The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 27, 1856, Image 1

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lICC ollunt fotrtitsan, Progrittor.
*elect Vottrg.
Why . need I strive and sigh f
It is , enough for me
That beaven bath sent me sire
A spirit glad and free;
Grateful these blessings to
I sing my hymn at morn at:li
On some, what floods ()Tech(
House, herds and gold have
Yet life's best - joys.they neve
But fret their bows away.
The more they tive, they see'
Complaints ntd cravings never cease.
• •
A. Tale of tears this world they esl.,
To me it seems so.fair
It countless pleasures bath for. 1I
And hone denied a share.
The hale birds on-new-fledged wing,
Ad insects revel in_the spring.
For love of us, hills, woods and plains
Tc bealeons hues are clad;
And birdieing far and near sweet strains,
Caught up by echoes glad.
"Rise," sings the lark, " your tasks to ply."
The nightingale sings " Lullaby."
Aad. whe4 the golden sun goes forth;.
And all like gold appears,'
When.htoom o'ersplesurls the glowlavarth,
And fields have ripening ears,
I think these gloriea that liaee,
It kind Creator made for me.
Here lies his roux in Pt, •
Beneath this Roux with Brasits overgrowN
How many CASES, far.aiaworthier lie
'Meath seine =POSING STONE. ."
IVO Commc POUcT our
No sculptured c'A l !'S his history declare;
Although he lived a' follower of the caose,
And member of the BAIL
The golden BotE he prized, '
• And lefiit as a Torr.l4 of his lore;
And all. bia deeds CORRECTED and REVISED,
;The cern of his wrongs—
The PROOFS of all his rt-ety are there;
• And the fair TITLE which to truth belongs
. Will PROVE his TITLE fair.
Though now in deatb73 ern-Enact,
notiDERISG heap our luckless brother lies,
re.appear.on Gabriel's EOThL caast,
Arid inist4T,to the skies.
Mews Editors :—By requeil, the follow :
ing address was ';piepared for', the occasion of '
in educational - meeting in Luzerne county,
September last; but circumstances preventing
Ite delirery. you are,at liberty to publish , it,
'if von think itsnificientic interesting to •np
, i
pear in 'the colubms of the Democrat.
.I propose to review amsorily the solject of
Education. And what 'is edncation 4 Whitt
ao we mean by the term ! Is itS significa
toe 'difficult pf comprehension 1_ By no
mesas; yet I am persuaded very many do
err in respect , to its true import. By educa
tion we mean not simply furnishing the mind
with knowledge—with intellectual pabulum;
storing the memory with facts ;• cultivating
410141 ;linproving the judgment ; purifying
and invigorating the imagination ; subdu
ing the passions ; chastening the affections.
.NO 1 we mean something more than all
I . his ihe province of ethiCation. to call
into fiction the dormant capacities of the
sohl ;to quicken, stimulate, educe those en
ergies, which if directed and kept in their
proper coarse, will raise the individual to
tllppiness, prosperity, and glory:
But education should not be' confined to
the intellectual, faculties alone. Tian has 1.
threefold nature—intellective, moral, physi
cal. Each of these is susceptible of, and re
quiteic.ultivoion, and neither should be cail
tsied to the neglect of the others, but all,
mark me, all should be trained in unison; and
tales this be done, no individual ; however
taiidnoas, however large his capacity; how
s4r long he may live , !Still. attain the high
developement and perfectibility of .his be-
Sincethe intellectual part of man's
altars is, in a degree, isolated from his spir
itnal organism, it follows, while the process
of : mental education is going on,
,the former
riesiies the greater share of the student's at
*ltion, and as a legitimate sequence_the
;,,_ l4 At fit hebetated, or remain alto
gethe iutdeveloped. This is wrong, is man-
Onistie k. the beneficent designs of the Au
ttior tilt existence. Who has not frequent
ly seen individuals with large - - attainments,
polished maneetsosf commending
sip.e.„eli_O•were beggared in mbralsi licen
tlt4n, depraved •• Such examples
°S3' be found in almost every coast:nullity,
10 . 4 they are living monuments of an errone
sissystem of - education--a system if you
P!iase, which does *things by halves only:
ky friend., what more melancholy speetatile
be imagined than , a man rich with spoils,,
wholly, col' imp - partially, siesti
thlte those_ , leftY attributes` / of our nature,
virtue; yersicity intellectp.
