The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 23, 1856, Image 1
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With : its 1:8.:,r14: Wt!II ail itm to•pes fatnrryg:ars, . hangirg_toefithles, nn thy foie! . ii'e know n hat rfloxh , ritiki liv 1.te1.• WhA , ‘a - oTkmen ritol of p0,.(.1, ‘1'11;', made path n.ast Tani Bpi! amt \\ll,t anviot rang. MI t h.;ll,n,er. 1.1 %%lint a !orgy ;mil IA 'be a sitain,l tlo. :43 h,,,r ..r , le , ;if 110- Catt'& stil,.oB I N. 1.414 attil Sn.oct, ri% itho tr , sre roifk, 'Tim hat th- 11 - th.: And aat a w t math= hr the:gate! oh r.,el; w d st-raro s r.,ar,-• fa 4false /ightx ~ n , i 1 I.n, nur tear to brewil tile 14,8 OiII he rts, our h4ipt s..nri• nil will, tho 0.2 r heirt..4,ftur top. 2 , „.;ur Or,r lititLariunipha,,f tear., ,read_ iila thy— ar.. , a I %I,t e • Miil TIIE'GREEK: - I was Itn nselcss thin{;, a loaely n•ed !*. No Of osticn hung its beauty. on th.• weet% Mike in skin arid f::.t.. - ranee and I if l vre no No ellimtriorrAliid y taxi n . q. ; • t • d. Oa the wild moor, anti ;he wind! I.•nitb a wander/A . Fr Ant my ; H e sin•iothed the pale; leaning, leaves, um . 1 \AA . • s•s• Mk lip, ill Ifelic..rt h•mr My uords were 11..trie d . pi.%.;•l' An.l theric was -round me—neve fell I • Evr*K tap..n :ity's b. V . !+••••ili _tilt died situ !rump. t Man' •••pirit pert., fi •ry, dist. nt h rail*: Tvranls of ;•arth !ye • your deel:lit WVlien I siood fi , rtit a wi,ndtr afid n a7gn. 'J'u mo the ir.,n ci IVe Wa , :t Nand ; The roar of riations ilty et,e•ii,pnd To me the Cleget?n, siv , rd curd •cuur~c wt t ram ; I smote tte.t.smillrr and I broke the chain ; Or toa-t-tielg 111.-mull, without a plums-, I Tleire..d.the purpit air, the teruites4's the Olyni;iian .sq.slentittr‘ on my eye, Str;r-;,, teniiik i st,tetonek,.at d God's infinity'. , • Tii4.Jpetts of the anci,•nt Grvei's were made f.s TLlSccilantous. 1 1 4 EX PLOSION ON 'IIIE 01110 111111;11. A SINGULAIX ILE:.6)NTILF4 On the first day of March, ten • years ago. tine palatial and powerful steamboat "til tett" fated away froin her wharf at Cineio-, siati, hound-for the port of New . Orleans, and . carrying, a gay crowd . of passengers, who hat! tf•en attracted by. the Splendor - of her appear :ince and, the renown offer File id, safetyrintl luNartoa., accommodations.. As she moved Off, walking the snnnc waters so truly like a ping of life, .a smiling throng stood on itarrit4ae deck - n ban - di:Treble& to frietals on the shotl everything,ever; '1 e vets' 4iir, seemed eloquent of. Wye an..l ;The multitude consiste3 of - the tiSital charactets to be. found on Wt:sr rti vessels. 'There might be . , seen in. dos-. Proximity . , thriving merchants with theit staid ledger-likel.4, politicians with t!ourtesc in e very fe;at . mere pleasure seek ea,y • atfitigles, , and a Sprinkling Of .hlack whiskered gentry, re=tlem4 eye , . vet-dress, and proftn,iou of jr wi!ls tsetrsy.'i! Veir aeritutintanee with the biAoty.Of the four gittenß. Besides these, 1 a number of conr , efeatured geniiine specimens of , , tali:woods imitated. the fore part of the cuh in the,neigliborhonslof the bar. ••. No- were the nvgelie sex 'nareirr-e , ented end of ti.e hilt. F:very '.,tlesttriptka . of • 6t.:itity aright he Ftudied there as in a pletaq., - ,gallery—the blue 'eyed and bright halted, of the North, the d:izzliag dangtiters or `li'»attlekv. and the charming , er'e‘rle with lan Agtlid air and face- like the loVe-light It i arata. AU on board seetnedilort-r in thei) itrtrticula W2l ft. Nu d).uht d rte Itell ioe!eral f..):;.lvity, and Almost 'evert - one 01)- - i i peared to have emnyranirms ur frienil.: for f•o -71631 cob - verse and the Atiterdluiv of civihi Jr? 1 inns', however, tnentiOn! an exception to the renEtrk. There Was a gentleman of fee !urin and strikingly iiaindsesitue #ienittn:e *ill brilliant 'gray ey - efi.' rind. - a 1 00. while' iutelie 'sal f,o'chend - , .had no „nor lin tauee-, and, indeed, did not; appear . any, a., he continued to walk the. htirricane ileClc in SI state' of. p ifoi►ud laud somewila . - n) , :ararai abst'iltetion; _long after everybody Phe had One was dressed in 811 ' 4 of costly black cloth; entirely . ornaments, and 'were a piece . of a: rape iouncl his hat as a token of recent Sereralof the curious Lad -noticed the: stretT • ger when ht came on ti;ard end saw-lnti - regiF.ter Dame's; " . Capta in Thomas,. of Texas;" bat serne theln4nisiti've parties happened to be . old . teitui Alletoselvw, and_ tlny all oamctirred its iioe.lloollllSdOgi th•p bad never beard -a - iambs » is the t•riitoty illutninatvd by the tone ital., and one or two "uggestO that he west be tie inipo.