The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 30, 1856, Image 1
SECtritaut .- k - .o3t4itAon, - Vpipi4loi.i,l cittect ottrt). JESSIE, D 03 9 r vox; cur. Tung--"Ph, Suhannahr Oh, my dear Jessie, Don't you vry for me; I'm afritidihit lotig'll for White Ilounn neVer,linvur, I fore the gnat' Republicans,. • ••• And Girths poor htii•kft sigh ; But ;111 I fMit wilido no good, But Jessie do:A. you . cry: • Cuonos—Oh, duar-Jeside, - Dou't you rry for me ;- ringoing up Snit river . • . With a nigger on-each knee I've climbed ilie And leavened tar. and wide; Bnt attrf next election' I know not where I'll hicie. tried to retch Anierie; , us, • But they were .01 toe %14 4 ; They . sotnehaw toonluch for me, • But Jessie don't you cry. ` C1101:17S—Olt, my dear, JeAie, &c. I , enitoralirernia . , , And surveyed - tunny it river, Tholrish vote Eve tried to get;' .itut they *ll answered " sliver ;" And every two:American Wiil knock me into I winit I'll staid inOregon— d.'sn't you cry. ' . C;ionus--Ott, my dear Jessic, &e. I guem inydem., to Wa%hington, ' We will n4kgo *quite yet— We cannot • give them imi,ie" rstow..'6 I rear well Jemsli) eeL, • Fur Buck and Breek will put us down, Aridthere have. - to,lie; We.'ve Wpiked and toili4 so very hard, Yet, .Iclode, aria% you . err. Caouus—Oh, my dear Jessie; . - Don't yon cry •f Or mo; • .oOing np Salt ricer, - • • Wilh a titger on each knee. SELECTED POETRY. . Ttie subjoined poem may, strike some readers as rot beingen entirely original. ; Kgre:iteemistake toShi nut pi,sibly be made. We at leant never • I saw anything like it anywhrre, and whosoever let him point it out.—Knickerbo'cier. he night h.,* eotne, but not too soon ; Wesl ward thestar of euipi re takes its way ; Ye banks and braes of bonnie Door!: i Blue spirits and white, black spirit, and gray 'ocked in the Cradle of the deep, . Old. Casper's work work; *at; . iping oo holloW reedA to is pent sheep, arge,Choster, chArge Vn, here was a sound:of revelry lip night, Oa Linlen when the sun was luw ; ot voice rrplied, far up the, height, ; Tall oaks from little acorns grow.. What if a tittle rain should toy, 1.1;:lve not lora the world, nor the wbild me; trt•ll a d:iy '‘Voodtuan, spare that tree! • My h eart lenettip tsijh li(y - t9 see: , I A primrose by the Avnt•-es . I • iLwchi•us tm dA elimb the tree, • Few of our youth a uid tope with hits 1 prayer of - Ails u•as for light, • v , The light that never ww; on sea'or sit Ore, padding and beef tufke Britons fight, wore I - • , thder the spreading besnut tree, For iworB tAbgether sat ; and'iny:Anytal,el Lee; A iu.tu is a tnan fur n . that. "Truth crushed to earth iihe again, And waste it:4 sWe.•tness 4.n the desert In thunder, iightning, 4.r in rain, - • None but 'the brave der.erve the fair. • , Tell we ;HA in wournfutznnthers, - The child tattier of the Ulan, Huth, my d,ar, lie still and iluinher. ' • They can conquer who - believe they-enn. A change came u'er the spirit of tuy dram; Whatever iu, is right; . 1 And things are not what they, Sel!M, - I My native land, ved night! uliizrnl gtrtitits, Prow the Dollar _Nt4.?-pppil..- RELIABLE NEWS FROM ,. KAN- ECOMPTON. ii. T... Oct. 10, 18.56. NIE,:f3ItS EDITORS :—The tinexiiev:ed -sue (*Lis of 11. ~(weary in re,ittiring peace to din -. 'troubled Territory so soon after assuin s ing °Woe, 11.11,14 he 'source. of Nitieeri ' giaiulation to all good citizens of the,Anieti oiin Union, to whatever section,they finny br attached, or'whafever 'may be iheir . -petialinr. politied completions.* 'there are ... some ties, no floubt, who would have preferi-ed the 'aeftrlueut of this,rlo4irable after tioi Presidential callvasN. salt . has -deprived them of their feast elfeetive thunder. To these, *epeitee. lo Kati es," it most di , agreenble whioh is gulte er- Itlelt, thereto extzeroely.iotittt 'to Lelia rc.— Fal*una.lnueutabla.statemdnts bf•ful "condition of - titings here, stilt fitiA -places their publieitiort, for the .;nlioitity uhjeet v. PoriAlci!l .13itmeilieditchattilthete. end ditipersion l. of the l'vtrkoriiii,;4inijitiii,'. 'Capture of liarvoy!aatited-warat 4;s at ILL ' Dry Point., and Ole driving out the - -Teirit..- ‘ fp of the irotoruati agitator, linfresit. rtwit;; no *AWLS out brintk; has'oecarrea, unitt.'a, ft4' I '4-4 se 6 suitYmerirhii,o l '.lllv c. **ay.* , iiisoormaiw-ippaittittrigai iittilsit!eate Terns teathiod 'tbli • faecitittfti NTsittivent Mutt Lane had z.illeitteti in. lon, large reitif4m,einen 1113111beritig about n than. sand' incin, with whieh, *ad three hr*stf,. Nieces he wm.l again about to intide.the:Ter. ito►r tlt . le 'went Consequently on • the Vieth ult.. five hull - tired U. S. Dragoona, with tt batiery or light artillery, were tie.