11 ;;Aequisitions are enitobllng, a sound moral
e l!tus Is slanting: sPiritealiii no, Utica--
Lion without moral. restraint may• be .truly.
compared to "a sword in the band of a 'mad
man." A man uncontrolled by moral pin
ciple, is left. a prey - to his passions and appe
tites; hisHdilartakes of• the degradation,
and eventually he fin& himielf, through' cul-
pable retntssmess of : duty, plunged in the vor
tex of abasement and ruin. A large propor—
tion. of the evils which afflict communities are
traceable to unrestrained proclivities of .our
nature. In the mind of man is a constant
warfare between the good and evil propensi
ties ; and in proportion to the triumphs of
the former over the latter, is society prosper
ous and - bnppy. The `.man of profound .eru
dition, if .+ thief or liar, cannot be trusted ;
he carries kipon his brow the markof Cain,
is shunned and despised by all who know him.
GO to ouripenkentiariess learn the. history of
the convicts there imMured., and you will . find
many- of those unfortimate beings intelligent;
some perhaps of superior scholastic attain
ments; bat they omitted one grand requisite
of true education, to wit, moral culture;
their coneieneies-wete allowed to slumber;
the.ku . owledge acquired was appropriated to
utill!wful purposes ; Vice_ bound them with
her slavish chains ; temptations were unre
sigted ; and at.last thUy fell—fell to rise no
more to the dignity c r if a lofty; God-fashioned
manhood,' • But not` to srison walls alone
need we look for illustrations of a faulty
cation. Examples are . seen every Where,
among all classes and conditions of the hu
man family.
wealth I
gth and health,
!tt flow!
. they,
I again assert, that system of edueation,
which does not train the heart as well as the
head; that omits thi - cultivation of the affiic
tions : the expansions of the soul's pnrest,
sublimest energies : 'that neglects to supply
the. spiritual wants of our being, is imperfect,
injurious' and should receive the disapproba
tion of the wise and , good
'Evil contaminations should be avoided;
I but in order to do this, it is not necessary to
array ourselves in the garments of monkish
asceticism, and retire to a convent; sines rev
erence for; aCred things, for the divine attrib
utes, for the Deity himself can be entertained
without seclusion from the busy world. In
deed such's respect, so elevating, purifying,
ennobling should go band in - hand with all
the affairs of life.
Again; _Man is endowed with-a physical,,
RS well as mental 'rind moral nature; and this
also requires developernent. Its cultivation
-however, should not be independent of, but
vvrtli itta Atsangtbeniisg of
the - intellect and moral' powers. Hundtedi,
_thousands, Throughout our land, di'e an:
nually from effects of violated physiological
laws.' This is a solemn, suggestive truism,
one Lieserving the ' serious consideration of
every man, woman, and child.
When the Almighty made man, be fixed
_certain laws, which were designed to govern
his intellectual, Moral, and physical being.
Tit% chnsequenee of an infraction of the first
mentioned, is a divarfettand sickly mentality;
- obtusenetzs of understanding ; incapacity to
appreciate the works of nature and art; ina
hrlity to gra l ) the sublime truths of philoso . -
phy,_and metaphYsical science : Of the sec
ond depravity, moral turpitude, horrors of a
guilty conscience : Of the third corporeal
suffering, , prematute death. The penalties
attached to these. laws are Certain, and una
voidable. j Civil aws are . frequently broken,
and the criminal'escapes punishment ; but if
the laws Which govern our triune nature be
violated, the preScribed •penalty will' follow
as tight succeeds the setting Sun.
For the'Democrat.
S W. T.
Now it is.a,significant fact, that whether
knowinglj or ignorantly we infract any of
natures laws, we invariably endure the perol
tfannexed to such infraction. Multitudes of
the voting and blooming of both sexes are al
most daily laid in the silent tomb, unfortu
nate ‘jetiins of • disregarded physical laws.
I shudder when indulging in such a contern
pla'tion. See that pale, attenuated youth,
who walks with feeble 'step, and slow. Dis
ease has bowed. his once erect and stately
form, and dimmed the lustre of his eye. His
Nee; once wreathed in smiles of joy and hope,
is said. Despondency sits •upon the lofty
bow: His - aspirations, have taken wings.
He thinki only - of approaching dissolution.
Disappointment has claimed him for its prey,
and he may well exclaim iwith'Montgomery—
• ' I long to lay this painful head
And' aching heart beneath the soil,
To slumber iii than dreamless bed,
Months, perchance years roll on, and the
youth, at last, yieldi to the destroyer, end
goes down to 'the , grave in the morning of
life. A sad picture this, but no less sad than
true. Let me draw you another portrait.
Behold that y, oung. man who passes by,
with • firm, elastic tread. His api rits are ex bu
hem& ; his eyes *sparkle with delight ; his
cheeks blushing as the orient slat rooming.
