The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1856, Image 4

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    Mon s Title-
I) !Omit , patterns, thisday leeceivedr by.
August ; • 4..1. tvmss.
][...i 9d Lr
E beautiful araotteuent of Lock;
e . He, two and four faces--from $4 to
*lo, , bk A. J. Wnka
I ,
C tAXKS-A good nodal enl of Clocks, from
_to . lslo 7 -28 boar and 8 dayrp!sin,stri-
i) ' 8: 'ARMSTRONG,
0 - 0 wain* n .iferthcrrits, No. 3, Erie Biild
• i , ings.
-vOltlth better accommodation for the -farm
ere of Susquehanna County. we have con eive freight every, i day in'the week,
(Sunday* excepted) at' the stare of M. S. Wil
son 3::!son 4 who Will attend to shipping the
same toNjw York: and the return hills be paid
in rash at heir stole.
Capt. Wickham ia their salesman, whose long
experience- l on the I.V. Y. &Lc E. R. a., flatten+
himself thatjustice will be done to his pations
with the abort" arrangement, we invite the farm.
stis to' give; us - a' trial. J,USTCS DILI..
. , 1 .1 . C. It. ARMSTP'
Mentmse, Aug. 4 20,1856.-om.
, I
Itir4 Cages ! Bird , Cages '
PHYFE S. KNOWLTON hacej est received
ailarie and well reteciei.tannment -or
combining Dotty of the most, .e.egant designs
-and belnutiful innh; combining durability with
lightness and a.;.riness of style. "From 5s 6•3, to
$lO, eich,idrinking and seed cops included.
51, fif. otirt at., Bkoghstnton.
GisSit Cause for Rejoicink•
Peace airnong , the Notions of the
Old World.
DlliY GOODS and Clothing'falliag, and have
Already reached a mark below all reasona
ble expectations;.and to prove this fact call at
d. CO attbe east end of the treW Brick Block.
seeing it believing, so .cnll and see for your
selyesi Come along without delay; procrastina
"-von know, is in all eases I dangerous. We
will over yell fare bargas, not otlvred else
where-in northern Penner yania. We can and
rill atidersell All our coin etitors. We. hate
advani,nges in bnying, and manufacture our own
Clothingi'of Which we have a splendid assort
tient, :from a little boy's jacket' and breeches to
the fitiest Dress Coats and Pants, for gentlemen
of all sizes. Oar assortment of Fancy and Do
mestic. Ms: Goods can not be surpassed by any
nether 'establishment in the country. One of our
inn is constantly in, and is s.inding al
most daily, Goods of the latest' and meat fashion
shle',s,tyle. Our stock of Bonnets and Bonnet
frimbigs is complote. GENTLEIIENS HATS,
lots pf them.. Alio a splendid lot of Mantillas.
?denims°, April . 22, )856.
\ WILL, find I: l 7, , o z e e s, lo; islo f ;ep
. Spades, 811 , 1 y -els,
Grass-Hooks; Sickles,
. . ,
and, many other articles for tilling and beautify.
ing ft* earth, at PHYFE & KNOWLT9N'S,
Ilin4harnt6n, N. V. i
. •
WE are Atitermined 'to suit the Ladies, har
t V ing Ikiergeomfortin view, we lately pro- .
cured hf the Leh-porters, a lar;:re'lissoftwient of
which : tn.:Tit certainly ',tease everv:the apost
We have a. fine Flock of Hair, Nail and TOGA
Braslies comprising many el•egant. styles.
Of 'comb.; we have an ertonsive variety, inclu
dpig ritany'of India Rubber. Iron and !Zorn.
We have, beside; many other Fancy Articles.
too ntimerons to mention. C and examine
our Fatter Goods.
61 'Court SL
Refrigerators. •
TUOT i•Prolved a lame lot; at pricOt raagiag.
t1'...fr0m,..55,5v to 812.00.
Mich=lon N. Y
• Britannia. Ware. .
yEILY large stock st
5. „.. `,n.o Tad -le I Guns! .Rifts ! Pistols!
7FE'& KNOWLTON }are now en hand
splendid tot of Fiabinz Tackle, coo3pria-
Rofls, fram la 6,1, to $lO each.
Lities, , frOm 3ets., to 85, each.'
Reels, froth $1.50 to $6 each, and an assort
ment artificial 'Bait, never before equalled in
this vicinity, i ncludin g Frogs, Mice; Glass, Lea th
leflia Rbiober, Minnows, Ginta Percha, Grass
Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c, &e. Pat.•
ent spoons to avoid catching grass while hailing.
Patent Spring Hooks for • Pickerel or Pike.—
flocsAologers, or Yankee Doodle Hooks, a ne*
and improved mode of catching fish.
W tuve a good .stock of Guns, Rifles, Re
volvitig,,single and double barreled Pistols, Pow
der, Shot,,Water Proof sad other caps, Hunting
Horns, Turkey calls , rfc Powder Flaski,
Pouches, Game Bags, Temperance Bottles, &c.
In, font we hate every article of Sporting ap
paratus. Hooke, for outline -fishing by the hun
dred thousand; PHYFE & KNOWLTON.
51 Conn: st., Binghamton.
.Pleine read it, it is short and of iinportanee
14 every House Keeper.
LLAVE received their spring supgy of house
furnishing Goods. We Caul; now offer
seven be.autifol styies of Crockery: One of thee)
a new and elegaut Spring Pattern of White En.
smelled Ware. Our Goods are all ja No. .1 in
quality, no seepuds or odd lots. - but complete
setts, and can alwayb be matched if brawl or
more wanted. for years to come. All the com
ma Wares; CHINA TEA WARE,' eta splendid
styles of-w . hite and decorated, very low.
• i - GLASS...WARE..
a complete and 'unboun ded variety Malty: on
hand. TEA TRAYS of our own importation.
Fifteen elegant patterns, far surpassing in rich.
nets, finish - and durability, the American article
usually sold, at as low prices, and by far.the
largest and most complete lot ever offered in
th,:se• partm, from 83 to 815,per sett- ()flour:
. .
Brass Cornices, Banda. .Hoeke,.&c.
atptiess that defy competition. Twenty differ.
eat - i styles of these elegant Bird Cages, from
75 cents to $lO each. 34 different patterns of
superior warranted Clocks. train 4FI to
each. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly re.
paired.. Plated Castors, Cake Haskell's, Spoons,
Forks, Napkin Rings, &c. &c. 1 4 .00 Pen
Knives and Forks. ' Parlor Limps, Hall Hatir
ingl.Lamist. Britannia and Tin Ware. .
Alakbelieetl Iron IdantlePioces sad Grates. Itt.,
in tict &general House Building and Hones
Fuinishing establishment.
Ell3rCalt And see us at our "CRYSTALPAL.
ACE." Iwo doers east of the Canal.
Eirif +r Goods are not at repremantedi our
prices low'as in town, end you are not tree.
-W.', well, please .donl-bu v.
