The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 23, 1856, Image 2
.. .. „,, i . 'Ai ouli . .e.-li - itiatal. - --,„ ..,...... . ... -11 .. . „. Dcimoor4oo atioriaNapiinations FAY JOU - 641'4')erati ; • - tlceicaili 'Ticket - I'sELEOX:IItS At LARGE. - , • CITA S.-R. EU LEW; of , Columida . CO: • Wil;:-ION MoCANI..)LESS., of:•Alleohouy c• 0 • * • • t ' • LIISTiItOT-',tLEOTORE•• • „ IY.‘. Ntnryol:l2 - , Or Phila.; Co. 2Pfetcal3o..fita; Phihatelphift • zr..: 7 -Extwattr• Philadelphia: -ro2- 4.--.nV4LtagAL.WITTE, " - lloatgoracis _ " 0. 7 -:•J`l54 ILAuf.N - To,- - ; Che,tr.r ectrav, 7. - 'L-4*.lvr•a•tltili . ,T..tihizi; count - 1% • 1 C f' • -" t MOLES ire...-LE.a, toun rkir I i.,--;•Fik.A.Ners W. lit -nuts, ,O r sirratour, „.Wybult County.' 4 13.--Assitanim-ErmscEB, count j. • tivartt,-Bradfortic..euki.r. . • 15.--(i.=;4lsE A. • CliAVatarD, Umtata ccualy. BLIC:4, Perry county • , s )T.--1I ! T.-Stirrer : , Adams CoWnly. 18.=—JoriF-I).Ronrev, Somelset I 10.—Jacors TritNEY,.. - Wittactrelitod county: Gicene cc t:u tv. • 'V% itaiNt; Alleabeny couliv, t !"..1.=.4.-mzs... a . . r. Beaver :I•l..Jer.tach'Ettnr, Clarion couniy. 23 —V,I.NCENT craufortl.. Zrnr Cuunallnimtipias, AlichiscreeCti4 l un4.Nctices - of üby kind, must. td icreire sertipn:,l4o.-ba44cd uCalmest:l6spp. by o'ilock . Limses, GonErr.cts,ifefra% 14tormsivrJ, on band At 1 - ,lgiqu , 4:e i n gri Fe any_ofAike at>ere instrzna L er,:t as di:ages to n prove sating tp th6sC 12Clny thzt . kind Lust. deit4 trs 13.'6 4.lunic ' - . • • FRE-;:•:1.1),;. 7 ,N:f1..icr.,,:,E1,,T,C:T.VC1N- 1 TL iAlwr, 4th. • - • arid , Landrin: cn ! Their, E.4,ees before a " - Conneittee riouvrt 4 -rrce Sell" Men looU rikare !I 'Who "ra"11. ever in the 'earl" dalge l atnns etfhis tre:slrip:nit pictu tin eafeil linnginitionf s - 4 -the --Eittnnerrnio . 1i:;q1L tollitlrrx;rei• tat 1 i ftlerof sfare pon-er." - wasted a grcet,l'eal of elo quentinclignation at;4l wit on tLis‘ piclltti ror praty itir; c.‘ bgn ;to ectnitee thejec that the detnociatin7pitiy n:.;ither lutg tity pr - tudepititdt:tee t _that it " grett city," based 4in the idea of Tre.r.crtv te • di ti'&l the y:-.of i -I,n3es,' p vi:t iLii al polities} otirmizatton in the repuh"e Nov; viten tp . vrters - mid errati:re.. tssert that .11,e- damn-Ile:sr' ate }my f.:l:teft, they imblish that' , --is • itfitin;)csly Atte, and they know Ti. :their ta!kahiint subseirieneYia the_ south =4' intitet.6l t}As c etr; 3"shey*, eini rt hen iipned o our "of without the-#.llnolon-of ?ery theitt; with their 411`1,dernigs- tc;.'originttol &ad *stisillit:.(.l - 10i fur tte-tirtui), , ,lrat:e '11.11.1.ti is Gil an it itat)io;i : e :has ;v. `2 1, -FC" prc, ,, T , ..-nly 5 n wc.. T. qtatet! . tile. as ou'i nt iftiiAin:& If; ^ ,--1.12e.i.A.,;(1 .- ita '1 ".. I /411. th of _mu!. . co -Litt. trrelleges The ' :nen bizto4es iii :c'% ate 1 - kon,stives; the. etitv:l;n4 tLe I rir.a aVfl eqb!if.V., tte:t4eroolk; ttal/itliag litie4l siii:•.eil,eatit'g,A;lio to - - elf inl) into higt tad;hieratit,e . podtions, tbeyeselrei o.ll:ll ; adapeetliice_ax3Aualtifimtr," roll oyeriu n;c it I,efure a litsow-Najrin. •Cositalittee'J miitiptaztf 'tletrj :eid.4e2l44o4:l*lloivers,.: 'Againn thei - rq ,4alitevsivio !‘rfrarray tkeirArrs: We eigeit o &attiti-Ecipiaatleaders in 'this r Sitaikeires-oult sad- .eorru, ___.—..ums owl . torrupmt--ere . vcril -intebtetp, li,viog ilowervired -plowief, Moire , -thsu tlittit=xiizi their couitt7. , iii it +Eteriotb;:, - teltort.: ;lA* . Iris trill rproltioedierOisois.orn. , ' %101itiehrmt44,7stid therthfie' act `4&;i6: Artitiko3oll trtie;ilr-lalte. . - 41' "- - ''' '' ' t. " . ' 'lle most to/WmsomatstrihitionliO': testi- - . Amthadatilk e , griti-rm asiten4reivitt - wisea ili , , I . :*tomnittnitio, -took - -lilittxr-447-AViiiiadephio, • Aistailtis-itisk.%, /Ist httiexeobomdeparty sp. - ivrinsnateir -Ogled iststek, igepeligiasitud, witaiitttuditi byftwakot.:- sod , : etoot•acitnai Atatipio-undon tliotilatiti, ihore:gtit4dbi itAtileelaa _u'd beggia 40 `ll6ll46l'4tilit'ibei FitioiM e„ 0t...-tionopikrampla-Artnelictatts. It tilidied , c‘viri&Akaizei-oklteatwkot-tdis; ---sll l llo.fte*lNstaldao4l4'4lorolispleibiti-ti C!i*Kkinitediallit , fiftlatielelo,.,Split it::Aertie.l ' • 11 0 41144 0 1416 a7 Pit_ 0 001 0 4610 4 401 1 4,1 sios A` l.o 11 *I r1 : 1' 114114116414 . 11.4 1 163461: 11 ' - 0131 : 11 . 411 . 1 4W *-Vg li l i g 4ll,l l 4llo -*- ) - 4 4 1 , } -'/:8440144/V417551371144441.**1 ::.4-4011 0 1441400t 40 4X - P 4 4 4 .4‘ 4 4 1 - -1 ,0** 114 " - fulitali a = 4 4 ° Abit - 44 , : -41 4 , 44040,, I - 0444 4,400 0 4 : ta14b 0 4:4 11 - 04 4k*Wri 1 'weft, sma:iugrog favorilkitiel . 0 welacere Itnoa-Xothiogg! With the ; `ertt : V is tailt4WXS Ire 4 aTe tiV E l • tial-'2' • :Frfined• .ito e On, ,Nrxvx,: 117 r 7..? Tr.r.' Warr!: I .4-1:1,!! stvz:t 11. to tfl* z MousSinkl,A"‘Vi:t"t(l), 4 CI ' • slimore. b. 101.17.. S ft:* xri kr' r e t`i tinr. OLD -13e,.K. ttitlrun ..1` e. rp.' it,: _.,N4 cr r 54...1. ft — ix r j"4llAth. :UNE! 4.21,111 Arere . : : -rut aLasvito T,.;4.} 449. r0;z1 Oa ; RUA, tß 21,r yu in' - 11 1 1 11 5 );;;;;I: Wt; M If I.liti a=n, atm' rot; 'IUD -114 TITO Ifni or . TAT:4 . A17;1 '1 ;, ;i1 ; . 14174 1C0V.311. 113 11A1:111:31, Ir 11;e'NOT TOO MV 5 tll 5 N1. 5 1:1r.t. .rllO2 tax .11r;zcs.m7 Virif,T4Eg OF . 1111 i, s te .114.-"otke tf..: Tar, ' , . 4 rE3c Ellecticokts-I'cuitt-si•ii - ty.trln. - true In Intlianns, Willar•l, (Ltemocrat) is etec.-I .___ ...- .. ___ ... '_":„____-,....__ __,.,......__ ..,_ 2 ____ ___,___ irttrs.-- 4 .-..5..-.-•_ 7 ,- , 54.-.,... t 2. t.-----..-_,, , --_-_-.s._, _.•:_-__-_-____:-.,__.7- I _-____________. _____ _ .. I , i ~.. ni . ~ why, wert men ecoota,,inir..lll,3 tt's it!teaLsonstituttfosi, it•sts'l.: ttlott tt oil .41 ~..% ...). 11:11.titti:tti. • Ttir..... , _ A - 4 4LE:I _ . „.., ted Gorernor - Irts reported maj. is ahciut 1 l i t t, i n e ,.. t r ne ‘t • In d w ill ~ II t 1,,, 0 1, ti,.1 1 : ow t o Firnznitt 4 '•• - - • - • -• ? ~,, Ton tii , G ,,,, 4. ~ 11,., .1 .... • ..,,,..., ,. . ti .,, 1 trch ~ ,_, i . 