineing tread I lias little wisdom in her bead, But much of giddiness instead The Coquette,,.., Who says with egotistiC whine, - "Fair maideni, I'm resolved to.hine, 7 -. Whose loveliness compares with miner' • The Coquette. Who enters church with haughty air, Well hooped, lig* laced, with plaitedhair, Reflecting not-Jehovah's there Who bringa reproach on womankind, Perverts, the energies of mind s . • • And leai•es "an empty name•" behind ! The Coquette. „ . Who's shunned by ev'ry noble youth,. That loves sincerity 'And ttuthll' . Who bas few real friends forsooth ' ' The Coquette Who leads an idle, sinful life. With bitter dii:sppointment rife, . AO dies—perchance, nobody's tei e The Coquette. Lathrop,.lYee. 11th 1856. For the Democrat; CHUISTIVIAft FLOWER. DT E. F. WILMOT, M. D. There is a legend in many parts. of the country, prevailing to a considerable •eitent among . the - higher classes, that there is a certain flower that 'prings up on Christmas Ere, but disappears. before sunrise on the-fol lowing morning.- Chri•tmas flower, golden flower, Thou hut sprung up in an hour, Through the hard an I frozenearth, Come to prove a Savior's birth ! • • Christmas flower,_golden flower, Thou bast got a magic . powei; Thou art neitherttaintl,mor bound By the snows, nor frozen ground. Christmas flower, fair and bright, Thou dot never see the fight; For, before Ate Morning sun, Streais the earth, thy wor k is done. ChriAttuus flower, tell us why, Thou, so soon do.t fide and die; Why not svith at he a guest, 'Till the East, ill - tunes the B r est! • Christmas Bower, shy so Axm, • • An thou froniourvkion-fk,siti;, Fairy tower ! iwhy not stay, 'Till is ushered in' the day' I _ Chrisrms• flower,l will raise Unto thee, my warmest lays; Golden flower! • thee sing. • When my muse her offering brings. Great Bend, Pa. - For the Democrat. LINES ON THE HEATH-Of : HENRY OE FOREST lAN . . - . , .. . The gloty •is _demoted. •- ' ' •-•- 'Frew a once -briFitt, and happy. bomb; Lore's deareit tie is‘brekee.- -, -; ..: -' Ttte.destr463.ittg Angel's 'come' • ' .•:' - 0, must. one so 'warm and lovely, - Wither in Death's cold embrirre - ; , And in yonder -churchyard iondy, •; • Find AI quiet resting placrit - Yes, he's gone but not forgotten, Thongh to think of him is vain - In the hearts of all who knelt • • Will 44 image long We can s scarce belie' re we're 'oat Min t. . So unreal does. it seem ; } 4 That it Sits aeross-the 111PIDOTY - - Like.soma wild istadStrai sirett*'. Ye whose bouts .tuxt well sigh breaking, Smarting Taesttli- afficiimest:sodl Near a voice within youliitlint:'" "Petco-4i - islko Vita a la ci -• Far the Democrat. The Coquette. The Giquette. ..1--,--. . ..' .. k•:- , ...•-'44:7 , --- How I love the grind, ;Id ciciii*.•.4 4 ,47,*: es besting egainstAiker4l4,-.. - uhrtk:tii*eil ing up , on tht,stiAjp4l.4;iieetitiviit. tieto t than • the. ittlh*4iiiiiiitiier .. tt rtii-ilk. ' s4tys • .' , • • - Poe hY.' ,-Mitt - sli*• - Om be . heili t n )i t l fit . et.gw i lii i k in k"iiii ct • I C t• ijo4ot ea :,:... ',..,:-..z1, 11 :1 ..., - iigJokitiatits4io:iliki .-- - 201CtSitii--iienia& fury 4e:it."' ~ ..„., .. ' ' • 4.. 4 roar of leaptnm et ....i,-- ....,,, ....., tr.:. '• - . • -..,,.- 4 , . 1 • . 4 . 1 . ~..:44306.;'-:::::-': 4 4 306.;'-::::: - ' Weal: • : • -.• , ' `1 r line of fo'atri upon the sliar4 rt , 4;64,. mni:ic than song. of birds, or skillfully *wept IYre.. tis the deep hiss of Naturv i sorgatt—a triumphant anthem to Him who ruleth the deep and you hear His vu!ce In the Itaudly eehuing thunder, 'and in the howling of tl:e tempest. There is a sublimity, an awful grandeur in a storm on the ocean, that seems to throw 01l the mantle of mortality and lift, the , util abort!. the earth, mingles with the proud, exultant feeling that. fills you at turd' an exhibition of uncontrolled strength, there ia a sense of au e and worship, and unconsciously you bend the knee in silent adoration of the God who made the ocean and the earth fur His foutsloul. It Niagara i*'subliuely beautiful, the ocean is awfully grand,—the former sinks into int.ig-• nificanee beside the latter. The Coquette. The Coquette. Stan with me on this line of Lout, jutting rocks. /The sea isjuurtnuring its melody at our feet ;• but, yonder in the deep blue s ky, is cloud all rimmed with gold. lt comes on slowly in tlie.weatern horizon ;itS top loom ins up like mountains of :rubber mid gold a, the magic sunlight