Binghamton., Mareli.JBs6. -
icjilyrz & KNowiToti arß Ago*
_raj is
!, ;ilatabei of hillnies4orms and sill *apply
-Ai:Trade 911410.1164 tennuoprAit a low_ piece
theirdatiaarei Mouse Tangek t iig aua rill 4
4.34:4* Ediabibil*wat, • • -
Zleaturt Street.
TioGAI point
Animus, Pa.,
Threshers and Winnower* combined..
Circular and Cross Chi Saw 'Mills. Emery's
Cider Mills. Feed Cattors, - .Corn - Sheller", Coin
and seed Planters. .S.vmonr's Grain Drills and
Broad Cast Sowers. Revolving Horse Rakes.
Dog Powers. Clow's Grain- Cradles. - Ketch.
um's-Mowevi. Iteapersand Mowers Combirfed.
Magic, 'orn and. Cob -Mills.. Excelsior-Fanning
Mills. Cultivators. .L.eatherand Rubber felt.
inga, Meat Cutters, Apple l'eare.a. .Refrigera
tors, Proilsion -Safes, l ate. .• '.
Extras furni4bed for - repairing Emery., and
Wheeler'imaehines. -. •
Our ExtelAnr Fan ping Mills are 'second to
none snadeLin the Uniim.
Descriptive Catalogries, Price Lista and Circa.
tare of all machines. &t., sold by us. sent gratis
and postage prepaid. to - all applicant". Send us
your name and address,
• FL L. BLOWERS, of Franklin, Agent. Post
Office address, .lontrose, Pa.
Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure,
r i R Antidote to Malaria; for the prevention
kJ . ..and cure of Fever anol Azue..or Chill'Fe
ver ;Dumb AgEtt, and other intermittent and
Remittent Fevers; atso 'Billi ons Fevers, ac.;
companted by Typhoid 1 7 01.1. Yellow Feyer,
Ship and Jail General Debility; Night
Sweats, awl all other forms of disease. which
have a common origin in
EquallY certain as a preventive or zure.
For sale by the undersiglied,authorizeti agfnt
for-the Proprietor, A. Rhodes, • ProVidenee,
•-• I. N. BULLARD. 1.18.56. i
Peado Decla red'
, •
X such terms tnat secures t h e right ofevery
I nation to the Mivigatien of theDartithe.and
Ibe it known to the people of Susquehanna
1 County. and tbe rest of the ;t •orl - d, that they will ,
find it to their advantage in conie to the Teinp : „
i -
1 erance Saloon and Grocery in Main St, ,11‘1117.'
I rose, Pa., (the only Temperances:l:fon in Mmil
t rose) to get Pies, 1 soca as sere pies, Cakes,
1 Cheese, Crackers, sardines, pickled Oysters,
Clams, Cucumbers. Ice Crean), Orange;',' Pine
Apples, Candy, and Segara, Nuts &e./ Small
1 Beer, Ice cool Lemanade:, dad Soda Water to
l eat and drib'.:.. At the same place is a / good as
sortment of Groceries and Provisions, with new
.supplies every Week from New York, such as
, Tea; choke - kinds,
_from :Is. 9r., to fa. per lb.
I Sugar now at 9 ets.. Bose Coffee 11 1-2cts..
i crushed, Pulverized and Grantflated -at• Is. per
lb. Molasses 35.,t3d.-per Gallon: best Syrup at
ss. Gd. peegal: Pork, Smoked Ilem, and Shout.
dens. dried,-Beef _Clam. Cod, Mark4el. White
and Blue Fish. Cheese, Craekers. 'Lard, Tallow,
Sterine patent and Sperm/C:andlrS. a variety of
Bar Soaps, Shavin7 do. best in use. C,,frey Rice.
and Tobaece,, plug , and/fine:ent, Chewing :1114
- Ranking, do. in tin ; foil! Fie Craekers and Fire
Works. Matches a'il kinds. dried Peaches.
Plums, Cherries. Figs: from • I t to Itifid: per lb.
Prunes, 7.antee Currents, Citron. Pi! , paste, Sa.
go for paddings.-Spiees all kinds, do. Gronnd
Mustard, do. French Soap Powde r, Babbitts Sal
a-ratuis. do. and Wa._-;hing , Soda, Cream Tarter.
and Super C.:rb S'oda Tartaric Acid, Licorice,
do. root; Parry Candy and Gum ' Drops, fresh.
'from N.Y..' Cassia bads, Canary seed, N-utm..e-s; ,
Cloves &e, Cocoa, Bretua and thalkelate, LT)r-
Hardt black and scotch sreff. Basins, from Is.
to la. fid. per le, Stutatee e , .!edless.; Basins, starch
(pearl) Corn starch. Patent Nutmeg Grater!4:and
Clothe's pins, Sweet and . Castor Oil in bottles.
Raymond's Lees. and Wrights Pills, Salts, Roll
Brimstone, • Sulphtii. ,yara . -:Catuplior, Vinegar
Choke ii:lt. of Catsup, Pickles. Pepper -Satire
Raspbery Syrup. flavyin;;in extracts, Ilaii , -011s'.to
embelish and prevent .''rota falling offer terming.
grey. Herring by the 4ox. White - Wash ; Scrub
1 andr'Shoe brushes, SsVe and boot Blacking.
Garden seeds, slate and lead penciii, Axe hand
les, Brooms,.Tooth Ache Ointment, an almost
sure cure for burns. Sprains: Bruises, &c. Rum.
slim Linament,geod for man or beast. Horse
Medicine, together with a lart , e assortment of
Children's Toys, selected 'With great care for
both girls 'and bovs,among which are- small
pail and Baskets, Horses, Dogs, arid Cattle on
wheels and rockers. small Tea
,Setts, Thimbles. !
Cornelian •Rings 4 Taps, Clarionettes, Arcorde
on, liarrrinnicons, Harps; land many curious
things, Ladies. Baskets and Sewing - Birds, Sack
Salt Tor family Ilse, Corn Meal, also Pear, kept
constantly•on hind, by the pound, sack
-or bar
rell. • 4
e- ,- -vr-- rSTm '4lt ,
2'l&lltiji z . ...11 . 1AD
Clams, Oranges , and Lemons, Pine Apples, - &c.,
Some Eggs, Butter, Potatoes Beans, &e.; taken
in exchange. The above G...a. Are for sale for
.cash or ready pay. . .
Thankful for .past v f hope -by strict
attention to business and Small profits to gain a
lsrger share of, patronage, and thereby - all be
mutualy benefited, all orders with the ready
will be promptly attended to. • •
- S. S. MOTT.
Temperance Saloon. Grocery and Previaion
Store in Main St.. Moor*, Pa.. May 20..1856.
Burning Fluid and Camphiine• •
A FRESH supply, just received, and for sale
cheap, also, candles, uld enough, big en
ough and hard'enough to stand alone, in sum
mer time, by
June 9.1856.
Starraceo, Rail Road
1 .11 cis A
ILLIAM TREMAIN dr. 'CO., are . on hand
with the largest; best, and cheapest stock
of general merchandise in town. Consisting of
Axes. Alpacca, ,and
Brooms, Boots and Bedsteads.
Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing.
Denims, Drugs, and Door Handles.
• Envelops, Edging, and Epsom Salts.
Flour, Flannels, and Fish-Hooks.
Glass ' Groceries, and"Gimblets. •
Hats. Hams; and Hand-saws. "
Ink, Indigo, and Imperial Babies (dresses.) •
Jugs, Jacodets, add Jeweharpe.
Knives, Knobs, and . Kentucky Jeans.
Locks, Lamps and Looking Glasses.
Matches, Mnstins and Molasses. "
Nutmegs, Nankeen. and Notions.
• „Oils, Oxbows and Overalls'.
Pork, Pills and Powder. - •
`Qxreensware,-Quills, and Quart-cups. . •
Rubbers, Raisins and' Rat-traps.
Shoes, Shirts and Sugar.
Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains.
' Umbrellas, Under•shirts and Union Hata.
Veils, Vinegar and Vitro!. •
Whips, Wallets add Wash-bowli.
Xtra Pipe:fine Flour.
York,Cottonades and Youtles Hats.
Z. And toady other articles which they are'
selling at a ve Small -advance on cost prices.
"Small Profits "-add fair dialing is, the motto for
•the Simmer_ of '56. G'o"e ns a call and.test the
'truth of ou r sisseitiOns• •
lazleab°r°7P 4 k- , 28, 1856. - .
- .eme . and Bea,
EiGHTY:PINTE mite . 13 easb will buy ore
dollars. , _worth - of -the splendid stook of
sprlag and summer Goods just iiegyioff its the
'Choy cob And. batter store st DiTerl Aver eer•
sere, where Almost everYhc4goel 11 9 - W - 1 41 1 31 PY
their Goals. flour;tad, halt kept always on
Diaiock Mew 0 3.1 rtC. • •
I - - ,:t'i'.:. ---._:, - . - ---
Are coring the Sick to an eitent serer
before known of•any Medicine.
IMES HALTED. Rat., the well known' perfumer, of
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, whore choice products
are found it thud every toilet, says:
• „AM to eay of your CATHARTIC! Pitu, that I
`eve found them a
_bipttiet family ftwilichut, for ronitomi
de, than any other dithin my knowledge. Many of mg
frieeds bavervalizalmarked benefits from them, and tn.'
Inch% with me hi-believing that they panel extraordinary
virtues for driving out diseases and curing the Birk. They
are not only effectual, but safe and pleasant in be taken •
totalities which mud make them reload by the piddle,
when they are known."
The vendable Chancellor WARfiLAW write. front Bal
timore, lab April, 1854:
„1. •
• "Da. J. C. Aria— 81r: I hare taken your rim with
great benefit, for the tiefiewnets, languor, lose of Appetite,
and Bilious headache, whieb bat of late yawn. overtaken
• me in the ruing. A few done of your Pills cured me. I
have used your Cherry Pectoral many years in my family
for coughs and eels with totalling undo. You make
medicines which cars; and I feel It a pleasure to commend
you for the good you have done and are doing."
JOHN P. BRATTY, Ree.,Bu. of Pewit. Railroad ea,
• " Pe. R. R. War, Phriedelyan, Dee. 13,.1513.
"Bars I take pleasure in adding my tnrierning to the
efficacy of your Ineditinee, having derived very material
!benefit from the use of both your Pectoral and 'Cathartic
Pills. lam never without them In my family, nor shall I
ever consent to be, while my means will procure them."
The widely renowned 8. 8. STEVENS, U. I)., of %Vent
worth, 27. fl., writes:
" laving need ,out Cansawne Pius In attatvertn, I
Certify from experience that they are an invelnabie iN1751-
tire. In caste of disordered functions of the liver, c 1 " 1 ""If
headache, Indigestion, coptiveneas, end the pent ;variety
- of diseases that follow, they are a surer remede than any
other. In all cues where a purgative remedy is roduind.
I confidently recommend these Pills to the peblic,
supecier to any other I have ever found. They are aura
• is their operation, and perfectly safe—t nalities a hich
make them an invaluable article for public umi. I have
'for many years known your Mary Patton! as the beet
Cough medicine In the world ; and then hits are to tie
wise' inferior to that admirable preparation for the treat
ment of diseases."
"dohs, Are, Abe. 'ZS, 1853.
" Da. J. C.; Avis—Thar Sir: I base been nillicited (Toni
my birth with 'scrofula in iii wort form, and now. after
twenty years' trial, and an untold of amount of stitTering,
have been completely aired in a few weeks by your .
• With what fealimp of rejnicingl. write can only be
imagined when yon goalie. what I heve suffered, anti bow
"Never until now have !ibeert nee fawn this loathsome
disease in some shape. At notes it attacked'my net., and
made rue tamest blind, besudes the unendurable pain ; at
others it sealed In the scalp duly head, and destroyed my
hair, and bar kept ene,gartly bald ell my daye ; wanctimee
It rame out in my facts and kept it for months a raw ...ire.
" About nine weeks ago I commenced taking your Ca
thartic Pills, and now am ago_
free from the complaint.
)ly eyes are wello'tny skin is fair and my hair has tont.
ensured a healthy growth; all of; which makes *lle feel
• already a new person.
" Hoping rids statement may be the Olearts of curtsy inc .
information that shall do good m uthere, I am, with eery
sentiment of gratitude, - Yours, disc.,
" i have knows the above named Maria Ricker from.
her thildtkird, and her statement is strictly
/ Overseer of the Tuniomouth Manufacturing Co."
JOEI, PRATT. of the ship Marion, write, from
o Roston, !nth April, 1854:.
/. Your Pills have cured me from a bilious attack which
amee fmm derangement of the Liver, w hit h had lassinte
very serious. I had failed of any relief by toy rli!.irian,
./ and front every remedy I could try but a few doses of
/your have completely restored me to health. I have
Oren them costly children for worms, with the beet cf
. feces., They were promptly cured. I tecononoended them
to a friend for costivenese. which bad troubled bini for
months; be told me in a few days ,they tad. rowed hon.
You make the beat medicine in the world; and I sift free
to wry so."
• Read this from the distinguished Solicitor of the Supreme
Court, above brilliant abilities have made Lint well
known, ant only in this but the neighboring States.
• . "tine Het/train srit :lard, 45:4.
"Sir: I have great 'satisfaction in assuring 5..0 that
myself and family have been very much beneficed by your
medicines. My wife was cured, two yearn since. of n se.
vere and dangerous rough. by .your CHLIRT PECT.RaI.,
and since then has enjoyed perk-et health: My children
here several times been cured from attacks of the Indol
ence and Croup l,y' It. It is an invaluable- remedy -Cri
Moo cuniplainta. Your Csrtiaairrie PILLS have entirety
cured me from a dyirpepeia and .coetiveness, nt.ich has
gown upon -me kir some years, -indeed, this cure is
murk noire important, from - the tact that I had kited to
get relief from the best Physicians which this section of
the country AMA*, and from any of the numerous rime.
dice I bad taken.
