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VICEIGONTS- , ,A!4—", Ohl Carry me I(mg 1" !Wail ,up with me I-, Tbettee is ultno%t run ;` ' - idy friend* may slfout tend come and pout, But a victory ctn't be w ! .U . , Buchanan Will win the linyr— • The,peopie nee with biro. know; • And ilennett's Tics and Greeley's sighs -Will only end in wets • O. boys, carry. me 'long! My -troubles are many - And . a►eat. ! I wish I were hark on thi.western:track To the• Mariposa estate! The gouth, is madly wrung— 'Tis all united for Buck ; In.et , ery State, both atnoll and great, • His fluty has all the luck, . ,At the North is gloomy, too, L c backed~ have striven in .vain;' Thq, goit while I'm getting behind, Atulm) . • motley Is scattered like rain I . —O, tugs, carry nte:lang:!. In everything we've . • . • The people don't seen. to he green ; They're . " up to'sn dr . p. they'll, handier pi rough in next Nniemtier, I ••ween, • • • • • . • The " nhriektrdoo't nveni to tike--: • The ma endon't .mind theta a hit ; And the ICTinsati flood of -innocent blood Is hit " a dead rock in the pit." - o,b.)ya, carry me tong ! . • ny, sick at►d rosy?' and sore, idy heart is hording wilh pain ; The Loco throng, with shout :int - I song,. Will give. me " jeKcier again ! Buchanan will Win the day, The people:ire with him, 'I know; And ptlinett's %1 and Greeley's . sighs, Will only end in woe. 0, boys - cln•Y me long! My troubles •re many and Emit ! I wish I wcre•hick on the ikettern track "Ti the linripora egt..te . B,Tisttliancous. DR. KANE'S AKCIIC, EXIPLO. • RATIONS. The following inan 'extract from - Dr. Kin , . m tthcoming * Norrative of him Arctic temearches. now in - con - Re of pol.TiCstion by 31e , gsrp. Idm 4. Peterson, Pitiladelphia. We croised Murchison Channel an the 23db and eneemp,ed-for the night on the land flot. at the base of Cape Parry; it hard day's, tray ; • -1 al,partly by ;racking over ire, partly-throngl,. lortuonti and zigzag leads. The next day . ltfougtii us to the neignbothood of •Fitz Clay ; etice.Rock', one•of the most interesting Mon . ' amenbighat rear thentitClVes along .tbis; 1....ry coast : in wregion :snore familiar to men, ; it would he•is land-mark to;the naviiator.— It rises frosn'is field of ice, like' an Ettyptien . pyratilidslirmounted by an obelisk.: .• . I had been anhins to communicate with i • .• thelESquirnauz ; of Netelik; in ~ t he lope of . . gai i rig rt her. in 3 r 1 . 1 i ppm of. Ilat t Our ftientis of Etah had given me, in their own ',Lyle, iicOutplete itinerary of this region : I' • • ! ;and we had no diffiCuity in instructing•God fiey hew to trace his way across the neck :of ( land Which stood hetWeenns and the settle ment. Ile made the attempt, but found the I anots-drift impassable; and Peter Son, cvlsorn I sention the ,simeerrind to Te.;;Siusak, . rr _l tu rtied'siqoally unsuccessfu:: . 1 • I The'nk63ay : gave us admirable progte-s .;• • .fThe iceitiperied.. in leads before, us; some what - tortuons, liut..3lt tvitole. -favoring, and sixteen hours I - never left th e • helm. We were all - a us exhausted whe n .the slaYs : wotk I ;came to a close. 'Oar allowance had be-n Ismail 'front the first'; but the delays we see •ni kid fated to encounet bird nude me reti . nee them to what I then thought the Minimum l quant4, six ounce's of bread (Ids: and a irintl of tallOw A . he size of a walnut: a' past e or ; box::: imude id - these before .set ting out in ttie Mot it [log and diekributed - occasitinallN• through rit e day in scanty rations, was oar milt fare. . Wt. (were all du:. glad when,:ruuning, ; the laws under the lee of a bete, ace' were attic. to - . fill our kettles with :snow and 'boil • up for . our- Igreet restorative tea,. I ; may, ternark the , ; 1 under the circumstances of most - ptivation, 1 , "loupe no comforter so welcome br.the ;patty lab this. We drank immoderately of it,.. and l ' r elways with advantage.. • • • While the men sleptafter their "yelfry la -I:ior,'l.le_Gary and myself Climbed the 1,;-tg rot a view ahead. It uas a saddening unit. We had lust sight of Carvisland ; hufy - tiorewartf op Wwtettlaihne Channel. the ie.e . .l.eettiod if it had not yet. begttti to-yield t lie .into • I'o tires of sumtner. Every thing - showed tiu Intense the last winter had been. We were close upon the fitst or July, and had 'a right to look for the North 'Water of the l'heme we now bad tailid 'ice -t.lose ixtth of them almosi, equally - oaraYorable' ;our progre v .. Far ott in the thstance . -116w for I could um measure—rose the the Dad imieetialr from the lofty pied- Pico of the irla dhead'. b bet nit'and U wev r n. it the laud-ice ipreail itselffrom- the (,w of I aluuder's lsland-Attibroken to the Far south The nest da?ipingress 'was of,Coitute 1 • 101 w and wtarisorrieinudting , •througli-alternate cad water fur the land belt. We fastened at „last to the great floe near the 6 b wi, oar hater its a er:kek:wbieh.openeci with tun changes of tide.