- At length, dinner beil sounded, and Vie hatidsolne captain destended to thesah in ; he rotund all the seats at the upper fiel or, he board occupieckand vra. turning t r e ire. when the head waiter interposed, conducted him lto the: hiwer , part: of the talle,. a here he: di covered a vacant chair 'he ladivm A brief and involuntaty gbitice ,-bowed that he war: on the vetge of a t.t* diAt fai.s; but thy al' err arr Ito ham. pmti!ction in nions tlie_atrong 4,,, i ;ndee, save only wa. a ..1 . 4A in deep mourning r. might 11. this eitetunstAti( tilt lo mind his peculiar eila tins of her perk-q, ted his siit!l,CAptain Thomiid the iiktitnwi to determiti , itt'qiedfate and almost magi a.l . visage, shining fawn tbelOpposite seat. is It is tette he did not at 01. think her vert !beautiful. Iler form and: features, thottgli exquisitely spnmetrical, looked too small and chit like fOr Such a povicall epithet ; for tile te-m lade might be appliedo) her as - n whole :;lid apparently in every part; Het feee,.l t ust, I ...,is.rty, hands, feet, were rill little, sure a pair t' latg, altieitel-shaped eyes, dark eta night. and , •11:t- hi, dby crag :area 'ashes, se hurl: ~te t eat a 54,1 , , dreamy ,u..ression ; u line t deli asek hair : rid polden warmth of tier S"tithern ctinplexion ftrinislied a striking ? , entl.hinee to the fay.); ite iortrnit of the int - atottid titan. , r : - The captain eowl.l not reniove hi* gaze fr•ontheunique visage b• f.,.re him. 11 11 .1 et . .. 11 that fate somewhere in. but uaniletings or•the.sitany Oretit ! thought bid misty memory, revolving the' vague. , Itatlows ()Nile Past, could 6i on no definite •itne or place for identity, and r he di-carded .!In:illtution as the image of a stream. Presently abet raised her dqrk ryes, an.l. slartillgl, scrutinized hi* eountenanre in - her tout • with size* of :strange • einotion. then, faintly blushing,. withdrew her glatufe,', and .4oOtt returnol to the parlor.-- tint Captitin Thoma*s4,ught :. in vain to banish' froM hie mind that one. look, • lutninotts as lightning flashed throughout hi iirain: when their eyes met. I. It appeared Ilk.. !pall a rec.' 'gni i l ori froth the past and A revs tattoo of the future, and Yet - he could not imagine•what wiai. claim that so wonderfulh moved him. ILeottld not he love, or even 1(, for he had often beheld mote beau •iftslfeatur t r4 withotit ttti: much as an m id, timi3l heitrt throt). but- none. had ever inspirol ito with stichdeep interekt and 'so t desire foram introduction. Led IT this rprlden nml , uz v irenut i t; l l,l,. . o ulf.e, be ..t•eutt")!Tiiiniself urar the !ourtL.ltt the tlitiattee to file, cabin and 'covering his , lcuilos.lity tinder I.lle . f reading some book, be watched- the fair unknown with stealthy glances. 11r perceiv• ed that while others were laughing. chatting. and making new acquaintances, she rem fined aleorbetl in sad reflection. one addre , sed r:: and as Ite 'thought. Many eyes glanced 'at her with looks Of updsgeiscd scorn and.con• tempt. . ;• ; . . Nor was be mistaken in this . invot.u , -.A.Ary conjecture ;for air . , she nor only travelled without an escort or . a companion, but had .4ime on boaril alone just as th- st ea m er pi a , about to start, the elite t f the female t .: ti • s-ng•ers set her down at once a,s a doubtful eltat,'Acier, to-be 'studiously shunned, or insul ted, if . she displayed tlie,least ptesumption of a.clai6 an courtesy Cr She ob 'sensed the general state' of &id - et:siva feeling. it «ecined to irritate as - well as pain l t i.r llowcver, stri . : oliporttittity stain' pre,ented itselffor an example and most justifiable re venge. StTveral ladies Sticees-:on tcoti places at the piano, but none of diem ild.tnuelt coedit to them - set:yes as attsts; Af : er they had all finished their grat - ng *lts cords, the dark.eyed a:sinned the vaeaht s a ., And p!ayett . aithoUt ai y ; -arpat tint ..d ol t; • a- wild, bewitching, and very :difilcultair with -tick consuinsuate success-as to astonish and enrapture every ' ; uttpicjirdiced auditor. • She then 14111 smother cif: simpli city and 11. e ruir - 4 tender pathos, awl at- the lime sung the words- 7 4 touching rAtri •ftn. for tile 'dead such effect :to to dent. Leir•like rain from a se/4'e; of eyes,. fie' .voici!, at civic* loud, clear, and iuesp-essibly s:aew, On the ear„-kitil . waticik red at will - through all the flying notes in th scale .ifitarrnotiv;ari.if a uightingde had been, int juisoned or a viewle-s seraph hovered on her , c lips ! tw.tveliants, 4,n4 even :: wlsketed