The blood cooties fieetly througir - his veins ;
his voioe is clear land strong; life has ten
thousand charms for him ; sorrow and
spondency afilicti him not; health an t i•
strength are his; vigor is in every nerve. Com-
pare these feebly *awn sketches and behold
the contrast The snbject in .the one case,
from his child-hood up, disregarded the laws
of his physical orginization; ignorant of the
consequetwes perhaps, but ignorance, with
Nature; is inexcusable.. •In the other ,exa m Ple, the youth was, early taught to ins
.,injunetionts relative - to his
physical irelfare - ; and the': consequences of
obeying =these preeiril are a SQunu mind
a_•aoustd body ;" a capaeiiy b pek'onit a
cut 11.0010, 00110011) a 44 =suit bebot s
; From all my tcil.
Nlontrost, .itsfluttaitna Countg, fenn'a, tlitrsbag, ,11 ening, RoVtmber 27, 18 U
will, energy and power. that enables 'him
to triumph over Millie difficulties of life, and
a full measure of Nears, denied the dne, who
lived in habitual violation of natures code of
My friends, do yott inquirellow health can
be preserved, anifloagevity- secured f I an
swer ; by acquainting ourselves of taw prin
ciples relative to our physical constitution.
The "greatest study o mankind is man," is
an aphorism that shesld be kept in remem
brance, and not only kept in- remembrance
but acted upon.
Patents, as you lore your children ; as
you desire their futtire happiness, teach them
the physiological laws pertaining to the
economy of their bodies. The human system
you are aware, Is a": wonderful and complica
ted machine, and whenever the least
tant of its function% Is impaired, the whole
fabric suffers.
The passions, too, of the young should be
held in subjection to the intellect, for if al
lowed to riot at pleasure, they will assuredly
impair the growing mind `and body. The
minds of such—whetber young of old:--as
are under the dominion of passion, are de
based and effeminate. It is not in the na=
lure of things to be otherwise. A Vicious
and depraved mind reveals itself in the coun
tenance;and influences the animal functions.
To the young, who hear me; I beg leave to
say t If you -would attain that position in
the scale of existenen you were created to oc
cupy, study thoroubly and' obey. implicitly
the rules of health and longevity. Follow
mature and it will be . well with you physical=
ly t and without physical ability what is desi
rable on earth P Health is the first and grand .
requisite to a happy and useful life ; and
withiMt this inestimable boon, we are misera
ble indeed, though possessed of the health of
a Croesus.
I hare dwelt .upon this portion dour sub
ject too long, and fear have wearied your pa
tience; but I feel deeply in respect to this mat
ter,having witnessed much suffering, resulting
from disobedience of those laws I - earnestly
solicit con to obey.
Again: The facilities for acquiring such an
education as I have endeavored to describe ;
an education which shall embrace a knowl
edge of our intellectual, moral, and physical
organism are abundant, and within react of
nearly all. How different in this respect was
the state of things, n few years ' when
this,blooming section of country, teeming
"ith a thrifty, enterprising population, dot
ted with churches, commodious-farm and
school houses, golden with orchards of ri
pening fruit and waving corn, was one dense
wilderness scarcely unbroken by The wood
man's ax' At ,that primitive period books
were few, instructors scarce, 'and not easily
obtained. Now, though the agency of, steam
applied to the press, books are abundant and
cheap. Teache'rs competent to the responsi
ble task of developing, the capacities of the
rising generation, are yearly issuing in swarms
from our high r er institutions of learning.
And here allow; me to remark, by the way,
that the impivement mute by pupils de
ponds Materially upon the teacher; upon
whom, necessarily, devolved onerous and. re
sponsible duties. He should be a .model of
patience, industry, sobriety, and virtue.—
You know children are great imitators. They
copy the examples o? those whom they re
gard as superiors ; hence teachers should be
extremely cautious and not overstep, before
their pupils, the bounds of strictest rectitude
and decorum. j Impressions made upon the
plastic minds Of youth are rarely, if ever oblit
erated. Think of this teachers, you who are
to mould the destiny of immortal
. minds.—
But to return:
Not only are books,. instructors, and all the
requisite parapberivilia of the school mop
abundant, but school houses, spacious and
convenient, many of them . specimens of ar
chitectural beauty, meet the eye of the trav
eller as be wanders over , your bills, and thro'
your valleys.: In these days children are not
obliged to go, a distance of three or four miles
to attend a district school (taught perhaps.
by some illiterate pedagogue) and this, too,
without the necessary books, simply because
they : were not to be bad. That, my friends
was emphatically " the pursuit of knowledge
Under difficulties,." All over the land, flour
ishing academie; universities, and colleges
unfold their portals, and invite the aspiring
youth to enter and partake of the Intellectu
al banquet spread therein. Newspapers_ and
,are scattered broadcast over the
land diffusing intelligence to millions of hap
py homes. In view of all these things, I as. young person, whatever may be his
Or her - Circumstances in life, provided the
laws of health . be obeyed, is obliged to pass
through life, uneducated,
.a mere cipher in.