- . - • The imperfaut diet of the party _Was ..steams - tocaiind trwitio. thitdectitto tbtit MEI mu-cular power. . - Tliey... teemed' :seareely . aware of it ilieupelves *Oil refe . the ; diffi- Oulty . they" ,friu W - in . dragging a nailing to ..oinething tineoniMon "about the ieeorsludge . rather than to thetr,oWn weakness. But at we endeavor to, renew our labor .through the - morning fog, belted in - on , all- aides-- by , ice. fields AO di4torted and 'rugged - aS to defy .ou'r efforts to Cross tlieni,7" ale' truth--seemed to burst Upon every ene.,. We bad lost the feel ing of hunger, and .weie almost satisfied with our 'pastyy:broth and the large vlraughtii ,of lea a bleb accompanied it. I ,was anxious to send . .Ohritnall boat the Brie, across to - the tummy .bill of A Ole); wiles I kneW front' iiii • Rs4initnnux We iliOtild find'. Plenty of birds; but the strerigthOf ihe - party was insufficient to drag iier. ' .., . •We +veto soreivi &heartened, and could :only wait for the fug to rise, in the hope of some ; arrupoiher platforin than . that -which was aboutus, or somel.4ylthai might save us the larinfal labor of tracking. 1 had climbed the view' iceberg and there was4iothing iri w ex- Dalrymi.le Rock, with its red brassy face tow ering in the - utiknowr(di,tanee. But 1 hard . to toy boat, before a gale - strucl. nSfrotn .14• aorttweest, and . 31 raking uri on Ts tongue of ice abOut a miloto the Muth, Of us,' hvgan - toswilig upon - it Ike a'pivot . close upon Out' narrow testing place: At first our own u llee also was driven before the Wind ; but in a little' while it encountered the staiirttutiy Ice at the, foot of the verj•roCk On . - the instant the wildest iinacinable ruin rose around us. The mei) sprang rue clornicilly 'each 'One • to his • station, bearing 'ha c k de - hohis and stors; bUt Lgave - for the 'moment, all hope of e , cape. It Was not ti tiip ;.itcb itS is familiar to At - elicit:tit:44;m ; bu: the whole platform, where we stood and for hundreds ofYards on eVery side of its, crum bledand crushed and piled and tossed itself Inn* under the res.ore. do not believe that of our little body of Men, ail of them dis opined iti trials . able to measure (Linger, whi i tecombating ir.—ldo - tiot believe their is one who this day can expi..in how or why— . ha dly •when,, in . fat t.swe•: found our4lres nfloar.. -We only know that in the Midst of clamor utterlyindescrileible, through v Lich the hravirig of a thousand trumpets could no more hal-e been heard thin 'the voice of * man; we were, shaken and raised and whirled and let down' again in a *welling waste of broken hummocks, and, as. the Men grasped Their boat-books in the stiitnes.stitat followed, th e boats eddied away in Wtionoltuoui sicreed of ice and snow anti-% ater. We.were borne. along in this Manner ac long as the btibroken remnant of ihe ittsla.re floe ccO l tinued, terolring,4 7 uttelly rxrwerles., arid eaikhing a glimpse every now ;tn& ;hen -.f.thebrazen headland that :looked..down on. tis through the snowy sky: - - At last the • fl•it brought up against the rocks, the looser frrig molts tlint - lrimgrounn. it began to . .separale. and We'Were able ivi• oars, and -boathtiyiks to . t force our battered little flotilla clear of thein: To out jo; ful . .surprise, we soon • Tomtit our . - selves -in a stretch o f the - land-water wide enougit io give .rowing -room, and with the assured . protnise of laudolose • Ati we neared it, we saw the satire .forbid ding -wall of belt , iee as at SOtheland arid 'We palled along its tnargin-,sielt big to vain either an opeioug 'of a4ess . era .n ot ik of shelter . .. Tile gale 'Tose, and the ice began to drive again ; but there wastothing tube done but glet,a grapnel out to. the Wit ind held on'for 'the thing tide. •The Hope store her bottom and lost ;tart of her ivriitli et-ibinttdirig, and alt the boa s were badly chafed. Au.awfulsturn3 •; and it was not without constant t•ayrtiop that we kepi afloat, baling out the scud , that hroke . mer - u% and warding off the ice with .boat hooks. ' -• • - At three oiel:x.k the tide was high, enough for us i 0 *tale, the ieelelitr.he one we puled .14: the boat., altelf, Abe Whole sixteen of OF uniting ateaelt pull. IS'e were ton - much 'worn down ta unload ; hut a deep 'and r.arror: gorge opened in the -cliff:. At' iiie. hul-where we clambered up; nd, sis we posited , the _Auk, it on xn eve', keel, the - rot.:ks seetne`d .. to _:e.h.we above Onr.tiettd, emit awahrrtipt turd in the course ;.:f the- ravine-pi:teed a prnieeting titi :ween in+ and tlie . galei. Wfe *ere eoinpletely . • in Jnwt.as we 1 r it thelast linat, the R.;tl Erie, irk! 