1 ' '''.i Etir...- "ln sorite Sou.",T.G101010 1 :2•1 U .. .. - ' , . • . I - ''' : . • . ' ' ' •''' ' e. : l ri!: t it r,r,f... Ei re tor !! - Coy' l':e dt - r clizilleno , ed the D ran -ill's lately , 6 rsit I"'"'"lwta'' 13 It el • t inl erc4wwte i dings; - from ith e West..dtudilnirir t a ti - 0,000. •Ihe l) e inoarats have rds.o it nt , .p.wity i till 11:e fae. of rcl•gtous hbetty, the delutle•l - - e I ~ It ha. been betetofore stropn.fl i'' that John il t-Ilv ; ( - I RigErt %Ede it r y •`.! Ltirtfo - - D'e•ul'o.•• of the Con , •ressional delegation. • • sectionalist. and the coil upt oliice seeser., „. , • 0 '. i . , t u, Fre a n n t w e . 4 a eTai(ll4:lttif it the Pre.nlen- t t ) 6 ., 1 1 ' . : 1 1 . 1 - ‘ , 1 v ., 6 1:r • !..i a .,, i , i ,;:, 1 i g i n 6 . d. 1 4, ' , 1 2. 1i 1 1,, 1 1 e .,.1 6 ,-" l , ' ,l li( . t l i n • s e;:l t t () ; . ': 4 - I. rse t:ll . ": I;4ttti-c:tel t r ' rie?'•ll l t ' liCr ' :lnNtl ' elt • lie ci°w ' d ---, e ' eraticellitf in 01,1140 i - - - !,„.,(r„„,,,,,,,,,,,...„„!,,,L; I i t., n„..„„.„ t ,,,, , composing tile uppo-liimi t sitall AL:in:lon . ' 'The Dernocratic'StriteTicket •Is elected by /" .(1 "i %•-•----- -••- 0 ----•/ -4 .- -•-•••• -" _• . , - , • •e?, but 1 II- ha- at; vet, r o tlenict il ticl:et e t . ,,,.„ . f 4•5 t ,„...11,,-- a ! a u k ~ - . , ,,t i ee t,„:1,,„ 4 ,,,- , ,,k ; 6 _,,- Ve , iettlay nit:roing .. tlAl4llthilt WaS malle . ac h.. te mi i ne d 6ev e n . ruo.nt,„l„; at c amp eps i the:r oaik, sect oiati di.iiiiion banner and eta- , • \c 1 I . , ~ , „ _,. . 1 :tY' - tlsei-d 3 mitj , cf 03,000, -I\ci e • i t fifteen ".0 '' I . •1 b , , , • ~- ~ ia. cit iv= 0.-tot tvania or -irr we ore 1, 4 1 0 1 - ll' 1..`. II dlist as-their -‘l. ril l ion rill 11.•-•Toct•mn ' 4 ' . 1 ti 3 t l c 4•41 t e Notiet nod 8 . nuttlber' • . P t.. i „ , , , 1 , , race tne trent. rti %len. pi 4_o'; nt , alltnnta- .. t l ;er i of c. on 2, re . w .. i.,,,,e t ti.,]•n l i ni i rit i : , en 'These elm , tions clearly itititente an over I . „ . . tt • f,rted to tae einela-ilm that he itt tott a CALI; • sited me , 1 ;, & ,, v ,. i , , ,, t . hou t a ll,,, i n il m d ers 0 ,,, ,_Ol . those eogn t . • • 1 •,• ,• •• •. 1 • -, • -.,••• „ , , ', •res anzl .1 fat:tilt:es whicli the drito,ernev z f . , .; , , , ~ ' • ‘ '- ' ' - v• esr and 1,41 , -10 the Fremont derne:n.,stra.,.- - ''t b• 1 4 01'11 our State la%islattire, c nal ling °I-olonog (•ettioi-ro•lo ll' -"r3 11l . l u. enlo,Lr• 1 0 Juin .. . . - • (1 '"" I ''• A rew ' llvi s '" ' P 3 111 ({I 11 ""Ys °1 e'lliil l- 1 ; 4 I:11: /..=e‘Cer lianlly bitektd out; refti-•'t" ) °. °I iii. d'IY. Pri'rt°°` °ere al . : l 'Y', . ' to 4ead Inoiher rratienal DemoCrat to the us . . 1 • t _ our County had to encounter in the late con- ,,„ . , . . A 1 1 . , •',,'•*'• 011 of the Sabbath and Fietriont is now behind Fil.uturts In tint fuel:. . . 1 /,, , i t td,-. 7 "v„ r ti t• ,•i ll; - ) .. z ~,. 71 -, a w l riiii;rlre bi ~ ), en ' :11 , 4 . s', II lio , a ( .1 . !I ..,,,, at , t„ 6 one , . . 4 ,r .1 tie. et2••41.! • . t : test; we think' they _did a noble yuilt ; that ' hz, I I:. S. Senate. The victot7 is complete, an in- 'rho peoph , hove deterroiile 4 t "to seoll 1 "' 11 • - lialic•Vothinvr, tutti at Phil:id:Ai:l/in, • and ' the% lince reitson to =zither new Coura=e front hack, oil the Western back, to his Idatipe- . 0 0 the il:ca.sitin could be removed to l'hiladel: . . sures Pennsylvania for Buchanan in Nol•em- p a t i s; nomination :In ele•tiortil ticket, a ptatt phi• .li 1 :.. •Iti6, e f a .e. ii4-art:ti 1110.1 Coll.l•lt'aOus in the attnek upon tionotzg Acein was cite o the, pteat. tors , ) , . . .t, a), a guar „) of at o. ar ... .tar,qe J ur ... , . _ . the re.stilt, nud to engage in flit; .. 4 . • lii•r by 30,000 nrij. •• 0 ' '' - ' so es • -•". 1 e." _ . , - . . of whieli is idolized if eleetcd to vote for Fill- adatata .,,.,. : -, ' :• ; the cross 1-41 4 0c/resler ..4derkale.' , •‘: aseamwommenmemeenistraisimumrammess _ _.• _ 2 . __ , battle with brighter bole: and ',firmer lair. d J ohn 6 I - 1 , • Is' t! . • , ' ~ . . - a Btu kli . . Who ; iqs GuLity of. fraud .? . .',..,..- . thy. The principles atis• auti-Aruetienn) an- 4. 4C__ _epinblirana 44 giving. up tht , psc. The Two Toot:s-Axo rna Ee Itt•Noy.FO i n ;., l L °l , i f s ! ' ill; - . ii-i filmic to frame esti- rettlit2a so 11.11 1, ' to get votes of all tr • • Ghost. ll - 1 amioca.vric vorEs pulled in this "„cont=ty on .. i I •.. . b • 4 . 1 o,lr mongrel opponents since they are m 1, , it c . k w , unjust; its policy iu -despotic mod unuise. '., • : - 11,u, It appears tigit insten,l ot ein, ,le Some day. snide .r. . - AIO 4a. gltly But the Fillm ore, com p :a:e a w i t h t h e F ie .. The returnsup to this date. ( fuesday) shos I the; 141h,;prote to • oar dernocrritio - brethren s . . r , , . O J r l .., . , , 7 „ -,. obliged 14 give,up beitten, Aro Ir,) ,lan' n ke i , i't t -s.. ti 1, t int '. tt , ,,, i n _ ~ ) (rear... nomlnt..e .o Ite t te , ii.ene., z.. r. , respect/1 oe res oeuo ia et s . , . it appettr,that 'the, were beaten.; by -frawit'• (hived to call moan tol .nel -•Fretrtortt• ottd , rt&'• - democratic tic - torit.4 in Indianan aud l'enor. 4 1 of the Commonwealth, that David Wilmo, s . . . ,_ , mout politicians, ere, honorable atiz.l -manl)•. sltanin, nith htre - ademocratic g:tins iu O . :do I porter is not so/Irvine in Sa.itueltanna ; that to land to.: (Ireland tFelcct of - the candidate . Thcy ii &i an effort to , practice that 14 hicit . flint h et eue. e there wa*. tit , increase in tho I eertitin from-titelatter's own p 4 1 1 10 trudi in _ ~ of tile h'fir'l-n gave Stotts I . to they indicate pretty, cle3:l,e, that the ilack • v.- , Inivefreenrtn here, who thirk- for thPin- " I -' Dernocratio:rotein.rbilodelphio, that the in tliev-frofes.thereforts they steadily,r4lLsed . I. I''' . : ' ' It b'i • 1 a bug , '" •tt t 11 . I - 1 • 1 • tli b l'l th , 63 • E it I - ' -'•- - • •• b ,I t b' t I 'II. 1 - ~aroltin with„,tLe ,- .L l i e k cvs o i o , t h e f„ trut , n . .Ipti . eta lin is . -44.rtl evp u. ing,.