Put many complain-of want of time to de
vote to study. What no time for securing
that which above all things else is most val
uable I No time for developing the powers
of the soul, and rendering it fit for the beati
tudes of heaven I Yes, all .have time; and
the hours spent in idleness or trifling amuse
ments, between the age of twelve and thirty;
if rigidly IMproved, would secure to every
individual a thorough edu4tion. Men 104
to amass wealth, but floods may sweep it
away, fire consume it, or they may he (lc,
prived of iti by some enforseen contingency,
but wisdmit, whed_oncg acquired, Wi)l remain
with us; and be our friend amid al! 'As vials
and, vitimitudescrif life.
Education in itabroatilkt sense, in thorn%
wish sa 440111das it, elevates bunnanitt
above all that is groveling, igno:fde, and bru
tish. Indeed it is . seldom we'diinOver an in
dividual possessessed of a cOmprihenrive un-'
derstanding, impressed ,svith right -concep
tions of the Deity, and his worIal ! 'degraded,
and visciowi. Show such an one and you
will exhibit an ancrmey. A eertain*ise man
has remarked.
" The great difference to he foirnd - smug
men is doing more to their . education than
anything else." Tbis, to some extent isdoubt
less true. There is a differeneeb4 minds-ori
ginally, but the impressions t o aired in child
hood usually determine the character of the
future man.
,"'Tis education forms the Common mind."
If children are taught to love Wisdom, vir
tueland truth, such instructlou will have an
influence upOn their temporal and eternal
welfare. This is a'serions consideration for
parents, guardians and teachers. 1_
Further : Many' hesitate to . embark Fair
suit of knowledge - through fear Of meeting
insuparable obstacles. 'lf there 'an') any such
here to day, I say to You, throw all such idle
fears to the winds.. Entertain thim not. for
a single moment. Remember " doubts are
traitors," and that
"The clouds may drop down titles Oil estates—
Wealth may seek us,- but wisdotill must. be
If you wish to become learned and great,
hesitate not to make the necessary t efforts for
becoming. so. Don't stand trembling on the
verge of hesitancy. Gird your loins with
hope ; - buckle on the shield of per Severance ;
grasp the sword of persistance, at d:rush bold
ly forward-resolved to conquer, resolved to
carve for yobrselves 'an. enduring ,name, re
solved to do-good, to'dosomethiniworth be
ing remembered for. Resolution, my friends,
is omnipotent . and has achieved great victo
ries in the world. No person ever became
distinguished, who was not in a high degree,
resolute and aspiring.
Again; . Multitudes ngglect to 'brake ef
forts to ad?ance themselves in kpowledge,
because of a
. fancied inferiority or dearth
of intellect.
Nothing is more fata:Ao, sticces in life
than such a fantasy." It restrains the Imagi
nation, cheeks the free exercise off- thought
Andreason, debilitates the judgnent, dead
ens the finer and more tender sensibilities of
our nature ; in short, such an opinion of ones
self acts like an incubus upon the tpind, par
alyzi_ng its energies, And rendering impotent
ita illimitable,_ God-like powers. All
not expect to become WitsbingtoA, Frank
linq, Clays, Calhouns or Websteri; but by
pere.eveiance iu the right direction; we may
arrive at results for exceeding our., MOst MD.
pine expect:mons
It requires time and pains to become
learned_; and one reason why so ninny, who
embark in pursuit of knowledge, fail, is be
ciuse their acquisitions are not made as rap
idly and easily as they anticipated,. Such
persons should have. remembered ihst the
most stupendous enterprises in _the - physical
world, among which may be mentioned the
erection of the Egyptian pyramids ,:the pen
sile gardens of Babylon, the Coliseum at
Rome,.the Acropolis at Athens, Were not
consummated in a single hour, but by years
of patient continued effort. So With the
mind, whose prudent victories are 'obtained
only by a series of achievements,' each appa
rently trivial in itself, but highly
when coinbined in one magnificent livhole,
Too, our education is going on continually
either in the right or wrong direction, either
leading us upward or downward,either elevat
ing or debasing. There is no such thing as sr
standing still or quietus to the mind.' .; It is al
ways active, engaged in contemplatiors, the na
tore of which shapes and determines our desti•
ny. Tithe mind be allowed to revel itt:voluptu
,oustiess, disastrous will be the consequences ;
if disciplined to soar only in the .realms of
pure and lofty,imaginings, beneficial results
will follow.
My friends, intelligence is not nor: need be
confined to the wealthy classes of cninmunity
The children of the affluent have tic, better
mentalities than the offspring of thelndigent.
