The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1856, Image 3

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    --- , , ~
, o hundred. (lollarexter ton ; ittostly pio..:
from Norway, though a very excellent
tv is'ycceivail frotri . ."Saliihttry, Connecti-
The iron is eut 11.0 'fretilmrs into pieces
n pounds weight, ifila fourteen incises in
di. After. being': 'drawn out to forty
, under a high beat, the bar . is curved.
'tided on mod reds. - The barrel is then
out,'-and reduced in . weight from ten
ds to four end a half, after :Which it. " . !s
.Jlte 1: with'emey, on revolving wheels, and
,v,iotv . of the workmanship: is not ex
,:d by any in the world.. •. - .
1 List-....liOyfeniber Trerm,LISKIV:
"V"ltipple vs. kettle, . Debt.
Piero - hi:let vs. Fallabee, 'do.
IWardivs.Griswold do, .
Tv ler vs. McLean, .do. -
Vi'illiams vs. Hiekox, Rpplevin,
!Coleman vs. C'oleinatt, Ejectment;
!Banker vs. Watson • -Debt.
;Tillman vs. Allen ; Case.
,Meeker. vs. Sutton, A l t h ea(.
Moore' et. al. vs. rlo.
Carter: vs. lime, , i Trecspass ,
J Carr 'vs. Storeh et. al, Ejectment.
Reevei vs. 1) L.,& W. R. R. Co. Case;
IGrirdn'er vs. Dunn, Appeal.
Corey.:vs. Corey; Divoice.
Bailevi r vs. Slocum, s Ejectment.
Sutphin vs. Pitinney, Ju. -
Davis-Vs. Striae,! .. Case,
Sus.q'tt: Bohr', vs.! Sc ovi I le, s Debt.
Stearns es: Springville, Case.-
Tt~nte> t Vs.: Lamb et. al. do.
\Vika4rdt vs..Tttus, . Ejectment.
Csrm:ilt v.,. Donnelly, do.
4z W. R. R. Co., C;se.
do. ' A do. .
Stilwell & Ejeettnent,
. Appeal.
Grteni. Warti-ous,
Sawn vs. Soule, .
BuirliCk vs.'SaMpson, ‘c a k.„
Pratt vs: Harding, - s Tre , Qp:rss,
Taylm - vs. Conner, Sei. Fa.
Cartnalt vs. Bertholf • do.
Thirociwn vs. Yvtittn, . Appeal.
Fra-er vs. Mitetell, • Ejectment. ,
Grow ivs. Yonna- Debt. • . 1
I Grow vs. do.
Tewksbury vs. Adam`, Appeal. '
Welhirati vs.
W ollthan, Attachment-.
Petting. r vs.J."Sup„, Appeal. •
Rarri4 -
vs'. Minr: Sei.
do. s do.
Skinner vs., Pa 7 -le, Appeal.
1 Green -vs. Bronson:,ns • •Trespas-r.
Brink vs. Martin, Appeal. •
-Du e l ; . • Divorce.
; .
JUry LiSt
•FA nil Grawl.: 7 ; l ,,lare,r:: Brawn fro'in the
bti Alai Sheriff and
4. 1 ;1..1 - .0 Co., 29, AI 1836, re)
at NOY. Sessioa, A. D.3'&:5,5.
quelev J. K. R.eh4, N.
Ap"laviqi-s- . llovaril . •
ilridge..vateT—A.' Men; -
tne Howe,. .
"EmodH—q. Peni=on. •
;.1”;oat -(4-unifvniL. Abel, S.. S. fniraroc.
ijarcenter; lieujainin
OK e
••• . •
'iris Milford—Gliidtm 1 1 / 4 11 - la:ley. •
ST4f.a liepot • 11,1 -• on . • •
'Spriii,viille-1)a -id Calvet, 11,1; . t.
S:iver . take—Edv,:ri Tursier; Juseptt Tier-
Juito ns —IST WEEK. . ,
Giatiandi S.- D. Town
send. •
I';:i:R•eiviller- - C.
!is, Jr. •• .
Dirfp..74.4--- 7 D. F. st,..pht
Barnes, J. IL Chan.
Great Bend—J. Daßois, C; S. Gilbert, 'J.
B. Bnclitsl:-.
'alhonoily—Jatneq Gl' )mforr. Jacob Num. l l
114rforl—Sfeithen :Sweet, A. 11. Tucker.
Jack , un—Untries Hail. A •
Lit tl N. Sin i t h. . •
cr.tley. John Davis, A.
111, T. C 616,111, Jo'h"n- 13arnain. :
New 'TIE I, E. Sant 1...
(icatiffr - r, A. F. Shadduck.
Silver L•ik«t-3. • ..
SuiKca L
Wto. j cputin.e • i•
'2o Wt. EX
Arnrat.-L-1 1 . 7 it-ton Stone. .
Anlitirti—A. G. &oiling.
Brickeivuter-1 1 . rti ner.
Clifford'—.3.l. Coleman. 1 .
etioeuabt--Jettne:i TroLitien.
I/Lind:tit—W. It lionedict.
Foreit luUk&".--VVIII. S. tittri•ey. •
Fratikitb--I)Avict,liatrker. •
Leet. •
Wren-I—Almon Clinion, Lather Vride.
Great 4 , lli:l—John Gillespie, C. .1.1: Trow
tlidge. Thoma.:. ,
Purdy, H. 11. Sa,tnrs.)ti.
Jaeksotl—A. Benson ; B i . 114n:its linowl-
Ton. -
Jesop-i-j. Bolle , , S. Roberts.
Lithix-ITrntitan [Sell, Isaac Rrynthlrt'on,*
111oatroretiry roan;.
Joirikra, Wds.ot
1 - tuati-113 urn] Dn4 rs.
Sttsr l 'a beput-9. E. Iloitirep.
I.f.l l Mirrirkr.
Nrchr&on, Ira S&ott.
Tharnsort—ClNNter Stoddard ,
klartiord—Abel Read Jr., N. S. Guile.
Jess - tip -4 Orlando Stone.
Itilsoii—Leander,Grifttr. •
. 1 54.',w Milford—lra Fos'tn, Delos, Shay.
Auburu l, --.1. P. Irritrirert.
ittmtroN Keeler.
Luntlaq—Elislta ,irirrney.
latidia-1).11 /Howells
1 Tettchers Estaimrstailosati. i
.i '''ll '41%1 ex:min:atoms its - aiis . <T4ri:itist
.. , Tca11 ,, p.,. w fullowh,\:" .-` . , . I
kiliffiltd .Nor. l7, t'.%.,Eisell S. a: t P. 14 ' 1 .1
I • #' 3 rrick, fur.' 18. Lytin .S. i1...i0,, .A.M. 1
Ararat ITcv. :10, 13'uslinell, S. U. 0. A.M.
T : Iliunipson, Nov. :19, tit° S.l.i. 11 I'. M..
' -114 rinony,i Nov. 23,buiv 10. A:. M.
*.. • 01 41:14nd 1'.f5 : 11:.. 4 .,0, Ssisti:s... z Depot, 3 'l'. M.
tt Bead 1 " •21- l iVilliige S. -.g.--,10 A.-'l.l.
..baty i 4: :12 LAoroville S$ 10 A.M.
;Silver Lake, • Nov.•; ..4-11:/rackilev S .11 - 10 A. M.
196. sis !soil ‘.` 25 .elurkti' S. IL: ICI A.I.
A:palation l i Nn'i.. 20 L. N6titlows 10 A: M :
- mioditt.ori , :,t7 Ease'
.. 10 A. M.
~. Vorest . it 28 LI:4_11 . rio 4 6- I S. EL . - 10 - A. - . 'IL
- . r, , '''itli, :. '• =" t9.8011ir..5..11. JO . ..A.ll.
