The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 16, 1856, Image 2

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take it ups and .Patet it. We then rent the bill
a second.) time, ; ; and your majority in th e
llousd et Representa tives would not take it
up. ' It Was Well ithowrothat the reason ;,why,
. ,eou would not take it, up Was the tear theta
feW of year met t would join ui Red pais the
, bill q .It , way.uttnepessaty for as to spud a.
thigbill—twiee, twarricily., tits enough. It
414 excuse to say that- nor WI contained•
other matter which yon do not like in eon
neution Stith that ; repealing _section. If you
had inoiperable ohjeetums to the other met.
ear, if it, involved your consciences or your
,judgment, you I could- have stricken out all
thet yeti objected; : to,, and tent• fns the residue.
;You have had 1 itiontances sufficient, 'to-day
that your action Would have been carteurred
in by the Senate itt ii moment if you had tune
it ; audit' your telks are 'sincere in slesir;ne
theassobilexiounlaws to he repealed, you tail
take upOur:billtind - certainty pees the re
pealing.,Section Whether you pima the remaitt
deror not, beftiee:tt n'eloek to morrow. "We
shall now welt to', e 'whether yeu areaineere
in trying to'got rid of these obnoxious 'laws.
I befieve,and it, is pai nful, to me to be und,ir
the necessity of saying that I have peen fori:ed
to the e,onvottion; that - vou will not permit
these ebnoxions laws tolie swept from the
statutnbook•ontil after the Presidential.elec
tione,- I betieee
"'you have a distinct under
itao-ling that Ithe repealing bill shall not pass.
It is the main plank to your• political plat
form for the Pending eleetion.,,
But I said I. Weal rend an extract from a
letter of one reecnter or the Bl ack Republican
perty if 11:e Ilottse; Oe • could not vote fot
your bill.. lie aitye : • . - . '
" We reseed Dunn's, bill for Kansas yes
, terday in a'. very oljectionable manner. 'lt
' has mint!, goOdaprosisiopa, but _extends the
fug m
fugitive ;lae - law over Kansas and Nehras
. .
~z ka, and petpetuee s'nvery there until 1.85i§.
' and makes all etitildren - born therein alt to
that time of ilaVe mothers slaver , . This' was
"• too much for mi., I always said, and
now repeat ITIV Pledges ' that I will never vote
to recognize slavery ; I will never vote to
make any human .being a slave; / will trey
er vote to extend slavery . one single fiat ; I
will -never vote for the fugitive slave law or
its extewsionover any free terriany. I there- 1
fore voted egainst Duntie bill, solitary and
alone of an tin&party.". _,.'
a ito?.' Who is that I. ' •
. •
Mr. Douglas. Mr. Leiter, of -. Ohio. Ile
show% in thje letter that „at was _ known and
, ntleratoed, at the time when
,every member
- , r.t the free eoil - party but himself voted for
',that li.ill, that they were voting to perpetuate
slaver,y in the Territory by --continuing i n
foree!laws whiCh are so obnoxious to gande
r:len now_ - It l alen appears from this four that
they knew tit t. they were voting ore a \p,r o p o .
Aitinn to mak 4bildren heraafter born sln% e
- for lif6, an • . their. posterity 'after them, it
t born of slave rnothers and removed from the ,
Tenitor . 7,hernt - 11353. The. letter showe, tee,
that cot' all knew, when you passed that hill,
t hat yon werni to extend the fugitive slave
. '
law. ther Kansas Territory, with all its provis
ions, at the Stone - time that the • Senator front'
hlaesechueetts,?in hie speech terolav, talk's of'
the aarbarity Of the fugitive share law, of its ,
• heavy and rent -Imes penaltiea in not allow. '
ing fool end raiment and water to - be -fur
nislie&to the unfertunnte fugitive. I will not
repeta hiadoll:fe I eloteeh on-that branch of
the entjectidelivered to arty. ,'I wish hint t 5)
b ear i n rn io that. every manof-big poll ticel
,- __petty in the Reuse of R'epreeentatives with
or.e cAeep:Trk did _evTei act which It con
derto, reel is reeponsibie for- every 'CODSe--
<pence which he professes to lament._ .1)0
sot, inietiralerieena me an this Fe int.'l . am
mot etimpliining el the harshnese or the ie.-
' jestiez Of ifre - ,lngi tire shire Jaw... I b e li eve i t
bras a law l ivcittred by the Constitution ef i aar
country, and I. sa-tain it for that reason; heir
with wheilfeee or show of justice or truth eau 1
oneef tlalr gree - Soill or Bleck Republican '
• party rise mid condemn ' that . fugitive ,faisc:
when he linoissehat hie . whole patty' hare
votkri for it withiu the last:, three or - four'
-erects 1.1 , - .
ThtLit,Air; ire - find, upon - looking: into this I
eluestion,illat it is clear to fhb - mina of every
impartiellman, that. . while, .tbe Demos:ratio'
Senate eleishet . to get rid of ' tho s e laws Which
vic t lated'ileOfreedom of speech, and all tluese
great Audi lieulamental principles of liberty ,
- - end'justice intended to be Fevered by the
constitetian,inal organic net, the free-wailers,
for prifitinal i-ffeto have moaned to perpetu
ate -those I t: lilies on the statute hook in order ,
-that they` i may use them for political effect af- 1
,' 6 ( . .....tigfem thij.innA. 1. '
Mr. Wolfe. t 'lieut.] like. to inquire how
. long it - is sidee the Senatoi became convinced
that thotse hows were so obnoxioue, and ought
to be swept:away. It is certainly since his
fire; or a4cotul report on this snhject. - '. 1
Mr.:D4412 4 . I will answer that 'quei , tion.
.' a regard i id /t om e ;,,;re to which .1 taloned as
'being repugnant to the -oenetittation and to
the organie net. l'wee entireiy._ willing to
rely on stte.jtidiciary to make wise tioCisions .1
, on that tsulject in the annulment of the: 7 :e
It del not believe that 'a law infringing
the frc ere ofthe press was consistent with
eti i
the org a nic act envoi-rig a decision of- the
slavery utestion by-- - the people themselves.
Sei.with a;ong' list of those)aWF; 4Ut / 1141 not
deem it any part of - iny,daty, nor did I deem
• it necestaary, to wipe out those laws Iry legis
lative enactment, for the reason that the
courts would do it. But then it was "ice,
posed here T erns - entirely , willing to pass a
declaraiory act that they were null and . v.ojd
and shotild not be. ' enforced, in order to
being' themen who hoped to make. poliecul
capital Out of them to - the test, and show that
you would never permit those laws to'be
blotted oUt. Yon elir.g tothem asyou would
Cotia the last hope of -,life. ,If 'lifer had been
blotted rat would have lost all Sour cup
itel on, the stump; you would have bten =-
deli. the necessity of re-writing ell your 'stump
spieetre,,Clutngen the tone of all your news
papers.; and of making' an entire new piano(
campaign, for the presidential election.
• - Mr. resident, I have shown ghat the house
would:Doi paeso bill to repeal the obnoxious
tem, t ! 1 have Shown that they - would not take
up and net on our bill when we pass it. Let
us - tritee this historfa little further. In this
i-ery.4ernetsci icethe army bill they have not
even 'theft: it repeal of the obnoxious taws.--
• 'Thet-,very
„proviso preserves ..those laws in
froroara they are. "You do not nein propose
**repeal : them in the:pitrisa.' ' '',.- . , •
• - Volt, let me "see - what you bare - darns by .
Yetir ltpPropriation . bill,- Yon first Tat . a
r provi . .ia*ot. to allow*. judger! to hate their
. r:ls tAtit they` should dismiss certain pies
ecntionet - If they_d*;inissed . the prosecutions •
forpolitlest tiErentesii they *ere to bare Atilt.
salaries 1- - but 'Whet!' ' they Ong 'their. 4ntiariek
what - arete they : •teAtii." Of course, -go„len
and-,fiold.their ..eonits, and try mmr.lerers„
thier4lL, trobbem.and :everr man :"guilty 'lll
--crime. ~,At last;you•ieteeiled,frem "your eon
,diti)n of..prOvi , eoo the leiistative, attentive
... and indtend ,Ippietkriatien'g.iilreni _ pay .and
• - mine_ ',vias: -- an todnftment .for` "think 'etteeditte.