" You seem to us, Doctor, like a providential blessing
to our family, and you may well suppnee we are not tut
' mindful of it. Yours respectfully,
" Selest• Chusebrs. srl,
• " Ht. J. C.:Aria,— Honored Sir: I hart made s. thor
ough VIM of the PIMP, left me ley Your went,
and hate been cured by 14E10 of the dreadful nbetrinaci-tii
under which he found me suffering. The fir-it dose re-
Hived meoind a few subsequent doses have entirely
removed the disease. I feel in better health now than toe
some y earn before ;which I attribute entirety to the strict,
of yin.or Carneinc PILL. Touts with meal respect,
The above are all from pereona who are publicly known
when they reside, end who would not make the.o :lett--
menu without a thorough viiviction that they were true.
Prepared Irso.Dß. J. C. AYER & C 0.,.
Practical and Analytical Cheriista. Lcrwell. Maas.
. .
' - ,r- •• -F• 1 - 3 , , ,D - j ....--. .
• .. Iri.sll Lr ) .11 . . :' ' z.i.) •
e_____. _ rr FIE :3A L'AMANDFIIsAFE.:
~;...„„,2—, 1. of Pil4ftdelithin ft:ld:L:4 Ihr
j . ..iii2 -- 1 i rrorld.— . Evens Wft4oll. NO. 2(3
im. •:,oath }earth sA,treet 1 . , lidadelphia.
'.'...-......„. !here had the surest d , ranostration
' --,,,- -' •
• in the following C. 4: ificites. that
their manufactcre of Satr.mander Safe 4 kis at
lenfrth .fuilfwarranted the representations which
hate „been mode of them, as rendering an un
doubted security azaimit the terrific element:
PHILADELPHIA, April 13, IS:i6.
fords us the highest satisfaction to state to you
that owing to thevery protective qualities of two
of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of
you some few months • sinee.' we saved a large
portit,p of our Jewelry, llook:s, Papers, &e., ex
poSed to the calamitous fire in Ranstead Place.
on the morning of the 11th inst. •
When we reflect that these. Safes were loca.,
ted in the fourth story of the builaing. we ( we l l .
pied, and that they fell subsequently into a heap
of burning ruins, ek here the ieast concentration
of heat caused the brass plates to melt. wecan
not but regard the preservalon of the valnable
contents as most convincing tproof of the great
Security afforded by your Safes.
We shall take much pleaStire in recommemr
ing them to men of business ;Is a sure reliance
against Eire. Gtor.GE W. Stmoss & Liao.
PIIILADELTIIIA, April 12. 1856.
Mrssns. Evans & WATSON—I have to offer
yon my testimont in favor of the great security
afforded to my e tire etockt of Jewelry, books,
papers, &e..during the recent *disastrous canna
nation i 4 Ranstewi place, from the fact that the
same Were contained - in twci of the Salamander
Safes manufactured by yon,
• Having fallen from the fifth story of the Arti
san Building, where they ware previously placed
and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the
preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to
every one a - ho witnessed the openingand interi
or examination,a matter Of profound astonish
To all who may require a perfect protection
from the ravages of fire, I shall not hesitate to
recommend the use of yo.ur Safes. as I consider
they have noir undergone the most trying test.
- N. E. MoanAa.
• Putr.AnEt.cuti, April 14, 1856.
Itassns. EvAss:it WArsoa—Genttemen—No
doubt you. will be deeply gratified to learn the
good conditirn in which I discovered my book,
policy of insurance, certificates or stock, and
other iuluabledocuments, when on Friday last I
opened the Safe made by your firm.
With my knoWledge of its great exposure,
both to the intensity of the heat - from so hot a
fire as that which destroyed the Artisan .
ing, as also from the force of the fall from its
former elevated position in the third 'story, I
could entertain but slender hopes prior to its in
terior inspection, that the content« which I once
so highly prized would everbe orany service-to
me;-but as these fears are flow happily. removed,
feel it Only due to - say to yon that! can hence.-
forth: recommend the use of your Safes It* all -
who may wish to feel a cOnfideoce in the per_
feet security which 'gnat means provides against
so frightful= element.
&mato Gaart.r., Bookbinder.
Constantly on hand, Patent Powder and Thief
Proof Locks, for Banks, Stores dr.c. - • •
April 24, 1856,-110. •
Whips 'Prthe Million!
IMROSIiS citi. to 85,00. of
ID/MU Flour from 7 to 8 &Alan > per
Li bbi.", for sale at , S. tik morn.
Ashton - -;Batt;
.ti r a
"ICIOR Uri Tabi-e'lliatjeur r P4;liatl
1 1 for oale . by the B.4eir, !I . 14 ; tru,
June 9, 1855.
7-7 ro arid Hotts4 taints ing
TIIIS i • N o t,
pro,„oresFoo age, one _On_ts
i tt'or if thly did; a glaTie at the Manifold
writes on wh eh the tightnini whizzes with
portant nevus, Would soon totiviticera look at;,
the rushing ears Would add More emphasis to
the last, and wise conclusion. New proof 4 pre
vent th'Cnnelves each day"; each day we are
more nnxions to
"C. the living mannerCas as they rise,"
turn them to Our own amount, and tat:,, in as
much each as pwisible•
Now a days people are av,.rseto dealing ht t.ld
fashioned Stores-4.n0,e eNtahlished from ten to
twenty years a.zo. their proprietors having:he
dome thoroughly • imbued with the high price
principle, (or rather lark of are un4
wilting to...lower their demantia to a scale more
in accordance With the Omen " : - tve live in.
esolved to keep pace %Vith ;the pro:.Tressive
spirit of the age, we have twirled our nbw and
spacious Store, No . . st, Court, St., with a very
large assortment of
. . .
Hardware, House Varnishing,
and Fancy roes, which we Offer wholesale or
• retail, at the loWest price's, foi cash or. approved
credit. I UYFt: & 106011.T0N,
sl,Court St., ilighatitton, N. V.
. We advise country, fOrchants to vis'aus.
They will find it advantageotti. . '
jAS just received from New • York, a fu!
1 and desirable stock of
Comprising a first rate assortment of .D.rtzsa,
Ntedicincs, Chetnicals, Molical Instruments,
Paints. Oils, Dye Stuck. Chifia, Glass andlllit
ilten Ware. (a g”od variety of Crockery,)
Annia Ware, Jail:tuned and Planished Tin . Ware,.,
Silver and all other 'l:imis cif Spoons. Silver !
Forks. Butter Knives . , &e. All sorts of Lamps.
A 000 d variety of Wood -and Gilt, Frame Mir
rors.. Wail and Wintio , A: Piper. Stationery.
Stone and Wooden Ware. :Brushes. Brooms.
Family Groceries. Lamp Oils. Camphene.—
Burniog Fluid. Tallow -Stearin and itlir,4rna,..teti
Candles.- Hide anti oth e r Whips. Varnishes.