- " lillli n 2. : • isi., -- 4 10 A.M.
E;pringvitle."`-:1 - I .-, ". IS
S. R .: , .10 A. M.
bircielt,i " 1 'gpraeri S. r ,:f 4.0- - A. M.
!Jesr:up, .. 41 11* 5,- . '• 1;
Jackson,' .-.'" 4; I.l.trcon S. IL - ' 1 '' " IP. M.
tlibson, ." - 9 fr. 11111 S. 11. lO A.. 11.
Len'ox, - ' 34 .9 (3i l enirood, S--11.1P 1 -,. 10 A. M.
[ialitoi) -:" 10 Thayer, S: IL, I . !1 10 A. M.
lirovklyn " 11 Centre S. 11, :1 1 ' 10 A. M.
Bridgewater Dee: 12 Montrose S.ll 10A: M.
N. Milford, " 13; Ward 8..4. II To A. M.
113 tfurd - .." .15 s ., '-` 11 'IOA. M.
Ararat, dec. 16 lia.Ariell S. IL 4eeture (eve.
All Teachers. attending for t 4 purpose of
bei lig examined
,wi I l please 'bri f i'g specimens.
of their reumansitip —three_ dilierent sty les
of Copies,atleast with their natqUi attached.
.• WA: talk 'to the ox
SC 11001. EDI:CA . OI3N, in the eteniug at the
bou.'se where lite eXamination ispeld.. •
' Ail of the Directors are , - -estrOstly invited
to, be present . ; and, also, pleamiiee that there
\.:t black board in the &divot itouse where
examination is to:lie held. -
his also tubedc.ired that ;'he Teachers
as punctual as ; pos,i We, AS '%4 intend to be
Abele attlte time appointed tuft* keatedring
t a 4,
AllS11:11 prevents. 1 , 4
to be preent.ii"
- 13. F. TEWKitIitRY,
i • 11: CO. Supt. .
fit' rford Uuivera
Tlio nest Sesiion mill -co ), 'L
I t.
first W Ifieeet.noerE ,
-Rio tetinA of eleven : %vs...Ai ei'.
foll;m'ing liisfrnetins.
Zw.• /11Mb . rd Allen, Pro:"
•Gt.i...-k tAirrinini.'s..
Rev. 4yinnn iiielinr&on, P I
iti,iticis end ttigli-li 13rancluis,
llis Ittutaii rtiehanthon,
I;ran,7bes; th e
(lie` be.tortnelit; •
.A.l7n, Tear.
. •
Tuition reckttel as it iras
reqniti•ii in nilvane6.
• Common 43ranclir.s,
_ Ladies,
Ecpen.e Revitation Roo
the Pitino.
An inSlititle iat the close or
11:tr."ord Oot. 30th iszit
!itiscittelna:;:sa: Ac
T. netts often %miler the et:67, , :! of
A. 13. Plinairtl i i`6s Ili - tows Pr:.
Tear,lierkbt -
Statv,os, Teacher in Pritortty4b.patttiterat—
. Our ~r thelf r
• • Wmiissui , Pret;'t
Chrt,k,Pl:..l.l Secs.
. IS-A.
lot jn-t reruir
-1)T H. Eurritt.
. •
•T 117: ac„.„nts 01 i,tri . ,..k . zan Dimork must
be .. t ooled immediately or !ley will be isued
wittiont farther notice.
E. / I!! !ATitICK.'
_ .
Gi?, zimoc:K.
1:2 17F17A Rnhef.
ed ind xv;11
Nnw October 1856,1
üblic V©n
will ofrer
nn l'ilertay the 1
reside n eein Brid g ewater, the
-ro '
sixin woriti ag -brirser :
;• 1 Iwo ho
1 two bor.:,,luttilier 1
siugle ilarlit'Sa, calf. -
rufintl - ri
terest, rr,i ripprfiveci security. •
SHEILIFF .I is 5,41
Bt.lrt I O: , or siirvlrc. wrilsl3
C.,,tutu4.o; Pions ttf Su-
in nu, ti,reet Lwil I exr? i
the - C oz!rt.ll . ..ivq• is :11nutr t,f
151 h eny tnlernv , tit, nt
the fotlowiwg rtfal &Ante, 10 1; 1
All that;tertaio pitve ur pin'.
contrtyjoimeci . ' and ilr.z.t‘rii,
nn.fheNttrth b hin4 , ,,f
and IV..l3. l ll.lntli;ek, Eat 'by t
the bt. ri
to the Tuntih-ftrihe
I.4,nds Eztoti Frill.
:ter*. or 13,„1. ?mire iir with t,
oardw- e lliag himse, and all it
Seized nhd taken in . xeetni
Benjamin Sa. re vs. IX V. fit.
ALSO—:-All that rertain;pi':e.' e or parcel of
I:airl sit nr.te it. :he township of G rea t, B,. tic t.
county IX t...tits.q. and State of P.',,rin.. tiounded and
di:seri - bed as follows, 10 341 7, - 411 the northerl:t thereof ty the road or pulNc highway, on
th e ettsterl ..ile hr the Sti..qMdtanna riv e r, o n
. the
. stintliecty or southerly and*esierly by land
beretofore bonveyed by E. T. 17.3nz I'' J une &
Tai I or, Ind being known as. Mill prop.
er t V; it j%‘ also titttlers:o../1 to e o nt a in a ll th e t a :id s
and premises .i-)lng on the worth side of the SII4.
qnchanna rivec„.and heretofore .conveyed to the
said t; P.. Vnang, bY We. Dayton, (excepting
them . from a certain portion of maid,
l iec f.ton. m . ennveyed Ity said YOuno to said June
Az. TaylOr.) taut) co ntainitt n' :1•4 Stqip,lsed front two
to four acre. of land. be 'the same more or 1 e .,,,
the same being trthject to a certain right ofwiv
through or !over a ' , art (J . /the same to the N. V.
& grit. Pail it, .c! E,;, and al s o suitject to cer.
min - w,tter privilegesberetol'oreettaveveti by the
o . i ;id - I.Cutiglto i lnrie,&,.T'aylor. a lso the right 11:.
tle. interest and claim acquired by a certain act
of the Leolli,qatai,it• of the State of Pennsylyani.t.
-upitscd to litivo "been passed in the year 18.50,
!'by which act said . Young was authilerzed to enfi.
I struct and Creet'FAtnt or.darns at the head of
•••Rack.:l,l4nti,". (I;4te. :tiled) id:the Susquehanna.
vt it It - the elko iisit.:)! 'right or ars'inint! off the wa.
ter 1 . 1 r .2id rii.r at. shut place„,:utd ; of construct
im.*.races,sldices,eanals &c. fo ruining purpo.
ties or otherwise, i;trbj - . l e.t onlv ;lityrivileges here.
tofore conveyed i t to 'the said . JOne 4. Taylor, with
i the appurtenanees,'en'tt sa w mill, - and all iruprov
Seized niio talon .gin execution atilt° itu It of
N. V Carpenter NA E.T.: Vonog. t •
And also at thi. snit of S. Ski Met &O. S.
Bunt); y vs-, ii:..tyYol.l6g. .
.. •
ALSO-4 1 1 that certain piece or parcel of
I Ind situate in Aittko !‘itlaii4hifo, Susquehanna
county, bonnded'and de;scribed :as fellows, to Stitt
4t; a !corner in • Ore mad. In Henry
Prown'S line.; thence north sniilUcsed to be about
fifty perthes, l thetree'east s Owl t forty, perches:
ii, e nee month', about forty Infchen; and thence
ive.t about torte perches, bounded on -the north
•hv lantiS•nrZ-kaus Brown. on the east by N.J.!.