-- ,ue te., vt to are no um tigget ty c, pa- or, • statix i ore cr.te. c...t. .., Lrease nas Ring i,.v en •3 , •• 1 •-•real.--t.- _,__ Higiuns opinion.. ' Atter stoma ilm_t lie had , leg-11•1 to the various teiror . fs relating to 'his tat no time pet.,fe-- , e.1 the Ca: h. - ri. tell:410i, ti.7o tiva.of_ an alcztoral,tilekett - 4 % -I4ti.4er :hey wit' Tha " 1 i,...1 ; ,.. i , are no it 12t4 potential witllA theticirowls of dk• - •ntag , ;..gtie., who in Ilte . face• The 1414 day of 0 1 : 1 tubt•r was a proud day ' nen ' . Wv " a "' a bil°elaeltt ' liQni ' °n ' ! ' °l ' I„hei Fi e mo„t toinnteered some reinarti,,,, rihatulon.tite 'high ground they tookat. Phila... . t lie masses. Thetpast (141.:!..1:411.1 of . 4 trz_ t n-inter 1, of the mn.t. maltsmittit and Innternpril,ttis op- ft,r tbe '..s t 'alional Deinoerney. 'When vow. the L'itiladeiphin Daily papers, which shows ,i iie t t ll ' ee . ) - ri li' it ,.. tO the New York 'psalm - di , I . f el ,- d ues. a cr e r eT awr il . To Le , L . eon , ' vention by Congress with' Slavery in States I, 1t0...11i0n, have the courage to carry the n:t- Fired with the vote t•NO ye:int ago on 'Coo- •eletrly that if the,te - was any ftatid. practiced eial Advertirer, are - stated by ll'r Ceokta fol- I If piteous-suisplinatiunu andluouey are of any . and te'aitth les , 1 $" berng npprovtd by the I tionr,l flog .stel to maintain the cons i itution in L.., ressinen, oar tlititupli I. complete. We then at all, tlie...fizeiiittistu were guilty at the.grei t t- luus . .• fot th I rs in t - - 4 ' C/vro - 1 Frenzotzt. Lain frequently intee coo -o - e coin:t all it ry, In !'s ions The provis. d vinecr voters ur elected i bat seven '.ll.e‘ l n. , eits tltreopent . portion of it, ' -;-. _ -•. . , ~•t . •i, ' - h .. e.l avail tutu them, they will adsint the de-plir. honest „ t, • i„„. t -,1t 0 .„. 1 .. c s ~he ~0 .,,t h 1,,,d er 0 i nt ,,,, t ho cantamplattotrof ilte mem battle in I 4 enti- t tins county are not they:rope-rig of! t 11,.. me!). tztatu.: of l'eun-ylvania, ttliio, anti Indiana , . 1.•., non non it-minter itp - airs Stl4 1 010 e _ ; " The vote on Tuesday la , t'for the, Nino- T.,`, l g'.' teu ''''',“'7,-.'l J. - 9% 4. 1 . P._.' ,e ' t ,, m i n -a t t •r t t` ri ,:: eamp , ou terms f avora Li e t o i•iii tt p are „. 41 4 e sylvnitia we can but adnitre t t. poi ti .„,$- f a e ,.tato s_ Intt . . h., nor.c llt . 111 t r c.1....0. 1., e I. a t . . I, - , ... , . ~ . , ~ ' li • itiot =" r• wl o her a" - I /' 0 COll-0- s wis • ,••••• 11 -1 ' 'l'l &VIC t'ine. bat cratic eanditlate for Canal I...l.otninissioner wa y . g •- me 111 , 0 u-t il l., 1,-,,,,t,' Vi hum : , ,t o I, ~,...e ent -s t i t l e ,„ t i eet i oa , j emor , i ,t, t;t iw,, t o , mar - that constitutional Patty shich "solititry an'd I, quenec; they are itelependeat fitiemea, de- number.. Oar g;tin itt ihee three states. in "s t' 4l ." - •rs I • • • • • 1 11 -pi 'TIA : 1it1.,41.1'01-11bit, eon-iruction- in au G 3 S 1 - ' ' tl .it I :•to I wigh to oirentt non..? -i. h, f ao , f i at i n p o ,, E ,„ia n i a, F ; ;;; ;Nre.. Mote, op:no:1st a Intl,Tilty . , comlanation, of , tetmined to do theiz duly :I.p:tit:tate enizeris, the two I ear , : is over itri,oo9 vote. '. lll,e s,"°:t• : . 't , -• • Lc. matter 1. L. ... tnitit as. ~, t ~ i•-:.?.., Lore tha nn- . nnd in the dischar,ge of that duty they di.. I),:atiaaratio I;.tolar whittli was then ,striek7n - N - ""' s ' l D ''" '-'" 'l ''Y h.:4 ' .. ' 29 5 434 I*.s birom.:e'r tban,ireutont. Henna lite-hula- I • 4 'g"'" 4 - 1 aud c l ang' r°•3` .._L______ z . . 1 6 1 1 1 : 0 t ri t i o .; I l i ; ct i ,z• b e n t , /c:- a t:o .w tr ct u e z r ,,c l :: ,. // rn . , 0 :4 1 , t i 1 i 3- 4e , t , lt s is n t; ,.. e in r g y . tianal,uanner, and 1... y fair, ma 1.1„,• et reest di regarti pers_onnl friend-top;,. its eve:y .liottest doa aby it bati,.l of midnight couspliatz_brs,, D . n ., 0 1. 1 ,..i„ ~,..,•.„,„. b.-, I , •• ~ . . .. i . It o . tie article of the , ,Fremorders before . the corn- •,• = mitt onfed'r, i make .1,orial ut tal of - I • th = fthttrii.• v 1•,,. n• to = 1 .: • C 1. • ...t ,r . io.ot _ la.aad to tilit--Os we write •.he de- ,now o•. 1 • - • • ' •• d - • , r,.1 , 1 n.t‘t.s far at k ot.. ~.te ital.]; ,ot . ml 'OO referred to. We said that tl.e Fre- F"ss',°°• ( .' 43 e '- • • ••••... e t -I- The v(itt• for the F , i-inn tiandiditte`•fert.'a-- manistu 'and that' I. um or have, „been,„a l'il,o ., i„ ertt lenders were , w ill tree d,.,.., roe ., ,„ t a den*. Ina de:noel:fey wi b stibthce flidi in inot•racy h are firin;; thiity one g l lts ' Iron the , tzOth seelmiztit And Set•tionai Ligots. s n• 11 Cin iii tta TI11:41liiy last was Ili ' . 111/111 1:4: tole, that St.:te nili . be loi t t,.. to „t1:11 _ - , : the •intvili=ence arid p..ttiotitrn of the people ', pullic f.0.11a r .. in honor of of Elie deitsoerutie vic- --- - ---- "• 44 °', -- „.„- ----,-. - fellotts : ..- . . i I;2•publonin-; onti Is3tter•froiti'l,tnii.:tt a ' ', it...! p,srty s_ f 1 'le " i-st t tsistrs-r :.p- e .tonr,, . 32 , 0 3 4 , . t Wag rue tha tif .1 h.-ill au tloriir my frinids roiNzr,lll. .., 1 , k - . 11;,,,,,,„,,, trose u eroa ., ? l,,,„„ Rose t i tey pr0 i.,..,,,, went Into the contest agnite.t. an ;.-.:tratt0,,, ,,, • , or y , 1 • 1 t o e ,-,-, n ,,..) , ' .• , . 1 I •t. .1- ~qt . l;.' ''' , ) ._ . , _ , ......,:. „ , J, : ~ ,- , ~, A ., i„ 1i,, 3 . , .... 25.41 , 4 th..t re . t o. ~ , , , f j I ont aß7ntaa t',olie thiii ..cci .. ., 4. 1 4 at l vucatt i l t • 4,4fr ee .. o ii2s .teut i mnel l t ant i 30 rata powetfta . combination. We ;hal A ivleht 1 lan -cra,.. 0....1.,, i it..anna, to t Out , , , . - , r •••••-on ney IntVe 1101.4i,11e41 %pal:Tina to 'se It ear a larye Cerinun and friiit'irate.:--- jutlices to encoanter ; eneotir.=;ly I.lanned i, gur.s ! , Go into tin:- -\,,,ve,:ufwr l'oirt , e , t, wi,•it° -. 