1 ' 011 . 1 4 riffildle*a; th at -, 'Alto .bilkiinif.lrbielt
- 100 ..ietmiet.frotin yonipprisofa, and 4treed„,
‘nottfigatid - 01431 .0r°P.riliAlons i° par-[ba iiikr;
` ertier , they' tdgeo, and aft the 'civil4 eeis : l s af
ins Tertitoy., You thus bare vnted,: - money -
ilreadr ito - earfy ihOselniii into effect ;row:
pariiii;to:thi.armv , bili leaves , - hem ' for
_ .
• but taittlbe-fresi.dent44l , not tiie the mit.
- itory tower to etafome thiin. You"leave
cheat l in-ft; you make it lb* duet of tax
• . •
. •
govern.* of the Territory to • entoreo them
you have it to the judges to enforce theta ;
and by appropriatirig for'their, salaries, you
leairoliem oa-ttie s statute-botii-.•. with entire
' igor tor:then% to ei?force...Jou.:furnish ttie
money to deiit,Wnd you cifely that.
the Pre;idetit shall not. Use milititry . pow-,
et.of ti a goiermeziat. Noir, if you :iutendeti
to ldet 'eat Owe bad liws, would "%Sou *liars
framed l: gunge of that kind t It. is clear
that it has never been the intention to allow
„Mery laws. to be blotted out . 1r repialed.—
Great skill wai shown in drisaing the proviso
to the army bill in Such . way as to:leave the
obnoxious laws in korce,tobe talkell,about Oa
the sunup during the csmpaign,nt the same
that 'you cripple the President; and deprive
AtitOlf the •powei of _coming toAlita7reseue of
the.eivil authority. Reitoe it is evident that
the proviso to this army bill is not.;;designed
to prerent the eXectition of those la's's, YOu '
never intended itfoi thatriiirpose..
signed to cripple the ittitiy-;--tlet to .prevent
the exeetition,of-those laws in, for
youileft them force, you recognized their,
validity, you appropriated-the money for the
govci nor to' enforce' them. Ton appropria
ted he money to the judiciary for - the sane
purposes.,. Foa,dhl everything that could be
A lone to h id th e civil authorities in enforcing
iheio, but you, Would not allow the military
power to be used:
I am, tharefere, forced to the conclutiln that
by framing the proviso, thus gusqed, to pre
sette these datlittglaws,which you ling to your
heartsgo.dearly,in order to uce them for politi•
' wilds to get rid of the army in or
dents getup aciril Witt on account oftliev. ry
laws which Fon thus leave in foice.. \S by did
you thus litnit t- e poWer of the a: my at t e
saine - time t hat .you.recog'ntised the, laws add
ing force and authorized, the governor and
judges to carry them' into effect. .If the goy
ma- and judges did not attempt to xectite
the I .W=:lerhsps you would not hr.Ye ay
dretest for . gett ng up e4ll:war. . In order to
make the Se ire .e cotnp fel e,i t was neeessary to
make it the. duty of the ciyil i officers, to carry
the laws,into etlect,and takprohibit the Pim.-
ident from aiding,thA civil authoritio; and
then niatch anat. 44' your own into the Te - •
ritory under voltr. .
leadera, and - . thttA you
get up a civil inwilich blood Onnilow,ani.l,
ti:itnes.can - rage.and tit° country: can bo :
wilt:tr.:and you can have vietitns who will an--
"g enong4 Morgaus;' at lea.t until
idler the election.
• :Mr. -.President, 1.
repeat that I hare no
•up a• scheme of rerolu-
Aless, so treasonable in
a which I have noticed
ingt - coutirinatory iiews .
-an attempt to de-troy a
la cannot ride. •It is a
t one of the great 1,0E6.
unity allow : pas...ion, or
a to urge them to an ex
loy the ' very . temple of
I are 'assembled, .1 be
t ion..of union 'riud disun.
'the protection of the
nited State* 'inviolable.
:onter, - t rising in. huper
far above.; any other
country has 'ever wit
have a party at rayed
ion on hand, and
al sustaining the consti-
L of the country on the
luestion shall be sribriiit
-1 folly i l undeistookl, a re
tered rite those - revoin.
terrible, and: oVerwhel
i any band. of desperate
to seize, and destroy the
a try ever retaiived.
-- 414,410.-------- _ ,
Th e 'cretins.; a and ;Mr. Ranks.
Mr. Thinks has - n ealicilitenin , in ,
.. incr
ea •
eliants on the ' incr *Fed .prepomberan..-e of
r.,Noi Ceern weal th, • nterprise, itainstry and
, commerci, And olio ing that in abl - the legit
finale pursuits of n. item! industry the North
is infinitely superio to the Smith, that South.
i .erst -rnen,,instead of - wending to the' develop- .
1 mein g this pb.i • re3onrcesfof tl!eir section
l of the'cotintry,.har lelen devoting their time
to politics, and "tali the only way to ttevelnpe
the Basalt now, is, t. take all the offices, from
Southern men and compel them by.i .reces.,
s;ty to increase thei : material wealtli,i-whicli
Hto do, will obli , ,Te t cm to substitute other hi
• for that of the .las-es. - Seine of the miter.
chants of'New I( ' who - understand 'till
subject about- .11'as any politician in.:the
country, sire review n i .,or ..lifr. flank's speech,
andLshowing thati abounds with `errors -!---
Kw. instance, he st ted that the value of the
products of the Up ted States; for_ llii4tb..i..
forte-fire hundred . illiona of:dollars—fifteen
, hundred millions p minced by mechanical and
1 manufacturing and L stry, sixteen hundred tnil
lions .by ago-it:utter , suds- fourteen hundred
.millions,by commerce. filt..Saniiiid 13. Rug.
gfes, known - fel...hi lung and intimate official
connexion "with ti e internal and external
commerce of the entry, takes . this state.
Omni to 1.494 and . bows that instead of cow
_Lewes producing alui3 equal. to. fourteen' hen
circa ,billions ofd liars,. the legitimate prod uc
,t i ees o f t h e .7,fas a OUlitt to only thirty mil
:lion% of 11 0 1 l a rft;', 1 ,. - &the exports of - the-e in
11855' titneunte.l. t . oniyfout millions Of d 0 1 ...
Mrs. The remain er
,lif 'gr. 13-alt's imagin
ary' fourteen hiind 'sal millions conste:‘ who!- .
ly of the very yr.. nets of agrieuhinal, rtia49.-i
facturiug and
. .n ..ehauical . indu s try which'
commerce had, pi cad' on the seas; but. which.
hen been preriou. by computed and embraced.
in his fist, two it ms of fifteen end sixteen
hundred millions. The error of
.". r. Banks .
amounts hirteen htindred - runty::
six mi ll ions ofd liars I—a trifle - rhaps to
s nd
a politician , but ffieient in the Indgeinent
of careful tuereh lets to affect the ;sine of IS>:
liquid dedectia haired on.stich figures.' Mr.