Roberti:, vottih'by 'beyond and srest 'by Ifersy
about ten acres e l ope or
Keith the - a t enannes, one saw
and .ebout h d i f an acre improv ed. SeCzed anti itt4ten, ,queutilin At the shit of
Davis D. Scott ro the use •or John Murky vs.
Win • Slater .1 David
-.ALSO-- . Altiltat piece 4 4 t 11 2 . itel Of lend ' 4112 "
.lice in the tOwnship.of Liberty: Comity of Sus. -
quebanua,. depori(wd pillowN it;
:vii: on the-east by lanes of Wto. D. Ives, on
.burying grOund,,,nsd on ths
*est .4.:C.ll'.ouipkins end 4. A.ll*.iottn, eon.
tvinin~ ; abouttonr germs gni-4 1 110o* more o
n'r withl the . sppiirtonansei,. frOied
bsrn;and inontirimprove4-::
-:Seized and 4sticee in execn tkou stAbe lite of
J. 11,130phit.411. Iv: North..
• -ALSO—AII tluit eerialit piece or parcel .of
land nitnata lying and beirt4 mile Borough of
Stoultiehanna. and Co. of Sus 4. tindilistingnished
as being lot N 0.19, as the saute is lard down and
designated nn 'map of I part ot - tbeilllnge of Stlf.
qtiehanna.necarding to u anricy of Wm. Wentz
arfdrecorded in the o . !:fice of recording - deilds In
the county of Susquehanna, in deed book No. 21,
pee 696. and , bounded on the north-east by Rob
ert Nichol, on the, sonth-east by Street -- on
the sonth-westbrfand of Langhlin,; and on the
north-west by Street said lot being sixty
feet - front try one hundred and twenty-five deep,
and contnViini seven thousand - ,five hundred feet
more Or ItstOvith the appurtenances. one Tay.
t:ro House. and ono Barn and al l.improved.
. Seized and taken in execution nt the suit •of
Stillwell ..nd BrOwn vs . 4 George 11. Eggleston.
A /..So l —All' thnt certain piece or parcel of
land situate lying and beino in the township of
Frank I in, county of Susquehanna, bounded and
deseribed net follows, to wit: on the .north by
land of Rob:it P. Vance. on the erst by land of
.John Webster'. on the south by land of William
Burrows sud. Luther SnoW, ani on tbe olist by
land of,Lottnio Vanes. enOtainlntrntsutt eighty
acres more or'less, (esxceptine a five mire lot now
in the Pos.rssion of George Blowers, and also
exLepti ig mix acres. railed the. Coal Grit) with the
appurtenances . one framed Mond and Barn and
- about , acres improved.
Seized and taken in exeetilion at 'the Suit of
M. C. Tyler vs. Henry L. :Wary-oft. .
ALSO—l'he following traets or.paretifs of
land situate in, the township 'of Great Bend. to
wit : tine tract rontainiog one Imodred tterets be
the same more or loss: Also another tract eon. ,
taining three honored and ninety-two iterifs And
twenty, perches of hind ; exetlitlng and re - ter't`ing
on e litt . of One to rest and eighty Vterehes.
and an - niter lot ' l4 'fifty 'em.,4 and one titillated
and thike.iii - x, 'Perches ; sold therefrom 'respect
ively to Jacob A. IL ink and !doves Brown. the*
title to 'lb.. first above described lot beirf - g -deriv
ed from AVitli im Ward and others; mid tbe see.
o n d from William %Verd and wife: Also :moth.
er to: of land Containing fifty mires 'derived from
Abel Sherri:an:A:lin - tonvevea to Eleazer 13rown,
wilt enriveYi' (l 4 o 1)4W" by need dared
1711 June 1817: Al;o - atMtlter 101 of land eon•
tainin4 'nitres more Or less; being the same
hat, - .10.0.1111 Brown conveyed to Wm. ton by I
deed dated I Stli June 1817 ;. there beint,t exc - epted
out of ehe foregoinlz parcels of land Or:it hundred
and fiye nerzis solidity Elijah Skinner, to Chas.
'rronloitige, fitly:acres sold to , Alfred Thomas:.
and twentyou yen aeres to Chas. C. Smith, as by
referenee to nci Convey:ln:Ts- fur the saute
will folly appear. 2 -Also otm other-tract of -Lind
containing one h'ancrred aridl;evente.en sterns of
! more or less, being the same e'orireved by,
E. T. Young arnd Aaron Thentas to Elijah Skin.
nor by deed dated December-19th A. I). 1849.:
Abot all the interest,'riglits and (trivileklo4 ef thr.
ti-antors in t. tie:lain lease Pam Ebene7'et-1
ldrowljto do.epli and Eleazer Brown,'dated the
first day n Arril A. 1). 18:IS. dully as.bmid j
to F.lijith SUriM-r. uhn conveyed'. to George
Smitten, together with lin_• tnill and improc—
meets Iftereunfo behnigim.r. rind stlid-ct ,
r er to all the contijtions ...Act Iti.• SP, ;Ira the
rents thereon neeraing and res:rietiens and liabil••
;ties thereunto att:,cheil which have neon:, d
since the first day : of April A. D. 1'853, or mar
hereafter neerne. Said formroinl -Several trrcta
of land cOntai-tintT. a lter deduction Of reit:try:it ions
three imMired :not seventv•fwe ne:res.'or therea.
bouts will, ”lifikl'atiet•A he the sam., More 'e'r
d tkeitin; intended to enrive.y all the lamb:
mil privilege. i',articillatiy dest.til,ed in the d'e l .at
~r Skinacrnml! : ,:tralt H. wire, to . (' - more
W. Scranton dived:Ms tir,p ,(13v - of June. A. D..
1:351 and recorded in the j ~ , ord- u r*,' office of
ConittV in D,•ed Book No. '2l. p 1;0
•15 1- reference to wit:eh wi.l i-x
'vent ine- always one. of I he. siitne the right of, way
of the Celaw:sre Lackawanna ii. Western Bait
It. :id Co. i:nder the conditions spenified in said
i n : 01 about 370 acres more or
Icss otter deritietivor exception.., with the aponr.
N . Tvo , ec y 1w„ 'Houses, 2 Barns and
st;ell.s ittatehecl, one - saw mill, tine orchard and
a hunt 1.10 acres improved.
Selit-d rend faker: in exeention at the snit of
Cioiroe W. :f,cranton E.-T. Young l.
*l'l l p!naq. •
ALSO That cortain p3ece or parer!. off
lard sit nate , ' lvieg•and - being in the Township
Great Bend; County of Susquehanna. and
s li t * , o f Nrmsylrato,,, I,nunded .11,1 dvs-eribeil
follows. to wit :' Nortbs-rly by land of 'Oliver'
*Pronbridge. titsfel-ty by lands of N a than P.
Walter. sontb,priv by lands of Truman 'Baldwin
and tV le illiant Wo - ett. and NVesterly b}•, lands of I
siteYoe.: and E;le Doad Co.. contain'
ino one Imadred nor". of !rand more or with
the anptirtenance's. Ole framed be'tnito 11.11, nr n.,
tine o:i..,nnrd, nl ! ,-‘ly improved, also Pies. , I
too 1.:i•ri.1111 1..1;4 . S. T.
Brain of Tru-enn itattli‘:n. and 'vim- in the I
Ton-mthip of Crc•it. 11-••al a fore.aid, and
oppioite the dweltir. , llon-e of ti.e Still- Trll
man 131. t ins aforesaid. One of the said lots
being - 1;41r rue's in ' width. by oi:iltt
frai Glie teat in width by
~:,r-trA ro d s in d, ..with the annortenanttes—
()op fri-nted dweitirio I lotte. one 1 2:trn, ono sited I
all io9,
::viz, entitin at the snit of
DanielT, Bruin.