7 . ~.. .., , ... . . e. , i , , , r .. j , ~ . F . a _ lor, . i:,,r, .• : , „5e, . 7,3 /ft ,_ _ i....4...,vr. 70 I . lt3lts my nurL/r..5 so „vs . r , i -ie„ reppurt.lir:,Frentont as ilte plvd;ced teitrt...setit- Pm" , t i ,, 1 , i , ri to „,,, ii 1 , i.e.c , iihou.,,u , i pi 0,- Li:- ..t. . • 11 , •... , ., I. t 0..,... .te cz-z•1/1,. rtt i..- e O C- 1 1 3 ,1 T. se - a l i men t. ."; fl I l i , e , fl, e3x ,f . t t . ,, ; i r fraulis to expo.,e,und 1.0.1.. eXittflll);(-4 to re. ' a firm th_ erm .... t ,z. » _ la 0.1.1.:1.1..1•:1I--: I - ri1 . ..1i enLitZ*.lrl.o.l ' S i tl . o\t , 111,, , , Ile ;3jz. - 3 il l . ei.....,111.: t-o : r. , o ....• ALL . ftreTe 111 110SV * , 11par:de:lel implblen. 2 our eit- ' z-olcs, for 'the " favorite sou of our 11 1 tilt , , ~-, -..1 „ .• . ~, , ni. g .:l r 4 .1 s-tisr' Nf n s- 1.1 s,•-; 71 ••, t 1 - e 1 -,!!- a thleptiott 6•.:riitieg (tie me '. l n, .e'rt'• 4ll d, 1 ir sc. t.. . • . . f st.ions for "-flee:lour" iliev "Qficr 'them.; l'-'4e• VI ii' 1 d, , - 10 a rafts . th ey h are ' tulles tbarged upon our organitition, 111110- : old Ceinincnis. - =aith. 1.,111C% 4. 1 111v4.1;ka an lias t , c ,,: ) t . i. ;`v: , * :::,, :i ':.. ci t : : :` l 4 1 ,., ) ,'"::•;:' , 1 [' - ' a ''' l , ,ii 1 v ;,'....1, 1 1 1( e . 11 t .i tit ; T i . t ,k ( ,t, i, ' ; ` tv ,,, t. g . .; ' , n l - 3 :-! '' s - 4;-, , ki•otbl no -1 , -is ` did sante.; !t , is b4-..!`*.....a‘,.. saY as t..,:lVeEll:nd their, _frien •O w in e r e . 0 .,,,1 • L ,: t ..,.. 1 , 1 ,,,.. t t ,. ) „, 1 hide a- possil.le about. thts nintter,-,--and vr .... 4 . e r,oanced bitterly as pro skivery., - .l•ltey are, berless lui , deeds and infami e s. withnnt in arty I ver‘va Ili , country . r ,i:l-1.111- I- , ftty yea-z; Will IC i:cl.;:bi,i,„ii Intl IS sit titd• Trit.tin-_- ef. '-,• ''''" S ' l ' tei of • • 1 ' - ' ' -, .., . I ; • ' , 1 • yin- , 4. , inx ,., uttei , lllo , - , . t . ci , lu nuta • La, ease et l l. , m_ ittin‘g..the ( u e .,s, , 11 v. hi ti •li d i - ey 'ls-er e ; 1 1 i 5. , , ,,,i,i., 0 reeer a i., nn. ,- ;; ;„ e d•h y :,. ii,, ,,. - ..1 e F . e l. t i,,,, ,, ,,.-,,,, ,-,•,, it are ; , r ,i, Ft c),1 , 41,, , 5 .. ,, , ,,i1 , 1 . , ... , , ,01.1 t t :, , ...n .. 0 . ern: - . , c ,. ; . i .. c.,-: . ‘ et. 1, - t .. l . l.l .. irn.3 . e . .a,cei , v . ts i tts 1 .4 1 1 1 1 4 `•; 4,41 1 4, 1 4 -1 1 • 1 ::::,., ,, !... ; ', e 4, ? .. „: f ,', , i4 1 : 44 '1 4 ,` ,4 "' de5 ' 77 ° ,' s ' , towel 4_,' . 4 , ih ,.•,,, a b aei l loa , dt im r ia,... a . c d„; . .„ . ..h. t r, 4 „ . . y pr,f, t . . 5 Lased. 71;...'• people were HA - hod .r.:/:1 - expect- :, f,-1,,, unwl.o ;lel, 1.i., p r iv,....,, , ...1 1 . 1r a e le r 1 .., d. p „s_. k ir . :: . 4 . 1,..1.. /w ,d IL , ,b l i , 1. , 2 ,, : , , , i. t. ~ , , I, ti .,,i 4 7 ;,, t , t v il i •l' c l , l lt t . T cc e r l : ,, ,i i ' l l e 4ti l t l t i ' t n it t• i i:•• l :t t .. .' ‘. 1' 4.1,11. :' "..! ." . 1 . i . ,, - , , ,„., is •,.. ir,it ' wilut simAipten of - poriti,3l i „ ed to strzeiol without r,-,E4C:i.111 Ur- ~,,, z ,•( 3il I. Julrh C. Fremont. is a mere adventif:t•r, " ..41 - 1 ‘"'„it"" ; /mit ii"../ "."•'!'" c' 4 4 - • / : • :::•• '-. ' 7 i . '" 1 7 1 * I • .:, • - 1 ~,, , ,-1 7' f,,• li)t• t,!. lici•-wv;t. a l'tto 14111•k' re--' • tu Lerilivkillii : 4-4ecniqiiila° ll4l l' • • • ‘' Ve i;'" :; , - ~. , , ~ ,' • - -,, *• . , ~ .„. .--; ‘ n ... ' ,1. t I.' . i 1 -.. 4 i • • . "...$ Ill.' ~ .4.4 .4'l' 4.10 I.r , st ~ .i.y 144 ,nar...,:e •_. • . . , „. , • •, - 0 -- 0 ,.., aust, 3 vo t t-,,, : - 3 777k i tne , nl,,st tianratit ta:s•e• ; without es erience In ell'. ;dram. rtati n holly `.. r4 '''''' '' '' "''''''''' " 1 " ''' -11 " .• y ''''' l ''" '' ••••••: • ' z•••• ,•,- - 4 '. o •• - .••• ,e - = ' "") '(• •"1 ' - '""Ii .41 • 1- ", ' 4l •-'• 'lti s '' I I"' 90°5 lelal " 'mattr:faettlied ar. , l ei=•: .. .t,...t•ei. 0 . ,. . ~..- tn. ittpt..ent I ••iv..;T: /.f kt.' ,/ • .i. .. .. . . ..)- . / ,:,..., '-‘,. ::‘ .' /1 -o• - V '4 4 4 OW 1.:III`e rnat`i :44 1 . ' I. 111 t i." '. it ) ( l3 `e ll4l eT•' . I ''' ) ' l ' lll 4' of 111 e in the Is:alit uf attend:llx tie cH.tii,,;ie , War s i.z..•.. ...„ ... . ...- ... ... ._ ~ = , . , , . ~... . -1, t • nu:elfish no times toiridtdr the. I:: ens-Jnt l e ad.... lroods 1 - 1 1 ,.'•i r i , ;‘,,,i, e e u. 40 ., ; -_, 4 ' fir.ledorn - slitielicrw." To tdcrate the-- i. - alli- i posidon to nhich lit.- a-lvite.. 111...• ffe , e . menet' chm e h." . . - , ••••--- •.,...- ••••_•-• -.:---,- - ~ -.... . . .. • : -•I . •••••• • :•: in- ..:-Lat tts eant.n..t.ste, 1 en t .vviii „ , • "ers closely aud to I'9llAV:its' 2 . " A rc0....: • • ,-.i...- Alt,- ts :_:;•::••-•••?- z": t l' , t:.k:-. '' '-4 tle„Pe.l 4 , l ')O 'ttul cuu . '• .. • :0 - seli !Lc' free voter:its...Fill:wrestle! the blilt- finder the puLlie e0 1 ,11..',2; c e mast be :dolled, 4 this r e public %tau t a tri e d. and ttie.ty stotc.::- li nt i t f . eents th e •-• °lb.,. F„,, 11 ,,, ~c, i i , ,,,• 1 , v .. 1 !,,, '-- •-, , •.;:. - -- - --4.! .. • •--.: ..., 1 wt.shaii .....01 , 4 such 4 ... t• c.-.. •r..:„. i,. :..,.: mo:, . - .., : ~,,, ~ • - .-7. , -,-...--- --, - - . - , .„.„ 3 „,.,.„,..t,;,,i t . e -ij eas , o f- t b,..., , 1 , 1111 , / ..i.,„ re . , -,„ . .,. and the public - mind thrown i••lta a pliroozy ' Man for their chief maga-trate. TI 'let, lik e 1,,,..i 1it „,, ~,-,,,E,,.. a ~,,,i...1;,, t. ,,,,,1 n i,„ 4 „, 4,..,..i,, 1 , i „ ,, , , , ,, - ..... ..,.. .‘.!,, .... ~..... • .- ... ..,..t......n -- :,, , otoo . :triilly -.,,,,, r.t- , .. - .7.-..t . ' " ie-4-:77i,;i17•-• the. •• Col." 1 , . • ~, , '', , ... •- . .'. 'P' ,Il ...': •?>'. '•,‘ . 411 ". • , - 3- - ents • The 'met ullo Control I-Le Flea:fast or- r.hout. an al .:emotion ; inusc b'e the ' them vo.,e („ 1 1.,,,„,_, p, - ,..,..,...„,,„ . .., - e. - i ..• ;I: i.,-; , ,,.t.,-.. c .1N ltI• I ..1 . -.(•i: , ;•.:.V.t..:Z . , , r i . , _ ._ , A.,.,,.......... - )......:,...