Window Glass, &c. A first trite variety of,Jew.
city. and 'Caney Goods. Gold arid Silver Spec s
taeles. Gold Pens. Vitilins. l / 4 :Flutes, Fifes, Ac
eiirdeons., Violin anti Veolinetillo Strines,. SLe.—
The lartrest assortment of?-Pocket Knives in
Snsq. Co.. and the 1.24•-t ir, Miirket. Shot
Guns. Pistols, (shigle D;fahle ilarryl,) Re:
short. the Kyr:le:an. the Inyal;d. the Hou se :
keeper. . the Farmer, the Mechitnie, the Manufsc
iarer, the Professional Man, the Gt— s itlernan. the
_Lady. the Rich and I fie. Poor. the Yot3Tl7, and Old,
the Beautiful and th,,. and th e
Fi,shionahle, anti all the rest if tint people,
tind to su—ily their: every day wants.
at Thirrell's:
: •Storo in Ow nett' iirick Bliieli—Prices l6w--
Qualities good—Calland , no. l :
ontros•:-. March ft, 15_ 1 56. •
..'"--irThey are all going to Turrell's
BoOks . That Ara: Books.
For sale or the Montrose BOok, Store. in the
Post Office.
37neaulav's History of Englintl.
Diary rind Correspomlcrve of Amos Lawrenee.
PriAtin of ‘Vellevenion Indian
.rehepi;;;o.rn, by Capt. Gibson. •
R.res*, 711'roguily and otkr Taies -
Grei.nw,ioa. •
The Bash 11 : 4,, a Cilpt.,ll:iyne•lteid:
The Great !tea Drau... , o.
The Prince of ths 1-, ,, use of David. .
.Good Time C.ming. •
(IH-thin oin:ais Trials , : 4::d Triumphs.
TEe thynx
. .
Man of War Life. . _
TIM Old Homes:end. '• . •
.. .
Woodkii: er tits! Wlys of Prilvirboice.
D'Anbigne's Ilist,nry of' Ow Iteform.lit;rl.
Family Testaments with Psnibts and Notes
1'0e 7 ,14 do :Aid 8i 1 .14,5. -
Cal !it)! : , t! Prayt4 Book.. - ; .
Yankee Npti..rts. &..1...,&r. •, •
They the Store
pi3t•t. tt j : !(•t. 13,1,4:S c h e dp. ‘V e lj .
what if rieu . elo ynu . whether
they *.4,110(.. trash or ..11, yOn.try—but
neier mind I feCt very thnn.kiiil- for phi,t favors
nrul hop.. to Merit 3 COT:lht.l::thill- of . patronne.e.
by strict attention to , the
. w:inis of-.hepublic`
and L 1" keeping on band a Er.00:1:1 assorttnent of
Books and Stationary at ••Liv: and Let Liv e "
prices. BULLAiIt).
Montrose; April 2. 1.556.
Low .-Prices Triuipphant.
GEORGE W. SEY3loiLilt.''a CO., ere now
receiving rungmtic?nt' ,stoek of Spring
and Summer Goods, K-leeted :with great care .
and With special re , (ani to the I.ates and wants
'of this eommuoity.cOnsistinn. of a choice varie.
!tv of Drv.Goods,Fanev Goodti and embroider
leS, Boots and Shoes, Groceries; hats, Cans,:.nd
Straw Goods, Crock; rv. flarrtvi.are and Cutlery,
&e. Which we will soil for:pompt pay, at
lower-prices; than• miy other "establishment in
this County.
- J .,.
we would mar, that they have not been ftirrrotten,
and that in the way of Dress 'Goods. we have
rolled for their use the ehoieeiit gents in the
market!- Drpp in and s-e. its, :tad we will take
pleasure in showing you the nie.St-and *cheapest
stock of Goods yen ever saw in: this place.
Harford. May 8, 1836.
VOODtN, ‘ l y H il l i , l , F n E . :,rd
. T . it!_ .. yiflse . : : :P . .._t_ s,
S, li, " " 1 -4 kI•N
.* Binghamton. • .
New Goods
Arriviiig daily, by Erpress,: . at Hopbotlonc,
Peam'a. •
rir HE subscribers nre now 'opening a large
" and well selected stock . Of new Goods.—
Consisting of Dry Good., Groeries, Hardware,
-Ready Made:Clothing. Boots iind Shoe:4 of :dl
sizes and stiles, Flour, Corn We, Sail. &c. &c.
-All of'wbichi they will sell as cheap a3can
be bought elsewhere inlhe Coinity,in exchange
fur Lumber, Shingles,' Produce .of all kinds,
Woolen Socks, for cas ripproi-cd credit.'
Two shillings per pair paid for good Socks:
Sixteen cts. per doz. for Eggs. \.
. Twenty cts:per lb. for Butt r. •
Hopbottoin. April 24; 1856.Ei
Better Late thaiiiNever.
. •
New Goods itt the Upaouyille %-
- elsauge.
,L -
THE subseriber , is .happy to Inform:nisi friends
1; and trons that he has !just • re&ived a
choke 19.
.of Goons,ditect fro New Yerk,con
:listing, in rt, of Dry Goods, Oroeeries; Crock
ery, Hardware, Stoneware, • Filth, Nails, Boots
and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bon - pets. Umbrellas, -
Wall 'Paper, Window, Shades, Ready-made
Clothing, Yankee - Notions, 4 , 4.. dr.c.; which he
"wiii:sell as cheap "for ready pay, especially jril
cash as can. be bought at r anY :pill er . establish.
anent in the county. • That is tx4say that he will
not be beat by any bragging,
, - JEWS OR, GENTI!..EfiI.
Re also wishes to say s wordito'hiseustomets
and others. in relation to the Way some ratan
folitt do their business: If 1130 - have .soeks,
Cabbages, or Turnips or anything . else ttnans
werable that they wish to dispose of they will
take thein to the Sore in their,Own town and
fairly or unfairly forte the merchant to bny them e
and it they have money ,to pay Tor,- GoodS; they
will•go to Binghamton of semi oth e r pla ce t o
spend it and; then report- ardynd how much
cheaper they unlit:ly Goods mivay ' from hom e
than they can' at home, Alt - have to say to
aneh cuatomers , iscame to mo,: with your cash
and if,Lbave any' Goods ycnilrant, -1 ea, and
frii; - tittherfft,o yetiitprices*rfeetlyAstonish.
Upsonville; May ]4 ; 1836. f.
04pet'ings,. Oil:Cloths.