Fence ,on the
Co ro.i.t of
tinottkler the
Pr Latin no 6
"4.acher 'of nt
are of the L -
tr of Music on
b 3 las.t Term,
Olt sri.r,r,tertp
h inst., at
property 4
roY:A; 1 two
‘ able liarTl‘,A
of rear
irith notes of in.
1403 by the Court
intlmona egontv
pitql the
oclack T. tn..
d of land sit wife
',;; :I folio,. 1,,
Sillf-g Pritchard.
e Dpi,copal par
lending from
. Creek, fim
eotitaining, one
hoot d:
nt the snit of
, l i f enbeek. -
Siff rlirs 4 , 111P 1 '.
Nlon:r. , e, 0:1. :27, IS5cl.
De:au - are, r..,;tclistultrisa:l clk, Vr. R. 11..
1. tsTew and %road otzej , l plat• from
the North ami.ll:t.,,t. via Great 13,m'd and Scran
ton; ttrd.
.1,10'4 the I.l3 , •krzwr:nna amt ‘Vyotilin ,,
• v...litr.s, direct?y throuLth to Ntw Yurk and Phil.
ad•etphirt. . .
On and after Monday, Aug. 13, Trains will be
r:ln as COI k 1 ,.% s : -
• Cinrinnati Lx - prr - S4 Train Iplund east on .li. Y.
& E. 11.. R., arrives at Gt. Bend 8 15 :1. 11..frwn
Oweir - o, -11i,n2hattitoft, &c, anti connects with ilk.'
ENI)ke,SS' Trani whirls lea. h. Groat Be.ncl for
7s:evr I%.rk.and Piiira, - - 13 3u, n. us.
Doe at 31,tnirose, 9.10, "
-Scranton, :/0.45, .
Stroudstmr:.. 1:30, p. to
• 1/elaware, 15 rarnutes to dine: 2.00, "
- Bridgeville. Phil. paw , . leave - `3 2 5 , g•
Junction, 3:15,- '
New Yorlt, - 7. 10,. 44
pnw.lenirerS from N. V. leave Pier, Nti. 2
North river. at
PromPhila'deiptiin,'lcaNie Walnut st.
Wharf, at ... 7.00, ~"
1., , -nve Juni-116n. ', 11.30, ~
Due at..Britlaeville, - Vhil. contection, 12.15. p. in
• Def.awrite, 15,uin to dine, 12.45, "
' StroudJnz, ' .. • • 1.30,
- 3er:intim,. 3.40, "
• • .MOtitrose,._
~ 5.15, - 64
Great . Bend, - ,5.50, I '.
Connetirp , ill Crept Rend"witli tIVe
Mail Train «'e4 at 6.10. p. m
Scranton Accommodation Train, leaves
Scranton for Gn,s:lt Bend at m
Arrive at Great • Rend, , • . 12.20, P. tn.
Contting With Day Expresses Ettst
rnli.West, oil NAN. & B. It, R.,
Returning. lravcn Gtent Bend at
flue at &ranion.
Strond . abura Areionrrindation Train
leaves StrondAmr . a for New York - -,
and.intermediate place.,'nt . 5,05, a. m,
Bet ornitod tenves. N. York fur
• Stroudhbu rg . at • • . 3.30,
Psurgengers to and from New York will change
care at i
'l'o and final: Philadelphia, via . 13 .R. R.,
leave. or 1..11:c tho car. at Bridgeville. •
For Pittston, Bingstonond.Williesbarre, take
t,. B. R. 'R. carc at Scranton. <
For Jeg.lue L , Archibald, and Carbondile,chango
ears at Greenville.
l'iekets Aoki and batqtago ebecked: betwatm
I .,tation4 or. eonneking roots. ! •
l'asen7ers to . onti from WilkesbatTO,„ Wvorti
ing. itte.„via Lackawanna & L - Bloomsburg kali
rond.go through .wittsiat any detention at Scrap.
ton, as tltp trains on that sad ton in eitnnectiitil
with the Express trains 'en Me, 1). L. &W. IL
IL—hence passengers rose leave •Xingstmt at
N 3O a . . ; t i ;
k a ri n d t
arrive in Piilad , 7l , phia .at
- Rekumitig, /care PlilladolPhia lit 71i. tn.: or
New Yolk at 7,30, ;and arrive in Kingston at 8
L . Awe from Kingston; Wyoming. aid; Pittatio
to Philidelpttin, $4,5D, to'New York: X 4,76. -•
Tickets ticild, and .Itormisre checked through.
Ifflutf. Jmi. Gee, Tioketi Arta
-;-_ -.p-.
• ..
Register's :Notice; ,
"nUBLIC NOTICE istnireby given to ill per.
.IL sons concerned in the', following 'slinks to
Estate of Samuelregniv, late of Brideeiva
ter township-deceased. - fhilander Lines Emu.
tor. - •
Estate of Genr,f; Lit:lijato of Montrose.
decd. 11..11.•Little, Mininistiger.
Final accoupt origin Wehstcr, Trit.tee em•
der the will 'of Joseph We4ster,., late of Franklin
Township deed. . -it
• That the accountants - hay° settled "-their . ac
counts in the itefrister's Ace in and for the
county of Smsluehanna,.4 thg the same will
he presented to the of the 'Orplian's
Court of said county tin Wednesday the 19th
day of November next, fur ~ ccinfirtriation and al
z. 'N. C . IIII.'PNIAN, Registisr.
Register's ntlice. Moni s r.iie..oo., - 22d 1856.
GiZAPITENTIEJTO MCDlClNs. , —Vegetatilo Pine.
Green Mmintain Ointment,- Sarsaparilla
Compound, Children!' ratiagi:ei, Lye Lution.Fe.
ver and Azad Remedy, Bitters, IhNen.
tery Syrup, inpo ye's Rant, )larshal the.
Direi. Libby's Pile Ointment,
and Manual of Health,
, .
A!!" Pi l l 4 ard Ch'trrYi•Peetor:tl, Tanners'
GunnarDiqtnisetit. 7'easks, llaffnetie Ointment.
/hillinrays Ointment and ; Pars. Daris Pain
Killer, 1)oer. Prtcli's Ilctirt 'Corrector. RenPeres
Rnot and:Plant; Loules r,bveieign, tato% and
Vegetable Pills, Rhodes Ft
verirrtd Anne Cure. illerchnius l Gaigling Oil.
Ar lie.' Linament, Catnidior,Cie4or Oil, Parearr
ie,AloeF, Pieces, Myrch.-14kbrice, &e., &e ,
a — n - e* , slippy just received, t 4. b kept •vonstantty
.band, for by.
Oct.. S:ilf;
t PERFUMED • IlltEATil.;—What laity or
rentletuan denuld retuarinunder the curse
of a 'dilPa22reeab'e breath, when .by . thtt.
ilattuotaTitottsand Plowers" . as n dentrifiee
would hot only render it ' , Wed but . leave the
teeth uttite as alabaster? Many persons do not
know their brelth is had, and the I.inbjeet is as
del 'rated heir (reifies tvi •never ,In ention it. Pour
:t.singrle drop of " B dm" . on your toad! brush
and wash tio teeth niilht . and "inorning. A fifty
rent bottle will last a vecir.'; •
A bean' ifnl complexion trap required.
by using the " Battn . ,of a Thousand Flowers."
It will remove tan. pttnples and : Acta:l4les E .- inmate
skin, lesvinc, it'of anj isiseate hue. Wei
a towel. ithur cm Isyn or three preps, and 'wash
the fare night and tnorning.