True, wealth can furnish facilities fair acquir
ing knowledge, but the children of the rich,
relying upon their golden expectatotti l ,not un
frequently neglect to cultivate theirmiuds,
and are often outstripped, in the intellectual
race, by sons and daughters of comparative
pencry. It is a cheering fact, and One. that
serves greatly to encourage the child of pov
erty struggling for name, that a late num
ber of those illustrious personages; of whom
the world speaks with veneration, rose to dis-
tinction from the lower walks of life; and ran
dered themselves famous by their own unaided
exertions. Greatness is thrust upon no one,
Wisdom comes not without being s sought;
and one reason why so many obscure youths
rise to emtnicence is because, from Xiecessity
they are obliged to put forth superior' ener
gies. It is a noble spectacle to behold •aa
humble youth, a child of ionury, !plodding
his way towards the temple of Faroe, bereically breasting the waves of advettlty ; sur
mounting, through the exercise *CO indom
itable will, every obstacle that' obsttucts his
course, Show me such a 'one and " rears
,ot to measure his brains to know kis name
or nation," he will tneteedi and oken dead
the world will know that_ he has livelh Such
souls always realize theivospiratiani, always
. .
carte out tut tnewselves a fadeless *mortal-
, /I la Abis _assembly tbenr if y4ath eca
il u,oE.4liatigptioa, thirstiar (o,r . kaMiledge t
let me say to him, press forward ! iffbatever
pal be year el;otwastaastes Mont ko back
from pursuing the coveted, prize. But beware
of evil influences. You recollect that during
the memorable retreat of, the ten thousand
Greeks from Persia, while they, kept firmly
and steadily on their way, they suffered no,
reverses, but from the hour Clearchus held a
parley with Tissapernes, the direst calamities
The path that leads to omience is not •all)
flowry neither, is it filled with thorns., You
will meet with difficulties and trials, but in
overcoming these you will develop
. your he
roism and manhood, Every victory achieved
will serve to furnish you strength for making
still greater conquests. The mind, like the
body, is strengthened by judicious exercise.—
Its powers are developed in aratio correspond
ing to the continuation a d intensity of appli
cation made.
I have already hinted at eof the advan
tnges accruing from a cultivat mind: I
propose to amplify a little upon his portion
of my subject.
' Au individual of cultivated intellect,'of re.
fined taste, possesses capacities for enjoyment
the unlettered know not of. He surveys the
wonders of creation with a philosophic eye,
and with eon! attuned in harmony with, the
the universe, drinks in with delight the mu
-1 sic of 'the rolling 'spheres. He analyses the
elements, learns their constituent parts, their
uses, and adaptations to the wants of man, He
examines the animal and vegetable kingdoms
i classifies and arranges the 'different species
found iu both.. Armed with the key of Ge
ology he descends into the earth and unlocks
her most secret recesses. On the wingsof As
1' tronomy, he soars aloft and reads the starry
t scroll hung in the Heavens. 'By him those .
resplendent Orbs revolving in illimitable space
are named and measured, their density ascer
tained, the period of their respective revolu
tions marked with unerring precision. Led
i by divine impulses, " he looks from 'nature
up to nature's God." He revels in the Ely-,
sium of science, literature and art. The ac
quisition of knowledge is his glory. The
storehouse of his mind is an inexhaustible
encyclopedia. He delights to instruct the
'rising generation. Be sows brOadeast the,
seeds of wisdom and virtue. Fortunate are
they who dwell within the circle of his influ
ence; Such a man lives respected, dies la
tnented, and deserves a prouder =nutrient
than was ever erected over the ashes of a
bloody conqueror.
- .
LeMming is necessary in order that- we may
fully undeistand our own • selves. Mankind,
by nature, are not all fitted for the same pur
suits, and education will enlighten:our minds
in respect to that calling in which we will be
most likely to sncceed. Not ail have talents
requisite for becoming farmers,' lawyers, do •
torsi. teachers, poets or preachers,and to kno
for What , station we are fitted is truly an im
?ortant desideratum, for if : an individual
lakes a wrong start in life—embarks
. .in l a
pursuit for which he is .disqualified by nature
failure and chargin will inevitably ensue.—
Tne sea of life is strewn thick with wrecks of
once joyous barks, that were launched out
upon, its billows, and steered in the wrong di
rection. A desire to prosecute a certain pro
fession, is not always accompanied with the
ability to do so suceessfully. •
Parents, to whatever pursuit you observe
your children inclined, in that encourage them
Many a man who, by timely encouragement,
might have been distinguished as an orator
divine, painter, or poet, hal been compelled
to squander his energies in a fruitless; uncon
genild calling ; but there are many among
be )earned profession; wlio bad better turn
thei► attention'to mechanical or agricultural
pursuits. But many young men, from a mis-
taken idea that manual labor is degrading,
spend some of their best years in fruitless en
deavors to acquire a !profession, for which
they hard neither taste or , capacity, thereby
rendering tbewseh•(ks ridiculous, and , disap
pointing the expectations if their, friends
Did every individual know his place,t and
keep it, there would be fewer fsilures, less ilia
cord, poverty and wretchedness in communi
ty. •
Education is necessary to enable us Intel-
ligently to discharge the duties of freemen.—
In a country like ours, where the people are
sovereigns it is all important thatintefligence
be diffused among the masses. Wisdom - and
virtue lie at the ,foundation of our free system
of government. Every educated youth is an
accession to the stock ofnationalintelligence
and no nation can become powerful unless
c people are enlightened and enterprising.