Al floc - Crockery and /Male Furnislany .
tablisbnent of 1..11:
Cheaper than any other
.in Ring-
WOULD call the attention of Housekeepers
and the public: to my springimportation of
wareg. for their elegance of style nod -beauty of
finish, far surpss•dng anything before exhibited,
and having the largest assortztent in store, can
replenish' old setts and furnish entire now ones
of all the new slinks. at a less price • than any
other Houser in this county. -
' The attention of now Housekeepers is partic
ularly called to my stork as embracing 011 the
minutiae, both 'useful and ornamental; of House
furnishing Goods, fur a complete outfit—and
being thus heavily engaged in this exclusive
branch. offer great advantages to purchasers.
embraces the largest variety ever offered before
in this section, of all the'ditTerent Mods.
of eve* , needed article. Carpetings and Oil
Cloths: This branch occupies the second floor.
of our establishment, nearly 100 feet in depth.
well stocked with Velvet, Brussels, Three-Ply
and ingrain Carpetings, ititga, Mats, Window
Shades and T.tbleCovers, which are otrered . ata
'small advance train cost. '
Live•Geieie Featlie - rs always on hand. Looking
Msses, It. .Mahogany, Ornamental and Oval
Glavises, in great variety.
eons tin of Wood and Willow - Were, Plated
Goods. Britannia and Japanned Ware of ece•ry
description, Tea Wont tbt in various styles, Table
Cutlery, Feather Dit,ters, Fluid,. Oil and Solur
Lantos, B:rd also fancy Briskets, Reticule;
Satchels. este. &v.
• r r e- T. all to' which ire inviteyour attention •
J. 11. DE PEti
Birzharnton, April 20, 1856.
No Use in Fifo-ing•
sd—as loun as l'ityfe &
itsip slirh spli•ndirl assortment -11f
ha the': now have in store,* and which is by dl
hand;, rival lLtrdw:lte, included, acknowledged
to be t:te
ever offercid to the citizens. of Broome, Sumque
hanna, fir rinY other county.
ran am !i,ioti an outfit of took am
Wood or. &valour. of New York city; and
at ;vices at lea-t 25,tier cent, loWer than either.
• Pt I YFE & KN()%171..T0N,
liardware. lionsp Fariiishing. and .Fancv Goods
&tabilshment,court St.% Bingham
, ton, N. V., niijoining Bank of
flintTilamton. •
r and Pocket Catlery, n great variety.
1 at twy ./ priceF.,.:4 - ,
& KNowurer,i's
G ° OD Broad Cloth Capsfor 3' shillings
piece nt . BELL & TINGLEY.
AB E U . R EL L,
•Itiontrost: Pa.,
2A5 . kiY.1 4 - 2111DE/ .. J.0
Consiyimzenti Cin:Rtantl!! I?creireti
• •New Goods at Webb's
y UST openctl the subscriber fun a.4l)rt
awn of Sprinl :and Sommer (ioods, which
will be theaper than ever.
Give as neat,. -1 7 (ra eannht t.) be suited
or qualit.v. I:, , lnntitF. and terms.
~Every V.111)-2-
f,-nalty foond' ta a , ariety store.
- .H. 3. Webb,- , ; •
ree . c?ivirr , hi; now Sprin , r Goods,lThidi
. he oiri, of his ii.war low
11,ritros... March 11, 1856,
EfottNe Builders Depot for Stisque-
!fauna Comity, at New Milford.
iiiCKERMAN i;:.GARRETT are giving es-,
I."'pecial atiPittion in the
templated in this CountY
. the cotneing season,
and now offer a 'lel pinfr hand, by keeping con
stantly for gale a large quantity of Window sash
and glass. Blinds, Doors, Nails, Paints and Oils.
and a complete assortment of builders Hard
Ware, &c. Those going to put up Honsesin
the Spring will find it for their give
us a .We can furnish every thing you
wantand at the vory lowest manufacturing pri
New Milford. Feh.B, 1856.
Summer Goods, to the above stock has just been
ad,11.(1 a.large invoice of Sprint); and Summer
Goods of the styles, which will bielosed
out at great bargains.
The Stock consists in nart of Abe following
Gnods, viz: Fine Lawns, fist colors, from 9 to
18e. per yard.: Calicoes, American and English,
from 4c: to tic. per yard - ; Merrimack and Co- -
che&) Prints, at 11 c.: Bleached and Brown Shee
tin!,s and Shirtings, from 4c. to 2.5. Gd: per . yard ;
Kentucky Jeans, from Is. 3e..40 2s. Gd. per y7ril;
Ladies' Hose. from 6 I-4e. to 3s. 6d. per pair;
Ginghams. froM lOc. to 23e. per yard ; De Laineft
frdniltle. to 3s.'per yard. Also a. large lot of .
.Linons, and (2ounterpains. Curtains and
Drakpris, 'Shawls, Gloves, Table Covers, Silks,
'Sacs. . Embroideries. Sze: &e.
Trunks, %%likes and S3agH, of all sizes and pri
Don't forge he number, 28 Court kt reet,
1 Door east of the American Hotel, but, cal4nd
see before pureba,ing elsewhere.
Binghamton, April
. The Cheap Store, •
D. 28 VYArtft,
rill-1E undersigned would respectfully Worm
the. inhabitants of Binfgliamtelfrilirvlinity.
that he-has recently purchased of Edward Priest
his large , and well seleeted'stock of . .
which he Jinn removed from La - Fayette Block
to N0.: , -28 - Court Street, one door above the
American Hotel.
This entire stock has been purchased consid•
erably below New York- 'cost, cnongitso
warrant him 'in saving that he will selfi'doods
cheaper 0146 can be bought 'at any othei 4 Storti
In town: -
Attention . at -Home'.
RE UNDERSIGNED wouldrespeo
fully inform the eitisont •of Dimock / and
the surrounding country, that he has 'opened a
atone at Dimoek four corners, where he / Intends
keeping constantly on hand a good and well se.
lected assortment of Dry Goods„Grokriett, Hard
Ware, Crockery, and all kinds.
usually kept inn country store; which he will
Se 4 as low,if not lower, than , artYother- establish.
mantle sNurthern Pennsylvania, Montrose not
excepted. Gentlemen and Ladies give Me a
call, and examine my' at: ek of Goods, •and my
prices, ...-.Yott will save/it least some miles:tray.
el and perhaps from / fen to fifteen cents ones.
ery dollar. voti pay,Out..; A :good 'assortment of
Readylitiae clothing kept const.intly on hand:.
.All• kinde of County produce taken in exibange
for OpOds litat r}fitiket'itrice.
/1- •.; THAYM •
i'xioe*, Jan. 16,1846 —yl.
. • .
: Stoves fkoireiti S illtisves S.
THE subsCriber wishes to calf the attentinrk f
hid friends and the Public to his _very tarp
at his new Store Room in Ledersvige, next to
L. S. Lenheim's Store,' and near the Great Bend
Depot. lie has inaddition to his foriner large
variety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves; niseinew
Patterns, some of which '.
SI *cholas, . Pearl. Sran h,. We fly,
' Plcoirrn Troy, Prohnivk,
•Ipaok Warrior, Orirnt, Oak, •
'Eag Store, •• . • •
Which together' with his former
,stock will be
perhaps- the most extensive and varied assortment
of well selected Stoves in the County.
!** Clinton Stoves well furnished at lew'prices.
Lam' All articles-in his line kept on hand' and
made to order as usual, and qrdersieeeived'at his
old stand in Great Bend.
I.,Werftville & Great Bend Nov., 1856.—tf. •
AT C. - Tr. MOTT'S.
ST received. a lot of New Goods, such aie De
Paramettas, Persititt; Al
pacab. Ginghuma, Merino*. Prints.'