- • piCelied to titei' iicirthern fr ontiei - to i ntercept th mi n Rod tiling, him pii.oner to Isec:Oinlit;iii Ithould he be found in. Knnsiu l / 4 ,- Tide force h. 04 not yet returned, nor has nny neeount of their . operntioni been reneived: The rota- i that Lane liaa too much regard Gar his to venture agaiii into tlti, Territory. Yesterduy • Governor on "It Visit to L-twtenve., - W e - rode down bug • „ a y, acyrimproet t oy n .solitary oriler ) ou. necks :Igo tlu journey C.llitii DM, tinVe been in , nle with gaiety with:* nnt n sttong.force lif:U. S. dragoons. ( , Inn i t ,, e in the ape of thing.% along the to:Icl can 'tom more rea;itly immgined than des:crib N o of marauder,' could be pl.tvu (ur ptey upon . the cliglity ItillN'orAyitig, for gaiety through: t h e ravine..; nor iravelleis, - . lllnrinz - nll who nppronelird tiiettt to be rnenties; dashing from. the main rcut4 Into the extets-iveprnirieg. On the een r:t every thing was indicative of peace:eon- tiileriei.,:ntol -returning prosperity. 'Forni rink'aioncon horseback from settlement ; and wag Ons,. unattended Mal 10 iJeil witli Itonse- and nien, wornen and children aversetl the kullg IS iu perfect, tlift4„ Wo l k. Inert - were everywhere emiloyed in.rehnilding lin;trditned ht.tisesi :main taking itt and 7.e• curing tiwir lip:mm(l enva. eliQn reaching Lawrence the,liniipv infht c f rchton.44.. peace.; woo convicuously clilpliryed. -No -usitils Stl!rolltided the town; nor were-there mutinied sples to vl-flick its sever:WM - Cline's..Squad? of idlers no longer king about - the streets. , The stores -were all opened, and business had actively 'emitted. Gh - ionit had forsaken:-the countenances of the cheetfultiess- .seemed to - pervade the (*tire :community. 'The .Goreinor. was . rt.tteivtd the cuitost cordiality, and his continued through the day, ten 4ered iespecially agree:ink. A company of militia is enro:led here whir] is nearly a 6,1 ready. for•protewive purpocer.,- to I t. aint.teieilliito the S. service. A general ilbterailoatioti seeinttri to prevail to cultivate a spit it of int' ry, ,pence. arid -good order.. ,On 'Our retain to Lecompton we stopped at Various of the ,settlements, and; in eVery in 7 stance,' f,,tind the fareilies entirely freed froth all itjtliehemiorts of further disturbance,' and in the enj iyment of the fulle,t cantentmcnt. In Lawrence and along tlie.road the inbah atits - gtinetallY - ita troweled a feel' tyr of thank fulnesssl anti joy . ..that the political trickste , s. andtnagogues had- departed from the cona i tiy, and all expressed the hope - . that they wolad !never be permitted to return . .. The option l a mong the actual citizens is univer r s.allyeniertained, that the men brought into' the tet!rito:-y by these agitat rs, ostetuibh to Itrtttcet it;_ iijured citizens. hut' actually to pi unchirtitti d t ;.triv,brought with them all . of indOlence, vice and • littirdretisi of these, miserable %Creek:he... non deserted - by those %%hose dneps find tools diet t • have teen le, and no longer daring to Con. tinne their :l as of violence, are left.' here a' burdett to the territory - anda curse to itr ).rat. peritc Thefgood people of the North and td . the South, w4tose money 'collected these vag abond's to , ellter, and sent thent here to prey pp m) the stdr4tanr -and blast the happine..,,if the peaceable anti settlers, have to an suet jrC most, of the criines that have, been luttbnittte,) in Kansas, for at their dour thi• lutist in truth. b laid. . , Want no more . recruit% - fortfiSllell In NortlietO Societies. tior,yet'front the por 7 Letts et Southern and Wes!ern . the clintitAble citizens of .the.atates .bestow their #ands upon .the poor midsuttering tGm aredwelling in their midst. • ft'. will be fat more,servicenble to the world than; beitcg squandered upon. the unworthy -melt +riio have been Acting n 4 their AgentS in this rt;- gioti.! . We ,neither . money;' diets agents r nor the class of men I.Gy : send These are the,brigands, the incendiariei Mot assassins with wide!' the territory: hasir beet, overrun. We bane indtc-try;irtne and pa . . diutibm etictigh _among our inhabitant% u. ' , toad our own ititerespi; lung as A., keep the 41eSintiliTe poi t u te ciut4de . ,infhicure end- biterfeiente, we ...311:,11 h:tre no more - law:ides to % - ttroi.nit. too ' - difki ,•ultips against whir lt to l'untetid. mil, t. ttesieed lir desire, site those Isla. • .wine to settle and enhivate linr cute tueehanioal establish manufneto ties,; drive our any and griiit mill,t, and-give fresh and vigorous impulse to nor totnineitie. Providence liaii,giveti .41a 013 e -Pt tbn.inua. beautiful and fertile countries - in_ 'the_ .world, #nd we only n'ed the sober sort, of, popula• Lion to, ;nuke it'an..earthly_paradloti • Xbe policy and energy or G9vernor Geary areirspidly driving oat every."' foul and tin. 