'item- ahatiok her up .wiih 1.1.,,ek. of ice, n long-unustf - but - fmniliar mud Hie incl• t reFuhient•d ov.:iy , enr, arta* f3 , ,ek of eiders &eking lite -skv.for rfninneut .in front of ;. We knew.- dint we inust bet - nt . their luew.ling-groundr.; arid, ns we tuined atiid fiuugiy" - to our ',lon;p:6oveteti.t , leep, it - teas only - to%dteam of eggl and 'Abundance. , We remained almost three r in - our. e_ryatati.retreat, gathering egigis sit the rate of ta-elve hundreds . day. Otit.:,ide; the -. storm ras e rTe' d - titithoti t tit and' ekititi it ters'fOirnd it-difficiilt to keep their feet; brit'st ,metri'er set of gouirmitrulg troin4ere gathered \ Oh tile 3,l44tiliiiiri4litido to mod elate. bough the i ! tiorot still fell ,herteilr'sud, .Ihts nest morning, sifters piitriotiti- egg:tiog, the liquor borrowed' grudgingly from our - eoliol-da-k, and diluted - till It: - leria wurtb jot temperance iirsiels,--vre, beats,‘ end bade'' - .grateful tarte'vrelliu I%iru'ry' MAU'S' We - nisi& Stiu s tlieast end of Wostenholme Island ; _but the left die* lid -We **Aid 1 AR ALL'. EQUAL iIIEFOIZE GOD . ANIID THE . 14011141411111r.ii4aiiteieOtisiatiiiiiist. 3 ratrale, x ;.4 ma Itt•ttn, itenn'a, Clittretair erning,l,Stptember 185-1). for . setue . daYL after this ,we kept moving slowly: to thq south, alOng the laneS that opened : between thebelt-ine.and, tbe i. lloes; Tlie weather continued dull and unfavorable tor observations .of any sort, mad' we were off a large glacier before we Belie, aware that furl-ter-pro/pea rear the sitore was impracti cable. Greittehaius of_ bergs presented t hem selves.ns luirriemin our way, the spaces be tween choked by barricades of ...,hummocilcs. It wa&hopeless . to'bore. We tried for *ars . teen lours together without finding 11 of . egress.. The wbele sea. was rugged and brvkeliia the extreme._ . I clirnbeflnne ofthe bergs,to,the'beight of about two Itundfed . feet; ao4. looking well to the Rost, was satisfied that a lead 'which I saw there could be ftrlloWed in the direction of Conical HAN: d beyond to wards Cape Pudley., ,Piggee. But, ,on . conferring -With , Brooks and McGaty. I was starilod to find how much the grate hsd suffered in the rude eneouti ers of the last few days. Tlie,"Hopel was in fact altogether. • unseasvorilly : the ice bad strained her bottom-timbers, and it re quired,—tie"arly all our wood to repair her; bit by . bit,we bad already cut up and bu r n e d the runners and cross liars of ,two pledges; the third;we had to reserve as . essential to. out ice-cros..sing4. In the meantime, the birds, which had b e en so plenty. when weleft Dalrymple% Isl and, and which we . counted ai a continual store, seemed to have been driven otf by the *Lorin. %Ve.were again red ne.e:l4o short dai ly rations of bread-dust, and I w:t• aware that the change of diet could not fail to' tell'upon the suengcb and energies of the patty. "de termined to keep in shore, in spire of the bar ricades ofiee,—iu the hope of renewing. to some ttxtritit at least,our supplies of" game. We were fifty-two hours in. forcing this rugged passage; most painful labor, which but for the .diseiplined endurance' of the men might wellintVe.heen deemed i‘npracticahle. Volitital Articles. TE(031.4S .111EFFEIIMEli it BLACK, REPUtiI.ICA 1:531. AA the black republicans pretend that the princiides they espouse. ore 'the same as those held by Jeffemon, on the :Missouri . Compromise, we _present _ below some of the opinions of distinguished sage and states man, on" the , * questions, expressed both bn tore and ofter• the, passage of_ the. Missouri toinpromise lf.afterrearling these ex, tracts, and letter...all of which can be forma;, in Jefferson's work, our,. readers do not AA reel with usthat Ihe leaders of the le') .relittth 'jean PirtY. in oLwrlings!lml Jefferson. favored ; 1 the drawing of Geographical linen th7Oughl .the country, proclaim themselves to • hearted slanderers, of the deepest.rlye, see are Much mintsken. •All_ true- patriots - of :that day who sat without the pale of the, exCite ment,deplored .the passage . of the law, and felr,tsrith Jeffem'on. that. it was . fraught wi the ntmost danner to the. Union. .Tha reader w>ll he struck withe . theperfl.e.t coincirlence which exists between : Mr. revs, and the principles clolained in thatportion of the platform of thederuck 4 ratic party which" relates to these questions. They ,are identical, and prove the Iturtibttggery of the - pretensions set up by the black republi. eons. that (ley favor the "restoring, the action _of:the federal, Government to the principles of, Washingtoo „and- Jefferson.".ln, no part of the writings of either of these patriots can opinion:` favoring. sectional partiel and,,sec tiox 4.strifes .he. found. On. _the contrary, their erely admonition has been, to avoid the.,e, if we would asoicl-the final disruption of our .r g'orious Union, and the consequent destruction - Of Orirlibetties fln she 13th day of April, 1820 he wrote to WilliAtn Short: • "The old w him of federal and:repulilizae -, l3 . e.ttened nothing, because it exi,ted in er e;v:fitate and tirked thorn together 'by the f atelnal'.,:m of pat ic. But the eoincidenee or a mark of prineiple„, moral and political; with geog,hiphicalline a once eone,eived, fear' wOuld never be obliterated from the ru nd: that it vronld be reentring:on every And renewing irritationi until .it. :would: kindle such Mutual mortalAhatred as to render separation preierablt:io- eternal dir. , ;. 'harp been among the'ruoit sanguine in belieting ihnt'our Union lambi be of long duiaiion. - I to).* doubt-it . iwtse.h, and tee' thai event at nu great distance; and the di re t of this (pie : lion; not by the line Whieh fut* beeosii confidently:count . _ . ed olf—ttiebtWti of nalure'control this-,but .lby tbe. POtoritati; the Ohio, god. Idia rnuri,'or more probably the • Miskseippi :nptrards to iour 'neither a - boundary. Igy comfort and confidence, s, that I shall net live to see `this;• enty not the present generation the glory'uf throwing away .the fruits of theirfa, I her's sae' ifieei of life - rind.. fortune, earl _of .tendering the 43 /PerinNO , 'O j a i :a*. to detfioe whe4.lteri man jtt 6a ,pa1,140 ,„self-vvernment. troa son , against burumn hope sig9tilize4lieir, epo o b in future history; as—the counterpart of the niodel:pf their, pso4icemois. = • „:, _“.Tpcosimg . JMIFWiitL" Mr.-Bolt - nes, of ilbsioe. member -;itatiremod Jutferson.-s leiter,' . - dre'w > fm letro she fullowin , ; ` - reirosikable - re- PIY • Ifornatun,-A.pfil. iB2O. thatik yoo, --, dtforsir; , :for .oOpy , you ken 'GO kind to - to to toesof the kit ter to your constituet - Li on - the . ;Missouri question. It is 'perfect justification - :totbeni. "Ibad fur a long time Ceased to read , , . . newvapeni, , or pay any attention to public affairs; confident they were in .good hands, and content to be a passangar in mit• bark, to the sheie from which I am,not far' distant. But this momentous qUestiOn, like a fire bell in the night, awakened iand filled m withi i "rm.. I consider it 'at once the knell of the ion.- It is hushed, indeed for the f n moment, but .this is a reprieve only, not ,a final sentence. :11 geographical line, coinci ding with a marked principle, moral and liiical; Once conceived and held 'OP tO the an gry passions Of 2rnen,'will never be obliterate 4 and every new irritation will mark it deeper and deeper. : . • "lean say with conscious trittb,that there is no man ot earth,' who would sacrifice more than I Would to retrieve us "from , th 4 heavy. reproaili , in any; practicable 'vtay.—; The cession of that kin - d Of property, (for it is'so toisnained) is_a bagatelle. which would not cause me a second thoug,lit, though, if, in that way, a keneral etiancipation and expi.l triatinn would be effected, and gradually; and with die saciifices, I think it might be. But as it itr . ,;'we have' the , wolf by the earsi d ,can Wilier hold him nor safely let him go ustic:e.is in ono scale, and self preserva t ion in the other. 'Of one thing - I an certain: -.= • That he passage ofthefrom - one State 'to another would not make a slave of a loMutn !ring Who would not be so with, out it , so Iheir over a greeter sur face Woulgmake ihemiindividually happier, and•proOrtionally faCilitat.e the accomplish. meta of their emancipation, by diViding` the hurthe; can a greater number of coadjutors.' "AO abstinence, too, frum.thia a'etcof pow-i er, would' remove the jealousy excited by the , undertaking of Congress te regulate the con-1 dition or! the different descriptions, of mon eompositig a State.' This certainly is the ex.: elusive elght. of the State, which -nothing in , the Consiitution has taken from. them, and given to the general Government. COuld Congresk, fur exatnple, say that the 'non free men of Oolineetieut.shall he freemen; or that; they shall not etnigiaie to any other State t " I regret that I am .not to die in the belief that the ; . uselesi sacrifice of themselves by the generation of 1776, to acquire self-govern.