. and Shawls,
in ft4q a general assortment of Dry GAotisi which
will be "sold low
WANTED—Socha, Eg Batter,Lar(l,Cheero,
Flannel, &c., any gnautitY in eschence for Goads
at cash pricer. V. W. MUTT.
Montrose.Sept. 18.55. • .
. • : W. Singleton,
CAN now be fonod at his new stand on the .
Corner of Turnpike and Chestnut Sts.. a
few doors east of Post's :store, *hero he
eireclttn/h / re pairs with c1ip.207 h.. • Watches,
Clocks. Guns, Jewelry. and every description of
machinery.. Wheel cutting. Gun and Watch'
materials supplied to the trade. -
Atiention Farmers Points
Or althost every pattern and kind now in use:
also,. No. 2, It. Blatehley Plows' and
Corn Plows; may he had at any time of day, and
until 10 o'clock at night, in exchange for Cash.
old iron, Grain, Eggs, or any kind of ready pay,
of I..N..I3IiLLARD:
..I%fontrose. May I. 1855.
TNT() Brick Block. front room, brer the Store
of M. S. Wilson & Snn, -
!, C. D..VIRCTIL, Dentist.
Montroge, May. 9.1856. -
Cash for Wool. •
- im i tc.KERmAN & GA IMArr will pay the
.Inf4he4 trinket priee for, ail the Wool in
Cnuntr, cieliveied at their store. :
• Now Milford, J une 16, IS5f3.
1 - 3AI i tASOLS and Fans, new -styles and rhoier
varietie,3, G. W. S. & CO'S.
ICULES, . fur I,adits, a large a.;sort
wnt at
"DUBUC notice is hereby given that S, A.
• Woodruff is receiving a new lot of Stoves
and wares °fall kinds usually kept-in the Stove
and Ti n line o f business, amon7 . which may be
found a better assortment - of stoves, hen% ier,
7er and more durable than ever before.offered
in this county, all the proof yon need will be
just to call and examine for yourselves. Ali
stoves warranted in every respect.
Kept constantly .on hand, an extensiveassOrt
went of Tin ware, made out of the best materi
als which is f.frered for sale as cheap as can be.
honaht in arty market. also on hand Lead Pipe,
all sizes, Chain and nearing for Chain Pumps,
Ci,itera Pumps, nil sizes, Brass and Porcelain,
kettles all sizes. Jappaned ware, all kinds.
Jobina done on short notiee - endin good or
clet.. Ail Goods in the line will be soid cheap
for cash or approved credit.
7.llnntroie, March '2O, 1856. •
English Lover "Watches
....,.. e . . 11> ECF.I . VE D_ by steamship
4.-1 10 ' r 1.1 Baltic,'?.
11 dozen more of
- - . tboSe splendid Eriolisll Lever
. %. 1% , . . _ , n..,
ip -
..::',.-,.. Ittintm , j, Watches, of mrtwn
„..„ 'S , "4. importation,, warranted the
, ~.;..i
fp., ~ f,
~.c • - •;• very best quality. - Also, a
)' ' small lot of, very superior
3lovements, whieh will be cased in • any style or
quality, ti) snit purchasers. . .
• - Bin?,Thamton,lfareb 1•4, I 5.56. .
I. 1112-Ifj.D.
Esubseriber is now receivin g his second
i ;eneral purchase of GOODS this Spring.
which renders his .assorttnent„ very, t'-esirshie and
eomplate. By strict attention to business and
by fair dealing, he hopes to merit a liberal share
of pu die patronage. - To those friends ,who
have y ielded to Mtn their Preferences, and 'kindly
sustai ed him by their patronage, with the- in
tention of aiding him in regaininiog in part . the
heavy lees recently sustained by fire, he tenders
his sincere acinks, with the as.o ranee that their
interests shall be mutually promoted. • '
Montrose, April :74,1856.
. -,
pERSONS desirous of paying, Me money, pn
debt otany description,can do so by leavin
their pavuicnt with Post,- Cooper St, Co., Bnn
kers. Montrose, my credit, Whose receipts.
will be allowefrom their date.
April 18. .
• Arrival of the Africa.
IHAVE this day received, per steamship Afri
ea, another invoice of those unlivilled PAT
ENT LEVER WATCHES. Mv.stock is now
complete, in every description of Case, Open lace
and lltinting,'Oold 'and Silver, and I invite the
attention otlall perz:ons'in want of a first class
Watch, as "iv: importing My own Watches di
recitcan sett to my :customer* at the lowest
New York wholesale priec9..
• ' ALFREti J. EV. •• NS, _
June 4; 1856. • No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall.
Great Exhibition in 'Springville , .
of almost every style and quality, such as will i bil
sure to , please nnd - aceommodate all clas i Ses of
peop l e—from the child in the cradle to the old
and decrepit.' These goods- are bought on the
most favorable terms, and will he sold according.
Please give us a call and- ' w try To sup.
ply .411 your wants in the linft of GOODS ev o.
kept IF i 'country store. You need not go o
New , York for any thing. yOu want, because w,
have them-fresh .from thc'eltv.. ' - -- -
- ; SCOTT, 401INSON, & CO.;
. Spring - Ville, Pa. - , 1 .41-ay 8, 11§55.;
.. - .
. . .
. New Good cheap for Cash: '
.mn has just - reeri%to anot h er 1461
C. Nx44,ooda, such as Cliallis; - %rge De
Ltins, De larngcs, Ginaliams, Colla Ell, Embroidery,
Lawn 4 , ae ( e. • • &* . wni ne, nrri.r.S # vilif - tme
PRlct S./ SIIAIAIBR• S Ir.Awh :3, a
,iiew,lciti LIM t
. - .
rcve yed--bOantiforpatterns • • Rt. vpry low - prices.
also CRA PR and 'BLA CK SILK' 811111 V ii.§
. . ~ .
0 loto as Iowa: - • : .
.•-• ' - ' '
• Innerl3.' . •
MIRES"! extra Fw lo for ;Alb at -$8 per bbl. ,
16s. 13d. one fourth-bbl:, at
Altintrase. Jun!, 4;1856:
TO the Citizens of Montrose.
• & Knowlton are at all times'ready to in.
serf GaS Plitt In old Or new - hanies, in a work
nun liken iinner..and at low;nriee& ' -
They hate a fine asiortment of Chandelier%
Pendent& Portahre.`Braeltet - s;nlase.Ginbetriand
Panry;Paner Shades:
Mr..filttekstone;, who .streemteiis the work.
has had innith eleperienYr—loz this Nt?w -
YtirkatollkOhlyn. Orders*lleited: - :
PlitTE ,St;KNOWtrToit'
8. avoTrs
Pvituthua"pszn i ii wijntsvioritommtG ar,
• TE KAN... 41,59 41steh n advallge,S2,oo if
notpaidwithiu eix months:, said $2,5g, r atthe end
ofth e year. kNickirape etoit ti DU eft 0301 tweitn.