gamblers. botindell herrn their chairs, and swarmed tow. aids, the dooriyal the .drawing. room, entranced by iliemal,riCal melody.. B ut t h e I nvo s of . the eolnful:females a:wind-her only , grew the blacker with envy and mortiG-atitni, and one of -theta urged her diner to insult the girl bv - an impertinent fluet ion. Arcorditigly, the gentleman, wli hongted, Lem de his gaudy4lress, a suit of fiery red hair, advanced. and Iseht with, a mock olieisanCe--" May I be per:tub:tato inquire, Nliss,l lots are a profeasiodaleinger r *r dark eyes flashed 'lightning as she sur veyed the insolent fop is contemptuous silence, nnd . at the moment every spectator eould.per (mit% dolt die was trausearkittly teratirel. 'need 'the red heeded summit ; c,0 . 013 sooastar i m that, ra must be s peofessamial sager, at I tetrOlivr,titheaf wee sprt, sod therefore thought to raise a collection for your benefit, as that kind of creatures will do any thing for 4 rnoneyr - And be burst into a de risive laugh, in which Lis female friends join. ed. • The lips of the girl turned mortally pale and to el ided with agitation. A crinr•on fight shot from her buruing black eyes, as she ex► Claimed in tones of-concentrated shante and, trerness • " ;t the fashion on thi4 boat to insult-ht- Airs who ,Banes to travel without protection I kid lannitti that no gentleman would either clei or iiermit such i►upertiueneet' • ••" I intended no offettee,"the red-haired- tuf f lvgan to aro,og'ze; but at. the gatne in stant a finger tapped his shoulder, and strange A Mee hired in his ear 7 --** Let me see you on. the hurricane deck V' rot {eats of nge, Rll4loller it exciting sympa yin -oTroqr, or the ;11. which faseina- Hlid tint 'attempt. but he felt 811 pal interest in ti. He turned and tnet the piereing . grey eyes f Captain Mooing, and bowed a lulu& y and defiant acquieseenct. As the two I. ft the cabin ‘everid bystanders whispered the strati g I.—" For p.ur fife have no ditlieulty . hat man ! It 6 George'Rayburn of Arkan sas—tire most fearful dtteleAt in the . World r In a few. tnoments the parties gained the loirsicane dtek, while NWthe male l assengers followed • eagerly to, witnocs the expected wormy scene. The ruffian Raybu:n walked op till his face Almost totiched that al& un- Julown foe, and, uttering an opprobiious ileManded, with a ,mile of monleroio. " Fool ait.l m.ionadrel!' uhai You to say r ieltlittag— Nothiug,7 reiblie.l Thormts, 4ntl cuulh knot:A:4ll the othi:r dew 11. , , lia~burn ro4e, %i.h a cry awfu l dell 411 :,nine gild beast, ani. attempted to draw his pistol. lint the enemc proved too . 'quick. lot -hatched the weal.on from his halal, hurled it into the river, and again tneasoreo h.s length on the floor ' With blood,rutining in Ptreams from his iiuse,•the Gulley. pr o ng to his feet, and : voc;1- ernied in accentp. nearly inarticulate with rage --- 7 `• Sir, you sit tld give- we tuorial tittisfactiois fur this." EIBMEGI **lle` te—nu;i—this 'lvry mitiute 1" reused .) bum, grithiitig his teeth ta r tui foaming at "rWbenevey I und ulterevvr you re t4ptatded Thum4s, ill the same- carcle-s wan- "Nut fast:, gentlemen," remaiked the vounuanilei of the steamer, rk it Is a .1 tern coun-. toil:Haw; I will penal t. nu 11u:40e - inlet viem on my revel, and au p"ti 11,114 Wit till tte z.lup to wood." ..I am in nu hurry," said - tap:ain ititts a made, anJ the 1!!,tn.t:11 1%,:0t orced to Wram the sufiposed Texan returned to the cabin, his eves immediately sought the mini-' tentioual cause 'of his sudden quarrel. She was ,•eatt...l near thc dudr of the drawing room, white arid quivering with apparent fear, while the.light of her , dark orbs . looked dim with tears. As soon IS be approachrid,, she beck oned him to a chair k;ide her, and addri4sed hint init - 410ring accents: ", Stranger, I .am. not ungrateful i . or y our bravery and kindness m the deft-bre ula friendless girl ; but I en treat vou not to throW awsly your life in a combat with that drea , lful man. I have heard of him ofterr,and know that his aim is death?' Tire eliallei)ge has:been pas..ed and. ae dim.A-stinl. of Course I cannot how decline ittrOtrt eternaodisgiace," was hi- proud all- •• You awl ulsclf are both orphans, and 'without a relative in the , wide - world,'', she mutnimed, in accents ' , weedy lender RS au angers whisper by the pillow of a dying taint. ' 4 Let We be your sister, and 1 pia you not to fight that ttion,ter: 1 will Teak to.the captain of the boat, and have him but on shore In the 'tic:l'l64le, Ge..rge Raylattn, Lasing solaced himself by 'macrons fiery pOtatiotas at tile bar, at