- t 4 'd h' toth • • t •t ' be: went at't appmess their Gout) ryos o throwni - away by the unwise and unworthy 1 passiona of their sons, at that my consola tion is ti:) be, that I live not to irecp over if tite: Would but dispstiOnately weigh the . . I.lessmgs they Avow' away, against an labstradt.prineiPlenore likely to be effected by unidn than Secession, they would pause bef.,re they perpetrate this dreadfal act of en therwelves, and of treason against idle hopes of the world. aTo yourself as the faithful advocate of the - Union, I t.4uler the offer of my high es teem and respect, "'ToOasiks Jssrseso Ile wrote December 20th. 1820. . No . :lting has ever "relented so threatening an a•peCt Ad what is called the Missouri ques tion. The federalists. completely put down, and despa;Ang of ever rising again 'under Whig and tory names. devised a neW olio . of .lvehoiding and( non slaveholding -.States, Mulch, While it: had a- semblance of being moral, was at'the same time geographical,. 'and calculated 14 give them "toteendancy by debanciftng their old Opponents tolt coalition with their. Moral, the que s tion' certainty.is not, becriuce the removal of 'slater..from - one State to another, no more-thee I their rentc;cal from one - country' , to' . another; ; would never make a shave of one human being who would not be so', withonfit.. Indeed, if there be any morality in the question; it is on ; the other .ide ; bee'anse by spreading there "..ovei a . large Tairrace, their implants* would JTe in creit..ed and ' the burden of their futuie littera tiori,lizlitened by Winging a' greater 'climber of shouldirs under it. . " Iletruver it 'seetni to throw -d nit into the eyes of the people, and. to • fanaticike. them, while to the knowing ones it !gave geo gia,phicaland preponderating line to‘the Po t9uutc ..the phio, throttling .fourteen States to the North and EastYanditen , to South and West., Wtth these' 'therefore,' it is Merely a question Of power'. But with thegeographiCal minerity it is a questiotr of i"tenoe t for if Congiew 0000 goes out ' of Th e ict‘nstitttion to ariogate the right of reg ulating 114; eoaditien of the inheLitantk of -the States,lts majuril :may; and probably deelare that the condition-of all • within the United '-be that of ,freemsn in. which clue.all the whites south of the l'oto-' ruar4 and. the_ Ohio -must.. evacuate theii Saves, and. most fortunate those who can (.1 it fine:" - • Ile wrofe December ! . 20, 1820. .to Lafityj• ette-: • - With its things, are • going - veil. The boisterous Ilea of liberty, indeed: never sriihnufa• irate and that (=vibe Missottr l i ill 111 110 tolling towards ea ; Set. orviehnif ridc , flyer it as we hare done over * ill -14 olject is 14 raise a geographical _principle f 4 114 . ebiriee!tita President,. and. the. noise:will be-kept. tit until that is!effeetst3.l - • - 'On the 22:d 'of-January,ls2l,' titillate' 4 lohrt4daitia : r - `Ofir analetliain ifils !Ostler ' are eon. •ci l tre - ted what doer:die hal e r Aitthine* ittencl'onCot6itigiera this .by an4Aye s iabut the name it ti 001 Zbo ..lohettO4and itielnird tine of /**-40,_10iatkti a. essu in 4 4 1 7 OW Sytt4SlS afflicted witb. Ors unfort!lnate PIZ ulation re, are . our slaveS to be presented With freedom and a dagger. IT For, if Cetigteet has the power itsregulate the cenditioU of the in habitants.orthe Stites, i within . the `States, it will be but another exercise of that •power to declare that it. shall be free. Are :ire then to see again Athenian an La*Tainonitin con federacies I , . To wage a l notheiPellptioro;sian war to settle .he ascendsncy :bet=ween them ? Or is this the tocsin' of 43erely 'a servile war t That remains to b. seen 4 but note I' hype , by you, and me. Surely"they wilt parleY SIP., and give us time to get out of the way:" - Onthe 314 of January;'alludingto the education of the sens of Virginia at the' Neith be writes : i . ; i•. . " lion'toatir of our Small the (11Srvard) now lts, fearing the leSsons ot'Anti-ktisson rianistn, I kno Lot, rn but a 'gentteat(la t eli fearing from Princet4, told me he sew there 'n, liiiiTzt the - students 4 that phtc.e, and that! more than half were Virginians. These will!return home, no doubt deeply !impressed with the es of oar Itoly alliatic.o of re- sacred strictionists." On the fift . nth of - February, 1821, be wrote : do not see the speek "in oar is to burst 00 us ` as a to rnado The litin of division lately tween different portions of our ' such as !ill :never, I fear be . " All I tear horizon which sooner or'later; milked out confederacy, i obliterated. rrn had ri!issed *vet, helwroto 1820, to Lafayette Y. !