gilds them with gdigeous splendor, making them seem like fit thrones f o r the .gods. ' On khey come, growing darker and darker till the sun is obiieured, and then eotnes tite far off mutterings of the tetnibest like the tir ing of dist:Ant, artill..ry. The inky clouds overspread the sky With a vasi nail, bind then all is still. Not a breath of air is stir ring, and yowshndiler at the strange, mystelioas . calm - that precedes a storm- • The waters. are smooth stal , a mirror; not a rippling . breeze plays overitheir surface;—there is an univer sal pause in the elements :-- 7 Now hush ! hold your breath in very awe, for Site tempest is tipon-us in its might! The rain comes in totreats ;—the thunders roar like the report of a thousand cannon ,-the (Diked li:sht &dn.'s leap, front' cloud to cloud, and light up the scene with a lurid 'glare. Yonder come. mighty ware, black. as darkness. itself. Says the foam-crested summit,--now it breaks against the beetling cliff with a shock like the clash of vie contenrlitig armies, and dash ing the briny spray high in sir. .old ocean is inched into fury ; anti its wa ters are foaming; and dashing, against the rocky shore, in sullen grandeur ; and is not the scene one of terrible sublimity I Varied einotiouw:olawe and adininttion swell -up in your soul . !like . the surging of the Mighty ocean at yenr feet. You - feel there is a God. and that Ate is near you`; and even amid the storm, the watring of Omahas, you send up whir ettulil bid. the chafing eilirgrie!!! lie *till ." Atid; . o; how /beautiful:how glorious is the . . . . ocean when itswaters tire flashing in tliegolil • en sunlight; and the.anure beep above seems /bending to kiss the answering deep When a bind of siPterf foarnis Itingon die glittettiirr soltlf iittiimurs.its neyerceasing song in the ears Of Earth's fill grime;,7 7 -w;!ett it gently leaves the rntratenins . find seems stepping from its proud strength to dri•homage in - the glittering CitieS shore,and to thebrightly . smiting fields aboVeit, and to thegallint shiPs fling on ittb : surfatie.—curbing its tingly passions to sport wi Or-41w topai, nasily. : ev e n as . tlee ki firrst 'spinet i shares the timid-animal that crouches ai its feet. The Coquette... (x-star, instantly tiv* , :ei.t. aid that of Rachel &ford; the little garden, ill'Pa mt lot-ied with the shruk ~..fach.ripidly drew near, stopped, and El watt Dlysdale alighted flora it: The twoseaineti instead of waititt,," his approach, lia , tily sirlo,e. {tom their - seats and went i n to the cottnvie, as much perhaps to ay..id the huniiiiittisig thohgli colnrisiolinte gtotce,.. of the outside pa-serq._,rers as from any ~ther motive. The young man was deadly .pale. alit; seemed to. have hardly- snakier', stren,....t.h to move task the light t%ieket gate a 114311 admit to) to t lie garden. lie held by is WI the.eoach had pa-!•ed on, and then turn• ed toward It chef. She, pour gid, was as •Inuch•agitated_aslln•elf,auti appeared to h. e scanning, his cotintepance, tts if hopeful of readtag there a emit' adicti,,n 4111e.clislionor• lag tumor, that hod at abroad. 'ln ,auswer to his mute appeal, . lie steDped quickly - to. ward him, clasped _his proffered hand in both hers, and with a faro and , tremtiling voice ejaculated: . .-- Ed :1141: It, is pot true--I am sure that it is pot—that you-tthat you---" ~ .. `That. I, R.l4.diel,!Hive been.dismissed (roan the naval serehte, asl i nn6t to serve his Majer;- ty,-i . ' s,q , lite troe.'!•se.loined Edward Drvs,lal t i:,' slowly stud with paially recovered 'calmness -:—.*:. quire i rue." • . • ri . . . . . "A rowan! I" ihi . relies-Demi exelaitned ; "coo that—but no,? she added, giving way' to grief *as she - lohkell upon her !over," itein not - he; there must. be some error- 7 -totne Aniiidictritinti. It is impossible.", ~.... ".- .<;, - _ - "There it-error atidanicstice, •Ttaillel4., huC, ate world will neverl . l -fear, atisnit.so....inueh. Usti Ocanefetturgol,in ;., will you . go' with, ine f" ~ -- '..r: -• '-- • . / -.. ': . ': • :, • • - - - We' Will- not follow i lietn• till - the 'first - out.; 'break r.triutiry iteiteliterit'- is , past 4 tilt ilte ' - 1 ; n o t ' a e ;it 'l‘- 6 . i4 ri" liii ".iem lie j e t o e ,- s I:t: i l ie iL h ' n •:;4 e ipe r f il u tw l.: i so tt*d i- : i'' Giiii tt ot.s w i r a pr - -- it hi4. 4 46, li i te d : p o rtra i t r f tai, ' mill liactienk'w vering . .faithin the iniin-,, rt; ,IN4:/4 1A spH .e '''' .l *' ; ";l4 :41 ':iti:if if i . ; . it! re ' e r,i.