down; to a !..giate four lutudvd i.oker, and soon became aLsoi bed in the elian c.s of le ileitis in a - desperice aloud, ue staked enortnons sums on evvry suite .of cards, he received, and,a strange freak of fOr tune sm - ditig upon hint for hours, he reekr.tied his•wit l arns4 by thousands. ~..At length he looialsetl that each gatublet ..f the parry should risk his entire capital tot the fe It of Belting - the 4lighest card in the and this being assented to, be eons= ltlelmeti.bliuqiig the pieces of paltat,4l Oyer ; but at the Tilt/went the bell rang, and the bt;at stopileti to woo.. Instantly, Rtyburn eutelv down the - cards, and cried, in a voice of thun. . der Cottle, Catrtaiti Thourets, the signal ha.; • isounded for your death or aline !" . lit. foe sprung to his feet fur the purpose of going on-shore; but Emily Girardin, the dark-vy - ed girl,rclung to his artn, and prayed lulu to deeline'the t hallenge. "Oh! accursed - code of the duellist!" she exclaimed, with startling etnplutsi%," what in . fermi fiv.eination iu thy bloody laws--a• charm of bell that no he.roistn has power to resist Wellhaye 1 a right to hate thee!" "Have yint' personally huff red from a par lividr occurrence of the kind in your own family I' inquired Thomas. • .."Oh God I: how" Muth r' she murmured, tbreugh her teats. ."Ify father fell , on that fatatfield ; and last year, tny only brother had a bosom friend. They . differed on the race track *bent some trine, the lie pissed between them"; - both !sere high spirited, they *sot, oe the; spot; foiOve emit -otiier. too late, end died la each other'. sneer 64 1VE ARE ALL EQUAL BEFORE AND THE coin.' LTTION.”-.ssurses 8 , chanan. ttrase, frt rtx mitt geltea, Vittrshi orning, Odder 23, 1850. liirupose to Ju Lo less,* was the tranquil - Wb4L iirws yourlrotheri_ name r naked the young Mn,i with pale lips, in a, voice al most suffoc#ted by unutterable emotions. _ "Eugene.;: Girarkiin." ."Atid d'a'ft areliittister . . rally—once the child that l':. played with so ftiudly in the l i bright days of my lVhood, efOre I wander ed from honre and friends t" . he • said seizing lwr fairy fingers with a cony hive clasp. - She gavel in his face wit a a bewildered look, and iiTed 1 " eau it be possible I - Yft , , ,you must 'indeed- be bliwtki i n Tlionias, the rother of lay, brother'ii mur ered friend I" •• The Earle," faltered the .ther, weeping in si;ite u( exertiun. to .rdmter Lis te~lDb►+. " Come," Wowed the desperado, with sidi abelicallaulh; "Corn; or 1 will shoot you dow . n of your parUtnOur !" avd he draw a reyott - er and took twO - steps towards his adversati. But a mOt . e appalling enemy than man met him by the wity. Ile stood iMmediately above he wheie steam-devil, for ep. .1 •everal militates, had been hnising ominously. Suddenly there came a lows, indescribable' moan, like that of some rinprtsoned was the fiend pf . fire . get free— and then a dull sullen roar, or rather crash ; and the feunt of the cabin, - was shivered- as if torn to.pieceri by A thundeilu.At I Both boil . ars had explOiled at once, ittid killed . every oad/ in thai part of the 3e4el, while thu,e !a the . ladiesi. ,: cabin e.caped without injury. , Morton . Tiaana. and Emily Guardia eta b•ukol the ti•Xl day on another. bOat fur the t'aeseeni CitY, :AO ere eventually wedded.— . Sunday Tiuirs. bit. K 11.14. 1 S SECOND ESPEDI- TION. The narraiive ofDr. kaoe',s expedition in s , arch of Sir Johu Franklin has atslength al - peared, and We have seen norwolk: from the American rent more creditable to it publish egg, Mei•-•st:-. Childs & Petersoti. lizis a wink will be read with deep interest by ev ery Anteric:,U,,arti.l with no little pride . that tluit this Itut'itatte but periloini expedition Was accomplished zlirotigh the liberality of Out ti con nt r9tuitt, and the generous Sy Mpai h% which invited the heart of its daring and in 7elligetit coMittander, assisted by his devoted . and , elf -saerifiei no. companions. The present uotk is . prePared for moil tr reading, and the author Las :: intirahly i•eieeted fieln the abund ant maleritik of his journal the incidents which Will .at once arrest and hold the mien' tion of the .rif ader, fro s m thi; first setting forth fittlelirir, (the A.lvance,) through' all • the perils it encountered iia &Milt's Strait, tettter to thr North yule tlinn was ever at tained by Mortal man, excepting Part. The expedition left New York on the 30th of May. 18513, the entire force consisting of . 