- • After 'the st . November 46,1 "On the eeipse Of federalisin with - ins, al though noiltslex tined* its . .leadera 4oCup the Miisotiri question, under the false (Tat of lemning the measure of ilsvery, but tvith the id real view of p twirl a geographical di l vision of parties, w hit h might ensure : them the nett President. : The people Of the North i Went blindfolded into the;snake; followint4 their leaders far avrhile • with; a-iteal truly intuit! and laudable; until; they 1 heneine sensiblit that they were injuring inStead of - aiding the real interests of theilave, .hati they liid beenlined merely as tool's for; .Slectiouvring; pule.; _ and that oink of hype3criii then fellitscidick ly a. it had got xip." 1 - i , , 1 . :-. . . APPEAL OF + 7 HE. WHIGS OF DETROIT TO !THE WnIG OF micnaGAim - . - The undersielned, being heirs', iritli;Vn,; of a priceless pi:Alien! inheritance . ; ~fellen-eitiz ens of a cotumpti country; toemlens tritat,' etitlierv4ivn,inatiorial, rind - . onee tri umphant party desire 'to 'address' to - -yi*: few words of warning and of exhirtsition, in view of the cauSes which etidaii,ter the per petuity of the government; &tub . the rOciiia' of the country, and threaten to ersidiaite from the national mind that sentrinen ofsn ty which Lai hitherto Stradeus Oire"*plo." . Though dishinded bythe'deitirlif otirl, par liarnentary !ceders, reduced in nuniber 6, 1 ,2; feet ion - iu our ranks, disbedriiiied infidelity.orourehosen inatrumetitilities. we - believe there Still slumbers in thi bosom' of our party a sentiment which will- Cordially respond to - every note of apriearcoininett the name of that revolutionarywa r tchtrord iiritieh did so much to sustain ourfatheriduring the tong struggle which intervened btitieetk -the battle of Buttiei 'Etitrand 'the' teriditiati6e ot the .siege,of Yorkiciwnin the srutTendrsr '4O Loki poin Wallis. ; . I It is in behalf ' of the living 'inetisbeienf that national Sind gallant baud - whOiiispetoi their country at the-defluit;rit Henif dirto 1841, that we make this : brief addrerte.''-'' 'Being our s elves - among thirciininhie; of those who joined 'the whig Standard, - - tfo'kerii from an ardent' adoration of tyro ttierrinnedis: tinguished:shove all othertikfoi his,. power or Marshalling hosts Whieh'enterisi ; the ranks of his frielida;ina the other foi.inlussiver• ness of intellect which-. glider* bi'vedtli - Sirctl voliditf-to' the party cotntoMistirati ivitb the co usti tnti on of. our eau n try;: than from si' cere conviction 'that their views- , of this offices of ei revenue tariff, eiEa *ational curiencr;and •• I • of prin c ipl esth prin c ipl es which shouldlgovern - the Ministration of public lasi is, iti; irEll as''the legit lation Conti* if carried into effect,, viould promoted= the' . Prosperify ;of-'the cotizens and- increased the! stability •of • this liovernment. < • - ••• 1 • . These conviction's enable 1 to-ratite* oar pserty history with`:! just sents ent •of kpr iae, einbittared only by the reg4tv, itiat•Wefitiled enstemp our principles. upon ?tillellovern ment and the cnantry, and to requite , with's_ ak d beemning Marl] esta ton of gr i t u a, ih oaa chtinent men who' inspired it withs'thoae•great aitribtitiis• which 'challenged the - admiration and secared*e sitipOrt and cd r Ufdence , orthe taletit atditaligetti• ofibe cnuist4; •'• - • Whilst we atilt approve of the enextu _advocated bt thei:cheiropiobt the.' good old Whig exese f ret.' effirtned in-theieterototwatt tional ibilst: we .:-revere: the memory of thane *ha have.: d opirtsd rim-the Wivibtes disfrograSoe of their gioil sod the ingoontiiof troott etsitipli; - esdAvibifat' sanite itpuldistiitibliimi tote tin) aettampfed of otir gtiascines4 , the' pastiiisitivi and 'be ibottat-i-sots,;!o some of iti distinguisfiedittembers;46,smuld' i fain fiav you leritentlier that - ,tbitii IVO* left foils* tbs fluirof obdosing - ibetiiewitif effortvi reorganiser:out 004.4'4r :to ibastknyouellstr tiai. 1n ref . ..motto *MS - , tO•tnetite tio — rstikosiis 'Ablation orsittopsa4 ttioetestse into f,s pithy /fictional isstion ito4diSgerousfn iislendepaitis, of 114 Orarmettailidir; sittft!ntii anoten!,.