-_. ; if ertre' of ' - ' outtrwe and the pt its Pt-e tss - i s 1 4 4 11 U 4 r• • I gallintinn, - ,are"te4 4 s' guti 4 Q 3 JC'Qs;Q 15 '%' - ` l '" I ' l ' t ''Fra fig' c011' 31313111. -Itell; Alit' T - \I " 1 " N ;li i il ' - ' 1 ' : """ 1 -7:-... °, " -: " : ' *ile ' l "" :111, Of :11. NSl:olti' V, 4 1 1 .."," 1.,%- :,. 1.. , .. 1 ,1 , - , m , it - ,!, N• N:- 1 , 'rat'tne otentnerttie trt • rottOti..`rnne -• 14. .... :YI . eiti l "Itt . kow; ‘ ,..N•utliittgittli 4 1 a 41 `, 1 u 5 e4 It "' ir ' 11c- ' 'thi( ' llf 1 . ,_ -..-1, •r ) , „. ' untx betwei.-ai tile rr,c, ..a.. 1113(1 t. ' "' ;a" 1*'1. ' 1'.."; . 1 4 4'" er • "Y""'" 4 "'":'" 1• ‘- : "I'l• - 1 - ; 1,.. 1, Lt.: -t O, ..ti ,t i.4i,.,-,, L 1 . ; ',..- f -, .„ i,. , ge, e z , l s ,: , = - :1- 0 16 ; 1 ;:,..," a .', 1 -4 ia . : 1 ; rditr tratt• - •,o`tr - Eno , sdurn;:rs of l o on. It ‘t.s:c• :Iva he is n o t, mi lit ve luded,fpilenets, isa.ateep,,,are *ld in the Intr. (4 - uni • ' • ' , -pro , das - ery" pnz:lic•?-. .. ~, Is he 1.-ow of the fibiel , 1.31,111,- 1 ; 1,..e5, a c.,..1i01..,.. ;Ay, never %tax In ft li LI:" I •••••••tc I ki.u•A n r.t• " lk.'er T 2 •• • ••I'ocv." _lt' , ; .. t - rist.;. • ' ~, - . - , __ _ i • ~ , het. Itectollea‘tilat „Frerr-AO 4.1?-ot .1 41 -a c.:•!..• r'''.'"` l ' e '''' ' ' . ' • : ifar' ll6 "-7 , ° rl " 2 1 42 '' .3i - 1 * ~.1,,, Cl- il. ci, in ‘v,,..lii ng ii. n . l ir a % a t wavs i, - a hool; uhic't wunhi I,e 'of gr,.;:tt,a - 1 - e• to 'any It is a remorknble (oe,t‘ that. mila.}", meti, °I t--2- I, rl. 1 1 . 4 N li p e t .: bean invitstare; the re•••l,c,,llitv of all tre . T.! . did : H. 4 ld' tur;strsytv,aild,..--t ttts- dde tid i _ - . i den COUVentiOn C 31104 tO meet to ilaY as- lottgeti to tins 1.).:..5". 0 -tnitt 4i-roll:a eisn.-6 1 , , 0n ,... ; Le i s ut:rlinp.' ititytt .so in families?. -It 14 ,gettites, ttitoonit .W.tite -.rood l'outt-ct 'l 4 r c°o• 110141 ticket, eta tha de t _Jcialir.g . '• F,,,,n 10 nt diffi Ka culties mu n , rls since early in July at. r _AI ear lasi. ' send,l e d 2 , . Nly i:.very co. was fully A 1.., ;het he lit ao at oy ittintdie (A.I. _hie- 6,1, 1 t „;, •l tr, . 4 1 ,1 in.:lion of e' aro 11 . 1 t , a , to se ll ow . • 1 „ 1.7 a. 1..0c0 coffin /ales Item perr•e ra.t..l 1.11 VA.( ttu.s • ' .li:it:kers" itwve attrinp:o , . --t, , . • ' represented, men of ail shades et opp, to m e 711 ' lit illit PI tlt J , j_, c . • il i f li'h' (.4pi.tii_tion .11 1 , I ~ .. . d, o rt. is.' t-nlett' To's ilitt prmstlcal busmen - of ltk. ' ' ' * ..• .' n. ''o- ter •ret ^c It contnitti SI ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • erbi= ca tit•ll for Fientolit I t o the f•t•t: of • toneit Slit. nger. l'ltere I.4*ot:it : Mitt?, •which so severely tests it Ii re ,l.. , %AP II II itl t ilo.r.p.n,,,:aintgluncti, ; :-, hare . T.; . :r..ore. zits -Tit * . torriherautv,iree soiler,cant t e • z • I • • : " , Democratic party tvere pre , eut. - 40-it.s ins: 1 .11(11'1 , r 811 its, catt.lttis:q tliribion- , , Ina v s Tir „ t i - e . n r - i t hilite a 3 the. work of- al' roi 1 . 1 : I. : r• 4 - 14..1 tlte'relx,r,i, no itints - mitt Oin gain M.^ i -- --dr.- dos• -6--- - ---- ,erne'. rOUt torer.t m snowing ior.- toe .1,4 7 Letiltt el Toild-l'res‘r. A cont. cf o ne was . .. , 1 N ., 4 . 1 ., ,t y1 t1 i 7 14,,,. l ei t e.t..; l : : . l lllac i r: h ieoil is ts tal i t o l ts tarrr,; (l4. .'f t lit l, l e pre is ju A t et i l ices ii ;f it t .., l b re t rielttieutiiiketill•nige..libl:eznfirtiiic) ke , ,...,.e.1 , , c err. t y,,,.- tt ,, noavuute ali L1115V15 11: te ll f C C0 ' 171:1 1111 1174,!14 4; 4;; 3 11t. 1 • 1 1 21 if t ..ra . 11 1 e;•lll;idltiet-ri:71::::illsrtoir„114 L tV :k ) .4, l, . l , d a ' c i eli i r l a t l i e7l• !r d,. t e st :l l l l : . 11e11111:1i14'11g.C.49.11:Yre.:431:41)11:Sliti.:,n:Y (-:,lll,rarlel;l7l,lotieorstu!t.b It. a eziat.n...a.e,t icn oee.c.e s. . . _ il l 'e c o ' c • '' 44 ° 1 a ii' w lain. Vb; 111 .... 1 1 Vinillli. Ilk' kinner for ti l e fe te nt e , t i n . , ,r, , 1 ~, 1 .1 , ral :. 2 - 10 , s ‘i iit ; t1 ',• 1 11,„,. gw,, , t t va.,)tains of the age, 17715- turned In _ ...._ t ;11..-enin Iv 11.,, own sp t..e it . 111.1)C"1144 : ,: -; V i' : (111 _-_, i741 1 t' e i.. ..1. ' ' ' • ' j " ' ' 1 - F. '' t. Li L 4" ‘4". t"''lLt."(' lU'ei °ls 11 ' 2 ' 14i/I ' r live or r„ , Citileu , b-itt 010 Iti•toiv 'or th'. t u" l-1 : -i v•! i • • -, 1 r ' Unta h' Inz• L 'oralick..l rne , •.. rind the wealc - alin 7lo l' 0` 4 4 1. • l ll°n - e""- ' utrs but (-nick' y rcturn(d v.ith the ft-110. At ., . r ,.... •. ..„ D ,-, ..... .. t,V O ; Stink ro t. t;, „, .. . - ~,,. ..; ~ ~ . t 1 . , 1 . at Zen was made to 4 zetivve tltat to vole ter . t i.k .. t \v e om it i t f or u a nt of rot F. I:, /•-•, .. 1 . ~ , • -,_ ~ 1 i ' - • - : t, •• ~ , _ ild rillrt' tile - present: ei,ii ripangtr >Co one .re i ti it,ilit .ru . , 4 , 00 4•Tie (0 1tut441.1.i42. 4441 4:44.44-4114 - .. - , 1 L i•-• % ~ - . , 5",..v. , tr. sfai izzeztuz.c us 1011 VOC 00 (.:ato, . • 1 ^. l; •. ; , Cetiti» . -;tutie.s c‘cr 1,1:::t of 1, re:a is :.; 000 "." '' ' • i• ' '•' -- '• ' - 1 ' 11141-ift 1 7• 3 ' s :4 1 119. 1 .4.1"11 : 3 r :3 ; e f ' 11 ; ?4 '1 11 "ii il d " ' l t h i f )lll4: * iv , i t Nwil i t i i i „ , e ,),..,„ es t . f,.„.. ... 3 , 01 ,. 1 -,,, r , Itueltanan would be to commit 1 the Lip - , ! ..,,, :tiTT I I too strong ... of Tivga co. its the elector fur this, ttis• r . • tmr , 6 ..„„... 1 ,,,.. n i nuer ,5i n „ Fil inots , t --„,-- 1 - .1, 4 .11-,-., I. 44. - Maide s'in."' lut cur...tit:as Of the correct- '', ; l i e % to w S - 1111_)N CA ~.I,„t, _, , I . k L r .) ,-, ~, . , ul, :• . ~•' „, , ~, ~,,, "i'l' ) . rlalnt •Y•• • •."..,Y. „'', e a v ci e i r g t r . " l : „ ; s i l ; l 4 7 . o.7 t i r '' - i ': ,l ll .,. l l :i i ° 4 , iii j i, o t il 'a ii ,; t. fir _ 't l Ov i •^i :41 • ' , , ....0 plot tr.' , . tt. Ivy .11,.; o, os i ~, I t Is 1 fl. • , 1 . . 1. . ..i 1 t ness of it% tux.' tio a mei- tile i.e.tit,..l oft ts cans! - Al •tt c 1:'..-e o I l l d. t9t...,t. r.OU . 