Hanks fa r ther st tett that - of the sitteen bun
dredruillions pr need by,: astictiltpre, the
Slave &alai con ribute but 45 per Ant.--. ,
But as these Ste
. have . less than 40 per oent.
of the total po p lation; and onll2-5 pet cent.
of the white *pop nitres; 45, per cent. of prow
diciinteis, Rector ing to's'own aritli
tnetle i litooltli the S outhern States' fair
propurtitin of tut 'cruel_ wealth. .Bat further,
of the autteen li ndied Millions produced by
i ls
'Pgrieultut,e, ALI ant twelve bundr,eo 'minims,
are ponsurned . o the spot and never re.aok.
the ilea at all—the ' Lhay., the tau Ile. thepoul
try,. the milks eggs, all 'of which help to
,weil the ant ••!, ate,- and the three hundred,
millions of Indi ti torn, jai' , little Of wilich
4 exported.; -OW -of eight hundred' and eighty
milliont OM ;: . ,11 , ...-• , 'agriCultneid-prodnutions
lets then torte. -, *- ions are I•exported; either
2 9-frip.:- , ''lliii*lr :cOststaiie, while for
everyitte. ~,, ; t
ad*willicinif. of Southern. col,-
.tM4114: ,„.„.„ lit; titgia.ii
.ii ani,tinit fourteen Out
Of every_ # millions 'of 'Southern • taboo
vol '. ii - ,I fiat; t , . oiSciallitstistiast-tablet di
twlyanninidi....4tll- tlie*nclusioits that - Mt. ,
Bit:tics .$OO !*, -410 poets in ; the . face - Of
them 0at.' . 440": '_. :I OturF of ,the .Sciutb, thus
o.oerage4 fu I sheathe very foundation. ;of
Outtotanter . citi'itrOsiseiit —Dollar ..
, - . —4O 4p. •- • . '
ii'on so dating, so et
imrposoi si :he o
4ur. Enoh b
of th whole
anu&nment shat s. .
p:ti'rtful tellet.7ll.lll,
narties Li th.i co!
prejoi/ice, or amt,iti
tem. that wuuld
lihertr in _wh!elt we
that it is a -que
ion,ependieg ,upon
eanstitution. 4 the
I 100k...0p0n it -an
tance AINI
that,this c4-any
nemed, because we
against the constitut
a pal ty upholding. a
t'titiot; amt the Cuie
e ith er , When tit 4
to 1 to the i:eciple, an I
trake admini
tiunists. tnbi.e ,foriere.
ming -than any whie
c 3 .e
men hoonthined
libertie :c1" their erm
4liguss--Tbo.,oensits af . 31Tebrw4rs has
just been taken, and it skows s riopubstion of
iO A - 710,and 4000 voters. The Wien
bow tuoireased-ove two-and over fold in
wsinglopsit. aril :sloe nu tier vo4rok
4ussriy tiinetgrtutter ibanj.kll ,s 6,
Three anis not mugle ttiblinibett for
Sharpews rifteito establish__Ok-7" - ASA4O and
1414ivitlacee eitiaw.Pollor
ji ilutinstglemottat
.ing.t.Anatir CIIICII&Anfill Ix aciIiTIISR I'ENS'A,
J. it- NfcCOLLUM,,
MOntrose, 71"kvirsdity Oct.- 0-1854
Democratic National Nominations
of Pennsylvania.
• ram vacs rusxibx~r;
of Ken kicky.
Desatocratic Electoral Ticket.
CILCS. R. BUCK ALEW, of Columbia co.
1.--,CsonGs. W. I.Cznis'arn. of Phils, ; co
111.711.gR, Philadelphia eity..
3.-- EDIVAItO WARTMAN, 1 1 1,1110dilhia co
.11. \Vzrn, • 14
McNma, Moutzomety
6.--40 us LI. BRINToN, Claes:er , CO2)ll , 7.
7.--:DArm LArta, Lehigh comity.
B.—eilAßLts liEssLett. 13erks'
9„—Josimii PATTER - count;..
10.—NAAc St.cxxzn, I:n44ll'c-14u:1i%
11.—Fv.ANcts W. HuGiiss,:Stittclkill
12,--Tnox As OAT inuorr, Wyoming c ounty.
/3.7—ARKAII.III EDISOCR, /kiwi* county.
14.--IZECIIKN WILDSA, liintifytt) comity.
15.--•Giont:E CitAwrolio, Clinton couwy
I ft.-Lj m4r.* FLAG{, coutYy•
18. --Jun';
. 1). RODDY; S 4 tttle)-et colln!y.
. .
con Trio:Er, WE-titik,!:.•!7lll.l eumllt v.
The State Election.
TEICRSDAT evenitig, 7 u'elna.
The papers nzid - Telegraph ti.p.otts of ye...
terday 'indicate a close vote, With tho.Deint].
erats ahead.: Those of today contradict ibis,
Our Telegraph reports up to this hour 4:,y
both parties claim tN4late.
The of paners . give sev.
'Meitibets of. CongresS Aso fir is, heald
from.' The Reptiblicani carry • Ohio with it
democratic gain. Indiana is to far claimed
by both Democrats, and tusioni6t,
FRIDAY ?ginning, 0 o'clock.
The returns are all in. The Democratic;
majo r ity 3 , 000 . •
Fusion Eicctora7 'Ticket.
Novi that the State f:leet,iOn is over, rit •
tendon of nil must he 'directs:A "to thci np in Novcitiber,
just ever lins.been httWeen the friend. of Ills
ehanan and the combined forces Of Fill
and Fremont, together with nil the Th en.l,
of Ilutnimisy„ who linking no -prii,r.rte
common, ye: unite on s ? ne
I) "Will all thcse fu. t• it: NO
erntier .7—is the luestion- now being asked
hy thousands.
Nothing is . perhaps cri•thin tint il it i‘ ac z
complis . hed, but (ruin what , teen ,IOn*:,
untl the prorce.itiorts made by . the
11 , : to what they intend to do, Ci.e
may be con,hicrela. settled fart, / thr.t: they
will violate ail show of oriiwiole/i , nlother all
traces of .iittne which Mityiflare
shout them, anl_pr'f;eced . 7( perpetratl tli
most eonsunttnate. fraukttapon the flee, y,..ter.
of Lid' , comnitMwealth,tiratitandish ingenuir:4
could invent, or mott.ters in I"r:it
could execute. The hatg . :tin and
inevitable, the
,trini art already ag reel up
on, the palieri are ready .for the signatttle4
Atte IKrlitical Intek.sterA, And ,it l'ettralti ,
to be seen whether the ireopte m, ill Eut , tnit to
the transfer. Now for the reasons noir) %%Mel'
*4) deduce our conelu-ion.
The fusion (.1) the State'Tieliet.
'of Congress, State Senate &t., has been in
fact. so far as we can . learn . complete. "Ibis
same bargaining has been made
.in most of
the Northern Statet. Not only this, but fa
' siert electoral tickets have' been fointed in al
must every instance, :giving Fillmore and
-;:;emont the chances for • the Presidency.
New fo,:k State has.not • so - fused, the three
parties have tie:: separate tickets throughout,
„and each of them seen; confident of ' victory.
In Pennsylvania alone is tD is s ueionte . -
what depending upon- the; action of tini . ..'.•trire
pullers." The present state of things is this;
—the Dernocnits and the Fillmoreit - es have
each en electoral tic‘t, the Fremont 'party"
have not yet formed any, they_ have issue ti
Galt fur &convention to torm one, not 'one of*
their papers ask for one s not even (Mee( Abell'
sturnpsteakers say they. desire one to he
formed. Their press in this comity thus far
is silent as the_grave on thesulject, while in
Tioga and every other county, where ally
opinion is expozsed, it is plainly and earnest
ly gi'ven Let u;fitseteibl
. Different.prop‘x.itions Lave been =Wein
regard to the terma.ef the sale. We extract
th e following from
"herald, which will give
an idea of the proposed transsction. -
. `"" 4 The - electors would be the' sime on both
ticketi, hitt the battle Would be to . wertain
by vac* whether the _electors . named 'on.the
tickets 'Mere to be. Fillinote or Fremont '
turs;.that is, whether
. .Fremout Filltuor,
were to have the electoral vote of Pcnosvlsa.
nil. Awl 'a
majority for one or. the Other
would settle that qttestien for ' . tile other.