'elean ibing„.7.atid under lib , liwib by adiuiii6. trai(in that which had beets made but-a algal 111.41 g bet!rt Ihnn n " 1190 i iig ail 4.lerin%*;":' is !die.•;Ay' rgintliu;; to` ~''tind stmt the T6'oo " : `vv:it thu au4;ficetipivq tbriaW with . 1);, in4ll(sll_ tiring 4 viii;r and aCtiii4 py . cansmtorn.4tion.. 'The banuAti ittbabkants 7if 'O, ft 4:1111'4 to . olioolder lift ter efforts to . tottiTtio "WE ARE ALL EQUAL BEFORE GOD'ANB TRE COSSTITETION. I9 .3anies Euchauau.. antrase, Spiv:pin (f) nytta, fonea,k (TrtrsWal Itlon4u.g, Ortobtr 34,185 a.; a litinittie'rreindly heritage , that tuts been eii therm ' - The doctrines of popular stover eigatyolpue the new gatrisor lists !tamed his entire policy, have taken rocs!. its .their-underasantlings ao l their hearts, and . they are Willing* to wait patiently - the proper time to 'decide, like true tepublicana ' end ex good citizetmAt the proper place and • in the proper Outliner, the vexed question as to what :not be their peculiar local insti tutions: J. VOilabelpijia Corrtipoitbnice. . ADELPRIA. OCTl9th 1856.' A. J. Gintursox, DEatt . Stn The proutive I tnade to you n few week ago, has not yet lien fulfilled. You imn tint togotten 41iNt I said I 'would write to you soon after my arrival in. Phibidelohin Now `• delays nro tino . tremu4." Sonie . i, rood- ern Solomon said 40, and. of A' our-e, we'inugi believe him.: A4 . .,rinnger4 - then mecontriny debtyg., F till 'delay no longvr in 'writing to . , you - . If it were in my in),wer, I would gladly ‘end soatetitint. worthy of yinir attention• flowerer, take the-will for the tlev.l. Now. don't expel:toot) s I hrliere it is that Nigelittilosopher Sam Sick, who say.w: ILip, py are they who expect nothing, fur they shall not be disappointed. .• Though nt fitst. .inclined to come to the .city Of lbothetly I.:we" by the. Dela Ware .and Laekawanna'rou;e,on second considern , Lion I-coneluded to give tnysellan '-opportn-. nity of behoiJing the scenery Along the Yotk `a nt i and of spending a few days in the great mettopoli: of the Empire State. In due time I war in front of Ihe ''passenf:er Airring way thrttogh it dew ran ,:s of tttii *Owed !wore. The cars were• gained ; the contloctoeo "all aboNni" . t soon heard ; die iron' liotse_hvgan his course; One of fia• tures grand panoramos'was swiftly moving before tote ; forest rind meadow, ha! and dale, , appealed au.l disappeared in rapid sateces. pion. -JerSey City, in a fetv tours, :`vita left behind the lin:Is:on - was crowed ; and I Was' i t tnro g' the enteroriSing, ' enlightened, „go ahead peopie of N e w Y ol k.. In any city human nature may be'scen in many of its forms. If an exception could. be made to Chi-, surely no one would say that it , is New:York. Various as maybe the char acters,feelingS and pursuits of the thousands who in' this city are ever rushing bv, the prevailing idea is business. Business, of • eourse,'is . the motive power that has rendered this, Ike "-age of ,pro.gressi,". awl the New ,Yorker: Knowing this will never .let future generations-say that he was behind the, spirit of the age. From, this chaNteteristic of the 10th century business . , wti must ihowever ex empt the. afer.' That sage individual has sufficient moral courage to tine superior to the LIIY of the day, and . believes it is all humbug to stippose, that man was doomed to, earn his brgad by the sweat of his brow. Be mac crwrivi4l the city to his rloctrine,.!:ut • Lite mot be patient; for it appears that the Ifates we now his foes. Look . 4 that crowd ' ed.-st rect and you will think so. 1, ,, 01t into those shops told stores and you will be con vit Ced.'"The merchant and the clerk. the stage-driver aid the I • man, the Jew ch:111, ieranti are Peter, Funk,"'tic Haws boy and the bout-black, the wee . t - fsWeeper and the 171: .• picker—all are there, and all are busy. toilinvind tortigglihg and swindling; to se cure hapOrreS rind money. A visit to Cite - Brooklyn Navy,, Yard affor ded toe much plea-ure. - : In Wimpany with a friend every spot sat. familiar, 1 went through the many shops liert,,"the hum of machinery, and the Ini?Aciii:•o of 1111 . 114 f ed, of hu-y metbartics' gave evidence of Uncle Sam's Vigtir.. The DIY dock 'swell worth ex. It is built of huge blocks ."if gran. e , an t i:the masonry' is elegant. It is 3 sett in length. 