Sti AV I.Np . .1A1)E EASY—Wet your. sha
ving brush in i4ther : :I or:culd water. pour On
two Or titt(;•;:i drop. of' " Balm of a .•Thototanri
Floivers," , rob the beard well. tend make
soft.lather. much feellitatine the op
oration orsha‘•ir.rr. l'rl.en nulr fifty eznts, • Be
ware .f ,f
!,, ccunterreit.4. Norio uetpiine unless
w . P. F D G. I co,
ti-tonvG • Franklin Square. Nev York-.
0403 r. BETWiIiEN THE=►I,
li.ft) V.,itat.)W 11:11S PI, Li 1.4. -
TUE 'Blood rtlrri ., 'sht--- the miter:l3l of evert'
I,ont..intuo-le. ,laud i,llll fibre in ihe hu.
"" fratio . . Wlo-n pur.-; it -r:curcs health to cc
,°n' (o.gan': •wh..n corrupt. it ncer..o3rily prot!twev;
,11..e:.:4..., 11 . 01,LI.AVA VS 4 PI i t l.S opvr.tte rtirect !
iy• upoll tine, , tom ai the:sire:an of lire ; - ne11f..4
tr..lizzior th e prioc!plo or,AiAerote. ::nd thus . ra - (l.t-'
untly r aring !hp otalyfF,!'whernr Ifv:ltiftl ;t1 t t"
rter“.---. Lilo -lo,navit,i tilt firer, the howelr, t.o.
ntft-oh'y, the star:; the liia:rt, or any o:lter p:4t;t
th..• system. - t.. .
Used Th':tAinh6ut tho World?``
rroLt.ow.tvsllt.f.,•,si..-I*.ially effiosialo '1 9
it: eitmph.nts cominnuctn 1119 , :tvlioir• hurnau to •
and in to certain Canates aud
loctsrit:,i,'7lrtitp. Disorders.
Dyrpep.i.t a;a! rit . r,l2l7ernent or the Ev , r. the
.rntrr.- and the cause of
.anart , :!r,t.te t! , ..:Catt,.;iield to th,-Fe cursiivev, in an
ho at - 20rateri, tseatt2 ttS par
iitv; tonic ;:they ' relive the
vetr:fy illvicorate the
tttn and. the C. , aigiiittiots at the mme
Vt'Pfralr: e _Ye rrous e .
; I 'll4 , r
1t. ,1 Ft . ..nut:ants• th e , r-soviit:az and
tyr• r t - iw , pr , o , r rettivS.iOf thc•sa Pahl dire firintioF74 10
rrr! v:ifeebled :Bart:lce, a the
vir!.:ll of
D.:irato Females.
.11! and rilimrnts it.eident to the
e r licate um! s 011.71.115 Of the Fex nrK re•
nr d by. u few lutes f thtLett
but inf , ll;ble saiktutiver , No Moth'er *hp re.
Burris her own u. her cbildrees he4'th iliould fail
to them tvit(pn her revel:
Sciont3fic ErtdOrSCrtlent.t.
Tht• Lon.!•nt , :neet;" the; London
ReviPw " ittoi th. 4 mo , t ettninent or the flieulty in
Great Brii.litt. f:rd Gcrinaiy, have eulo.
giz.,;(l the Pills ant their inventor.
.17iclioni.lyi Pits arc the bor't riviriit kdown
in t/ loorMfor the jullo - tring distrtl4-,.4 ;
Asthma:.,-: • Deadoclies Z._
Bowel Complaints indigestion •,.
.1- .
Coughs . - . Inward %Vastness
Colds - J - ' - itillniffinatkin
Clie..! DiSecses ; Liver Cothpfaints
D,lntioy . ~ Lowness of Spirits
Dropsy . Pries.
Driwpsis f : Secondary Symptoms
Diarrhoea. ..., Stone and Grovel
Fryer:and Ar.r:te!. Venyrent Ati.lctions
Female Comptatnis ~ • Wor.lia of itll kinds •
••• Sold at '.., the Mannfactoties of Professor Ho :, , Maiden Loito. New York. and
1,44 Sinir(4 Lo(, by . all respectable Drug
- Oi.IR arid 1) , : 111;f4 In Medkine throughout the
United . tufty: :lid tin. civiiized . worhi, in boxes
nt e 5 (..1..., 62 . 1-.2 cents. :out SI t'ach . :
0" There is re:con , iderAblenaring by tuliing
!ha Iftertkr rsites.
N. 11.—Directions fur tho auidinee of pa.
tint in •crcry tlisordet• bre nffixed t 9 'each bdx.
... *cp2sn4o ..' . .
730', a. m
A LARGE itock of Crovkery • and Glais
W:tre. :It • . G. W. S. & CO'S. -
'WOULD iespectfully announce td the
. dies oOlontroseAntriicinttv, that they
will .ppett Faticy Dress (iipods 4.. Furnishing
Store, on Thila street, over the Purmer'S Store,
on the .tr. 1.1 instwilere they will he happy to see
their old and :Ilse- ',elicit. the patromge
ril ne;.y'.)nes, Stiss Chase wilt Attend to the
Nlillinetv departtitent ; the,Dress making depart
ment will by invier the charge of Miss, Wetter-
2.15; It
6.4 d,
h'u'e. 4
'Montrose, Sep),.ls, 1856
Hang the Banner on the Outer
IV II AT If AY CIEN IlAcillEtt, the P,o
-1 plus - Agent', sr's now receiving their see.
end stock of .
Fall and. Wittier -try
. k ... ..
Which they aro 011iag off itt .obbut, ono half
the Old gigice'Peices. • .
No charge rer mowing good, No Deviatian
in Price.
Call and take 4 peep far lie nro boVping
orpund with the efieapeat pioaa oar offigna 1p
Ws section of theAt.a.te, I) niistAks. ~ ...
, , , AM% 44404
- 'Nei Milford, PL, Otto '.
18515 1 . at ior
NEW Jewelry, Per;um e ry, Fartey:Gotls
Grpeenes, Pala* Oils, Drugs, Materials - for
Lights, iSte., Just, 'mire& by
• ' `AfiEL •
, Stoves:Stoves
Er_BURRI'rT, would inrito attcntiOn to his
large storkof New-Stove% just, received,
including a fall assortment of Eirdted Oren* Air
Tight Large Oven - , and Pivlor, 'and Shop
Stoves, for Woad fir CO:ii; MHO St nveTrpe. Zinc
:.inert Iron, Stove tubes, &t. His mitortment
will include the most select and desit-ablefitnves
it ,)tarket ar i a wilt be sold on the, mat favorable
terms for Cash, or on trial, • ... 1 ,
New 3rilfold, Oct. Igth.-ISSO,
Auditor's Notice•
iII i TOTICE is hereby given that the tatdersizned
1 1 1 are Auditors appointed by the Orphans
Court .of Sumas., Co. ; , to distrihutethe funds - in.
the hilnds of Jacob Kituble. adn'r tt• tbe .estate
of Jun 31rlleaine dee'donnong thibeirs.Ad
retie.entatives of stdci deeedent, attend
to the &tiles of his appointment at tlin.nffiee of
Bentley and Fitch - i•t - Ifontrrke on Friday the
14th day of Nov. next at 10 otzloilA.'bi.:i and
all reasons interested in said
,fund- srp berm re
quirAd te present.their claims at s4ci - anti and
place or bo forever debarred. ,
L. F. FITCA. Auditor.
Montrose, Oct: '2.2d I 856.--4tvri:l4
Auditor's Notice.
MOTICE is hereby given that the tindersiznoil
.111 an Auditoi- appointed by the
. Orphans
Conn of &kola., (76., to distribute the. thndi in
the hands of EV S. Law, Adm. of the estate tif
Sohn !Sherwood, deceased, among the creditors
Of '4.1 d dcdedent, will sttend to • the .of
said appointment. At his Store in Montroia nn
Friday the 141 h day of Nov. next at, two o'clock
P, M. and alt persons interested in said fund Ire
hereby reifuired to present their claims at • Said
time and Out:, or be forever debarred.