„ r i limed of.b(i r het reth ,• hail „ren;a,, iaecl ;tom . e itostoti.aho sa id to fiiii ii4 c; i t h i m t.. g l ii i . ,B4 .' t. l atilt; of Ra`i.ild - flitn• este: • Entering then, we T e hrteiliio.444# s . :K eneso . and ki,„, e d i t . 1 1 40 . 110 t.txii. -- ! ;o' li , lifi.'. , :l . .3ridshawitita • te keitiiirie ::ii. :;iiiiii.:ifi:: iti owl) like,l F ol t : 4 , "'A ralti..ak,i, 1 •'!.0.,:u 1 ..;?'! 1 q 111-1 ••11 - a^ Yil-0!iii:ilii410114:'" dear' jad fitAo7::*oo-iii-:, Pitienbr-, 4 tWfoyi .o . lp . r ittfrwiiiiit.,o4,.. F e.i . o g tinenitas,4lietingly urged, d f i nieti Bald 4 tewiuti ofii-iiiiiilkivilliatiiie i in the irisdiola kiti oil biir bilhOor in. lb . . ,uo: j t.. virus, old Ocean, thou art: passing lovetY in thy ;i:idtner aloixhi,„yet ire horn thee for, 1113 grandeur and thy simile', and for the le*. ii.intrt how dud lesch as-of truFtalitv_:—..'; of withal -tread and- tread . 4 mins ouioglte . 404: 1 4 Ili ;,r thir, •Liiile to(' n Tomorrow, wrecking ! Not a rioglo trace • Of prow'or Mitsi;or pinntin tot teri nginy -thy bilengt, • = Are *Mirk! iierasti to , stmas Wet: an 4 de S 6%44 'tide's - beel Tbers WM thy'tiTiries c Onaan !:' This tin; Though your loudest hopea are blasted, • Weep not for your Idol'crushed; ' What Ile gave, He }jam but taken, Then beevery murmur huihed. :Let ibe hope that the departed is notiost, but tgone Cheer your hours of gloom and sadness, You meet tb part no more. lierrieit, Dec,. 1858 . : .4.. istetiantous. VMI Fur the Democrat.. I lIT NICLI.IS.CUM4t.c.: : :' , .' -•-• "'- 's WE AB'. A 11.1; ptuAt BEFORE GOD AND TUE _CONSTIII:I7TIOI. 4 .i...T' agues Buchanan; entr S'usqutlitupla Crutta, Ckarskta Boning, lantata 1, 1857. wit.t.r,tn AN EXCIIL4 •;" • About the -year-17 ft James Bra.ltditaw and William Uryiithle, b th invalidated. mastetS of ihe Royal Navy, r tired t o live for the re mainder of their day at about . .twelve. miles distance from Exeter, on the London road.— Bradshaw named his doulieile----ttn•Old:floh . t oned, straggling bin ling—;-Rodney . tlo4lin ' houur of the Admiral. in.,Wherleir,iik . !:.:4 , i,y he had fought.:,: Dry ale, Jrzttts utrt," ger dwel li nit,", 8110 up-, If, scliije. frtini. -RA rteY . Place, -was qi;:s, 014,1-',.. Po t{ acid nbOtiltnitriritiAtioidolgii i.tiod'uie Mint -1 itet, tisi?l4 : o* A: 9 ,*,ikept by one Thom as.:4,ttririt*l-' 104'04- , ittnied, 101 ly -bellied. in: .diiiiliti.l.... ; TlitiAti ' innsters, wholiati long f itiittenltitolf , Ofl,:trr fel - intimate as !MOON gthriAilliafir Oa .I.firdish a w Wilil y . met l *107e411. : 4* - 14 - "; 1 1 1:Ii . il4 eopti it ed to :743111! ale - 0 1 is,:aynuunt of prize nun #;;:izti . idtiftieti to rit era large sum inherited frifitiibie fither.• ••.11eilther did the dttfetenee'uf eneln-.:7 ' . z.; .:, , ' .• _ . i . ustaneesioppOsti n - 137 adsha e's oilitlion, the-union of his Hie , and lieireiis, Rae,liel El fold, t‘ith Edward I tystlale, his fellow veter in's. only snlvitingU.lspring. The precedent eotalitbtn however; ens that Edward ,should Oluitin veritianent-tat t in the Royal Navy ; `and with this vi :•* : — Midshipman's warra"t was obtained f'r the. : young man, then in his eighteenth year midi lie - was de-patched to sea. ' I • - • The naval •profe-si n proved to be, unfurtu . timely, one'for wide! E heard Drysdale was altogether unfitted 4 temperament and bent '4 mind. and sad coni•eyiettees followed. Ile bad been at sea aboqi:eighteen mollify, when [IOWA renched Englatid of a desperate but see; t essful* euttinti,-out Ji air by .the boats of a frigate to whi : ll he tlonged. His name was •notimentioued in th rillietal report—but that could hardly have • n hoped for—neither was it. in . the list-of !Idled and wounded. A , -map of the coast wure t h e e fi g ht took .plaee was procut,ed ; the little%%as t' , 412,11t over and Over again loy Ate leteriins, and they welt, still indulging in tlitise'pleasules of the imaz inatiott in the parlor of the "hunters - Inn." when the laiiilloid 'et tend with a Ph - mouth paper in Isis hand. 'lt it was an extract frUtn it . letter. written ' l ,.)y o it of the fligaitt':- oftic',•ts. plainly ititnatin: , 11 at n duhihrarr I), vssia le had shown it the„whitel.feather in the lite brush with "the enemy, atollwould be sent home by. I The stroke orla d;igge• I ingeompareri with the Istu l li an • amiouiteement eltin : r Man's tither, and f• t litintlet -st tic ken. Bat Wiiliain Nrsiltle's son he thing...vas out' of sla ty' 'very heavy was hi,: Ik- echoed by littrtilittin, irysdile was a great fa tit•ber Om i t %%lute that let ler meals that primed the fhst oporionity. could , "nave bc.