98 in breadilrnwl 27 in depth. When n vessel i 4 run in for repairs the g,ates of the dock are closed, the violin are set t.t . work, and in a short time the v e ss e l is • left high nod dry.,' The • pumps for this unr .sse Ate welled by n bilge steam engine in the'grnnite builditqa ~tort distatitte iron the dock. Titi! , building, and parieutarly the engine room %%ell de , erves the attention of titotuger. *No tiiie be Navy Ynrd shoubl leaie tylthout going if possible, to the'• Naval Lyrettra. This, - building is bitimied in a . very beautiful part of the yard.. As the tor appraches. be sees on every side, pyra mids of-balls which 'perhaps inny yet be sliee. tyny rm tintuy an erratt.l In' front, and exlmiding . tip towardi the prin• ctpul gate .of the yard, he cannot fail to ob *err ethelong row of 32 Pounders_ pointed towards, the.,principal gate of - the. Yard, be eanout fail to observe tile loug row of 32 pottialet:s poitittql townrds I.itiljwt. • My. ,friend negtvtinleti . itli the tuanager, we pitted *built ;tutu without - .difficuity,'ltrid a itirt;eitt I f. 'rind tci3telf ininatniied 'by the: gra;iteA t •, tiOU ii . e riPlki I lei . , tare d an , ralutt tittestotb, titat J Jtaii . ever .beltehi. f tteljrwi:iltitu; that MUMMA me was it Odic% • .i.•pl e tat !la i triittp a_tra tog I along lite frott . kith:4p t reoentritgotueof Rao t tneU_ -uut..iiuttittry,,in . ,.o . Nriryaud Cabinet. . all the Preis dent. were .titele l lookistgr .titUit• eritivws. tireltattler/ . i Malty . of iiiir' hr are .itrui= Caere j'urra, r. 1;r 3.. ThOpk„..lwr.l .beqn!ur, Roger.,: nen;giiiiiir, 4ll o 4l : eixitogi i cop grottoes piaci: , A gingra Ong of Nelson, anti dune of the "ISailor William IV. were in another part of .the hall. A fine marble bus!. of" Pater Patrice" could natfail to mike the visitor pause for a moment and think; of the great original whose mighty influence gave existence and glory to arepublie,' and Whose counsels if ohq‘ell will forereri , frustrate the designs of those who seek to riot, amid scenes of disun ion, anarchy and blood. , Passing- from thoSe, let us look at that with ? ered vecimen of 'non:wily, a mummy. It :a from • Gournon,Tlielick I forget how many thousand years haveeinpsed since it acted a Bart in the titrairx of the . %mild.: It matters not. " The dome or Thought, the .pninee of the Scud" has het n, Intl- - deserted: Many a nation rose, Aourif:tied, and rliaappeared, since that body tvas • tra)tsfixed by, the shaft of death, ;mil many mole arty sink, benevith the destroying barn"- of time,-before that life- less clay will lose tiw irutnan form. Ina corner we see n'marble slnt► covered with grotenne figures of a liiindnd different -Itniies; •It iS R tonil, stone from Thebes, pre sewed' in 1838 to Commodore Pattersoh and is said to be 1000 jeers old. I tried to read !he laieroglypliies:but found I could not. What a late! A ;bort. tli4tance. from this are'sevettil most hid ..on-ly. 'illy' 'lli tie's ! Instead •of re- reiving, as in the days of . yote, the homage of the ‘icout Cele4ll, they arc exposed to the profane gaze of the Arnerica i n Ilarbminn. Come slung. lier is it iarge i•esr4l forme,' by nature. It is ealleil Neptune's" , ton wine glas.s in shape, is composed .4 4 por , ;us kind stone, and is about 15 in c hes in diAtne:ter,.2,.at the mouth, aid nearly two feet high. It •• . •ivaA.• found in the Bay ,of 139 feet below the surface, and pre soffit-4 to.ilie Lyceum Capt. 'Henderson. • 1 J .. A little farther On,,lis a ease conmiaing T,tivits of Mt. Dna, another, L•ivaS of Mt. Vestoi tiA, another is ftlledi with Agates of the Nile, another with stalagmites from the Island of Minorca. Again„we iaace specimens of the artistic skill of the;South Sea Islanders, such as . hows, poisone.l . lartowA, spears, a coat of mail,' hatile-axe?,"and other thi — ngstol was to.mention." *The spears.ire merely long slender shafts of Lea. y wood sharpened at the end. The . arrows'nre generally pointed with, some kind of bone. ,The handles of the axes are vety ingeniously carved: and. must have, cost some 'poor fellows many day's labor, Patience is certainly to be found in the South' Pacific,' nearly,eq6al to that of the • old Chi tiying to grind a crow bar douti to a cambric needle, a. razor . strop, or something of. the kind. The coat of Mail is r•onipoc.,(l id hard ,twi4fed - ropes, close ly woven. togeliei, and mldeto cover the dusky warrior frOsirt sttaiit to toe nail., The Sava . ges, it appearA, have a little age of Clair all to themselves: A eariously wrought paddle from the F"evjoe Islands is also among t he 'collection. Srretal mo.lels*-Of Chinese jonks and, sortie splendid . nr: - ulels iAmerican ste:tmers and sailing vessel's weve among the otii t bos o f io tcrest. A tare 'Colleetion of stuffed birds beasts, flout varkps parts of the world, was• also to seen. The Great. florin's • Eagle of America, the. Yellow