W.M. J. M ULF011:0, Auditor.
Oct. 22d 1856
CLOTHING AT E. plan. •
now ittt op hand a. rood assotttlifTl
Jt of wiitter Cloning, Orer Coats, PantA. At ,,l
Vests, :Ind Bova Coats. ruin -sell cheap
for cash down. PleiSO call & bet for voursylve.4
Springville, Oct. Gth. ICC., • it4.l*
Cai - potings &Oil Cloths.
Al.•:r_e Yariely Nl%lesi nrcl qualities nrt
11 , .‘v , •17.•:ed fkir tla•. Fat! Tr;:de, to •whicil
the attention of yurchastrs ie incited. at
J. 11. DE PEG'S.
Seer. 18.
GOLD and Silvt . r Spee:aeltqc. a new
r e ceived, copprfting neR, he
August IS.. A. J.
111DURE Cnrkd Unit. Mattrisst:—Live
Fvatlttrs and Pillows 1. , r sale at the
ery & lion's° Furnishing Store nt ths hl‘vutt
prievs J. li.
Bingli3mton, Sept. 18.
Lookilig Gia.S.5OS.
D Ornomenteti, plain Gilt and Y i ftbo7-
nay framed ,Ilirrurs, nn I:101
Ictr ...ale at
Sept. 18, 18.58.
Crockery ez.Glass Ware.
. .
ACore Larne Stock consistiniz 17.
r‘f si:aprs of the hest Inaa . ofwftor , .
o: red at very low: . prices. ; Iv
of rsllaau anti t uL Gf town LoirPrS hr
• • - ' J. If. DErEt.7.
Sep!. Is:
THE Etc: i• established thnt .169 el ..clwnv 11 . 11 .
York to'buy 11,)uks.
& CO, stAi 11,As as low a:4 they can be trimgilt
anv unit rive with vnch 1,00`.; n presc.r.4....a
rying in vain:. from 25.ets. 8 , 00 . • Th , „ 4,,
Cite present ritipenias upon' the. nn mbe - r th t . b k ".l:
.purellawd. Gifts delivekzd At the titue at the sale.
Grval in‘lietentents to 4nents.
of booltg';tia - prlzes
sent to any aclares, free. .
Per , nns unacquainted with the firm of EVANS
&..; CO..are respectfully referred to thy iv;
lending pui)lishing houses ; , •
Miller, Orton & Row. N.Y•
Derby & 119 Nassma St. N. I'..,phiti r ,4
far tps•:n & cn., 13 Winter 81.11 - ys;olr,..tianbo:r.
Catior &
1":"3.7:1' Said f•YiaCatalog,ue ! ISth.-In
Executors' Netica.
IVOTICE k hereby !given to
,per.zons havitv .
i. demar.(!s aqninst the E,tnte. )I Steph4,l
zieton. 'ate Ditnoek dte d.:h::t the s.tme lo a-1
fie presir,ted to the andiirsi2r,; d for payrn - -1.:.
and that perionm indebte(Vto said 4 . stztte, arc
requestei ?ketti..tut . ut.
• TURRELT, L~ccu tOra.
"S - oc;rl:lsde turtiiis fomdis."
No. 106 Chatham—s!., tor. of Pearl— t.
Embracr.R nn Pxtensivo and rout pleti! sg.ortment
of the latest itaportatiotis and be3t -nu it fattreS of
in ntatet•ial, make, textnte,
and style, to auy.ittock of-rt•ii in this... eoun:
try—and at priec.; which ennuot to suit dos,
cAsn buyers. CoNslsTl7 , :c Uf
I RI'S -With linen b o somy. collars and wriAtband,
of the best qualities, and new ancl.i:Ttoleo
CALICOD;).—The ino4nt t nte tiro pat'n4i
uNDEntittinrs and DRAWE,DS4Ir Merino,
casinuere, sit!: and cotter), of deslrableand darn
ble qu:ili:ies—and the TErtor WOOL Etider-Irtli
enb4, so hi011t• aliproved by
.L'hy3iciatte. • Also
the shitter -shirts and Dr:mem
. CuAvATs.—Kueerior. quality and beautiful
vicsond a ftlit:l!iSfOrt.rnent. of stocks, eu ila;,,
Nin't yes. G:oves," scarfs, aud Mufflers or the ric i.
tit iuds •
Suspenders—An almost endless Variety, in
eluding the.finest and most ditrable.._
Pocket;liandkerchiefs- . --illk and (lotion— .1
and—an utirie.olle4 a•i..ortinent. ' i
Half Hose—Wool and cotton; of the best te . x-i
-tu re, soleeted expressly for retail trade.- i
Morning Robes, and , Gowns—Elegant. Pat: i
tern:, excellent material; and of the ,best make.
This stock comprises 411 grad.;s, froui the
lowest to the richest. that can be produce:l—
and having every facility for Importing and
ntanufacturing. not eicceeded by any other) es
tablishment in thv United states—buyers. there
ffre, wil consult their interest by eamiaitig
the goods which pre the
Lowcer tor:sißLE colt ?amts.
Et t .7"Good» proMptly delivered ut all the
Rail Road Depot!. ateamboatm, Ac,. and in any_
pot firth° city, Without charge. •
4 * * Shirts made to order by experienced
handl, in superi , ir -Atvle,. at. short notice, war
ranted to fit.. OrNo machine• work
Sept. 11,
Nt274' 5i223414LZ
Shawls Cloak & Dress . Goods Em-
• porium for Fall 1856.' • •
Il- tORRITT would call, attention to his 1
i nuw stook of Fall, and ,Winter GOOdS,
Inel:tiding agreat variety ot ltiali Fall _Prints; in
newSt . iles, - Plain and Ptirici tlolaines and l.;ash.
meres, Plain and Fancy 'Anhair. cloths, ,Pl'in
P.I .
and 'Plaid Merinoes and Paratuettis s .ck
Brseade, Plain and Faitey . Sam: Wool, ro:
eade, Cashuiereand Sillt-Shawl*,-GontikSha la,
Ri,th itibbOn7 and FlOWers, Ladies'Cloths and
Rich Velveti . for Cloaks; Broadcrothi," 6181:
incii; . &;i., With ri tote aSsOrt merit of other Sta.
ple & Fancy Goods as usual including Mir:t
wos, Crockery, Iron and _Steel, Poinis;4',ils,
Rootaind Shoes, jdats, Caps, Cloaks;,Bn alp
Rokrei t .Carpeting. 4-s., _with a large' andnew'
assortment of ._'tetras of the most approed
~‘ sty lesattd contras:4on all wt?iali will -4. sold
Oa .
to: west views ,
.oettia aloseist -bajirslyo f
Cish or OprOveacyadit:.-' , .'. ,-..,.: - ' l'l , l_ , -,...,•••,.4 -
' Nawiltifii4 - B•o4Bosi , ' - .... -, -._ .: -
P • I. 0 I'
_ •
I :A'. • 'X' •
' E
*S' I T '• , I - , o
. R
TTP , in tny eenifOrtnl4l4 sity, Paticr,. itrine
Ld;'.l3riek . Block. IL u *tititl. the
very interesting employiner.t of ".catching shad
ows." •Of my - success in My.citHOLG p;cl u re%
are my witneisessi : From ';lnitto to C:dif4rni:i.
from iek Int tald Enginmi. to La cif
land, itomirial4 are in pos4v,itsicn or tht--e . tm
fading evidence's of what the-Dog m;rremspe Art
lrrts hitherto en :bled me to aceomplish. Vov thib
encouragement that I inirc reeei:.eti • troiy
trust - the future- ‘ . .vitt
both of t . •=it 4 n• n d ^f
But,fur One gling him tliankrul.-.:A ft , tv
have patronised. w ell, but pii,d . ut pq(lriy.