•tt ea/ ?Iraq) ag.;ay tthich naltiackt .on the Cyr Lir:al-haw heqtnekly raliied. a.euw•a:d Pooh : lute.—itnpu.sible; ntaledie;ion, rarag•rl with whom youwt I volite, of the ly'ing I ter, anti the netrlni Ala,: it was but 1 09 true. On -. the third tear:thee-of the hi:timing evening after the spi t paiiiglaph, the two the im rich ui ly it flow e r gzroll coiiverNing•uNu the! , ctli ring topic, It nen it came iu sight. A y outforiu, on the 14 ; Coilage—z•eparateti ou t flout the wain road, :old a n d cup:44[llly te `the etpteli from Loudon , ueotui figure, ill Laval their :mew it %Ito waif: :.tati,ling It teutly till Llytt mow lad 11.meri. DRYSDALE. NARRATiVS. iarilllers Were ~IILiUg 14 happy affair which led to his diimissal from the servieedi He had, it appeared, suddenly fainted at ttke sight of the hideous cainage in which Pr the Om, time in his life he found himself involved. "Yvu have a letter, from Capt. Otway," said Mr. Drysdale, partially raising his bead from his hands in which it had been buried whilst his son ‘ was : speaking. -" Where is it!" -- -Thenote . 'was directed -to. Mr. Drysdale, WbOirkGapt..otway personally kneW, and was *doubt kindly intended to soften the blow the 'return of his son under Such cireumstanc- VI must inflict. Although deeding that Ed ward Drysdale was-unfit for the naval profes tiOisje did 'not`think that-the failure of the young man's ptysieal nerve, in -one of the most: murderou;cnceunters that had occurred during the war, was attributa,ble to deficiency of true courage; and as a proof that it was not, Caw. Otway mentioned that the young man had jumped overboard during Italia gale of wind, and .when night was falling, end saved,-at much: peril to Limself , 4 seaman's -•:."lhis was the substance of the note. As sotifrelkltnclarl had ceased reading, Mr. Drys dale looked deprecatingly in his friend's face, and utn tired, " you Ilene • " Yes, William- Drysdale, I do. I never doubted that your stni was- a good swimmer,. no more than Ido that coward means . cow. 'ard, and that all the letters in . the alphabet cannot spell (Dean anything else. Come, Rachel," added the grim, Illness-ming, iron :tempts:kid veteran; " let us be gone. And God bless, and; if itbe possible, comfort pow, old friend. • Good-by ! No, thank ye; young sit I" he continued, with renewed fierceness, as Edward Drysdale snatched at his hand.— That hand was grasped ty . Rodney, in some such another business as the letter speaks - of, when theownerof it did not faint. It must not be touched itv vou." The elder Drysdale took not long after wards to his bed: He had been ailing fur setite time ; but no - question that mortitlen tion•at his son's failure in the protessiun to which he had with so . niuch pride devoted him, helped to 'weaken tye si rings of life and accelerate his end, which took place about six menth's after Edward's retton home. The, father and sot, had bi•Come . entirely reconciled, with each other, and almost the last accents which faltered from the lips.orthe dying sea man, were a player to Bradshaw to forget and folgie What had passed; and once,- his sane - - tionto.the marriage of EtlWard and his niece The stern man" was inexorable, and his piti less reply _was, that- he would a titousaud times rather follow Pole•tel to her grave. . The constancy - ef - the young couple was not to be subdued, and something more than a year after Mr. Drysdale's death, they married ; their pre-ent resources were the rents, about one hundred and twenty pounds per annum, of . a number of small teneinents - at Exeter.— They removed to withiu.three miles of that city, and dWelt there in sufficiency and peace . for about five years, when the' exigencies of a fast increasing fatnily induced them to dis pose, not very advantageously,- of their Cot tage.property„and embark the proceeds in a showy speculation, pretnising, of course, ha 'noise results, and really ending, in the briet space of six months, in their utter ruin. Ed ward DrYsdale: found himself, in lieu of his Bolt o hopes, worth. about two' hundred pounds, lesS than nothing. The ,usual .conse enences followed. 