nosed Albatros, the Penguin 'Bites 0. Paradise, Aid lleten, a number of Dettell . rial birds from Australia and a bitudreA others from every point of the compass. - Alligator'., tint.:•eaters, botteonstrictors, bears,- vampyre-bats, in Cott, a whole eidony of beasts - , birds, ands tO, have made a general stani pole to the Brooklyn Lyeeetn, ranged . th'em,' se:ves iu order, and .suddenly hist their breath. - _ • N:4 the least I intvresting obje . ict, bn ac- tlw reeoNctions which it awakeng, i- a blanket onceloWned Abraham Can field, a veteran 4 .the It was worn and presenta to : him by his • mother, and m'cotopanied him . ;hrougli the -whole lie:Volution:try str i uggle. lie carried it, While he trod the bloort stained,soil of Bunker :Bennington and ~ * .Stratog a, nod on many a pieteing night of - yinter,ln the gloomy Cain paign of 76, he slept beneath its folds. Ills des . ,:etidaats pies:enTed it to thelyceutn. Some shketing mortal of the Artic regior:s sent in his \ Contrjattion in the shape-of a pair of sun w-dwies. 13u t stielt shoes I I. can't de p-cribe them.- ; '1.40k At ; a stone boat and you will have a pretty.. idea of what they ate like. • Atr. WM, Itt4ink of. Brooklyn, has sent in a morocco slippr made by him within It•atr- afier the shin Was taken from the boat's back. To skin a goat, tan the leather and makes a slipper f4nu it in 9 hours, is doing ba,ine;ss in a .wq . th:it Makes oldl fogies stare:ki A horse shoe is there,"tnanufltured in 31 1 seconds. Not slow either. ' *bat h have Isere meittioticd bears only a sandl comparison to all the_ 'Lyceum . : con tains. I spell; ttiarly . two hours\ viewing over and over again' Iltoqi .contributhass from so many eliMits,thpse 'isles Of bye :gone days,' thole memorials of .deeds that 'sici: love to i-olutnetnurrite; 01'64 portraits . of men n , whom the tegard - With BLit •' noon *al :\ now drawing-nigli,..itqd • I, - obliged to 'depart. thOugh rethictinee, from a place stn whtelt id fatlio4liniu ikeitiOd to me to hairo been IM-0611414 lhy express. - 'I may here:meis Linn' that . 'ihis'estaWililititent is' hot .1 . - in any mattLer togellter prive:ii'tint . terictinalataitied prep `' of ill ti 'lass nkV ml v lei^, .Thei.C;stlin on their 464 •16 - ibti cone i l OOl Ol l - til_, • .tr! ) tr - 14 0 09P s `#Pt i c 11 % indeed n - twill &ores coy . , . • _. ttibuted to the present' collection. The - 14 - ceutn Was established in 1833, nr.d chartered in 1835. Commodore *Abraham Iligislow is now president. • : I will now bid ' adieu . 'to NeW Turk and proOklyn, and roturti to . my :own . old: native Keystone. In - this city the election' has 'been and 'is .yet the great topic of the day. The gitestioit.. of superiority was decided last-Tuesday by an' encounter between the • contending parties ; the trininph of the Democracy; was complete, still, sometime mtist elapse before the excite ment of the conflict will entirely pass away. The bosom of the ocean is agitated lung after the fury rif the'etormispatit, so it is with the public mind when excited by questions of great political importance. ThOugh.aetitties cenee to the will of the tit . njyrity is t< grand characteristic of our institutions, still this ftc.- quiescence is far from implying that 'pa-- , sive ~.übmissiort which takes from the individual the privilege of giving utterance to -his opin ions; and deprivp him alhe spi tit and ener gies of a freeman. ' - A glance at the opposing parties will show that the excitement 'cannot :die away in a moment. - Muni ,the struggle is over, when the victors are sure that the eountry is saved" they: ',must • congeal ulnte each other in their sticees7:, friend mkts‘t„drinl: with fiiend to the-evellasting prosperity of the country and the - cause, the successful aSpi rants, an.l . their champions must-gii:e a _ few estra - fp !eats to as - tire the public that ir. I the di,cliarge of eflicial dutie.:4; f elf will be for gotten, and the good of 'their camtituents_ will be the only object of their care.:' the ennquisheri .on the contrary, must rliscover: or manufacture some excuse -to ren-ler their po -1 sitioa less humiliating,' they will Usually find . that some enormous fraud, some, gross on:- 1 rage on the ballot box, has given the vi e tory lo their opponents; some Will bewail the fate If their country. which they see falling he:fd buil into - a dark and disinal abys- , , others will try :o bear their defeat - like philaSophers, and lOoking with hopeiltrough . the dim % ist:t of the - future, they will say to- their m-,re ',his conSolate brethren " next- tree well IL, bet - ter. Don't give up tho A l .ii p. T:tere's a glop!. 