4:1,11,./•,..,, etc. to t ,t. , -.1 r . . r . , , •heeause it, lan:,-,lartiollt tiret,)OU ullt tlit`e•to • , • -..r- •; 111 - M• Ijaird, of iierii% 4 -toi a ":-rY at home. I'.o- up t's :, 11.taii e r to fli t ! L o m e eitiztoi , , - 0 .• 1 , ,,i , eco - t ' t i tc. ' B l lid au 1, 1% .• e5 t1., :4 ,-;• 0 - - „ ti ni51i , , ,, , 1 rurp , init , iii , !n_for , ;!l:-' , fFon.Y . on . e,r , ta, ' il•cdetnotl-rticinol^,i ivent forthlto battle end ' • • ;'•-• - - - . . . ftsttion 711 treherat beo,t, 1.1 the t,araNt:,rl .. to vote furbfin,elsedis,ol 4 4 , l3totr `l -4.4141 t °l• P er '' - • ' • ' prominent Fillmore man Legged to have Isis of the Saz e of Wi lea :;„ : „1. 1. feettollf .,, Li s ar ia,v 6 , -- 3 1 tnot. , F or t 6„.1„,.,„. 1 -,,,.1„,.,„. 1 -,,, o f , ft, tictory. ' Fully convincei or,the . ertpacity : itatne , ernsed from tlie ticket. The %4 of; ' °•411 P . r 4i ''''.) • "I- 1 1 •/•" 1 'ls, weri . k tre "L ISa' l ;Y: t-- - , --• -' - , --: • , - 4 ,1 b • '( f the people fur self =over:merit, 1 Unlielkoirs wee Id tit° :of-, te e==ll,9• - I I n ed . 44* - 1 by 'he Pepublit•-•n 44tirte , 11, e d ernoc . ; the coureut i un t „, i , leiviuiwouz ivniins : l him j r• - •*. v - '27ze .:17. Y. fireutd, -rt Fletnotit onzott; ° '"'''''''.' lmke " ! :` - 'Oll tbe nOutinntion of Col. ; Fremont, s o . eit •l • -• I I 1 -- r t tees- dea.t fairlir and tutellizeot s lAll 1•a rl xet4,1,111.0...$ ) 1 , • .... , . . . .. th. .In 3 ,1,1;b,0ree. to subtult. o ritts that "the lats.," it-ttlt in I'varsq)(l - ttrtir, .st, I?.r.portoile;lU Exhwle IklakAittfr o . w ' H btlVi g .tlt lit " lle lI V' It lie ' itniii Hilln"4'411‘111 , N %, t 1 co:bin i tute. '''' , _l,l; e:y si .: (: „k v,,, r t h e i w . e i ve6 „. , !heir It . ilow-citizesit„, t...e:ingll.4to as re.i.-.00: 1 1,•„,„ 0 1, 4 i oosr „ eto ir ,„ . Bti j arm , l3 , .. I ,,..., iite 4 itieda. ill et•hiteetion •ti h the unexp!clzd su e ,x..* of Theriaandi dtret7att'd.,--Clittreh. ,u"iy; : ,- . - timA Ilk: attrO \ •i r • policy t;f die Piero.,4. ad 1 • - • d in= bers.=-3. The re.ult proves that their con- t - . t h. t i .1 ; 4 if .1 . t . 1 t o , . -, e f r mi l , , e the I..)ettiocrf,•:- ti 11114 on IttsFt.t.t es prstPv , , a re - A vi ~. i i IT, 4 .,,i , ' •-: . . - , e . jar.. . 1 _, 4 ,, , t1 , te free and the popular indignation ' 'Belt otrea t i ) -Tint - t Ilie"Coinntittee j apponte , e e . i , itt6 t, t. L , t_ et- et . o . o .• 0 . t . that" truth i an d Freinent if llillaid FillapOte or id» repre ;to etntrtir „with ,the....liturve autl 1.-louel.--oil . fl3ence has not been,lni , placed!-- L, ', State. Coturni 94,1;eintt„rtiuted to ill! . Ile etntited to emi t,: w ill r i m , n .-,,i t t, , m at eiee- I reseutative receives:la eq ual number Qt volt 3-215! " 11- . n ' 3V- :I' "id" ' ' ' l ' Y 8 ' ' ll. ‘ ''' :!4():118 'i ' tr ' I' t sl• •'. p•:dtte'l to he bio4i-tphies of the candidate. it 6 ' I ; Iv intisn; t o ntr 'lt .atr -V 'Ws; • ercurte , .tt• . • ,- . We have .' I....i ta r•t ' n f i: . t p . .r ultlf.t r li . e ' f ll tt ' et A .; I l l i ' l ' ile :l' se l r '7, t > l 4e l t s it u :l n :l e ' ..:I ' g al o tl el I l l y ; d„,•Tur;t711:1) 1114.0, 511111 ' 1 nue n'tate, A" •Il *C4...5: 0 ; 4 4: El'ei-'* - ',; l !. e t-744 " 11 "'''''' tion Of Mr. Bitch:in:in le the l'resideticv tnav I 'b J lit C F ; I teiTfta; the 1 c`rpe - 4 uf'fortif ini'e-t-etorv.l tioket -,, . „ .. . ~.1 - - ' • l' i lt ( r i • re °oat or his INlre`4-4 1C 1:41%e N • ia ' lll-41TV iti .1 ••; t'lt'd•O‘ mi't:' oller , t4. l ' • ‘.., , i - 3 ; opptit•-ol to ttie election of Jitinc•i - Ilueleinati„ r'° l ." ue,r(T..'rtleu as certain . , li,e democracy I TIIIIITEEN EI.F.:(-TOIf.AP,VOTI . ...S 4.1.1.V1.1. '''• ' •'''- -. 14 *- 1 ‘ c u , .' is' n,ftir itluktration,of the itrattner= in -it blew,' t* t 't.: 1• .1 Flemont recnitio= illi tins hi bwie a tnatoritY in•the .61:1•Ir i,•• - - • T ' t', • ' '; - 1 1 , some of our o• ilea t-.4. - re too tJul , lnitn to ~ iiipl o n - -therhas'pretroiett;bv the. Colon Sta'se, win P l °Ja Y , 'J . -7I • t lill (.1 11, I..:'‘. ,) h I 1..1.1 4.1. A.).1.) ,1,1. 1.1.- PP° ; • • • ; 13)0 l) _‘,.,,, , 1 _ b , , ' ' t$Jlllt. T . Or theikt isOOks _ %veto filled with, - -- , the ...le canvas., is•lAirtg, enrtieli 01) by' our oppo- for,rotten ertoot ,ur lAA boyliooti .. and other iik n i v i.froininittee, atitufoi t ated in the .c.ise • brut:tell ef Congr,„ and black- itcpublicunisin i 'ffmsii, To FI:I'.IIONT'.. ":-.. : ' eonftss it. WWII "esteb Jeshie.” II s i " s• • tliitiWto dn with 1 ` -- '''• '' ''' cry' 0 ' ' I think 7 r i tlion., - .1 1 " -it " 'Ya i rielit" Cu " 41 '•' n Surlde l ' 614 l viliv l le • twist iihntril and ridie.„lous .stories in ,t•k:1!- " - ttenc. • On kt•lturxtay last, thwitepublirotat Di aliserd detail, witt.ll h l l% ,i, ,, , . . 1.4 47 . 4. 1 4 0 ? 0 __SAO.? gOttr,tl4,ioll,4o, Ineet 4 it 112 0 - Ito bean! "of no mitre. What Wen , " humbug" .; " ` i " 'n tPS - atlVlK'zi ' LAMM GOV. POLI. I )CIi ina l l . e, a specc . l; := ,,x lia lie • The :r i rou ti b li t , e is ia; di tlae , tum - it p. i ' l ' ' l , s i b .e lby rt i % 4 t. I t p0 i.,, 1e s.o . tne o i no . I ..a turidr , eit and tile tellu ala n' ' asn "' - " I ' II t ' 'iiAtgri, Piiike.;l lB t, in•A' lll3 !' - ' ' Will grow up - next out'Of s bleb litienl.astt 4 . • • r• e • . i nom rsof tluntebiogiapidea- have been per. - ..-- -....- ~, •-••• •- • -....-- .., - _. ' . . .„ .A nc Lif d e: . i ms -i ta g gt , b . ,„ no t stee4 . l ,t e e then ,-.- Ttoit t . . lilt. ...... . ; esti m ,4, cveutug urging ,tis i rteu sto suppot t r ts :It- .!41 , • c 0 0 ~,reat - QPII•"•lean tosrly feet nigh. • ,antiox WO ol is sit.sohie pe 4 .,... , j, /,, r.rhe aira ,,,i t i otr, no d . t i lo d emeer mie - n t, . wit nin , i n te tt ap•ara 7 .l lo lo. „A mmo coo /idi ot ! , patty have kicked up 'll4.lliell A - 4.illtit about Fre- eons suppw.ed to he Fillmore: own, procured ( 9 - , c ita l,. er "t'i rr II 11111 ffrom ,:sstiri,atittrcdoth , toltt:i)..)_er;:ieekflez! , ll ,. ;:it:lol!),l3btr.elpti,r: r...di.", 4ttra.....:44p l i u ... : tni e w ev r, iarli7iii:lll, . 