'An, undefended speedily reached the stage at which execution might be issued, unless - a - considerable sum could be instantly raised, his furniture would be seized and sacrificed to no purpose. One only4possible expedient retrained-- that of once more endeaCoring to Soften the obtluration of Mr. BradSbaw. This was-final ly determined to attempt, and and 'MN. Dry;ainle set otf, by it Loudon morning coach, upon the well nigh hopeless undertaking.-- Thew alighted at the Hunter's Inn, where Drysdale remained whilst hi, wife- proceeded atone to Rodney Place. Thomas Burnham was fdendly and good-natured .as ever. The old mariner, he told Drysdale, was visibly failing, and his chief amusement seemed to be scraping together and hoarding -up money. James Berry,'a broken dtiain tailor, bad. been 110 some tune valet, gardener, mill - general factotum it Rodney Place,-,and- appeared to exercise a great influence over Mr. Bradshaw, The only person in the establishment was the .old-cook, Margaret De.ans, who, nes er • other. wise since he had known • her, than 'i.it.perate. .1y bard of hearing, ens now becoming de-if as . a stone. :Drysdale, it was afterwards remem bered,. listened to all this with eager attention, arid 'was e - pecially..ininisitive and 'talkative re-peeting,llir. adsha w hon rd ng s prope nsi- • ties, and the solitary, unprotected. state in which he lived; • Drysdale was -long gone t but the treroulousloppes WV* ' her protracted stay called feebly , forth, vanished at the ,sight of ,herpale, tearful, yet resolved aipect. "It is ,- uf, e k r Ap,, Edward," she murmured--u it is use= less=io expect relief from my tinele, Save upon thehearthar, impossibfe sondition you know of, liut-let • US return hon3a. Gaits lie.aved is still above. our heeds. 'though clouds and dmknioss rest betwees. *ill trust in iii/d fear 'not." - , - SO brave - a woman should have been tiatch .ed stout•hearted man .; bit happily s . was not the ease. -Edward' Djysdale utterly de4poudeet, and. he•.littened, as his wife/ was vfterwards fairs to admit -to Jansen' Slid others: yith,fickpittient nglutitanee to. sli r is-tries lourueied , homewards, save whes : tkoltimditicu rsf. belp"was ,spokeu namely, that she sboal,d abandon . hei husband, and- take up her abode with her children at Rodney Place, was discussed by her. indig nantly. ' Once, ,rthci, when she mentioned that the old will in her favor was not destioy ed, but thouhl be, her uncle threatened, if she did not soon return, a bright, almost fiery ex pression seemed to leap from his usually mild, reflective :eyes, and partially dissipate the thick gloom which mantled his features. This occurred on a winter's day in , earfy March, and the evening np to seven o'clock had passed 'gloomily with the Drysdale's, when at once, the husband, starting frim a profound- reverie, said he would take: a walk as far as Exeter, see the attorney in the suit against him, and, if passible, gain a little time fur the arrangement of the debt. His wife acquiesced, though with small hcps of any &storable result, and, the strangely ab stracted man left the house. Ten o'clock, the hour by which Edward Drysdale had promised to return, chimed from a dial . on the mantel-piece.- Mrs. Drys-, dale trimmed the fire, lit, the candles, 'which for economy's sake she had extinguished, and had their frugal suppers laid. He came not. Eleven o'clock ! What .could be detaining, him so late I • Twelve—half-past twelve 1-e, Raelel Drysdale was just. about to bid tlai servant-maid, who was sitting up in the)citii-, ea, to go to bed, when the 'send ot,..arriage wheelsgoing towards Exeter, stopped at the door. It, was return post chaise, and bro't Edward Drysdale. lie staggered, as if intox icated, into the kitchen, reached down a half bottle of brandy from a cupboard, and tookit to the post-boy, who immediately drove s off. Anne Needy, the servant girl, was greatly startled by .her master's appearanne; Wit/ek ed pale, she . afterwards ,stater Kind -shook, and "cowered," its - if he had til - ue . - . _ Mrs. Drysdale came into the k ite ' - it„stoo'd -gazing.at her , _hand till tlea- ,door was „it .. ~,,„,,..,. fastened,. when they both: Witt Upstairs; into is front sittiniroom...t..itii iosit:Oiguced Anne Moody to follow, and . 