'line coming boys; yec—theril's a goo I . thntt corvine ." Tf tbk is the ease iriordinnry times, Low math more so on this occasion n!.,en.nnot!ier great stru'ga.le is nppro:teliing. There is no time for*. repose. The dereatt.d • hattnilous are preparing for the - tionflict ; they are coT 7 teeting their scatteiesl forces, elosinz their ranks, nnd, like Napcleon at Waf.erico, ,iced to stake their .-whole destiny on the issue of one desperate, ore final charv. . L l 4 week, repotts were tnystethat , ly c7r (minted that on cleclon ddr,:tiot and 'death would stalk :abroad in all their horrors.— Thousands of " furinerS".were'to •co:no to the polls " wine], and equippekl"- to fight Democratic ticket throuh. Know Nothimz bravos were to run .from strt.;et Co street spreading terror and broken skulls on every sido. Bullies. were to Collie (tom 13altimore to control the election and—perhaps appoint : one 44 their natuberNing of Philadelphia .11ullets, bludgeons, lowie-knives[ and brick bats were to be the order of the. day. 'These rumors may have prevented many timid citi zens from cornin L ! to - lite polls, but tl-vy resul 7 . ted in nothing more. All was quiet 'dining the day. . Early last Sunday morning a hearties mgr- der was committed at the corner of Ninth and South kts., under the following circum stances. An alarm of fire.brot)ght out the memhers of the no.e cempany.*ati l l these were soon joined Iv two gangs calling themselves " Rip.. Raps" and " Eng ti..;- lies,"lntely imported from ilallitnore,-for the purper, it k said, of Creating: a.. riot at the electiOn:. AA they ran' up - South At. they in• doiged in cheering for the •‘ Rip Raps," 'Fillmore" &L-c., stoning the houses, and cur sing theLocofocoi.' .On approaching OttiAt., they came in contact with a man named Wm .Mclntyre; be was questioned with regaid to his polities, - and on. his discla - tiring conH with _the . 11 [tap," party, : John; Engli,h, a member or the B:iltinthie stoppedfroM the rope - of the Iluse carriage and shot him in the hie:l'st. ro- iess than'a minute be was 414, . Gilbert or. hearing of !the tkagedy took with him RV . Cral ,olßCers .Sr procredrd to the Shiffier' hose- bouFe.. The „gang had by this time returned: -.Tae ejii:ers.enteied and:arre s_ted 0r.15. All the Jueinhers of the_ gang were artne.l with • reYeivers, slung, .hots, atilt other deadly weapons. Theirexamination toek place Tuesday and English hii;assodiates, Was v.Otnreittetlfo 'auswei the ellargc 'of murder and riot. The other prisoners were held to bill in 11100each"to . iviep tho rea m. - Mr litter basic:Mg ere this;'lo4t; all claim to brevitt aniT yoarpatienee Tine tin dnlibt been pat to a severe trial. Ti is time 'for roe to give you siiree4finimerinf, , :of: a hope thiit ?on will - come to the via of yirn,'„ sometime before= you sttain ilio - ago notediluvienlatrierch: ' A few words more. Since my arrival hero; ' usq neh n Ca.,-haw.heceme.-to-I , me a' eign . Lani to - telly ignorant-:of. whit is: guing•Ou in *Dui Lmiss .t h in "Derr. ,neratr ,which in forriruir times:carne 4 1 . 1;me. so, withits ga~ternl-iutelligeneer. , ph viii It ,Vend«—itit ineglo see Fit. IKilt -sari ple to o sseiourAnsrptiatattesiV4inpiegLihalyotW4llllt44oo4.lllollMeiiteeoicitnihing.J.: 4 - esteiti*ithelitc . • - •Uunk, ifftlF4•!. • • P.Sactrawa i v,, . • - ADDUESS,TO 'TUE _PEOPLE OF • Fu.ovir etrizaxe t-=The-dernoew4ic-State Central ,Coynreitt4e of Pennsylvania:congrat ulates the . peeide Of.Peon' syivania,an4 of all the States of the. Union, tt - pon the unpr.ece; dent victory which has crowntuf.our;fger: The 14th,. of October4Bs6, bendef4rtb be memorable to our urinals. . Assailed from within by ,eneroiei of she Constitution, and from without. by the awl ailnuts of our glorious confederacy,' we have nobly biumphed. - Too. much credit eantkiit be given • to the manner in which. our:organi,zatiou bas. - been pelfce'ed awl carried out. It is impossiiile fcr language to conrOy the profound gratitude we entertain for our gal lant and eloquentlrieutht frora other States who hare come hither to assist us in this great cti uggie. But our duty it not fully discharged.- We hare utterly touted enemies of our free institutbas upon The sacred Soil from which the Declaratiou of.. ludependence . proclaimed, and upon xi hieh : the.qoastittiOon, of the United States was adopted.. Iu the'huur-s)f victory it is however well to remember that there are other.oblimktions, to be, fulfilled, and. that au:organlz.stiori so coin.. plete, so admirable and 'so. widely extendef, must still be aubered .t0...