The collective wisdom of a State is made tip
of individual inteligences, Public morality
is the result of private ,virtae ; and, no state
or nation, however permanent and beneficent
its institutions may appea . r,.can long exist, un
leas the principles of pure Christianith..un
derlie the superstructure upon which those
institutions rest. Yon rec,olleet time
in the histori of France an au thortaative proc 7 ,
halation was made that thensliai no God
Christianity was dethroned, and tbe divinity
of Reason erected, in,' its stead.. The result
was of the most appalling character. The
whole empire, under the dothinion of infidel.
kty„ sunk into the lowest depths of pollution
and sin ;.` add . thus will it always be Wherii•
er aiorality and virtue are mocked and . die'.
tOur cOuntry is the most proper° inui
happy: the sun itines.nPon. and
O so, .vr a con"
ne While vittosr, *awe; titettatue. &Ilk
e4mtinne to be Gisterid,:aikt tbi pap a' ire
,yaLto the Constitution aim) ibeithdiArP , , • ,
Fathers, yon who !ova your country, •WA
yea. low to loci if t 504 isettieei Omar kir Mi .
:the duties of life; qualify them for-disobaeg. 1
tug the obligations of freemen ; Oars tici pains
to make them moral, intelligent, high taictiq
men and women. - You - had better spend - a
,portion of your fortune in giving your chil
dren a sound and-practical edquition,llian to
allow them to grow up in ignOrance,„event
ually equander is dissipation and -vice your
-Id earnings. Never indoctrinate into their
minds the pernicious , dogma that wealth is
necessary to ensure respectability.: Impress
them with the importance of •cultivating a
spirit of self-reliance, and they will never be-
j i
c 1 me parasites.., :Point them to the majestic
o k, that' challenges the storm; then to the
c inging vine, and they will draw an itistruc 7
tye -lesson from the contrast. - ,
liothers, upon you, also, dovOlviss a trernen•
ous responsibility. The future clus*.ter and
standing of your offspring depend essentially
yon the manner in which their infant minds
are trained. I entreat ° of you, early to imbue .
them with a love of truth, purity, and wis
dom. By kind' Words and gentle admonitions
withdraw their yielding natures from the so
licitations of vice and sinful passions. Per
suade them to walk in virtue's paths, which
are always smooth and powry. Teach them
to fortify themselves against the temptations
and snares of a wicked world. -Do - these and
hereafter " they will rise up and call you
Maidens, your influence upon society, is lim,
itless and controling.. In all , age's, woman by
ber meekness, tenderness & devotion, hai won
be admiration of the sterner sex.. The day has
passed when "she was assigned a low position
in the scale of intellectual being. It was once
denied that woman was irnmortar; but in
the nineteenth century, for one to make, such
an assertion; would incur the hazard of being
regarded as a (col or madman. Your sex has
capacity for, and is doing a vast amount of
good in the world. Woman has grappled
and comprehended the sublime teachings of
the various sciences . . In literature she 'has
shone resplendent. My-female friends, imitate
the'examples of the noblest of your sex ; be
guided by proper impulses; resolve to act vir
tuously and consistently in all.the relations of
life, and you will a blessing to your friends,
an - ornament to society, models for imitation,
and beloved_aud esteemed by 411 who know
you. ,
Young men, you are your country's hope,
her strength in peace, her bulwark in war.—
You 'bold in your bands the destinies of the
mightiest Republic upon the globe. Your
fathOrs are passing away, and yon will be
called to fill their places. capable and
honest , some of you doubtless will be elevat'
ed to offlce within the gift of the people. The
road to preferment is open to all. You have
only to fix your eyes upon the goal, press for
ward 'with a manly determination and the
victory'is'yours. •
Onward! onward each endeavor,
Drings you nearer to the goal;
Onward ! onward or you'll never;
'oog the great your names enrol.
Upward ! upward I toil despising— .•
Look not backward,— forsvard press
Only be content when rising
Spurn the demon, Idleness.
But I beg you, beware of selfishness, that
is an ignoble ambition which seeks only per
sonal aggrandizement. Unenviable indeed
must be the reputation of him , who dies with
out bequeathing to posterity; a legacy of good,
deeds and virtuous examples.. Let all your
actions be characterized by uprightness, meg-,
ianimity and philanthiopy. Live to do good.