1-11 e heard, just ,as the door closed upon then3,'Mrs.. Drysdale say, "you have not- been to Exeter, I am sure." This was said in • a nervjrns,', shaking voice, and her - master replied, in the same tone, "No; I changed my mind," cir words tc? that effect. Then there was a- quick -whispering for a .minute or two, interrupted by a half stifled cry or scream from Mrs. Drysdale,- A sort of hubbub of worth-followed, which the girl—a very intelligent person of her class, by-the-by—could not hear, or at least could not make out till Mr. Drysdale said,.in a louder, - slower way "You Rachel—tbe children are provided for, but, 0 God.? at , - what a dreadful pricer' ' ' Anne Moody, fearful of detection; did not wait to, hear more, but crept stealthily up stairs to her bed, as her tnistress had ordered . her to when she left the kitchen. Oar tlu following tim e rning the girl found her master and mistress both up, the kitchen and parlor fires 144 and breakfast nearly over. Mr. Drye, dale said he was in a hurry to get- to. Exeter, . and they had not thought it worth while to call her at unseasonable hours. Both hus band and wife looked wild andWgard,. and this Anne, whoa she looked into. their bed chamber, was not at all surprised al, as it was clear that neither of them had retired to-rest. One thing and the other,. especially kissing and fondling the children oVer . and over again, detained Mr: Drysdale _till balfpaSt eight o'clock, and then, juSt as he was leav ing thi house, three men confronted him ! a constable of the name of Parsons, James Ber ry, Mr. l3radshaw's 'servant, and .Burnham the landlord . of the Hunter's Inn. They . came ter arrest him on the charge• of bur- . glary and murder ! Mr. Bradshaw had been found early in the morning, cruelly stabed to death beside his strongbox.:. I must pass lightly the harrowing scenes which followed the lutnultuous:agony of the wife, and the despairing asservations of her husband, impossible to be implicitly believed in. even by that wite'for the eliminating ev idence was overwhelming. Drysdale had been seen skulking about Rodney Place tilt very late, bv both Burnham And Berry. In• the room through Which ho must have pa-sed in going and returning from the. scene of his ftightful crime, his hat had. been found : and it was now diseoveted thathe, Drysdale, had taken away and worn home one of Berry's— no doubt from hurry and inadvertence. In addition toall this, a considerable sum of money, in gold and silvet, inclosed in : a can vass bag,well known to have beloneftszl to the deceased,'wns found upon his person. It ap peared probable that the 'aim of the assassin had been only robhety . in the first, instance, for the corpse of the unfortunate victim was found clothed only in a night dress— The fair inference, therefore, seemed to be that the robber, disturbed l at his plunder by; the wake ful old seaman, bad,been - CtiniPelled,: perhaps _reluctantly, to-add thedreadful crime ofmer der tir that which he originally contemplated. The outcry 'thiough the country was terrific, and as E4Vlntra. 6754143; 4 !le advice of Mr.' sitns, theattorney, who subsequently instruct, ted Mr. Prince, rtrerved hisdefence, there ap .peared to be nothing of *feather's •weight tO ,oppose against the -•trentefidoei mass-of cis. critnitanceii swayed against the'ptisotfer. • ,And !ben, upon the arrival of the king's comtaissfoo at. Exeter.- Mr. Prince ,_ , seceivisi very full and carefully drawn brief in defilnce wholly unsupported story 'fiVi4hitr!is 4tiPet trPd *thik . Oool,l Aite , 4 ll, o4fppiqq ta,iiiliAtak44 04444.; of the Cr 01111; iA.c.olMing to tiwir4; Pry f:4+l4 be merely:sought UO2p- the evening in - questionfor the pOrptiae Vf.:'oll l .‘ eluding ;with that gentleman .45 arrangement • fur the separation of.: hiniself .from.:;.. his. wife . and children, stad theirdomieiliation at Rod_ ney . .w.as further , averred that - he was :received with greater eivilitytkin heex-. petted; that t.be.interview• Walt • long ..0* during : whieli he, Drysale ; had seen . - nobody but Mr. lltadshaw, although, La believed that the aged -and deaf cook was in the kitchen; that be had arranged that Mrs . ..Drysdale and his children should be early ort: the ,morrow with her ;uncle ; that he _had ; received : the money, found in his possession; and!at.his hoUse, flute the deceased's own hands, in -or der tTpay, the debt - and . costs in the suit wherein eXecution was about to,be , levied Lis furniture, and that the residue was. to be applied to his, the prisoner's -own. use;. - that the expressions deposed by Anne Moody, and leis own and Mrs.. Drysdale'' emotion after