18 men. "wltn, on the•lOth of September fottilti themselves I;lnit up in Ren.salaer harbor, in nearly• the ;:519th degree of! north latittttle, where they.ientained tvo years, clo.ely iin. lteddeo in ice, until compelled to abandon their little eT,raft and make their way over thir teen hundred miles of ice and hind to the neatest Daiiisli• settlement: . It was sthile Iv nig! housed In their brig, in fase.locked harbor, that, the in:ceesting walk of the expe dition was :performed. Tim igh pent up in illick-ril t bed• ice; she courage • and enthusi astn of the party,Were still undaunted. The tint efforts itf ita intelligent commander were to prepare tbr his journey, by boats and sledg es, in seareh!,of t h e navigator, Frank lin—the main object of the expedition. was while Making:these jou r neys, in the ng giegate atmitinting to over three thousand Miles, that the great glacier lof Hutnbolr, the mighty crystal bridge that cOnnected the two , continents.ol Attie:lea and .Greetiland,w::s di. eotert . d. tirther still to tlik. north was ,see n the iceless sea, a vast basin of water, extend• ing to Me pnles. . This wa- ;the realizati o n of 'the second great, ol!jet.tof the expidition,)c - complisheOloongli diflictihiys. and pet , • sulcient, appal! tue.. stoutest heart; tint which reenittl only to nerve more strongly these gallant explorers. The highest latitude attained Wait 80 deg: 10 ruin., which it is probably not Venturing too farto predict will .be the highest northern laiitudt; that man will ever reach.. .- 1 The storr of his wandering. is ! - ;old; but is. related with sue)) deserip andSyMpatlietic • langn4e! that the Oct totes rise !up:. %%molly and ityidly ,to the maid and the reader feels all the interest and emu= tion of an acituat r opect.lior. ' or rxilaer partak er of wild adVenture iu the midst of such. nos 'el and tomantic scenes. That the - Sititnns willhave!a.Very'extensive Sale. there is no larger any doubt. There sere already thirty thousand a ,bscribers to it, ticeived in-advan ce of the wuik, and the publishers, will not stop till they have. a sale for an tidition of one .hundred thousand copies. It 14 publish ed on the most liberal Scale,. elegant in its V. , • . • .. pography stint superb in its; illutrations, of which thereare between three and four Sinndred Reel Mid Wood engravin,t4,:with superi; portraittnapS bc.,•drawingsby Dr. Kane and exectrad by one ofOur most accomplish ed artisti, d. Ilunittnn, and Sy Van Ingen do Snyder. • • • ' -• . I.lxweurits Potram.--Fer down it.-tint depute of the Lenten heart, there is a fontain of pure and:hallowed feeling, frere which, st times, swell ; tip a tide of etuot inlet which "raids ate .poweriewi- to expere.berhielt dawn) *lone tan appreciate. 'Full Wetly leads overflowieg' with _sublinte thoughts eta only iissigiolop s seed Vat ibe.r pea of fire" to bold eoiraptemi thanes& ip4to elpol!. 1 14 ”tUsgbisi tbat breitthe" are there, but not the "wordr that burn." Nitture's own inspiratiori fills the bean With emotions too deep for utterance, land, With the poetry of the heart, lies - fOrerer'icon- Cealed in its most mysterious shrini.,. Unwritten -poetry I tt is stamped upon the broad blue sky, it twinkles in every star. It mingles in the ocean's surge, and titters in the dew-drop that gems the, lily's bell. It glows in the gorgeoes colors of the West at the de cline of the day, anti rests in the blackend crest of the gathering starialood. It is on the mountain's height, and in the cataract mar— in the towering ok, and in the tiny flower. Where we can see the hand of God, there beau ty finds her dwelling place.---qooci Templar. glititai A CHAPTER IN THE LIFE OF COL. FREMONT. Chapter VII, pap.twenty-five of Comm (HORACE PREELEY) - illd . . MCELRATIfii Life of FitEMONT reads vertatura et iiterattol2 88 follows, VIZ.:— • . Cturri4 . 'Draws' the Short r Tern‘—E.rtSaordinary • Amount of Work, which he accomplished in the Senate in • Twenty-one Daysllz vc.s.the Cause:of Education---Advocates the Rights of the Musses against GoreFrment 41fonfp*-- 7 1./is roles. Dr. Gavin was elected to the U. S. Senate with Col. Fremont, In drawing lots for tit: ' ; ow and short terms--they being the first Sliatorsfrom the S!a!e—Col. Fremont go! theshort term ; and as lie did not return to . the short session he was, actually, in the . Sen• ate chamber only twenty-one dayis.. In -that ort 14.604 of time he performed an amount of u-eful 'wink, which would have been a fair result for six years of sertlitorinl ser:ice.. lle iattoduced eighteen important bills, among which Were:— . 13111 to roguinfe the Working of the Mines in California. II.—A Bill to grant said State Public. Linds for Purposes of Education. 111.