May - you never have reason to . exclaim as
did the Roman emperor, "diem perdidr— I
have lost a day.— Shun evil associations:
Cleave to the right, abjure what is wrong.
Fortify yourselves against the crosses and drs- ,
appointments-of life. Remember you hue a
high destiny,to fulfill, and be prepraed,for it.
Be bold, independent,_thinking men. Think
and act for yourselves, irrespective of the in
clinations and periMasions of others. The
mind kept in
.thraldom—in leading strings,
can no . more develop itself than can an acorn,
planted in a dismal cave, deprived dam dews
and sunlightof heaven become a ?rigorous and
giant oak. In whatever profession or pursuit
you engage; be devoted and persevering. Let
Onward " be your watchword—" Labor yin
cit " your motto. Succumb to nodifficulties s
yield to no discouragement&
. .
"Give battle to the lingered world—if thotert
worthy, truly brave, .
Thou shalt snake the hardest circuwstauce, a
helper, or a slate?
Above all, let yoir hearts glow with patri
'otisus, Stand by tbe Union in its every hour
of peril. Vindicate, with your lives, if neces
sary, the: outragi4 honor of your country...—
Remember to die for one's native land is *glo
rious boon.: ; The martin of the Revolution
poUred out theirislooci to nourish' the newly
planted Tree of:Liberty, ancLehoohl'we 'beg ,
tate to shed ourcto keep its branches green
and-vigoroos! Bet, tbaoks to the: God- of
battles, war, that sesorirge tuition! afflicts ui
not. Peace seigps trithia.our bordeie.'
ery branch of honest holustrx4 Prosperous:
Laixrr receives ha meet, reward. Plenty
ehoundo.:_. _ 1 • ..., . 'TT
Upon you, young men, detolre s **great
.tumuie, the reepoibility - Orpetuatin
the I'4'4°o we yon. PO . Provo
umiorttiitbeidolatread. 111 , 4 lOU so tbi
tad g#;'isitetliireikent - 0 1 ,4.,the inin4 4 44
an oveat'iiitig tro' n *idiiiiii.h . Kmmtitting
sudeeeditt 0044* 4rFl .
ii andilgiriaatherty,*; lBll o4bY
who fought tifiniiiicliate an oppress
ed and stru gling people from the - tlaralcloto
eJ palmy
fddit 1- 113* Inita l
rv 4. - • . .
, TWO COO 1 : . f li;. - :'
'The last reFort of the dOtattlisi(ok4n A ,
vest Indi a I t_n mikriad 'll
,iii!, innOrtp4M 3 -
tritindoit to the history 'pr ol f . - 4 cooi,ko,..ei
This trade Carried one it clasehifi"4 4 4 t tlt
, and 'the' West Indie.s;,tinder th#ll4 /
dinary 9 iietitiistaniev;44ire4:o7,SmOi4
and prkeetihn, is a riattinal ocrtkoirtijtA'
tritain. It is rapidireitendiniaridiiiii4i
ted 'as it is on the very, thresholdaf oi dtPT.
mains—it his a direCt leitereit infilicAtnite:
lean penile; Ever since` thi'let),l4atist-:
ished slavery in the cOnnies df qi c io 13144,1 K
her West India Islands and Oniana fiitire Wen:
appriaching more and'tnowitb4cOnilition
which civilized Wan first forind 0.4 k,
cial and *official accounts-state
property continues to siakiti.value; that . ,
roads have hecomelinpitssable;drahlagit, ti!Al l
having been attended to; tluittlanieitifs ., es:: ,:,
tstes have been abandened and ire new , sue , „ ''''
rounded by swamps I iifini, that tW'i ol 4ltrt,
is relapsing into barbarism: • And all this hi '!,_ c
attributed to the fact that.the freed,negtoi pus:
feis idleness,' poierty, and savage life to labotA, -
Bow could she reasonably expect thatdit4 .
freed man would perform iilitie'e ~
task, for starvAtien, at Slavery wagei I
_l4'e,i a ,,- ,
higher compensation was offered by theplint:„
er, who; taxed„ to the' utmost by the . hoo! .
government, could not afford to do so. - 1 Heno -
it was the pernicious system of cheap-nor !dais
-z-labor, adopted by England to underbid and
undersell the whole world, which . made tint - ,
negro refuse to work,. and detericirabid. hert, -
plantations ; and to save the latter and, Ilet , - '.
colonies from utter - ruin, another syste)n- of
human bondage has been devised, "ntonelY, - , - *
Coolie la6or. - :-. ' ' -
The report of the Corarnissindetie - aboie re.., :
ferred to, in connection with - other effleial in
forthation recently published on the Subject of '!
the Coolie trifle, stamps it:-as a,..stiecies: of
bondage not less destructive' in its effeets tip?'
on tlrehysieal and merit condition - of itit ',
'victims than that of African slavery! ' Qe - st4
ertirn - en agents are employed to inveigle - th - e
e l
Chin se and }Butkus on board the Co - ofiti%
traders. They receive for every strong,' ,
oblei •
bodied . man, eight do!hirt The public 4 reps
retentations under which these unfortutio4
Asiatics are induced to leave their conntry, - .