The union . wotibl consist IY; viz
that both the tickets would cstitat l n the satne
one eat or electors would be elected ;
batir Fillmore bed the majority, then tlics e
eh:icier" would belong to. him; if Vie,
iuont had the Majority; then those - sonic eter,
tom *veld belonitto,him, ThiA wou ld • b e
'Sowed .iy.intriv,g two fiptirme
Fremoit Aickais! tickets *anif4l • have
thee latmommio forffilectorii,
_hot Ol i o wo ad
be headed Alit/erne of a well known - Fre.
niiinAintl hi "ivied for' . -byl Freirient
tnen f ind the' other by the mine 9f ti n
oon Dm, oted - bi loSod for by ENV:comets,
I The risers wenhtvote ter one. or the, other of
' thetektickets--some the,Fremont, others the
Fillmora ticket,' By' ibis means - the nuiti•
.beta retiagier Fremont would be etesrly
certained, the nuittberry. rating-for
Fillmore. - There would-in fact Ik-two !Sever . -
ate tickets-41 fop4at/Zl . FiittiotielAiketritod a
, separate Fill More The: e'.ettors ou
I• • .
WlllOl wouhk be the sank., hut t Would
ttelong to hint who had the tuttiolity of his
tiekets tlespoited in tl - e balluthboxew. There
is uotiting.objectiti . nableim i ; th e r e:
ism) union between Filitioire and 'Preillont
they %email be in petfect.itntagottisto....
: - The operation of the ,tickets would :simply::
be - te-deptivaltines Piatfornivf_ eltaneeit
'whatever, and cause either Fillmore or Fte: ;
n Mont to be elected.-- This arrangement would:.
be tess übj K<iieiisbftt than the stoic
union! ticket. Fur by thatticket an, 'undue
#eiktitt in given to
. Fillmorg- t i t rist of die
tnone4 true.' it- being tho.e . of Filhoolo 'men;
In the pn,potted Novemb - er union ticket it i ! 1
V no 0-.T•avri'lellec if all the tramedon .
the tiekets ate Fillmore. roetret. FriquOnt nice;
for, whoever they-may be. they fire Itiorgeti , ta
21/ for Fremont, if the tickets . vole .1 for hint
have the inajOrtty over . tho- o :: !teed - 41pr
mote.. And on the other hand, if mote
Mlle tickets ate jolt - into the z'hos4s
than Fremont -- tickets, then the scann"t eneti
-0,410 electors are pledged to the vote Of
I'cnri'. - ania to Fillmore. Nolhing., con!
be Niter. It would:" lie a fair trial:l4
strength httwten the . tivo. Tlii. multi mid
lucid arrangement is tattier More
r e i n o li en r et i an d cotAs e d be a;propirsitirrjo
vim:a cif ;Ire electors. not-as It 11111y . 10
111111 .-f • the ttro - catalithocs who the Ma
-1 jorily or votes, but to divide. eleoort.l
ewe, of Penn:ylvania, and to appor;ionthe
electom to each candidate eccordiv g to /the
number of votes polled for . earth one. Thus,
for example i 1 Fillmore shotilil have- rt two
thirds then two-112 . :0's of the 1414'
1(1,1'S 411.1114 ; And so pro rote'
in either case. • By this arran . . - roment iteither
nne nor th.t ot!er of the eandillatetYwati'd
have the vvlo he twenty-seven eketctrat Votes
of Pennsylvania.. The first ems the
4`toplest and its% The conrcatiOh f 4 the
--nut itgernent of tug affitir is to
. :it. Ilar
on-the- 21st instant, and it ilitodbe de
sired th - at if such a ticket is made die majori
ty rule.turty be agreed upon, anti igd the pro
rata ruby; •
Thus it will be . seen that pririr tee is in he I
ahandoned•entirely: for no man ac ho' Mfr.-fires
to vote for Freeninnt as a •••
date can support that numrrrel t ilkei wiihnui •
! zit ing the lie 4li rret to what j:e professes,_
nor van a Fillmore man vote Pir it without
.o.ohm. the same. Now our Freinniit
tell n that our platform ii.& — pro-slayery"
and that aside ftont this, -Jame# 114ieliatiam is
••prit.t.luvery" heekuse he vas nun-limited in
.Ix hy r fionthern uten, -Now Fillmore • , •
fern, is just. :Is obnoxiou‘to ydn. oitr, and
further was nominated ichoP:rby sO4thern
'num. S. when you go- himlingthr , nigh
the streets about the Detnnerllts beinijn ft
vor of •` Slavery extenstnti" • RI , : plea-CPtn te- •
member that sylien you vote ghat tick
et, curt have got to tat yonr Orin words ; to
uti and warms :he fullistime
been vonlitim , forth upon tliv.t. Itho dethinr..
Iv wank] up soul advoznte n'trincipic they
lleve to le.„. tight. . •..
At)A yn:c that ticket-yeti ;mist . links= von
have. manliness emnigh o. riTorliat , ! ;this at
temp.o;ll3oittpge. 4 1 i" over the
ion of the lot ore spoils 8104 can prevent the
tempt to tell vOu. Dermstiptal•onamml el
1..±, cird o2l' oar armor. 41 0 . 0repare.for..1114.
; op:et rm.! . .firgurtirtti„ I;nttl. !
2 •
Rand and corrnp:ion tt ith Ehc naked stt ord_
of s? ftis; and With the nab': onr.f enantry
bearing upon its tads TITI4TY OgESTA
Wating above nc. an;! the .traths-of the Con
stitutiou :lc. it iu, elasped - 4o out kart..,
pric e n ! vtin t 6 the i“-.11,; itt Novirni+er, and
vote for the piineiples t4)holrl tle rr, atul
whether defeat hhitll gltenA i;r e 4)r: vk!Olv
pc44-11 upon our bannor, and heartq.
wit!_ lee unpolint?o br the thins of
With wronz; enabling ti tks hattle ftw virtory
in the futtire - n4 we have in ihr past; free from
the . ..tang% of a guilty . .
That wo,qinll tri?lni)ii there is inn 0, 411 : 10 .
c 4 -) rm.tcn coin!•inatiiin at (Trint)t eer
-tainly deftnu , l the will of Ow; AniOivati pen;
A. Mr. "Coit.nowney," in last K N:
add , e. , er. n leiter r4tne... i,rtid iteproc To
demand on explanation ! ii f tn
. elaithM
ri. t lit to rote a4I eqt.hotit being-cant:l]
. 10 nn neentint t,r every 74t.':tional) bigot who
thinksprnper, tn.que•slion inv , matis:eft.' yet I
will for this one triortint,.itnini at his 'bar,
an , lanswer. .
. ,
It is true. sir. I acted wiiit the libertv,, (not
the Garrison.) party Until '648. Then is was
merged and last; after v% Iti'lib.
no party, lit 185 , new and
fori six years, 1
acted with .
alarming. issues arose; and, for the first true.
I took side with Democracy. ..The loilges,
those little mouths of the i,it* were *emitting
their sulpliiirous steneli;, blighting every fair
leaf on the tree of Itkrtp' , itl.m
darkness, and with ItorritrOrt!.lts, againit the .
rights of the foreign botn , -agaittl4.the more
sacred rights of coast: . ieneki.—and were hOtitttl.
i.., 0 glkAsoatli•lie,- to si'enl . the fre'cinan's
Ballot-11os. and make it d the wells . of the
Lodge. -. Tire Ticket was i' e fi' mode there ;.
,ilea mad.4over again iu Cthe Court-house ;
.and put forth as "'Re' plahlicatievery man
on it a meinber of ihe order,—nn(l vet eVer:i .
one 'of them -iihnt there was i.o.
Lod'veti • I loathe . deception. l'ollo.Fk came
up out of this fraud, and;'..of tiOnrse, sir; I vo*-
ted antainst him. You Said then, I voted fur'
- et.
SlSvery ! You . knew iit - wads'falike. ; You
knew our Governor could not touch Ao r inttch
_ , ~
as the hem . of . biavery* *garnalit,.witht.t,
vhdating law,.--and w•lo4' was directly forliiii .
(len, must not. be indirect/if. thine ! . ...Pollock
willicave . Slavery just 'where liE found' it..