his return horne, which had: told: so_ heavily. .against him 'iii the . examinations- before the magistrate, were perfectly reconcilahle • with this statement—as, indeed, they were=-and did not, therefore ; bear the frightful meaning :that had been attached to them. - With res :Teat to the change of hats, - that *night easily - have happened, because his hat had [men left, on entering, in the hall pasaag and in his hurry coming .out by the saute .way, .he bad uo doubt niist,,ken Berry's. hat for his own; but he solemnly denied havinivbeen, in the room, or near th4art .of the house where his hat was alleged:to have been found,. This was the gist of the. explanation ; it unfortunately it .was.not sustained by any re, : , ceivable testimony in any material particular. .True, firs, Drysdale, whom everybody fully [believed, declaied that this account . exactly coincided, with what husband told her lin inetliately on arriving home in the .post-chaise; but what of that :1 It was not what star' the prisoner told, nor bow many times he. had, told it, that could avail, ;especially *against the heavy itnprobahili ties that weighed upon his, at first view,' plausible 'statement. now IN:is it, that kuowing_Mr. Bradshaw's almost insanedislilii . Of ;himself, he did not counsel his wiin to s take terms wi!.b . her uncle . pre; cparatory to her returning to Rodney Plice 1, And was it at, all likely,tbat airs Brad_haw, whose implacable humor Mrs. Drysdale had experienced on the very d proviout to : the !nuttier, shpuld liarS so suddeid:V - soflUned to= wards the man he sow thorougAdyhat4and despiz,•ed I !row ' . 01.011 the ..firs t consultation on . - the case . wore. a, viietchredly roTeet',• the hawk-uye.•_of Mr; Prince Et onass.ertion of T homas Burn ham's that he lan gone: to Burnhaiu'slouse ttpOn some particular business at no:patter, I paSt twelve on themght Of the murder, :and ! had seen the deceased alive at.that - time, who had answered as be frequently did , from . his Led- . ro.otn window. " Ro•lnq Pace . ," said 11r. Prince, "is nine •-frun Diysdakt's iesidence„ I under stood you to F.if, Mtn Sims, thatrMrs.l). de clares that Ler busband .was at home . at twenty minutes to one Ctirtaiuly .she .does but the Wife'e ,evi dence. you are aware, cahoot avail the..hus band." "True ; but the .servant driver*of the pest-chaise ! - This is a vital point,: and must be clearkid •up - without delay." . I ,and Williams, Sims' clerk, so citf itnme ,liately to see Mrs. Drysdale, *ho bad not tell her room since her husband's apprehen sion. Sh e was . confident it vt;ts barely so late as twenty minutes to one when chaise drone up' . to the dear.,- -Her, evidence was, legally, , inadeuistible, l 64 : our hopes!eked on :tune MoetlY,_Who was imm ed iately called in. llei,answer. urns exaspe rating: She had been asleep kite ken, and could not.pOssibifiay irbetbei it wake; one or . two o'clock when her Master readied hotne. There was still a chance left;--F,hatof the pcistrcliaise dri t iver. • ire aidnot, ivolfautid, teach Exeter, a ditance of three miles only, from Mr. Drysdale's till a quarter to three o'clock,- and was then much the ivorae for liver. So 'inn& for our chanee proving an alibi. There was one circumstance perpettially harped upon by our bright-eyed friend ofthe Iluntet'sOlops---I and William Called him. What become of a large'surn;in - notiste, paid, it was well know, to, Mr. Bradphai three or four dayi Wore'his death,/ What. Ids° of ruby ring,. and some nnset precious atones he haes brought from abroad, and which be bad always esteemed, rightly or wrongly; at so ,high a price Dry dale's house, and garden,,had been, turned inside out i llmt_uoth-r ins bad been found, and so, for, that matter, had Rodney Place, and its two remainiOg-in mates had been examined with like ill suc cess. nham, who was exCessively diti .satisfied with . the Oogtess 4 offairy. i . swore there was a mystery somewhere - , and that bet - Eleep - . 011 ho bad ferreted it out.. That was his business. Outs Vial, to peke the but of the wreiched materials 44 our dia. pasal; 1:111t, the result we all expected fnilowed. Theforegoneiierdict , of the ,sere ,empanelled forinpy r 'recorded' in a :verdict. guilty, when note was an 1100611 r.. Sims. One Mr. limbeilperebit - nt, Vein' the ovidppep of tke *oil lion; desired_ to . he. exainined:""thi;the.lje* assented 1144"PC,34411...11,11'1*7. id left ExeterLLin *kat; :of azure ,lie ; 6 4 - 01 . :,,>54 :401 09 ,4:441i.;i i : P1it end (4 - 044 the, mrtiore4b4 jud4b'irie% -baf ~: ~~~iii4i ` `.l ~^Fc iiiiF~u~M"~i :~ ~".; be'fbpricted; 7riefik itlll,-and the petit biiy;lielie bait reins to drive' with *tiiiolllei freed -' . wirtdoit* -- wits -fist a b i`" 4 sleep, m seeed—sa Sr* bawl. iorfolomet tine;Aitut-iitA:lWurvhsk*i with hils 1064 0 1 , the,al WV /02 4." 