*• _ Therefore, fellow eitlien4, iiers,everd in. the itkotl work so nobly begun ; rejoice over stile magnifi,olt. triumph yon havenchieved ; rinl reeneinber that the 4th. (lax. of N'overuher,now elo4e ntltand, is that . day upon- which you zire to compietel the great work ,yer,terd s ay aubpicidusly`dornmenced. - • - - Pennsylvania, the gteat barrier ogainst. the wave "of sectionalllqu'have andleEi ltris niainticinedllei'43,rotkdjut*rity... nil Iho new .world,.herlookedi u?ion her , ;;witile all_ patilotie.- hearts have ,hoied that:- she would stand firm in the mid6i. Of the terrible res_ponsibility imposed: on-lier4she• has pre , erved a not.le moderation and -an inexov., . She, has.repellia from,ber pr&- eneethe men , who have been tent among hi?. Phpula.tiqn._ to de(:ciie and betray them. The great - victory ,we have •• achieved has fir.t of all, sustained our iilustiions •and..l.le, litdoved _l3nr.liana.n. • ll' e, in iJi5 own, S:ato the torrent fam;ti cism i)ss Leen stn ved. • Hers?, where he %vas born,and . alders he Lis lived a life of , ! ing:i purity antl patriotism, he. lias.been urbeld,md generous cfrennsylvania. . , 'fl ennobling ,sen:iment of State judo .as clone much for us in .this earnest. • . Our pc:aide have res p d .to -t I lei r r a d Moils . 'o - hi s hiStory, Anil long li,t 0 1 -ervices which haveirumo . rtalized his name; 11)(1 - * from tlfty ilellettrOt 11 it Urn . . SOitle7 s . 4 . 0 say that a Penrisykalnian,true to his country arid true to himself, will not r _yAnt, or wait for friends amoirg hie, oili fellow citi zens. The PlattOrin titliite. aitnOciatie Nit oaal. Convention, upon, %ilia& JAirts Ducastcsrv: stands, has becU vindicated:; the great prin-: elide of popular sovereiguty.advocated in l ee, ery sclfool District and township i n the State .• daring confliet,has been vindiea: ted, and the aspersions •apOn,...‘ his ,eititrap - ter h a‘ . .e : bee n refute=l and trampled - under 'fOot. Arid the, prond*honor of achieving this splendid- result belong, not to the old Demo - cratie party alone, which, with reatilmatAd -vigor, *entered into the contest nn(l preserved to the end, hut we are • (dad to acknowledge, tha . c it has keen shared - by thousands of na tional \yhigs who have nSs - isted Us with all theiretiergies,and whi,.are henceforth : to be counted• as our brOthers; and our cornpatrV From this clay till the .4th - of Noven4l)e - r, 5513, let meetitigibe held in eyes Seheol Dist Oct And itftteState. LA us keep up the fire wLich now barns so l,rig?e!l\•. . Fused on . 66:14t11 - ocioter, tin'tl eon t' xed hr tlia tretneadotis triemoroble re bAe they, ItaVe . reeeiv'ed, for iryini to ceive the peonleot the .State, they will 'seek. t' shelter tliemseles - bY'iinotliei`eombintaion . in - November: • ' ' They-ife enimiecto tot and to .the Consti tution atilie,.neOnvitter 'whit n'arne'they — beni, or under what ling . they - • _ • -Those whet havel)icifes;e4i to be NAttonnl have ennit their . Natierinlitt 'party sirC to . ttereitt. the ''nnlj; 'l4citionat 'party in existence; :and those were t•ectionftl have attemliteci to finiipone Or to apologize for their seetkou:il istn; in - order to ulna guil ty victory. Cinee more the Dernoeratie State Central .Ceinntitice appealg to the Natierial, people of the'State to naitiat ate their oriinizatioe,. and to contieue the work so nobly - Began, `until it is as nobly finisliecl - 011 - tfiti - '4ih'day of No vemberlBsl3. • - - Vist.-=-Thatritite' the Aho demists " shriekin for freedom"and claim ing to be, its 'untidier,. Weed*, ; they, and' at , the.lete.: , e.sion, passed / A it the lionse of Itetui!sentatives which --Nroitid:ilpviri into •the'Territoriit( - antt Eansui jor ftel'„yearN and innikeatteklidienUrcirni in the rnearithiutif.strunt.tnothers, lattila -Power -144 Thi.i pro - i+tvgri utttabl i wwlinio4uced into the lions° oy-a*Pilikiy)(k.4o.o,Nina p g ss that body by atrA Binek /4.publicatift4l T 0 : 1 04. 1 ,! !IfitrViti#e+ one, tater.' Of I:oliiiegio6 "ietneeint trans the sottlt:Ull *OA:. o f kainity4 B , extension of slavery,b4 rloPu6 This 10 should be remembered by the roa& "". :7, s Pp k IiNSItLVANIA, JOHN 'yVFOR'N. 13; Sul 44% '14 810 " University Oct. Messrs . Enneni:r4li" Normal nowict blest,,attoded by , 44and f ikiiii hundred and - fort:3r Teachers :rawly sitl i ieerro dents of SuNnelannit Cgrinv.„, _Our,exerci!en are , usually interesting , but during the past week, therbave been eniAnti. cally se. . Prof. D. - 13 Cbarnberlitrbas been - *ink us, lecturing to the 2 Sehsml,,,,Moi presen t ing a new SYStiMo f knitYol of the English Lan.s. Muar , ..