TaiS fS TO CE,I3..T(FT,
That my steel. of . ptitienee itt cort•:in c",:re,....
tionm-b, quite eximo,ted. thoreforts,.my icts.,irfor
grifol filen/is. jilmt benr- in . 'mud titat if y nit tit) .
not do s p oedity vo r mt •ynai pronils , :rl to do nmoy.
nmulltm_ago, nrtpleasizni eta:sequences stay fd.
.. •• -
..... . .
... , :np);:Xie lon: - .7ttnze npp!i? . 4 to Imta. smnitt
number. Toullitio rest. 1 sobgetibe triyis , ilf.
yottr most obedient-- •
. : - - - - W.• B. PE51.1i.' , i7,, - •
. n3itf' Plitsitix.Rtvk, 3dkl,mr;
. '
1.3 LA.'I'E.D • WARE—Te:i\ 'Stytt,z,
et*, Castor*. C SoulTcrs
Traps, ,Spoolis and Forks, Card IL*4..t.*,
Auguist IS, _
Watellos, Watches.
TUST ri , o4ved b the :Steam •Si:ip 04..1,
ei few doz„ 4114r0 k
nly, tebrat-ti
Parent Les - erg. aisn.a fov rxtr.i lino six. tyat.p . ..t.
SkelTon LeverA, in plain 'silver tinnlinJ C,!st.s.
'11 1 0: : 00 V. 2 Wit Ir n , former str,A, )1 1 4 k, s ;:),•
ar.d as , ort.tnetit r%71::'„...'s ever
exhil)ifel iC we:ti!rn N. V., :di of whiz:,
inqi.;rtation, :apt trArinnte(l
timd A. J. Et: Ss.• •
N.l. 3 OtLi
OtiWARD' 1114 . 1). UPWARD. ---
s • • .
. ..
I .t,"?. [utie thrt,.7:hti:ll.43 ilryrarwrrA.Aptil 1011.
- 1 -I A - t.7 Tii) 4 ' -. 's r - ,' - ' 7 —, 4 ,1,et .„.- 1 ., „ ,„. ~.,„ ~,,,,,,*, 1 I ,:i„, w t ts .„ .
I _Li I_l4 i. I -
.'z_ 11: 1 (4 Ur I ;, "‘",. -"''; ' - 1 : ''' .•-•' -. . •
' 1 0 I r•-;i, ''. .1:1l::: t i'o f. ::1,: . I nf '
J , 2. - 1471•7 r. tor-- ini:4l
A :;11t' ~.• ..‘ :Ir. , N•r•r t.. q. , 'lll olr 1 . ~. •• ,r;,- , -, t 1 0 -..,va ~.-.3 n, -t 1::..r0:y. - .li -• S - v:, , ,-. , by .i:::-...:4:1. 1 11y1f 0,
II- `?' -•,•::• 5 #l '" I: of : , :• , -.7r;:. n,,711:,. , ,f -1., ~" ~.., 1 ....,,z-1. fi1...., fl, 1 , T11 . 0^,j, - 1: -.. t ...111,•11,3111t, , .
• t • - . ••* + • r .1 ,1, I'' - .s.. - "" 1 ''' , k . tl
I, , •
. . i . ',, .., t ..'• •
'i ti,utst•l4l In ..,..“.1 , 2, , .:1t'1tt..1, tt....^ pr:••••••• e. •:.. t.' ~, t- • •• • • ,'', ' ...„ 1
*I %. t
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KLACIII/SrPi :y..;:eiline. v.loci, is Avorrant.eil t. 3 Work i L'
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i3iant, Ca!11 and, Col, 31iII, tior, Nioih.t.e. 6,,. , 1-tr, 1 .. .- '• . •., - • ~ ~., i•..„ .;,..•••
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ti ir) EV77 VZ) 11: ' 9:A -I I" -7 P - 1 --- - .
mii:s. ior 13rnt or iiii;, t....:.., l l ,ntaNii I..Nrifrii..r lttLi g , iii•l•i ~........1 C,, i- 1..1 . 11,1Ad1 r ..,-)•;. 1 ~,,;,
ti.iw Miil wir I . 2.-I, Intl ( s•,:ri. ;'or wood eating ; al Jig.' 'l ll .t I,4l.4%ll.ititiiii .- It' . ILL
&c., ,•xtra tahl,-•anti sa•,r_f..r hiittivg, iiOnrig ATI3 4
~,_ ~ ~
retie:lV!! ali tfr:tild izerierol,..ilop use. t....pri.zilt orl • .--- ,-..3
, LTI.Fi.:7IIIITC- ATID 1 7 A1* - i0 x - OBS. -
Fr1t.,,,, :..,,XV for NVl,..,ekeri - las tist. 1 1.3ror,ii-nut 1 . - - '' ' • ' - -, :i• ,-
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saw arraligeoirnt-,....,T1,:,:!y I,,,proven to 1,. i .7 - ii.. - D t• - •:.'5.a711 -- . ,7 ,.. " ;t i iN l i Ti- r ii". t% - t5. , ;,y,..:17 , TH,,, - --
CrPOW 6.1 r elltiinLe Wil , il 10 thq 1 1 ig, (it Wi i I el:t 1 .. 1 '•.-- 1 a S.J2-4 - -. , ---44-1.4'..)...4 -4 '--.4 , -4- i=i----,...:.
c ar :a, )8 ineit log in ()mi . :Monte.) Emory'b rir- 1 . 0 4' S-i-ir ^. l :- , i).-' , -lici t Ncic . hboring
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hto eider M,Il and j're!zs, the bz . ,:it in u.:e. ( • ' C0.+121 - It , s ' f ,-:, ' I t - .
Frionizol Nlilis titled. for - p„wo.s. 1 , 4,• - •ir; O. oen l ~„. ...' , ,; '.- ~; '.. -1 - -;, - -
stir tier:, ' l ower Fein! mitt t,r, lumr , ive4 do ff iJ k ir. - i 'llTi c l , -t. wow- 1 - ::'ift:'-' 11 : 1 1 41 ,' st+) ,l -it% ;.'''P t lT ' ;'r.T!el'l',
er, , , C1 , • . ,.•r liallers. Wind :1di"..., of AririluiA - i-iz. I V - v Cynt:to kriw ` 2I, Ai . P a l..* •• - ock . cd " ibt , ' :kiwi' , " ,
es, ~ , , , ..„. e. .,„., ...,I., e i i , r , v, ti„, : 0 t .,... 4 ,,,,, , .Ei& , e, Drill !a) ent il,ueil , Gf .. )(4.1:, ro.r.v itystoro, ' :...tii in tour l lll , pr
~ >wtr, Lim, ,pr,.d.,.r. ii,:1.1 , Il.oi lc t', l'ort.r,airi,i 1 r e l el' ', " i
on- l 'A. ' r : 111 : 1 . Y‘l'::r.s, kiii.triiir.tO,pr. Vilip t;f:
of S'ilti;lll•77 patter‘vi., ,v 1
1 ' ' itvcirattil..., ...I I,n,iii, i Atli: , instre s t rr1 . 1.q.: , s kiL 4 111<:%„.,I:!4•P ' 1;1'1 . Fit..4 . tq , ilsrp
.I.2rieultural I s drri - i:e.- , ,i'..t.e . . , t s.:::' fiL•t; 1 , 7 1:1,,..,, , ,„. , bi•ell ri"tAirli s ti ;V 11 11`. 4 C , A , p(4 -1 , Oitiell )1..4.1i atiitst.
press''=, Churns lif 1. - nrion , :i- hirAs., Cuttr,,,-.. , ,i0„.„., givi•ll PWay indoro tim rivi•d'i' of epipirrii4i „ sil --....,.„
:trot p lows or
~,,,.6 , ,,,,s iptinn‘ L e: ,it a , l ,. it ,,i 1 . Pr .':o7. , :sAinfz crioquallea•faelliticß for bitylig, - , - .'