- And-'pleir; in 1856, von use the Saone bum
boa. „*tact. again with & . the..l:?,.intairitcy, he-,
cause Etiow-./!lothingistrt is stll in :the.tiald,
allied-to , SEcriestst /trife; a . morn , wicked
..,._ • ...
coinhinntinnAlian ever before taloned sgsin,t
tha*hopesof titan ;-.4onei: front . alose.uncou•
aOroedand revolutio,nag ha ner fifteen elan,
hifeitiiiien. ileshlo,l decy iiint. „tlys . Despo
t:little Patty is fur Slasl4,estrto.ion: '.Every
turplaborn sectional bate a a "one idea.°
bjts4,,* hlinder'kknOvra
.b;it r,...114,Dem0-*
iti!NoßartY is A r atierut4 /tad Ots, not touu
Slinitiit , ecaase:Chat i n the' Sovereige
. . . .
s'w.l tocaifiyisilietions of State'Red Territo-
Neu',lttg fkroipet:whvv , Sir, ip
diem fpd v tha(the incinrtatti Plittfarm
calataing not one wont the .eirten•
sign of sbtierty.--;tbnt its ? ..portstar ovireign
• •
ty" is right; Rn 1 is safp for freedom ttt
tic it vote of thirty to five,-4 lint the "wrong,A
lintritt." mere itiitirttetl by ; soar men.—
that in .Inly l:1 . 50,1011 :; refure4ltite pettee., nu! .
Sennte•offt; tea von, on your 'ow» term's. (No,
IZincrut nitt4t bleed until after eleetion ; elite
Your -Pbettern nn4 `candidate. both' 41111 bnelt
into the KnOT%-N,llliiitg pit!) Alen. that
yonr - rninOrify - revolniinnory-Topekn -dodge;
*i wiekeil prinrinh. that everV• Bums;
ma . tt abltOr. 'Tlint rtrirtinebt watilit
thelirnit, letter. but von can inform
tronmelf, if voli ithoo*e to come in -the war of
ouch intellitrenee. • •-- • • _ • • • •
• Al itin, votir Stnte•tieket is it " Union" of
f t remont 'and Filhliore. Yon Any the !litter
imrty ix for slave , y, like our* ; lint' yet von
tnke them in vont litmx. Whc-not ender,
n it; na T ern? Ynnr icAtiert-..-pr.OPOSP another
harrinitt for, hv which. in one event
thcir:Finemont cattle will be aril.!
more'x Shive lynty f t leave son to such con
nexion,--T 41.4e5t it. • ,
Onee'morp,' the lt,poll (if - 410 Mi4.‘nari
nt Rm.; nt mei; tot. RA nn T jninpil
tiw in ttenottnvinz it. Rut when T (mind
your ?Arty look! etty. on.!nri.ire that rilwal,
omittinT to nut the to-torlitinti of t No. Finn
into their Pbitforot ; T onntninpil the snhieet.
st y] ram , rn•the Orin ient rzprA , semi by John
P. kola in TlVin:-- 7 tllnt cif -tho.
wn 4 W
lkiv- S!avery hag not absteil, tteoel l
I 11
11. ' Like eve-v nther mntnt - re.
fact he .carried by the,p e a e pt u lil
p i u p on ' the cencrieneo.—ttot byl
twenty reap
form. tflis
pnwe!nf ttui
force, pe Net
. N4)
.'in this definition of tnv Present;
t '-1.
views. Von find any elinng.Q sinPi, 1848. tllsni
make the nr‘...t' of it. I Ainvo, long. siite.l
learned to dezp . a.? the nrin . .rclio hoists tlinr i
he neier eliltrn:,... his opinion.. . Wtty . .to I
:, , ,
t ,
ainw in of,.rration and experie,tien.. I of:en
Iniv.; o: , en -, :i !I to renonnee sonin ertro , .ref ni%.
. .
yonili. 'A .1 wl ! en, this occu r , .. I stmlitd deal
v 111
ise lAelf if I had not tl(e eonrage titai.ritt
it. •DO e.O iinderstal: 3 l from this, niikiitlitii.l-
, . .
,• i ,
...ion of rl 7 , e. oli: . ;thes . Slnyery ste.jeet. .1
1,. :1 . y o u t i thi• s fi'onqrable. t.-tsk of niousi4
out the 4lisrlenlitle.Y, - if You can. ' •
• .In rev s ly k4i courlwit rernarlt,Lt repeat In
utter and-inexpressilde .-contetniu for the Pfl
titientPriest,, who tle7rnees the Pitliiit.'into
an elevtio eering st utnp,—w Nu profanes Sah
- !
hAth ivors lips ; by !t Inning it eOnzregati ;
on joi ,
pray er .an I prni-e,' into a i(i.:..siug rind ! eheeri n g
,popular.,.,-t—nuLl V. h.) perverts the !0f.% ing :Ind.
peaceful prereptsi,4 . tho MA STF.It, ito 0 Avoi i ll.
of A tire, I . :,itv., titid btool. Ani I ex:tiort ytot,
-it., to ee1.....! ti our puny ‘Vatf:te :rig?l nit 11:1t.
! P.trq I*, it bo r e Id-ti.ty :trot (15 4g i s, nice.,
- i. t h e i 1 '
, i).. ,. rw1l i s dill Iltielzt of • the I tevolut f j on.
have siege. been w Sit..en in :al the instil u i j on,
that - 11):11:e, this UNION relf.4•l, and', that 10e
yule u;idl'bk—s inillnui: of the son:S . of '4 , e.ti
Let youri hole peni , enee for other .inets'A sins
. . I
o .zo t t-et f surely 'out in p.rteh . etforts VIA I are
• ..(1:1-isi elk with pe;ie e; and the safety . of li.l.
' •.'
Union. 1 . ...- ' . ! .
• , i .
I c .,41 1 1,1 e by s:wing, you eanant (liav i y . n.:e.
; 1 ,4, ,t on j Sjc , A?l6.3 : l:e; . 11:1./rrVreMy. fir twos
-,/ •
9.ott4,—Orst, t orgon is under-
the control
i,(itien Iwho will wilfully I.,rvert Anythlng I
4—and. tes.P..nd; I . have ft:r~ . tiitH3 - t o
.ll4 , l((ti,wo—iiirt. 1 <l;:qtt4s . 01(Lt•t11)-:
ping . -' consi:leney'! is ..:, :i t i,ti s .,), , I •
till V Si
. •
4i vizo Sea
j.. 4 . 91, lit
Agrifnltural Notice.
' • Imp
be (+:e
liviAt. U.
,iry hae ng bee.G mole' litivi er,vinist.
. 0 00 jo umultelition for premioini, I
Ay to say.:-1I;e gronttd .kts whidh the
e -
w totiq be zteiturately toewitire4,- also
iiitt h«inl in x iiterithotabhl at wel l . ?tiler'
4. ut-01 thre.-11e4li'or stzelled, Anti ;he ?:;to,e.
crop g•
-(1 to I.y a disitiiercsie,d person - 1r per
..., i i ir ny the proprietor under inttli. This
1 licht,re to be the tide tii ,
!oar elude:lye , ' /
„i ,
O n
Ovum, simply request that, Of all , crops pre
i r • .
sentet i r ' a trateillelll.4llSU shoal.] b
0 . , , , •ie c0 o f
the kind and quality of the soil t.ri wide!) the
Clop •lew, the Mei/11ra of et:tall:V . as 1 kitt , l
elii.iil l .4,. the:lli:Miler of VeNtting the soil Mat
introducing the seed and subi:eqiictit tillage.