4,ie n - L ,,, lso . ;: itchNt ‘re . : u o i o_ ,p ie it ri vs,, , , t a o tat ion z o re f re tn ai on i t y , : li b:t o : fi a t i t i i t;s t p t , ve , Lrx,to ov ;ont i:- tr i o n r d h fi lin. t;(1,13t,..:it, i .e 1e z.::,...) , 4 , 1:: ,,,, t i.ed i . t u r , : u 1i , :e i, to .. p m e n f ui t ie he i, ~ t it t y_i iit t i, ,o„o9l4, ‘ olitutitipde.r,ted:s4,l:l3.avlO:Vithtt:vro:aittl... tiht.ittneeilor_ • • Resolota I ' l munitttl= 1°- we rieti twe -eroinot. telt. 14 't rt '1 o ' c,, ) • .1- - f e ' ' m 1144 ' 4 " reneel i - .Fremont Ana ,V i l i In ' ll r e - F re e l lolP and But . now, when tile coirtipt le,tders nre trying that it could ant. 1)e lowered by -means :of 4 "Peoelle 4 as eleeii(mee !`„ li g ti°e(linutnl "P t .: pofie. of fottlitfrir, t arif•eleeteriticet - on ,solue, linve no More w . alliti p olabotH . t kin a it, receive the- and - iiniet nill prerail-therte,tni.cirable unite- •sl e v r . --Oro W'ltuot and Oa - - cram af i 1 .t.iial 'l;t'd ' -• ' rope and yttlly, `with which': it- Wearable' 61. •' t thnirretnont: party.. limy found, them t „otiler.. ,,cit y „ k n,t x 614 T x, 0 ,41 ' . than'anv dootiments whiell; had ,beett issued .t,i• , p , ; igti! 2eo 0. -ittN ,; -PP tots wo`motimicftilo'Tiletrate out ,t 0 a, i, - . 1. .. th oats of their honest, but deluded folio - wets,E 1 - Ills t • ' - . '' • .t • t ub humt to tti- . i*m litirogitikiTim - AatkiA of ,--,,,,, - dw • ....-1 ~2 ...,. i .., ). . ' . 41 in the morning,' IStraday' inoriiing •hv their domittittOttst. - t. It pro t)e wo a, s o ~,. ,- . ~. t iI!,DI lin Tcl'it•P "' :' • i Th. pqrt` y that dares So .suppOrt• 'Ilt)0 QUt- they are be , girtaing to st" 6e throngh the ieil of b e i t. , re , - t r.' i f y lct - ' -.,' _, t , t i - - - ,4 f a bi 0 „,,,,i,i.0f cut,,,,0 Frement jenbeeikerehenen,,, i .„.„.4 );;,.., ..! , , ;" ...--„ f., 1 •.- ,;•., ---- ~....-4, . .----- -r - 1 ra2eQ - 1 ' . ti. , , nein ere t t a a oss was , clreover ~1 ; 4 4 4 ....-; ~. tP„ ~ ~-, ' ~ r us freed ts doe.tuv to truer annihilation hilsoortte'v caul ern - 1.4041n orot...ting-stoninst • , i 7 ,/,. , -; ~ - , r,, °- ~.' ~.' ~ ~ h ; ,• 1 • Q w en 1 10 ' 1 p-thy itp bv •tne oPpmitioty 1 "r 1,...,,,,,Avi ac i d ie i d ioemee k t ipq t vm, prol4qoe4 ; , ,211. e 11:14eult hi tilito ICoustly. ~,.. ~, , •._ . .. , . , .. - I . . ,-, 4 _ ~ rine tt eilort was trtiltsol47 - totter ' it, ,- *ulttu ,- , . -' - ; 4 ,_ ^ .l r elit ', ki, s e l e a... , 3 - 0 - t h e liti ooie c ii • stee .ti r .,* x .itl l ,..,t u ue r i . , ,•Asivmpip3eted, [the, )71..v.4 Republican, t, fur 40 .1 10 aest luau ii :EAl2.‘us , tAin it.. /t"' wilt being sold to the wpro-shtvery" icnotrlfoth - - - pr oi r i s l•a n iiiel r ' ess t a k. a a t t• r i ar i a „ ..a.iriel el 1.,„ t ik„. 4 ,,,•-.3 .4 ,4 l dh n eug' ' nula t .• aim' pnattents* tiiit ,ffnote-Sythips,a, ejected iikt . q . r eounty ticket. tufiL II". a', 4l .ililitiuctred ginved 4rlgglO, r, „ voit)i in o tTa- -- ^''' ', - -" ,t. '' -• • -- I ; s. 1 i - 1• 01 , 1 s ,. 13 - f.. rtm- , ' . 1; • ...1 h 4 tlf !r .r ityTl e se,3 cr , b ltho d f: 4 ' ner:/sroch " 04 wh:lak rope; oroue near too top et t at. pore:" y this ! lira -W * 4, 10441 d ky 0 , 7 1 0 of oar cotetatiorl l o.. • , Th r were ~if o iht ritAnd jim i re l a b er i - 0 ,, a i,i,. it, the political infaradona'o(its adirottat4. Dr, Geo.' Snidenstrieker who was phieeil r • 1.. • , 1. - • • , , 't: outs has - t.e- , Irdopted„ ~„--,...•,..*,- - '.2 , : , e• -eto , • = .= ' r _e^- -11 , - time a larft crow d L imi t neyetribledr ftud 00'136 , under„the, title o f the l'w ...0.1 1 1 ,. „,- ~. ;v., - - " ' '"'-':: - ' : , :a• dois - it, joespediont , _to - J0ti , 47 , - , aktoosh,* , day ".howliog,,x*C l • P an°4l4ls P, P a g a , at t- le • a a' 4 , a,r '- 1 -' 8 4. ,k. t'P" "P° a • tha t' iniab l e a a l a ' aa a' a " Ik4 nne t eett'' ' litent atoonee thesla•tillowere-tuivisini-.aa to conio Italb.i!at l '0 • 1 ' li",°, - Thli ca l"' t wl. " mu „ i n***:.ett e k i gi at4 ,o,,the Fidnicneand pop-, the wrongs of icantan. , 4.:-.11t,_ ti•L. 6 ,„t . : in .4K. N,, , i ou lb. ese, political gamblers 5 t,114/ i.usultt they . rat ticket,' üblialtee an : indignartt..proteetin . 0 , , - 3 ._. beo. flicthaii. of iettin l i te etaix.,111,4.v1 4 ent tl e 'f ir eo, , ;l And tee !ire Oretlihi t "irlfo i r i l t o: r ! , ~ • ''Re''. tie,iteLieVate arid that. 1., ~.. 1,:_1 4 „.... - Ir. ' a l._ ,- le 1 ' ...... ' l have heaped upon vou durino• tbit cantpaimu the phikidAphie Ledger, ,t_gaint, the ,whele .. . , . ~.. =' - • thiti - tliis broeitifielnis been plueu-- , --- - 7 - 4-4 .- - - - - ..,- .- ..,, ~. ,i, -,r , .:„....- -'T *F. 4 %. - Cr.....7f.....T 11.44 9 0 4...idu u ' IA' .Y1 , .. 10 , 1 ;,731 .- 1nea, , ,1 ' -•-• • a .= , -sr- • _ were antilvtl'Altiets Thaooni, and PPCOritell, -, ~ t i o , aogi usitur s ; for the - vint•-na ' us' loterierertoe s - • . 1 • ' - nil - to tbinth l• udl• t h •,‘. , i -- , •. • ;- • - • ' , , . ally t,) the 4lotrionnt , , . 1 - qt ra - 7 -e441 - g - ..t.,L 4 .4 , Ai „,2 4 ,.• - ‘ 6e4d.glett 4o ll ll l,o o 4*C° 4lll4 telloe eed the ts — t re i' a l vt • • k 't 7tu 4 P - 1,1 ") !-• t a atralf ' I' ` ''' ' ' '" - 'tilledeetried 4t Of mote inl trliince-tO• I, d " ' '•k tiltead I.* il' e ''' roma -- enteerinlit-"Outotrol 0 r.) , _ • , . . lOlit Ir . ! A' ,11++Vap*., Ar''' 0 . "--. ~ 1 •,.1, 4 ., rot • wont; - Th e . were e ~.,„„-t 1 November ileetion. Is , esaya, - nasueutitsaa hoicks*, eadJis ex. 1 = . • •. • , - • , 1 t,' .44 i e,sery state 11 ; tu° ,i'Siiiriffi lik. -- thilSibiti, itnitiad - 4 C 114011110 4 -4)45 " .r. oetia ' --i r shemen '" ' r w - 11 4 b ay - 7 144 .-716 `" ". 4ed i Will thw•inrisinniepublieun(?). Id lids ..hdeneeet „disgrace. ./tien 44SERT-1014 OF ..!-',..•.' g_ -I-. • •., ~ :1• ' I , ' • .b -I; ti „ t; • ^ '- w nit thei xleetneil arr 'tothgnisr.oliere4-- to :atzatitst,t44 . ottnum -'!- ,• - . ' - 1 idim,• • •,:r tr.:•tote.e*.s.. o - e1.., - . - , s, , -t-7.• / :, 1,%, - .,•„ . .