—A Bill to Grant Six Town=hips for an Unitrsity. TV .—A Bill to Grant Lan& for Agylulu or the I),:af and Dutnb e for the Blin and !tisane. - • - V.--A Bill to Provide for Opening - a Road Acro•is the Continent. In - nn el ritorate sNenli on 114 Bill to rilgu 1.3 t e.t he Working of the Mines, Mi. Fremon ‘ , The principles of this bill,.as I hare. al 'ready stated them, are to exclude all idea. of Making a national rerennii out of th e se mines, .1 0 prevent the possibility of monopolies by Monied capitalists, and to lire to 11.11TURAtj,. cirrr.o.,that is to say, to Lanett and ta-rtuA rar,.:t fair chance to a ork, pad the secure enjoyment ,of what they find." • On a proposition to 'substitute for the bill to abolislt the Slare Trade,, a bill abolishing Slavery in die' District of Coluthbia, he voted Nay. The rote stood, teas fire, Nays forty five. . . Ott the bill to suppress die Slave trade. in the District of Columbia, he voted Yea. • On the bill to punish any person who ltoul - .1 entice or induce Rainy° to run away; by con finement in the District Penitentiaryi.five years, he voted Nay. On the . bill to authorize the corporations in the Distriet—to prohibit free negroesomder .)etrilty of fine and imprisonment, he voted The" Ext rao . r.l I nary amount, olviork" that u. here said to have been ", accomplished in twenty one days," was actually accomplished iu three. as Col. FnEmo'N'T entered the Senate on the loth of September, and introduced all the• • above eighteen bilk on . the thfrieenth. Nobody at all acquainted with the - facts, can suppose that Col. Fantoxr either prepared or note the above bills--they were, nearly, or Oh, made tohk-hancis by others. But what did Col. Fitnlto - sr do the remaining eighteen (lays ? flow .mlny or - these bills did lie car ry •throu.o ,the Senate I That is the toit the work he did. Would you' belie - ye it, reader after the above flourish—why only wit ! The ,renter part 'of the others were ticed after thew were introduced. One only of all -thesceigliteen ever became a law, and what one do you think that was ! Not, No. 1,2, 3. 4 or . tt above named—nOt a. bill for etincatinp, nor fur . .universities—noi ,for deaf and duthb or blind asylums, nor for opening a road across the Conticent ; but one on the .iitof eighteen introduced. "A Lill to pro.. ride for the astertainmentqfprivate claims California, and Air the .adjueation and .settle meat of the Itatne." • Tins Bill, which ins in tended for and did accomplish the confirma tion of his ?tliliteoSA Ltxn CLAIM, though pushed by hint np to the adjournment of the Strition he atiended,'only become -a - hiSr the next session, through the . ALrenUollA exertion . of Col. Benton, his father-in-law. • Not one of nil the Bills intriidueed by him during the Ses..ion, (twenty-one instea . &Of eighteen,) be; , emit«) a law. while he was there.. -: • No elaborate spreckurav ever delivery! bg Ain on big " Bill to negociate tile , working of the wines" All be did was to make in 'occasional explanaticro or revisit' during =tire debate on the subjeet On the bill to punish any person Who ehouldiehtiee or induce a Oily* to run sway, by cOnfinement. in the penitentiavy jeer years says it: irciteditay'; 'but he otnittea to"oaylhavthialottOn strike out 'utthe Bill" etidinsert Ilve; 4 , 0te4 tbat toy person 'taw SIP tided or induced a slave to run away, shguld be confined in the Penitentiary tea 'sent But, u Gnssuredesires to prove biros° grem an opponent of slavery, why did he not publish the following front the Congress/mai Globe, let session, Thirty-first Cougrevt,(page 1859.) The " Bill on the subject of slavery in the Territories," being'under consideration : Mr. rise now to auks a motion Pail the special benefit of those of my frient's tint are in fairer of abolishing slavery in,the District of Colombia, butt who have been waiting for a good time, and an apiiopriate . tnXsure, by which it may be doni. Ido not propose to trust myself with the details of such a measure, but I— propose to!, give these gentr , evote a fair chance of expressing ' , ppm) the recur what their sentiments are, unimm• meted by any " inexpedient" and -' indis c'eet" details; and in order to give the lar get scope for discretion,' tiluVe that the bill be committed to the Committee on the DiA trict of Columbia. On that motion I ask fur the yeas and nays. Mr. Clay—Thew I hope we shall . have them without discuseion. Mr. riale—l hope so too. The yeas and nays were ordered, ng taken, resulted as follows : YEAS—Mews. Baldwin, Chase, Davis, of Massachusettv, Dodgeol Wiiconsin, Poring, Ilale, llamlin , Seward and