It s earnestly requested of all wlai hav e
00.1 and improved crops thi s season, to
preseht them, that all thoVadesofsuil in our
county may be represeine•l; because it Viitt-t
-beaitlliaretit that very large : mid Niqwiratoid
ant 4 #ops are creditable to the• extra fertility
of the soil 'its much, or mini, than [to .the
tno4 of eultivatitin ; and that inereatiid crops
liy..em,>eritnental and more systematir cohere
of 143 pirxlnetive lands would , be - st
ttive to iMprOvement in the cultivation
tr sec - widely : and lower grides I of: soil,
tho se very extraordinary crops have ever
I or van do. ' I; is more than qaistiena
whether the largest .lithe best , crop.
old it not tie- girical t aridly :as in whir . '
gw,llo who makes the greatest returns of
amount of capitol invested f alu4s is sa id
lime dune best l': i - '''',' : r - ' -'
'lease hand in you'll. reports: Gradge- not
little extra labor to. y.ourselves, nor fear
.of o I
111 U
it ,t; to Mine: . -Bs- your eu•opt,r.ition ;min
:ting'report Of the gruin er4;iiof.,usvoun
tuny he presented t(i' our seeietrat its nu..
to I ;Pectin: in January next,
it me in 'making it t- .;i
)iookiyn,.Oct. 13, 1856.
tan. Co. Fair and Cattia, Show.
he Annual Fair and Cattle er the
S squehentai k Cuuuty Awietiltitrnf Soyiety
vr 4 held nti Therm! ty 2.3li,;tite - 1;14.4-
in tuett it being , !seta day :',rut lint !let
elf:ea:met; we iv
* fully , large es ujent former
t• rs, awl ti n . exhibitiint /41,
ese 4,a t a rp !. wee ftilpeiiitt,
fittality tu any ineviott4 exhibititAt. Tlut ALA . -
v;01 . 11eYote thei.
arming Brnte Fairs itr Note nutk m ality.,
Ileer,ptt•ww ul.ltur t ett web
li - ''The NQ. Of Initer;lid fa . 4lifit leas
ttlls atilt Co—tri The kiipo l, v4AL
foth'iw4; viz ,
--, l'oithd . texitliltlittent biiU , tr-Wd;i Biwt
rms. 2a:kheet Ihtrifsito bull,. to" Whi;,.
ey Esreod fir their bull Afton.
t'''',l7ottbe . best . rksvon bull to I.lirry Smith
Totti4'l;ull Rover. •
t >" ? e qui 2n4, Ire4lDpvon bull to 1.1. V
4tie,m n i s far 4i4ttricklear told bull:
Tor. tjte be t 1!!~eow to .b r ig l Conn.
or tilt 2il. lit filch CUW tv Llurry Smith,
[for' ti,e 3,t, beat. Mitch caw to Pt, ry Smith.
For. the. frest.'.•cow-unti calf; to tzainuel F.
cow tugetsia anti
her bull coil Wvrox.
Fur the 2tal,;:hoit 'now anti calf to Event
Whi tney , f or 3 year .l 4 cow tied her calf.
: • Wu. Li. WAttD. Judges
. oittax PutletlAutt . .
The Cotrttniftee on neat. ritork. etit f!,titig•
, vett o l' t ti ...k atttl ealvt+., !,tvg lea I"
4r•ort, That, theAIOW LIU 011.3..AirIttlle WILS . .NI3,
jierlOr to In that oraly previott‘ Fair, ILK es :
41y in ealve4,, which were of /le4'itle.l vx
14:11e' nee. 111 . 1 . 1itA it was ex t r;•tnely gran tyiiig
oh.,'l've-ilie attcutinfi %%Welt - Mir EallitOS
tire luting. to the vare - or their..y.toingstuttlea:t
is et - Wood by this exhibition . iu.,vrhicht both
puritainsNuit OeVotts exlsibitedltlicir peculiar
7 ;
The Committee award ilto pretrtiS.fin*, fo . r
the .bt.t.t , toKii year 1,14 . heifer Witt *Jett
, •
tw.p. • - • . ' $6.00
Secon4l test, to Fowler Peek, :43,00.
Thirst best, :u I). Marsh, ; '
y. t. 2.00
For -the best-Jut. of yertrlitv, to Harry
' . • i t .
,54, te o tu l best. 11. II.; Dontunie, t 3.00/
Third best, F. )•• • (1,00
Tl.e be-t tut of store attnne)/Car.-
malt. - • 45.00. •
• Second nest, C. ll4llister, i3,UO
Thir.l . ltesi, P. Jackson, • ;;/
Th e Co. n t ni't t e e Wottlil ocs-!;l4 , ;ti to
spe:tl; itt t r,n (If apitrottatiti of -‘a lot of
entree exlittoi;etl Li ItitfulWalwurth of New
Milford which they eoptiiilered VlL•lllCrCtlifai4e
to his Inatolgotnaut,Aitl -tqtettf \Vol worth's
eakth was soferor , o any rOiliknd.
/E: 0. ISABOpeI. -
- . Dayirtt. S,Tu.4rer . , Judie'
• ADEL PArntCx,
,Report on atn4oxen.
The/No: of entries of Oxektul.Steent - it as
18 pairs.. - •
/Tne Committee Report the following pre working oxen, R. Sutphin, $5,00
,64f , t. A. M. 'ti ff any,
Tin I w4t, F.. E. Cale, I $2,00
• Fourti• Swab jr. 411,0,Y
13eit loi of:3 yr:o. old Aceri., U. 1114-
k, • •t 5,00 .
be,st. C. J.
• --
lie-t to Nor.uti Souido, star . u 1•1 ‘tetiN, N., smith, $5,00
Sceowl. hcst It) 11. C. Owe Witt, 43.00
Third t,,.-at Cu 11. LI. Dunn'lore,' 62,00
. Your CsOniiiiiiet farther report, iluttits our
jodgenieut lenij. Drinker. pre-ems she best
tiva.ched si cis, I.,:it We are'n..t; nt: ribt , rty to
. .10einilitu according to the rate;
the'Society, and would rev:omen:l• a dusere•
a . . .
tic wiry premium. , . .
• Th e :i v wi l re ttot-as atstiy :Oxen -arid Steers.
pm:tilted, : a413 (.14zillibie, but the y were of eN•
e . eikitt qu4ity. ~ 1 •
S• A •• 13 R4 ri., ) •
. .
p .._-.
rAtit.Ei 111.71titELL' JadgeS.
- DAVID WAtia..S.E
... \ -:-. liriv , lL oil Siseep. . .
tiere ‘c•••re lime rxll.liltitai, o f t ,,h ee p t tiro.
Leong Atom 43 spe Ti!tielis. -
Ceilfmit:t e aL3.vinti t eyainine sp•t:
linen, or IS:141ril rept,r,.
PhDs:: I II C.:Ol;l,l,l'AM' weee'otexeelrent
11.):11 teg.a.4. aii.l.eo:Rtitiott. •
IleNt tiny wool 1nt."1;,E..1i. 6.R.H.ltielt.
Abel Cits;itly.
leglg GaN.O.; 11 irrl , • -
Set.:m‘t L>Av At Qui • '• •
a, E. O. GuAritlx.. , ._ . -
,114..)%1A - itt.
Ve4i S‘ltuliltAvn,S. F.: CA!lualt. •
• ti,.-et44.1i1 I.t:Ni; S. F.ent mart.
Abel ' L
C*l4, 11. a C . 1 1 i I I .
rr I e " 1 13 We .d it“.e,retio:larY Wren n n
Ltittbs at fklitows., WA. bud:.
1 ,11:111:e . r, 42Q0
Sizeuttd ln,t , J L. G:;ilisq. .111,1;1
H. 'I'I
The No. of pvittle otter. 1.1 us,: 20,
e;:rrotittter . vti Swine,6;:trve•tii rt-•
port,' that tt e npol•er exhihiteti was' r•titalt
extremely 4 6 ., , 51, a act tlic,!it all together,
- nottStl.ltovevlotte *31 . 04 to :thy ettuoty to till!
Min.alraril the firm prentito to S. F. Cai•
in:IV, fur the bit Sitirok.-I.;Uat
. .Syr oast best to Wlll. JeS , lll),
C:te” , :er laiaitty 6191.51 14;00 -
FUr the-be.t. lot of Sullalk hod
Cit ter, to W Ili:, .1 ItSSUp„ .. 43,00
Said pigs ~ere extlittely beatitiful and at-•
trav't_eil. the atii.otiUtt.isf
. ~
S.:v ow ! ti e s: S.iw to; E 1%% in Taylor, f 2.00,,.