-- -. =•• ~, -4 ,- -,-• ,f4P . - .. _ . , - 1,.. ' .!)_, 1 , __i_ _ l___l-.. . - 14eIrcringinittV - zor .7.-ttrquetifFtsll7ll 10 ,ottero mid 31 ,. • -,-,,,,, 1 „,..„ • --,- -," ~ 3 =. -..: - ~ 4. 7, nfiltiNatoiiiciisuittAa*ltilithw4 Oat bk ' 0 Posiu"i r stAmg l4 .- 14 .:. 20eP4s-itY of 1., ' tioN. • - . - • • . fw , Pugeroomis-thlttf UtiteciwitigSial oo *- 4 4. 1 4 11 E7'. FREIIOXTnd re-hotraral.of; the 45ter.„,-bepa -••- •; •i, -.- `- '.t•• - • .• 1 . - *II 'l I 'l, l 't 0 orezti error Of thoge wile •' a - , - • - - -tti the ttuttei-ofilteir iiiity 'pai i lltig, -,- ;; . '. ,--,- . •r. el - Alt! S'‘',--' 'l t t le ,„i o f.- t t o 'i • - , --,-• I las-- . ‘. , ..i oroo 'fiend we ball of it , piedtpl 10 . 0 1., awounty,,, A t,. tip.iituts . , yet, Tar.„..szat ''', 1,.vi: a •,.. ..„„,,.= 1 ...,;3 .4 .-„,, ~„,, - -:,.. . ' ,inNivqll*.Plowit I "e'ki 4(4 " 4 - t " (1 - €414 ''• ' I ri4to tintiillik4iitiitintrpissrtrofc. , thetti-etchil iff), l o,.fi', 3 ,teeintile 'Mew*: .We ,e,Poeted • ~__F ILL3/ . .- ~ . - ~ - , , ~....: ...--..,.---_,-; „ ~. i -, - ....1 1 wotewr. Qtt?..4 who wooliouttuototi -1.4 y ' i'syle?, ii4p? k y Afteti um! 'll'itrlot.o." 4 *lni 0 ,1441 t0 t to 'Faint - - i t imiiii,-I rt ysla te m 0 41,44, te h i nu, precut:ln Aida e l ott „l mi te m b e iii i iii mm ai r i a u l d, oo ,/ - 44 m n kotriFin i ppieje, xttuAtiou ad-raoutzes • , ... a . - o VleloW MOTs W110, 1 44' 2 -. ~ c. rts ' t :Iv- ,ntdirdt rsol t :iiii - : - '•dly 6 , - .dd ~.. 4 4 4 ci os ior s . ' • ; I - . , i d...• • -'• 1 ; grad , - - i• - -•- '.. -- ''' - , - r - ' r ‘T• - - - s 't the FuerEENSWit. , STATIV. woeilto ED u5.. ..n m i. 4 .- ii, i nt o h i r - of wh i r - 11 ; the pow- thet • eill, *Wit • r 4'l l'it. ; I:ii .1 - iiklr dAr.'W ,bigh '3 ply-I,aq*. *limit- lei - 4 .....14.....‘" ..,,....t. - - - /./...A......5.!.1144..,...L..,..,,` C.* ih.l i , Tis p aing l im p i r ' TT Ibi s twi l i t* 4,vdige' sk • 4 ' . - - 11 -. 11 . '- - ir---•% ,-n• --t:i f e,:---7; ~1 , 1 , ,, , - n ,11 -- , 2 in,n,l7, - ' 7"..!7".. ••,.. 4 -rt ...' ...2 • ~. .t4 '.- . :"..: .--n , • ; ‘,"i r 1 , ~, i•,' z 'i , - - ~. ,in ' • t atheit i lthiDEP 1 W WM - NW 44.11,4**WA111:W *go- m- .-"W!“"PITT. 711=MTZ0-3 743 '-'4-7. - •-• A''': . 7• l( r..l, gr,„iongitr o g th mat i„, iia d,b r t b s i tz , oo „ o „ aiti , irvaws.a w . " a v h onest p opu bl ien ii 4 ," 4 ' 1 4 . !i(rv,:l 3 :4 - .. 4 . ifiejirpx'ti . 4',i)tkeat'ot 11114 4- taptite,l% " 51 ..._„., ';°1 1 ' ,... , 6 1 4 ev... ,... ° 1 ,. - 04 " . 441 ,i 1 , 1 , r ea tt r it ) ltt - .11 • • fl ii, ret ` t ; AfiThathoiAlitirtitidimmia dalPtimesmo.wi . ,r - PWAArar u.Ato. 0f..1 1 10 - . - 1141 ~ - -.. ...... .. ', ~-:' ~ f-',_.-.. , „, , . 1. 5 . 4 ' 1 " 1 , 4 1 • , .4 41. 1 1,41 t ira . ?.14'. 1 i 7 i iliat'u t t i kiir ;141 1110e J _., Z fe...142 , iLrl ~ 7 ;44 1. 11 r , ".' ‘`..•, se., P5t,..,....-- v -. , . , . , -,.- , - ... ,-. , ~., '..--- . i ,- ---: -- it , ii .:l:-;----000,160iWrisialww4r0CHATEND1110,01alisVgi qp,,Corniipal tioboi tint4=lll talirPort '•"Yrtl'..l-1 1 4 " %', ',f•l' ' 1 ,-' •-I --*-'. b 0 iri ansj titi110 f ,"44411041 ' 1 541. 11 1 b lu'r` IL •t----,. 4 .4it su oilitife s k, *.o ,st.:•:;„1 ,- t3,113.7._w43•443"-div,ss; i ...taggite44 l *-,.. .-K l l d'i 1 1,t 1i f t ." 43.... '--32 1 . ) 41 , * :77M . )litYa'jwico yaggsigi fro I .• .' , - ', -- A ' 1 ' ' ' -{' ' .* l' * l ' r ' ISrl AI fiiii&gil w s'44-4 - - , ' - . •-•'•iJ .- wg‘ 4.- ''. - lit szt 4 gi, z ,....„. , ,, ;,.... . moirkstu t „p at o ° . an d Ikon i k iww s pi , -It 'as ,Os 114 -.041 - 1 , •itl 4 1 '''',„' 1 ,,-- m ,,.,,,„. iti i i,,, e111 ,- fi ll rom oh, W- 112 '4 , tilii i i it . d ...s; ;', •;.• Thi" ' , -i t a;44l49tvvy aft:tri , A4vi t plwoomm. ......_,..........,..........,.- -- ,--- "r? '-'' 1- - " ' : - :1t.1.".... - 4..1.A:: ! „....1 . ...1-,..31- -•-- - il ir timiribeile ." l4l , o o l . l i nr.i,Llllllo * lieu will ' 1112 pelit -... -',•,;-_ •• - - . ;'' 'et , ' - ‘---_ , s- 4 - ' l l. - - --" , ;‘,Asonsor f irniiiiiegous'ste ' • notAmill tiv44 , ;,1 '-:=‹, - r,---.•.*1rt 4 t.„.- - n, , .. -, uri,: t at"Zl - J. l ' :- .. • •o, , -..- - i l' - -_ ,V. ll l°' - 7nl-411rIvr- ' e -•- ' v. " ido l ',"O , OWFIrtrA --- -xf- -- mir 4 V. ' '' . l ,• 1 .0•4 ' •• 1 4 4 --AART iatu ftit "i2f4 , 11 4 41111 1241 .9 raf nEA--Ani,L-.,-,....-• Li.T.• ' j dAttitir' it Irian/Pliant mai ritv. 'to& u ili a " - neenta our County, ed f ike I 1" 1 " -lwarwgrrwia 1111 1 0 1rhirieliabikiPt,f, : 1 / 4 4111 7Y71 , - 9 ? s , 7..o4 ll .r iv SNltN 7- 4161 2! it P4 1#1114ri .Nea f* . ri g l eVw -51 : ali tgoite Pti .sol t itt eltikrr t , k 4hilltrlr w‘ oatiy= ...z.v - -- I L-- °4 -1- 41111 4w-rtua--Ul - -, 1414 10 - fer aOm weer on the 4tb cf November, Ito., tot.. demonstrates tile feet, . , is ma int speoeues tor,3Qttnatt. ,4"' Mar ..w43241'; Slrile-'42 waster - It'V'l ;MIX- f3•7•FAM ryKlWout , •Settitts - 77. - or• '.'s ' • that thee past .tillesi months, ' Ad\ a 1 T. t' r.„ ..4 . r . -0 , ;;; , ....- ~.... , A, -.• r .4._1..F.. 4 11111- - - _ . •••••••durown....•••••••••.*•••••••••• .......... ....a! ! , a....• 0 11211 ' COMM Asdaor Gen, Surer %..n. , "grope i Soar .. .Re , -,. I , as; ~; 7., so_ocute Judges Co. Com. Artfr 4„stiAt4y Co. Saire , r , ..'''' • ' ..:', • - ',. -r: - i i i ..! ,5. .4 - t- - --- `4 e. ' ... . 17 , ,t.:J. , ,t.,. 5 .- i .t , 1 , 4*1.4c4,1 lv, e .- t,5 . ..;.•%_ . 1.. ~.-p p., :4' ': i 4 ,: 44`• 9 '-,-.., ~ 4 t• f- ' -4 1 •'" e: - -'-'' -Tr - i' ' t '... ':. . ••=4-; .-• 4 ,4 ...... .. • ' im •., ( . 1 ' ----k s . ' c d - t:-{ "A I CR' n " - t-' 4.. - - ''' ° ' - il. , ' 4 - ,-- • , _ - !z: ' 4./ • --- • I t `i•-.. t•J A ;. - -1 8 Ls. 0 !*O , -., ..r: ''‘.. t i 4 l'.o _ ; "--, 7 1 -.--- , ..... cis ,_ c 4. ~... It • ••• Ze • = - = 1 i n"' -- 4'7— bad, .- . , 3 , .° 1. ' 1 : CZ , . 6 'd cEs 7...... r. • .., ;14 .... _ - , v , :,,,, ,- = r t -, 5 ... /.. i 17 ,... ___ ~,,,_,, , „...„, x -- ; -..- .. -- i5,.. - 'f . 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