Winthrop-9. NAYs—Meters. Atchinson, Badger; , Barn well, Bell, - Benton, Bright, Butler, Cass, Clay, Co r c,per, Davis of Mississippi, Dawson, Dat ton, DiCkitison,‘DoJge of lowa, Douglas, Dowas, Feich, Foote FRENIOT,. ()wig; Houston, 11,intei, Junes, king, Mason, , Morton; .Norrik, Putt, Busk, &has jar', Shields, Sinith, Soule, Anil:lnce, Sturgeon, Turlgift , Underwood, Wales, Whitcomb and Yulee- . -- 11. Again, when the hill to comp:MAW the " . Colonization Society" fur expenses %cared in transporting the African negries captured from the.slaite 'pens Of—Atria*, ~ aid taking care of them fur some time-z4lthough the n.g.oel had been plaCed hy the U. S. Gov ernment in charge of the' Society, he voted nay! The vote will Wfound in the con gressional Globe, page . 105, viz: Nars-41etsm.Atchinson, Barnwell, Ben on, Butler, Dawson, Dickinson ; Downs, Fan- MONT, Hunter, King, ?Jason, Ruek, Schastini, SJule, Turney and inilee-16. Somuch for the truthfulnems of A illitrAe page of GREELEY* McEutant's life of Col F..cuovi, But the falsehoods here told by the suppression of.a portion, of the facts are nothing to the one not referred to at all.• It has been acknowledged," he vas actual !g in the Senate Chamber ' only twenty one days." Now, let us look at another psge of the records of the Senate, viz: his." bill" fir . mileage - and seiVices---which with his " Mari. iro.t4 claim are the only two he ever had passed. itere it is from the.record : Sept. 30th, 1830, mileage 22,210 m. 14.108 00 " " per diem 230,d.sys .1.810 00 Dcc. 2d, '53,-add, mil. 3,686 m, 1 short days Ist session 14T4 - 40 81st Congress. - - - Feb. 11th, 1854, per diem fur detest- I . tion by sickness, or jonr_ neying home after the lit 688 00 session 31st Congress 86d - • 88,110 40 EMI It will here be seen, instead of " twenty one days," when be conies to ask for • pay, they swel up to "him hundred and thirty'. i• and snbAequentiy " eighty 'six" more are added for detention, by sickness on .his fold hOme—making in all three htindred and -ser enteen days for which he had pay at eight dollars a day—for only " ?warn-mix days actually in the Senate." - Rec.. 317 ds pay $8 'ld:ye/428 00 Sirved Sl,daya 168 00 OVER r rD t2v360 00 one term Now let us examine his mileage account. By the map, SRU Francisco is about twenty . t 1 v hitudre'd milts front Washington, and-if wo add fire hundred to thisfor,the mail route aJ,ross, it will be three thousand miles—corn -1,1; and going six thousands miles, which At $8 ror every 20 miles makes $1.400 00 Received tailevo 85.582 00 • • Collect do 2,400 00 . Over paid, 3,182'40 for Summed up, he acts ally received $386 .20 per day fur he nu in • the Senate, and about one dollar per utile fbr every mile !Ja i travelled. Is not such a magnificent ."Jbemcier" and ituveller a properierson to be. the Proideni the United Stales I Look at it., reader— think of it.' tIORT 1110118/.*D ONR lIIIRDRRO AND TER DOLLARS fur TWltne-ONIL DAIS' stn.- 'tee in - the Senate,"—and the only' service rendered, the passage of the" Mariposa Laitd Ohtint' BilL7—EPnintt DailiGees IREPOBLICAN " VIEW OF .FEEIIOIII , II NOMINATION. 0. F. lloote;h1aok Republieatt member of congress from the Roasdiatriet of Ohio, his 1r Tilton a Letter to his constituents demmtteieg Otreont: Vlre subjoin an extract "frOM this +Ale ; , I " No one need speak of theAttioAd it*Pe" I -- anti (wire which 4his (SU 1 philadelphis 331adt Repshlican) itour,tion' , tirovered aith its bindtia.. 7 -1 1 1iste airs the* who front. - the . 44 devs,iia4_ thitiny I I I *natigal good road come•out of an *two I tad, ntatisged'ind controlled brills Ines Kati 16re its-master *pints., -113u4 thaw state'ittb. Inv *boo' 60 0 0 40 1 4 aing• bortit* "Thy . * m it 4 , that ttonyantion,.,,is, ; ,knoutt tct,the - ‘4ountryi, -;- With thit. 2 -akseakentenk4ttithfit tiominstion. 4Frew:oak ' s* it.LaitmtLitith iflituling'nO ut roo t tho sskiad-; lb. tot hope that' tintered itaitind thei #itii - 01$-;,***li:* , 44 • . phis convention'. Whets folk!Judge' Mc- Lean, with all bis age, :leartdarand ealati= ence,' his tune, ideate" _ integrity .t hopes of quint, peace, Iparity; istetisiClocy :to the country, coaceutrated And .a tivan whOse only ateritke , , -hew 1% 7 , tory-records it, le in 'the &CI that born in South Carolina, Cll. - m . IW the . ItockY Mountains,sObsitited on f Butuifituunket4 ITrasshopPers, mad captured a woolly horn% •hosen as thepe r roa to control the destinies . of this watt na t ions And this, too, by th e tool, deliberate, intelleatuattnen :and, and the Noethi—ilut what dud! we _ dot If Judge IdcLean bad hello - notisnated., no one could htie hesitates). Ftweau - now hesitate tahe position. waiady ea ts steadily as I leave heretefons, opposed di` k Llemocratic party,- and as bitterly as! de: source the Cincinnati. platform wow, with my respect for the ability,. age and Up* once -of Air. BuChanan, and . , with my gustesspb, for the claims of Fremont .nil thessranscl o t, ly--to use no basher terns thOse trbci diet eared Lis. nomination, were compelled tidal day to choose between . them. should vote' fir Sir. Buchanan." , - DAYTON'! OPINION QV tildelg-SOlLiaii William I. Dayton, thsplack Re p aWicis _ , lidate fur Vice President, *Teased 'opinions only a few years *toy, decidedly hoetili W the dogmas entertitined:by tits, faction eittkb be is now a stendared beanir. In the Uoiled . , States Senate ya - 1850, he delireeed alTel7 lengthy speech upon the Tenitorial quationi, in the course, of which he said ;. - - " Mr. President, I always suspect, not*. inoth:c., lint the moral and aletittd perceptions_ of that set of men, who, forgetting 44, . infirmities of their own little sects,' hold up their principle, their single %tit psw- . haps al - art/dui candle, with which to ---stiew snd pronounce upon the opinions of'tututhandk The Whig party North, .hate? Otherprioetplesi Scsi deli free soil, and, without depreciating this' I I trust . that the: party will lire and thinialt North and Sorith,taken free-soilism end - do 7itionuni, at mere party tests, doll have oxe coststo, GRANT.. It bas.otber+ principles; of conservatism Which ultimatel,y. must mg , nlate and control its destiny. What do the "little sect of one idea "think of these sentiments? Are they not:greatly di , '„,hted - with the - opinion - uttered orthem;only six rears a g o by, .the mon who as now theft Vice Presidettial nominee? And ttietleynot highly pieased with tlie trust then espteland by - birra . , that the "Whig party. will -live. and , dourisls L Nortb and South, - when freeesoilisin and abolitionism, its.mere party teitsialsal lyre found one common gravel" . roLtirics cALivosimfitt. The billowing ,extract from a• eonunntit , cation in the forth Californian, a atatiat pa 4., per, giresus a truthful. representation of what may be espeeted. in Fremont's own State.. • , . • . "The Democrats and Black Republicans me. hard :it it, and if the morals of the parties me, to be judged by their , leading papery, melt* are capable of 'ruling the Union. The inamesi become disgusted- with the blackguardism tut, fortunuately soprevelent in party papers, and. turn for relief to others 'fiVo7edeocitte princit ples, los tho slang. The people of Californin cannot seethe Black .Repudlican ticketi bid cause Fromont' , s name is intimately colinetit ted With, parties who in all their tratutinstioniii , have always tried to rob the Beate; Imam with ti., it is a State interest, me have tocsin+ fon We only judge the Presinential cazi'didatissbf. their association, and by the men wbeiarti:ede , vocating their Cause; men, whose tebobleotinta l: political- and motel, is one _continued seeped' fraud and corruption. Palmer, Cook, and cm,' are, the high piicits of the Fremont party, dna of itself is sullteient to convince any math the party must be corrupt. Fremont sad dot firm are, so in Bssolubly united in tinanotal open atiois that this election would . prove that the people would rnther be ruled by knave', !Inn' honest men. ' , His electietr would advaneethe interests nf. -th,e' firm, and to all probabihly. make, them cabinet officers.: The Democrats always quarrel previous tea* election, but en that* day they are Suited : lm a 4 , 01 id body; and while the test are struggling for the prize; they step in and carry *tall the honors, which! in this country, meturtinoutty t really belie‘43 that the issue will be betweett Buchanan - and Finale* as 'the- pee* ot • State cao never he foolish enough to Ohs their totes for Frernont' as , hs basdooe more toil* jute us than .nuy other ilartysilk made-sal& tempt to pair a resolution talents the mitosis that foreinm capitalists could buy ttigiutithtta control thetuts a l meantof -st u soe 6t prod s monopoly When a oat . 17 his t%wAsmod Ai fin's to persoll aloe in the 6 0TiniOat -Lures is gass)iii willed ; : Moir present at the -, Dersiiiesitio 1 1 44 fil iltytinh 01%6, ,cor Vitlrlititt`4la this liottei,4lo4. Cass 410 Therelletit - erWS OriMP elott , the'exerticia:eViweVna*-411160, doll rown-tome eithoot itiminum* Willi OP Vtiv - 14; i~t toteteltilirni l74l4o , - irvA***oo* , Asitsswas,ll -- dit Usiairr: tAtthssaitatioaPk , ...,1z,,,,, , ,t , :.-1,- , .- , ...4 ; ERIE