.are delusive and ireacherons. - The climate
to which they are invited is described as
healthy and congenial, and the labor to Int ..,
performed such as they Are accustomed to at -,
home. • They are promised an " casyAnd cote , 2
fortable voyage." -They are give.ri to. , raider;":'
stand that they are engaged - for live 'Yearly - ,
frbm which Obligation they Can,bovvever,' be
telew•ed, after - a year..and a bar, byleising -
land for a tax or ground rent from their mas- - _,
ter, or after one years service, by retetruirig",
the expenses incurred in their behalf "-ass may " , -:
be fixed upon." . The latter clause is verySig= 2 ' ,
nificant. It leaves a door open to the m aster, -
wh o ;May demand a sum -which he knows iiie
Chinese are unable to pay._ ge has the - same: -
adv:%htage in regUlating the land - tax a ground
rent. Every taborer is to receive' annually_
two cotton jackets and: 'Dossiers, a bamboo'
hat and a felt hat. The wages for 'a • strong°
able-bodied man are four dollars . per - monthi:
besides the followinz provielons :.10 1-2 lbs; 2
of rice, 4 lbs, of salt fish or salt - perk Or' tee( -
1 lb. of sugar, and 1 ounce of tea per week,
Or if he prefers money, he will receivelustead
of thre provisions; two dollars per month.=
Ibef his wages, provisiOnsi and all included',"
amount to les* than a dollar and a quarter Tier"
week. ' ' ' • .- ' '
If he tts,a wife aid, children whet - are able
to work, he is generously assured that." they
shall be Told for : their service*;' ' the 'Cotniien-r_'
sation to be settled by the master. - "wide*
throws them coMpletely upon his - mercy" 7 :2„
But if these women , and childrenCantioi Work s ',
how is the family to. live On'Otie dollar and &_
quarter per week, in thi - Weet." Indies * , where .
all the necessaries of life are inordinately, -
high! On his arrival, the, - Chinges .will . - fhts
provided with an employer . 11_4,Ni goeini.'
mint agent i k4hat is to say, any. one who':-
claims, him, and pays the gOrertunent' price('
which, according to the Contrail/dotter% rei..,
port, is fifty dollars, Becomes his , !pester; Ss
own preferences are not consulted. - - 7 he LW
no more choice than the inn) on the see= -:
tioneees- block. - _ ' -- ' -; ' '
A special contract is made .betweet
exalts and the Colonial government i acix,r4 ,
ding to which the former 'are': bounds'' ;to
work for five years from _the date
. of the kar-:
rival of the ship, either in sowing and:"plant,j
ing, in the capacity of menial servant, or`
in weeding, _hoeing, or in platting Inignr:
cane, or as shepherd, Air in digging ditoltese' .
or grounds and foindationK in - short, - every
description of 'servile labor;. !.' - phis, heaV i y
work, forwidch in our Iforthart States do) , "
tar and a half is Paid,be is ;perform:*
(or Imam. t w enty cents per day, and while:
about ten workinglorna my with trita wary 'l
ing day, a Coolie's days` Tabor, - according
soidiast " is comprised bepirsai dlik.liskisaof , 7 1
half after fedi and Isiriee: . Atittisrchonnk"! , ,-:
04 a Ult . eAttpf
doomed to toil lathe bidding of
4. M 4 ,. ( 1 i• ' „ t:
-ten t for.eatonseCttir* k 4110:
terms .
/ 14 " 4 t i*
thres -ebaradiaebeieeathkin ict
aWill belnagedby'the
laws. of thi taistitAC
is niear that the wretekti; *Weil AW:liniaie 4
' • trataitetkitt,
Q, 16 rreaC "
Ititi`i±isk rattan& a half, - mint tlatenettiw i tt:
of)4.1111010. from_4 l * 44-**ltti
K t."
fifittiti? leirb*.4l4:
Shoot& bk drireito d#lpsur;rafid*.
upon making-11 extra stalk:llkt - tifter
clam: howl 4" tmannikoiy:ll.s4;—tirof.
;,-; , '.:,,..9' n'r,-,-2,:!,'.--'',f,7=sl
;..:.!:_'.,,`,_?'_,,,;. j'': -Y_
- - ::'i . ,: , ,•:- ~.: ,-,,fi