Wm Au- to extithittNi a large. row .anti
!va%r.wortily 'or cosottetalalioa, ail 1/f which i,
tv , i'a!ulfolli rubmiity4l.:. . . .
E. 4la:Goer,.
Ju (1. , • '
11. I'. Itonms, • .
1 : _ • Rerin tw: il. , rses. - .
There were .13 ittitiies (4- 11p , se. , male.
The Conitnitit e reinitt that Alley have es
amtitred the : rstock ::u4 award as . C,lltArs.
For the li,.t Stallion (Ivo.
Set:4mi bc.t. it.oger
Third best J.,hi Paddock. •
Fur the best Mare
° and Colt, MillxtrtiOak
ley. ••
,C. Wartl. .
jaate;s Stone.
fL.fory Drinker.
4cond berv. Wm.jesstap.
144 Is p , 4 S. $ Ktitcr. •
• .
I e‘t. p air of icompi, J. W. II ward.
tv.a, Wm. 1c.‘ , 111).. •
11. banniore.
Yottr Cotntint tee; let:mouton.) rol
disetritounry pr.naititty, if tho
or the St' Aitetv pettnit. ,
1 To Lewit, A. Tompkins f..)i a two vear Ohl
llntulaitto colt, $2.00.
A. G. 11,11ister fur *pair of talo' year'
Sl.ltolo in° colto, • • - 01400;
Ildicelv for a pair of two old
cul lye /52.00 f
Your Committee olsp notiga_ very ift,:n
four ytur - Mar" exhibited by'. Mr. -
'Yen!' Cutpmittee rain repntt fat'ornhiy'
- 4't h teat' 'ict
in tvp, et eg nupreventent Ina t. •
thu eel! .uf tiaras I itev le)pe with:On
tu:ce, they , very week regret thitt. chore
111,40 itietu , VlT. , ju :vvTttsi nivtiDerts were !Milli ,
Fesl - Colftilly
• • ' :- Vrt0;11,111111SON,
) 1LL15.1.11.7• , i0r. -
. r•la. I),
„. .
A 104 in a rogriv k y title ttit l ly. werptx
bibbed t it 11Ovolatitiou..wi;it•Is
artysteiexi tnueit atlettlon ;Unita Willa/ di- ‘ ,
Iptuanx wax 4tv opitqf Seeitst'•
Sao , in xi ti t
were a se tpi s 0 • parr 4 • ,, - 1 1 1 W
stallions exhiktvti lAy fl(ntia efAinkitaitt,
totLwkicdt Ittratste,f ;. ,tipseit,
1/teatime sintai;le,f o
t)e. trri,tint tor. cite
°vat Stalittpzae let3trsteil to thts,Seniety.iAig
net r beliW:Atitie'tfVFAismtit6'.':
's Thii.O.latilitwoalstitt try leAptafillellyr
port that they have examine,' the ropeutive
proaanted and find the exhibition very
Thrt-e yelr obi ceeis.
Itepot t Uti :iv% tut:
flue in,leed * We'biinfditrwirtivei * notch
Letter upi ion however, slid onuro iatiarneto . :
Ty,. to oaf, Ives at leait, if tve - (Onid hiveluicl
N . fair. elkaticst iti - d;tkui4 a ripeeiinen U(inseth
lot, ni c ely siastell:lartth "fiXin4,l 4 l ; lOmsteh.
Wig. no' 41 rite t.1. 1 ' .1 IneloitatO Of St :oo ' to
N0., - t i 11:" fur' the best riot,. 4 4,i 4 pring •
~ i ,i,:k.,,,i ~ijr I,lo4a.c:iiiiii:- - -.,..- :-- ,- . •
2.1 de. U1, , A., liohln in,
.. , , : ,-;:/12,00
3,1 00. u juhrt A. Warner, 1.00
F.,, r bei • ir'r hattgliirin,to W. &Post. 2,00 _ '
Theft H i rt. Ali the prylitilltips in the publibb- 2/
e 4 1i...t. We take the liberty to recununenti, ,
a 4iseseti nary I,rear i um of $l,OO to Mr. 4,,,/
ers-et i ly for a lot
e kvl4 cll
i "§ifeei
,I).le.itSattr.7 ,
ik ?ry beau. iel iitetlro4*iid /
te be' very title layers mei of exeelieyri wilily
_ .
for owing -Anil alsvays.keepingi,,,fineAirglar........
ilii-ii tine lut of Irjeins4laiekeere
..% hi hiteil be - ill. ti.ntvrar 4- -ifrhte,a"Mi,beirittl,
tri%lllut I filati;a4ll:-i;%. Ell. ft , loi7A. and tie
tut LqUetty (lore- bi'l.l.4iq and -Henry Ri
ley. , :,
~., - : Win,../.1: Turta,..„1.1.,
'` . ..I.,l‘..titmgmi.koi
ot; btir & Chime !.t A) report
aivril the Ttirst.. pietmuul="•ow buttil
- '
Julin'lleviington. •
fikr digs greate4t •• quAntitf:of
nde frenn any given ni.inber tot
Cunklit beinw * 1456 16s. from - 10.
The . C
that the;
-_to U. C.
2d to/1
3d / to
4M it
'l4 pr
boner H
A Budilic-55
2d If)
E? 0 111 30
I-1. is
2d '
. ,_.
c•mn'tnn on elsees43 to O. F. - LoiDnibri.'
'do. - - . tu W. tf.lingley..,'-' :::-..!..•:.
do. •-. : O. Megviluti",;•- , ?„,-,: :. i.
ten littin.k_atiti tnirs.uf . b.nttet. **lt:
: ell iii.9‘tion --tnos - 1- of t hen& of iniat- • -
lity,'initkitik it stitittialint - dilliiiult„iti '
"vtitell. urtS best, it rid
. 111 - ate ojtinitit'of'r•
utuitikaO, doing eivi' lit - to - . the' ethihti-:
the Grunt, Of Sulttineltunnn..--- --, • , -.-.
• - U. Rl:snows ..'. .
. .
-. • •
• -W. 1.)..C0rg :- Cu
. flt.
G. 13. ELDItiID
Ro rt of the.dairy of Mrs.-11. C:
of IJi „in k ipf r r t i l i tn 2 - 7 the
s m o i G lki i. n i g of
tittli te r if , court; .:'.••:,, '.• . - t
The i •kt'ut the ten "--entite in” the llt. daycor :: ...,
July 85U.-one of the ten being s -twp year..
c ..a li, tier- 7 41'e 'other : nin e being I n clioiciit hit, - ,:' . :
:•elee.Attl - ft Om the ilkiry.uf the- previous. ylatti..":. ,
11: itnint of the huller tit:ult.- front:- -the: lin. -•_•
t..otks frow Aquil 27, 1.8.56.„ii? Sert..24i• 1-8,56 4.:
.17 Li 'kiwi nod .62 Its.,. -, •-. - •
..1• wrote. wOglat 1-456 11.,5..• , . .. _
.... „. „
I v 9 City ‘ilie nbuve tu be true: -
. -. --"..'•:..'
S'..eth anti -Ft.b,et iheci be-''• '•' •• • ''-. • •:- '-''7i‘-:
- lute i' le tiefi:. 2.5, 1836, : 11: C. Conklin t
A. elintober.iit, J. P.
Tii i ., - (;‘,3rireit.tLo on Vegetables. vepartr.abl
aw:tri l torehliute ! Aas,fellews: -• . -..- . .
. ~
They lurve exltufiktlAile dill rent" isridtielf - -
enteiett fur eutrive:.itiutr, - hmulig3t - 'whititi* the3r
ii.-,teli.l viol at tett t Wit - le - a -fine. i/el:linen.. of ,
itteo 0 cslibited by F. ca!se.ty,:—.....i*een .vmrie...., ,
tier., r if Atgetitbleilcon4 , -;.the garden of
. / Ittliaz.
L li i irst--- - '-Clisrles Ilittnitiond . giutlener---"druir v ;
stvri,st van ieties i rein the gatilen of .I.LDiitik= • .
c F .: 9 4.1 WIII. JesAup. Soule very fine riiewiti- !-
fell were e.iiiibi tett by .11. (heinous, and ' ter. - $.7 .