- tbs" Nattoul, tutting the structure of : dm: Language by snalogiea from Nature. • The undersigned were . - appointed' coin. mittee to draft resolutions in relatkm to the system and reported -the following; 4hich, were unanimously adopted. - • Resolved That we look upon „ „- the -- ATre RA L SI'ATEM .of AsAt.rszs originated ink reaented by Prof: D. 13. Chamberlin its highs ly-worthy of the attention of:Teachers; as an', perior to all other methods of Diagraming ; as greatly - serving to simplify the tuanner of illustrating the Science of I.angi4e •, mid: • .t 4 greatly„calculated to , relieve the study - cif Grammar ofutuch of its irksoreettets tco - the young learner, Resolved, That. we shall watch its stciront; from the Press with much anxiety; as. mark ing a new era in the rugged pathway of the' earnest Teacher who has ever found so much difficultyin rendering the study of the sci enee of Language Interesting, and ,useful. to_ the young, - - Bes~lred;.That . we believe wipe' reertei iVaturc to be the true soured - of all analogies; - ' nnd'only in imitating.her i are we ahle to ',St.:: bin the greatest degree of perfection. Resolved, That - we extetd to Prot Mom. our warmest sympalbies, and returti.te 111?” our sincere thanks. tor his Invariable:: hind e??, and urbanity duringhisidayarnong } 11. P. KIEIDAtt.,cnoT • . cotd.y. E. B. BEArtn.j.Ezi: WonTra of Nora.—Since the- peAci: 0( 1783, our territorial expansion has hieil Tin intetruptedly progresing. gice tatia.': Ear statement shou - ing, the date and amotint: of each - additionl--: ' . Square kits', 1783 A•tet cf - the Union at the Peace 820,660. 1803 ,Purchase of Louisiana, - 89,0,5i0 181 D Acquisition of Florida, 07;960 1835 Admission of Texas, - ' 818,000 1846 Oregon Treaty, - 302,052 1813 Treaty of GuadalopellidOgo, 1855 With 559,455 1855 I , l 7 boie:Area or the United S. 2 33;6861• 1855 Area of.the Slave States, ' 857,:30g Free ' " intai Aren.of 1116 States_ - Total Area of the Territories, 1,497,01: tro TnersArin ' 1 BRIBE irmit:' DRED AND TWJUNTICA. What do our Democratic friends in other , ~, parts of the-State think of these figureslrr.,.. they indicate- -1 he . Democratic majority in! •his countv —in old Northnrepton, the homel of Ger. Reeder—in that county wjob , w his-.- mighly influence as to -ret ot oltai iie, and b I.uru over to the support of the a 0434t0r50, The New York . •Tiibtrae said 'haFit ~' few , , peeehes from Reeder : in -tile,' t ;11 liy of 'the!' Delaware would- make it all'right, Nitell f :l34:: lid make a few speeches in the valley of , thif: Delaware, and even shined that Main ( - whiihy he borrowed in Mandl' Chunk fora the plaw' pose) which one of liis free . soil - friends ice e - chained-within Kansas, and the valley' iras = -11 l rightL-" over the left.s Burlinginie t ' ; ' Wilson and Wilmot were also hem and-they''- made it right s and novi , if they will only.send saint Greeley and poor Sumner here, from -- now on to the 4th of November, we think We; .can Alter _these figures on- that occasion and:- make them read something like this--Ql(.l?.Torthamptott 2800 . 1 If they will oilly-senilf then gentlemen, we can do it- 7 -we are,ieter4 mined to beat them worse if - they don'tlot.. 1 us alone.--Easion Sentinel. . . . . .. Otis or FCVDR.,--We understand that he , Mack Republican wire-pullers, who have for ~ many weeks past Wen most.lavish in , the .et 7;.. rend itu re of money;.subsidising riewspaparp 4 Ind buying purchasable-men, have given c0r ,, ,- ; rice that they will pay no amore money ,ier r ,, Pennsylvania. This - is itigentive.of the ,figts. , . that the conspirators have.given up, thn,,obi.., ! " Keystone as a,' gone goose," so far ,as Fre- - moot is concerned, and,we trust nor that.the- ; Ii lying fraternity, win" has heea.- - ellaPio.i 4 "-: will hie - away to thei holes, and let us htat'. , .-. no more.of therm - . ,'. '. , . 1 - --' - je the unto counection, we are_ enabled to • account for the present position of the lie*", :York Herald, whirl 13 - 011 MOWS op Freinent• Greely, Weed 4k Co 4 one day, and. blow* , them down the near. The story, as:ll:ci get it is that-the supplies hare been 'topped in date. quarter, and' hence the guirditio +loom of dui' Satanic organ.—bogy trews. TRISWORR GOES BRAVELY Q. We have washed out the Distittionista r , in pennxylvanis. Indi an a dvitvei: thorn into the takei forced theirtii,NttfC tho'' .svintnils in Florida . ; •in • little Delaware-theri have, been tossed into the -waters of her .ovv4 noble liver; in Conneatiout driven :_ fastncls of herotsn,hilts , itidAnotinishrqihtf` triumph in ihe - Only. paitfor an election , is complete z- Pishi,fitive gi -us Alootheia of Constas =wherckytk, now lave not ono and. in ROvotabor , :NAL 'Buck" them into-the gulf tit • EPIIIMPiI Tte followirg 1400 41 4)4 0n'ti :: - is after our election, **ten 4" .0 "Paiftridift (Oa - sonewejoil , ° loool * - 40104-` ? Out 4440 0 111 t 4114 4,4tviitlftaiiiitipii wititjkaiip vho. 04%4 - - POW 7 y 2,50 -