111 11# 1 with curA Be Its lieved, but Totai4 -- liot.iikete.reiqre.W.ll*T " • that the .postillion:he:ha4.bans-: z • was that man. This .testitnotrii`at*iatigi_" gestirlras it. l !"s l4 .4efdohif #l44Ord ust n u t te 4 44 o 4 -1 45#4 4 :'*ffOoncantd, and a vordic44:gigkr fj:r*Jopirtitteed and me"de4:,arikatb t o i of - a huste4 - 1 0 4:V The — ulfortunate_consiet .etaggen34-tialloly beneath the blow * fully pipe atad *lt tittut haville`en, and a. ierribli opalitiebOavideeti his features and shook his frame. It - psssed,< , . sway, aimilriebeatiat and ',Nati,' when ed what be had to asp-- - why sentence of:death ihould 14 34 e d ' a Oili4 t rP:; l . '. *°t 4h 4g to ISt; - sot' i*Ot‘t.* eim.iki;;Odta nify nod power. A 5,- I 'cannot blame the gentlaattti,ol4elaix," he sail "Theit fatal ad douicieutioui . ai h to be erioneous-:-faliu!, strongly arrayed against-,_*4l4id it: bais been my fate through iii', to bsaaway. ha - ly . judged. save : oaly by..those.mliolictriith , and affection havri4hed - ofer my chenkered existeuca the only happitteei.4lAuive!nver - known: obserredi to*, the ictikt Anteril the prosecuting countel,..connecting.the cu mat an calt. under . sib ich I left]the!navy".. Stith the' .cantnrdfee the deed orebiclia -stand here accused--cctisvicteklatipphse) f, shoal say.- I forgire•that gehtieltutu fiiseirttel ruie*r es freely as 1:do you; gentlemen_of the jury, your. mistaken. verdict...-. -yott,,Any -lord, the death senteu you are- about to pronounce. he minter to which I hopeloipasilthrOugit the brief f but dark awl* Patgar.sl.finiir Immix me and the; gtare , rill, Itu.sakire suilicient answer to the taunt Of cowardice, i and the future_yindiciticia_iii-=ttiPiiiiiiCestels. not for my ;own; but `-fjiJ . ; , triy l- ' wife °arid children's sake, 'Fixinfidently teat, to llins into whOse harids I Asti"Attitiniety'render my spirit. This Thi:r igt.ner's eatin, ttnhurried wortri4ii6atietA i n eff.ct upon the 'iourr- an..! ittidiTorY.' The' 3 o • aid, kconicietitiou'ind:'marneiliat; uertolis to:to, .panied in2tli;'irict of assuttri!ig _ the biaCk 4 Lei the Prisciii be removed pu.s - st ntenee on to-morrow. The contt tliett immediately adjoUrne4. I was miserable, depressed in spirits, which - the Cold sleety weather that:greeted . us:eit emerging, from the' hot rind oreivededil considerably., increased. 1 wa's thinkin ,, ,,thst a glass might not tinaiss;, whom should .1 • t t .I°s- e , left _ Thomas D'urnliati). lite was going the saine way. as myself, in: piodigions ',haste' hi* whole manner denoting _intense r excitement._ "Is that you," he brokevout. ,i‘;coute ntoug, then ,4ind he , quick I, Fire missed iins and his . "clerk, hutryou'll:. do. as veli r pairbaps bet ter:'- I bad AO . 13‘0Wer, if I bad' theineliantion, to refuse, for , the. nthtisiastie4na4 seized Rio by the armi and hurried me along menden* rnie ',towards. the : outskirts cif.,thei ""hie. is , the' phtee,"- haeaciaittmicWhZl burst into a'' tavern parlor, -where t q tsuaiis had beea?t/eyiosited. ,t 1 notcitiortlye,‘" Burnhani went ou, "bit theenaph l ioc k ei!jl for him here. IL:tibial:ate. be off foi. Louden - ":.Whom um you ,talking London to-night r! James:- 130rry, ,- fif : thetet-,:eriottgh.t Look there'!". ... " I see . • James Berry; rii)saineir;laiir4on-' These•then are his;tranki,-I atippirany'l ‘-‘ Right, my boy; - hat theref=ienothiog?ot iinixntonce in - Cram ratOady-going. Margery has vrelltravertained that. You,. know . Mirgary4ut , huSll.loni Ife 'V a"* a 'lii '.** took - firc 6 , 17 "-Not. yent, therefore. an :kke-c;lif4,:: ta,h!vve the kiegdettierelie'iciltici-:iii. I yotemi looitiag; in 4 ;, 444404* ftte,:.- ri ,- :Vi)riiitir , Amtedsl3iirab**.titniiiiig : -1,- attd.derilk -1:- z plat gift :4 0 lliir it ztooi...i, P 1a d 1 i"4 8 4 1 .04 :* . 41 : 0 4 -bu. nice by * ;throat= 444i.0411.1*40- • •, • • Rio Pl• ll , l ***ltibk trip 44404444, ipafttir!TV't. i44l e`t4itttoitr' ii o.o4.heitil.alti.ti.)*'::- 440 d 5, .. 1-14-47 . • • +5 . f t a IF{i
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