•gee are }mid, execp .. t ut• We optieß . ' of the Pet.
lishers. All c.e na u n ieutions topmost : y . l ivith the.
olTiee,t(?; n su re atteption,lnutit bediie.etid to the
Er:lnuits. Itkont tin.iquehinturtcoilitty;Pa.
flutes Of Iteivertifwint.
. . .
Otte t quaie (12 I rnewo eiti) tlitseitiontt.,ll..oo
Each insertion,- 0.26
Oat. rveytoriths,,
One equar.• m4Mth4; . • 4,06 -
Bustnesm Ctirliti,- four lino: orleetti, 71 O
Yenity ativertittementA, pot - Over 4titiese,ll; 1,06
Ont• ettfttotri, opt. yt'ar; ao,od
Yenrlydvurtisera will be roitrirteti to the
busines-s its s' witlett they - :vre. ,engaged...;:imd are
.consideied...ns oishing ,tocontintie -.advertising
unless ..they shall give epeeist] .di'reetitms for a
diecoittittMnee of .the same.. r
WTttepalalistliru liaying addrti to thojr,f ( 4,
an supd i)
Print irco ntater tte ihts a iar'itiotitnw.
ment ofloh Type. are now pr arid to i.i . c'ent. \
Job Work" In'a manner unstniimied in•this iti- "
tine of conntryolnd on rentlonable- terms:
manksofevery description kepteonstiint!i
on hand or printed to order.. • • •
sitsintgs Pirtrittt
PIITSICI A :CB AND . SunGroxs, Susga., Depot;
Efq 'ANT .11C1.111513 - ,
Great Bend Depoti Pst,..:Abbnor Exy:
Ayr, Proprietor. ,
. .
Win. IT. SMEITU & -
Cabine.tand Chair Manufaetdrersifoot Dttii
Street, l'yTi , htroße,, Pa.
Dr. 3 1. 1.
, .
Sdrgeon.' Dentist, Montroge. Pa - . 0011 be ie
- -Searle's MAO , Mondays - rad Tneidliya.of vat+
Denice in Druzm, Ch obits-N.1)4.
Stu Glays-tedre, i'uinta,viis, VaiaiaAeas, Wis.
low • GinsA f --(kirneeri!”4,- . .Fsts.:y . Goods, Jewelry:
Pe r nie ry,&&.—and Agen tfor, all ; of the most
popuinr Pntont 'Medicines.
~; ; •
$l4l-110V'ES, • -
Taitor --Shgp limier Scarlet., Main Street,3lcintro•ae, Pa. -
• t
DEALTR stiiil.1 1 . Tin, CL - ppgr and SheelJron
NVare,G)dersville;near Great. De nd,PitPot.-1 X
. ' A. -Lathrop;: •' ' -
DEAER in Iten4•ltlioie' Cloilrint,: Hilo anti
Cqp....1),00ti.:: nnti Stine'; Dry Goods, Ze e .
r, - .:-V — Store opposite Searle ; s llotel...3lontsese-,
C. 1). I..A7nnop,_nnd ). . i , ' - ' - 7 7 .7-t•
.1: P. W. Itmnr, i . wl "". - - [A. LAT-Hrail
- Dr. R. THAYER»,
pIOiIYSICIAN - and Siaitre,n._ Montrose Pa.
Office in IL=K Store:
atfotd faitiltully to
.all butqUeilt: en.
trusted t-o Lim in the county of Silsquehanra.
Conveyancing, and writing 01-ali kinds mill he
done iteatlyi und,charge Incederate„ - vi it)
also atteadto the proAenution.ofelaininfsi,l.
dier... their Iyidow s and lieir§.azainst the 'U.N.,
• fzove.rrrnei4Jor L'onnty Land; Pensions, &r.
May 1::.‘ nt . , holliS'at the Office fornerl)-
fwcapied by J. T. kiehard,Esq. - otiirth of the
• ..11. C. TYLER,
Interested with L LAlttnt •
INFOS:IIER AND .DEALER in lifirdWir,lild : Cut
leryi - Carriage Trimmings. Springs,. &e. -
- - ' 215 Pearl Street, IV. Y.
Where_ his Mercantile friemis-,_in this stndrd•r
Counties,are invited,andearnertikio.lith
ed to call and purchase. _ - Sif.
H. Parsons, .
Sqcas, Bedsteads, . Tables, Stands
Chairs, Fie. .
• •- No. 9 Ni r tsilingtniislreef: -
'Co ffin 'Ware-Room up stairs.
• •J. D. VAIL, M. - •
T . 3IIYSICIAN and Surgeon has - pentgtiinq
livated himßelf •at BraekneyvilK "Sliptea'
County, Pena a. and Will promptly attenti . to Ii 1!
calls with which he May be favored.
May, 1856.—n22. • . •
A. Pickett, ./
Exe - eutor of Deetts,.Wills,.Contraeta, dte/Of. -
flee, LaeoAille, Wyothing
. May 9, 1856. ' • . -
• -
_DOOR; R," -
AND, 1. .:.
, Montrose, . re`nu'at
,3 . ' By - D. BREWSTER.
64 I sites and • deserkittions,in any quantity/
made to order, or fuinshed on the shortest nu-'
tic*. . .
-191 . eyi - ii liford,. Jr, o#n 9 a . .• • .
Wn„OLESALE .Dealevs .in Battu*
/ Coult?gt Suspenders, Tbreada, Fame!
Goadi4, Watebos Jewelrv, Silver add Plated'
Ware Cutlery, .Pishinv Tackle, Cig.ars,
~?tlerehants and Peddlers supplied, pa liberal'.
.. • • - 4vl*
DUATE of the- Allopathic... ma Hof
meapathi Colleges no*
permanently Greatiload Pa.
April - Ist; 1856. : . J. • .
- JOHN 'SATorlit4;,,, -
17. 1 ASHIONABLE TAILOR: Shop over Of
store of C.. 'W.' .3lott,
.„ • -
E. CA U D &
ers-arebina,Gla.r., and Earth _ ern _ Ware, No•le
Waryen St rec.:, Nov
AGOO6astiartraant, al Pattern , MAP Lawns
al ilirieeif, at ;G. W. S. do CU..
13ORCELAIN and Overiite; (Mimi et' •
- . - • Iti• COS
' . Tako Notices
81?NtIA.tAlOOLS furnitkbed with Librit—'
iles of diffeont blies No;rt ~york
114414. Cali At the pooppce,-,
SraY 7;15541 • -
Fresh Arrival: , of - Slew
; 411 - CIi:FR,MANS - &GARRA' I 7 I .
HE aubsiiriterg reepeeifidly lora
the - gOrkt peopfe. of Siisquihn no Co. -thit'
thet i oro row openiol.T.,thely stook of ,
,Winter i3 Ooode wbieb hi, nPuo ll oiltiaM " II : 0.
ill of *filch, sFifiliollold for etieb
aiVrtivfli kreilii:7-etleaperlkok
auP Otlkstr establiehme thqs6/Inty Wow*,
j#o, -- #l l l,l wePlieie - giyo,us' a
f PleitgitMAN-&GARRA:rI7 O I
New Milford, Sept. f81111711_00!:'