Robliot Belting,,,nnif ...v:!tiott - i ~therituplernnin.,,, ; nrirrli:Livinz ii,feet tiouimintivation with.tiii , tnoo,t .
In fail( rihno.:t • any impl,•rd;• - ftt ft Ttrteer inai• i extcni 4, 'e , .tiolikei- ctor c s , l n •"tflo , Utlit.i . d . "Stlli •
s, '
Nriili. Cil ; 311 V line elS`...` 111:IV ileAre A. , :5./ I:4 l ir ii,.t . l i -wf , say,witrAiht iral';F:.t•r:iil;:ifi; litn we .feli:ultftlil,
bandiM ' aildt , ratidal, whieh nd doikbt .- . 2riti 1,1! - : 04. I will tacit- t'itililt' 'll'Ae-g 4 .110 . --et retail..,;rAL, ptjec , 3
lower, than evor iit.tred li•ofore'•_ west of Nivl:
tained at the ge;at . inhttiti:;•!".Llfillg i.q+Zai.,:ii•ottalut p t, I . .
, ;:vi (1 r.tres . ...nted tit (e:,repreictited) in Bra.-1. t (;ilv- . , ,r. , 1 • ~=, -, ,'-•": , "...-1 , ....- .
Co. 'l'no.v :list) Inannravz ere :le t .•=ior Fan- t N;V:l ` . l h ' 11 P 1-1/if t " -- .."' t)(1'1 O nllt.' " ,- 11 1 - 141 fa . : -
eine* ' iili. (they c•All it) witi,4l 11l 1y .
-iii` very vat- [ ":nr' line, t'; ' l; ' ; ' C- - ' ` ' ::''' ' ',. n. l lavtrenifti`atOlitil * tri
milile if it i-; - eap . .blo of blowitig - or ele , ,rinf; tilt` 1
:tit` 1 Toll : .'l i' , 4-'n Y .'l , i . 4 :1%. t) , ,kr , cll (T. iit1i7,3: , 11. , .. , iri0f,,K, •
61ati it )Ail the proprielo... Ali! Atli Ay ou lil_ be t anti
_ll- • .' . .t. , ,,:iit 11., t , ~ rt., i5.t..0.•- • - !: ti'..t41 . .. ty. ' ortl N ,Y t..44 ' ...1 a-
lea? s ' . ,e-i or 11 ,- )ti , e 176t—i.lrit ,•--- -' . - ".-.- - 1
I Weeld %II!: SA itaile.e 1.`..'111 Itlay Ft:07,2 . I,ton , 0,1 Fraley_ c . .i , ..! 11 .1. - t.: , vt.i
,Jta.vii . ,rtl.„io 5t.1ni.1;,..!.„-mcrt.
hurntinged, Ili; t.Erlit'lis 6 r NVltf.•eleel.R.:ll , ,..o;:d 1 nt , . - rit, wl .. , t l A;llltki'),g I:9Frt•l - . ;•Kly ‘ tttcl.i, i ll,e9,..a.v.i;At '
Ilorse l'owors, l ' hre-lier - i Sz.o. are tiot Made t.r i rel'erc:•llCf7 f!' t a , A , li4 .. Y. 3 f lf-g •' . q- C -f ll ..c. =:e . 4;st , “llA P i44 W er
tdlowed tti Ire made thi,s side or Albany ; at..,0 / 4 , I thinkTw:lll p1,ea,,,,tit.h,...,,:•40a_raz,,-tv.-0t„ca.t14,1,.....in1ugs
tho3o" .. , ..k!i,ta2 to parelmiz6 i•iflier. - Eniery's or I line.- -
.',. 7 7 .-, ...!.. -. ..1 • . , . ; ;T:e ..-•, , c• - •...- ; ,•,.. 1 ' ,,- "
Itiheeler ' s. ;Nlit ' ellini-s - • til , :it • l!rut - ry or Wheeler I I • lil e. - >neilisioni iy,e would.imy "ithali our 'ci,,,43,
has not nistli , lrized or ' desite Mr. 11. 'l4. Blower: , !T : ;- if t:W , : 1114 Of t: - .w. .ilr'ol, i h ili al.l., 'and tliaTi4 ; /; .
to gel( their nmehifies. ' . . '•• •. • . . 1 hoPe , by ' - ir lL't att,t4tlon' - 'll4 l ::tisifict4s itha 9.'con
. ,
. •
Descriptive catalogue price Li,,t• , :fria circulars (start rii)-tivlP.i}t:lll4'of
,the . .7 --, vils)l4.*Of bur - patrkoto,
or nearly MI inaohineil gold - by/tne!,, ' sent .gTatis it o m eri t !cell nil ' iderctllit i of th . o - : , e6niltlen ' 63;ll-
and posta,ga prepa id , to bli •j‘plillt;:iiltS. , aarld i Tend' TePt4etti n: . tt''. '-'''' ' :.--''''''"-,' '. E ; ; I :" • i ' L .' l „ ',--.•
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Now flirrior l k sour ~ .iipo to mal;o:trOnii 2 1 ilatawbri' .l it. , s Futtcs4,iNt - Aurt- Yarisy oiadzi,
to 2.1 ;1r ' 1() iter cont.; on Ktfur Invetinculii. jt,e... -1 --.- 1 - j Estabti'llltil_en t ,".. s I i ' L ' ottrttlit ,r ,•;l3l it'dtia,47e c,' - •
member I get my
. thaellinoi . .ilirect &orbt/iv ,'-''' :-.. io ll i 'il ; Y ; • - • Pai l 'i'Mn ir li - aolz• of ' '' i l .-
111:trinfaetorA, ' l ' ve noiiiiidtilo man wi t h Wi fr omy . - -- _,,•'` . ," ',:...,,,- •t .s' 4 16 ,(r 1 1114 . 4 , 011,- - - .7• - •-.2..:.• --'.',.' -
tom' ) vid my . couvM - stoa t a2l 11, the .saie tiitil.i ' - ' i-74•‘ " 15:'-`" o'lllVi' fk-.‘ ' -'pr : r . ' - iiirgb s;t - Oftk: iir . ; - Wri4i ,
Ho .Otlierg. An)/ tlitti'llitg'% Ro)a by. ' ,:iiciarel 08 hi.l .4.‘ Vilt •P wW4-t : 0, '' ll l t`A .: ll4 .l l • ll _n,_ -°''' ,l f rititiitiltt •
warinateil to - •Sitti , 4filellon or inay- lie' r etn rn- %I Wnter.llttlY''Bbil Til•ti:i . fi ' . *t * . „frlr'Slifirttng.. '
ed if r not ati rt - nded. See largelinad-bilbs 1 - •P' " Irnt or o, :v•ei'Y 414',.#!tiP:CAL6110114ailing 'F4l ! tiogl
dr:cc - ants. . ~. r_ M
Lotiklo-tn4 , !1,:tt,..4 1 o.u, vArtetle.4.;- - qttaN:ltifroS`„Pliatelt4
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, SILVER , WA ar.
IlEtytirY stock of,fino SI 'NEB. W.4lilE:
‘FATFpntedivi . purls tiA
Tatil,PesAeri. n.O Mello ForiiA 'r,ttlrintesd:
bon I)Allern And 'plain - Tabrik,, Doiert And. Te-1
!_iffinon4'; l it4tArd. Cream
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Njoebste ai4ll4rlB SR6B.
Nor' StorA! Now Gocdp! i
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anti vk'in' t*lheir - vPrv. large cdoektif Fiessid .
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