- n a c/1 ;.. - APrigsntt As :14V411:" TO? of Wisbington)n or . 7m9toorietat citifeas knowing our as ' tO be tween -t4ckpiFerkoi444of of#ipf.3 _4l seen durin g the ,continuance of OW! #lo ,4o4 oe,r l2 4flLP4Pfl,itai:Yiatrak444 ini , eibgeni;antisat i riOtinireem* . kitn#l.l4*4 ftWpOssibility,:OtreCnistrnetini7iin , political fabric, it we po*-44:444.700. to `tie rod - 1140i 404440,4 a wa rp *Wince - With an i u y party `,Oftrien, oe otherwise in hats who o - • _ . ready, acts that .inevitahly loosen the. hondithit stow hold together as a nation, and consti tute.4ll-.ina 044.1 - *bitterer our Whig.triendiin otter-States of the Union intiyi to 'Circuristanees'.,by which they are surrounded, conCtu4lit,t6:46, be of aii'Onitii - Oyed Whig prganiiitini;lnfter aOttretnitstiriti of the signs which mask the Of •tha Cotintryin tiiCtr',:d . theteiniiCrittient Oni....people; When'• to e xasperation the dtWigiisOethe'detnagoguc; and of fite.aati:, - 41- ger may theirithienne =of a ;'temporary ,aberistiait: of judgment; however patriotic the motive s of • the actors , which enuin the stars of :our. Cheriahed confederation .: to go' down iu an endless ,Politicatniibt,. and, the fing',of our Until , fraternal . ,b44l—:We deem it to•Se i(paratrieint duty toleait tin ' tried - no hOnoiatite means - Which may Contrib. cite to the - defea t the repu imantie et and therebivreServe tc nuraelves an independent existente, ready - for future action and entitled to eiloriOu'etriumpb, when oui"ciwn excited area deliided friends Shaft resume their'obted deliberation, and- renew : thei; allegiance to that comer/au', ,'party whichas IL e o looked upon the_ Zeiteg_States as one country. and bas engraved , inated letters upon its own Chdien standard -tbiipatriotia motto : —" Liberty and Übibn, now and 'fi:orever,'obe 'add' ihsepantble;" - *e-tbeiefore It _Mewl"ii preserve our•po Ica id entity ' I bv- joiliyqr, : " no party that,does. not_ =ray, the ,flag and: keep itep'itorthe mimic of the ITC-- dniitidgment atteMpt to teorgaiiim the . ',,,yhTpartyror . the purpose of seedling, a;C:onimettAiCii.liositien electlei•of 106. • --' And &fair, Ou a liroview of •our .relations to the-democriftie. - ptirtl;Vme flfld that<'atir P;auji o n o 4l B :rivilrY ar , Pb tai # 1 4..P °41 Mon oUthe power of the , goFeratleati 6+9l' claiming the'disposition and,thi capacity to itsi•More 'the otl er-to become 41as-cliental ip:coniOfidatl44lo. aunt PNtino/4g..0. of the people. For t h ese ressom we - procigtim our-intention to -wimp' onro ptAtioa xyhigi; •I?uLfor.sake.of-the country o . tvlittiration and peace: me desire to, "proritote, in :the ..ah7 eence:of a distinctive sting orgaoisation in thieState at the approachiag election, as tutalterhativemeoeSsity,jao col: - our. But:- knee as:to proniote. eleotion_of Mr Bu : _ oluinan e to- the - 4"testdency of. the United Stately-in which pstri p ti c.cffort invOka your cordial cg-operation. ,!:Ofttsoiti , : •- Serefity-oneltainiaLwarelsprietuted thei''Politiri- Or. the 'Signers, , " 4 We eintirii - pre*lnthrethersdfstinctire ' Whelniieissued , this at-thcie'OT 44'4them :=,•63li'wak a''srliii , "Oandidate fhtee times` elect edlieybi'ot thieeitill:tke *hits; and.--atta president of thietayliinb iiilB44.f"-=-Atiothei hel4l t!lceltf /ago' OtWaYtia non*. it - Otte this.inenof stii= "t I byhi Co — the' 'Conti - 1 fteebril pone a g n et, - aroftlinCity—sear' tile'edit6f - aral proprietor Of the . petroic Atiert:laWfor.' several and was Post idaiter Detroit nadir Oilier al Taylor. 4ilOttlei also - for We-Sit 'years tiroprietor - bf the Ailvertiser. , kiite oth eti,rrire th,:2 - ithigs , -Aldtaittan\-131 Dettoi. Another 'rritit'aptiointed- 'by 'Whig Nilo= Oonneils;Clerk of the city in snccsiopY = iixe ' et I member of ' , the State Ceditriitteeitiltiso;' Secretary' of the Ifirrilon 914 and .. Tayier - biubil;.• Other ins'eleitelbyihn'whitatoll4instiee of the of t etrOlf.- 4iefevilig itui4 `Harrison; ellit,' - 'TiisilOr aed Scoit pSl4'ns. * - - Th. ree'others likes' -leen foi Wilerti?A‘ot , the iisf i the teitt,iiiietilo-itheritt «e sre indebted for these Afnikiverd7a 2 444ol44o 4 rY f. 4 thciftiotgat, ce,k ;Thefe4On9pmeor,4 o o*.kitTifig Wm! Ambnope4be - OliholePuos4'.9 l :Retr9it,4!, l olP Irtv FOLvPYrtcir,lifit AWAIRRA, fiAPR, :44 3 4eitto, MArf f itVk 4vP beiii. - 140 1 ** 01 .1.4 04941095 4 11 0 o,l ll °lth RV* 904 101044 0 - I .IMORAktO 'o 4 oi!Nr4 esPPl4JK:detiro brio:tit,— la each ,a 41t0YMP144440 1 1 M10441 1 1Wilitgitrf 4rownwiliONActattomkg.44w3ReFel 0440mholif A,ftwo. ,wirologfibvisi ewfratu*Vm&itt.th Old; Amodorkigh l lwansitminifi *7.04-11f two i0u4,11. batd Wk. , he took feert"WiliVkleait lAA* takiiait6P `l l lOl4 , to mvi` bee 'o S ISO for the Z14.:1-i7.' ' l4 );! •Y' ',!,.: . , 4 , 1-..i.' S. '....