:5._ I:34rier. - Several. very, line lots Vf,potatt4,...,
aretl t exhibt"ed ty Abel: (.;:tetly,", k:erielits" , .
J. if, 'ItIoll:trda4;1 1 , Jvitti . Lilosets, Williatni 11/. ' :'''
I..kai i ti: : , T.: i -e.i ft QM the i4..e.if \ four.%yorit's iiitten; . •
. he l y trete very Inrge nild heuhlry **limiting, .'
Al rl. is: Iki:iiile,l
_lite balk frrmn Garr -tideway"' r.,
iikit'l., fro's*, which he liti , ed.-tieveri:ditfetent,. ;:.
,;., ‘ ,. 1 ,i,,,... •zs , 1 , 10 larg e :Ma 011Crp'ql:11100'0 . ,
Of 1 ii . a !NI ki 11 . , were e:tii.h.ted by 44A4cii , Asikty
Ja -.',6•F.'n'ot, ',lid F. -It. Moitistei.'- ; L" .tk:
i' Teri! .1, Fore,:i Like eibitrittsi fritiy l .6te.dif-.:=
r ft. .etit • s''atrieties : ttf , atititte...... l ,3Lute_of.thent ,te , 4..
tu t k;t4Sy hoe Spi:LiMlVlth"-"-altOtT-whii:h..aerti,•,
4 t p% it ' 1 . 104 tree- of . ht,
&un• ,Aleut , :
.), =r d ex II ' l ' so me Itkttity, %anett — re-,T
'o,i:ilk:ably tine. FA. Ore:‘ , ury ''111: -. 0 'eihibttia7 l .-.
Jlveriti vanelit.4 't,i . 'ie , fy . tile wteievlliiiihk.i,,...ii.:-:.tE'
,tihalv, Z. Cy..ob, W. Z. 'l3.uw.h. , SAdeetsitam...„
std J O l,l l t% (A)4l eklitinieil'imvtFiskylitieties.4l(-
f ; lit null •ivils: t alptes. -
... ..• .., . • .. •-',, '-, ~.; .
r.e4lvb . Weeks exttibitOtl 4t AMeigralii'iii*eijr •
1 . . 1 ,, ,, e and tine uttititis,lerefi 0 4O:li t ifir o rialK : h ,.
‘ ‘, e ,i- e -ri th : e 4l n n three strire rod; - of 'Arriiitittir
.1-. .... •
a. ._. „ ...
ira! to *3Abui , itek.ver. attn.- .:.
.. .i- 1 ,
. I r ell 1,;*,, i,it' - 'olleg ir 'F , lralt: .11t#11Cd by, ..1.V.,,Z,‘,
ii,,wit, N. It. t2ll 13. 111elie!xit4.J. G...1tii”.:,"
11wwl, A: lbue,'Jmul.ll:.rifi;,
.se,-, J. E; It.e,haiii.uti, J;iltii S. iiitiiburil:iiiid''
Cii(i*i i tel of alter! itas'elitteitiely.**r.--. , ..
()is Imeey I I ierAr.we re :thus coiiii.jetitios,
R u e. - .A.1). kVatreu, J. Es bruige..nud.. - 4....e.
- ,LNL, Tinian. - - . • , . ...
I sTi,t., CUtilluittee owartl ihe imeniiuOiinifirl:
lost s: .
.4,1 ed
tior . e tti
&eide r
the C.Auf
on. ' Atli
Fo r d io - b.,,!, variety . of vi:gatablitS --.
i"to 1..1. Ptim,. -: -:. ..' .
'2 , 1 !0•11..:. - .1e2v9tp, --• . • . • ''.
I - - Ka. ! . of-fa'll ap
, 2 i ~. .
; 111VA p.n. 63 twit:. -pasliei tul,. 31:--T-tit. — r : ""
2 , i be,l to Jotin-Wt - ard, - .' '' 1,006
For the be.t Ilikwiuitn-of mince!' RP
-141::, t. , Atm! Cas-ady, ..
2d 1.4.41. co Eiitheo;rry • . •
Vor 11113'be , ..! box, of Sionov without
,fesiro% ilig,' fir S. ti la i:I4T, - .• ..
'' 24 Lest, to :t.'6. - . Wiirren, . • • • : .
For tlio'be , . t lye gallint;,vider vine
gar, 16 A.lliim . , .... . ' . 3,00
2 , 1 lxit - io $ W..llteed,.• - • . r .. : 200
Ail Of :viiiidt'.l:l; : rktr , pee.tfirily,sislauitted..
r : ' ," - _ A - I..7trAirreitilx -* •.• -
• ' ' - -- ti. - 11.. tiiitti:'•- -. Cutii.
.. . - • . ' '... -F. .P...litai.Lernr.n. ....
The Cominh.tee.e.‘!tit.4 A disuretjounry pre
'ilium..4' olio :44)16i. :t.UWiii.V. bean for
striate:A:4u) 'cultivatiim. .
of pOtatoex:,frOu ,the:
-,1. -
eport of t,otnnottee on. Leatbet and its- .
in 11,1(tiOt'UrtS. . - , : •
'rise Dtalble Team Harness exhibited by O-
F. F.,rdha in is well • made and Ilrorra otaxl,
imlatlititstn-1111,. and tile .uoderigned think,: it
wo:thy a pr..ttil eta - of i,42,00, provided the'
aides t 4" tile boviety allow wititobt etatopeti ,
lioa, Al , u-the *lngle wirtinge harm" , e t-. ••
lit.iitql by the saute I.ltows extra good work-
L .
111.1n$1111) mid kill
,iii matiufa uttir , and , your,
cominitive think' it also worthy ti premium of
6 . 2.09.
The iviir of , BOW% > exLibited by W. 0,
Green, wa.4 :to extra tine pair,' 4 well rot
;by u ',Toulon) of ,01,00 oa. t,he, . tatterips as ,
itiu hurtle:a; - -
- StAttis
'0; !drink. ,
This Conuniitet:Con Cabinet. , Weft' beg
leave to' report Ott one beourtmo, I 644' /maid. ,
1 wash=msoll, sod one their ' were exhibited ,
bY F".$ 1118111 Mrd;$.10i 11 .,), "very:: brOlit4lqi • AO
lib Or . 11181) I )Iy, awl would tlyrcru!,tlitiNard‘
11a:tit a pt valiant of $3',00: -
To I.lcxar I)izritcgti Ell 'Vrtit*: i t t :- 1- -
-:..n. , -(;ttoiolit, 441 a plh , littett Vo'exanriao full ,
ioti.itlipetlin I * 01 , 0 ,:billy - .. tt ialt, that they_
imve fo'it a dtip iiiiti ltyvly init;ro4 ilr, Ibe 'lb'
j.ets .of i.liti r 4110861;11104, Ir I 4 I 4 II .P 'S Y . ( I. l l' ill the
itipitl ' llls ,t 11116.vociFte&I itili)ifivetiieai taatte in
inee.t.gohlzi iialirgtey, ii , it ri•laltiV to agricut -
4 urciiiivy la•lieveilie Fartners'Of Staarelatoes
taittittN,4ill .11t14 fir 1104;0)1 , I heft-lii ai,01) 00 ) .
ikta 4 r.tit,v Ow lig ;i!tilirtw4l 40'
il!t.,Autlk:ft t !
;"a4 jir;spi,iiizt„ueiiu....iiy,,of.e.,,otipt)ly;ng michitt
oil I , R 2 t ht( 1a: iotia, 4Viotit &sari .1 dieir;l4lo
t 44611. • -• In irfl:pariwoftliti - Vniati'ina -Rind
itidutaligal•tortfincra fereirralthirtp. , htaen li t
thudgnry.-of fAnOtt*byx,lllolloitiogioit.suo
usi, of Irtbox aaving.tarinitirrpg;poi in folg,'
iilltatCC WileTD it liai biien inittfaiinTitr ib•