•."1,1,-. . . . . Irv! • < 2 ,piiF , MW' _ - • k, MUM I 111 • ir"• la " tiiii434 ~ Tema :, . : ...•.:,:.y6 , t.t 6 : - ***, .- pitilisid4. ,•zatiut:zitqi;lawijiisr:,4ito,,_ lip:ct9y,..m*Vslis:.thls P014 1 7.1F,1', 1 747: ititittioUt: th e inattaii - of Briartteiiiibli ati.: for die avowed purpcon- of Oistncting Rad -. Tiding this ammtry... - - - - : 1 :'-,‘:-. :,.. That John CL'Freatcpti Ann in Calif .. speculated ia the . funds of thsiter#l l lo gove' ''• * 1 meat aa.tha - aitiaant!pf *it aa3l.l .. iort. f dollai:giici itua'l4;et - thi",coatdenie ot' t . _ superior ogleets, - ead' forfeited ... the . respze.-..::: every, , heated • _ t);. That, the_siipporteve-of-Col. iiremout—tr, like Beeeltei arldGiddinisthiuk"that P.ii humanity in the hiderit et. At can; that the coustifutiorile4..league v,l hell, atid that tbe nacted~ca'n~e' of freer calls for thews. of ,btilli . a4 the-riffs r..c thebovviiliti4: • That •tfiel3lnek Relnibileent: la :tLe lc Rouse refusedAn enn - cui:,with tint action the United:tates::Sennie t 44triii g - nu!! K 1 void the übrioxions lawotitte *psis L. Itlture ; that tins was done ads or tbo,l46,gshitam r wereditegiettritict and pr.. -r, bbt because it was thougbt operation • • 'ld advance the interests of publiefinistn, - a 'aid in; tbeS'eiection . of woolly ,b..A 'and horned cattle notorievi,% That the friends of Framont are seiti,4 • and fanatical, and that;-,if :successful, would endeavor I to drive *ea • arice: , - ..- States from thetonietiericy, and;7att of niggerdoti;: immtnalateihiCCw4tit u 4 :: and Union for 'which fought aullaraented Wreireitaft.-:- _ • That thus far - the countri tee been 71- erned by Democratic Men antinseainMat; under their sway it has niached:so leled degree of prasOrityand greaftse& - ,• - th it has become the first poWisr 'in the ~vo• and thit-the influence oft ‘lixaMPle-iiA :king the corrupt:and tyrannicatgovemm..:,;. of Europe. • - • That John C. Fremonthrn - shallosi .4:lan7and irCreis4 faCtinnitk While Itinit'.443-t. - Charian pro foe n d statesman views and great experience admirahlymnatti 'fled to fill the Presidential -- chair and "-The imcooital leagge of fiet:43 Chir, teir brand empire State State:" • .Remember,thise vote for the men whose course would EL ;:;.` and strengthen the Union, proteck the of the vationioatu:l* - d torte = petity ttd comfoit z ar every- eitiZeP.l. leader is a •petriot, and stetestnan. - Ml4, r 4 - 15 leixadministnition the resources Republic _would ;be develpped; while . 4,4 success ofaur'dpponents would pruducFu3 ing'but, discord and.strife,,,and'm44",,r;.,'-- , by-word, and -jeer of sensible anA„.te1340,,,, wett....the world over. -- :Thit'lliPASM, - 01P THE 'l4lot longiiga - gtaeo - 'depended upon not paying :refit--µ'Tl. Tribune and Albaq_ Evening goutnal:wir full:6nd mei:fill. about the - Patrootts,:- ,4‘lartze great Stti:e werre orgayized on itAnti-fteatt:9ig Tfiumior wiSa an. 'Seward lentlinssagas to - the Legislature about hint - There •Was=tiio gelderburghlFar, cke. All that humbug pat red over, iiiktioiv w 6 bait:4l4 the: tandidate of Anti RentlottEr a '"Ptitrtion"- -, arittt -thirty leagues of hind in Ow . Biaripoes-gran't, valued at-i) . ver a million - diallatati and 4.6ina huidniotthousandtfiiiimittetaiipoiitfrmn whom this Patrolon . dahlia .vent. . 7 1Put there and Tend on% ..Only a yearitgo•all ' - deptialea `Of Ultanl l fj firld: - "NO "AF greit orgaiiiztd; Mid ittook in tosiemxbodj , antikit* donghtiCeinereigger-drive'r,ltS Wet asitiggo-worshipper:- The weffif; leitk *Cie told, was Coming 'telt OniFif we ;bank' buil inure rum.' We were taffedta aaor i ifica Liar cry and rintil4every; tariff = and atiii:tiirift Pope and ant4ope, all for ititi , nim: , Brother 4reelftotd tre•there-vai not iSett on initit ha cared So much about es,,ihit It made Clark Governor, a n d the United StateaSenatei- Stinkre:iiitf-lhere. - Now this yearghe;fiChbY`is` the' ivitriii= The othing-sci im p ortant' 'tlie le i. . Rent and anti-Rent ire fitgette Even Itni7l is' nothing. We mayneit.Retniff the hetsr- -- head, and vote for Rtini:4liitikirsina ei• Ave:please, if are are only - scatter for Fremont and the negro; Liquor liw is mead anTi• rent rleadJ- Only be tioinidonlitiV:' We have nothing:to:4y to =